Don't Screw This Up, Hamegg
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Independent RP blog for Acetylene Lamp from Osamu Tezuka's Star System
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
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The AO3 Tag of the Day is: The Midwest
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
Would have been a shame to miss my break.
[Lamp smirked down at him, resting a hand in the counter beside him.]
Y’mean after work? I hadn’t locked anything down yet.
[He let him pull away to keep working, but he kept his eyes on him, smiling.]
As for now, think it might be time for my legally mandated break, don’t you think? We ain’t runnin’ a sweatshop here.
[Ham snickered some.]
Yeah, that’s true. 
[He finally finished putting the groceries away, leaning against the counter with his arms folded and grinning just a little.] 
Good thing I came back when I did~.
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
Y’mean after work? I hadn’t locked anything down yet.
[He let him pull away to keep working, but he kept his eyes on him, smiling.]
As for now, think it might be time for my legally mandated break, don’t you think? We ain’t runnin’ a sweatshop here.
… Yeah. Probably right.
[He stepped over and pressed a kiss to his scalp as an apology for bringing it up.]
[It was going to still take some getting used to feeling that kind of contact again. It kinda tingled. Ham offered a sheepish smile and went to start putting some of the groceries away.]
So, um, any plans for today?
[Not that he expected to get more than a few hours of interaction, considering there was the other Ham to worry about. Hrm.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
Please reblog this if you’re someone who would be interested in roleplaying polyamorous relationships.
As someone who is poly, there is very little representation of my relationship structure in media/RP, and that’s sort of frustrating. I would like to find more people to rp this type of relationship with.
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[He looked a little startled before brushing it off.]
I’m sure it’s just the lightin’. I’m fine.
... Yeah. Probably right.
[He stepped over and pressed a kiss to his scalp as an apology for bringing it up.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
I’ll give you a pain in the ass, if that’s what you want.
[Gave him a playful spank, though it was more of just a splash under the water. Really can’t spank underwater, doesn’t really work.]
Oh, sure, leave it to me to have to stay awake like this.
[He ducked his head to kiss him, nibbling his cheek.]
You’re the one who wanted to stay in here.
[Ham grumbled a little before giving Lamp a small pinch for his teasing.]
You’re such a pain in the ass.
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[He flushed a little before clearing his throat.]
Oh, uh, sure. I’d appreciate it.
[Ham offered him a bag or two to carry while he handled the rest while they headed into the kitchen.]
[Chuckling, he accepted the bags and walked with him. Gave him a look over, brows furrowing.]
You alright? You’re looking a little... er. Faded?
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[He turned around after placing the last glove on, smiling sheepishly.]
Oh, uh…it’s okay. I had an umbrella with me. I managed. Heh.
[Ham rubbed at the back of his head some.] 
How’s work going?
[Lamp rolled his eyes at the question, coming over to slip an arm over the little bot’s shoulders and walk him out to the kitchen.]
Getting through it for now, but I’m ready for a distraction. Oh, hey look. It’s a distraction.
[He gave him a playful squeeze.]
You need a hand putting that stuff away?
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
Oh, sure, leave it to me to have to stay awake like this.
[He ducked his head to kiss him, nibbling his cheek.]
You’re the one who wanted to stay in here.
T’keep you warm, or t’keep you awake?
[He snorted, fingers tangling in his curls.]
Mm…why not both?
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
T’keep you warm, or t’keep you awake?
[He snorted, fingers tangling in his curls.]
Just don’t fall asleep in here.
[He mumbled, himself already comfortable enough that he might do it anyway.]
You’ll catch a cold.
[He nosed into his chest, yawning.]
That’s why you’re here.
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[Lamp was in his home office that day, trying to keep the peace between his husbands by keeping them apart. It was one of the reasons he didn’t protest when the robotic version decided to go shopping. Meant he could take a break from going between rooms to make sure they wouldn’t run into one another.
He probably should have checked the forecast, however. What with how well robots went with water. He got up when he heard the door rattle, prepared to throw in a body-block should Ham poke his head out.]
Welcome home, babe. Sorry about the rain.
[He had become increasingly aware that his skin was tinting to a more grey hue. His own fault, likely, since he’d gone grocery shopping while it was raining. He had an umbrella, but his hands were definitely looking…gray.
WELL so much for going out and being useful. But he did bring the bags back home while quickly finding a pair of gloves. He’d ask Cad about this later…maybe. He was probably overreacting and fine. Just would need a touch up or something.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
Just don’t fall asleep in here.
[He mumbled, himself already comfortable enough that he might do it anyway.]
You’ll catch a cold.
[Lamp chuckled, tugging him to his chest and reclining in the tub.] Alright, you win. We can stay and soak.
That’s what I thought.
[He smirked and relaxed against him again, arms wrapped lazily around his middle.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[Lamp chuckled, tugging him to his chest and reclining in the tub.] Alright, you win. We can stay and soak.
You’re gonna make us go pruney.
[Lamp teased, brushing his cheek with his thumb before stealing another quick kiss.]
You wanna be a puny prune?
Not that long, don’t be melodramatic.
[Snorted but enjoyed the little kiss in the meantime.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[He’d entertain the lip nibble, mood lifted considerably. Soothing bath and his husband’s company probably helped that.] 
…think I’ll stay in here a while.
[Ham gave a little smirk.]
You’re gonna make us go pruney.
[Lamp teased, brushing his cheek with his thumb before stealing another quick kiss.]
You wanna be a puny prune?
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[Just what he needed; dueling Ham hickies. He wasn’t complaining, mind. He liked having his husband tucked up in his lap, warm water surrounding them while he enjoyed his grip on him. He rewarded him with a gentle lip nibble.]
[Yes. Just… keep thinking that, Ham. It’s fine, obviously he wasn’t getting intimate with the robotic copy of you that he’d been stepping out with for weeks until he was finally, finally allowed to bring him home. No way they were making out while you were at work. He leaned back just enough to try to catch his eye, then reached up to tilt his chin for a smooch.]
[Oh, he’d find out sooner or later. But for now, he was going to enjoy the kiss while his fingers dug lightly into Lamp’s shoulders. Perhaps later he’d leave him a proper hickey.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[Hmph. Could Lamp had gotten it from the robot, even? Didn’t have lips, last he saw him. Sigh. No need to get upset, was probably one of those chicks or something. Whatever.] …mhm.
[Yes. Just... keep thinking that, Ham. It’s fine, obviously he wasn’t getting intimate with the robotic copy of you that he’d been stepping out with for weeks until he was finally, finally allowed to bring him home. No way they were making out while you were at work. He leaned back just enough to try to catch his eye, then reached up to tilt his chin for a smooch.]
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acetylenelamp · 8 years ago
[Lamp hummed contentedly into the kiss, not yet cognizant that he was being spotted out. He ran his hands up Ham's shoulders, resting his cheek in his hair.] Thanks, babe.
[Lamp was more than happy to relax with him, though he was careful to keep his neck out of the water, lest the cover-up wash away. He really didn’t want to fight now.]
[Well, good luck because Ham was turning around a little to nose into Lamp’s neck to press a kiss. Took him a little to notice the…cover up. He squinted but didn’t say anything yet.]
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