#pota maurice
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blogthebooklover · 9 months ago
Somewhere In Ape Heaven
Koba: I knew it, that Noa was a trouble maker from the start! Rocket: Don't look at me, Koba. He gets it from Caesar. Maurice: He was only trying to his clan back home safely Bad Ape: If other apes find out Noa protect a human female, they will shun and exile him. Cornelia: Not to mention he won't have a mate or a clan of his own. Koba: No, your great grandson had to FALL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN! Caesar: (secretly enjoying the fact Noa chooses a human, but must keep up appearances even in the afterlife) NO! Everyone & Nova: (stares at him in surprise)
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teojira · 9 months ago
[I look after you.] [POTA headcanons!]
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Summary: Random acts of service I think each ape would do for you!
Characters: Caesar, Noa, Koba, Maurice Rocket, Blue eyes, Lake, Cornelius, and Dar.
Warnings: Caesar and Noa's are meant to be romantic. Dar and Cornelius are platonic as well. The others could be read as platonic or romantic, though!
A/N: These are all just random thoughts I've had today. Some will be shorter than others due to just how many characters I tried to include, so bare with me!
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Caesar has a sixth sense as to when you're gonna get hurt, it's uncanny.
Humans are clumsy and more fragile than others, he knows as such because of his grandfather and Will, seeing them trip and fall over nothing, stub their toe and curse, it's almost as if they didn't have spatial awareness at times.
His reflexes are faster than his words.
So he knows when you're about to slam your forehead full force into a wooden beam, immediately throwing a hand up to soften the blow.
You instinctually let out an "Ow!" Before realizing you're okay, your mates warm hand against your skin. The Chimp raises an eye bridge up at you, looking towards you and then his hand.
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Koba doesn't do anything nice for you without the expectation that you will do something for him in return.
One thing he will do is protect you against yourself, mainly out of pure pity.
Your center of gravity is different than his, and the woods are not meant for you, so get used to Koba yanking you back from a steep drop.
He isn't gentle about it, fist curled into your jacket and roughly dragging you backward, letting out a shrill against his knowledge.
You knock against his chest, his body immediately giving off its warmth to your own.
You're too scared to look up at Koba, knowing damn well he's gonna be glaring down at you, a comment ready to go.
Unfortunately for you, he does it regardless if you meet his gaze or not.
"Should have. Let you fall." He growls, hoping you can't somehow feet his heartbeat pumping out of his chest.
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Noa enjoys caring for you, making your life easier by any means necessary, whether it be by learning how to make you tools that help you fish easier, cooking your meat for you, knowing that your anatomy is different, to teaching you to the best of his ability how to hunt more efficiently.
It's his love language, not that he'd be aware of it. It makes him feel like a good mate, and that boosts his ego.
He gets so mad if you try and wave him off, scoffing at the thought of you not needing him.
What do you mean you're fine on your own? Nuh uh.
Has pouted before and got huffy if you get off of your horse without him helping you down, turning his back to you childishly as he sighs as long as possible.
I hate him.
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Maurice lets you cuddle into him for warmth. His fur is longer than the others, and he runs warm. He worries for you when the winters get rough. There's only so much they can do other than set a fire up and wrap you with animal hides.
Sometimes, it's not enough, and shivering yourself to sleep isn't fun.
Maurice considers you family, being the first first ape to truly take you in, he'd never turn you away from when you need him most.
Never needing permission, you quietly make your way to the Orangutan's nest, trying your best not to step on any leaves or branches.
Gingerly taking your time to settle next to Maurice, lowering your body down.
Taking a glance at Nova resting on his other side, you don't catch his eyes peering open, a hand coming up to sign slowly.
Lifting a long arm, he allows you to curl into his side, finally granting you a good night's rest.
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Blue eyes always makes sure you're apart of the conversation, if he and Ash are goofing around, and you're standing off to the side, he's gonna immediately poke small fun at you to get your attention.
The second he has it, he's gesturing you over to their little circle at the camp fire, asking you what humans think of whatever subject they're talking about.
Baby Blue will shove his shoulder into Ash if he tries to make fun of you, knowing well that you may not take it as friendly banter just yet.
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If you're gonna be with the colony, you'll need a protector, and who else is a better, more loyal one than Rocket.
No ape is being disrespectful towards you on his watch, you're important to Caesar and while that was in fact originally the reason he made it a point to keep an eye on you, he's come to love you himself.
An Ape comes up to you, asking something wildly inappropriate?
Rocket gets up in their face, making direct eye contact and puffing out his chest for them to back the fuck off, daring them to make a move, all while making sure you're well hidden behind himself.
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Lake enjoys braiding your hair for you, the different texture offering a welcome challenge compared to her own.
She's so gentle and light handed, her fingers weaving the strands to the best of her ability, fingers much too large.
It's a bonding experience between the two of you, her downtime, after working with the little ones for hours previously.
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The littlest ape prince is no stranger to clinging on to you at any point in time. Even as he grows older and gets to be too heavy to sit on your lap or climb up your back, he does it anyway. Wrapping his arms around your neck and hiding his face against your skin.
He does it when looking for comfort, but also for when he's being a little shit and his dad is searching for him to chastise.
Cornelius knows that when you're near, you're gonna spoil and baby him, and that's exactly what he wants, hiding behind you.
He is observant like his father, always in tune with your emotions and knows when you need to have company so you don't stew in your own head.
Drags you off to play with the other apes, not taking no for an answer even if you try to. He pulls those puppy dog eyes and it's damn near impossible to deny him.
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Taking on a motherly role for you comes with ease, Dar slipping into it once Noa vouches for you.
She makes sure to take you under her wing, teaching you their ways of life in the a view point of an elder, not just Noas.
Please don't imagine that she'd make you your own shawl, matching her own, literally don't bc I teared up.
She'd be ecstatic to see you wear it around the colony, staring at you. She's so proud of you from how far you've come.
Dar will blatantly introduce you to others as her child, no matter what another ape says. Which wouldn't be much to begin with, became who is gonna argue with her? She won't hear a word of it, waving them off.
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fandom-lover2 · 1 month ago
Deep In The Woods, Something Lingers In The Trees
Chapter Nine - Caged In
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Chapter Eight - He Is Not Tarzan
Chapter Ten - Something Has To Change
“Damnit!” Will swore, slamming his hands down onto the desk.
I guess this was about a good of time as any to knock.
His head snapped up to me, and then he relaxed when he recognized who it was.
“Bad time?”
“It’s been three days. When it my time to shine and testify? I’m guessing I’ll need to be briefed by the lawyer on the types of questions they’ll ask. And I have tons of photos and videos on my phone as evidence and-”
“Not gonna happen.” Will cut me off.
My heart dropped. “What?”
Oh god. Was he dead? Please, please don’t tell me he was…
“90 days till we can apply for a court date. There’s nothing we can do until then.”
Oh. Not the best news.
But he wasn’t dead, and 90 days was actually good news.
“That’s fine. More than enough time to build a solid, indisputable case. We’ll get him back in no ti-”
“I don’t have time to build a case right now.” Will stood, clicking his desktop mouse twice before the printer starter up and began spitting out papers.
“What? Why?”
What the hell could be more important that getting Caesar out?
“Charles is getting worse. The disease it is mutating. I need to work on revising the original ALZ-112.”
ALZ-112. That must’ve been what Caesar had.
Wait, worse? Revising the drug?
“You’re going back to the work in the lab?”
Now that I looked, boxes and a briefcase were packed and ready to be loaded, his lab coat hanging from a hook.
“Will, Caesar need us to-”
“I can’t do anything for Caesar!” Will shouted, spinning around and scowling at me. “For 90 days, I can’t do anything. I can’t even go visit him. But right now, my father needs me more.”
He turned back to the printer, adding the pages to a blue folder. “I don’t think you should come around anymore. Leave your key on the way out.”
And it was clear there would be no more reasoning with him.
I turned on my heel, throwing the spare key onto the kitchen counter, and marched out his house, slamming the door closed behind me.
Yes, his father was dying. And yes, he had a good chance at curing it.
But Caesar was family too, and while Charles was important, I wasn’t going to abandon my brother.
As I got halfway across the street, I was hit with the fact that that was possibly the last time I ever left that house. Getting Caesar back seemed to be an increasingly impossible challenge. And if we were able to, there wasn’t a guarantee Will would let me back in, not after all that happened.
He’d probably move them all far away, out the city and away from me. Would the last time I ever stood with Caesar be us fighting? Would I ever go into his room again, or would the memory of our fight taint the tranquility of that place, forever?
Would I ever step foot in that home again? Or see Charles and Caroline again?
Slipping into my room, I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop.
My latest google search was still open, research on different boarding options in Boston.
I was ready to move with my life, get out of that attic and start living. And now? I’d have to give all that up to get him out. Months, possibly years, would go into this.
I closed the tab, and my wallpaper came into view. It was me and Caesar, the ape and I leaning against one another was we watched the sun set from the attic window.
Caroline had taken it sneakily, and sent it to me.
Caesar was all I had. It didn’t matter how much it took, he was more important than any of that. He was in this mess because of me. I’d get him home.
I wasn’t going to just sit around and wait for someone else, I couldn’t. I was going to get my brother home.  
“Please!” I begged, following the man out his office and into the break room where the other guy were sitting, not bothering to hide they had been watching us.
“Go to the zoo.” John Landon dismissed, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the pot.
“They turned me down.” I lied, adding a hint of desperation to my voice.
John turned to look at me again, taking a deep drink from his coffee. When he was done, he sighed and placed the coffee cup down. “Let me see those again.”
I fought hard to hide the smirk, holding out the papers I had printed yesterday evening to him.
False acceptance letter from Standford and the even faker forms stating I needed to log 4 months of volunteering at a zoo or sanctuary for primates as part of my course in Primatology.
I stood with baited breath as John scanned over the pages.
Eventually, he sighed. “Guess you boys would appreciate a free set of extra hands.”
Outside, I smiled politely in thanks. Inside, I felt as though my chest would burst. I got in.
“I’ll take these back to my office to sign. Dodge, show her around. And don’t get me a lawsuit.” John addressed the younger man, the one with evil in his eyes.
We sized one another up, before he scoffed. “Come on. I’ll show you the monkeys.”
Not monkeys, I corrected internally.
I followed Dodge out the office, down the ramp to the cages. It stank, so much that I had to take a moment at the door, forcing myself to not gag.
Dodge laughed. “Their shit stinks. Wait till one of ‘em throws it at ya.”
Ok, maybe I hadn’t really thought this plan through.
But Caesar wasn’t allowed visitors, and I needed to make sure he was ok, for however long he was stuck here. God only knew how these apes were being treated
Regaining control of myself, I continued down the ramp after Dodge.
“We let them out every second day to clean.” he started, beginning to walk down the walkway between the cages. He continued on about something, more about the schedule I think, but I wasn’t concentrating.
There he was, second cage on the right. His back was to us, and it seemed as though he was asleep. His didn’t have a shirt on anymore, but still had his jeans from what I could tell.
I paused, just a moment too long to watch him, and Dodge noticed.
“He came dressed like that.” he felt the need to defend, which sounded alarms in my head. “People dress them up sometimes, thinking it’s funny. Kinda is.”
My eyes snapped over to him, but I didn’t say anything.
“Come on. I’ll show you where we prepare the food. It’s time to make dinner anyway.”
Fighting every bone in my body telling me to stay, I followed Dodge further into the main floor. The cages took a bend, leading to a basic industrial kitchen.
My heart broke with every cage we passed. Each contained an ape, mostly chimps, one orangutang. They all looked so miserable, so broken. In their tiny cages, it was a miracle they could move around at all. The cages were damp, and cold, and barely lit. Chimps sat in their own shit, staring at me with lifeless eyes as I passed.
How could people just leave them here? I mean, I knew there really wasn’t anywhere else they could go, and it was better than the alternative, but they deserved better. Real grass, and real tress. Real, clean air and open sunlight. No this, not hell.
 I didn’t even want to think about how Caeser must be feeling, what he had been through the past 7 days.
We entered the kitchen, and found another man there already, mixing something in a bucket.
“Rodney, this is Alina. A new volunteer. Rodney is the vet.” Dodge introduced.
Rodney, a tall man, barely made eye contact with me as he nodded, keeping mixing the food.
I didn’t get as big ‘asshole’ vibes from him like I did Dodge, but something still felt off about him. He seemed shy, skittish even. Maybe the apes weren’t the only ones Dodge liked to laugh at.
“Nice to meet you.” I addressed him, not really even talking to him as I took in the parts of the food being used as the ape’s food.
Rice boiled on the stove, while the counters were littered with open cans of beans of all kinds. At a cutting board, carrots were being grated.
“They eat that?” I hadn’t meant for it to be so disgusted, or maybe I did.
Will had never once made Caeser eat anything like that. Was any of it even safe for chimps to eat? Never mind the orangutang I saw, which should only be eating fruits.
“None of them have starved, yet.” Dodge joked. “I’m leaving you with her.”
Then, he spun on his heels and marched out the kitchen. I turned to watch him leave, catching the exact moment he slammed something red against the nearest cage.
The chimp inside screamed, jumping to latch onto the bars and began rattling its cage. As it did so, all the others joined in, screaming and shrieking, all banging on their bars. The noise was loud, and horrifying, and all too familiar.
My hands raised to block my ears, my heart hammering in my chest.
PTSD. Frequent flashbacks to the event, trouble eating and sleeping. All signs I would expect to see in the following days of my incident. And I’d decided to sign up for hours on end with the very animals that caused it.
What the fuck was I thinking?
“You can keep going with the carrots!” Rodney called, shouting over the noise outside.
I turned back to him, frowning at the vet.
“The carrots.” he repeated, gesturing to the cutting board with his ladle.
The noise outside died down, the chimps having lost interest in the commotion.
You have to sell it, fake it till you make it. Blend in. Be normal.
“Ok.” Washing my trembling hands, I picked up the old potato peeler and began to grate the remaining carrots on the board.
“So, what will our daily chores be?” I asked, watching as Rodney checked the boiling rice before turning off the gas stove.
“Mornings we clean the main area, feed them breakfast, and put on something for them to watch. Days they go out, we clean out the cages. Then in the afternoons we cook dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast.”
“Any enrichment activities on given days?” I pressed.
Rodney laughed, more of a nervous chuckle. “They have the TVs.” he added, when he realized I was being serious.
Holy shit, this place really was ape hell. We finished making the apes food in silence, the job taking a good hour longer. Shit, I really should have gotten here earlier this morning.
Distributing the food into buckets, we headed out to feed them.
The apes, knowing what time it was, began hollering and sticking their hands out the cages the moment they saw the buckets.
Rodney had taken the first bucket of food, saying that I should watch him first and not get to close. My job was to follow behind, shoveling in a pitch fork full of straw into the cage for the apes to make a nest for the night.
We started closest to the kitchen, going down the line slowly. Meaning, Caesar would be one of the last.
I kept my eyes low, forcing myself to take calming and even breaths.
These apes weren’t Caesar. They weren’t smart like him, and they didn’t know me. I wasn’t safe with them. I couldn’t get close to them, couldn’t look away. I’d have to keep my guard up at all times.
Finally, we made it around the circle and to the final 4 cages.
Glancing over, I looked into Caesar’s cage and found him standing at the bars, waiting silently.
Caeser’s eyes caught mine and I saw them lighten in recognition.
I hurriedly dropped the wheelbarrow, raising my hands and signing for him to stay quiet. ‘I’ll come back soon.’
Checking to make sure Rodney hadn’t seen me, which he hadn’t, I continued to shovel the straw and then followed Rodney back to the kitchens.
“There’s one more, but I’ll do him today. Probably shouldn’t scare you on the first day.” Rodney mumbled, taking a single scoop of the sludge and a handful of straw before leaving me behind.
I was going to use the chance to rush to Caesar, but I could see Dodge and John in the office and so had to hold tight.
When Rodney got back, we cleaned and I did some more chores, before being called back into the office to speak to John.
“So what hours are you thinking?”
I almost said all day, every day, wanting to spend every second here with Caesar, but I needed to keep the lie up.
“A couple hours a day, maybe some weekends. It depends on my class schedules and homework.”
John bought that answer.
For the next 40 minutes I had to sign legal documents and a waiver about injuries. And then had to listen to him repeat over and over again that I was a student, a volunteer, that I would not be getting paid for anything I did.
This wasn’t about credits, or money, or anything. This was getting to help Caesar. No job would turn me away from that goal.  
“Any more questions?”
“Do you mind if I walk around a bit? Get comfortable with where things are and all that?”
John waved me off. “Suit yourself, but be gone by 6. Dodge needs to close up.” And then he grabbed his coat and left.
Doing a quick scan from the higher vantage point, I didn’t see Doge or Rodney anywhere.
Rushing down the ramp, I stopped before his cage.
“Hey Caes.” I whispered.
He spun around, grunting as he did. When he recognized me, he hopped down from his ledge and stepped up to the bars.
I took the hands he pushed through the cage, brining them up to kiss his knuckles. “Hey buddy, hey. It’s ok. I’m here.”
And then he flinched, jerking his left hand back.
“Caes?” I looked closely, and my stomach. There, on his knuckles, an open wound. Several, almost like puncture marks. He’d been bitten.
“Oh my god, Caesar.” Tears filled my eyes, my heart feeling like it cracked. “What did they do to you?”
He whimpered, pressing his face against the bars, trying to get closer to me.
For days, I had imagined what would happen when we saw one another again. I ran every scenario in my mind, practiced what I would say in the shower.
I lay awake at night, wondering if the fear alone would stop me from speaking to him. If I would freeze up again. If I would even be able to face him.
All it took was seeing him again and none of that even crossed my mind.
He was Caesar, my Caes. Nothing had changed that.
“I’m sorry.” I gasped, hot tears rolling down my cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”
He pulled back, face still pulled tight in pain as he reached up to wipe my cheeks.
“Time to go home?” he signed, breaking my heart all over again as another sob left me.
“No Caesar, you can’t go home yet.”
He pulled away from me, betrayal in his eyes.
“But I promise, I’ll be back soon…” I trailed off when he turned around, pushing himself into a corner and facing away from me.
“I promise Caesar. I’m working on it. We’re going to get you home.”
I’d probably been wasting too much time here, and if anyone caught me with red eyes that’d raise suspicion.
I stood up and took a step back. “I’ll be back tomorrow Caes. I promise you.”
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uuuhhhmmmmmmmmidk · 5 months ago
Baby Caesar 🐒💖
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Lo amo muchooOoOOoooo😭💖
Me dan ganas de abrazarloooO y jugar con él y y y y 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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gamelpar · 7 months ago
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i think the funniest thing about caesar's revenge quest is this being the first thing that happens
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phanthymn · 10 months ago
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Self indulgent APES because i am an APE-AHOLIC!
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reddesires · 9 months ago
Writing Guidelines : Here
♡ Noa Works ♡
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○ First Work.
● Noa And Life With The Clan.
○ Closure.
● Rain.
○ Flustered.
● Courting Headcanons.
○ Yearning.
○ Biting Jealousy (SMUT)
● Refutation
RUINS. (Series)
Prologue: Promising Prospect.
Chapter One: What Are The Chances?
Chapter Two: Time Will Tell.
☆ Caesar Works ☆
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● Troublesome.
○ Courting Headcanons.
○ Unfortified.
◇ Blue Eyes Works ◇
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● Derelict.
○ Courting Headcanons.
● Mated Meadow. (SMUT)
¡ Koba Works ¡
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○ Endeavors. (SMUT)
● Platonic Headcanons.
○ Koba's Human Friend Headcanons
♤ Raka Works ♤
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○ Cuddly Human Mate Headcanons.
● Raka Boobie Headcanons
♧ Maurice Works ♧
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● Father Headcanons.
~ Sunset Trio Works ~
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○ Fishing With The Sunset Trio Headcanons.
● Birds of a Feather.
《 Ape Men Works 》
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○ What Type of Lover They Are.
● Drunk Reader Headcanons.
○ Flirting With Them.
● Body Worship.
○ Period Headcanons.
● If Reader Is Injured.
○ Loud Sneeze Reactions
● Sleep Positions Headcanons
○ Ape Men Comforting Reader
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tangeerin · 10 months ago
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Maurice and Nova.
El lineart me gusta más.
Debo aprender a colorear.
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the-monkeies-girl · 9 months ago
Instead of annoying Koba like you always do … you ignore him for an entire day … I already can see his reaction:😡🤬😤
bark bark
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Title: Ignoring Is Bliss. Fandom: ( Dawn of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T ( Mentions of aggression, some minor injury. ) Pairing: Implied! Koba x Human!Reader. Words: 2.8K+ Summary: Koba told you he did not want to speak to you anymore in the phase of a heated argument. You're only giving him what he wanted.
It was a crisp day and you were intent on enjoying it to the best of your ability. Even though you were well aware you were being intensely scrutinized with every move you made, every word that was spoken, every breath you took --- Even down to the minute details like the breeze and how it would shuffle your hair, how you would draw a deeper breath in with that breeze. All watched either in entertainment or unabashed hatred, it was hard to tell at times.
Tilting your head to the side at the Baby Apes scattered around your feet, you twisted your body in a display of power to the eyes watching you and brought the draw cord of your jacket forward to show what it did to the children. There were scatterings of brown fur, orange black and even some red as the crowd you were entertaining before the afternoon lesson, before Maurice arrived, began. Chimps, Bonobo, Orangutan and Gorilla eyes all lit up the same as you smiled at them, bringing the cord to stretch out and then releasing it to spring back in. They all hoo’ed in amazement as you tilted your head to the side in thought as they bunched around your waist in closeness, wanting to touch the item. The only reason why you were being watched like a hawk at the moment wasn’t even your fault! It was remarkable to you how Apes were just as grudge holding as Humans were, if not more as your eyes slid coyly towards the Bonobo whose one good eye was boring a deep and intense hole into your skull, it was hard to ignore with the glower he was sending your way from the topped perch they too council meetings on. The meeting broke over thirty minutes ago, but he was still there, opting to not follow Caesar, Rocket and Blue Eyes to continue more personal conversations that didn't center around the Colony itself. 
“Do NOT talk to KOBA ABOUT ANYTHING.” He roared in such a fashion as tears hit the back of your eyes as if you actually had any sentimental feelings towards the relationship that teetered on the tightrope between blatant hatred and aggressive toleration. In his own words, he was telling you to back off and to leave him alone, your shoulders drawing in on themselves as he had lunged only a few feet forward, but the movement itself was brute and lashed with irritation. 
The shine of his long canines that displayed themselves were enough to drench your entire body in a cold sweat as you swallowed, cowering back a bit until your back hit the wooden wall of the hut you two were standing in. He could pin you to it and rip your throat out. You wished your mind hadn’t thought of that as you were now preoccupied imagining if it would be a swift death or if he would make you suffer.
You had only made a passing comment that maybe his hunting skills needed some improvement after you had gotten some strenuous details out of him about the hunting trip, about how he managed to kill a bear and save Caesar and Blue Eyes. Not true in the slightest, but you made jokes about each other to filter out the otherwise tedious and smothering tension that was brought to light once Caesar granted you permission to stay. 
You left that night, not a word to be said but the moment you were out of view of the Bonobo, you let yourself shudder a sob out at the aspect that even if you considered him an acquaintance, you were nothing more than an ant to him and he’ll snap your neck the moment he had the chance, without recourse. 
That’s how it worked. You pestered each other. Well, more or less. You found it more enjoyable and you had the feeling that Koba only dealt with it because if he chose to lash at you, hurt you in any way, Caesar was going to have to put his fist down on one of his closest advisors. Koba had intense hatred for Humanity, but he also had great respect for the Ape King. 
Maybe even the milky white eye as well was setting your skin on fire, you chuckled to yourself and readjusted your crouched body just enough that he was unable to get any delectations from your face and only was able to see the scape of your back, the curve of your body dipping into a deep crouch, your feet arched accordingly as the baby Apes continued their inspection of your jacket.
You glimmered with happiness as you looked down at the young Apes, all too entranced by the draw band on your jacket as you pulled it out again, proceeding to let it snap back in again with a small ‘thwup’. Pride bubbled in your chest at the fact that the Koba was still staring right at you, your movements all too intentional and all too vile for him to really look away from, as was usually the case. 
He wanted to see your face, you knew from his disposition as you caught his movements out of your periphery. He'd moved alongside with you to now sit on the rock adjacent to him, a smile forming on your face from that but you were able to blame it on the young gorilla who snatched the draw-band right out of your hand and placed it curiously into their mouth. "Nooo," You laughed gently, letting your eyes peer up only for a second as your fingers fished the item out of the young's mouth with a mild, playful scold, "Not food. Plastic. Gross."
Maurice, a gentle grace himself, arrived only a few seconds later, sitting himself in his usual spot as he chittered for the young to come join him. With forlorn eyes, you watched each of them say goodbye to you in their own ways before bouncing towards him, ready for the afternoon lesson that followed the mid-day meal. You were not a teacher by any means, you could only keep their attention by showing them something they had never seen before, you were not well thought out, not in the way that Maurice was, but it was nice to help when you knew that your other favorite activity to do was scolded and disallowed the night before.
With carefully placed feet as you knew the rock got incredibly slick during the wetter months, you trailed downwards towards the bonfire, snuggly warm and ablaze with large frames in the middle of the Colony. The flames stretched into the sky and despite that small trinkle of rain that caught the wind and brought it downwards, the fire refused its relentless pace and was quite literally a warm welcome against the chill of your cheeks as you drew nearer.
You'd consider your mission of the day a complete success after the last biting words that you had gotten from Bonobo himself the night before, you thought to yourself and admired the blaze for only a minute, letting the heat soak into the pores of your skin in a delicious way that left your retinas feeling hot and without moisture. You replayed the topic Koba spat at you last night, all the implications there that he didn't want anything to do with you any more.  That he never wanted to talk to you again.
Deep down, you knew it to be a farce, he enjoyed arguing with you too much to really draw a close to the pastime but you were simply giving him what he wanted by ignoring him the entire day, trying your best to ignore the looks you got at breakfast as you chowed down with Lake and River, the absolutely abysmal stare that you got when you waved them goodbye afterwards, Lake off to tend to her business, River off to go fishing with Blue Eyes and Ash. You were invited, but declined when you decided that the mud and the weather weren’t up your alley.
So, instead you lingered around, looking for things to do. Not much, you had to admit. But, just enough to keep the set of eyes on you entertained. If he wanted you to ignore him, surely you could do that, but you’d make a show out of it.
 Ignorance was always bliss. Unless you were Koba. Then ignorance was a waste and he needed immediate satisfaction in situations to feel good about himself. 
You had skipped lunch in favor of playing with the babies, a well deserved skip as there was nothing quite like having the attention of so many on you at once. Plus, the eyes of another really big baby, if you thought about it that way. Your hungry gaze scanned over a few wicker baskets that had been set out to be grazed upon. Curiously, you reached for a blueberry, the color all too alluring but before it made its way into your mouth, it was viciously slapped, rolling onto the ground below.
Following it, you traced the movements downwards, the rock slightly slanted under foot until it got caught in a crack. Blinking, you recognized that hand - the calloused and ridged fingers that performed the action. Mouth ajar, you looked over, eyes ample, the expression clearly that of surprise as you hadn't even noticed Koba leaving the perch, much less making his way all the way down here to perform such a petty action. And you thought that only Humans did that, at least in Koba's mind. "What the hell?" "You have..." He huffed, "Been ignoring Koba?”
"No?" You feigned innocence and rolled your eyes, bringing your hand down to grasp at another berry. Cautiously this time, you knew he was watching you and you were sure to make the allure of your curved body all the more interesting to him. "What makes you say that?" Silence. You grabbed a handful of berries to take on the road, but they were scattered onto the dirty ground below, probably to be squashed into oblivion by other Apes who traversed the area. A small whine left your lips, your body reactant as you went to pick them up,"That was my lun----" You were being dragged. Picked up into a standing position and dashed to the right.Harder and faster than you were really able to keep up with, your eyes widening on the back of the Bonobo's head, from the proximity, rare with him in the first place, you could spot the sprinkling of gray against his blackened fur. A minute detail you found amusing until you were torn to shreds back into reality.  Your mind went straight to panic.
He was going to take you into the woods and kill you for playing a stupid petty human game, you swallowed hard as he rounded the fish hut, contemplating grasping at the pillar and holding on for dear life but argued against that as Koba could snap your arm off in one intended stroke of his hand. "Koba, I-I was just kidding!" You tried to get your feet skirted into the ground to potentially stop him but to no avail. The sleek rock underfoot gave no traction and your action only caused you to skirt along like you were gliding on ice.
 "S-Seriously, if you kill me, wouldn't it rather be over something that was actually worth it? So-Something you could justify to Caesar?" That gave him pause and you watched as the cogs turned in his head at the idea. Taking the second of non-movement as a blessing, you looked at the grasp he had on your wrist and felt a mild twinge of swelling start to encase the very fragile appendage from the aggression he put forth to get you to move along with him. Bad choice of phrasing, you muttered inside of your mind as he turned his face.
Your eyes entranced against the scarring aspects that everyone always saw first before you catered to your own delectation and swept your gaze along the deeply ingrained wrinkles that surrounded his nose, the slack of his jaw that was morbidly appealing to you, so animalistic that you’d let him touch you with his mouth if he so chose, just to see yourself and riddle away the idea that it was just as mean as the rest of him. You wanted to touch him, but the one time you had tried, he almost bit your fingers off and you were never tempted again. "Would…" Koba’s voice was hard than usual, maybe a bit joking if you wanted to be more optimistic. Which, you weren’t. He was about to murder you and then hang your skin up on a flag pole as a victory for Ape Kind. "Kill you for just being... human. Need no reason." He continued his movements, the gasp that rocketed through your entire body sent a hardened shaft of shock down your entire spine to rest very tediously in the small of your back, near your tailbone. You were in an area of the Colony you had never been one to venture into. Storage huts that were exclusively left alone unless an Ape really needed something there. Mainly, weapons. Your eyes widened at that. He was taking you to a storage hut and he was going to use a spear and---
You were released suddenly, but the momentum you had from his pulling left you flat on the ground, your face smashing into the rock below as you had no time to brace your hands down. You grunted loudly, feeling heat eradicating at your rib bones. It didn't feel like anything was broken, a small trickle of blood hitting your nose and running down your lips and off your chin from the sheer impact, but hey. It was better than being beaten to death by a Bonobo with a grudge against all Humans. “What the hell, Koba?!” The shrill of your voice dulled out the fact that you had actually called him by name, something rare as he had told you time and time again that you weren’t worthy of saying it.
The hackles along his shoulders frilled up, even more so than you had seen with a Chimpanzee like Caesar. It was mesmerizing to an extent, his fur so dark that it appeared viciously white as you scrambled onto your hands and knees, wiping your nose with another grunt before getting your feet to flatten on the ground below. You were swaying, but balance would come back you were sure as you hadn’t actually hit your head that hard. It dawned upon you as you took in the surroundings that Koba brought you here for privacy. No Ape interruptions, no Caesar sitting high above and watching, making a coy comment towards Koba about his relationship with you. If it were even a relationship. It was… You tilted your head minutely. A Tolerationship. 
“Why… Ignore Koba?” You groaned. 
“You told me to, you dumb Bonobo!”
You let your temper flare, and without remorse, your back was pinned to the thick wooden branches that made up the hut that was to your left, your shoulders unable to move as Koba had pushed back. Enough force to keep you pinned, but not enough to break anything. You had no time to react, even to breath as you felt your throat close up, Koba’s face coming in just to enjoy the scent of fear that was rising out of you, he fluttered with satisfaction at that, his good eye narrowing on your expression as you had balled up your face, scrunching it so disgustingly that Koba felt a draw to try to pry your eyes open so you were forced to look at him. Looking at the blood from your nose, Koba’s mouth salivated at that and he wanted to take pleasure to know what it tasted like but that thought was severely undercut the moment it took a glance at blossoming. 
“Not dumb,” The grasp he had on your shoulders tightened and you winced slightly, “Dumb Human for listening to Koba.”
Your mouth flew open. “W-What?”
He released you without another word, watching as you slumped against the wood and staggered to keep your balance. Content to leave it as is, Koba knew you were going to go into antagonistically introspection at the words he had just said and as much as he enjoyed thinking about causing you physical ailments, mental were just as fruitful and easier to come by under the gaze of Caesar. Swearing that he smiled at you, he turned away, hunching onto all fours and began walking upwards. Quickly, you placed your hands onto the wood behind you and propelled yourself forward. “What do you mean?” Koba stayed silent intentionally.
“What do you mean?” Silence. Suffocating.
“Tell me!”
Silence, and that's how remained.
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bugblast · 10 months ago
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my fav orangutans :]
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bananobo · 10 months ago
Check this awesome collage of the triology!
Brings a tear to my eye seeing the life of ceasar flash by again after seeing his funeral-
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rosemilo · 10 months ago
Who's your favorite pota characters out of all the series :3 ?
My favourite will always be Caesar, and that will never ever change ♡ a very very close second is Noa, and I think I'm gonna love him more and more with each new movie. I would also mention Mae, Maurice, Blue Eyes and Rocket on my favourites pota list ✨️
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teojira · 9 months ago
Hi! Do you think you could write some head cannons for Pota Maurice, like reader trying to befriend him and wanting to be around him a lot (platonically)
have a nice day :)
[Maurice and reader friendship headcanons!]
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Summary: Maurice comes to accept you as a loving companion despite his previous doubts.
Warnings: None! Platonic friendship with Maurice!
A/N: I was so excited to see this request that I immediately did it. Whoops. I hope this is good!! I love Maurice so bad, I see him as a friend that kinda takes on the role of dad.
Maurice out of the entire ape council is the best suited to become friends with.
He has his fair bit of trauma related to humans and at first, he is hesitant to let you near him, he respects Caesar undoubtedly, but the deep rooted fear still exists within him, the abuse and punishments still fresh in memory.
But the orangutan has a good sense of character, so when you're taken in by the colony per Caesar's allowance, it's only natural that he places you with the calmest of the apes.
The way to win Maurice's favor is easy, treat him with respect and treat the small apes he teaches with respect. That's really all he asks.
Don't touch him without permission, and don't try and be forceful. He'll come to you when he's ready. He knows you have good intentions!
You can not buy his friendship, but finding him berries and herbs that he can eat will soften him to you and eventually boom, you're one of Maurice's friends now.
He doesn't care for meat like the others, so the fact that you've gone out of your way to help him find stuff to his taste makes him warm up to you all the more.
He doesn't mind that you tend to cling to him. Honestly, he's gonna see you as a kid. He can't help it. You're new to the colony, no friends or family, so he decides he'll be the one to be your family.
He'll drag you along to classes he teaches, asking for your help. You, of course, know a lot more human words than he does, and with your help, teaching goes a lot more efficiently, more apes learn the better.
Maurice expects you to eat with him at dinner, waving you over with his hand when he sees you awkwardly stand around. You have him. You're fine.
It's usually Maurice and Caesar who dine together and they can smell the anxiety radiating off of you, so they try and make conversation for your sake, their hands sign slow for you to read with ease.
'Take more berries.'
"I'm fine! This is plenty, than-"
Cue Maurice giving you a look that is pretty much saying it's not up for debate. Take the damn berries. You're not gonna go hungry.
Fast forwarding to War, everyone knows you as Maurice's companion, and it's due to you that Nova is able to travel with you all.
Maurice can't help but see parts of you in her, small and alone, just like all those years ago.
You, Malcolm, and his family have proven that the cruel and sadistic humans that he once dealt with were a minority.
So he gives Nova a chance and is happy when you accept her without thought, immediately forming a friendship with the young girl.
It makes him ever wonder why he disliked humans before then, the circus and the army soldiers being long forgotten due to you.
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fandom-lover2 · 17 days ago
Deep In The Woods, Something Lingers In The Trees
Chapter Ten - Something Has To Change
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-image not mine-
Chapter Nine - Caged In
Chapter Eleven - How To Fight An Army Alone
This was fucking killing me.
And not just the smell, because Dodge was right and their shit does stink and I was beginning to think I would never be able to wash the smell from my hair. Especially since Rocket threw his crap at me yesterday.
But this whole place was slowly draining my soul.
I was depressed, and I only spent a couple hours here a day. And it had only been four days.
I shoveled another pile of crap, tossing it into the bucket.
Dodge was enjoying the free labor, taking on the role of dictator as he stood watching me. And he wasn’t the only one.
I could feel Caesar’s eyes on my constantly, but every time I turned to face him, he turned away.
I could feel his eyes now, from his new perch beside the orangutang. I thought I saw them signing to one another earlier in the day, but it might’ve been my imagination.
I wiped my brow, using my forearm as my gloved hand was covered in shit.
The facility shook, the bars rattling as ‘it’ bellowed again.
The apes in the free pen chittered nervously, scampering to the other side of the enclosure.
“What is that?” I asked, bending to shovel another pile.
Dodge pushed off the opposite cages and strolled over to me. “What? You haven’t met Buck yet?”
So Buck was its name. For days, all I heard were the grunts, the barks and shouts, but never a face. I knew he was hidden away, but Rodney never took me with him.
I shook my head.
“Finish up the last cages and I’ll introduce you.”
Well, that sounded lovely.
But I did as he said, scrapping shit off the floors and walls before giving them a final hose down, and then met Dodge back in the office.
He called the apes back to their cages, hours before the scheduled time, and then led me out to the free pen.
“Meet Buck.” And then he pulled something red from his belt and slammed into against the bars.
When I’d cleaned here yesterday, I hadn’t thought anything was in there. It was completely dark, and Rodney hadn’t made any moves to go near. I had thought it was somewhat isolated from the rest, but hadn’t given it a second thought, so lost in thought of how to get Caesar to talk to me.
Buck, well Buck didn’t like that noise.
He grabbed the bars, standing on his hind legs, and bellowed.
If I thought a chimpanzee was threatening, it had nothing on a silverback gorilla.
I stumbled backwards, tripping over a rock and landing on my ass.
Buck shook his bars, trying to free himself as he roared.
I scrambled up, ignoring Dodge’s sadistic laughter as I charged out of the free space, down the row of hollering chimps, and back to the office.
Not even clocking out, I grabbed my bag and hauled off out the building, practically diving into my mom’s car and breaking down in the driver’s seat.
I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t go back in there. I couldn’t make another pot of rice and beans. Couldn’t look into their lifeless eyes and know there was nothing I could do to help them.
I couldn’t breathe in there, couldn’t feel the warmth of the sun or the touch of the approaching fall wind.
I couldn’t spend another minute staring at Caesar’s back, begging him to look at me.
But I couldn’t leave him there, couldn’t turn my back on them.
I took a deep breath, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
My grandmother had once told me that if I ever wanted something to change, I had to be the one to do it. “You’re not a tree.” she’d said. “You need to move, or else you’ll would grow roots and settle too deep.”
Now the analogy made me think of the Muir Woods, but that fueled me even more.
I would see those tree again, with Caesar. I just needed to keep him alive until then.
I hummed as I walked down the cages two days later, starting at Caeser’s end and planning to move down.
Reaching into the bucket, I pulled out an apple and an egg. I glanced down at the name painted onto his feed hatch. “Hey Rocket.” I greeted gently, keeping my eyes low and face relaxed.
A part of me wanted to be angry at this ape, because he had been the one to hurt Caeser. He was the resident dominant male. His attack on Caesar had been establishing dominance. It was the ape way. It wasn’t fair to hate him for something that was biology though, so I kept myself friendly around him. Even if he did look fuggly.
I slipped the apple and egg down the food hatch and Rocket snapped forward, not even truly seeing what I had put in there before grabbing both and settling back in the middle of his cage. I heard the crunch of him biting into the apple and moved on.
I crossed to the other side, dropping a fruit and an egg into their cage, then Caeser’s, and then the next chimp. Each time, I spoke softly, greeting each ape by name and gently dropping in the food.
At the orangutang’s cage, Maurice, I dropped in melon slices, an apple, a banana, and a pear.
After an all-nighter of research, I determined what would be the best diet I could sneak in, and what I would be able to afford.
Without a bank balance of zero and no income from shoveling ape crap, I needed to come up with a  plan B. That came in the form of Victor from the corner store down the street.
He’d been there for years, running the mom-and-pop shop by himself for decades. But, he was getting on in age.
I took a good hour, mostly because of his diminishing hearing and the Korean-English language barrier, but we struck a deal. I would clean the shelves, mop the floors, keep the store room neat and organized, restock the shelves, and do any other manual labor job he needed done. In exchange, expired eggs and any fruit he could no longer sell was given freely as a form of my wages.
I would work in the mornings, before he opened shop, then take foods home and prepare, then head to the sanctuary for a midday snack before working there in the afternoons.
Also, in my backpack still in the office, a bunch of things I’d found around the house that would substitute as toys.
I was planning on heading over to Will’s tomorrow, when I knew he wouldn’t be there and only Caroline or Charles would open the door, and under the guise of retrieving my stuff still left in his room, I’d grab some of Caesar’s old toys too.
Finishing with the chimpanzees and Maurice, I took a deep breath and headed to Buck’s cage.
By the looks and smells of it, it had never been cleaned. To get to it, he’d need to be moved to the free space. But the free space was the only way to access his cage, so unless someone could perform a miracle, it would be almost impossible.
I was going to talk to Caesar to see if he had any ideas of how I could achieve it.
Putting on a brave face that was purely only look, I walked up to his cage and dropped in the last of the fruit, as well as some banana leaves.
I expected him to act like the rest, snatching the food up and gobbling it down in seconds, but the big guy reached in cautiously and picked up an apple as though it was a bomb, inspecting it for a long time before finally sniffing it and taking a bite.
How long had he been in here?
Leaving him to his discovery, I headed back to the cages and began my daily chores, finding a moment when no one was looking to scatter some of the ‘toys’ around the free space for tomorrow’s exercise time.
A couple grueling hours later, I was done and walking down the rows of cages once again when a soft hoot caught my attention.
I paused and turned to look to the ape within.
‘Thank you.’ Caesar signed, standing at the cage.
I smirked, tired. An early morning, plus so much physical work, I was ready to go to sleep for a month. And was going to do it all again tomorrow. “You finally talking to me again?”
He looked down, seemingly ashamed, before looking up to me again with deeply sad eyes. ‘I want to go home.’
I sighed, moving towards his cage and sitting down, resting my back against the metal. “I want you home too.”
He shifted, then I felt warmth at my back as he sat on the other side of the metal, his back pressing against my own.
Across us, Rocket was glaring at me, at him. We probably did look absurd to someone who only associated humans with hate.
“I promise Caesar, I’m gonna do all I can to get you home soon.” I leaned my head back against the cage, staring up at the roof. “I promise.”
I hadn’t meant to fall asleep, I didn’t even know I had, until screaming jolted me awake.
“Come on! Come on, monkey! Dance!” Dodge yelled, and then the ape screamed again.
I bolted up, looking down the row of cages.
Dodge stood at one a couple slots down, shoving in that red stick. The unmistakable sound of electricity sparking followed, and then the ape screamed once more.
I was running before I had even had the thought to, slamming into him so hard he fell to the floor, the taser going skidding across the floor.
“What the fuck?!” I hollered down at him, briefly considering kicking him while he was down, but he stood before I could.
“What is wrong with you?” he shouted back.
I moved, positioning myself between him and the whimpering ape, a small female ape. “What is wrong with you!”
He tried to move to retrieve the stick, but I lunged first and grabbed it, shoving it behind my back.
“Are you so fucking sick?” I screamed, taking a step back, closer to the cages.
“Give it back!” he demanded.
I squared my shoulders, looking at him down the bridge of my nose. I clear sign of defiance, not matter the species. “No! You’re a damn monster!”
“Give it!” he lunged for me and I darted to the side.
My heartbeat pounded in my chest, my eyes darting around wildly for an advantage. A bark, familiar and in that moment a signal of salvation rather than fear. I headed towards it, towards him.
What he could do in a cage, neither of us knew, but I needed to get to him.
I skidded to a halt at his cage, going to throw the taser in before deciding to rather use it as a weapon. I spun, ready to face the evil man, but before he could grab me, another voice cut through the screeching apes.
We both turned to see John standing on the overlook.
“You, go home.” He pointed to me. “And you, cut it out!” he pointed to Dodge.
“I’m not leaving them alone with him.”
“She started it first!” we both argued at the same time.
John wouldn’t hear it and began to towards us. I took a step closer to Caesar, who had his hands reaching through the bars to try pull me closer still.
My eyes snapped across to Rocket, for reasons I still don’t know, and he was watching me.
John reached us and snatched the taser from me. “Go home.” he warned. Before I could open my mouth to complain, he spun to his son. “I’ve told you before to stop this. You too, get out of here.”
We both opened our mouths, but he cut us off with a sharp “Now!” and Dodge reacted first, tossing one final glare at me before heading to the office in a huff.
I turned to Caesar, taking in his panicked eyes and baring teeth.
I couldn’t leave him here, not after that.
“I will call the cops. Get. Out.” John warned behind me.
I looked from him, to Caesar, back to him, then to my friend again.
‘Go.’ he signed subtly. His eyes, those shining hazel eyes that used to be so bright, now watched me with fear. ‘Go.’
Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “If I come back tomorrow and he’s hurt, I swear.” My threat wasn’t strong, but it was something. Hopefully, it bought me one more night to make a plan.
For now, I needed to keep myself out of prison so I could check on him tomorrow.
I rushed from the sanctuary, sped to my mom’s car, and high tailed it out the parking yard.
Tomorrow. I needed to have a way out tomorrow. Not just for him, for all of them.
All of them.
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maximura · 5 days ago
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Caesar (performed by Andy Serkis) in War for the Planet of The Apes (2017)
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gamelpar · 7 months ago
so the apes find a haunted house and then koba burns it down
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