trucetale · 9 days
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Meet the Helius Kids, Prince Florence, Princess Rosa, and Princess Lotus. They are the children of Queen Léona (Chimera) and King Trágos (The Goatman). Florence and Rosa are also childhood friends with the Twilight twins and the 6 reborn kids.
In EclipseTale Florence is Asgore coded but isn’t him and his sister Rosa is Toriel coded. They are basically like the elder siblings of all the royal Ebott Empire kids along with their own younger sister who is Asriel coded. She is very kind hearted and sometimes timid.
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trucetale · 13 days
EclipseTale update:
Hey all who reads this, I’ll be doing something a little different for the last 3 pages of Chapter 1 of EclipseTale. Im going to be posting them next week Friday as I plan on working on chapter 2 after I come back from vacation. I am going to start holding myself to posting pages at a regular schedule to keep myself motivated. I am still going to be posting characters sheets in between now and then as I want my page to stay active.
I’m also going to see if I can do a little something special for certain characters that I have voice canons for, but that is my update for now. Thank you to all who reads these and hope you’ll enjoy the future adventures!
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trucetale · 23 days
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Meet Onyx!!
This character is apart of the main cast just located in another kingdom. They are going to be mentioned from time to time and also be appearing more and more as the story progresses.
Prince Onyx Lunis
462 years old
5’11 when on land 15’7” when in mer form
-Onyx is the first born of Poseidon(siren) and Brooke(skeleton) Lunis
-They are childhood friends of the younger Ecliptic brothers on of which has a crush on them
-As part Boss Siren they are able to manipulate water and have even been able to gain the ability to morph into water as an evasive tactic
-Being the crown prince of the Lunis kingdom it is tradition to have their bones permanently dyed black from the neck down to show their status while their younger siblings get traditional tattoos
-They are very perceptive and levelheaded
-Though in the face of company they try to keep a professional appearance when around Dusk but they do tend to flirt back
-They are the adoptive parent of Marino and Wade
-Unknown to them their siblings and kids tend to help Dusk impress them
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trucetale · 26 days
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trucetale · 1 month
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Another NPC but this time she’s in a band. Neptune is a water nymph from the Lunis Kingdom which mainly consists of water type cryptids and mythical creatures/demons. Her appearance is very deceptive as she isn’t as innocent as she appears. These npcs are going to make an appearance in the comic but won’t have that big of a role in the plot.
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trucetale · 1 month
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I suppose I could start adding some NPCs from other kingdoms as well as the rest of the cast in the Ecliptic kingdom. The bios will be simple so I can push them out faster in between pages to break it up a bit.
Meet Eri-Eric (pronounced as dj record scratch sound) Phantom
Helius Kingdom top celebrity and main defense weapon. Eri is a powerful phantom ghost with an extravagant personality. I would say he’s Mettaton coded but he also has a little bit of Spamton splashed in there. The body he possesses now is one of many as he doesn’t normally go out in public in his spectral form. He is also popular among other kingdoms and sometimes collaborate with other celebrities in their respective kingdoms.
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trucetale · 1 month
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EclipseTale Chapter 1 page 4
Sorry for taking so long with this page. Besides work we also had a couple of tornados in our area and finally got our power back 😭 I’m working on the next page and it should be up soon.
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trucetale · 2 months
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EclipseTale Chapter 1 Page 3
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So it begins. I wanted to put it here as well that the cursed monsters and mages were renamed demons by the surviving humans, sorry for the confusion if there was any in the last page. Just a reminder this story is a slice of life genre that will get dark during some parts but I will have warnings up for everyone’s safety.
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trucetale · 2 months
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EclipseTale Chapter 1 page 2
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I’m so sorry I forgot to mention that when the monsters and mages got cursed they were referred to as demons by the surviving humans, even so by the ones outside the cursed path. So when you see demons they are referring to those who were cursed.
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trucetale · 2 months
Have ya’ll ever like had a time where you actually wanted to do something productive and the world just said “Hey, this isn’t like you. Being productive and actually feeling energized? Here let me just…” then things just start falling sideways. Yeah that’s me trying to finish 1 page, ONE PAGE of EclipseTale 😩
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trucetale · 3 months
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EclipseTale Chapter 1 Page 1
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This story is mainly just a slice of life type of tale that will get dark in some chapters. I will put warnings when that time comes.
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trucetale · 3 months
My artfight is @ TyofKaon Team Seafoam
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My current Undertale AU is EclipseTale but I do have more ocs and other fan characters
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trucetale · 3 months
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It’s been literal years since I joined an art fight that I’m still adding new characters and updating the ones who need it on my page. My goal this year hopefully make new art friends, get more social. If you want to give a follow. I look forward to this year’s art fight!
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trucetale · 3 months
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Their whole dynamic is literally Sunset telling Dawn “Fuck you I do what I want.” Knowing good and well Dawn can’t punish him.
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trucetale · 3 months
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And here you have the Tragic Comedy twin Sunrise. Like Sunset, Sunrise is Gaster coded but not him. Sunrise is another special case of don’t believe his facial expressions. He isn’t sad or pitying you, he’s actually happy. He can get so happy he starts to cry tears of joy.
Sunrise is very dedicated to the Church of Mages but he isn’t as adamant about the laws set for the Kingdom and its inhabitants as he believes that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance. He has a little special ability that he shares with his twin where they can predict an outcome of a path someone chooses but he himself will state the positive of said path all while sounding sad and heartbroken, hence the tragic comedy title given to him. He can be brought to tears at your good fortune and how blessed you are, to the point he breaks down sobbing for even for finding change on the ground.
When Sunrise actually get angry his frown turns into a smile. At this point he too is also extremely dangerous to be around as he emits energy similar to his brother, both of which if you were to get near it would be like getting near a Tesla coil.
Sunset and Sunrise are known throughout the entire Cursed Eclipse Path as the true rulers, even by the kings who rule the different districts. They are known to be the longest living demon class monsters that lived alongside the last original cursed monster who told them the story of how their lives were forever changed. Sunset saw this change as a cleanse the mages did and praised them for getting rid of the filth that were the humans. Sunrise saw these changes as an opportunity to better the humans thinking that they could be more than their weak and pitiful selves.
Both Sunrise and Sunset studied the curse the mages used and created a new curse. A curse that requires the sacrifice of a soul. It is said that the children in their family’s care are the lost children that wondered into the cursed eclipse path, while Sunrise and Sunset both had pity on them it was for two different reasons.
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trucetale · 3 months
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I finally finished the Comedic Tragedy Twin Sunset! Don’t let his charming smile fool you he is anything but happy and optimistic. I’ve stated that Dusk and Dawn are Sans and Papyrus coded but not them. Sunset and Sunrise are Gaster coded but not him.
Sunset is very dedicated to the Church of Mages and adamant about the laws set for the Kingdom and its inhabitants. He has a little special ability that he shares with his twin where they can predict an outcome of a path someone chooses but he himself will state the negative of said path all while smiling, hence the comedic tragedy title given to him. He takes pleasure in the suffering and less fortunate, laughing in the faces of dispare.
He is also known to deal punishment to those who don’t follow the laws of the kingdom and go against his family. When extremely upset his smile turns into a frown, this state of anger is when he has turned into his plasma form making him extremely dangerous to be near. Think of a high voltage Tesla coil when someone gets near it.
There are things I want to add but I can’t until I post his brother Sunrise 😭
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trucetale · 4 months
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Okay so I’m almost done with both Sunset’s and Sunrise’s individual bios but I have to finish it after I come back from vacation. But in the meantime I have a bit of lore for EclipseTale that would be too much to add to their comment section of their bio and was also thinking of summing it up in comic form.
EclipseTale AU
An alternate universe where monsters are as scary as the bedtime stories parents would tell their kids. Where cryptids and folk lore monsters are the norm. It takes place in an area known by mankind as the Cursed Eclipse Path. This path covers a large amount of land where the solar eclipse shadow envelopes. This land is dominated by the very monsters humans have learned to fear and avoid at all cost. Though the monsters weren’t always like this. They used to be kind, compassionate, polite, and very hospitable, until a group of arrogant and prideful mages decided that anyone without the ability to use magic were inferior and Monsters weren’t embracing their true potential. Through determination they inflicted a “curse” amongst the denizens in the path of the solar eclipse. Causing Monsters to loose their kindness and humans who possess magic abilities loose their sanity. They both started to change and mutate becoming blood thirsty for the non magic users.
Through generations and a permanent change in the souls of those who were affected Cursed Eclipse Path became a non human territory where if you entered you would never be seen again. This land is ruled by many boss monsters that have been deemed as demon boss type monsters, each one ruling a region.
More to come when I get back for sure but this is what I have so far.
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