#nobody complained about “pale” “blushing” “red face”
winxanity-ii · 2 months
LMFAO reading your response to that person and I don't even read any of your shit but damn do you have some fuckin audacity 😂
Fucking crazy you have the nerve to call someone tone deaf when your entire response was fuckin ridiculous and your entire blog is fucking self-centered AND Tone deaf.
"I write for EVERYONE" no? You don't? You literally have it in your pinned post that these are for you and nobody else.
If you want to be bitchy about shit that's fine but don't pretend your higher and holier-than-thou just because you ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY write for poc. Doesn't make you special. Self segregation ain't cute hon.
But since your reading comprehension is a bit low 🤗, which it VERY clearly is with all the times you contradict yourself in both your post and your response, I'll dumb it down for you
This person was courteous and complimenting your writing (that means they were being a decent person and saying nice things about you), and in response, you decided to be condescending (that means you talked down to them), victimize yourself for no reason, and insult them. (All of that just means you're a bitch, and a whiney bitch at that 🤗🤗)
Could this person have gotten their point across in a better, more eloquent way? Yeah, for sure. But regardless of what they said, you just decided to be petty because someone asked you to tag your stories better. Sad. It's a lil pathetic, really.
Once again, not finna read this chapter nor take you serious seeing as this is anonymous, but the fact that you came back to reply cuz I made ya madder is giving fan behavior 😭😭🫶🏾 it’ll get better luv, go touch some grass and come back when you gain some sense
If I offended you because of the way I responded idk what to say because this is like the 100th time me having the same convo but in a different font block me babes 🤦🏾‍♀️so, no, MY response to the anonymous ask demanding me to change my platform wasn't rude/too much
But other than that, you’re off with a great start, just take the passion you had to write this nonsense and pick a random fandom and you have yourself a fic 🫶🏾 you got this, can’t wait to read your works when you gain the courage to respond to me with your real page instead of anonymous 💀
P.S. go to the pinned post i have telling you that "If not all, the majority of my work(s) will be written with the heavy intentions of poc!reader/black!reader" something that's been up since the very beginning of my blog, so this is all null and void, mamas 😏
^^^had to make this the biggest it can go so you can see this ❤️
Edit: if you'll like a full answer, I'm not humoring any anonymous posts about this topic due to the spamming... thanks for your support ❤️❤️❤️
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-Saiou Oneshots- Despair Disease P2
!TW! Blood Vomiting Mentions (second sentence only) Implied Panic Attacks???- Fainting Implied Anorexia???- 
Kokichi POV
I woke up with a jolt, clutching my stomach and wiping the sweat off my forehead. I rushed to the toilet, vomiting into the water below. Lifting my head to check in the mirror, I took a good look at myself. My face was disgustingly pale, my lips a rosy red and my eyes glassy. My nose was a light pink, but it blended in with the blush coating my cheeks. I looked very ill. I must have a fever, I'm guessing.
My voice was coarse and raspy, a little cough erupting in the middle just to rub my sickness in my face. Kiibo suddenly came into view in the mirror, startling me. He stared at me with a concerned face, putting a hand to his mouth. I just pretended like I was completely a-o-kay.
"Kokichi! Are you okay? You look and sound incredibly sick! I can bring you medicine! How are you feeling? What symptoms do you have?"
At this point, I wouldn't mind sinking into the floor and dying. I only exist to play the role of a villain, as much as I would like to become friends with the others, my mind won't let me. Kiibo pat my back carefully, peering at my face in the mirror.
"Symptoms? We don't have time to list those! I'm about to pass out from feeling like absolute shit! I'm sick as fuck!"
I... I didn't mean to say that. That was the first truth I had spoken in a while. I decided to brush it off as an accident.
"Kokichi, if you don't want my medical assistance, what do you want?"
"Do you by any chance have any makeup? I don't want to look like this. I'm not fine."
Another slip up. I was meant to say I was fine. It's probably the tiredness... Kiibo brought a thinking finger to his metal chin, letting out a hum. I waited there impatiently, tapping my foot unconsciously against the floor.
"You're too sick to put on makeup. Just lay down and rest with Saihara-Kun."
I let out an offended gasp, my hand cramping and sore as I brought it to my forehead.
"I can't believe you could do this to me! I told you, I'm sick! I want to go and rest with Saihara-Chan!"
I complained tiredly. Another fucking slip up?! Something was definitely wrong. I had a feeling of dread deep in my stomach, and I wasn't looking forward to resting off a stupid disease. Kiibo seemed to catch on with my expressions, eyes widening as an imaginary light bulb popped up above his head.
"Ok Oma! I apologize for the off topic question, but how much do you like lying?"
The robot questioned me, awaiting a response as if he had the most clever plan. Stupid Kiiboy was probably as dumb as a broken clock.
"I feel like I'm going to faint, but I guess I can answer your question..."
Kiibo waited in silence as I nervously tapped my foot against the bathroom tiles. What if I slip up again? I decided to just go for it, confident that everything was going to turn out perfectly fine. Taking a deep breath, I blurted out my answer to the question.
"I fucking hate lying! I only do it because I have to win this game! It'll ruin the plan if someone starts caring for someone as fucking stupid as I am! Nobody likes me and nobody ever will! Lying is just the only thing I'm good at, okay?! It's the only thing I can manage to do in this stupid game! I only exist to play the role of the villain. I really want to be friends with everyone! I've never had any friends! But... I just can't... All because of my stupid lying...!"
My knees collapsed under me. What the hell was happening? I felt so overwhelmed! Everything was blurring around me and there were pools of sweat sticking my clothes to my skin. I could care less about what was happening around me, but the faint pressure on my back was providing me some cold relief to my dangerously warm body. My brain swirled; all my thoughts swarming around my head, however, I couldn't understand any of them. Everything I thought and felt was like mush, and I lost control over myself. My body collapsed with a loud thud, and I could weakly come to realize that puddles of blood were hurriedly rushing down my head, coating the tiles beneath me a sickening pink. My hands unconsciously traveled to my thighs, fingernails trying to stab their way inside the skin. Crescent shaped marks soon littered my legs. This was it. I'm useless now. There's nothing I can do. I am nobody. Because without my special ability, I am just an empty shell. An empty shell who could only speak the truth. That's right. Me, Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader of lying, couldn't lie anymore. And with that information in mind, I fainted from shock and blood loss, the wet rag on my forehead helping me fade into a world of black.
I covered my mouth with my hand. Did that really just happen? I feel guilty... I made Oma-Kun reveal his true feelings that were clearly hidden for a reason. He was doing this all for a... Plan?
"Uhm... Kiibo? Can you stop with the fucking thudding noises, for Atua's sake?! I'm trying to sleep- OMG KOKICHI?!"
Saihara's furious yelling quickly turned into panicked screams as he leaned down to check the liar's heartbeat. Can I even call him a liar anymore...? Saihara stood up after checking, securely holding Oma in his arms as he jogged in frantic circles around the room, slurring out tired yet extremely worried comments about Oma being hurt.
"Saihara-Kun, please calm down! Oma-Kun is sleeping, and you'll get dizzy if you keep running like that! The blood on his head should be slowing down now since I wrapped the wound in a bandage!"
Saihara momentarily stopped before continuing to sprint before he processed what I had told him.
"Wait what did you say? T-T-The blood on his head?!"
The detective peered down in a panic to see the supreme leader's forehead wrapped up in a white bandage, little spots of neon blood peeking through the material. Shuichi shrieked before his body suddenly leaned back a bit.
I tried to catch the detective before he collided with the ground, however, it was no use. Saihara and Oma were passed out on the bathroom floor. How the heck was I supposed to fix this? Despite being a robot, I doubted that I had the physical strength to lift the two of them. I could ask the others... No! That would be selfish! They could possibly catch the disease too, just like Oma did! Speaking of Oma, I decided to try and pick him up first, and he was surprisingly light. Too light. Assuming that transporting him would be an easy task, I began to carefully walk to the beds, but I was stopped. Huh?
I sighed. Saihara's unconscious hands were tightly wrapped around Kokichi's arm, red marks from the detective's grip becoming visible on Kokichi's pale skin. It took a little tugging and a lot of effort, but I finally freed Kokichi's arm. It appeared to be insanely red from rubbing and pulling, I might need to put some ice on it for a bit. I added 'get ice' to my mental to-do list and took the smaller boy back to his bed, tucking him in as if I was his parent. Now to get Shuichi...
"Ahem, Kiibo? Are you in there?"
A voice asked from behind the door. Ah, Tojo-San must be here with Kokichi and Shuichi's breakfasts! I speed walked to the door, opening it to be greeted by Tojo and Gokuhara.
"Ah! Hello Tojo-San! And hello Gokuhara-Kun! Is everything okay?"
I politely questioned, Gonta giving me a nod while Kirumi extended the plates with top quality meals on them towards me.
"Gonta just wanted to help Kirumi! Gonta wonders if Shuichi and Kokichi are okay... K1-B0, are friends doing all right?"
I gave him a nod, smiling at how much of a gentleman he was. We had a little chat until I came to the realization that Shuichi was still laying on the bathroom floor...
"Oh, I better give these two their breakfasts before it gets cold! Thank you, Tojo, you're amazing!"
The maid simply nodded, flashing me a small smile as she began to return to the dining hall.
"And Gokuhara, thank you a lot! You are a true gentleman! Also, you can call me Kiibo!"
The entomologist's eyes lit up, sparkling. The sight was super cute.
"You really think Gonta is gentleman? Thank you Kiibo! Gonta appreciates friend!"
After a long hug, Gonta followed Tojo back to the kitchen like a little puppy. Or a big puppy. Both options work. Oh, right! I returned to the task at hand, transporting Saihara to his bed. Gathering all my strength, I scooped my arms under the teenager, lifting him with a minor effort.
"Either Saihara-Kun is very light, or I'm very strong..."
I knew it was probably me being strong, due to Oma feeling like air in his arms. Placing Shuichi onto the soft comfortable bed, I repeated the same routine as I did with the smaller boy, tucking him into the bed before glancing up at the glass divider in the middle of the room. I should probably dispose of that; I don't need it anymore since Kokichi gained the disease. Maybe I can give it to Angie, she might be able to use it for whatever religious rituals she conducts in the privacy of her room... Monokuma randomly popped up in front of my face and clicked his fingers (do bears have fingers? Paws? Taeys5rtfuyk) and the divider magically disappeared. Maybe Yumeno-San was working with the bear...?
"What the fuck.... My head hurtsssss..."
The supreme leader whined into Shuichi's chest, mumbling some random nonsense after that.
"I know right?! My head hurt so bad as well, and it still fucking does! If we weren't trapped in this fucking killing game, I would sue Monokuma for animal abuse!"
I stared at Shuichi, confused as heck. I do mean no offense, but at this point, I think Monokuma may have accidentally given Shuichi a stupidity disease...
"Wh- Animal abuse? How...? Wait, how did you two get in the same bed without me noticing? Kokichi, isn't your bed on the other side of the room?"
Kokichi simply yawned, snuggling into Shuichi more. I swear if I turn my back ONE MORE TIME, and something weird happens, I'm going to confront that damn magician.
"Guys, your breakfasts are on the bedside table there, and I also found pain meds in the bathroom, so take those. Kokichi is it all right if I see you after you finish your breakfast?"
A thoughtful finger was brought to the little one's chin as he ate a slice of bunny-shaped apple, the juice coating his red glossy lips. Swallowing his food, he grabbed another piece of the fruit and shoved it into his mouth greedily, as if he had been starving his whole life. Maybe that linked up to why he barely weighed anything...
"Saihara-Chan! Saihara-Chan! Wanna play a game of chess? I love chess!"
The two of them began playing chess as I read one of Shuichi's books while keeping an eye on them. Saihara raged very hard at Oma when he lost though...
"I suppose so! You wanna talk about that not fake breakdown, don't you?
Even my tone wasn't as cheerful as usual. I didn't seem as happy as I did before because I'm clearly not happy. I just spilled all my reasons behind my actions to this stupid robot.
"I do actually-"
"Just get to the damn point already. I'd prefer to not stand here for hours and explain my whole sob story to you!"
Kiibo nodded his head in understanding, fidgeting with his fingers as we stood in awkward silence. I was about to do a 180-degree turn and leave to go back with Shumai and play more chess, this was so boring. Not to mention I was nervous as fuck, which didn't help.
"Look, Ouma-Kun..."
The toaster blurted out to break the silence, not wanting to waste any more of my time.
"I'm sorry for exposing you like that. I'll try not to touch or invade any sensitive topics while you're sick like this. Monokuma is quite cruel to give you a truth disease..."
I nodded my head in agreement, not trusting myself to speak after what happened... last time. Kiibo placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, bending down a bit to meet my eyes.
"Hey, if you want to be friends or if you wanna tell me anything... I'll allow it."
A thumb softly caressed my sweaty shoulder as he spoke.
"I thought you weren't going to touch any sensitive topics, smart head."
Besides the obvious fact that I just admitted I thought of him as smart, I was mentally wheezing. Because honestly, what the actual fuck is a 'smart head'????
"Sorry, Oma. Wait, do you really think I'm smart?!"
I rolled my eyes, tapping my foot against the ground impatiently. This was getting boring...
"Yes... That's not a lie!"
Fuck you, brain. Why the fuck do you have to have to do this? What happened to 'it's a lie, nishishi!' huh? I'm not going to become the ultimate truther anytime soon, am I? Kiibo simply smiled and led me back to the bed, where Saihara-Chan greeted me with an excited smile.
"Oma-Chan! Oma-Chan! Ditch this hunk of fucking metal and come play with me!!!~ Hey, useless kettle! Get your disgusting arms off him! Oma-Chan is mine!"
I asked in shock, being pulled roughly into a protective brace by Saihara.
"K-K-Kettle?! That is very robophobic, Saihara-Kun! I will see you in court!"
Shuichi just rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of a broken chess board and threw it at Kiibo as a warning to stay back.
"Eek! My c-chess board!"
I wiggled out of his embrace and knelt down on the floor, collecting the shattered chess board pieces.
Shuichi tackled Kiibo onto the floor, attempting to pull his metal plates off. Kiibo squealed in surprise.
"Saihara-Kun, please stop! If you get these torn off, Iruma-San will have more work to do! What if you kill me?"
Kiibo questioned desperately as I also attempted to pull Shuichi off his metal body, storing the chessboard fragments in the draw. Finally, we managed to get Detective-Chan off of Kiibo, and I was sweating like crazy again.
"Saihara-Kun, I understand you're sick and raging, as my new feature is telling me, but please don't do that again. I could've died!"
"Now that wouldn't be so bad, would it..."
Saihara mumbled, wobbling to the fridge to grab something, almost tripping repeatedly. He looked like a deer trying to walk on ice, it was a hilarious sight. But to be fair, I most likely wasn't much better...
"Saihara-Kun! Be careful, please!"
Saihara responded with some muffled curses and swears, arguing with Kiibo in the distance. All of a sudden, I felt an unfamiliar throbbing pain in my forehead, pink running down my face like raindrops on a glass window. Must be bleeding through the bandages. Luckily, Kiibo noticed and snatched a med kit from the bathroom, tending to the injury. It was a slight bit painful, yet I still managed to fall asleep in Kiibo's arms as he cleaned out the cut on my forehead.
I woke up with a jolt, my head spinning due to the quick movements and the shock that tickled my spine as I shook where I laid. Clutching my head - which was now wrapped neatly in fresh bandages - I observed my surroundings, seeing the familiar sight of a certain robot sitting next to me. His tongue was out, focusing on the task at hand. What was he doing? Shifting my body a bit, I was greeted with a sight that surprised me. Was Kiiboy... Fixing my chess board? This dude seriously cannot get any nicer...
"Ah! Oma-Kun! You're awake! I'm so glad, you were passed out for two days!"
Kiibo noticed me, worriedly sitting on the bed next to me. His hands wandered to the chessboard again, holding it out to me.
"While you were sleeping, I fixed this for you."
I took it into my hands, impressed at the quality. It looked as if it was new! I looked up at him with a huge smile. However, I peeked over his shoulder, and something felt off. As if something was missing...
"Wait, where is Saihara-Chan...?"
"Oh! Saihara-Kun somehow recovered, and he is in the dining hall with the others at the moment."
How did he recover...? Aren't we supposed to be sick? Monokuma told us that this motive was in effect until someone kills...
"I know what you're thinking. Saihara-Kun may have gotten rid of his disease, however he cannot remember anything. Nobody even knows you're sick, Oma-Kun. I just told them you were staying with me just in case..."
Nobody knew...? Saihara-Kun... Doesn't remember...? Things were going too fast; my brain couldn't comprehend anything. I sat up slowly to avoid my head hurting and took a large sip of the water on the bedside table. It had that odd taste; that weird flavor of water that runs down your dry throat when you wake up. That disgusting taste. Kiibo nodded his head in realization.
"Oma-Kun, don't fear! I'll get you a glass of fresh, clean water from the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute!"
I nodded tiredly, and completely forgetting I was sick as heck, I shakily stood up and walked to the door, keeping my hand on the knob to relish in the pleasant cold sensation. Then finally, I twisted the knob, and the door unlocked with a click. My body was moving on its own. I just wished to see my beloved Saihara-Chan...
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Amortentia -Fred Weasley Imagine
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(Summary: A certain Weasley let’s his feelings about you slip in the most inconvenient way.)
Fred Weasley X Reader
This is based on a few tik toks and probably some imagines I’ve read. Might post another imagine tomorrow but if not I hope you all have a great day this week for whichever holiday you celebrate!! Love you all!
“Are you ready for potions today?” Angelina said, nudging me as we walk to class.
“Not really I’m pretty sure Snape hates me.” I laughed as we walked into class.
Angelina and I stopped in confusion as our girl classmates were huddled around a cauldron. The boys stood to the side brewing something.
“Where’s Professor Snape?” I ask walking up to them.
“Not sure.” A girl said, turning to us.
“What are you lot brewing?” Angelina said as we walked up to them.
“Amortentia.” Another girl said giggling.
“And you boys?” I asked looking over to them.
“Same thing.” One said scoffing as he sniffed the cauldron.
“Y/N, try it first. You’ll probably smell you know who.” Angelina said as she moved to the side.
“Not that you know who Angelina.” I say laughing.
“Right sorry.” She said giggling lightly as she realized what she said.
I leaned my head over the cauldron and sniffed. Fireworks, smoke, and wood.
“So what do you smell?” Angelina said looking at me.
“A variety of smoke items and wood- like our brooms.” I say looking at her as I tilted my head. 
I smelled Fred Weasley.
I look at the other girls who are occupied with smelling the cauldron. I step away from the cauldron and pull Angelina to the side with me.
“I think I smelled Fred.” I said looking at her in shock.
“At least your feelings are confirmed.” She said excitedly.
You see here’s the problem, the twins are my best friends. Like all love cliches I fell for my best friend.
“But Angelina what if he doesn’t smell me. The smell varies for everyone.” I say as I run my hands over my face.
“He probably doesn’t even like me. This is setting me up.” I groan as I look over at her.
Angelina knew otherwise. Being on the quidditch team made her form a bond with the Weasley’s twins. Over a night of team celebration and firewhisky that was snuck in, secrets from both of the boys were revealed.
“So boys, any girl caught your eye?” Angelina asked as she took a swing of firewhisky before handing it over to Oliver.
“You already know who.” George said winking at her as he tilted his head towards Fred.
“Fred?” She said as she looked at him.
“Who do you fancy?” She continued as she watched him take a sip of his drink.
“Nobody.” He said.
“Really weren’t you boasting about-” Oliver started before Fred cut him off with a glare.
“You guys are still down here.” Y/N said walking down the stairs of the common room.
“The celebration died down a bit. There’s still some left if you’d like.” George said, handing her the bottle.
She happily took the bottle and took a swing feeling the liquid burn her throat.
“That’s always so awful.” She said, wiping her mouth.
“I think we should call it a night, we have practice tomorrow.” Oliver said standing from the floor.
Everyone nodded their head before leaving besides Angelina, Fred and George.
Fred stared longingly as Y/N walked back up the stairs. He sighed as he watched her leave. He shouldn’t feel this way, she’s his best friend.
“She’s the one he fancies.” Angelina said as she leaned over to George.
“Now you notice. He’s been this way since third year.” George said chuckling.
“Oh dear that long. He should make a move.” She said crossing her arms as they watched Fred leave the common room.
“Contrary to popular belief Johnson he won’t do it. He complains often about how she wouldn’t like him.” George said.
“Well he’s wrong!” Angelina exclaimed.
“She fancies him too?” George said in slight confusion.
“You don’t share a dorm with her. If you did you would hear nonstop on her feelings. Half the time it’s like a broken record.” Angelina laughed.
“Let’s make a bet.” George said placing his hand out.
“One sickle that they get together by the end of term.” George continued as he kept his hand out.
“You’re on Weasley.” Angelina said as she shook his hand.
With that they both separated and went to their dorms and the night was filled with an earful of complaints from their dorm mates.
“This is bad Angelina.” I say as I look around the classroom. I went to my usual seat and sat down.
“No it isn't, wait for them to come and let’s hear what he smells.” Angelia reassured me as she sat down beside me.
As if on cue the twins ran into the room smiling.
“Y/L/N lay off the perfume for a while. I can smell you from here.” Fred exclaimed as he sniffed the air in confusion before laughing loudly.
I felt the color drain out of me and my mouth grew dry. Everyone else stifled a laugh as they looked at us.
“What?” Fred said as he looked around the class.
“That isn’t her perfume Fred. We’re brewing Amortentia.” A girl said laughing. 
Now it was Fred’s turn to grow pale. His cheeks turned red like his hair.
“Unauthorized use of brewing materials is strongly prohibited without a Professor present.” Snape's dull voice said as he walked into the classroom.
“10 points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.” He continued as the students scurried to their seats.
“At least it's mutual.” Angelina said laughing slightly.
“That doesn’t make this situation better.” I say biting my lip anxiously.
“Talk to him after class.” Angelina said as she began writing on her parchment.
“You’re right what’s the worst that can happen.” I say laughing nervously.
Fred stared blankly at his parchment as he felt himself slowly die of embarrassment.
“That’s not too bad mate.” George said as he looked over to his brother.
“Not too bad. George this is awful.” He said as he scribbled aimless things on his parchment.
“You didn’t hear it from me Freddie but she fancies you too.” George said leaning over as he glanced over towards Angelina and Y/N.
“You reckon?” Fred asked as he looked over.
“Talk to her after class and you’ll see.” George said as he began writing.
Soon enough the bell rang out.
“Class dismissed.” Snape said as he closed his book.
Students ushered out the room and into the corridors.
‘Now or never.’ Fred thought as he watched Y/N and Angelina leave the classroom.
I walked beside Angelina and felt my hands grow cold.
“You talk to him all the time.” Angelina scoffed as she laughed lightly.
“This is way different Ang.” I say as I play with my robes.
I grew silent as Fred and George walked beside us. 
“Angelina we should check if Oliver needs us.” George said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
“So what’d you smell?” Fred asked as we walked beside each other and into the courtyard.
“I didn’t smell anything Fred.” I blurt out quickly. I cringed lightly as we walked.
“Oh. You don’t fancy anyone?” Fred said, scratching his head.
“No Fred I don’t.” I say stopping and stare at him. I felt bad for lying to him but I need to preserve our friendship.
“I should probably check if Oliver needs me too. Bye Y/N.” Fred said jogging back into the school.
I huff in anger and felt tears prick my eyes. Stupid Amortentia!
I walk into the quidditch locker room shielding my eyes.
“The boys are on the field already, it's just me.” I heard Angelina say. I put my arms to my side and sat on the bench next to her.
“I messed up everything.” I say putting my head in my hands.
“What happened in the courtyard?” Angelina asked as she sat next to me.
“He asked me if I fancied anyone and I completely lied to him.” I say looking at her pouting.
“That’s all?” Angelina asked as she strapped her gloves.
“He asked me what I smelled in the Amortentia and I lied to him saying nothing.” I say leaning my head on her shoulder.
“Why’d you do that?” Angelina asked as she comforted me.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” I huffed.
“You wouldn’t have Y/N.” I heard Fred say as he walked into the locker room.
“What are you doing here!” I exclaim as I stare DF at him in shock.
“I forgot my bat.” Fred awkwardly said as he pointed to his locker.
Angelina stared at the both of us before leaving the locker room.
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything if anything you would’ve made it easier.” Fred said as he went and sat beside me.
“Fred you’re my best friend I can’t lose you like that. I guess I was just scared.” I say looking down at my lap.
“You scared blimey Y/N fancying me isn’t that bad.” Fred laughed as he placed his hand on my leg.
“To answer your question earlier, I fancy someone and I smelled fireworks, wood and smoke. Do you reckon I smelled George? He is quite cute.” I say jokingly as I look at him.
“I'm pretty sure you smelled his twin brother the one that actually likes you.” He said rolling his eyes.
“Tough luck on my end.” I laughed as I heard Oliver yell outside.
“You should probably go. Oliver might hit you with the bat.” I say standing up.
Fred stood up and stared at me. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and shy away as I felt my face heat up. Fred smiled and walked away towards the door.
“W-wait Fred I have a question.” I say stopping him.
“What?” He said turning to me.
“Why me? There are so many other girls at Hogwarts.” I ask as I watch him open the door.
“Not all girls can handle a prank. I can dive more into it on our Hogsmeade date.” He said winking before leaving the locker room.
“Those damn Weasley’s.” I smiled before walking out of the locker room and going to the common room.
“You seem giddy.” George said as he and his twin flew to their post.
“I just scored a date with Y/N.” Fred said as a slight blush flourished on his cheeks.
“I knew you could do it Freddie.” George smiled. His smile grew wider as he remembered a certain thing.
“Oi Angelina! You owe me a sickle!” He yelled, making the girl flip him off laughing as she waved the coin in the air.
“For what?” Fred said as he stared at his brother in confusion.
“Sometimes love has a price brother.” George laughed as he flew over to Angelina making Fred just scratch his head.
taglist: @hpbitch​
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dimigex · 3 years
I Won’t Lie - Kakasaku
It’s finally done!! I started this piece years ago but never finished it. It’s the follow on to my story Distraction, but you don’t have to read that to understand it at all. 
Distraction, I Won’t Lie, Part One, Part Two, Epilogue 
Here’s the first part, the rest is linked above and also available on FF.
"So, have you put the moves on the Hokage yet," Ino questioned, applying black eyeliner with a practiced flip of her hand. Her aqua blue eyes stood out in sharp contrast, seeming larger than they had any right to.
Sakura groaned from the bed, falling back to cover her face. "I never intended to put the moves on him," she mumbled, hoping that Ino wouldn't be able to see the crimson flush of her cheeks. "And, it didn't work anyway. Kakashi doesn't know that I exist."
Ino jerked the pillow away and leveled her best friend with a stare. "He definitely knows that you exist, but you need to remind him that you're a woman now, not a little girl." Her gaze swept over Sakura from head to toe. "Why don't you put on something a little more interesting tonight?"
"What's wrong with what I have on?" Sakura frowned at her outfit. Okay, the leggings that she wore were more comfortable than provocative, and her mother would have approved of her shirt, but that didn't mean there was anything wrong with it. She always dressed like this when they went out. It wasn't her fault that Ino had more outfits than any other girl that Sakura knew, and an uncanny way of making everything look sexy.
"Nothing," Ino answered, with a smile curving her cherry-red lips. "As long as you want to die old and alone."
Sakura threw the remaining pillow at Ino's face, narrowly missing. "Shut up, Ino-pig," she grumbled, reverting to the insult that had become a friendly nickname over the past few years. Sakura tugged at her shirt for a moment, chewing her lip "If I agree, can you make it look like I'm not trying too hard?"
A grin split Ino's face. "Of course. We have to find just the right outfit to show off that body you worked so hard for."
Before Sakura could protest, the blond pulled her off of the bed and toward the closet. Nearly an hour later, Sakura examined her expression in the mirror, shocked at the illusion that Ino had created. Long lashes framed her green eyes, making them stand out against her pale skin. The faint dusting of freckles that Sakura usually hated had taken on a soft glow from the highlighter Ino used. Glossy lips completed the expression, in a shade lighter than Sakura ever thought she could pull off. Ino hadn't stopped there. She'd transformed Sakura's hair as well. The pale tresses piled on top of her head, falling in artful curls around her face.
Ino pulled Sakura from musing about how she looked like an entirely different person by tugging on the dress. The blond dragged the black fabric to the side, baring one shoulder. It draped Sakura's body, accentuating enough to suggest that she had more curves than she really did. Chuckling, Sakura pulled the fabric toward her knees. Ino slapped her hands away. "Stop that, it's supposed to be short."
"I can't wear this," Sakura complained even as she turned to admire herself from the side. It hugged her body in a way that none of her other outfits had.
Shaking her head, Ino walked over to the closet and tossed a pair of heels to Sakura. "You can, and you will. No one will be able to keep their eyes off you, especially not Kakashi."
Color flamed in Sakura's cheek, hidden somewhat by the makeup. "What if he isn't there?"
Ino's devious grin made Sakura nervous. "Then you'll go home with someone else. You look too damn good to go home alone tonight"
When Ino and Sakura swept into the pub nearly half an hour late, dozens of heads swiveled in their direction. Ino linked an arm through Sakura's and pulled her into the room before she could back away in a fit of self-consciousness. Her gaze swept over the people gathered for Naruto's birthday, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Kakashi wasn't there yet or not coming at all, everything they'd done had been a waste of time.
Forcing the hopelessness down, Sakura caught sight of an overbearing ball of sunshine cutting through the room. Naruto's grin probably had more to do with the atmosphere than alcohol, but she couldn't be sure. He threw an arm around Sakura's shoulder and pulled her into a side hug. "I was beginning to think nobody from my team was going to show up tonight."
When Naruto released Sakura, his blue eyes slipped lower than her neck. The blush on his whiskered cheeks was obvious even in the dim lighting. "You look nice tonight. I mean, not that you don't always look nice-" Sakura's laughter cut off the awkward exchange, and Naruto managed a nervous smile before rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't think Sasuke is going to make it tonight."
"Unfortunately, Sasuke's mission has him delayed outside the village." The proximity of Kakashi's voice made Sakura jump. When she turned, she realized that he stood just inside the doorway behind them. Their gazes locked, and Kakashi's eyes widened, perhaps only just now realizing that she'd been the one standing with Naruto. While pink hair was unusual in the village, a few girls had started imitating Sakura after the war. She hated it, but the element of surprise was nice.
Ino unwound her arm from Sakura's and moved away to speak to someone that Sakura didn't recognize. Completely oblivious of the tension of the moment, Naruto caught Kakashi with his other arm and pulled them both into a hug. Sakura felt the warmth of Kakashi's chest against her side. "I'm glad you two made it, at least."
Kakashi pulled away, chuckling in the back of his throat. "Of course I came, I have to keep an eye on you kids to make sure you don't get into any trouble."
"We aren't kids," Sakura grumbled, challenging Kakashi with a glare through her mascara lengthened lashes. "We're adults now."
"That's right, sensei. We don't have to listen to you anymore." Naruto laughed, giving Kakashi a cheeky grin.
Kakashi frowned, the barest movements of his mask. "I'm still Hokage, though."
"For now." Naruto's banter eased the conversation into playful jabs that allowed Sakura to stay silent. Kakashi hadn't even responded to her comment about being an adult now. Her heart sank lower in her chest.
As the men exchanged barbs, Ino reappeared from wherever she'd been. Grabbing Sakura's hand, she led them to the bar. "It's pointless," Sakura complained, leaning close so that the words would only be loud enough for Ino. "He'll always view me as a kid. I'd be better off chasing Sasuke."
"Absolutely not," Ino hissed, vehemence dripping from her voice as she raised a hand to order drinks. "Sasuke isn't even on the radar for you. Do not put yourself through that again."
Sakura nodded and toyed with the silver teardrop earring that Ino had loaned her. She knew that Sasuke was a bad idea. The boy had never acknowledged her, not really. And now, it was the same with Kakashi. At best Kakashi saw her as the child that he'd mentored years ago. At worst, the annoying girl that she'd been during those early days. She'd never change that.
"Let me tell you my secret, Forehead." Ino shoved a shot glass into Sakura's hand. "It just takes five seconds of insane courage to get whatever you want. That's it. Just five seconds of bravery, then the hard part is over. You either have the thing you want or you don't, but at least you'll know."
"Is that how you landed Sai?" Sakura asked, closing her grip around the glass of liquid courage without questioning what was inside it. The idea that Ino actually liked Sai and wanted to be with him when there were so many men that she could have had was something that Sakura had trouble wrapping her mind around.
Ino laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind one ear. "Yes, Sai. And, all the others."
Gossip suggested that Ino had worked her way through half of the eligible shinobi in the village. There was a great deal of truth to it. Ino had dated Shikamaru for a couple of weeks before the pair decided that friendship was less troublesome than a relationship. She and Kiba had been fireworks from the beginning, fighting almost constantly. Choji was too gentle, Lee too exhausting, Shino too quiet, and the list went on and on. Somehow, Ino landed on Sai and found that the man matched her surprisingly well. Sakura had already noticed the girl looking for him in the crowd.
"Drink," Ino commanded, nodding toward the alcohol. Sakura steeled her nerves and tipped the glass up. The liquid burned the entire way down, making her gasp for a breath. Ino clapped her on the back. "Good, now let's go and find someone to make him jealous over."
"Ino, no." Sakura pulled away from her best friend with a firm shake of her head. "It doesn't matter. It's just a silly crush."
The look on the blonde's face suggested that she didn't believe Sakura's excuse, but she didn't force it. Sakura let her gaze wander over the people brought together to celebrate Naruto's birthday. He had touched so many lives, and since the war, most people recognized that. Naruto had wanted to do something at Ichiraku, but the stand was too small for all their friends. They'd made arrangements for the celebration to be held here, but white bowls of ramen dotted most of the tables.
Kakashi drew Sakura's eyes like a beacon. He stood in the shadows beside Captain Yamato, heads close together as they spoke. It had surprised Sakura to learn that the men were old friends, especially since Kakashi held so many people at a distance. Sakura and Naruto had grown closer to him, of course, but there didn't seem to be many others. Tsunade and the other jonin perhaps, but the ease between Kakashi and Yamato spoke of actual friendship. Sakura felt a twinge of jealousy. Why couldn't it be that easy for her?
Ino leaned close, the scent of alcohol drifting from her lips. "You know, Yamato isn't bad looking either."
Sakura considered the words. While Yamato didn't hold the aura of mystery that Kakashi did, his easy smile and kind eyes made him attractive in his own way. Even so, no matter how much Sakura watched the pair, her eyes strayed to Kakashi. As she'd expected, he'd worn his uniform to the party. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled up against the heat of the room, while his hands were tucked into the pockets of matching pants. Kakashi's mask remained in place, of course, but the headband that used to slant across half of his face was missing. Two charcoal eyes stared out at the room, silver hair falling into them.
"Oh, it's definitely just a little crush," Ino teased, pulling Sakura from her longing gaze. "Why don't you just go and talk to him? Ask him to dance or ask him back to your place. Just do something besides staring at him."
When Sakura started to protest, Ino rolled her eyes. "Come on, I've seen you kick ass so many times, but you're scared to talk to a boy? The worst thing he can do is turn you down. And, if that happens, it's his loss."
It isn't that easy, Sakura started to argue. Only, she knew that it was. She'd been pining after Kakashi for months, treasuring stupid, little moments that probably meant nothing: the way that his arms had curled around her on the training field, how his eyes lit up when he laughed at her joke about Tsunade trying to kill them both with reports, or the startle when her fingers had brushed his wrist. Those things made her wonder if there might be something more, but Kakashi was impossible to read. The sudden intake of breath when Sakura touched him could just have easily been discomfort as desire.
"I think I need another drink," Sakura declared, putting away the miserable thoughts for another day.
It didn't take long for the pleasant warmth of alcohol to loosen the tension that seemed permanently attached to Sakura's shoulders. She relaxed enough to dance a couple of turns with Naruto. He was far more awkward on the dance floor than any shinobi had the right to be. After two dances, Sakura begged off and pushed him toward Hinata. A few months ago, the girl had finally gotten brave enough to let Naruto know that she liked him. The pair was slowly turning into a couple, but the transition was painful to watch. They were both too shy for their own good.
Sakura stumbled back toward the bar, surprised to admit that she was having more fun than she'd thought she would, even if Kakashi ignored her. As she reached for her glass, Ino flashed a pleasant grin that warned Sakura that the girl was coming up with a plan that Sakura wasn't going to like. Without explaining anything, Ino linked their arms and dragged Sakura back into the crowd. Three steps into the walk, once she realized where they were going, Sakura tried to stop the inevitable. But, it was too late. Ino stopped beside Kakashi and Yamato.
The men looked up in surprise, their conversation stopping abruptly. Sakura felt Kakashi's gaze on her face for several heartbeats before it slid toward Ino's. With another signature grin, the blond moved into Yamato's personal space. "You sent my boyfriend on a mission just before the party, and now I have nobody to dance with. It seems only fair that you take his place." Ino held out a hand expectantly.
"Um-I-uh-it was unavoidable," Yamato stammered, a delicate pink blush tinting his cheeks. Sakura almost rolled her eyes. It was pathetic to watch how easily Ino turned him, or any man for that matter, into a stuttering mess simply by batting her eyelashes. She'd thought Yamato was better than that.
To Sakura's surprise, it was Kakashi who spoke next. "I think she has a solid case." Yamato gaped at the man, but Kakashi continued as if he hadn't seen it. "You deprived her of enjoying the evening; you should make up for it. Within reason, of course."
As the implication hit home, the pink on Yamato's cheeks deepened to crimson. Sakura struggled not to laugh at his expression. Ino cleared her throat, moving her hand closer. For a moment, Sakura wondered if Kakashi was going to have to push the man forward. Finally, Yamato dipped his head and took Ino's hand. Sakura couldn't stop her mirth as the pair disappeared onto the dance floor. "He's going to be furious with you later, you know that right?"
"It's good for him. Yamato is too shy." Kakashi leaned his shoulders against the wall, and for a moment Sakura couldn't take her eyes off of the smooth stretch of his body and the way his armor shifted with the movement. Half a second later, she realized that he'd said something. Deciding that it probably wasn't important, she nodded and he continued. "Of course, she doesn't mean anything by it, does she?"
Sakura shook her head, watching as Ino attempted to guide Yamato's hands toward her hips as she moved to the music. He kept moving them back to her waist, embarrassment obvious. Sakura chuckled under her breath. "No, she's quite taken with Sai actually."
"Our Sai?" Kakashi asked, eyebrows rising in surprise.
Sakura nodded, watching as Yamato finally relaxed into the dance and loosened up a bit. "She and Sai balance each other well, like Naruto and Hinata."
Kakashi followed Sakura's gaze toward the bar where Naruto and Hinata were talking. The blond leaned against the edge, telling some kind of story while the girl gazed up adoringly. Two years ago, she'd been too frightened and embarrassed to speak with him, and Naruto too stupid to realize why. With a little gentle prodding, they'd finally caught on.
Kakashi made a sound that might have been agreement in the back of his throat. "You're all pairing off these days, falling in love and getting married."
"Not all of us," Sakura grumbled. Frustration bled into her voice as she continued. "Some of us accepted the weight of duty instead."
A silver eyebrow arched skyward as Kakashi turned to face Sakura. A look of understanding crossed his features, but Sakura doubted that he realized she was talking about him as well. Undeniably handsome, Kakashi could have his pick of women in the village, but he remained alone. He had thrown himself into the role of hokage, even though he hated it. Sakura had done the same at the hospital, though she enjoyed her work for the most part. The two of them weren't as different as he seemed to think.
A stir went through the room. Naruto pushed away from the bar, his voice cutting through the din of music and conversation. "You made it!'
As much as Sakura wanted to continue admiring Kakashi, her attention drifted toward Naruto. He stood in the doorway, arms thrown around-Sakura's mind temporarily shorted out, taking several seconds to catch up with her eyes. Sasuke stood in the spill of light, Naruto's arms wrapped around his shoulders. Raven dark hair and equally black eyes swept through the crowd, taking in everyone and everything. His gaze slid over Sakura, then returned and lingered.
Despite everything, Sakura blushed under Sasuke's gaze. Beside her, Kakashi shifted away from the wall. A hand pressed almost imperceptibly against Sakura's lower back as Naruto approached, Sasuke trailing behind like a shadow. Sakura half turned toward Kakashi.
Naruto interrupted the pair before Sakura could get her thoughts in order. "Look guys, Sasuke made it back in time."
"So, he did," Kakashi answered for both of them, voice cool but not quite unfriendly. "Welcome back."
Sasuke turned, oozing arrogance as he inclined his head toward Kakashi. Dark eyes roved over Sakura a second time, an almost smile curling his lips. Even so, Sakura read the tension in his shoulders. Despite the years that had passed, Sasuke remained something of a pariah in the village. There were some groups who would never forgive or forget the time that he had spent trying to destroy the Leaf, despite Naruto's efforts to change their opinions. Sakura knew that Kakashi had helped save Sasuke from execution or life in prison, but the Hokage's intervention had ended there.
"Sasuke!" Ino appeared from nowhere, throwing her arms around Sasuke in a hug that the man shrunk away from. "Welcome back."
Sakura flashed her friend a thankful smile at the interruption. "You're looking well," Ino continued, pulling all of Sasuke's attention to herself by keeping her hands on his upper arms. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"Maybe later," Sasuke answered, voice sounding strained as he shrugged away from Ino's touch. When she released him, the man turned and smiled. "Hello, Sakura."
Sakura couldn't remember how to draw a breath. A thick strand of black fell across Sasuke's eye, adding an air of mystery to his already captivating appearance. Warmth suffused her face when he moved closer, near enough to reach out and brush her cheek if he'd wanted. "Hi," she answered, toying with a silver bracelet circling one wrist.
Sasuke slid between Sakura and Kakashi, angling his body to face hers. "How have you been?"
"I've been doing well." Sakura's answer barely scratched the surface of everything that had happened in her life since the last time she saw Sasuke. She couldn't seem to remember a single event that she wanted to talk about. Yamato approached the small group and squeezed in beside Kakashi while running an appraising eye over Sasuke. He didn't acknowledge the Uchiha's presence. Instead, he leaned closer to Kakashi and whispered something in his ear.
Pulling her attention away from the exchange, Sakura realized that she'd been asked something. It would be rude not to keep talking to Sasuke, so she smiled. "How about you? How have you been?"
"I stay busy following up on leads," Sasuke answered, revealing nothing about his time outside of the village. Maybe he thought that Sakura wouldn't accept his reasons for leaving her behind, or maybe, he didn't care if she did.
After all, how could Sakura expect Sasuke to understand the hours of work that she poured into the hospital, sometimes losing a patient despite her best efforts? Would he care that she pushed herself in training as hard as she's ever done in case they went back to war? Sakura imagined Sasuke teasing her efforts to create orphanages in Konoha. Would he understand Sakura's version of sacrifice when it didn't align with his?
Sakura's eyes drifted back to her group of friends. Naruto stood beside Ino with a silly grin on his face, undoubtedly because Sakura and Sasuke were talking together. He still believed the two of them could make it work somehow. Yamato and Kakashi watched them both without seeming to do so. Sakura couldn't help but wonder if they deemed Sasuke as a security risk, even after all this time. Her gaze settled on the tension in Kakashi's jaw, wondering why he seemed on edge.
Kakashi understood the passion that drove Sakura to fight for those causes. Or, if not, he humored her. Sakura and Kakashi had worked hand in hand to train additional medical shinobi, create orphanages, and work through various issues at the hospital. She'd assumed that Kakashi wanted to see the same outcome that she did. Would Sasuke want that? Did it matter? He wouldn't be in the village long enough for it to make any difference.
Despite the way that things between them had changed, Sasuke still reduced Sakura to a lovesick teenager. It wasn't that her feelings had stayed the same, but Sakura had spent half of her life chasing after Sasuke. She couldn't shake the memory of nipping at his heels, of being willing to throw everything away if he'd only acknowledge her. As Sasuke spoke, Sakura's mind responded on autopilot, answering with soft laughs and smiles.
After several minutes, Ino caught Sakura's attention and half nodded toward Kakashi. He and Yamato had fallen silent, allowing the conversation to flow around them without interruption. Sakura raised her shoulders in a helpless shrug, silently asking what she was supposed to do about the situation. Ino frowned, then leaned in to speak. "So, Sasuke, did you know that Naruto and Hinata are dating?"
The question cut off the conversation. Surprise flitted across Sasuke's face as he looked over at Naruto. The blond's cheeks flamed crimson and he sputtered over his words "Well, Ino is dating Sai," he managed, red from his hairline to his chin.
Ino grinned, tossing her long hair over one shoulder with an air of dismissal. "You say that like it's a bad thing. Sai happens to be far more interesting than you'd anticipate. Not to mention adventurous."
The suggestive nature of Ino's comment made Naruto choke on his breath. His eyes bulged and Sakura couldn't help but laugh; he was still so innocent. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm. "Come on, it's definitely time for a drink."
Without waiting for an answer, Naruto pulled the Uchiha toward the barkeeper and further away from Ino's insinuations. Laughing, the girl watched them go. Then, she turned back to Yamato. "I thought you were going to dance with me? And, you," Ino studied Kakashi, "should dance with Sakura so she isn't left alone over here."
For all the nudging that Kakashi had done when Ino asked Yamato to dance, the man seemed less than enthused about taking his own advice. "It isn't befitting of the Hokage to indulge in-"
"Oh no you don't, senpai," Yamato interrupted, already pulling Kakashi away from the wall. "I did my duty, and now it's time for you to do yours. Off you go."
Yamato's brown eyes shone with an inordinate amount of amusement, and Sakura didn't know whether to be thankful that he was pushing Kakashi toward the dance floor, or embarrassed at being some type of twisted payback. Either way, the indecision lasted only a moment. Ino grabbed Yamato's hand and guided him toward the dancers, leaving Sakura alone with Kakashi on the edge of the room.
Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to face Sakura. Embarrassment raised the temperature of the room several degrees until it felt impossible to draw a breath. "You don't have to dance with me," she murmured, trying not to sound as disappointed as she felt.
"Ino and Yamato would never let me hear the end of it if we didn't." Kakashi held out one hand, and Sakura slid hers into it. Her pulse pounded in her ears when he leaned closer. "Besides, we only have to dance long enough to get them off our backs."
Sakura didn't trust her voice to speak without breaking, so she nodded and followed Kakashi onto the dance floor. Music blared over the speakers, bass line making her heart pound in tempo. She drew a deep breath and looked into the eyes that had been hidden for so long. Even now, months later, Sakura hadn't gotten used to seeing more of Kakashi's face. She remembered the intensity of his gaze on the training field and the way that she'd wanted to pull him close and lose themselves in the storm.
Just five seconds of insane courage, Ino's voice whispered in the back of Sakura's mind. She could press her body against Kakashi's under the guise of dancing and admit that she wanted more than that. Butterflies the size of elephants trampled over Sakura's chest. If Kakashi rejected her, it would hurt, but she could mask the pain long enough to make it home. Then, she'd be free to deal with fallout. She had done the same thing over Sasuke nearly a year ago. But, if Sakura never took a chance and told Kakashi, she'd never know if there could have been anything between them.
Kakashi spoke, interrupting Sakura's momentum. "You look different tonight."
"Ino begged me to let her try something special for Naruto's party." Sakura chewed her lip, wondering if the words were technically a lie. She wanted to look more enticing as well, more like Ino and less like herself, in hopes that she'd capture Kakashi's attention.
The tempo of the music increased; Sakura allowed her body to follow. She felt the hem of her dress riding up her thigh and tugged it down with one hand. Kakashi followed the movement then snapped his eyes back to her face. He asked something, but the words were lost in the din of the crowd. When Sakura scrunched up her face in confusion, he leaned closer. "For Sasuke?"
For you, Sakura thought, holding the words tight between her lips. The accusation in Kakashi's tone surprised her. "I didn't know he'd be here."
Kakashi inclined his head at the words, expression unreadable. He rested his hands at Sakura's waist without a hint of familiarity or desire. Kakashi moved to the music, half a foot between their bodies. Sakura flashed back to the way his arms had wrapped around her like a glove on the training field. He moved on protective instinct, not to get close to me. The realization left a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Sakura surrendered to the rhythm of the music, turning to present her back to Kakashi's chest so she wouldn't have to meet his gaze. She closed her eyes, willing the ache in her heart to stop. This entire situation was so stupid. Ino was right about everything; Sakura needed to tell Kakashi how she felt so that she could pick up the pieces and move on. She had done it before, and she could do it again.
Fingers curled against Sakura's hips, the thin fabric of her dress hardly masking the feel of Kakashi's touch. Sakura wasn't sure if he pulled her back, or if she moved of her own accord, but she felt the warmth of his breath against her neck. She focused on the sensation, electricity rushing through her body. His damn flak vest separated Sakura from the heat of his chest, but she imagined that she could feel it anyway.
The song ended and the weight of Kakashi's hands fell away as if it had never been. Light pulsed around them as another song started. Sakura turned back to face Kakashi, drawing a shaky breath. "Do you think that dance met their requirements, or should we do another, just to be sure?"
Sakura's name left Kakashi's lips in a strangled sound. Whatever he'd been planning to say was lost when someone bumped hard into his back. He stumbled through the almost nonexistent space between them. Sakura heard an apology, but she couldn't match the voice to a face before her arms were full of Kakashi. She stumbled backward under his weight, tripped over her heels, and then they were falling. Vaguely, some panicked part of Sakura's mind wondered if she was about to give everyone in the room a free peep show.
Kakashi twisted in the air so that Sakura wouldn't be crushed beneath him. His left shoulder absorbed most of the impact half a second before she hit his chest. The air whooshed out of Kakashi's lungs in a soft hiss as their bodies pressed together. Exposure forgotten, Sakura felt his hands grip her, one near her shoulder and the other dangerously low on her back. They were close enough for their noses to brush, Kakashi's eyes wide. The charcoal tone wasn't as dark as Sakura had anticipated, but shot with silver through the iris. She noticed the outline of Kakashi's lips beneath his mask. Kami, it would be so simple to—
"Hokage-sama?" Genma's familiar voice cut across Sakura's thoughts. The man pushed through the crowd to reach Kakashi's side, undoubtedly on guard duty for the night. Sakura raised her head to glare at his poorly conceived timing.
Kakashi released Sakura like he'd been burned, hands coming to the floor instead as he pushed into a sitting position. She half fell into his lap from the sudden change of position. "I'm fine," he answered the unasked question. "I'm hardly old enough to get injured from falling down."
"Especially beneath a beautiful woman," Genma quipped, flashing his senbon-studded grin. Then, his leer slid toward the woman in question and his expression changed to something contemplative as he offered a hand. "Oh, hey, Sakura."
Sakura had no choice but to accept Genma's offered hand. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she let the tokujo pull her away from Kakashi. Belatedly, she remembered to adjust the slinky dress lower on her thighs and higher over her chest. Hopefully everything had happened so quickly that she didn't have any reason to be embarrassed. A small crowd gathered around them. Kakashi pushed through them as the music started back up; Sakura followed him to the edge of the room.
"You aren't hurt are you, Hokage-sama," Ino gushed as she hurried to the pair's side. Her brow creased with worry when Kakashi tried to wave her off. Sakura barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her best friend. The ploy was obvious.
"I'm fine," Kakashi grumbled, looking distinctively embarrassed by the attention. "I'm not made of glass."
"Still," Ino pressed, reaching out like she might touch Kakashi's arm. "You hit your shoulder hard when you fell. I saw it."
Sakura could see the wheels turning in Ino's mind. No, please, Ino, don't do this. Sakura's silent plea fell on deaf ears. Kakashi raised his arm to prove that he could, but Ino didn't drop the subject. "You should let Sakura take a look at it, just to make sure. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
And, there it is, Sakura grumbled internally. Annoyance bled through Kakashi's embarrassment as he tried to wave the blonde's concerns away. Sakura interrupted the exchange before it could get out of hand. "Doesn't anyone care about me? I fell too."
"I could take a look at you," Genma offered with a cheeky grin from his position at Kakashi's shoulder. "In fact, it'd be my pleasure."
"No," Sakura and Kakashi answered in the same breath, dragging a knowing laugh from Genma. Kakashi looked almost as surprised as Sakura felt. Cheeks warming at the insinuation, she continued. "I don't need anyone to look at me, I am fine. But, shouldn't you be more worried about me?"
Genma chuckled in the back of his throat. "Because you're such a delicate little flower? I saw the damage you did to the training grounds the other night. I think I'd rather take my chances with Kakashi, to be honest."
"Probably for the best; she's stronger than you think." Sakura's stomach clenched at the unexpected praise from Sasuke. She hadn't noticed that he and Naruto had rejoined them in the chaos.
"Damn right she is," Ino answered, fighting to keep the attention on anything but Sasuke. Her eyes met Sakura's with silent pleading. While Sakura knew what Ino wanted, some things were easier said than done. Sasuke watched them with a smug satisfaction on his face that Sakura couldn't begin to understand as Ino continued. "What will Tsunade say if you leave Hokage-sama injured until tomorrow?"
Kakashi shook his head as Sakura groaned under her breath. She loved Ino, but sometimes the woman went a little overboard with her matchmaking. "Tsunade would say that it's nothing, and no more than I deserve if I can't keep my feet under me. But, if it'll put your mind at ease, I'll get it checked out."
"It would," Ino breathed out, her concern almost palpable. Sakura wondered why the woman didn't become an actress; she certainly had a knack for it. Ino pulled her forward. "There's no time like the present."
Kakashi cast a withering glance at Ino, then faced Sakura. For a moment, the rest of the room disappeared. Even the overwhelming presence of Sasuke shrank to insignificance. The sheepishness that Sakura had noticed earlier had evaporated, replaced by something darker in Kakashi's gaze. Though Sakura couldn't put her finger on it, the expression made chill bumps erupt on her arms. "Would you mind?"
It wasn't the first time that Sakura had healed Kakashi, not by a long shot. But, it was the first time that he'd asked. Sakura's heart did somersaults in her chest. "I don't mind," she breathed, forcing strength into her words. "But, not here. I need somewhere quieter, with better light."
Kakashi inclined his head as if the words made perfect sense. Naruto groaned, his voice turning whiny. "You're going to miss my party? This is the first time we've all been together in years."
"We won't be gone long," Kakashi assured the boy. "Just long enough to satisfy Sakura."
Ino choked on her laugh, eyes shining. Sakura's cheeks flamed crimson at the insinuation. Kakashi either didn't notice or didn't want to draw attention to it. He nodded toward the door. "Come on, let's get this over with, shall we?"
As she and Kakashi emerged from the pub, Sakura drew a breath of the chilly air. Naruto had been the only one to raise an objection to them leaving the party together, but Sakura felt the heat from a dozen gazes as they crossed the room. When they stepped into the street, Sakura's hand slipped out of Kakashi's, and neither made a move to retake it. He stared at the darkness, the stars above, and the benches by the door as they stood under the hazy light of the neon sign.
"I'm sorry that this took you away from the party," Kakashi began with a sigh. When his gaze turned to Sakura, it swept over her body in a way that suggested that he hadn't missed the tiniest facet of Ino's hard work. "You clearly wanted to be there."
"I can always go back later," Sakura answered, knowing that she wouldn't. She didn't want to face Sasuke or Ino after leaving with Kakashi, regardless of what happened next. Kakashi's shoulders seemed to tense at the response, but Sakura wasn't sure if it was her imagination or not. Undeniable nervousness settled in her gut.
Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. "You don't really need to look at my shoulder. It's fine, but I needed an excuse to get out of there."
"I know," Sakura agreed. She would have realized if Kakashi was hurt, probably before he did. "But, I gave my word, so we should at least check it."
"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Kakashi moved down the street as he asked the question, forcing Sakura to follow on his heels. He didn't turn back when he continued. "Or, would my apartment be okay? It's closer."
Sakura's breath caught in her throat. She knew where Kakashi's apartment was, of course, but she'd never set foot inside of it. That he'd allow her into his world, even for a moment, stunned her. He continued walking, shoulders tight and hands stuffed into his pockets as he waited for an answer. "Your apartment is fine."
The silence gave Sakura unwanted time to think back over the night's events. She had seen appreciation in more than a few eyes when they noticed the changes that Ino had made, but she couldn't be sure that any of it had registered with Kakashi. He'd said she looked different, not better, not beautiful, just different. That word could mean a million things, or nothing at all. Ino was right though, if Sakura couldn't have Kakashi, she could always go home with someone else. Hell, even Sasuke had noticed and appreciated the extra effort in her appearance. There was only one problem, Sakura didn't want to go home with anyone else.
Sakura nearly walked into Kakashi's back when he stopped in front of her and nodded toward the steps leading up to his apartment. Though she knew it was entirely platonic, Sakura's heart pounded in her throat as she followed him higher. Kakashi unlocked the door, flicked the lights on, and pushed it wider. Sakura slid under his arm and into the room, taking in a million details at once.
Kakashi closed the door behind them and bent to remove his sandals. Sakura admired the smooth stretch of his body for a heartbeat longer than she should have. Tearing her eyes away, she rested one hand on the wall and bent down to unbuckle her heels. It felt good to be out of them, if it was only going to be for a few minutes.
"Does your shoulder hurt at all? They're notoriously fragile as far as joints go." When Kakashi didn't speak, Sakura opened her mouth to repeat the question, then had another idea. Five seconds of insane courage. She took two steps forward and reached for Kakashi's arm, the healing glow surrounding her hands.
When Sakura touched his shoulder, Kakashi startled and jerked away. 'I'm fine," he ground out. "You don't have to—"
"Your heart is pounding," Sakura responded in awe, letting her fingers fall away from his arm. The touch had been brief, but the spike in Kakashi's pulse was obvious.
Kakashi forced a harsh breath through his nose. "You're supposed to be checking my shoulder, not my heart."
Five seconds of insane courage. "Your shoulder," Sakura repeated, trying to think over the blood roaring in her ears. Just five seconds. She reached for the straps of Kakashi's flak vest.
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july-jackson · 3 years
Tove’s Prince
Short, smutty story. Loki/Ofc. 18+
Tove balanced five large round plates of well-done steak in her arms, that she was sure were all for Volstagg. She could hear the rowdy laughter and chatter through the doors of one of the palace dining halls as she got closer. Using her shoulder to push open the heavy door, she was greeted by a loud cheer from the huge, red-haired warrior, who banged his fists against the table in eager anticipation of his meal. 
“Good woman, thank goodness you are here, I am wasting away,” Volstagg boomed. 
“Wasting away? Volstagg, you ate a whole roasted goat not more than an hour ago,” Sif exclaimed, rolling her eyes at the larger man’s relentless appetite. 
“Volstagg, as affable as you are, wouldn’t it be more acceptable to use the young lady’s name?” Loki spoke up from his seat directly across from Volstagg. 
All eyes on the table were on Loki, but Loki’s eyes were on Tove. She felt his unwavering gaze on her, her skin tingled with heat as she unloaded the plates from her arm. 
“If I knew her name, I would use it,” Volstagg answered back, ripping into one of the steaks the second she had put the plate down. 
“Her name is Tove,” Loki stated, still staring at her with piercing eyes. 
Tove’s eyes flicked up towards him, then back down to the table just as quickly,  He knows my name.  
“Tove? Would you please fetch more wine, Thor has almost drunk the lot and I’ve barely had a drop,” he asked, ignoring Thor’s annoyed expression. 
“Of course, Prince Loki,” Tove replied, hurrying out of the room. She closed the door and leant herself against it, taking a deep breath in to steady herself. She could still feel his eyes on her, as though he could see her through the door. 
Why was he staring at me like that?  
Whatever the reason was, Tove couldn’t shake the warmth that he’d created inside of her. Back in the kitchens, she leant forward into the sink and brought handfuls of cold water to her flushed cheeks.  
“Shouldn’t you be heading home, Tove?” one of the kitchen servants asked. 
“I’m just going to take some wine up to Thor and the others and then I’m done here,” Tove replied, wiping her wet hands on her apron. 
“They’re still going?!” 
“Oh yes, I don’t think they’ll be done anytime soon, either.” 
“I’ll get Arne to take over,” the older servant said with a sigh of irritation. 
Tove gave a sympathetic smile, nobody liked serving when Thor started a dinner party, they ate and drank for hours. She picked up the large pitcher of wine and several fresh goblets, hearing the older woman screeching loudly for Arne as she made her way up the steps. 
Back in the dining hall, she laid out the goblets and poured fresh drinks for everyone, starting with Thor and working her way around the table. Volstagg made an effort to thank her using her name, as did the others, but Loki remained silent. In fact, he didn’t even look at her as she stood by him to pour the red liquid into his goblet. There was a sudden coldness about his demeanour, it sent a chill through her. Before, his eyes had been burning into her, now there was no feeling in them, his gaze fixed on his plate instead. He mumbled his thanks as he pushed food around his plate with a fork, his silence was pronounced amongst the din from the others, but no one else seemed to notice. She left without a word, but she was sure that he had glanced up at her as the door was closing. 
Once she got home, she kicked off her shoes and hung up her apron. Relief washed over her as she hurried up to her room, tugging at her dress until her flesh was exposed to the cool air. Something on her bed caught her eye, making her gasp, for it was not there when she had left the house this morning. She walked over to the single white rose that lay on her pillow and picked it up, there had been no one else in her house all day, a prickle of fear stabbed at the base of her spine, crawling up towards her neck. Tove looked around her room, opening cupboards and checking under her bed. Whoever had left the flower hadn’t left a note, she had no idea how they had got in or why they chose to remain anonymous. 
Tove took out a dagger from her bedside table and stashed it under her pillow, then slipped into bed, pulling the blankets all the way up to her chin before her eyes grew heavy and she drifted off.  
Tove spun round in the empty dining hall, there was no one in the room with her.
“Did you like it when I looked at you, Tove?”  
She knew the voice; it came from the shadows in the darkened corners.  
“Is that you, Prince Loki?”  
The fireplace in the room ignited, illuminating the slender figure of the dark-haired Prince.  
“You didn’t answer my question. Did you like it when I looked at you. Did you feel something?”  
Tove pulled at her apron, he was watching her intently as he flipped a dagger in his hand.  
“Yes...” she said quietly.  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. Louder.”  
“Yes! I liked it when you looked at me,” she repeated, more forcefully.  
“How did it make you feel?” Loki asked, tilting his head to the side.  
“Excuse me?” Tove blushed.  
“It’s a simple question. Did it make you burn inside? Did it make you want more?” he drawled, moving closer to her with slow steps.  
“I don’t want to answer that.”  
“Why not? Are you ashamed of what you felt?” he asked, right in front of her now.  
“No... I mean... I didn’t feel anything,” Tove stuttered.  
Loki leaned in, close enough for Tove to feel him against her. He reached behind her, his hair brushed against her cheek, and she stifled a shiver. He smelled like freshly cut wood and bergamot, the scent was heady. Before she could lose herself to the ripples of delight that radiated from her core, he pulled back, holding an apple in his hand.  
“Liar,” he smirked, slicing into the green fruit with his dagger.  
“What do you want from me?” she asked, observing him from under heavy lids.  
“Looks like our time is up,” Loki replied.  
“I don’t understand...”  
“It’s time to wake up,” he smiled.  
Tove blinked her eyes in the sunlight that streamed through her open window, the dream still fresh in her mind. She clenched her thighs together, her core throbbing in response to her arousal at the images her mind had conjured up. 
“What was that all about?” she asked herself aloud. 
She threw off her covers and stretched in the warm rays, there was little time for her to reflect on the content of her dream, she had to get to work in the palace kitchens. If she hurried, she could grab a quick breakfast from Signe before she began her work. 
“Good morning, Signe,” she called out to the elder maid, the smell of bacon and eggs greeted her. 
“Good morning, Tove, help yourself,” Signe replied as she came out of the storeroom with her arms full of food. 
“Signe, let me help you,” Tove rushed towards the kindly woman, taking some of the items that weighed her down. 
“I swear, they eat more and more these days. Thor almost rivals Volstagg with his appetite,” Signe complained. 
“He’s a hungry one, that’s for sure,” Tove laughed. 
“Now eat, I’ll start the cooking. When you’re finished, can you prepare Queen Frigga’s fruit?” Signe asked. 
“The usual?” Tove asked, knowing what the answer would be. Frigga was always the first of the royal household to wake up, she always started her day with a plate of apples, berries and a few nuts. 
Signe gave a sharp nod, accompanied by a grunt of agreement. She was busy cracking eggs and whisking them up. Tove wolfed down the last of her bacon and started on Frigga’s breakfast, preparing them the same way she always did. She took the plate and began to leave the kitchens when Signe waved her hand and motioned for her to stop. 
“Can you take this to Prince Loki?” Signe said, moving a large omelette and a dozen slices of bacon to a serving plate. 
“Loki?” Tove questioned. 
“Yes, is that a problem? Arne isn’t here today, he slipped on some spilled wine in the dining hall last night, we’re the only two on breakfast right now.” 
Tove, along with Arne and Signe were the first three in every morning, they served the royal family until the other staff arrived to begin helping with the cooking duties for the Einherjar. Arne was usually the one to serve Loki and Odin, Tove was tasked with serving Frigga and Thor. 
“Not a problem,” Tove replied, taking the extra plate from Signe. Her heart jumped a little, she had never been in Loki’s bedroom before. Would he stare at her like he did last night? His words from her dream rang clearly in her mind. 
Frigga’s room was first, Tove liked her the most, she was always smiling warmly when Tove entered with her meal.  
She knocked at the door, “My Queen, it’s Tove with your breakfast.” 
“Enter,” Frigga replied, greeting Tove and taking the plate from her at the door. Tove gave a small nod when Frigga thanked her and moved on to Loki’s room. 
Her knuckles struck the thick wood, announcing herself, “Prince Loki, I have your breakfast.” 
“Come in,” he called. 
Unlike Frigga, Loki did not meet her at the door, he remained in his bed. Loki was leafing through a book as she entered, his wavy black hair hung around his face. The blankets on his bed were pulled up to his navel, the pale skin of his chest was on display. 
“Place it on the table by the window, please.” 
Tove did as she was told, staring straight ahead as she walked towards the table. She could feel him peering over the top of his book at her, his eyes following her across the room. 
“Tove, was it?” he asked. 
“Yes...” Tove whispered, her mouth dry. 
“Do you like it?” he said, placing his book down in his lap. 
“I’m sorry?” 
“Working in the kitchens, do you like it?” 
“It’s as good as any other job, my Prince.” 
“You may go now,” he said, nodding his head towards the door. 
“Of course, enjoy your meal,” Tove said turning and leaving as quickly as she could, hearing him get up from his bed as she left the room. 
Back in her house, her working day finally over, when she had eaten and washed away the remnants of the day from her skin, there was little for her to do. She thought about reading one of her books, but her mind was elsewhere, too distracted to focus on a blossoming romance between the characters in the story. 
Do you really believe that he’s staring at you because he wants you? You’re a servant, he’s toying with you, that’s what he does.  
The voice in her head was right, Loki was known for his mischief. The idea that he might be messing with her for his own amusement was not so farfetched. Before she climbed into her bed, she checked under her pillow to make sure that her dagger was still there. 
“What the...” Tove exclaimed out loud.  
Around the handle of her dagger was a gold bracelet, in the shape of a snake eating its own tail, its eyes were emeralds. She took it off the end of her dagger, inspecting it in the light. It was finely carved, stunningly intricate, detailed right down to the individual scales along the snake’s body. Tove placed it on the table at the side of the single rose that she had put in a slim glass vase. The bracelet was expensive, that much she could tell, far more than she would ever be able to afford. Again, there was no note, no indication of who had been in her room to leave the gift. She hid the dagger back under her pillow before she got into bed, feeling uneasy about the mystery gift giver. The last thing she saw as she fell asleep, was the green eyes of the snake, glinting in the low light. 
This time she was in Loki’s room, stood at the foot of his bed, Loki sat at the table by the window, eating from the plate she had brought that morning.  
“This is delicious, did you make this?” he asked, mouth full of omelette.  
“No, Signe did.”  
“Then I’ll be sure to compliment her.”  
“What am I doing here?” Tove asked.  
“I wanted to talk to you,” he replied, rising from his seat and sauntering in her direction, the light skin of his bare, muscular torso was illuminated in the moonlight.  
“About what?” Tove said, moving backwards but instantly hitting the frame of his bed. He moved in close, right in front of her.  
“This morning, you called me your Prince,” he bowed his head down to her ear, “Is that what you want? For me to be yours?”   
His voice in her ear sent a tingle across the skin on her face, he delicately traced his fingers up her neck, across her jawline, brushing dark blonde curls away from her other ear.
“All you have to do, is say the word,” he whispered.   
Feverish with lust, Tove didn’t move, she didn’t speak, her heart was beating so hard in her chest that she feared that Loki could hear it. The lingering sensation of his soft fingers on her skin, made her feel intoxicated.  
“You liked my gifts, didn’t you?” Loki continued.  
“Your gifts?” Tove asked, stunned.  
“I have one final gift for you, but you have to want it,” he said, his lips hovering over hers, “Now, wake up.”  
“ Noo,” Tove complained as she opened her eyes to the new day. She had no idea why her brain was tormenting her so, she had never dreamt of Loki, never thought of him that way before she’d caught him staring at her. She ached to relieve the pressure that had built at her core, there was no doubt in her mind now that she desired the prince. She knew that he wasn’t really the one who had sent her the gifts, that her mind had just created Loki’s revelation from her desire for him and her confusion over the mystery of her admirer. 
She had no work today, the whole day to do whatever she wanted and so she had settled on taking a walk to the meadows that were north of the palace. They stretched on for miles, you could spend all day there and not see another soul. Once she was dressed into slim black trousers, a thin grey tunic and ankle high leather boots, Tove packed her book and some food and drink, grabbing a soft blue blanket to lie on and another smaller blanket to use as a pillow. Before she left her house, she doubled back and grabbed the gold bracelet from her table, slipping it over her hand. 
Tove walked for an hour, following a small river upwards towards the mountains, before she found the perfect place to set out her blanket. The meadow was filled with wildflowers of yellow and blue, the grass was tall enough that she could lie down and not be seen. She threw her blanket up into the air, shaking it a few times until it was straightened out. She had to roll around on the blanket a few times before the grass flattened beneath it, then she grabbed her book from her bag and the extra blanket, folding it up beneath her head.  
Tove opened her eyes, she was in the meadow, but the sun was no longer in the sky, she looked up to an inky black sky dotted with shimmering stars.  
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Loki’s voice came from behind her.  
“Did I sleep all day?” Tove asked, turning to face him.  
“You’re still sleeping,” he replied, bending down to pluck one of the blue flowers, he twisted it between his thumb and finger. 
“You’re wearing the bracelet,” he noted, gesturing towards the gold band around her wrist.
“Seems a shame to keep such a beautiful thing hidden away," Tove said, lifting up her arm to admire the golden serpent.
“My sentiments exactly,” he smiled.  
“Why do I dream of you so often?”  
“Because I want you to,” he said softly.  
“This is your doing?” Tove blushed, feeling flustered.  
“I’ve been watching you, you interest me,” he explained, running a slim hand through his dark hair.  
“Me? I’m just a kitchen servant.”  
“Ohhh, you are so much more than that,” he said, advancing on her.  
“Please don’t toy with me,” Tove said.  
“Toy with you? Do you think giving you that bracelet is me just toying with you?”  
“I hear stories, in the palace. You love to play tricks, to tease people.”  
“If this was a game, you’d know about it,” he wrapped a hand around her waist, lowering the both of them onto the soft grass, “Do you want this?” he whispered into her ear.  
Tove trembled beneath him, nodding fervently.  
“Say it, out loud, tell me that you want me,” he demanded.  
“I want you,” she said quietly, her breath hitched in her throat. 
“Then wake up...”  
“Noo... Not again,” Tove complained, squinting in the sunlight. Her book was resting against her chest.
“Hello, Tove,” Loki said, standing over her, his shadow falling across her face.
Tove jumped at the sight of the prince hovering over her, “Prince Loki, what are you doing here?” 
He moved to the side, no longer blocking the sunlight from Tove’s eyes, she winced at the brightness. 
“I was out hunting with Thor, but I spied a much more valuable target,” he smiled and Tove felt a weakness that made her head feel fuzzy. 
“Well, I’m sure that Prince Thor would be disappointed at you abandoning him for a servant.” 
“He won’t mind, besides... I still have my final gift to give you.” 
Tove went cold, all the dreams, the mystery gifts, they really were Loki’s doing all along. 
“That really was all you? Why the secrecy, why didn’t you come to me in person?” she asked, sitting up as the revelation sunk in. 
“I enjoy the chase; it makes for excellent foreplay. And... I’m here now, in the flesh,” he said, circling around the edge of her blanket. 
“My Prince, I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for.” 
“I’ll decide what I want. You said it yourself, you want me. Why deny yourself the pleasure?” Loki shrugged.
“That was just a dream.” 
“That I created, for the sole intention of taking you for myself. Would you like to be mine, Tove?” 
Loki didn't wait for her answer, “There is no answer that you can give me that your own body hasn’t already told me, you could try to lie to me, but you'd be betrayed by your own heart. I can hear it, fluttering away beneath your breast, I can see the lust in your eyes, your chest rising and falling with your quickened breaths."
Tove knew he was right, and he was in complete control of her, all she had to do, was say the words he wanted to hear, “I want to be yours,” she answered, unable to contain herself anymore. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he grinned, kneeling down beside her on the blanket, “I’m going to have you, right here.” 
“Outside? In the open? My Prince, what if someone sees us,” Tove said, looking around. 
“No one will see anything,” he said, bringing his lips down to hers. 
The electricity that surged through her as their lips touched, was almost too much to bear. Her body arched upwards in an effort to get closer to him, he responded by wrapping an arm around her and lifting her up onto his lap, sitting back so that she was straddling him. Loki deepened the kiss and pulled at the belt around her waist until it fell away. Running his hands up inside of her tunic, his fingertips trailing up and down her spine, she gave a shudder of pleasure. His hands moved to the edges of her tunic, breaking the kiss briefly as he tugged it over her head. Her clip fell from her hair, sending blonde curls tumbling around her shoulders, Loki tangled his fingers in them, pulling at her head until their lips met again. Tove ran her fingers up the nape of his neck, eliciting a moan from his lips that vibrated on her own, she kissed him more forcefully in response. 
Loki buried his face in Tove’s neck, planting light kisses beneath her ear and then tracing his lips softly across the smooth skin of her collarbone until he reached the top of her cleavage. His mouth inched slowly downwards, Tove gasped as his tongue flicked over the tip of her breast, still confined in the soft cotton of her bra. A blissful tingle radiated outwards across her chest. 
Tove gave a small cry when he suddenly stopped what he was doing, “Don’t stop.” 
“Beg me,” he said, his voice low but firm. 
She wasted no time in complying, “Please, my Prince, I’m begging you... I want more.” 
Pleased with her response, Loki ripped off her thin bra, casting it aside. Tove threw back her head, grinding against his lap as he took the soft pink nipple of her breast in his mouth, his tongue grazed along it as he sucked gently. He moaned as Tove writhed slowly, she felt the hardness of him beneath the leather, longing to feel it against her bare skin. He pushed her upwards to stand her up, getting back onto his knees and pulling her pants and underwear down to her ankles. Tove stepped out of each leg and kicked them behind her, Loki was looking up at the gift he had just unwrapped, taking in the sight of her naked body in the sunlight. 
“I want to taste you,” Loki growled, nestling his face between her lips and letting his tongue glide between them. 
Tove’s legs almost buckled right there, but her held her steady, his hands gripping onto her behind. He kissed gently at her clit, giving a gentle suck now and then, while Tove’s fingers found their way into his hair, her hips bucking forward firmly as an exquisite warmth developed at the base of her spine. Her movements became more urgent, she was desperate for release. 
“Not yet,” he said, pulling away and getting to his feet. 
His clothes disappeared in a flash of green, and Tove witnessed the prince in all his glory. She had little time to enjoy the visual feast, for he had her in his arms again, lifting her up with ease. His strong arms made her feel weightless, her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms draped over his shoulders. 
“My Tove,” Loki whispered, pressing himself up against her entrance. 
She kissed him hard, with a hungry desire, a silent permission to push further until he was deep inside of her. He nipped at her breasts lightly while his fingers dug into the flesh on her hips, guiding her steadily up and down, his cock sliding against her slick folds. There was a heat between them, in the places where their skin touched, their bodies moist with sweat. Their movements became faster, more erratic as they both lost their minds to the burning of their building climaxes. 
Loki’s head was resting against her chest, his hands splayed across her back, holding her firmly while she rocked herself up and down, her clit was rubbing against his abdomen. 
“Tove,” he moaned, passionately. His hips jerking rapidly upwards into her, his body trembling with each deep thrust. 
“My Prince,” Tove cried out, finally losing control in an explosion of overpowering pleasure. Her centre pulsed and she shuddered wildly. 
Loki’s eyes flashed as he watched Tove slip into a blissful abyss, her head rolling backwards. He continued his fervent thrusts, his lips hovering against her breasts as he fell from the precipice with loud groans of ecstasy. 
Loki lowered himself to his knees, laying Tove down on her blanket and lying next to her. He trailed his fingers over her stomach, waiting until her breathing had slowed and she was back in control of her senses. 
“You’re mine now,” he said with a wide grin, his playful eyes sparkling as he lifted her hand to his lips. 
“I’m yours.” 
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donutloverxo · 4 years
New years eve
Tumblr media
Note- Sequel to temptations
For the lovely @star-spangled-beard-burn s challenge.
Please do not steal or repost my works. Reblogs are welcome.
Summary- You might not be his girl but you are still his.
Warnings- smut, semi-public sex, cheating, slut-shaming, dark elements
Word count- 2.2k
He clutched the tall champagne flute in his hand hard enough to almost break it. His jaw clenched as he looked at you dancing with that loser boyfriend of yours, having the time of your life.
Your hair swirling to the sides as you bobbed your head to the rhythm. He smirked when he remembered how he’d pull on it as he pounded into you from behind. He went back to frowning when you started grinding your ass against that assholes crotch. He was too drunk and clueless to do anything but stand there.
And then you looked at him across the dancefloor, and fucking smiled, before turning back to capture the drunk idiots lips in a kiss. Your titts, almost spilling out of the tight dress you wore, as you pressed up against him.
He had enough. He stalked towards you with purpose, grabbing your arm pulling you against him. “You mind if I grab her for a second, Bryce” he spit the name out with such venom while his lips were curled in a dubious smile.
Bryce, being too delirious to remember his own name, just nodded.
Ransom pulled you towards the mens room, he purposely kept his grip on your arm a bit to harsh. He loved hearing you moan and protest to let up a bit, while you struggled to keep up with him in your high heels.
He pushed you up against the wall. He didn’t bother locking the door, if someone finds out that’s not really his responsibility.
He forced his tongue into your mouth swallowing your moans. Pushing his knee between your legs grinding it against your cunt. He could feel the wet spot forming on his dress pants.
You broke the kiss to take long gasps of breathes while humping his thigh. Watching you fall apart was now one of his favorite things to do.
It all started six months ago. When Bryce introduced you as his girlfriend. You looked so beautiful, enchanting even, with your pale pink dress that ended just below your knees, your lips stained with pink lipstick bore a shy smile. Your hair perfectly framing your pretty face. You were so demure, so reserved. A classic good girl. But he knew better. He knew something was fishy.
He caught your gaze lingering on him too long for it to be considered proper. Or how you’d blush from the slightest touch from him.
You showed him just how bad you were when you ambushed him while on a getaway to the Bahamas and practically bullied him into fucking you.
He did feel slightly bad, but any semblance of guilt was gone when he was buried balls deep inside you, your cunt clenching around him, milking him for all he’s got.
If Bryce didn’t want you to wander he should've taken better care of you. That’s on him.
You’d always complain about how boring and clichéd Bryce was. Ransom didn’t know why you were still with him, he never bothered to ask.
It wasn’t the first time he was with an ‘unavailable’ woman. He actually preferred it that way. No commitment, no strings attached and he always had the upper hand, the leverage.
But you were different. He didn’t plan on getting so attached to you but if he sees you kissing or in the vicinity of your good for nothing boyfriend, he will do something to be guilty about.
“What you like being a tease?” He mocked pushing your panties to the side, pumping his fingers in and out of you “I can see your ass hanging out of that dress. You want to be groped huh?” he taunted while brutally finger fucking you.
“Just you” You gasped holding onto his shoulders for dear life as you came around his fingers.
He unzipped his pants taking himself out of his boxers. He pushed you down to your knees. You weren’t like anyone he’d ever met. You tricked him, of all people, into believing he had power over you. That he was in control. It took him too long to realise you were the one pulling the strings all along.
“Suck” He demanded and you followed like the good slut you were. You took him in your mouth. Your cheek hollowing while you bobbed on it making loud squelching noises.
He groaned holding onto you as you moaned around him. He could cum in your mouth and make you swallow every last bit of it, but he needed to fuck you, remind you who you truly belong to. It would bring him great satisfaction knowing you’d go home with that prick when he was still inside of you.
He pulled you off of him much to your disappointment. Pinning you to the wall your legs wrapped around his waist.
He cupped your cheek smudging some of your lipstick with his thumb. You bit his thumb gently sucking on it. Your eyes looked so sweet so innocent. Maybe that’s how you managed to trick him and everyone else.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard. You will feel it for days” he drawled out pushing his thick cock in your cunt, right away setting a hard brutal pace. “Is his cock this big? Huh?” He cruelly rolled his hips against yours and all you could do was shake your head.
No one had ever fucked you like Ransom. You would be lucky if Bryce managed to last more than five minutes.
You felt yourself tipping over the edge again. Clenching around him, he grunted cursing, his thrusts became erratic your orgasm triggering his own. He spilled inside of you, making sure to sit deep within you for a moment.
“The next time you think about teasing me” He paused buckling his pants up “don’t”
“There won’t be a next time” you state as you look at your state in the large mirror. Your blood red lipstick smeared across your face, your mascara running down, your hair a mess. There was no way you could go back out looking like this.
“What did you say?” He pulled at you to look at him. If looks could kill.
“Ah stop doing that!” You yelled your bruised forearm hurting even more so.
“What do you mean last time?” he sneered.
“I mean we’re not doing this again. I found an engagement ring in his sock drawer. I’m sorry Ransom” You finally freed your arm from his grip caressing it with your other hand. You could feel Ransoms rage, looking around for a way out. But he was standing in front of the only door.
“What? You don’t even love him. You’re going to marry him?” He knew people didn’t need to be in love to get married. Since you were willing to marry just about anybody, then why not him?
“I do love him. I love you too” You caressed his face with your hands. As if that would make it hurt any less for either of you.
Ransom was meant to serve as a distraction from your boring life as a trophy girlfriend and a future trophy wife. You didn’t want to reach a point where you would blow your brains out of boredom.
You thought you could have harmless fun with Ransom but then your conscience got in the way. Bryce had been kinder to you these last few days, more than anyone you’ve ever known. You couldn’t start a marriage based on lies and infidelity.
“Really? Then marry me” He said. You shook your head at him in denial. He caged you in against the counter. “What’re you worried about? Money? I’ve got plenty of it”
And he wasn’t afraid to spend it on you. He had got you plenty of designer bags, perfumes, jewellery just because he could. He almost bought you a car. But you drew the line there. You didn’t need to give your boyfriend any reasons to be suspicious.
“It’s not just that. Bryce is...safe” you mumbled looking at the floor.
He propped you chin up to make you look at him. “If you wanted safe, you wouldn’t be here” He leaned in to whisper in your ear “Just admit it. You like this. You like a little bit of danger”
Oh but Ransom wasn’t just a little bit of danger. He was prone to fits of rage and temper tantrums along with not having the ability to keep his dick in his pants. He didn’t have a job, if his grandfather cut him off he’d never be able to support himself or you. Then there was his dysfunction and toxic family.
“Why would you even want to get married? Didn’t you say ‘I don’t do relationships' ” You said trying your best to mimic his deep hoarse voice.
“You’re mine and that’s that. A piece of paper doesn’t mean anything”
You sighed exasperatedly. You knew he wouldn’t give up easily. Nobody has ever said no to him. You weren’t too thrilled to be the first. “I was never yours” you said softly “let’s go it’s almost midnight”
Surprisingly Ransom let you go. Keeping his distance from you for the rest of the night. However you knew it was just the calm before the storm. Whatever, you could deal with him later. He wasn’t as complicated as he seemed.
At the stroke of midnight you kissed Bryce. Your heart broke a little when you catched a glimpse of Ransom kissing a girl before you went back to watching the fireworks light up the dark gloomy sky.
It was hard to say goodbye to him. You didn’t want to. In a perfect world you and him would be together forever. Right now you know you made the right choice. You might feel a bit sad now but you would appreciate choosing Bryce in the future.
You quickly left the party not being able to stand to be around Ransom anymore. Bryce wanted to hang out with his friends some more so you left alone.
You got home taking off your makeup. The tight dress Ransom gave you and made you put on a little show for him. You already missed him. You cried yourself to sleep.
You couldn’t stand the fact that he might hate you. That you’ll never be able to kiss him again or hold him again. You made the right choice but was it worth it?
You woke up the next afternoon with a migraine. Your break up and the copious amounts of alcohol hitting you just now. You looked to your right to see that the bed was still perfectly made. Looks like Bryce spent the night at one of his friends house.
You sent him a text to check in with him. The day went by. You tried your best to keep busy with chores and work to think of anything but Ransom and your missing boyfriend.
When it was almost bedtime and Bryce still hadn’t turned up you called up all your friends, including Ransom, to see if they had heard from him. Ransom never answered. Which you understood you had hurt his feelings along with your own in the process. Your hopes to hear his voice again were crushed when his phone went straight to voicemail.
The next morning you went to the police with Bryces parents. They blamed you for leaving him alone at the party.
You walked home alone in the dark feeling completely lost. Your year wasn’t off to a good start. That’s when you saw him. Ransom standing in front of your door waiting for you.
Your body moved of its own accord, running to him, embracing him in a tight hug. You were crazy to think you could ever stay away from him. He hugged you back nuzzling your neck, his light scruff tickling you.
You pulled away to look at him with tears streaming down your face. “Bryce... he’s missing. I don’t know what to do. It’s my fault isn’t it? I should’ve stopped him, he drank too much” You covered your face with your hands trying and failing to hold back your sobs.
Ransom rubbed your back to sooth you. “It’s not your fault doll. I promise he’ll turn up” He cooed “Let’s go inside you’re freezing”
He ordered you some take out chicken soup while you took a long hot bath. You had barely eaten anything in the past few days. The hot soup burned down your throat. With a full stomach you slept peacefully in Ransoms arms.
He proved you wrong and made you feel safe and protected. You didn’t know what the future held for you. If you would still be with Bryce after he comes back. Right now you were content to cuddle in your lovers arms.
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hyperfixdccoms · 3 years
The Start (1)
The Flame Within The Ice
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'You need to always remember that the powers we go to are meant to be hidden away. No one should ever know about them, no matter what. Grimoire, do you hear me?!'
' Grimoire baby, you know why I called you Grimoire? In our family tree, we had witches who worked to gain the powerful book of the summoning spirits called the Grimoire a long time ago. While you are not the book, we have a special connection toward the beyond. We do not practice the craft, but we have been passed down powers from our ancestors. We carry the fire that burns throw our vain and the Ice that helps us calculate every move. We are special. You are special, Grim.'
' Grimoire Im sorry it has to be like this. We, I can't keep on protecting you like this. You will end up dead. I'll leave you here where you are safe with Viena.'
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" Grimoire, It's time to get up!" Yelled a prominent voice that sounded like a middle-aged woman. It was relatively early in the morning. The people that were up at this time were ready to leave home, kissing their spouse goodbye and their kids, and good luck at school. Children waking up at this time, getting ready with their book bags, and eating their breakfast remains to catch the bus.
" Dammit, this child. Grimoire Vi llan, Get your damm ass up before I do something. You won't even see it coming." The women shouted again. After a few minutes, a five-foot-six androgynous-looking teen came downstairs. " Grim, you can't keep on doing this. I got work, and I have bills to pay."  The women complain, rushing around the kitchen still not looking at the teen. When she turned around, she noticed the rather ghostly pale-looking skin from the teen.  She sighed, giving Grimoire a sad smile. " I made you your favorite pancake pb&j." She said, trying to get a reaction from the teen.
Not moving from his place, Grimoire chewed on his lips, picking on the skin of his nails. His long wavy hair was hidden under a crochet beanie that he had done in his free time. The average height teen wore a thin black long-sleeved shirt with a soft blue crocheted vest on. His pants were just some regular vintage denim jeans with some classic black Chuck Taylor shoes.
Grimoire shifted from one leg to another with his weight. His bag resting wine red canvas backpack rest on his left shoulder. He felt uncomfortable with the silence. Thankfully, His aunt Viena didn't ask any questions but gave him a comforting hug, but to him, it felt like that night he was tensed. " You look just like your mother and your father. It's almost surreal. They would be so proud to see you grown up like this." Viena was the sister of Grimoire's father. She was always there, and when his parent died from the accident, she took him in with open arms.  
" Morie, I know you don't think you can trust in yourself. But it is not your fault. Thorn and Golgotha Would never fault you for something you can't control yet." Viena said, cupping Grimoire's face. Viena lost in Grimoire's eyes the same eyes as her big brother's icy blue and fiery red eyes.  Viena held herself from shedding a tear. Lucky to hear the alarm of the bus coming soon rang, she cleared her throat and gave her nephew a smile. "I'll pack you your pancake. You should be ready. If you are missing something, go get it." Viena said, going to pack the pancake in a sandwich bag and putting it inside a paper bag. Viena came back to Grimoire, who was standing at the doorsteps. She handed Grimoire his paper bag and said her goodbyes. Viena stood at the doorstep, seeing her brother's baby walking away.
Grimoire took out some gloves his father had given him to help maintain his power from spiking out. Of course, his body emitted different temperatures, and he could easily adjust to any temperature. It was pretty gray outside, even for an early morning. The fallen dead leaf scattered around the neighborhood made it even more unsettling like always. Grimoire turned on his headphones, turning on his walkman playing the first song suggested Sowing Season by Brand New.
The soft guitar filling up his ears and the words filling his mind. His mind being transported to a reality of tranquility and peace. Grimoire closed his eyes, breathing in deep the clean air that cleansed his revolting mind. His right hand resting on his backpack band while his left hand is inside his pants pocket. Mumbling some words from the lyrics, he opened his eyes to see himself getting closer to the school bus stop.
Grimoire's eyes landed on the teenager he sees every day. The girl had pale skin, her hair colors dark purple. She seems to use the same outfit or at least the same shade of clothes every day. Ultimately Grimoire has come to an unspoken agreement with the girl. The two were outcasts, laughed at, and if anybody did something to stop it, they would get hurt.  In conclusion, the two stuck a bit together if they could, like in the school bus sitting together, in class, if they could.
When the bus arrived, it was already packed with other students. Grimoire let the girl in first. He followed right behind, seeing the mess of a bus it was. He took a seat next to the girl keeping his distance yet close enough to not fall out of the uncomfortable love seat. The girl leaned on the window, looking out it was comfortable, nobody talking well except the kids from the back. Every time Grimoire turned to give the girl a side look, he couldn't help but admire her despite the shit she had to take in school. She doesn't flatter behind. She just keeps ongoing. The silence was pleasant until one of the kids teased us got between us from the chair behind.
"Boo!" The boy laughed, leaning close to the girl. "Come on. What are you hiding from?" He asked rather intrusively. He turned to look at Grimoire with a smirk " How about you? Are you some type of cult?" Grimoire could hear his buddies laughing, not really trying to play it off.
"You don't have to be shy with me." The boy said mockingly, leaning toward the girl said. Grimoire chewed on the inside of his cheek. He slowly reached to grab the girl's hand, squeezing it lightly to reassure her that it would be over soon. " I like freaks." He said, leaning closer to the girl. Grimoire could feel the girl squeezing his hand back as she turned her head away from the creep leaning toward her. "No? Well, maybe you would take the offer." The boy said with a sly tone, leaning toward Grimoire, who tilted his head down to avoid looking at the harasser.
Before the boy to lean any closer, a kid from the front with blond hair turned back, and with courage and tiredness, he said, " Leave them alone, Kyle." The attention from the three was brought to the blond boy named Matt. It was rare to see somebody trying to stand up for any of us. Matt was a student and part of the football team. "Don't you have a touchdown or something to throw, Matt?" Kyle said like it was a big insult or something. Matt stood up from his seat, facing toward the three of them. " Just leave them alone, asshole."
Grimoire and the girl looked rather worried that something could break out just because of them.  "Before I make you." The two boys stood front to front from each other. The tiny walkway didn't help create space. Kyle shoved Matt backward " Maybe you should take a seat." Kyle said with a smirk. Of course, Matt wouldn't back down repeating Kyle's shove but with a bit more force. The kids had their eyes on the two boys, who were now throwing punches at each other. Some kids were encouraging the fight. Grimoire let a shaken breath out while the girl looked at the two fightings wanting to do something to help the fight stop. "Sit back down! Both of you! Now!" The bus driver yelled as he drove. The two boys pulled away, panting hard while glaring at each other. The rowdy kids encouraging the fight were disappointed the two had stopped fighting.
When the two broke apart before Kyle sat down, he menacingly leaned toward us. "Sluts" He said, very pronounced. Kyle turned away to sit on his seat. The girl turned to look out to the window while Grimoire sighed, taking his hand away from the girl's hand. His head lowered in humiliation.
Grimoire and the girl got out together when they got to school, walking inside the school building. The two had a locker on the opposite side of the hallways.  Grimoire stuffed his book into his locker, seeing a picture of his parent on the locker's door. He felt a wave of guilt, sadness, and anger. He didn't understand why couldn't he had been born without these powers. Why couldn't he be like his aunt, as his mom? Normal. Grimoire turns to the side as he heads his bus companion speak up, " Uh.Matt.Thanks for..."  The group of boys just bypass her with no second look. The girl turns to look up at Grimoire. He could only offer her a small ghost smile before she turned away.
He sighs, closing his locker. The girl had come to his side of the locker before offering him a small smile. She took Grimoire's hand " Thank you for sticking with me." She said shyly. Grimoire felt his heart race avoiding her face finding his shoes much more interesting. " No problem." He let out in a whisper. "Rachel. My name is Rachel Roth. Im sure you heard it from the teachers, but. I think a bit of a formal introduction is better." The girl now named Rachel introduced herself. Grimoire's eyes slowly scan from bottom to top Rachel, who was holding his mitted hand. " Grimoire. Grimoire Vi llan. Nice to meet you, Rachel Roth."  Grimoire returned the gesture of politeness. His voice, airy yet melodious, reached Rachel's ears, who had a faint blush on growing.
The bell brought them out from the special moment. What they didn't know is that from there, nothing would be the same.
The Fame Within The Ice © 2021 UntamedGrape(Wattpad) Hyperfixdccoms (Tumblr)
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cornacopicimagines · 5 years
best of friends │t.h
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pairing: single dad!mob!tom holland x single mum!reader
words: 9k (oh god, i’m so sorry)
warnings: SMUT, swearing, praise kink, oral (female recieving), slight violence, mentions of verbal abuse/ degration & rough sex if you squint
summary:  Theo y/l/n and James Holland are the best friends that only 8-year-olds can get, their parents though are a little less happy with their lives. For James' dad; Mob-King Tom, he can't seem to catch cupid's arrow. Better yet, he refused to even let the stupid cherub let it fly free. For Theo's mum; y/n, it's her confidence that shakes her love life until there's nothing there. So it was meant to be.
a/n: at first i hated this fic (i still sort of hate the first part) but i think it’s really grown on me :)
part 2
y/n smiled as she waved off the last group of kids, the small children giving her tight hugs before running off to their parents. She truly loved her job; she couldn't ask for anything other than the life she has right now but something has always been devoid. Alas, being a primary school teacher with an 8-year-old son can keep you busy enough to forget about your past problems.
"Muuum," Theo dragged on as he danced around one desk lazily, "when are we going home, I've got some cartoons to watch," he said snappily, y/n debated on whether she should call her son out on his attitude.
"Soon, you little devil," y/n replied, still happily dismissing her students. Seeing as most of the kids had gone or having a chat with their parents, y/n took that as a sign to pack up her classroom.
"I think Molly has a crush on me," Theo told y/n with a wide grin on his face. She stared up at him with a matching smile.
"Really, how do you know that?" y/n asked cheekily, she waited for her son's answer but only got a shrug and a sigh. She chestily laughed as she started to pack up her bag. "That's not an answer little man!"
"Ask James, he agrees with me," Theo defended.
"You two have really been making a ruckus in my classroom, I should probably split you two up," y/n falsely threatened as she slipped on a small touch up of her pale red lip gloss.
Theo immediately ran to the front of her desk with sad eyes, "please don't mum, we'll be extra good," Theo lifted his pinky finger to wave in her face, "I pinky promise."
y/n stared down and captured his tiny finger with hers, sealing the deal. As she grabbed the rest of her things from underneath her desk, she heard the small pitter patter of an extra pair of feet.
"Hi, Ms.y/l/n" a soft worried voice called out, y/n lifted her head to see James Holland with his bottom lip trembling and his eyes filling with hot tears not daring to spill over. y/n almost jumped over the desk to comfort the young boy.
"Oh James, what's the matter?" she asked gently as she gently wiped the liquid from his cheeks.
"I was supposed to-to be picked up-p a long t-t-time ago," James told her through stifled sobs. y/n felt her heart shatter with absolute sadness for this little boy. It had been an hour since school ended, his parents must be late. "I was wondering if I could go home with you until my dad or his assistant can come and get me."
y/n knew that James's dad did some shady business. She wasn't dumb; she picked up on everything. Whenever his so-called assistant would come to get James she would always ask what he did to dress so sharply and the blonde would constantly have a different answer or sometimes he would deflect the question altogether. She also noticed the gun that lay hidden underneath his jacket and the small pocket knives around his waist. She never thought too much about it because James was the sweetest kid on the planet and he made Theo thrilled, she would not take that away from him by alerting the police to a threat that she had nothing but a hunch about.
Theo burst into a roar of excited cheers as soon as the sentence fell off James's lips. y/n shushed her son before turning back to James. "As much as both of us would love that, you can't come home with us without your dad's permission."
"Can't you just call him?" James exclaimed as he corked an eyebrow at her, as small blush arose on her cheeks; sometimes she felt dumber than the kids. As school policy goes, y/n must have a small binder with all the parents' contacts in case of emergencies.
"Great idea," she complimented as she quickly went to make the phone call. Her finger skimmed around the book, finding the last name Holland and the first name Tom underneath James's page. She had heard that name before she just can identify where. Either way, she rang and someone answered after a few rings.
"Hello?" a male voice called out.
"Hi, this is Ms. y/l/n," y/n told him sweetly. "I have James here saying that nobody has picked him up yet," she told him.
"Fuck, I knew I forgot something!" the voice shouted, y/n was 99% sure the boys could hear it, "shit, Tom will gut me like a fish," the man sounded worried and flustered with panic and fear.
"Wait, who am I exactly talking to?" she pondered.
"Harrison, I'm Tom's assistant." Harrison rolled the assistant slowly. An obvious diversion that she wasn't idiotic enough to fall for.
"Well, if it makes any difference, Theo and James have just made plans for James to come home with myself and Theo," she spoke quietly. "Would that be okay?"
The line was silent for a second or two before Harrison quickly responded, "Yes that will be fine, someone will pick him up around 6," he snapped at her before cutting off the line abruptly.
y/n stared at her phone for a moment before she stared at the boys with a wide gleam. "You're coming home with us James and its homemade pizza for dinner tonight!"
With that, the pair of boys rejoiced and the three of them walked out of the classroom and towards the exit.
Tom sat in his impressively large chair, his eyes never leaving the clock that lay between photos of his family and his son James. He had been in meetings all day with people that pissed him the fuck off. All Tom had been looking forward to is seeing his son and spending his time playing with James. But yet, it had been an hour since he should have been out of school, meaning he should have been home 20 minutes ago. There as a few harsh knocks, Tom instantly knew who it was.
"Got some news mate," Harrison told him before he had even entered the room.
Tom let his head lean back and a hoarse groan slips out, "it better be good otherwise, I don't want to fucking hear it," Tom spat, "I've been in meetings all day, just wanna see my son."
"About that." Harrison trailed off. Tom felt his heart stop. He instantly rushed over to Harrison's side. "I forgot to pick James up from school today and-"
"You absolute dumbass!" Tom roared. "Other Mob bosses know who he is. I can't have him walking the school ground by himself he'll get bloody kidnapped!" Tom started to ramble, he hardly ever did such an infantile act. He hadn't rambled since James was left on his doorstep with a note saying he was Tom's son and that was eight years ago!
Tom couldn't help but feel guilt rack his body, a million thoughts ran through his mind and he felt as if he was on the verge of tears, but he refuses to let even one go. Suddenly, he snapped out of it and almost sprinted towards Harrison. His hands clasped around Harrison's collar and brought him in so fast, Harrison's knees buckled at the force and skidded across the hard floor. "If you didn't pick him up, where the fuck is he?"
Tom watched as Harrison gulped loudly. Tom hated getting violent with Harrison, but with the safety of his son. Tom would mow downfield of people if it meant James was alive.
"He is with his teacher and her son. She said that I have to pick him up later," Harrison told him weepily. Tom didn't know if it relieved him to know that his son was with good hands with his teacher, who Tom had only heard good things about from Harrison or that his right-hand man let his son go off with a woman Tom has never met. "Listen, she said they are making homemade pizza and that we are welcome to join her when I go pick James up."
"Hm, pick him up when it is necessary," Tom grunted as he walked off, suddenly much calmer than he was before. Harrison regained his composure and ran to Tom's side.
"No, I think you should go pick him up," Harrison told him. Coming from anyone else, Tom would have their tongue cut out, but Tom felt obliged to let it slide after his recent outburst at Harrison. "I think it would be good for James to see his own father come pick him up for once and it wouldn't hurt to meet Ms. y/l/n," Harrison spoke the last part with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Before you scheme and manipulate your way into making me do something, you know I don't want any woman taking advantage of me- again," Tom hated saying that sentence, he hated giving James's mother the satisfaction that she broke the heart of the world's hardest mobster. That a dancer from a strip club he owned broke the one heart that was never meant to; his. Tom took it as a sign that love wasn't in his card, only single parenthood. Though deep down, Tom wanted someone else, he didn't want to sleep around with expensive strippers and high-end prostitutes for the rest of his life, he would not die with that being his greatest achievement in the sex department. He'd never admit that to a single soul.
"Come on, get back on the horse," Harrison told him gleefully, "She's a nice woman and you've always complained that all the girlfriends you've had since James have hated children, well she works with your son almost every day. There's a fucking jackpot right in front of you, mate."
Tom groaned in disapproval, "How do you even know she's single, she got an 8-year-old son, she's married" he sighed
"You have an eight-year-old and you aren't fucking married you twat," Harrison scoffed, "plus I've never seen a ring on that finger," he held up his ringer finger and swirling it in his face.
"I don't want to do this anymore, Harrison," Tom complained as he smacked Harrison hand away, "I think it's time to give up, my schedule is too busy, I can barely see my own fucking son!" Tom called out as he rested his hands on his hair, "How can I sustain an actual relationship?"
Harrison said nothing but stared at his best friend. To Harrison, Tom looked flustered, angry and tense. Harrison knew that Tom blamed only himself for the misfortunes in his life, even though all the shit that was happening to him wasn't his fault at all.
Tom could see Harrison was pondering at him. He hated it. "If I do this, will you give it a fucking rest," Tom compromised. Harrison looked at him smugly.
y/n stood at the messy benches of her kitchen, shredded cheese fell everywhere and a three quarterly cut pepperoni stick was about to fall off. A warm and delicious smell over the house from the full oven; it was her favourite thing. Currently, y/n was finely chopping basil and rosemary while the two boys sat at the island table, flour and sauce almost covered the entire table and the power creates a ring around the boys.
"Now, Theo do you want to tell James how to lay the pepperoni to make sure it doesn't get all soggy," y/n asked him sweetly, trusting him enough to not have to turn around completely.
"Yesmum!" Theo called out as if she wasn't in the same room. She chuckled to herself before she dumped the herbs into a bowl and came over to the table, sitting on one of the free chairs.
y/n watched as Theo taught James the perfect placing of pepperoni on the spare pizza. It was if y/n intrigue of James's father had hit an all-time high as she stared at the young boy. Before she taught James, she remembers hearing a lot of rumours about James's father from the other teachers and even other mothers about how he was mysterious and them handsome. She used to giggle at the rumours; she supposed that some lonely suburban housewives concocted the rumours, that they had nothing better to do than lust after the young bachelor because their husbands can find the g-spot.
But now that she is teaching James, the rumours seem to come alive the longer she knows the boy. She can't help but fall into the trap of her primal curiosity because of a stranger she's never even met and that very stranger could deal with a shady past or worse a shady present.
"So, James, how your dad?" y/n asked innocently. James stopped placing the toppings to talk to her (much to Theo's disapproval).
"Oh, he's awesome, I don't get to see him a lot but when I do it's amazing," James squealed happily. y/n cocked her eyebrow at the boy.
"What do you mean, you don't get to see him a lot', doesn't your dad pick you up from school every day," y/n pressed, she knew she shouldn't be asking him these types of questions but she couldn't help it and James seemed happy enough to answer.
"My dad partner picks me up, his name's Harrison, and he's the best," James smiled widely as Theo tried to get him to pay attention.
"So, what does your dad do?" y/n queered again, genuinely interested in James' answer. The little boy scratched his head a bit before shrugging his shoulders in confusion, y/n laughed sweetly. "You know how I work as your teacher-"
"And you're the best!" James cut her off suddenly.
"Thank you, but what does your dad do during the day," she spoke quietly but it appeared James got the memo.
"My dad does deals with people where he shouts at them and sometimes, I see this icky dark red stuff on him, but dad just tells me it's just paint," James replied sweetly unaware of y/n shocked face. Sure, she had her doubts and suspicions, but she never expected them to be true. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She has the son of Tom fucking Holland in her house, likely without his knowledge. She'd be lucky if Tom leaves her bloody and bruised. y/n didn't want to believe that this angelic and adorable boy has the world's most feared mobster has a father. How the fuck did she not notice the queue with all the bodyguards that come along to pickup time, the expensive stuff that he brings to class and why Harrison is always wearing a very expensive suit just to bring an eight-year-old back home.
"We're done, ma," Theo called her out of her anxiety-driven haze. She smiled sheepishly as she took the pizzas from the boys and put them in the oven. "Are you okay, mum?" Theo asked again as he crawled off the chair and went to throw the scraps in the bin.
"Yes sweetheart," y/n replied shakily. What was she going to say to him, how was she going to explain, how is she going to keep her son safe, what if she-
The doorbell rang, the sound almost deafened her. y/n steadied her nerves and walked over to open the door. Outside stood two bulky 6'4" men and a nicely dressed one in the middle. For some odd reason, y/n felt her cheeks heat and her heart rate pick up. The messily pushed back brown curls seemed to fall perfectly in place and frame his face. Massive diamond rings laced his fingers as he slightly tapped at his wrist, that she might add was decorated stunningly with pronounced veins that made her weak.
"Um, welcome," y/n spoke quietly, the man in the middle (who she assumed was Tom) stared at her darkly before stepping inside. The warm lighting of her hallway seemed to illuminate Tom's features y/n noticed the sharp jaw, and she was just able to make out his dark brown eyes underneath the Versace sunglasses. "Hi, you m-must be James's dad, I'm Theo's mum; y/n," she extended her hand to meet his.
Since she opened the door, entrancement seemed to flow through him. Sure, it wasn't romantically at first, but the woman surely intrigued him. She had her hair tucked behind her slightly sauced ears and behind a flour-covered apron seemed to be a tight-fitting red pin-up dress, which he compliments shows off her curves nicely. Tom felt like he had to smile at her, not in a joking way but in a way that he couldn't explain. In a way that he had to smile when he saw Tessa trip over her own feet. It was adorable; she was adorable.
When he heard her speak, it felt like a breath of fresh air had hit him. He felt as if he was in his childhood home again and she was the beautiful nanny Tom would have had a crush on. Tom felt instantly out of place when he walked in. He was so used to the dark setting and furniture of his massive mansion. He was so used to walking the long empty halls and going to bed in a vacantly giant room. Now though, her home felt so cosy. The walls were tight enough to feel warm but wide enough to not squeeze you. The rooms seemed busy with colours and clothes and her kitchen was small but still seemed homey.
In an act of complete defiance to himself, Tom thought he could live here if he wanted, and he wanted to. It was so different from his regularly scheduled life, her home, her arrangement and even y/n herself made Tom feel so out of place that he had to give her all his undying attention as if she was a magnet of everything Tom needed to balance his life. What the fuck is going on with him? So he snapped himself out of it.
"Where's my son," Tom asked her. He tried not to sound like a total dick, but it was hard not to. Tom felt worse when he saw y/n flinch slightly after he snapped, "I'm sorry," Tom has never apologised to anyone other than his son, he has to get his shit together quickly.
"Oh no, it's okay," y/n smiled warmly, the apology from the mobster made her feel a little better about her situation. "James is hanging out with Theo, you're welcome to stay if you'd like," she invited. Tom felt like he had to stay, and it didn't help that when James saw him in the hallway, he started to cry and whine.
Tom immediately ran to his side, but James pushed him away and hugged Theo, which he happily reciprocated.
"No, I'm not going, you can't make me!" James yelled furiously as he turned his back to his father. Tom sighed loudly. He bent down and placed his hand against James's back.
"Come on, little man, I don't want to intrude," Tom explained sweetly, his hand rubbing small circles. y/n didn't know a man such as Tom Holland could speak that softly and sweetly; it made her want to swoon.
"He's not in-intruding Mr Holland," Theo told her quietly. Tom noticed the boy had stumbled over the hard word. He couldn't help but admit defeat and regained his composure.
"Harrison told me you were making pizzas, it's been a while since I've had some well at least homemade ones," Tom announced loudly, "so I guess we are staying."
The two boys rejoice before they made their way back to the TV and left Tom and y/n by themselves. y/n awkwardly made her way to the kitchen, and Tom dismissed the two bodyguards behind him and happily followed her.
As he walked down the hallway, he took slight notice of the different photos that hung on the walls. Most of them were of Theo, one had him in a karate uniform holding a trophy and a toothy smile while another had a photo of y/n and Theo at the park. Tom couldn't help but smile at them. Once more did he have the feeling of need for all of this to be in his life, he wanted more, correction he needed more. He squeezed through her slim doorway and stumbled into y/n's endearingly kitchen.
He had never seen a mess like her kitchen; he saw flour on the floor and sauce on the cupboards. Tom couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape his lips as he sat opposite her.
Tom wasn't an idiot. He could see how scared he was making her just by sitting closer to her. y/n on the other end of the table was almost shitting herself, she could feel her throat becoming dry and tried her best to avoid connecting their eyes even if she desperately wanted another peek at his warm brown eyes.
Tom stared at her with guilt racking his body, "I will not hurt you," Tom told her gently and for some odd reason, he fought back the urge to hold her trembling hand as he spoke. y/n didn't believe him, she knew deep down that this is what he says to his victims before he blows their fucking brains out, until "I promise." Tom had even surprised himself with his words. He has promised nothing other than when he promised his son he could ice-cream for dinner one night, Tom wasn't sure what was washing over him but worse he didn't know if he liked the feeling or not.
Tom waited for her response. He waited for y/n to give him any cue to tell him she felt safe around him. Finally, y/n lifted her eyes to meet his. Tom hadn't really gotten a good look at the door. Her eyes matched her whole persona, it almost entranced him. They were young but filled with such wisdom and knowledge; he didn't know what to do. It was an obvious y/ec, but it was like he was experiencing the colour for the first time in his 27 year life.
y/n slowly lifted her eyes to meet his and Tom's heart jumped into his throat. Never has a woman had this effect on him; it addicted him. Tom spotted a faint smile on her sauce, dusted lips and couldn't help but return the favour. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be this cold towards you," she spoke softly.
"Oh, it's fine. I get it all the time," Tom responded with a small giggle.
"That's awful," y/n immediately protested, her full attention on him.
"What I do is awful sweetheart, it comes with the job," he told her as he leaned back in his chair. y/n pulled back, how could she be so dumb?
Tom noticed her sudden shift in mood and cleared the air, "I don't mean to pry but is Theo's father around, I didn't notice him in any of the photos," Tom asked awkwardly, he genuinely wanted to know but immediately realised his mistake, "or is that not a talking topic?"
"No, it's okay," y/n responded with a light chuckle, something Tom desperately wanted to hear more of, "Theo's dad and I split badly and I haven't spoken to him in years," the memory still haunts y/n but she could only let fragmented pieces out at a time, "Theo has never met his father and I intend on keeping it that way."
Tom's brain started to concoct a sadly romantic fairy tale with both of them but he quickly scolded himself. Suddenly, y/n perked up. She jumped from the table, took one pizza out of the oven, and started to cut it.
"What about you?" y/n asked with her back turned.
"What about me?" Tom responded, nobody has ever asked him that.
"A good-looking man like you with a son has to be married," y/n exclaimed before placing a pizza in front of them both and calling for the boys, giving them their pizza.
"Sadly, no, I'm not married," Tom chuckled as he picked up a piece. "I had James with his mother on a whim I guess." Tom saw y/n cocked her eyebrow in confusion. "That's all I'm letting out." Tom crossed his arms and leaned away.
y/n though leaned in and batted her eyelashes, "No, you got me intrigued," y/n whined. "If you tell me, I will tell you my backstory the next time we meet."
"We're going to meet again?" Tom smirked widely, suddenly pulled into her spell. Tom saw the heat rise to her cheeks and her face scrunch up as she tried to rack her brain for a proper answer. She was gorgeous; he wanted to stare at her face for all eternity.
"O-of course," she stuttered, tripping over her own tongue suddenly. She doesn't know why she's acting like this. Sure he's a godly handsome man that is ticking all of her boxes in a matter of moments but her brain seems to keep forgetting that she's sitting just a few feet away from the King of the English Mafia. A man who could kill her in a second, still she couldn't help the primal attraction that was cursing through her.
Tom held his hand out to her. "All right darling, it's a deal," he spoke lowly. Any logical person would have kept their hand to themselves. Any reasonable educated person would not raise their hand and shake Tom's. y/n was a logical and educated woman, but not with Tom around. So she took his hand in hers and shook slowly.
"Jame's was- how do I say this? Not planned." Tom sighed as he played with the pizza in front of him. "When I first got control over the Mafia. I bought this strip club just down the street. I used to go in there almost every night. I thought if I went in it would make me feel like a true Mafia King. The Mafia King who sleeps with whoever he wants whenever he wants, but I guess I am more of a romantic than I thought. There was this girl, she was interesting, and I found her mesmerising from the second I saw her. So like an idiot I started to see her only, I bought her things, I gave her safety and let her decide in the Mob. I guess one night I forgot to put on a condom and she left me the very next night. Nine months later, James was wailing on my doorstep with a small note saying 'I am so sorry, he's yours and I can't look after him', I still remember the words on that stupid fucking note," Tom felt his voice crack, he peered over to James who was eating his pizza and pretending to fight the bad guys on the T.V, "I adore my son with every fibre in my being but I just wish things were a little different."
Tom swivelled around and saw y/n almost in tears, "I'm sorry," y/n snapped out of her emotional haze and started to wipe away some tears, "I don't know what came over me."
"That's all right, my mum was in tears for days after James arrived." Tom stared down, remembering the feelings of the room on that day, "happy tears."
y/n felt an overwhelming surge of emotion hit her like a truck. She has heard no one talk with such passion. "Wow, that's um-" she blushed, "quite a story."
Tom gave her a weak smile. He noticed the blush that bubbled to the surface of his cheeks. Tom noticed a lot of other things while she sat opposite him. He noticed the small dimples that would peak out if she smiled. He noticed the freckles that perfectly sprinkled her skin. He was sure that if he sat here for long enough, he could count every one of them.
"Is there something on my face?" y/n's concerned voice snapped him out of his lovesick haze. Tom shook his head slightly before y/n took the back of her hand to wipe the non-existing grime off her cheek only to smear sauce all over her.
"Well, now there is," Tom laughed before he leaned over and wiped the sauce with his napkin. y/n came closer to help him reach her but in the process only pushed her cleavage up, causing Tom's chair to slide out from under him. Their faces were so close, y/n felt the warmth from Tom's body wafting and swirling around her as if he was entrancing her. Problem was, she was fully under his spell now.
"Are you going to kiss my dad?" James ecstatic voice called out abruptly. y/n almost fell off her chair just from the pair eyes. Theo was standing just behind James with a smile that matched his friend as they watched their parents compose themselves.
Tom tried to piece an answer to give his son while still leaving his options open with y/n. "None of your business little man," Tom faked growled as he tickled James and Theo's bellies, causing them to run off squealing with excitement.
Tom turned around to face her, the faint glow of the kitchen made y/n look like an angel. He felt overwhelming an urge to fall to his knees and pray to her, but he slid it to back of his mind. Hoping that maybe he could do it soon.
They talked for what seemed like a second but in reality; they had been talking for an hour. Tom would give every cent away just to keep hearing her sweet-like honey voice. y/n as well couldn't get enough of him, the more she allowed herself to open up to him the more she seemed to love his company. He was intelligent, well-spoken and off the record; he was so goddamn attractive. y/n believes she was to go to the nearest church just for having him near her. Still, he made her feel safe. He made her feel something that she hasn't felt since Theo's father left her. It scared her. Her heart picked up and her brain started to overwork itself. He was just humouring her; he would leave her in a heartbeat; he's got rows of women begging to sleep with him, why would he want her?
"Oh god, w-would you look at the t-time," y/n stuttered as she rushed to get him out of the house before she broke down in tears. y/n jumped out of her chair and almost threw the plates into the sink.
Tom stood up in a panic. He was having a wonderful time with her, why was she so eager to get herself alone?
"It's only a quarter to ten," Tom chuckled as he checked the watch on his wrist. y/n didn't want to make him leave. If it were up to her, she would let the kids' sleepover and pull him into her sheets as fast as possible but her subconscious had other plans.
"I'm sure the King of The Mafia has a busy schedule," she replied as she ran to get the boys' plates and get them back to the kitchen. She was right, Tom did have a lot happening tomorrow. He was most likely going to get his hands dirty. He kept his mouth shut on that remembrance.
"Well, how about you come over to mine tomorrow night," Tom suggested. y/n stood dead in her tracks. "I need to repay you for this wonderful night." A blush formed on her cheeks.
She sighed and before she could even let a single syllable out-, "We would love to Mr. Holland!" Theo's voice shot up. His head appeared just behind her with a straight smile. Tom immediately matched Theo's, knowing y/n couldn't refuse the two of them.
"Yes, we would love to and we will-" y/n head dropped, "and we will be there."
Tom let himself fist bump the air as he went to get James off the couch. "How's 9:30 sound, I have some stuff to deal with beforehand?"
"Sounds g-great," y/n sighed. Tom quickly pecked her cheek as he went for the door. y/n turned to him in disbelief.
"Can't wait angel," Tom whispered just before he closed the door. Jesus Christ, he would be the death of her.
"He seems like a nice guy," Theo blank voice rang out. He leaned up against the back of the couch as he raised his eyebrows at y/n suggestively. she gave him a light smack on his arm.
Tom sat in his chair. The cloud of smoke and the sounds of ragged panting wafted over the room. Percy's head drooped low as he waited.
"Where's your fucking brother Percy?" Tom asked non-nonchalantly. His eyes never wavered off the man.
"Like I told you buffoons before," Percy lifted his head weakly, "I have no clue where my crackhead brother is," Tom glimpsed his prize. Percy's sweaty hair stuck to his head, the crusted blood started to fall from the gash on eyebrow onto his bound feet. Percy stared at him with one eye open; all he could achieve. Tom smiled gleefully.  
"Don't you fucking lie to me, you little shithead!" Tom roared. His hands slammed down on the desk. Everyone to jump. Tom paced around to lean on the front of his marble desk. "I have some very important people coming in about-" Tom glanced at his watch, "10 minutes."
"I will not rat my own fucking brother out," Percy responded defiantly. Tom's patience was thinning with every tick of the clock.
"I don't want to hurt you, Percy," Tom faked a smile, "not tonight at least. So you better make this quicker than me taking a fucking piss." One of his men pulled Percy's hair back, "Where is you goddamn brother."
Percy felt the barrel of Tom's gun roughly shoved up against his temple. He fought back a tear. "Columbia, trying to smuggle your drugs into Ecuador," Percy revealed.
The door swung open to reveal a completely un-phased Harrison. "They're here."
Tom immediately straightened up. "Perfect Timing!" Tom started to his men, "get rid of him." As his men dragged Percy out of his office. Tom straightened his coat as wiped off the dried blood on his chin. Harrison chuckled lightly before Tom ran out.
"They're in the upstairs hallway," Harrison called out, but Tom was already too far gone. 
The massive painting loomed over y/n. She had completely forgotten how powerful Tom was, the matter that Tom commanded respect had slipped her mind. He stood in a black suit. Like something straight out a mobster movie. she giggled to herself at that thought.
"I begged my mother not to have me painted, but she insisted," Tom called out to her. y/n jumped at his voice but softened when she saw him approaching in the same outfit as the portrait.
"Well I think you look devilishly handsome," y/n responded with a wide smile, a smile that made Tom's heart flutter. As he got closer, he noticed the absence of a certain 8-year-old.
"Where's the munchkin?" he asked as he searched around her.
"He's upstairs with James. He took Theo's hand and ran off as soon as we stepped into the door," she laughed. Tom couldn't help but smile along with her. He wondered if she let this side of her out often. Genuinely giddy and joyous. "Do you look at most women like this?" She broke his concentration. y/n stood there with her eyebrow quirked and a smirk plastered on her face. Tom begged whatever god was up there to allow him just a single kiss.
"Only to you, angel," Tom responded, his pearly white teeth shining through a wide smile. y/n's cheeks flustered and her whole face glowed red. He was pushing all of her buttons, wasn't he?
"Come upstairs, I want to show you something," Tom exclaimed as he captured y/n's hand within his. Tom led her up a small flight of stairs and into a large room. The dim bedroom had red plastered everywhere. The carpet was a soft red velvet and the sheet; a luxurious red and black silk. Hell even the walls were painted with a deep maroon. y/n looked over to him with shock. "Dont worry sweetheart, the surprise is outside," Tom chuckled before his calloused hand landed on the small of her back nudging her softly. y/n's breath hitched into the back of her throat.
y/n pushed the glass doors. The dense forest of trees sparkled in the bright moonlight. The faint glow of London's lights dimmed in the background. She knew this might not have been the most aesthetically pleasing view, but it felt more than it looked. The safety and security of the view made her swoon. "Is this a date, Mr. Holland?" y/n smirked as she sat down in the glass chair.
Tom had never heard his last name sound so sweet.
"Only if you want it to be Ms. y/l/n," he responded, quickly trying to conceal his blush.
She stared out for a moment. y/n didn't know why, but she felt like a shy teenager again. A girl sitting next to a hot guy who has no real interest in her. It was nostalgic in some sick way.
They talked for hours. Tom couldn't get enough of her. It was like she was some beautiful drug. A drug so addictive, he's hooked after one night. Every time a laugh surpassed her soft lips, Tom can't help but let his heart flutter. She, too, was quite enjoying herself. y/n let her walls down slowly but surely. The more he talked, the more she leaned. The more she felt as though this was fate. That though was a juvenile thing to even fathom. So y/n wondered what her life would have been if she met Tom before her ex. Would she be happy or would she still be silently crying to herself to make sure Theo didn't hear even a peep.
A curt knock at the door interrupted them. A middle age woman peeked her head in.
"They're both in bed," she spoke happily. "It took a while to get Theo off to sleep though."
y/n giggled, "I'm not surprised."
Tom stared at her for a moment, imagining that Theo and James were their sons, and she was his wife who always seemed to amaze him. Maybe in the near future, he thought to himself.
"Thank you Ms Smith," Tom smiled warmly at her, y/n looked over to him in childlike shock.
"You have a nanny!" y/n poked Tom in his bicep. He gently swatted her finger away.
"Less about me, angel," Tom sighed. "Now, we had a deal," Tom's eyebrow cocked, and a smirk filled his face.
y/n smiled weakly at him. I will need a shit ton of booze, she thought. She grabbed the bottle of expensive wine and poured herself a glass. She gulped it down. Then she poured another one, drinking it down quicker than the first one. Finally, one more glass of wine went down, and she was ready to open her mouth.
"Mind saving a little for me, angel." Tom chuckled lightly, y/n made work getting him a glass (and more for herself wouldn't hurt.)
"Okay, so it was my last year of high school. I had been fawning over this guy since I was twelve. Then, out of nowhere, he's pulling me into empty stalls and telling me he can't be without me and he's in love with me," y/n started, she was cut off by the man next to her.
"How could he not?" Tom quipped as he took a small gulp of his wine. y/n gave him a hard glare as she tried to steal his attention away from the flush of her cheeks.
"Anyway, it took a bit of time but like the idiot I am, I gave in. We went on a few dates; we were happy for a good while. Until those two stupid fucking lines," she felt her voice break. Her head started to feel dizzy. Like it would roll off her neck will the snap of a finger. "Maybe, I was feeling all maternal, and I told him I was pregnant. To my surprise, he stayed with me for my first trimester. He refused to tell his parents, I of course, had to confess to mine. Sometimes I think that was the first red flag. It wasn't until the middle of my third trimester things went downhill. It's normal for women to put on a little weight when they're pregnant. Obviously, he didn't have a fucking clue." y/n felt herself, get more furious and more upset with every word that rolled off her tongue. "He started telling me 'You look enormous', 'I have a fat whale for a girlfriend, 'I wish you had aborted that thing, so I wouldn't have to look at you like this'," She was in tears now, the salty liquid dripped from her cheeks onto her dress. Tom knelt in front of her, his hands rubbing small circles on her knees. "He abandoned me, right when it counted." She started him. Tom felt his heart shatter. "Everyone leaves me Tom."
"I'll never leave you, y/n" Tom reassured her, he took her shaking hands in his. y/n peered down, she shook her head.
"Tom, you don't want me," y/n sobbed, "No one does, it's okay."
"y/n," Tom hovered above her, his palms rested on her warm cheeks. "I want you, more than I have ever wanted something in my life." Their eyes met. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."
y/n was in disbelief, her hands rested on his wrist. Her cries stopped as soon as she felt his thumb stroking soft circles on her cheek.
Tom still saw that look in her eyes. The look of a woman so broken by a man who never loved her, who took advantage of her admiration. Something Tom needed more than air to breathe. He was making it his mission, that y/n would not leave his home until she finally knew that not only did her son appreciate her, but he did just as much.
So, he took a chance. He bent down and encaptured her lips with his. She tasted like everything, he dreamt of. She tasted like the cakes his mother would make for him on his birthday. She was the breath of sweet excitement when he smelled homemade pancakes. It surprised him he hadn't completely dissolved at this simple touch.
y/n sat in shock for a moment. Her brain tried to catch up to his movements. He didn't move against at first. She pressed into it. Her hands gripping slightly at his wrists as she reciprocated the tender kiss. She, too, felt the satisfaction of knowing what he too tasted like. She took notes of all the little details; the taste of freshly smoked nicotine, the smell of his cologne wafted around her; the pronounced viens in his hands. She was in heaven.
Their lips moved against each other. It wasn't needy or rushed. It was steady and passionate. y/n has experienced a kiss like this in her 24-year-old life. "Take me to the bedroom," she spoke through mousey breathless moans. Tom pulled away completely at this.
"I don't want you to feel like I'm taking advantage of you," Tom told her sweetly, y/n hands caress his cheek gently as she gave him a warm smile.
"You're not taking advantage of me Tom," she stood from her chair, never letting her eyes tear from his, "I want this."
Tom beamed. His hands snaked their way to the underside of her bum, pinching softly. Instructing her to jump, which she happily obliged. y/n could feel him, grasp at her bare thighs. Every time he touched her skin, it burned with sinful passion.
Perhaps it was the one too many wines she had downed in less than a minute or that this was the first man she's really been intimate with since Theo's father left. Either way, her skin felt so susceptible to each kiss her laid on her. Hyper sensitive to every pull at her skin. So responsive to his touches.
Tom took his time laying her on the sheets. He took his time to look at her flushed skin in the dim lighting at how she looked like something sent from God. Why God was sending him something in the first place was a question for later. As he sauntered away from her to lock the door, y/n noticed the decor until the feeling dawned on her. Was she really about to sleep with Mafia King; Tom Holland. She had only one answer- obso-fucking-lutely.
Tom tenderly pushed her onto her back, his face now level to hers. y/n thought she looked as red as a tomato, Tom would agree but wouldn't protest at all. He laid a soft kiss to her lips, then a slightly harder one to her neck, then to her collarbone. His hands snaked up her dress. His fingers clutched her hips, pulling her clothed heat closer to his already painful hard groin.
y/n watched every move he made, every attempt to bruise her skin. Tom whined quietly when his lips met the fabric instead of her flesh. y/n giggled and lifted her dress over head and onto the floor next to her.
Tom couldn't help but pull away to take a glimpse of her. Her flushed breasts hidden behind a plain black bra. Most wouldn't think too much of it, but he couldn't help himself. Tom could see her hardened nipples peeking through the material. He pulled the cup down slightly. Tom heard her hiss quietly at the sudden exposure. His lips came down to the bud gently. His teeth pulling at the erect skin ever so lightly only to flick the nub quickly. Hearing her quiet moans and praises spurred him on. He needed more.
"T-tom please," y/n whimpered quietly, her fingers tangling themselves in his messed brown curls. Tom smirked up at her.
"What are you begging for angel face," Tom asked her innocently.
y/n couldn't get a single word out with Tom's fingers dancing at the skin near her soaked panties. Even dipping underneath them for split seconds.
"Do something, with y-your," she struggled. Tom was enjoying every moment. "f-fingers."
"Your wish is my command," Tom rasped out as he pulled her panties down her legs and got between them. He let his pointer finger paint a long strip up her slit. y/n's hips buckled. "You're so wet doll, being such a good girl."
y/n could only let out a hum. Tom wanted to hear that divine voice of hers, so he blew a wisp of air against her clit making her cry out. He was lucking the boys' rooms where so far from here. "Look at me, I want to see those gorgeous eyes gloss over when I make you cum," he promised as he laid a chaste kiss to her inner left thigh. y/n couldn't wait another moment, she might explode. Slowly her eyes met his. His face was mere centimeters from her cunt.
Tom didn't take a second longer. As soon as her eyes were on him, he went in hard. His tongue latched onto her throbbing clit, pulling and sucking so hard it was audible for the both of them to fawn over. He couldn't forget about the promise he made, so his digits circled her hole delicately before he slipped two of his fingers into her.
y/n felt her whole body go numb. It was a feeling so exotic to her. Yet, here she was. Barely able to make a sentence as she tried to bite back constant moans that begged to be let out. Her toes curled even picking up some sheets beneath her.
Tom could feel her fingers pulled at the roots of his hair. He couldn't but moan against her pussy, causing vibrations in every nerve in her already sensitive body.
"Oh my god, y-yes," She let slip. y/n swears she's starting to see stars now. "F-fucking hell, you're a-amazing."
Tom allowed his fingers to hit deeper inside her with that comment. He was making her cum now, or he will blow without even feeling her yet. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if that happens. He pulled his mouth away from her clit with a loud pop, letting his digits do all the work. He watched her writhe and pull at anything she could grasp. God, she was so fucking perfect.
"Christ, j-just like that," y/n encouraged him, "I'm going to c-cum."
"Do it angel face, cum all around my fingers." Tom whispered to her, "let me taste your sweetness."
y/n felt her first orgasm wash over her like a tsunami. She needed to scream her heart out but quickly smothered her moan in the pillows beside her. Tom peered at her intently. To him, he was watching an angel. Seeing her cum is now his new favourite thing. Being the one to cause such pleasure within her makes him feel as though he's on top of the world. His fingers rode her through her orgasm until she hit the end. Her hair sprawled out as she tried to catch any breath left in her lungs. Hell, she was trying to regain some of her sight. Tom brought his fingers to his mouth. His tongue licked them clean. Her juices tasted like nothing he's ever had before and he immediately knows, there is no way he's letting this go.
Tom stripped himself bare now. He crawled above her once more. His curls falling slightly in his face. y/n opened her eyes to see him on top of her. y/n took this moment to run her hand down his torso. Each time her fingers lapped over a muscle, she felt herself recapture her arousal. Her fingers found the base of his dick.
He was bigger than what she thought, bigger than her ex. It started her a tad when she felt his hard length. She started pumping his slowly. Tom's arms almost buckled at the feeling.
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum into your hand," his pulled her wrist away from him to above her head, "and I just want to pound this sweet little cunt into oblivion." The words cause y/n to whimper, eager for him to fulfill his promise.
"Then do it," she leaned up to whisper in his ear. As she pulled back, he locked eyes with her. Utter shock and an animalistic urge filled his every thought. He didn't even give her a warning before he slammed right into her. y/n cried out and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Tom couldn't believe the feeling. She was hugging every vein, every mark, every inch of his cock and yet so was still so fucking tight. He pulled out of her, only to ram back into her. "Fucking hell, you're divine," Tom growled, still deep inside of her. Slowly, he picked up a rhythm.
Every part of y/n's post was filled the brim by him. He hit her g-spot almost instantly. His name became a chant to her as it never ceased to spill from her lips. Each time he pounded back into her, y/n's voice became horse and rougher. Her nails dug into his bag as she clawed for support. Any support she could get from him.
Tom's been with countless women. Now he's finding it hard to sustain a sentence. He can hardly make out anything other than y/n's name. He wasn't complaining though, her tight walls constricting around with every movement. Tom wondered for a moment if he died and went to heaven and was fucking the dirtiest angel he could find.
"You look so goddamn beautiful taking my cock," he praised. He let his head fall into the crook of her neck, smelling her perfume made him almost lose his shit right there. "You feel so good squeezing around me."
Every word was threatening to her. Every word was pushing her closer to her limit. Every word was forcing more moans out of her mouth. "I'm going to cum, Tommy," she warned him.
The nickname only helped Tom lodge himself deeper and harder into her, "I am too, don't hold back angel face," he pressed a kiss underneath her ear.
y/n's second orgasm rolled over more intense the second time than the first. She pulled her head into his skin, biting and pulling to contain herself. Her legs gave out on her and flopped from his waist and quivered beside him. Tom was quick to follow her. How could he not, with how firmly she was gripping his cock. He pulled out quickly and spurted out streams across her belly. The white liquid dripping over her skin made him see stars.
He collapsed next to her, heaving and panting. y/n turned to him. She placed a long kiss on his lips, bringing his face closer. Tom happily hummed against her skin.
He pulled her into a tight hug. Her fingers traced the outline of his pec. "I'm infatuated with you," he told her plainly. y/n didn't move nor did she flinch. She  just stared up at him with a wide smile.
"As am I," she responded quietly. He wanted her to stay here forever, he had admitted to himself that he wanted to be near her for the rest his life. It was like she had cast some spell over him. He, though, had happily fallen for it.
In his eyes, she was a goddess among women.
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angstyaches · 4 years
hey flick! I'd love to read something fluffy - maybe a valentines drabble? I'd die for some ryan x nancy content but I'd also love seeing what charlies and shaynes first valentines day together is like
well - you decide. just write whatever you want honestly
ps: I hope you're doing well
Date Night with Nancy and Ryan! (A Little Late for Valentine’s Day, Oops)
Em. Em, I just – I could not decide whether I wanted Ryan or Nancy to be in discomfort, and my brain melted somewhere along the way. (It seems that some days, I can be very bi, and maybe a little too goofy.)
CW: indigestion, hiccups, burping, slight nausea, lady sickee(s), food mention, brief blood (drinking) mention, just silliness
Nancy put a hand on the blanket and reclined a little, her long, dark ponytail sliding over her bare should before swinging against her back. She was dressed optimistically for early spring, especially since the sun had been down for a couple of hours already, but spontaneous European getaways with your 200-year-old vampire wife called for the most romantic of clothes.
She shook her head slowly as lights – as many on the tower as they were stars in the sky, it seemed – sparkled in her eyes. A smile crossed her face as she remembered how Ryan had said “Picnic by the Seine”, and Nancy had thought it must have been the name of a new restaurant that had opened nearby. However, one flight and one limousine ride later, and here they were, basking in the Eiffel Tower’s glittering beauty while an actual accordion was being played somewhere downstream. (Although Nancy had carefully pinned the idea for a French restaurant with a picnic theme in her mind for later consideration.)
“Nancy Aldridge,” Ryan droned from a mere couple of inches away, where she was propped up by her elbow as she lay on her side. “Are you ponderin’?”
Nancy tilted her head back a little further. “I might be.”
“What are you pondering, love?”
Nancy smiled and reclined even more, until the back of her head was resting against Ryan’s thighs. She was still holding a glass of the crispest, most refreshing wine she’d ever tasted, and she held it with the stem pressed against her stomach as she looked up at her wife’s face.
“I was thinking that I must have married a mad woman.”
“Huh.” Ryan gently swirled her own wine glass, which was sporting a thin, black lipstick stain. She was drinking the same wine as Nancy, even though she usually opted for clear spirits when she wasn’t drinking purely blood. The low lighting of the city and the shadow of the embankment cast her sharp, pale features quite softly. “Mais je pense souvent la même chose.”
Nancy groaned. “You don’t always have to exhibit the fact that you’re multi-lingual, mon cheri.”
“Mon?” Ryan repeated in her usual Northern-Irish accent. She glanced pointedly down at her white blazer, and white shirt that was tucked neatly into cropped grey trousers. “Am I looking particularly masculine tonight?”
“Oh.” Nancy covered her mouth with one hand and giggled, causing herself to hiccup slightly. Her wine glass jumped along with her belly, but the liquid stopped sloshing just short of the rim. “It’s ma cherie, right? You know I’ve only learned whatever French I’ve heard in movies.”
“Mmm, the same way you learned to flirt from movies.”
“Says the one who took me to Paris for Valentine’s Day,” Nancy teased. 
“Yes, because I know you’re partial to the odd cliché now and then.” With the hand that wasn’t holding her wine glass, Ryan ran the pads of two fingers along the curve of Nancy’s neck.
Nancy closed her eyes briefly and made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a purr, which quickly escalated into another hiccup. She opened her eyes again and carefully set her wine glass aside on the ground, one hand resting on her stomach.
The wine, along with the selection of cheese and the fresh bakery bread that she’d been munching on while they watched the lights and the boats from the riverbank, suddenly sat awfully heavily inside her. She hadn’t meant to eat quite so much, but the bread had been so crispy on the outside and bouncy on the inside, and each kind of cheese jolted her taste buds like they’d previously been in hibernation. And it didn’t help that the scenery so all-encompassing that she hadn’t paid much attention to quantity as she nibbled and drank.
The next hiccup was high-pitched, and brought the acidic sting of indigestion into her throat. Nancy clapped a hand over her mouth as the sound echoed through the little section of embankment that they had claimed for the evening.
Ryan removed her fingers from Nancy’s neck, instead resting a hand on her shoulder and peering down at her face. “Are you alright, Nan?”
“Yes, I believe so,” Nancy giggled from behind her hand, even as her stomach pinched slightly. “The wine, or – or something, isn’t sitting very well.”
She ran a hand tentatively down across her stomach, finding that it filled out the front of her cherry-red dress a lot more than it had when she’d first gotten dressed. It wasn’t tight or stiff with all of the food inside, but it was distinctly rounder. She felt a rumble beneath her hand, frowning and pursing her lips as she rubbed it away.
“Do you feel nauseous?”
“Oh - well, maybe a little.” Nancy smiled up at Ryan with some strain when her wife’s face betrayed a touch of concern. “Oh, I’ll be quite fine. Don’t look so stressed, cookie; you might end up with wrinkles for the rest of eternity.”
She reached up to tap Ryan on the end of her nose. Ryan looked back down at her with a lazy, contented look in her deep-yellow eyes. The Eiffel Tower was just out of Nancy’s sight, but its lights still flickered and softened the lines of Ryan’s jaw.
Unfortunately, that was the moment when another hiccup decided to wrack Nancy’s entire body, making her stomach slosh audibly before it bubbled down into quiet grumbling again.
“You’re really contributing to the ambience, love,” Ryan mumbled with the slightest ghost of a smile. She reached across with one hand to rub the top of Nancy’s belly.
“It’s not quite my fault,” Nancy half-chuckled, squirming and blushing slightly at the attention. “You probably don’t remember it, but indigestion can be quite unpleasant...”
A deep gurgle erupted under Ryan’s palm. Nancy pressed her lips together briefly before blocking a belch with the back of her hand. It, too, seemed to reverberate against the embankment the same way it had against her ribs, and Nancy’s heart sank as the distant accordion player ceased their playing for a moment. 
“Oh, excuse me,” Nancy gasped, keeping her hand against her mouth as she listened for the music, waiting for it to begin again. “I think I scared away the accordion player.”
“I’m not complaining.” Ryan smoothed Nancy’s ponytail out over her knee. “We can enjoy some peace and quiet for a little while.”
“Mmm, that sounds nice, actually.” 
Nancy sighed and rested her hands on her full belly again as Ryan went back to propping herself up with both arms. There was indeed a stretch of quiet along their stretch of the river, aside from the soft movements of the water and white-noise city traffic. 
The indigestion passed by the minute, the pressure in Nancy’s gut easing as everything settled and the acidic taste was gone from her throat. Her diaphragm was no longer tense with the threat of hiccups, and she felt even more relaxed than she had all evening.
So when there was suddenly a loud gurgle, Nancy was as surprised as Ryan, who looked down at her again with a mock glare.
“That’s not exactly quiet.”
“That...” Nancy tightened her grip on her stomach out of instinct, though she was very sure that the sound hadn’t come from her. “That wasn’t me.”
She sat forward slightly, looking over her shoulder at her wife. Ryan’s gaze was already averted towards her own midsection, where the clasp on her trousers seemed strained in front of her tucked shirt.
“Apologies, love.” Ryan’s hand hovered near her stomach, like she was reluctant to touch it, but was perhaps considering it anyway. “It seems the wine isn’t agreeing with me either.”
Nancy pursed her lips as she frowned sympathetically. She glanced down the embankment, confirming that they were still alone, and that no boats full of tourists were about to come gliding past. “Undo your pants!”
Ryan scoffed. “You must be incredibly drunk, if you of all people are suggesting public indecency.”
“It’s not public indecency, is it?” Nancy laughed. “There’s nobody around, cookie. You’ll feel better, trust me. I’m wearing a nice, loose-fitting dress, but those pants look painful.”
While her features barely shifted, Nancy could read the doubt and hesitation that lingered on Ryan’s face. 
“Fine, I’ll do it,” Nancy said, shifting onto her knees and reaching for the clasp below Ryan’s waist.
“What - don’t you dare!” Ryan tried to roll away from Nancy’s hands, when suddenly she froze, eyes widening as she sat forward. 
Nancy froze too, carefully placing a hand on Ryan’s back and tilting her head so she could see her face. “Ryan, are you quite -?”
The vampire’s eyes widened even further as she opened her mouth, air rumbling audibly in her chest before it burst out of her. The belch ended abruptly, with Ryan covering her mouth with her palm. It was, unfortunately, a little too late to stifle what had already happened.
“Oh, wow.” Nancy covered her own mouth to disguise the terrible job she was doing of suppressing a grin. She patted Ryan’s back with her other hand. “What do you say, cookie?”
“What?” Ryan blinked and shook her head. “I - excuse me, love. Really. I don’t know what came over me.”
“Nothing wrong with a little ambience,” Nancy shrugged.
Ryan sighed and finally rubbed her stomach, prompting a growl from inside the distressed organ as she turned to look at Nancy. “I believe I’ve had enough ambience for tonight. Shall we head for the hotel, love?”
“Yes,” Nancy agreed, leaning in to peck Ryan on the cheek. “Allons-y.”
Ryan audibly gulped back another burp, frowning and peering curiously at Nancy as they slowly moved to tidy everything up. “Why do you know allons-y?”
Nancy shrugged again, gently resting the wine bottle and glasses inside the picnic basket. “Doctor Who reference.”
And to just quickly mention Charlie and Shayne’s first Valentine’s; I believe it’d be low-key, if they got to see each other at all. Their graduation exams are coming up soon and they’re still living far away from each other. Plus I haven’t even worked out at what point they’re “officially” going to be dating lol my timeline is currently one whole mess.
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winxanity-ii · 2 months
hi i recently read your message about making makima!reader a poc and completely understand where youre coming from
as someone who isnt a poc, sure, it threw me off every now and then, but its not like i really minded it or thought it changed my reading experience
im currently loving your know no evil story and i think youre an amazing writer, but i think you probably should add a disclaimer at the beginning and in the story masterlist about specifying a noncanon skin color for the more sensitive readers 🤷
idk girlie, you do you, i think youre doing amazing but i just wanted to let you know cause theres a lot of people who get touchy if a reader isnt a fully blank canvas so having a disclaimer puts them more into a spot
if they see it at the beginning and theyre not into that shit, they dont gotta read it yk cause like thats just how things work out here
💀💀💀 Lol, re-read what you typed and then click my page to go to the pinned post and come back… No need to play the "other people may be upset" card. Girly pop, YOU’RE the "other people" who is bothered, but just got the audacity to type it out instead of going about your day, and that’s completely fine. But what’s not fine is wasting MY time and Beyoncé’s internet to say you’re upset that I used "tan" and "brown" for skin tones 😐
My writing aims to be inclusive and reflect the diversity in the world, which includes representing people of color. My stories are for everyone, but they also aim to give representation where it's often lacking.
If a character's skin color or identity isn't to your preference, that’s totally fine. There are countless other stories that emphasizes the "paler" skin tones, I promise—there's some out there for everyone. As for adding a disclaimer, once again, I believe my pinned post already addresses the inclusive nature of my writing, so if your reading comprehension is a bit low, I always make sure to put it in simple terms in bold colors and big letters as well.
Also, this was really weird and tone-deaf, and the fact you did this anonymously is sad (and also the main reason I won’t be doing what you suggested because I can’t tell if this is a joke or not 🤷🏾‍♀️) but yeah, thanks for reading??
My page is for the majority of the world—people with COLOR. So unless you’re as pale as a white cloud, I can’t help you because my writing is meant to reflect a diverse range of skin tones 😭💔
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zayray030 · 4 years
Baking is the Best Stress Relief.
Summary: Jason just wants people to leave him alone. He just wants him mom back. He wants Bruce back. He just wants to lose himself in the world of sweet treats and baked goods. Or The titans are dicks to Jason and go out to eat without him. He uses that to his advantage and starts baking. He just didn't count on the titans coming back early this time.
A/N: I rewatched Titans and got pissed off and I saw a headcanon about Jason stress baking so I put them together and got this.
“Jason! Could you just listen! No patrol!” yelled Dick at his brother.
Currently they were both in the Titans tower and they were arguing whether Jason was allowed to go on patrol after Dick had seen him try to sneak out.
“You're not my dad!” Jason yelled back. It was a weak argument and he knew it but he just wanted him to leave him alone and for people to stop looking at him.
It did the opposite thing however and people continued to stare at him and Dick ragged on twice as hard
“Thank the Lord for that!” snapped Dick, glaring at his little brother. Why couldn't he not just listen to him?
“Dick, maybe you should stop.” suggested Dawn, but she was also looking at Jason in slight disappointment. “Jason, I thought you weren't going to sneak out?”
Jason didn't say anything and just continued to glare. He just wanted them gone. Why couldn't his mother be here? Or Bruce. His mother wouldn't treat him like this and Bruce would give him his freedom.
“Maybe we should leave the kid here while we go out.” suggested Hank, but there was a slight smirk on his face. Jason so desperately wanted to smack that smirk of his face but he didn't want his punishment to be increased so he just stayed silent.
“Might as well. We're going to be late to the restaurant and it took months to get the reservations.” complained Donna.
“Okay, fine. Jason you stay here. I don't want any more trouble and if you get out of here…” the sentence wasn't finished but it held a warning. Jason slightly felt himself shake and he stopped himself before it came obvious. However, Kory noticed and she narrowed her eyes.
“Come on Grayson. Let's go. You've threatened the kid enough as it is.” snapped Kory already heading to the elevator. Rachel and Gar joined her shooting him slightly apologetic looks with Rose behind them throwing him an unsympathetic look.
Dick sent him one last glare and went with them. Donna and Dawn sent him small looks of disappointment but Hank just smirked at him and it took everything in Jason not to punch him.
When he felt the door of the elevator slide shut he collapsed into tears. He wanted his mom back. She would cuddle him and wouldn't shoot him a disappointed look. She would protect him from his dad. She would help him feel safe.
He wanted Bruce. He would give him his freedom and love him. He would give him actual reasons on why he wasn't allowed to do stuff. He would make him feel loved.
Jason suddenly stood up, and looked around to make sure that truly no one was here and quickly went to the kitchen area of the open plan house. He got out all of his supplies to start baking. He took his phone out from his pocket and quickly blasted some music on it and began singing to it. And soon he got lost to the world of sweet treats and music.
~With the rest of the titans~
“Why can't he just understand? He could get hurt or worse out there if he doesn't have the back up.” complained Dick at the restaurant.
“The kid's a little asshole, Dick. He'll grow out of it.” reassured Hank.
“Hank! Jason is not an asshole. He just needs time.” reprimanded Dawn, slapping her boyfriend's chest.
“Jason's a kid. Aren't all kids assholes?” asked Rose boredly, sending them a critical gaze.
“You, Rachel and Gar aren't. And sure you're kinda bitchy but you're an angel compared to him. And Rachel and Gar are beyond sweet.” replied Donna after swallowing her bite of food.
Rose didn't say anything. Just raised an eyebrow at them and went back to her food
“But Jason is nice!” protested Gar, defending his friend. He couldn't understand why people were so against Jason. He wasn't even a rebel or a bad boy. He was a total nerd!
“Jason? Nice?” asked Rachel, shooting him an incredulous look. Call her biased; she still wasn't over the church comment.
“Okay! We are not going to isnull a fellow team member! We are especially not going to insult him when he's not here to defend himself! We have more honour than that!” snapped Kori, interrupting all comments about Jason.
Everyone looked down slightly ashamed. One of the many powers of Kori, making people feel ashamed of their actions with just a few simple words.
“Eh, my appetite’s spoilt. Let's just go.” muttered Dick. Donna glared at him slightly before standing up too.
“You are paying for pizza, Grayson!” she snapped turning around to exit. Everyone followed after her quickly and Dick quickly put everything on Bruce's card.
Everyone was grumbling about having to leave but all complaints stopped when they heard the voice of an angel coming from the kitchen and the beautiful smell of baked goods.
Everyone quickly stiffened and silently crept into the kitchen expecting some psycho meta who could sing someone to death. Ridiculous, but could you blame them.
However, that was not what greeted them. Instead it was Jason Todd in an oversized Hoodie, singing along to a song on his phone, that sat on the counter, baking some of the amazing treats, any of them have ever seen.
The smell made Donna drool slightly and everyone eyed the treats greedily but they didn't advance. Instead they refocused their attention on Jason.
He looked positively…adorable. There was no other word for it. He was singing slightly, a smile on his face, a small blush decorating his pale cheeks, curly hair whitening at the tips with flour and his mouth was open singing happily to the song in the background. They all couldn't help but notice that this was the first time that they've all seen him so… free. Innocent.
However, the peaceful image was stopped by Hank. “You actually bake!?!” he hadn't meant to sound so rude about it but sometimes his brain to mouth filter didn't work.
Jason quickly turned around and dropped whatever baked good he had just finished and Donna moaned in despair as those beautiful treats dropped on the floor.
Jason wasn't focused on that however. He was just looking at everyone and slowly he began shaking and his face paled dramatically. He began sweating and phantom illusions of his dad began appearing and telling him that he's such a hussy for doing this. Telling him that he isn't a boy and he should die. He hadn't realised the tears falling but suddenly he felt warm, almost too warm, arms wrapping around him, rubbing his back and soothingly talking to him in a quiet voice.
The shaking stopped and when he looked up he saw Kory’s warm face looking down at him and he would have expected her to be looking at him in disappointment. But she was smiling, her eyes shining prettily.
“Jason, could you please teach me how to make pancakes? I actually want to be able to eat something other than take out and cereal.” she asked. And she was asking. Not demanding.
Jason just nodded slightly. “Um, y-y-yeah s-sure.” he stammered and blushed bright red. Kory however didn't laugh at him, just smiled and quickly began making some space on the counter
This, however, gave him the view of everyone else behind her and he thought they would all look at him in disgust instead Donna was looking at him in adoration and she quickly approached him, picked him up, and gave both his cheeks a kiss.
“Oh my Zeus, you can cook! You're my hero!” she exclaimed and her tone wasn't mocking or sarcastic. It was genuine and there was a small sparkle in her eyes. Jason just blushed a darker red and looked down, bashful. He swore he heard the women coo but he wasn't going to ask who it was.
“Jason, these taste so good!!” moaned out Gar after taking a bite from one of the cookies he made. He looked over and saw Rachel biting into them and closing her eyes and moaning in delight. Rose just bit one and nodded her head. Practically a scream of delight for her.
“So, is this how Bruce magically manages to get through the day without Alfred there for him?” asked Dick holding a bitten cupcake.
“Um, yeah.” Jason said quietly. He was confused. Why were none of them threatening to throw him out? Why were none of them making fun out of him?
Kory came back and put an arm around him and quickly steered him in front of a bowl. Everyone was looking at him intently. Even Hank had put down the slice of cake he was devouring to look at Jason.
“What?” he asked defensively when no one looked like they were going to talk.
“Sorry. We were all wondering if you could show us how to make some of these.” said Dawn when she realised why he was so defensive. Everyone flushed lightly but they still continued to look at Jason.
Jason just nodded, not trusting his mouth to speak, and quickly began to demonstrate how to make pancakes. Everyone watched in rapt interest and Jason desperately tried not to mess up.
“You are the designated cook of the Titans! No one is allowed to attack you when in the kitchen or anywhere else. You get to decide whoever comes into the kitchen and who stays out of it!” announced Rachel as she dug into her pancakes.
“Dick isn't allowed.” he said immediately and flushed again and turned to Dick, expecting him to be pissed. Instead he had a soft smile in his face and there was an odd twinkle in his eyes.
“That's understandable. Alfred also banned me from his kitchen when I set fire to a pot of water.” Everyone laughed slightly but Jason just shot him a horrified look and looked as if he was going to faint.
“How do you…?”
“Best not to ask, nerd. Now sing. It's actually one of the few pleasant things in this tower.” said Rose boredly, but there was a small, almost invisible, smile on her face. Everyone squawked in indignation so she amended. “Except for the fire lady.” Nobody tried to fight with her on that however and looked at Jason.
Jason just flushed red again and opened his mouth and began to sing a tune his mother taught him when she wasn't high on the drugs. Everyone listened in rapt attention and swayed to his voice
Soon everyone had finished eating their pancakes and Jason began cleaning up the dishes while they were eating. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around his shoulder and pull him closer. When he looked up he saw Kori’s face and she had a small frown in her face. Jason quickly shrunk in on himself when he realised that now  they were going to beat him up for baking but he was surprised again when she guided him to the living room and set him down and pushed the TV controller into his hand.
Suddenly, a plate of pancakes was deposited on his lap and when he looked up he saw Rachel standing there and she had a small blush on her cheeks.
“You are going to sit here and enjoy your food. While you do that the rest of us are going to clean up.” said Kory and when it looked like Jason was going to protest she kneeled down. “Please Jason. You deserve to relax. Especially after what we did to you before. Just stay here and watch something.” said Kori softly and in his peripheral vision he could see the older Titans looking down in shame.
He just nodded and turned on the TV. He looked around and quickly picked Tangled. No one made fun out of his movie but he did see Rose quirk her lips up and Dick smiling softly before Kori dragged them over to the kitchen.
By the time everyone had finished cleaning up the kitchen Jason had already passed out. Everybody couldn't help but coo at the small boy wrapped in a blanket, sleeping so peacefully with Tangled playing in the background.
“And to think that we thought he was a bad boy.” said Donna as she took out her phone and began snapping photos. She was so going to show these to Diana and she knew that her former mentor was going to show those to Bruce. He might not act like to but he would break his no kill rule just to have a quick glimpse at Jason looking like this.
“Nah, he's just a big nerd.” said Gar, smiling at his best friends sleeping form.
“He's so innocent.” Rachel said quietly approaching the sleeping boy but Dick held her back, some big brother instinct telling him to protect his brother.
“Let him sleep. He needs it.” said Dick guiltily.
“I still want to know who's going to cook in the morning.” said Rose. When everyone turned to look at her she just raised her eyebrow. “We are going to let sleeping beauty sleep, aren't we? Especially after what you dumb fuck’s said.” she added just to see all the older titans except Kory wince.
“Of course we are. And we are going to use those cooking techniques he so graciously taught us to make him an apology breakfast.” Kory’s tone held no argument and everyone nodded their heads at her.
Dick cautiously approached his brother and couldn't help but notice how tiny he was. It made his instincts flare higher as well as his guilt.
He picked the body up with little to no resistance and walked to the boy’s room. He would worry about his weight tomorrow. Right now he was worried about his sleep. He put the boy down in the bed and covered him with the blanket and looked at him.
“Wallowing in your guilt isn't going to help anyone, Grayson.” came Kory’s voice from behind him.
“Kory, I know little to nothing about this kid. I don't know what his favourite food is or what his favourite color is. I don't know his favourite book or movie.” he rambled and his guilt grew. God, he was such a hypocrite and a bad brother. Years of hating Bruce and then he does this to Jason. At least Bruce knew what Jason likes and doesn't.
“Sure you were a dick when this all began. But you can start bettering yourself now. The kid needs to feel needed and wanted. So start making sure he feels loved and wanted.” Bless Kori and her soul.
“What would I do without you?”
“Drown in depression and stupidity.” she answered easily and leaned over and kissed his lips softly. “Come on Grayson. Let's leave the kid alone”
Silently both of the adults walked out of the teen’s room and quickly closed the door behind them.
Sure this didn't start out like Dick wanted but he wasn't going to make it worse. He was going to be the best brother ever.
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plutodexay · 4 years
For the first time in years
    (Originally a one shot now being continued) ao3 link
 I hadn’t seen him for years. Back then he was all sharp edges, with pristine clothing and not one hair out of line. I couldn’t stand him, his words just as sharp as his appearance. Ron and Hermione agreed every time I would complain about anything involving him. During the war he changed; he seemed to be losing his sharp exterior as if he was fighting himself. He proved me right when he fought alongside us in the end. I never managed to thank him, seemingly just having disappeared. 
     After five years he’s back within reach. Sitting merely twenty feet away, his sight focused on the book he’s studying. 
      He’s no longer sharp, that's easy to tell. His hair reaching past his shoulders in waves. The muggle shirt falling slightly off his shoulder showing he’s still pale as the day he left. Somehow his skin managed to look more like Ron’s, freckles popping up where they were once hidden. 
     As if sensing I was looking at him, he looks up at me. Shocked at first but then he showed a knowing smile, reminiscent of how he’d look getting a question correct in class. I smiled back in only what I can imagine as awkward. He looks back down at his book after a few moments.
     Remembering the gryffindor part of me, I start to walk towards his table. The adrenaline going through me reminded me of catching the snitch. 
     “Is this seat taken?” I ask as soon as I get to his table. He takes a moment to look up from his book before he smiles again, nodding his head in the direction of the empty chair.  As I’m moving to sit he starts to grab the scrap paper next to him and puts it in the page of his book, before  slowly closing it and setting it down on the table. 
     “It’s been a while Potter.” He says calmly. Almost as if he was seeing an old friend. We never were friends, hell, I called him my Arch enemy more times than I can count. I almost expected him to hex me the moment he saw me. Yet he’s smiling softly at me, which I didn’t even think was possible.
“Haven’t seen you around Malfoy” 
“Ah, yes. I suppose nobody informed you?”
     “Informed me about what?” I reply quickly. Nobody has mentioned Malfoy since the one year vigil we held for the war. It was me, wondering why he didn’t show up. In all fairness not everyone did, people grief differently I suppose.
     “I took a job in France shortly after it ended” Oh, well that makes a bit more sense.
     “Why France? Couldn’t find a job around here” With his skill it shouldn’t have been hard. No matter how much of a prat he was, he was still one of the smartest in that whole castle. 
      He chuckled, again acting as if this is just old friends reconnecting. “People here were far too afraid of the Malfoy name so soon.” Looking at me almost making sure I was listening, he continued. “Mother and Father wanted to stay here, so of course that meant I had to go, for their sake and mine truly. Staying would’ve meant their faults being my downfall, I needed to leave so I could make something of myself and prove to, well, myself that I wasn’t like any of them in the end.” 
     So he left, that’s why I never got the chance. Thinking back it makes sense, it didn’t back then. Everyone accused of being a Death Eater got heavily investigated, many now reside in Azkaban. His parents made it out though, now just having limitations on them, at least that’s what Hermione told me. 
“So what brought you back.” 
     “Believe it or not Potter, you.” That smile, something I never thought him to be capable of. Never really thought him to be capable of anything besides mocking or fear. But that smile, it’s almost memorizing, just barely making his eyes do that wrinkle thing everyone says means it's genuine. It’s just shy of perfect. 
      “Pretty sure I didn’t do anything to bring you back Malfoy” Realizing just after it came out that it made me sound as if I didn’t want him back. Wait, do I actually want him back here?
      He laughed again, only less saddening; but like he just heard the world's best dad joke. 
     “Always the oblivious one.” Smiling at me again. “I came back to try again with you if you’re willing.”
     “Okay,” I replied instantly. Before looking at the time and realizing I’m late for a meeting. “I have to go but maybe we can meet again?” Looking at me he smiles again. 
“I’m free tomorrow for dinner?” Came his surprisingly happy response. 
     “I’ll see you tomorrow then”  I can feel the embarrassing red blush on my face. Turning towards the door to try and not be later than I already am, I hear him speak again.
“Goodbye Harry” Smiling I turn back to him.
“See you tomorrow Draco”.
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armymaryoongi · 4 years
Chapter One: Sakura Handkerchief
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, slightly mature, historical au; king au
warning: none (for cutie Yoongi, yes!)
words count: 1k+
Special appearance: Villager Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin
Note: English is not my native language
(Names, places and incidents are just based on fiction)
masterlist // Ch.Two
Summary: Just like any other kids, King Min Yoongi also has his own childhood memories but his involved a mystery girl who he met once and was known as his love at the first sight. Will he gets any chance to meet her again? What will he does when he found her? Will the girl remember her too?
“Prince!! Where are you going?” the guards screamed while chasing the Crown Prince. A burst of snicker laughter escaped from his mouth, trying his best to run away from his personal guards. Abruptly, he stopped running. His black eyes wildly scanning the area of the palace. He fistful his baby blue hanbok as anxiety rushed inside him, he doesn’t know where to hide. The sounds of their footsteps are getting near and this boy looked so helpless but not until he found a magnificent spot to hide. He fastens his steps, afraid if the guards hear his footsteps if he runs.
Not long after that, he heard the guards complained, “Where is the Crown Prince going? The King will scold us.” Of course, they will be scolded soon because he ran away from his scholar, Kim. It’s not that his scholar is a bad guy but the Crown Prince feels like ditching his class for today. He wanted to sneak out of the palace as he wants to go to his favourite place, the market. 
“Let’s split into three groups. One group at the main gate, one group at the garden and the other one at the throne hall. Let’s go!” the Head Personal Guard commanded, don’t want to give up their mission in tracking the lost Crown Prince. His eyes followed them as the fear of getting caught crept up to him again. At last, when he guaranteed the guards have disappeared from that place, he backed up slowly from his spot and ran to the wall. “Ah, it’s a piece of cake to run from them. I am the Crown Prince of Joseon! I am Min Yoongi! Nobody can read my movements.” he said proudly and chuckled left from his mouth while getting off the wall. 
Min Yoongi is the only Crown Prince of the kingdom as the Queen couldn’t bear another child anymore because of health matter. The King is not like any other kings who have stunning concubines by his side. He doesn’t care about having another heir or any concubines because his Queen is the love of his life. For him, the Crown Prince Min is qualified enough to be the next heir and he doesn’t want to take any risk; Min Yoongi is an obedient child but he can be naughty sometimes, just like the current situation. Imagine if the Min couple has three to four children like the little Min, they will easily get a headache!
“It’s been a while since I came here. Nothing change?” the curious Min whispered to himself, afraid if the villagers recognise him. Once again, his sharp eyes went wild, cautiously observed his surrounding. “Of course, the genius Min needs to hide.” he adjusted the hat (Gat) he is wearing now, make sure it can cover his face a bit and his unique blonde hair. 
The reason he always goes to the market is that he likes the environment, how the villagers running their errands; from selling those unique handcrafts to buying a basket of fishes from the fishmonger. It makes him feel happy as these remind him of how hard his father and the ministers have work in bringing a better and peaceful surrounding to the country and the villagers. Absolutely, he wants to be like his father, a role model of his, when he gets the throne in the future. With no hesitation, he took more steps that led him to one of his favourite shop, Jeon Arts and Crafts. The corner of his lips lifted as he excitedly looked at the variety of unique handcrafts displayed on the wood table. 
“Sir, how can I assist you? Any specific handcrafts that you are looking for?” asked the young Jeon to the prince and flashed his bunny smile. In this town, everyone knows who is the Jeon. His family inherited the talents and the villagers know them for such an incredible and good quality item of arts. They could create such a unique item for the villagers to decorate their hut or house. Not forget to mention, this shop will always be swarmed with youthful girls and women since the Jeon also inherited the good looking in their blood.
Not to get caught again, the genius Min deepens his voice, “It’s okay, Mr Jeon. I’m just looking.” The young Jeon just nodded, understand his customer’s intention. All of a sudden, the prince heard those footsteps. He can easily recognise as he has been living with it since he was a little child. He sighed because he knows he needs to change his spot immediately. With a bundle of nerves, he went straight to the next two shops from the Jeon as he saw a group of adolescent girls. He thought he can blend in with them and perhaps the guards don’t see him.
To pay respect, the villagers quickly giving space to the guards to walk. However, they felt weird why the guards who belong to the palace came at the market. Did someone betray the country? There’s an illegal seller? They couldn’t make their mind. 
Meanwhile, the prince pretended to be mesmerised with embroidery even though he was in bewilderment as he has stumbled upon the embroidery shop. ‘Please, please…Let me escape this time too.’ he quietly prays as his gaze set down at the sakura embroidery handkerchief. He couldn’t take his eyes off from it. Without he noticed, his hand slowly moved to that handkerchief, thinking to buy it. Howbeit, before his hand could reach it first, he saw a hand of a girl grabbed it. Even though he knows about it, his mind can’t process to pull back his hand and eventually, he touched that feminine hand.
Sudden heat flooded his body and tinged his pale cheeks with rosy colour as he looked up at the owner of the hand. His mind has plotted to apologise for his clumsiness but not his mouth. Not only him but the girl also looked at him, cheeks slightly blushed as she realised it was a hand of a boy. The son of the king looked so speechless, lips slightly parted, couldn’t take his eyes off from her just like the time he looked at the sakura handkerchief. 
Her eyes are pretty as the lotus petals, her small button nose compliment her cute face and the red colour tinted her lips perfectly. Absolutely, giving her an innocent look as she is wearing her pink hanbok. The long-forgotten handkerchief fell from her grip but not Min’s hand still touched hers. The girl who was attracted to his black sharp eyes quickly pulled her hand from Min and walked away.
Min snapped from his fantasy as he realised the situation. Forgot about his personal guards who are tired of searching him, his slender legs slowly followed her footsteps and accidentally revealed himself to the public. “That’s our Crown Prince!” shouted an excited fishmonger, Kim Seokjin. Everyone bowed to him but the sad Min failed to realise about it. That girl was the only thing he could think of. 
The guards were all aware of the sudden screaming and their surrounding. In the twinkling of an eye, the Head Personal Guard spotted the wanted Crown Prince and he plodded to the sad boy, to not wanting to scare the boy. “Your highness. Are you okay?” he noticed how the boy startled when he caught him. The Crown Prince let out a sudden sighed, frustrated with himself as he couldn’t spot the sight of that angelic girl.
Accompanied with a frown on his handsome face, he walked back at the embroidery shop and tried to find the handkerchief. As he found it, he pressed his lips into a thin smile and asked the owner to wrap it for him. The Head Personal Guard who everyone in the palace couldn’t deny has been the closest person to the Crown Prince felt curious about his sudden behaviour. “Let’s head back to the palace.” the last sentence he has listened from the gloomy Min that day.
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your-rose-highness · 4 years
Tell me what is Love (ch- 10)
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Pairing- Baekhyun x OC
Special Appearance- JB of GOT7
“So I was thinking, I could take you on a date soon?”, Jaebeom shyly confessed as the two took a walk by the Han river. 
After the quick celebratory hug with jane, Jaebeom, and hye hee sneaked out of the apartment post-dinner. Hye hee felt young after so long. Being in that moment with him as he tried to cure the awkwardness voicing his random thoughts, seemed like a spring day. As they drove away to the Han river, she rolled down the windows and felt the crisp breeze embrace her face. Jaebeom stole glances at her. Something about her seemed so calming to him, yet she looked so drained all the time. He was sure it was more of an emotional turmoil than physical and thus the smiles rarely reached her eyes. At the present moment, she looked like a child. It made him feel warm. 
“Yes, maybe tomorrow?”, she hinted.
“Surely! I’m more than glad you agreed. Any place you would prefer?”
She turned to him with playful eyes before saying, “surprise me.”
Jaebeom pressed his lips together taken aback by her sudden boldness. Not that he was complaining. This was a new her that he was seeing and it was beautiful.
The riverside was quiet, with barely anyone walking past them. It was one of those times when you feel so comfortable with another as you bare your soul out for them. Lying on the grass, they told stories of their childhood, both listening to each other attentively. They laughed at the hilarious anecdotes while spotting funny shapes within the stars. Hye hee forced her brain to stop wandering to Baekhyun. This was a moment she had craved for years and why was she feeling guilty? As she tried to peel away from his thoughts, she felt Jaebeom’s hand brush against hers softly. They turned to each other in surprise, both inching away. Jaebeom’s ears turned red in embarrassment and for hye hee it was an instinct she had developed over the years. 
Just grab his fucking hand reasoned her brain yet something stopped her. She forced herself to place her hand beside his. Picking up courage, her fingers reached him subtly and the two shyly looked at each other once again. This time, Jaebeom fingers curled into hers. She couldn't explain the rush she felt. The warmth of his palm traveled through her body making her shiver.
“Are you cold?”, Jaebeom worriedly asked.
His voice full of concern made her smile, it was so akin to someone she knew, without realizing her heart was still in the old place, striving to find similarities, though unconsciously. 
“A little bit.”, she replied in a small voice and Jaebeom immediately proceeded to take off his denim jacket. 
He fretted around her, trying to help her put on the jacket without actually having to hold her. The two walked around once again, this time hands clasped tight. Sipping on their hot coffees, they watched the sunrise and the golden gleam strengthened their hopes. Hye hee watched him soak in the sun. it was almost as if his skin reflected off the golden rays making them his own. He was beautiful. Laying her head on his shoulder, she looked out towards the wonderful spectacle that unfolded before them. 
“I’m sorry I kept you up all night.”, Jaebeom said as he played with hye hee’s fingers.
“Well. it was long due anyway. Let us skip work too!”, she responded filled with sudden excitement.
Jaebeom smiled widely in shock at her. “What? Hahaha. Do I need to submit the files you know? What do you want to do though? Maybe we can get out early to grab lunch and have fun later. What do you say?”
“I’d love that.”, she whispered, snuggling closer to him.
Jaebeom dropped hye hee soon later, hardly being able to part ways. She found the house cold as she stepped in. jane had left behind a note on the refrigerator.
‘Wanted to wait for all the details, but realized I have a test. You're booked for the evening. 
“ARE YOU SERIOUS, BYUN BAEKHYUN?”, Lee Sooman roared at him as he stood in front of him, head hanging in shame. “The company suffered an immense loss of investors when this scandal unfolded and though the people have been most gracious and welcoming about you two, now, this!”
“I’m very sorry, sir.” Baekhyun gulped. He had decided to take this bullet by himself, leaving Taeyeon out. The backlash would be brutal on her and he didn't think she was to blame.
“What about Taeyeon?”, he asked, settling down on his chair, his eyes never leaving Baekhyun.
“We both want the same thing, sir.”
Mr. lee shook his head in disbelief at every word, pondering over how he can handle this incoming tsunami. Baekhyun peeked to look at him and continued, “Sarang will mostly be out of this. We will shield her from the public eye….”
“Sit.”, he suddenly whispered. Baekhyun cautiously trod over to the seat opposite to him.
“I’m sorry, but this isn't something that could be overlooked so easily. There are investors, partners that run this damn company. Marriage was one thing, but now divorce? It won't be simple. There might be a potential danger to both your careers and you better take care of that child.”
“I’m ready to take responsibility.”
Mr. Lee simply gave him a stare the whole time, before sighing deeply.
Baekhyun was walked through all the formalities before leaving the company that day. His freedom was going to cost him this time. As he drove home, his mind wandered over to hye hee. He hadn't heard from her for a while but refrained from involving her in the mess that was in front of him. He will be the center of attraction once again and peered from every crack like an animal. As he drove to his parents to break the news to them, he stopped a while at the tiny park of his old neighborhood. The place he had first kissed Hyehee and ironically also where he lost her. Sitting in his car by the empty park, he replayed the simpler times as his eyes closed for a minute.
hye hee was furious. Her senior had called off her work for being half-assed in front of the whole office and Jaebeom had seen it all. She didn't like how pitifully he had looked at her. Rushing to the coffee room to fix herself and calm down, she found him enter minutes later, closing the door softly behind himself.
“I’m fine.”
Jaebeom approached her slowly, holding her hand as she stood waiting for the coffee. Their eyes met briefly before she complained, “she never told me what kind of content she was looking for, you know. And now she just yells at me. It wasn’t my fault. Why today of all days? I’m so embarrassed.”
Despite her whining, Jaebeom was smiling ear to ear.
“What’s so funny?”, she shot at him, pissed.
He laughed at her annoyed pouty face and ruffled her hair, “ because you look adorable right now.”
“Waah. are you flirting with me right now?”
Raising her hand to his lips, he softly murmured against her palm, “if I haven’t even begun.”, proceeding to kiss it.
Hyehee’s legs swayed as his voice intoxicated her, forcing Jaebeom to hold her closer. The air thickened between them, their lips only inches apart. She scurried back on her feet, freeing herself from his embrace. Jaebeom's ears turned red and stuttered to find words. 
"Yah, why were you…"
She retorted without letting him finish, "I wasn't falling, okay? There were people outside." Jaebeom turned around to see if anyone could see them, and the realisation hit her- the door is opaque. Mentally cursing her lack of ability to make believable excuses, she met his playful eyes this time. His lips pressed into a suppressed smile he mouthed 'dumbo' at her. Hye hee slapped his arm in desperation and left the room. 
"Take the coffee, Hye hee!", He teased.
"I want tea."
He laughed loudly at her tiny voice. 
The rest of the day, the two kept at it. Jaebeom's change of demeanor came as a surprise. He usually was very reposed and a man of very few words. He was opening up to her and didn't wish to hold himself back.  Hyehee cheeks never went pale for the day. Even at his glance, she’d blush to the point where her co-worker asked if something was wrong. Nobody had yet guessed that they were dating each other. 
“Cold noodles and fried chicken, please.”, hye hee placed her order at the restaurant during lunch, beaming at the waiter.
“Are you sure you can eat it all? The portion sizes in here are a little bigger than usual.”, Jaebeom wondered.
“Oh don't worry, I can eat a lot for lunch, but dinner, that’s the tricky one for me.”
Halfway through lunch, Jaebeom’s phone beeped, and whatever it was, it made his eyebrows scrunch.
“What?”, Hyehee asked with cheeks full of noodles.
He snorted at her and pushed his cellphone towards her.
“He wants the new parts done. I’ll have to stop by my place to get the rest of the clips. I was going to get the hard drive tomorrow, but looks like this particular project has the boss on edge for some reason.”
“Okay, I’ll finish fast and we can go.”
“Yah. eat slowly.”, he scolded, “you’re gonna get indigestion. Also, could you chew through the whole thing? There’s no hurry. I’ll quickly drop you at the office and drive back.”
hye hee wanted to answer, but she chewed her last mouthful carefully before drinking the soup, “Why do you have to drop me? I can come with you. There’s no reason for you to make such long trips for one file.” 
Scrunching his face, puzzled, he stammered “Yo-you’re okay with coming over to my place?”
Hyehee nodded quickly, confused why Jaebeom would ask that. He always comes over to her place, it’s only fair.
“Okay”, his face went blank in surprise.
Throughout the drive, he didn't say a word and had avoided looking at hye hee.
What is he so worried about? Did he have his underwear sprawled throughout the apartment and was now thinking of how to clean up? Or, was he a dirty guy? Maybe his place stinks? What do men have to worry about so much?- were the thoughts running through her head.
She had only been to one man’s apartment all these years and it was Baekhyun. Of course, she didn't know if he kept his pass traits, but that guy was always a mess. When the two took apartments next to each other after they came to Seoul, she would organize his things whenever she came over. After complaining about how dirty his apartment was, he proposed to only meet up at her place. He did bother to clean up if she was coming over and it was cute. He’d whine about how hard vacuuming was and would curse scientists to not have made another invention to block dust entirely. 
The memory made her smile. Strolling through her memory lane, she had forgotten where and with whom she was. 
Jaebeom on the other hand had other things in mind.
The apartment was what modern decor would call, minimalist. There were a few plants by the window and only that added some color. Apart from that, he had a wall full of polaroids, mostly of random objects, animals, his friends, and family. Hyehhe carefully scanned them to find an old picture of Jaebeom, in his school uniform, and a cat. His facial features hadn't changed and the smile had remained. Jaebeom cleaned on his way to his study, diving into the cave of hard drives, finding the one he wanted only minutes later. On seeing her walking over to the window, he stood still, observing her. She booped her nose to the monstera plant that his friends had gifted him, touching it softly with her fingers. A feeling of delight washed over him seeing her there. He wanted to hold her close to him and take care of her. 
hye hee then turned to look at him, beaming. 
“This dingy apartment looks nicer with you in it.”, he exclaimed.
“Well I am quite a ray of sunshine.”, she cheekily responded.
Moving to close distance, she wrapped her hands around him, laying her head on his chest. Jaebeom pulled her close to himself, kissing her forehead, “I’m afraid I’m falling in love with you.”
Laced in each other’s embrace, she looked at him with the most alluring way, “sweep me off my feet.”
Jaebeom slowly approached her lips, brushing it against his, looking for signs of approval. As he hesitated, hye hee stands on her toes to kiss him this time, making Jaebeom hold her closer to him. Stopping suddenly, Jaebeom pulled away from the breathless hye hee.
“Are you sure, you want to do this, I mean…”
“Oh, shut up.”, hye hee cried out, cutting him midway as she kissed him again.
She could feel Jaebeom’s lips curve into a smile against hers. The hard drive lay forgotten as the time stood still for them in each other’s embrace.
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“You brought a lawyer?”, Baekhyun whispered through his teeth.
“Well, you should too.”
“Why do we need a lawyer?”, he said, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Well, the assets, parenting rights…”, she made him count.
“What do you mean parenting rights? Sarang is my daughter too.”, he snarled.
“Just come out. We can't make Mr. Mae waiting. It’s rude.”, she said, slamming the door behind her.
Baekhyun closed his eyes in defeat and followed her, leaving a huge sigh. Mr.Mae was a well-known lawyer and had already seated himself on the table, and had laid a bunch of papers in front of him.
“Ah, yes. Please. Lets’s begin, I have another appointment with a client in the next 3 hours.”, Mr. Mae chided at Baekhyun.
“Then you can go ahead. We won't be needing you.”
“Baekhyun!”, Taeyeon whispered under her breath, while Mr. Mae only laughed soullessly.
Baekhyun sat with a sour expression the entire time as Mr. Mae listed everything that needed to be done. Celebrities couldn't just get a divorce as they wish and entailed a bunch of ways to be free from the public eye.
“....but Mr. Byun will be allowed to visit…”, he continued.
“Excuse me, allowed?”, Baekhyun roared, making Mr. Mae look up from his papers through the top of his glasses.
“Yes, Taeyeon asked for almost full parenting rights.”, he confessed.
“I just don't think you’ll be able to take care of our daughter with everything going on and also with you leaving home unannounced to meet girls.”, she retorted, her face devoid of expression.
“I’m sorry, Mr.Mae, but Taeyeon and I need to talk about this bit of the agreement before proceeding. I have never been irresponsible towards Sarang. You’re making this personal and I won't have it.”, he thundered before storming out of the house. As the cold breeze slapped his face, his face stung with warm tears that escaped. Letting out an ear wrenching scream of despair, he broke down in unstoppable tears, praying that the hurt would stop.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Balance Requires Motion
Word count: 1553
TW: Vomit
They were on a tour bus.
Tour buses weren’t always the main mode of transportation, usually the group would carpool or drive in pairs, but to save gas on the relatively short drive to the new location for their next few shows, the bus was decided to be used. 
Nobody really minded the bus. Everyone got a seat to themselves, although several of them usually ended up packing into one to talk or play games to pass the time. Right now, the only one alone was Joan, huddled against the window to watch the sights, Aragon, who was asleep, and Maria, who was driving. Howard and Bessie were sitting together, sharing earbuds and watching a movie on Howard’s laptop. Maggie, Anne, and Cleves were playing a card game, while Cathy and Jane were doing some tutoring lessons, as Cathy was often trying to help Jane increase her education.
All was calm.
And then the bus jostled, and Joan’s stomach churned.
God, it hurt. Every movement of the bus made her stomach ache with tremendous pain, sloshing the little contents inside like the waves at sea. She’s thrown up in her mouth more time than she can count, and the acidic taste of bile has left permanent traces on her tongue.
About ten minutes in was when she had begun to feel the beginnings of a massive headache. And now, an hour later minutes later, her headache has turned to stomach cramps and nausea, and the three people in front of her talking so enthusiastically, reminiscing about their times of the past did nothing but to continually grate on her ears and worsen the pain. So sue her if she complained about this trip because she said the tour bus wasn’t a good idea and she was in pain and she was definitely not in a pleasant mood.
Not that Joan was ever one to complain out loud. No, never Joan Meutas, the pacifist, the timid little deer, the one who always has to play devil’s advocate. She would never speak up about what was bothering her.
Which was exactly why she was curled against the wall of the bus, whimpering quietly to herself.
It did not help that the effects of the painkillers were not as strong as she had expected, and she would have to wait four hours till the next dosage. She would have happily downed five pills at once but the director was hellbent on her being there for performances since it would be harder for her dep to show up. And if she died of a medicine overdose, she knew full well he would come to purgatory and beat her to death for doing that to the show.
Resting her head against the window pane, Joan closed her eyes and tried to block out the sounds around her. Just her luck to have forgotten her earbuds, though she had a feeling music wouldn’t even help her at this point. There was really nothing much to do on a long drive if she couldn’t even read a book or look out the window to admire the scenery without wanting to puke. Life sucked so badly right now.
  “Do you think in Spanish-speaking countries, they say One?” Maggie asked loudly. She never did know how to use an inside voice.
  “Let’s gather around the table for a nice game of One,” Anne snorted.
  “Can confirm that they don’t say that,” Maria said from the driver’s seat.
Joan’s head pounded. Her stomach roiled like a nest full of restless snakes. She whimpered.
God, they were all so loud. At least Maggie and Anne were. Why couldn’t they, for once, direct that attention onto her? 
The bus jostled once again and Joan couldn’t take it anymore. She heaved herself to her feet, nearly throwing up right then and there, and staggered her way to the front.
  “M-Maria?” She stammered. “C-can you pull over?”
  “What? Why?” Maria asked, louder than necessary.
  “P-please, I just--”
And then Joan lurched forward and threw up all over the floor.
  “Well, this is great. Just great.” Anne said. “We have barf on the bus!”
  “I’m sorry,” Joan whispered, hugging herself tightly.
  “You know, you should be in there cleaning it up, not Cathy.” Maggie said.
  “Yeah,” Jane agreed. “And if you knew you had motion sickness, then you shouldn’t have ridden with us.”
  “I-I didn’t know!” Joan cried, and then careened away to vomit again.
Anne sneered in disgust. “Bullshit.” She said. “You’re always clinging to us, Joan. You just wanted to be around us. That’s why you didn’t drive alone.”
Joan couldn’t answer and Anne knew that. That’s exactly why she was deciding to say all these things--not that Joan would be able to properly reply even if she wasn’t spilling her guts on the side of the road.
  “Stop being such an ass, Anne.” Aragon said, then walked over to Joan to tend to her.
  “What? It’s true!” Anne said, holding her hands up. “We all know it!”
  “Cut it out, Anne.” Howard said firmly. “Seriously.”
Anne looked at her cousin, then backed down. Howard breathed out a soft sigh of relief, then looked over at Joan, who looked dazed and disoriented. Aragon was murmuring in her ear and holding her hair out of the way, actually doing something to help the poor thing instead of just standing around watching.
  “Well, that should be the last of it,” Cathy said, stepping out of the bus. “All clean, now.”
  “Bless you, Cathy,” Maggie said, earning a snort from the blue queen.
After everyone was back on the bus, Howard noticed that Joan sat all the way in the back and moved away out of sight behind the seat. She gave it ten minutes, then got up and walked over. Her heart broke when she saw the music director curled against the window with her eyes squeezed shut and hands hugging her stomach.
  “Joan?” She sat down next to the girl and gently felt her pale face with the back of her fingers. “Sweetie?”
Joan’s eyes fluttered open at the pet name. They were cloudy and teary. She leaned her head into Howard’s hand and then shut them again.
  “Oh, Joan…”
Carefully as to not upset her stomach further, Howard gently eased Joan down until her head was in her lap. She could feel the girl’s body stiffen in shock at the action, but relax when she began to stroke her sweaty hair.
  “K-Katherine, wh-why are you--” Joan tried to stutter out.
  “Shh, shh,” Howard hushed her. “We still got an hour to go. I want to make sure you’re comfortable, honey.”
  “Th-thank you,” Joan whispered.
Howard smiled softly down at the girl, who curled in closer to her like a kitten seeking warmth. She even thought she heard her breathe out a sigh of bliss at one point when Howard moved a hand to gently massage her aching stomach.
  “I didn’t know pianists like belly rubs.”
Howard looked up to see Aragon standing against the seat in front of them, a small smile on her lips. She was looking down at Joan, who was more definitely blushing at that comment, but didn’t have the energy to be flustered about it. She also very clearly didn’t want Howard to stop.
  “Neither did I,” Howard chuckled. She moved over slightly so Aragon could sit next to her.
  “Learn something new every day, I suppose,” Aragon said. “I got a water bottle.”
Joan whined softly when Howard lifted her chin, prying open her tired eyes to glare weakly.
  “Ah, so pianists like belly rubs AND get fussy when they’re sick,” Aragon said, nodding wisely. Howard laughed as Joan hid her blushing face against her thighs.
  “Ah, ah,” Howard chided. “Drink some water, sweetheart. Wash that nasty taste out of your mouth.”
Joan obliged and gratefully began to drink from the water bottle Aragon brought over. Both Howard and Aragon had to keep her from guzzling down the entire thing.
  “Slowly, darling.” Aragon said, tipping the bottle down so all the water wouldn’t come out as fast.
  “You don’t want to upset your poor tummy even further,” Howard added, and THAT got Joan to blush furiously.
  “Aww,” Aragon cooed. “You are too cute, Joan.”
Joan's face became impossibly dark red and she folded herself back up against Howard, pillowing her head on her thighs. Aragon chuckled and played with her unruly white-blonde hair as Howard’s hand went back to her stomach.
  “I’m sorry,” Joan whispered after a moment. “I-I didn’t know, really.”
  “Nothing to apologize for, Joan.” Aragon said.
  “It’s perfectly normal to get sick, honey.” Howard added. “It’s just your body’s way of telling you it doesn’t like the movement of the bus, that’s all.”
  “It’s embarrassing,” Joan whimpered adorably.
  “Nothing to be embarrassed about, darling,” Aragon soothed. “Some people just can’t handle the abrupt movements, nothing to be ashamed of.” She shifted slightly and smiled warmly at Joan. “Besides, nothing can be more embarrassing than me getting morning sickness during war.”
Both Howard and Joan look at her in interest.   “What?” Howard asked.
  “Really?” Joan said.
Aragon chuckled. “Stop feeling guilty over your car sickness and I’ll tell you.”
Joan nodded and looked up at Aragon expectantly. Howard parroted her expression and Aragon laughed.
  “The year was 1513!”
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prettyboyoongs · 4 years
The One That Got Away | Min Yoongi
requested! also i just got broken up with and i’m having a really, really hard time and all that’s really helping me is writing and the boys so ): this hits way too close to home
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“Would you stop being a little baby and come on? I told you it’ll be good, so just listen to me,” Hoseok huffed, dragging his best friend into the small coffee shop for open mic night. When the boy opened his mouth to complain once again, Hobi rolled his eyes and pushing him gently into the empty booth. “I’ll buy you a coffee, alright? Just hush and listen. You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”
Yoongi sighed and threw his head back, resting it on the wall behind him. “Fine,” He agreed finally, sitting back up to give his best friend his order (as if he didn’t already know it). Hoseok smiled widely at him, patting him on his shoulder with gratitude as he thanked him. “Don’t mention it.” Yoongi mumbled as he watched his friend walk away to get their drinks.
He looked around, staring at the girl on the stage in front of him. His throat hitched, his mouth became dry, and his heart pounded in his chest. She was beautiful.
He watched her get everything in order for her song- her small arms making sure her guitar was tuned, her jean covered legs stretching to grab at the mic stand and adjust it to her height, her plump lips that were coated in pretty pink lip gloss wrapping around her water bottle as she drank nervously. 
“Here.” Hoseok chimed, hand blocking his view from seeing the girl on the stage. Yoongi blinked, head finally coming out of the clouds as he looked up at his best friend with a small smile, taking the paper cup from his hands. Hobi smiled back, sitting down besides him and taking a look at the stage. “Whoo! Let’s go!” He cheered loudly, making Yoongi’s skin turn pale and eyes widen. 
He looked over at his friend, turning his head quickly to look at the girl. She smiled widely at the two of them, waving a hand at Hoseok. He waved back, mouthing praises to her. She even smiled at Yoongi before she had turned back around to make sure her amp was plugged in correctly. “Yo, who is that?” Yoongi whispered into Hoseok’s ear, his eyes still trained on the girl.
“Y/N L/N,” Hoseok replied calmly, shrugging, “She’s a good friend of mine. That’s why I always come here- to cheer her on. She’s amazing. She’ll only preform if I’m here; she’s a little shy. Great kid though.”
Yoongi nodded and sat back up in the booth, allowing his eyes to trail over her figure. She was wearing bright and unique clothes, her style very much like Hoseok’s. She was stunning.
Before he knew it, she was sitting down on the stool with her electric guitar on her thighs, clearing her throat in the microphone. “Hey, everybody. I hope you’re all doing okay and are staying healthy! I’m, uh, gonna sing you a song I wrote.” 
Her stage presence was amazing. Her voice was raw and strong, the upbeat chords of her guitar almost overpowering the deep and sad lyrics. She ended the song with a nervous giggle and a final string on her electric, earning a bunch of claps and whistles- Hoseok and Yoongi included. She thanked everybody and made her way off the stage with her guitar in hand, skipping towards Hoseok to hug him. “Good job, kiddo! That was so good!” He cheered, rubbing at her back.
“Thanks, Hobi,” She blushed, pulling away and turning to Yoongi with a bright smile and red cheeks. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
Yoongi smiled back instantly, looking down at her outstretched hand, gulping before shaking it. His heart raced at the physical contact. “Hey. I’m Yoongi.” She smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. “You did great up there, by the way. I mean, the lyrics were a little disheartening but hey.” He joked with a shrug, making Y/N giggle. 
“Thanks,” She replied. Hoseok smiled at the two, and made his way to the counter to buy Y/N a treat for doing so well on stage, his disappearance going unnoticed. “But yeah, no, um, I wrote it after my ex-boyfriend of two years cheated on me, so..” She laughed nervously.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi frowned, apologizing almost instantly. “You don’t deserve that. He sounds like an asshole. And any boy that hurts you is stupid.”
Within a week, you two were going on your first date together. Within two weeks, you were having your first kiss, and before three months came around, you were dating and were the happiest you two had ever been.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
Yoongi started paying more attention to work. You started paying more attention to your job and making songs for people. It all happened so fast.
Over the next two years, the two of you learned how to juggle your relationship with your jobs. You made time for each other— except it wasn’t nearly enough time but neither of you cared to realize that.
After the third year, though, your routine started to slip. Mistakes were being made. Dates were being forgotten. Beds were left empty while desk chairs stayed filled. The house soon became sad and lonely, and nobody barely stayed home enough to make it happy again.
Yoongi was particularly good with birthdays and remembering important dates. He was always good to you on your birthdays— they were your favorite day of the year just because he treated you extra well.
You were so excited. You missed Yoongi, and you knew he missed you too. You put on your favorite dress (Yoongi’s too) and did your hair and makeup for the first time since forever, it seemed like. You sat on the couch and waited for your boyfriend to show up, a large smile on your face as you racked your brain about what he could possibly surprise you with this year.
Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. You had watched the sun go down, and even come up as you waited for Yoongi. Your heart was broken. He had never once missed a birthday— let alone yours.
You allowed yourself to slip out a few tears before you finally crawled into bed, staying as far away from his side as possible while your heart ached. You never mentioned it to him; you wanted to see if he realized his mistake. Unfortunately, he never did.
It was days of this— you ignoring him while he just sat back and wondered what he did wrong. One night, he waltzed in drunk off his ass, beer bottle in hand while he screamed something sort of like your name (it was hard to tell through the slurring).
You scrambled out of bed alarmingly, running down the hallway to see if he was okay. You were met with a very Soju-smelling man, standing in front of you with teary red eyes. “I know where this is going. Okay, I know. I’ve known for so long but I’m just so scared to let you go.” Yoongi muttered, making you blink back in surprise.
“Yoongi,” You scoffed slightly. “What are you talk—”
“Us!” Yoongi screamed back. You gulped and took a small step back. “Us, Y/N! I don’t know what the hell I did to make you hate me so much, but you do, and there’s nothing I can do to change that! We’re not the same, Y/N/N. We’re not. We’ve c-changed and if you haven’t realized it then..” He sighed heavily, throwing his arms up.
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked down. “You just stopped caring, Yoongs. I haven’t changed— you have. You stopped kissing me goodbye. You stopped sending me flowers on random occasions or when you knew I was having a bad day. You stopped making love to me. You stopped folding my laundry when I stayed up too late with work. You stopped ordering from my favorite restaurant when dinner didn’t go as planned. You forgot my birthday, Yoongi.”
Yoongi stayed silent at your words. He couldn’t move. He was frozen in place and the only thing that could bring him back to reality was the wheels of your suitcase on the hardwood floor. He blinked rapidly at this, dropping his empty Soju bottle onto the floor and rushing after you. “Baby, no. Please don’t do this.”
“I have to,” You sniffled. “I want us to be happy, and I don’t think us being together will give us that.”
It had been weeks since Yoongi had left the house. He would of gotten fired from his job, too, if it hadn’t been for one of his coworkers who backed him up. He hadn’t looked at his phone in about eight days. He stopped sending you long messages when you threatened to block him if he didn’t stop.
He truly didn’t plan on ever leaving his house. He wanted to stay home and suffer. He wanted to cry and drink but Hoseok wasn’t letting that happen.
Now here he was, being dragged inside of a coffee shop that seemed oddly familiar but his mind was so foggy that he couldn’t put his finger on it. “Look, dude, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I really don’t want to be h—” Yoongi sighed.
“I don’t care. Go sit down.” Hoseok ordered, gently pushing him towards the booth they had first sat in years ago. Yoongi groaned and dragged himself towards the seats, his head pounding and his eyes blurry with tears. It had been so normal lately for him to cry randomly, his heart getting heavy randomly while thinking of you. He sat himself down and crossed his arms over his body, keeping his eyes at the ground while he waited for Hobi to come back.
“Here,” Hoseok whispered, shoving the coffee into Yoongi’s hands. Yoongi smiled weakly at him and before he could say thank you, familiar strings began to play. Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed and his heart dropped to his stomach. He looked up at the stage, which had been changed drastically since he last saw it— only to see you.
You weren’t wearing the bright clothes you were when he first saw you. You were wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, your acoustic guitar keeping you company instead of your electric. You sniffled into the microphone, adjusting the hood ontop of your head so you could see the chords. Yoongi’s mouth went dry.
“I wrote this song when my ex-boyfriend at the time cheated on me,” You spoke weakly, trying desperately to sound strong. Yoongi tried to blink back his tears but it was way too hard. “I moved on, and I fell in love again. This time, he changed— and it hurt me a million times more than being cheated on. So, this is for him. I hope he’s happy with who he is now, because he sure as hell isn’t the man I fell in love with.”
Yoongi went to stand up and leave, pretty sure his heart wouldn’t be able to take anymore. However, Hoseok gripped his shoulder and sat him back harshly. “Listen to her. You did this, so you listen.”
So he did. He listened. He watched. He noticed. He remembered. He broke. He cried. He listened to your raw voice singing the lyrics that now seemed to fit more to your relationship than the one the song was intended for. You didn’t show your strength this time, you showed your weakness. You cried and had to stop a few times before continuing.
Yoongi watched you thank the crowd before rushing off of the stage and towards the women’s room, turning around when Hoseok yelled your name sweetly. Your heart stopped when your eyes met Yoongi’s accidentally, making you shake your head and let out another sob before pushing yourself into the restroom. “You ruined her, Yoongi. I trusted you with her, and you broke her.” Hobi spoke sadly before pushing past his best friend to cater to you.
Yoongi’s heart shattered at his best friend’s words. He ruined you. He broke you. He will never get you back.
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