#that one episode where a fan asks to sleep with him and he’s all disappointed n goes
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usamey · 1 year ago
IM not like other girls. ID treat nathan explosion RIGHT!!!!!!!! 😤😤😤
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lenaboskow · 8 months ago
so last night i was sitting here trying to clear my writer's block by jumping between wips and then i had a thought: a writing experiment where i write what an "evan begins" ep would look like. and i know what you're thinking-- "we don't want that" but HEAR ME OUT (this was written while sleep deprived but i'm too lazy to rewrite it, bear with me)
"evan begins" isn't actually buck coming to terms with his given name, it's actually the beginning of him losing himself in his relationship with tommy over the course of several episodes (telling everyone that he no longer goes by buck, distancing himself from the 118, getting reckless on calls because tommy, who is as uninterested as we've seen him to be, only seems to care when he's hurt just like his parents).
and eddie. eddie hates this. he just got christopher back, and now buck is pulling away from him, from their family, from the 118, is refusing to be called buck, and won't stop risking his life for no reason. he tries, he tries so hard to get buck to listen to him. eddie never calls him evan, not once, and buck ignores him every time his name leaves his mouth. it hurts, but eddie knows that he can't give in, that he needs to fight for buck because no one else is, has time to because they're all going through their own stuff. but buck helped him get through chris being in texas, and now eddie would help buck get through whatever this is.
but buck isn't making it easy. he isn't talking to anyone, not really, but it's like he's specifically avoiding eddie. that's why it takes so long for eddie to realize what he's doing. that he's reverted back to his childhood attempts at getting attention. and the way he notices? complete accident. eddie's at the hospital, waiting for news (because buck never remembered to take eddie off of his emergency contact list, and eddie would use that power as much as possible until he realized), and tommy shows up. he and tommy aren't on the friendliest of terms anymore, mostly because of eddie's newly identified jealousy, but they make small talk. tommy makes a comment, something about how he and "evan" hadn't had the chance to go out on a date in over a week, and it clicks.
eddie shows up at the loft that night. tommy's there, he answers the door, and eddie pushes past him, heads straight to buck who's sitting on the couch that isn't even comfortable. he stands in front of him, and before buck can ask why he's at the loft, eddie says "i know what you're doing, and it needs to stop".
buck. buck just... goes quiet. the lack of a denial is enough for eddie, and he turns to tommy, telling him he needs to go. tommy puts up a fight, but eddie's more stubborn, and may or may not threaten to call athena (who is not tommy's biggest fan). is it ethical? no. does it have any legal standing? no to that as well. but eddie doesn't care, and it works, and suddenly he and buck are alone for the first time in months. and buck breaks.
he tells eddie everything, how he didn't feel like himself, and that he didn't know why he was doing what he was, but he didn't know how to stop it, how to leave this relationship that took so much from him. he tells eddie he feels like a failure, like a disappointment, and that he feels guilty for abandoning him right after chris got back. feels guilty for abandoning chris, and the rest of the 118. and eddie just holds him.
the next episode is titled "buck begins again", and we see eddie help buck pick the pieces of his life back up. there's a not so pleasant breakup, apologies are made, and eddie is right there by buck's side the entire time.
i don't think, don't want buddie to get into a relationship in this episode, but what i think would be an acceptable ending would be buck telling eddie "i know, and you know, but i'm not ready. i want to be better for you, for us, for me. will you wait for me?" and eddie just smiles, and nods his head. end episode.
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icystorm76 · 9 months ago
Lauren’s commentary
I’m forcing my sister to watch IWTV and her commentary is genuinely hilarious. She accused me of posting her comments somewhere, then gave me permission to do exactly that. So here you go, her comments on episode 3. (She’s never read the books)
About Raglan James
“Is he a vampire? Is he Vampire ex boyfriend?(When asked why she thinks that) “He seems the type, you know? Like he would judge them then sleep with them.” (I reiterate that she’s never read the books, I guess Daniel just radiates vampire fucker vibes. She just guessed the completely wrong guy)
“Why is he trying to be on the phone? Is he actually one the phone? What is he doing? Oh shit, I missed something, rewind”
“Are you posting my commentary somewhere?” (I am now, lol)
“Hehehe, raglan”
“I can’t see what he’s writing! Milf? Is that what he wrote?”
In the library with Armand
“Do you think he has nudes on that computer?”
“I know they’re vampires but does their architecture have to be so brutalist?”
“His bone structure is snatched. I hate his eyes though”
“Of course YOU do” (In response to me saying I like the eyes)
Paris (Armand’s narration)
“OH MY GOD, did he turn Lestat”
“So he’s into bondage?”
“There are laws?!”
“So he has fire powers”
“Hehe, you’re ugly and I hate you, fuck off and die abuser” (she’s not a big fan of Lestat)
“Boo, tomato tomato tomato!”
“The only thing I like about Lestat is his voice”
“Are all vampires gay?”
“Hehehe, the way he���s standing there.”
*Awful French accent* “LeSTOT!”
“Ah, so the abused becomes the abuser. You’re perpetuating bad stereotypes there”
“Oh god Lestat, I hate you. Where Louis?”
“Armand and Lestat, sitting in at tree A-b-u-s-i-n-g. First comes hitting, then comes throwing, then comes dropping Louis out of the sky!”
“Yep, still hate him”
“Oh he cray cray”
“You know what? I hate both these people and they deserve each other”
“Oh my god Lestat you messy bitch”
“Ewww, get a room”
Paris (with Louis and Armand)
“Hell yeah, welcome back Pookie”
“I fucking hate him. How do you like these people?”
“How have they now been hatecrimed yet? Like come on guys! I’ve lost faith in Paris’s homophobia” (My sister is a lesbian btw)
“He can read your thoughts Buddy”
(When Lestat starts singing) “AH AH AH PAUSE IT *full body contortions as off possessed by Saten* I didn’t think it was possible to have a physical reaction to an Ick. Oh my god I had a full body reaction to that. I feel violated. I feel really and truly violated.”
“No, because the images of Lestat looks like those cameras that make you look like you’re walking on a really tiny world”
“Why is this episode called No Pain. All they do is give each other pain”
“Pause it, no stop, rewind. You’re at a 10, I need it to not exist. LeTHOT, what are you doing? I’m so disappointed. I mean, I knew this was a show about the awareness of Stockholm syndrome, but I didn’t know it would this bad. Every day I walk outside and I think life is great then I come back inside and you make me watch tho shit. I need you to get your lips off of him. I don’t think I can continue”
“This using, love, OH, thank you, keep going, this is better than porn” (while Louis is murdering “Lestat”)
“OH, Real Rashid, by babe!”
“There’s so many files”
“They have a curfew?!”
“You mean the one where Lestat abused you? Because it kinda seems like Armand is going to do the same”
“They got that at home goods, didnt they?”
“Oh, wow. but Daniel’s not a Vampire, so he doesn’t count”
“Uh, wellllllllllllllll”
“Side note, I love that the vampires can’t age but you can tell Louis’ getting older because he parts his hair like a balding middle aged man”
“Thought that when they kissed that it would be like that scene in despicable me 2 when their noses bumped and stopped them from kissing”
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cattimeswithjellie · 9 months ago
Stream Recap, Skizzleman, 6/11/24
((Skizz streams are always funny, but if you want to watch any single part of this stream, check out Skizz's digging around 2:11:00. Poor Chat. Fans of HotGuy and Cuteguy may also want to check out the shout-out around 24:00.))
05:40 Skizz opens the stream. He is dancing to the music and tells everyone he’s doing StreamBeats on Spotify. He logs into Hermitcraft, inside his base. Today’s snack is blueberries, because his energy was running a little low. He thanks subs and donos. A chatter says that Jono is mixing the Poe Poe song, Skizz thinks that is awesome. Yesterday’s stream start was one of the craziest of all times. Skizz does have a plan for today! After stream, he’s going to _chill._ Yesterday was a long day, streaming and prepping today’s new video. First on today’s agenda is recording a bit about the guide for the volcano.
9:20 Skizz talks about the podcast this week. They haven’t even filmed it yet. Impulse was sick and needed extra time, so tomorrow Skizz goes to work for some intense and specific training and a long work day, then they will record the podcast and then he has to get it turned around by Friday. It’s going to be intense. Skizz thanks a dono and massacres the username. He thanks more subs.
11:45 Skizz sets up to record, adjusting his game sounds. Chat has an argument about the pronunciation of “pthalo.” Skizz confirms he will NOT be going into Tango’s hole today. Skizz is very disappointed in whoever invented the pronunciation of “phthalo,” obviously someone who hates human lips.
14:20 Skizz begins recording his bit. He says that what just happened is cool and fun (he is not telling chat what the previous bit was) but that he’s not going to stop until he gets the Mission Possible Hat. He flies to MP HQ and gets a new MP mission. It is “Do a good deed for a Hermit without them noticing and without taking credit.” Skizz says this is right up his alley, but he needs to think about it. He jokes that because he is a Hermit, he could do a good deed for himself and get the reward, right? No, he won’t do that, he’ll do it right. He ends the recording and asks chat about who he should do a nice thing for.
16:30 Skizz lands in the eye of Gem’s base and thinks about what to do. Someone suggests restocking a shop. Skizz laughs and says maybe he should put all the glowberries back (referring to his Mission Possible deed from his last episode, where he bought out Joel’s glowberry shop). Scar signs on and says he has Skizz’s new bow. Skizz is excited and goes to find Scar. He starts at his own base, which is crawling with hostile mobs, and considers spawnproofing it for Scar’s sake. He doesn’t, instead taking off again to search. When a quick aerial search is unrevealing, he goes into his base to sleep. As he arrives back at the base, the Poe Poe song plays outside, then the “Trader Scar’s definitely not going to eat you” horn. Skizz goes outside and finds Scar.
18:20 Skizz tells Scar that Jono is remixing the Poe Poe song. Scar says he is watching Jono live on his other monitor as they speak. Scar gives Skizz an enchanted bow called “FailGuy.” Skizz tells Scar he hates him so much. Scar laughs. Skizz looks at the bow and notes that it is fully enchanted. He sighs and asks what he needs to do to earn the right to rename the bow. Scar says there can be no renaming of this bow, it will be FailGuy until it breaks. He suggests that Skizz should get out there and start shooting a lot of FailGuy arrows. Skizz agrees reluctantly. Scar reminds Skizz that all he really needs to do is believe in himself and use that space bar. Skizz insists that he used spacebar and also fired 700 rockets, it’s right there in his footage. He tells Scar to look at the bloopers from his new episode, both for proof and because they were incredibly funny.
20:00 Scar says people on Twitter are accusing him of diamond ore theft, but he is an innocent bystandard. Bystander, Skizz corrects. Scar doesn’t understand, but he is innocent. He doesn’t want any trouble with the GOAT himself, but he is having a wonderful time watching Doc rage. Skizz asks what kind of ore was taken, from where. Scar says someone is taking the ore from Doc’s fashion shop and replacing it. Doc is on Twitter, making accusations and threatening vagueposts about trains. Scar, as a train owner, is feeling very threatened. Skizz asks how much diamond ore has been taken. Scar says like two pieces. Skizz is baffled that Doc is so upset about two pieces of ore. He doesn’t know what fashion shop Scar is talking about, so Scar takes him on a field trip that may involve murder with Skizz’s new bow. They decide to get in a chat group along the way.
22:00 Scar and Skizz take a quick detour to try and kill Impulse with the new bow. They go down into Impulse’s metro system and fly around the cyberpunk city but don’t find him. Scar calls Xisuma “Dipple-dee-doppers.” They say he must be hiding. Scar says they should shoot Xisuma for hoarding the End and keeping people from harvesting XP there. ((Xisuma has been moving mobs via the End Portal and asking other Hermits to stay away.)) Skizz asks whether Scar knows about the Bop N Go. Scar says he just used it, and he likes the music.
24:00 Skizz and Scar abandon the hunt for Impulse. Scar says Impulse must be afraid of the power of the HotGuy and the FailGuy. He wishes that they could get CuteGuy onto the server so they could have the full set. Skizz protests that he is a cute guy. Scar tells him very definitively that he’s not CuteGuy, that’s Grian. Skizz points out that he used to be SpyGuy, and that was cool, and then his _buddy_ _murdered_ him and named him FailGuy. Scar leads him to the armor trim shop and points out the two missing bits of diamond ore, one on the surface and one inside the guts of the redstone. Scar noticed the second bit of missing redstone during a livestream, before Doc actually noticed it, but he did not take it. ((Scar says it was Tango’s stream, but it was Ren’s livestream.)) Scar is disgusted that Doc has a diamond boring machine and still gets so upset about two ore.
25:30 Scar is distracted from Doc’s problems by how much he still wants to kill Impulse. He insists that he sees Impulse and takes off, followed by Skizz who demands to know what kind of eyes he has. Scar insists he is HotGuy! Scar races around the shopping district, followed by Skizz, but they do not find Impulse. They do hear Joel’s honey song and are baffled by it before resuming the chase. It is unclear whether Scar actually saw Impulse at all, or if it was a mirage, or if Scar is deliberately toying with Skizz. Scar looks up Impulse’s coords but he doesn’t seem to be there. Skizz begins taking potshots at Scar, who doesn’t notice. Skizz goes home to sleep.
29:40 Skizz gives up the chase and goes to Bop ‘n Go to repair his elytra. Scar makes a difficult shot to hit Skizz while he’s bopping. Scar tells Skizz that if he does something Scar deems truly admirable, he can change the name of the FailGuy bow. Skiss promises he will do so. They shoot at each other a few more times and Scar leaves.
31:00 Skizz decides his good deed will be to replace Doc’s diamond ore. Chat doesn’t like Skizz calling Doc Doccy because that is what Doc calls his child and it is confusing everyone. Skizz does not read chat and doesn’t notice. He admits this is not really a selfless act, it’s a nice thing but it’s so he can get his token. He heads back to the armor shop. He replaces the outer block and, leery of entering the machine itself, stacks up two more ore to replace the other missing blocks. Good deed done, no credit taken! Skizz goes to collect his token.
34:10 Skizz needs two tokens to spin for the MP prize he wants (the helicopter beanie cap), so he needs another task. He turns in his task and gets one token, then collects his new task. He receives the task “create a big present at another Hermit’s base, sign it, wish them happy birthday, and put something useless inside.” He instantly recognizes this as the task Stress got and performed on him months ago now. Chat is amused. Skizz is going to think of something fantastic for this task. He unpauses his chat alerts and demands Chat tell him the most useless item in Minecraft. Chat has lots of ideas, but Skizz likes the poison potato best.
36:00 Skizz starts looking through his chest monster for useless things. He gets excited when he remembers the retextured “Diamond” stick that has been in his ender chest for a long time now. It is the perfect gift, but who to give it to? Skizz starts looking for the packaging blocks Stress used for the original present. Chat points out that it’s actually Pearl’s birthday.
38:30 Skizz reads a dono from chat and takes a contemplative sip of coffee. It is from the wrong cup and is his cold nasty coffee from the morning. He is unhappy. He tells Chat he is not going to give Pearl a fake present on her real birthday. He finds the pink concrete from Stress and gathers up some cherry leaves as well. He thinks about making a Russian nesting doll style present, unwrapped in layers. He can’t find any items frames so he steals some from his Poe Poe kit. Considering how terrible his organizational system is, Skizz knows where a surprising number of items are.
42:00 Skizz decides Grian gets the present. There’s a nice flat space right in front of his base. He builds a 9x9x9 box of cherry leaves and quizzes Chat on what memory he’s evoking here. Chat guesses the Heart Foundation. He asks Chat if they notice how slow he is moving. It is because his buddies killed him in the Void and he lost his Swift Sneak pants.
45:00 Skizz responds to a request from chat for the Skizzlefarts song, in honor of a chatter’s sister who had surgery and cannot leave the hospital before passing gas. Chat is very supportive. During the song, Skizz returns to his base and collects more cherry leaves, then starts the second inner layer. Chat begins telling him to eat.
49:00 The song ends. Chat has strong feelings about Skizz not building the inner box off the ground. Skizz does not care, but he does satisfy Chat by eating. He places the item frame and the fake diamond, then goes to sleep. In the morning, finishes the box and goes to put the sign up, only to realize he put it back in the chest when he collected the cherry leaves. He returns to base for the sign, then closes the boxes and adds the ribbon. He is just complimenting himself on his Guess-the-Build boosted skills when he runs out of concrete. Chat knows he has more concrete in his base and Skizz actually looks at chat to see it. Victorious, he finishes the ribbon, then adds a bow. The bow takes awhile.
58:30 Skizz adds the sign and calls it good. He does not sign it. Chat reminds him he must sign it to complete the mission. He says he’s not going to sign it. Chat scolds him. He reads the mission again and returns to sign his name to the present.
1:01:20 Skizz explains Mission Possible to Chat while he sleeps through the night and heads for the Shopping district. He receives his tokens and spends them on a skin. He is disappointed to receive the arrow hat. He feels better when he realizes it is a hat that makes it look like there’s an arrow through his head. He decides to head back to work, but thanks subs and donos first.
1:04:50 Skizz flies from the shopping district to the top of Magic Mountain and tells chat he wants to make a quad beacon for digging, or a “queacon.” He flies immediately back to the shopping district for more iron. As he flies, he plugs his new channel, ShorterSkizz. The channel is his daughter’s summer project because she cannot work during ACL recovery. Chat is excited and begins subbing, competing for early sub numbers.
1:07:00 Skizz arrives back at the shopping district and tries to figure out how many iron blocks he needs. Sub numbers have climbed from 15 to about 400. A chatter suggests he needs to hire Jimmy for a 700 subscribers special. Skizz likes that idea and puts a velcro bag on his head to stand in for Young Jimmy’s hair from his subscriber special. He decides he needs “ a lot” of iron, and buys three and a half stacks of iron. He decides that’s not enough and tops up to six stacks.
1:13:00 Skizz heads back for the mountain, thanking subs and donos. ShorterSkizz cracks 700 subs. Skizz stops on top of the pyramid and thanks everyone with his best teenage Jimmy impression. Chat is pleased. Skizz tells Jimmy, if he sees this, that he loves him and explains the bit. He makes sure that someone clipped that so Jimmy can see it.
1:15:40 Skizz grabs his shovel and heads for the mountain for real. Chat begins reminding him to eat. He does a shoutout to his buddy MKBean who is helping with the new channel, then scouts out a spot for the beacon, digging straight down. He sees the opening into the cave and falls in anyway, but does not die.
1:19:30 Skizz pauses to read out a dono that suggests he should buy a keyboard with a working space bar. Skizz demands affirmation from chat that they saw his episode and that he really tried to get out of the void. Chat is supportive, to a point. Skizz continues digging down and notes that he didn’t even bring a weapon on this jaunt. He arrives in the largest part of the underground caverns and realizes he went off by one while digging the beacon hole. He fixes the mistake with another hole, realizes it is nighttime and that he didn’t bring a bed. He goes home.
1:24:00 Skizz jumps back down the beacon hole and goes to fix his mistake hole, then changes his mind and decides not to. He digs down deeper instead, then goes home again to get torches and a weapon. He thanks donos and subs, and seeks more affirmation from chat about his death in the void. A chatter tells him that nice things happened last night on the channel he raided into. Skizz is happy. He talks about how funny Jimmy was in the 700 subscriber video. Skizz cannot find his sword.
1:29:00 Skizz searches his chest monster for the sword and does not find it. He says he’s tried to organize his chests onstream a million times only for Chat to tell him not to do it because it’s boring, then admits that the opposite is true and chat has basically begged him to do an organizing stream. He won’t though, because it’s bad content. It’s much better to watch him search the chest monster a million times. He realizes he might have lost it in the void. He makes a new diamond sword and heads for the Shopping district for books. He remembers suddenly that he had Looting on that sword and that somehow motivates him to turn around and search harder.
1:30:50 Skizz finds his sword outside the Pyramid and then starts searching for torches. He organizes his inventory a bit and makes torches. He collects more rockets and heads back into the mountain.
Chat reminds him he forgot his bed and the beacon, but it is too late.
1:33:00 Skizz digs a bigger hole in the mountain. He digs down to about 10 and fights a creeper, then lights a little cavern he finds. He eats and provides some birthday you-yos, then decides whether to go down further. He places more torches and argues with himself. He digs down some more and lights another cave full of mobs.
1:42:00 Skizz realizes he has lost track of the hole he dug. He finds it after a couple minutes of searching and begins placing the beacon. A chatter asks if he has forgotten the ways of the skompass. He figures out what the dimensions of the beacon need to be and starts throwing down iron. He explains how one chatter has taken responsibility to be master of dad jokes and now Skizz looks forward to them. Chat provides additional dad jokes. Skizz plays the bop song and builds.
1:51:30 Skizz is very pumped about Jono remixing the Poe Poe song. The beacon is partway built now and growing fast. He realizes that he will need to buy some beacons, and that it might have made sense to do that before jumping down this hole. He finishes the beacon base, including four extra blocks where the beacons themselves should go, and heads out to get some beacons. Chat tries to explain that he needs to remove the top four blocks.
1:56:00 Skizz flies to the shopping district and visits the beacon shop. He stares at the enormous BEACONS sign and asks chat where the beacons are. Chat mocks him. He purchases four beacons and heads back to the mountain. Skizz parks himself on top of the mountain, tells Chat not to let him die, and plays the Skizzlefarts song again while he takes a bathroom break.
2:00:20 Skizz returns, miraculously unkilled. He opens the hole wide enough for a 2x2 beacon light and breaks the netherrack pole he’d used to survey the mountain. With everything prepared, he dives back down the hole and places the beacons on the iron blocks he should have removed. The beacon does not light. He removes the beacons, removes the blocks, and places the beacons in the correct place. They light successfully. Skizz goes to find some pink glass.
2:06 Skizz heads for the shopping district and visits the glass shop. He buys a stack of pink glass and goes to get some iron. Chat reminds him he has iron. He heads for the mountain and empinkens the beacon, then activates it with Haste 2, Jump Boost, Speed, Resistance and Regen. He decides he needs to make a safe drop to let him get down without dying.
2:11:00 Skizz admires the work he has done for the mountain crew. He contemplates a top-level control room that will activate different beacons under the mountain, but that’s for another day. He tries to take advantage of the new beacon to dig some dirt on the mountain, but has little success because he is trying to dig with his axe. Frustrated, he announces that his spoon SUCKS. Chat is beside themselves. He somehow misses the hundred chatters telling him he was holding an axe to zero in on the one who assures him that grass is slower to mine than dirt. Skizz flies around a little and admires the beacon, then heads back to his base for a better shovel. He finally realizes he was using the axe. He immediately flies back to Magic Mountain to test out his actual shovel. It works very well.
2:15:20 Skizz begins reorganizing the chests on Magic Mountain to facilitate digging, setting the storage chests outside the digging perimeter. Chat suggests putting an S on the ground and calling it Skizz Mountain. He flies back home to sleep, then realizes there was a bed on top of the mountain. He thanks subs and donos again. He tries to eat a rocket. After several more birthday you-yos, it’s back to the mountain for more organizing. Skizz has great sympathy for the very confused pen of sheep on top of the mountain.
2:19:45 Skizz finds a sign that says “omg, it’s a dark oak tree!” He laughs, confused, but does not remove it. He finishes moving the chests and organizing them. Chat reminds him how nice it feels to organize and suggests maybe he could do that at his base. Skizz hopes that this will make excavation a little more enjoyable for everybody.
2:24:15 Skizz leads by example with an arrow in his head, beginning the digging himself. He digs about ten dirt blocks and declares himself exhausted. He digs some more, then realizes he just wants to use TNT again. They probably will use TNT again, but this is a good way to put a teeny little dent in the amount of work yet to be done. A group TNT day would be a very fun group recording day for Magic Mountain. TNT is unpredictable but very fast!
2:27:00 Skizz digs dirt, sleeps, and interacts with chat. A chatter tells him a joke. He gathers up a lot more dirt, then stops because he does not want to ruin the glorious TNT day. He notices a chest and bed on top of the mountain and investigates, but the chest is empty. He destroys it. All his dirt goes into the storage chests. He’s way into the TNT date idea now.
2:32:00 Skizz decides to call the stream a little early today. Yesterday he was super busy and last night he didn’t sleep well. Today was long and he needs some sun before it gets dark. Chat advises Skizz to touch grass. He returns to his base and says goodbye to chat. He raids into “Coach” Jojosolos and ends his stream.
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virginiaisforvampires · 2 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to answer my ask yesterday, you didn't come off as aggressive at all, just passionate. It helped me a great deal with understanding where your anger is coming from. I can even relate to it in some ways, especially the being upset that the scene made some people hate Lestat's character in a non-fun kind of way.
It's probably always going to be different for me, I saw the show first and can now reverse-relate what I was shown to what I am reading in the books. It's like discovering new secrets and treasures, especially regarding the loustat scenes and Lestat's character. For example, I don't feel like their first flight was taken from me, I rather see how it different was in the book and wonder about the idea behind this decision and what could be done with it in the future. Stuff like that.
To your more recent anons I'd just like to say:
1. Lestat attacking Louis in episode 5 made sense to me as an act of desperation, blind rage and the loss of control (and essentially all common sense) after he felt Louis slipping away for several years and now saw himself confronted with actually losing him - he just shut down. That's how I viewed this scene.
2. I like Louis. I love show Louis. Yes, as a character. With or without Lestat. In fact it's the Louis/Armand /(Daniel) and the Louis/Claudia dynamic I'm looking forward to the most in s2. As long as I like the show I'll keep watching it, even if it differs from the books. Like I said, I view those two things a bit more seperately. I don't like the implication that anyone who enjoyed both episode 5 and the books can't like Louis as a character. I mean, c'mon.
Well. Like I said before, your answer was very helpful. If I see you rant about this in the future, even if I feel differently about it, I don't think I'll be irritated by it again. I do get where you're coming from.
Passionate, yes! 😅 That’s a good word for how I feel. I watched the movie first, and thought it was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. Then I read the books, and it changed everything for me. I was going through a rough patch in my life, and those books became my all. I would literally come home from class or work, and dive straight into Anne’s world of vampires. It was my safe haven. These characters, especially Lestat and Louis, were like a warm blanket to me, dear friends I’d known all my life and could relate to. They’ve meant so much to me for over ten years now. That’s not a long time when you consider some fans have been here since the first book was published in 1976, but it’s enough for me to have developed a long-standing, deeply emotional connection to Lestat and Louis.
So yeah, it broke my heart to see my Lestat dragging my Louis by the jaw after beating him to a pulp. I was nauseous. I was physically ill and couldn’t sleep afterward. It legitimately traumatized me due to that years-old, emotional bond I’d formed with Lestat and Louis.
I’ll also say I agree it’s not fair to imply that fans who liked Episode 5 must mean they dislike Louis. That seems to be a common argument I’ve seen a lot. If you defend Louis, that must mean you hate Lestat. If you defend Lestat, that must mean you hate Louis. Not at all! It doesn’t work like that for me, and I’m glad you feel the same. Both Louis and Lestat are precious to me, and I just want to see them done right. I feel like a mama bear protecting her cubs when it comes to them. I don’t want my one baby hurting my other baby, and I don’t want the fans who’ve yearned for this adaptation to be disappointed by writers botching the core cornerstones of said babies.
And on that note, I’m gonna try to shut up about Episode 5. I know people are tired of hearing about it, but there’s only so much I can withhold until I become a meme. 💀
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cheese1kitty · 2 years ago
Lava fan fiction: two lovers apart
First of all im sorry fir all the spelling mistakes. English is not my first language.
Warning kissing
im not a great story teller so im sorry for that
im not sure is Wu dead or not so im going to pretend he isn't
This is placed in season 17 Dragon rising after the 10 episodes
Kai is trying to find the missing ninjas Cole, Jay and Master Wu. He hasn't had any luck. Going town to town, searching for them. Asking have people seen them.
He decided to go back to Bounty to sleep, he is very tired. He just falls to his bed. Hes disappointed and frustrated, because he hasn't heard anything from the other ninjas.
He starts to cry, hes so tired mentally and physically. Hes thinking of Cole and where he is. A thought comes to his mind, what if Coles dead?
Hes starts to cry even more. Eventually he falls a sleep.
Kai finally wakes up. its now 12.16 PM, Kai freaks out when he sees the time. His alarm was set to 10.00 AM, but he pressed snooze.
He starts the bounty. He heard a night ago a rumor about a jungle, "Anybody that goes to the Snake Jungle never comes out".
He needed an adventure and this is what he was looking forward to.
He goes to the Snake Jungle. the deeper he goes the more snakes there is. "no wonder its called the Snake jungle" Kai says to himself.
He hears dragon roars and battle sounds. He starts to run to where the sound is coming from. He sees imperium soldiers trying to capture source dragons.
He notices a baby source dragon, Kai realizes that he can't fight them alone. He starts to walk away, but he feels anger and sadness for the baby dragon.
He remembers what was like to grow up without parents and he wasn't gonna let that happen to the baby source dragon.
He runs to the battle, in anger without thinking a second. He knocks out most of the imperium soldiers.
He starts to free the source dragons. Without Kai noticing a guy sneaks up on kai on knocks him out.
He wakes up in The Imperium sells. He realizes where he is and starts to freak out. He takes a minute or two to calm down.
He starts to think of a plan. He notices an air vent but its screwed.
A guard shouts "meal time" and opens the door and puts the food to the floor, there was three guys pointing a gun to Kai so he couldn't escape.
They gave Kai a plastic fork, Kai starts to screw the air vent with a plastic fork and the fork breaks.
He waits a week to collect enough of forks to escape through the air vent. He falls to his stomach outside of the sell, they forgot to screw the air vent.
"Im free im finally free" Kai yells, then he realizes he has to be quiet.
"is that you Kai"? somebody yells from a sell. Kai teaks a couple of seconds to realizes who that voice belongs to. "COLE IS THAT YOU!?" Kai shouts exited.
"Yes its me" Cole answered with happy tears in his eyes. Both have waited for this moment.
"Get me out of here" Cole says. "It needs a key card, im gonna get ona be right back" Kai answers while running to get one.
He sees a guard, starts to fight with him. The guard calls for back up. Kai kicks his walkie talkie out of his hand and crushes it with his foot.
He sees guards coming towards him and starts to run. He stops running and starts to fight them. He takes a key card from one of the guards while fighting. He starts to run again, trying to lose them.
He eventually loses them. He realizes that hes lost. He sees a locker room and changes to a guard outfit, so nobody notices him.
He starts to navigate back to the sells to free Cole. He finally finds back to the sells. Kai frees Cole, Cole jumps into a hug followed by a long kiss. "Its so great to see you" Cole says. " I missed you so much" Kai replies.
"No time to chat, lets get out of here" Cole says taking Kais hand and starts to run.
Its now dark and they move in the shadows, they find a sewer. "iu it stinks in here" Kai says. "Well do you have a better plan" Cole replies.
They find there way back to the Bounty. They both take a hot shower. After it they talked the whole night whats been happening. Kai realizes its 4 AM.
They both go to bed and kai takes his shirt off. Cole starts to kiss him in the lips and moves to the neck. They start to make out on the bed. After they start to cuddle to sleep.
I know its not the best fan fic and its kinda boring but its my first fan fiction.
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cabbageslost · 1 year ago
Live Reacting Live Action AtLA - ep 1
Okay, fair warning to y'all, I'm not going to be worrying about keeping this a spoiler-free zone, so scroll on by if you're needing to keep it unsullied for you.
That said, I actually kept myself awake to watch the first episode on Netflix when it drops. Watching now, and planning on writing down my (admittedly sleep-deprived) thoughts as it goes on. I'm heading into this pretending it's like a (high budget lol) "fanfic" with good special effects, so that I can allow myself to more easily move past any alterations. Let's goooo..
Loving the intense music of the very first scene and... omg are those pigeon-rats? LOL
Okay, this earth-bending is already better than in the little teaser-clip where Zuko/Iroh fight the guards.
Oof, Sozin. Much wicked. Already hate him. Aang. So precious. Already love him.
The Air Temple. Oh my word, I love this. It's so alive. <3 I'm gonna have to take a moment before the "and then the fire nation attacked" bit.
Gyatso telling Aang "always remember who you are." Wonder if Zuko's mom will tell him the same later on like in the animated series.
Awww, we love an Appa-the-goodest-good-boy moment.
Wait, so they just like fire jet up there? To the temple that can only be reached by a flying mount? Lame. I was expecting maybe dragons (since the animated Aang didn't seem to think they were that uncommon), or some climb-y machine. Not a fan of the "firebending = jet propulsion for all" idea. Maybe it's just a comet thing.
Hold up, did he crispy up Gyatso? Gyatso who in the animated series was fairly un-singed and literally surrounded by fire soldiers? I'm not sure I like that either. (And my brain is blocking the obvious fact of all the tiny airbenders in the corner bc *sob*.. though that was a thing that was true from the first one too.)
Awww, baby waterbending! What was she in? Oooh, "whole village" is a bit bigger, and has a name too. I dig it.
Hmmm, no waterbending his iceberg up. Slight disappoint there. Maybe later? Wait, ask and ye shall receive. And the first Zuko scene.
"I hate this, bringing him back is unsafe and dumb." *tosses a fur on top to keep him warm* Very Sokka-ish.
You guys, you guys! We get to hear Katara's Gran Gran telling us the stories of when the fire nation attacked. If someone besides Katara had to deliver those lines, she'd be the next pick. I'm down.
"We're only friends with our own kind." Ah, a nice setup for what will be the stark contrast of the eventual Team Avatar having friends from all 4 nations. <3
Hmm, Iroh doesn't have Zuko drilling basic forms anymore. Instead he has "never been sharper." Clear that this version is leaning towards all things fire being strong. I wonder what it'll mean for his duel with Zhao though.. it was a nice reminder in the original to see how important the basics are vs flashy stuff.
Small moment of sadness for no penguin sledding moment. Ah well. Let's see the new Zuko/Sokka showdown. ;)
Larger moment of sadness for no absolute sass of "I bet I could take you with my hands tied behind my back" moment.
Okay, but Katara gets a bigger moment, so it helps a bit.
Southern Air Temple was quite rushed feeling. Maybe there's more in the next episode? And I hope they do also touch on Aang being excited to learn waterbending alongside Katara. That was important in the first one, I felt like.
Overall, I think I'll enjoy this live-action. It's not going to replace the animation for sure, but I'm intrigued at least.
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chicxgomade · 2 years ago
Exactly! Plus, and I don't mean to offend anyone, you know I would never do that, but I doubt that some of our former WWE co-workers can actually read in the first place. Really, in front of a long contract, they would look like that confused unga bunga meme and sign it without asking any question. So it's even easier for Vinnie Mac to screw them. Again, I don't mean to be offensive here, just sharing an opinion like a gentleman. There is so much talent in the current WWE roster, it's such a shame that some of it is not used properly. But I think another show would be needed, the roster is too crowded and 3 hours apparently are not enough! I CAAAAAN'T! I WOULD BUT I CAN'T! For now, she only does that to her kid (probably) but imagine if that becomes a gimmick in WWE. She takes the mic and sings everyone to sleep... wait, the effects would be the same of her current promos now that I think of it. One day he will conquer NJPW, AEW, ROH, every sungle company outside of WWE and we'll all be slaves under his big empire. I don't think he really cares about all the trouble he's in, you think he possesses some kind of integrity? Come on. Really? She made fun of you for that? Then I'm even prouder to have said it now. Oh no wait, maybe one of her many personalities said it, maybe her current personality loves you, who knows. I remember you roasting her during the make up video, that was brilliant. When you can do Lacey Evans better than Lacey Evans. OH YEAH THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS DON'T WORRY. There is soooo much material for Dumb Side of the Ring, my god I wouldn't even know where to start. There are so many people I'd have to include. AND THE FIRST EPISODE WILL INCLUDE US ON THE JET SKI! THE SHOW NEEDS A STRONG START AND I CAN'T THINK ABOUT A BETTER START THAN THIS ONE! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU HOLD ON TO ME TIGHT BECAUSE THOSE THINGS CAN BE FAST AND I WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO FLY AWAY! I MEAN THAT WOULD BE FUNNY BUT YOU'RE ALREADY HURT, SO NO. LOOK AT YOU PANICKING BECAUSE I ALREADY CONVINCED YOU BUT YOU DON'T WANNA ADMIT IT. YOU CAN ADMIT IT, I WON'T JUDGE YOU. COME OOOOON WE HAVE TO DO IT! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING STUPID TOGETHER, OTHERWISE THIS TRIP WOULDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! HEY, YOU DON'T NEED MORE FOLLOWERS ON IG WHEN I FOLLOW YOU, OKAY? I COUNT AS A MILLION OF THOSE. BUT YEAH I WILL SUBSCRIBE, IF YOU INSIST. YOUR PRESENCE?? I ASKED FOR A PAYMENT, NOT FOR A PUNISHMENT! That's too bad, it was cool. Like I said, I haven't watched a single episode but I already know my favorite character is that guy that said my job here is done but he hasn't done anything apparently. He's my spirit animal. Oh? You've watched them?? And now I feel even more flattered. What do you think? Did you like them? In that case, first of all I'd be extremely disappointed in you, then I would have to tell Larry you're not a Blackhawks fan and I'd have to lock you in a room with him and, well, we both know what would happen. But... you would never do that to me, right? RIGHT?
14 minutes of pure adrenaline. I missed this. But whoever started the Pepsi Sucks chants, I'm coming for you.
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glendover · 2 years ago
watch ghost files with me eps. 3
it’s Friday so you know what that means, watching ghost files with me!!!
(obligatory freak out over the place we visit even tho I don’t know it)
nuns do be seriously scary tho just saying
concentrated horror
never thought about it but a lot of people do die in hospitals
bro I will say it again but I’m a big fan of the blueprint!!!
fortune tellers do tell the truth (even in twisted ways) so bad for you
the awkward silence 💀💀
starting the journey where it ends for the most - is such a good trope for a book or something
well some people have probably stayed in a lot of morgues bc it’s their field of work
not remembering the first morgue; sad, not remembering the last morgue experience; sad (in a funny way)
at least there is good wifi
“an IRL orb” lmAo
mini body chute, my beloved
kinda lost in the hospital 🥴
one of these days a ghost will touch Ryan after he ask for it to do so and that’s the day we see him die on camera
uhhh there is the guest!!
THE BOONKER - that’s so cool
would be creepy if the ghosts actually say their names back
little bitch & big bitch 🥰🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
not the ghost lol-ing at ryan and shane
and then calling them a Nerd
the ghost is flirting with Ryan again lmAo
all these people always notice they have evidence once they get home, kinda sus
no not the noice 🥹
and then that long floor
bro paranoia is kicking again 🤩
not the old ass polaroid omg
spirit box hide & seek!!!
ryan really can’t win, literally and metaphorically
the awkward hug after shane says ghosts are real 💀
I honestly love how Ryan always explains each of the things they use to investigate
DJ spirit box
why’s the spirit box being weird?? 😭😭
lmAo the moving stick figure has me in serious tears
why is the little dance so funny to me 😭💀
bro if I were a ghost I’d be proud of me for turning off the light too
I’d even dance a little
rose is really trying
honestly, rose is a really cool ghost
THAT was smooth advertisement for too many spirits
rose has a friend in her room!!
sleep over or whatever ghosts do at night
flies are friends of demons
“zaddy ghost“ i’m screaming
just two men discussing what a hot man looks like
Michael has it harder bc he can’t walk my dudes
and another one
now it’s three, four, five, six - they are all over the floor!!
new fear unlocked: getting squished
I only now noticed that this episode is 1 hour long
bro the photo 😃
Shane is spending too much time on the internet 💀
no bro not the voice 😭
but to answer the ghost’s question: the world best ghost hunters are there
rip pigeon
the ghost really likes calling them nerds huh
I love how Ryan and Shane are als ways bullying the ghosts lmao
not the ghost calling Ryan god 💀
they really are all fielding with Ryan this season (as they should)
family bonding is killing god together
“You see that nun, you’re done”
nunthing & nunsense
the ring is rather adorable actually
Tina had cancer 👀 and then won what?? leaving us high and dry
Pinky 💀
not the ghost telling them to stop
ghost just leaves them with a casual ‘later’ lmao
Ghost has the hots for mark
possessed mark make it happen ghost
well that was a let down ghost you had so much potential
solo investigation!!
Ryan watching over Shane via the security camera
Ryan making sure we get his death on camera lmao
Shane will be disappointed again if the ghosts don’t hang out with again
Bro the dolls are fucking creepy 😭😭
hope the doll actually haunts Shane in his dreams
isn’t Ryan always trying to not freak out during solo investigations and then ends up having 5 mental breakdowns
“Come on, sisters”
lmao fast food is what gets Ryan through this 💀
understandable tho I’d do almost everything for nuggets too
look Ryan is always overwhelmed before going in
not the noise before Ryan goes investigating
the mantra is back 💀
not not voices again 😭😭
the scream 😃😃
bro absolutely not, that was horrifying
nun of your business 🥴
Ryan is just a little guy frfr
“the vibes weren’t great in there I’m leaving that room” me whenever I’m invited to a group meeting
bro I told you the doll is fucking scary 😭
how is Ryan supposed to see stuff without light?? 😭
but honestly Ryan is so brave for turning off the flashlight
not Shane wanting to buy the hospital 💀
Ryan in his self confidence era 😌
and that was St. Ignatius Hospital now filed away in
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captnjacksparrow · 4 years ago
I just got into the fandom and I love it so much. However, there are parts where I just cringe. I’m going to be completely honest when I say I can’t see SS being a thing, a healthy one at that. A rumor said that Sasuke always had feelings for Sakura but he didn’t know how to show them because hatred blinded him. I just... find it utterly bullshit. Hell, even I do ship narusasu, I tried to be open minded and not fall too far off canon or the characters. I don’t understand how Sasuke had those feelings for her when all he did was shown the opposite and it felt genuine. He seem always annoyed and pushes her away. She kept forcing her feelings on him when he makes it clear that he’s not interested. I don’t hate the ship because it’s not my ship but because it’s extremely toxic. It feels one-sided (Sakura’s side) more than anything and it’s makes it hard to believe he had those feelings for her. I mean, on the second episode of season five, she confessed and poured out her heart and he blew it off. I cringed hard and was beyond disappointed because she’s making it about herself. That’s literally how I feel about their damn “relationship”. She made it about her and her only. When he’s hurting, it’s about her. It’s so annoying and it makes me see how self-centered Sakura. When she said she understood Sasuke, I wanted to scream (I nearly did but my family is sleeping and I don’t need a lecture.) She doesn’t know Jackshit about Sasuke besides he’s the only survivor of his decease clan, he’s a loner who cares only about himself, and he’s attractive. She’s just like every other fangirl expect she’s on his team. I’m trying my best not to hate her but Damn she’s really pushing it. Anything that annoyed me was that she made it seem like they were dating, again making it about herself and her feelings. She sent Naruto to get Sasuke for her benefits, so she can keep him. Again, disregarding Sasuke’s feelings and what he wanted. Naruto should’ve said “I’ll bring him back because HE wants too, to keep HIM safe, not for you.” I just can’t with this ship. I’m still wondering why the hell is it even a thing? Also find it beyond pitiful how she stayed with Sasuke in Boruto when he left for 12-13 years?! No note. No checking up. Nothing. Hell, Sarada doesn’t know how her own father looks like or the truth of her mother. Both of them were miserable and I find it absolutely ridiculous when SS shippers still say “they’re in love” or they’re OTP. If that’s what true love looks like (good thing it’s not), then I’d die single. I can’t be the only one who thinks this ship is just as bad as Harley Quinn x Joker.
First off, Thanks for this lovely ask @larrycherry04 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I've always wanted to write about this and your ask is the perfect timing.
Disclaimer: SS shippers, Sakura fans!!! Don’t read  this post!!
Me being an SNS shipper, I am just going to write this from a non-SNS perspective. Meaning, I am going to consider Naruto and Sasuke are just friends or rivals. 
Bear with my lengthy answer.
Where do I even begin?
A rumor said that Sasuke always had feelings for Sakura but he didn’t know how to show them because hatred blinded him.
I think this rumor is from a light novel called Akatsuki Hiden or whatever shit. But for me, it looks like a pathetic attempt to convince those horny women shippers who would pay any money to read a romance which mirrors their own love life where they desire an ‘unreachable & handsome’ man who has this ‘cool & overbearing’ aura and carries this ‘bad boy badass’ vibe. They would do anything to get the attention from this boy. Until this point is where the reality ends. 
What they really wants to happen and fantasize is somehow that handsome man, one day, will look only them and recognize their love and becomes a ‘soft’ guy who would bring the heavens for them and treats her like a princess. That fantasy led them to buy these novels and believe everything while completely disregarding the canon material. And those novels are aimed at these type of women.
You must have been wondering now, ‘I have seen these type of shit somewhere’!!!!!
That’s right.
50 Shades of Grey, Twilight, Beauty and the Beast, 100′s of K-Drama, C-Drama follow this shit romance trope and it’s regrettably fucking popular. 
In other words, Don’t believe anything apart from the canonic resources. 
Let’s dissect the canon materials about SS.
This is how it all started
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Does anyone see anything positive here???? 
Well, I am not.
Sakura wanted to impress Sasuke. Since, Naruto always picks fight with Sasuke, she badmouthed Naruto in the hopes that Sasuke will recognize some common ground with her which may develop into a friendship. But she shot her own foot. 
[Regardless, I hated her here and she never redeemed herself, for her being completely insensitive & oblivious towards Sasuke’s life, the boy she loves]
Technically, Sasuke should have said ‘You’re Annoying’ towards Naruto for kissing him before the class and tying him up later. Here, Sakura is simply badmouthing another guy. He, somehow, find this very annoying than anything Naruto did earlier. 
Sasuke always had feelings for Sakura but he didn’t know how to show them because hatred blinded him.
Am definitely not seeing any feelings here.  
Alright, much later, somehow Sasuke started to integrate into team 7 and started to see them as a Family. No denial here. He started to care about everyone in his team at some point. Which was evident from the way he thought to himself, ‘That was Sakura’s voice... What is Kakashi doing?’
But does it means he hopelessly fell in love with her??? Nope. 
It’s just a team camaraderie where he was worried about his teammate. If he has special feelings towards her, he should have said ‘I must go save Sakura’ or something along the line. 
But, later in that episode, he went on to die for Naruto and even at his dying moments he didn’t think about Sakura or Team 7. It was all about someone else.
Even seconds before falling into Naruto’s arms, Sasuke was smiling with no regrets. 
It was funny very later that after he got up from his temporary death, rather than consoling her like ‘Sakura, Don’t cry. Am alright’ or anything, he was asking ‘Where’s Naruto?’. LOL.
Even much later, when Sakura was asking him about a date, he bluntly said ‘I refuse��.
So, you’re telling me, throughout this arc, a boy blinded with hatred can able to pout, play childish games, train and die for a boy but when it comes to Sakura he can’t show his feelings???
Sorry, I don’t see romance here. Not in this arc.
Whether you agree or not, every parent has their favorite child, every child has their favorite parent. Even within your family, you always have a special person.
For Sasuke, Itachi was that person in his real family. Sakura was not that person in his Team 7 family. It was Naruto.
This arc is where those SS shippers celebrates a lot and I know why. Remember earlier I talked about that shitty 50 Shades of Grey romantic trope??? The following scene vaguely falls under that pattern.
A guy loses his control because of a cursed seal and beats up the guys who hurt one of his teammates which happens to be a girl and calms down after seeing the girl. 
That Infamous back hug. 
I understand why SS people lose their mind with that scene. And I don’t blame them. I am going to throw their own proof at them.
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So, this First databook, tells us that he finally sees both Naruto and Sakura as comrades and his heart softens from the path of revenge, a little bit.
Definitely, Sakura’s tears or love towards him stopped his rampage. But nothing says about whether Sasuke loves her back.  
Much later, Sasuke also stops his cursed seal on his own after thinking about worried Sakura and a screaming Naruto (Who don’t know about this seal thingy at that time). 
Well, whatever. That databook has another funny fact, that too in the same page. 
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LOL. Weird!!!! This accidental kiss unravels Sasuke’s heart ❤️❤️???? 🤣🤣🤣
So, influencing Sasuke’s heart can be attributed to both his teammates,according to this databook. Atleast upto this arc. There are no special feelings for Sakura alone, guys. 
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If Sasuke really considers her in a romantic light (this is after that back hug), he doesn’t have to do this at all. Believe me, Love is all about subconsciously or purposefully enjoying or feeling little touches. Those touches can be through eyes, memories or physical. Sakura is delighted with his touch because she loves him but Sasuke just see her as a comrade and keeping his distance but this time very politely.
If Kishi really likes these couple, he doesn’t have to make this scene at all. It’s not just this one instance, he rejected her twice very bluntly before this saying ‘Don’t cling to me!!!’, ‘Sakura, you’re heavy!!!’. 
If you say her back hug is a token of romance, then I can say ‘this’ kiss is also a token of romance. You can’t ignore one while keeping the other.
Anyways, at the end of the arc, Orochimaru is the best judge to identify who can change Sasuke’s heart. And that person is not Sakura.
she confessed and poured out her heart and he blew it off. I cringed hard and was beyond disappointed because she’s making it about herself. That’s literally how I feel about their damn “relationship”. She made it about her and her only. When he’s hurting, it’s about her. It’s so annoying and it makes me see how self-centered Sakura. When she said she understood Sasuke, I wanted to scream (I nearly did but my family is sleeping and I don’t need a lecture.) She doesn’t know Jackshit about Sasuke besides he’s the only survivor of his decease clan, he’s a loner who cares only about himself, and he’s attractive.
You know what, Larry??? You are 1000% right. 
But, atleast, I thought she was genuine in the first part of the proposal, like saying ‘Revenge is not good’.....bla bla.. Because, Revenge will never satisfy a person completely and I agree. Then she took a 180 degree by saying ‘Take me with you, Sasuke-Kun. I’ll make you happy’. This is where I lost it entirely. ‘Alright Bitch, So you really don’t care about his revenge or health. As long as you have the chance to get inside his pants, you are okay with it. So you are okay with Sasuke going to Orochimaru as long as you are with him..... Fucking Shit!!!!’  This is not okay at all. 
How did Sasuke respond?
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“Why should I have to tell you anything”
“I’m telling you to keep your nose out of my business”
“Stop bothering me over everything I do”
Ummm..... where I come from, this screams ‘Irritation’ to me. Added to it, throughout the whole conversation he never saw her face. There was evidently no pain or anything from his face. On top the cake, here comes the cherry
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“You really are...annoying”
This is where he saw her face throughout that painful confession before knocking her out. Umm... When you love someone or atleast feel for someone, you will look in their eyes and speak some farewell words before you leave. Or atleast show some pain??? There’s visibly nothing from Sasuke’s face. 
Alright, I know what SS wankers will pull out here. That Databook 2 with some vague words. I am going to throw this at them. 
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Again, like I acknowledged before, he considers her as a comrade and part of a family. So, her existence also eased his loneliness. But you have to look at the word choice here. “The one that filled his lonely existence was Sakura”. It’s not the ‘Only’ person. Before he left he said ‘Thanks’. Meaning, Thanks for all these days. That’s all between us. 
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This piece was about the Team 7 picture. So he acknowledges, he was not alone during his genin days because of his companions and Kakashi (so it’s not just Sakura to ease his loneliness). Whatever he said to Sakura was real. 
So can we safely confirm “You’re annoying” is real????
But what’s really interesting is the way Sasuke projects himself before Naruto. I am going to refrain myself from attaching all those rollercoaster of emotions flowed throughout the fight in VoTE 1. Otherwise, it will become an SNS post. 
However, this particular scene caught my attention.
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Ummm.... Initially Sasuke walks without looking at Naruto. Then he looks back and answers him. 
Naruto was pretty much asking the same question as Sakura. “Why does it come to this?”
But Sasuke pauses and surprised for a moment and asks him pretty much “Why do you care about me?”
Why couldn’t Sasuke do the same with Sakura???? Kishi can pretty much make a panel or two rather than making some insulting panels.
Anyways, If they throw the databook, then I can also throw the same.
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Alright, can someone explain the highlighted sentence for me???? Because I want to confirm whether I have a blurry vision.
Here, Sasuke is trying to punctuate Naruto as a different person from the rest of his companions. ‘his companions as well as that with Naruto’, I mean, Come on!!!! Naruto is also one of your companions along with Sakura. Why differentiate????
‘The village, companions, Naruto,....’ . Again....He is differentiating his home (village), companions (his friends), and Naruto. So who is Naruto for him? What is the need to make exception for Naruto? It’s very clear he is placing Naruto at a high pedestal for some unknown reasons.
Before this Databook dissection, remember I said something about saying Goodbye, ‘ When you love someone or at least feel for someone, you will look into that person’s eyes and speak some farewell words before you leave‘
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Sasuke is doing exactly that here in this scene without saying anything.
Am sorry SS shippers, you can scream all you want about Sasuke knocked her out and left her on the bench. But there was no emotional distraught when he left her. Sasuke seemingly spent a longer time staring at Naruto than looking at Sakura when she confessed. 
Well, there is nothing I can say about here for SS. He pretty much saw her and said, “Sakura, huh?”.. And that’s all. He didn’t give two shits about her. 
His attention was completely on someone else. 
She sent Naruto to get Sasuke for her benefits, so she can keep him. Again, disregarding Sasuke’s feelings and what he wanted. Naruto should’ve said “I’ll bring him back because HE wants too, to keep HIM safe, not for you.”
Naruto pretty much said the same thing in this arc, Larry. Naruto, in part 1, was happy for Sakura feeling the same about Sasuke as him, that is ‘To bring him back’. And also sad that his crush really loves someone else. But after Sakura gave up on Sasuke and faking her confession, Naruto decided, ‘Alright, I want to save him personally. I don’t care about our promise anymore”. 
This is where, SS ship goes into a crazy ride and it’s not a positive one.
Sasuke was on a rampage. He lost the ability to differentiate between his friends and foes. He stabbed Karin. And when he find her alive, he was about to Chidori her. 
And then comes the pink princess, full of lies and deceit. And Sasuke being impatient and disgusted with her lies, he does this
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Well, in part 1, she had a degree of power to change his heart. But not here. He, instead, got riled up more and even tried to kill her without a warning and that too by not looking at her face. Pathetic!!!!
This scene screams ‘Trust issues’ from both sides. 
Did it stop here???
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Fucking Shit!!!!!! Is there any people who still ship this nonsense?. If you are a Sakura fan, you should hate her for the lack of trust and backstabbing the person she loves, 
If you are a Sasuke fan, errrrmmm.....I have nothing to say. You know what to do. 
There is nothing positive here, that can make me ship them. He is killing her like a Mosquito.
If you truly loved someone in the past, even in your darkest moments, you will be honest and you cannot fake before that person.   
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Here, Sasuke had a clear resolve to kill his brother, Itachi. He lived for this moment for about 8 years and immersed himself in Darkness for 3 years with Orochimaru. He could have run away, dodge or look away from Itachi. But Sasuke simply couldn’t!!! You know why?? Sasuke loved Itachi once more than anything in this world. At this moment, he is letting all those defense loose and embracing the moment and see what Itachi was about to do. Because somewhere in his heart he trusts Itachi. 
But killing Sakura doesn’t make Sasuke feel anything. She is just another victim like Danzo or Karin or all those Samurais or a fucking mosquito!!!!
So you are telling me that Sasuke had feelings for her but kept it hidden all along and still tried to kill her like a pest???
Give me a fucking break!!!!
And you all know, who changed Sasuke’s heart here in this scene. It was not Sakura. There’s absolutely no reason for Sasuke to listen to that person and what’s more, Sasuke even made a promise (despite being in darkness, he had it in his heart to listen to that person) to destroy Konoha only after killing that person .. 
Well, this is the arc where Sakura behaves like a rabid dog on heat waiting for Sasuke and shamelessly trying to wag her tails. But Sasuke didn’t give two shits about her, not once or twice but multiple times.
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An explosion was about to kill the whole shinobi alliance and this dude wants to save Jugo, his companion and Naruto, the person who will challenge his Revolution, his rival and the one whom he wants to kill. Why only Naruto??? Why not Naruto and Sakura???
Pink cherry Queen doesn’t even crossed Sasuke’s mind.  Because he already threw her away in part 1. 
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Alright Bitch!!! The entire shinobi alliance was dying on the other side of the battlefield. And this asshole is doing a clownshow before Madara just to get inside Sasuke’s pants????
I mean, Come On!!!! 
Well, if Sasuke truly likes her, he should be the one to have catched her or atleast should have asked her, ‘are you alright??’ 
I am sorry, where are the romantic feelings???
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For the first time, Kishimoto is trolling those Sakutards through Sasuke’s words, what we, readers were right about all along. He is calling her useless here. And still these fake feminazis trying to ship her with him???
Don’t you guys have any self respect??? If so, this should be the moment to jump out of this trash ship.
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Geez!!! You are still on this ship????? 
He clearly doesn’t want to save her at all. The hawk can clearly lift 3 people. Sasuke is not even making an effort here. 
And you are still yapping that he is blinded by darkness??? 
This is the moment SS calls it as ‘eyesmex’... While in reality, he was just looking at her and silently thanking her for helping him out. Do you know what is a real ‘eyesmex’??? I will attach it at the end.
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If you guys pull this as true love, then he should have stayed in the same love till the end. But Sasuke has other ideas. 
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This is the one of the funniest thing in this arc. LOLLLLL
Instead of being relieved that Sakura was saved, Sasuke was wondering about Kakashi’s Susanoo.....and Sharingan. 
Do people still think he cares about her????
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Am cackling here, while dissecting the sorry state of this ship guys 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!! If something good happens to me because of SS , it’s just the way you guys are making me laugh by making a clown out of yourself!!!!
Do you guys know something? There was a man named Itachi. Before massacring his clan, the very first person he killed was his ‘supposed’ Girlfriend, named Izumi. I wouldn’t say Itachi loved her like a lover boy. It was just one sided on her part. He just talks to her when he finds a spare time and considers her a good friend. 
Do you know how he killed her? 
By putting her in a ‘Tsukuyomi’. And what kind of Tsukuyomi, you ask?
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Can you see how he fulfilled her dreams gracefully before he was going to kill her???
Why didn’t Sasuke do this???? Why particularly select a murdering genjutsu????
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He said it, finally.
He don’t love her at all. There was no hidden feelings. He admitted from his own mouth. 
One day later, after the final VoTE battle ends.... After exchanging some intense feelings and even crying tears of happiness with Naruto....
Sasuke tells Sakura, ‘Sorry’....
Ummm.... That’s all???
All those negative shits happened before cannot be solved by just simply saying ‘Sorry’ and ‘Thank you’. If someone has an ounce of self-respect, they should know this is not OKAY at all...🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
Am Sorry, but Sasuke was just being politely blunt, kind of insincere towards Sakura and turned his attention somewhere else in a matter of minutes. He was not even bothered by Sakura’s tears here. Instead staring at someone on his left. Remember I talked about touching the person physically and visually?
Sasuke is subconsciously or purposefully touching someone on his left through his eyes. Definitely it’s not Sakura. You know who it is. Remember SStards’ infamous ‘eyesmex’... I seriously believe this is a perfect example of ‘eyesmex’.
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All these intense looks and feeling pain still doesn’t serve Sakura, even after pulled out of darkness. If there is a moment, where SS wants to shine, then this is where it should be. He should have told her, how he missed her all along, how he felt about hurting her, should have wiped her tears and some corny shit. But instead, Sasuke went for a long ass monologue for his friend and talking about sharing his pain. 
What about your kween’s pain???? 
You don’t have to ship SNS. But you should know where Sasuke’s priorities are. 
It’s not Sakura. 
Sasuke said ‘Sorry’ to Karin too. ‘Thank you’ to Kakashi as well. 
And what’s even more pathetic is, still Sakura wants to get inside Sasuke’s pants by accompanying him. Bitch, you can help your village, console your best friend Ino who lost her father, try to surpass Tsunade, improve your skills or whatever... Why bother him???
So, if you really think ‘Thank you’ as a token of love, then I can’t help it but term Sakura as a rabid dog who waits for her master to come home and throw some bones whenever he finds time. Your standards for a romantic love is piss poor and you will suffer just like Sakura in Boruto with just emptiness. All Sasuke did was poke her forehead just like Itachi which symbolizes keeping someone at a distance. He also said the same words to her just like Itachi said to him many times ‘Mata kondo da’ meaning ‘Maybe next time’. And we all knew that next time never came for Sasuke. 
Now all we see is a Sasuke as an absentee father in Boruto for which I don’t blame him. He was never a marriage material in the first place. Sakura and the Manga Editors forced him and she is paying for it. 
Hell, Sarada doesn’t know how her own father looks like or the truth of her mother. Both of them were miserable and I find it absolutely ridiculous when SS shippers still say “they’re in love” or they’re OTP.
All I want to say to SS shippers is, Your Ship Has Sailed Already. You cannot expect Sasuke to go lovey dovey towards Sakura with a 12 year old daughter around and for fuck’s sake, this is not a romance manga, it’s a battle manga. So stop dreaming about this kind of non-existential romance and pull yourself altogether.
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softxsuki · 4 years ago
Would you do a idol!Kim Taehyung oneshot where he falls for a American living in Korea who he and the boys come friends with and basically Tae attempts to confess in English (she has better Korean skills than he has English) but he gets nervous and it doesn’t go as planned but she understands and it’s just fluffy and sweet?
Taehyung Confessing to American Reader in English
Pairings: Idol!Taehyung x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff 
Post Type: One-shot
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Your Korean skills have landed you a translating job at BigHit where you befriend BTS. One day as you’re working in your office with translating the latest Run BTS episode, Taehyung is coming up with a plan in the other room. (This summary sucks, I’m sorry NJFNKFEA)
[A/N: Hello! Of Course I can do this request for you :). I made it where the reader is a translator for BTS, just thought it would be a little less cliche than the typical falling for a random fan or foreigner on the streets, so I hope that’s okay. I hope you all enjoy! Feel free to leave any feedback or if you catch any mistakes, I read over it, but I always end up missing an error somewhere heh.]
*****NOTE: Words in BOLD are supposed to be when the characters talk in English. 
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You were working quietly on translating the new Run BTS episode as Taehyung hummed softly behind you. It had been a few months now since you were hired at BigHit as one of their translators. At first, you felt like you would never fit in, being as you were from America and even though you were fluent in Korean, you feared they wouldn’t accept you. All those fears were knocked down however, when the boys welcomed you as one of their own. They treated you and the other staff to meals many times, and since you were pretty close in age, you quickly became friends with all seven boys. 
“Y/N, what does this word mean?” Taehyung asks behind you.
You leave your desk for a moment to walk over and sit next to him, gently grabbing the book from his hands.
“Still learning English? I’m proud of you!” you look down at the word he was pointing at, “That says enraptured, so it’s usually used in reference to another person when they give you a feeling of intense joy or pleasure. Like when you look at a sleeping child, the sight just brings you so much joy!”
“Enraptured,” he repeats while nodding his head and circling the word in his book, “Thank you Y/N!”
His boxy smile makes your heart leap, so you wave him off and turn back to your computer screen and continue to translate the episode. It was ten times harder now that you couldn’t get his face out of your head; not to mention, the man behind these feelings was not even a few feet behind you--you were going crazy. You silently chew at your bottom lip and your legs jump up and down beneath the desk you were sat at. Calm down, he doesn’t even like you like that Y/N. Take a step back and focus. 
“Hey Y/N. I need to go talk to Namjoon hyung. I’ll see you later,” he yells while running out of your office, not even giving you a chance to respond. 
“Bye,” you whisper to yourself. 
Now to focus…
As you continue to translate, Taehyung runs a few floors up to where the BTS boys were, and starts telling them what had been eating away at him for weeks. 
“I like her!” he blurts out to his six brothers friends. 
“I knew it!  You owe me Jin hyung,” Jimin says to Jin. 
The oldest rolls his eyes, but digs into his own pocket regardless and takes out the money he owed Jimin from the news.
“Really, you both bet on my feelings?” Taehyung frowns.
Everyone in the room didn’t look fazed at all by the news, which disappointed Taehyung a bit. He wanted everyone to be as excited about the news as he was.
“I mean, it was obvious. You’re always hanging out with her,” Yoongi let out.
“Yeah hyung! And even when she’s not here, you’re always talking about her,” Jungkook adds. 
Taehyung looks around the room at the boys with his mouth hung open. Was he really that transparent? He thought he was doing a great job at keeping it under the radar. Oh gosh, what if she already knows then? He began to pace the room. 
“Calm down! I’m sure she likes you too Tae, you would both make a great couple,” Hoseok reassures him.
“I agree. I think you just need to figure out what you’re going to do now with your feelings,” Namjoon pats him on the back. 
Everyone was quiet for a moment as Taehyung was deep in thought still pacing up and down the room that they were all seated in. 
“I think it’s pretty obvious what you need to do Tae,” Jimin says now standing next to him, holding his arm to stop him from pacing, “You’ve got to tell her.”
“Well I know that! I’m just thinking about how to do that exactly,” Taehyung frowns, “It has to be perfect.”
The boys start awing and howling at the younger boy.
“Our little Taehyungie is all grown up,” Jin wipes a fake tear.
“Shut up, I’m thinking.”
They all laugh at that. 
After a few moments, Jungkook speaks up.
“Well, why don’t you start with why you like her? Then you can work on a way to tell her those feelings.”
“Okay,” Tae pauses for a moment, “Well, I just like how kind she is. She has never once denied help to any of us. I like how easy it is to talk to her regardless of our language barrier. It helps that she knows a lot of Korean already, but I still want to learn English so that we can speak in her native language. The way she concentrates so hard when we’re doing an English interview and writes all her notes at the speed of light to make sure she is translating perfectly just does something to me. I love the way she falls back when one of us makes her laugh--gosh I love when I’M the one who manages to make her laugh. That heavenly noise that escapes her lips is  probably the most beautiful sound on earth.”
“I think I’m going to throw up,” Yoongi says.
“That’s all great Tae, but I think if you both become a couple, then you’ll have all the time in the world to slowly let her know how much all these little things make your heart pound. You don’t want to overwhelm her with all that. Pull back a little,” Namjoon tells Taehyung.
“How is it supposed to be special if I don’t absolutely throw my heart at her?”
Silence again.
“What if you confessed to her in English? You can say something short, but she’ll see your efforts through you learning to say it in her language,” Hoseok suggests.
Taehyung’s head snaps in Hoseok's direction and he runs full speed at him.
“Hyung! You’re a genius,” he says as he throws himself onto Hoseok in a hug. 
Hoseok hugs the boy back, ruffling his hair a little. Then Taehyung jumps up and heads out the room.
“No time to waste, I need to tell her tonight,” he screamed.
“Keep screaming like that and she’ll hear you,” Jin jokes.
“Taehyung! We have a concert tomorrow, don’t get too excited and make plans for tomorrow that you’ll have to canc- and he’s gone, well I guess we’ll deal with that when it happens--if it happens,” Namjoon sighs and the other boys just laugh at him.
Taehyung runs back down the stairs to the floor where your office was. He opens the door a little and there you are, still working hard on trying to translate their recent Run BTS video. He almost wanted to run and tell you right then and there about his feelings so he could finally do something about it, but he held back. Let’s do this right. He quietly shuts the door, making sure that you don’t hear even though you were wearing headphones, and he runs into one of the random offices nearby. 
He sits down, opens up a translator and gets to work trying to figure out what he wanted to say that would be enough to tell you how he felt, while not being over the top and scaring you off. Just a few sentences. I can memorize a few sentences. 
It took him a little over an hour, but he finally had a few sentences that he thought would be perfect for you. He reads over the words several times in a rush, knowing you would be done with your work and would be heading home at any moment. 
“Every part of you has enraptured me. Y/N I love spending time with you. You make me so happy and I hope I can make you this happy too one day. Will you be mine?” he read one last time, “Okay! Got it.”
He placed the post-it note in his pocket and put his ear up to the door, waiting to hear you leave your office. Right on schedule, he heard your door click open. Okay Taehyung, you got this. He took a few deep breaths and finally opened his own door and peeks down the hall where he sees you walk towards the elevator with your bag in hand. He quickly runs out behind you, trying to catch up.
“Y/N! Wait, I need to tell you something,” he shouts after you.
You jump a bit not expecting to hear or see someone behind you. You turn around and see Taehyung running towards you waving his hands.
“Tae? What’s wrong?”
He finally stops in front of you and feels the weight in his chest as your beautiful eyes meet his own. Come on, spit it out. All the words he had practiced had just up and left his head, but he was too embarrassed to take out the post-it note and read from it. He thought it would be more special if he could say it to you from memory. 
“Well, I just wanted to confess something to you. I know you’ve only been here for a few months, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I can never think straight when you’re around and I find myself wanting to talk to you and see you all the time,” he stops for a moment, hoping the English words he had practiced would somehow come back to him.
He couldn’t even look up to see your shocked expression since he was too focused on trying to remember.
“Taehyung I-” you start.
“No wait please, let me finish.”
You giggle quietly to yourself. He was just so adorable standing there wracking his brain with his brows furrowed. You could tell he was trying his hardest to remember something that had to do with his feelings for you based on the few words he had already spoken. Your own heart was about to beat out of your chest. The man you had been crushing on for the past few weeks is standing in front of you, confessing his feelings for you, something you thought would never happen. You could hardly contain yourself from jumping on him right there and then. 
“Okay please bear with me. I only had a while to practice, so this might not be correct,” he stopped to clear his throat and finally looks up to meet your eyes; which almost made you gasp by how serious he looked, “You enraptured me. Y/N I love time spending with you. I’m happy with you and you are happy too. Will you be with me?”
Your eyes went wide as tears started to well up in them. You didn’t expect him to go out of his way to try and learn part of his confession in English. The gesture had touched your heart so deeply and your floodgates opened. You couldn’t control the tears and they began running down your face. Taehyung, who had not once taken his eyes off you, caught the sight of your tears and got worried. 
“I messed up didn’t I? Wait! Let me try again,” he says, quickly reaching for the post it note in his pocket.
“No no!” you say trying to wipe your tears away, “That was perfect Taehyung. It may have been wrong for other English speakers, but that sounded so beautiful and perfect to me. I had no idea you felt that way about me, but I’m so relieved to hear that you feel the same way. I never thought a busy idol like you would ever see someone like me, let alone have feelings for me. I can’t even put into words how happy I am right now! I like you too and I would love to be yours.”
No words were needed after that. Taehyung closed the gap between you both and squeezed you into the biggest embrace you had ever received. Your head lay against his chest where you could hear his heart beating as fast as your own. Your own arms wrap themselves around his waist as you nuzzle yourself into him, trying to get closer than you both already were. You feared that this might have been all one big crazy dream. You almost cry again at the thought that he could just disappear from your grasp at any moment and you’ll find yourself alone in your room.  
You both stay like that for a while until Taehyung finally steps back; his eyes once again glued to your face. He gently holds your face and pinches your cheek a little.
“Ow!” you scream, slapping his hand away, “Why’d you do that?”
His boxy smile never once left his face as he rubs the area he just pinched.
“I just wanted to make sure this wasn’t a dream.”
“You’re supposed to pinch yourself Tae.”
You shake your head and laugh as you see him go and pinch his own arm.
“Okay well now that I know this isn’t a dream, would you be free to spend time as a couple together tomorrow?” he asks you with his hands in his pockets.
“Taehyung, you do know you have a concert tomorrow, right?”
“Huh? I do?” he pouted, “But I want to spend time with you.”
“How about we watch a movie together after your concert? As long as you’re not too tired,” you offer. 
He nodded, “Sounds perfect.”
“Great, enjoy your concert and I’ll see you tomorrow,” you lean in and peck his cheek, then run off into the elevator that had arrived.
“Goodnight!” you say one more time as the elevator doors close.
“Goodnight,” he whispers, still in shock.
He was frozen in front of the elevator for a while with one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck and the other still in one of his pockets. He could feel the heat rushing to his ears as replayed the image of you kissing his cheek again and again. He could almost still feel your lips on his cheek.
How did I get so lucky...
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Posted On: 4/26/2021
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jaylamcd68 · 3 years ago
The Rookie 4x02
Episode Summary
Spoilers ahead
Tamara is moving in permanently and they are choosing paint colors. Lucy is indecisive about the paint colors  but John says Tamara was ready to paint weeks ago. Tim’s first day as a Sargent is today, Lucy pranks him by leaving boots in his locker. Grey and Nyla give Tim a silver and gold plated sergeants badge. Nyla’s new rookie is apparently an former internet star that was exonerated for murder. Tim is taking roll call today. New rookie officer Thorsen introduces himself and says he promises to fight to tip the scales to justice because he knows what it’s like when the scales are tipped against you. Tim then tells everyone that this weekend is going to be crazy, multiple concerts/sports games/ other events with thousands of people and celebrities.
Nolan and Lucy are paired up, Lucy is asking him what he thinks about wallpaper, John tries to get Lucy to realize that she’s being indecisive because she feels guilty about “moving on” and until she deals with that Tamara is never going to feel like she really belongs in that room. They pull over the main chick for the episode and Nolan asks Lucy if he can practice being a TO on this call, Nolan calls Lucy boot as soon as they get out of the car which is a nonstarter for her 😂 They ask her for her licence and registration, as soon as they run her name Claire Ivy turns out to be suspected in over 40 high end heists. Nolan calls in to Grey and Tim and they advise John to advise her to get out of town since she’s likely here to do another heist to which Claire has already told Lucy Nolan would say when he was in their shop looking her up. Lucy tells John she has a girl crush.
Harper and Thorsen arrive at a call. There are signs of violence so they enter. There is a gas leak so they holster their weapons and continue their search where they find a body and Thorsen starts to have a panic attack.
Grey and Bradford arrive and get the scoop from Harper. Tim asks Nyla if her rookie puked to which Nyla says yes but it’s more than just the gore, the situation seems to have triggered some uncomfortable memories, then she turns to grey and deadpans “almost like he shouldn’t be a cop” to which he replies “good thing he has the best TO in the business to help him through it” and Tim jumps in with “he can say that now that I’ve been promoted” 😂 Grey gets Tim to run by what should happen next. Tim says they should canvass the scene while FD contains the gas leak to which Grey reminds Tim he is not a player anymore, he’s the coach so Tim tells Nyla to get her rookie and do it.
Bailey and the firefighters arrive in scene. Lucy suggests John should ask her out again. Thorsen apologizes to Nyla but says it’s good that he knows he has this trigger and can work on it to which Nyla tells him that this is not therapy and to work his problems out on his own time.
Angela is on maternity leave and is watching an ABC 20/20 documentary on Aaron Thorsen’s murder trial. Wesley walks in saying Jack finally is down. Angela tells him that Aaron is Nyla’s new rookie because they apparently are letting murderers in to which Wesley points out that he was found innocent, and Angela points out that it was after he was found guilty but then the baby starts crying again. John and Lucy call Angela about Claire Ivy to which Angela tells them that she’s one of the best and to look into the files she had before.
Lucy calls over Bailey and then ditches so John anxiously asks her out again to which she says yes.
Back at the station they talk about Claire Ivy’s reputation and that she doesn’t normally go for anything less than $5 million, but that still leaves multiple targets. They ID her crew via hotel security cams. Tim asks Nyla if she wants in on this and Nyla says yes but her rookie isn’t ready and she parks him on the desk. He tries to say he is ready, and that he can’t prove he is ready if he’s not with her, but Nyla says he also can’t get her killed if he’s not with her.
Outside the hotel Lucy and Nolan are posted waiting for Claire. Lucy is fan girling about Claire. John is nervous about his date with Bailey. They see Claire leaving the hotel and talk with her, they get her to hinting that the heist is happening tomorrow
Harper and Thorsen talk about how the rest of their shifts went and apparently 9 people at the desk asked him if he was a murderer and TMZ showed up. Aaron questions if Nyla is going to fire him and she tells him that he will come in and quit tomorrow because he won’t be able to stop thinking about the dead girl and if he doesn’t then that’s when she’ll fire him.
Angela and Wesley who haven’t slept in days are arguing over Aaron’s case, in the middle Jack wakes up crying and they realize how dumb they were to waste the time arguing the case when they could have been sleeping, showering, etc.
Lucy knocks on Tamara’s door and apologizes for being so picky about the paint colors. She starts to cry and just explains that it’s because she’s been having such a hard time because it makes it real that Jackson is never coming home. Tamara understands because every time she changes something she feels like she is erasing him as much as she is happy to be living here she also feels guilty that Jackson isn’t. 😭😭😭 Lucy says Jackson would be happy that Tamara is here and happy that something good came out of the whole situation. Also that he would mock them for having all these paint colors on the wall.
Bailey arrives at John’s house. He tells her about the fancy restaurant that makes meals out of some legume to which Bailey does not seem interested in and then asks her if she wants to go on a stakeout with him instead. At the bar Claire comes up to them and Claire informs John of all the info she has looked up about him because she likes to do her background research too. John and Bailey kiss after Claire walks away. Bailey and John wake up at his house the next morning and are all smiles.
Nyla asks Grey to not convince Aaron to not quit when he walks in to do so this morning only for Grey to look out to the hall and say it doesn’t look like Aaron has any plans on doing that since he was dressed for patrol. Nyla confronts him about what she said about what would happen if he didn’t quit himself and Aaron expresses that he is not going to quit because what happened to him was so awful he has committed himself to making sure that it doesn’t happen to anyone else so if she cuts him from the program he will just go to every other station in California until someone gives him a chance because he needs to be a cop.
Outside the hotel Lucy and John and staking it out again and Lucy asks how last night went. John says his date was great and then gets a text from Bailey saying she doesn’t think things will work out. Tim calls in for a status report and tells them that Claire’s whole crew is having brunch in public which is concerning. Then Claire comes out and they have put boots on her car for “not paying tickets” and Claire lets them know that her back up plans have back up plans and gets on a motorcycle and drives off. Tim loses sight of the rest of the crew at brunch because a bus pulls in front of them. He enters the bus and pulls up a hatch to discover they went through it and down a sewage drain.
Nyla and Aaron arrive at the murder scene because a neighbour reported seeing someone enter the home. When Harper asks who he thinks it would be Aaron tells her either a burglar who knows the homeowner is dead or the killer looking for whatever the police didn’t take. They discover the girls assistant in the office looking for her laptop. Aaron reports that no laptop was checked into evidence. It turns out that the dead girl was coordinating the jewelry for the Gala, which Aaron concludes must mean that this is what Claire’s heist is going to be about. Whenever there is going to be a gala, celebrities borrow tens of millions of dollars worth of jewellery that are delivered by an armoured car before and then picked up by afterwards. Claire killed the girl to get the delivery schedule and to get the biggest score she would hit the truck right at the beginning. They pan to the heist only for it to turn out the John is the armoured van driver, Tim is the security gate guard, etc. and they capture them all with John getting Claire personally after shooting her in the shoulder when she fired on him.
Grey scolds Tim for getting in on the action because he says that Tim doesn’t trust anyone else to do it right. Grey tells him “control freaks don’t make good sergeants.” Tim tells Grey that advising from a distance might work for him, but he has to find his own way of doing things. Grey then tells him that a little praise goes a long way to which Tim says it’s against his nature but he’ll give it a shot 😂
Nyla tells Aaron to thoroughly check the shop at the end of each shift. Aaron then asks Nyla if she can give him a different nickname than 5 minutes, because 5 minutes was approximately how long his roommate that he was trialed for “killing” was alive and dragging himself looking for Aaron for help after his throat was cut in their apartment, and Aaron feels guilty that if he had just woken up maybe he would still be alive. He doesn’t want pity from Nyla but she just responds don’t worry because coming up with nicknames is fun for her.
CHENFORD: Lucy is seen sneaking into the men’s locker room with another pair of booties and as she is trying to open up his locker (so she must have his code!! They have so much trust 😍😭) Tim catches her and says he’s disappointed in her for being so unoriginal since she had already put boots in. Lucy tells him she can’t help it if she’s had a busy day. Tim then painfully tries to praise Lucy for her and Nolan’s good work today and explains that he’s been told to do this because that’s what good supervisors do. Lucy asks what else he appreciates of her to which he responds that she knows when to not push her luck. His little smirk as he heads back to his  locker is everything 😭❤️
Angela and Wesley are asleep on the couch when Angela’s phone rings. They are worried that the sound woke the baby but it did not, however when Angela reads that they caught Claire Ivy she yells in excitement which does wake Jack😂
Lucy is making supper and hears a loud noise coming from Tamara’s room. Tamara opens her door and asks Lucy to promise she won’t be mad when she sees what she’s done with the room. She had graffitied the walls with her art. Lucy loves it.
John catches Bailey on shift just to ask her why she broke up with him over text. Bailey says she’s horrible at relationships so she thought she would cut it off ahead of time. John convinces her to give them a chance and they kiss even though she is still on shift with her coworkers hollering in the background.
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shibasparklez · 3 years ago
My favorite episode from each Paw Patrol season!
@marshallpupfan and @autistic-bird-beeps did this a while back but I wanted to try it too 💖
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Season 1 episode 21b: Pups save a toof!
This episode is really cute, and I loved seeing all the pups facing their fears. Ryder being scared of brussel sprouts despite everything he’s been through makes me laugh.
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Season 2 episode 39: Pups save a mer-pup! (Very closely tied with pups bark with dinosaurs)
I’m just in love with everything about this episode! It just feels so magical and whimsical. The mer-pup’s song is so folksy and pretty. Also that scene where Skye and Zuma are whispering to each other because they can’t sleep just gives off the perfect sleepover energy.
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Season 3 episode 58: Pups save friendship day!
This episode introduces my favorite human character, Miss Majorie! I think the friendship song is the cutest thing ever and it’s just so sweet seeing all of the town working so hard to be friendly to each other. Also that scene where mayor goodway and mayor humdinger bond is genuinely very sweet.
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Season 4 episode 82: Mission PAW: quest for the crown!
I’m a massive Sweetie fan and this was the episode that started my love for her. She’s just the cutest! I love her little accent, how expressive she is, and her little snort after her evil laugh. Mission paw is also my second favorite subseries because the imagery is super cool. I also love that Ryder and the pups stick by Chase’s side even when the princess accuses him of stealing the crown!
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Season 5 episode 119a: Rocky saves himself!
Rocky is my second favorite pup, and I loved watching him be the coolest little guy around! He used his intelligence to help save the day! This is also a good subversion of the “saving one of the pups” episode type.
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Season 6 episode 135a: Ultimate rescue: pups save the mountain climbers!
I was a little disappointed by Skye’s first ultimate rescue episode, since she didn’t really get to do that much! This one fixed my issues though! She was amazing! I always love watching her fly around and save the day with her quick thinking!
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Season 7 episode 162: Dino rescue: pups and the lost dino eggs
This was the episode that got me into the show! I’m a big dinosaur fan, and I caught a bunch of clips from this episode on YouTube while looking for dinosaur videos. Rex is my favorite new addition to the team! He has an amazing design, and he’s so cute when he infodumps about dinos! Also, a small detail but I love how nobody asks Rex about his wheelchair. Zuma compliments it, and Rex tells them that it helps him get around!
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Season 8 episode 191b: Pups save rocket Ryder! (This might change once rescue knights airs in the US)
I love the new paw patroller because it gives everyone a chance to have a role in an episode! Also, there’s a really cool aspect of strategy to it! This episode is just solid, exciting, and pretty funny at times!
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 4 years ago
IOTA Reviews: Truth
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Hey. Hey guys. Remember when I said I was feeling optimistic about this season? God, that was funny, wasn't it?
Let's just... Let's just get into the actual first episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Truth.
We start off with Gabriel repairing the damaged Peacock Miraculous, which also restores Duusu's sanity, before he quickly gives it a test run by transforming with both it and the Butterfly Miraculous.
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And good lord, the result looks atrocious. This is the design for the new and improved Hawkmoth? First off, the peacock feather eyepatch looks stupid. Is he trying to be the Phantom of the Opera? When Mayura had the same thing, it didn't completely cover her eye and matched her color scheme. It just doesn't match with this new design here. Other than the feather, the peacock aesthetic is barely visible here. The most we get is a peacock feather pattern on the back of his jacket. And then there's the popped collar and coattails, which only look more ridiculous than menacing. What made the original Hawkmoth design work was how sleek it was. It was simplistic, which reflected Gabriel's no-nonense personality. This just looks gaudy and unnecessary. How was this right after the amazing suit the animators gave Dragonbug?
So after Gabriel designs another stupid looking outfit, we cut to Marinette, who's still trying to figure out how the Miracle Ball works. She accidentally opens it, letting the Kwamis out, who wreak havoc on her room because Marinette suffering is going to be a big part of this episode. This just raises the question: Why can't Marinette simply order them back into the box like Su-Han did, or rather, is going to do? It's still not established what gives the Guardians authority over the Kwamis in the first place.
Two of the Kwamis accidentally start a video chat with her friends, leading to some more Unfunny Marinette Slapstick. But Alya thinks something's up with her friend.
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Has Marinette even told Alya she's already in a relationship? Like, at all? It feels like all Alya is there for now is to remind the audience that Marinette and Adrien are “meant to be”, even if they're both in relationships right now. It's either that, or teasing Marinette over her crush and doing nothing to help her anxiety.
Marinette accidentally ends the call, before Luka calls to thank her for the pictures of Adrien one of the Kwamis accidentally sent him. Yeah, even though he barely appears in this episode (barring his scenes at Cat Noir), they're going to talk about Adrien a lot. Marinette continues to stammer around Luka (once again making fun of people who have speech issues), but Luka, being the ray of sunshine in any abysmal episode he's in, is completely understanding of it. He also sets up a pretty funny joke.
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Apparently, Marinette missed her last date with Luka yesterday to see a movie that was re-released, Crocodile Heart, that was actually Jagged Stone's first movie. I wonder if it's connected to Crocodile Dundee.
While walking to the movie, Luka and Marinette play a game finishing the lyrics of a Jagged Stone song, establishing the former as a huge fan of the rock star. Before we can actually get an on-screen kiss for Lukanette, Mr. Pigeon attacks yet again, because I guess he's the first villain Hawkmoth wants to use in his new form.
Cat Noir sneaks up on Ladybug, causing her to accidentally throw him off a building before catching him, chastising him for the stupid jokes, yet Ladybug has to apologize for missing patrol with her partner, who casually acknowledges her new status as Guardian before the two go and fight Mr. Pigeon.
By the time they defeat him, the movie ends as Marinette gets back, disappointing Luka. We then get a montage of Marinette bailing on Luka multiple times to stop Akumas and Sentimonsters. To his credit, Luka is seriously torn up by all the times Marinette leaves him, showing he isn't just a calm soul.
After Marinette gets back, Luka takes her underneath a bridge to listen to the echoing sound of the water. Luka says that he never knew his father, and he would always go here to relax whenever he got stressed. He uses this to segue into asking Marinette where she constantly disappears to. He doesn't pressure her or anything like Alya, and he even says that if she still loves Adrien, he'll understand. He only asks for the truth. Unfortunately, Marinette can't tell him the truth, which just breaks the poor boy's heart.
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Hawkmoth, now calling himself Shadowmoth, sends out an Akuma and an Amok for Luka at the same time, corrupting a guitar pick signed by Jagged Stone that Marinette gave him. And again, to Luka's credit, he fights back against Shadowmoth's influence at first, saying he trusts Marinette, but the temptation of knowing the truth is too good to pass up. He tells Marinette to run before being akumatized into Truth, assisted by the Sentimonster Pharro.
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Truth's design is... pretty forgettable. The guitar pick being prominent around his neck is a nice touch, but it's just a generic black bodysuit with light blue highlights, and he has a third eye instead of a visible mouth. Pharro is also pretty boring, just a giant eye that freezes people in place so Truth can use his powers to make them tell the truth.
So Truth goes back to where everyone else was hanging out before he was akumatized and asks Alya to tell him the truth about Marinette.
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Yeah, he's right, Alya. That's what you believe. We're supposed to treat Alya saying Marinette loves Adrien as an unbiased source. Truth asks Rose, Mylene, Tom, and Sabine what Marinette's secret is in this episode, and they all say she's in love with Adrien. That isn't actually the truth. It's like asking an atheist if there is a God. You know what they believe is the truth, but you don't know if that answer is actually the truth. Why not have them reveal other secrets about Marinette, giving the audience subtle character details? Like the writers could make someone say stuff like she still sleeps with a nightlight on, or that she secretly gets cookies from another bakery.
You know what also would have worked? Instead, have Truth catch Marinette before she transforms into Ladybug, ask who she actually loved, and then she'll blurt out Adrien's name, shocking both her and Luka. This could also make Ladybug's confidence in herself waver throughout the episode, wondering if she actually loved Luka at all. That would have been much better drama than what we're going to get instead.
Ladybug charges in to stop Truth, but is zapped by his truth ray, meaning she'll be forced to tell the truth when asked any question. Before she can admit her identity, Cat Noir saves her by retreating with her into the Seine, before reassuring Ladybug that he wouldn't force her to tell the truth by force. It's a nice bit that does show he respects Ladybug's secret, a far cry from his behavior in episodes like “Syren” and “Frozer”. Truth turns his attention to his mother Anarka, and asks who his father is.
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Yes. Seriously. This is happening. Luka's father is actually Jagged Stone. I have... mixed feelings regarding this development, but my biggest question is, well... they're doing this now? They couldn't save this for another episode? I mean, was focusing on Luka and Marinette's relationship (something that had been established since Season 2) not good enough of a plot for the writers? Why shoehorn in this plot development? Why not save this part as a teaser for a future episode? You know, have Luka walk home, and remember what he made his mother say as Truth, setting up an episode focusing on his relationship with Jagged Stone.
But no! Instead, we're just supposed to go along with the plot taking a detour. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't want Jagged Stone to appear in this episode.
Truth heads over to the hotel where Jagged Stone lives and asks him if he's actually his father, the latter admitting that Anarka was right. Truth naturally isn't happy.
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Well, to be fair, it's still a better title than his first drafts, like “It's Not My Fault the Condom Broke”, or “Up Yours, I'm Not Paying the Child Support, Bitch”.
Honestly, I can get what the writers are going for, and I like the idea of them trying to give some depth to a character who was mostly used for comic relief in earlier episodes. The problem is, as much as they want to portray Jagged as regretful for walking out on his family, it still doesn't excuse him for never even bothering to check in on his children and their mother while writing a song about it. He doesn't even bother to give some money to the person he knocked up.
I'm not saying a conflicted relationship like this can't work in animation (a decent example being Steven Universe slowly growing to resent his mother for her time as Pink Diamond and believing his birth was an excuse for her to avoid responsibility), but you need to put more emotion into this. I don't come from a broken home, but if it turned out my dad was, let's say, “Weird Al” Yankovic, even if I enjoy his music, I wouldn't be happy that he decided to come back now of all times without so much as a “hello”.
Truth goes to Marinette's house/bakery, and starts looking for Marinette's diary to find out her secrets. It's almost like the minor plotline that he has a deadbeat dad was only there to eat up airtime. Ladybug is still affected by Truth's powers, and not long after she summons her Lucky Charm, Cat Noir is zapped too, so he starts asking questions that basically amount to complimenting certain qualities he and Ladybug have. When Ladybug asks him what he thinks about her being Guardian, Cat Noir says nothing's changed between them. It's a nice strategy, very reminiscent of when they had to talk in rhyme when fighting Frightengale. I'm also glad they aren't trying to play up Cat Noir not feeling as important immediately now that his partner has access to top secret information.
Cat Noir Cataclysms Pharro, but rather than destroying the Sentimonster, it causes it to go out of control, accidentally paralyzing Truth with some manipulation from her and Cat Noir. Ladybug then de-evilizes both the Akuma and Amok, defeating Truth.
Marinette struggles to find the words to explain things to Luka, but he says that he'll be waiting for her when she's ready. While walking back to his houseboat, Luka runs into Jagged Stone, who promises to write a song together with him. Because I guess Shadowmoth was kind enough of him to not erase that part of his memory. And of course, Luka just accepts this despite the fact that Jagged was absent from his entire life.
So according to this show, you shouldn't bother to give mean people a second chance, but it's okay to give your deadbeat dad a second chance without harboring any negative feelings? I'm sorry, but I just don't see the point of shoving in this subplot if you're barely going to do anything with it before coming to a resolution. If there was more detail put into it, like if Luka just angrily lashed out at Jagged for abandoning his mom, I would have been more open to it. But in the end, this major character revelation is nothing more than filler the episode doesn't need.
We cut to what I'm surprised doesn't happen at the end of every episode given how much crap she gets, Marinette crying in her bed, saying it's too dangerous to have a boyfriend thanks to Shadowmoth. One of the Kwamis apparently doesn't know what crying is, so Marinette asks them to give her a hug, and the showrunners really need to find another song to play at the end, because the upbeat song playing doesn't go with Marinette crying at all. Imagine if this song played at the end of Deep Space Nine's “In the Pale Moonlight” when Captain Sisko confessed to basically being an accessory to the murder of an alien ambassador. It'd be tonally jarring, wouldn't it?
Even the ending image doesn't feature Luka and Marinette together. Instead, he's hugging it out with Deadbeat Stone like everything's okay.
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So yeah, that's how the episode ends. In case you couldn't tell, I thought it was awful.
Remember in my New York Special review, where I theorized that Astruc rewrote it to focus more on Adrienette to stop people from shipping Lukanette? I have another theory that I also want to be taken with a grain of salt. I think this episode might have also been rewritten a little to follow up on that. I mean, why else would Astruc spend two seasons building up Luka's relationship with Marinette only to rip it away the episode after they officially get together? It would also explain why it feels like there's two separate episodes going on with how shoehorned in Jagged Stone is.
But other than that, this episode managed to screw up the one thing I was actually looking forward to about this season, seeing Marinette together with Luka. Even if they were going to break up, I was hoping there would at least be a character arc for Marinette where she realizes what she truly wants in a relationship isn't with Luka, leading into a relationship with Adrien where she feels more confident in herself. I was at least hoping their relationship would last more than A SINGLE EPISODE.
In fact, remember that tweet Astruc made soon after the New York Special, defending Marinette and Adrien essentially cheating on Luka and Kagami respectively?
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What exactly was so complicated about Season 4 when you're immediately going to break up a couple you spent two seasons building up? Astruc's predictions are about as accurate as Uri Geller.
And then there's the fact that all everyone talks about this episode is Adrien. Marinette's wall is covered with pictures of him, Alya thinks her friend's abnormal behavior is because Adrien's in the room with her, Luka somehow knows Marinette loves Adrien and is actually cool with it, and everyone else thinks that it's her biggest secret. How convenient is it that all of this happens when barring his scenes as Cat Noir, Adrien doesn't appear in this episode barring a five second cameo?
When I was writing this episode, I saw a tweet Astruc made addressing a question someone posed, asking why Adrien didn't get as much screentime in the recent Shanghai Special. He said that “history does not revolve around him”.
For the love of God, writers, just give Marinette a plotline that doesn't revolve around her feelings for Adrien for once. People already started to get sick of it halfway through last season. Either have her confess and make the Love Square canon, or stop letting it dominate the main story for once. Why can't the writers just let her move on from Adrien for more than a single episode? Give her a goddamn break already.
I once again have to ask: what was the point of building up a relationship between Luka and Marinette since Season 2, if you're just going to break them up the second they get together? Why make a big deal about Marinette's conflicted feelings for both Adrien and Luka if you're just going to ignore her feelings for the latter in favor of the former? And remember, chronologically, this was right after the end of Chloe's “damnation arc”, another plotline that had been built up since Season 2 only to be aborted in favor of “sUbVeRtInG tHe AuDiEnCe'S eXpEcTaTiOnS”. It feels like the writers are trying to punish people for getting emotionally invested in any storyline that doesn't relate to the holy pairing that is the Love Square.
This episode is just frustrating to watch. Part of me knew Marinette and Luka were going to break up, but I didn't think it would be this bad, and it would be so soon. I'm glad they're on somewhat good terms, and I liked the buildup to Luka realizing Marinette might not trust him, but the timing of this episode is what baffles me the most. Is it any wonder I think Astruc may have rewritten this episode?
If any Lukanette shippers need to recover, I'd recommend checking out @mc-lukanette​. They have some wholesome one-shots and fix-it fics for some of the weaker episodes of the series. In fact, she already wrote a fix-it to this abysmal episode that’s so much better than what we got.
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jq37 · 4 years ago
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 2
The Girls Are Fighting!!!
We return to Aguefort Adventuring Academy where the man himself has just told the Seven Maidens that their party is being split up which they are NOT having even though it doesn’t seem to be a malicious plot so much as the fact that Danielle, Ostentatia, and Zelda are Juniors while the other four are graduating Seniors. Antiope casts Hunter’s Mark on Aguefort, Penny pleads, Katja threatens (well, “threatens”; she walks up menacingly and then says that he can’t do this because it’s the only group of friends she’s ever had and it’s heartbreaking like all of her non-hilarious dialogue is).
Aguefort understands that it sucks and has no respect for rules but says it’s out of his hands. Sam clocks that he’s hiding something (along with the fact that he seems to know about something going on with Antiope and Penny which we know is their respective internship/apprenticeship offers) and calls him out, hitting him with a Lightning Lure to drag his ass back when he tries to turn into a bat and escape out the window. She’s unhinged and I love it. 
So does Aguefort who decides to let them in on some school secrets, leaving a decoy while he leads them all to the super secret part of the forbidden library which is bondage themed because sure. Also, Ostentatia is topless for this also because sure. He does a lot of pomp and circumstance to summon a book which Yelle flatly says better not just be the syllabus and it isn’t but she’s close. It’s the bylaws of the school district which he has summoned for the guidelines on the special, magical thing the girls can get so they can graduate together…
Their GEDS!!!!! Trés mystical. 
Basically what they need to do is complete a level A, B, or C quest together (which Antiope knows are like the top 3 highest difficulty quests--they go from A-F) and get signoff from the superintendent. But the superintendent has been missing for 12 years and there can’t be a new one until she’s dead (which she isn’t or else they’d be able to appoint a new one). Her name is Tectonya Karkovnya (who I will be calling TK) and Aguefort calls her, “chaotic and impossible to predict,” which coming from him is como se dice, troubling. 
Sam pulls out her mirror to do a little snooping on TK’s past and sees that she’s a coppery, earth genasi woman. She also sees her talking to Aguefort and saying that the magic of consciousness is far superior to his beloved chronomancy. Then the scene shifts to show her getting more and more worried as she got deeper into her studies and then going to a dwarven holy site in the Mountains of Chaos with some kind of shadow figure following her. 
Penny gets photos of the super cursed bylaws and Arthur leaves since he very much is the principal of the school and has to do his job (ostensibly). With Aguefort gone, the girls discuss the proposition after conscripting a very reluctant Antiope to be their leader (Aabria hilariously improvises that a shaft of sunlight somehow comes down to illuminate her and she has to step out of the spotlight). 
They discuss whether they want to do this GED quest or not and Zelda says she wants to but she wants to give anyone who has other stuff going on an out so they don’t feel beholden. Ostentatia immediately shoots back that Zelda is just saying that because she has plans with Gorgug. That brings down the mood and Sam, despite being a water genasi, fans the flames by saying that Gorgug has lots going on that doesn’t involve her so she shouldn’t be running back to him all the time. 
Yelle tries to calm things down and says they should sleep on it but Sam and Ostentatia are taking this super personally and are offended that they’re even having this conversation. Penny accidentally lets slip that she has some kind of apprenticeship (she’s trying to keep it on the DL because it’s supposed to be a secret) and oh man it becomes a Whole Thing. They fight in the way that you do when everyone in the fight actually wants the same thing and cares deeply about each other but are in completely different headspaces which are making them lash out.
Penny, not wanting to be around the conflict, goes invisible. Zelda is suppressing going into a rage and says that maybe she should go be with Gorgug. At least he won’t yell at her. Yelle once again tries to cool things down and suggests they have a text thread where they can say if they’re in or out by the end of the night instead of hashing it out in the open. She’s accused of not being in and, in response, texts that she’s in. Ostentatia and Sam also immediately text that they’re in, which basically makes her “solution” entirely moot. 
Zelda is finally fully fed up and leaves (Penny following invisibly). Katja also follows. 
Antiope can tell that Sam is upset about something that’s not this but Sam brushes her off rudely and storms off (quite literally, causing storm clouds outside in her wake). Yelle goes after her. Ostentatia is left with Antiope.
Time for a string of very emotional mini scenes which I highly encourage you to watch because they are peak improv.  
Zelda, Katja, (Invisible) Penny
Katja runs to find Zelda who is under a tree crying and asks if she’s OK. Zelda says that Sam and Ostentatia are so beautiful and confident and eloquent and she gets so tongue tied and useless when they disagree with her because she’s so timid. Zelda wants this so bad but she doesn’t want to feel like she’s forcing her friends to stay with her. 
Katja, as we know, has major abandonment issues because of her constantly away dad (and prob her mom too) and she doesn’t want to be left behind again but she also doesn’t want her friends to factor her in so she tries to be stoic and says that the people you love have to want to stay. But with a 3, Zelda immediately clocks the emotion behind the words. Instead of calling her out, Zelda offers to listen to music with her. 
Penny takes this opportunity to make herself known (which has got to be terrifying--unless you’re used to it and then it’s like same shit as usual from Ms. Luckstone) and Zelda goat jumps to grab her out of the tree she was crying in above them and tells her that she doesn’t have to go invisible every time there’s conflict. They all agree that they hate confrontation and Rehka gets the funniest lowkey line of the episodes: that she wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t agree on that. We then cut to…
Ostentatia and Antiope
Where Izzy gets the high key funniest moment of the episode by transitioning in with a big, “You know I LOVE confrontation,” which breaks everyone at the table. But she says it as a preface to admitting that she may have been a bit of a bitch to Zelda. She plays coy for like a half second before she breaks down sobbing with Antiope catching her before she sinks fully to the floor. Antiope comforts her and admits that while she wants to stay with the party, she hates having options taken away from her as they have been her whole life effectively. She was honestly kind of relieved when she was trapped in the crystal because it meant all that pressure was gone for a bit. They affirm that they love each other then Ostentatia goes to apologize to Zelda. 
Danielle and Sam
Yelle goes to talk to Sam (who she adorably calls “merbae”) and while Sam doesn’t wanna talk about it, Yelle says they don’t have to. She just wants to be there for her in whatever capacity she needs. She knows Sam loves her friends and would never hurt them on purpose so something must be wrong with her-- “History of abandonment?” Sam finishes, almost glibly. She’s tired of losing people. She doesn’t want to lose more. She doesn’t want things to change. Nature is change, Yelle says. Nature sucks, Sam says. Yelle is gonna pretend like she didn't hear that. 
Sam feels bad that she snapped at Zelda and Yelle says that they’re all a family. Things will be alright. The storm clouds that Sam reflexively summoned peter out into a cool, refreshing mist. 
Ostentatia and Zelda
Ostentatia goes to where Zelda and the girls are and full ass runs at her like they weren’t just fighting. After assuring her that she’s not there to fight she apologizes, saying she was a cow. Zelda says she honestly agrees with Ostentatia that she wants the group to stay together and wishes she could be bolder in non-rage settings. Ostentatia says that maybe if the Seniors leave they can still have a party and Penny vetos that even though, as Ostentatia says, it’s a pretty reasonable compromise. Anyway, they basically all go in a circle saying they love each other and it’s very sweet. 
I’m serious, I can’t do these heart to hearts justice in this format, just go watch them for that emotional girl group goodness.
Anyway, outside of the main group, Antiope goes to talk to her sister Corsica who is currently teaching a class. Antiope does not give AF. She orders the students out and they scatter. Wouldn’t you?
Antiope wants advice. Should she stay with her party after flaming out of her last one? Should she take the internship and stay on the path her parents want her on? Corsica really feels for her. Antiope has had to struggle in a way that she and their brothers never did. She finally answers that she and her brothers are awesome and successful fighters but none of them have been able to do the scariest thing possible: disappoint their parents. They’re soldiers. They like it that way. They fall in line. But maybe Antiope isn’t a soldier. Maybe she’s a leader. She ordered those kids out of the room without thinking after all and they obeyed. It’s an extremely good speech and Antiope basically has chills, as do I.  
I assume while this is happening or perhaps right before everyone goes home, Penny goes to see Jawbone (who has some spiffy new art--as did Gilear who cameoed early in the episode when Aguefort atomic wedgied him invisibly because sure) and talk about this uber difficult decision she had to make. Jawbone gets to the heart of the matter pretty quick. Penny is a high achiever who’s lived a life without choice. But now that she’s about to be off the rails for the time she’s freaking out. Penny sees the truth in the statement (after hilariously trying to solve his metaphor about an amusement park) and thanks him for the perspective. She then, in a very Fig move, tries to kiss him and Jawbone basically stiff arms her and breezes right past like it didn’t happen, showing her out. What a trooper that Jawbone.   
Moving on to Katja. When she gets home she tries to call her dad who is unreachable on his hell mission. She leaves him a message saying that he should call her back when he can and she knows what she wants for her graduation present now. She wants her party to not break up. This breaks Brennan and me. 
She then snoops arounds for info on TK. She sees letters of her dad trying to get her into Hudol. And she sees some stuff from the Ministry of Adventure, asking if he knew where TK was. But she doesn’t get anything else. At least, she doesn’t get anything else that’s helpful. She does however find a picture of her mom which makes her bolt to go talk to Cinnamon who prances for her to make her feel better. She joins in dancing, badly.
EDIT: I initially wrote that Katja’s mom was dead because that’s what I thought she said but @ennn said that in the Adventuring Party, Rekha said that her mom didn’t die, she left. Which is less dramatic in some ways but SO MUCH WORSE for abandonment issues so, yikes girl!
Yelle meanwhile goes home to talk to her unofficial third mom, Holly, who is the awakened tree under which her house is. Picture a Grandmother Willow situation from Pocahantas basically. Yelle talks about the conflict a bit and, as usual, ends up on a tangent about how the world is unfair and she has to speak for the voiceless. Holly is concerned for her (as are her other moms which I may have neglected to mention in the last recap). She asks Yelle if she can tell her something that might be painful. Yelle agrees. Holly says that Yelle is great and wonderful and kind but she spends so much time speaking for other people that she never speaks for herself. Her moms worry that there will come a day when she needs help and will have to ask for it without couching it in terms of the greater good and she won’t be able to. 
Yelle really hopes she’s high when the time comes. 
At her home, Ostentatia casts Commune With The City to see if TK has been around and she’s not there now but she can tell she has been (though there’s no indication on if that’s recently or not). On a 17 religion check she knows that there is a dwarven holy site in the mountains that matches Sam’s description from the mirror. She’s still avoiding her dad but when she prays for her spells, she asks for her dad to feel like himself again too. 
Hey, what time is it? Let me check my watch. 
Ah yes, it’s time for Sam to make some rash decisions. 
She feels like she should text Zelda but doesn’t. Instead, she goes into Penelope’s room. And she takes out her mirror. And even though she’s expended the charge for today, she tries to make it show her Penelope. 
OK, says Brennan. Sure. Hey, can you roll me a quick little Wisdom Save?
Haha, Sam’s in danger. 
The mirror heats up as it’s pushed beyond its limits and Sam sees an image of a young Penelope with braces grabbing her hands and grinning and saying that they’ll be best friends. Then, the image shifts and she sees the Penelope of the present in her tattered prom queen dress and glass shard crown. Her eyeless, haunting, demon prom queen form, teeth razor sharp as her words. 
“A call without a text,” she says. “Are you out of your mind?”
“You look better than you ever did alive,” Sam spits back. 
It is a battle of the bitches right out of the gate. The girls are fighting part two if you will. They snipe at each other for a bit and Brennan has Sam roll insight into herself. On a 19, Sephie says that’s not enough for Sam to get a read on herself (yikes girl) so she doesn’t understand that this fight can only ruin her because while Penelope enjoys causing people pain, Sam doesn’t. 
They both get in some very choice barbs but when Penelope tries to entice her into making a devilish pact and disparages her new party, Sam does the mic drop of the century by telling her that her parents are divorcing and hanging up. The entire table LOSES THEIR MIND. It is like a real life representation of one of those Draw The Squad memes. Everyone brandishes their fans in a salute to that truly epic conversation ender. 
As the night draws to a close, Brennan asks the girls who haven’t responded to the text chain yet if they respond. Katja texts that she’s in. Zelda texts Antiope and Penny that she’s not going to text whether she’s in or out until they respond because she doesn’t want it to feel like a 5 on 2 dogpile.
Antiope and Penny call then text, then call, then text, then call each other to discuss what they should do and also hype each other up because with all the drama, they didn’t really get to celebrate their opportunities. Penny tries to downplay her thing and insinuates that it wouldn’t be a big loss if she wasn’t in the group anymore and Antiope shuts that down immediately. You’re the last thing so many people see before they die Penny! That’s so cool! 
They both decide to text that they’re abstaining from voting for now and go to bed.
The next day, Antiope gets up and sees that her party’s schedule has been cleared for the next two weeks by the school for quest reasons. She tells her dad she wants to talk to Charity Blythe (the woman at the Ministry of Adventure she needs to talk do) and he sets up a no pressure (but actually tons of pressure) meeting with her before turning her 5 mile run into a 12 mile run because she is a Jones and 5 mile runs are for Amateurs. 
Ant texts the rest of the Maidens that this meeting is happening so they can maybe get some quest info from Charity and Ostentatia has in the meantime texted (after the 2 abstains) that she will be going for the GED regardless and anyone who wants to join can. Of course, there was never any reason to NOT go for it (besides the danger which they obv don’t care about) and getting it doesn’t mean any doors are closed to them. It’s just that emotions are running so high they can’t fully seem to see that (or at least some members can’t). 
Ant doesn’t have the clearance to meet at Charity’s office so they meet at the Museum of Adventuring instead. In it happens to be the skeleton of Kalvaxus who they killed (if you don’t remember, the Bad Kids killed him first and then he was resurrected so the Maidens could also kill him for catharsis reasons). Tensions are still super high as evidenced by Sam’s snide abstention comment to Penny and Ant and then by her TRYING TO LIGHTNING BOLT THE DRAGON SKELETON TO DESTROY IT.
That doesn't happen though because she’s Counterspelled by Charity Blythe who walks in, surprised to see that Antiope brought her whole party. Antiope says they were just leaving but Charity can sense shenanigans when she sees them and says if they’re gonna spy on the conversation they might as well stay for it which they of course do.
She gives Antiope a rundown of the internship: 1 year commitment with a possibility to expand to 2-3 years. Stipend. She’d have to live in Bastion City.
Katja remembers that her dad was talking to the Ministry of Adventure in the letters she found and asks Charity about it. Charity says they were asking him about TK’s whereabouts because he was friends with her. On that, Yelle casts Detect Thoughts with a Stealth roll of 17 (we see on a secret Box of Doom roll that Charity got a 26 to see her cast it). Anyway, she sees that TK took some object with her when she disappeared (which she later sees is a crystal screen with a map seemingly marking quest locations from A-F) and of course the fact that Charity knows this. Yelle shares this info with everyone as Antiope walks off with Charity to talk further. Katja suggests to the group that maybe Ant should take the internship to get more info for their quest. While she’s talking to Charity, Ant feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
See looks up and sees a figure with blood red lips look at her and disappear.
Yikes! Combat time baybee!
Danielle: Most Likely to Talk Her Way Out of a Hostage Situation 
While, like her mothers, I am slightly concerned that Danielle is the type to set fire to herself to make sure others are warm, I also very much love her chill, warm, encouraging vibes. For those of you coming off of MisMag, she is like vibing at the same wavelength as Whitney Jammer but with the intensity turned all the way down. Danielle encouraging Sam honestly gave me like second hand calm. Excellent vibes. 
Random Thoughts
If you’re wondering how long it took for it to come up that Aguefort banged a phoenix, the answer is 12 minutes.
The concept of phoenix chlamydia is the definition of thanks, I hate it. 
Aguefort saying that TK is a crazy person could literally mean anything tbh. It could mean she is the most batshit person on the planet or it could mean she’s totally normal and just kinda bugs him. Literally no way to tell. 
Someone (I think Rekha?) mentioned that the cursed bylaws book is copper and so is TK. Idk if that’s relevant but thought I’d flag it anyway. 
We learn in this episode that the friendship bracelets Penny made them last week let them track each other and see each other even if one of the in knocked out (which is what gives it utility outside of what their crystals can already do).
We learn in this episode that Skullcleaver Elementary School is actually named after Katja’s family. 
Nothing like the fear you feel when a DM gives you what you wanted even on a failure. And on that note...
Sam, I wish you a very happy Please Go To Therapy. Please girl. 
This episode was such an emotional roller coaster. I deeply empathize with the horrible feeling that your friends have stuff going on and you don’t and you’re going to be left behind. It’s so rough to see everyone hurting and lashing out (or in the case of Yelle for instance, trying and failing to diffuse the situation). But it’s so nice to see everyone trying to be there for each other and apologizing and affirming that they love each other (from Antiope saying that she would kill and die for any of them to Danielle defusing the ticking timebomb that is Sam). The players really get the cadence of how teenage girl friendship works and it’s such a treat to watch. 
“Did we ruin your life?”
Do you think ep 7 of The Seven is gonna be when everything pops off? As a DM I wouldn’t be able to resist that.
Penny’s response to being told that she can’t take every path is, “You can with chronomancy” which isn’t a bad point. 
Rekha is the Zac of The Seven which is to say low key the funniest person on the planet. Her saying she was so scared that she wasn’t gonna be told “I love you” during that scene was so funny. Her comic timing is impeccable. 
Katja fainting at the end of the “I love you” session after Penny says she loves her and Cinnamon. 
I love the table ambient whisper of, “LCAB” under Antiope’s scene with Corsica. 
I really felt for Zelda in this episode. Like, I felt for everyone but especially her, being the quiet one with all this yelling happening. When she was talking about how much she hates to have to fight with Sam/O my heart really broke for her. I’m so glad she got all her hugs in after that. 
In this episode Katja, Ostentatia, and Sam roll nat 1s. No nat 20s.
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shihalyfie · 4 years ago
Daisuke’s background with his family
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We don’t really know a lot about the Motomiya family compared to many of the others in the Adventure and 02 narrative, only getting a few glimpses here and there, and ultimately Daisuke (by his own self-admission) turns out to not really have any deep opinions or hangups about them, but it’s still interesting to see how it has an influence on his background!
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We learn in 02 episode 14 that Daisuke and his family actually lived in Odaiba back in 1999, with Daisuke as a (probably honorary) member of the soccer club under Taichi, Sora, and Koushirou. It’s hinted here in Daisuke’s face, but the Adventure novels and Spring 2003 confirm that he was extremely frustrated at his inability to protect his family (with Jun “gently comforting” him), to the point where “becoming strong enough to protect everyone” became his motivation thereafter.
So, really, when it all comes down to it and serious things are happening, this is a family that does have a lot of love for each other -- Daisuke outright admits in the Character Complete File that it gets lonely when even one person’s out.
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As it turns out, even the Motomiya parents have really dramatic personalities (the Animation Chronicle calls extra attention to Jun’s personality having been something she got from her mother), to the point where they suddenly get over-the-top excited when Ken comes over in 02 episode 35, and Daisuke’s irritated reaction makes it clear that this is expected behavior from them. (I promise you that Daisuke’s dad’s statement doesn’t come off as nearly as harsh or cruel in Japanese as it probably does in English here; it’s not any worse than him calling Daisuke a little silly.) In the end, Daisuke’s tendency to be over-the-top with all of his emotions and get ridiculously dramatic about everything is just something that came straight from his family.
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Actually, when you think about it, Jun isn’t really that different from Daisuke either, right down to losing a ton of brain cells when things start involving a crush -- she’s only slightly more in-your-face about it (and only via goading Yamato on a “date” in 02 episode 7, but this is “date”, singular, basically just convincing him to spend a day with her and take her somewhere, not actually being in the illusion that he returns her feelings or expecting a long-term relationship). She’s simple-minded, airheaded, fantasizes about the idea of Yamato returning her feelings without ever actually doing anything conclusive about it, and then, the moment she realizes that Yamato’s taken, mopes about it for one in-universe day before immediately switching her affections to Shuu like nothing had happened. So, really: it runs in the family.
(This also means that Daisuke’s probably not in for that much trouble if a day ever comes in which it turns out he’s conclusively rejected by Hikari for real -- his current relationship with her is based off him never making any firm statement and thus her being able to smoothly dodge everything, but if things ever truly get conclusively to the point where things won’t pan out for him, it’s not hard to believe he’d actually get over it quickly after an initial bout of disappointment.)
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In 02 episode 4, Daisuke makes an accusation of Jun for constantly talking badly about him, and, if the Animation Chronicle is to be believed, he’s not actually wrong -- apparently “spreading bad rumors about him wherever she goes” is a habit she has. Given what we learn about her and the siblings’ relationship later in the series, though, it’s unlikely she’s doing this out of conscious malice -- by “rumors”, basically just trash talking her little brother the same way a lot of people reading this post probably love trash talking their siblings when they’re out of earshot, much like her calling Daisuke “not cute at all” earlier in this same episode. It’s a world that Takeru and Yamato (who had only seen Jun at her “best” earlier in the episode) are completely unfamiliar with, and Daisuke’s attitude of “hating” her causes Yamato and Hikari to get upset at him, but many a Digimon fan commenting on this episode has pointed out that a lot of sibling relationships are more like this than the ones between the Ishida-Takaishi and Yagami siblings -- a lot more ostensibly “vitriolic” and not as unequivocally admiring.
On top of the fact that Daisuke and Jun aren’t in need of overcompensating with their relationship due to a rift like Yamato and Takeru, or one party having unhealthy repression problems and requiring extra care, Daisuke and Jun are also a whole six years apart, which is even given extra attention in the Animation Chronicle. Which means they’re not very close in perspective; Jun’s all the way in high school, dealing with a baby brother who’s still in elementary, and so it’s rather understandable that they’re not really going to see eye-to-eye very much.
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We get an example of a “fight” between them in 02 episode 35, but...
Jun: I really envy you, Daisuke...All you do is eat, sleep, play and you don't think about anything else, do you? Daisuke: I think about lots of stuff! Jun: Lots of stuff like what? Daisuke: Like...Lots of complicated stuff. But if I think too much, my brain freezes so I need to take a break sometimes. Jun: I'm sure it's nothing serious. Daisuke: Shut up! What about you?
It’s not really a serious fight at all -- just a lot of banter, the sort that a lot of real-life siblings would attest to also having been in a lot of. Perhaps, just the natural result of having a household where everyone seems to have the same slightly rough-around-the-edges, somewhat messy, overly dramatic, simple-minded and straightforward personality -- which also means they end up bouncing off each other and getting a little “crowded” (Daisuke very clearly not following Jun’s warnings to not use her soap bottles written all over them in red pen in 02 episode 15). But for all Daisuke had used the strong word of “hate” to refer to their relationship back in 02 episode 4, it really just seems like he’d been his usual dramatic self about it, and it’s all banter and occasionally being quick to criticize. Moreover, whenever Jun criticizes him, he’s actually less angry about snapping back at her or getting genuinely offended or sad the way he might with anyone else -- all he does is just fling a few quips back and move on, and doesn’t take it all that personally, so you could say he’s conversely rather comfortable with this status quo of getting to bicker with her.
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But, really, banter is just banter; even something as little as “Daisuke (seemingly) laughing to himself in the bathroom” is enough to make Jun worry that something’s wrong with him in 02 episode 15, and Daisuke’s father also personally thanks Natsuko for helping Daisuke out and waxes cheerfully about his son and friends having a fun Christmas party together. In fact, considering the context that Daisuke seemed to be pretty friendless prior to the series, the above scene carries the added implication that he’s probably pretty happy to see his son finally making some proper friends and going all the way to Tamachi to be part of a party.
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And, eventually, as things get much more serious and the exact truth behind what Daisuke’s been up to is revealed to his family in 02 episode 50, they take this with the exact amount of grace and worry that a proper supportive family does.
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Hence, why Daisuke can make a statement like this in 02 episode 49. Even if his family isn’t ostensibly full of hearts and affection, they’re supportive when it really comes down to it, and it’s not like Daisuke himself even really takes the surface bantering between himself and his sister all that seriously, so he doesn’t feel the need to ask for anything different -- and what he really wanted since that day three years ago was to be able to protect his family, and that’s exactly what he’s going to do now. Other than Hikari, the others had gotten “illusions” related to deep-seated issues involving their personal lives, but it’s not like he really would want it to be any different at home -- arguably it’d be outright weird to him if Jun suddenly got lovey-dovey with him or something -- and now he’s surrounded by supportive friends and his own partner. Sure, he has some tendencies towards being a bit on-edge and insecure every so often, but right now, in the midst of this very serious situation when something has to be done, and after a whole series’ worth of bonding with his new friends and gaining a sense of purpose, that’s more than enough for him.
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