#the bit where he goes my dad will call me like 'oh i didn't tell you about this transfer or this minute detail'
elloras · 1 year
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I'd never seen this interview before and I'm very emotional about it
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drsbutmakeitspicy · 3 months
A bit in the future of the Single Dad!Carlos CarCar au:
Carlos was on a video call with other members of the team on a Friday afternoon of a rather cold day, a boring meeting that could have been an email, a meeting that he didn't even need to be part of. He could be relaxing analyzing some data he has been given early this morning while sitting on the bean bag by the baby mattress on the floor, where Catalina slept. Or he could be home by now, making dinner and washing clothes as she slept. His thoughts get interrupted by a knock at his door, before he can say anything Lando makes his way inside with Oscar right behind.
During non-race weeks the drivers had meetings with race engineer and strategists, sim work and marketing duties. 
“I'M DONE WITH TODAY, WHERE IS SHE?” Lando announced as he goes in, Carlos was glad he was muted.
”Lando! shh” Oscar says in a loud whisper, pointing to the toddler who now got her big brow eyes open and her faint eyebrows narrowed looking at Lando while still laying down. One of the many rules at the Sainz office was: Never wake up the baby, but if you do, you deal with her wrath.
She makes small whimpering noises as the first tears leave her eyes. “Oh baby girl, I'm so sorry.” he tells her in a sweet voice, crouching down with Oscar by his side watching the Brit try his best. Carlos keeps his eyes both on the call and the boys, watching the disaster he knows is about to happen.
As Lando picks her up she lets out a wail and cries loudly.  “No no no baby, Uncle Lando didn't mean to scare you!”
She is shoving his chest looking around searching for her father, still a bit confused from sleep. It was the worst choice Lando could make, he forgot that in situations like this Carlos lay down by her side and caress her hair until she falls asleep again.
He is also starting to panic as swaying her is not helping. Oscar sigh “Lina, baby.” He puts both hands in front of her, grabbing her attention. 
A gesture that she learned by the time she was 7 months old, he is asking if she wants him to hold her.
“Hey, it's not fair! She always wants you” and sure enough she extends her arms, small hiccups still leaving her mouth as she babbles nonsense for him. 
“You're okay baby, see? Uncle Lando didn't mean to scare you.” She is grabbing his shirt as he cuddles her close, swaying slightly.
Oscar makes eye contact with Carlos, who is up from his seat, ready to do something about the whole scene and watches his daughter rub her face on Oscar's hoodie - there's a chance she will fall asleep again, good. - he thinks as he sits down.
“In the kitchen fridge, inside the pink bag.” is all he says to the Aussie who already knows what to do. “Lan, let's give her a bottle and see if she will go back to sleep, maybe she will forgive you after.”
Lando just scoff with a disgusted expression “She absolutely love me Mr. Piastri! If you give me her right now you will see Uncle Lando is the best, aren't I, Catalina?”
“She will cry again, Lando. Just go to the kitchen while I deal with this meeting.” Carlos hands Lando a baby blanket and shoos them away, mouthing a ‘thanks’ to Oscar.
Before closing the door they can hear Carlos apologizing and asking someone to repeat the question. As it closes with a click they turn right on the corridor.
Lando has the baby blanket around his neck, walking a bit behind Oscar, faking that it's a fancy scarf, throwing it back and making silly faces which has earned him some giggles from the little girl that is laying her head on Oscar's shoulder.
“You cannot tell me she loves you more because you have sisters, mate.”
Oscar turns his face to look back at Lando, confused.
“Well, good. Cause I never told you that. I said I know what to do because I have 3 sisters and helped my mother with them growing up.” 
The small kitchen is not far from Carlos office as he is one of the few people that uses it.
“Then why is she so attached to you?”
Lando puts the tiny blanket on Oscar's shoulder as he goes to open the fridge, grabbing the pink bag and setting it on the table.
Oscar uses the corner of the blanket to wipe her tears. “I don't know.” She giggles when he nuzzles his nose on her hair, tiny hands grabbing the yellow blanket.“She just chose me, mate.” The beeping of the microwave grabs Lando’s attention. “See if it's the right temperature, I'll try to set her on the high chair.” Before Oscar can turn around-
“No high chairs.” He is surprised to see Carlos walk in. “Maybe if she agrees Lando can hold her as she drinks, no?” 
“Why no high chairs?”
“I'll explain later.”
Carlos ask Lando to pass the bottle checks it's temperature, he points for Lando to sit down on the big bean bag on the corner and turns to Catalina in Oscar's arms.
“C'mon princesa, you're probably hungry.” she goes with him easily babbling ‘papapapapa’.
“Be good Cariño” he tells her as he hands her to Lando who is distracting her with the warm bottle, pretending it's a plane.
The Brit sticks his tongue out in Oscar’s direction as if saying I won as she accepted the bottle from him. Drinking happily while looking around, trying to grab Lando's curls.
Carlos steps back to where the Aussie is, his fingers touching Oscar's in a light caress barely noticeable to others, repeating the motion enough times to make it known as not an accident. They stand there watching how Lina smiles with her eyes as Lando baby talks to her.
Oscar feels bad lying to Lando, but he also knows the Brit is horrible at keeping secrets, he doesn't know how Catalina is still a secret for the media.
He knows why Lina is attached to him, he just couldn't mention how many nights he spent at the Spanish man's house reading her stories, helping her with her dinner. He couldn't mention how he was there for them when she got the scary high fever Carlos always talks about. He couldn't tell Lando that he ended up falling for the man and god forbid he finds out they kissed for the first time last night. 
“You're drinking too fast Miss Lina, this is almost empty. Can she have another one ?” he looks at Carlos who takes a step creating a gap between him and the blushing Aussie.
“Only one is fine, try to burp her Lando, you remember how, no?”
“Pff, yea” As Lando gets in his own world talking to the toddler and patting her back Oscar takes his place back close to Carlos and laces their fingers, squeezing it twice.
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Todoroki x m reader who has really powerful quirk (maybe something like wanda from marvel?). What would endeavour think about shoto dating a guy? Would he liked it bc reader has a good quirk?
That's a good question 👀 I had to rewrite a lot of this cause it didn't save.
𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦 𝔵 𝔪!𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔞'𝔰 𝔓𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰
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Endeavor is one of those parents who acts supportive but is still heavily questioning it on the inside.
He always imagined Shoto would grow up to marry a woman and have children to pass his quirk onto.
Emphasis on the part about wanting grandchildren who have powerful quirks.
So the idea of Shoto being with a guy kinda ruins that (unless you're afab, but don't bother trying to explain that to him because his old ass won't understand).
At first he assumed you and Shoto were rivals of some sort.
Whenever Shoto said he was going to hang out with you, he pictured you two sparring or something.
In reality, you two were going on dates.
Shoto doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he loves you, he's open about it. His father is just stupid.
It doesn't matter how obvious he is about it—
"I really like him, he's extremely handsome and charming."
"I can't tonight father, y/n and I are going out."
"I really admire him. I couldn't imagine a world without him."
—his dad just doesn't catch on.
Shoto doesn't go to his dad for dating advice either, he goes to Fuyumi.
She was a bit surprised to find that Shoto was crushing on a boy, not a girl, but either way she was supportive and gave him some advice.
You were a bit stand offish.
You agreed to go on the dates, and it was clear that you reciprocated his feelings, but something was pushing you away.
Todoroki eventually asked you about it.
"If it's something I'm doing, you can tell me."
You nervously scratch your arm, and open your mouth to speak-
But unfortunately, you scratching your arm made Todoroki panic.
"Oh no, did I make you injure your arm as well? I knew I was the hand crusher, I don't understand why I'm cursed to be this-"
How can someone be so smart, yet so stupid?
You calm him down, assuring him that your arm was not injured.
You were just nervous because of your quirk.
It was powerful, and you were grateful for that, but there had been too many close calls where you lost control. You were worried about hurting him.
Todoroki listened to you rant for a bit, before stopping you.
"I know what it feels like to reject a part of yourself, it's only going to hold you back. You need to make the quirk your own in order to control it. I can always help you, if you want."
"Y/N...I could never be scared of you."
After that night, your walls started going down, and you two became official.
Fuyumi, wanting to finally meet you, invited you over for dinner.
Natsuo couldn't make it, so it was only you, Shoto, Fuyumi, and Endeavor.
"Dad, this is my boyfriend—"
Endeavor spits out his water- "BOYFRIEND?!"
"That's what I said."
Endeavor then tries to explain that he wants grandchildren.
Todoroki reminds him that he's still only in high school, so having children isn't even on the table right now.
Endeavor tries to save himself by saying in the future, he wants grandchildren.
Todoroki argues that they shouldn't be worried about that right now.
This keeps going back and forth.
The night ends, and Fuyumi is embarrassed on her father's behalf.
She sends you off with left over food as an apology.
After that, Endeavor tries to be accepting towards it.
He's trying to be a better father, and being supportive of his son's choices is a part of it.
And he's glad that you have a strong quirk at least.
It's just that in his eyes, you're competition because of how powerful you are.
He wants Shoto be the next number one, and you could possibly be a threat to that.
Either way, Todoroki brings you over for dinner often just to annoy his father.
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rxsilabeth--er · 6 months
could i get a regulus black and male reader, modern au or just a muggle au? (up to you tbh) where the reader is ghostface and regulus finds out. i would like to ask of it being suggestive or to where you limit your nsfw requests, but if you're not up for it you could change it up to however you feel fit! (..i may send more regulus requests because i'm severely deprived-)
:: Oh please be with me tonight, Mr.Ghostface!!
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Now calling......author: "Hello? Yes, this was a bit hard to write, I will admit cause I'm not sure about Ghostface....But I love my Reggie and he deserves love..."
Now calling......synopsis: "...Through the night, Regulus finds himself running through the forest followed keenly by a certain someone he knows...and when he's caught...may god help him..."
Now calling......warnings: "Stalking, blood, murder, running through forest, Male!Reader, sexual content (not smut), ghostface, Reg has a mask kink? Don't know, degradation...Anyways, tell me if there is something I didn't add...Modern!AU. Trans!Regulus.. This is so shitty.."
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Paying for it, she quickly pulled a newspaper, reading the top news, "...Wow, second murder in the city..No wonder they're sending us home early..." Dorcas said reading the newest case, sighing as she walked beside Regulus who nodded with her. Barty, Evan & Pandora's houses were on the opposite side, thank god Dorcas's house came in the same direction as his..It was getting dark..
As he and Dorcas parted ways and he reached home, he removed his shoes and began taking off his tie as he sat on his bed, sighing. Changing into his home clothes, he looked at his phone, a message from Barty:
"Hey Reggie, do you mind coming home to tutor me for a while? Dad approved of you, ma is out of town?? :>"
Regulus contemplated a while since it was nearly dark outside and the city wasn't really the safest after dark and Barty lived on the near outskirts of the city, which is more often than not goes through a bit of a forestry area...But he couldn't really refuse if Barty needed help. Sighing he figured he'll bring some shit to protect himself, he isn't an idiot..
Sighing, he texted Sirius,
"i'm going out, don't make dinner." and texted Barty as well,
"Alright. I'm staying over though cause it's fucking dangerous outside."
Before he simply walked out of his house, putting on some sport shoes, a taser in his pocket, softly fiddling with his keys softly. Walking, it started out normal, the sunset was actually rather pretty with it's splashes of pink, orange and blue, it made him feel happy, but he hurried his steps through the sidewalk. Greeting the florist lady, from whom he regularly took flowers for his friend group, with a sweet smile and a nod...
Walking with his hands in his pockets, he held the taser tightly as it began to get darker with the orange and pink turning into a dark blue and black..the further he walked, the more deserted it got, until Regulus was walking with his keys in one hand and the taser in there, alert at even the most minor sound.
The looming sound of the night is never something that doesn't scare a person. It's not the darkness that scars the person, it's what insides that scares you, but Regulus won't be one to say he's brave enough, cause he's truly not... Walking softly on the highway, pulling up the hood of his hoodie, as he walked. The bridge wasn't too far away, just crossing that and a bit more walking before reaching Barty's house.
a strange aura filled the highway, something looming over, his gut telling him to turn over and run, yet his brain tried to stay rational and stay calm, he had his taser and it would be easier to reach Barty's home than turn over...God, why was Barty's house to far away? It's not his fault though...
Walking as he walked down the road to the bridge, it was totally pitch black in the sky, the weird feeling not going away and only getting stronger, his breath becoming heavier for no absolute reason, the bridge and the area reeking of danger and desperation...
Softly walking, his steps fast yet he was making sure his steps didn't make much noise, no idea why, his gut told him to do so..walking closer to the road under the bridge, he heard pants, and the sounds of deep breaths and metal rubbing against stone along with the smell of wet metal...Getting closer and closer, he had no idea why his body refused to obey him now, he was gonna get killed! He leaned over softly and his stomach twisted into knots..
Blood everywhere with a body laying there, a black figure over it with a ghost face mask holding a hammer dripping with blood..Shitshitshit..Talking a few steps back, Regulus tried to make sure he wasn't breathing as if his single breath could get him killed tonight...
Just as he turned, his hand slipped as his taser fell with a cling on the floor
Regulus didn't even realize how he legs carried him down the road down to the edge of the forest, running as fast as his body and legs would allow him, but the sight of the figure following him was enough to tear him up from the inside as he ran through the forest, not knowing where he was headed...sounds of the dried leaves crunching underneath his feet as he ran with a towering figure's shadow covering him as he ran with the person behind him..
How long had he been running for? It did not matter as his legs started to cramp up, but he couldn't possibly stop now..No...He continued to use his hurting, tired legs to run until finally his heart twisted...Dead end.
Looking for anything as he reached the wall of another high-way bridge, he had no where to run as his vision was covered with shadow of black and red as the figure stepped closer and closer, a laugh spilling from the person's mouth... Regulus had no where of going...
The figure walked closer, inches apart, they banged the hammer beside Regulus's head, a hand snaking to wrap around his throat, pressing down softly, making Regulus's breath hitch as he lost his breath,
"Oh, sweetheart, sorry you had to see that.." a voice said, deep and clear, said clicking his tongue, making Regulus look down. the hand wrapped tightly around his throat, pressing down more making Regulus look up as both his hands wrapped around the person's wrist, blood has started to stain down his throat and cheeks from the blood of the person's earlier victim...
There was something messed up about himself.. Regulus felt, his cheeks warming up as the man wrapped his hand around Regulus's throat...
"Now why don't you try to forget what happened back there? Hm...?" the man asked, leaning close making Regulus's breath hitch, was it excitement, nervousness, fear, arousal, or something in between?! He could not tell!
Why was this happening?!
The man applied more pressure on Regulus's throat, his knees becoming weak and were about to buckle beneath him and give out, arousal had begun pooling in his stomach or was it his clit...? He couldn't tell, why was this turning him on!? This shouldn't turn him on! The man dropped the hammer, the pressure on the throat not allowing him to breath softly loosened as the man's voice came out in a mocking laugh,
"Regulus?...Regulus Black?! From school?" the man said with a mocking laugh making Regulus whip up, as he tried to struggle out, which only resulted in him being pushed against the wall more with the man's body pressing against his, their knee in between his thighs, brushing softly...fuck
The man angrily wrestled him to the ground, trapping his arms in their own muscular arm, before the man tied them behind his back with their belt, now completely forcing him down as the man clicked his tongue,
"You're fucking lucky I know you so well...You won't be recognizable and they wouldn't even find half your body...You're truly lucky, sweetheart." the man said again wrapping his hand around his throat, turning him on his back,
"Now, struggle again and you won't move a muscle again." the man said threatening, tightening his grip around his throat...Regulus could not understand who this man was, he understood they went to school together, but who was it..?
Regulus's mind wasn't working, all he knew was this guy was pinning him on the ground, his arms were tied behind his back, this guy was probably gonna kill him, this man had a hand wrapped around his throat, this guy had his knee in between his thighs pressing against his clit and Regulus was getting wet...
This was messed up...fuck...Not only that, Regulus could tell this guy knew what he was feeling on his thigh which was pressing against his cunt.
Embarrassment pooled in his stomach, clouding his mind as he squeezed his eyes shut... As if reading Regulus's mind the man laughed softly, the hand wrapped around his throat loosened as it snaked up to his jaw and his cheek, cupping his face roughly.
"Open your eyes." the man ordered, refusing to obey this or open his eyes due to the major embarrassment Regulus felt, the man squeezed his cheeks more roughly,
"I said open your eyes or your pretty skin will be stained with blood not that idiots but your own now." The man whispered calmly but the words were alarming, making Regulus open his eyes softly to stare at the Ghost face mask above him, the man sighed softly,
"Aren't you fucked up? Is this how you feel when someone holds your life above your head, you whore yourself out, Regulus?" The man said chuckling, his other hand rubbing up and down his side,
"Aren't you from a esteemed family, from a rich and respectable family? And you're here being a cheap whore to someone who might just take your life in a matter of seconds?" the man asked with a mocking laugh, his hand going back from his cheek to his throat,
"I can feel your cunt on my thigh, you're getting wet, aren't you?..Tch" the man simply clicked his tongue, "Keep this in your mind, Black. If my name gets out about being a murderer, your body won't ever be found if it's the last thing I do." he whispered before taking off his mask to reveal..You.
YOU?! You, the great, respectable, sweetheart, chaotic person he liked from high-school but never had the courage to talk to?! You, you kill people?...That's so fucked up...yet why was it turning him on more when you glared down at him...
He felt himself throbbing now..this was not good...
"oh, getting excited, are we? Tch...stupid slut." you said clicking your tongue as you leaned down, cupping his cheek while the other hand rubbed his side softly, as your hand cupped his cheek roughly, softly painting his cheek with red..
Oh how good it looked against his pale skin, you just wanted to bruise him and see how pretty he'd look... You sighed, pulling him up to peck his lips softly,
"..Fuck, pretty boy...guess you're gonna be a bit late to where you headed this late..Huh?"
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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daytaker · 6 months
Can I request a fic where MC is sort of a pathological liar? and they lie about stuff that ultimately doesn't matter, but they can't help it? Also, if it could be Mammon x mc centric that would be amazing, but it doesn't have to be. I love your writing!! bye bye
POV: You are cldhart08. You forgot you sent this to me. Two full months later, you get a notification that daytaker replied to your ask.
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Pants on Fire
Ships: (Lowkey) Mammon/Reader, Beel & Reader Word Count: ~1.1k CW: lying (general), lying about medical conditions, bullying Mammon
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So you're a bit of a liar.
"I was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. I wasn't breathing or anything, and my dad actually fainted.
...Or a lot of a liar.
"Did you know my second cousin actually dated Selena Gomez for awhile?"
One might even go so far as to call your lying 'pathological'.
"I actually have a severe tree nut allergy, so I'll pass on that. Thanks though."
There was never any logic to it. The lies just came out. You never felt guilty about it, because no one got hurt. So there wasn't really anything to worry about, right?
You sit on the floor outside of Mammon's room, hugging your knees, when a big, hulking form slumps down the wall onto the floor beside you.
"Oh... Hey, Beel," you say. You're not even trying to pretend as if nothing's wrong.
"Hello." He looks at Mammon's door, then at you. "Did you knock?"
You sigh, then demonstrate to Beel what happens when you knock on Mammon's door. A muffled voice comes from inside.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," you reply.
"I already told you! If you're a scummy, lyin' human, you can go eat nuts for all I care! I'm never talkin' to you again so you might as well stop wastin' both our times!"
"He's talking to you now," Beel points out, and it's hard to argue with his logic.
"Who the hell was that? Beel? Fine, then I'll only talk to you to tell you to fluff off, how's that?"
You rub your eyes tiredly and Beel leans in a little, speaking lower so Mammon can't hear him. "If you just leave, he'll come looking for you in about ten or twenty minutes."
"If I leave, he's going to think I'm not sorry." Hugging your knees, you shake your head. "I am sorry."
"Is this about the thing at the student council meeting and the nuts?"
You shudder at the memory.
You hadn't even thought about it at the time.
You never particularly liked nuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, chestnuts... not even peanuts outside their butter form. So when Mammon asked you why you declined to try a rather nut-heavy dish prepared by Barbatos himself, you simply told him you were allergic. "If I even get a whiff of them, my body goes into anaphylactic shock."
"What the hell's that?"
"Basically, my immune system goes haywire, and if I don't get the right kind of shot in the first few minutes, I'm a goner."
At the time, Mammon had seemed impressed by how close you skated to death, risking your life by casually allowing tree nuts to continue existing around you. And you? You'd enjoyed the brief attention.
At the time.
That was weeks ago, so it was far from your mind as you accepted some human world trail mix from Beel while you sat, bored out of your wits, through another student council meeting. You picked out most of the nuts, of course, but in the end, you swallowed the imperfectly sorted handful.
And Mammon lost it.
Diavolo, who had been in the middle of speaking, stuttered to a halt as everyone looked over to Mammon, who was simultaneously cradling you and screaming obscenities at an utterly bewildered Beelzebub. In the moment, you'd sort of frozen up and said nothing. Mammon...
Mammon was crying.
He was crying and yelling ridiculous instructions to everyone in the room and getting extremely angry when the others didn't seem to see what the issue was.
"They're gonna go into analgesic shock and die if we don't do somethin' fast! Do none of you bird brains get that?!"
He begged you to tell him how to get that shot you needed, that... what was it, an Apple Pen?
...It was several minutes before you were able to get the truth out.
Force the truth out, more like. Telling that truth made you almost wish you really had gone into anaphylactic shock. That seemed like an easier way to go than looking Mammon in the eye, in front of all his brothers and Diavolo, and explain that you didn't actually have that allergy. That you'd lied.
And of course, of course, the onus fell on Mammon for believing it.
Satan and Asmo sighed at how someone so stupid could function. Levi posted on Devilgram about how you'd epically trolled Mammon. Lucifer scolded Mammon for his overreaction, and Belphie just glowered at Mammon for waking him up with all his shrieking.
And you, you sort of...said nothing.
"Ah," Beel says, nodding. "You feel bad that you made him look stupid."
"No," you groaned, frustrated at your inability to articulate exactly what it was that felt so off. "It's... He really thought I was going to die. I scared him. And then everyone treated him like a gullible idiot. So...I guess I made him look stupid, but..."
Beel stares at you. His expression is blank, but in a soft sort of way. It's oddly comforting.
"He got made into a laughing stock because I told him a lie, and he reacted to it....the way someone would react if they thought someone they really cared about was in danger. I feel guilty for lying and worrying him, and I feel worse that I just let everyone tear into him like always, when all he did was try to take care of me."
The door you're leaning against swings open behind you and you fall flat on your back in Mammon's doorway. The demon stares down at you with a mixture of righteous contempt and a flustered embarrassment that was so painfully typical of Mammon.
"Yeah! And you should feel guilty! You're a real asshole, ya know that?"
You blink up at him and offer a weak smile. "...Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."
Mammon folds his arms. "You really think you can just come snivelin' up to me and beg for forgiveness, and I'll just hand it to ya?"
Beel looks between you and Mammon, watching the conversation unfold with the same mild interest he'd show while staring at a somewhat unimpressive exhibit at the zoo.
"...Well, today just so happens to be your lucky day," Mammon continues. "The Great Mammon, the big guy himself, has decided to forgive your tiny mortal soul for bein' a total jackass and liar. You're welcome. Don't expect it to happen again."
Still lying on your back, you grin at Mammon. "Thanks, Great Mammon."
The demon clears his throat and looks away. "Anyway. Our turn to make dinner tonight, so..." With that, he walked right past you and darted down the stairs.
Typical Mammon.
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maochira · 1 year
the dads coming back home and then smelling something burnt in the kitchen and it’s just the reader’s failed attempt to make dinner bc they wanted their dads to rest. 🐈‍⬛
Do the Blue Lock dads ever get a break from their kid's chaos? 😭
Characters: Ego, Noa, Chris, Lavinho, Snuffy
Requests open! - masterlist - dad!Ego masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, single father!character
The moment Ego walks into the kitchen, you can see the disappointment on his face. "What in the... What did you do now?" He looks at you with a strict expression. "I got hungry," You answer and look at the pan with the burnt food in it, "But I think I left it on there a little too long." - "A little?" Ego points at the pan. "That's literally completely burnt. How did you even manage to do that?" He's getting more and more frustrated each moment and now starts counting all the things that could have gone wrong and how you could have caused a fire if you weren't careful enough. "...I'm sorry," You apologize when your father is done scolding you, "I just didn't want you to have any extra work because of me." Ego is silent for a moment. He's about to scold you more because you still ended up causing extra dishes to clean up, but seeing how sorry you are makes him soften up a little. "It's okay, I'm not mad. Just... disappointed. And worried."
As soon as Noa gets home, he panics because all he smells is smoke and he's afraid a fire has started. He calls for you and soon finds you in the kitchen where you're opening a window and about to throw some burnt food into the trashcan. "Don't tell me you burnt your food again." Noa sighs and looks around the kitchen, only to see the mess you caused there. "Okay, I won't tell you." You laugh nervously, hoping your father isn't mad at what you did. From his facial expression, it's hard to figure out what he's thinking and feeling right now, but you can already imagine that he's disappointed. "Didn't I tell you last week to be more careful?" Noa collects the dirty kitchen utensils laying around and puts them into the sink, "Listen, I'm tired and I-" - "That's why I tried to cook." - "Huh?" Noa turns his gaze back to you. "You do so much already, so I thought... I could make dinner before you get home." Your father's disappointment vanishes quickly and is replaced by a little bit of pride. "That's really nice of you. But you know you don't have to do that, right? I'm your father so even when I'm tired I'll still take care of you."
When Chris enters the house and smells smoke, he goes into panic mode immediately. He's so afraid a small fire started somewhere and he's even more afraid that you might be hurt. He starts calling your name and you can hear the worry in his voice. When Chris finds you in the kitchen and realizes you're fine, he immediately runs up to you and pulls you into a hug. "Oh my... You're fine. Thank god. I was afraid you might have gotten hurt." The worry in his voice is still prominent as his embrace tightens to the point where you can barely breathe. "Dad- I need air-" Chris quickly lets you go and it's only at this moment when you notice the tears in his eyes. He was this worried about you. He doesn't care about the mess you caused in the kitchen and neither does he care about the burnt food on the stove. He really just cares about you being okay. "Don't scare me like that ever again, okay?" Chris looks right into your eyes and tries to sound strict, but he's too much of a soft dad for that.
Lavinho is surprised by the smell in the house, but he quickly figures out it's just caused by you burning food. Usually, Lavinho isn't strict at all, but when he enters the kitchen he has the most serious face you've ever seen on him. "Dad I swear I-" - "What did I tell you about being in the kitchen all on your own?" Lavinho's voice is stern as he walks closer to you. You knew you'd get scolded to some extent, but your father's usual way of doing that still has some sense of lightheartedness and humour. It's so out of character for him to act and sound so strict. And just as you're about to answer again, Lavinho breaks that facade and starts laughing. "Oh come on, did you seriously think I was mad at you?" - "You really seemed like it..." - "I could never be mad at you! Now come here," Your father quickly pulls you into a hug and pats your back. "But I still meant what I said. You're not experienced enough to cook all on your own yet, alright?" - "I know dad, I'm sorry." Lavinho pulls away from the hug and looks at you, this time with an expression that's much more usual for him. "Now let's get this mess cleaned up and then we'll cook something together, alright?"
This isn't the first time you've burnt your food this week, so Snuffy isn't surprised about being met with the smell of something burnt when he returns home. He knows you're probably already cleaning up anyways, so he just calls out for you to let you know he's back home. A few minutes later, he enters the kitchen, where he sees you trying to scrape off burnt bits of food from a pan. "You need some help with that?" Snuffy chuckles and wants to take it out of your hands, but you refuse to let him. "No, it's alright, I'll do it," You insist and continue what you've started, "I don't wanna cause any extra work for you, you know..." A sense of pride fills Snuffy after you say that. "Don't worry about that, it's my job to care for you, you know?" - "Yes, but I still want to do at least something. Also, I caused uh..." You pause for a moment to look around the kitchen, "I caused this mess. I'm cleaning it." Snuffy just stands there for a bit while you continue cleaning the mess you've caused. He wants to help you, but he knows you wouldn't let him. And as he watches you, he gets another idea. "Hey kid, how about we order some food instead of cooking again and causing more dishes to clean?"
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @gojosorrygeto @luvcalico @truegoist @st4rcheese @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @blueberrryui @https-archangel @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @mang05 @astruosie @vanitasbrainrot @toruden @mafuyudonutt @weichspuelertrinker @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @yellowelectroslime @deerangle3 @yerinsshi
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91dawsonmercer · 5 months
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I accepted the job in Newark, and the last week had been spent packing up the apartment with the help from mom and dad. I was worried about how Odessa was going to take the move, but once she heard we would only be a couple minutes from Jack and Luke she was all for it. I had all of the major things shipped to Jack and Luke's apartment in case the moving company took longer than expected, but everything got here on time.
I unlocked the door to the new apartment and Odessa let go of my hand and ran in. I watched as she ran through the small walkway in-between boxes and spun around to face me when she reached the window.
"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded before running back to me.
"I see my room?"
"There's nothing in there yet, but I'll show you."
I picked her up and carried her back the hallway to her room. I pushed the door open, and she wiggled out of my arms and walked around to get a better look at it.
"When's Rowdy and Lukey coming?"
"After they are done at practice. You're going to go play with Owen while we get everything unpacked."
"Owen!? I haven't seen him in forever, mommy."
"I know. We need to get you out of your pjs so you are ready for when Curtis comes to pick you up. They should be getting out of practice right about now."
"I wear my Rowdy jersey?"
"What about the hoodie? I should know where it is."
"Okay, mommy."
I got Odessa ready and was in the middle of tying her shoes when my phone started ringing.
"Nope, it's Curtis."
I accepted the call and put it on speaker.
"Hey. I'm leaving the rink now. Do I have to buzz in or anything?"
"I can just meet you downstairs to make it easier on you."
"It's up to you. I told Owen before I left this morning and Reanne said he hasn't stopped asking when she's coming."
"Awe, Dess is excited too. Just text or call me when you are here and I'll run her down."
"Sounds good."
Curtis came and got Odessa and I've started unpacking. I opened the one box as the door opened.
"Kind of unsafe to just leave your door unlocked with a toddler running around, you know." Jack says, causing me to look over at him.
"The said toddler isn't here, Curtis already came to get her. Plus I knew you guys were on your way and that's the only reason it's unlocked."
"What he already got her? I didn't even get to see her."
"You'll see her later, Luke. Hi Dawson, Hi Nico."
"Oh yeah, we brought our pest and the stray chihuahua that lives in the building. Hope you don't mind."
"Honestly, I would rather be a pest than get called a chihuahua." Nico says, looking over at Dawson.
"You live in the building, Dawson?"
"Yeah, like two floors up."
"So if you ever need something call him first. He can get here before we can."
The guys and I got everything unpacked. We got all of the furniture built except for Odessa's new bed and Nico and Luke insisted on trying to put it together themselves so we all are just sitting in her room watching them try to figure it out.
"Where's this go?" Nico asks, looking over at Luke.
"It's the headboard, idiot." I tell him, causing him to give me a dirty look.
"Rusty, tell your sister to get out."
"Yeah y/n. Get out if you aren't going to help."
"I've tried to help. You guys won't let me."
"Mommy!" Odessa yells as she runs into the room with Curtis following behind her.
"Hi, baby. Did you have fun?"
"Mhm. Owen and I played hockey!"
"Oh, dumb and dumber building a toddler bed? This has got to be interesting."
"They aren't very good at it. Thanks for taking her for a little bit."
"No problem."
"Well, I give up. Gimme my niece." Luke says and goes to reach for Odessa, but she runs to Jack instead.
"Dessa who is your favorite Uncle?" Curtis asks her and she acts like she is thinking about it.
"Hm…. Quinner."
"What?!" Jack moves her away from him and stands up. "I'm hurt, Odessa."
"You get over it."
"The sass she has."
"She got it from Rowdy."
"Nuh uh! I am not sassy."
"Uh huh! Mimi tells me too."
"Yeah, well Mimi lies."
"I tell her you say that. Where's my ipad, mommy?"
Jacks face changes from amusement to panic in a matter of seconds when Odessa brings up calling mom.
"There's no need to call Mimi. I'm sorry."
"Awe, is little Jacky still afraid of his mommy?" Curtis asks as Odessa walks over and sits beside Dawson.
"Have you seen the woman when she is pissed off? It's like y/n but times a million."
"Yeah that does sound terrifying. I need to get going. I told Owen I wasn't staying and that I would be back to read to him before bed."
"Thanks again, Curtis."
"You're welcome."
"What? It's already almost bedtime?" Nico asks, flipping his phone over. "We spent the whole day unpacking?"
"We've been done unpacking for a solid minute. You guys spent like three hours trying to build the bed." Dawson tells him as Curtis walks out.
"Do you need us for anything else?" Jack asks and I shake my head no.
"No, I think that's everything. Thank you and I owe you all-"
"Drinks." Jack interrupts.
"Sure, if that's what you guys want."
"But you have to come out with us. Luke can babysit."
"What? How is that fair to me?"
Jack and Luke go to start arguing but Nico's laughing makes them stop.
"Is she sleeping?"
I look over and Odessa is using Dawson's arm as a pillow and has one hundred percent fallen asleep.
"Yeah, she's out." I got up and picked her up without waking her. I carried her to my room and laid her down, making a little barrier so she wouldn't roll off of the bed.
I walked out of my room and the guys were all putting their shoes on.
"We're gonna head out."
"Okay. Thanks again, I really appreciate all the help."
"You're welcome. Goodnight."
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lolathestoryteller · 5 months
This is a fun one I thought up. A jily lives Christmas AU, where young Harry thinks his mom cheating on dad with Santa(but plot twist, it’s James dressed as Santa😄)
*I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep*
“*yawn* what is those sounds? A burglar?? I should warn daddy!*
*goes quietly downstairs and peeks*
‘W what? Mummy is kissing Santa?? Daddy will be so sad! Better tell him tomorrow morning’
Hiya there Anon! Sorry for my late reply, had a busy week! Anyways, this one made me smile haha — I hope it makes you smile too! :)
Potter Manor; the following morning…
« Hey! There’s my little man! » James calls out as he sees Harry walking into the kitchen.
He pulls back the chair next to his, inviting the six year old to sit down. « Sleep well, Snitch? » he asks, gently ruffling Harry’s messy curls.
Harry looks down onto his still empty plate, not meeting James’s eyes as he says very seriously: « Daddy…I got to tell you something bad. »
James raises a suspicious brow at his son, leaning closer to him. « Something bad, huh? » he asks, not entirely sure whether it’d be actually bad or rather just cheeky.
You really never know with Harry — he is the son of a Marauder after all.
« Yeah, » Harry replies, his voice barely above a whisper, before he finally looks up to meet James’s eyes. « But I don’t want you to be sad… »
Alright, this sounds like the bad bad type then.
James scoots his chair closer to Harry’s, bending low to be on eye level with his son. « What happened, Harry? » he asks, getting genuinely worried.
Harry bites at his lower lip, in the exact same way James has seen another person do whenever she’s nervous — it makes him smile a bit despite his worry.
Seems he’s just as much his Mother’s son.
« I saw Mummy last night…I— I thought I heard a noise, so I went downstairs because what if it was a burglar…? » Harry explains with all the typical childlike imagination.
James shakes his head at his son’s cheek. « You went downstairs past bedtime? » he asks with a falsely stern tone. « Better not tell Mummy that. »
« No, but Dad, I saw Mummy kissing Santa last night! » Harry suddenly blurts, his green eyes wide and his little hands now grasping onto James’s forearm.
Oh, that.
Seems they haven’t been as quiet as he’d thought.
James tries his very best not to start laughing, but when in that exact moment, Lily enters the kitchen, his resolve completely melts away. « Did you? » he asks, chuckling at Harry’s incredulous expression. « Did Mummy kiss Santa? »
He meets Lily’s confused eyes, which suddenly glimmer with embarrassment. « What? » she asks, looking from James to Harry and back. « James! Why would you—»
« Seems our son saw you and Santa beneath the Mistletoe last night, Lil. » James cuts her off amusedly. « Care to explain? »
Lily’s eyes narrow in a way that tells him he’d just dug his own grave, though James thinks it might have been worth the laugh.
« Harry, Mummy did not kiss Santa. » she explains with all the patience she can muster as she crouches down in front of the six year old.
Harry crosses his arms doubtfully. « But I saw you. » he replies matter of factly, causing Lily to sigh and James to bite back another laugh. « You said you loved his beard and then you kissed him! On the lips! »
James thinks despite her serious facade, Lily’s just as amused by this as he is. He decides to finally help her out of this, rather hilarious, situation. « That wasn’t Santa, » he explains, causing Harry to look up at him confusedly. « That was just Daddy dressed up as Santa. »
James thinks he’s never seen Harry look so flabbergasted before. « Why did you dress up as Santa? » he asks as though that was the most ridiculous thing ever. « Santa’s like, way older too. » he grimaces, turning back to look at Lily, utterly confused.
She chuckles discreetly into her palm, but James only smirks — he’s definitely going to sleep on the sofa for this one. « Well, Snitch, what can I say…your Mum just has a thing for older men. »
« James Potter! »
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Joining in with the group excited about oddduck! - maybe Bruce asking Clark’s permission to take reader to a gala that’s sponsoring something she’s interested in just as a thank you Clark it’s not a date stop looking at me like that
"Hey," Clark said, frowning at the sounds of glasses clinking and people laughing over classical music, "Lois and I were wondering if you were free tonight?"
"I'm a little busy-"
"Oh is the school doing a thing? We could-"
"I'm in Prague, actually."
"Oh with- why?" His frown deepens. Over the phone he can hear your heart kick up and you sound tense.
"Y/N?" the deep voice calling your name made Clark freeze for just a second and he almost dropped the phone. "Everything okay?"
"I've gotta go," you tell him, putting your phone back in your bag, "I'll text you."
And when the line goes dead, Clark growls to himself. "That son of a bit-"
"Clark? Is Y/N coming or-"
"She's in Prague," Clark growled, "With Bruce Wayne."
"Oh I hope she wore the red Velvet dress- she looks so pretty in it-"
"Clark," she snorted. "She's a doctor. She's your age. If she wants to go to Prague with a Billionaire who probably read all of her books this week and hangs on her every word... What's it hurt?"
"It's not- he's not-"
"Jesus Christ, Smallville," Lois snorted. "You're not her dad. She doesn't even know her dad-"
"If he breaks her heart, you can hold him while I hit him. Until then let her live. What's the worst that could happen? He pays for her to bounce around and follow rabbits down holes to her heart's content? You gotta watch them kiss sometimes? She gets to be loved like she deserves?" Lois smiled a little. "She's stronger than you think she is Clark. And Bruce won't let her get hurt."
"Everything Alright?" Bruce asked, offering you his jacket against the chill.
"Fine," you answer, smiling a little, "I- Clark called and it's usually better to answer. He worries."
"Can't imagine why," Bruce chuckled, "Hard to see what trouble you could get into-"
"Depends," you answer, "I did sprain my ankle at Versailles once and gave myself an appalling cold researching at a castle in Bavaria when I got caught in the rain-"
"Harrowing ordeals indeed-"
"And then there was once where I got kidnapped in Berlin and the time I nearly got arrested in Istanbul. And the Time I did get arrested in London-"
"How?" Bruce asked incredulously, chuckling in disbelief.
"I'm very accident-prone," you tell him, nodding earnestly. "Except for the kidnapping it was mostly just a series of misunderstandings."
Bruce smiled and started to lead you back inside, snagging you a glass of champagne, "I'll have to keep an eye on you then. I'd hate for something to happen before I get to read your next book-"
"You read-"
"Of course I did," he said, cheeks darkening. "Your research and narrative flow really- I mean. I'm just ashamed I didn't read them sooner."
"I- oh- um-"
"How do you do it?" he asked, "make all that so easy to understand?"
You look down, feeling flustered. Embarrassed. And take a deep breath, hoping he wouldn't laugh. "I just tell the stories I wanted to read when I was little." And when he doesn't laugh. When a gentle hand tucks a lock of hair back behind your ear, back out of your eyes, you look up slowly.
"Beautiful and brilliant," Bruce hummed. "Lucky me."
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A fanfic based on @thekoopalingsandstuffs blog! Specifically, a non-canon event where KAS canon Dieter meets an alternate version where Kaley and Beef put him up for adoption.
TW: Use of the f-slur, forshadowing of death, mention of child abandonment
The Difference Between Us
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They stared at each other, their identical eyes locking through the barrier of their identical shades. Identical bandanas, identical ties, identical names... It was like looking into a mirror. A twisted mirror. They were the evil versions of one another, a selfish pervert and a faggot pansy. The latter's mind was preoccupied with an upcoming football game that weekend. The former was mentally reciting his plan for Theresa to finally "open up" to him with force. The chatter of the other patrons of Applebuzzys filled the air, but were soon muffled by the deafening silence that overcame them. Neither had spoken a word to the other. They didn't know what to say.
"I don't feel like sharing a name with a wannabe, so... I'mma call you Dee." The other bit his lip. Fine. Dieter and Dee. "So Dee," Dieter sneered as he bit into a boneless wing, not even stopping to finish chewing before resuming his thought. "Ya heard of this cute girl named Theresa?"
Cringing at the brute's lack of basic table manners, he took an awkward sip of his drink. "I know someone who used to be Theresa. He goes by Spewart now. We now live near each other after being apart for a long time." Dieter grimaced. "Yer one of them queers, arentcha?" He stared back at the former with contempt. "Whaddaya mean by that?" Dieter scoffed.
"Thinking you can change your gender and stuff. You believe in that faggot stuff?"
Hearing the slur made his blood boil. The differences between him and his doppelganger were becoming more evident. Still, he decided to resume the conversation... Perhaps it would get better as they went on? "I just do what makes him happy. Wouldn't do that for your... Partner-friend?" Dieter gave a loud sigh. "When I'm with my girlfriend, we have a good time. Don't stop to think if I'm happy, cause I already am."
Oh great, he talks in circles too, he thought to himself. "So uh... What kind of dates do you and... "Theresa" go on?"
"Glad you asked!" Dieter beamed, though it looked like a sinister smirk. Guess he always looked like an evil bastard. "We do everything... Go to games, go to watch movies, go out to eat... The only thing we don't do yet is sweet lovemaking, but I'll get her to do that soon."
The only word he could think of was "gross". The way he thought of his girlfriend, assuming his Spewart didn't discover he was Spewart yet, as an accessory and not a person... Whatever events led him to not be like Dieter, he thanked the gods for. "How are you able to pay for all that? Do you work, or something?"
"Uh, no, my parents pay for it. Why would I work?" Because I do so I can pay for my dates. He obviously didn't say that, not wanting to argue with a brick wall. Or worse, a conservative. "Just asking..." Dieter stuck up his nose, if he had a nose. "My parents give me anything I want. They're like, the best." "I can tell." He took a sip of the iced drink to cool off a bit, just talking to Dieter was making his blood boil.
The waiter came by to hand them their entrées. "What about yours? Are they as cool as mine?" He hesitated and cleared his mouth. "My dad is cool, I'd say." "What bout your mom?" "I don't have one." "What??" Dieter was so taken aback, it seemed like he didn't know what a single parent was. "Where's you mom? Did she die or something?" He humbly smiled. "No. My birth parents put me up for adoption. I was eleven. It was the last time I saw Spewart before we met again in Darklands."
Dieter thought for a bit. "That means... You're an orphan? HA! Imagine being an orphan..." This was the final straw. He called the waiter over. "I'd like a to-go container and my half of the check, please." The waiter nodded and left.
"What- Hey, what the fuck? I thought you wanted me here to discuss how cool it is to be Dieter Fitness, or something!" Dieter threw his arms to the air. "Why are ya leaving so soon?" He placed his food in the containers and wrote the tip amount before handing the waiter the cash. "My uh... My head hurts. And I don't want to get you sick."
Dieter blinked. "I guess that's fair... It would be pretty pathetic to get sick, at a time like this." He politely nodded and took his food. "Nice meeting you." "You too, I guess. Seeya, orphan." He forced a smile and left. They would not see each other ever again, as Dieter would fall to a sharp and chilling fate just two days later.
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ago0112 · 12 days
The Bear, The Bard, and Hamlet
Christopher Storer pulls from so many media types, music, movies, opera, theater, and it's beautiful. He is on point with Alfred Hitchcock in telling stories visually.
Like others have mentioned @gingergofastboatsmojito @thoughtfulchaos773 @currymanganese he pulls from the Bard, William Shakespeare. Fairest Creatures and Midsummers Night's Dream.
Another is Hamlet. Long story short, Hamlet's uncle kills his dad, marries his mom, and he goes, rightfully so, a bit mental with wanting revenge. (Yes, yes, yes, it's far more poetic than that. Worry pas, I get it. My dad is a retired English Lit professor.)
So, how does this relate to The Bear? Well, Mikey is definitely the stand in dad for Carmy and Nat. But, take it a step further. Their dad, seemingly, vanished, left them. Their "uncles," Lee and Jimmy, are connected with unsavory types. *cough *cough the mob. Mikey, Donna, and Jimmy say he wasn't good with the business. This has me wondering if, like with his son's, he went looking for a loan that he either couldn't, didn't, or wouldn't pay back. Not that Jimmy or Lee killed him, but they know what happened to him. And I feel that they also had something to do with Mikey's death. Again, not that they did it, but they know more than they are letting on. Jimmy feels so guilty this season. And felt so guilty to give Mikey the money in the first place. Where is that guilt coming from?
So, back to it. Carmy is Hamlet (Hamlet is driven by revenge. Carmy is driven by a need to prove himself for attention and acceptance. And kinda revenge, too.) Mikey is King Hamlet (king Hamlet is Hamlet's father. Mikey is the stand in dad to the bear siblings). Claudius is Uncle Lee (fucking asshole abusive prick. And I know there's more to Mikey's death and Lee had a part to play.) Donna is Gertude (Hamlet's relationship with his mother was strained and she was also poisoned. Carmy's relationship with Donna is messed up and her drinking also isn't good for her.) Ophelia is Claire (She gets burned by Hamlet. Not literally. Which does happen to Claire. No matter how I might feel about her.) Jimmy is Polonius ( "He is the chief counsellor of the play's ultimate villain". Jimmy is in businesss with Lee. And Polonius is supposed to be a busy body. Which, let's face it, Jimmy is.) Fak and Teddy are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (I want more space for them lol.)
Let's add the other Shakespeare plays in here, too, so we can get a good idea of the whole complete story of the Bear.
I also love that Richie is Puck. His fucking dream weave, people.
The rest of the Faks are The mechanicals.
Syd is like Cordelia. (King Lear's youngest daughter. Yes, I know, another play but still relevant. She refuses to wax poetically about the love of her father in public just to get some land. He refuses her and makes her life hard... Syd's not signing the agreement and is not really enjoying this version of Carmy.) She's honest, true, and brave. Puts up with a lot of shit.
I'd like to go back to two characters though. Dum and Dummer, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern or Neil and Teddy Fak.
In Hamlet
"They are two old school friends of Hamlet, and they come to visit him after his father's death, though it turns out that they are called to Denmark by King Claudius and Queen Gertrude to spy on Hamlet. They represent corruption and deceit in the play, and their existence and actions are full of irony."
Wait, what was that last part again?
"They represent corruption and deceit in the play, and their existence and actions are full of irony."
Hamlet ends up killing them, lol.
I don't think Carmy will. But it's definitely going to be interesting. Oh, Ophelia goes mad (because of Hamlet) and drowns herself...I don't want that for Claire. Hopefully, she moves on. Clearly they aren't good for each other.
Also, Richie, I want more of your dream weave. Lord, what fools these mortals be, am I right? Come on Robin Goodfellow, show us the goods.
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Car Trouble
Fandom: The Last of Us
Pairing: Tommy Miller x F!Reader
Summary: You help run your dad's car shop and Tommy Miller is a frequent customer.
A/N: Y/N goes by Sunshine/Sunny Girl and i guess this can be pre-breakout
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You're filing some paperwork for your dad when the front door of the shop opens. The familiar ring above it making you look up. A smile immediately makes its way onto your face, "Car trouble again, cowboy?"
Tommy Miller strolls up to the counter where you are, "You already know it." It's the third time this month that he's come to your dad's shop.
The first was because of a dead battery, another was because of leak.
"What's going on this time?" you pull up his profile on the computer ready to put a request of whatever it is that needs to be done.
"Flat tire. Must've run over a nail or something. Luckily I was nearby, so I came straight here. Joel's not too happy I'll probably be late today."
You typing at the computer, completely unaware of how Tommy is looking you up and down, "Alright. I'll get Diego to look at it."
"Your dad's not in today?" he leans up against the counter so he's a bit closer to you. You smell the scent of his cologne and the cigarette on his breath.
"He had doctor's and then I told him to stay home. Diego, Mikey, Marcus, and I got it."
"Sunny Girl!" a Latino man, around ten years older than Tommy, enters from the door that leads to the garage.
"Yeah?" You look over your shoulder to see your coworker and friend approaching. You shoot him a smile and turn back to the computer.
Before Diego replies, he sees Tommy, "Heeey! What's up, brother? Here again?" he pats Tommy on the shoulder.
Tommy gives a polite smile, "Yeah. Flat tire now. Ran over a nail."
Diego snorts, "You sure you didn't put the nail there yourself just to see Miss Sunshine here?" he gestures to you and you playfully swat at him with some papers.
"Diego, cut it out! What did you need to tell me?" you give Tommy look silently telling him 'Sorry'.
"Oh, you can call Miss Rita. Her car's ready. he pats the desk you're working at.
You give him a thumbs up and exclaim, "Got it!"
"I'll take a look at your car now, man," he then says to Tommy and before he heads back into the garage, he starts making kissing noises.
You crumple up some paper and throw it his way. He runs into the garage laughing. You then turn back to Tommy and clear your throat, "Sorry about him."
Tommy gives a deep chuckle and you can't help the way your heart quickens at the sound, "It's fine. I get it. You're like his little sister. He's gonna tease and mess with ya all he wants."
"All of these guys. They just love to mess with me."
Tommy took this as an opportunity, "Well, uh, if they ever bother you too much, you could gimme a call?"
You smirk at him, "Only for that?"
It was Tommy's turn to smirk, "Well, what else could you call me for?"
"Well my dad's place does need a new roof." Your response makes Tommy laugh.
"Sure. Any construction calls, I'll take."
"Aaaaand maybe if you want to grab a drink some time?"
Tommy's beaming at you now, "Well I definitely won't decline your call if it's for that."
"You free Friday?"
"I can be."
"Great! So I'll-"
"Sorry to interrupt lovebirds!" Diego interrupts you and then turns to Tommy, "So we patched up your tire. It was a minor puncture. Also filled air in your other tires too. Other than that, you're good to go."
Tommy is a bit disappointed that his time here was cut so short, "So Friday?"
You give him a confirming nod, "Friday. Six pm."
Tommy proceeds to pay and when you give him the receipt, your hands touch and your eyes meet. Both of you looking at each other with smiles on your faces.
He pulls away first, running a hand through his dark curls and clears his throat, "So, I'll see you Friday. You can call me and hash out the details later. I'll be seein' ya, Sunshine."
"See ya, cowboy," you tip an invisible cowboy hat his way and he chuckles.
He exits the shop and you watch him drive away.
"Oooohh wait 'til your dad finds out that you and Miller-"
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Hi so I just read the princess!reader and if it’s no trouble could u maybe do a part two? It’s just so good! Maybe one where Brienne meets the parents and they’re just as nice and welcoming as everyone. And then maybe r’s sister is a knight and she’s very composed but when she sees r is home she goes little sister mode and instantly runs to r? Thank you!!
A better World Pt.2
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 621
Warning: none
A/n: I had already thought about writing something like this, but wasn't sure if people would want to read it. So I was very happy about the request! I also wrote this with you @lord6-6fandom in mind.
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Just as you entered the hall you felt two arms wrap around your neck. Considering she still wore her armour, your sisters abrupt hug hurt a little bit.
"(Y/n) your back!! I've missed you so much. Never again leave me for so long." You tried lifting Ellaria, just like you did when you were young. But you failed miserably.
"You have grown up way too fast. I told you to stay little!" You grinned at her but fast you lost her. As she looked Brienne up and down with a smirk on her face. You could see Brienne stiffen at that, so you stepped back to stand with her.
"What beauty do you have here?" Brienne tensed even more at that statement, reminded of everyone always calling her "Brienne the Beauty" and not in a positive way. But you grabbed her hand and she saw how you and your sister giggled at that, so she understood that just like everything else that had happened today, your sister was being serious.
"Mother, father, Ellaria, this is Brienne of Tarth. The first female knight of Westeros and the most amazing woman, no person, I have ever met." You looked up at her and shyly smiled.
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you Brienne. (Y/n) has talked so much about you in her letters." Your mother pulled Brienne into a tight hug and didn't seem to notice that Brienne looked kind of startled at that. She wasn't used to being hugged. At all. It had already been a long way for you to touch her without her stiffening and stopping whatever she was doing.
Your father came forward and grabbed Brienne's hand. That was much more to her liking. "I am honoured to meet you Brienne of Tarth. Usually I would tell you how I am going to kill you if you hurt my daughter. But I trust that as a knight you know how to treat her and also, I am not sure you wouldn't kill me first." Your dad laughed at that, always thinking he is the funniest person. But you loved him, so you could look over the very unfunny jokes.
"Come on, let's sit down. It's not very comfortable standing around." Your mother gestured to the table, and you all followed her to sit down.
"(Y/n), because you basically dragged me here, I still don't have the present for your parents." Brienne whispered in your ear.
"Oh, love, that doesn't matter. Just give it to them later. They won't care." You smiled at her and to her surprise you kissed her. She wasn't used to that kind of affection in public. In Westeros most people would judge you if they saw you kiss. But here it didn't matter. No one cared.
Brienne laid her arm around your waist and, again patiently, answered all the questions your parents but mostly your sister had.
"I became a knight because of all the amazing things (Y/n) told us about you! You're my inspiration."
"Thank you, that's very kind of you." Brienne smiled shyly and as she looked at you, you could see some tears in her eyes.
Later, as you were back in your room Brienne grabbed your hips and lifted you up. She carried you to the bed and gently let you down. Hoovering over you, she kissed you, and you stroked the hair out of her face.
"I want to stay here. With you and your family, forever. We can get married and live happily, without people judging us. I have never felt so safe and accepted in my life."
"I would very much like that. It's sounds perfect." You smiled at her and pulled her down to kiss her.
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Friends (Last part for now)
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Clark took his car, which he had left at Marisol's just a few days ago. And like many other people, he too had a preference for older models and so he fulfilled a dream a long time ago. Even if it was quite expensive, especially the restoration of the '68 Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible. But money doesn't stink, as the saying goes.
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When Clark arrived at Oscar's, he was a little surprised and also shocked. "Tell me… Is there any reason for your child to be lying on the floor?"/ "I didn't want to take him out into the blazing sun, I just wanted to get something from the car". Clark stood open-mouthed in front of his friend. "Then you could have just put him in bed. Oh man, I think you're a bit overwhelmed, huh? Where's Vivienne?"/ "Working"
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Clark went to the little one and picked him up. "Really, she's going back to work so soon after giving birth? I thought she was taking time to enjoy being a mother first"/ "no, she's probably urgently needed at the institute and I have to get to grips with my role as a father first"/ "I have to do that too, okay? But I'm not just going to leave my child on the floor". Oscar was terribly uncomfortable with the whole situation and he was ashamed of it. "sorry, I…"…
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Clark went to Oscar and gave his son back into his arms. "Here, believe me, it's not that hard, okay?". Oscar held his son and looked at him. The little boy seemed happy and alert. "h-hh, I'm sorry, I'm a bad father"/ "Ow man, calm down now, nothing else has happened and I won't tell anyone, okay?"/ "O.k…. Thanks, I'll… I'll bring him inside".
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Oscar put his son to bed. And Clark was almost a little overwhelmed because he hardly recognized his old room. "Rainbow colors, really?"/ "I know, it would be too colorful for me too, but Vivi thought it would be good for his eyes to get used to the colorful world out there…"/ "If I were a baby, I'd close my eyes, these colors would drive me crazy"
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Clark looked at the rainbow on the wall for a moment and grinned inwardly. He thought back to the conversation with Marisol when he said that it was okay if his son was gay. "Hey, where are your thoughts right now?"/ "Sorry, somewhere else. How did you both come up with the name Trenton anyway?".
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"aah, that wasn't really my idea. Vivienne thought he absolutely had to have the name she'd read about in a book. "/"Does she decide everything about the little one?"/"huh? No, of course not. I find the name interesting, and the guy in her book had quite a charisma. She thinks our son is a bit like him." Clark shook his head with a smile. "o.k….I almost wanted to call ours Jimmy".
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"Jimmy? Because of Hendrix?"/ "hehe, exactly. Well, that was the first thing that came to my mind, but I didn't have time to suggest the name to her. I was just too perplexed when I saw him there for the first time."/ "Yeah well, but Enrico is great too…"/ "Rico, I'll always call him Rico . and Enrico when he's get cheeky, haha".
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Oscar realized how happy his best friend was. "Hehe… You're going to be a great dad, Clark"/ "hey, you too, huh? Just spend a bit more time with him, then something like before won't happen again." After these words, Oscar looked at his son again. "I do, but babies sleep a lot"/ "then use the time when he's awake, okay. You wouldn't believe how much the little ones are already aware of. And if you have any problems or questions…".
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"… Then you can always ask me or Marisol for help"/ "You're probably already the baby pros, hehe"/ "Well, maybe not pros, but not amateurs either, the baby course has really proved its worth. She just sent me a picture… oh man, the little one is amazing."/ "well, it can happen that quickly. Thank you. especially for your support".
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The two of them left the children's room and continued talking in the living room. "How are your therapies going?"/"Oh, quite well. It's just weird talking to nine other people in a circle. But we all have the same problem, triggered by other problems…"/ "And are the anonymous alcoholics really that anonymous?" / "hehe. Well, not quite. After a therapy session, some of them still meet up together somewhere".
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"hopefully not to drink, hehe"/ "sure, water, coffee, tea… mostly in the park. but I always go home afterwards, I don't want to miss anything here"/ "very good. Just keep at it, okay? I just wanted to stop by for a moment."/ "Do you have to go home again?"/ "No, to the jeweler"/ "Do you need new earrings?"…
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"Rings yes, but not for my ears". Oscar looked at him questioningly for a moment. But then something dawned on him. "What, you want… really?"/ "Well, not today and not tomorrow, but I at least want to have them in my pocket.". Oscar nodded in agreement and smiled "Yeah, it would be a bit early to ask her now…"/ "Exactly. But please don't tell anyone, okay?"/ "No, don't worry".
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Clark left again. He was sure that Oscar was back on the right track. When his little son called out loudly from the room, he apologized and wanted to take care of him straight away. So they said goodbye and planned to meet again soon. A lot has changed for Clark in the last few months. He has grown up a bit more. And he knows what is even more important in life than just music. He doesn't want to give up his passion, but he does want to cut back a little. For now, he is concentrating on his little family.
We are now leaving Lucky Palms for an indefinite period of time. If anyone would like me to stop by again, please let me know. But I also have to manage and organize my time well. So be patient with me. For now, I'll continue with Sunset Died for a while.
@cozygirlsimmer 💕💓
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jungwnies · 2 months
when love lasts ♡ 3 〰・unbelievable・〰
table of contents | next
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You walk over to the area your mom was gossiping and sit down, "What did you say at dinner?" You ask curiously.
Your mom clears her throat, "It's very rude to interrupt our conversation."
"I'm just curious though." You complain.
"We just thought you'd end up with my son one day." Soobin mom tells you, laughing.
You laugh, "What? Me and Soobin?"
Your mom nods, "You guys were so close before."
"I get bad vibes from Jaemin." His mom says, suddenly.
"I never knew Y/n had a boyfriend," Soobin says to Jaemin, grabbing your attention.
"I'm sure I mentioned it at the grocery store," you say, smiling.
Jaemin looks at you, displeased. "You guys went out together?"
"Well, not intentionally," you tell him. "We just ended up bumping into each other, so he helped me bring the groceries back home."
Jaemin nods and sits down next to you, beginning to help you cut vegetables. It was a little awkward at first, but they eventually found something to bond over—idol life and whatnot—so you just ended up listening to their conversation, your heart warm because there didn't seem to be any jealousy or tension between the two of them.
Your mom finally grabs all the prepared vegetables and throws them into the different dishes she's making. The three of you make your way to the living room where your sister and dad are seated. Soobin and Jaemin sit next to each other, and you make your way over to where your sister and dad are.
Your sister whispers, "They're like so buddy-buddy. I did not expect that."
You laugh slightly. "Neither did I."
Your mom calls everyone to the dinner table, and Soobin goes home not too long ago to freshen up and come back with his parents, as well as his nephew, who is staying with his parents while his sister goes out with her husband. The nephew sees you and smiles brightly.
"Y/n!" he screams, running towards you.
You open your arms wide. "Oh my god, you've grown so much!" you exclaim, squishing his face.
Soobin smiles at the interaction, and eventually, you all make your way to the dining table. You all say thank you to your mom for preparing the food and begin to eat.
"So, Y/n, how was your education at SNU?" Soobin's mom asks.
You smile. "It was really nice, and I'm excited to pursue my career, but I'm contemplating whether I want to work in Ansan or stay in Seoul."
Soobin's dad smiles at you. "What was your major again?"
"I decided to major in Psychology. I feel like no one talks about that enough in Korea," you tell him, smiling. "I think in a few years after working for a little bit, I'm going to study abroad to get my master's."
Your mom looks at you proudly. "That's my daughter!"
Jaemin sits quietly, answering a few questions here and there, but everyone is truly interested in your career and motivation to pursue university.
"What about kids and marriage, though? I think you should marry soon," your mom tells you.
You roll your eyes. "Eomma, I'm still young for marriage."
"I'm not asking you to have kids. As much as I would like grandkids, I'm just saying, maybe you can commit to someone," she tells you, smiling.
"Oh my god, you guys are dating?" Soobin's mom exclaims, looking at you and Jaemin.
You nod. "Yeah."
You see Soobin's mom whisper something to your mom, but you choose to ignore it.
The rest of the dinner goes smoothly, with your fathers drinking and talking, your mothers gossiping and talking about you guys, and your sister going to her room with her friend she asked to come over after dinner.
You walk over to the area your mom is gossiping and sit down. "What did you say at dinner?" you ask curiously.
Your mom clears her throat. "It's very rude to interrupt our conversation."
"I'm just curious, though," you complain.
"We just thought you'd end up with my son one day," Soobin's mom tells you, laughing.
You laugh. "What? Me and Soobin?"
Your mom nods. "You guys were so close before."
"I get bad vibes from Jaemin," Soobin's mom says suddenly.
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2024 © jungwnies
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12romy · 1 year
Hi Romy
This request is so random & slightly chaotic and I’m not sure if you still doing one-shots & requests but here goes nothing…
I have a one-shot prompt. 
Imagine Lewis & Charles are secretly married and they have a baby/young child (probably around 2/3 so that it corresponds with Charles age) who decided that after both his dads got a podium he wanted to be their to see them in the podium and with his granddad Anthony he run to them at parc ferme with no regards to the fact that their family dynamic is a secret🙃😅
Hi Anon!!!! What a lovely ask, thank you so much!!! I had so much fun writing this one ❤️❤️❤️
I ended up making it a slightly future fic, so this happens in 2027!
chewis kid fic/coming out~
Enjoy ^^
The second Charles took off his helmet, he heard a very familiar voice calling him, and for a second, his brain couldn't compute hearing his son scream "Papa" and standing in the parc ferme. Those were two elements that should never have met.
He snapped his head toward the voice and saw his son slip easily through the barriers and run toward him. He crouched down to catch the small kid running to him and stood up again with him secured in his arms.
"Leon, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed, finally taking in all the cameras aimed at them.
Well, fuck.
"You won!" his son exclaimed cheerfully as if it explained everything.
"And where's Grandpa? Did you run off? He must be so worried!"
Leon wasn't paying attention, however. Lewis had just popped into sight, taking off his helmet, and Charles didn't have time to do anything before Leon yelled a loud "Daddy!" extending his arms toward his father.
Lewis, just like Charles, needed a double take.
"Papa beat you!" Leon continued cheerfully as Lewis got close. Charles exchanged a worried look with him, and Lewis gave a powerless shrug.
"Yes, he did," he said, a soft smile on his lips as he looked at Charles before sobering up. "Leon, what did we say about the cameras?"
"Hmmmm, stay away?" the little boy tried with a small voice, burying his face against Charles' neck to hide from the scolding tone of his father.
"Exactly, you have to stay away from the cameras, buddy," Lewis continued, trying not to sound too stressed.
The crowd was getting agitated, and Charles could tell Lewis was losing patience.
"I swear, he gets that from you," Lewis continued to rant. "Always so reckless!"
"What?" Charles frowned. "Yeah well, your dad was supposed to look after him!"
"Don't drag my dad into this because your son-"
"My son? Oh yeah, sure, he's my son when he's misbehaving, but he's your son when he wins his first karting race? Remind me who said he could ask for whatever he wanted as a reward. I was against taking him here today!"
"I promised! I couldn't break a promise, and it's Silverstone, it's his favourite race! And you know he's been dying to come for ages-"
"Papa, Daddy, don't fight!" Leon cried out, sobbing, which was terribly efficient in shutting them both up.
"Oh, hey, no, mon coeur, don't cry!" Charles exclaimed. "Shh, it's okay, this is just a bit of a stressful moment..."
Lewis had stepped closer to embrace them both and calm their son. Charles noted distractingly that the crowd was going wild, but from the sound of it, they seemed to be cheering rather than booing. 
"Sorry for shouting, little one..." Lewis mumbled.
"I'm not little," he sniffled. "I'm four and a half, I'm big! Lila is the baby, not me!"
"Sorry, I know," Lewis chuckled, kissing the top of his head and his dark curls. "My big boy."
"At least, Lila is not running around the paddock, spilling our family secret," Charles rolled his eyes.
"Papa, you're silly! Lila can't walk yet," Leon giggled, correcting him.
His dimples were showing.
Someone cleared his throat behind them, and they turned to find themselves facing Nico Rosberg and Arthur Leclerc.
"Tonton!" Leon exclaimed, switching to French, wriggling out of Charles' arms to run to Arthur.
"Alaïa was very sad not to be able to babysit you this weekend," Nico said gently, ruffling his hair. Leon took a sad expression - he had a cute little crush on the teenage girl, something that Charles found hilarious, and Lewis, absolutely dreadful.
"I'm still waiting for you to congratulate me on my podium, you little monster! " Arthur smiled, scooping him up in his arms, and Leon kissed his cheek. "How about we let your dads do their interviews, huh? Bet they have a loooot of things to say."
Charles sighed. It really wasn't how they had planned on coming out - actually, they hadn't planned anything, assuming they would take care of it once they'd both retired.
"Fine," he grumbled and snatched the mic from this brother's hand.
"Let's just do this one together," Lewis said, getting closer to Charles and putting a hand around his waist. Charles blushed, unused to the PDA after years of hiding - and despite eight years of marriage, he was still sensitive to every little attention from Lewis.
Nico's blinding smile was slightly unnerving. He was awfully smug to be the one to conduct that particular interview.
Charles smiled the entire time. Now they would be able to wear their rings without hiding.
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