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may85 · 5 months ago
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🧺Laundry Day🧺
🫶Part of a Domesticated Bliss Series🫶
It was the simplest yet strangest thing to Drover. The domestic life that he never thought he'd have again.
"No man hires me. No man fires me,"
It was his mantra. He applied it to all aspects of his world... So color him surprised when you came into his life. Like the wet it happened fast, the love blossoming each and every day.
He'd been tending to one of the newer horses when he saw you come out the back door of the house with a laundry basket of wet clothes that needed to be hung.
He left the horse to graze as he made his way to you. It was there that he took his time admiring you as you grabbed one of his shirts from the basket and shook it out.
The light blue dress that you wore, clung to your body as the wind blew, giving Drover the perfect silhouette of your back side as you turned.
He smiled as you stood on your tiptoes to reach the clothes pin. A soft chuckle escaped him when you cursed, not quite able to grasp the pin.
You gasped and slightly jumped when he gripped your waist, "Here love, let me help, yeah?"
The smile you gave him made him realize just how lucky he was to have you, "Thanks Jack,"
He handed you the the pin, "I can't have my girl hurting herself, no can I?"
You rolled your eyes and laughed, "I almost had it,"
"Course ya did, Darlin'. Course ya did,"
With a click of your tongue, you deftly hung the shirt at the seams so not to wrinkle. Drover had yet to let go of your waist. He just couldn't bring himself to.
The feel of your warmth through the material of your dress, the softness of your flesh filling his hand grounded him. He thanked whatever being in the universe for putting you in his path.
He must've zoned out watching you because you seemed perplexed, your brow pinched as you waved your hand in front of his face.
Drover blinked rapidly, "Sorry Love,"
"You okay?"
He cupped your cheek, his thumb smoothing over the apple as he smiled, "I'm more than okay,"
You grasped his wrist and tilted your head in his palm, "You sure? You seem a mi-"
Drover was quick to swoop in, his lips tasting yours in the slowest of kisses. He savored each and every gentle pull of your lips. His other hand rested at the small of your back, pulling you close.
The kiss consumed you both, the only thing making you both separate was the need to breathe. You cleared your throat, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"
He ran his middle finger across your forehead catching a stray strand of hair where he put it behind your ear, "Just because,"
His eyes glanced at your lips as you bit the plump flesh with a slight grin, "Well, by all means, you can kiss me like that anytime,"
He chuckled, resting his forehead against yours, "Oh I plan on to Darlin'. Every day, for the rest of my life,"
It took some time for the rest of the clothes to be hung, but in between kisses and soft caresses, Drover helped you empty the basket.
The domestic life. Who would've thought?
Do you have a domesticated bliss request for The Drover or a different Hugh Jackman character? Send them in!
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readingandwritingandreading · 9 months ago
Some Hearts ~ Part 4
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My Blurb: Happy Friday! I know this is moving slow but things are going to be picking up soon!
Disclaimer:  Alas, I own nothing but my ideas. I do not give permission for my writing to be shared anywhere without my consent. 
Summary: Reacher never needed anyone, he was a lone wolf and preferred it that way. But when he finds his mate beaten and bruised one night, she and the rest of the 110th show Reacher the benefits of being in a pack. Fated Mates, Shifter AU
Pairing: Jack Reacher x OFC Morgan Stone
Warnings: There are some darker things in this fic. Morgan is a rape and abuse survivor. Nothing is explicitly detailed but be advised. Your media consumption is your responsibility. This is a fated mates, wolf shifter AU and will contain claming, biting, mating and other wolf pack related things. 
Tagging: @pioched | @ashes-writing | @titty-teetee2 | @may85
Add yourself to my taglist HERE
Read First: Some Hearts Masterlist
Also Check Out: Main Masterlist
Reacher’s Cabin, Rock Hill Village
Moseley had been gone no more than ten minutes when Charlie made her way down the stairs. She made her way to the kitchen sniffing the air “Is that their chicken pot pie? Maybe I need to break my arm.” she laughed ignoring the anxious glances he cast towards the loft. “She’s fine. She’ll be down soon, she just needed a minute. It’s been a big day and the shower wore her out.” 
“I can bring the food upstairs.” Reacher eyed the table where he had set up the food, drinks, utensils and plates. “I’ll carry her down here.” He headed towards the stairs but stopped when Charlie jumped into his path. 
“Reacher, from what we know, she has spent the last couple weeks on the run from some men who didn’t care about her, who actively hurt her. She’s going to need a minute to realize you aren’t like them.” She gave him a pointed look before pulling on her jacket. “If you guys need anything, you know we’re all here to help.” 
Reacher nodded, “Thank you Charlie. It is appreciated.” She smiled, closing the door behind her and heading to her car. He locked the door, watching her car disappear until the sound of creaking wood had him turning to see Morgan coming down the stairs. His breath caught as he took her in. Her hair was braided over one shoulder, leaving a small damp mark on the large shirt…his shirt…she was wearing. It hit right above her knees leaving a gap of skin visible that disappeared under a pair of long gray socks. Looking her over he watched a blush creep up her neck and onto her face. He approached the stairs slowly until he reached the bottom step putting them nearly eye to eye. 
“I hope it’s ok, Charlie brought it in. Said it would be easier with my arm.” He was so preoccupied looking at her, it took him a minute to realize she meant the shirt. 
Clearing his throat, he held out his hand to help her down the last couple stairs. “Whatever makes your recovery easier is fine with me. You should be comfortable.” She gave him a shy smile before tentatively placing her hand in his. He heard her sharp intake of breath at the same time a comforting burst of warmth erupted where their hands connected. 
He loosened his grip, making sure she could pull away if she wanted but she merely stared at their hands. “Will that always happen?” She whispered, raising her eyes to meet his.
“I don’t know.” He answered, gently urging her towards the table. 
A dull whirring sound pulled me from my slumber. The sun shone brightly through the window causing me to glare at the interruption to my sleep. The gray wolf had appeared again, chasing away the shadows chasing me and allowing me a peaceful and uninterrupted rest. The whirring sound happened again, pulling me out of the bed towards the window. My view faced the front yard, not giving me a view of whatever was causing the sound. Struggling into a pair of sweats with my good arm I headed downstairs, peaking into Jack’s room on the way. It was empty and his bed was neatly made. I had a fuzzy recollection of hearing the shower turn on after he had walked me to my room after dinner.
I smiled at the thought. Dinner had been…lovely, almost like a date. He told me about how his mother was the most stubborn woman in the world, refusing to tell them about the cancer that eventually took her life. “She made me who I am.” He had said, looking out the window almost reverently as he thought of her. 
Turning towards the kitchen and also finding it empty I frowned, thinking about the other things he had told me. How he formed the 110th, losing both his parents and then his brother. The only family he had left was this pack. And you, the little voice in my head whispered but I shook it away heading towards the back door when I heard the whirring again. 
Stepping onto the back deck my mouth fell open at the site before me. Jack was measuring a plank of wood and making marks on it with a pencil before double checking the measurement. Even with the cooler weather there was still sweat soaking through the gray shirt he was wearing, causing it to cling to the muscles of his back. He turned slightly, giving me a tantalizing view of his arms straining against the sleeves of the shirt. Heat unfurled in my lower stomach and I felt my nipples harden. I must have made a sound because he looked up from where he was positioning the plank on the saw, grinning when he saw me. 
“I hope I didn’t wake you, the house is pretty well insulated and your room faces the other direction.” He stood, dusting his hands off and approaching me, concern growing on his face when I didn’t answer. “Are you feeling ok?”
“Oh…what? Yes…” Get it together Morgan, I forced my eyes away from his muscles, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I’m fine. What are you building?”
He studied me for a minute before answering my question, “I was working on a shed to store winter supplies on this side of the pack. But if you want, I can make some adjustments and make it into a livable space for myself while you get everything straightened out and stay in the house.” 
My mouth dropped open again as I absorbed his words. He was going to build a shed to live in while I lived in the house…HIS house? When did the Moon Goddess start making men like this? And where had they been when I needed them? He was still watching me carefully so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, if he was being honest, I could be also. “You don't have to do that...I'd feel...better with you in the house.” And then I fled back inside without a backwards glance. 
I reached the kitchen island and took a breath, thankful that Jack hadn’t followed me. Tapping my fingers on the counter I decided to cook breakfast. There was no sign that Jack had cooked anything yet and doing something I loved would calm my nerves.Searching the cabinets I found the ingredients for pancakes along with bacon and eggs. He seemed like a simple breakfast guy so I started cooking. 
Putting the eggs and bacon in the oven to keep warm, I was about to attempt flipping a pancake with my good arm when his voice thundered behind me. “What are you doing?” Startled, I dropped the pan, pancake went one way and the pan headed towards my feet. Before it even hit the floor I found myself sitting on the counter, Jack’s arms tight around me. 
“I…I'm so sorry. I like to cook and I thought I could make you breakfast. I'm sorry, I should have asked first.” I curled inward, making myself as small a target as I could. 
Jack cursed himself and the men who had hurt her when he realized she was shaking in his arms. Her head was down and her arms hugged her middle, cringing away from his arms banded around her. He sighed and backed up, giving her some room. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled. I don’t care if you cook.” She nodded her head jerkily but didn’t look at him so he continued. “I was surprised and concerned about you injuring yourself.” He tilted his head so he could catch her eye before adding, “You are welcome to do whatever you want here.”
She watched him warily, studying his face before nodding and relaxing. “My father never let me cook even though I like doing it. He said it was beneath the daughter of the pack alpha. That we had servants and maids for a reason.” 
“Who taught you to cook?” He asked, picking the pan off the floor and putting it back on the stove. 
“Ironically the head cook, she took pity on me. Dad kept me secluded when he realized I couldn’t shift so I was alone in the house alot.” Morgan smiled softly. 
“What about your mom?” It was a risk asking but Jack wanted to know everything about her. He had been honest about himself last night hoping it would break down some of her barriers but he regretted asking when the smile fell from her face. 
“There were complications with my birth. Mom didn’t make it but I did. She was dad’s fated mate, I always guessed that was why he never seemed to care for me.” she shrugged, trying to hide the pain in her eyes by hopping off the counter he had put her on and opening the oven. “I made bacon and eggs if you’re hungry.” 
He let her change the subject but filed it away to look into later. “That sounds great. Make a list of whatever else you need to cook with and we can get it when we go to the store.” He grabbed some plates and took them to the table. 
“The store? We’re going into the village?” She sounded slightly panicked at the prospect. 
“We need to get you some shoes and the rest of the pack probably knows you are out of the hospital by now.” He pointed to her socked feet with the spoon he was using to put eggs on the plates. 
She looked at her feet before adding bacon to their plates. “Ya, Charlie said she didn’t have any in my size. Why does it matter that I’m out of the hospital?”
Sitting down in the chair beside hers he smirked. “If the rest of the pack doesn’t meet you soon there’s going to be a lot more than Mosely showing up at the door.”
He felt the shift in her mood before he looked up at the nervous expression on her face. “Are they…” she swallowed, before continuing. “Are they mad I'm here?” 
“No, they are nosy like family and they want to see the unfortunate soul who got fated to me.” He grinned at her, causing her to relax. 
Rock Hill Village, New York
Jack parked the truck in front of a two story building that I eyed warily. “What’s this place?”
“The Rock Hill Village packhouse and bar. The general store is next door. We will get you some shoes and go from there. Stay put.” He added before hopping out and rounding to my side of the truck. Opening my door his gaze fell to my socked feet and he frowned. “You can walk if you want, it’s not far. Or I could carry you.” 
I bit my lip as I considered the two options before reminding myself that Jack had been nothing but kind to me so far. “Umm…if you don’t mind, the gravel looks…” He scooped me up before I could finish the sentence, closing the truck door with his foot and starting towards the store. “Thank you.” I whispered, immediately overcome with the warmth that radiated between our bodies. 
Before he could respond the door of the store opened revealing an older woman beaming from ear to ear. “Reacher! It’s a pleasure to see you dear and with such a lovely companion.” 
Jack leaned down and let her press a kiss to his cheek. “Mrs. Moseley, always a pleasure. This is Morgan. Morgan, this is Mrs. Moseley.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for sending the food last night.” I replied, attempting to sit straighter in Jack’s arms. He strode inside the building and set me down gently, his hand remaining on my back. 
“Oh it was nothing, I would have come myself but this old hip doesn’t like those storms.” She slapped her right hip before continuing. “Although I heard it brought us you.” She smiled. “I suppose we will forgive it this time. Now what can I help you two with?” 
“Morgan needs some shoes and we need a few groceries.” Jack pulled the list I had made while we ate breakfast out of his pocket. 
“We have some women’s boots over near the window. I assume you are going to show her around the village.” Mrs. Moseley stared at Jack with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yes ma'am,” he nodded, making me bite my lip to keep from laughing. 
“Good boy,” she reached and patted his cheek. “You two go get some boots then have your tour. I’ll get the list ready for you when you are finished. She shooed us away and Jack steered me towards a wall with a selection of boots. 
Morgan looked exhausted as they climbed the steps to the packhouse. She had met what felt like every member of the pack with a smile. Asking questions about who brings the mail to the post office, and how often visitors come to the inn. She had greeted Charlie’s mate Paul at the bank with an excited handshake and thanks for stealing her the night before. She had giggled at the banter between Reacher and Guy when they stopped by the gas station/repair shop that he managed. 
Lily O’Donnel had greeted her with a hug at the school while she watched her mate David get pelted with dodgeballs. A growl from Reacher kept him from hugging her also. He just rolled his eyes and shook her hand instead. 
“Are you doing ok? We can go home.” Reacher stepped in front of her as they reached the door, studying her face intently. 
“I’m ok. I want to meet the rest. Everyone has been so nice.” she smiled up at him, reaching for his hand and gesturing to the door. She had quickly grown comfortable with touching him and didn’t flinch when he touched her back or arm to lead her around the village. 
Everyone in the bar turned when they entered the room and Morgan pressed into his side again. Something she had done throughout the day when meeting some of the male members of the pack.. He’d be lying if it didn’t make his wolf proud that she sought safety with them. 
“I know he’s got an ugly mug but we don’t have to all stare. Were you all raised by wolves?” Sanchez laughed as he approached, breaking the awkwardness in the room. Reacher shook his hand before introducing him to Morgan. After that came his mate Milena, Orozco, Dixon, Finlay, Franz and his mate Angela and several other members of the pack.
Morgan took it all in stride, unaware of the way Reacher watched her with a smile as Neagley showed her around the packhouse. “You look like an idiot.” his gaze was pulled from his mate to eye Orozco.
“You know, other people would say it’s nice to see me so happy. Or that I have a beautiful smile.” he retorted. 
“Give him a break man, you haven’t met your mate yet. You don’t know what it’s like.” Sanchez pointed his beer bottle at Orozco, clapping Reacher on the back in solidarity. “Your whole life changes when they appear.” 
“It really does.” Reacher took a drink of his beer, turning to watch Morgan laughing easily with some of the other women. 
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band--psycho · 2 years ago
New Challenge 2023
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I hope everyone is doing well! 💛
I'm very excited to announce that I will be hosting a new writing challenge; it's an idea I've had for a while and I'm super excited to share it with you.
The challenge is, a writing challenge based off of moodbaords sent to me!
In this challenge you will send in moodboards to me and if you wish a small summary of what you want the story to be about and the genre of it.
I know moodboards can take quite a bit of time to create so I will be extremely grateful to anyone who wishes to take part!
I will be posting at least one story based off of a moodboard every Monday (not including tomorrow 8th May) so that I can have time to write them and without being overwhelmed.
If you're interested in taking part, just have a quick look at the rules and character list below:
Each moodboard must consist of at least seven pictures.
These pictures should include the character you want to be involved in the story along with their relationship with the oc (reader), the quotes that you want used in the story and of the scene you want me to write about.
If you want to provide any specifics-e.g a small summary of what you want the story to be about, then please include this in your ask.
You can send in as many moodboards as you like, there is no limit at present.
Here are some examples from stories I'm currently working on:
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Jax Teller
Chibs Telford
Harvey Specter
Natasha Romanoff
Loki Laueyson
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black (Marauders or HP era)
Remus Lupin (Marauder or HP era)
James Potter
Klaus Mikaelson
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Steve Harrington
Thorin Oakenshield
If there is a specific character that you want to create a moodboard for that is not on this list but is apart of a fandom on my masterlist, then just send me a message!
@xacatalepsyx @withmyteeth @little-diable @rebelwrites @yn-ymn-yln @munsinner @lady-writes-flanagan @deathbecomesnerds @wild-rose-35 @malfoys-demigod @barbersjoy @conretewings @chibsytelford @beeroses @xbreezymeadowsx @rayslittlekitten @girl-next-door-writes @darthwheezely @book-dragon03 @gwen-ever @elvish-sky @may85 @thaliastregona @impala1967dwinchester @theonewithallthemilkshakes @rl92 @backstagewiththemadness
If you are tagged and don't want to take part that's absolutely fine! There is no pressure at all!
Thank you all for the support 💛
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may85 · 6 years ago
Send in a Tom Hardy character and up to 2 prompts!
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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thedragonkween · 6 years ago
How about Reader and Arthur are out towards the mountains when a small pack of wolves attack. Arthur kills them all, but he and the reader were taken by surprise when a wolf jumps the reader, biting her forearm. Before any serious damage is done, Arthur kills the wolf? Fluffy goodness ensues. 🤔🤪🤗
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“So, the first thing you wanna do, is stay low.”
You mirror Arthur’s movements as he slowly crouches down behind the trunk of a fallen tree, shotgun in hand and ready to fire at the oblivious buck ahead. 
“Make sure the wind don’t pick up your scent. Now,” he continues, turning to look at you and motioning to your own weapon, “focus. Hold firm, breathe, and then fire. Should be hard to miss”. 
You listen carefully as he instructs you, wincing when the snow creaks under your weight as you adjust your aim. Everything is still. It’s not snowing anymore and the wind is not too harsh, making it the perfect time for a hunting lesson. The glistening, fresh layer of snow made tracking game all the much easier and so came your blessing, on four legs and with a pair of outstanding antlers. 
The animal, still peacefully sipping from the freezing waters of the lake, is in your sight. Taking Arthur’s advice, you exhale and press your finger on the cold trigger. The deer startles at the sound of the gun firing, but it’s too late: the bullet hits him on the shoulder and he can only limp a few steps away before Arthur finishes him with a shot at the head. Always the good shot, that man. 
You rise to your feet excitedly, unable to contain your beaming smile. “I did it! Didn’t I?” 
From beside you, Arthurs chuckles, and that sound alone warms you more and better than any fire ever could. “Not bad, princess. Guess you really are more useful with a gun in your hands than washing dishes.” He walk past you and gets closer to the deer, for which you’re grateful. He has no business seeing the embarrassing blush that spread on your cheeks at that lovely little pet name. 
It’s stupid and childish, this crush of yours. You know far too well how guarded that heart of his is, yet Arthur didn’t exactly make it hard to fall for a man like him. Try as he might, the scary outlaw facade he wanted to have shattered with every sweet pat on Jack’s head, or with every hushed word of encouragement to his horse. 
He’s a collection of little controversies that draw you in, and just as you think you’ve finally solved the riddle that is this man, he manages to surprise you again and again. 
He’s just begun to show you how to skin the deer when you hear the first howl. 
Arthur curses loudly. “Get behind me!” 
You’re just about to argue that you can do without his protection, but then the three, hungry wolves appear from the trees and you don’t have the time to think as the first attacks. It growls and snaps his jaws at you, but Arthur is quick and shoots it square between the eyes. 
The other two howl at the loss of their companion and pounce just as you aim your smaller revolver and shoot, successfully taking out another wolf. The third doesn’t stand a chance, and soon its carcass joins the other two on the blood stained snow. 
Arthur turns towards you, his gruff voice laced with worry as he asks if you’re alright. 
You nod, putting your weapon back in its holster. “They must’ve smelled that deer.” 
“Well, let’s not-shit!” There is an instant where you look dumbfoundedly at him as he calls your name, and then you’re face down on the ground as a fourth wolf jumps you. 
You don’t have time to react as its claws dig on your back, trapping you beneath its weight and the snow. Your pained yelp is muffled as its fangs find the flesh of your shoulder, white hot pain exploding behind your eyelids at its attempt to rip your arm off. 
You never welcomed the sound of a firing gun more than you do in that moment, and you guess that Arthur has yet again managed to kill the animal without hurting you as its weight sinks down on your back. 
Arthur is quick to get the wolf off of you, and you wince in pain as he help you get up. “Jesus…”, he says softly upon inspecting your wound. 
“Is it that bad?” you ask, groaning at your attempt to move your joint. It hurts like hell and your face and hair are soaked from the snow. This will probably put you out of commission for a while. Fortunately, the thick coat you wear prevented you from direct contact with the animal’s jaws and so from the threat of rabies, too. Yet, as you feel Arthur’s rough hands delicately peel the torn clothing away from your skin to take a better look at the bite, you wish you were attacked by wolves more often.
“Let’s get you back to camp, before any more of ‘hese bastards show up”, and just like that he opens his blue coat and rips part of the shirt he wears underneath, wrapping it around and under your shoulder as delicately as he can. You let him, welcoming his warmth as it seeps into your skin thanks to his closeness to you.
Despite the pain, the ride back to camp makes you feel safe and protected, sitting in front of Arthur on his horse as you bring the spoils of war to your little mismatched family. 
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may85 · 6 months ago
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To Know You Pt1
Summary: Logan is being sent back to stop a mutant from wiping everyone and everything off the planet. He encounters a young Reader in the midst and finally understands her better.
Character: Logan Howlett x Reader
Movie: X-Men
Warnings: None at the moment
Word Count: 609
Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner
You came into the sick bay, carrying a blanket for Logan. You knew Jean had hospital sheets, but you wanted your man to have something that would ground him if things were to get difficult.
Logan lay back on the table, staring at the ceiling until you came into his view. He smiled, opening his hand to you, needing to feel your soft skin.
“Hey Sweetheart,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
You leaned over, pecking his lips, “Hey Handsome. I brought you this blanket,”
As you slipped your hand from his, he placed his on your waist as you covered him. Your brow was pinched, knowing that this wasn't going to be pleasant for him.
He'd been taken back into time thanks to Kitty to deliver a message to a young Xavier about a year ago and is now needed to go back once more. This time to stop a young mutant from erasing everyone and everything from existence. 
He squeezed your hip and tried to reassure you, “I'll be fine,”
You cleared your throat and blinked away burning in your eyes. It was all you could do to not cry. This was a dangerous mission.
Fumbling with the blanket to make sure his bare toes were covered you softly replied, “I know… doesn't make this any easier though,”
Logan sat up and cupped your cheek, “I'm coming back to you, Y/N. Nothing is going to keep me away. You hear me?”
His thumb ran over the apple of your cheek as you nodded, “Loud and clear,”
Jean cleared her throat and handed you some electrodes, “Put these on his chest and hook up the wires. Match the colors to pads,”
You nodded, “Lay back hun,”
Logan did as you asked and sighed. He watched you intently as you did as Jean asked. Once the last electrode was on, he gripped your hand, bringing it to his mouth for a soft kiss.
“Be here when I get back?” He asked.
“Of course you goon,” you smiled.
Xavier and Kitty came into the bay, ready to get things rolling.
With his eyes focused only on you, Logan pulled you down to him, “Gimmie one more kiss, sweetheart. For good luck,”
The kiss was soft and thankfully he kept it PG so not to embarrass you in front of Xavier. Like with everyone else, the Professor was like a family member to you… and family meant everything.
“Y/N, Logan. Are we ready?” Xavier asked 
You shook your head no as you and Logan verbally replied, “Yes,”
Xavier, Logan, Kitty and Jean all softly laughed at your antics.
“My dear, Y/N. Everything will be fine,” the Professor patted your arm.
You nodded, biting your lip as you looked at Logan. His eyes on you.
Kitty sat at the head of Logan and popped her fingers before placing them at his temples, “Ready when y'all are,”
You backed away, knowing that the first initial shock will have Logan's claws out. Xavier sat by the side of Kitty and began to speak softly, his voice soothing and very low. You couldn't make out what he was saying.
Logan watched you until his eyes fully closed and his breathing evened out. As Kitty focused her powers, his body jerked, his claws coming out. His body was taught, the veins nearly popping.
You stood there, nearly reaching out until Jean stopped you, “Y/N… look,”
As she nodded towards Logan, you saw his body relax and his claws slowly sink back into his skin.
“We're in,” Kitty said.
“And now we wait,” Professor Xavier said.
Waiting was always the hardest part…
Requests for Logan, Van Helsing and The Drover are OPEN!
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readingandwritingandreading · 7 months ago
Some Hearts ~ Part 5
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My Blurb: I have returned! I am feeling much better and to make it up to you this one is the longest chapter I have ever written. I hope you all enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Alas, I own nothing but my ideas. I do not give permission for my writing to be shared anywhere without my consent. 
Summary: Reacher never needed anyone, he was a lone wolf and preferred it that way. But when he finds his mate beaten and bruised one night, she and the rest of the 110th show Reacher the benefits of being in a pack. Fated Mates, Shifter AU
Pairing: Jack Reacher x OFC Morgan Stone
Warnings: There are some darker things in this fic. Morgan is a rape and abuse survivor. Nothing is explicitly detailed but be advised. Your media consumption is your responsibility. This is a fated mates, wolf shifter AU and will contain claming, biting, mating and other wolf pack related things. 
Tagging: @pioched | @ashes-writing | @titty-teetee2 | @may85 | @msripleybennet | @lemmons1998 | @tonadavis264-blog | @screechingdreamercollectorsblog
Add yourself to my taglist HERE
Read First: Some Hearts Masterlist
Also Check Out: Main Masterlist
Rock Hill Village, New York
The next few days followed the same pattern. Jack was already up and working on projects by the time I made my way down stairs. He joined me in the kitchen while I made breakfast and we talked while we ate. We cleaned up, drove into the village and usually ended the day at the pack house before returning home. It was…comfortable and safe. 
The third day I convinced him that I was feeling good enough to walk into town instead of him driving. That’s how I found myself staring at the covered windows of the building that sat between the school and road to Jack’s cabin. Dixon had come out of her cabin to discuss training some of the younger members when she saw us walking by and I gravitated towards the building. 
“It’s technically the pack library.” Lily O’Donnell’s voice sounded from my left and I jumped, hand immediately going to my chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Oh, it’s ok. I was a little lost in my snooping.” I smiled and waved at Jack who had turned immediately at my sudden fear. “Why do you say technically?” I turned my attention back to Lilly who sent Jack a wave also.
“David & I inherited it when we started the school but between that and the kids we don’t have time to maintain or organize it and no one else in the pack has taken it on yet.” She shrugged. “Maybe someday.” Jack approached then, his hand finding the small of my back, sending the familiar wave of warmth through me.
“Reacher” she nodded to him. “Dixon recruiting you for training today?” 
He nodded, “Bobby’s mate went into labor this morning.” 
“I didn’t think she was going to make it much longer.” Lilly grinned. “I better get going. It was good to see you, Morgan.” 
“You as well.” I waved before turning to Jack, a question that had been bothering me bubbling to the surface. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Always.” he answered without hesitation, surveying the village square as we walked.
“I don’t want to overstep. I just…” I bit my lip, memories of my curiosity getting me in trouble when I was younger flooding through me. 
“Morgan,” he stopped, turning me to face him. “You can ask me anything and I will always answer you honestly.”
“Do you have a specific job? I noticed almost everyone else does.” I blurted out before I lost my nerve. 
“This is the longest I've ever stayed on the pack lands since I left the military.” He pulled me to a bench by the statue of the Moon Goddess. "After we left the military, most of the 110th came here and started the pack but I couldn’t help but wander after a lifetime of being an army brat. I was thirty-six years old, a citizen of a country I had barely seen, and there were places to go, and there were things to do. There were cities, and there was countryside. There were mountains, and there were valleys. There were rivers. There were museums, and music, and motels, and clubs, and diners, and bars, and buses. There were battlefields and birthplaces, and legends, and roads. There was company if I wanted it, and there was solitude if I didn’t. Then three weeks ago I found myself getting off the bus on the highway five miles from here. Neagley runs a tight ship, everyone earns their place so I stepped in whenever they needed someone. Sometimes training, mostly security. I was on duty two weeks later when you set off one of the south sensors.”
I stared at him in shock as his words sunk in. The comments about his cabin, the lack of personal items and other little moments all came crashing together. “You’re not going to stay?” The words came out as a coldness wrapped its way around my heart and I became aware of how attached I had already become to the friendly little village. 
“I told you I would be honest,” he heaved out a sigh, running his hand through his hair. “I don’t know, I never planned on finding you. I couldn’t imagine I had a fated mate out there. It was a fairytale that some of my friends had but wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m still getting my head around the fact that you are here.” I forced the threatening tears down when he gently used my chin to force me to look at him. “I won’t make a decision without you. We’re a team now.” 
I searched his face before nodding, bolstered by the sincerity in his words and gaze. “It’s nice to be a teammate and not just a pawn for once. Thank you Jack.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek, smiling inwardly at the hint of shock in his expression when I pulled away. 
A lingering warmth remained in the spot Morgan’s lips had touched him, even a couple hours after it happened and he sparred with the trainees. Dixon was a good trainer and all of her students excelled in learning how to use their wolves in a fight should the need arise. The focus today, however, was fighting without their wolf, something that Morgan seemed to be watching closely. Reacher had offered to take her somewhere she would be comfortable while he helped Dixon but after their talk she seemed to need the closeness, assuring him she wanted to watch.  
He could see her on the other side of the training area, watching Dixon show another smaller female how to use her speed against a bigger opponent. He walked over to her as the class wound down, an idea forming in his head. She had no power in her old life. He had seen the way it soothed her that he considered her his equal. Roscoe had no leads on why she couldn't shift and without her wolf she was at huge disadvantage against other shifters.
“Do you want to learn?” Reacher asked, stretching his hand towards her. She hesitated for a minute before determination crossed over her face and she nodded, grabbing his hand and letting him lead her away from the other students. “You heard Dixon telling them about speed?”
She nodded, stiffening slightly as he positioned her body. “Make yourself a smaller target and you're harder to hit.”
“And there’s no shame in running if you can.” he added, circling around to face her. “I’m going to try and grab you, try and avoid me.” Morgan nodded, taking a deep breath and watching him carefully. He waited a few seconds before pouncing towards her, catching her easily when she darted to the right. “You gave yourself away. You turned right and then hesitated. Once you make a decision, act, don’t hesitate.” 
They practiced for another couple hours before he noticed her wincing and rubbing at the cast on her arm. He was impressed with her determination. She was a quick learner and had mostly overcome the hesitation that gave her away managing to avoid him two times. “We better call it for today. Roscoe will have my hide if you hurt your arm more.” 
Morgan chuckled before sinking to the grass. “Thank you for teaching me. My father never would have allowed me to learn with my…handicap. He just surrounded me with bodyguards or kept me locked away in the house.”
“Everyone should know how to defend themselves. I will protect you until my last breath, but you need to know how to at least get away if someone attacks you.” Reacher sat down on the grass beside her looking towards the river that she had fallen into. 
She looked in that direction as well and smiled when she saw two wolves splashing out of the water, an black and tan one chasing a smaller brown one. The smaller one nipped playfully at the bigger one's snout before turning and running into the tree line at top speed. The bigger one howled and then followed. “Who was that?” Morgan laughed, following their path as they disappeared. 
“Sanchez & Melina. Their bonding ceremony is next week.” Reacher replied. 
“Can I see your wolf?” Reacher looked over to find Morgan staring at him apprehensively. 
I held my breath as Jack studied my face and then nodded slightly. His shift was smooth and well practiced. One second I was sitting next to a large man and the next I was sitting next to a large wolf. I reached out and ran my hand through the blue gray fur of his chest. In human form Jack towered over me and his wolf did as well. In our sitting positions my head came to his shoulder. Standing I let my hand drift to the fur around his ears pulling back when he nuzzled my hand with his snout. “I’m sorry, I guess I should have asked before just petting you.” 
Wolf Jack moved into a standing position and made a growling sound before nudging my hand again until it rested on top of his head. When I scratched his tail began to wag and I giggled. “I feel like I’ve seen this wolf before.” Wolf Jack cocked his head as I thought, moving to stroke his neck and back. 
“Is Reacher wagging his tail?” An astonished shout came from several feet away and I squeaked in surprise when I found myself firmly behind Jack as he growled in the direction of the voice. Oscar Finlay appeared a moment later. “Down boy, I was just coming to let you know food’s almost ready at the pack house.” 
Jack suddenly shifted, as fluidly as before, blocking my view of Finlay. Peeking my head around him I waved. “What’s happening at the pack house?”
“Our monthly pack meeting, everyone eats there and we go over anything we need to.” Finlay filled in. “And we are definitely going to need to go over Reacher’s tail wagging.” He chuckled when Jack shot him a glare. 
I patted Jack’s arm before sliding it down to intertwine my hand with his. “Am I allowed to go? I’ve never gotten to be involved in pack activities.” 
I asked the question to Finlay but Reacher squeezed my hand and responded. “If you want to go, you can.” 
Finlay nodded, grinning at our intertwined hands. “I’ll see you there.”
Jack led us into the pack house half an hour later, winding us through the crowd and to a couple empty chairs at one of the trestle tables that had been setup in rows throughout the room. “Stay here, I'll grab some food.”
Charlie quickly joined me, dropping into an empty chair and greeting me with a hug. “Paul will be here in a minute, he’s dropping the girls off upstairs. They always have a movie set up for the kids up there while the adults handle business. I heard you did some training with Reacher today. You didn’t hurt your arm did you?” 
“He’s trying to teach me to be able to escape. I only managed to out maneuver him twice in three hours of practice. He made us stop when my arm started aching.” I smiled. 
“Twice is pretty good. Reacher is exceptionally trained, maybe more so than Alpha Neagley. Plus you’re his mate. He’s naturally more attuned to you.” she shrugged. 
I nodded, “I hadn’t thought of that.” 
Paul joined us then, placing their plates on the table.  “I couldn’t tell if Reacher was getting plates for both of you or just him, but I’m glad to be in front of him in line. I don’t know how he stays in that kind of shape but eats like that.”
“Genetics.” Jack’s voice sounded from behind me before four towering plates of food appeared in front of our seats. He placed an empty one in front of me before continuing. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want so take the first pick and I can eat whatever’s left.”
Neagley appeared at the front of the room where a podium was set up. The crowd quieted immediately, everyone found their seats and I watched in amazement at the respect the pack had for their leader. Reacher nudged me as it continued, pointedly looking at the pile of food in front of us. Rolling my eyes I grabbed some chicken and a few other items before picking up my fork and digging in. 
Near the end of the meeting Neagley announced Sanchez and Melina’s ceremony and the room came alive with applause and whistles while Sanchez pumped his arm in the air and Melina blushed at his side.
Turning to Charlie I got her attention before asking, “If I order a dress for the ceremony would it get here in time? I just realized I don’t have anything and I hate to keep hogging your wardrobe.” 
“We’re going into Utica in a couple days, why don’t you come with us?” Charlie offered. “I have to pick up our medicine shipment. Angela, Franz’s mate, is also coming. She has to pick up some supplies for the inn.” 
“That would be great.” I turned to Jack who was putting the last piece of chicken from my plate in his mouth. “What do you think?”
“You do need some more clothes and a coat,” he shrugged. 
“It’s settled then!” Charlie waved down Dixon who joined them. “Morgan is going to join us on our trip to Utica. She needs some more clothes.” 
“I hope that’s ok.” I offered. “I’m living out of Charlie’s wardrobe at the moment.” 
“Not a problem at all little wolf, it will be a girls trip.” Neagley planted herself on the table beside Dixon. 
“Wait, girls trip. I’m going with Morgan.” Jack looked between the women.
“I don’t think so big guy, I need you to take over training for Dixon while we’re gone.” Neagley put her hand up when he went to argue.
Reacher’s Cabin, Rock Hill Village, New York
Neagley gave him a look he knew from their time in the service. One that said she wasn’t discussing the topic anymore, he was not going on this trip. “She will be with Dixon and me the whole time. You know she’s safe with us. We have Charlie if her arm acts up.”
“Nothing can happen to her, Neagley.” It was more of a plea than an agreement but she still nodded. They turned as Morgan came down the steps to meet them at the SUV. “Stay with Dixon or Neagley,” he reached into his pocket and handed her his card. “Get whatever clothes or other stuff you need. And a coat, it’s going to get colder.” 
Morgan put her hand up to stop him, “I have enough of my own to get a dress and a couple things I need. I’m not spending any more of your money.”
Before he could reply Neagley stepped in and swiped the card from his hand. “I have no problem spending more of your money. Thanks for lunch. Come on little wolf.” 
Jack gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. “Morgan, get what you need. He kissed her forehead before adding, “Stay with the group. Please, mon reve.”
Morgan nodded, giving him a quick hug before hurrying into the backseat beside Angela. 
Utica, New York
“Are you sure this is ok for the ceremony?” I asked, twirling in the mirror. 
Angela turned from where she was handing Dixon a different top to try on. “You look lovely! Have you ever been to a bonding ceremony?”
“Angela.” Charlie snapped and Neagley shook her head but I put my hand up.
“It’s ok. I have only been to my own and I didn’t get much of a say in it.” I shrugged. “I wasn’t allowed to attend many events.” 
“I’m sorry Morgan, I didn’t think before I spoke.” Angela was ringing her hands together. “When you and Reacher have one you will be able to choose whatever you want.” 
A hush fell over the group as they all looked at me and my heart plummeted. “Oh, um. I don’t know…we’ve never really talked about it…and I…I can’t shift. Excuse me, I should change.” Hurrying back into the dressing room I pulled the dress off and hung it over the door. “Get it together Morgan” I whispered to myself, fighting to keep the tears that had sprung to my eyes from falling. I hadn’t considered that a bonding ceremony would be expected. Did Jack want one? I was a defective wolf. Did I want to go through that again? Knowing how my one to KJ had gone. It had been a miserable few hours in a dress that was too tight and not in my style at all. And then that night…I shuddered, biting my lip hard and covering my mouth to mask the sob that tried to escape. 
By the time I pulled myself together and left the changing room the other women had made their purchases and were waiting by the register. “Did one of you grab the dress off the door? I think i’ll just get that today.” 
“Already taken care of, went ahead and got you a few more things also.” Dixon held up four large bags.
“Big guy wanted us to make sure you were taken care of since we wouldn’t let him be here. That was the only way we were leaving the village without him tailing us and I still double checked on the way here.” Neagley shrugged, flashing Jack’s credit card. 
Charlie stopped me from replying with a hard look. “Morgan, Reacher has plenty of money. He hardly buys anything with his pension and Paul started making investments for him after an incident a few years back.”
“He also cares about you.” Angela smiled shyly. “My comment was foolish before. I wasn’t thinking. But you have to know how much he cares for you. Reacher never lets people in but I see, we all see the way he looks at you.” 
I wiped a tear that slipped out giving the group a watery smile. “I’m really glad I stumbled into this village. You are all wonderful.” I pulled Jack’s card out of Neagley’s hand. “Who’s ready for lunch?” 
Margrave, Northern Georgia
‘Alpha, there’s something you both need to see.” The Kliner packs new head of security appeared in the doorway with an envelope and a tablet. Kliner waved him in, sitting in the big chair behind his desk, leaving KJ to stand beside him. He placed the envelope on the desk and opened it revealing several pictures of Morgan. 
“Where was this and how long ago?” KJ grabbed a photo, studying it closely. 
“Face recognition flagged it ten minutes ago in Utica, New York sir.” the guard answered, reading off the tablet. 
KJ cursed, slamming the photo back onto the desk. “How the fuck did she get to Utica, load up the cars, we leave in one hour.” 
“Wait.” Kliner said calmly but everyone in the room froze. “Who is she with?” He looked over the photos at the other women sitting at the restaurant. 
“We’re running facial recognition on them now Alpha.” he glanced between Alpha and son. 
“We don’t make a move until we know what we’re going into.” He put his hand up to stop KJ’s outburst. “Your stupid decisions regarding Morgan Stone are what got us into this situation.” He turned back to the guard. “Notify her father we have a lead and I want to know the minute we find out who is sheltering her. 
*Italicized section is a direct copy from The Affair by Lee Child
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may85 · 6 years ago
Send me up to 2 prompts and one of the characters below!
Who I write for:
Eddie Brock/Venom
Reggie and Ronnie Kray (Legend)
Tommy Conlon (Warrior)
Mad Max
Tuck (This Means War)
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders)
Ivan Locke (Locke)
Forrest Bondurant (Lawless)
Bob Saginowski (The Drop)
Christmas/Winter prompts!!
Yes I know it’s November but I am super excited so I couldn’t resist!! (Plus I wanted to make my own prompt list for a while!)
These are all based on wintery/Christmassy things, there are a couple of situations, Christmas song titles and just winter goodness in here!! 
Feel free to reblog or prompt me! 
1. Ice Skating 2. Christmas Carolling 3. Under the Mistletoe 4. Ugly Matching Christmas Sweater 5. Egg Nog 6. Snowed in 7. Putting up the Christmas lights 8. Hot Chocolate 9. White Christmas 10. Believing in Santa 11. Cutting down the tree 12. Christmas shopping 13. Snow Angels 14. Keeping warm by the fire 15. Snowball fights 16. Scarves 17. Making Christmas Cookies 18. Catching a cold 19. Traditional Christmas Dinner 20. Writing a letter to Santa 21. Sleigh ride 22. Wrapping presents 23. Making a snowman 24. Getting into the Christmas spirit 25. Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer 26. ‘Bah humbug’ 27. Frostbite 28. Gloves 29. ‘It’s too cold’ 30. Snow storm 31. ‘This is way too much food’ 32. I’ll be home for Christmas 33. Finding hidden Christmas presents 34. Snowflakes 35. Decorating the tree 36. Slipping on ice 37. ‘It’s too warm for snow’ 38. The night before Christmas 39. Secret Santa 40. Singing Christmas songs loudly 41. Finding the perfect present 42. Christmas morning 43. Silent night 44. The Holiday season 45. Christmas elves 46. Family traditions 47. Meeting Santa Claus 48. ‘My car broke down in the snow’ 49. Putting the Angel on top of the tree 50. Christmas movies
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band--psycho · 2 years ago
Jax Teller x Reader-A Very Special Valentines Day
Another story for the lovely @wild-rose-35 with the prompt Valentines Day proposal for my Valentines Day Drabble Writing Challrnge!
I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Today was Valentine’s Day. 
At first Y/n thought Jax had forgotten, which she would’ve understood given everything that was happening with the club. 
But then Clay popped back to the garage after a meeting he had,  to give Gemma some flowers, before saying ‘happy valentines day’ to her. 
Right in front of them.
And still Jax said nothing. 
When Y/n asked what their plan was for tonight; Jax just glanced up at her and said “It’s gonna be a late one just grab whatever you want.”
That’s why Y/n went to Lylas. 
She needed to be somewhere other than home just for a little bit; but then Opie arrived and Y/n took that as her cue to go back home. 
Whilst driving home, thoughts flooded she thought about what to say to Jax….she wondered if she’d done something wrong…and then, as she pulled up outside their home,  the most heartbreaking thought popped into her mind. What if she walked through the door to only be met with the words her heart couldn’t bear to hear….We’re over….
She wished she could stay in the car forever; avoiding the conversation her mind had persuaded her was going to happen, but she couldn’t avoid him forever. 
‘It’s better to know the truth,’ Y/n thought to herself as she got out of the car and opened the door to their home.
At first; she thought she’d wandered into an alternate reality because when she opened the door, she was greeted to an entirely different scenario than what she had expected.
Rose petals were scattered over the floor;  fairy lights were hanging on the walls, clipped with pictures of them they’d taken with each other throughout the years.
And in the center of the kitchen counter was a very cute little Valentine’s Day card.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” Jax asked behind her. 
Making Y/n turn around instantly, only for her to see Jax kneeling down on one knee…
“Jax…?” She breathed, tentatively walking towards him, trying to stop her heart from beating out of her chest. 
“Y/n Y/l/n,” he began, pulling a black box from his pocket, opening it to reveal the most beautiful ring Y/n had ever seen.
“Will you marry me?”
In that moment, Y/n forgot how to breathe, she was expecting to have Jax breaking up with her this evening not proposing to her. 
But here he was, doing just that. 
He hadn’t forgotten; this had been his plan all along. 
“Of course I will,” Y/n answered with a beaming smile, happy tears forming  in her y/e/c eyes as Jax stood up and put the gorgeous ring on Y/n's slightly shaky hand before placing a passionate kiss on Y/n's lips, whispers of love and affection shared between them.
This was certainly not how Y/n thought her Valentine’s Day would end…but she wouldn’t change it for the world. 
@xacatalepsyx @withmyteeth @rebelwrites @little-diable @beeroses @i-just-read-stuff @05supernatural20 @skyofficialxx @munsinner @sassymox @jitterbugs927 @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @xbreezymeadowsx @samanthaofanarchy @may85 @the-mayan-queen @stillbreathin @lady-writes20 @lady-writes-flanagan @thexhostess @tempt-ress @beth-gallagher22 @oskea93 @lexondeck @bl3333h @choochoo284 @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @elliewigginton20 @thekaelicobain @rosieposie0624 @book-dragon03 @bookworm1767 @bestbitchsstuff @missbee1095 @xxemberlights @igotmajordaddyissues @thaliastregona @livingdeadblondequeen
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dreams-of-valeria · 5 years ago
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This post is brought to you by the fiery and honestly tooth rottingl-y sweet inspiration from @may85 who thought my writing was good enough to take requests (and naturally, everything I write henceforth is 100% dedicated to @may85), the stress of having a very important exam tomorrow, and pure blissful whimsy.
Currently, I will only be taking requests for Hopper (x female reader mostly but I can gay on request) and if by some miracle, this works and doesn't blow up in my face spectacularly and wound my already recuperating ego, I might expand to more beautiful muses. Might.
Shoot, since it's almost Christmas, let's start off there.
FLUFF: (starting off soft because I want to feel innocent for atleast one scroll)
1) Baking a cake together
2) Hopper wearing a hideous sweater/mittens/scarf knit by reader to work
3) El hiding the mistletoe because she's sick of watching reader and Hopper kiss
4) Reader gets drunk on eggnog
5) Hopper takes his new girlfriend to the station to show her off
6) Hopper dancing with his girl(s) in the living room
7) Christmas gifts
8) Treasure hunt for the star atop the tree
9) Dealer's choice
10) Requester's choice
SMUT: (The mask has come undone)
1) Secret santa
2) Snowed in
3) Naughty or nice?
4) Blockbuster and chill
5) Just a peek
6) Roleplay
7) Warm me up
8) Forbidden
9) Dealer's choice
10) Requester's choice
ANGST: (Not entirety sure what this means tbh but I'll throw it up there because I've seen several people do it)
1) Late for Christmas dinner with reader's parents
2) Pregnancy scare
3) Hopper thinking he's failing El as a father
4) Not good enough
5) Please, touch me
6) What will people think?
7) I love you/Don't do this to yourself
8) Leaving town
9) Dealer's choice
10) Requester's choice
1) Please send in the genre and number you want. (Eg. F5).
2) You can combine two or more prompts in an ask (Doesn't have to be from the same genre).
3) You can request little details of your own and what you want the overall post to feel like.
4) With your permission, I can add your name/the name you really like in place of the reader's, just so you'll feel like this piece belongs to you and that I've written it especially for you.
5) You can request the addition of any of the stranger things characters-main or supporting
6) Sending an ask will make me v happy.
Yours truly,
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may85 · 6 years ago
I want to get started on some Holiday imagines! Below is a list of Tom Hardy characters that I'll write for. Send me a character and up to 2 prompts!
Eddie Brock/Venom
Reggie and Ronnie Kray (Legend)
Tommy Conlon (Warrior)
Mad Max
Tuck (This Means War)
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders)
Ivan Locke (Locke)
Forrest Bondurant (Lawless)
Bob Saginowski (The Drop)
Winter/Christmas Writing Prompts
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Okay, seeing as I couldn’t find a list I liked, I’m making my own, with a mix of dialogue and conceptual prompts because why not.
Feel free to prompt for any ship I’ve written, regardless of whether or not I’ve been writing them recently. Also, feel free to adapt the prompts to fit the universe better (like for SWTOR or DA or something).
“What do you mean we’re out of hot chocolate?”
cuddling by the fireplace
“You. Me. Snowman. Now.”
winter sport of your choice
“What’s that smell… are you making cookies?”
“Hey, no peeking!”
“You invited over HOW many people to the holiday party?!”
Christmas shopping
“Wait, did you spike the eggnog?”
“Where did all of this mistletoe come from?”
“I’m a grown adult. I don’t want to take a picture with Santa Claus.”
trimming the tree
“Your hands are freezing!”
“Aren’t you cold like that?”
“Seriously, I told you that you would get sick going out like that.”
“What do you mean you don’t want to go sledding?”
watching movies under a pile of blankets
snowball fight
“I swear to god, if you sing another goddamn Christmas carol…”
“Where on EARTH did you get that sweater?”
“How did you manage to get tangled up in tinsel?”
kissing in the snow
“Let’s go for a walk! No, we won’t freeze.”
“Here, let me help you with the scarf.”
spending time with family
“We’ve got a white Christmas!”
“Did you eat all of my holiday chocolate?”
“Where’s all of your holiday spirit, you Scrooge?”
opening presents
“You know, when you said ‘Christmas party,’ this isn’t what I was expecting.”
“Come on, just wear the Santa hat for a little bit?”
“There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
“Hey, cut it out. It’s the holidays.”
“Nope. This is not happening. It’s CHRISTMAS.”
“Wait, you’re not going home for Christmas?”
“Oh come on, it’s just a tradition.”
stuck in a snowstorm
“You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.”
“Just open the damn present.”
“Hey, stop laughing and put the damn topper on the tree already.”
“If you don’t go to sleep right now, Santa’s not coming.”
“I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
“What do you mean, Santa’s not real?!”
running into each other at the airport
“No, you’ll burn the house down.”
“It’s almost midnight.”
“This is not for holiday cheer. This is blackmail.”
“Did you seriously get me a pony for Christmas?”
“No more holiday movies. Please.”
“Those cookies were for Santa!”
“Look out! It’s icy!”
“I’d like the snow a lot more if I didn’t have to drive in it.”
“Why is it so cold?”
winter power outage
“You want to go to the mall now? ARE YOU CRAZY?”
“Shhhhh, don’t tell [pronoun of choice]!”
“Secret Santa? Really?”
“Ummm… Thank you very much for the fruitcake. I’m sure it’ll be, uh, delicious.”
“Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
“What are you doing with that mistletoe– oh.”
unexpectedly spending the holidays together
“But that carol doesn’t even make any SENSE!”
“I guess… this is when we kiss?”
“No, we’re not getting a puppy for Christmas. Stop. Asking.”
“You don’t put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? YOU HEATHEN.”
“You’re going to New York for New Year’s? Are you nuts?”
winter proposal
“So… what are your plans for New Year’s?”
“You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
“Do NOT throw that snowball or else!”
“Did everyone else come with a date?”
“Hey, want to help me get my parents off my ass about not having a date?”
“Don’t you have anything else spirited that isn’t as much of an eyesore?”
“Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, love.”
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looneylooomis · 7 years ago
WadeYoureBarelyAlive ➡️ WadeYouWitch
Thought I’d let all my followers/friends (who am I kidding I consider y’all my friends lol) that I’ve finally changed my url so you guys that have me on your taglists can change my old to new and for those I’m not just add this one! I love fanfics!
@theonethatgotaway213 @negans-dirty-girl @backseat-negan @negan-is-daddy @magikat409 @strangersangel9 @negans-network @lukeevansandjdmobession @mytreasures4eternity47 @kellyn1604 @anniebf @valkyrianne @wickednerdery @may85 @thetwistedharlequin @simons-thirst-squad @collette04
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hunterswearingplaid · 7 years ago
Imagine Getting Surprised By Dean
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Request: I'm wondering if you could write an imagine for me? I'm the head custodian at my daughter's school, so maybe the reader could be that as well? Reader has had a long week. Dean's been gone on a hunt and surprises her. Fluff?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 747
Warnings: Just the usual potty language.
Author’s Note: Hope you like this, @may85!
Traffic. Again. Just the cherry on top of a shitty day.
That kid Harold had puked in hallway for the third time this week. Angie was down with a bug, so you had to be a substitute teacher for her class again.
You wanted to scream into a pillow. This week sucked. Dean had been gone for the entire week, and you didn't get that pay raise that you had applied for.
After getting delayed by half an hour by the traffic, you were finally home. Then, of course, you couldn’t open the door to your own goddamn house. “Fucking hell,” you muttered to yourself as you jimmied the key up and down, trying to get it to move.
Just then, the door to the house opened from the inside. “Hey,” said the face you had been longing to see for so long. “Sorry, I was trying to open the door from the inside, too. That’s probably why you weren’t able to open the door.”
Your bag dropped to the floor as you walked inside, “Dean.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in. “You said you weren’t going to be back for another week.”
“Yeah. This chick Nellie helped us out, sweeped it up in half the time.” He said, shrugging. He smiled wide, letting his teeth show. “Surprise!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands out to his sides.
You looked to the floor, shoulders dropped, eyebrows furrowed. You weren’t in the mood for a surprise, and you still needed to clean the house. “Dean. I’m tired. I have to clean. The school is taking the kids for a field trip tomorrow and they need me there. Lord knows why. So I need to be up early tomorrow.” You had your hand on your opposite shoulder, rubbing it.
Dean pulled your hand away from your shoulder. “Well, the jazz hands have gone to waste.” He muttered. “I know. I cleaned the house for you. I knew you weren’t having a good week.” He put an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to your temple as you walked to the dining table.
“How did you know?” You asked, sweeping a hand across the surface, your eyebrows raising. “You did a pretty good job.”
“Your passive-aggressive messages are always a giveaway.” He said, taking a step to stand behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist. “And of course I did a good job. I’ve got my own Monica Geller for a girlfriend.” He nuzzled your neck, pressing a small kiss there.
“Hey, it’s the Head Custodian that’s the Monica Geller.” You said, your hand making its way into Dean’s hair. But before you had a chance to tug on it, Dean pulled away and spun you around by your waist.
“So, are you feeling better, now that you know you don’t have to clean?”
“Just a little.” You said, putting your hand on his chest. “You know what would make me feel better?”
“Watching a Swayze movie.” Dean jokingly guessed.
“No!” You said, playfully hitting his arm.
“Hmm… Baking me a pie,” his eyes lit up as he suddenly put a hand on your shoulder.
“Why would I wanna do that?” You said feigning disgust. You put your hand on the arm that was on your shoulder, tugging on it.
Dean looked at you lovingly, a soft smile on his face. “I’ll bite,” he said, blinking slowly.
“Cuddling with you. Dr. Sexy reruns.” You said slowly, watching Dean’s smile go slightly wider.
“That sounds like a plan!” Dean said, starting to walk over to the living room, but not before you pulled him back by his wrist.
Your hand still holding on this his wrist gently, you said, “You know what would be even more amazing? You making me hot chocolate.” You smiled sweetly.
“Of course. Anything for my princess.”
As you snuggled into Dean’s side with a mug of hot chocolate in your hands, you sighed deeply. You felt Dean press a kiss into your hair, stroking it as he said, “Remind me not to go away on such long hunts. I missed you.”
And that was your life, by your side. No matter how bad your day had been, there was always someone to cheer you up. Someone to make you hot chocolate. Someone to not be judgemental about your obsessive Dr Sexy watching habits. Someone to care for you. Someone to love you.
And that someone, lucky for you,  was Dean Winchester.
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aanda20081 · 6 years ago
Fandom Survey
I was tagged by the wonderfully amazing @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash , Thank you hun!
Name: Abigayle
Preferred name: Abby/May
Age: 20
Location: Orlando, FL
First fandom you remember: Supernatural
Which fandom got you writing FanFicton: Supernatural/Walking Dead
Most active fandom: (atm)Taboo
Longest running fandom: Supernaural
Guilty pleasure fandom: None lol, love em all to death <3
Which fandom do you think you’d be the most successful in if you were thrown into that movie/book/TV show: I don’t really know, maybe Supernatural. I can see myself being a skilled hunter, and someone the boys could get along with quite nicely lol.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
MBTI Type: Mediator(INFP-T)
Who would play you n a movie of your life: Jennifer Lawrence
Top 3 characters you identify with: Katniss Everdeen, Groot, Furiosa
Top 3 characters to protect you: James Delaney, Daryl Dixon, Eddie Brock/Venom
Top 3 characters for you to protect: Winter, Spider-Man, Beth Greene
Top 3 characters to marry: Negan, James Delaney, Dean Winchester
Favorite dance move: Too many to count or name
Do you believe in magic: Hell yes!
Tagging: @succumb-to-your-king @may85 @ritualmichael @rooker-character-fics @sarcastic-writing @yes-sir-mr-tom @bamby0304 @iamkatehardy @hardyimagines @deartomhardy
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may85 · 6 months ago
I need any all the Drover/Jack Clancy you can give me. I have no true request ideas but that man is taking up so much room in my head and I can’t stop thinking about him. 🤤
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Let me just say that Drover is on my mind A LOT! I mean, the way he looks at Lady Ashley... The EMOTIONS... Feckin' hell! I can see Drover just doing the little things.
Simple things like walking past you and his hand moving over your back with a soft " Love you Darlin'."
Or the classic smiling and/or watching you from afar as you speak to others.
And the kissing... Just shut the front door! The type of kisses where your lips barely touch...
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Good lawd!
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may85 · 5 years ago
Send me a prompt or two for Hopper!
Drabble List #2
New drabble prompt list! Feel free to reblog!
“That’s how the story goes.”
“None of this is your fault.”
“I know it hurts.”
“Are you serious?”
“You’re safe now.”
“No one’s going to hurt you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“This isn’t what I wanted.”
“My head hurts.”
“I’m right here, okay?”
“Wow, you look… amazing.”
“Are you okay?”
“Who did this?”
“I made a mistake.”
“When I’m with you, I’m home.”
“There’s nothing I can do anymore.”
“This is going to hurt.”
“That was kind of hot.”
“Please don’t let me be alone.”
“Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken.”
“It’s never too late to get back up again.”
“What if one day I wake up and you don’t?”
“I immediately regret this decision.”
“I’m not okay.”
“I’m scared.”
“You’re the one thing keeping me sane right now.”
“Please stay with me.”
“Please help me.”
“It’s okay to cry.”
“Is that blood?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“You’re everything to me.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Are you testing me?”
“I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
“I’m lost without you.”
“You have my word.”
“I’m just tired.”
“It just… hurts.”
“Do you promise?”
“I’m not drunk enough for this.”
“Why are you shaking?”
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“Please don’t shut me out.”
“Go back to sleep.”
“I can take care of myself just fine.”
“This is new.”
“Take off your shirt.”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“I’m sorry.”
“They’re gone.”
“Just smile. I really need you to smile right now.”
“Would you just hold still?”
“I miss the way things used to be.”
“Am I dead?”
“Look at me.”
“Can we just pretend like we’re normal for once?”
“I told you not to fall in love with me.”
“Please shut up. Just shut up.”
“Please tell me it’s going to be okay.”
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.”
“When you smile, I fall apart.”
“If I die, I’m never speaking to you again.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“This isn’t what it looks like.”
“I just really miss talking to you.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I’ve got you.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“Please don’t say goodbye.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“There is nothing wrong with you.”
“I’m just looking out for you.”
“Be careful.”
“You owe me.”
“Come with me.”
“I trust you.”
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
“I’ve been praying for you.”
“Take my jacket. It’s cold outside.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Let me help.”
“Come here.”
“You’re holding back.”
“Remember when we were little?”
“We’re all a little stronger than we think we are.”
“Don’t sell yourself short.”
“This isn’t who I am.”
“I’m willing to wait for it.”
“Are you ready for this?”
“You can do this.”
“Your life was my life’s best part.”
“You were always gold to me.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m fine with where I am now.”
“We all want to be somebody.”
“Promise me you’ll come back.”
“I don’t know anyone else who can make me feel this way.”
“I’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me.”
“I believe in you.”
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