#that was literally my last straw!!!!!!
strawbie-doodle · 2 months
wheres that post thats like, im like jesus but instead of dying on the cross i am scheduled for work tomorrow
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opbackgrounds · 8 days
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Poor Zoro has no idea what the main plot is for this arc
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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hot man hot birdman im so sorry hot fire bird man?!?!
aka glorious gijinka!Tengu Jin design by @hirumi25 has made me 👀💦?!?! because wowie thats some hecking fire design!
and of course i couldnt just not draw Hirumi's Nomi-kun with him too
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genericpuff · 1 year
In which Persephone is told she can't game the system- (TEXT EDIT)
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no art was edited here, just text to make this more realistic to how this scene WOULD have gone if it was an actual courtroom with real rules LOL I find it a little weird that Rachel wrote a courtroom drama arc like this and then twisted it this much to benefit Persephone because like... clearly she was inspired by courtroom drama shows, and I can't help but wonder if she got all of her basic courtroom knowledge from like, Spongebob or some shit LOL
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hyunpic · 29 days
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filmreveries · 11 months
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“The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you, and live without shame.”
Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright
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graveyardcuddles · 2 months
Astarion when you call him out on his manipulation: "Oh hehe I know, I'm just soooo silly throwing those three little words around, aren't I? But it can be true for...if only for tonight...😏" (Is being eaten alive by guilt and shame).
The Emperor when you call him out on his manipulation: "Be grateful I don't fucking end you right here and now."
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berlingotesque · 1 year
I dont think ill ever get over the fact that thomas called grant mangy in a letter- like leave my man alone 😭
It’s just so funny to me because clearly everyone can see that Grant is at the end of his rope and Tom just keeps stirring the pot. Now every time I think of this information I remember that Tom has to pick up his paycheck from Grant every month and all I can imagine is Tom making THIS face every time he goes to pick up his paycheck :
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cordelia-street · 11 months
sooooo on spotify
can't see the lyrics
can't play my playlist because of smart shuffle I'm being forced (???????) into listening songs I don't like because
we can only skip 6 songs per hour
can't go back to listen to a song
can't listen to just a specific part of a song (have to listen to the entire thing)
@spotify anything else???
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sergle · 11 months
Worth mentioning that I'm partially switching doctors bc when I was running all over the place trying to get my surgery shit set up in time, and I went to the bloodwork lab for the second time, I vented just a little bit to the woman who's been working there a long time. being like. I've had to do this and that and my doctor said this and that he can't find this... and she was like Hmm. You have Dr. (name of my doctor), don't you?
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hawkeyeslaughter · 26 days
as much as i hate to admit it it’s probably a good thing henry wasn’t in the late seasons imagine you come to the office because ur trying not to kys and your colonel is on his seventh drink of liquor and it’s one in the afternoon
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cottoncandysprite · 6 days
I swear to fucking god if one more person I'm secretly still in love with tells me "aw you'll find someone eventually!!" I'm actually going to walk into the sea
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kittanthalos · 2 years
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WARRIOR NUN 2.02 | Colossians 3:9-10
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person25 · 4 months
Shout out to all the comfort characters along the way!
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nayruwu · 1 year
um so. hi guys.
i'm currently rereading catastrophe and sending things i notice back and forth with my friend. very fun. but yesterday i came across this page, which is right after guren and mahiru sleep together. and it was like...
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longing, huh. i do have a history with that word. so i jokingly messaged my friend going "haha, what if they used akogare here".
it was a joke. i was joking. i thought there was no way the original would say akogare. but guess what? they did. they did use akogare.
like the absolute champion he is my friend found the exact scene in the japanese version, and it's "紅蓮は肌で憧れを感じた".
the fucking 憧れ is back to terrorise me.
because up to this point i wasn't sure if they actually used the same word for mahiru's feelings towards guren as they did for shinya's in chapter 83. up to this point i could still convince myself that they really just meant admiration and my child wasn't actually caught up in some sad ass unrequited love. because it fits! shinya does admire guren! but you can't even say that they might mean longing for mahiru and admiration for shinya because mahiru literally used 憧れ for both her and shinya in the same damn sentence. and i don't think admiration fits mahiru's feelings. at all.
... which would also mean that both guren and mahiru actually are aware of shinya's feelings. which i'll be honest i personally did not think was the case. i thought they meant admiration. or that it was up to interpretation. i did.
what the actual fuck kagami i'm at your door
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andorerso · 14 days
fellas is it ethical for your employer to be basically risking your life because they refuse to close the office during unexpected unsafe working conditions
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