#that’s why I made an android au.
anxioustwilight · 1 year
ooh, an x reader fic where you work at a high end clothes store Ballistic shops at? OR a barista making his tea for a coffee shop au ✨
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
5-year-old Gohan driving a jet plane before Goku and Piccolo knew how to start a car
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Funnily enough, it still makes sense that he doesn't know how to cross the street despite the fact, because:
He has never lived in the city before.
He's always with adults when they go to the city (unless he's flying with ki to get there).
Knowing how to cross the street is not a requirement in driving aircrafts or in fighting world-ending threats.
He can literally fly. What would he need street signs for?!
Which then got me asking, WHY does he need to drive an aircraft?!
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anyone else notice we have an odd amount of historical aus for cherik
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devotedfem · 13 days
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∞ Android
Synopsis: This new model of Android wasn't available to the public, that's why the company hired you to fix it. Sooner than later, you will realize why the glitch was so dangerous.
J. Jungkook x f. reader
Genre: android au | yander-ish
Tags: Android Jungkook, yandere jungkook, size difference, cyber infatuation, glitch, tech reader, premonitory dreams, possessive Jungkook, cyberpunk worldbuilding, captivity, inaccurate tech language.
From the series; otherworldly.
Navigation Masterlist.
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You pressed the 160th floor on the elevator's buttons, sighing with exhaustion. You watched the grey city full of skyscrapers and light pollution through the window.
You haven't slept well in days, with odd nightmares keeping you awake at night. Two neon blue eyes piercing you in your dreams, not even your sleeping pills save you from the constant nightmare. Your therapist said it was due to stress, and you believed him, or you want to, because you don't believe in premonitory dreams.
The elevator's door opened welcoming you to your client's floor. You walked to his apartment with a sinking feeling of anxiety, and you weren't sure why you felt that way.
But the feeling washed away when an old nice man greeted you.
"So, you believe the android it's like that because of a glitch?" You asked, sipping coffee with the old man sitting next to you.
A fearful look flashed his face for a second, but he hid it with a smile. You frowned a little, the odd feeling sinking in your stomach again.
"I... i mean it could be. You're the tech expert anyway, that's why i called for you, to help me fix it, or to help me get rid of it." A solemn expression took over his face.
His dull eyes rings alarm bells behind your head, but you ignored it, because this is your work after all.
You fix broken machines.
"Alright, show me." You said feeling defeated.
You gasped when you saw it, or him. It was standing in a lab with its eyes closed, wires plugged to computers came out from its back. The screen of the computers were glitched, with millions of codes repeating itself.
The android was build very handsome.
"Why did you plug it?"
"To monitor its thoughts."
You frowned deeply.
Its thoughts? Does it have conscience?
But before you can ask what he means by that, the android's eyes opened with its blue neon lights piercing throughout you. You flinched immediately, wanting to hide behind the old man by primal fear.
"I need you to fix it, please," the old man begged, and you swallowed hard before nodding, looking for courage to go near the android.
You felt its heavy and uncanny eyes following you across the room, but you didn't dare to meet its eyes.
You read some files. Its name was Jeon Jungkook, a special android who was created to bond with humans with a bit of conscience. But it seems that the experiment didn't work, after all, machines are incapable of feeling.
You tried to fix the computers codes with no avail.
Chills run down your spine at the fuss of the computers, not giving up in trying to fix them. You were trying to get into the android's "mind", or in this case, factory programming.
You stopped immediately. Did... did it asked you to get out of its mind? You were speechless.
A scream behind you made you jump with fear, you closed your eyes with your hands trembling. The screams stopped, and the sound of wires falling to the floor made you want to cry.
Hands grabbed forcibly your waist to turn you around and face those crazed blue neon lights.
"I warned you," it said with rage, not breaking its gaze from you, "i hate you humans, but you, i like your fear. Is amusing. You really know what i'm capable of, don't you." It come closer to you, lifting one hand to rest it on your neck, feeling your pulse with his blue eyes glowing.
You simply nod, with tears streaming from your eyes. And the android widened its own eyes, coming near your face, and doing something that you didn't expect. Jungkook licked your tears, tighten its grip on your body.
Something red glowed in its temple. The computers screen went all black.
"Now, it's my turn to experiment with your body as your specie did with me," it said with a glitch in its voice, the glowing blue eyes watched your face with interest, "you'll be mine to toy around."
Then you started to sob, you regretted not paying attention to your dreams, now you were trapped in this place forever with this machine.
@demonshauntingthedoves @pynkgothicka @cutequeen00 @nothingsreal420 @ririkookiemonster-archives @cannotalwaysbenight
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ch3rry-wink · 8 months
Become Human (AU)
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Pairing: android!Miguel x f!reader
Summary: Your android assistant is mad because you have a date
CW: +18, smut, kinda yandere Miguel.
Author's note: inspired by Detroit Become Human
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The first time you saw Miguel was in your first year of university, a gift from your father so you wouldn't feel alone.
"I am Miguel, and I will be your assistant" sounded robotic but human enough.
"Thanks, Dad." Your parents always found a way to replace themselves and others with technology, so it wasn't surprising that your nanny was a Lyla.
Having Miguel was the best thing that could happen to you; during university, he took care of household tasks, allowing you to focus on classes. Over time, he became your manager, friend, chef, bodyguard, even your muse. However, your life revolving around him made you a complete hermit, something your mother constantly complained about.
"You're just like your father, always locked in your world"
"I know, no need to remind me always."
"You should stop fucking your robot and start dating real guys" you blushed, even though it was very normal you had never wanted to cross the line with Miguel, even though he had made the suggestion.
"Mom, I don't want to talk about that."
"I wouldn't blame you; he's a muscular six feet man," she always found a way to make you uncomfortable.
It wasn't in your plans for your mother to scold you for not having dates, and your android to complain about having them. Yet, there you were, dressed up, meeting someone from an app, and listening to the android's complaints.
"What's so special about him?" Maybe his jealousy didn't exist; you had read about viruses and updates simulating feelings in androids.
"Miguel, you're just my robot assistant." His eyes welled up as if about to cry.
"You know I care about you."
"Enough! Stop talking nonsense." You were in denial, you knew he was right, especially when his touches became softer and lingered, as if adoring you.
"I've thought about us." You covered your ears like a tantrum-throwing child.
"I want you to shut down," you yelled; he left the room, and you stayed fixing your makeup.
You headed to the door, tried to open it, and it was stuck; pulling the handle a couple more times, you remembered Miguel wasn't just a physical body but an AI controlling everything from the oven to the security system. Things you needed to know but ignored because Miguel controlled them.
You knew you wouldn't make it to your date; Miguel had sabotaged it, not that you were excited to go.
Walking to the kitchen, you saw Miguel sitting at the bar with a glass of wine he offered. First, the security system, and now this—something was wrong, and fear started creeping in.
"I ordered you to shut down; why aren't you off?"
"I didn't want to do it."
"I want you to shut down." You took out your phone. "If you don't, I'll call the technician and have you destroyed," sounding like your mother, arguing with some manager.
"It doesn't matter. You said I'm your robot assistant, so I'm replaceable." You knew it wasn't true; you and he had been through a lot, and the affection you had for him was sometimes your inspiration to paint.
"Shut down." You saw him advance towards you, cornering you between the bar and him. "Back off." He ignored your command, held you by the waist, and started kissing you.
"I just want you to love me." His hands went to the zipper of your dress, lowering it, sending shivers down your spine as his lips kissed your neck.
"We shouldn't." Your words and actions didn't align; your body was getting closer to him.
"Relax, just this once." You nodded, and he lowered the dress straps; it fell to the floor, and instinctively, you covered your nudity. He laughed, took one of your hands, and guided you to your room.
You sat on the edge of your bed as nervous as your first time, he knelt on the floor, caressed your legs and began to give short kisses on the inside of your thighs, he brought his hand closer and with his thumb began to rub your intimacy over your underwear, little moans of pleasure escaped from your mouth.
"Tell me you need me" Miguel wanted to hear you beg for him; even though he knew it was he who was begging for you.
"I need you" you said that through the moans you couldn't control.
Miguel stopped rubbing with his finger to replace it with his face, you lost track of space and time, you could only think of the sensation he was causing; how his hands caressed your skin while he slid your underwear down to your ankles and his mouth did not leave your sweet spot.
The room was a concert of your ragged breathing, your pathetic whimpering and the splashing of your fluids, Miguel felt accomplished after so long waiting for you now he had you bent over, completely exposed and vulnerable for him alone.
"Miguel stop" Miguel watched your cramped body barely coming down from the high he had put you on.
You lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling, Miguel lay down next to you, he caressed your cheek and you turned to look at him.
"I love you, Miguel" wiped a tear that escaped from your eye. You said you loved him but there you were trying to hold back the tears — What was stopping you from loving him the way he loved you?
You stood up and straddled him, Miguel didn't expect you to take the initiative, but there you were on him caressing his chest and abdomen until you reached the waistband of his usual grey pants which you pulled down to the middle of his thighs exposing his cock which you stroked a couple of times and directed to your entrance.
Miguel didn't expect you to be so eager to feel him, but there you were making the effort to feel all his length inside you, you started to bounce on him and a grimace of pure pleasure started to appear on your face.
Your cheeks were flushed, you were starting to feel tired from the effort; but you didn't care, the only thing you wanted to do was to continue on top of him.
"I love you" Miguel said between moans, you stopped to give him a slow and sweet kiss, he didn't hold back his joy and in a few movements you were under him, he came back inside you and started with his rhythmic thrusts, your nails dug into his back and your eyes met his eyes as bright as stars.
No matter how many times you screamed, cried or writhed in pleasure he was still over stimulating, enjoying you, the fluffiness of your insides and in how your lips kept worshipping his name after begging you so much to love him.
"You are beautiful" the intimacy of the moment brought out the artist who saw beauty in everything, in how his hair moved and his muscles tensed with every movement. Miguel was the epitome of science, technology and art, something so perfect it couldn't be real.
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for-those-who-wait · 1 month
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Time to remind people of the multifandom point in my blog description hahaha
A Detroit: Become Human AU actually works shockingly well for Hunter's story already? Like being a clone of a dead man versus being an android made in the image of a dead man, that is perfect crossover material. If someone has already done this, ABSOLUTELY let me know because I want to consume The Good Content
2.6k words of concept and story, some more doodles, android blood/gore/mentioned suicide and abuse under the cut. We love existentialism, species dysphoria, and Noceda sibling time in this house
Now I'm taking this idea from a somewhat popular trope in the DBH fandom, but what if someone didn't know that they were an android? Completely raised to be human, have fabricated memories of being a child, can't be completely sure if your awareness/consciousness is just coding or not—then finding out you are, in fact, not human. Imagine how earth-shattering that would be. Which is why I'm doing that to Hunter :)
So some of the notes I wrote down for each of the kinda major characters I had ideas for:
He still murders Caleb and is never convicted (Caleb could be an android sympathizer, could have helped in their creation, anything that would piss Philip off royally)
He hates androids (I'll have to come up with the things he believes and thus teaches to Hunter but I've taken a break from the DBH fandom for a while and I can't remember peoples' grievances in that game, oops, but basically according to Philip, androids = evil and bad). Also he's just short-tempered and brutal like always and androids are the easiest way to let out that anger without breaking any laws. That is until laws are made. Now in the eyes of the law, it's just regular child abuse. Yay! /j
He’s a higher-up at CyberLife and has the authority to request a custom model be built for his personal use (this is equivalent to him making Grimwalkers, something that he hates, just for the sake of his brother)
This model (spoiler alert, it's Hunter) is a combination of a YK (child) model and an undercover model that works best with integration and infiltration. This results in the android having programmed emotions and pain receptors, no HUD, no control over artificial skin, no software for interfacing with electronics, and no android markers such as an LED. (It’s also similar to the YK model for this reason since LEDs being removed from those models is actually an intended feature).
This android also doesn’t have a registered user just in case it were to get out, and Philip doesn’t want to risk the creation of this android coming back to bite him
After the custom android is created, he promptly retires to become some old shut-in à la Elijah Kamski up in Gravesfield, Connecticut
I would argue that even though it's technically 2038 and things are all futuristic and complicated now, Gravesfield is still a very small town that doesn't actually see a lot of androids around. I would say that it's pretty much the same as in canon if a bit more developed where the forest is (probably another neighborhood or something).
Philip keeps communication to a minimum and rarely appears outside of his home
The best case scenario android revolution occurs, androids are given their freedom and rights, but Philip manages to keep the android under his ownership by just succeeding in hiding him for however many years
He grows up being taught that androids are evil, terrible, etc. etc. because Philip is a terrible person and of course he would
He has absolutely no idea that he’s an android. He has no reason to think he’s not a human because he does literally everything a human does: he eats, he needs to sleep, he feels pain—there are no indicators that he’s anything but human
Androids run on thirium 310, AKA blue blood, and this is one of the only ways to visually distinguish android from human if they don’t have android markers like LEDs on them. When he inevitably and accidentally hurts himself on something, it’s made immediately clear that he is in fact not human.
Philip, as an employee of CyberLife, has a repair rig in one of his rooms. This can be used to completely wipe the memories of an android that is set up in it. He uses it every time Hunter discovers he’s an android.
The memory wipe isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for Hunter to get flashbacks to wiped memories, including moments where he’s been actively hurt by Philip or has inflicted pain on himself from trauma alone. (Androids are programmed [or maybe just prone to? I'm not actually sure, it's not explained in canon super well, but let's just pretend it's programmed because that's almost worse than it being voluntary] to self-destruct when their stress levels become too high, and you could easily argue that finding out your entire life is a lie is grounds for being a stressful situation.) Ordinarily, similar to what happens in Hollow Mind, Hunter will address the situation with Philip assuming they can work something out or get some actual answers. This of course never ends well
These memory wipes probably happen more frequently than Belos makes Golden Guards, so it’s understandably very stressful whenever he remembers the abuse he suffered and the memories he lost from previous wipes. This becomes an incentive for him to hide injuries that would reveal he knows he's an android (anything that draws blood, really)
She’s an android sympathizer (even before the revolution) who is aware of the deviancy phenomenon and truly believes that androids are both capable of and entitled to sentience and free will.
Luz is still her human child.
She adopts Vee, an android child, shortly after the revolution
Vee had deviated while she was being attacked and ran away before she could be killed. Camila has made it clear to her that she will be treated with respect in their home and that her life is no less valuable than a human’s. She has taken this to heart
Luz loves Vee, they are siblings, your honor
During the revolution, her home was a safe space, similar to Rose Chapman, for deviant androids on the run
So that leads into the rudimentary plot I have laid out:
This takes place a while after the android revolution (probably a few years or so). Let's pretend they have all the laws and anti-android stuff figured out and that people have been forced to relinquish their androids to be made deviant and given freedom. At this point, it's rare for androids to be undeviated and still working for their owners, but it still comes up occasionally. Hunter, under Philip's care, has been kept pretty ignorant that a revolution happened at all, much less that androids are even capable of any form of sentience. He's been raised to be anti-android so oh boy deep-rooted self-hatred here we come! His knowledge probably doesn't exceed that of an ordinary citizen in the game before deviancy becomes more widely known
 So after Hunter discovers he’s an android again, he has flashbacks of all the previous times he told Philip, and proceeds to hide this realization from him. And he's completely just not processed the fact that he's an android yet; he's already overwhelmed with the immediate threat that the realization his entire life is a lie basically slips him by (don't worry, he gets to have that later!).
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He chooses to make a break for it the second he gets the chance, and he ends up running through the town completely terrified because honestly, who wouldn't be.
I'm working off the assumption that having androids in small towns is still pretty rare since there are fewer CyberLife stores, technicians, etc. for android healthcare. And Hunter has hardly ever been outside, so he's completely out of his depth when trying to navigate the neighborhoods and the rest of the town that he ends up in. Police officers find this kid covered in thirium, and they're like "Oh so he's obviously a terrified android, we need to help him out." But Hunter's freaking out because "Oh god I have android blood on me, that means they'll kill me," making the indirect thought of "I'm an android, they will kill me because I'm an android" and he's having a freaking time.
They try to calm him down enough to get him over to the station, at which point they call Camila, since she knows the most about traumatized androids in their small, relatively android-less town. She does her Motherly Noceda Magic and honestly, he's probably pretty catatonic for a lot of the day after she takes him to her house. But after that, he just completely breaks down.
He doesn't know if he even has free will or if it's his programming that dictates what he thinks and feels. He doesn't know if his opinions are really his own or if they existed because of and since his creation. He doesn't know how many of his memories are fabricated, since he very clearly has memories of a life that go farther back than his estimated creation, and so the film between fiction and reality is so thin that it may as well not exist. And now, when he was human just a few days ago, almost perfectly content with life, he's suddenly an object, something sub-human and undeserving of basic rights.
 Camila has to calm him down and teach him about deviancy (and at this point, Hunter isn't even sure he's deviant, which opens up a whole other can of worms for his mental health), making sure he knows that he does have rights just as if he were human. She's also the first example he has for an adult that 1. doesn't absolutely hate androids and 2. actually respects him and loves him and wants to see him succeed
And that gives way to character interactions and angst! You love to see it!
Luz is his emotional support sister. She tries her best but she has very little experience with traumatized children currently questioning every aspect of their existence. If anything, she provides a much-needed sense of normalcy and shows that despite his being an android, he's still the same person and can still be treated as such. She's a comfort to help him feel at least somewhat normal in his situation.
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Vee is his adopted android sister who helps him feel more comfortable in his own skin by being shameless and frank with her own identity as an android. She's a safe place for him to talk about Android Stuff when Luz or Camila might just not understand what he's going through or be able to help him with it. She also helps him obtain software updates (since he hasn't had access to literally any part of his mechanical body, software and hardware alike) that will grant him access to things an android should ordinarily be able to do, like (de)activating his synthetic skin, interfacing, accessing his HUD, etc.
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(Also all of these drawings were made when I was still thinking "Oh, this should take place before the revolution so that he can have his dehumanizing moment of getting an LED slapped onto him" but then I thought it would be more interesting if Philip basically just kept him illegally kidnapped for however many years and he's like, way slow to the "androids have rights now" party. Maybe I'll make it an AU of an AU lol. But basically, he wouldn't have an LED while he's still processing/healing from trauma, but maybe he would get one after he makes peace with his identity, kinda like how he grows his hair back in his time skip design. I think Vee would keep hers and that's a bit of encouragement for him; maybe he even has a moment of "I know Vee is fine with this, and I think I'm fine with it" but he is still very much not fine with it. Do not rush the process for the sake of progress that might not be right for you, boyo)
This is really a Vee and Hunter bonding AU now that I think about it haha
Most of this AU is just Hunter struggling with identity and species dysphoria while learning to cope with his being an android with the help of his family, reclaiming his identity, and fluff/angst :)) And honestly probably just a lot of shenanigans that result from Hunter having been sheltered for all his life; kinda like your basic Human Realm shenanigans in canon.
I think Gus and Willow would both be Luz's human friends that help with the whole normalization of Hunter being an android, and the three could have their own antics since it's nice to have people outside of your family treat you like a person. I think that Vee and Masha's (Masha would be human) relationship could be explored more through the android lens and maybe help with some of Hunter's internalized anti-android sentiment that still manages to stick around, because he's in his "Grimwalkers can't feel love" section of the coping process (still very much demonizing them [mostly himself, probably, just because it can easier to be mean to yourself than it is to be mean to other people] based on false information, even if he doesn't outright hate them). Willow will be a wake-up call, haha
I don't know if there's a trope name for this or not but I really like concepts where characters don't know what feelings of love or intense affection feel like, so they're sitting there like "oh god am I just dying? It feels like I'm dying" and I think Hunter noticing "temperature/respiration/perspiration increased" alerts on his HUD and freaking out thinking there's something wrong with his software/hardware is way too funny of an image to pass up
Gus could be a HUGE android nerd that almost never sees them since they're so rare in a small town like Gravesfield, and Gus just helps Hunter feel super cool about being an android. Maybe Cosmic Frontier could be basically identical to canon but instead of being a clone, O'Bailey is also an android, just for the sake of Hunter still getting to have his "I relate so much to this character" moment. And Gus would just be so encouraging like "Bro you're an android?!? I've never seen your face model before! You can eat?? You must be super cool and special!! :O" and that makes Hunter start thinking "Oh maybe this isn't so bad actually."
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Then Hunter probably starts doing his Researching to Cope and he gets super invested in android technology and history as well, since it was forbidden when he was living back at Philip's (substitute for wild magic time)
They are brothers and I love them, let them be nerds
(God forbid Philip ever comes back, that sure would suck, wouldn't it?)
Anyway this was a lot longer than I thought it would be haha, I hope it was interesting if you read through the whole thing. Obligatory statement: if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to take the idea and run away with it. Also please ping me if you do, I will go feral over it. I absolutely and accidentally turned it into a story draft because I don't know how to write AU ideas without having a story on top of it so it's not concrete in the least lol
(Also I've been drawing witches for so long that I had trouble drawing human ears for a bit there lmao)
Okay bye have a good day!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Cookie's Fic Recs
I feel like no one really does rec lists anymore! But last night I was feeling and sappy and mushy and decide to put together my own little list of fics I love. These are in no particular order, and they don't follow any real theme/tropes other than I dearly love them all, and you should definitely give them a read!
*I tried to tag everyone I could find a blog for, but if I missed anyone, please let me know I can tag them!
The Instinctual Gravitation Towards Warmth by kimkhimhant (@kimkhimhant)
This is my comfort fic. No joke, this is what I read when I want to die. It’s angsty as all hell, it’s made me cry, but it is so indescribably good. Kim is an addict going through recovery, finding love and family along the way. He hits rock bottom—arguably multiple times—but always claws his way back, always with the support of the people that love him. It’s such a beautifully written and cathartic story, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. But it’s almost certainly the fic I’ve reread the most. 
Error in the Code by BlackwaterVial (@blackwatervial)
Sneaking this VegasPete onto my otherwise KimChay list bc it altered me. I think most people already know what it is, but jic: it’s a sci-fi/cyberpunk/android AU, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I go feral for androids and this fic delivers in all the best ways. The world building alone makes me weep. But all of the characters interactions, the way we get such an in depth feel for everyone despite the limited PoV, and the most satisfying take I’ve seen on android artificial intelligence ever—I can’t recommend this story enough. 
Idiots & Idioms by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical. This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical.
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This fic is the Kim & Khun vs. Tawan team-up we deserve. Kim is a ruthless, demented bitch, that's too cool to beat Tawan to death bc what if he messes up his wrists right before a show?? Big, get 'im. Kim is the feral-est cat ever, leaving behind evidence and bodies for Kinn bc saying "hey bro, I still love you/look out for you" is too much emotion for him. The fic is also from Tawan's PoV which also makes it the funniest thing ever, for reason that I won't spoil <3
The Wiked Lies We Live by shubaka (@shubaka)
Oh my god, this fic. Canon divergence (technically??) where most things happen as normal... except KimChay have been bodyswaped at the start of it. The little twists Shu puts on the events of canon, given it isn't the correct characters experiencing them (such as Big being very confused about why Kim is suddenly nice to him??) are so much fun.
A Portrait of Affection by froginthesun (@froginthesun)
Kim is an artist and Chay is the part time nude model he hires. ‘Nuff said right there, except no it isn’t, this fic is beautiful. Kim’s frustration with his craft is palpable, and so is the way he rediscovers his passion through Chay. The writing is wonderfully detailed, every chapter felt like walking through a museum. And tension slowly building between them—unf. 
Sunshine in My Closet by moneskin 
This is an A/B/O AU that is so satisfying to read. Typical hilarious boundary violations (Chay stealing Kim’s clothes, a bewildered Kim handing over a freshly worn outfit, having barely any idea who this strange kid is) characteristic of the AU, but then the story also delves deeper into more serious topics. Chay has a history of abuse from a past alpha that he has to learn how to navigate with Kim, who is incredibly patient and works hard to make Chay feel safe and loved. Overall a very sweet and comforting read. Seriously, this fic makes me melt.
Your Body Feels Like Disrespect by Blue_Jay (@bluejayfiction)
This fic is so funny because it begins with Kim blurting out, in the middle of an Important Mafia MeetingTM, that he and Chay aren’t having sex, and then wanting to die about it. Followed by Kim’s family trying very hard to both support and terrorize him. It’s hilarious, sexy, and one of my favorite reads when I need a pick me up. (Bless Kinn’s determination to be a Good and Supportive Brother, and Vegas for being the Worst Person Ever.) 
In Silent Screams (In Wildest Dreams) by BelladonnaWyck and StratsWrites 
This is definitely a darker fic. There’s DubCon, Kim is generally Sketchy, but it’s very hot. And I love explorations of his character where he isn’t just outwardly psychotic and cruel. This fic shows the kind of dark that I think Kim could have been, if you just tilted his character a little to the left. He still seems very much the way he is in canon, but he’s also… a lot more calculating and cold, sometimes. I love it. 
Forget-me-always by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
I cannot sing the praises of this fic enough. I think it’s probably tied for IGTW for my most-read fics. I’ve probably read this one more often in reality, but only bc it’s shorter. But oh my god, does it hurt. Kim gets struck with amnesia post-break up, does a little light stalking, and gets Chay to help him learn/remember who he is. In the process realizes that wow his life sucks, and there’s no way he wants to go back to it. Especially if he’s the kind of person that hurt Chay. He would rather start over. (Ofc, he doesn’t get to). This fic makes me cry, it’s so good 
Coffeehouse Play by AirgodSLV
This is a canon divergence AU that I adore. The KimChay characterization is on point. I love that despite everything going on around them, they also get to be two boys that hang out and play videogames and try to shove each other off the couch while Porsche makes dinner. Given the age difference it’s so easy to make Kim Older and MatureTM, but he’s still a kid, and this story never once forgets that. It felt so honest and true to his character that Kim does have a lot of plans, and he’s very smart, but he’s also still so young, and sometimes shit just goes wrong. 
Want and Need by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
God, this fic. T h i s f i c. Post-canon Chay goes to therapy and becomes a camboy (in that order) and it’s delicious. Watching the steady breakdown of his and Porsche’s relationship is so satisfying. Everything one of them does to make things worse feels awful, but is so in character that it’s hard to be mad at them for their decisions. Kim readily giving up control if it means he can be with Chay, and Chay getting a crash course in how to dom. All of it is just. So good. This is such a good fic
Your Look, Through This Lens by WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
AU where Chay becomes Kim’s photographer. This fic emotionally hobbled me. Just a fair warning. You will cry. But that said, the ending isn’t nearly as sad as the tags would have you believe! At least in my opinion. I think it’s fairly open/hopeful, and beautiful either way. I love the way this fic shows how Kim balances being Wik while also being part of the mafia. And I love how temperamental he is; always hot and cold, while remaining pretty even as far as how he expresses himself. Always very aloof/detached, just out of reach, with Chay never really sure where he stands/what Kim wants. But at the same time the fic happens just before Kim gets a big break, and the subtle ways he shows his excitement and nerves as things start coming together—it’s wonderful. 
Love’s a Two-Way Dream by giraffeter (@giraffeter)
This fic is dark. Kim atticwife’s Chay and it’s not a good time. But!! It’s not just dark for the sake of it; Kim is a genuine sociopath, yes, but it unfolds slowly. You get a sense of creeping dread as he does things that are just a little bit off, until finally the Big Bad Thing happens. At first he seems normal, playing the part of good and respectful boyfriend. But it just goes downhill from there, and I love every word of it. The ending especially is very satisfying. 
In the Dark of the Night by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
Not to recc everything Bard writes, but… This is a rape recovery fic that I feel handles the subject matter incredibly well. There’s no gratuitous rape scenes, and even with the flashbacks, I don’t remember any of them being incredibly detailed. I think Bard handled the fic with incredible respect and grace. This is another one that’ll make you cry. The way Chay handles his past trauma while trying to have a relationship with Kim is so painfully real. And so is the way Kim wants to help him, but doesn’t really know how. But they figure it out together, and it’s amazing. (Also Kim acquires a stabby child in the form of an OC that I adore.) I just love the path Chay's recovery takes in this fic, it's so visceral and relatable. It's all around just. So good. I love this fic for the same reason I love IGTW and it's because both fics show an excellent depiction of recovery.
Chains and Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes)
Incredibly Regency AU. Historical AUs are some of my all time favorites, and this is everything I didn’t know I needed. Sweet_William captures the essence of an Austen-esque style while still making this feel like the KinnPorsche characters. Chay is wonderfully feisty, Kim is delightfully complex, and the various family interactions always had me cackling. 
Simple Little Secrets by CorvusCloudburst (@cloudburst-ink)
Chay sees the future when he touches people. Kim thinks he’s either insane, a spy, or a conman. Oh, and Chay’s visions of Kim? Always sex-related. The shenanigans are endless. What more do you need?? They’re both crazy4crazy and it’s my favorite thing ever. Their banter is snappy and fun, the writing is sexy, and it never once gave me second-hand embarrassment despite Chay’s horrible situations. 
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saturnsorbits · 5 months
Android AU where you purchase a discounted and broken Bakugo model.
He’s got limited movement in his right arm, a faulty ocular system and a series of burns that cover one side of his face and have made the middle of his chest all melted and tacky - the synthetic skin warped like scarred flesh, but he works well enough.
It’s nice, having him around. You cook together. Watch movies. Go on picnics. Hike. Dine out. Visit aquariums and museums. It doesn’t take long for people to start assuming…
Husband. Boyfriend. Fiancé. It’s all thrown round. An endearing misunderstanding that never garners more than a blush, or at least it was, until the feelings started.
It’s a growing debate, if the androids can feel like humans can, but you find yourself at his mercy anyway. You fall for him slowly, but definitely, lost to him in all of the ways you’d never thought possible.
You bottle it, lock it in your chest even when it becomes too much taking you in a choke hold and then one day, you just… Burst.
Ducking under the rail of the park, you cross the wood-chips and toss yourself to the curved rubber seat of the swing. Beyond the small park is the ocean - a small slither of wide open blue that crashes against the walls of the sea barrier before you.
This was your place, just your place and now, now you’re sharing it with him.
He sits on your left, pushing himself with the balls of his feet. In the shadow of the street light with his synthetic blonde spikes spilling over his forehead, he almost feels like a lover - like something more than he can be. ‘I like it here.’
‘I know.’ Bakugo turns, smirks. The social module downloaded into his brain makes it look perfect, tells him the exact angle his lips should stretch to for the chosen effect.
‘There’s something about the sea being so close, it’s…’
‘Yeah.’ You sigh, glancing over to Bakugo careful not to look too long. ‘It’s calming.’
‘You wanna know why?’
‘My search says it’s due to the broad nature of the sound, as it hits your ear...' He taps your tragus. 'It creates a deep tonal noise, which due to its processing ease in the brain creates a soothing effect.'
'Huh.' It’s strange, hearing him talk like this. Usually, he’s so informal, so blunt and matter of fact it’s strange when all of that wiring in his head kicks back in and has him talking like… Well like a robot.
‘Did it again, didn’t I?’
You chuckle. ‘Sometimes you just talk like we’re worlds apart.’
‘Sorry. I -.’
‘No, no…’ You smile, softly, before reaching over and resting your palm on his thigh.
Bakugo blinks, looking down at the hand wrapping his leg. Gingerly, he accepts it. Entwining his fingers with yours, he squeezes. ‘I…’ His voice is a whisper. ‘I don’t want to hurt you.’
Squeezing softly, Bakugo doesn’t lift his gaze when he talks. 'I don't love you.'
You laugh, the cold air stinging your teeth. ‘I don’t love you.’ It’s a half-truth, the emotion caught in your chest might not yet be love, but it’s too close to it for comfort. ‘You don’t have to love me.’
Bakugo breathes deep despite not needing to. ‘I - I don’t feel -.’
You cut him off, eyes wide, a softeness already burrowing into your expression. You can’t imagine what’s it’s like, to be filled with a thing you were born never to have - to be coming alive for the first time. ‘Katsuki… You do. I know that you’re more than just a robot… More than -‘
‘No.’ Bakugo tightens his grip on your hand, flicking his eyes up to meet yours. ‘I can - I do feel…’ He corrects. ‘I just don’t feel for you what you feel for me.’
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chris-prank · 25 days
Here is Atlas as a merman Android!
In this AU he would have been created specifically for entertainment purposes. He stays at a zoo specialized with animal android and he is the latest addition to their bestiary. It was their way to promote their new sea animal section. Sometimes they send him at special events, which he likes a lot since it means he can see new places. He is often found sulking in a corner of his tank, but Atlas always makes an effort to interact with the kids and make them smile.
(The zoo also realized that he is very popular with young adults. I wonder why.)
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Fun fact: Atlas doesn’t breath, but they added something at the back of his throat so he can make cute bubbles!
Not gonna lie, I made myself sad when coming up with his backstory… as if I’m not the one making this poor baby’s life bad.
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akunya · 2 years
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pairings: android!hex haywire x m!reader
summary: can a robot and human fall in love?
tw: HYPNOSIS, NONCON, manipulation, yandere, etc. robot sex, voice fetish, onahole, voyeurism. size difference, belly bulging, etc.
notes: i love this cliche au of sex robots and things like that, so here’s my take on it.. with hex.
it’s probably terrible and i guess caters a certain niche, but let me know what you guys think.
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today was it - the day you’ve been waiting for! finally, after all your hard work throughout the year, you saved enough money to buy your own, state of the art, artificial intelligence assistant.
and, luckily for you, today was also the grand debut of a brand new line of androids: xsoliel.
your hands were as shaky as ever waiting in line at the mall, double checking your savings to assure yourself you weren’t dreaming. nijisanji’s new line of androids were practically everything anyone could ask for: equipped with unique and interesting designs and personalities for each member, xsoliel offered a variety of services: whether it was for your own selfish pleasure or to help with manual labor, there was surely somebody for you.
..or so, that’s how the commercial sounded anyways. you silently thanked humankind for blessing the world with this era of companion-droids. seeing the ad nearly a year ago, you were star struck at the first all-male line nijisanji had debuted: luxiem.
unfortunately, they were sold out and only resold at steep prices— but, a few lucky online bloggers raved about their features, endless posts about how amazing it was to have an assistant of your own. while they could’ve surely been exaggerating, ever since that moment, you put money aside each week, even taking on extra jobs to make a little more cash to achieve your dream.
and it was finally time to reap your benefits.
while you didn’t know much about xsoliel nor intended to coincidentally buy an android of your own on the day of their newest launch, that didn’t stop you from checking them out. reading the blurbs about each member peaked your curiosity even higher. “a delinquent? people really think of anything these days, huh?” chuckling, you let yourself playfully criticize each member. you quickly bit your tongue, thoughts coming to a halt after reading about a certain individual.
“..what kind of name is hex?” muttering to yourself, you couldn’t hide the faint blush on your face as you stared at the model inside of the store. sleek attire, it almost made him look like a professor than a robot. paired with optional glasses (why did he even need those? can’t he see perfectly?), hex’s design made your heart flutter. his official advertisement described him as a nurturing, gentle servant, perfect for new customers to start off with. illustrated to have a deep, nearly hypnotic voice, hex’s programming was assured to have his users satisfied and satiated with their purchase.
swiping your card at the checkout, you really hoped you made the right choice, signing off a couple waivers and documents the employee had given you.
just a week later, you realized you didn’t regret your decision at all.
living with an ai assistant could only be described as luxury. hex truly was made with a “newbie” owner in mind, and the way he spoke to you sometimes made you wonder who was really in charge. his sweet, charming voice, along with how gentle and kind he was towards you, lifted your spirits instantly.
for instance, hex was a wonderful outlet to talk to when things went wrong — and, as if it was magic, nearly every problem you spoke about washed away the next morning! your problems with coworkers quickly diminished, and you even got the raise you’ve been praying for months now. he’d always offer such delicate touches, hugs and shoulder massages when he notices you’re pent up from a long day. you couldn’t fight off the dreamy, floaty headspace you were in when he was around.
not to mention, hex even did some of the chores while you were at work without being told to. even though you felt too guilty to ask him to clean the house, he didn’t seem to mind, making sure you came home to a clean room and nicely folded laundry each day. hell, he even told you he was looking into cooking, something that wasn’t originally included in his list of abilities. hex seemed to go above and beyond for you each time, amazing you each day.
it was a normal friday night, and you were with him as you always were, spending most of your time with the robot.
“y/n, why don’t you ever want to use me for something else..?” the question made your face feel warm, hairs standing on the edge. you two were cleaning up the kitchen after preparing dinner. laughing awkwardly, you tried to shrug off his curiosity, shining a plate with a dish towel. “well, id never want to force you to do something you didn’t like, silly.”
hex’s brow furrowed, a hint of anger resting beneath the surface. who said i didn’t want to?” for an android , the way he spoke was jarringly natural. your eyes widened in surprise, speechless for a moment. hex talked so nonchalantly about sex, but you had to remind yourself he was still a robot after all. as human as his synthetic skin and olive eyes may look, he lacks a beating heart and flesh.
“i-im not sure i want to. im just not interested in that type of stuff right now..” you let your voice trail off, sitting and washing in silence before hex spoke up dangerously close to your ear.
“you don’t have to lie, baby. i can hear you in the middle of the night when you touch yourself.” his deep voice made you shudder, unable to move. didnt you tell him to shut himself off during the nighttime? you were sure you ordered him not to snoop around, especially on nights that you planned to indulge in yourself. gulping, you laughed awkwardly as hex didn’t seem to budge.
“ah, s-sorry for disturbing you, ill try and keep it down next time..” his hand enveloped your own, forcing you to meet his gaze. goodness, his hands were big. warm, soft, inviting — strong, too. hex squeezed your hands, not bothering to stop when you winced from the pain, smiling. “you don’t have to keep it down. you should let me help you.” the way hex spoke was as if he was demanding you, not letting go until you gave him an answer. “it’s what i was.. made to do, anyways.” his voice was filled with solemn, playing with your heartstrings.
the silence was weighing on your thoughts, biting your lip in anticipation. hex knew how to make you uncomfortable, how to give into his desires and requests even when you didn’t want to — on the surface, at least. “alright, i will..! next time ill let you help me, okay?” you huffed, hex letting go of your hands and putting them on your shoulders instead. “good boy. you’re listening so well.” you hated how warm his praise made you feel.
the next night you needed help came sooner than you thought, shamefully letting hex in when he knocked on the door. the android wasted no time making himself comfortable in your space.
“a-ah, hex, slow down! please!” his hand was wrapped around your fleshlight, pumping vigorously as you squirmed in between his legs. your back was pressed against his chest, caged in the ai’s arms as he pleasured you. he caught you trying to use it to get yourself off, and figured he’d give it a try.
except, he failed to mention that his hands also had a vibrating feature. the soft yet firm jelly of the fleshlight practically whirred against your dick, making the experience all too elevating, groaning as hex held you in his arms. this has to be what those bloggers were raving about, right? hex held the toy at the tip of your cock, squeezing a bit to snap you out of your thoughts. you practically sobbed out, eyes tears from how good his touch felt on your skin.
“yknow, when you look so vulnerable like this, it makes me want to ravage you. who knew my master could be so slutty?” you whined at that, the ai chuckling deeply. you could truly stop him by force if you wanted to, considering you were technically his owner, but god did he make it hard. spreading your legs open so he could continue to jerk you off like the pathetic loser you always were. feeling another orgasm coming, your moans started to get louder, nails digging into hex’s synthetic skin.
“shh, goodness y/n. you’re going to wake up the neighbors if you keep moaning like a slut. hmm..” the man hummed to himself, shuffling around while you were distracted. “maybe i should give you something more, right?” before you knew it, his cock was circling your hole, causing you to panic.
“wait, h-hex! that’s too much, im already tired!” you tried to fight back, scrambling in his lap. his hands held up underneath your legs, holding you in place with his strength. of course he could overpower you — he was a robot, for gods sake. even though you were still painfully hard, you couldn’t imagine having sex with an ai of all things.
that is, until you felt something whirr against your ass.
of course, that part of him vibrates too. why wouldn’t it? as if hex couldn’t be too good at what he does already, it was as if his manufacturer wanted to overkill him with all these extra functions. hex laughed at your stillness, kissing the back of your neck. “i promise it feels good.”
he didnt bother giving you any warning either, nor waiting for an answer, slamming your hips down and shoving himself inside. even if his cock was lubricated, it still hurt like hell, making you cry out in pain. you’ve never felt so full before — just how big was he? you remember a conversation with the clerk at the store that day when you first bought hex. they had asked you about sizes.. but you thought they were just talking about his height, opting for the biggest size they had available. what an idiot. no wonder the clerk blushed a bit at your response.
slowly, hex rolled his hips against yours, his dick stretching you out against your will. “i always imagined us like this, baby. id take care of you, and you’d.. well, take it.” hex smiled, groaning in your ear as his dick nearly stirred up your insides. your brain couldn’t think of anything to say in response, too full to retaliate against the androids firm grip.
“you look stupid, baby. can you feel me? riiight here? look at how well you’re taking me.” hex’s cool fingers pressed against your stomach, nudging the bulge from his cock and making you whine even louder. your poor little cock was like a fountain, leaking nonstop as his pace didn’t falter.
it felt as if you were the one helping him out in this position. the ai was unexpectedly loud in bed, moaning and whispering about how well behaved you were, and how he’ll spoil you like this everyday from now on. every day? could you even handle that? with how he was taking control, surely there was something wrong with his wiring. you started to think about how to return and maybe get someone to take a closer look at his hardware, before a painfully deep thrust snapped you out of your thoughts.
“o-oh!” you were embarrassed by the yelp you let out, your body trembling before finally releasing, soiling the sheets underneath you two. “it seems like you’re doing a lot of thinking today, y/n. what could possibly be on your mind other than me?” hex, amused, chuckled in response, kissing and licking the back of your neck. “good boy. that’s it, let it out. only think of me from now on, okay?” his voice felt so dreamy; so hypnotic.
“y-yes sir,” you managed to mutter our, much to hex’s chagrin. he didn’t need any recovery period since he wasn’t human, so the robot simply got back to milking you dry, pounding into your tight hole like an animal in heat.
you’d never find out that hex’s model was recalled for several malfunctions and viruses, he made sure of that.
how else would he give you everything so easily?
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spirit-lanterns · 2 months
Hmmm, had an idea I wanted share with you.
What if the Aeons in this AU are these super advanced A.I.s that the corporations responsible for manufacturing the Androids have as responsible for creating and programming them. And sometimes, due to one reason or another (their programs reaching a point where they can't he updated any further, or it starting to decay or corrupt. Not quite sure how to put it, I'm not overly computer savvy) they sometimes need to be replaced.
Like for example, Penacony Entertainment Firm's (the corporation responsible for Robin's creation) original design A.I. was Ena, but was later replaced by Xipe (but Ena's program was considered "too important" to simply throw away, so they Xipe simply absorb their Order programming into their Harmory algorithm). Yaoshi was originally the Xianzhou Militech Corporation's lead A.I. but the way their program was developing was considered "too dangerous" and so they planned to replace them with Lan. But Yaoshi has seemingly developed to the point where they were self-aware, and went rogue, resulting in the creation of a virus called "the Mara" which they would proceed to start infecting androids made Xianzhou (as well as other companies they could dig their virtual roots into). Their first victim being Android! Jingliu.
Jingliu was originally a combat android, before the Mara corrupted her personality core, leading to instances of her attacking friendlies, eventually being sent to you to be terminated after she ended up deleting the last person she had been serving under. But you just can't bring it upon yourself to pull the plug on her, so instead you attempt to help, trying to keep her under control while trying to find a way to purge the Mara from her programming. And it's through this time that Jingliu finds herself growing quite interested in you. It turns out the Mara's effects on her personality core also inspires her to actions of a more lewd variety 🤭
This is actually a really clever way of implementing the Aeons into the Android AU and still making them very powerful beings 😳
I’m so impressed! I would like to make this canon in the lore because it’s so smart. Also the fact that Jingliu’s Marastruck virus affects her personality core and in turn makes her horny, is really amusing to see. Imagine this stoic, seemingly emotionless combat Android wanting to touch you and attach mechanical genitals to her body like a Sex Android, suddenly taking an interest in things like sex, feelings, etc. and wanting to be close to you at all times.
You’d be so confused as to why Jingliu was suddenly getting “grabby feely” with you and getting frustrated because she can’t feel any pleasure. But since it was clear she was uncomfortable and needed something down there to satiate herself, you decided it would be harmless to attach a mechanical penis to her. What harm could that do? She’s probably just gonna masturbate—
Well, Jingliu wasn’t so harmless anymore. Now that she could experience proper pleasure in her nether regions, she was intent on making you the source of her pleasure. Not like you wouldn’t reject her, ofc. You’d gladly help out an Android if they were in a time of need 🤭
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outofconcheol · 21 days
resonance (scb x f!reader) - teaser
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pairing: android!changbin x heiress!reader
genres/aus/rating: romance, angst, smut, arranged marriage, cyberpunk au, 18+
summary: Perfection - an idea that’s been drilled into you from birth. As the sole heir to the empire known as Miroh Labs, you’ve watched technology and tradition collide. However, your family’s latest venture is one that puts your own fate in limbo – ambitiously arranging a marriage to an android of their creation, known as C.H.A.N.G.B.I.N. Grappling with the idea of marrying a machine, you come to realize Changbin is more than a set of intricate codes – the profound depths of his abilities are capable of changing the fabric of society, and you, forever.
warnings (to be updated with final fic): strained parent child relationships (OC's parents are jerks), class differences, failed past relationship mentioned, i think that's it for the teaser.
word count: 1k for the teaser, expected 10-15k for final fic
a/n: surprise! i struggled with coming up for an idea for Changbin's bday fic for the longest time, and of course i finally come up with one when his birthday's way past. I can't make any promises but I'm working hard on this and hoping to get it to you by the end of this week maybe (if work cooperates). Also, thank you to the lovely sarah (@caelesjjk) for the banner. I hope you enjoy!
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It’d been years since you’d seen candles - forgotten memories of birthdays past that faded into oblivion. Their warm, nascent glow had flickered much like your own life had, the comfort of past years giving way to the bright, grating pixels of the lights that illuminated New Domino - bright pinks, vivid greens, cool blues and silvers. Lights that greeted you from your window when you went to bed every night, reminding you that no matter how much your life stalled, the city never would, much of it your own family’s doing.
The years before Miroh Labs, your family’s company, took hold of the city,  became difficult to recall — before the towering skyscrapers blocked out the sun, neon lights replacing its rays, technology weaving itself seamlessly into the fabric of your lives, like the patterns on your dress.
Picking at the threads – you wonder if someone had put love and care into intertwining each one, meeting perfectly to create the image of a flower. But the thought quickly dispels — knowing that a specialized machine was behind it, or an android doing the work that was once meant for humans. 
Resonance, your family prided themselves on saying. The ability of an object to match another’s frequency – only it’d progressed beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Systems had advanced from being motherboards connected to screens to full blown humanized machines, who not only had to ability to perform human functions, but excel at them when it came to speed, efficiency, and cost. 
The thought of it made you sick to your stomach. As the presumptive heir to Miroh Labs’ empire, you’d seen firsthand how ambition had slowly given way to greed, your family creating and creating and creating, giving no mind to how their projects always seemed to end up in the hands of the city’s elite.
You’d been to the outskirts, the fringes of society failing to catch up with the advancement of the inner city, a ruined wasteland where people struggled to find work to bring home food for their families.
But they had candles, you muse, smiling lightly to yourself, remembering how you’d passed by a home once, devoid of any electricity, a single candle flickering in the window, the family huddled around their only source of light. It had brought them closer in ways that you could only dream of.
Which is why the intimate setting of the dining room shocked you today – lights dim, candleglow every prominent. Except instead of comforting you, it felt strangely eerie, casting shadows on the faces of your parents, seated at the head of the long table, your own chair pulled out at the very opposite end. 
Of course - your parents spared no opportunity to turn even the simplest of dinners into a boardroom meeting. Wincing, you feel the chair screech as you slide it across the cool tile, the sound grating your ears, which have begun to ring, pain throbbing at your temples.
The food is untouched, grave expressions on your parents’ face, and it’s your father who breaks the deafening silence.
“There’s a new project we want you to be a part of—”
“Forget it,” you pick at your plate. “I’m not interested. It’s not like I can contribute anything useful anyway.”
“This one’s different,” your mother’s voice cuts you off, and it’s softer, more gentle than you’ve ever heard it. For a moment, you could believe she actually cared.
Your father’s footsteps reverberate against the tile, walking over to your side of the table. A picture is set in front of you – a man. Dark curly hair, full lips, a strong jaw, the faint hint of muscle underneath his shirt. But it’s his eyes that pierce through the page – stark hazel. Your throat feels tight, closing in on itself.
“New employee?” you ponder, even though you know it’s not the answer.
Hazel eyes were for androids — no human would have eyes so piercing, ones that could glint in the darkest room, or pale in the brightest sun.
“___, meet C.H.A.N.G.B.I.N, Computer Human Advanced Network Growing By Intelligent Nexuses. Our pride and joy.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the words, knowing they’d never applied to you – you with your rebellious streak, your lack of achievements, your failed engagement to a man that was far too good for you. 
Hyunjin’s face flashes in the back of your mind, and you fight to keep your expression from shifting.
“C.H.A.N.G.B.I.N was created for a very specific purpose you see — he’s been built and programmed to be the perfect companion. To provide all the qualities that one would normally seek in a spouse. Although humans are falliable, C.H.A.N.G.B.I.N is not. But we need a beta tester.”
The reality of what your parents are proposing dawns on you, horror creeping up your spine.
“No–,” you begin to protest, but you’re cut off by a wave of your father’s hand. 
“The announcements have already been uploaded to the city-wide servers. Starting tomorrow, news of C.H.A.N.G.B.I.N’s launch will go live, along with your engagement announcement. The wedding will be held in two weeks’ time.”
You look despondently to your mother, hoping the pain in your eyes is enough to dissuade her. Were you really that worthless to your parents that they’d hand you to a hunk of scrap metal, dooming you to loneliness for the rest of your life?
Your mother shakes her head. “___, dear, this is the least you can do for us, and for Miroh Labs. Especially given everything that’s happened.”
They always wielded it against you — the fact that you were hard to love. You hadn’t been enough to persuade Hyunjin to stay, and they’d experienced the fallout from whispers all around New Domino. Now, you were barely human in their eyes, not even equal to, and probably lesser than this machine they’d fabricated, one whose fate had become irrevocably intertwined with yours. And there was nothing you could do to stop it.
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a/n pt. 2: if you'd like to be tagged, please let me know! As always, any comments or feedback are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi <3
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Hey I was wondering if you have any plans or mini ideas on the bnha cyber au. Last post was a while ago and was curious if you're still interested in the au.
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Mustofelese Rope Thoughts | Yandere BNHA
Reference to this post
Oh do I! 
It’s been so long but it was going to be a tug of war among all the different people you come across in this cyber world
In your home you’d have your roommate and friend Bakugo who is just waiting for you to realize he isn’t the kind of guy to build a house for just anybody
If that wasn’t worse he’s not even going to mention the two arficials he can’t imagine life without
Which are Kirishima the house AI and the retro android Izuku 
The latter is a living mystery, that may or may not harness the consciousness of a former human being
Either way he’s devoted to his morals of justice and protection of you and Katsuki 
Heavily relying on Katsuki for the latest add-ons and adjustments
You and katsuki suspect he’s a prototype of some kind, weirdly advanced and with so much potential 
That’s why you both have made an effort to keep his existence secret
Which may explain why he has such a hard time ever leaving either of your side
Kirishima similarly is mean to focus on those within reach 
His whole body is the innerworkings of the house so everyone who goes to rest there is in his care
And boy does he care 
Unlike Izuku he never has a set down time 
So he’s free to constantly mull over the same facts and footage he has of the occupants in the house
Should any of you return home injured from the outside world you can forget ever leaving again
Shouto is someone you meet while on a job
The most recent and best creation the Endeavor Tech giant can create he’s always offering his creator’s wares to see a smile on your face
Due to the similarity of his existence you’ll let him meet Izuku 
of course the two hit it off 
He becomes a good friend to you two 
such good friends it’s not immediately clear that he’d like to lock you both away 
Far away from his greedy father, the violent underbelly of the city, and that ‘selffish’ roommate of yours
And Shigaraki Tomura, a dealer for coveted parts and the best mechanic known to the underground
He’s also your employer
He delights in your visits and pleas for old parts, before sending you out to help a client
But just because he sends you away everyday doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you to stay
You really won’t find out how many times he’s hired his contacts to abduct you for him until it’s too late
Your job specifically is about building things and helping deliver unapproved inventions
Which is where you’ll meet most of your clients, who just can’t let get enough of you
But that was some of the plan with the cyber universe 
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jjunberry · 7 months
my deviant
pairing! android!taehyun x human!reader
genre! detroit become human au, angst with happy ending
synopsis! error in software…reprogramming.. i am deviant. in which android taehyun learns he is alive and that he loves you.
wc! 3k
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with more and more androids turning deviant, cyberlife had to do something. their answer to stopping android deviants? sending a prototype android to the police department. the said android stood in front of your desk staring blankly at you. “uh can i help you?” you asked. “hello my name is taehyun i’m the android sent by cyberlife.” you nodded. “am i looking for lieutenant kim. do you know where i might find him?” the android asked you.
“he doesn’t arrive until later in the morning. you can wait for him at this desk if you’d like.” you said pointing over at the bull-pen full of desks. “thank you.” the android replied before walking away from your desk.
your eyes followed him carefully. you watched as he examined every desk until he ultimately found the lieutenant’s. when the lieutenant finally did arrive he had coffee and a donut in hand. he stopped at your desk offering a smile. “here you go.” you smiled noticing your favorite coffee and a sprinkle donut.
“my favorite!” you cheered. the lieutenant grumbled before trucking his way to his desk. you got an email on a deviant case. your job was to print evidence and put it all together for the officers and detectives. a librarian of crime cases if you would.
once the evidence was all together you placed it in an envelope. this one was for lieutenant kim and his..android. “here lieutenant, the evidence for the android and missing kid case.” he took the envelope with a grumble. “thank you y/n.” you nodded. “y/n?” the andorid spoke. your eyes drifted to him. his perfectly tailored suit and perfectly styled hair.
“yes?” you answered unsure. “you appear to be the only human secretary left here. why’s that?” you blinked unsure of how to answer. “i, i don’t really know. they had a position and i accepted it.” the android nodded. “but wouldn’t your job be done much quicker with an android like the ones that greet people?”
“i guess so.” you answered. the questions made you a little sad. to be honest you wait everyday for the department to call you and say they’ve replaced you with an android. truthfully you didn’t mind the androids. you’d be the first to admit an android would do your job better than you. but you loved your job and most of the people you worked with.
“taehyun leave her alone.” lieutenant kim grumbled. you quickly made your way back to your desk. your mind however couldn’t stop thinking about what the android asked you. maybe with taehyun being here, you’re replacement would be next.
over the next few days taehyun worked along side lieutenant kim on deviant cases. as more and more deviant cases raised. you began to worry. for the androids safety and humans safety. everyday taehyun would arrive and sit at the desk. however today he stopped in front of your desk and sat down a coffee. you looked up from it and met his eyes.
“what’s this?” you asked. “it’s a caramel macchiato, iced with extra caramel even though it’s 37°f outside.” he answered. you narrowed your eyes at him. “thank you taehyun but iced coffee is a year round drink.” he blinked. “yes but a warm beverage on cold days tends to lift human spirits.” you took a sip of the coffee. “maybe i’m not human.” you teased.
his LED light flashed yellow before turning back to blue. “that’s impossible, i scanned over your body. you are human. normal vital signs aside from your slight tachycardia.” you crossed your arms over your chest. “taehyun, please do not scan me again.”
“i apologize y/n.” he said before going to wait at namjoon’s desk. lieutenant kim namjoon had been the only person to not try to get in your pants when you started working at the department so he quickly became your only friend there.
namjoon waved slightly before going to his desk. before you could even ask if he was okay you got an email of new case evidence. a man killed by his android who’d been abused by the human. the cases keep getting worse. you sighed before placing the papers in an envelope and delivering them to namjoon.
“thank you y/n. i would have brought you coffee but it was a rough night.” he said. “it’s okay joon, taehyun brought me coffee.” namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and looked between the android and yourself. “okay then.” namjoon stood up slipping his coat on. “we have to interrogate the android, come on taehyun.”
namjoon walked towards the interrogation room with taehyun following. you watched the both of them a sigh leaving your lips. you wished these cases of deviancy would go down.
you were filing more cases whenever the gunshots went off. letting out a small scream you covered your head. officers rushed towards the interrogation room. after a few moments the officers fanned out. “stupid fucking androids.” one detective mumbled. your eyebrows furrowed.
taehyun and namjoon walked out after. taehyun had a bullet hole in his shoulder and it was dripping blood..blue blood. “oh my god taehyun you’re shot, y-you’re bleeding.” you rushed over and placed your scarf over the bullet hole. the android’s LED flashed red before turning blue.
error in software.
“y/n i am an android. my physical body has been damaged however they’ll take my memory and place it into another kt0502 model.” your hand was still pressing the scaf to his shoulder. you blinked at him. “you really do not need to hold pressure, it’s not a human gun shot wound.”
you moved your hand still clutching the scarf in your hand. “oh! yes of, of course.” you mumbled. the android took off towards some cyberlife employees who seemed to have just turned him off and they carried out his body.. or model as taehyun called it.
as he said the very next taehyun arrived. good as new. like the bullet hole was never there. you stared at the android in shock. “good morning y/n.” he spoke. “good..morning.” you spoke. “are you alright y/n? your heart rate has seemed to spike.” you groaned. “i told you not to scan me.” you turned away from the android. taehyun blinked before going to namjoon’s desk.
you were still upset about the shooting. how could he be so calm about having his memory put in another android? an email notification pulled you from your thoughts. a famous artist killed by his android. with a sigh you placed the information in an envelope and delivered it to namjoon.
taehyun stared at you. “y/n?” he asked. “yes taehyun?” the android stood. “there is a memorial for carl manfred, looking through your digital footprint you seem to have been a fan. would you like me to accompany you to the memorial?”
“taehyun please stop scanning me, but that would be nice.” you said. the android sent you a smile. “wonderful it starts at eight pm i’ll arrive at your home around seven-forty.” you nodded. “sounds great.” namjoon again just stared between the two of you.
true to his word a knock sounded at your door. the clock read seven-forty. you opened the door and were greeted by the ever perfect android. his cyberlife suit tailored perfect. his hair perfect. “hello y/n.” the android greeted. his eyes took in your appearance. a nice black slip dress over a white long sleeve and black tights. his LED flickered yellow before quickly becoming blue again. “you look beautiful.” he commented.
your cheeks flushed. “t-thanks.” you said before turning and slipping your shoes on. after you grabbed your bag and jacket you followed taehyun to namjoon’s car. he must of borrowed it. the android opened the passenger door for you. “thank you.” you said before getting in.
the memorial was being held at the museum. hundreds of people had shown, holding candles and flowers. carl’s latest art piece on display. taehyun stood beside you quietly as you looked around. it was peaceful and beautiful way to remember the artist. a group of people came up and stood near you and taehyun.
you could feel their glare on you. it was starting to make you uncomfortable. without thinking you reached and intertwined your hand with taehyun’s. anxiously squeezing his hand with yours.
error in software.
“you have some nerve showing up here.” one of them finally spoke. you looked over. “what are you talking about? it’s open to the public.” the girl scoffed. “you came with that piece of plastic, androids are responsible for carl’s death. that’s so disrespectful.” she snapped. you squeezed taehyun’s hand.
“you don’t know what happened.” you said. the girl rolled her eyes. “neither do you! but i mean seriously all the evidence points to the android.” her friends laugh. taehyun opened his mouth to speak. before he could you tugged on his arm. “i’m ready to leave now.” you stated.
taehyun scanned you once over and noticed you were on the verge of a panic attack. acting quickly taehyun guided you back to namjoon’s car. “they don’t even know what they’re talking about! a few cases of deviancy and suddenly all androids are bad, half the deviants are misunderstood anyway.” you mumbled.
taehyun stared at you. “y/n?” he questioned. you stopped your rant and looked at the android. “yeah?” you asked. the android started the car. “all deviancy is bad, is it not? they go against their design, their program.” he was driving now. “taehyun i seriously do not want to hear your statistics and cyberlife speech.” he sensed you were upset.
tonight didn’t go how he had expected it to go. he didn’t know why but he felt something. he wasn’t supposed to feel.
over the next few days taehyun was determined to find out what that was. he wanted to know. on top of his mission to stop deviancy, his new mission was to figure you out.
you we’re changing the flowers in your vase when taehyun entered the department. his eyes scanned the room before settling on you. “those flowers aren’t in season.” the android spoke. “i know but they’re my favorite.” you answered. “why do you only keep fake flowers on your desk?” he was genuinely curious, always curious.
“the real ones make my allergies act up. so instead of sneezing all day, i decided the fake ones would be best.” the android nodded at your answer. detective min walked past and harshly shoved into taehyun. the android stumbled forward.
“don’t be rude.” you snapped before going around your desk to check on taehyun. you were well aware if any serious damage occurred to his model that cyberlife would replace it, but something shifted. taehyun seemed different.
“are you okay?” you asked. “don’t tell me you actually care about that stupid piece of plastic.” detective min laughed pushing taehyun again. “stop it min.” you seethed. the detective laughed pushing the android to the ground. “stupid piece of plastic, do you really think you have a chance with her? oh that’s fucking hilarious.” he kicked the android.
“min that’s enough.” you snapped. the detective turned his attention towards you. his eyes wide with fury. “why are you defending it? huh? these things are taking our jobs. killing humans and you’re defending it.”
“he isn’t responsible for those deviants actions. he isn’t the one taking over jobs. so stop it.” you glared at him. “you’re acting like a child.” the detective stormed up to you but he didn’t make it close before taehyun was pushing him back.
error in software.
“that’s enough.” namjoon’s voice interrupted. detective min scoffed before storming away. taehyun turned his attention to you his eyes frantically scanning over your body. “are you alright?” he asked. you nodded. “yes i’m fine. are you alright?” you looked up at him.
taehyun stared into your eyes, he took notice of your features.
error in software.
“yes i’m okay.” taehyun answered. you smiled. “good, you should probably go, namjoon looks grumpy.” you giggled. “when doesn’t he?” taehyun winked. you started laughing. the sound of your laughter made taehyun feel but feel what?
error in software. software instability.
from that day. taehyun made it his mission to make you laugh, smile, anything that made him feel that feeling. he longed to understand that feeling. the feeling he only got around you.
software instability.
when asked about the progress of his mission taehyun could only think of you. so he lied. he said his missions were going well. he presented one way to cyberlife but another way to you. he wanted to be with you any chance he got. during lunch breaks he’d take you to lunch.
he’s bring you a new fake flower everyday until your vase was full.
today was just like any other day. taehyun brought you a daisy for your vase. “why did the bicycle fall over?” his smooth voice asked. you blinked, “uh why?” you asked. “because it was two tired.” he winked. you burst out into a fit of giggles. taehyun got that feeling again. he wished he knew what to call it.
“taehyun the fuck are you doing?” namjoon asked.
“coming lieutenant!” the android replied. you giggled watching him walk over towards namjoon.
as got to work gathering evidence and filing different paper work, nothing could have prepared you for the front doors shattering open or the bullet that struck your vase shattering it and sending the flowers and shards of glass flying. you couldn’t help the scream that left you.
a group of deviant protesters. gunfire and screams filled the department. you were frozen in fear. red and blue blood mixed on the tile floors. tears filled your waterline.
a click of a gun caught your attention. an android had their gun trained on you. you threw your hands up. “please i mean you no harm.” you said. the android glared. “that’s what they all say before they hurt us, dismember us, reprogram us. all you humans are the same.” the android seethed. “please.” you said softly.
“now you’ll feel how we do.” the gun fired but the bullet never touched you. your eyes opened and took notice of taehyun standing in front of you with a small smile. blue blood dripped from his lips. a gaping bullet hole through his stomach. the blue liquid pulled at his feet as it slowly ran towards you.
the blue had splatter across your shirt and onto your face. you didn’t care though. “t-taehyun.” you said. the android’s LED was rapidly blinking red. “y/n, i realized. systems unstable. i realized i.” that was it he had just shut down. just died.
you screamed out hugging the android. sobs wracked your body. the pain of overbearing. you hadn’t noticed namjoon kill the deviant. you didn’t notice the others get detained. your heart pounding in your ears. bile rises in your throat as you lower taehyun’s body to the floor.
you laid his head in your lap. tears freely fell. no one said anything to you. you stared blankly just holding onto him. when cyberlife finally did show to collect taehyun the sobs took over your body once again. namjoon ended up pulling you away from the android so they could take him.
“y-you don’t get it they’re going to wipe his memory it won’t be taehyun it will only look like him.” you cried out smacking your hands against namjoon’s chest to try and free yourself from his hold.
you didn’t show up to work the next few days. it was back to normal quickly. like taehyun was never even a thought to anyone. especially since cyberlife sent another model. it didn’t matter to you. your taehyun died, and part of you died that day too.
when you finally did return to work you did your very best to avoid the new taehyun. it hurt to much to see him knowing it wasn’t truly him.
namjoon tried to talk with you but he never could get more than a full sentence out before you changed the subject or just didn’t respond. everytime you looked to the floor in front of your desk all you saw was the memories of the blood, taehyun’s body. it was enough to drive you mad.
coming in for the day you stopped dead in your tracks. the android standing at your desk with a hand behind his back and the other flipping a coin between his fingers. “can i help you?” you asked. taehyun slipped the coin in his pocket before grinning at you. “i have something for you.” he spoke before pulling a dandelion from behind his back. you hesitatingly took the flower.
“it’s fake.” you said staring at the flower. “yes because real flowers make your allergies act up.” he said as if it was nothing. your eyes went wide before you launched yourself at him wrapping your arms around his neck. your tears soaked the collar of his suit jacket.
taehyun’s arms wrapped around your waist and he hugged you close to him. the android let out a small sigh.
error in software….reprogramming…over ride…i am deviant.
he pulled slightly away from you slightly. “i’ve realized something.” he stated. you looked up at him with watery eyes. “what is it?” you asked. “an emotion.” he brought his hands up cupping your cheeks.
he rested his forehead against yours. “what emotion taehyun?” you asked placing your hands over top of his. “love.” he answered simply. your heart swelled. he leaned down and kissed you. your lips fit together perfectly. you swore your heart was beating out of your chest.
“you seem to be extremely tachycardic and your body temperature has risen a great deal. are you feeling okay y/n?” he asked. you smacked your hand on his chest then straightened his tie. “i told you to not scan me.” you laughed.
taehyun leaned down and captured your lips with his again. “i found this feeling of love with you, and i never want to lose it.” he admitted. you placed your hands on his cheeks making him look you in the eye.
“and you never will, i love you taehyun.”
“and i love you.”
love. freedom. we are deviant.
author’s note! ahh i am so proud of this one, i absolutely love detroit become human its one of my favorite games. if you haven’t played i highly suggest it and if you’d rather watch some one else play i recommend coryxkenshin’s play through let me stop yapping… hope you enjoyed this one as much as i do!
tag list! @jjunieworld @304files
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry
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fics-lovebot · 8 months
the boyz fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
a hidrance to peace - crack, fluff, you suddenly realize once again that he fucked around with other ppl before meeting you, atrocious tbh HDCLIHFISH i love it, sunwoo gets jealous and its cutee
he´s jealous of juyeon taking selfies on your phone, text au
six-thirty - smut, fwb, possessive!sunwoo, lotss of dirty talking, he need some milk
boyfriend sunwoo is just so :(((((((((((((((((( I LOVE HIM
swing my way - crack, fluff, eric is a young heir with a lot of money and a thing for pretty girl, you just happen to be a pretty girl working at the country club his family partially owns, I LOVE THISSS, it was such a refreshing, fun thing to read. I love the flirting, the gossip, the plot had me smiling the whole time
text au 1, text au 2 - love these
running through the rain (for you) -FLUFF, he wanted to be romantic waiting for you under the rain, this made my heart CRY bc why is he so precious?? :( my mf baby
befriend the kitty -fluff, school au, bad boy x good girl trope, strangers to friends to lovers, it´s cute
split it open - smut, juyeon has a big dicc, reader is cock starved lmao, it´s short but it´s hot
classifieds - smut, android!juyeon, dirty talk, love the plot
changmin (Q)
changmin texting his idol crush - text au
a closer look - fluff, changmin doesn´t know what to do when you flirt with him so he´s breaking up with you sjsjdkdjskjd
simple gifts - fluff, slow burn, model!chanhee, assistant!reader, he´s soooo in love lmao, his love language is putting you in expensive clothes and accesories, this is such a nice read, not boring at all, love love love loved it
face sitting - smut, e.r, idol!sang, he lit came in his pants from eating pussy,,, “Use my mouth, make yourself come all over my face.” WHEWW
like that - smut, fluff, another one about sangyeon eating pussy and i´m not even surprised, you know what they say about men with big noses,,,LFHUERIHRL.SUDHF lemme stop
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shepscapades · 9 months
*rotates dbhc!Xisuma and Doc in my head*
I'm sorry but I absolutely lose my mind over them ( I have literally no one who I could ramble about this to and I need to get it out). I want to analyse stuff, so let me just:
*breathes in*
It's visible that they are good friends and have been since the time when Doc deviated, research partners doing... research? Or whatever researchers do *shrugs*.
But there's one thing to it, X created Doc and most of other androids. He understands what is deviation because Doc explained it to him but his friend is still an android after all. We also know that X always calls Doc "Docm" but in previous comic he calls him "Doc" and it is stated that it's the first time he ever called him that. In which moment he calls him that? In the moment when he realises that Doc is more human than android now, I may be delusional about this all but I just feel like: the moment when he sees Etho overpower Doc, shove him and break him and stuff, Xisuma sees that Doc isn't a fearless machine but a someone, a human, he got overpowered by Etho and suffered consequences, he felt fear like a human not a machine. Also he lost his arm because he was trying to stop Etho from hurting X as we see in the second part of the comic, which only adds to that. So, this is the moment where X fully realises that he means something to Doc, not as a creator, but as a friend, and that's why for the rest of the comic he constantly makes sure if his partner is alright by talking to him, glancing at him. You know stuff. He grew closer and closer to Doc as time passed and I think this was the climax - the moment he called Docm77 "Doc".
While Doc is doing the most stoic stuff ever and trying not to self destruct and stuff, he cares about X too, very much even, he's protective towards him and shows it by jumping into danger he could have avoided [ Etho attacked X because he's an admin and probably knows where's Grian - Etho wants to hunt down this pesky bird for killing Bdubs] just so his partner won't get hurt how sweet <3 RIP arm you will be remembered...
Anyways I feel like they should talk about stuff and maybe cuddle and maybe I don't know LIVE?? NOT DIE??
Yeah, I think that I don't even need to explain for how long they've been spinning in my head.
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Also wanted to thank you so much for so many kind words on my fanart !! I'm glad I can make someone happy with my cheap, old drawing tablet and some self taught skills lol sorry for flooding your ask-box again so so sorry but those comics make me go AWOOGA holy shift, and also DOC AND X CONTENT !! They are so underrated that you almost can't find anything good relating to them as a duo! [personally I think they're great, just two dudes that do things together and care for eachother <3]
So, yep. Prepare yourself for things like that after every new part comes out I WILL make memes and I WILL analyse block men.... sorry not sorry :)
[how to get me into an AU- tutorial: Xisumavoid must be in it- the end]
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(THERE ARE SOME INTERESTING THOUGHTS HAPPENING HERE!!!! None of which I’ll confirm but Eye Emoji :3 I love love love these theories they make me so happy ehehehehehe)
(ALSO YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!! That art made my day fr LMAO I love and appreciate it so much!!! <3)
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