#bob krane
samtallchester · 2 months
Someone needs to bring back the smart 🤝 impulsive 🤝 clumsy trio.
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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lab rats text posts (part 19)
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eatmarcus · 3 days
the fuck are my students doing bro
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chasesvillainera · 1 year
Sebastian and Marcus are on basically the same level of evil and I’ll prove it.
Bad Dads: Douglas my absolute beloved but he wasn’t great to Marcus, and with the timeline we get the only thing that makes sense is that Krane also had a hand in raising him. Marcus chose to be evil but the way he grew up left him no other option.
And of course, Sebastian had Krane and he was mind controlled probably most of his life.
In conclusion: Fuck Krane (no Douglas not like that)
Relationship with the Rats: Marcus sought them out specifically for the purpose of capturing them, it worked like a charm because they really wanted friends. We didn’t see much of it but he integrated himself enough to become their bestie. It was a plan from start to finish. (Side note: In Concert in a Can when he meets Donald for the first time and is like “omg you’re Donald Davenport!!” I like to imagine that Douglas told him “yea just stroke his ego a little. He’ll be putty in your hands)
The first time Sebastian meets the gang (we’re ignoring Secret Soldiers for this purpose because actions under mind control don’t count) he’s bonded with Adam like a baby duck, trying to find a home for his siblings. When they’re at the academy he’s super into the learning and wants to go on missions! Then he learns about Krane, and when he stages his rebellion he manipulates Chase into helping the same way Marcus did, just with less planning.
Crimes Begin: Marcus tried to murder Leo many times before the first Showdown to get him out of the way—the self-driving car, the robot in the lair, and then many times in Showdown. Leo’s only alive because he’s extraordinary clever, and because they weren’t gonna kill the protagonist on a Disney show.
Sebastian tried to kill Donald as a method of revenge—“a father for a father” type thing.
Crimes Continue: In Showdown, the goal was to abduct Adam, Bree, and Chase and make them bionic soldiers. Marcus then tried to shove Chase into a giant meat grinder (which we don’t talk about enough wtf) and tried to kill Leo again. Basically, doing what his dad had trained him to do for as long as he’s been alive. It’s bad but he doesn’t know how to be good.
I honestly don’t know what the goal of Rebellion was, but I’ll take the worst interpretation and say Seb wanted to kill the Rats + Donald and break everyone off the island. Not great but there’s very likely some residual brainwashing lingering there. I’m thinking about that scene in Screaming Skull where Adam tells Bob “oh right, you’re a blank slate cause of Krane’s mind control” when he doesn’t know what Halloween is. It’s possible the soldiers have been under his control most of their lives, and I can’t imagine what that kind of constant exposure to the Triton app would do to their brains. Anyway, in his head, Davenport wiped out his father and then took him and his siblings and made them into his soldiers. Which is basically Bionic Showdown from the Rats’ perspective. Again, not good, but can see how he got there.
Ending: Marcus got crushed by the rubble, then brought back, then killed again, then killed again. No that’s not a typo it happened twice.
Sebastian went to prison, and based on what we learned about the virus in One of Us it’s possible he blew up.
Neither of them got vindicated by the show.
Anyway I don’t know what the point of this is but I wanted to share it.
(PS: They’re both gay)
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Controversial Opinion: I like season four of Lab Rats. I just like seeing Leo going on missions. The season overall feels unfocused and doesn’t have a clear plot like season two with Marcus and season three with Krane. The fourth season just doesn’t have a focus. Like Giselle shows up in the two-parter “Bionic Action Hero” and gets Marcus. Giselle isn’t seen until finale which is a lot later. Then in the “Space Colony” two parter, Krane comes back and gets killed off again. I still ask the question, why was Krane brought back again? His ending in season three was fine and worked. The season often plotless in places.
The season isn’t character focused. Granted the specials did try and focus on one member of the main cast. “Bionic Action Hero” was Bree focused. “Space Colony” was Adam focused. “On the Edge” was Leo focused. Still, didn’t feel like character centered season. Plus, students aren’t really developed outside of Spin, Bob, and Taylor. That is also the whole Daniel thing(I actually like Daniel despite being a can of worms). I think everyone in the Lab Rats fandom could talk for days about the mess that is Daniel.
I just like seeing Leo in the field despite Leo getting short end of stick a lot for time. There is something satisfying after watching Leo work his way from little brother to mission specialist to working in the field along side his family. Plus, the moment when Leo become a mentor is just so great! Leo finally gets some recognition from his family and those around him. “On the Edge” special is mess, but it has some really great Leo moments. Season four has a lot of Leo just talking to people and showing some humanity to them. Overall, season four is a mess but I enjoy the mess overall.
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htishk · 7 months
jo also die erste Woche ist rum, es ist wie zu erwarten einiges passiert, coole Sachen und Sachen die mich zum Nachdenken gebracht haben. Wir sind uns näher gekommen. Es fühlt sich vertraut an. Heute wo E. gefahren ist, sind alle etwas ruhiger geworden. Es fühlt sich an als hätten wir die turbulente Zeit überstanden und jeder atmet in Ruhe durch. Ich bin gespannt auf die nächsten Tage. Wie es sich weiterhin entwickelt.
Freitag: letztes Zusammenpacken, Spazieren gehen und Gym, Wohnung aufräumen und Pflazen gießen. Zu Tina und dann zu dir fahren. Bei dir ankommen, reden, die erste Nervosität über den kommenden Urlaub genießen
Samstag: Bei dir aufwachen, zusammenpacken, ins Auto, M abholen. Flug von München/Rom/Malta. Zur Wohnung Ubern und die gute Meerluft mit Abgasen genießen. Auf der Suche nach einer Pizzeria die ersten Straßen erkunden.
Sonntag: San Pawl il-Bahar, Stadt erkunden, Boote und Krane bei der Arbeit sehen. Frisbi im Salinas National Park.
Montag: Dingli Cliffs, hin gebolted, rum geklettert, höhlen erforscht und die Cliffs begutachtet
Dienstag: Chateau Buskett gestartet und dann nach Siggiewi, dort gegessen um dann nach Zebbug zu gehen, wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang
Mittwoch: Mellieha Heights, M knickt auf den ehemaligen Riffs um, wir erkunden den komplette oberen Zipfel der Insel, gehen Essen. Wir schlafen auf einer Wiese im Gras und genießen die Sonne
Donnerstag: Chill tag mit Frisbi im Salinas National Park, ich gehe einkaufen und koche Abends
Freitag: Aufstehen, nach Gzira K. aufgabeln dann über Ta`Xbiex nach Floriana und Valletta von dort abends nach St. Giljan zum Feiern gehen. Ich bin alleine Nachhause gefahren, konnte in Ruhe duschen. auf 4 uhr sind die anderen nach Hause gekommen.
Samstag: Ausschlafen mit kleinem Quicki und Pfannkuchen zum Frühstück. Auskatern und Kino ausflug nach St. Giljan ins Kino um Bob Marle anzuschauen. Vorher noch Abendessen in einer Pizzeria.
Sonntag 18.02.: Ausschlafen, E ist heim geflogen. Wir haben gefrühstückt und genießen die Ruhe. Später noch kleiner Spaziergang.
Montag: 19.02.: Aufstehen, zusammenpacken, boldern zum Hafen, nach Gozo, coole überfahrt, suche nach einer Apotheke, bolder zum südwestlichen Ende der Insel in die Nähe des ´Santwarju Puniku-Ruman ta' Ras il-Wardija` Tempels, über die Dwejra Bay, kurz die turisten im Blue Hole bewundert, gleich weiter hoch in Richtung Wied ir-Raghab. Absolut perfekter Sunset Spot mit großer Chillung.
Dienstag: 20.02.: Hafenstädte Senglea, Vittoriosa und Kalkara. Bolder nach Senglea, Frühstücken ma Hafen mit kleiner Regeneinlage kurzer Garten besuch, Gnien il-Gardjola. Dann weiter am Hafen entlang nach Vittoriosa, Forti Sant´Anglu, am Malta at War Museum vorbei, Richtung Kalkara zum Heritage Malata an der rießigen Glaskugel des ESplora Interactive Science Centre vorbei zur Rinella Bay. Von dort beschlossen, kein Bock mehr aber wir brauchen nen Sunset spot, also wieder hoch, auf die Forti San Salvatur, dann weiter zum Gemstones. Dann wieder chillig heim, super schöner Sunset.
Mittwoch: 21.02.: Absoluter chill Tag mit viel Regen
Donnerstag: 22.02.: Blolder nach Ras il-Qammieh am Red Tower vorbei in Richtung Popeye Village, kurz Bier auffüllen dann weiter runter, super tollen Smoker Spot, (L-Għawseġ) längere chillung dann wieder hoch, kurzer verschnaufer und weiter, M ist angeschlagen und Krank, wir düsen nach Hause und bestellen Burger. toller Sunset.
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thedragonemperess · 3 years
Who's a bigger himbo- Bob or Adam?
Also side note, I feel like if the show gave someone else heat vision, and we were discussing a power swap au, I feel like we would agree to not give heat vision to Adam kajdnd
See, if we were to take this literally, neither of them are himhos
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mcnetdehaans · 4 years
Bree, Bob, Owen, Oliver, Janelle, and Jordan?
oh this is hard
marry bree because do i even need an explanation for this
kiss janelle because i just love her yk
push eliteforce!oliver off a cliff but if we’re talking about mightymed!oliver then roommates with him
i’m gonna get cancelled for this but set bob on fire but i hope he survives it
wrap a blanket around jordan because she deserves all the love and affection in the world
be roommates with owen because he just seems like a cool guy
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neurodivenport · 1 year
Every time I watch one of the Academy episodes and laugh at Bob and Adam’s antics, I then immediately remember that Bob was one of Krane’s soldiers.
That gives me so many questions
bob can throw shit like CRAZY so its no wonder but also. is he also airheaded under krane's control? or is he smartened-up
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symbioteburnout · 3 years
Thoughts on Extreme Carnage
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Now that I’ve had a chance to ‘digest’ the events of Extreme Carnage, I think I’m ready to give my opinion on the event as a whole.
The Good
We finally get that long awaited reunion with Andi and Flash, and it was easily the best part of this event. Along with the creation of Silence. Personally, I still prefer Mania as Andi’s go-to symbiote, and I wasn’t too fussy on her being Scream’s new host, but I think I can get behind Silence.
The issues where Chris Mooneyham is on the art are easily the best drawn in the event, and my preferred artist. I’m kind of wishing he was the only artist on this project instead of changing artists between books.
I liked the team up of Flash Andi and Bren, I love that how this event was clearly made to hype up Venom 2 but instead what we got are more people demanding more books with Flash and his two kids.
The Bad
It’s rushed, there’s no doubt in my mind this event was rushed. You have four writers and several artists working on this book together, it could have, and should have been better written and more planned out. The constant change of writers and artists caused a change in tone between issues where we’d go from dark, to light hearted, back to dark, then dark some more, then a little lighter, then dark again. It honestly reminds me of the problems with the Star Wars sequel trilogy. There was no plan, Marvel just assembled this creative team, told them ‘we need a Carnage event to build hype for the movie’ and then left them to their own devices.
That ending, God that ending was awful. Carnage and Agony get away, Carnage now has an upgrade in the form of Tony Stark’s Extremis Symbiote, Senator Krane is dead but he got what he wanted in the end (anti-alien predjudice is through the roof, people are more afraid than ever), and then there’s the fact that Flash bonded SLEEPER with his war buddy Hank without Hank’s knowledge or consent (I mean, Hank really didn’t do much in this event anyway but the idea that Flash did that to him doesn’t sit right with me).
The constant changing of artists between issues causes character appearances to drastically change in each book. It is most noticeable with Andi as she frequently has a different haircuit depending on which artist is drawing her (Mooneyham; short haircut. Sandoval; long hair. Galan; bob. Garcia; short haircut).
Tony Stark experimenting on symbiotes with Extremis tech and treating them like ‘just suits’. Flash does sort of call him out for this, but doesn’t do much beyond that, and of course, all Tony’s experimenting winds up doing is giving Carnage an upgrade.
All in all, this event just kinda ‘happens’, and apart from Andi’s new symbiote and Carnage’s Extremis, not much has really changed. It was kind of just a nothing event.
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spikettekrane · 3 years
Do you want kids?
Honestly, I want kids more than anything. Ever since being saved from Krane seeing families have always made me a bit sad from what I missed but knowing I could give another person that childhood I’ve always wished for me makes me happy.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my current family with the Davenports and the rest of my crazy family( Especially Logan and Bob.) Having a family of my own has always seemed nice. I’m currently not in relationship though. Well I kinda am…It’s complicated. Once I settle down with someone I’ll start a family of my own.
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boystownhq · 4 years
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Due to inactivity, unfollow:
Due to personal reasons, unfollow:
Due to lack of blog submission, disregard:
Silvio Pavoletti
Lorenzo Zurzolo and Rome Flynn are now open. Ryan Guzman, Wilmer Valderrama, Louis Hofman, Beau Mirchoff, Ashton Irwin, Brandon Larracuente, Freddie Stroma, Apollo Price, Grant Gustin, Bob Morley, Noah Centineo, Ronen Rubinstein, Conrad Ricamora, and Matthew Daddario are retired.
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beastkeeper91 · 5 years
Ask my Hazbin OC's
1:Hellwatch Band
9:Abby/Charlie and Vaggie's Daughter
12:el bruto carmesí
13:Charlie's Uncles
14:Brad Hellman
16:Max the Wendigo
21:Ella and Emma
24:Queen of Hearts
30:Jovak & Frank
34:The Terror Sisters
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chasesvillainera · 1 year
Little au discussion plz 😊
Hey! Ty for the ask!!
I've talked a little about it before, but the gist is I got back into the LR fandom after a decade and immediately started stanning an unpopular character and shipping a rare ship. So I decided to rewrite S4 to suit my own whims.
The plot--Everything up until Bionic Rebellion happens as usual. I'm counting Sebchase relationship as usual because we all know it was happening. The Hydroloop tunnel still blows up but Chase swoops in and manages to explain what Krane really was before the other students start rebelling. This is the start of the Sebastian redemption arc.
So it's technically a "Bionic Island but ft. happy Chase" AU, but I didn't stop the rebellion completely because I love drama. I'm also using it as an excuse to really dive into the students trauma, like the little snippet I wrote about how Chase's override app in that one episode probably triggered them.
In addition to the Sebchase goodness, the AU also features
--Seb and Adam sharing custody of Bob while hating each other
--The Mighty Med universe gets tied in when the League of Heroes comes looking for Douglas. He's done some things.
--Skylar comes to hang out at the academy to see about getting her powers back. Brylar ensues.
--Sebastian, Taylor, and Logan being the next generation of bionic siblings
--My personal crackship: Adam x Experion. It started as a joke now I can't get out
--Tasha being the best mom ever
--Marcus redemption at some point probably
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