#queen as in oliver queen btw
normaltothemax · 2 months
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“I’m about to cha-cha real smooth off a fucking cliff.” (Roy messing with Jason on text messages xD)
[Arsenhole]: Yeah, I've heard Queen tends to cause that kind of reaction [Arsenhole]: What did he do this time?
@thecreativeforge (x)
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junespriince · 7 days
Bruce: so we need to go to China for a lab that might help with this problem we have, Dr. Liu has this serum. West go get it.
Wally: can't, not allowed to step foot on China's ground unless the government says so.
Clark: you're banned from China... What did you do, kiddo?
Wally: didn't want the Flash in there since I can go without going through airports and any other ways into the country. I'm also banned from Texas, Iowa, Tennessee, Mexico, and nine county in Europe.
Bruce: you forgot New Jersey.
Wally, smirking: og I'm banned from there but that one I don't care as much to follow that rule.
Bruce, grumbled: I know.
Wally, get up: welp I'll get the serum.
Clark: but you said you were banned...
Wally: I never listened to government body or Hal, why start now!
Diana: he was raised well.
Oliver: he raised by that scary woman, he's just a taller Iris....
Diana: I need to meet this woman.
Wally, come back: oooo momma having a dinner on Sunday for the family and speedster to come over and eat, you should come over!
Diana: ah, I'll be delighted to.
Oliver: I have a bad feeling about this...
Bruce, who got beat up with Iris shoes for getting her son kidnapped and forgot to save him, shudder: me too...
Hal: can't be too bad.
Arthur, taking the serums: ... Can I come over tho?
Wally: sure!
Clark: I think this is good for us to bond outside of heroing, can we all go Wally?
Wally: we're cooking a lot so more the merrier, and Bruce can finally feel sunlight!
Bruce, grumbled in he knows Alfred will force him to go too: hate this place...
Wally: best to get used to this now before I marry your son, but this is a weekly thing and you are expected to come every time.
Bruce: fuck.
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sporkberries · 1 year
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will never not be mad about this
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yourgoldennotebook · 23 days
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Spotted at the Palace Hotel: S. and B. having a heart-to-heart.
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tabswrites · 2 months
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Look at how close in height everyone else is and then there’s Hettie ☠️
From left to right: Mara, Adrin, Oliver, Lasya and Hettie
Here’s the link in case anyone else wants to play with their ocs like dolls 😈
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yuriwarrior · 8 months
you can tell ollie's a new parent here cus he's failing at pushing his son on a swing
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thequiver · 1 year
DC Comics looked at Ollie and said “yeah he kills people but it can only happen in 3 ways: silly, depression inducing accident, or homoerotically”
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
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kara-zor-els · 9 months
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Insert the "you construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men" meme
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
The morality in Smallville has always been off-kilter, but truly nothing can prepare you for the surprise reveal of “we arranged to put you through this horror movie torture game scenario for your benefit actually, in order to cure your suicidal depression. Oh and we didn’t tell your ex-girlfriend/my cousin about what was happening or why we kidnapped her. Happy Birthday!”
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miadeardn · 1 year
you've always known you're not alone
“Hush. Let a father show his children some love.” Ollie reaches out and drags Mia into their embrace, smacking a kiss on her forehead despite her halfhearted protests.
Roy watches them with a smile on his face. He glances over to his side and sees Grant watching too with a strange expression on his face. Roy’s about to say something to him when he’s distracted by a burst of laughter and movement in front of him. He turns just in time to see Mia getting tugged into a hug by Connor, cackling even as she playfully fights his hold. When Roy looks back over at Grant, he’s no longer watching, distracted by Lian chattering to him. He frowns a little, an unidentifiable feeling swirling in his chest.
grant's first queen family dinner. it goes about as well as you can expect. roy and grant Father Son moments, with miscellaneous queen/harper family bonding!
~5k words, gen. vaguely canon compliant.
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cosmicwar · 2 years
i love ollie queen because it’s like what if we made a character whose most well-known aspect is his outspoken and confrontational personality and then made one of his main flaws be avoidance issues <3
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
Okay but Bruce/Oliver is fantastic and I would also like more content for it
ok a draft of something i was working on under the cut
��Isn’t it weird how you can just-” Oliver clamped his hands. “Love someone to pieces and then all of that’s half a lifetime ago and you don’t feel anything at all?” He let go.
“It’s like- when you grow, those feelings you have don’t grow along with you, but you can remember that feeling so vividly, that you’re just left to wonder how none of that grew along,”
Oliver let his head fall back, sitting on the linoleum floors against the firm frame of the bed. “I was going to tell you I was in love with you, you know.”
“Not now- but like back at boarding school that one time,” he closed his eyes, as if he could still see the scene in front of him. “You probably remember everything.” He shook his head. “Fucking psycho.”
It was not a room you would imagine for a hero, it fit with Ollie’s picture of Bruce though, so clinical and uptight, it was just begging to be messed up. “I wish I’d told you back then,” he whispered. “I don’t know- Maybe then we wouldn’t have ended up like this.”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have ended up like this,”
There was still something on the Green Arrow suit, blood or dirt or debris. Oliver hoped it was rubbing off on the pristine room, so that it looked lived in rather than just another place to die. 
“Look at us, Bruce.”
“We’re two old men- my son is an addict and I couldn't even face him when he needed me the most, so it was actually my girlfriend who drove him to a rehab in fucking Reno, and your son-” Oliver winced. "I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, man.”
A loud, rumbling groan came from the bed. “Stop. Whining.” 
Oliver whipped around to see Bruce was trying to sit up, with more effort than he’d like to admit. He shot up and tried to help him, but his oldest friend pushed him away. “You look like shit.”
“Fuck you,” Oliver shot back almost out of instinct. “Have you looked in a mirror recently?”
“If you’re going to have a mid-life crisis, don’t do it near my hospital room.”
He rolled his eyes. “If you’re going to have a mid-life crisis, don’t do it in the middle of a Justice League battle,” he said. “Idiot.”
He slumped down in a hospital chair opposite of the bed and sat there silently, wondering  how much of it Bruce had heard. 
“I felt the same way about you.” Bruce broke the silence. “It scared the shit out of me.”
Oliver didn’t know how to respond. Here they were, Oliver and Bruce, best friends since their fathers joined the same country club. 
He thought they might just be unrecognisable to the kids they used to be, but in a way it had always been like this. 
“Yeah.” Oliver sighed. “I have that effect on people.”
Bruce threw a pillow at him.
“What a fucking mess, right?” Oliver said.
Bruce threw his head back. “What a fucking mess.”
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Green Arrow? More like Green Aro lmao when’s he coming outta the quiver
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hawkzeyes · 10 months
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Hey I know it’s been a minute but Green Arrow #4 (2023) is coming out in like 6 days and you still have time to preorder it if you wanna 🫶 release date: Sept 26, 2023
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yuriwarrior · 1 year
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[ID: A fake YouTube comment from Ollie Queen saying "Marx is proud to see a country so successful in socialization that boobjob is included in the government subsidized pension." End ID]
original comment:
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[ID: A YouTube comment from user Mariska Lupitha saying "Marx is proud to see a country so successful in socialization that boobjob is included in the government subsidized pension." End ID]
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