#the adults are talking 😭XD)
blue-rick24 · 5 days
SORRY (not sorry), I’m a huge Spongebob fan but I hadn’t seen this episode in several years (idk, weird luck). But after seeing this clip on YT, revisiting the episode, I’VE NOW COME TO THE UNHINGED CONCLUSION THAT I AM ATTRACTED TO THE ABRASIVE SIDE 😭😭🤣
He’s so damn sleazy!! (I kind of adore this trait in characters lmaoo!)
He has has a unibrow!
He’s green…
Where am I going with this, exactly?…
….HE’S basically TOXIC RICK!!!!
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meeting adjourned everybody ) :J
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Haha hey what if I started posting stuff on newgrounds huh what then...
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hello! do you know avatar? If you've watched it, you probably know Toph. So, can I have headcanons on Husk, Angel and Platonic!Vaggie with reader (reader is adult!) that is fallen angel and acting like Toph. She's just as good at fighting as Toph and likes to joke about her blindness. ( can use any pronouns, I'm just used to female one)
here links if you didn't watch it!
thank you!!! sorry for mistakes, english isn't my tirst language❤️
okay so the very unfortunate truth of this is i wrote this once and i clicked post and it didn’t post or save and this came back into my inbox so if this posts twice that’s why😭
also this is a very butchered version of the character you’re talking about as i don’t watch avatar😭😭 but basically what i’m getting is blind + fighter who’s also a fallen angel so i’m gonna stick with that haha
also i’m gonna stick with a gn/possibly masc reader due to the fact that angel dust is canonically gay, and i don’t wanna take away any representation from the mlm community !!
Warnings: Swear words, S1E6 spoilers, butchered asf version of Toph!Reader from Avatar, not proofread cuz I do not feel like rereading it again after I lost the first one 😭
Husk and Angel x Blind!Fighter!Fallen!Angel!Reader w/ platonicVaggie
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Husk and Angel
Angel and Husk come from the same stand points when it comes to your blind eye, but they handle it differently
Obviously, they both help you when need be due to your blind eye, but Angel tends to dote on you a lot more. Husk can only do so much before he’s reached his ‘kindness meter’ for the day XD (jk obvi)
They both care about your safety, but honestly, Angel loves the fact that you’re a fighter, it makes ya like a badass hottie. But Husk still is sure to warn you about maintaining safety, even with the blind eye.
But at the end of day, as long as you not hurting him, he could give less of a shit, and if you tried? Angel’s turning into a shield haha
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You two became friends back in Heaven, and reunited in Hell, as you both fell from Heaven for roughly the same reason
After losing your eye from Adam and Lute, you were scared to fight again, but Vaggie pulled you right back in !
She trained you basically every day, constantly throwing spears or punching a punching bag or literally anything
You two became a role model for the other and you really looked up to and cared for eachother as friends
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teojira · 3 months
Ooooh just finished reading your koba drabble and its soooo good??? I would love to hear your thoughts how the other apes, Rocket, Maurice, Ceaser, and Blue eyes, think about Kobas' new human shadow... or the way they squabble 👀 I imagine its a mixed bag XD. Amazing writing as always ❤️
[How the rest of the colony apes react to you and Koba's 'friendship']
Summary: The other apes worry about your sanity.
Warnings: Platonic relationship with Koba (based off of my previous Koba request!)
A/N: First time writing for Maurice, Rocket and Blue eyes!!! I was so excited to see them included here 😭 I hope you enjoy anon!
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He's already warned Koba multiple times to not take things too far, that just because you've decided that you want to follow him around, doesn't mean he can mistreat you.
Keeps a close eye on y'all when in vicinity, but he knows Koba better than others do.
Koba can claim he hates you as much as he does, but he hasn't done anything to truly drive you away, he could hurt you, bite into you with his canines and do damage but at most, he growls and tries to swat you away like a fly.
Koba also in the same vein will follow you around when you're off doing your own thing, especially if you decide to leave the colony on your own.
He's not slick, telling Caesar that he's off to rest.
Caesar literally sees Koba climbing trees to trail you. It's amusing just how much the bonobo is denial that he cares for you.
It's obvious to Caesar that a part of Koba enjoys the attention, and enjoys your company despite everything, so he doesn't interfere.
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Actively tells you to leave Koba alone, he's genuinely not about the whole idea of you and Koba being together.
It gives him anxiety, he's not your father, he's not your family but he's concerned.
He'll talk to Caesar about it, trying to get him to put a stop to it but alas, Caesar says you're both adults, he can't control who you spend time with.
He agrees of course, and while yes Koba does show some semblance of...care for you, it doesn't change his mind.
Please you're stressing him out, give him a break and eat dinner with him and the children instead.
Koba is threatening to bite your fingers off for touching his berries and Maurice genuinely cannot tell if it's a valid threat or not.
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Rocket doesn't include himself into the situation, but is another worrier deep down, he's a father, he can't help it.
I see him as the laid back chill uncle who's like 'Hey, do what you want to do but be careful.'
He'd had to step in a couple of times when he thinks Koba is genuinely out to harm you, hooting and calling for Caesar. This ends in him and Koba squaring off against one another and you frantically telling Rocket that you're fine.
By now he doesn't interfere, but he does keep an eye out, always fighting the urge to grab you and take you away from Koba.
Tries to offer you to spend more time with his previous wives, Ash or himself.
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Blue eyes:
Blue eyes and you are kinda in the same boat, despite Koba's faults, Blue eyes does look up to his father's close friend.
Koba would never hurt Blue eyes, not without great repercussions, but he could hurt you, the tiny human that has no defensive measures against a huge bonobo, so forgive Blue if he's a little nervous at you pestering Koba.
The young chimp makes sure to check in with you after your random little fights with Koba, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him it's all in good fun, he will make sure you're okay.
He's worried, okay, he gets it from his father, Caesar has told him just how fragile humans are, how their feelings are easily hurt, it makes him treat you damn near like glass.
Side eyes you everytime you go to Koba's nest to mess with him.
Ash will try and make bets with how long it'll be til Koba tries and kills you as a joke, only for Blue eyes to choke on his spit and tell him off, baring his teeth and jostling his friend around.
"Do not make fun!" The young chimp signs frantically.
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disguisedcheezed · 22 days
what made you like dirkjohn so much? like how did the ship pop into your head?
"how did the ship pop into your head?"
Okay. So, I just did some digging through my old abandoned accounts, and it turns out dirkjohn was my main reason why I read Homestuck in the first place. XD
They got me with their dumb looking faces and I thought I should just ship them because they're my favorites. And the fact that they were a blue orange color combo, which is the color combination I am very obsessed over, is just a mere coincidence that just made me like them more.
I don't even remember other shit from 2020-2022 because I was busy fighting for my life. 😭 I did knew that they had one interaction, so I just read the comic without expecting much of them as a ship but I loved them as their individual characters.
"what made you like dirkjohn so much?"
I don't just like dirkjohn. I LOVE dirkjohn. It's not even an exaggeration. I couldn't talk about dirkjohn(or just themindividually) without making poetry.
Anyway. The depressed weed boyfriends dirkjohn 2016-2019 shippers were right this. It was made sometime after the release of the snapchats where John is alone in his room for quite a while. And then there's other people who say like "of course they're being paired because they're the left overs of the kids ships", but what if it's like they were meant to be that way? What if they finally get to talk to each other and call out on each other's destructive behaviors? What is more romantic than being understood? Everyone else has figured out what to do with their lives.
Dirk helps John be grounded back into reality and tell him that there are friends that care for him. John tells Dirk to get out of his head, stop over thinking about the future and take care of himself. They inevitably take care of themselves by taking care of the other. They should take care of themselves for the other. And over time they get to share interest in watching animes, shitty movies and pranks.
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The above is only showing "the good part" of dirkjohn.
"The worst part" ? Dirk and John were created in love of Everything, but they were doomed to be Nothing.
Similarities : They heavily mirror each other through almost all aspects of their lives.
Ex. (only a few. this isn't even the half of it.)
John: Rise up / Prince: Rise up
Liv Tyler / Lil Seb (puttin the bunny in the box)
Dirk sending gifts to his friends through a sendificator(red box) that helps/interacts with his friends physically(robots). John sends gifts to his friends through mail(blue box) that would give them their unique identity forever.
These conversations have the same vibe where they wanted to know what the other is really like apart from them knowing their adult counter parts:
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In what aspect are they The Same? :
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They hate themselves. Dirk dwells in it. John pushes it in the back of his head and doesn't want to think about any of it.
Dirkjohn Conclusion/Bare essentials: They effortlessly make the appeal themselves.
This is also why looking at HS^2 through a dirkjohn perspective just makes it a huge dirkjohn fanfiction. X
They ascend the need for a label in their relationship/any form of romance because of how intertwined they are to each other that they are a concept as a whole. (looks at the camera)
Dirk and John are the very threads of what makes Homestuck, Homestuck... Which means nothing.
End of ask mood moard;
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My body is a vessel that collected every piece of Dirk and John's showed it back into the audience piece by piece and I will never stop doing it.
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
hi beloved!! i'm not sure if you have already explained this in your Love for Love's Sake linguistic explanation posts, please refer me there if you have!! but i did not understand anything about Sangwon's crying scene. who died. was it his grandpa or a poodle. i really really did not get it 😭
Short answer: it was the poodle! (not died yet but had cancer pls someone check up on sangwon and his dog)
Long answer, because I'm always excited to talk more about Love for Love's Sake:
When Myungha catches Sangwon crying on a playground, he asks what's wrong. Sangwon answers: "Seulgi is sick" ("슬기가 앞아요").
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And the thing is, Sangwon uses the word 앞아요 (apayo) which is a standard polite way of saying someone hurts or is unwell, BUT you wouldn't use it to talk about your senior or your grandparents. Usually you'd use this word about yourself or your friends or someone younger than you.
This is exactly why Myungha's first thought is that Sangwon is talking about his little brother/sister! He asks: "Is is your younger sibling? Are they too sick?"
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And now Sangwon responds with "A grandpa" ("할아버지요"/haraboji-yo). Translation confusion coming in - Sangwon says 'My Seulgi is A grandpa', not MY grandpa. This is when Myungha's doubts and confusion click, because you wouldn't talk so casually about your well-respected old grandfather.
I pulled up an example from Korean studybook, this is how you'd address the same topic in a very polite and formal manner.
할아버지께서 편찮으세요. – My grandfather is sick.
First of all, you'd add a honorific form 께서 to the word "grandfather/haraboji", otherwise you'd look rude, and also there are several verbs that have more honorific forms that are typically used when you talk about seniors like your grandparents (like to be, sleep, eat, die etc).
Think like you can say someone 'kicked the bucket/died/passed away', each means the same thing but has different nuance and level of respect for the person. Sangwon used the second type but he is expected to use the highest level.
If Sangwon was talking about his actual grandfather, he'd probably use 아프세요/apeuseyo (more formal version of 앞아요/apayo that he can use for the adults) or 편찮으세요/pyeongchaneuseyo (honorific verb for seniors)
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So Myungha apologizes - just in case Sangwon is a rude brat and actually always talks so casually with his cool grandpa - and assumes Seulgi is not his actual grandpa. His intuition was right, Sangwon is not that rude :D
I can imagine the dog too, this is a white poodle that is a very common breed in Korea – and he might either be actually old (is 12 years too old for a dog?) or Sangwon is affectionately used to joking about it (they do look like small grandpas, no? is it just me?). So it makes sense that you give a haraboji nickname to a dog + talk casually about him (Sangwon paying all respects to his dog would actually sound more confusing tbh xD)
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I can add that 슬기/Seulgi means "wisdom" and it's a unisex name but mostly it's used by women, so Sangwon potentially could confuse Myungha even further :D
But also this scene breaks my heart, Myungha is so caring and comforting but then he breaks Sangwon's heart so easily, and Sangwon is left there with a beaten up face and more things to cry about, someone stop me –
(meta continuation is in the reblogs)
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whinlatter · 7 months
something tells me you don't really like tonks, just a hunch xD
For the relationship ask if you're still doing it: harry and remus, molly and remus, teddy and adromeda. I would love to see what do you think <3
noooo i love tonks! i had a ball writing her and think that @evesaintyves’ rendering of her is one of fandom’s greatest gifts 😭 i just find it very funny that harry thinks she should low key get a grip. and as a clumsy young woman who should myself get a grip, i say: get off her case, hjp.
ok the remus + tonks/black extended family universe... hyped for this one. delicious choices, thank you anon. (i have a few more in the inbox i'm going to take a stab at but am trying to avoid spoilery ones or ones where i risk boring you all again by repeating old talking points, so if i don't get to one pls forgive me...)
right — to business. we begin with everybody looking at remus lupin waiting for him to put his crippling self loathing aside to write (1) singular letter to his dead friend's son:
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i jest (to an extent). but i do think the entirety of harry and remus' dynamic is best encapsulated in one singular scene in PoA:
“When they get near me — ” Harry stared at Lupin’s desk, his throat tight. “I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.” Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though to grip Harry’s shoulder, but thought better of it.
i know there's a very understandable move in AUs to imagine what would have happened if remus had raised harry - or, more often, if remus had been 'allowed' to raise harry by dumbledore. but looking past the whole plot-requiring-harry-to-be-at-the-dursleys thing, the truth is, canon remus lupin would never have put himself forward to raise harry, because of his own (not unfounded!) concerns about the precarity of his existence and the dangerousness of his condition. remus' sense of self - more specifically his fear of himself, and his very low self worth - consistently lead him to hold harry at arm's length from the moment he's introduced in the series until its bitter end. i don't think remus at all approves of the way harry is treated at the dursleys. but i can very much imagine that remus thinks it would still be better than the life he could have given harry if he ever had been called upon to serve as his primary caregiver. one of the most interesting implicit dynamics in the series is that harry notices this and does, to some extent, resent it (obviously the fact that he only ever calls him 'lupin' in his narration, though uses remus to his face, and also: 'Harry had received no mail since the start of term; his only regular correspondent was now dead and although he had hoped that Lupin might write occasionally, he had so far been disappointed.') while the harry & remus fight in DH is about harry's view of what remus ought to do re tonks and the baby, it’s also harry coming as close as saying to remus: you're letting your own child down like you let me down. ('I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually... He had it coming to him,” said Harry. Broken images were racing each other through his mind: Sirius falling through the veil; Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair; a flash of green light and his mother’s voice, begging for mercy… ‘Parents,’ said Harry, 'shouldn’t leave their kids unless—unless they’ve got to.')
molly and remus: i think this is a very, very underrated relationship! i know there’s a lot of molly-bashing around these days, especially if you’re a marauders and/or sirius and/or wolfstar stan. but i think it is very very overlooked that the person who looks after adult remus the most from 1995 onwards, and who shows him some of the deepest trust and roots for his happiness, is molly. for a man who has plainly known a huge amount of financial/food/housing insecurity, and who is so villainised in wider wizarding society, it is no small gesture for molly to not only provide for remus materially but also to trust him in a house with all of her children and encourage him in a romantic relationship he struggles to feel entitled to and worthy of. (i love sirius, but he is in no fit state to ‘look after’ remus in the last year of his life, and fandom’s continued unwillingness to recognise the importance of domestic/caregiving labour as a vital contribution to the resistance will never not be problematic af). remus clearly values and admires molly in return - the only time he actually ever entertains a parent/guardianship role is when molly is weeping over her boggart, crying onto remus’ shoulder (‘what must you think of me?’) and he assures her that if anything were to happen to her and arthur, he would be a part of the team making sure her children are taken date of (‘what do you think we’d do, let them starve?’) remus’ relationship with molly is often the more mild-mannered translator of her viewpoint to others (especially others with hot tempers), and mediator trying to find middle ground between molly’s protective instincts and the battle/ready instincts of others. (more grist to my sirius & ginny parallels mill — in DH, when a fuming ginny is desperately trying to sneak off to fight in the battle, it’s remus who appeals to molly and ginny to find the compromise of ginny staying in the room of requirement to know what’s going on but not actively fight, a mirror image of his role mediating the dispute between sirius and molly over harry’s right to know what’s going on at grimmauld in ootp…) molly accepts this compromise, a sign that she trusts remus implicitly (she never frets that a werewolf is living among her children in ootp onwards, and invites him to christmas readily even after months undercover with the pack) and also feels able to call him out (‘i’ve always said you’re taking a ridiculous line on this, remus’.) this is too long but basically — justice for molly and remus, unlikely buds!
teddy and andromeda: i weirdly think a lot about teddy lupin these days. i tend to imagine teddy as a very mild-mannered, affable, calm child, like who remus might have been had he not been bitten, with tonks' heart and sociability but also with something of remus' more philosophical disposition. i think he'd slip very naturally into a big brother role because, in part, he does see himself as having a responsibility to take care of people, and i think this would shine through in his relationship with andromeda. we know teddy was raised by his gran, and i imagine she feels enormously protective of him, perhaps bordering on strict in her desire to keep him safe from the harm that came to all the rest of her family. but i like to imagine teddy didn't act out against this too much, in part because he understands where it comes from and in turn feels very protective of andromeda. growing up in the aftermath of the war would make teddy as a child particularly aware of the grief and pain and the silences among the adults around him, and i think teddy would take any compensatory protective strictness on andromeda's part with good grace, and humour her for it. i like to think teenage/young adult teddy serves as the translator for any of his gran's more prickly edges, and that they have a very close relationship that both of them really treasure.
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
I thought this would be smt fun to post the night before Silas' birthday XD. Blame @the-trinket-witch who was inspired by my Finn shitpost/j
Silas Clearcove x Reader HCs
•Firstly you're going to have to be at least 40 because Silas views young adults as kids, and the idea of dating them is out of the question
•You'll need to have tough skin because Silas is blunt and to the point. He's not purposefully cruel or mean, but he doesn't see the point in tip toeing around things and trying to soften the blow
•Don't be clingy. He's busy, so you won't see him as often as you may like, and he's not very talkative either. He won't ignore you, of course, but he's a man of few words, and if you're chatty, you'll have to carry most of the conversation.
•Don't think he's ignoring you, though. He listens carefully to every word you say and is genuinely interested in what you have to say, even if it's as mundane as accidentally dropping your toothbrush while brushing your teeth or something
•Finn has to like you. It's like a major requirement. Not only has he sat through enough drama in relation to stepparents with Morrigan's family to last a lifetime, but he's simply not going to make Finn go through that
•So yeah, he makes it quite clear that you're second to Finn priority wise and be does not sugar coat it
•Other than that, your gender, species, etc doesn't matter at all to him
•It's impossible to tell if he's interested in you romantically because he acts the exact same as he usually does unless you initiate some form of flirting first, and if he catches on his flirting is a bit weird
•He's pretty to the point, just like Finn, except all he does is give you a courting gift, and if you aren't merfolk, he probably forgets you don't know what that means lmao. But he will clarify after he realises you don't get it
•Silas isn't lovey dovey in the conventional sense, but he loves deeply and fiercely and holds you in high regard
•He's protective and will absolutely kill for you, no questions asked. As long as you're safe, he's happy.
•He gives you things he's found or made that he thinks are interesting or useful, usually weapons
•You will be given lots of food and you will eat it. Nah, he'll just eat it if you don't want it
•This man does not believe in wasting anything, and if there's something you don't want to use anymore, he'll probably find some kind of use for it. There are very few things he can't reuse
•Doesn't mind getting into tussles with you at all and would be quite delighted if you are willing to
•He's paranoid, though he hides it well and frequently checks up on you to make sure you're aliv- *ahem* doing ok
•His toxic trait is that he will compare you to Morrigan internally. He doesn't do it on purpose, but it's a bad habit
•He doesn't take off Morrigan's courting gift either and that might cause some... issues if you have a problem with that
•You'll have to be chill with a lot of things because Silas is by no means morally ok and he does a lot of fucked up shit
•Silas is very loyal and supportive and if there's something you want to achieve he'll help to the best of his ability
•He takes immense interest in your culture and home and will pester you with questions about it
* * *
This started as a joke what happened 😭
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind
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violetganache42 · 5 months
Highlights from tonight's watch party filled with framing, whodunnits, and mystery galore (Sorry about your laptop problems and all our lag complaints, WriteBackAtYa):
Scrooge and the triplets making an appearance
Mortimer's voice
Mickey being a people pleaser
WriteBackAtYa commenting how we love saying our favorite characters' names whenever they appear onscreen
"Duckman of Aquatraz":
Story Blossom: "Would've been awesome if Webby kissed a shark in the new series" spamtoon: "its okay because huey kissed a worm"
Even in the original series, Louie is always trying to talk his way out of shit
The idea of Glomgold walking into court blasting Queen's "We Are The Champions" in a similar vein as the "All I Do Is Win" scene
Duckburg's court and its judge fucking suck
Scrooge effortlessly defeating the prisoners in arm wrestling
Mad Dog being a mama's boy
This whole episode showcasing how prisoners are people too
melcat33: "Mad Dog was like 'this is my comfort millionaire'"
The Scrooge x Mad Dog ship setting sail
This episode also reminding us on why the legal system sucks
Glomgold taking the time to hang up a painting of Scrooge
"McMystery at McDuck McManor!":
Donald fleeing to his car like:
"Literally the oldest person he knows?"
The entire table read of this episode from Disney Channel Fan Fest 2018
Scrooge being a sulking Grumpy Gills. XD
DJ Daft Duck
Godfrey and I being on the same wavelength yet again (To quote Godfrey, "Insert 'Perception Check' by Tom Cardy")
Scrooge being SO against celebrating his birthday that he straight up lagged and froze the Discord stream (Dude, WTF?)
Mist Opportunity
"I hate this already."/"OH, YEAH. :)"/"You can't get that helmet off, can you?"/"OH, NO. :'("
Black Arts Beagle is best Beagle Boy
The stream lagging on the part where Scrooge walks into a sliding glass door 😭 (I know it's because of WriteBackAtYa's laptop, but for the sake of levity, let's say it was Scrooge's doing again and he did it because that part fucking embarrasses him.)
Mark saying Glomgold sucks at the whole "trying to kill Scrooge" thing (Rare Mark Beaks W)
"Since when did I have to become the adult in the room? I'M NOT CUT OUT TO BE THE ADULT!"
Huey doing a Scrooge impression
"Don't kill me! I barely lived! #YOLO #FOMO #AHHH"
Duckworth's reaction to seeing the axe fall down to the floor
Duckworth and Beakley's beef with each other
"Clock Cleaners":
Snoozer male stork
Learning A New Hope was paired with "Duck Dodgers in the 24th 1/2 Century" for its screenings
Realizing we were watching the edited version of the short where Donald says "Aw, nuts."
The return of Max's real mother
The Great Mouse Detective:
Me sharing which DT/DWD character would be who in a GMD-themed AU way before the movie started
Us getting excited at hearing Alan Young's voice
Cheerful music playing right after a sad moment (Hiram getting kidnapped) = Last Crash ending vibes
A new server emoji of Mark Beaks getting shot point blank for dabbing
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Tokuvivor: "The world's smallest violin" Caroline: "Let me play you a song on the world's smallest violin" Me: "Basil, this is serious."
Learning Vincent Price is in this movie
Sharing a GMD Lorcana card during "The World's Greatest Criminal Mind"
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teleportzz: "literally every man in this is so gay so far" puffywuffy8904: "or are they just european" Story Blossom: "Or are they gay AND european?"
Basil's face when Toby sat on Olivia's command
Hiram and Olivia reminding Puffy and I of Scrooge and Webby (I AM GETTING FUCKING EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT AS WE SPEAK.)
Ratigan upon learning Fidget's list is missing:
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Basil x Dawson being the movie's equivalent of DWD91!Drakepad
Story Blossom pointing out how Miss Kitty is basically Goldie
The bar fight scene in a nutshell:
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"There is no Queen of England."
Ratigan's royalty drip
WriteBackAtYa: "He's supreme like a taco from Taco Bell"
Basil trying to imprison Ratigan: "Officer, arrest that man!"
The entire Big Ben scene and how well the 2D and CGI animations blended together
Learning that the ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast was the first Disney and Pixar collaboration
According to melcat33, Basil not skipping leg day saved his life
puffywuffy8904: "and they were roomates" Me: "Oh, my God. They were roommates."
Ratigan's "Goodbye So Soon" diddy playing during the end credits
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gauloiseblue · 4 months
Ngl, Éngel probably is very slightly luckier than Lawfully Kidnapped Wifey, because in the grand scheme of things, all she has to do is to hold her breath and outlive König The Heretic and she'll regain her halo and wings after a little while of repenting and then she's back to enjoying her life again being spotted in random forests. While IOFAB darling has to deal with König of The Flesh and Blood (I'm having fun with doing Arknights Alter names) for the rest of her life.
I can't imagine being stuck inside the house forever, man 😭😭😭 No amount of forest walks, garden walks, and touching grass will replace ACTUALLY being outdoors and talking to your friends about your hyperfixations for HOURS. The helper can't take care of me in that way cuz they can't even understand me.
Imagine being able to have somewhat financially stable adult money and still not be able attend cons and watch theater musicals live on stage or plain shopping random shit u like because some extremely selfish middle aged man decided that “yea I want that. She my pet wife now” I'd summon Mahoraga on him fr fr😭 My dreams of watching Wicked live on stage is going to come crashing down like how that building fell on IOFAB reader .
Y can't IOFAB König have a much more normal more enjoyable hobby? Like Gundam models or Figurine Painting
So yea, Éngel gets it very slightly easier cuz heretics will always face judgement unless reincarnation before redemption is a thing wherein she has to live a human life before going back to her celestial body...
Imagine if IOFAB König is just reincarnated Heretic König where his crippling addiction for angels turned into extreme ruthless selfishness and Éngel reincarnated as IOFAB darling. Soulmates in a twisted Legend of Zelda way (Nina/random murdered Fay for the third part of the reincarnation trio)
Sorry for the random long dump 😅
Zero, you really went from anon to the no. 1 theorist of IOFAB XD That's quite a character development you have there, I'd say.
I don't think any of them is luckier 🤔 she's an Angel, so she's like, a conglomerate's daughter who's taken away from the comfort of her home. Not to mention the religious guilt she suffers, and the fear of falling from grace. Angel isn't immune to earthly pleasure, so there's a chance that she can't go back to where she's used to.
I mean………. at least you have a loving husband…….? But dw, he doesn't exist <3
(Out of curiosity, did you talk to your friends about your hyperfixation? Like, did you tell them about COD fandom, and all the fics that you read? Did they know about my or other writer's fics? 🤔)
He does have hobbies, which is collecting guns and weapons, reading books (esp the psychology one, bc you know why), impregnating his wife, and hunting.
While reincarnation AU is interesting, I feel like a parallel universe makes more sense. Idk, I haven't think about it that much 🤔
Sorry I don’t get all of the game references you used 😅 I don't even know legend of zelda, except for the meme about breath of the wild speedrun.
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sanityshorror · 1 month
Plz I need more Killian and Negan being a chaotic, god-awful, downright disgusting duo😭😭🙏🙏🙏
PS. I'm 99.9% sure that Killian thinks even less of Patrick than Julius does lmao☠️☠️☠️
Okay okay okay! HC time YAY YAY YAY YAY lmao. So I'm going to do the part about Patrick Bateman in a separate post to keep it more organized especially since I have a lot to say on that. So without further ado, here's more of my Killian and Negan HCs:
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Negan and Killian would definitely street race together. Both of them would have Black Betty blasting on repeat lol
Matching outfits. They definitely do matching outfits sometimes and DAYUM THEY LOOK GOOD.
Bros absolutely go out to dive bars together to pick up women, drink, and play pool.
Negan still is convinced that Cian is Killian's brother. Killian is still convinced that Carl is Negan's biological son.
Speaking of Cian and Carl, they probably get along lol so quadruple the chaos but Cian and Carl are both a lot more chill especially as adults so they would be the wranglers. Lol
Negan would probably get Killian into sports. Specifically baseball (duh) and American football.
"You're one huge son of a bitch, built like a fuckin' line backer!" - Negan, talking to Killian, probably
They beat the living shit out of each other for fun. Neither one of them will stop until they both have two black eyes and busted lips. As long as Killian doesn't use his demon strength they're actually in the same weight class so yeah they're basically doing backyard MMA.
Drink together and smoke cigars while swapping stories about crazy sex and crazy kills. Killian, of course, has many that involve both acts combined into one.
Negan's initial reaction was to the information:
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Negan started laughing pretty quick though and called Killian a crazy son of a bitch.
They both do that bro-arm around the shoulder thing to each other that's like an affectionate choke hold.
Killian brought Negan a new leather jacket made special just for him with the name Lucille embroidered beautifully over the heart. "...Jules made this, didn't he?" "No goddamn shit." "...Well, it would be a waste of a life to not fuckin wear the human leather jacket 😂😂😂" yeah, negan loves it.
Negan is still high key a bit disturbed at the reasoning behind Killian's cane being named "Bethany," given it's basically the polar opposite to why he named his bat "Lucille."
Negan is half terrified of Killian, and half not remotely scared of him. He knows Killian isn't going to hurt him... Well, at least not badly.
Killian gave Negan the mob brand without initiation to show he holds the utmost respect for Negan. Negan is more than smart enough to understand how much that says and how serious it is.
Negan tried on Killian's boots but they were too big on him. Killian did his usual "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT SMALL FEET? SMALL FUCKIN DICK WHAHSHAHAHAHAHA" thing. Negan has a very similar sense of humor so he just started wheezing.
Cian and Carl keep stealing their guns.........
I have a lot more but I'll stop here xD
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mofffun · 8 months
King-Ohger Character Song memo
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link to streaming
Gira - Kind King
oooh rock! something Taisei himself likes? (Masashi mentioned they quickly became friends because they have football and rock bands in common)
the opening electric tunes is a consistent Dug motif
His voice is SO cute and the mismatch with the instrumetns XD
I like 'i gotta we gotta' part. catchy kinda slogan-y like self pep talk
Gira will stand up to unjustice and do it himself, but with the bonds with his friends too 😭😭
the longer I listen to it the less it sounds like Taisei?? and closer to sports anime freshman protag. I look forward to listening its live version.
Overall the song is very motivating and cheerful, let's just say it does sound like something Gira could write himself.
there's no beating INFERNO, but the lyrics is direct and cute, very fitting for Gira's character.
You get the chara song is how the character wants to express themselves and the image song is who they are from an outside perspective.
Yanma - Teppen Online
hmmm I'm surprised by the chorus? (+ve)
musically I don't find much surprise with this one but I like the chorus. Try & Fight and I'm still alive were just too impactful.
no wait it sounds like the most we learn about Prez?
In the lyrics he said, "some things don't need to be said (out loud)" and yeah, he's a bit shy in expressing affection huh? Or say, he believes in action more than words and he's the traditional manly type that's like, "hing1 dai6, sum ziu3 lah"
Himeno - Golden Garden
the "I wish" song in musicals
That's Erica's voice???
'K I can see the second verse as Hime singing to Rita.
ah no bridge (I think none of them have bridge? :(
A very beautiful song. Gives me a 2000s shojo amime ED vibe.
Rita - Moffun's Song
Yeah no, I don't like Rita's stuck being a Moffun fan in their character song. Can't say I'm more impressed by the full version as a Yuzuki fan either
The short version impressed me by showing Yuzuki's range in just under a minute. The high note is moved to the very end of the song from verse 2
Some rationalize it as Rita themself choosing to use this version to represent themself and I can see the reasoning behind Rita's caring interior should've be apparent by now and you have the contrast with Ignorantia but UGH I want the Chief Justice actually singing about their struggle and duty and YOU KNOW MAYBE TOUCH ON THEIR CONNECTION WITH GOKKAN????? IN HIRAKAWA'S LOW IKEMEN VOICE???
On the other hand did we ever get an explanation of why Rita likes Moffun in the first place? We know it's not some tragic backstory and honestly, they could've like it simply because it's cute. And yes, I can infer why someone like Rita would like something like Moffun but hnnnnn it's not canon
but another contradiction I'm facing is actually I was glad to see an adult character who's not afraid of showing their otaku passionate side, but Rita's not fully committed to that...
Kaguragi - 仰天珍道中
hohoho I so look forward to Kaku-san's singing.
oh my god that's really good???
i can see him on a showa TV show in a white suit
this is gonna be a brainworm
it's much faster than I expected too.
there's lore in this lyrics… (looks up japanese dictionary)
Jeramie - 線上のTrickster
Masashi's in the "singing voice close to speaking voice" group.
Jeramie, you're not beating the Noel allegations
has some early 2000s J-rock vibes I guess?
It's not a bad song ay any rate but again (like the perfume) doesn't feel very Jeramie to me?? Maybe I've been paying too little attention to him my interpretation deviation from official's for the second time?
(I like The Prophet better but maybe this will warm up to me)
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darlingpassion · 4 months
Something just occurred to me that I dont think we've ever talked about. A very terrible one, so- trigger warning for sexual assault (the whole Lottie conception thing).
So Rena fucks black-out-drunk Smartass on a really bad night after a terrible fight with King. She was under the influence of hard drugs, but, still- she was more Aware, then he was. He resembled her husband, and in her fucked-up, drug-addled mind, gravitated towards him. Used him. Left early and got pregnant.
It was a fucked up situation all around but Rena was definitely the instigater and in a bad place head-wise; emotionally erratic and a loose canon.
Well... in the universe where they all know eachother eventually- does Shiny k n o w??? Does Poppy know??? If King found out about Lottie, Rena would definitely tell him the whole story. But I don't think she'd go around telling just anyone (or if she'd even care. Or think about it at all. Getting drunk and fucked up and doing 'fucked up shit' (little baby firefly reference for you to lighten the mood XD ) is an all the time kinda thing for her after all). And I doubt that Smartass would, either. So...
??? What do you think? Maybe King tells them. How do they react? 🤔
(Oh god what of LOTTIE found out. She already doesn't want her mother, now she's about to kick this woman's ass)
This... I knew we had to confront it when we started to ship our OC's together, but I was afraid to 😅😭😅😭
Hooooooooo boy. Ok. Lemme break this down. I've been simmering on this ask for the past couple of days cause I wanna D I S C U S S this-
First off- whether or not Poppy and Shiny know what Rena did.
Hm... I feel like it's kind of yes, kind of no? And Shiny knows more than Pops does. Obviously, they don't know who the mother is, and if Smartass can't remember that night, then he's either blocked the memory out or he was that black out drunk. I don't think the darker side of this would really sink in for Poppy early on because, although she does know creeps exist, she imagines them being more confrontational; she did kind of grow up sheltered, and the only creeps she's encountered in Downtown are those who aren't subtle. So she doesn't think about the consequences of leaving your drink open in a crowded bar, or someone waiting until you're inebriated and not sound of mind to invite you over to their place (i really really really want to write Poppy getting drugged at a bar while hanging out with Greasy or Shiny, and they notice and take care if shit. Kind of like your Jim x Reader drabble). It took her a while to realize that how she and Henry met was also pretty predatory on his part, though.
Remember when I told you I imagine Poppy actually being there the night Lottie was dropped off on their doorstep? I also see her, after getting over the shock of a baby in this mobster house, trying to help Smarty retrace his steps so they can figure out where the baby even came from, "Ok, do you remember where you were nine months ago?" "Who the hell keeps track a'that!?" "Nobody, but in this case, we really need to figure that out-" Whether Smartsss remembers and tells her or not, after thinking it over, I think Poppy would suspect that Smartass was also taken advantage of and is scared and sorry for him. She'll ask him if he's OK and assure him it wasn't his fault, even if he tries to brush it off. As usual, Poppy would go into well-meaning-but-kinda-overbearing mode. She hopes that maybe the mother was also drunk- it's still bad for them both, but it's better than if she soberly saw Smartass in the state he was in and slept with him still. She wouldn't be sure if she should keep Lottie's hope up for her mother in this case since they only know Smartass' side, and will listen if he or Lottie says they aren't interested in the possibility that her mother may come back.
Shiny on the other hand, she's encountered nearly every type of fucker you could think of, especially now that she works in the adult entertainment industry. She's even fallen victim to some of them in the past. It's part of why she's so ready to square up and gouge someone's eye out if they give her the wrong vibe- hell, when she's out with her gals, especially Poppy, she's sniffing out for creeps while having fun. It's just second nature to her at this point. So when she was told about baby Lottie and heard that Smartass had no memory of that night, her alarm bells were already ringing in her head. Even if she annoys Smartass, she does see him as kind of like a little brother... A little brother who's a little asshole and got little man issues, but a little brother all the same (yes, that means she sees Stu as her little brother too. And he's a whole lot nicer than her other adopted brother XD), so she's also got that protective streak in her despite constantly teasing him.
She wants to find the bitch who took advantage of him, and tells him they should go find the mother- not for Lotties sake, but for his. Shiny is headstrong, so it'd take a lot for the guys to convince her to don't bother if Smarty doesn't want to go through all that trouble. Shiny wouldn't approve if Poppy tried to encourage Lottoe to be hopeful about her mother. Even if she wasn't such a monster like Shiny is imagining her to be, she still left her daughter. In Shiny's eyes, that's inexcusable. But maybe this is why Shiny hates Rena so much; she got the vibes from that woman without even finding out she was Lotties mother.
So even though Poppy and Shiny don't know the whole story, they both do end up suspecting and worried for him. Shiny would have no issues against telling Lottie that her mother is a bad person, and Poppy is trying to figure out what to tell Lottie when she asks (honestly they'd probably sit down together and go back and forth, especially if this is after Lottie asked Poppy if shes her mother and Poppy needs advice). If either of them met Rena after this?? And found out what she did???? Hoooooo boy.
Shiny is gonna start swinging, regardless if they've fucked or not. Enough said. Rena is a weapons expert, but Shiny inherited her dad's honey badger crack-head determination. It's anyone's fight at that rate.
Poppy? Ohhhhh ho ho ho, it depends on their relationship. If she just remained uncomfortable around Rena (which would happen in the Pocho, or any weasel ship, timeline. I don't care how alluring Rena turns it up, Poppy ain't cheating on her S/O), then this gives her more incentive to stay away from her. I can see her confronting Rena, even if it has been years at this rate. How could she have gone after a drunken man?! Even if she was having a bad day!? Don't even get me started on Poppy's thoughts about Rena only coming back into Lottie's life when she wants something. The mama bear in her would really rear to the surface if that happened.
If she and Rena started a relationship though??? Oh... Oh hell no. This is so much worse than Rena dropping Poppy for Henry. Poppy also confronts Rena here, but she's so much more angry and disgusted than she was with the topic of Henry. If Rena doesn't show some kind of remose for what she did, Poppy will break up with her... She might break up with Rena anyway- which is pretty big in and of itself because, as I'm sure you've noticed, Poppy has never been the breaker in a relationship. How do you think Rena would respond to that?
Now granted, Rena was also under the influence. But as you said, she was more aware. I think maybe this might make Poppy hesitate? She doesn't indulge in drugs (except that one time Wheezy got her high on weed by accident *cough*) and she prefers to drink on specific times, so she's not so in-tune with how inebriated someone can get and how in control they can be. Shiny, however, she is a hard drinker and smokes (she sticks to Marijuana herself, but she has had a few friends who indulged in more serious drugs. Her slasher self, though, indulges in them greatly), so she does know that there are various levels of sobriety and intoxication. And she's pretty sure Rena wasn't black out drunk like Smartass, especially since she actually remembers that night.
Poppy, conflicted and unsure: Shouldn't we... Aren't we supposed to take her condition that night into consideration, too??
Shiny: that's actually a good point, Pops.
Shiny: *turns to Rena* do you remember what happened that night?
Rena: Yeah-
Shiny: Then kindly go fuck yourself with a sandpaper wrapped cactus that's tipped with E. Coli.
Now as for King... Poppy would have mixed feelings. It's obvious he's not like Rena and doesn't agree with what she does, but why are they still together?? Yes, he loves her, but... *looks at Rena and her cheating hoe-ass* yeah... Meanwhile, Shiny is suspicious of him if he's still with Rena afterall this. What kind of skeletons does he have in his closet?? Other than the obvious. She would try to keep Poppy away from King if this happened in the Kingpop timeline.
As for Lottie. Poppy wants to protect her, so she'll try to stop her from kicking Rena's ass. Yes, she's got training from the navy, but she won't let her little neice get hurt! Let her take care of this, sweetie. You and your father need to get away from this woman. Shiny would jump into the fight first... But she'd let Lottie get her kicks in too. And they can go get a drink at the bar afterwards and either sit in silence or talk about it, whatever Lottie would want.
So, tldr, Poppy and Shiny may not be told all the details, but they would start to suspect on their own. And Riny and Renpop would be nonexistent in this AU.
Fuuuuuuucccckkkk this hurt my heart so bad, especially the part of me that loves the Rena ships despite how dysfunctional they'd be. But we needed this too. What do you think?
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paranorahjones · 3 months
Ok so, for reverse unpopular opinion, MAWS and Stranger Things :).
I genuinely laughed out loud when I saw the second thing in this ask. Evil evil evil 🤣
@dangerously-human BLESS YOU for also asking me about MAwS, I'm gonna do a two-for-one here and tag you in this one (and then answer your other one afterwards)
I'm gonna try to keep my thoughts brief because I'm gonna make an incredibly long post about it later but main points:
I absolutely adore the way MAwS portrays physical and emotional attraction between two adults while balancing both of those aspects of romantic attraction in a way that never makes the viewer feel it's unrealistic or uncomfortable, or like either party is objectifying the other. This is what my long post will largely be about because the way it's done in MAwS feels incredibly rare and valuable.
This has been said by so many other people but I also just adore Clark Kent's character in MAwS. Until now I have never once found myself significantly compelled by any mainstream superhero media besides Megamind. I tried with Marvel and it didn't take. I saw less of DC and didn't really see anything that drew me in, though to be fair I didn't really look. I didn't grow up reading comics and only knew the characters by their stereotypes or their gritty, subversive adaptations that no one likes.
And then I watched MAwS and it changed everything. XD I care about all of it now. I want to know so much more.
I also really really love this adaptation of Lois Lane. I'm really not familiar with the others, but she's such a fun and real-feeling character. She's larger than life and also so down-to-earth when she needs to be. She makes mistakes a lot and does her best to right them, and it's so comforting that she really feels like exactly what she is: a 23-year-old intern with the energy of a caged comet, trying her best to live up to extremely high expectations and her own aspirations. Sometimes that energy goes in the wrong direction, but she is well-intentioned and genuine and really a sweetheart. I love her to death.
I just. ugh. I love them so much. 😭
Okay. Now for part two.
Stranger Things. Can I talk specifically about the first and second seasons? Because those two seasons, for the most part, felt like such a beautiful embodiment of the "love conquers all" trope that we both love. The boys protecting Eleven at the start and doing everything they could to help her, Mike especially doing his best to communicate with her and be a source of safety and comfort for her, and at the end of the first season, her sacrifice to protect all of them. Good gosh. I still can't watch that scene without crying. AND THEN IN THE SECOND SEASON us finding out that Mike tried to reach out into the void for Eleven every single day for 353 days straight?? Destroys me. Utterly. I love Mike so much. (also fun fact, if you add up the digits in 353 it equals 11. i remember binging the second season on the night it came out and screaming to myself about that when it came up.)
I'm gonna throw this link in here because it's one of the best fan edits I've ever seen in my entire life and it encapsulates all of my feelings about Mike and Eleven in season one. I remember watching it over and over again seven years ago and it still brings back all of those emotions. It's so good.
Additional things I love about Stranger Things:
The music. Oh my gosh, the music. The soundtrack from season one is often on repeat in my car. It's freaking beautiful.
Steve. Best freaking redemptive character arc I've ever seen in anything ever. He goes from being perfectly hate-able to someone I would die for in the span of two seasons, and just continues to get better.
Steve's hair. It's great.
It being the reason that we have the infamous "category five woman moment" post about Joyce Byers. I think about it all the time. One of my top five favorite phrases ever.
There are more things but I think I've talked about Stranger Things more than I talked about MAwS at this point, ironically. XD
Thank you both so much for the asks!! These were so fun!! :DDD 💙
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leansuccubus · 6 months
death of our sanity and singular collective braincell; heartsteel fanfic- pt1 - i know your secrets
warnings ⚠️ contains swearing, flirting like how you flirt w your friends, it’s more of a platonic thing really. Friendly bullying, just homies being homies
You created a groupchat
You named the groupchat “🤡🤡🤡”
You: guys.
Settrigh🗿: HEY WHAT’S UP?
Settrigh🗿: HI
You: that, you’ll find out soon
You: i made a gc because we’re all homies here, and we needed a gc 🥰🥰🥰
You: i also have some interesting…news to share
Settrigh🗿: uh oh you’re scaring me
You: don’t worry sett, it’ll be okay 😁😁😁
Settrigh🗿: ALRIGHT… although something is telling me i probably shouldn’t trust you
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: spill
Croissante🥐: Hello. I’m here. I’m concerned but slightly intrigued 👀👀👀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: the FUCK did they go, they can’t just come in here, say they have to say something AND THEN LEAVE???
G R E E N 🌿: i’m kinda scared too 😳😳😳
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: you’re always pscared what’s new 🗿
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: #justiceforezreal
Croissante🥐: Yeah…
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: ez. he’s the one who SETS UP THE JUMPSCARES
You: the dye must’ve leaked into his brain and killed all his braincells 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: hes a blonde, he already had negative braincells to begin with 💀💀💀
You: No.
G R E E N🌿: YES.
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: if you don’t tell us, i’ll throw a shoe
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: i’ll throw his other shoe 🫥
Settrigh🗿: that would leave a mark
Settrigh: We need to know please 😔😔😔
You: okay so.
You: yall know how i was at the dorm yesterday
You: i’m surprised it didn’t smell like straight cheese and sweat
You: when they know basic hygienic 😍😍😍
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: YAPOLOGIST FR
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You: anyways, I was on my way to sett and phel’s room to play some animal crossing bc they’re animal crossing addicts
Settrigh🗿: I’m an animal crossing addict and im not afraid to admit it XD
You: so on the way there, i had to pass ezreal’s room. and i shit you not, i hear him talking to himself
G R E E N🌿: oh lord. not this.
You: oh yes.
You: wanna tell us what you said EZREAL?
G R E E N🌿: nope i think i’ll pass 😃
You: that’s fine, i’ll just say it myself
You: when i walk past ez’s room, i hear him full on simping for lux, begging them gods to let her notice him
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: jesus christ. i knew ez’s crush on lux was bad, but i didn’t know it was this bad.
Settrigh🗿: oh it’s true, why would reader ever lie to us? xd
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: we’re never letting you hear the end of this 😭
Settrigh: Aw we love you too <3
Croissante: Lol. Ez gotta be more careful next time
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸😈🤘👹👹👹: bro’s rizz is in the negatives
Settrigh🗿: bro is in the trenches
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: bro is tremendously down bad
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸😈🤘👹👹👹: we’re never letting him live this down are we?
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: no we are NOT
You: and that’s not even all
You: y’all are so strange istg, the shit i hear whenever i’m over is just insane
Settrigh🗿: THERES MORE???
You: after passing ez’s room and busting nerves from trying not to laugh, i pass k’sante’s room, and the door is WIDE open
Settrigh🗿: uh oh
Croissante🥐: Yeah… uh oh is an understatement
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: bro is cooked 💀
You: i saw him scrolling on grindr 💀💀💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: 💀💀💀
Croissante🥐: YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS 💀
You: I DID.
Settrigh🗿: Oh god… what else? XD
G R E E N🌿: we’re all curious, don’t leave us hanging 🤷‍♂️
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: i second this 👀
You: when i FINALLY reach sett and phel’s room…
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: you’re making it sound like one of those stories old people tell you about how they got to school 😭
G R E E N🌿: “i climbed 2 mountains and walked through the snow” lookin ahh
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: real
You: anyways, what do i hear???
Settrigh🗿: oh god. please no
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: 😟😟😟
You: y’all have anything to say about that?
Settrigh🗿: READER.
You: yes sett? 🥰
Settrigh🗿: how could you…😔
You: because y’all didn’t invite me to join 😔
Settrigh🗿: you didn’t even ask you bastard
Settrigh🗿: ya snooze ya loose yk
G R E E N🌿: one time i heard them kissing in the laundry machine
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: same, they were like so loud 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: at least sett was, bro sounded like a subaru
Croissante🥐: Lol
Mother 🤤🤤🤤: What on Earth did I just come back to?
Mother🤤🤤🤤: I spend a few hours experimenting with samples and check my phone for the time, only to see a hundred notifications. Shouldn’t you guys be cleaning?
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: RUN. ITS MOTHER. RUN FOR THE HILLS
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zimithrus1 · 2 months
10 Shows (gifs), 10 People 📺
Tagged by the lovely @isleofair, thank you so much for including me! This one looks like a super fun one! 💚💚 These aren't going to be in any particular order, just 10 shows that I liked enough to incorporate into my personality or just really really liked growing up 😆🌟
1 Inuyasha
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My very first anime I watched with the actual knowledge of what anime even was. Shout-out to my big bro for getting me into it when I was 10. Helped me make one of my very best friends to this day and I have such fond memories of this anime. 💗
2 House MD
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My favorite medical drama to watch! Some episodes had me thinking 'I can't believe my mom was okay with me watching this show' 😆 I still remember so many episodes vividly and I really want to re-watch it all again now that I'm an adult XD
3 Chrono Crusade
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Oh lord the things this show did to my teenage brain 💗 I shit you not I would finish this series and then REWATCH IT ALL OVER AGAIN ON THE SAME DAY, I was hardcore obsessed with this show!! Permanently altered my brain chemistry, and unfortunately in the process I watched it so much I ruined it for my older brother 😂😂 To this date this show has one of the most powerful shows of intensity coupled with the most bittersweet ending I have ever seen 😭 Like literally, hmu about this show because there's no one else I know that even KNOWS what this show is and I am always down to talk about this one any time!! (This gif of Chrono was too cute not to use!!)
4 Tiger & Bunny
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This show. These two. Holy shit. 💯 they've definitely altered my brain waves too XD This show has some of the most dynamic characterization, design and storytelling I've seen in a long time! I definitely got into it later in life but I'd say I got into it at just the right time. An anime about the nitty gritty of superhero life specifically made with adult audiences in mind 💚
5 Code Lyoko
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I was obsessed with this show when it first launched on cartoon network! A unique blend of 2D and 3D animation with all kinds of dangers and hijinks. The 3D is definitely a little aged but I think it still holds up well for a show made in '03. Me and my brother used to quote this show all the time and giggle over the dumb jokes so much that my mom dropped the rule of needing to be excused from the dinner table for reasons I can't remember XD Shout-out to Odd for being my first introduction to a cat-like person with his 3D model 💜
6 Case Closed / Detective Conan
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Murder mystery anime for the win!! Still ongoing even after 28 years of airing 💯 I'm going through and trying to complete an entire series watch!I didn't get into this one until 2011 with the 6th movie (they played it at our library's local anime club meeting) and only watched the dub until recently, but at least I have a lot to watch! 💚
7 Xiaolin Showdown
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I loved this cartoon! Fun, exciting, well rounded characters and villains, amazing plots and fun times all around! I remember they even had a contest for this show to design your own weapon that would be later added into the show! Jack Spicer is a hilarious villain and shout-out to Chase Young for being my first fictional crush ever 💚
8 Pokemon
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Raichu my beloved!!! 💚💚Aside from Raichu, I loved this show growing up. Ash was such a fun and likeable protagonist for me as a kid and heck this show is even the reason why I have my irl nickname in the first place. I legit teared up when Ash was finally no longer the main protagonist of the series anymore lol!
9 Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Ironically, we did not have cable at the time this show was at the height of it's popularity, so I was only able to watch it when my parents took me and my brother over to our friends house. (Our parents were friends so naturally all us kids were friends too!) But we would all get super excited when this show was on, especially if the episode was new! I think we used to pretend to be the characters? XD And I remember the eldest sister of our friends came by one day with avatar fruit snacks for us all, it was awesome 💯💚 Zuko still has one of the best redemption arcs I've seen in a show 👌
10 Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles
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A middle school favorite!! For months I wanted everyone in school to call me Sakura 😅 Still have my DVDs and a few manga books for this series. Loved it a ton even if the anime itself never did wrap up the story completely. The OVAs were bad-ass though, and a lot of the OST is still downloaded to my ipod 💯 (Yes I still use an ipod in 2024 lmao) (Looks familiar? The Manga artists of Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Chobits also made this one - CLAMP!)
Holy fuck this took way longer to pull together than I thought it would! I think I spent over an hour?? XD But it was super fun anyway!! I will see if these cool cats would also like to do this one! (I can't think of 10 sorry! XD)
@prismaticpichu @up-sideand-down @kazeshxni @thatrandomartistyoufound @aerislei @enide-s-dear @waifujuju @nicoroni
And of course no pressure if you aren't feeling up to it!! 💚💚
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