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ruvviks · 4 months ago
// ocs as patron saints. [x]
tagged by; @katsigian, @deadrlngers and @devilbrakers, thank you so much!!
tagging; @mojaves, @dickytwister, @ordinarymaine, @claudiawolf and YOU!
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patron saint of remembering. patron saint of holding something close. patron saint of holding on for too long. for a saint, a relic is often a part of the body, kept for some physical memento of their holiness. they are all in your hands, now: does it feel like remembrance? does it feel sanctified? are the dust and blood as precious as they're supposed to be?
hindsight carries the gun of his deceased father, the last memory he holds of the past and of what used to be his family; he is alone, a vessel for all that used to be, carrying the burden of remembrance like a chain around his neck. he has made himself easily digestible, to fit in, to not stand out; yet the past clings to him tighter than the present and forces him on his knees, forced to worship a twisted and faux idyllic retelling of a place he can no longer get back to.
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not of comfort. not of condolences. there is a heart and there is a fissure, a fracture, something that starts to splinter and break open. you're the patron saint of the way a heart is rent open. the way it tears itself apart. patron saint of the rift. patron saint of the gash. when they say to "open your heart" to somebody, you are the patron saint of bleeding out.
erytheia is a grave domain cleric, and has witnessed more burials in her lifetime than any being ever should. she has seen the countless ways in which the best of her abilities still did not suffice, her healing more than often merely prolonging a life rather than saving it; and she carries the consequences of it wherever she goes, the faces of those who were left behind, the broken hearts and wails of sorrow like a symphony in the dead of night, chasing after the trail of blood left by her bleeding heart.
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patron saint of the life that flows through our bodies. patron saint of violence. patron saint of love. something that does not watch over but exists within: not for protection but for vitality. there is no passion without a beating heart at its core. when that heart breaks open, someone has to be responsible for what it bleeds.
juniper is full of life, full of passion. her heart hungers and beats viciously within her ribcage, threatening to burst out; all of which shows in her unexpected ferocity in battle, as well as in the way her hands hold the waist of her lover, whoever is within her reach when her desire threatens to spill over. a mouth that kisses as much as it bites, and teeth that graze vulnerable skin and dig into tender flesh; she is a predator, and gods save whoever becomes her next prey.
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ruvviks · 3 months ago
juniper + 4, 16, 29 / hindsight + 35, 30, 25, 11 / erytheia + 26, 12, 33 AND i would like to know about 8 for all three of them :]
d&d oc asks!
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8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
erytheia's nickname is niaue (pronounced ni-a-we)! she isn't entirely sure of the origins of the name but she just knows that it's her nickname, and people she has helped in the past tend to refer to her by this name as well when telling tales of her and her deeds
the name is actually a nickname that has been given to her by the tidemother, which is the deity she serves as a grave domain cleric! niaue means "lighthouse" in an ancient divine language that is not spoken anymore, and the tidemother gave erytheia this descriptive nickname because it fits who she is and how she helps people in need :]
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
erytheia is 32 years old, and she was born on the 25th of nyn; the second month of the year and the last winter month. she hasn't celebrated her birthday in many years, since in genasi culture (in my homebrew world) it is mostly celebrated with family; erytheia has not been home since the age of 19, and thus has not felt the need to celebrate since it would not be the same without her parents and siblings there :(
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
erytheia prefers to float, since she, surprisingly enough, is VERY clumsy when she's walking. she's incredibly tall and a bit lanky and often forgets about it, and she hits her head into door frames and ceilings a LOT (also when floating but she can be a lot more graceful about it then JSKGJFDKGDFJG). she only ever walks when out with @mojaves' oc bela, because he's much smaller than she is and she wants to be able to hold on to his arm or hand :]
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
hindsight would describe erytheia as ethereal, and he means that wholeheartedly because he doesn't know many big words. he thinks it's amazing how she sees the good in basically everything and manages to stay so positive through it all; he tends to get very demotivated by bad situations pretty easily, but erytheia's attitude helps him power through and she's just very inspiring to him :]
juniper honestly shares that opinion, but for her it's more of a curious perspective rather than getting inspired by it. she's not entirely sure how erytheia can remain so positive especially taking into account what erytheia has seen and been through in her days; logically, anyone else in her position would not manage to be like that, and it makes juniper wonder what else is going on that the party so far does not know about her. putting all that aside, much like hindsight she sees erytheia as a very good friend, and she respects her a lot ^_^
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8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
hindsight gave himself his nickname, which is sort of comparable to a tiefling's virtue name except it's not really a virtue for him, but more just a rather ironic descriptive term that he started going by when he fled his home country, the frozen shore, after his father's death
the name mostly refers to how he shoots first and asks questions later, but at the same time it is also kind of meant ironically, referring to his entire life back in the frozen shore and how, in hindsight, almost none of the decisions he made in there had been the right ones. he's starting a new life AS hindsight, knowing what he knows now, and he builds up this whole fake persona to try and fit in with the crowds, trying to pass as human rather than embracing being a tiefling, having gone as far as getting rid of his horns and hiding his tail and everything :( with that i also accidentally ended up making him a trans allegory but that's a suitcase to unpack another day
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
the autism. straight up. getting embarrassed about having wants and needs, overly apologetic, absolutely cannot handle misunderstandings and needs to sort things out IMMEDIATELY to just get it over with. he's good at noticing changes in atmosphere or behaviors of others but doesn't know what to do about it, how to bring it up, and also what it's caused by, and his brain is quick to tell him that he did something wrong </3
tying in to what i said above with the trans allegory, that mostly comes from his relationship with his horns. he got rid of them because people stared at him because of them because they were so prominent and he didn't want them to be, he wanted to be able to blend in normally and be comfortable in his body. he got his horns removed, and then years later when he's comfortable in his body, he kinda wishes there had been a way for him to just keep his horns but be able to take them off on some days and then put them back on the next day. not regretting his decision, but just wishing that there had been an alternative now that he has the comfort that he wanted all those years ago. which is basically how i feel about my chest ^_^ so there's that
i would definitely get along with him. he's a bit defensive and sarcastic and kinda pessimistic but i do love to complain about situations and scenarios so we would be like them two old man muppets basically and get too caught up into the bit and piss everyone around us off. and the possessive sex would be out of this world
25. how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
hindsight's hearing and eyesight are both pretty decent!! in fact, perception is his expertise skill LMAO he used to be a guard so he has very sharp senses :] however he does need glasses to be able to see, which is why he's wearing those round glasses in the art i did of him :] his eyes are sensitive to sunlight so the glasses have a warm hue to them so he can see his surroundings better without getting blinded. when he learns how to read at some point (different suitcase for another day) he'll end up with rectangular little reading glasses too
30. do they smell like anything notable?
i'm always very bad at describing scents, but hindsight would smell very good. it'd be a warm and comfortable smell, like a hearth or a campfire in the woods; though not Literally that smell, but the warmth of it if that makes sense :] though there's definitely a hint of the crackle of a campfire in there because of him being a tiefling. but then mixed with a little bit of the sweetness of the marshmallow that you're roasting above it :]
35. do they ever return home?
quite literally in every way, yes. hindsight returns back to himself during the story, dropping the act and persona he made for himself by using his own accent again, showing his tail, and dropping the stoic and distant personality he created in order to keep people away from him. he also goes back to the frozen shore with the party, when they're forced to go there to investigate the next lead they have in the overarching storyline; and it even circles back to him being forced to return to the still ongoing trial surrounding his father's death, where hindsight's testimony can decide the fate of the rebels in the country which is part of the endgame of the whole story >:]
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4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
juniper is very resourceful! she thinks in solutions and is quick to jump between different plans when the party is getting stuck on something, and while she doesn't necessarily have all the skills to execute the plan herself, she is more than willing to take lead on it to get the others to focus too
one of her main focuses is learning more about the world, and with that she's always learning new things that can help the party out later in time, which also greatly contributes to how resourceful she is :]
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
juniper chose her nickname herself sometime after settling down in dumad, caspen, after she ended up on the material plane and gave up trying to get back to the feywild. she still goes by shivani to those closest to her, but prefers to introduce herself as juniper because to her it's her material plane name and it feels less heavy than her real name, which brings along (forgotten) memories from her time back in the feywild with her family :( as for now, the only one who knows about her real name is andy's oc mairwen!! though later in the story juniper will also tell the others about it :]
16. do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
right now, juniper does NOT have a pet but i have been thinking about giving her one :] the party does in fact travel with a cart pulled by two wingbeasts (imagine a snow leopard mixed with a dire wolf and a hyena, with big wings), which can be considered their shared pets in a way?? they're both boys, about four years old so they're still young, and their names are darshan and naghi :]
fun fact is that juniper actually came up with their names!! the names are from a feywild legend in my homebrew world, which tells the tale of lovers darshan and naghi who were the feywild's guardians, but from their position on the plane they couldn't do their jobs well and thus took positions in the sky; but their shared presence in the sky was too much for the feywild and it began to burn. the lovers had to make the difficult decision to no longer be present in the sky at the same time, darshan becoming the sun, naghi becoming the moon, which saved the feywild, but they could never be together ever again :( it is one of the few things juniper remembers from the place and she still loves the tale a lot <3
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
juniper can most of all be associated with blood. she's a warlock, and her patron is vashna, a primordial hag who feasts on blood, and juniper eventually ends up as some sort of vessel for vashna to sate her hunger. in fact, it affects juniper in such a way that she ends up cursed with lycanthropy at some point in the story >:]
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ruvviks · 3 months ago
BONES, i don't know if you''re still doing that ask meme, so how about a wildcard ask: which of your DND ocs would win in a fight?
OUHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! this one is very tricky because all three of them are very powerful in their own ways. i think erytheia would lose first because she's a cleric and thus more of a healer than a fighter, and despite having some strong spells in her arsenal she wouldn't be able to keep up with the other two :(
between hindsight and juniper... i feel like they both have an equal chance to win i think! hindsight is a gunslinger fighter and juniper is a great old one warlock, so it's trickshots versus eldritch blast and both have a LOT of potential; hindsight is very versatile and can switch over to fighting with a scimitar just as easily and he can land a lot of combos because of his extra attack, but juniper's eldritch blasts are INSANELY powerful and would very easily blast him off his feet
i think it would mostly depend on who gets the upper hand first; hindsight can choose to get close to juniper with melee combat, in which case he would win because she doesn't have a very high HP total. but if it comes down to ranged combat, then juniper would win because of her eldritch blasts, which would chew through hindsight's HP total pretty quickly
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ruvviks · 3 months ago
🌿 🌺 for hindsight :3
d&d oc asks!
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
hindsight likes quality time and having routines with people that are uniquely theirs :] he isn't the best with words most of the time and thus very quickly goes to rely on other ways to show that he cares, and this is most easily done for him by just hanging out with the rest of the party. he will join erytheia and juniper on their trips into town when they need to buy spellcasting materials, he will spar with mairwen when she needs a training partner, he will watch caius work on his little crafts and potions, and eventually he will even hang out with bela when the latter is working on his poetry
as for the routines, this is most clearly shown in how he prefers to share a bed or bedroll with caius whenever a situation allows it, how he keeps up the sort-of-hostile bit with bela (nagging each other constantly but it stopped being serious a long time ago), how he will generally only actually spar with mairwen, how he will only allow erytheia to heal him, and how he's always jumping to be the first to become juniper's lab rat when she wants to do some sort of experiment. it's little things that he ONLY ever does with that other person which makes it feel like a special moment and it means a lot to him, even though it may not always come across as such to others
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
hindsight luckily doesn't get a lot of nightmares anymore, but when it does happen he generally needs to be comforted by a friend; preferably caius, but the others would be able to help him too especially after they've traveled together for a while. when he's alone, he usually just hugs his tail for comfort until his heartbeat has settled down, which can take a while :( he doesn't really know any other ways to calm himself down so unless someone else teaches him some this is really all he knows and since he can be very stubborn when it comes to opening up to others it's definitely not something he will go seeking help for
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