#that said: KNOCK IT OFF.
*covered in blood after i have clearly just violently killed someone* okay im going to bed i was up very early i had a busy day i am very tired for the love of FUCK just BEHAVE just be nice to each other especially about something as stupid as a sexyman poll
and also please remember that every url is like, a real person youre talking to. if you wouldnt have the guts to say it face to face, you shouldnt say it online.
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cringefailvox · 8 months
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guy notorious for violently removing people from his personal space and who blew sir pentious halfway across the city for tearing a tiny scrap from his already tattered coat lets rosie sweep him off his feet and spin him around like a doll. i'm so in love with their dynamic
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mtsodie · 9 months
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part 2/6 ( yeah i bumped it up to 6 . wowie !! ) JESSICA TIME BITCH !!!!
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kittleskittle · 5 months
look all i'm saying is that if yinz are going to continue to whine and harass people for shipping aloy with male characters, you gotta reserve some of that energy for the guerrilla devs themselves when they have this art hanging in their office:
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wish I didn't need to make this post and potentially invite Drama but I am sick to fucking death of my friends being harassed over this and i'm not going to stay quiet while that's happening.
also this isn't meant to be an intentional flex but devs and former devs have continually - and I mean post bs dlc - liked my aloy/nil art on social media, including the official guerrilla account liking one of my pieces of niloy art on insta, so idk what to tell you other than please just try to keep to yourselves, and if you don't like something, click away!!
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5bi5 · 2 months
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Gabe "winning" the cotton ball challenge
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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Based on this absolutely galaxy-brained idea by @jell-o101 with a bonus doodle based off a comment @istadris made on the same post
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thejudgmentdays · 1 year
[via @/livinripley on twitter]
rhea said GET HIS ASS:
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aemondsladywife · 3 months
fuck aemond for killing rhaenys but i also want to fuck aemond for incapacitating aegon 🙏🏼
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dollypopup · 9 months
thinking about the 'I would never court Penelope Featherington' scene again and how angry our fandom has been at Colin for it for the last two years and wondering. . .what exactly was he meant to say?
Lord Fife and his friends are *slimy*. They are gross. They have 0 respect for women. Fife isn't *Colin's* friend. Fife is *Anthony's* friend. Fife runs in Anthony's circles. Misogynistic circles with misogynistic language. Fife and Co. are out here saying the debutantes are only good for being 'wed, bed, and bred'. Fife is the one out here, well into his 30s and with an established title, fucking an 18 year woman raw on her first year out in the marriage mart with 0 intention to marry her. That is 10000% an act of violence in this society. And you *know* he's bragging about it. Hell, he was probably bragging about it right before he asked Colin about Penelope.
Colin's not in those circles. Colin has female friends. Colin respects his mother. Colin cares for his sisters. The worst thing Colin has EVER said about a woman was to call her 'cruel'.
So. . .what is Colin meant to say? "No, we're just friends" isn't going to fly for people like Fife. As IF he wouldn't reply with 'Yeah, suuuuuure, wink wink nudge nudge'. Thus ruining Penelope and fucking over her future completely. A lesser man than Colin would have let them think what they wanted, and that would have still ruined Penelope in their eyes. Silence? Incriminating.
And he doesn't want FIFE of all people to know about his close friendship with Penelope. Fife who has never once been seen respecting a woman. Fife who has never once viewed a woman as a person and not a sexual conquest. Penelope is a safe place for Colin. Is precious to him. He KNOWS that conversation could have destroyed her reputation.
People talk about how he 'ruined her prospects', but in actuality, Colin responding the way he did. . .likely SAVED her prospects. There was NOTHING he could have said except for a vehement refusal, completely shutting down the conversation, that would have spared her from their judgement and cruelty. Sure, they laughed, and maybe it was at Pen. Maybe it was at Colin. (frankly, how good of a twist would it be if they WERE laughing at Colin? Colin the 'green' boy back from his travels after being oh so gullible and getting lied to by his ex fiance? Anthony made fun of Colin for being a virgin, we think these men, all 10+ years older than him, wouldn't do the same?) But at least they didn't go 'yeah, I guess she's a ruined woman' about it, because that *would* have destroyed her reputation
We talk about how Colin could have worded it differently, but honestly?
I think he said the exact right thing in those circumstances
#polin#penelope featherington#colin bridgerton#bridgerton#lord fife#lord cho#fife and company are so gross to me i do NOT understand the narrative of fife just wanting pen for himself#she's a little too old for him at this point considering he's looking for his girlfriend on a playground don't you think?#sorry not sorry i will forever be a colin apologist#no but really what should he have said????#'oh yeah we're fucking six ways to sunday?'#'no she's just my friend'? - Fife doesn't believe for a MOMENT that a man can value a woman as a friend#colin is the best man in that entire bunch but somehow he's the one we've demonized?#make it make sense#and sure he should apologize for talking about her behind her back- but Penelope should also then apologize for the same#we talk a lot about him being 'knocked off the pedestal' but in reality we've put him on the highest pedestal possible#colin is a GOOD man#he is arguably the best man in the entire series#at least he's the man with the best intentions and the least harm#and so when he fucks up we feel it ten fold because he was already so good#but when gross dudes fuck up we just expect it of them and give them a pass#we expect colin to not only be better- but to be perfect#and he isn't he can't be#he didn't say it perfectly#but OBVIOUSLY his intentions in that scene aren't malicious#and it's not locker room talk either?#look at the optics: Colin is 22 being asked by these 30+ year old dudes 'sooooo are you boinking the girl'?#one season after his engagement blew up publicly#in the season where no one listens to his travel stories#the season after he was virgin shamed
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mrsoharaa · 4 months
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Riding him like you're stealing his soul, sultrily smoothing out your left palm flatly onto his heaving chest, pressing down ever so lightly as you roll and grind your hips perfectly along his solid hips, getting that perfect angle deep inside of you as you grin coyly, seductively "You want to be a daddy so bad, don't you baby?" and he gets all flustered and almost cums immediately on the spot from your depriving, promising words.
"Here, let's make you a good father then baby, just give everything to me - make me a pretty mommy, baby"
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
oh chepies, straight up no competition 4 Minutes is the best looking BL of the year on every technical level and I never make hyperpole statements like this srs srs but I'm nene leakes right now
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horrocious · 1 year
I think Vergilius and Dante take Charon up and down the corridor knocking on the Sinners' doors to go trick or treating. they get to Outis' door and she has a selection of those strawberry candies and hard caramels, Ryoshu has full size candy bars for those brave enough to challenge her gauntlet of horrors, etc. also instead of a bowl of candy Yi Sang offers a single perfect reese's piece on a pillow. and so on
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Isn't it weird that Dabi is literally burning to death in front of their eyes and the Todorokis are still talking about how it's causing problems for other people? Like? Priorities? Also wasn't that the whole root of the issue back when Toya was a child and all he did was complain about his father mistreating him they considered THAT to be him causing problems for other people?
Oh totally. I swear, everyone has villain tunnel vision this arc; focused more on if someone’s causing a bother than addressing any root issues.
And with Dabi specifically, no one wants to talk about his feelings; and if they bring up his health it's never the first thing they say to him no matter how obvious his damage is. Shoto says their childhoods & dad may have sucked but he's still bad for being a villain, Enji said one thing to Touya he could comprehend before the brain damage set-in and it was to ask about Shoto's well-being, and now we see Natsuo telling him to stop being a villain while watching him burn to death. Like I don't want to throw too much shade at his siblings but this prioritization of everything but his feelings & welfare is just Touya's childhood all over again.
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mothric · 10 months
people are getting mad about a contemporary art thing again so naturally I had to check it out and see if it's as empty, stupid, and pretentious as everyone is saying.
turns out Roman Signer is a down to earth dude with a sense of humour who doesn't take himself too seriously, which was exactly the vibe I was getting from his works.
"falling buckets of sand gee how original, so I guess I was making "art" all the time as a kid then 🙄" yes actually, according to Signer's own philosophy kids are making art all the time and not thinking of it as art. you can disagree with this mindset, but he does not strike me as a man who'd be in any way bothered by someone saying "I can do that myself" and then doing it themself. he strikes me as someone who would in fact encourage doing it yourself, because it's fun.
if he was a pretentious guy in his 20s claiming his pieces are so profound they can only be understood by the elite, sure I'd be annoyed. but he's just a funny lil old Swiss man who does funny and absurd little experiments and encourages you to laugh at them. I can't be mad at that. it's fun and way more accessible than people seem to think.
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cuubism · 2 years
i've never really seen hob as particularly progressive throughout most of his history, and indeed he's actively shown as the opposite at least once, but i do think hob has a very 'live and let live' attitude towards a lot of things. listen he's just here for a good time, ok. he's not here on this earth to prevent people from having oral sex or whatever these people are going on about nowadays.
i just imagine someone approaching hob in like, 1880, one of his more successful and settled eras, to try to recruit him for their reactionary moral panic crusade of the day, and hob just looks at them like "have you tried getting a life? have you tried touching grass?" and walks away.
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unable2sitstill · 1 year
I think it's pretty gross that wolfertinger666/puppychan/pupkittyfan1/fungfurevvv/imafraidofgh0st is at the top of the fursona tag
I seriously think that he put a LOT of minors in danger on twitter and was SUPER racist and has never actually said sorry for it
I've left him unblocked for a while now to warn the people that I follow when they reblog his stuff, but I just can't bear seeing his shit anymore
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