#the answer is jason todd btw
jjjammerson · 28 days
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you couldn’t guess my fav 🤷🏾
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audhd-nightwing · 4 months
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bulletsxlattes · 4 months
Replying to your post about some Jaytim requests
So I have this envision of gamer Tim in an oversized t-shirt hanging off his shoulder, bare legs and wearing a cat eared headset. And having Jason maybe turned on or something seeing Tim like that
I started writing a fic about it but I’m in a bit of a slump atm. I had Tim opening the door in my story. Jay not expecting it. But for sketching purposes, them together cuddled up could be cute! Ooh that’s where my story could go since I was going to have Tim injured his leg 🙌
Anyway if that’s something you like, go for it!😊 If not totally understand and good luck! 🫶
Look forward to see what you’ll create ❤️ (PS - I’ve never done anything like this before. Giving ideas)
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Hello, mccutcheon121 !! Thanks for the request! And dont worry about it being your first time sending one! It was a great request :) I decided to do a little bit of everything you mentioned 😅 so I hope you don't mind and I wish you the best of luck with completing your fic!
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agropuff · 7 months
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guess who just read titans beast world and almost seized
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donnatroyyyy · 1 year
Dick and Jason fighting:
Dick: you’re nothing but a scummy, worthless piece of shit! I hope you die again! You should’ve never come back in the first place!
Jason: oh yeah?! Well you’re nothing than a big fake who doesn’t deserve to be here with the family or with superheroes in general! There’s a reason why you’re the one Bruce took the longest to adopt! It’s because you’re not worth it! You’re worthless and nobody loves you!
Dick: well at least I can get my own juice box from the grocery shop! But oh no I’m Jason Todd, the favorite child because I fucking died and I need to do everything criminally because I’m rebelling! Get over yourself you ass no one thinks you’re cool!
Jason: and people think you’re cool?! With your fucking mullet phase and need to over sexualize yourself?! Yeah fucking sure, stop blowing this out of proportion it’s a fucking juicebox!
Dick: and you’re just a fucking failure but oh look at that— Bruce still loves you for some reason!
Jason: what you’re sad cuz he doesn’t love you?!
Dick: and you’re sad because you never had a real mother?
*five minutes later*
Dick, in Jason’s doorway, has done this a million times before with all his siblings: I’m going to bat burger
Jason, was contemplating burning down Dick’s apartment, and also wanted to go ask Dick his opinion on some cargos but didn’t want to be the first to cave: I’m coming with
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nubimera · 1 year
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Artemis babe, wait for me, I'm coming
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from chapter 12 of Chained: To Wield the Blade we have Forged by Tinerian aka @redhoodinternaldialectical
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northsealight · 5 months
Hey, when you said RHATO Jason is the worst version on your last ask, were you referring to the first comic, second comic, or the Webtoon? (Honestly annoyed the Webtoon took that name, makes things even more confusing)
I have problems with all 3 (Webtoon most of all for sure, with the second and first switching places behind it based on what characters or plots I’m thinking about tbh), but I was just curious haha
oh. oh. oh you're not ready for this. I've been trying this entire week to find a good time to air out my thoughts:
so! in my opinion (again, this is not shaming anyone for liking what they like! if you happen to like RHATO!jason all the more power to you! dont read this!) all three reiterations of RHATO!Jason .. are not great. the one I think might have potential to be salvaged is the second one with Artemis and bizarro! (although roy harper is in my heart of hearts)
the way Jason is written in rhato... the rhato written by Scott Lobdell anyway, (who is actually a sexual predator and when you start to think even a LITTLE about how the women are written in RHATO makes so much sense) portrays Jason as yet another cookie cutter anti-hero-deadpool-esque personality who's mainly confined by the narrative restraints of his character.
I say this because hes so.... the way he goes about his vigilantism is so .. shallow. It's like the narrative is finding excuses to make him violent so the reader can be stimulated with Michale Bay explosions lol. You hardly see any stories in there where Jason is an actual champion for the people, and you hardly see his background as a street kid come into play... its like... he became... a vigilante because....he knows how the system can fail those... alienated and forgotten by those sworn to protect them... and thus channels his energy into said people through acts of radical protection... (also because the whole bruce thing yeah I know)
I keep thinking about injustice!Jason's monologue where he literally says something along the lines of "while bruce and clark were fighting I fought for the people who were being caught up in the whole thing" like if that doesn't just tell you who he is idk what will! and sure, injustice isn't Jason source material, so look at under the red hood! he literally becomes a drug kingpin TO CONTROL crime ... and then instead of getting these immense shows of care he has for the community in RHATO, we get panels like this:
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like ok get it I guess 😭😭😭😭
this is the new and improved Jason!! he's suave.. hes American... he's... just like every other antihero now!!
I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an idiot- best bet is to read the comics yourself to kinda get what im saying! but even rebirth Jason is (kind of) getting what RHATO Jason doesn't-- he's a product of his huge heart. rebirth Jason has countless stories where we see how Jason ACTUALLY operates as red hood, and what his symbol means to the citizens of Gotham!
if you pour too much grit and "edginess" into Jason, then you kind of miss what he's all about- he can still be silly and sarcastic! in fact, one of my favorite Jason moments is from red hood: lost days, a series where he's portrayed as an edgy, "misfit" ruffian:
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like. hello this is hilarious. and we can still have moments like these while balancing his emotional range as a vigilante that's motivated by his big fat heart! (ignoring the fact that he slept with Talia in the next issue 😭 Jason fans can't have shit 😭)
but anyway! ill likely add more when I'm not feeling so tired, but god!! is it so hard to show Jason's propensity for kindness!! is it so hard to realize that his character to the core is revolved around a deep understanding for others based on personal experience!!
there's a reason why DC (in the rare moments when they know what to do with his character) always writes stories with Jason consoling children, or Jason being good with kids in dangerous situations!
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it's because he's been there before. he's felt the grief and confusion of being helpless in a situation of his control. he's felt the consequences of adults who were supposed to protect and raise him! he's been killed for daring to cling on to the notion of trust even after all he's been through!
and I don't know, I think his dedication to the people, children especially, is his way of forgiving himself- his way of telling little Jason that it wasn't his fault.
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normaltothemax · 2 months
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“I’m about to cha-cha real smooth off a fucking cliff.” (Roy messing with Jason on text messages xD)
[Arsenhole]: Yeah, I've heard Queen tends to cause that kind of reaction [Arsenhole]: What did he do this time?
@thecreativeforge (x)
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sadlynotthevoid · 10 months
I'm just curious.
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yvtro · 1 year
That whole thread really highlight how lonely Jason's Robin run was. Honestly it makes me sad how he didn't have many friends back then compare to others. He had Eddie but even then dc forget about them.
i don't really agree with lots of points in this thread, mainly because of tim exceptionalism (or the main character complex, whatever you want to call it) + it assumes that things that happened pretty much only because of jason's death would still occur.
having said so, i do agree that jason's robin run was (in a way) incredibly lonely!
now, personally i don't think that jason noticed it much, but that's part of the problem. i have touched upon it briefly in my other posts about vigilante/civilian identity (look: here, for example), and i think it's worth to make a quick comparison of pre-crisis vs post-crisis jay.
so, tldr, pre-crisis jason is shown to have a whole life at school, he has friends and even a romantic interest. post-crisis jason has none of that. we see him working for an extra credit at school, but if i recall it right (might have been a pre-crisis story retroactively included in canon though) the only time we actually see him *in* school is when he thinks about how he would like to join the theatre but doesn’t have time for that because of robin responsibilities. we don’t see him having any social life outside of robin, but also as a member of the community he doesn’t have anyone close his age. his cameo in titans is very dear to me, and you know, as a person with siblings i will tell you, you can absolutely be friends with your older brother’s friends, but we don’t ever see him developing a lasting bond with any of them (which is also because he died quite soon after that. i’m not saying that donna, for example, didn’t care about him, but i don’t think they had a chance to grow very close).
there's eddie, sure, but even that relationship is that of penpals, and by the time jason comes back from the dead, eddie is completely retconned, so it's safe to assume that in the current continuity they have never known each other at all.
i'm not going to comment on dc trying to sell the concept of roy and jay being childhood friends in n52.
so i’m thinking, you can make an argument about how jason knows little besides vigilantism, but i believe there’s an additional layer to how even his “nightlife” (debatable term btw, we see robin jay operating in daylight along with batman all the time but i guess that was a whole another era) focuses pretty much on bruce and no one else. he really doesn’t know much beyond batman and robin.
and it obviously wasn't really the writers' intention, i bet it's mostly the result of the fact that they weren't really interested in exploring his character much, but jay's world is so very narrow and centres around bruce. and i can see how bruce wouldn't really see any problem in it at first, because (while it's not really canon, as there's a time skip and we don't even get to see how he settles into the manor, nor much of his training period) it is safe to assume that it took some time for jay to gain bruce's trust and to get used to a role of a child (since he was used to fending for himself/presumably being briefly a caretaker for his mother before). so when the kid finally learns that he can depend on bruce and actively seeks him out, that's great. it took so much to coax him into allowing to be cared for, now the issue is solved. (wrong.)
i think it really puts post-resurrection jay's mentality in perspective (even if winick did not intend it this way; he clearly had no interest in jay's 80s characterisation). of course jason's anger, disappointment, and feelings of betrayal focus on bruce; bruce was everything he had. at this stage, he doesn't know much beside him, and being robin.
and i don't think that jason then was quite aware that he was lonely. he had his dad, which was the most important thing for him for a while, he had alfred. dick might not have been home much, but their interactions we got to see were meaningful, and flashbacks (such as the famous ski trip) suggest that they did spend more time together. babs was around. he probably made so many brief connections with gothamites in his time as robin too.
it all becomes a problem when jason grows. when he can't see a line between being a robin and a son, and looks for another parental figure, and he doesn't have anyone to talk to about it. everyone he has a lasting relationship with is part of the family that he worries he doesn't belong to, so he just resolves to find someone new to depend on.
it becomes a problem when he digs himself out of grave, and later comes back to gotham, and there's such a limited number of people he can (or could, if he wanted) turn to.
i also believe that even if the plot of 'a death in the family' never occured, the fact that he went from a hyper-independent parentified child to someone who spends most of his time with his dad or alone (and i don't think he minded alone time all that much at first) would backfire otherwise. i'm joking, but at this point there probably would be some separation anxiety, on both sides.
i just wish i could grip jay with bbq tongs and put him in east gotham to allow him to stay in touch with his community. of course he probably was around there as robin a lot, but as a civilian? i doubt it.
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schumaquinho · 1 year
naah cuz i just find this magical blog and i realized that its actually made it 4 me grl like f1, volley, la libertadores, JASON TODD like the fuck i just love it so much. btw, im argentinian i wanna know cuz im a boca fan, what club are u fan?? <3
lmao why am I just seeing this? idk if it was here for too long or not but uhseuhsheuhsue i'm so glad that you enjoyed this mess, in here we talk of everything and anything and i just love to meet new people with the same interests so lets talk moooore.
I'm a born and raised flamengo fan, and boca just happens to be my favorite argentinean club. your songs are so great and the la bombonera atmosphere is something i dream of experiencing some day *-*
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jaystephevents · 2 years
I'm ~ halfway done for solstice! A very cold Steph gets thawed by Jason, there is a lot of banter. I'm so excited to share it!
ALAKSKDJFJJFJKSLA that sounds amazing!! 😍😍😍☃���❄️☃️❄️ We can’t wait!
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Anyone else want to share JaySteph Winter Events excitement with us?? We’re all ears!! 💜❤️💜❤️
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spidernuggets · 3 months
Reader being Jason's girlfriend, who doesn't know about their double life, casually blurting out that she was never a fan of Batman and Robin or that she prefers Superman and the whole family is offended. 😭
love your writing, btw<3
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
"No, no, you're right, babe. Superman tops Batman for sure."
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"Ah, Ms. Y/n, pleasure to see you," Alfred opens the door to see you patiently waiting with a smile.
"Hey, Alfie! Is Jay home? He asked me to hang out with him today."
"He's in the living room with the rest of the family. Come in, come in," he steos to the side, giving you to room to enter.
"Oh, yeah!" You exclaimed, reaching into your bag. "I did that cookie recipe you gave me! They're not as good as yours, but they're sure better than the cookies I've made before. D'you mind taste testing for me?" You ask, handing over a tupperware full of cookies.
"I thank you for the charming remark, Ms. Y/n. I'm sure your cookies are as excellent." He says, taking a bite from a cookie.
"Nah, now you're just being too modest, Alfie," you laugh as he does too.
"Well, this is a marvellous improvement, Ms. Y/n," Alfred says, happily taking another one. "Come on now, let's go join the others."
The two of you walk towards the living room and see everyone there.
"Y/n!!" Stephanie shouts, running over to you, embracing you in a tight hug. "Ugh, it felt like forever since I've seen you! How are you 'nd Jason? Is he being an asshole like always?" She snickers.
You laugh, and before you can reply, Jason is already pushing Stephanie out of the way.
"Don't answer that, N/n. Steph, go away," he grumbles, soon putting on a smile once he stands right in front of you. "Hey, mama," he muttered, pulling you in by the waist, placing a kiss on your forhead.
You giggled at the contact. "Hey, Jay," you kissed his chin. "Hi, Bruce!" You look over Jason's shoulder, wavung to Bruce, who was sat on the armchair, looking through the newspaper.
"Y/n, always a pleasure," he says before going back to reading.
Jason takes your hand and guides you to the couch, making you sit on his lap. "Sorry I couldn't go out for our date today, sugar. Someone wouldn't let me leave," he emphasised, glaring at Bruce.
"It's scarce that everyone is here at once, Master Jason. It's a good opportunity for bonding." Alfred says behind him.
You kiss his cheek, which makes his heart race. "It's okay, Jay. It's nice hangin' out with you and your family."
"Yeah, kick his ass!" Steph shouts at the TV.
Last night's news was playing, showing footage of Batman and Robin, and their alliances, taking out some of Gotham's frequent villains and criminals.
"Do you guys always watch the news?" You asked, curious that they aren't watching something more entertaining.
You didn't notice it, but the whole family seemed to hesitate by your question.
"The news is a suitable way of keeping us informed of Gotham's latest activities. Just in case there are needs of safety plans for us," Damian says, sitting on the chair beside you, petting Titus.
"Plus, it's good to see Batman and Robin in action. Just in case there's anything they need to improve on." Bruce mutters that last statement, sending a sharo glare towards Damian, who, last night, didn't follow direct orders and backfired a section of the mission.
Damian ignored this statement and kept focusing on Titus.
You rested your head on Jason's shoulder. "Mm. I was never really a fan of Batman and Robin."
The whole room freezes, leaving the news to continue playing, and all heads turn towards you. The sudden attention had you tensed up.
"What?" You quietly ask.
"Batman and Robin are always keeping the streets clear of crime. How can you not like them?" Damian asks with a scowl on his face.
"I don't don't like them. They just don't pique my interest." You shrugged.
"Well what about their alliances," Tim asked. "Red Robin? Spoiler? Orphan? Red Hood?"
The questioning about Red Hood had Jason's full attention on you now.
"I dunno, I guess I prefer Red Hood. He's pretty cool," your unsure opinion had Jason mentally punching the air in victory.
"But.. to be honest, I kinda like Superman over all the superheroes," you smiled.
It was the calm before the storm. You didn't think a little opinion could've caused such a ruckus.
Even Bruce looked away from the newspaper annoyed.
"Why Superman? He's only so great because he has superpowers. Batman has no superpowers and can still put so many behind bars!" Bruce exclaimed.
Subtle. Jason thought.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know that you guys like these superheroes so much!" You said, almost scared that you somehow offended the family.
Jason then kisses your temple. "No, no, you're right, babe. Superman tops Batman for sure," Jason says, narrowing his eyes and sending a snarky grin towards Bruce, which, in response, he rolls his eyes and backs away from the conversation, going back to his newspaper.
"Did I say something wrong?" You quietly ask Jason as the other begin yelling at each other about which Batman ally is better.
Jason smiles, caressing your soft face with his rougher, calloused thumb. "Nah, don't worry, sweet thing. They're just mega Batman fans."
"What about you? Who's your fave?" You ask.
"Red Hood, hands down." He immediately replies.
You nod, thinking for a moment. "Okay. I wanna see more of Red Hood then. He'll be my favourite too." You say.
Jason thinks his heart just exploded. He shifts his right arms under your legs, his other supporting your back as he lifts you up, followed by a yelp coming from you.
"Get ready, babe. You're about to absolutely love Red Hood," he says, carrying you to his room, ready to go on a 5 hour lecture about Red Hood and why he's Gotham's greatest hero.
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in-som-niyah · 4 months
soft!oblivious!Jason Todd x fem!reader on her period
a/n: hey besties guess whos on the bathroom floor again haha its me!!!!! endo is trying to murder me but guess what jason's here to make it all better!!! this is entirely self-indulgent btw i wrote this to make myself feel better and to take my mind off the urge to rip my uterus out with my bare hands🫶🏾🎀🌸💝✨💖💗💕
Warnings: reader vomits, reader has a period, reader is in fucking pain, jason todd speaks spanish, reader is weakned, jason todd is a beautiful husband fuck you i said what i said
Note: reader and jason have a system where jason asks the reader what her pain is on a scale from 1-10 (10 being highest)
Jason's key turns in the lock of your shared apartment in Gotham.
To his surprise, the place is dark and lifeless. Upon checking his watch, which read 6:45pm, he noticed the peculiarity of the scene before him.
Usually, you would have started dinner by now, had some sexy 90's R&B playing (which you unashamedly sung along to) and would have greeted him babbling excitedly about what your colleagues thought about your new hairstyle.
But nope, there was nothing.
Though Jason was concerned, he tried to pass it off as a weird occurrence, until he heard a faint retch coming from the other side of the apartment.
Immediately, he parked whatever he was doing and came rushing (sprinting) to you, desperately needing to make sure you're okay.
When he found you in the bathroom hovering over the toilet, the sight clawed a hole in his chest.
You were gripping the edges of the toilet with shaky hands, trying to steady your unstable and shaking body. Your braids were tied back too tight, definitely causing you an uncomfortable and unnecessary headache.
Carefully, Jason stepped in the bathroom and lowered himself to you. He loosened your hair and re-tied it in a more comfortable way and kissed the top of your head.
In your dazed state, you barely recognized his lithe fingers in your hair, too exhausted physically and mentally to focus on anything other than the searing pain in your abdomen.
Finally empty, you reach to flush the toilet when a much bigger, scarred hand takes yours and kisses the back of it before flushing for you.
At this, you look up at him with bleary, tearful and irritated eyes, clearly indicative that you've been feeling like this for a while.
Jason's heart cracks.
Before either of you could speak, Jason pressed his forehead to yours and instructed you to steady your breathing. His hands expertly maneuver you to sit on your bum in front of him; this was not his first rodeo.
Jason was familiar with your illness, and what that meant for you sometimes. With practise, he was attuned to your needs and catered to them willingly. But still, his heart broke a little more every time he saw your body fold in on itself in pain.
When your breathing calmed he kissed your forehead just before another cramp seized your body, and your face crumpled in pain.
"Shit- You're okay sweetheart c'mere. Remember to breathe okay? In. Out."
You nodded lightly as you pushed yourself to move into his lap, the action only making your muscles strain but you were so desperate to feel his warmth you did it anyway.
As you continued to breathe Jason wrapped his strong arms around you and held you to his body, his hands came up to gently rub your lower back where he knew you were hurting.
"What's your number this time, amorcita." Jason asked in a tender voice, as to not upset your headache.
Through sniffles and shakes, you reluctantly surface your buried head from his chest to answer him.
"It was an 8 all day today..." you started, still in pain but able to speak.
"I took the painkillers too late, and they didn't work in time. I'm sorr-"
You're interrupted by Jason pulling you back into him. He would sooner take your pain than hear you apologize for a painful experience you couldn't control.
"Shhhh no sorries, princessa. You know that." He spoke into your hair.
Soon, the wave of pain settled, and you were granted a limited amount of small relief.
"I-I think I should move to the bed now. I don't know how much I have until the next one" you mumbled into his chest.
Through a positive rumble in his chest he agreed, and began to carefully untangle himself from you.
"Can you stand?" Jason asks, his eyes conveying sincerity.
You looked to the floor shook your head in shame. You couldn't believe you had to rely on Jason to help you so much.
"I'm gonna pick you up okay baby?" He says, but his eyes ask for your permission.
Upon granting it, he slips his arms under your body and lifts like you weigh nothing. He carefully walks to the bed, taking extra care in making sure he doesn't hit your head or legs on walls or doorways.
Once at your bedside, he places you down gently and presses a set of kisses to your nose, cheek and forehead. It is then when he notices how frigid your skin is, which worries him. But first, he needs more information.
"How long ago did you take the painkillers, mi vida?" He begins as he crouches to reach your eye level.
With an exasperated sigh, you close your eyes and shrug. Truly you had no idea how long it has been since you've been in such pain, much less since you've taken your last round of painkillers.
Jason returns your sigh, but with one of sadness as he reaches out his hand to absentmindedly rub your sore hips. Remembering your small remedies that help the pain, he stands and begins out the room.
Suddenly your hand grasp his ring and pinky, and he turns to face you again.
You look up at him with tears on your cheeks, silently begging him to stay.
At this, he leans down and captures your lips softly, silently letting you know that he would never do anything you wouldn't want him to.
With your hand still grasping his, he brings your hand to his lips to kiss, before breaking the silence.
"'Tell you what, amorcita. I'm gonna go get you your heating pad and boil some raspberry leaf tea, then i'll climb into bed with you and i'll rub your back as you fall asleep. But you gotta let go of me so I can do it, bien?"
Reluctantly, you took his offer and released his hand before he left a soothing kiss to your hairline and took off.
While he was gone, your were desperately breathing through another wave, trying not to scream or cry out. The pain continued to ebb and flow, but it was pain nonetheless.
When Jason returned with the tea, hot water bottle and a little square of dark chocolate he found you almost asleep, knees up to your chest while clutching your abdomen. He knew you well enough to know that your back is not enjoying the position at all.
He placed the tea and chocolate on your nightstand and carefully took his spot behind you. You slightly woke up at his shifting, but upon Jason's placement of the hot water bottle to your aching abdomen, you relaxed.
Jason breathed a silent breath of gratitude that you're able to rest easier than you were before now that you're comfortable. He moved himself closer to your body, firmly but delicately wrapping his arms around you and stretching out your aching back.
You appreciated this, the pressure releasing on your back and the soothing warmth of your hot water bottle contributing to easing your pains.
Jason retracted one of his arms from your waist in favour of rubbing your sore lower back. A sleepy hum of appreciation followed his ministrations just before you spoke.
"Jason?" you mumbled into your pillow
"Querida?" he replied, semi alert
"Thank you" you finish as you let yourself drift into a light and more comfortable sleep.
A peck to the back of your head is his response.
Jason knows he can't take away your pain. But when it cuts you deep, he'll be your remedy.
a/n pt2: bro im so sorry if this makes no sense im in pain leave me alone im tired its sleepytime
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Okay so it just occurred to me that Bruce’s initials are BTW, as in By The Way, something I’m sure he says a lot given he’s a Corrector™️ who Knows Things.
In that vein, what do all the Batfam members’ initials stand for (wrong answers only of course)?
Richard John Grayson: Really Just a Guy
Jason Peter Todd: Jersey's Public Terror
Timothy Jackson Drake: Tired Juvenile Delinquent
Damian Al Ghul Wayne: Department of Animal Welfare
Duke canon didn't give him one Thomas: Daytime Television
Cullen also doesn't have a middle name Row: Crying rn
Stephanie are you fucking kidding me Brown: Sourdough Bread
Cassandra Wu-San Cain: Cool Women's Club
Barbara Joan Gordon: Bureau of Just Google it
Harper i'm tempted to make one up Row: Home Repairs
Caroline Keene Kelley: Camp Kit Kat
Katherine Rebecca Kane: Know your Rights, Kids
Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth: All The Canon's Piss
Selina this is why dc sucks Kyle: Smol Kittens
Bruce Thomas Wayne: Batman's True Wife
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