#the Robotniks
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e-vay · 2 months ago
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🎶 Once upon a time I almost lost my mind
I was lonely
So lonely
Once upon a time
Hoping every day things would go my way
Then you came into my life
Now everything is fine
I never knew
What love could do
Till I met you
Now everything is oh so cozy
Now my skies are blue all because of you
I'm so glad
I was lonely
Once upon a time 🎶
Once Upon a Time - The Mavericks
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trucetale · 2 months ago
So about that “What if”
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An AU where Team Sonic is raised by Dr. Robotnik founder of Engineering of Global Gadgets (EGG). Their appearance is different for reasons I will get more into but have some Robotnik family shenanigans!! Is it bad the I want this AU Robotnik to have the voice of Alfred from the Sonic Fandubs 😭
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incongruence-osaf · 9 months ago
The Incongruence of Stars and Flowers PART ONE - Chapter One
Space Colony ARK, Mobius’s Orbit
The brilliance of white heavenly fire gradually disappears behind the blue and green marble of planet Mobius. As the tenth dusk prepares room for pockets and fields of stars to shine in the never-ending darkness, a stout elderly scientist sits on a swivel chair in the frame of one of Space Colony ARK’s tall laboratory windows. He quietly observes the familiar changes of the station’s daily orbit while absentmindedly twiddling his long gray mustache. The dissipating halo of sunlight winks goodbye to Professor Gerald Robotnik, the reflection no longer glinting in the clean lenses of his round glasses. 
The beige and gray surfaces of the lab’s machinery will be darkened by shadows once more for another ninety minutes. He eases out of his focused state and becomes aware of just how much time has passed when the glaring glow of the computer screen in front of him can no longer be ignored behind the tint in his glasses. Stress from transferring complex genetic data charts to colleagues, as well as impatiently checking for emailed test results from the Pediatric Endocrinology department, had finally caught up to him. More testing had been determined necessary by his granddaughter’s on-site care team within the last week. Her conditions were changing in curious ways, creating more puzzles to solve inside the complex enigma of her deteriorating brain and body, the progression of which is slowed down by the low gravity in space. The scientist rubs his wrinkled face and stands up to stretch his creaking joints in his now cold and unlively workspace. 
A new light source from the adjacent hallway illuminates a path toward the weary man after a blonde-haired child opens the door. A shiny keycard dangles from a lanyard around her neck. His granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, is wearing a baggy blue hoodie over a hospital gown and sleepily saunters past the tables of equipment to join him.
For a few moments, the only sounds interrupting the silence are the grippy steps of her socks, the ambient hum of computer beeps and fans, and their relaxed breathing syncing as she wordlessly leans into his plump embrace. Her lean feels heavier and unsteady today, the poor girl, while she buries her face into his wrinkled white lab coat. Gerald pecks the top of Maria’s head that’s decorated with a daisy-patterned blue headband. Her hair is thin and rather yellowish in tone. It used to have a healthy golden luster before her body started to attack itself. The memory of the sun with its summery hues filtered through the barrier of Mobius’s atmosphere flits through his mind.
“Táborák.” Gerald quietly muses to himself.
Maria furrows her brow against the pen pocket on his chest.
“What's that Grandpa?”
He pulls away slightly but keeps a gentle arm around her shoulders as a guide while he walks them along the wall of windows. “It’s a Slovak word I learned when I was a young boy. It means ‘campfire’. Like in the Western film we watched yesterday after your tests, when the cowboys were cooking meat and laughing over the fire pit. You might have been too young to remember, but we had several family campfires with your parents before you and I moved to the ARK.”
The preteen girl squints her eyes for a moment before speaking, taking interest in the newly visible specks of stars. “...I remember a little bit. You had your funny sweater on that made Dad laugh. I was cold, but my parents warmed me up in their laps. I was really small but the sky seemed so big and pretty,” she recounts, the corners of her eyes creasing upwards.
“I’m glad that fascination sprouted in you since you were a little tot,” the elder wistfully smiles down at her, now holding the forgotten cup of coffee he obtained from the nearest wall of cabinets. “Say, there’s an almost imperceptible cluster of stars located just past the shuttle bay, through the corner of this window here. Their colors would look very much like a campfire if we were to view them through a telescope. Do you remember what kind of stars those are?”
Maria presses her floppy blue sleeves against the glass to follow where his finger points. “Hmmm…those could be spectral type K, or M, such as red dwarf stars. Those live the longest and are the coolest…just like Shadow is.” Maria snickers with a proud grin.
 Gerald wheezes, coughing up the small sip of cold coffee he just inhaled, “Haha! Very good Maria! You are correct on both accounts.” His chuckles trail off as he almost puts his mug into the wrong microwave, closing the door of the one used to dry lab materials and instead opening the household microwave beside it. Its uncentered turntable clicks in a sporadic pattern compared to the rhythmic whirring of the machines and computers in the wide room. Maria looks lost in thought and her face droops while staring at the dark liquid turning round and round.
“Yes, słoneczko?” 
“Are the stars really as pretty as I think I remember? From Mobius, I mean? We spin so much that I get the constellations mixed up and forget where they are. I forget where we are, and what they looked like. They’re cool, but…” she huffs in frustration. Gerald can see that Maria’s eyes have become glossier in the dim glow of the microwave at her eye level before it shuts off. He ignores the now heated coffee and carefully leans down to put comforting palms onto her shoulders.
“They’re absolutely as beautiful as you remember, if not more. When I was a student in Poland, I’d gather around campfires way too big for my mother’s liking. I'd talk about the meaning of life with fellow stargazers, friends who are no longer alive. When the same stars that we see so frequently start to peek out in the darkness of the Mobius sky, especially in the country where no city lights can reach…it’s the closest I’ve gotten to feeling a higher power. Sometimes there’s so many that it looks like a living painting, glittering all together on a more focused canvas than the infinite darkness we see in orbit. The stars keep company and comfort in such a way that we often take for granted here aboard the ARK.”
Maria blinks the teariness out of her eyes and settles her gaze on the vacuum of space only kept separate by the thickly reinforced glass. Gerald does his best to make sure her life on the ARK is holistically nourishing. But he knows that what the adults sometimes consider to be an escape from an imperfect world full of multitudes of harm, a growing utopia…to Maria, it’s cold isolation during her most formative years. Gerald resolves that Maria will be able to live on Mobius again, healthy and safe. That she will see with her own eyes the wonders of the world outside of books and pictures. It doesn’t matter that he’s past his prime; he will dedicate the rest of his days to make sure that her dreams become reality.
“Let’s add making a campfire to the ‘bucket list’. When we go to Mobius, we’ll find a quiet place where pesky city lights won’t obstruct the view of the true night sky. The flames and the stars will shine on the new memories all of us will make together. You, Shadow, and me.” Gerald reassures her warmly. 
Maria rubs her eyes with her sleeves and clings to her grandfather for another hug. He feels and hears her stomach gurgle through her oversized clothes.
“Sounds about time for a snack. Want to come with me to the cafeteria? I need to give my old eyes a break. And here, use my cane.” Arm in arm, the pair slowly exit into the hallway, leaving behind the flickering red, blue, green, and white buttons of the machines blinking like eyes in the pitch-black laboratory.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 7 months ago
Live and Learn in the trailer song!
Continuing to call the Wachowskis Sonic's family!
Maria and Gerald Robotnik!
They actually gave Shadow a bike!
They said Team Sonic!
Shadow's voice fits!
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appendingfic · 8 months ago
Is it insane to consider a headcanon where Maria is just Ivo's deadname?
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dubusul · 3 months ago
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shadow and maria deserve the world
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stardella · 3 months ago
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Maria and her little alien brother sketchbook dump from the last few weeks
Minor spoilers for Sonic 3 ig
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mysticat-collecting-hats · 1 month ago
Y'know, I've always headcanoned that Eggman is the one making level themes in-universe and that making music is a hobby for him. But what if it ran in the family? Did Maria make Shadow's vocal themes? Something to think about...
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Lullaby 🎵
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mhbali1 · 2 months ago
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Maria and Shadow having a little stroll
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rennerei · 2 months ago
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e-vay · 1 month ago
Would sage treat the other Metal/Mecha Sonics like her brothers? (Ex. Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic mk 0, 1 and 2, etc.)
Metal Sonic for sure, since in TMOSTH we see that Metal Sonic considers Eggman his dad and even in some of the animated shorts we see that Metal and Eggman have a weird-if-not-somewhat-caring relationship. Also I'm certain I remember Sage referring to Orbot and Cubot as her 'brothers' in Sonic Frontiers, so they'd count too.
I don't think the Mecha Sonics count, though. From a technical standpoint yes they all have the same creator, but I think emotional and psychological attachments play a big role in what you can consider family and that's where I think it doesn't apply. Eggman seemed to give up on them pretty quickly and -- at least in the case of MK II -- they resent him for abandoning them. I don't believe Eggman started forming a bond with his creations until he created Metal Sonic, and that's when he started viewing them as more than just weapons. And only by the time he creates Sage do those bonds become 'emotional bonds' and he actually calls himself a father.
(I also don't include Belle the Tinkerer, since she outright objects to "Eggman" being her father.)
These are all my headcanons though, you can picture whatever you want for yourself!
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trucetale · 3 days ago
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Finally FINALLY! The moment I got home from vacation I immediately started trying to finish up all the bios I started one of which I did while out of town on my tablet so the line work will be different for sure but I’m back in action baby!
Anyway meet ScrambledEGG Dr. Ivo Robotnik. He’s a multibillionaire genius inventor raising 3 kids and a stray. This is how I envisioned Eggman being growing up in an environment that embraced his inventions. From everyday household items to military defense, he has his hands on everything. This AU Dr. Robotnik took over the world in a different way and practically became untouchable. He met Mach and the others while out searching for an artifact with Mr. Stone. They were hiding in a cave that they were about to venture in. He took pity on them seeing that they were gravely injured and took them in to treat their wounds and raise them back to health. This Ivo also had access to his grandfather’s research with G.U.N and knew some things about Shade and the things they did to him and the family he was with, and used some of that knowledge to keep them hidden and figure a way to dismantle G.U.N.
There’s more to him but just know he’s still a little unhinged and will do anything to get his hands on more power. Now that he has super powered kids ( practically young adults now) and a retired military agent, this man might as well be
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smallpwbbles · 2 months ago
Got tagged here and on Twitter that clip compilation of Keanu and his he he he laugh
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justscarfy · 3 months ago
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Guess who just watched sonic 3
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mariinluuv · 2 months ago
He's the ultimate lifeform btw
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