#that makes 4 deaths in my family in the last 12 months and it’s been a bit rough
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I’ve had a few “whoops this thing I stopped doing is actually helping me” moments recently.
I’ve felt wretched and like I was coming down with the flu recently. It felt more than my normal PEM symptoms, and I was really concerned. And then I realise it’s spring, a bunch of stuff is blooming, and it’s been sooooo windy. And I stopped taking antihistamines and my nasonex sometime last year (antihistamines bc we thought it might have been causing some side effects, nasonex bc I hate the sensation of nasal sprays and need motivation to use it). Pesky hayfever. Needless to say I’m feeling much better having restarted my regimen. I felt a bit silly that I could have avoided feeing miserable though.
I went out for an appointment yesterday in my “knock about the house” shoes that are podiatrist loathed (nil ankle support, nil arch support, worn down), rather than my lace up shoes with my orthotics. After that appointment, I thought I’d check out a new store that’s opened at the shops nearby. I ended up doing a LOT of walking at the shops and today my ankles are sooooo painful and my hips been acting up. I guess it’s good to know that my shoes and orthotics are doing good things in terms of symptom prevention (as well as better longer-term outcomes) but damn do I feel ouchie.
I’m framing it as “yay negative data also tells us important things” because I gotta remember it’s not my fault when these things happen but it is good to try learn from them. And frankly, when there’s so many things going on with your health and condition management as a disabled person, it’s okay when things fall through the cracks. It’s gonna happen. Especially when there’s lots of non-disability stuff going on too. It’s okay.
#the ups and downs of chronic illness#disability#chronic illness#okay it’s been hectic recently#I had to travel for a funeral recently#and travel always fucks me up a bit#a close family pet also passed away 4 days after the human family member#that makes 4 deaths in my family in the last 12 months and it’s been a bit rough#get back home after the interstate funeral#next day is my ridiculously early class and then a long day#Friday also long with physio appt thrown in#weekend I catch up on life chores and attempt to rest#Monday I start an intensive course for uni#it’s 5hr day 5days per week and while it is an amazing class and I am having so much fun#and the teacher has been great about accomodations#I am also exhausted#I’m also making travel prep for in a few months#and this weekend especially after my shoe oopsie yesterday#I’m just feeling like death#first time in a while that I’ve needed to spend a significant chunk of time in bed#I’ve also had 2 migraines this week which is it’s own kind of warning system#but I think I’ll make it through#as I said I’m having so much fun with this class#which is learning how to do linguistic fieldwork#in a really hands on class where we work with a speaker of an underdescribed/underdocumented language#it’s so so fun and our speaker is fantastic#he’s picking up on linguistic stuff and it’s really cool how much we understand after only 5 days#and I’m getting to use some non-English lingua franca skills as well#first time I’ve used them in a non languge learning environment#unforchies I’m not gonna mention the languge we’re working on or the lingua Franca I mean bc that would lowkey doxx me
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DAY 12: ALT 4: body swap, DAY 13: “i don’t trust anyone else”
More for @febuwhump, 3 days left to catch up, will i manage it?
Nobody noticed, nobody cared? - Davina makes a discovery about Elijah and Aurora makes a deal
(Gender's off because Davina doesn't know whose in Elijah's body)
It's a just over a month after the Mikaelsons ruined her plan to bring Kol back when Elijah visits.
“How did you get past the wards?” She asked coldly, she wasn't scared, more angry she'd have to readjust them.
Elijah smiled from the doorway as she glares.
“I received a gift,” he explained pulling a pendant from his collar, the design seemed off for Elijah’s normal style, too delicate and bright, several coloured gems set around the stone that likely held the enchantment, gold holding it all together, “allows me to bypass certain wards although if you wished to avoid me you should have set up somewhere that requires invitation.” he finished take a single step forward.
“You'd have found a way in” she shrugged, “and I'm not endangering anyone else in your family.” she snapped, catching the flicker of pain across his expression, she had heard of Marcel’s and Josh's friend, Gia killed by Klaus, didn't mean she forgave him, in fact it made her hate him more for interfering with her spell more. How could he have returned to Klaus after he had done that?
Just like Tim.
Or Hayley cursed with all the crescents.
“That's what I'm here about.”
“You want me to find a way to undo the curse?” She asked flatly, while she had started looking for a way, it wouldn't be for him, it was so that the baby had someone else besides Klaus to raise her but it was low on her list of priorities.
“No, you're working to find a way to bring back Kol-” he started.
“Rebekah already offered to help to make up for taking my last chance, you're too late.” She cut him off.
“I don't care to make up for anything,” he shrugged stepping closer to her, coming to rest his hands on the table, the last thing between them, a warning went up her spine as she realised something was wrong here as Elijah smiled at her, “you want Kol back, I want Gia, I'll help you and you bring her back.”
“You don't-” her voice trailed off and Kol's words as he was dying came back to her, a whispered warming she had ignored, believing it jumbled by the hex.
That's not- ‘Lijah.
Elijah wouldn't have been so callous, not when he was still trying to get something, and the Elijah Kol had told her about would have cared, the Elijah she first met in the attic would have, the one who refused to feed from her, to even look at her neck.
This one- whoever it was had been glancing at it throughout their words.
“You're not Elijah.” she said slowly
The vampire across from her froze making Davina suddenly aware he had been swaying slightly.
A wide grin split across Elijah's face and Davina was stuck by how natural it seemed to fit him.
“Clever girl, how did you guess?” He asked, taking a step back from the table and Davina was surprised at the sudden shift of posture.
“Kol, he warned me as-” she answered, the pain of the night making her voice die away
“He was dying,” they finished, cocking their head to the side, Elijah’s hair fell in front of his eyes as he did, reminding Davina that the change in hairstyle had only happened after Kol's death. The real Elijah had been gone for months, and she was only noticing now, those thoughts were cut off as they continued “that's nice.”
“Nice!” She snapped slamming her palm onto the table.
“For Elijah,” they offered their hands as a show of no offense meant, “at least one of his siblings noticed. I'll have to point it out to Klaus when this game is up.”
“Klaus doesn't know?” she asked, keeping her eyes glued to the unknown, it was bazaar to see Elijah so animated.
“Nope,” they popped the ‘p and twisted to lift himself to sit on the table, almost bend over backwards to keep looking at her, “nor does Rebekah, although her leaving certainly make it easier.” they sat back up suddenly, “it's almost depressing how little they've noticed. I know I've messed up and yet they're both so eager to turn the attention back to themselves and keep the lie of the perfect older brother.” he complained before breaking into chuckles.
Davina would almost call it giggling if it wasn’t coming from Elijah.
“What’s so funny?”
“The saying’s true,” she was told after the laughing died down “you really have to walk in the others shoes, I never thought I'd pity Elijah Mikaelson but I do, after everything he's done for them and no one noticed a thing.”
“Kol did.” She snapped in his defense, even as he was in pain and dying Kol noticed Elijah wasn’t himself so how hadn’t the others?
“As did Gia,” not Elijah replied, his expression softening with grief that Davina was familiar with as they took a moment before continuing, “and the-Hayley would have if she wasn't newly wedded, fearing for her child and now locked in the body of a beast most of the time. It's almost like Nik's making it easier for me.” they finished under his breath.
“Gia knew?” she asked, making a note of the person calling Klaus ‘Nik’ they had to be close to him at one point.
“Of course,” they said sharply, hopping off the table to turn to face her, “I didn't want her to be with me thinking it was Elijah.”
“So you told her.” Davina prompted, adding the clear disgust the thought of being mistaken as Elijah and clearly were an enemy of Elijah and Gia mattered to them besides whatever plan they had.
“No, she worked out something was different and I explained, she refused to go ahead with anything until she was sure Elijah was ok with it.” they sighed, smiling bittersweetly, apparently caught in a memory, “She was just too good.”
“You asked Elijah?” she asked, interrupting their thoughts “You've been in contact?”
“At first it was so Elijah would help me pass as him but turns out I didn't really need him did I? but I kept it up keeping him up to date with Hope’s growth, ect.”
“And he agreed to help you?” she said incredulously, Elijah Mikaelson letting an enemy get close to his family, helping them stay undetected, didn’t make sense.
“Well this prolonged game wasn't my original plan,” they shrugged carelessly, every move contrasting her memory of Elijah making her wonder how this person had managed to act as him for so long. “I woke up in a car with defenceless Cami and baby Hope, I was planning on killing them both and leaving Elijah and Klaus to deal with the aftermath.”
“But you didn't.” Davina said, smoothing the flare of panic at how close Cami had been to death, one she wasn’t even aware of.
“I wanted to gloat, so I rang him and he offered me a better idea.” they explained and Davina tensed as their smile sharpened, as their tone turned to gloating, “He begged me to help them, protect them and I couldn’t resist getting him to take part in his own suffering was a new level of fun. He destroyed our lives and now he'd help destroy his own.
“Destroy his own.” She echoed, brush away the brief flicker of fear she had felt, she was the regent of the Quarter witches, bridge between the ancestors, she could handle Elijah and Klaus, she would have no problem with this stranger in his body.
“Originally I was going to create a rift between them that he could never fix but I realised this was far more fun,” the vampire almost did a small jump for joy as she spoke, “Elijah's never going to forget how his siblings didn't notice he was replaced and when they realise it themselves both the guilt and Nik's paranoia will get in the way of them ever fixing it.”
“How come he hasn't arrived since you swapped?” she asked the question that had been bugging her. Elijah put his family first, even if he was helping the one who stole his body why hadn’t he arrived to add the extra hand.
“He's been a little distracted.” They laughed.
“Turns out when you swap bodies, you don't take everything with you so while I've had to deal with Elijah's depression and unrequited love for the wolves,” they made a mocking expression of disgust and Davina couldn’t help but notice the plural but she put that to the side to deal with later “he's been dealing with my, last we tested, bipolar.”
They must have noticed Davina's eye widening because they added, after a moment.
“Don't fear, my brother has been caring for him, they go way back, really I think it's helped them clean the air between them, not that Elijah had much of a choice.” they explained before fondly adding “Tristan’s always been persistent.”
“How far back?” she asked, adding “You've known them for a while.” when they raised an eyebrow instead of answering.
“I was Rebekah's first sired, one of the first vampires after the Originals, my brother was Elijah’s.” they said before adding in a softer voice “We could have been happy, all of us together.”
For a moment there was quiet.
“And he ruined your lives?” She added taking a step closer to the table to continue the conversation as her mind stalled on the idea of a first sired, a reminder that the Mikaelsons really were the first of their kind. How did they discover something like that?
“He made me break Niklaus’ heart as well as my own and turned us into bait to distract his father for a century.” they snarled curling their hands into fists that Davina wouldn’t be surprised his nails weren’t cutting into flesh. “by the time we were back to ourselves everything we knew was gone.”
“And you hate him for that after all this time?” she asked, if they were telling the truth then that meant they had held the grudge for maybe nine centuries.
“Do you know what it's like to be compelled?” They asked learning across the table, “to be helpless to your own body, I was the first person it was used on, Elijah didn't even realise he was doing it.”
Davina struggled to picture Elijah as a new vampire unaware of his powers, ever after seeing him as this energetic person, Elijah just seemed all too aware of himself for her to picture it.
“So all this was revenge, just to hurt him.”
“It was but that powerlessness didn't end for Gia, she felt helpless and then nothing but pain as she burnt, why? Because Klaus wanted to punish his brother.” They snarled, and Davina didn't flinch as Elijah's face shifted into the beast he was but she understood their rage, “She had done nothing to him, she had only wanted to help. She was mine and he took her, now I just want her back”
“And you still interfered with my spell,” she countered, because it wasn't Elijah that interfered with her spell, it was this person, they were the reason she didn't have Kol with her now teaching her magic, all of Klaus Mikaelson’s orders “still followed his plans.”
“You think I wanted to follow his plan after what he did to Gia!” they shouted pushing themselves away from the table to force themselves to take a breath “That Rebekah wanted anything to do after he compelled Marcel against her, but he made sure we had no other choice. It was him or let Dahlia win and I put Hope first because she's a baby and deserves that.”
“You could have told me, me and Kol together-” she replied.
“Please” he snorted, “had you managed it, brought Kol back, you think you could have had happily ever after?” they asked, “Ever wonder why the Mikaelsons are alone despite a thousand years to meet someone. Gia was just the latest in a long long line of deaths because Nic fears being abandoned and the only reason Marcel lives is because he's as much Nic’s as his siblings.” they laughed ”Finn's lover only survived as long as she did because she was smart enough to stay out of reach.”
Davina blinked.
“Finn’s lover?” the words came out without any meaning to Finn, the one that hexed Kol, killed his little brother, slowly. She hadn’t thought that he’d have anyone, that he was like the others who had to deal with Klaus, he was a Mikaelsons as bad as Klaus but Kol had mentioned Klaus' controlling ruining his own freedom, Rebekah had told her of her own stories and she had only met Elijah because his brother had stabbed him and given him away, why wouldn't Finn have the same issues?
“Sage,” they answered with an oddly solemn air considering the active way they had up until this point. “A deadly fighter, kept to herself, utterly devoted to Finn and it was returned, she was the only one he cared for, pretty much the only person he saw. She waited nine centuries for his siblings to let him out of the box and from what I heard died the night she was finally reunited with him, maybe an hour after he was killed.”
“The sireline.”
“Yep,” they popped the ‘p’ again, and added “we have witches working on that.” as they pulled out the necklace.
“Why come to me?” she asked “What about those witches, who made that?” she gestured to the necklace.
“I don’t trust anyone else.” They answered looking straight at her, “these witches will help but they're in my brother’s control, I love him but he’s devious, controlling and would use Gia, even while claiming it’s for my own good, I won't put Gia through anymore.”
Davina stared looking for a lie, any sign of deception, but found nothing as not Elijah stared back looking more open than she had ever imagined Elijah could be.
“You want Kol back, I want Gia, you have the power, I have connections, we work together and we both get what we want.”
“That simple?” she said flatly as she thought, a help to get Kol back, Marcel's friend, another of Klaus' victims and contact with others trying to break the sireline and free Marcel and Josh from Klaus, she was failing to find enough reasons to turn it down
“Elijah and my brother are the ones with layered deals and word games, I want my girlfriend back and you want your boyfriend, Deal?” they held a hand out to her.
Making a deal with a vampire she didn’t know and was as old as the Mikaelsons was something she knew Marcel would hate but this person understood and shared her reason to hate the Mikaelsons, when she knew Marcel was still torn with old undeserved loyalty.
“Before I agree I should know your name.” Davina said before she took the hand.
“Aurora.” She introduced. “Aurora De Martel.”
#febuwhump#febuwhump2025#febuwhumpday12#Alt 4#febuwhumpday13#fanfiction#elijah mikaelson#davina claire#aurora de martel#the originals#fic#the originals au#tvd fanfiction#AU -Nobody noticed#body swap
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lostdrarryfics monthly roundup! February 2024
Below you will find the requests we could not locate in the month of February. Please let us know if you recognize any!
You can also browse our lengthy lost fic masterlist, where we have compiled every request we have been unable to find over the past few years. We're always hoping someone will recognize a fic so we can let the asker know what it was!
1. looking for a fic that came out maybe between 2003-2009 on fanfiction.net. In it, Sirius and Remus are alive and dating, and they are Harry’s gay godfathers. They might give Harry a makeover. Harry and Draco fall in love, and I think that they’re still at school. Lucius and Voldemort are dating at Malfoy Manor and one of them has a thing for purses. Lucius swishes his hair a lot.
2. fic on ao3. It was a pre war drarry. Draco-centric where he befriended harry. I think it was time travel fix it, but im not very sure. Lucius and draco are arguing about Draco’s behavior and lucius smacks draco in the face. his ring cuts dracos cheek and he bleeds. Both him, narcissa, and draco are shocked over this since its not like lucius to hit draco. Narcissa yells at lucius and then tries to talk with draco in his room. Im pretty sure draco ran off to 12 grimmauld place after that and sirius and harry where there when he arrived. I think he arrives at hogwarts train with a bandage in his face. pretty sure draco was the one to get sirius out of Azkaban early
Found! 3. I read this fic a pretty long time ago, at least 5 years and I've been looking everywhere for it but can't find it. I think it was on ao3, eighth year, where Harry gets turned into a kid (around 7years maybe? Definitely under 10) and McGonagle makes Draco take care of him. Harry has big scars on his back from the Dursleys and they cause him to have seizures (? Or something like spasms maybe that are painful) fic is not The Dragon and The Golden Baby by jolly_love
Found! 4. looking for a fic I read in the past couple months on Ao3 where Harry has a menial job at Gringotts as a form of repayment. He knows his goblin co-workers pretty well but he’s not allowed to do any important work. He and Draco are tasked with opening a box that hold’s a witch’s will and the key turns out be a pendant his goblin boss is wearing and it’s revealed that he and the witch had a relationship. It was not part of a larger series and it was probably under 15k words. fic is not Reparations by Lomonaaeren
5. it’s years post war and Harry has been an auror abroad. I think maybe France? But he comes back for a case and is surprised to be working with Draco. Then he learns Draco is friends with all his friends, especially Luna and Neville. There’s a scene where Luna asks him to model for her cuz her model dropped out last min and Harry loses his mind over the photo the next day.
6. slowburn drarry fic! unfortunately all I remember is that Draco had been sorted into a house other than Slytherin, and Hermione often helped him with his anxiety being around crowds
7. Draco asked harry what would happen if the aurors come to take him to Azkaban for the use of his wand, and Harry answers that he would kill them all and them do it with Draco right there, I know that harry was morally grey but not dark harry
Found! 8. It’s an eventual Tom/Draco/Harry story. Good dark side. Harry ends up kidnapped/captive and they realise he is abused and start taking care of him. He is kept in a hotel in France I think. Dumbledore gets him back and uses a ritual to turn him into a puppet. Ginny and hermione support this. Ron eventually regrets and helps Draco let the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. They reverse the ritual on Harry. Dark side wins.
Found! 9. I don’t know which year, but it’s one of the fanfictions where Harry is the Heir to like 8 different families, and Narcissa teaches him etiquette. The thing that is stuck in my head is that he uses a special knot for his tie, which represents all the families. I think he was actually introduced to the Wizengamot and voting on stuff, but I might mix that up with other similar fanfictions. fic is not Birth of the Serpent King by Keira Marcos
10. post-war fic I read on Ao3 probably in 2021 or 2022. All I remember is that Harry accidentally travels through time and wants to again (for Draco obvs) but Hermione says even his small trip caused big changes and now there's this thing called Brexit.
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Fic: and sings the tune without the words, ch. 16
Relationship: Jiāng Yànlí & Jīn Zǐxuān, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Yànlí & Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Jiāng Fēngmián & Lán Qǐrén, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén & Niè Míngjué
Characters: Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Lán Qǐrén, Jiāng Fēngmián, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wēn Ruòhán, Wēn Qíng, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Yú Zǐyuān, Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Food, Music, Secrets, Resentful Energy, Cultivation Sect Politics, Character Death, Politics, Assassination Attempt(s), Attempted Kidnapping, Hostage Situations, Mentioned Wei Changze, Disobeying Orders
Summary: The Lan brothers write to each other.
Notes: See end.
Previous fic in the series: “the thing with feathers”
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
AO3 link
The trip with Yu-furen was uneventful, thankfully. We arrived at Lotus Pier without incident, and have settled in over the last several days.
From the trip, there are rumors about civil war in Qishan, something A-Ying was troubled by. He still is bothered by what occurred and the death of Wen Ruohan, and he is further upset about people suffering any more because of what occurred. He cares deeply about humanity, something I find honorable.
A-Lian was thrilled to see us, as was Wen Ning, who follows her around like a shadow, happy to have a playmate even though she’s several years younger than he. They have apparently become the best of friends since they met. Wen Qing seems much more rested and relaxed than before. It is amazing how much can change in a few months.
Yu-furen has given A-Ying a set of throwing knives and is training him to use them, in case there are further assassination attempts. I know carrying weapons aside from swords is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses, but do you think Shufu would make an exception in this case?
Yesterday A-Ying had an episode when we were practicing flying. He wobbled and fell from his sword suddenly, but I was able to catch him. Suibian wound up embedded in a tree, but Jiang-zongzhu was able to retrieve it. A-Ying said he had a vision of being pushed off a sword and someone laughing as he fell down toward a dark mountain. It sounded somewhat similar to his dream about the Burial Mounds, only the start of it. I don’t want anything like that to happen to him.
He was worried he might be afraid to fly again. I promised to always catch him, and he has recovered and is fine with flying. Had I not caught him, he would have fallen safely into a lotus pond, but I am glad I was quick enough to keep him safe.
It is strange that it is so much warmer in Yunmeng than Gusu. I am still getting used to it. A-Ying is looking forward to it being warm enough to swim.
I hope you and Shufu are well,
I am glad the trip was uneventful. I was concerned, given the circumstances, that your party could be attacked. There are indeed rumors of civil war, and I suspect there will be refugees from such an event, but Qinghe will likely see that more than any other region. My correspondence with Mingjue often discusses the situation in Qishan.
Jiang Wuxian is a person who feels strongly about humanity, I agree. Though I know he feels badly about Wen Ruohan’s death, the man attacked him and turned out to be committing unspeakably evil acts. In some ways, I wonder if Jiang Wuxian didn’t do the jianghu a great service.
I am glad everything is calm and pleasant with Jiang Wuxian’s siblings and the Wen family. Wen Ning has undoubtedly been through a lot in his young life, and it’s good that he has another person to be close to. I hope Wen Qing is also recovering well, as I understand she too has been through a lot.
I don’t know whether Shufu would approve of him carrying throwing knives in the Cloud Recesses, and doing so might make it seem to other disciples that favoritism is involved. This would also need to be run by the elders, as you know, and they would likely argue he wouldn’t need them here, as our wards are well-constructed.
Wangji, I am glad you were there to catch him, and that he didn’t fall into a cold lotus pond so early in the season, but that had to be terrifying for the both of you. I truly hope the vision he had is just a nightmare, as thinking otherwise is horrifying—no one deserves such a fate, particularly Jiang Wuxian. That dream was particularly disturbing. We will work to keep him safe, I promise.
It is fortunate he did not face any lasting impact from the incident. He could have caught a terrible cold, at the least, had you not reacted so quickly. I know I would have difficulty flying confidently if I had such a vision. His strength is inspiring.
The weather here has taken a turn for the cold, and I wonder if it will impact Yunmeng. Hopefully Jiang Wuxian will get to enjoy the water soon.
It sounds as though you have settled in well. Please let me know if you need anything to make your stay easier or if you become homesick.
Stay safe,
Nothing major here, just Wei Wuxian’s memories being triggered by flying. Madam Yu has decided he needs more self defense options, unrelated to the vision. She worries about assassins from Qishan.
Lan Wangji will always catch Wei Ying, in every universe.
furen = madam
shufu = father’s younger brother
xiongzhang = older brother (formal)
#the untamed#mo dao zu shi#lan zhan#lan wangji#lan xichen#lan huan#wei wuxian#wei ying#mdzs#cql#chen qing ling#my fanfiction#cql fanfic#cql fic#cql fanfiction#mdzs fanfiction#mdzs fic#mdzs fanfic#untamed fic#untamed fanfiction#untamed fanfic
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juniper + 4, 16, 29 / hindsight + 35, 30, 25, 11 / erytheia + 26, 12, 33 AND i would like to know about 8 for all three of them :]
d&d oc asks!
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
erytheia's nickname is niaue (pronounced ni-a-we)! she isn't entirely sure of the origins of the name but she just knows that it's her nickname, and people she has helped in the past tend to refer to her by this name as well when telling tales of her and her deeds
the name is actually a nickname that has been given to her by the tidemother, which is the deity she serves as a grave domain cleric! niaue means "lighthouse" in an ancient divine language that is not spoken anymore, and the tidemother gave erytheia this descriptive nickname because it fits who she is and how she helps people in need :]
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
erytheia is 32 years old, and she was born on the 25th of nyn; the second month of the year and the last winter month. she hasn't celebrated her birthday in many years, since in genasi culture (in my homebrew world) it is mostly celebrated with family; erytheia has not been home since the age of 19, and thus has not felt the need to celebrate since it would not be the same without her parents and siblings there :(
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
erytheia prefers to float, since she, surprisingly enough, is VERY clumsy when she's walking. she's incredibly tall and a bit lanky and often forgets about it, and she hits her head into door frames and ceilings a LOT (also when floating but she can be a lot more graceful about it then JSKGJFDKGDFJG). she only ever walks when out with @mojaves' oc bela, because he's much smaller than she is and she wants to be able to hold on to his arm or hand :]
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
hindsight would describe erytheia as ethereal, and he means that wholeheartedly because he doesn't know many big words. he thinks it's amazing how she sees the good in basically everything and manages to stay so positive through it all; he tends to get very demotivated by bad situations pretty easily, but erytheia's attitude helps him power through and she's just very inspiring to him :]
juniper honestly shares that opinion, but for her it's more of a curious perspective rather than getting inspired by it. she's not entirely sure how erytheia can remain so positive especially taking into account what erytheia has seen and been through in her days; logically, anyone else in her position would not manage to be like that, and it makes juniper wonder what else is going on that the party so far does not know about her. putting all that aside, much like hindsight she sees erytheia as a very good friend, and she respects her a lot ^_^
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
hindsight gave himself his nickname, which is sort of comparable to a tiefling's virtue name except it's not really a virtue for him, but more just a rather ironic descriptive term that he started going by when he fled his home country, the frozen shore, after his father's death
the name mostly refers to how he shoots first and asks questions later, but at the same time it is also kind of meant ironically, referring to his entire life back in the frozen shore and how, in hindsight, almost none of the decisions he made in there had been the right ones. he's starting a new life AS hindsight, knowing what he knows now, and he builds up this whole fake persona to try and fit in with the crowds, trying to pass as human rather than embracing being a tiefling, having gone as far as getting rid of his horns and hiding his tail and everything :( with that i also accidentally ended up making him a trans allegory but that's a suitcase to unpack another day
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
the autism. straight up. getting embarrassed about having wants and needs, overly apologetic, absolutely cannot handle misunderstandings and needs to sort things out IMMEDIATELY to just get it over with. he's good at noticing changes in atmosphere or behaviors of others but doesn't know what to do about it, how to bring it up, and also what it's caused by, and his brain is quick to tell him that he did something wrong </3
tying in to what i said above with the trans allegory, that mostly comes from his relationship with his horns. he got rid of them because people stared at him because of them because they were so prominent and he didn't want them to be, he wanted to be able to blend in normally and be comfortable in his body. he got his horns removed, and then years later when he's comfortable in his body, he kinda wishes there had been a way for him to just keep his horns but be able to take them off on some days and then put them back on the next day. not regretting his decision, but just wishing that there had been an alternative now that he has the comfort that he wanted all those years ago. which is basically how i feel about my chest ^_^ so there's that
i would definitely get along with him. he's a bit defensive and sarcastic and kinda pessimistic but i do love to complain about situations and scenarios so we would be like them two old man muppets basically and get too caught up into the bit and piss everyone around us off. and the possessive sex would be out of this world
25. how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
hindsight's hearing and eyesight are both pretty decent!! in fact, perception is his expertise skill LMAO he used to be a guard so he has very sharp senses :] however he does need glasses to be able to see, which is why he's wearing those round glasses in the art i did of him :] his eyes are sensitive to sunlight so the glasses have a warm hue to them so he can see his surroundings better without getting blinded. when he learns how to read at some point (different suitcase for another day) he'll end up with rectangular little reading glasses too
30. do they smell like anything notable?
i'm always very bad at describing scents, but hindsight would smell very good. it'd be a warm and comfortable smell, like a hearth or a campfire in the woods; though not Literally that smell, but the warmth of it if that makes sense :] though there's definitely a hint of the crackle of a campfire in there because of him being a tiefling. but then mixed with a little bit of the sweetness of the marshmallow that you're roasting above it :]
35. do they ever return home?
quite literally in every way, yes. hindsight returns back to himself during the story, dropping the act and persona he made for himself by using his own accent again, showing his tail, and dropping the stoic and distant personality he created in order to keep people away from him. he also goes back to the frozen shore with the party, when they're forced to go there to investigate the next lead they have in the overarching storyline; and it even circles back to him being forced to return to the still ongoing trial surrounding his father's death, where hindsight's testimony can decide the fate of the rebels in the country which is part of the endgame of the whole story >:]
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
juniper is very resourceful! she thinks in solutions and is quick to jump between different plans when the party is getting stuck on something, and while she doesn't necessarily have all the skills to execute the plan herself, she is more than willing to take lead on it to get the others to focus too
one of her main focuses is learning more about the world, and with that she's always learning new things that can help the party out later in time, which also greatly contributes to how resourceful she is :]
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
juniper chose her nickname herself sometime after settling down in dumad, caspen, after she ended up on the material plane and gave up trying to get back to the feywild. she still goes by shivani to those closest to her, but prefers to introduce herself as juniper because to her it's her material plane name and it feels less heavy than her real name, which brings along (forgotten) memories from her time back in the feywild with her family :( as for now, the only one who knows about her real name is andy's oc mairwen!! though later in the story juniper will also tell the others about it :]
16. do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
right now, juniper does NOT have a pet but i have been thinking about giving her one :] the party does in fact travel with a cart pulled by two wingbeasts (imagine a snow leopard mixed with a dire wolf and a hyena, with big wings), which can be considered their shared pets in a way?? they're both boys, about four years old so they're still young, and their names are darshan and naghi :]
fun fact is that juniper actually came up with their names!! the names are from a feywild legend in my homebrew world, which tells the tale of lovers darshan and naghi who were the feywild's guardians, but from their position on the plane they couldn't do their jobs well and thus took positions in the sky; but their shared presence in the sky was too much for the feywild and it began to burn. the lovers had to make the difficult decision to no longer be present in the sky at the same time, darshan becoming the sun, naghi becoming the moon, which saved the feywild, but they could never be together ever again :( it is one of the few things juniper remembers from the place and she still loves the tale a lot <3
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
juniper can most of all be associated with blood. she's a warlock, and her patron is vashna, a primordial hag who feasts on blood, and juniper eventually ends up as some sort of vessel for vashna to sate her hunger. in fact, it affects juniper in such a way that she ends up cursed with lycanthropy at some point in the story >:]
#asks#deadrlngers#ask:erytheia#ask:hindsight#ask:juniper#oc asks#THANK YOU SO MUCH RENA ILY THESE WERE REALLY FUN TO ANSWER#the tidemother is the same deity who took hektor to the beyond when he walked into the ocean btw ^_^#also the whole thing with hindsight as trans allegory is like. a very personal thing and i know it probably won't be relatable for Everyone#but that's not the point so i hope nobody takes it out of its context ASGFJDGLFDGDKGJ#anyway. i love these guys a normal amount why do you ask
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March 9th / Requiem / AVD ✶
Aqua Hoshino x Reader
This is PART ONE, check out other parts in the link below!
REQUIEM: Sixth New Genesis!
What's to come: [Reader likes both genders], [This part is a lore heavy chapter, so no Aqua content here yet...], & [This is posted on Wattpad]
[Songs of the Chapter: "My Love is a Hellfire" by SLAVE.V-V-R feat. MEIKO, "Salvage" by Rulu, "RUMA" by Karikibear]
[4,196 words]
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Today is March 9th.
Today, you assume, will be your death date, but it might not be. Even if you survive a minute past 12:00, then you would win. You win and the cycle might finally end.
How do you know? Because you have already lived 4 separate times before this. Each time, you died on the same day. March 9th. The only difference is, you have been one year older each time. 12, 13, 14, and 15 respectively.
*In your first life you were born as a sickly young girl with blonde hair, not that you had it for too long. The body was frail and as a result was stuck in the hospital all the time, but that's when you were gifted with those double digits. When you were younger, you had these three other girls that you would play with all the time. You wouldn't say you were gifted musically or anything, but it was fun pretending that you all were in a band together.
You all promised each other that you'd become an official band and make their fans smile when you got older, but they did. You didn't.
When the calendar was marked March 9th, you flatlined with your brother desperately holding onto your hand. The pain was hard to handle at first, just as how people said it was like, death was nothing but a sweet black embrace.
*Your next life, you were gifted with a healthy body, one of a peppy and pushy pink haired girl. You were somewhat boy-ish, but life was fun. That's when your eyes gazed upon the pretty idols dancing on the TV's screen: they were beautiful.
You wanted to be just like them from the age of 8, and when you turned 13, you achieved that dream and officially became one of them. You were in a group of 4, and you guys trained hard for the debut! It took months to prepare for, and by then, you had just turned 14.
You weren't in the center of the stage, but that's okay, as long as you could finally make people smile, then you'd smile right next to them. Something horrible happened when you were on the second song though. A whole stage light fell, and it fell right on top of you.
Farewell to a normal idol debut.
Your body was small, could you believe that it fully entrapped you under it? You couldn't hear or see what the audience's reactions were, nor your own coworkers next to you, either stepping away in horror, screaming or trying to help you. So...
*The life after that, the moment your blue haired body could start moving, you searched for what happened to your last self. Well, back then the internet wasn't really a thing, and Japan's news was fast paced. You never found out. This time, your father was a nice man. He owned a café and a karaoke bar! You were so lucky to have him, but you were most lucky to have your auntie!
She was basically your mother, but she moved to America once this new body turned 12. So without her, you were back to her lonesome. Of course you made a few friends... actually, you met this girl. She was really cute, and she had this extreme talent for singing! You did too, so you together decided to make a singing group to perform at your dad's café and see the smiles on the customers faces!
When you turned 14, your dad finally broke the news to you. Your auntie never went to America. She died from an illness that you never found out about, and apparently... you were the only person who didn't know. In fact, the entire town knew, and they were keeping it from you.
The town you thought was your family, all lied. You ran out onto the street in anger and with a tear stricken face, then BAM! Crash! A truck rushed into you.
*In your most recent life, you were back in the hospital. Though this time, your soul wasn't the one on the bed, no, you were the older brother, and your sister's sweet voice was taken from her. She was hoarse, it pained you to see it all, especially since she was still so young.
You wanted to make her smile, she loved musicals, so you decided you would play one out for her, and she smiled. You made that smile. After months without a single flinch of the face, you finally managed to do something extraordinary! You were 15 when you decided to make your own troupe and start making other people smile. Suddenly, your sister's condition worsened. So, on your own free will, you made the decision to undergo surgery and donate one of your kidneys. The surgery was on March 9th, can you guess what happened next?
*You've always had this goal to make people smile with music, and you still do now. You made a name for yourself as "Jasminsi." Believe it or not, you have grown somewhat of a following! You want to save people with your music, even just one person would be enough.
To be honest, you only came to this realization about a year ago. So instead of playing your life like some sort of game, you decided to try and better yourself. So, you hired someone to take care of you. She's about your age, 16, and honestly you can't help but feel that you have fallen for her.
The time is 11:05, only 55 minutes until it's no longer March 9th. It's about time for you caretaker to leave for the day. You feel safe whenever she's around, you want her to stay with you. You want to say goodbye.
You want to say something, anything—
"Alright Kazumi, it's time for me to leave," Hanae says, grabbing her coat off my newly built coat rack, "Goodnight."
"G-goodnight." you say, clawing at the kitchen table's fabric. You watched as she smiled and left your apartment, you heard her lock the door.
Oh how you wish you could've said something else to her.
You double checked everything in the house to be extra cautious. Locked doors, closed windows, unused appliances are turned off. There isn't anything in this house that could kill you.
You sigh as you trot back into the bedroom, crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling. 10 minutes had passed by, nothing was wrong. You smiled to yourself. Recently, life has been nice. You don't want to let it go just yet, you want to be someone that Hanae can love.
You have learnt a lot about her throughout the past year, how she plays the drums, she likes to sing, her favorite food is apple pie, and how her all time favorite person is an idol. Her name is Ai.
Miss Ai is about 16 years old right now, you are her age. You doesn't have a massive following like her, but what you have isn't exactly something to laugh at either. You always loved and enjoyed idols, but never in this lifetime have you truly loved one like Ai.
You can see what most people find appealing about her, but when you asked Hanae, she told you it were her—
You smell something burning, you can hear the crackling of fire. Your eyes widen as you bolt out of bed and open your door. There's a fire in your apartment, coming from the kitchen. It's already blocked the one exit. You're 7 stories high in the sky, there's no way you'd survive if you tried to jump from a window.
How could this happen? Your eyes widened even more as you harshly smacked yourself on the head, "I never checked the stove. Hanae and I were cooking a meal to get ready for tomorrow". You don't know how the surroundings caught on fire, but you hold your breath as you walk back to your room. You check the clock, 11:55.
Five minutes, and it'll no longer be March 9th. The cycle will end and you might be free. Either way, this life will mean nothing. You're trapped. The fire moves quickly, the light reflecting off your eyes as you grips your bedsheets. The heat already hurts, tears threaten to roll from your eyes.
That's right. Hanae's most favorite thing about Ai were her eyes. You really like them too, they are quite beautiful. Maybe if you had those, Hanae would have fallen for you as well.
The fire envelopes your body, out of all the deaths, this is the most pain you have been through. You cry out in pain, no words, just screams. You're sure someone could've heard her. You can feel the skin on your body melt off of you, while you're still conscious you try to avoid the pain to the best of your ability by staring at the clock.
The clock strikes 12 as tears roll from your eyes. It's no longer March 9th. You fall to your knees as the fire sways inside of you.
ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ˢʰᵃᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐʸ ᶜˡᵒᶜᵏ ʷᵃˢ ⁵ ᵐⁱⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ᵃʰᵉᵃᵈ.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Hanae shakes as she runs back to the apartment complex, she had forgotten to turn off the stove after making a nice stew for you. By then, an hour had basically passed by.
Her eyes widened in terror as her eyes trailed up to where your apartment sat. It had been set ablaze. Not only the it's surroundings, but slowly making its way to the homes next to it.
Hanae dropped to her knees, parallel to how you dropped to yours as you were engulfed into flames. Hanae's soft, perfect knees fell onto the pavement as her precise hands quickly rummaged through her bag to find her phone.
She dials *1-1-9 as she speaks in a shaky voice: "H-hello? I'd like to report a fire."
-End of March_9th
You open your eyes once again, the cycle continues. The woman holding you had a soft look on her face, you could tell that you were going to be gifted with amazing genes.
You were born with [hair-color] locks and gleaming eyes, eyes that were just like Ai Hoshino. You guess that the world really did feel bad for you. Your parents, Juria and Mihiro [last-name], were kind. You did well, without them knowing, you had your fair share of no-limit internet time. Catching up on all that you missed.
Though, the only goal you really had in mind was to find Hanae again. Of course you couldn't say that directly to anyone, you can barely move your stubby little body around crying out loud!
Both parents were teachers, so they didn't have a lot of time to spend with you. You were chucked over to a nanny who barely did her job. Luckily for you, you have the memory and knowledge of a recently deceased 16 year old, and 4 others for that matter. All these thoughts stuck in a small little baby's body. If you wanted to, you could've become a child prodigy, but it's not like your family had the resources or outlets to get known even if you were one.
You sat watching the TV for hours on end since you didn't have a phone to use. No phone meant no internet, no social media. However, if you were lucky, the babysitter would leave her phone out when she fell asleep on the couch. Easy for you to open the blue birds app.
You still remembered your password from your previous alias, "Jasminsi", so you used it. Apparently Hanae had remembered the password too because she made a post saying that you passed away on March 9th during a tragic house fire.
There hadn't been any updates on the account since.
The stars in your eyes shone bright as you went through the numerous people giving me their condolences, you thought it would be best if you didn't interact with anything like that. You wouldn't want people thinking Hanae was a liar.
You had your mind set after your past failed attempts at living. You still want to make people smile through music, and you want to survive another March 9th. You want to break this chain of events.
But for now... You can just sit back and relax. Watch as things go on in the real world.
You are [name] [last-name], and this is your new life... and you're gonna make it worth your while.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You've always had a gift for music. Whether it's keeping with the tempo, singing, creating songs, mixing, or playing on a toy xylophone. You decided that since you had time, you would make your own brand. Quite ambitious for a 5 year old, but you need something to do. Plus, you had the brain of a high functioning 16 year old and a few other lives.
Since a few years ago, there's been a rise of internet celebrities, and a good chunk of them have kept their real identities a secret. You're aiming to be one of them.
You can be an idol, a virtual idol. Which, after hearing the tragic incident with Ai, it's the safest option you could think of for creating content that would make people smile.
Onto the drawing board you go, you need to test what this body could do. If you could sing, you'd be set.
"Yureru faiyaa sakebu furai hai atashi somarereba," You sang, facing the mirror, watching your lips move instinctively, "Futari no shiawase toka tsumoru jounetsu wo ageru wa..."
It was a simple melody, a song that has stuck with you since the depths of fire swallowed you whole. Hanae loved this song. Back when you were frail and small, but not anymore. You decided to keep that in mind whenever you needed sympathy points.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You started your channel off when you were 8, you still had free reign over all your devices. At first, it was videos on how well you could draw. Then it turned to small animations. Then you posted your first ever video of you singing. Clearly it didn't gain any attention, but it was a starting point.
The older you got, the higher the quality of your videos became. Soon, you encountered a new phenomenon.
You felt as if you were running out of time. You're 14 now, and you're an internet-obsessed-shut-in-teenager, in other words being a 'hikikomori'. This isn't how you planned for your life to go.
You posted cover after cover, hoping somehow you'd make it big. You'd only gotten about 17 thousand followers on your Twitter account and about 2/3 of that amount on your YouTube.
That's when you found out about your fathers heart failure. You felt sad, but your mother had become a shell of her old self. She cried for days on end, but you only felt sadder because you didn't feel the way she felt. You couldn't feel her devastation. The loss of a father, no, perhaps you had too many fathers to feel any connection, even if he may have been a good man.
However, you made a song out of that feeling, you basically used your mother. You're glad you did. That song got over a million views in less than a week. Of course those numbers kept going up and up. Soon enough, you were making revenue money off of it. You thanked your mother and sent her back home to her real family, somewhere in the countryside of Japan. Were you cruel for that? You assumed as much, yet you felt this was best, for your mother and for you. You had a goal to achieve.
This wasn't your first time living alone, you could handle it all. Now you could spend all your time making music and living it up! *Song after song, you were breaking milestones again and again. Even with simple covers. People here thought that 300 thousand was amazing while you sat on your high and mighty throne of a million.
Not only that, you've officially become what you dreamt of being. *You officially became a virtual idol as well, the model you used for streaming was absolutely beautiful. You were a [fantasy-creature]. An absolute goddess of music. You were so happy and impressed that you got to this point in so little time. The name was [alias].
You don't think your eyes have ever been brighter!
You are now a world renowned faceless singer that everyone in Japan has heard about at least once. Heck, even people from other countries have talked about you. You've seen their support in your comments.
You still have to go to high school though, and maintain a social life even when you haven't dared step foot inside of middle school in this lifetime. You were smart enough to pass into any school you wanted, you just had to choose which one.
You set your sights on Yoto High School, it's divided into two sections. One for general academics, and one for talented celebrities and influencers. People like those get spots in famous companies right after graduation, usually, so it would be nice to spend some time with them, but you decided to dedicate your fame to staying faceless. So you went with the general program.
You're now 16 again, and you're finally stepping into school after three years. Your uniform is freshly cleaned thanks to the work you've learned from Hanae and you can go on with an average high school life while secretly being an influencer.
-End of Requiem
You were assigned to class 1-D in the general course. Though, as you passed the gate, you saw many famous faces. From actors to models, the variety was huge. On the other hand, the people in general education were mostly chill. The girls styled their hair to fit the latest trends to stand tall and fit in with the famous people surrounding them, and the boys were... boys.
You sat in the back of the class, taking these very needed steps into the real world were very hard for you, especially since you've barely had any contact with strangers for the past 16 years. You wouldn't say that your body was weak, but it did come to your attention that you had inherited your 'fathers' heart defect.
You smile as people start flooding into the classroom, however, one person caught your eye. A tall boy with messy, but somehow at the same time, tamed blonde hair. What really caught your attention were his eyes. Just like yours, he had a star embedded into his right eye. Someone like you, that's rare.
Fortunately for you, he took the seat next to you. So, as a first step, you decided to make your first conversation of the school year. You suck up the anxiety growing in your stomach and turn your head towards him, "Hi there," he turns his head to face you. His eyes widened, almost as if he's seen a ghost, *"I noticed your eye there, it's really cool, just like mine☆!"
"Yeah... they really are just like yours." He smiles, "My name is Aqua Hoshino, what about you?" The star in his eye grew dull, morphing into a slightly darker gray.
"My name is [name] [last-name]," You let out a small smile as you give him your hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you!☆" He looked down at your hand, contemplating for a second before shaking it, "Would you like to take the honor of being my first friend?"
"Gladly." Aqua nodded, you let go of his hand first. The eye contact was uncomfortable to say the least. He just kept staring into your eyes, you looked away as you sweat. You couldn't understand what was going on in his head, but even if he wanted time to pause and keep examining you, class started soon.
You sat back on your chair, sitting straight as you opened a page of your newly bought notebook as you waited for the teacher to start class. Even then, *You don't think Aqua stopped staring.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
School was never something you liked going through, especially since the start of social media. Luckily for you, having lived 5 other times has really come in handy for education. For example, in your first life, the time spent at the hospital was full of studying since you didn't have anything else to do. As of being in grade 10, *you've been taking the general course, and you're on pace, just like the average majority in Japan. You did need a back up plan if becoming an internet celebrity wouldn't work out after all.
You scanned the classroom around yourself, your classmates had already made their friend groups, though, they were probably just clinging on the ties they had from middle school. This would be the perfect time to jump in to make friends, otherwise, there would be no time for you to make any more anymore. The girl who was sitting next to you had jumped out of her seat to confront you with a smile on her face.
"My name is Eruru Osawa," The girl with short magenta colored hair stated, "I went to Matsushita Middle School! I really like your phone's case, I think it's really pretty!"
"O-oh! Thank you, Osawa." You smile back, "I bought it at the mall a while back, I think that [color] really suits me, what do you think?" You stutter out awkwardly, the energy this girl emitted from her small body was crazy overwhelming.
"I think it fits great! I love the star theme throughout it, it matches your eyes!" She smiled, pulling a seat to sit next to you, "You know, I've never seen someone with eyes as unique as yours! Well... there was this one girl on this poster I saw a few years ago... I can't seem to really remember her name though..."
"Ai?✶" Your eyes gleamed.
"Yeah! I think that was her name!" Eruru jumped out of her seat, hands balled into excited fists, "Ai! What a wonderful and pretty name!♡" Eruru's shouting seemed to have caught the attention of the blonde next to you. You could feel him stare again.
"Ai was an... idol. She passed away over a decade ago though. The story was absolutely horrifying, you should really look into it before you make any hasty decisions on becoming an idol- ★If you ever wanted to of course." The stars in your eyes darkened as you rest your head on the palm of your hand.
"Oh... well, I wasn't really planning on becoming an idol anyway" Eruru sighed, a smile still on her face, "There's a family business calling to me! Even if I have 3 other older siblings that are all runner ups, but... I have hope that it'll be passed down to me!"
"That's nice... I'm glad people still have hope." You sink down onto your desk.
"Oh, didn't you bring lunch?" Eruru tilts her head, taking out a box from her bag, "We could share if you want!"
"Huh? No it's alright, I have my own lunch." You lied.
"Well I have some candies here!" Eruru sifts through her pockets and grabs out a handful of candy. She tossed them onto the desk, she had a real variety: toffee's, lollipops, gum, sour candies, even a whole apple, she had it all. "Take any you want!"
"Oh, I'm fine Osawa-"
"Hey, could I get one of those?" Aqua asked, dragging his chair to my desk, it was getting quite crowded. "The gum's fine." Eruru smiled brightly as she handed him a piece.
A few minutes of lunch passed, it was in complete silence, not one you would consider enjoyable but Eruru soon broke it for you. She whispered in your ear, all smiles as usual, "[name], I think that Aqua likes you! He's totally staring! Hehe!♡"˚
-End of A_Vauge_Discommunication

Thanks for reading this far! Click the highlighted red text to check out the full series! Updates will come out slowly because technically these are three chapters all in one. If you want the new chapters in real time, check out my Wattpad! (aliusworld)
Wanna see more? Check out the other chapters here! {CLICK ME}
#x reader#onk x reader#oshi no ko x reader#aqua x reader#aquamarine x reader#aqua hoshino x reader#aquamarine hoshino x reader#aqua x y/n#aquamarine hoshino x y/n#aqua x you#oshi no ko x you#oshi no ko#aquamarine hoshino#verilly
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Logbook: Hidden Agenda (2023)
(Sorry if the grammer and/or spelling is fucked, it's not my strong suit. Also this is just a log for me to remember the media I have consumed and what I thought about it, if you don't want to see that block this tag> #ro's media logbook)
I finally finished Hidden Agenda! (I could have been done with it like a month ago but nooooo, I just had to take a ONE MONTH break between episode 11 and 12!! WHY?!?!) Anyway, I enjoyed it! I was a bit sceptical coming in because of the mixed reviews I saw on MyDramaList, but after this I think I've just learned not to trust reviews on there very much. Got to make my own judgement I guess.
Hidden Agenda was very sweet and I really liked Zo and Joke. Though I wish they would have given more time for Joke's family issues, I think it would have been nice to see Zo support Joke the same way Joke had supported him. Which he did! But only once. In the last episode. Cause that's all the space the show gave to Joke's problems. And because they chose to focus mostly on Zo's problems Zo came off as kinda selfish, which isn't a great look in these kind of sweet romances. Though it didn't bother me much, I have a tendencie to get frustrated with writers or production instead of the character in these cases. If it doesn't feel like a character trait was supposed to be there I have a hard time getting mad at the character for it.
I also liked the side characters. I'm glad Nita was just a good friend who got to have her own little success story with winning the scholarship to Finland. Though the stalker storyline was kinda wild but also sometime these type of dramas just want to intruduce crazy plot points for like an ep or two so it is what it is, I guess. Honestly brought some much needed tension and a character I was free to hate, so that's nice.
Jeng and Pok were really sweet and I honestly think their story could have been made into it's own little series. I've seen shows work with less.
My main 4 takeaways from Hidden Agenda:
It gave me the strangest representation I've ever gotten but I am thankful nonetheless. I have never seen a picky eater in a show have one dish they eat the same way every day, and their friends defend their eating habits. As someone who has that type of eating habit/problem it made me very happy to not see Zo get ganged up and berated for it.
If I had a nickle for everytime this man:
played the dad to a character named Joke in a bl, and he and his son have a strained relationship becuase of the dad's behaviour alone, I would have 2 nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. (No I don't care that Joke in Jack&Joker is a criminal, his dad was a fucking asshole)(it's deadass the same story again, Hidden Agenda just made it a speed run)
I am now a certfied pick up kisses enjoyer. The signs were obviously already there but this show really solidified it. Love a pick up kiss, any show that has them from this point forward get bonus points in my book.
I don't get the complaints about Dunk's acting. Just full stop. Yeah obviously you can nitpick but I haven't seen anything major in Hidden Agenda or The Heart Killers. So I'm just gonna chalk it up to personal taste and media diets. He doesn't even come close to the bad acting that I've seen tbh. I also have no intrest in arguing about this, if you don't like his acting, cool. No skin off my back.
I might just be a JoongDunk girlie at this point. They have great chemistry and I've enjoyed 2 shows so far. And I was gonna watch Dare You to Death anyway because I love a murder mysterie ql, one of my favorite genres. I will probably watch Star in My Mind at some point. (I don't love caring about branded pairs but sometimes I just end up here anyway, is what it is)
Next show (that is not currently airing) I'll be watching next is probably going to be either: Only Friends, Love Sea or Pluto. We'll see.
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1,011 years ago, the divine warriors died, signifying the start of a new era.
most guards leave home at 6 years old to become pages at the guard academy, which is located in o’khasis. they, then, become squired at 11 and are either squired in o’khasis by an o’khasisian guard or they finally go back home to be squired by a guard there. at 16, they go back to o’khasis to be tested on their skills and if they pass, they get to become a full guard and go home or start traveling around to find a village to protect. some guards are assigned villages, some go home, and some wander around; it depends on the guard.
garroth gets enrolled in guard training at 6 years old, to become the general of the o’khasian army. he becomes a squire at 11, then graduates from the guard academy at 16. garroth and nicole are both 16 when they fake their deaths and run away from their respective villages. garroth, after meeting azura and finding out she is from a small town miles away from o’khasis, he goes to brightport to hide out. then, he finds an even smaller village of phoenix drop and becomes a guard there, certain that his family will never find him. it takes him 5 years to become head guard of phoenix drop, but he’s been head guard for about two years when we meet him, so he is 23 when we meet him and was thus born in 988.
garroth is 2 years older than zane, who is 3 years older than vylad. and thus, zane was born in 990 and vylad was born in 993. zane is 14 when garroth “dies” and vylad is 11. vylad actually dies when he is 15 and becomes a shadow knight in 1,008. garroth is devastated when he hears the news that his brother has died while he is gone and worries about his mother, but decides to stay away. zane is 21 in 1,011. i haven’t decided whether shadow knights age slower, age normally, or don’t age, so we’ll figure that out at some point. for now, we’ll go with they age normally. therefore, vylad is 18 in 1,011.
garroth meets zenix at 16 when he moves to phoenix drop. zenix is an orphaned boy, who garroth adopts as his own. zenix is 5 years old when garroth meets him and thus was born in 999. garroth looks after him for a year and then zenix decides he wants to be a guard just like garroth, so garroth sends zenix to the guard academy. he comes back at 11 to be squired by garroth. he is 12 when we meet him in season 1.
aphmau arrives in the fall of 1,011 (the year starts in spring, we’ll be using the calendar for my original novel just to be easier for me). no one knows how old she is, certainly not her, but when donna does her physical evaluation to make sure she’s not injured or sick, she gauges aphmau to be about 20, so they say she was born in 991.
dale is older than garroth and is 25 in 1,011, meaning he was born in 986. molly is a year younger and is 24 and was born in 987.
brendan is 18 in 1,011, so he was born in 993. kiki is 2 years older than him, so she was born in 991 and is 20 in 1,011.
we’ll say it takes aphmau about 8 months to become lord of phoenix drop. usually, villages wouldn’t just accept an outsider, certainly not only after 8 months, but phoenix drop is desperate and aphmau is really helpful.
when aphmau becomes lord, she tries to persuade the villagers to get married. she specifically targets dale and molly, who she see have crushes on each other. she matchmakes them and they get married in 1,012. 4 months later, they give birth to brian.
so apparently, aphmau adopts levin before she meets laurance and i want brian to be 16 when he betrays phoenix drop, so everyone gets stuck in the irene dimension in 1,028. in my last few posts, i had levin being 4, but in minecraft diaries, he is starting to read full sentences when aphmau leaves for the irene dimension, so we’ll make him 6 when she leaves. this means levin is born in 1,022.
in 1,022:
garroth is 34 (zane is 32, vylad is 29).
zenix is 23.
aphmau is 31.
dale is 36.
molly is 35.
brendan is 29.
kiki is 31.
aphmau meets laurance soon after she adopts levin. laurance is a year younger than garroth, so he was born in 990. he also goes to the guard academy at 6 and becomes a squire at 11, going back to meteli to be squired by one of the guards there. he becomes a full guard at 16. 5 years after, he becomes head guard of meteli. so when we meet him, he’s been head guard for 11 years. he is 32 when we meet him.
cadenza is laurance’s younger sister. i don’t quite know how old to make her, because i want her and laurance to grow up together, but she’s also treated like a child when we meet her. maybe she’s 4 years younger than laurance, so she was born in 994 and we meet her at 28. like i said in my last post, aphmau does remark that hayden’s overprotectiveness is weird because she’s a grown adult.
we’ll say aphmau meets nana a couple months later in 1,022. we’ll say nana is 20 in 1,022, so was born in 1,002.
alexis and kyle are born a year after levin in 1,023.
donna and logan get married in 1,023, after alexis is born. donna was born in 995 and is 27 in 1,023. logan was born in 994 and is 28.
nicole is 36 when aphmau meets her.
we’re gonna age dante up a little from the previous posts. he’s gonna be 20 in 1,024, so he was born in 1,004. he graduated at 16 and has been wandering for 4 years.
this makes a 16 year age gap between him and nicole which is less icky than it was, so i like this better.
levin is 2 when aphmau adopts malachi, so she adopts malachi in 1,024. malachi died 919 years ago in 105. he is 7 when he dies, so he was born in 98. he is 924 years old chronologically when aphmau finds him, but physically 7.
aaron is 4 years older than aphmau, so he was born in 989, so he is 35.
lucinda is 30 when aphmau meets her, so she was born in 994.
yip is 3 when aphmau finds him, meaning he was born in 1,021.
katelyn is 35 when aphmau meets her in 1,026. she was born in 991.
brian is 16 when he kidnaps nicole.
the war between phoenix drop and scaleswind occurs in 1,026. everyone gets trapped in the irene dimension in 1,026.
in 1,026:
garroth is 38. (zane is 36. vylad is 33).
zenix is 27 years old.
aphmau is 35.
dale is 40.
molly is 39.
brian is 16.
brendan is 33.
kiki is 35.
levin is 4.
laurance is 36.
cadenza is 32.
nana is 24.
alexis and kyle are 3.
donna is 31.
logan is 32.
nicole is 38.
dante is 22.
malachi is around 9.
aaron is 37.
lucinda is 32.
katelyn is 35.
leona is a couple months old.
then, a 13 year timeskip happens to everyone except: aphmau, garroth, laurance, aaron, katelyn, emmalyn, and kenmur. it is now the year 1,039.
zenix is 40.
dale is 53.
molly is 52.
brian is 29.
brendan is 46.
kiki is 49.
levin is 17.
cadenza is 45.
nana is 37.
alexis and kyle are 16.
donna is 44.
logan is 45.
nicole is 51.
dante is 35.
malachi is 22 (chronologically 934).
lucinda is 45.
yip is 16.
leona is 13.
dmitri is 7.
nekoette is 6.
rollo and lello are 5.
luca is 4 months old.
i hope this is the last time i make this post.
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Love is the Death of Duty - 9.
® do not repost or translate !
☆ Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Male! Targaryen OC
☆ Status: Ongoing
☆ Summary:
“He is half of my heart.”
War made monsters of them all, but it also brought the two second sons together in a flurry of death, love, deceit and delusion. The story of Aemond Targaryen and the eldest son of Daemon and Rhaenyra, Maegor Targaryen, second of his name.
☆ Warnings: Sexual content, explicit violence, dark themes, targcest etc.
☆ AO3 ☆ || ☆ Wattpad ☆
☆ CHAPTERS: (Prologue) / ( 1 ) / ( 2 ) / ( 3 ) / ( 4 ) / ( 5 ) / ( 6 ) / ( 7 ) / ( 8 ) / ( 9 ) / ( 10 ) / ( 11 ) / ( 12 ) / ( 13 ) / ( 14 ) / ( 15 ) / (16 from now on upcoming chaps only on- AO3 || Wattpad )
☆ Masterlist ☆ || ☆ Spotify Playlist ☆
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The wind is blowing lightly against the grassy cliff overlooking the sea where Maegor is standing. His eyes fixated on the horizon as he watches Vhagar closing in. Him and Aemond had not seen each other in months, and Maegor is eager to be reunited with the man that made such a mess of him.
As he waits impatiently, hands clenched tightly to make his slight tremble unseen, he thinks back to the last time they had been together. It had been a brief and furtive meeting, their love hidden away in the shadows. But now, as Aemond flies towards him, Maegor cannot help but feel lightheaded, his heart racing faster than the swift Meleys.
Watching Aemond Targaryen climb off his dragon and stride confidently towards him feels like a hazy dream. Maegor's legs start to feel weaker as the distance between them is closed, a knot growing in his throat, but he knows he has to keep his controlled and stoic facade on. The only things stopping from childishly running towards him and throwing himself in his uncle's arms are the glare of his older brother and the soldiers around them watching closely.
"My Prince. It's so good to see you." Aemond greets him with a warm smile, placing both of his hands on his nephew's elbows in a subtle but tender gesture.
Maegor feels feverish. The way his skin burns when Aemond touches him even over his tunic is all the proof he needs that this is no dream.
"Uncle. It's good to see you too." He breathes out shakily, a mixture of feelings hit at once.
Joy, anxiousness, relief. Maegor's controlled facade cracks swiftly and he no longer makes any attempt to appear calculated in front of the men. He lets his impulses get the best of him and pulls his uncle into a tight hug, taking Aemond by surprise.
Eventually, reason makes Maegor let go of the older Prince, although he would've lingered in the embrace a little more. But his clothes are covered in mud and they had an audience.
Revealing too much about the true nature of their relationship came with a lot of risks and consequences and they both knew that. For now only Maegor's close family knew about them and it was in their interest as well to not reveal anything about it to the rest of the public. For Addam Velaryon and the rest of his men this is only a friendly display of affection between two friends. Jacaerys' knows the truth, his lips purse in irritation and disgust almost immediately.
"What is he doing here?" the dark haired Prince approaches them, scowling at his uncle.
"No. Don't start." Maegor warns. His good mood is immediately threatened to be ruined at the sound of his half brother's voice.
"Is this how you show gratitude when someone comes to your aid, nephew?" Aemond immediately responds with a taunt and the ghost of a smirk playing on his lips.
"We don't need your aid." Jacaerys sneers, clenching his hands into fists, his whole body tensed up ready to lunge at him like he did that night during the feast in King's Landing.
"That's not for you to decide is it?" Aemond turns his head to look at Maegor and his violet glare immediately softens at the sight of him.
"It's not for Maegor to decide either. Did your grandfather send you so you can pick the bragging rights in his name? " Jace takes a step forward towards his uncle as a warning but his brother's hand placed firmly on his chest immediately blocks him from advancing further.
"Actually nephew, believe it or not I came here on my own. Not for your sake however." Aemond stares at him unimpressed, holding his hands behind his back.
"Get your dragon and fly back to King's Landing, we have no need for unsound men on a battlefied." Jace spats at him, hitting knowingly where it hurts the most. Words full of venom make Aemond see red and his cool demeanor snaps.
But before they can get to each other, the hand on Jace's chest blocking him moves up immediately, grabbing onto the collar of his tunic and pushing him away. Jacaerys has to walk backwards as his younger brother practically leads him away from their uncle like a dog that disobeyed his owner.
"Bloody hell, enough. You really want do this here, Jace in the middle of a war in front of all these men that are relying on us? We talked about this weeks ago or do you give no shits about that?" Maegor stops, grabbing his arm harshly as he leans to whisper in his ears only for them to hear.
"I'm not asking you to befriend him, but at least be decent enough to tolerate him when he came to aid us when no one demanded that of him. It was you and Luke who took out his eye. Not the other way around." Maegor emphasizes in a hushed voice, careful so his uncle wouldn't hear him.
The sharp words of his younger brother eventually make Jace to take a step back, a deep breath and to stop his hostility towards Aemond. At least for now. Only because he hated seeing the hurt in Maegor's otherwise cold glare. It reminded him how miserable his younger brother looked when he cracked in front of him. Jace hates Aemond and he knows it's very unlikely he would ever change his feelings about him. Ceasing his offenses right now were only because of Maegor's sake.
Their uncle looks at them, intrigued, wondering what his beloved nephew could whisper for Jace to give up and lay down his arms so easily. It itches his curiosity.
"Pardon my boldness my Lords. We could really use another dragonrider in the coming battle if we want to increase our chances of victory." Addam's steps forward.
His voice draws the Princes eyes on him instantly. However, his moment of inspiration is abruptly stomped down and the commander immediately regrets opening his mouth when he sees the scowl on Jace's face directed to him.
Aemond only hums in response, looking at the commander then back at Maegor, only now noting that they are both covered in mud and looking rougher than the rest of the men. A rush of thoughts start clouding his mind fast. Unfounded jealousy starts making his face feel warm. It doesn't let it show though.
Maegor wouldn't betray me.
When Addam meets Aemond's violet glare inspecting him from head to toe he swallows dryly. He knows that look. A dangerous glare that was seeing right through him. Looking down at the commander and reminding him that he is just a lowlife in front of the Prince.
"Seems like the commander decided." Maegor approves quickly, before his older brother can throw anymore taunts at their uncle. He throws Addam a grateful glance before returning his full attention to the eldest Prince.
The commander immediately notes the way Maegor's face lights up when speaking or looking at his uncle. This was new. A complete contrast to how fierce the young Prince was in battle.
Eventually the men clear the hilltop, and they head back to camp, some relieved that they have a new powerful ally on their side, others hesitant and wary. After all, Aemond's stingy personality and his dragon precede him. Jace is the last to depart. Reluctant to leave his brother alone with his uncle, but he eventually gives in not before throwing a few more scowls and glares at the older Prince.
Maegor suddenly finds himself at a loss of words. He wants to tell Aemond everything that happened in their months spent apart but no words manage to come out of his mouth.
"Aemond I-"
"I've missed you so much, my Prince." Aemond suddenly closes the distance between them, not before checking their surroundings to make sure they're alone, and cups Maegor's face, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
As they pulled apart quickly, Maegor's eyes meet Aemond's violet one, and he feels a flush spread across his cheeks. The same feelings he got when he first saw his uncle training in the courtyard with Ser Criston. It was nostalgic
"I'll get mud on you too, uncle. I was sparing before you arrived." Hearing this puts Aemond's minds at ease.
It was only an innocent peck on the lips but he already feels on fire and he takes a step back flustered, both by his appearance and by his uncle. Vanity was never Maegor's flaw, but he felt a bit ashamed having Aemond find him in this state, military camp or not.
Aemond simply chuckles at him with a soft expression on his face. He really did miss his nephew.
Loud rumbles suddenly interrupt the two Princes and Aemond finally notices the beast that was sizing both him and Vhagar out from a distance. He's been so distracted and delighted to see Maegor again that he completely ignored the presence of the other massive dragon residing on the cliff.
Aemond simply stares at the black dragon, entraced by him while Saagael fixes him with a cold, predatory glare that instantly reminds the Prince of his sapphire. He touches over his eyepatch with his fingers as a reflex.
It's Maegor's time to chuckle now. Seeing his uncle like this was nostalgic.
"Come, there's someone I want you to meet." Removing his dirty leather gloves, he grabs his uncle's hand, relishing in the warmth of skin to skin contact.
His uncle indulges him immediately. He can tell his nephew endured a lot of hardships since they last saw each other. Both with his family and on the battlefield. Calloused hands from sword fighting and dragonriding, a few subtle scars adorning his face, dark circles under his nephew's odd colored eyes and just a general look of exhaustion surround Maegor. Neither of those made him uglier, in fact Aemond found him even more bewitching. He even grew a little taller since their reunion in King's Landing. War matured Maegor a lot, he exudes the raw power that made their house infamous. And for Aemond, that was more attractive than anything else.
Maegor leads the way, still holding onto Aemond until they reach the Cannibal. He lingers his hand into his uncle's for just a moment longer before letting go.
"A promise is a promise. I call him Saagael." The younger Prince gets between Aemond and the dragon. He begins stroking over the black scales soothingly when the beast starts growling in a threatening display at the stranger.
Rumors that Maegor had claimed the wild dragon Cannibal as his mount, reached the Red Keep months ago and Aemond was the first to believe them, while all the others thought it was just a jest and that the Prince was still without a dragon. Before Maegor claimed him there was no one that lived to tell the tale. Having no records whatsoever about his age or origins, left a lot for interpretation, so naturally people did just that, blossoming quite the collection of tales about him. And for a long time the Cannibal became just a metaphor, an omen of death because his very existence already lingered in between the line of myth and reality, more like a phantom than a dragon.
"There is no one else worthy of my Prince." Aemond looks almost as enthralled as he was when he first laid eyes on Vhagar. But this is different. This was his nephew's claim.
Nostalgic memories rush Aemond as he recalls about their childhood in the Red Keep when they were only children, Maegor four years younger than him. He remembers his fascination with dragons that was unmatched by anyone in the family, even his own. They used to spend their days reading books on dragonlore together during their studies with the maesters.
Sneaking down to the Dragonpit to get a glimpse of the beasts was also one of their favorite activities, but after the incident with the Pink Dread, Aemond never stepped in there again, not even now when he had Vhagar. She was too big and too capricious to be confined in the pit anyway, so he preferred letting her free somewhere on a hilltop or on the beach in the outskirts of King's Landing. Unlike the Cannibal, Vhagar was born and raised in the Targaryen family her whole life. She was more trustworthy in the proximity of settlements and people, albeit she was still ill tempered and deadly if disturbed by anyone else but her rider.
Aemond had always been fond of his nephew because he is someone he can relate to so deeply. From their hobbies to the burden of being the second sons in their family. And now to their dragons.
Maegor's heart swells with joy hearing those words from him. Of course, his nephew never disappointed Aemond, only he, with his headstrong character and true Targaryen blood could have claimed something that was considered just a legend not long ago. Aemond is proud and happy for him. Finally his efforts paid off and no one could dare mock the young Prince for being dragonless ever again.
Initially Aemond flew to the Stepstones with only one thought in mind, his nephew. But now the excitement of fighting side by side with Maegor on dragon back was making his blood rush to his brain. With him riding Vhagar, a conqueror's dragon and his nephew riding the very harbinger of death, Aemond was already fantasizing about the possibilities and the unstoppable duo they could make together.
The blood of Old Valyria.
For the Cannibal it's another story. Long teeth are bared ready to clamp down and a loud growl erupts as a warning when Aemond boldly closes the distance and hovers the hand that Maegor was holding in front of his muzzle.
It is reckless yes, but Aemond is fascinated. He never laid his eye on a wild dragon before, and certainly not one that looked so different from his own or the ones so familiar to him in the Dragonpit. It is also a way to unconsciously test the bond between his nephew and his mount. A distant rumble reciprocates from Vhagar who fixes her glare on the other dragon, worried about her own rider. She stays put for now, on high alert ready to come in Aemond's defense if the situation calls for.
"Daor. Lykirī, Saagael." Maegor scolds, patting his dragon harder until he's swatting his hand against the scales to get his attention away from his uncle. The tip of a tail swiping in the grass shows his indignation and annoyance, but eventually Saagael complies to the command even if the growling remains ever present.
If this interaction happened months ago, when Maegor barely claimed the Cannibal, he is certain the dragon would have hurt or even killed Aemond for doing this. Now however, the young Prince has complete trust in the connection he shares with Saagael and the dragon himself.
The strength of the bond, that only Caraxes and Daemon's could rival, allows Saagael to feel that something is off about his rider. Inhaling deeply and blowing warm air onto the stranger and the younger Prince, the Cannibal is confused about their shared scents so he tolerates Aemond's audacity and gesture for now, for his rider's sake. Anyone else would have lost at least half of their body by now.
Hearing his nephew speak in Valyrian after so long and witnessing the ease with which Maegor controls his ill tempered mount, lights unseen sparks across Aemond's skin. It's his turn to feel flustered, his skin burning from the heat in his body.
However, he maintains his composure in front of his nephew as best as he can muster. After all they are still in plain sight, outside, even if the heart of the camp is quite far from them. He does not wish to startle Maegor either if he suddenly lets his feelings run freely and starts acting too brash.
Eventually after the two spend more time on the hilltop in the company of each other and their dragons, just reminiscing about their time spent apart, Maegor orderes two higher ranking, trustworthy soldiers to escort Aemond around the camp. They briefly explain the situation in the Stepstones before the war council was to be summoned.
Clear indications to "keep his older brother away from Prince Aemond" are given while Maegor excuses himself. He has to wash and change his clothes so he can look like a proper noble blood again for the small feast that is to be held in the evening for Aemond's arrival. He also needed a bit of time alone to rearrange his already scattered thoughts. If Jace and their uncle decided to go after each other's throats again he had to stop them.
Another tent was raised, next to Maegor's at Aemond's specific request. No one questions the older Prince directly but there were some whispers here and there about the earlier stand off between him and Jacaerys. Thankfully nothing about his relationship with Maegor. No one suspects anything for now. Most assume that Aemond only wishes to be close to his dragon and away from people that might not agree with his presence here.
Later on in the biggest tent where they also held the war councils, tables are set and plates are laid out. Nothing near compared to the feasts held in Dragonstone or the Red Keep but it would have to suffice. Their rations were already mediocre and needed to be consumed with moderation, however sometimes making an exception like this was needed. Firstly because it would boost the soldiers' morale and secondly because it was common courtesy and protocol to break bread together when you had a guest such as Aemond come by.
Even if not everyone wanted to break bread with him. Jacaerys especially, not after what happened the last time he sat at a table with Aemond.
All three princes, the commander and two knights are seated at the high table overlooking the rest of the men in the tent. A knight at the far left of the table, followed by Aemond, Maegor on his right side, Jace next to his half brother, Addam Velaryon and ending with the other knight at the far right end.
As the feast begins the soldiers drink and eat heartily, forgetting about the coming battle even if only for one night. Sun sets with the sounds of laughter, music, and clinking of goblets filling the air.
But as the night wears on, Jacaerys's anger simmers beneath the surface like a volcano ready to erupt at any time. Everytime he glances at his brother and the way he steals glances from Aemond, he's constantly reminded about their relationship.
The feast is a tense affair, they know that, it's quite clear with how the tension between the three men is palpable.. Maegor sits between his uncle and brother, trying to act as a buffer as best as he can initially, until he gets sick of seeing Jace constantly scowling at him and feeling his glare on the back of his neck. So he decides to start drinking. A mistake on his part.
He never really favored alcohol because of how it clouds ones mind and Aegon was already a good example of why he should stay sober at all costs. But right now he needs his mind hazy so he can shut out his brother and the war. To focus on what really matters. Aemond.
Only three glasses of Arbor wine later, Maegor's head is already spinning. Morning will be hell for his stomach and head.
"I think that's enough for tonight, nephew." Aemond says, gently stopping Maegor from pouring himself a fourth glass. He listens to the older Prince and sets the wine bottle on the table immediately, nodding in approval with no complains.
It's his first time drinking more than one glass. No one can blame him for being a lightweight.
Jace sneers at the sight of his half brother acting like an obedient puppy.
No one really pays attention to Jacaerys, especially not his brother. Maegor really feels drunk now. Sighing, he shifts in his chair that already feels like it's moving under him. Or is the ceiling moving? He can't tell.
A gust of warm air against his ear immediately makes his body tense up.
Maegor meets his uncle's violet eye as Aemond leans over and swallows drily. Now that he was dizzy from all the alcohol, Aemond was affecting him even worse than before. But he was feeling bold.
Maegor toys with the rim of his empty wine goblet as Aemond leans in even closer to him, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
"If you're feeling unwell and wish to leave." Aemond begins, his voice low and smooth, "You only need say so, nephew."
Maegor chuckles softly, leaning in slightly towards Aemond as well so he can indulge in his flirting.
"Will you take care of me, uncle?
Aemond's smirk deepens as he reaches under the table to brush his fingers against Maegor's hand.
Jace watches them constantly. Aemond leans in again, his breath warm against Maegor's ear as he whispers something that makes Maegor laugh and his face flush with a deeper shade of red. It makes Jace's blood boil with fury.
He can't understand why Maegor is so taken with Aemond. He was no better than his Hightower mother and grandfather. Especially not after the chaos he caused when they were in King's Landing. In his opinion, his brother had nothing in common with their uncle.
As the night goes on, the courting between Maegor and Aemond becomes more and more apparent but thankfully the men are far too drunk by now to notice. Even the commander is lost in his wine, blocking everything and everyone around him as he's trying to forget about the war for now.
Maegor and the older Prince keep exchanging sly smiles and flirtatious touches, getting bolder by the minute. When Aemond reaches over to brush a stray lock of hair from his nephew's eyes then his hand reaches under the table to rest on Maegor's thigh in plain view, that's when the volcano finally errupts.
Jacaerys can't stand it anymore.
"What in the seven hells do you think you're doing?" he grabs Maegor by his arm harshly, yanking his brother towards him so he can sneer in his face in a hushed whisper.
Maegor raises an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing at his lips. He's obviously very drunk.
"What does it look like I'm doing, Jacaerys?" he asks, his voice slightly slurred and taunting.
"It looks like you're making a mockery of our family," Jacaerys spats only for them to hear. "You're both disgusting."
Aemond shoots Jace a deadly look, hitting his fist against the table.
"This does feel familiar wouldn't you say nephew?" he says sharply, reminding Jace about the last feast they attended together. After all Jacaerys was the one who initially provoked Aemond back then as well.
Maegor leans back in his seat, shrugging off his brother's hand from his arm, an amused look on his face.
"Jacaerys, Jacaerys, always so quick to judge and act." he chided.
"It's not funny, Maegor. It's sickening. I'm just wondering how you could betray our mother like this." Jacaerys shakes his head, his face red with anger but he restrains himself from shouting and risk everyone else hear them.
"Always been mother's favorite little boy." Maegor's smile fades fast. Another reminder of how Rhaenyra will never consider him an equal to his half brothers, despite her claiming that she loves each of her children all the same.
"It's disrespectful to our family." Jacaerys shoots back ignoring what he says about their mother.
"You don't get to decide what's disrespectful, Jacaerys. I haven't betrayed anyone." Maegor replies tracing the handle of the knife next to his plate.
Despite drinking a few glasses as well Aemond is as sober as he can be. For now he decides to watch his nephews closely and only intervene if really necessary. As much as he dislikes Jace, even he knows they need to stop bickering for once otherwise they'll have no chance on fighting side by side and actually win. But he will protect Maegor if the situation escalates.
Jacaerys shoots up from his chair at Maegor fists trembling and knuckles white from anger. Surprisingly he doesn't say anything. He knows he can't win this argument right now. Not when his brother is drunk and Aemond acts like his guard dog.
For the sake of his half brother and the sake of this war's outcome, Jace finally acts with a bit of wisdom. Before he says something he will regret, he turns on his heels and marches back out of the feast and back to his tent, seething with anger and frustration.
The commander shoots Maegor a confused look but the Prince shrugs it off, rolling his eyes. He quickly turns back to Aemond as if nothing ever happened, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"Where were we?" He whispers under his breath, leaning against his uncle's shoulder.
Aemond wants to comfort his nephew initially, ask if he is feeling alright, but decides to laugh softly instead. He never imagined Maegor could change so much from just a little bit of wine. Although, he can't say he dislikes it.
"I believe we were discussing the merits of conquering the Stepstones." Aemond says his voice low and husky.
Maegor chuckles.
"Ah yes, that," he says, leaning in closer to Aemond.
"But I have a feeling there are more interesting things we could be discussing."
"And what might those be, my Prince?" he asks feigning innocence, a hint of a smile on his lips.
Maegor leans in even closer, his breath hot against Aemond's ear.
"I think you know, uncle" he whispers, his lips brushing against Aemond's skin.
Aemond shivers with pleasure, a smile spreading across his face. He should be the voice of reason, Aemond knows it. He should take his nephew back to his tent and make sure he rests off his drunken state. But the way Maegor keeps enticing him and riling him up like this is making Aemond crazy. He feels drunk as well, but not because of the wine.
"I think I do." Aemond pauses briefly so he can squeeze Maegor's inner thigh under the table. He can't tell if the smolthering heat is coming off from him or his nephew.
"And I think we should discuss them in private."
Reason can wait for tonight, Aemond decides.
Maegor smirks, overly confident. The alcohol in his system really making him not think straight. He completely forgets how flustered he was hours ago when him and Aemond were talking next to their dragons.
"Lead the way."
The older Prince barely manages to drag his nephew back to his tent all the way on the hilltop. It's not like Maegor is so drunk that he can't walk, sure he is a bit clumsy on his feet, but that isn't the main issue.
He kept getting bold and handsy while they were walking through the camp and Aemond had to pretend he was just taking care of his overly drunk nephew while mustering every crumb of willpower and restraint left in himself so he wouldn't claim the younger Prince right there, behind all the tents.
"You should rest Maegor, you're drunk." Aemond says, trying to act rational again. He guides his nephew to sit on the side of the bed and helps him out of his boots.
Out of nowhere, Maegor reaches him and roughly grabs the collar of his uncle's tunic, hauling Aemond forward and pressing their mouths together in a searing, but sloppy kiss.
A muffled gasp escapes Aemond's mouth as he grips Maegor's arms hard to steady himself from falling completely on top of him. But he does not push him away. He is too overwhelmed, assaulted by Maegor's lips on his, his tongue in his mouth, his rough hands on his neck.
Carnal desires and sex repulsed Aemond. He had to thank Aegon's 'birthday gift' for that. Only he would be vile enough to bring his thirteen year old brother to a brothel in Flea Bottom and pay whores to have them force themselves on him. All while Aemond was desperately crying and begging to go home.
This was entirely different though. It was not only about lust. The way he can physically feel the yearning that draws him to Maegor course through every vein and artery makes it feel so natural. Like they were always meant to be together. To burn together.
He sends reason to all seven hells for a second time tonight.
Aemond pushes Maegor until he's lying flat on his back against the furs in the bed. He can no longer restrain the way he pines for his nephew. Aemond begins kissing him like a man possessed.
The lack of oxygen sobers Maegor slightly but he doesn't push his uncle away, not even when Aemond tightens his grip on his arms. Maegor groans in his mouth, his hands running each side of the older Prince's neck. Aemond's skin is burning hotter than dragon fire under his touch.
Maegor head is spinning. It feels like he's getting torched alive under Aemond's fire and assault of touches. His mouth is so possessive and greedy on top of his, his lips taste like Arbor wine and something entirely Aemond's as they press hard against Maegor's own.
Maegor groans again and gives in, letting himself slip even further into the sensation and the drowning. He begins to kiss back, just as hard as he's given. The way he was starving for this all these years.
And will always be starving. Maegor knows this is a hunger that will never be sated. The flame that had been simmering inside him ever since Aemond marked his mind with his words years back explodes into a roaring fire, demanding more, more, more.
I may have lost an eye but I gained a dragon.
Maegor hands run upwards until he grabs Aemond's face roughly and presses his fingers into his sharp cheekbones, forcing his tongue into his mouth and biting at his lips, clashing teeth from his lack of experience.
Aemond doesn't pull away even when he can taste the blood on his tongue, just chases Maegor's mouth harder, starved akin to his nephew. Maegor's hands move from his uncle's face to his long silver hair where he tangles his fingers in it, lost in the softness of it.
"Can I see you uncle?" Maegor suddenly asks out of breath as they still for a moment.
Aemond immediately knows what he's referring to. He hesitates at first but eventually nods in approval. If there's only one who can see him bare and vulnerable it's Maegor.
The younger Prince gently uses his hands to untie the straps that hold the eyepatch in place and he lets it fall against the furs next to them.
By now Maegor is completely sober. He begins to kiss along the scar until he reaches the sapphire where he places a gentle kiss there as well, a bit afraid to cause any pain. His uncle closes his good eye on reflex before Maegor draws back.
"You're so beautiful." Maegor finds himself whispering, lost in the pool of violet that stares at him.
And he really means it. The way his uncle's silver hair falls like a curtain, the way the sapphire glows dimly in the candle light. The scar hasn't made Aemond any uglier, despite the people's bad gossip. For Maegor, his uncle is ethereal in his eyes. Always has been.
The way Maegor looks at him, not only with pupils blown wide with desire but also admiration. The way his nephew's words hit Aemond unexpectedly, make his heart jump furiously against his ribcage. No one has ever told him that. No one has ever made him feel like this.
Aemond is at a loss of words. He sucks a sharp breath and leans back in.
Just like that, the moment of vulnerability is quickly left behind as the two Prince begin making out furiously again, and despite the blood rushing in Maegor's ears, he can still hear Aemond's gasping breaths and pants against his lips and skin. The noise of their hearts drumming in tandem.
The sounds go straight to Maegor's already painfully hard cock. When he opens his eyes half-way he sees his uncle looking down at him, as if he's holding himself back, his single eye blown wide with arousal.
"I need you, uncle." Maegor pleads. His voice coming out cracked.
He tugs at the clasps of Aemond's tunic and indirectly at his sanity.
Aemond feels himself going crazy. With that, he presses Maegor further against the furs in his bed with renewed force, hands dropping down and unbuttoning their tunics. Maegor feels completely out of control, he allows letting his uncle take the lead because he enjoys it thoroughly.
He's never felt anything like this before, never felt so hot and shaky and heated. Not even when they had their first heated moment back at the Red Keep.He can't think of anything other than Aemond's lips, Aemond's hands, Aemond's bare chest — Aemond. Aemond. Aemond.
Maegor gasps as he presses his hands against his uncle's skin, feeling the tensed muscle of his chest and arms flexing under his touch. Aemond's breath is ragged now.
He finally pulls Maegor's tunic off, along with his undershirt, exposing his bare torso, then moves his attention to remove his pants as well.
Suddenly, Maegor lets out a small cry that surprises them both as Aemond squeezes his ass and grabs a hold of his thighs, lifting him up so he can carelessly throw the piece of garment away.
Maegor swallows his ragged breaths, looking away, face flushed red, his cock already leaking. He's completely naked now, laid out bare in front of his uncle's eye. It feels a bit embarrassing displaying himself like this for the first time.
For the the older Prince it feels like he's unraveling a nicely wrapped gift. Aemond stills himself for a moment so he can drink in the image of his nephew and burn it into his mind. Maegor's face was not the only thing that matured because of the war, Aemond pleasantly finds out. Thin scars were scattered across his body as well, his muscles toned from all the fighting. Even if he is shorter than him still, Maegor's shoulders and back were wider than Aemond's, his thighs stronger than he recalls.
Suddenly the pants feel agonizingly tight for the older Prince and he fumbles to discard them as well, hastily stripping bare under his nephew's fiery gaze that doesn't leave him for one second.
With renewed confidence, no longer fueled by alcohol but by pure desire alone, Maegor wraps his legs around Aemond's waist pressing his uncle closer, relishing in the molten heat of skin to skin contact.
Aemond drops Maegor in the middle of the bed and quickly crawls on top of him, carding his fingers through Maegor's silver locks as they begin kissing heatedly again.
They both moan in unison when their cocks brush against each other.
"Maegor..." Aemond lets out a breathy moan, brow furrowed in the torture of denied pleasure. He knows he has to take it slow. But he's fighting his most primal instincts.
Maegor only grunts, bucking his hips up to chase the same pleasure again.
Aemond presses his whole body on top of him, mouth open in another moan, burying his face into Maegor's neck and gripping his hips to ground himself. This was real. It was really happening.
The younger Prince gasps and grinds their hips together, chasing the heat and ecstasy. He wraps his arms around his uncle's shoulders and tangles his fingers again through the curtain of silver.
Maegor's never done this before, never sought pleasure before his reunion with Aemond. Even during the rare times, when he jerked off it was only to blow off steam and never to sate his desires.
It's only Aemond. It's always been Aemond. And Maegor allows him to claim his body the same way he claimed his heart.
Aemond knows this, even as he grinds them together, leaking cocks rubbing together, he still does not forget to kiss his nephew and treat him gently. To ease his mind and make him relax because he never had this privilege when his virginity was forcefully stolen away from him.
The older Prince trails down along Maegor's jaw until he reaches his neck. He begins mouthing kisses along the skin, licking a stripe across the jugular. Then he goes lower and lower kissing a trail along his body, down Maegor's chiseled abdomen.
Aemond stops to spit in his palm and takes his nephew into his hand. Maegor's mind is wiped completely blank. He's so painfully aroused he feels as if he might die right now.
The hand squeezes Maegor's flushed cock, rubbing circles at the weeping slit.
"Qybor!" He gasps, shutting his eyes closed.
Hearing the endearment in Valyrian pulls a groan out of Aemond's throat. He wants to worship his nephew and devour him whole at the same time.
"I don't know how much longer I can hold on. If you want to stop tell me now, Maegor." Aemond's low voice vibrates against the burning skin of the other. On instinct, the younger Prince sinks his nails in his uncle's shoulders, harsher than he intends to.
"No. No, don't stop. I want this." He sits up, resting on his elbows to look at Aemond. "I want you." He breathes out but before he can finish the sentence he sees Aemond dipping down between his legs.
A hand trails downward, over Maegor's thigh. His breath hitches, hands twisting in long silver hair, as Aemond's lips ghost tentatively over his leaking cock. But they do not touch. Not yet.
Maegor feels like he's being slowly punished as his uncle starts kissing up each leg. The younger Prince tugging at his hair, pleading to feel some kind of touch, any touch as Aemond's lips skim close to the throbbing erection. He fondles his balls suddenly and Maegor keens.
The older Prince presses his tongue against his nephew's hole out of nowhere and Maegor cries out, hands darting back to tanlge into the silver locks.
"Don't! It's dirty!" Maegor gasps and throws his head back against the furs.
But Aemond doesn't stop. He traces his nephew's hole with his tongue, dipping inside, teasing only briefly. Maegor bites down on his own tongue, to keep himself from howling in ecstasy. Aemond hums in approval against the sensitive skin, pressing his lips to the trembling entrance, before swiping his tongue over it.
Drawing back, Aemond almost groans out loud at the sight of his saliva already dampening his nephew's hole. It's slick, waiting to be spread wide and claimed only by him alone.
"Please uncle." Maegor begs, the irritation of being denied release almost too much to bear.
"Hush. If we don't do this it will be too painful for you." Aemond kisses the milky skin of his nephew's inner thighs soothingly.
Thankfully even if he lacks experience, Aemond studied enough books and heard plenty of unwanted information - mostly from his brother - to know how the whole bedding process was done without causing unnecessary pain to Maegor. Although everything he heard was about women, but he imagines it's not so different with men.
Aemond hums, lifting up Maegor's legs to place them around his shoulders. He dips back down to kiss at the puckered hole. His tongue prods at it, pushing just past the tight ring of muscles. Maegor's legs shake and his hands twist in his uncle's long hair.
"Oh gods.." Maegor moans. Aemond's tongue goes deeper with its next push. His thumb drags at the rim, testing the way the muscle stretches and resists at the intrusion.
Aemond grunts, his tongue still in Maegor's ass and his mouth seals around the hole. By now Maegor can practically feel the tears stinging at his eyes from the waves of pleasure he is constantly hit with.
Aemond pushes one finger in, getting to the second knuckle before Maegor clenches tightly around him at the pressure.
Maegor drags a fur on his face to muffle all the sinful sounds that keep coming out of his throat. His face presses against it, panting, every breath heavy and gasping. His mouth is open, his back arched, and his legs spread wide, wrapped around his uncle.
"You have to relax, nephew." Aemond reminds him in a ragged breath, removing his tongue from his hole. The older Prince has his cock leaking between his legs only from showering Maegor with attention. He allows his nephew to let his legs fall down from his shoulders before he gets a cramp.
"It feels weird." Maegor gasps, removing the fur from his face and clinging onto Aemond as he embraces him soothingly. He removes his fingers from his ass to lean over and grab a vial of oil on the nightstand. It's oil meant for maintaining swords but it will suffice.
He pours a generous amount in his hand before he dips it back between the pair of trembling legs, open just for him. Maegor keeps feeling the way Aemond hooks his finger back inside him, pushing at the walls gently as he breaches deeper.
"Lykiri, Maegor. " Aemond whispers, kissing his neck.
Maegor's sanity crumbles and he whines at the command. His body trembling, as he takes a breath - long and slow, preparing himself. It's Aemond's queue to go further, pushing around his rim with a second finger oiled up and slick, never drawing the first one out. It pushes deeper in fact, wiggling and pressing at Maegor's inner walls insistently.
Once Aemond works the second and third finger inside, Maegor is gulping down breaths. His pupils blown wide until they almost overtake his odd colored irises. Not a speck of color was visible in dim light when he leans over to kiss his nephew's bruised lips.
"There you go, good boy." Aemond praises against his ear, relishing in the way Maegor shudders under him.
He pulls his fingers out to the first knuckle. Aemond spreads them apart at the rim, listening to the way Maegor's breath hitches at the stretch. When he shoves them back inside as deep as he can get and curls them, Maegor practically screams. His voice breaks down in a moan as he almost climaxes just from that.
Aemond spreads out his fingers a few more times. Slowly, making sure the younger Prince is stretched out properly to take him.
Panting against him, Maegor licks across his uncle's neck, mouthing against it softly to urge him to hurry up.
"Kostilus qybor." Maegor writhes, fisting at the furs under him. He starts shifting his hips upward trying to push his uncle's fingers deeper inside.
Aemond swallows thickly, deciding there was no use torturing them both any longer.
"You will stop me if it hurts." Aemond demands, the last thing he wants causing pain to his nephew.
He pours some of that sword oil against Maegor's twitching hole then onto his own cock. He uses one hand to spread the oil properly, biting his tongue and grunting when he finally touches himself.
Maegor's legs wrap around his waist again. Aemond keeps a steady hand on Maegor's hip, gripping him tightly when he begins to line up against his hole.
He starts pushing, Maegor crying out silently at the initial pain of the intrusion, his head falling back.
Aemond tightens his grip on his hips this time with both hands. When the tip of his cock finally breaches inside and stretches him open, Maegor's eyes go open wide, his mouth falling open. A silent, strangled moan escapes as his uncle slowly pushes deeper. It's painful but not unbearable. Maegor soon finds out how quickly the pain of being stretched out is replaced by bliss.
Everything in his mind gets thrown into a void when Aemond bottoms out, sheathing himself inside the younger Prince. He musters every bit of strength to not spill his seed right then. It's pure ecstasy. That tight, burning, wet heat threatens to unravel him.
Aemond presses their foreheads together searching for Maegor's eyes. His nephew nods silently, too lost in the pleasure to give verbal reassurance.
Aemond licks his lips, kissing him slowly and ardently as he begins to move, pulling out halfway, slowly before pushing back in. It's a torturous pace for him but he needs to get Maegor used to the size first.
Slowly but surely, by now each thrust has Maegor rocking back, begging for more. Aemond find his sweet spot in a few tries and then every thrust has Maegor moaning, screaming his name out and clawing at his back and shoulders.
As much as he wishes he could let his nephew yell to his heart contents, Aemond silences him with deep, starving kisses. Even if the tent was on the cliff, far from the main camp who knows how the wind might carry his cries.
"Aemond.. I can't!" Maegor warns, arching his back.
At first he thinks Aemond is teasing him when he drags his cock slowly out, leaving just the tip inside.
"Ȳdra daor tymagon, qybo-" Maegor want to cry out in frustration, but Aemond does not let him finish his complaint.
He rams back inside his nephew and Maegor lets out a strangled scream against the lips that hush him, his whole body convulsing from the way his orgasm hits him. He glues on his uncle's body as his cum spills between their stomachs.
Fingers bury into Aemond's hair, nails painfully digging into his scalp, legs wrapped tightly around his waist, heels in his back, ass squeezing him painfully.
Maegor's body is like a trap holding him in place, clenching tighter and tigher around Aemond like a vice grip until he can no longer resist it.
"Ñuha zaldrīzes. Ñuhon." Aemond pants hotly against his face, moans and breathy groans slipping past his lips.
The older Prince thrusts in a shallow and uneven pace until his own seed is milked by Maegor's ass. He comes with a moan against his nephew's sweaty locks of hair. Aemond rides out his orgasm, rutting into the younger Prince, before he finally slumps on top of him, both panting like tired hounds after a hunt.
The scorching heat of their love making quickly fades out and is replaced by the cold bite of the night breeze, slipping inside the tent. Aemond pulls the furs to cover their bodies before he tugs Maegor into a tight embrace, exhausted limbs tangling in each other.
His uncle is staring straight at Maegor, their faces inches away, his white hair beautifully tousled against the pillows. If he wasn't so tired Maegor would kiss him again and again until they would end up in a panting mess again.
"Rest, my Prince." Aemond reads his mind and places a gentle kiss on Maegor's lips instead, brushing the hair from his sweaty forehead before kissing it as well.
"Avy jorrāelan, Aemond. Vēzos qēlossās ñuho"
Lykiri = Calm down
Qybor= Uncle
Kostilus qybor = Please uncle
Ȳdra daor tymagon, qybor = Don't tease, uncle
Ñuha zaldrīzes = My dragon
Ñuhon = Mine
Avy jorrāelan, Aemond = I love you, Aemond
Vēzos qēlossās ñuho = My sun and stars
#Love-is-the-Death-of-Duty#love is the death of duty#hotd#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fic#hotd fic#aemond x oc#aemond x reader#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond fic#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond smut#aemond targaryen smut#targaryen smut#smut#targcest#gay#asoiaf#got#a song of ice and fire#game of thrones#maegor ii targaryen#maegor targaryen#jacaerys targaryen#jacaerys#aemond x male oc#asykriel
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Reverse Batfam AU
I don't have all of the Batfam in this line-up because I don't know them at all. There are some that I'm not in any way confident I could characterise so I might make a second version of this with the more well known Batfam members and exclude Duke, Steph, Cass, and Barbara. But, for now I do like my idea. I'm not planning to write a fic or anything with this so if anyone wants to use this specifically, go ahead.
But this is extremely long so everything's under the read more link.
I had to mess around with ages quite a bit because otherwise things do not fit at all. I did want them to come into the family in reverse order as well as reverse their ages.
Age differences: Duke->Damian - 1 year younger Damian->Steph - 4 years older Steph->Tim - 1 year younger Tim->Cass - 3 years older Cass->Jason - 6 months younger Jason->Dick - 4 years older Dick->Barbara - 1 year older
Oldest to youngest: Damian, Duke, Tim, Steph, Jason, Cass, Dick, Barbara
Ages when Dick arrived: Dick 8, Cass 12, Jason 12, Tim 15, Steph 14, Damian 18, Duke 17
Ages when Barbara joined: Barbara 14, Dick 15, Cass 18, Jason 19, Tim 21, Steph 20, Damian 24, Duke 23
Their Stories:
Duke Thomas- The first ward since he was taken in after Damian in canon (as far as I remember). Got into hero business at around the age of 9 because his parents got caught in a Joker attack and he created a "We Are The Knight" group consisting of kids that had suffered from the aftermath of the various villain attacks. A few years later, he became Batman's second sidekick - Signal. After moving out of Wayne manor kept the moniker and joined the Outsiders hero group. He still works with Batman but tries to keep his distance due to him being overbearing. He remembers growing up with Damian being hard, but they mended their relationship by the time Damian moved out. He survived Damian because (1) he wasn't adopted, (2) his parents are still alive, and (3) his powers.
Damian Wayne al Ghul- He took great pleasure in ridiculing Duke for everything from his hero name to his role in the family, but eventually grew to really enjoyed his younger brother's company (even though he'd never admit they were brothers or that he enjoyed Duke's company.) He became Batman's first sidekick, Shadow, (at the age of 10. he arrived 1 month after Duke.) as tribute to both his time spent in League of Shadows and his start to becoming Batman's shadow. He created a teen group outside of Gotham called the Titans (composed of him, Superboy, Raven, and Beast Boy) when he and Bruce started fighting but never quite left Gotham entirely.
Stephanie Brown- She joined the crusade as Spoiler at 11 and lasted only a year before being killed by Black Mask. However, that was enough time for Damian (16 when she died), Duke (15), and Bruce to become attached to her. Her death (and Bruce's subsequent burst of overprotection leading him to kick out Damian and Duke) caused Damian to shed the mantle of Shadow and become Nightwing. She does come back 6 months later leaving the others feeling confused and a bit betrayed, but mostly happy she wasn't actually dead. She creates the moniker Batgirl after Bruce tells her she can't be Spoiler any more.
Tim Drake- He joined the crusade at 13, 4 months after Spoiler's death, which hit Bruce really hard, caused a fight between Damian and Bruce (that ended with Damian and Duke moving out), and Batman became more violent than he had ever been. After failing to convince Damian and Duke to join Batman on patrol and stop avoiding him, he became Drake. Damian didn't like him initially, but tried to be there when Tim needed him. Damian also convinced Tim to change him moniker to Shadow because "Drake" was too close to his name to be effective at hiding his identity. Before Steph came back, he went through the Joker Jr thing and Batman and Signal helped him recover from the majority of it since Nightwing was on a Titans mission. He was just finishing up his training with Shiva when Cass joined the crusade. He was officially adopted one year later shortly after his parents died (because Steph and Cass were around to catch onto his shenanigans).
Cassandra Cain- She joined at 10 years old shortly after Tim did and shortly before Jason did. She originally called herself Orphan, but switched to Black Bat once she was adopted by Bruce.
Jason Todd- He joins a few months after Cass does (age 11) and gets adopted quickly. He and Tim get along extremely well and bond by making fun of Bruce. He takes on the moniker of Batboy when he joins the crusade. He avoids dying in Ethiopia because his siblings decided to go after him while Batman was investigating the illegal weapons trade there.
Dick Grayson- He becomes Bruce's ward at age 8. The entire Batfam was there when his parents died. Everyone's there when he shows everyone his first suit designs and the moniker he chose and why. They try very hard to convince him to choose darker colors and add more armor. He stanchly refuses because he wants his hero name and uniform to honor his parents. They do manage to convince him to add pants to the design. He convinces Alfred to make the suit with the promise that he won't go out until he has Bruce's approval. He doesn't uphold that promise and is crime fighting by the time he's 9.
Barbara Gordon- She'd been watching the bats for a few years before she decided she wanted to become a vigilante as well at age 14. She followed Batgirl for a while asking to be her sidekick or help with the tech stuff. After a few 'no's, she created her own outfit made out of Spoiler, Black Bat, and Batwoman halloween costumes. Names she came up with for herself were Red Bat, Batshadow, and Batlady. When she officially joined the group, Steph gave her the Batgirl moniker and took back the name Spoiler.
#dc batman#batman#batfam#reverse batfam#reverse batkids#batkids#batfamily#damian wayne#duke thomas#dc signal#jason todd#cassandra cain#black bat#batgirl#tim drake#dc robin#red hood#red robin#stephanie brown#bruce wayne#barbara gordon#oracle#dc oracle
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Authors On THG Writing Hiatus Masterlist (11)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: December 27th, 2023
Last Checked:---
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Popular fic: always and together-One night, Katniss hears Peeta upset from night terrors, and goes to him. There, she makes a vow to herself and him to stop pushing him away and stand by him. Takes place a month after Peeta and Katniss move back to District 12.
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Popular Fic: Study Date-Katniss and Peeta are keeping their relationship hidden from their conservative parents, but what happens when Mr. Everdeen finds them kissing during an innocent study date? A fluffy, cute, funny and a lil bit sexy ever lark drabble (I'm ktanissevrdeen on Tumblr, come say hi!)
Gamemakers :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Quicksilver-Dearest Diary, Two events of note occurred today. First, I realized that Peeta Mellark, who just yesterday I considered an ally and possible friend, is an irredeemable prat. Second, I became betrothed to him. London, 1793. After a life spent on her family’s country estate, the time has finally come for the Everdeen sisters to be introduced to the London elite. Katniss will do anything to ensure her younger sister does not fall into the wrong hands, but surrounded by strangers, she has no way of judging Prim’s many suitors’ intentions. Enter Peeta Mellark, the youngest brother of the Earl of Panem and a longtime fixture of the ton. He seems the perfect ally, but Peeta has intentions of his own, and Katniss’ spinsterhood may not be as safe as she believes.
JavisTG :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: One VictorThe hot summer sun-kissed Katniss' cheeks, and she felt its warmth spreading throughout her body. The tiniest of smiles danced on her lips. But this wasn't the right time for public displays of euphoria. Not when Tessa Monroe, the 15-year-old girl old whose name had been called, was making her way towards the stage in front of them; walking in a straight line towards imminent death. Canon-divergent "what-if". Prim isn't reaped.
jeeno2 :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Little Green"Hi," Peeta says quietly; almost shyly. "I'm your daddy, and…" His voice cracks on the word daddy, and Katniss' heart clenches painfully inside her chest. "I'm your daddy," Peeta continues. Stronger this time. "I've waited so very long to meet you." A post-Mockingjay AU.
thegirlonpeetamellark :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Next to You"She closed her eyes and saw his perfectly chiseled face and then imagined those boxers of his falling to the floor before he got in the shower. The last thing she needed was to be attracted to Rye Mellark's older brother." Desperate for a place to live, Katniss moves in with her friend, Rye, who has always had a crush on her. Then she meets his older brother, Peeta. Modern Day AU.
titania522 :: ao3, prompts in panem, tumblr
Popular Fic: Good Again-"The sun was rising, fingers of glorious orange, red and yellow crawling across the sky. The window appeared as a frame around a picture, dawn’s ascent bursting from the folds of a delicate skirt the color of burnt copper. I sighed and turned back to Peeta, holding his hand against my cheek." After all they have experienced, Katniss and Peeta realize that things can be good again. *Winner of the Everlark Smut Awards for Best Shower Scene and Second Place for Best Mockingjay Smut* Winner for Best Growing Together Fic - Nighlockrecs Reader's Choice Awards
#masterlist#everlark fanfiction#thg fanfiction#everlark#thg#writing-hiatus authors#writing-hiatus#writing-hiatus authors masterlist
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Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 24
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 3,040 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Also on ff.net and AO3.
For the nights I won't make it through, I spend beside you, while holding onto your hand Telling me I will and I can, I pray every night that days like this will never end Painting colors vivid and bright I see every time I go ahead and close my eyes Just what should I do so everything remains the same?
-Kenshi Yonezu, "Eine Kleine"
Tim was bored.
The heat of midsummer had settled in, and things had gone back to… well, as “normal” as things could be for them, considering. It had been a few months since Steph found out. Since he’d said all those things to Bruce and walked away, never hearing from him since. …Since he’d proposed.
Tim rolled over on the bed and buried his visage in a pillow in embarrassment, still hardly able to believe he let such a thing slip from his lips. There was no taking it back now though, as Steph was keen on constantly reminding him in confidence, whenever they were alone. …Still, they managed to keep up the appearance of “regular students” on the surface at least. They – all four of them – made it through the rest of the semester, survived finals; even Steph and Conner successfully scraped by without requiring remedial lessons, thanks to intense tutoring combined with cramming in the last couple weeks.
The latter was now living with Cass in their own place, so that left Tim moving back to the loft by himself until fall. Dick had warmly welcomed his brother back, saying his room was always available anytime he needed to crash, but Tim still couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding. With little else to do to kill time during the dull season’s doldrums, he found most of his days were now spent looking (desperately) forward to a phone call or text message, inviting him to hang somewhere, or even simply just to talk.
He wanted to see Steph.
She had replied to him this morning though stating she was “busy” today, apologizing complete with cute emoticons. …Or so he thought, but right at that moment his mobile buzzed again, and he greedily grabbed the device, scanning the screen for updates. Apparently her plans had freed up for the afternoon, and she was wondering if he’d like to come over now. Fist pumping, he fired back a rapid response, before dashing for the door – nearly bumping into his brother on the way out.
“Whoa, where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“Just over to Steph’s house.”
“…Ah.” Dick regarded him with an odd look for an interval.
“Something wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just… I wanted to say…” Dick massaged his neck, before sighing. “Nevermind. It can wait. Go, have fun on your date.”
Tim cocked his head in mystification, but nevertheless acquiesced.
“Okay… See ya.”
“See ya.”
He cast one more curious look back as he descended the steps, and Dick simply smiled and waved. …It might have been his imagination though, but the other’s expression seemed just a tad strained.
When he arrived and rang the doorbell, Stephanie’s mother was the one who answered. Tim shuffled in the entryway as he greeted nervously, still self-conscious around her presence.
“Ah… Hi, Mrs. Brown. Steph called and asked me to come over.”
“Of course, dear.” The woman beamed as she stepped aside to allow him in. “It’s always nice to have you here. She’s right this way, in the kitchen.”
She led him towards the unit, which was strangely dark for some reason. As soon as he entered the room though, the lights suddenly switched on, and three voices (well, more like two shouts and one mental whisper) all cried out in unison:
Tim blinked as he took in the image of Steph, Conner, and Cass all crowded around the table, where a large cake was laid out, confetti and streamers simultaneously raining from the ceiling onto his shoulders.
“What’s… all this?”
Stephanie bounded up to him, brushing colorful strands off his hair before planting a peck on his forehead (since she was already standing on tiptoe).
“Silly, don’t you know what today is? Don’t tell me you forgot.”
Tim ran hastily over a list of important dates in his mind, trying to figure out what she could possibly be referring to. It couldn’t be something related to their relationship, could it? They hadn’t even been officially “dating” a full year yet, and besides why were Cass and Conner here then…? It had to be something personal, something specific…
…Then it struck him.
July 19th.
His Birthday.
“Conner told me when your Birthday is. You’re not… mad, are you?”
She gripped his hand, a little worriedly – and he glanced towards Kon, who was also anxiously awaiting a reaction. He grasped back in reassurance.
“No, I’m not mad. Thank you, for doing all this for me.”
Relieved, she steered him to a seat and gestured eagerly towards the candles.
“Come on now, make a wish.”
Tim thought about it for a bit. …There were a lot of things he might’ve wished for, once. But, gazing around at the smiling faces of his friends – people who cared about him – accepted him despite everything… He realized that the thing he had dreamed of most since then had already come true.
Later, as Stephanie was serving slices and chatting up a storm, she casually turned her concentration to Conner as well.
“By the way, when’s your Birthday?”
Both boys stiffened, eyeing each other and the single elder in the room surreptitiously. Although the revelation of Tim’s past had made it easier for the others to come forward with their secrets, Steph’s mother was the only one not in the know now. Still, Stephanie’s question stood sincerely. As far as her mom was concerned, all three of her daughter’s college-mates just so happened to be orphans from a young age, and she would ensure they each received proper loving attention and care while in her home.
“I… don’t actually know.”
Conner admitted, poking at the frosting with his fork, and both hosts’ hearts broke a little bit.
“You mean you’ve never even had a Birthday party?”
She shot a sharp glare towards Tim, who shrank into his chair. Sympathy for his “circumstances” had run out by this point it seemed – at least when it came to ignoring others’ needs as a result.
“It’s okay, really.” Conner hurriedly leapt to his pal’s defense. “It’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal.” She clenched her fist determinedly. “We’ll just need to pick a date to celebrate then.”
“March 21st.”
Cassandra spoke up softly all of a sudden. All four stared at her in surprise.
“Eh? But that’s already passed!”
Cass fixated firmly on Conner though, and so Steph nodded.
“March 21st it is then. We’ll just have to have a belated celebration.” She enthused with a grin, growing more and more excited as she already began scheming, rubbing her hands together gleefully. “And make it a big one.”
After the festivities died down and Cass and Conner had politely taken their leave for the evening – in order to give the pair of “lovebirds” some privacy – Steph ironically had to search the house for said lover/Birthday Boy, who had somehow managed to disappear during the farewells. Scratching her skull in puzzlement, an idea eventually occurred to her, and she headed up to her bedroom, waltzing over to the open window and poking her head out.
“There you are. Thought I might find you up here.”
She exclaimed upon twisting around to spot a familiar shadow crouched overhead.
“Guess you can’t keep a Robin off the roofs after all,” he shrugged.
“Or him from ninja-vanishing all of a sudden,” she rolled her irises, climbing out to come join him. “Didn’t know ‘hide-and-seek’ was on the games roster for entertainment tonight.”
“I wasn’t… hiding,” he sulked, scooching aside to provide her space. “I was just… remembering something.”
She scanned his hunched form, reaching out for his hand as she gently laid a palm on top, imbricating digits like the tiles beneath.
“Sorry. Was it too much?”
“No, it’s not that. Everything was great. I really appreciate it. It’s just…” He exhaled, examining the stars above, half-envisioning witnessing a bat-shaped silhouette against the moon’s bright backdrop. “Getting to wear the suit – officially – and go out on patrol for the first time was the first Birthday present Bruce ever gave me. …The best, most awesome gift in the world, I thought.”
Her spirit sank again as she squeezed his fingers, and he shared the grip.
“For the longest time,” he continued spitefully, “I hated the fact I was even born. I never even wanted to think about it anymore. I mean, why the hell did God – or whoever – put me on this earth, just to take everything I ever loved away from me? Hurt everyone I’ve come in contact with? First my mom, then Dad, then the very thing I had worked so hard to achieve…”
His gorge corked with a wounded choke, capping speech. Vision lowering, he rotated slowly towards Steph, who was watching him with wide, wet pupils, overflowing with compassion and concern. At length, he managed a comforting smile.
“But, for the first time since then – I’m glad I was born. …Because I got to meet you.”
She beamed back, and flung her arms around him in an abrupt embrace, nearly knocking him off-balance just like a certain someone did all those years ago.
“Hey, careful! Or we’ll both fall.”
“Please. It’s not like we can fall any further than we already have, right? That means things can only start looking up from now on.” (…And besides, if they did fall, at least they’d fall together.)
Tim couldn’t help but chuckle mildly, reciprocating the gesture.
“Man, where do you get all that optimism from?”
“Definitely not my father,” she retorted, snorting. “I only inherited his hair.”
She leaned those golden locks against his breast, closing her eyes as she listened to his heartrate, confirming that there was, indeed, a life still beating inside there. A life she promised to treasure from now on, honor and protect no matter what – even if the rest of the world had forsaken it. A life that deserved to live. …And to love.
“By the way, that reminds me – I still haven’t given you your Birthday kiss yet.”
She grinned, and clutched his T-shirt collar, pulling him down into a powerful, passionate kiss – nearly a minute long. At first he seemed to awkwardly ache to avert away as usual, but after the first thirty seconds his brain just went totally blank as he stopped flailing and let her keep going, melting into her mouth. She smirked inwardly in satisfaction, aware this could probably be considered more of an assau- er, “present” to herself; a “reward” for all her patience. Knowing he’d never actually take this kind of forward initiative on his own unless she prompted him.
As they separated at last, Tim gaped at her in marvel, still reeling.
“Holy cow.”
“Some present?”
Perhaps she couldn’t compete with costumes and crimebusting, but she did take pride in being able to render him speechless at least.
“I, uh- wow.”
Stephanie giggled as she jabbed a teasing poke at his chest.
“Congrats, you’re a real man now. Which means you’ll take responsibility, right?”
“Yeah… Wait, what just happened?”
Steph could hardly suppress her snickers as it seemed her poor “prey” had lost all capacity for reason – in essence mentally regressing to a shutdown state, even though he was supposed to be a fully trained “detective”. …Her laughter faded though as a vision of said “victim” – mute and confused – crossed her consciousness, and a gnawing sense of guilt for letting her selfish impulse run rampant overtook her conscience instead.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to force you… I’m not trying to put pressure on you or anything…”
Detecting her regret, Tim shook his head.
“No, no, it’s okay. I don’t mind. I… like that spontaneous side of you. Besides,” he scratched his scruff sheepishly, recalling his own rash declaration of devotion, “…We’ve been doing this all out of order anyway. And, to be honest, I’m kinda relieved you took the next step. I know you’ve been trying to be considerate, but… You don’t always have to hold yourself back around me either. I told you, I’m not a kid – so you don’t have to keep treating me like one.”
She relaxed as he clasped her wrist consolingly, standing up with a wink.
“Even so, I doubt my mother would approve of us staying up here and making out all night. Come on then, Boy- sorry, Man Virgin, let’s get back inside. Before Mom sees us together up here and throws a fit.”
When Tim returned to the loft, he could hear the T.V. on upstairs. Checking his watch, he was rather impressed that his brother wasn’t already out at some bar right now. Tiptoeing up to the higher level, Dick swiftly swiveled around upon perceiving his passage, shutting off the box before his lil bro could see.
“Oh hey, you’re back. Didn’t hear you come in, you’re getting pretty good at that stealth thing again. Have you been practicing?” he babbled, clicking his teeth in commendation, but seeming extremely tense for some reason.
A shrug. “Just a bit, I guess.”
“So, uh, how was the party?”
Tim startled. “You knew about it?”
“Conner called and told me beforehand,” he confessed, “just in case anything went… unexpected.”
It was then that Tim noted the number of alcohol canisters on the table… Yet none of them seemed actually opened. The keys to the cycle were also laid out beside them, and Dick’s eye flicked towards the target of Tim’s sight, attempting not-so-subtly to retrieve and replace them back in his pocket.
“…You could’ve come too, you know.”
“Nah, figured you’d probably want to spend it with your friends. …I got you something though.” He fished for a small, square package, thinly wrapped. “I know you don’t usually like to celebrate, but I figured it’s as good an opportunity as any to give you this. …Happy Birthday, Tim.”
Tim bewildered as Dick handed him the packet, and he tore it open cautiously to reveal a CD case – the very same one he had broken back in autumn.
“This is… How did you find this? I looked everywhere online to try and get you another, but they were all out of printed stock, and no one else was selling it – not even in digital format for download… Plus, you should be the one to have this…”
“I have my resources,” Dick murmured mysteriously. “Anyway, don’t even try to give it back to me. Keep it, it’s yours.”
Tim swallowed, but gratefully received the gift.
“Don’t mention it. What are big brothers for? Although…” Dick’s tenor lessened a little. “I guess you don’t really need me to look after you anymore. I mean, you’re practically an adult now. With a fiancé and everything.”
Tim blushed as his inescapable humiliation was once again brought up. He was never going to live this one down, was he?
“Look, that was just something I blurted out in the heat of the moment. You don’t… need to take it too seriously.”
“Are you kidding, you two are gonna make a great husband and wife couple.” Grayson gleamed, goadingly nudging an elbow into rather conveniently located ribs. “You’ll get married, move out, and have a bunch of adorable ickle egghead kiddies so their Unkie Dick can spoil them rotten.”
“Oh my God, stop.”
Tim’s complexion flushed a full tomato tone as he punched insistently at Dick’s shoulder. The older male kept sniggering despite the pain though, and as revenge, Tim snatched the remote from the sofa. Dick’s eye enlarged in alarm as he endeavored to wrest it back, but Tim triumphantly held it out of his range, possessing the current high ground advantage.
“So what were you watching before I came in anyway? I bet it was something really dirty…”
He mused mockingly as he turned on the tube again, aiming to find out just what the guy had been hiding – figuring it was probably porn or some shit.
The footage that flickered on wasn’t what he anticipated though – it was an old, black and white film. A young man and woman were singing together (horribly out-of-tune) amidst hydrangea bushes, the latter dressed in what appeared to be some kind of bathrobe.
“What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.”
“…It’s a Wonderful Life?” Tim raised an astonished eyebrow. “In the middle of summer?”
“You’ve seen it?”
Dick rejoined, equally amazed.
“Bruce always made me watch it with him on Christmas.”
“…Did he really now.”
There was a beat of brief silence between them, as an old man on the monitor berated the boy for his woeful efforts at wooing.
“Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death?”
“Want me to kiss her, huh?”
“Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!”
Tim finally cleared his throat.
“…You mind if I join you?”
“You sure?”
Dick glimpsed uneasily at the monochrome motion picture.
“Yeah. It’s fine. …It’s a good flick.”
Tim came around the couch as Dick obligingly shifted over to offer a spot on the cushions. He also picked up a can and passed it towards Tim.
“You… do realize I’m still underage, right?”
“Consider it an advance on your next couple Birthdays.”
Tim took it, and the two concurrently cracked open their drinks and downed a shot. Dick looked down at the remaining liquid, swirling sullenly.
“You know, Christmas was kinda lonely this year.”
“You mean you didn’t bring some chick back to your place?”
“Nah. Didn’t seem like the right mood.”
Tim studied him for an extensive interim.
“I hope you know… No matter what, you can always think of the two of us as family.”
Dick’s lid batted once as he heard his own words echoed back at him, followed by a light thump on his backside.
“Us guys, we gotta stick together, right?”
Dick lifted, and radiated wryly as he ruffled his younger sibling’s scalp.
“Heh. You really have grown up, haven’t you, huh?”
Tim smiled back, and hoisted his beverage, connecting to his comrade’s with a clink.
“Here’s to survival, old chum.”
In the moment I was born, I wouldn't stop screaming Saying that I wanted to fade away and disappear Ever since the day I stopped, I had always been searching, For the one I'd someday meet, For the you that has to leave With this endless pain in my heart, tearing me apart, but also you beside me Can't you see how happy I'd be? I'd smile and I'd say, "It was all for the best you see" As the world in front of me melts and fades away, I only have one thing to say: These miracles flooding me won't make it go away Because I can still hear your voice calling out my name
#TimSteph#Tim Drake#Timmy Todd#Stephanie Brown#Dick Grayson#Conner Kent#Cassandra Cain#Batman the Animated Series#Batman Beyond#DCAU#Return of the Joker#fanfiction#starstories#posting this slightly later than planned due to an unfortunate power outage#sorry for the wait
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Alright, let's dive into your detailed tarot spread for the rest of August, September, and that potential travel next week! 🎴✨
Rest of August
1. Current Energy: 7 of Swords You're playing a game of strategy right now. 🕵️♂️ Maybe you’re holding back, not revealing all your cards (pun intended) because you sense some trickiness in your surroundings. It’s like you’re a chess master, anticipating the moves of others before they even think of them.
2. Challenges: 4 of Pentacles Oof, you’re clinging tight, aren’t you? 🪙 Whether it’s money, emotions, or even your thoughts, you’re holding on for dear life. But darling, sometimes letting go allows more to flow in. Fear of loss might be clouding your judgment right now.
3. Opportunities: Ace of Cups & The Sun HELLOOO, new beginnings and happiness! 🌞💧 The universe is like, “Here’s a fresh start, hun.” Whether it’s love, creativity, or something that just fills your heart, this is a BIG YES from the cosmos. And The Sun? Oh, you’re about to shine so brightly, everyone’s gonna need sunglasses to look at you.
4. Outcome by the End of August: Judgment Time for reflection and awakening. �� You’ll be hearing a call, loud and clear—maybe it’s time to forgive, move on, or step into your true purpose. It’s like the universe is blowing a trumpet in your face, asking, “Are you ready to level up?”
September Overview
5. General Energy of the Month: 3 of Wands You’re looking ahead, my love, planning for the future. 🌄 September is all about expansion, vision, and waiting for those ships to come in. You’re ready to explore new horizons, and you’ve got the patience to see things through.
6. Key Focus: 8 of Wands WOOOSH! Things are about to speed up. 🚀 Communication, travel, decisions—you name it, it’s happening fast. So, buckle up because September isn’t waiting for anyone.
7. Biggest Challenge: King of Swords, Death, Hierophant & 6 of Pentacles Whoa, a power-packed combo here. ⚔️🔮 The challenge? Making decisions with clarity and authority (King of Swords), embracing transformation (Death), sticking to your values (Hierophant), and balancing giving with receiving (6 of Pentacles). You might feel like you’re going through a bit of a rebirth—don’t resist it. Let go of the old to make room for the new.
8. Advice for September: Temperance, 2 of Cups & Queen of Cups Balance is key, darling. 🌈 Keep your cool, blend your energies, and stay emotionally grounded (Temperance). There’s a sweet partnership or relationship energy here (2 of Cups), so nurture those connections. And with the Queen of Cups, let your intuition guide you, honey. Be loving, compassionate, and a little bit psychic.
9. End of Month Outcome: Empress & 10 of Pentacles You’re the queen of abundance! 👑 September ends with you feeling like the Empress, surrounded by comfort, creativity, and maybe even some family vibes. And with the 10 of Pentacles? Long-term success, legacy, and stability are on the horizon. You’re building something that lasts.
Travel Next Week
10. Is There a Travel Opportunity? 7 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords & The Fool Looks like travel’s been on your mind, but you’re overthinking it, love. 🧳 With the 7 of Pentacles, you’ve been patiently waiting, but the 9 of Swords says there’s some anxiety. However, The Fool is here to say, “Take the leap!” Whether it’s a planned trip or a spontaneous adventure, the universe is nudging you to go for it.
11. When Could This Travel Happen? The Chariot Sooner than you think! 🏎️ The Chariot is all about movement, so pack your bags because this trip could happen quickly, maybe even early next week. It’s all about taking control and charging ahead.
12. Where Might You Travel? The Devil & Page of Pentacles Hmm, this could be somewhere that tempts you or pulls you into a new opportunity. 🌆 The Devil suggests there might be some strings attached or it’s a place that’s hard to resist. The Page of Pentacles? It’s likely somewhere practical, maybe related to work or study. A mix of indulgence and responsibility.
13. How Will the Travel Unfold? 3 of Swords & The Hermit This journey might bring some introspection, and not all of it will be easy. 🛤️ The 3 of Swords hints at a possible emotional challenge, maybe even a moment of heartbreak or realization. But The Hermit? This trip could be deeply spiritual or enlightening, helping you see things from a new perspective.
14. Advice for This Trip: Ace of Pentacles Look for the new opportunity, darling. 🌱 This travel could open doors, so keep your eyes peeled for that golden chance. Whether it’s a new job, project, or even just a fresh start, the Ace of Pentacles is telling you to grab it!
Bottom of the Deck: The Tower Okay, the Tower as the underlying energy means there’s some BIG change coming, probably unexpected. ⚡ This could be the universe’s way of clearing out the old to make way for the new. Whatever it is, just know that it’s all part of the process—stay flexible and ready to adapt.
And there you have it! 🌟 Seems like the rest of August and September are gonna be a wild ride with some significant shifts and potential travels. The universe is shaking things up, but in a good way—just remember to keep your cool and go with the flow. And hey, while you’re at it, why not blast "Dangerously" by Charlie Puth on repeat? It’s definitely giving those intense, passionate vibes. 🎶
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What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it?
Hey! Thanks for the questions! You can't really tell this that much based on the way I answered these, but all of my MC's/OC's are in the same room together doing this interview. The questions are from this ask!
3). What is your favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My favorite childhood memory is when my siblings (Elizabeth and Parker) and I would do a talent show with our cousins. We each did something different for our own separate sections, I usually did a song or a dance I had been learning for a competition. And since a lot of us were involved in dance and theater due to out parents, at the end we did a big cheesy dance number. It was always very fun and lighthearted and brought all of us closer together."
Claire: "My favorite childhood memory is when my grandmother and I would bake together. It was always so relaxing and it was something that I could do with someone who thought I was important at a time where home was not great."
Adelaide: "My favorite childhood memory is when my twin brother, Atlas, and I shared a room. We were little and while out parents always tried to make sure it was clean, we would always mess it up within like an hour after it was fully cleaned because we would make a big fort or something. It reminds me of when we were closer, not saying that we aren't close now, but there are times where I wish Atlas and I could be little again and making blanket forts and not having to care about the things that we thought was so far away at that time like paying rent and whatever else we didn't have to think about."
Charlie: "My favorite childhood memory is growing up with my siblings and doing the same sports as them. When I was a freshman, my older sister Athena was a senior and my older sister Summer was a junior and we were on the same volleyball team which was fun because I got to play alongside them and cheer them on during their senior nights. I also was on our school's co-ed swim team which I did with my younger brothers, Aaron and Sage, which was also fun because they were very supportive and I felt very proud of them, especially when they did well. Plus, I am the only one in our family to do a school activity with all of my siblings, so I feel like I won a competition or something."
4). Least favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My least favorite childhood memory was when my dog, Daisy who was a Yorkshire Terrier was ran over by a car. We had just gotten home and were sending out the dogs one at a time because if all 3 of the dogs we had at the time went outside together, it would be too much chaos and we were trying to get our oldest dog, Miley, outside and Daisy just bolted out the door and into the road and she was ran over by a car. She survived thankfully but she did have to have surgery and some casts for a little while but she made it through for a few more years."
Claire: "My least favorite memory is when my grandmother passed away when I was 12. For about a year or so prior to her death, she had been switching back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home due to some complications. And then about a year of hopping between the two, she said, or more likely wrote because she couldn't speak very well in her last couple of months, she had enough and wanted to stay at the nursing home until she passed, which was hard to hear at 11/12 because she is the one who said it and while I don't blame her or anything, it was hard knowing that she did as much as she could and it still wasn't enough."
Adelaide: "My least favorite childhood memory is when my older brother Rowan went off to college. At that time, Atlas and I were only like 7 years old and we had like no perception of time, so what we thought was that he was going to be gone forever but reality it was only a month or two at a time because of breaks and stuff. We also were all very close even though Atlas and I were 11 years younger than Rowan."
Charlie: "My least favorite childhood memory is when I broke both bones in my lower right arm. I was 8 and playing on a swing set when no one was around me at the time and I wanted to stop, so I went to go put my feet on the ground to stop myself. And where the little play set with the swings was placed, it was dirt underneath but there were roots of a nearby tree that kind of stuck out of the ground and my feet got caught by it and I fell and used my arm to break my fall and ended up breaking both of the bones in my lower arm. Which wasn't fun because it was near the start of winter and it was my dominant arm so i couldn't use it and at school when we would do assignments I had to have my teachers write for me."
8). What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Brooklyn: "Probably seeing my family doing theater and dance. They're the reason why I do what I do and I can't thank them enough. I always try to invite them to any event I can and show them appreciation for what they did for me and how I have the privilege to be as successful as I am because of their help."
Claire: "I think what had the biggest impact on me growing up was the favoritism of my younger sister. While I did have my own activities and things like that, I definitely felt my parents always being at everything for my sister. Like if I had something coming up, my parents would 99 percent of the time either had something to do with my sister or would say that they had something with my sister and would go do something else."
Adelaide: "What had the biggest impact on me growing up was growing up with two brothers. Having two brothers was interesting because I was told that doing things for me was vastly different from my two brothers even though I was the same age as one of them. It wasn't a bad thing in my opinion just interesting."
Charlie: "What had a big impact on me growing up was probably being the middle child. I felt like there were times that I was seen as too young or too old to hang out with my siblings at times and since there was 5 of us I felt like everyone had a partner except for me. But I didn't feel like that all the time because of sports and school activities which I am thankful for."
6). What is the hardest thing you have had to do?
Brooklyn: "Probably standing up for myself against people within the industry even though it is very hard. There a lot about the industry that is hidden and comes to light later down the road and it can be scary for anyone, especially those who don't have much power or respect. Trying to make it in the industry, no matter which side, is hard enough for the people who don't already have a way in and then having the added barrier of people only giving you jobs if you sexually satisfy them or satisfy them in a similar way is really frustrating for people who want to come into the industry."
Claire: "The hardest thing I have had to do is the chemical attack. It was during a time when I didn't believe in myself, and there were things going on in my personal life at the time. It was hard knowing what was going on and what people would be going through, such as the families of Bobby and Danny who had died due to what had happened. Knowing that I was partially to blame for it still haunts me to this day, but I am grateful to be around people who support me and care for me after everything."
Adelaide: "The hardest thing I had to do was probably go to med school. It was the first time where I had been away from my family for a while, especially Atlas. He had been going to school on the West Coast while I went to school on the east coast. Undergrad was the hardest as at least with Med School, my best friend Claire (Evans) and I were on the same campus and shared a dorm for our time there and we also went to hospitals within the same area so that part wasn't difficult. Undergrad, I was by myself and knew absolutely no one."
Charlie: "The hardest thing was probably losing my grandparents at a young age. My maternal grandpa and paternal grandma both died due to cancer when I was little and then my paternal grandpa had died prior to my birth. My maternal grandma was also sick during my senior year and died only two months before my graduation which was hard."
13). You have an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it?
Brooklyn: "Well if you asked me when I was little then I probably would have said little dog houses all over the world. But now I would probably say either a theater in my hometown or a women's shelter."
Claire: "Umm... Selfishly I would say another location of my hometown's coffee shop and put it here in Boston. But also free period products, birth control, and help line information for different needs in stations all over the country."
Adelaide: "Yeah. I would also say resource stations around the country. But also I would love to have the view I had in Greece from my room here in Boston but at that point I should just move to Greece instead, it would be a lot cheaper."
Charlie: "I would probably build free donation buildings for good condition clothes. People could donate their clothes that were in good condition and look through other clothes and they could be free."
Any other questions?
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"Catching Fire", Chapter 14
Part 2: The Quell
Chapter 14: Katniss knows she won't write goodbye letters to her family. Effie has an idea. They watch the recap. Katniss has nighmares so Peeta and she watch the tape of Haymitch's games. Haymitch says his trick with the force field was almost as bad as Katniss with the berries.
-- A lot of faves first appear in this chapter. I am excite.
-- The Victor of the 25th Hunger Games is not in the lot Effie sent. Peeta thinks "they must be dead." I suppose the Victor could've just had cancer or drinked themselves to death. I immediately suspected foul play though. I always assume the Capitol is up to something.
-- I might have to put my thoughts on Haymitch's games in a separate post. SO MUCH HAPPENING.
"I had it especially done to match Katniss' pin. I was thinking we might get you a golden ankle band and maybe find Haymitch a gold bracelet or something so we could all look like a team."
Effie expresses herself with fashion, guys. She had her hair done to match Katniss' pin before the Reaping to show her solidarity. IDK why this makes me want to cry. It's not rebellion really. It's more like Effie is like one of those sportsball fans who paints themself in their team's colors. Except she's not just rooting for 12 to win some trophy, but to live.
If he were the tribute, he would have owed Peeta nothing and could be as drunk as he liked. Now it's going to take all he's got to keep Peeta alive in an arena full of his old friends, and he'll probably fail.
I think we're all lucky Haymitch wasn't the tribute in that case. Being hungover in the clock arena sounds miserable (so much lightning and noise!) Although maybe if Haymitch and Katniss had been the tributes they would've just jumped off their podiums and high-fived each other before drowning themselves in the sea?
In the history of the Games, there have been seventy-five victors. Fifty-nine are still alive.
33 victors are NOT reaped but killed between now and the end of Mockingjay. More than die in the Arena. You actually had a better shot if you volunteered. (Congrats, Enobaria.)
Effie makes hushed, distressed comments like "Oh, not Cecilia" and "Well, Chaff never could stay out of a fight.""
I understand the "not Cecilia comment" since we are later told that she has three small children. Did Chaff volunteer? Or is it just he got reaped so "oh well he could never stay out of a fight"?
I try to make some mental record of the other tributes, but like last year, only a few really stick in my head. There's the classically beautiful brother and sister from District 1 who were victors in consecutive years when I was little. Brutus, a volunteer from District 2, who must be at least forty and apparently can't wait to get back in the arena. Finnick, the handsome bronze-haired guy from District 4 who was crowned ten years ago at the age of fourteen. A hysterical young woman with flowing brown hair is also called from 4, but she's quickly replaced by a volunteer, an eighty-year-old woman who needs a cane to walk to the stage. Then there's Johanna Mason, the only living female victor from 7, who won a few years back by pretending she was a weakling. The woman from 8 who Effie calls Cecelia, who looks about thirty, has to detach herself from the three kids who run up to cling to her. Chaff, a man from 11 who I know to be one of Haymitch's particular friends, is also in.
First appearance of my beloved Mags! Also I'd like to see the footage of Johanna rolling her eyes as they brought out the reaping bowl with just her name in it. It also means Johanna has known for months that she is going back to the Arena. I wonder how she handled it compared to Katniss?
After the anthem, they show President Snow drawing the envelope for the second Quarter Quell. He looks younger but just as repellent.
So Snow definitely moved up from Gamemaker to President by 50. But Finnick says he was a "young man" when he rose to power so I am thinking he became President around 25. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
#thg reread#catching fire#mags flanagan#chaff#finnick#johanna mason#quarter quell#coriolanus snow#president snow
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sims tag
Thank you @occultpuppy for the tag! In classic Bats fashion, I am filling this out 4 billion years late.
1. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I used to be hardcore Maxis Match but I am getting into Maxis Mix these days because of the characterization you can achieve with skin details and eyes.
2. What’s your favourite sims death? Few deaths are as good as the Mummy’s Curse in Sims 3. Honorable mentions go to pufferfish nigiri and deathl-scented flower arrangements for hot babes that do murder.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? I’ve had a vain sim buy the insta-lean reward before, but I hated the result so I haven’t used it since. Other than that, no.
4. Do you use move objects? Who doesn’t???
5. Favorite mod? I’ve been playing this game waaaay too long to have just one favorite, lol. If I have to choose just one to feature right now… TOOL, maybe? But the Nraas suite from the Sims 3 days is also a contender.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Of all time, Livin’ Large, of course. I usually get the first expansion for each installment of the series. I got all of the Sims 4 expansions at once, though.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or Living? Live as in alive. Sorry, folks.
8. Have you made a simself? I tried once but it looked nothing like me. I’m not really a simself kind of player.
9. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Come onnnn don’t ask me thisssss. If we’re talking completely from scratch, I have to say Biagio. I think Luisa is a really good-looking sim, but she’s technically based on her Sims 3 counterpart who was born in-game.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? If I have to pick just 3 traits from Sims 4, it’s probably Art Lover, Perfectionist, and Jealous.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Probably platinum blonde? Or possibly the brown and gray for added townie flavor.
12. Favorite EA hair? I really couldn’t tell you. It’s probably a male hair. A lot of CC male hair is a little too K-pop for my taste.
13. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I like a healthy mix of both, but I’m bad at building so it gives me anxiety. That’s when I set the game down and walk away for several months. 🙃
14. Favorite life stage? None! I play on really long lifespans and it’s a joy to watch a sim go through them all.
15. Are you a CC creator? I’ve recolored things for myself and make my own poses, but I don’t follow any quality control so I don’t share them.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Not really. :( Most of my mutuals from the Sims 3 era seem to have retired. Shout out to the people that do consistently interact with my stuff. <3 I’m trying to be more active so I can connect with people again.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) They’re all special in their own way! If I have to pick, it’s a toss-up between 2 and 3. Sims 2 had some of the last really EXCELLENT writing of the series, and Sims 3 is still undefeated in terms of sandbox gameplay.
18. Do you have any sims merch? No, lol. I think I had that USB at one point. No idea what happened to that.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? No, but I want one!!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I used to play strictly one family legacy-style on normal lifespans, trying to get as many generations as possible. Now I like to take more time with my characters to develop them. Now I play extreeeemely long lifespans and rotate between many families.
21. What’s your Origin ID? 🏴☠️
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Don’t make me pick, lol. Just scroll my finds blog @batsfinds or my Pinterest.
23. How long have you had a simblr? Since November, 2011 🥲 Fuck, I’m old.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade + Photoshop/Lightroom
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I really like Vampires and Cottage Living.
Thanks for reading! Tagging my love, @veryflirtytransportalate and you, dear reader!
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