#i understand that the anonymity of the internet makes people have a lot more audacity than they normally would.
*covered in blood after i have clearly just violently killed someone* okay im going to bed i was up very early i had a busy day i am very tired for the love of FUCK just BEHAVE just be nice to each other especially about something as stupid as a sexyman poll
and also please remember that every url is like, a real person youre talking to. if you wouldnt have the guts to say it face to face, you shouldnt say it online.
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winxanity-ii · 3 months
hi i recently read your message about making makima!reader a poc and completely understand where youre coming from
as someone who isnt a poc, sure, it threw me off every now and then, but its not like i really minded it or thought it changed my reading experience
im currently loving your know no evil story and i think youre an amazing writer, but i think you probably should add a disclaimer at the beginning and in the story masterlist about specifying a noncanon skin color for the more sensitive readers 🤷
idk girlie, you do you, i think youre doing amazing but i just wanted to let you know cause theres a lot of people who get touchy if a reader isnt a fully blank canvas so having a disclaimer puts them more into a spot
if they see it at the beginning and theyre not into that shit, they dont gotta read it yk cause like thats just how things work out here
💀💀💀 Lol, re-read what you typed and then click my page to go to the pinned post and come back… No need to play the "other people may be upset" card. Girly pop, YOU’RE the "other people" who is bothered, but just got the audacity to type it out instead of going about your day, and that’s completely fine. But what’s not fine is wasting MY time and Beyoncé’s internet to say you’re upset that I used "tan" and "brown" for skin tones 😐
My writing aims to be inclusive and reflect the diversity in the world, which includes representing people of color. My stories are for everyone, but they also aim to give representation where it's often lacking.
If a character's skin color or identity isn't to your preference, that’s totally fine. There are countless other stories that emphasizes the "paler" skin tones, I promise—there's some out there for everyone. As for adding a disclaimer, once again, I believe my pinned post already addresses the inclusive nature of my writing, so if your reading comprehension is a bit low, I always make sure to put it in simple terms in bold colors and big letters as well.
Also, this was really weird and tone-deaf, and the fact you did this anonymously is sad (and also the main reason I won’t be doing what you suggested because I can’t tell if this is a joke or not 🤷🏾‍♀️) but yeah, thanks for reading??
My page is for the majority of the world—people with COLOR. So unless you’re as pale as a white cloud, I can’t help you because my writing is meant to reflect a diverse range of skin tones 😭💔
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In response to that person thinking they ate calling you a “sex crazed maniac”
There are writers on tumblr(and all other fic/writing apps and sites) that write mostly smut or ONLY smut writers and there are mostly/only fluff and other non smut writers as well. Why do people feel the need to comment what they perceive to be something negative about smut/sex on an account that is clearly a smut account?
Also why do people assume that sex is bad and if you’re into sex a lot it’s crazed and unhealthy. You’ve made many posts and fics/drabbles etc about smut with heavy doses romance and love and fluff in it(and sometimes angst and all the things). Do people not understand that sex is healthy and sex with passion and love and romance is truly beautiful. Do they not understand that not everyone has that in their life at this moment in time. Do people not also understand that everyone has different sex drives and interests in sex?
Also if you don’t like smut go find a non smut writer and stop being nasty to people on the internet. Also while I’m here, to everyone else that gets in these writers asks and demand updates or new fics or responses or demand they write what you want: where do you get the audacity? These people are not being paid or compensated whatsoever(aside from some tips they get occasionally). They’re writing for themselves and maybe their friends and moots. They’re simply sharing with us FOR FREE, and sometimes ideas are thrown around or they’ll ask in a poll what we’d prefer and make it interactive.
ah That was more of a rant than I intended….but I really hate seeing so negativity online like this. If you have nothing nice to say then just keep it to yourself babe. Not being negative is so easy 🖤
I'm on my bluetooth keyboard and i was finally able to figure out how to paste emoji's in the tag list!!
I probably am a 'sex craved maniac' so i don't even feel offended, I probably am.
Yeah, there are tags you can use to filter smut out or simply toggle the 'hide explicit material' setting on your account.
I think it's because anonymity is so privileged on here, people will just say anything as long as it makes them feel good inside.
This is a great conversation to bring up that there is a hUGE difference between sex and intimacy that immature people are just not going to understand on here.
I like to say that I write fics with plotline that incorporates sexual intimacy into my pieces.
Because I think there is a difference (neither is better than the other) with writing SMUT and then writing fics with sexual/suggestive themes.
They are both hot and sexy to read depending on what you're looking for.
Sex with passion, love and romance is absolutely sexy and satisfying.
A one night stand with a stranger can also be sexy and satisfying.
The latter is something I'm not into personally but I don't judge and can totally GET why some people are into it.
Actually, now I'm wanting to rant with you because I was watching a Tiktok where a girl who was part of the BDSM community ranted on about how ppl with 'vanilla' and 'soft' interests are boring and it just frustrates me so much ahhh!
Firstly, that user is not properly aligned with the community because I know people who are ETHICALLY part of the BDSM community do not talk about 'vanilla' sex in that way.
Just because some ppl aren't into rough sex, does not mean they are prudish, boring or 'bad' at sex at all.
I was bullied ALOT throughout school and quite badly, to the point where I was almost...going to fly off the edge (if you know what I mean).
So, rough and degrading sex would extremely trigger me and bring up all those horrific memories but that is just me and I know for some people, rough and degrading sex can be quite cathartic.
And I also don't think being 'kinky' just means being into 'rough sex'.
I feel like my 'Taste' fic with Mommy!May is still 'kinky' because it incorporates food play but it's still soft and sweet to read.
The audacity to constantly demand updates or quick responses is so real and I think it's why so many writers (including me) get burnt out on here so quickly.
I love writing but it can be so mentally and emotionally exhausting to write at times and that's why a lot of writers do continuously say that likes don't help them in writing.
Sometimes comments and reblogs are the only thing that is keeping people motivated to write on here, I know for me I have thought about walking away from writing smut for awhile but the positive interactions and comments, reblogs on here are what keep me going.
I could say a lot more but this could turn into a university level essay so I'm stopping here for now...
But thank you, my beautiful anon for providing such insights to have these really eye-opening conversations.
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michelemoore · 5 years
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February 6, 2020
Michele Moore Veldhoen 
Rain was coming down in sheets, sluicing between the ancient stone buildings of old Rome. It was a warm May evening, about 6 p.m., we had just left our hotel in search of that evening’s meal, but the rain was soaking my sandals so we decided to wait it out and ducked into the nearest public house, an Irish pub.
I never thought I would spend time in an Irish pub or drink beer while visiting a land drenched in choice cheap wine but there I was, what could I do? When the server asked us what we would like, I looked over at the glasses of beer in front of the two men just one table away, pointed at the lighter of the two potions and said, “I’ll have a glass of that.”
The two men, both as sizable as the Throne of Saint Peter, caught my attention because they were clearly in deep conversation, bent over a small wooden table, head to head.
The server returned with our beer and at the same time, both men leaned back, stretching and adjusting their backs. “You made a good choice”, the blonde one said. The other had darker hair.
“Oh good,” I said. “This will be the first beer I’ve had in Rome.”
“You must be tourists,” he replied. “Where are you from?”
“Canada,” I said. “And you?”
“The States,” he replied.
“Have you been to Rome before?” I asked.
“Yes, many times.”
“Oh, what brings you here?”
“The Vatican. We’re members of the church.”
My first thought was, then what are you doing wearing jeans and hanging out in a bar, but what I actually said was, “Oh, how interesting, what do you do?”
“We’re both Bishops,” he said.
I laughed. I mean I really laughed. Out loud and with gusto. And then I took a drink of my beer, which was, by the way, really good beer.
“Let me show you,” the darker one said.  He leaned over and splayed his hand out before me. On one of his beefy fingers glared a boxy gold ring set with a cherry tomato sized gem. “Here is my ring, you see?”
I was wearing a long silver chain and medallion that oddly looked something like a Star of David. I leaned over and dangled it back and forth in front of him and said, “Sure, you’re a Bishop and I’m a Rabbi.”
It turns out I said that to an actual Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, in an Irish pub just a short walk over the Tiber River along the Ponte Sant’Angelo to the palace where the Pope lives.
The black haired Bishop withdrew his hand and chuckled while the blonde Bishop displayed a similarly massive, gem studded ring on his finger and said something about how all Bishops wear such rings. I smiled and took another sip of beer.
“Michele,” my husband exclaimed. I looked at him, saw his eyes popping, “I don’t think they’re kidding.”
I took a closer look at the blonde Bishop. He looked back at me with an expression that suggested I should take him a little more seriously. His eyes were saying something like, you really don’t know much about ecclesiastical symbols do you, nor are you very good at sorting truth from fiction, and for the record the way you dangled your medallion is an affront to our Jewish brethren.
So I said, “You really are Bishops?”
“Yes,” the blonde one sighed, “we are.”
“May I ask why you’re dressed in secular clothing?”
“To avoid detection, of course.”
“He means harassment,” the other said.
“I mean at times we prefer to be anonymous, I’m sure you can understand. Especially in times like these.”
(I remember these aspects of the conversation well because I was rather astounded to find myself chatting with a couple of Bishops in an Irish pub in Rome.)
It was 2003, less than two years since 9/11 and the world was in the throes of the U.S./Iraq war. All around old Rome were signs of the heightened security the world had been living with since that awful day. There seemed to be guards everywhere. The Great Synagogue of Rome was off limits, surrounded by steel fencing and armed sentries. The banks too, were like fortresses, patrolled by guards and dozens of men in black suits and dark glasses. On some streets I felt I was on the movie set for Men in Black.
Despite the beer I was drinking, I settled into a more serious demeanor, silently marveling not at my audacity, but at my luck in stumbling into such an unusual and fascinating situation.
The Bishops explained that they were in Rome for an ad limina visit, which broadly speaking is a mandated (individual Bishops are supposed to make this pilgrimage every five years) annual gathering of Bishops at the Vatican during which, among other things, world events such as wars are discussed and Bishops can talk and receive feedback about the matters and challenges they are dealing with in their dioceses.
This was also the era of Pope John Paul II. Typically, I do not pay a lot of attention to religious organizations or their leaders, but I was aware of Pope John Paul II simply because of his long tenure and wild popularity. Who wasn’t captivated by his world travels in his Popemobile? Who was not thankful for his constant message of peace and diplomacy?  
The Pope’s message of peace, I learned, was adding fuel to the debate between the two beer swigging Bishops, because they were diametrically in opposition of one another. The black haired Bishop was from California and righteously opposed to the war. I don’t remember from which state the blonde Bishop sprang, but he believed the Americans’ aggression was justified and necessary.
And for some reason which perhaps someone more familiar with the ways of the Catholic clergy could explain, these two Bishops decided it would be useful to ask us our opinion. Since my husband was not a talker, I was left to answer their question:
“What do you think? Was the U.S. right to invade Iraq?”
Holy! I thought - was this my chance? Could I produce a brilliant comment so insightful, so wise, so persuasive, that these Vatican VIP’s would be transformed and then take my words back to the Pope who would also be transformed and who would then transport my words (in his Popemobile even!) far and wide and bring eternal peace to the world?
Unfortunately, nothing of the kind happened. I don’t remember the details, but I’m sure the words that issued from my mouth were about as wobbly and hard to fathom as an egg yolk.  Instead, we wrestled over root causes and how countries should respond to modern and grave security threats. I realized early in the discussion that the Bishops were making a genuine effort to understand each other’s point of view. I was impressed with the depth of their feelings, with how much they cared about the role of their country in the world’s problems.
They seemed to be using us as a sounding board for their arguments, but I felt quite inadequate for the task. I don’t think I had a clear idea of my own as to what the Americans should have or should not have done after 9/11. I do remember being utterly shocked that a Bishop would be in favour of war. I had naively assumed that no such senior member of a church (in this day and age) would ever promote war as a solution.  
Since then, I have learned a great deal more about the ways of the world. While the Bishops certainly gained my respect for the honest and earnest way in which they listened to each other and tried to come to terms with their country’s war, I am no longer dumbfounded when I hear people of any faith defending war, or behaving in a war like way, demonstrating  intolerance, hatred, and violence. People of faith are just people, after all, who collectively represent the entire spectrum of humanity, and are, sadly, being led more and more by politicians who condone and demonstrate their own brand of violence using language that is inflammatory, offensive, and mindless. And in this world, more than ever, language definitely matters.
Someone needs to come up with an internet virus that would attach to all that horrid, joy destroying language and convert it to words of peace and goodwill. A few examples I would pitch:  ‘Go down to the pub tonight and buy everyone a round’. And, ‘I’m sorry if I hurt you, peace, man, come on over and gimme a hug’. And, as the Bishops themselves might quote from their book, ‘Let all that you do be done in love’.
And maybe in the background the virus could run some nice soothing sounds and phrases like, ‘ooooommmm’, or ‘yummmm, these noodles are gooooddd’, or ‘let’s go for a walk in the woods and feed the birds’.  
Wishing you an equally enlightening opportunity in a pub that serves really good beer - just watch out for those rings. 
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tayegi · 6 years
Hey Lu! I'm sorry you have to deal with such bullshit, like you are an amazing writer and hearing that your work is being stolen really breaks my heart. Props to you for being nice the first time around, because as someone that's dabbling in writing myself, i might've lost my shit the first time around if i saw my work being stolen
Anonymous said:Honestly I admire you so much for not deleting everything you have ever written because of people like the wattpad author.... that’s fucking crazy.
Anonymous said:Hey Lu, I've never sent you a message because you're already inundated with so many. But I wanted to send some support after what happened with that anencephalic rat who blatantly plagiarized your work. I'm a TA in my uni's computer science department and I posted some of my code online as a reference for my students in lab, until one student pulled all my code from github and submitted it as their own. Safe to say I don't provide code samples anymore. (1)
Anonymous said:Whatever you decide to do with your writing from now on, I just want to say I really enjoy all your work and I'm so sorry that you had your work stolen like this. Looooove you (hehe love LU) (2)
Anonymous said:Hey Lu, I’ve always been a quiet follower of yours, but after this plagiarism incident, I had to send something. I’m sorry you have to deal with ignorant and immature people like her. I legit understand why you would want to stop writing after something like this. You gave her a warning and she’s just not understanding how polite you’ve been about it (imagine once she gets to college, yikes). Anyways, we’re always here to love and support you. We can get through this!!! ❤️❤️❤️
peachyguki said:This is so bs. People dont understand that THIS IS ILLEGAL. SUCH DUMBASSES. I feel so fucking bad for you Lu...jfc she better comprehend what she did was wrong.
taebunsuga said:Fuuccckkk I knew it abt the plagiarizing thing but I wasn’t sure,, I was reading Pour Up and thought it seemed awfully familiar and was like is this new rules, but then thought maybe I was just reading a fic, but then she mentioned the office hoes theme part and I’m like shit omi this is new rules and then next thing I asked her abt it and so she posts this whole ass chapter abt how her plagiarism wasn’t intentional 🤧🤧💀💀
Anonymous said:This! Entire! Situation! Is! Whack! Srsly she's so dumb thinking she wouldn't face repercussions at some point. If it means anything tho her writing isn't great and I think it's safe to say we all know you're superior here. I really hope this gets sorted out and she faces some type of consequences
Anonymous said:There's nothing I hate more than a theif and I'm so sorry you have to experience this.
lucielux said:I wasn't on tumblr much today so I just saw this whole plagiarism thing and I'm soooo sorry this is happening to you :( idgaf if I can't report her for ripping off your fic, I'm reporting her for hate or something else then but Wattpad won't stop me from reporting her this is just not okay fam. Anyway hope you're okay girl ❤️
lucielux said:Lu I know you're off the internet for today, but just in case this is still an issue when you come back, when you report for hate Wattpad will send you an email asking you to complete a form. In the form you should include what point of the "Code of Conduct" was violated, and one of them is "Don't share stories that aren't yours". SO what I'm getting at is y'all can't repot plagiarism but you can repot for hate and then add that plagiarism happened. In any case, hope you're feeling better 💖
Anonymous said:I'm so sorry Lu. You definitely don't deserve this shit. She's being two faced and doesn't understand consequences. Honestly, I don't think she will understand unless you file a formal complaint. Her behaviour is shameful to say it lightly.... All my love you Lu!! I hope this bullshit ends soon.
Anonymous said:I don't get why people want her to send them the pdf files of her rip off??? why don't thy just like, read the original one here??? Instead of supporting plagiarism??? like what
Anonymous said:how is she so dedicated to plagiarizing, willing to send pdfs'? rather than spending time just trying to write herself.. 🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said:why don't you do the same? send us all pdf files of your writing and let's see if she'll continue to write "her original story" HA! her fans will realize that she's not so innocent and original when in a few weeks she still doesn't have any more additions to "her story"
Anonymous said:It looks like people don't like going back on their opinions, like: I like this author and I'll keep liking it no matter what, oh look she was accused of of plagiarism, but i said I like her I can't go back, I won't even see the original story, I'm just gonna say I don't believe in it" IT'S OK, to like an author and then if this author do shit you can and SHOULD be disappointed and stop supporting this bad thing they done, this actually apply to any artist,actor,musician+
I’m so sad and angry at the same time that the plot was originally yours and it was plagiarized by this author on wattpad. Honestly that became my fave fic tho because of the girl mc’s attitude and character. Now that I have found the real author I’m going to support the story so much💕💕💕 I downloaded the tumblr app just because I want to read your other fics hahaha 💕💕💕
littlekookieboy said:Omg I’m so outraged and the fact she’s trying to play victim with everything is even worse! I really hope she gets reported and she learns not to do plagiarism anymore. Seriously ur one the first writers I’ve ever read from here and seeing as how she has the audacity to do something like this is disgusting. Anyways I hope all goes well!!!!
canadiankae said:smh kids these days. I am actually astounded at her stupidity for announcing that she straight up stole your work and then tried to play victim. She'll get what's coming to her when she forgets to source for her assignments in school... then try to say she came up with it lol. If she keeps it up we'll help you take care of it. No way i'm letting my favorite writer go through this again
Anonymous said:im rly sorry all of this is happening to you. i wish i could do something to make u feel better and reassure you that we all care about you and hate seeing people do this shit to you. big hugs
Anonymous said:Lu, have you ever tried any online plagiarism check? I think it would be fun if you showed her the 99% similarity with New Rules. But I don't get it. Doesn't she feel embarrassed? I think its so sad.
Anonymous said:hoenstly the whole 'i spent hours on it tho' bs shes trying to pull is so annoying cause like if you were really willing to spend that much time plagiarizing someone elses work, why couldn't you have just written your own stuff during that time??? i just ugh im like mad for you if that makes any sense just urgghh
Anonymous said:I'm sorry you're having to deal with this shit. You are much more talented and well thought out than someone who cant think of their own ideas. and I've genuinely loved a lot of your fics. New rules is an amazing story that I always check for updates on and I love what you try to convey through your stories. It's disgusting that someone would do that to your work but I just want to remind you how appreciated your work is by actual fans. Love you!!!! I hope you feel better!
Anonymous said:Tbh i am so sorry that you have to deal with this situation now... you deserve so much better. I hope this thing ends quickly before upsetting you any further..
Anonymous said:Do it, file the report. If you don't you're letting her win. She has to learn her lesson and realize that she's in the wrong
Anonymous said:Ah! I sent the whole pour up ordeal and i’m so sorry i mistyped and put Tumblr instead of Wattpad because I was rushing to let you know! I’m glad it’s sorted because I became so angry that she plagiarised your work so blatantly! 💜
tywriteskpop said:I hope this thievery issue is resolved soon! I know I’d be devastated if my hard work was taken like that. Hopefully all of the support from your readers and many others will help convince her she is in the wrong. Please don’t stress too much about it. 🙏🏻 You have many people backing you up on this, and the option to report her for plagiarism is there when you’re ready, should she not cooperate. I wish many blessings to you, friend.
Anonymous said:Ok but like plagiarism on Wattpad is such a problem??? I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this rn 💕💕💕
sheridandwyer said:I am so sorry to hear that you're going through this! As a fellow writer, it breaks my heart to see a story that you've worked your ass off to craft and make original just stolen like this! I will DEFINITELY be leaving a comment venting my frustrations)in a respectful way, of course.) We've got your back and your followers will fight for you. Please know you're not in this fight alone!
Anonymous said:Lu! I'm so sorry about this whole problem! I went on wattpad to see the story and your comment is there. I cannot even fathom how much you work for your fics, but I do know how much it means to you. We will help you out any way we can and take that story down. It's not acceptable this person continues to get credit fot it. We love you, Lu!
Anonymous said:hey hon!!! i read her story before reading yours (after finding out her irresponsible actions) & i really want to say, yours is wayyyyyy better
acucarebiscoito said:Omg Lu this wattpad plagiarism thing is really annoying, what can we do to help? I love your work and I'm so angry and sad that they are disrespecting you this way ):
awkward-kooks said:Oh babe :( people are awful, stealing works is exactly why I'm scared to write on sns :/ hope they come to the realization that what they're doing is wrong and remove the story.
thank you guys so much for all of your love and support. Seriously, without you guys, I wouldve been so upset and frustrated right now. But it’s only because of this incredible outpouring of love and all of your support in talking to her, reporting her, etc. that we’ve gotten through this. And all of your suggestions are so hilarious and creative! I cracked up reading this alsjdfklsdfj i love you guys so much
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golbatgender · 7 years
It's very difficult to actually harass someone on AO3.
The primary way to contact a creator on AO3 is via work comments. By default, anon is on and comments are automatically posted; however, this is very easy to change and these options are automatically offered in the work posting form. In fact, it is possible to mark a work as only visible to logged in users, or to orphan it or add it to an anonymous collection (thereby hiding authorship). (For readers concerned about being monitored by others, it is also possible to make private bookmarks not listed when someone else clicks on your bookmarks.)
It is also possible to link someone's profile, but they will probably never see it. If the link results in comment harassment, they can respond as described above. Users can mark disparaging works as "inspired by" a work by someone they are trying to harass, but this is fairly rare and requires a great deal of effort. The affected user can also submit an abuse report, and AO3 is pretty good at actually dealing with them (unlike tumblr). Unless it's an actual parody and not just a polemic posted as a work, it will probably be taken down.
And you can't get around this. Not easily. If an author does not want interaction, it is very hard to continue it. You'd have to create an entire sockpuppet account, and that's bannable and not very easy to do. (And then it's very easy for your target to shut you down again.) I've been harassed, in comments and via parody fic. Turning off anonymous comments and enabling moderation stopped it. I, the target, had absolute control of the situation, and it was quite clear to my attackers that I had not only denied them consent to say these things to me but also that they could not brute force their way around those boundaries. There was only one parody fic, and I have never bothered to report it because the harassment had largely stopped on AO3 and because it might look like a normal parody without context. But I still felt like that was an option, because AO3 has a history of actually taking abuse reports seriously.
In fact, if other sites took abuse and boundaries as seriously as AO3 does, the harassment would not have gone there in the first place. It only happened because someone whom I'd blocked kept screenshotting my blog, even after I'd set it as only viewable to logged in users. (And he had to use chrome mobile to get the screenshots, because the app makes it so blocked users can't see real-time posts—though if the blog is still searchable, a search will still show posts. Eventually I disabled the logged in users restriction, because it wasn't enough to stop this guy and because loading in the dash takes forever in a browser.)
I want to make it abundantly clear that most of what relatively little harassment can and does happen on AO3 is only possible due to less-moderated social media. Tumblr refuses to ban the man who encouraged his followers, including underage users, to start a flamewar on an explicitly sexual work with no relation to his political vendetta against me. Who repeatedly exhorts his followers to kill me by name; to kill other named users; to kill all members of a sexual minority and anyone who dares support them. Who encourages and spreads slander of these people as sexual predators. Who owns multiple sockpuppets created for the sole purpose of harassing people who have already blocked him. Who has been reported numerous times by numerous people. Tumblr does not care about harassment and has no consequences. You get a form email and no help. The report option is not even available within the mobile app. As shitty as its current block system is, it didn't even have that before 2015 (or maybe late 2014?), and I suspect they were faced with a lawsuit in order to get that much. AO3 would have banned him ages ago, if he were even able to retain the motivation to be such a horrible person in the feedback-starved environment of AO3 comments. You don't get praise for being mean to people there, even if the target is actually a bad person. If it's not your work, you've already lost the argument, and people will find it boring or not read the comments on the fiction at all.
AO3 itself? Very difficult to harass anyone on there, beyond the level of annoyance they're willing to put up with (which can admittedly be a lot, among those of us who write strange things and understand that many people will not want to admit liking them under their own account names), without going off-site. If fandom were confined to AO3 and email, maybe even also a lightly moderated set of forums and a traditional blogging site, harassment would be much less of a problem. Instead, we're expected to use more recent forms of social media that are structurally predicated on the goal of viral content. Great for cat pictures; bad for discussion or accountability or the ability of users to control what happens to their own content, and with an inherent power differential between popular users and less-known users, since the former essentially control all information (especially in the presence of a moderation staff that only cares about dmca violations).
(I suspect that viral media is the trend of this decade, and that by the middle of the next, something else will replace it. I'm not sure what.)
But yes, that's what harassment is, on AO3 and elsewhere. And then people have the audacity to act like seeing mentions of disturbing things in tags is harassment?
Lolno. First off, if it's not aimed at a specific person or demographic group, it's not harassment. (And if it's not aimed at you or a group you are part of, you are not the victim of that harassment, just a concerned citizen.) Second, the warnings are there so you don't stumble into graphic descriptions of the thing without warning. It would be…extremely unusual for someone to be triggered by the word "rape" but not by a graphic or explicit description of such, or a detailed discussion of, but without the word. Third, the tagging promotes consistency so users can better avoid exposure to it, and browser extensions to substitute one word for another exist.
Finally, it is ridiculously entitled to think that everywhere on the internet has the responsibility to be safe for you, personally. That is like accusing grocery stores of attempted murder against people with allergies because they sell shrimp or peanut butter. You need to take measures to keep yourself safe, not expect people to do things that would often be removing more general safety features to keep you safe, especially if they don't even know you exist.
And like…it's the internet. You will see porn you did not ask for and do not like. The appropriate response is to be mildly annoyed and hit the appropriate buttons to make it stop.
Moral outrage is not the appropriate response, and it isn't the same as harassment or being triggered. Most of you all think AO3 is a hellpit of abusive fetishizing fic that will cause anyone who reads it to do those things to other people, and want it shut down. And you're wrong on all counts, and just end up sounding like creeps who want to rape people for real and are only stopped by social disapproval. (Especially when you proceed to sexually harass people in "socially approved" ways to express your displeasure with their ships!) So stop. Sit down. Realize that your disgust is probably personal and does not mean that something is morally wrong. (Seriously, people are into some strange things, and most of them are harmless in fiction and impossible in real life.) Stop acting like fringe cases should dictate everyday life. And if you really, truly must attack something Bad and feel like you'll die if you don't and you don't have a therapist to call, go take it out on /pol/. Make sure to use a proxy.
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Remembering Satoshi’s Vision — As It Was Written
New Post has been published on https://vipcryptosignals.com/bitcoin-news/remembering-satoshis-vision-as-it-was-written-5/
Remembering Satoshi’s Vision — As It Was Written
On October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto had a vision to proportion with the world — a protocol he referred to as “bitcoin, a brand new electronic money device that’s totally peer-to-peer, and not using a relied on third birthday party.” Since that time an entire lot has changed, and there may be a limiteless Cryptocurrency panorama with over 1,500 virtual currencies indexed on data feed web sites. It’s been a very long time considering that Satoshi left the group and his imaginative and prescient, the white paper, and even the protocol’s proof-of-work has been questioned multiple occasions over the years.
Additionally learn: Privateness-Centric Coin XMR Splits Into Four Other Monero Protocols
BCH Proponents Consider That Many Key Attributes Have Been Slowly Replaced With A Whole New Concept
Satoshi Nakamoto left the neighborhood in 2010, and no person has heard from the nameless creator of bitcoin ever due to the fact. on the moment the bitcoin neighborhood has break up into factions as a result of the scaling debate, that coincidently started the similar year Satoshi left. Many bitcoin money supporters consider the BTC facet of the group has never had a valid excuse towards raising the 1 MB block size through the use of a refuse to offer in at-any-value mentality. The bitcoin cash neighborhood believes this staff has been so stubborn that Middle supporters basically enabled blowback to happen this earlier August, allowing a big majority of users to head their separate ways via forking the protocol, sooner than the introduction of the contentious Segregated Witness (Segwit). The protocol Segwit have been and still is arguable and hasn’t won a lot traction even to this day. All of these individuals who as soon as shared an identical visions with their friends, shaped every other neighborhood and rallied around the bitcoin cash (BCH) network believing that BCH is the closest chain to Satoshi’s unique vision.
A slide from Dr. Peter Rizun’s speech on the future of Bitcoin convention shows only one it is because people in finding Segregated Witness negative.
Alongside all of this vitriolic energy tethered to the scaling debate, BCH supporters say there were fairly a couple of individuals who consider “Satoshi’s vision doesn’t topic,” and actually have the audacity to propose making adjustments to the writer’s white paper. many people will inform you the explanation for this is as a result of supporters of the Segwit chain have discovered that the file doesn’t apply to the BTC community. Unfortunately, BTC hardly ever resembles what is described in Satoshi’s white paper. for example, the co-house owners of Bitcoin.org, ‘Theymos,’ and ‘Cobra Bitcoin’ amongst others have talked about changing certain words in Satoshi’s paper. Any Other example is how the web portal Bitcoin.org, which is heralded by way of Center supporters as ‘fact,’ got rid of the inexpensive and speedy transactions description for bitcoin off the front web page — the reason for that is since the description does not observe to Middle network.
The house owners of Bitcoin.org have mentioned modifying and revising the white paper on more than one events.
of course, bitcoin cash supporters had been furious approximately this technique of revisionism utilized by the opposite side of this debate. it is steadily said that “Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient” or the creator himself doesn’t topic, however BCH supporters consider such a lot free-pondering folks take into account that history is very important. Satoshi’s words and his authentic white paper is extremely important towards preserving the community from being perverted. Any Individual who denies history doesn’t know how things got here to be, and they could have a major factor coping with the longer term. The earlier is the long run’s direct causation. The very identify of the white paper explains that bitcoin is a “peer-to-peer digital cash system” which presentations completely no references to keeping the coin as a speculative asset, or any comparability that represents a ‘virtual store of value.’ 
Bitcoin.org eliminates sure descriptions from the front web page.
Can’t Manage To Pay For to Ship Bitcoin? — Deal With It — It’s ‘Censorship Resistant’ for a undeniable Staff Of Individuals  
After close to a decade, one by means of one, BCH supporters state that specific options that used to be promoted broadly some of the bitcoin neighborhood had been slowly forgotten. in the early days, bitcoin was once considered pseudonymous and wanted tools like mixers and tumblers that might help supply anonymity. Alternatively, because of the upward thrust in transaction prices most bitcoin mixers and tumblers found the network unsustainable, and plenty of have been not able to combine coins as a result of network charges had been both too expensive and unreliable. Additional, during the occasions while BTC suffered from excessive community congestion, and unconfirmed transactions spiked to well over 200,000, darknet mixers and tumblers have been called out for ‘spamming the community.’
There’s nobody that can truly argue that this meme is beside the point.
Remember That while transactions have been as soon as defined as inexpensive than so much centralized processors like Western Union? in the early days, other folks estimated billions of micropayments helping folks in need and 3rd international countries. As A Substitute throughout 2015- 2017, Center advocates and builders said they didn’t thoughts if charges aggregated to $ONE HUNDRED in keeping with transaction. Center developer Gregory Maxwell said through the worst length of BTC’s transaction backlog and $60 charges that he used to be popping bottles of champagne.  
“In My View, I Am pulling out the champagne that market behaviour is certainly producing task levels that may pay for security with out inflation, and likewise producing charge paying backlogs had to stabilize consensus progress because the subsidy declines.” ~ Greg Maxwell Dec. 21, 2017
It didn’t topic that economically unlucky countries couldn’t have enough money to use the bitcoin blockchain as lengthy because the chain persisted to stay ‘censorship resistant’ — Sarcastically this idea process ends up in the censorship of greater than 2/3rds of this international who have a hard time taking into consideration paying $0.25 cents in line with transaction (tx) let alone $30-60 USD per tx. It’s safe to mention that enjoying the rising rate market process is directly out of a Ponzi scheme guide where handiest the early adopters are those who can have enough money to make use of the network advantages.
The Resurrection of Killer Apps
Center supporters will tell you that bitcoin money proponents are misleading through the use of the open emblem name ‘bitcoin,’ when actually all BCH proponents consider they’re doing is “adhering to Satoshi’s authentic vision.” in fact, the chain and the BCH community are direct derivatives of cussed blowback. Revisionists and actors with affirmation bias have clung to arguments that make no experience and act like the world is about to undertake a whole new infrastructure known as the ‘Lightning Network.’ This Is after understanding on-chain BTC transactions are not very rapid, and on-chain BTC transaction charges are unreliable particularly during periods of demand. Unfortunately, mainstream attention that came about throughout Q4 of 2017, used to be one among the worst periods of time for congestion, as BTC fees aggregated to upwards of $60 according to transaction and confirmation times of as much as per week for low charges. Then the mainstream used to be directed to a device that is not even as regards to in style adoption, even though this mainstream target market used to be basically at a tipping element against mass adoption.
On April FOUR, a record was printed that unique prime flaws and topology issues with the Lightning Network. the author of this observe was once neither a bitcoin cash or bitcoin middle holder.
Fortunately for mainstream adopters, BCH supporters imagine bitcoin money will be there to offer the very issues that were promised in the early days that made the speculation of cryptocurrencies so cool — exact speedy, affordable, and dependable transactions that cannot be censored.
This Is because BCH supporters state that mainstream audiences and users from 3rd world international locations received’t be hindered from the usage of the Cryptocurrency due to unreliable transfer occasions and tumultuous network fees. they also received’t need to learn to undertake a brand new community on most sensible of the blockchain or find out about the issues of routing, watchtowers, centralized hubs, starting channels, or conserving coins on-line in limbo. No, all they will must be told is how to use bitcoin as it was taught for the past nine years. Mainstream audiences also are getting a glimpse of an ‘utility resurrection’ of tools that have been as soon as heralded by means of the BTC neighborhood. The bitcoin cash surroundings has resurrected mixers and tumblers, micro-tipping packages, a Bittorrent platform, social media apps like Memo and Blockpress, even the power to ship very small fractions of BCH without an internet connection.  
Protecting Propaganda and Censorship Over Judgment Of Right And Wrong and Principles
Bitcoin cash proponents assume that revisionists will proceed to check out and say that Satoshi and the white paper “doesn’t subject” and can try to revise historical past to make bitcoin something that it isn’t. Why do BCH fanatics imagine this? Likely it is as a result of supporters of bitcoin revisionism have defended propaganda and censorship, such a lot that it has grow to be a regimen job on a few of bitcoin’s so much frequented boards. All of this for a cussed win-at-any-cost mentality that wouldn’t even permit the discussion or open debate of adding one measly megabyte to the block measurement. No, BCH proponents believe the confusion Middle supporters whinge about, rests on their judgment of right and wrong, because they obfuscated the protocol’s unique intentions, nameless minions sniffed out dissenting critiques, and cried when they were given the blowback (the start of BCH) they deserved.
It’s safe to say that Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient will be remembered, and his white paper will stay protected from changes. On The Other Hand, BCH supporters understand that the revisionists can even be identified for being intellectually dishonest and as sophists trying to stay bitcoin hostage. Bitcoin money enthusiasts believe that after August 1, 2017 bitcoin’s adverse takeover has ended, and there is now an street available to proceed following Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient. 
What do you think about the idea that almost all BCH supporters imagine that Middle proponents have revised historical past and feature attempted to lessen Satoshi’s imaginative and prescient or even modify the white paper? How do you take into account that this history? allow us to realize in the feedback underneath.
That Is an Op-ed article. The critiques expressed on this article are the author’s own. Bitcoin.com does not endorse nor toughen views, reviews or conclusions drawn on this submit. Bitcoin.com is not answerable for or responsible for any content material, accuracy or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their very own due diligence ahead of taking any movements related to the content material. Bitcoin.com is not accountable, directly or not directly, for any harm or loss led to or alleged to be because of or in connection with the use of or reliance on any data in this Op-ed article.
Images by way of Shutterstock, the future of Bitcoin Convention, Bitcoin.com, Pixabay, and Wiki-commons.
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serverthoughts · 7 years
Father’s Day Edition: How to Deal with Entitled, Special Snowflakes without losing your job
Welcome back! 
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If you’re new here you probably haven’t realized what a piece of shit I am, but I’m here today to tell you that I am. A huge one.
I wrote this blog post the day after Father’s Day, and am barely posting it now because I’m a piece of shit, duh. I debated waiting until next year’s Father’s Day to post it, but instead I said, “fuck it,” and posted.
Keep in my mind when reading this blog that, again, I wrote it the Monday after Father’s Day, even though FD was over three weeks ago. Oops.
Piece of sh!t speaking here, feel free to ask me questions about whatever or what you want to read about from me. I’ve done most of the front of the house positions and a bit of back of the house, so I can really write about whatever.
Okay, without further ado.....Here’s the FD blog that you probably didn’t want more than 21 days later....
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Last Father’s Day at work (2016) was absolute shit because I was doing to-go at the time and I was the only one doing it.
I was fucking swamped with orders and I had my server manager helping me put together the orders while Bitchface (aka the bar manager, aka the manager who I’ve seen her nudes before, read about that story, here) was on the phone taking orders for me, while I was putting them together and cashing people out.
I made good money that day, considering the nights where I made only $20, were considered good nights for me. To-go really sucks, y’all.
Speaking of... My last blog post about Tanner Tolbert and if you should tip on to-go orders got some love, and I didn’t realize that all us former/current to-go hoes come on the internet to hear each other’s stories. 
Let me elaborate, you see a lot of server related blogs, or twitters/instagrams but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that was dedicated to people who do to-go orders.
Also, “to-go hoe” is not a thing, I’m just lame, unoriginal, and not funny, and sort of a bitch, so there’s that. Hello, welcome again if you’re new.
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Skip this paragraph and the next, if you don’t want to read shameless plugging or a brief introduction of myself, and carry on to today’s topic.
I’m just some 20 year old kid who likes to vent on the internet about her restaurant job, while she remains completely anonymous because she signed a social media disclosure (I think? I actually have no clue, but I’m sure I did). I’m a server, but I started as a host, then went to to-go. I know how to expedite food, I’ve made my own house salad before, and one time I illegally bartended but I’m not sure I can talk about that. I try to post regularly but I suck at it but luckily I made a list of all the blogs I’ve ever written, here. That link will also take you to another link where you can find some more goodies.
I’m not sure when I’m posting this, but just so you know, I wrote this in the very last hours of Father’s Day, just in case my timeline seems a little janky. 
I worked a noon serving shift to six o’clock on Father’s Day. I’m trying to set the mood so you can truly understand how I was feeling.
There were 10 servers on, which is 3-4 more servers that usually work on a daily basis, so you can tell it was a special day. Not really for me because I was working, I’m not a dad, and I haven’t celebrated Father’s Day with my own dad for 6 years, but special day, more or less. 
If you read pasts posts of mine, you’ll see I’m made up of self hatred, daddy issues and unfunny jokes. Welcome again, I swear this is this last time I welcome you. Maybe.
I only had four tables today which is 2-7 tables less than I usually get. No really. Our managers do not give a fuck if we get swarmed with tables and customer service sucks, as long as labor is down. 
I promise I don’t work at Denny’s either. Not a jab at Denny’s either, sponsor me. Denny’s is actually one of the first places I applied to when I was either 15 or 16 and I never got a call back which is fine, because I don’t have to make milkshakes and deal with as many teenagers as Denny servers.
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Anyway back to my day. My shift was going pretty good, it was so slow that it took 40 minutes for me to get my first table.
I had pretty chill tables for the most part, and spent my time mostly hiding in the bathroom or getting yelled at for being on my phone when really I was just showing my co-worker that 7 percent tip I got, by using my tip calculator.
It’s cool, I love Sunday’s and I love not having gratuity added on to checks. My day was too laid back, so of course then comes a party of 20 who demands that they have a reservation. When in fact, we do not do reservations, and that’s probably the only positive thing about my work. 
Maybe one day I’ll upgrade to a fancy restaurant that does reservations and gratuity. A girl can dream.
The party of 20 immediately recoiled when the hosts informed them of our policy, so one of our managers got involved and helped the entitled people, to plop their asses in mine and my co-worker’s section.
Entitled. Annoyed. In a hurry. Rude.
These are the words that describe the party that took over 3 of my tables, and two of my co-workers. And remember that I only had 4 tables today.
I immediately find out that these people are on separate checks and they are scattered on different tables. Meaning that the daughter on 23 with her little friends, has parents on table 25 who are on one check, while another daughter has her parents on table 28, and I officially want to murder myself at this point.
I get that you’re annoyed that we didn’t set up for your reservation that we do not take, but sit with the people that are going to be on your fucking check, kay thanks.
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I had drinks and food on table numbers where people were sitting at a different table then their food was and I was very happy about all of this, and the fact that everyone wanted a drink AND a water.
Live your life boo, but actually drink your water if you are going to make me go out of my way and make two trips with all the drinks, while my fat ass is huffing and puffing wondering why I need this job.
Then table 28 had the audacity to tell me that they were VI-muthafuckin-P when I tried to run away after they gave me their drink order, and tell me they want me to take their food order immediately, because they are special. They legitimately said that.
If your VIP, then why couldn’t your ass get a reservation?
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I end up taking the order and then go back around to the 2 other tables that are a part of the party.
Although my co-worker set up my first tray of drinks, I took both trays myself so let me tell you my utter shock when mama bear on table 28 has the audacity. THE AUDACITY, to tell me that their table should get one of the waters on table 25 because they haven’t got any of their drinks while my two other tables have all of their drinks.
I’m really good at hiding my emotions, but I had to hold the bitch inside of me who was going to reach across that table and snatch that hideous ass Ed Hardy baseball cap off mama bear’s greasy brown hair, and teach her a lesson about how I am only one person and can only carry one tray at a time. Also, how they were just going to have to wait for my fat ass to walk across the dining room to give them their 5 iced teas, two waters, and a strawberry lemonade.
It just wasn’t the right time to try me, and mama bear’s friend realized that, as her and her friend who had a death wish, laughed, and told me they were just kidding. I’m glad that this woman’s kids were around so they can learn from her how to be an entitled piece of a shit, who is rude to their server and tip 10 percent, just like her mom.
Take me back to Mother’s Day when the men were paying for the bill because women typically tip me less then men do. Obviously, that’s a stereotype and there’s no way for me to back this up, but I’ve noticed that overall I get better tips from men. 
The party was better once they got their food, but the minute I didn’t immediately run to the kitchen to fetch a to-go cup for table 25, because I was too busy with their debit cards, cashing them out, that mother with the worn eyebrows and faded brown and pink plaid shirt, had words for me about where her to-go cup was.
My mistake for not taking your debit cards with me to the kitchen, y’all, I didn’t want to look shady to you. Mama bear was starting to leave when I came with her check, and she immediately handed me her debit card, but got mad at me when I started to walk away to cash her out, demanding to look at the tab.
Like yes, obviously I was trying to show you your bill but you shoved your debit card in my face so I figured you wanted me to walk my ass to the computer to cash you out. My fault for assuming, obviously. 
At the end of the day I got $23 from 5 different checks and a tongue bath by a middle aged women aka special snowflakes, God’s gift to me. Which equaled like 11% percent with all the tables combined. Cool.
After I bused all of my party’s mess. No really, no thanks to the hosts. We don’t have bussers, so the hosts usually bus our tables, and we tip them out. Not sure why I had to still tip out 2 percent of my sales to you assholes, but it’s fine. I’ll pay for all of my tables to eat today, Happy fuckin’ Father’s Day.
My next table after the party who wanted to argue about Happy Hour drink prices, and then tell me that their well done steak wasn’t well done (it wasn’t), but that they weren’t going to send it back. The mother insisted I give them 4 waters, and they only ended up drinking one. ONE. 
California just got over our drought, and you have the audacity to waste, not one, not two, but three full cups of water. A gosh dang shame if you ask me.
The best clapback from today was when the mom who ordered four waters for her family, told me that the un-well done steak was so pink that her poor son couldn’t finish it, and her son clapped back and said that no, he didn’t finish it because it was medium well, but because he was full.
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I spent the rest of my night, naked and alone eating Wendy’s and trying to erase the entitled cunts I had to deal with today.
Next Father’s Day if I’m still working at this job (god forbid), I’ll call up my father and wish him a HFD and ask him how the last few years of his life have been.
No really, I’ll do it. You can’t lie or go back on your word on the internet.
Happy (late) Father’s Day to all the father figures, and hopefully you won’t teach your kids to be rude to their servers, like the VIP people I was blessed to serve today, were teaching their children.
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this doesn’t fit with the theme of this blog but i don’t have any other place to write anonymously and i just feel like hashing this out and it’s stuff that’s pretty rude to talk to the applicable people about, i don’t want to be rude to people.
wtf is the point of claiming to be nonbinary when you completely present as your assigned-at-birth gender? i just don’t get it? i have read so much stuff from binary or genderfluid people like this and not found anything that really explains the things i don’t understand. i want to be respectful so of course i go along with their preferred pronouns and everything but i just don’t get it. of course i don’t NEED to get it and can just treat them like people regardless and i think i do ok, but. i just.... you know, i just want to understand. i guess it’s ok if i never do. lots of things, i can just let go. so i’m not going to jeopardize relationships by bringing this up. but yeah, i just don’t get it.
“i don’t feel male OR female” but wtf is “feeling” male or female? i don’t feel female either. there’s no absolute definition of female to feel. so here’s the rude thing i shouldn’t say. are they just like, “i don’t feel like i align 100% with the typical gender presentation/stereotype, so i guess i’m something else”? because... NO ONE DOES. or maybe only super shallow people do. i mean i guess i’m cis because i never felt strongly that i WASN’T female, having been born in a female body, but i never really felt strongly that i AM female either. so i guess never “struggling” with my gender identity allows me to say what i have to assume is a very cis-privilege thing to say: i don’t think gender really matters. what’s the big friggin deal? but clearly it is a big deal to the people who felt strongly enough about their gender identities to say, “hey this is different than the apparent body i was born into or the gender i was assigned at birth.” but i’m like, who cares about the label, you can do the things you like and make your appearance how you like and have your unique set of interests and character traits that makes you YOU and you don’t have to claim you’re “not a girl” to do it. 
but surely that isn’t why they feel nonbinary, right? it has to be more than that or it wouldn’t be such a big deal? 
i wish i could find some metaphor or parallel to describe what nonbinary feels like, and not like, “well there’s nike vs. adidas, but what about reebok amirite” what makes you decided you’re not male or female?
i’m not doubting the existence of more than 2 gender possibilities. i guess i just don’t know what make a person realize they aren’t one of the two “defaults”. 
and like, i know a few people like this (on the internet), they are clearly female-bodied, but claim to be nonbinary or a combination of nonbinary and trans, but they totally present as female all the time, even experimental masculine phases are like, not even approaching androgynous, they’re still so femme, i mean, there’s no right or wrong way to present, but like.... are you sure you’re not female when you do all the typical female things AND have a default female body already. what makes you not female? although, what makes you female? i don’t know. and what even is trans when you’re happily presenting as your assigned-at-birth gender with no effort or desire to do otherwise. 
should i say i’m nonbinary because i don’t ~FEEL~ like a woman even though i’m totally ok with having a vagina, letting people interact with my vagina for sexual activities, and using my female reproductive system to bear a child... but you know, that’s just the equipment my body came with, it doesn’t define ME. because i sound facetious but i 100% don’t think that my ability to develop a fetus has anything to do with me, my identity, my consciousness. and neither does wearing a dress, heels or makeup, loving clothes shopping, giggling about rom coms or whatever we think is “girl” stuff (i hate 90% of the things i just said.) i don’t know how to interact with other women in the way they seem to expect, or how they do with each other. but i’m also not like “i’m such a tomboy teehee, i use power tools to subvert expectations teehee.” i don’t know how we’re supposed to define “female” but i don’t strongly identify with any of the ways that we can, beyond what genitals are on the body you inhabit. but i would never have to audacity to claim to be nonbinary, because i don’t feel strongly that i’m ~not~ female either.
i don’t know why i can be like “yeah, that makes sense” about a trans person knowing they are the other gender despite their body but not a nonbinary person. i guess it’s the same thing, there’s just more options than “the other ‘one’”. just, what are they options? what do they feel like? it’s just a huge mystery to me.
if you look and act totally female, it just seems like you’re trying to be difficult when you insist on different pronouns and get offended that people would dare assume you are female. what’s the point? 
WHAT DOES GENDER FEEL LIKE? how do you know what gender you feel like you are? how can you tell you do or don’t feel male, female or otherwise? wtf does gender mean? 
“According to the World Health Organization, gender is socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.” (quote pulled from some article i am reading to try to learn about this)
so.... it literally is whatever stereotypes you personally associate with it? i mean, what? gender doesn’t actually mean anything? so why does it matter..? like if you feel a strong drive to do the “roles, behaviors, activities and attributes society considers appropriate” for the gender you were not born as, then ok you’re trans. but is literally every female-bodied person who doesn’t like to go shopping for fun nonbinary? 
if gender is just some list of stereotypical traits then why do we act like it’s something that even needs to be discussed... i think actually the idea that traits should be gendered needs to be abolished.
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Remembering Satoshi’s Imaginative And Prescient — Because It Was Once Written
New Post has been published on https://vipcryptosignals.com/bitcoin-news/remembering-satoshis-imaginative-and-prescient-because-it-was-once-written-2/
Remembering Satoshi’s Imaginative And Prescient — Because It Was Once Written
On October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto had a imaginative and prescient to share with the arena — a protocol he referred to as “bitcoin, a brand new electronic cash gadget that’s fully peer-to-peer, with out a depended on third celebration.” In View That that point a whole lot has changed, and there may be a limiteless Cryptocurrency landscape with over 1,500 virtual currencies listed on data feed web sites. It’s been an overly long time for the reason that Satoshi left the neighborhood and his vision, the white paper, or even the protocol’s evidence-of-paintings has been wondered multiple occasions over the years.
Also read: Privateness-Centric Coin XMR Splits Into Four Other Monero Protocols
BCH Proponents Consider That Many Key Attributes Have Been Slowly Changed With A Complete New Concept
Satoshi Nakamoto left the neighborhood in 2010, and nobody has heard from the anonymous creator of bitcoin ever considering that. at the moment the bitcoin neighborhood has split into factions because of the scaling debate, that coincidently began the similar year Satoshi left. Many bitcoin cash supporters imagine the BTC side of the group has never had a legitimate excuse in opposition to raising the 1 MB block dimension by using a refuse to offer in at-any-cost mentality. The bitcoin cash neighborhood believes this workforce has been so stubborn that Center supporters basically enabled blowback to occur this previous August, allowing a big majority of users to move their separate ways via forking the protocol, before the introduction of the contentious Segregated Witness (Segwit). The protocol Segwit have been and still is arguable and hasn’t won a lot traction even to these days. All of these people who as soon as shared an identical visions with their peers, shaped any other group and rallied around the bitcoin cash (BCH) network believing that BCH is the closest chain to Satoshi’s authentic vision.
A slide from Dr. Peter Rizun’s speech on the future of Bitcoin conference presentations just one this is because people in finding Segregated Witness detrimental.
Alongside all of this vitriolic energy tethered to the scaling debate, BCH supporters say there were somewhat a couple of individuals who imagine “Satoshi’s vision doesn’t subject,” and in reality have the audacity to advise making adjustments to the writer’s white paper. many individuals will tell you the rationale for this is as a result of supporters of the Segwit chain have discovered that the file doesn’t follow to the BTC community. Sadly, BTC rarely resembles what is defined in Satoshi’s white paper. for example, the co-house owners of Bitcoin.org, ‘Theymos,’ and ‘Cobra Bitcoin’ among others have mentioned changing sure words in Satoshi’s paper. Some Other instance is how the internet portal Bitcoin.org, that is heralded by way of Center supporters as ‘fact,’ removed the inexpensive and rapid transactions description for bitcoin off front page — the rationale for this is since the description does not follow to Middle network.
The house owners of Bitcoin.org have mentioned enhancing and revising the white paper on multiple occasions.
in fact, bitcoin money supporters have been furious approximately this system of revisionism utilized by the other facet of this debate. it is regularly said that “Satoshi’s vision” or the writer himself doesn’t subject, however BCH supporters believe such a lot free-considering folks understand that history is important. Satoshi’s phrases and his original white paper is very necessary towards conserving the network from being perverted. Somebody who denies history doesn’t know how issues got here to be, and they may have a significant issue dealing with the future. The previous is the long run’s direct causation. The very identify of the white paper explains that bitcoin is a “peer-to-peer digital money gadget” which presentations completely no references to conserving the coin as a speculative asset, or any comparison that represents a ‘digital store of value.’ 
Bitcoin.org gets rid of sure descriptions from the front web page.
Can’t Afford to Ship Bitcoin? — Take Care Of It — It’s ‘Censorship Resistant’ for a definite Crew Of People  
After with reference to a decade, one by means of one, BCH supporters state that particular options that used to be promoted widely a number of the bitcoin group had been slowly forgotten. within the early days, bitcoin used to be thought to be pseudonymous and needed tools like mixers and tumblers that could assist supply anonymity. However, because of the upward push in transaction costs such a lot bitcoin mixers and tumblers discovered the network unsustainable, and plenty of have been unable to combine coins because network fees have been both too expensive and unreliable. Further, during the times whilst BTC suffered from excessive network congestion, and unconfirmed transactions spiked to well over 200,000, darknet mixers and tumblers were known as out for ‘spamming the community.’
There’s no person that may in point of fact argue that this meme is beside the point.
Take Into Account That when transactions have been once defined as cheaper than most centralized processors like Western Union? in the early days, other people predicted billions of micropayments helping other folks in want and third global countries. As A Substitute right through 2015- 2017, Middle advocates and builders said they didn’t mind if charges aggregated to $ONE HUNDRED in step with transaction. Center developer Gregory Maxwell mentioned in the course of the worst duration of BTC’s transaction backlog and $60 fees that he was popping bottles of champagne.  
“In My View, I Am pulling out the champagne that marketplace behaviour is certainly producing process levels that can pay for security without inflation, and also producing rate paying backlogs had to stabilize consensus growth because the subsidy declines.” ~ Greg Maxwell Dec. 21, 2017
It didn’t matter that economically unfortunate countries couldn’t afford to make use of the bitcoin blockchain as lengthy as the chain endured to stay ‘censorship resistant’ — Satirically this concept procedure leads to the censorship of more than 2/3rds of this global who’ve a difficult time taking into consideration paying $0.25 cents according to transaction (tx) let alone $30-60 USD consistent with tx. It’s protected to mention that playing the rising charge market process is instantly out of a Ponzi scheme manual the place only the early adopters are people who can manage to pay for to make use of the network advantages.
The Resurrection of Killer Apps
Middle supporters will inform you that bitcoin cash proponents are deceptive through the use of the open emblem identify ‘bitcoin,’ when in truth all BCH proponents consider they’re doing is “adhering to Satoshi’s unique imaginative and prescient.” actually, the chain and the BCH neighborhood are direct derivatives of cussed blowback. Revisionists and actors with affirmation bias have clung to arguments that make no sense and act like the arena is set to adopt a complete new infrastructure referred to as the ‘Lightning Network.’ That Is after knowing on-chain BTC transactions are not very rapid, and on-chain BTC transaction fees are unreliable especially in periods of call for. Sadly, mainstream consideration that happened all through THIS AUTUMN of 2017, was one in all the worst periods of time for congestion, as BTC charges aggregated to upwards of $60 per transaction and affirmation instances of up to every week for low fees. Then the mainstream used to be directed to a machine that may be no longer even on the subject of common adoption, even if this mainstream target audience was once basically at a tipping point against mass adoption.
On April FOUR, a report was revealed that detailed top flaws and topology considerations with the Lightning Network. the author of this have a look at was once neither a bitcoin money or bitcoin core holder.
Thankfully for mainstream adopters, BCH supporters believe bitcoin cash will probably be there to offer the very issues that have been promised in the early days that made the theory of cryptocurrencies so cool — exact speedy, reasonable, and dependable transactions that cannot be censored.
That Is as a result of BCH supporters state that mainstream audiences and customers from 3rd world nations won’t be hindered from the use of the Cryptocurrency because of unreliable switch times and tumultuous network charges. they also won’t have to learn to adopt a new network on best of the blockchain or find out about the failings of routing, watchtowers, centralized hubs, starting channels, or preserving coins on-line in limbo. No, all they’re going to must be told is how to make use of bitcoin as it was taught for the previous 9 years. Mainstream audiences are also getting a glimpse of an ‘utility resurrection’ of gear that were as soon as heralded by means of the BTC community. The bitcoin money environment has resurrected mixers and tumblers, micro-tipping packages, a Bittorrent platform, social media apps like Memo and Blockpress, even the facility to ship very small fractions of BCH without a web based connection.  
Protecting Propaganda and Censorship Over Judgment Of Right And Wrong and Concepts
Bitcoin money proponents suppose that revisionists will continue to try and say that Satoshi and the white paper “doesn’t matter” and can attempt to revise historical past to make bitcoin one thing that it isn’t. Why do BCH fanatics consider this? Most Likely it is because supporters of bitcoin revisionism have defended propaganda and censorship, so much that it has become a routine job on a few of bitcoin’s such a lot frequented boards. All of this for a cussed win-at-any-price mentality that wouldn’t even permit the discussion or open debate of including one measly megabyte to the block measurement. No, BCH proponents believe the confusion Core supporters whinge approximately, rests on their judgment of right and wrong, as a result of they obfuscated the protocol’s unique intentions, anonymous minions sniffed out dissenting reviews, and cried after they got the blowback (the delivery of BCH) they deserved.
It’s safe to say that Satoshi’s vision will probably be remembered, and his white paper will remain protected from adjustments. However, BCH supporters needless to say the revisionists can even be recognized for being intellectually cheating and as sophists attempting to keep bitcoin hostage. Bitcoin money lovers consider that when August 1, 2017 bitcoin’s antagonistic takeover has ended, and there may be now an road available to continue following Satoshi’s vision. 
What do you think about the speculation that most BCH supporters believe that Center proponents have revised historical past and have tried to reduce Satoshi’s vision or even regulate the white paper? How do you take into account that this historical past? let us realize in the comments below.
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Images via Shutterstock, the long run of Bitcoin Conference, Bitcoin.com, Pixabay, and Wiki-commons.
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