#that maintaining that connection becomes much more difficult for them
chisatowo · 2 years
I think itd be funny if Tate and Lisa couldn't actually communicate telepathically or could only in a limited capacity, just them rehearsing a bunch of call and return lines during their free time and then they're forced to actually have a social interaction that lasts longer than a couple minutes and you can taste the violence in the air as one of them says smth the other wasn't expecting or that they don't know how to finish
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lancermylove · 5 months
Dark Side of Dating Him (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demons x gn!Reader
Warning: The warnings vary depending on the demon, but nothing too severe.
A/N: This is the dark side, so proceed with caution. If you guys like this HC, I can write one slightly darker and more situational.
Series: [Part 2]
Due to his pride, he may be emotionally distant and will not admit to mistakes easily. This could lead to a lack of a deep emotional connection.
He can be dominating and demanding, and at times, he may come off as if he is dictating the relationship. Lucifer likes and wants things to go his way, so compromising is difficult for him.
The Avatar of Pride is known for perfection, so his expectations are high for himself and for you. This could lead to a lot of mental pressure for you if you don't strive for perfection or are not meticulous.
Lucifer likes to maintain his appearance, dress well, and keep himself well-groomed. He expects the same from his partner, so if you like dressing down or prefer comfortable clothes, it may become an issue.
Due to his intimidating nature, it may be difficult to open up to him. Moreover, he tries to be understanding, but he isn't openly empathetic. So, he may come off as emotionally unavailable. At times, he might also come off as insensitive when you are being emotional, and Lucifer tells you to be mature and learn how to handle your emotions. He means well, but his way of saying it will be too straightforward.
Whether you like it or not, you will end up being roped into helping take care of his brothers. Due to Lucifer's busy schedule, you will most likely end up taking care of everyone by yourself most of the time.
Lucifer is busy, so he won't have much time to spend with you. Sometimes, even if you are married to him, you might feel lonely.
Say goodbye to your money because Mammon will 'borrow' it if needed. He might gamble it off and recklessly spend it, and there is also a very slim chance that he will pay it back.
Mammon gets easily jealous and won't like it if you spend too much time around other men, especially if he feels threatened by them. There may also be a bit of possessiveness involved.
Due to his sensitive nature, he might complain to you endlessly and use you as an emotional dump at times. He doesn't mean to, but he can't control himself, especially if Mammon is overloaded or stressed.
He isn't the smartest or sharpest demon, so there will be times when you will have to explain things to him in detail for him to understand. His initial reaction to your emotions may come off as insensitive as he may make casually straightforward statements (that he actually doesn't mean).
His need for greed might put you in dangerous situations; for example, he might carelessly say he will hand you over to his witch friends if he can't pay back their debt. Will he actually hand you over? No, but the witches might hunt you. Debt collectors might also come after you. You will also have to hear, "Mammon took my money. Pay it back, or get him to pay it back."
Mammon sometimes finds it difficult to take things seriously. He gets uncomfortable during serious discussions and tries to avoid them, so sitting down with him and having a long, mature discussion is nearly impossible.
His things belong to him, his brothers' things belong to him, and your things also belong to him. You will definitely find your belongings missing. More often than not, his excuse will be, ' He needed to get out of debt.'
As the Avatar of Envy, Levi will be jealous of everything. You get lucky, he will be envious. You laugh and have a good time with someone, he will be jealous. You achieve something, and Levi will be happy for you but will be envious. This may lead him to experience mood swings and possibly push you away for a short period every time.
If you are social, Levi will sometimes feel suffocated by your need to constantly spend time with others and go to parties/events. Even if you invite him, he won't come along. In a sense, he expects you to be as introverted as him and spend most of your time with him.
Even if you reassure him that you love him, there will almost always be moments when he experiences an inferiority complex. This leads to emotional withdrawal and might even lead to him projecting his insecurities on you.
Due to his obsession with gaming and anime, he might neglect the relationship for daily runs and episodes or binge-watching. If you join him, great, more time together. But if you want him to do something you like, it will be difficult to convince him.
Most of all, if you tell him any of this, he will not take the criticism well. Levi is very sensitive, and if you point out his flaws, Levi will immediately categorize it as 'you don't understand him.'
Due to his insecurities, he might become clingy or overly dependent on you for many things. One habit you will have to develop is constantly reassuring him that he is good enough for you and that you love him.
The Avatar of Wrath has wrath issues, so expect sudden and unpredictable outbursts. Though Satan will never want to harm you, if his blind rage activates, he might unintentionally hurt you while breaking things around him.
If you do or say anything that rubs him the wrong way, he will hold grudges. Just ask Lucifer. That grudge will not go away easily, which might strain your relationship. To tie in with this, he doesn't forgive easily.
There will be times when Satan will want to spend time alone with his beloved books. Even if you want to spend time with him, he might say no. Satan values his alone time just as much as he values spending time with you.
If you get into an argument with Satan, things will escalate, and it might incur his wrath. At that point, he will be destructive and even possibly attack you. He doesn't mean to, but blind rage hinders his thoughts.
His directness, mixed with his intelligence, can come off as cold and ruthless. While he can process emotions, Satan thinks more logically, so his mind will react before his heart.
Even if you have nothing against Lucifer, you will always have to side with Satan, even if he is in the wrong. If you, even accidentally, say that Lucifer is right, Satan will get angry. He might take it overly personally and distance himself from you.
Asmo's love for himself is a mix between insecurity and narcissism. You will have to feed both of those sides by constantly validating how beautiful he is and flatter him whenever he needs you to, even when he doesn't need it.
He is friendly with everyone. He flirts with everyone, even if he is dating you. It's just part of who he is. But if you get overly close to someone else, Asmo will be jealous.
Being the Avatar of Lust, desire runs high. If you value monogamy, there will be issues. Asmo needs attention constantly, and he will get it from whoever is willing to give it to him.
This need for constant attraction will lead to a need for high physical intimacy. At any given moment, Asmo could need you, and if you are not available or don't want to, he will throw tantrums and go to another person.
Physical beauty is important to him, so he will need a partner who equally maintains their beauty. If you let go of yourself or stop caring, Asmo will no longer be attracted to you. He will break up with you.
He has no boundaries. If you are secretive or value privacy, you will have trouble with Asmo's constant need to share everything on social media without limits. He might actually end up sharing personal things that you won't want him to tell others.
His constant need to eat could rub off on you, and you could end up eating excessively. There will be times when Beel will also force you to eat, and if you say no, he might get upset, as sharing food is one way of showing his love.
There is a high chance that most of your money might end up being spent after Beel's gluttonous tendencies. At times, you might end up in trouble if you can't pay off his bills. Be prepared to wash a few dishes or so.
Since his family has been through a lot, Beel might be overly protective of you. He is not trying to be dominating, but he doesn't want you to get hurt, so he might just follow you around everywhere or forbid you from going somewhere. His fear of losing someone else is still weighing on his heart.
You will have to give in to Belphie's wishes, no questions asked. If Beel learns that you upset his twin or said something to hurt him, he will be very sad and distance himself from you. Moreover, just to date him, you will need Belphie's approval.
Since Beel doesn't understand many things, there will be times when you have to explain situations to him like you would to a child. This could lead to frustration, especially if you are not feeling emotionally or mentally well.
The Avatar of Sloth is lazy, so there will be times when he will not actively participate in the relationship. Sometimes, you might feel like you are talking to a wall and are in a one-sided relationship.
Also, due to his laziness, you will most likely have to take over his responsibilities and be responsible for him. You might have to constantly wake him up and remind him of studying, tests, homework, chores, and so on. This could also lead to Belphie becoming completely dependent on you, asking you to do this and that for him.
You will have to get along with Beel. Even if Beel does something wrong, you will have to take his side for Belphie's sake.
If you have long, emotional conversations with him when you are not doing well, you might just end up realizing he fell asleep halfway through the conversations. His sleep spells come and go as they please.
If you are adventurous and active, you might find it difficult to be around Belphie as he will not want to go anywhere with you or not move much. Most of your dates will be at home, where he is curled up to you and probably asleep.
His laziness might rub off on you, leading you to live a more lethargic lifestyle. This could impact your personal growth and goals.
Unless you are royalty yourself, there will be a huge power imbalance, and this, at times, could cause you to feel overwhelmed or overshadowed.
As a prince, Diavolo has high expectations for himself and for his partner. You will have to follow every rule, behave properly, and dress royally; you are expected to uphold a certain image and take responsibility. If you are not up for this, no matter how much Diavolo loves you, he won't be able to continue the relationship with you.
Much like Diavolo is currently experiencing, you will have to face public scrutiny. The residents of Devildom will constantly subject you to their opinions and judgments. Some will be rude, while others will make fun of you or say you are not worthy - you will have to face all of it for your sake and the prince's sake.
With all the responsibilities and duties, Diavolo will not have much time for you. This could lead to you feeling neglected, but it is out of Diavolo's hands since he has to take care of a realm.
Due to his status and position, there will always be enemies lurking around, which could put you in danger. For this reason, Diavolo will be very strict with you about following rules and regulations, such as not stepping out without a bodyguard.
Your relationship will not have much privacy as everywhere you go, everything you do will become news. Your entire life will be for the public of Devildom to view as they please.
Barbatos is known for having a lot of secrets; moreover, since he works with Diavolo, he is expected to maintain secrecy and discretion. There will be many things you won't know about him and many things he will never tell you. You are not allowed to poke your nose into his secret, or he will be forced to end things with you. In fact, when you start dating him, this will be one of his requirements.
His priority is and always will be Diavolo. Barbatos has sworn unwavering loyalty to the prince, and even if you are married to him, he will always give Diavolo's needs more attention. At extreme levels, in case there is an attack on the castle, Barbatos will be responsible for saving the prince before you. But he will clarify all of this before he agrees to date you.
The butler is a master at playing mind games, so there might be times when he mentally manipulates you without you even realizing it. If you pick up on it, this could lead to trust issues. Moreover, he has the power to alter timelines, so who knows which timeline the two of you are currently in and how many other outcomes came before this one?
Barbatos does not openly display emotions; even his emotions are calculated, and he only reveals what he wants to reveal. You will never understand his motives either. In a sense, you won't ever meet the real Barbatos as he will never show you or anyone else that self.
Due to his duties, he won't be able to reserve much time for you. This could lead to loneliness or even a strain in the relationship. He might even have to miss important dates and events for the sake of his duties.
Barbatos is good at everything, and while he will never make you feel like you are less, it could lead to insecurities. You might find yourself asking, 'Am I good enough for him' more than you expect. If you ask him, he will always say yes, but ultimately, you will have to arrive at the answer yourself.
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neopuppy · 2 years
Sleep Therapy (M)
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Pairing. demon Jaemin x femaler reader
Genre. That Boys Is A Monster AU, life after Be There For You, explicit smut, M/F, dark fic
Warnings. heavy dubcon/noncon elements(don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable. I’m serious. thanks.), somnophilia, breeding, rough and unprotected sex, impreg kink, demon lore, camera use, praise, degradation, obsessive behavior
WC. 6.6(6)k
Now Playing. Slept So Long/Jay Gordon
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‘Just wanted to watch you sleep. Wanted to be part of your dreams.’
It’s been hours.
It’s been days.
It’s been weeks.
Herbal teas, over the counter Melatonin, even prescribed sleep medication that could knock out a small child for days scattered your living room table; piled up only to mock you.
Useless, all of it completely useless as you enter another night of restless sleep.
Debilitated by lack of rest has forced you to take a sabbatical from work, per the suggestion of your regular physician. One week at the hospital under careful watch had you in tears every morning, pleading for something to help you. Anything.
It was more than the bags formed under your eyes. Hallucinations had become a reoccurring issue the longer you walked around like a living dead girl, unclear visions of men transforming into monsters; nightmares turned into reality.
“A sleep clinic might be our last hope,” your physician shrugs, having only reached this point with you after insisting you must be exaggerating. “I’ve contacted Dr. Na at the Vision Clinic, he’s the best Somnologist in the district. You should be in great hands.”
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Great hands.
Great hands that led up to built up arms confined in a lab coat. Broad shoulders and a warm handsome smile that seems too blinding to even stare at for much long.
Dr. Na floats around his desk to greet you, light as a feather with the most calm of demeanors.
He smells lovely, soothing in a way similar to a hot stove warming up holiday cookies. Nothing too strong, but just enough to pick up a whiff of as he embraces your hand in greeting.
“My new patient.” He speaks with sparkling pearly white teeth on display. Every inch of him is a reminder of how wealthy Doctors are, from the silver Rolex watch adorning his wrist down to his freshly shined designer shoes.
He manages to maintain warmth in his gaze despite the obvious differences between the two of you.
Greasy hair, flesh empty of life and sweats you’ve turned into daily wear paired with fluffy Ugg slippers stand before him on your meek frame. Shyly nodding when he double checks how to pronounce your name and directs you to sit.
Dr. Na seemed too young to be a seasoned professional in this field. He couldn’t be much older than his mid-twenties. Albeit difficult to truly take him in full admiration as he sits against the ledge of the large crimson wooden oak desk placed in the center of his office. He takes time to run through your chart again, repeating the things you’ve heard for months now. No prior health issues or concerning conditions, a proper diet and lifestyle, nothing that could conclude how you’d end up here.
“How’s your caffeine intake?” Dr. Na asks with a charming lift at the corners of his mouth.
“Haven’t had any in two months now.”
“There are many causes behind insomnia.” Dr. Na nods, scribbling notes down while explaining. “I’ll schedule an MRI scan for later today to conduce if this could be connected to a chemical imbalance.”
“Chemical imbalance?”
“Emotional stress, perhaps trauma, lifestyle changes.” He smiles, akin to the way a Kindergarten teacher may when speaking to a naive child. “We will figure it out.”
Scribbling a few more notes, Dr. Na rips out a section of paper instructing you to head down to the cafeteria designated for patients to eat a proper meal. “I’ll be sending out the order for new medication to try. When it arrives at your room please make sure to follow the nurses directions and take them all. I will come by to check on you as soon as I have an open window of time.”
Dr. Na shifts to stand, the full size of him shadowed above your frail exhausted frame. “We’ll see how your nightmares play out this evening, once I can look through your MRI scan results we can move on to other options, such as hypnosis.”
“Hypnosis?” Even your speech comes out in a lazy drawl. Tongue heavy and dry, dizzy on your feet when you get up to head down. Already aware that you wouldn’t be eating much, even lifting a fork to your lips drained you.
“Of course, it’s one of my specialties.” He chuckles. “Might sound silly but I have a real knack for mind control, you’d be surprised how easy it is to dominate the human mind. It’s easier than training an animal.”
If it wasn’t for the speckled white dots infiltrating your vision, you might’ve noticed the slight change in Dr. Na’s expression. The flicker of black consuming his iris, the drag of his tongue across his upper row of teeth, and the amused hum passing through his throat as he takes in your appearance up close.
It’s been hours.
It’s been days.
It’s been weeks.
It’s been longer than that, months of watching you come in and out of your apartment. Endless days of parking far enough across from you to fly under your radar.
There was no rush, until there was.
Suddenly you had a companion walking you to your car after work, you had a reason to shop for pretty dresses, you sprayed more perfume on and smiled to yourself when opening up notifications on your phone.
Suddenly you felt further away, distracted by him. The stupid new much too friendly Economics professor who had found a way to stayed plastered to your side.
It’s too late anyway.
The sound of Jaemin’s knuckles cracked, echoing loud enough to lift your head with a glance around the coffee shop you frequented. He stayed leaned back in a corner less lit up, less noticeable, especially to someone as oblivious as you.
Someone so carefree and innocent, someone who didn’t even bother to make sure to grab the right drink from the counter when the barista called out your name. It was too easy to blindside you, drop a concoction of sleep medication in your cup as he picked up a quad shot Americano sitting near your milky vanilla latte.
Sip after sip had you yawning despite the powerful caffeine. Time and time again your usual morning pick-me-up failed you, to the point that you argued with the baristas about changing ingredients and formula.
It was too late.
Half asleep and drowsy, your key prodded at your front door in frustration, collapsing against it with your eyes shut and a crushed sigh.
The trap had been laid out, more out of enjoying the breakdown of watching you suffer and lose interests in everything the more you stayed awake night after night.
It made him laugh, entertained pulling on invisible puppet strings where he watched from down the hall as you crumbled to your knees, whining desperately for the key to unlock your apartment.
Weak, a perfect victim.
Jaemin had spent time finding you, it hadn’t been easy. Escaping hell never is afterall, bargains had to be made.
A vessel for his spawn, a strong healthy human vessel that could survive demonic childbirth. That was Johnny’s demands.
‘More than 1, I expect you to bring back many.’
You’d only be the first of the batch, the first to carry his lineage, the first to take his seed and hand over every bit of strength your little body had left in it after he finished.
and you’re perfect, immaculate in every way to carry his first child. The epitome of woman from the inside out. The sole purpose of your existence to be bred full, nothing but a hole to fuck.
Jaemin can’t deny the sick pleasure he gets just from watching you nearly pass out at your front door. A bump on your head the next day would be the only hint of what possibly took place. The bulky arms cradling your limp figure to bed would feel like a faded memory, the sound of your door being kicked shut, nothing more than a foreign thought, a distorted picture of a man hovering above you stripping off your clothing to settle you into your bed more of a nightmare than a dream.
Demons don’t have hearts, they don’t feel, they don’t care.
But you’d always be the first.
You’d always be special in comparison to the rest. The first kill of the hunt, the first prey to fall victim, the conquest alone would be more monumental than any of the rest. You’d be his favorite memory, the one he chose first.
Hunger and ache to destroy mattered more, and as his thick fingers dragged down your stomach, following the path of breaths lifting your ribs higher and lower, he salivates. He swallows at a dry itch at the bottom of his throat, fingers crushing your waist to dip in harder.
“Sleep tight princess.” He always spoke to you, a mere muffled sound in your mind.
Muffled sounds, staggered breaths, heavy weight suppressing your lungs and throat. Pain and fear, a dark sensation followed whenever the recollection of thoughts swarmed around.
It could be after a shower, brushing through your hair, applying lotion, dressing for work. The shadowed memory of something you can’t prove ever happened lingers.
Not even the pain in your lower back, the soreness between your thighs or marks blooming across your skin make any sense. Every idea or thought only seemed less plausible. No sign of break in, no clue to indicate intrusion to your home.
The thought of a demon stalking you day and night would never cross your mind.
Demons aren’t real.
Religion had never been an interest for you, your family hadn’t pushed any beliefs to follow. Most of what you’d learn about religious mythology stemmed from horror films, and demons just seemed like such an outlandish idea. A joke.
Why would you ever assume the doctor assigned to solve your problems could be the root of them.
Jaemin watches you sleep for the hundredth time, removing the crisp white lab coat to hang on a hook. He sits near the special bed for out-patients, away from the noise of machines and heart monitors. It’s quiet, peaceful and calm even as you sweat, breathe heavily and twist to hide your face.
Ruined. Mind deteriorated by dark evil, by happenings you have no control over.
It’s not the first time he’s visited your slumbering figure, your bare skin more ingrained in his mind than your clothed one.
The doors locked, nurses working the night shift too busy with sick patients to check on someone knocked out with sleep disorder.
Upon Dr. Na’s instructions no one should come by. As he undoes the buttons of his smooth ironed shirt he grins to himself. A camera’s set up in the room to capture your sleep schedule, how often you wake, if you sleep at all.
The dosage of medication you consumed tonight would be enough to tranquilize even a large dog. There’s no way you’d wake up tonight.
He didn’t want you to remember tonight, as much as the thought of your eyes fluttering open letting out a shrill scream when you see the visual above you made his cock twitch. A tingle burned from the bottom of his spine to his throat. It’d be fun to have you half-lucid, shouting and begging for him to stop.
But it’s more appealing to watch your arm flop limp at your side. Entertained by the way you seem uncomfortable even as you sleep.
Jaemin thinks about it, pushing the hospital gown up past your waist. He sucks at saliva filling his cheeks taking in the cute pair of light rosey toned panties hiding your center. You’re not even wet, yet, not that he cares. His cock only hardens thinking about it, smoothing down the expanse of your inner thighs. You’ll struggle more to take his size, cry and curl in to get away. Grip at the sheets by your head for some semblance, for anything to ground you and focus your pain elsewhere.
It’s not the first time he’s slowly tugged off your underwear. It’s not the first time he’s stretched your thighs open as far as they’re willing to go. The small scrunch in your nose informing him the pull hurts your hips, it aches up to your groin.
This is good, Jaemin thinks, this is good because he wants you to remember this. He wants you to know you’ve been claimed, fucked by something devilish and unholy. Touched and destroyed by sin in its human form. He wants you to see how well you take it, how your pilant body still manages to jerk and roll up seeking more of his length to dig deeper inside of you.
Tossing your underwear aside, he pauses to blink at the red light flashing on the camera. Recording everything he’s about to do.
He’s waited, waited so long that his cock twitches fiercely against his thigh at the visual of your exposed cunt.
Jaemin wants to take his time, savor the natural scent flowing from your middle. Drag his fingers aimlessly between your folds until you slicken up obscenely, bite every inch of skin, slap and knead handfuls of meaty flesh in a rough manner. Turn you on your stomach to force your ass up in his face, push your pussy folds open just to watch your hole plead. Empty. Begging for a fucking demon to fuck you even if it hurts, even if you don’t actually want it.
He wants to take his time, but he can’t. It’s been months of pulling out, jerking off on your pretty face, cooing and mewling above your cum splattered stomach. Smearing the warm arousal up your chest dreaming of the day he pours load after load inside of you.
and it’s time, it’s time to ruin you for good. Force your unconscious body to take and take.
One hand delicately tugs and strokes himself, hissing as he jerks away from his thumb rubbing across the head. Precum gathered there smearing around the tip, coating it in a thin layer of sticky gloss. His other hand works away the gown hiding your full breasts, ripping off the flimsy garment easily. Easy access to strip a patient, easier access to have you bare and ready for him.
His breath staggers, gliding the pads of his fingers down your chest. Your sternum rising and falling as a human should, because you’re full of life, full of emotions and feelings he could never understand anymore.
The connection to his human self evaded his memory years ago. Void of the life he once had, lifeless, mindless and consumed by nothing but the desire to create pain. To watch a stupid human like you in agony.
A stupid, stupid, pretty little human. Nothing more than a warm blood filled fleshlight to fuck.
Jaemin lets out a chuckle, dropping his neck back to stroke himself above your stomach. Slapping down the middle of your abdomen a few times just to watch your skin tremble beneath, just to picture how far deep inside of you he can reach. With your hips pushed up and expanded, he knows you’ll birth a child for him easily. A new spawn to create a powerful army in hell. The first of his bloodline to lead and carry on the fight for evil.
He knows you’ll make it through, because he won’t give you a choice.
Rubbing the head of his cock up from where your stomach dips to your navel, he almost wishes you’d wake up. Your weak arms would push up, slap his chest, punch his arms, burst into tears with protests.
That will come, in time.
In the meantime, he prods your belly button, smirking at the thought of fucking you there too. Fucking every hole on you just for fun, because who fucking cares what the king of hell demanded. Jaemin’s going to fuck you until only his needs are met and fulfilled.
The thought races through him spine to balls, hunching forward as he shifts on his knees. The bed dipping and creaking under his weight, switching to rub the tip on your clit.
Still dry.
Dry but warm. Warm enough to be incinerated by the jagged rub of his size passing between your folds. It’s dry, but it’s fucking good, just to feel your fleshy folds struggle along his veiny stiff rod. Just to feel your skin pucker against the sticky pre-cum coating areas of his shaft.
He grunts, rubbing his cock against the plush feel of your parted pussy folds, sneaking quick glimpses of your hole— so tight and closed up. Too tight to take his size without it hurting, without ruining your pussy to only take his cock.
He’s way too big, and he knows it. He knows it from the amount of times he's played with you, just swiping against your cunt. Teasing himself to the point of mind-numbing overstimulation by putting in just the tip. Whimpering even in your sleep from the push ripping you open.
Sucking at the drool lining his bottom lip, he staggers for a minute, pushing side to side against your pussy. Lazily drawing his eyelids up to take in your angelic face once more, so much purity and tenderness. All of it soon to be his.
The slumber you’ve drifted off into isn’t peaceful in the least. It’s hot, weighing down on your chest, an itch passing through your nerves. Running through endless hallways filled with doors leading to nothing, nothing but black emptiness.
It’s been Jaemin all along, smoothing your hair away from your face. Snaking his lips over your body layering patterns of kisses. Jerking off for hours on your face, chest, stomach, anywhere he felt like.
He thinks about it again, nudging in not even half of the tip against your resistant entrance. A rubber band-like snap pinches around the width of his size. The skin sucking around him already appears damaged, further arousing him to inflict pain upon you, to make it hurt. Make it hurt knowing you have no choice but to take it and enjoy it against your will.
Groping your jaw with one thick hand, he turns your restless passed out face to watch him; easy to picture your eyes shooting up full of red vessels and tears. It burns from his chest to his lower back, swiveling his hips to push in the rest of the tip of his length. The bulbous mushroom shaped cap suffocates inside of you. Dry and tight as fuck, he thinks fervently, hissing between his teeth shining under the dim light as his lips part in moan.
It’s more than good just to feel you choke around the tip, your mouth falling open with a staggered breath allowing him to pinch and roll your plump bottom lip between his fingers.
Jaemin pauses, once more absorbing just how lifeless and limp you lay spread open. Part of him craves for you to wake, to stare up in shock paralyzed by fear, to be able to relive the torture he’s prepared to demonstrate. To enjoy it, because you’re actually nothing but a filthy slut; his own little human fuck doll.
It’s time. It’s finally time.
Saliva drenched digits drag down your chin, the center of your throat, dipping between your exposed breasts. Hardened pebbled nipples peak upward, more stiff from the chilled air circulating the room than excitement. You’re too unaware to feel aroused or anxious, too lucid, lost in the nightmare grappling you through hell.
Even if you were to wake up, Jaemin would only fuck you harder, tackle you down to take, take, take.
A shot of exhilaration curls through his gut, tugging his spine toward his navel as he hunches closer with one hand planted by your head to stay propped up. Jaemin’s gaze locks on your core, a pussy made just for him, because it doesn’t matter who fucked you before. He’d be the last.
The slow drag out of you draws an anguished sounds from the back of his throat. He needs to see you one more time, one more time before he claims and makes you useless for anyone else.
With a fist wrapped around his length, his other hand palms your cunt, shoving your swelling slit open to see the full visual of your hole. So empty, tiny, like a fucking virgin.
It really makes his head spin for a minute, rubbing the pad of his finger in a circular motion over your entrance. The airy gurgle that escapes your lungs shoots his eyes wide, focused on your face burying into a pillow. He tugs on himself a few more times, mindlessly rolling two digits over the precum that won’t stop leaking. He needs to fuck you, now.
Stifling a grunt, Jaemin shifts an inch closer, wrapping a thick bicep under your thigh to spread you open more. The head of his cock swipes between your core, slapping down heavy. Heavy and loud despite the lack of wet to clash against. Wedged up as close as possible between your thighs, and Jaemin has to grit his teeth to contain a growl. Pushing his hips forward to rub the underside of his cock against your clit, he wants to let out a throaty cry; a muted sound of pain when he feels it.
You’re clenching around nothing, seeking something.. someone to fuck you. Unaware of what your body is even asking him to do. Each drag spurs your hole to clamp down more, the first push of wetness spewing out smears against his balls. His throat tightens up swiping between you again, the tip teasing and brushing against your entrance without entering.
Jaemin’s nostrils suck in, inhaling a deep breath as he watches his cock bounce off your fleshy folds in slow-like-motion. Nasty, so nasty and raw, wet for anyone like the textbook definition of a fucking whore.
The next stroke along his cock glides easily, wet from your dripping pussy, wet because your body wants him whether you’re awake or not. He doesn’t care, but he knows it, he knows from the way you stare. The dreams you have of him not even under his influence.
Pressing at your hole again has him drooling, laving at the innerwalls of his mouth to collect the saliva that won’t stop from pouring.
“Fuck.” Jaemin finally grunts, biting down on his teeth as he sinks inside of you. It’s wet and tighter than he could have ever imagined. The hand wrapped around himself hardly comparable after many nights spent jerking off on your backside.
A smooth thrust fills you up eagerly, a perfect fit making it too hard to hold back from cramming into you balls deep.
Jaemin stills for a minute, long eyelashes fan on the tops of his cheeks. Swallowing harsh enough for his Adam's apple to visibly bob up and down the length of his dipped back neck. “So fucking good, just like I knew you would be.”
Palms scramble along the sides of your thighs, grinding forward to watch your mouth fall open again. A silent cry he wants to hear echo through the room simply not enough. Reaching for your waist, Jaemin pins your upper half to the bed, wiggling his hips to keep your thighs around his sides.
“Wet like a whore.” Jaemin snickers, clicking his tongue along the backs of his teeth. The painful circle of his hips fills the room with gasped whines, grinning to himself because you’re enjoying it. You like getting fucked, even in your sleep. He could care less with the sole mission to breed you full of cum consuming his head. He thrusts finally, the head of his size catching on your hole earning a louder moan.
The warmth gripping his dick feels mind-numbing, the most he’s felt in months since hunting you down, and his pace alters immediately as the feeling finally gets to him. You’re his for the taking, his and only his.
“Mine.” Jaemin mutters to himself, ruthlessly thrusting back into you in a jerky motion. It’d be painful if you were awake, his pace alternating from meticulously deep rolls of his hips to sloppy, aggressive and messy. The sound of wetness more overbearing than the clap of your skin colliding.
He’s frantic, knowing he can fuck you like his as long as he pleases, and you can’t do anything about it.
Jaemin’s thick arms bracket your head, nose hovered above your lips. Moan after moan sounding more excruciating than the last. Fucking into your tight cunt like a man who just discovered the glory of a fleshlight, reckless abandonment. The ache against your groin and thighs one guaranteed to last for weeks to come.
“So fucking good for me angel.” Jaemin praises, head thrown back when you clench around him. It makes him laugh like a maniac, amused by the idea of you listening, hearing everything he says. Dropping his face to your throat, he licks up your jaw to your earlobe, nibbling before he whispers. “Pretty baby loves getting fucked like a slut.”
A sigh sings from your lips, the prettiest sigh he’s ever heard. A sigh that runs in circles throughout his mind, turning to drop his cheek against yours with wide eyes focused on shut ones. The heavy weight of your eyelids taunting him, pushing him to fuck harder for just a glimpse of your hidden iris.
He could cum off that alone, and it punches through him with the next thrust, burying his thick fat length as deep inside of you as he can. Surely deep enough to rip through your insides, the weight of his heavy cock poking between your pressed together stomachs with each pointed thrust.
Jaemin’s obsessed with the grip your pussy gives, needing to feel you lock you and struggle to take him through your unwanted pleasure once more. Snaking his hand between your connected lower halves, he roughly rubs at your engorged clit, fat between his fingers from neglect. The need to cum more prevalent for the both of you than he cares about, but it feels too good to force his size past your shrunken entrance.
“You’re so fucking good for me. You don’t even know.” Jaemin babbles to himself, nose digging into your cheekbone to quiet the groan ripping through his chest. The sound of your wetness fills the room up in the most obscene way, splashing against his thighs and stomach with each impactful land of his hips.
“Ah—fuck!” A string of curses soars free, jostling you up the hospital bed that struggles to stay in place as he fucks you at a near inhumane pace. The whites of your eyes gleam with his next thrust, rolled back from the powerful hit that arches your back involuntarily.
“Fuck you all night, gonna fuck you everyday.”
Jaemin cries out, ripping a chunk of your hair with a balled up fist to unveil the column of your throat, biting down as the coiling heat in his gut becomes too overwhelming.
And he cums, screaming with his teeth dug into your skin. Bits of flesh scraped off by his sharp canine teeth, but still not enough to wake you, even as you let out a weak moan intensely squirting release around his size.
It’s almost too hard to stay put inside of you, having to realign his weight to keep his cock in despite the wet arousal bursting trying to shove him out.
It’s more desperate than he wanted, to fuck you like he owns you, because he does now. You’re his from inside out now. You’ll always be his.
Jaemin’s flopping down to his stomach, pushing your pussy folds open to ensure every drop of cum disappears. He has to fight back the urge to lean in, slurp of the slick wet coating your labia to watch your hole convulse, twitch and swallow down the white mess of cum passing through.
“We always have tomorrow to keep trying.” He grins wolfishly, throwing your gown back on without a care. “and the day after that.”
The camera shuts off, near the end of it’s battery life, and he thinks the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Scooting back toward your heaving figure, he leisurely trails up one of your thighs, playfully pushing them apart to memorize how damaged he’s left you. A fat wad of cum bubbles deep in your stretched out hole, gaped around nothing, sore and painful looking.
When morning comes you’ll wonder again why your body hurts so much. You’ll cry miserably, losing your patience, ready to end your battle, ready to give up. That’s what Jaemin wants anyway.
“Goodnight angel.”
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It’s been over a week now of staying at the clinic, and you feel worse than when you arrived.
“How long has it been since you’ve had a good nights sleep?”
The questions rhetorical, not that you’d be able to decipher the true meaning behind your doctors words.
Between nightmares altering reality and mixing up different prescribed medications, you no longer had a grasp on time. Nothing felt real anymore, even the metal table before you reflecting your exhausted lifeless appearance felt like some horrific illusion.
“I can’t remember.”
Dr. Na leans closer to you with his elbows propped on the table to perch his chin in his hands. A soft yet devious smile painted on his lips as he watches you lose your fight.
“I’ll show you what you have forgotten.”
Dr. Na could say anything to you at this point really. Beyond the horrific visions taking over your brain, your body felt like it was breaking down on you. Every muscle sore, even your bones ached, new marks of bruising appeared everyday.
“I believe, I’ve figured out what’s keeping you awake.” The doctor says, turning to a rolly table at his side. Click clacks of typing sounds throughout the empty room, clearing his throat as he turns a black screen to face you.
“You have?”
Dr. Na stands, he smooths back a bang piece of hair that's fallen loose. The lab coat fitting his frame perfectly begins to slip from his wide shoulders and he removes it without breaking eye contact.
“You see, you’re a special case to me.” He continues, rounding the table to stand behind where you sit with his heavy palms weighing down on your slumped shoulders. “I’ve invested so much time and energy into you.”
Dr. Na’s lips pout behind you, gathering your hair off to one side to tickle down the side of your marked up throat. Marks left behind from his ruthless grip choking away your breath while he fucked you harder and deeper without anything or anyone to restrain him.
“In return, I need you to listen.”
“Doctor?” He could be speaking a foreign language as far as you’re concerned. Tilting your chin to the side to look up at him, your forehead wrinkles confused, met with the always handsome comforting face. Big doe eyes that round in a precious way that makes you feel as if everything will be ok.
“Shh shh” pinching your chin, Dr. Na turns you to face the screen, leaning the weight of his chest against the back of your head as he reaches over. Fingers click down, a video of your sleeping figure taking over the laptop screen.
“Did I do something in my sleep?” You wonder, watching as you struggle to stay still. Your feet kick the more you turn side to side, it’s uncomfortable to see yourself in distress.
“Not quite, angel.” Dr. Na huffs, continuing to push his chest closer to you. He has you hunched in closer, face lit up by the screen. Surprised as the doctor appears, and bright red eyes flash in the direction of the camera. A glitch because of the dim-lighting, you decide. “But I did.”
It’s shocking, disgusting, and humiliating to see what happens next. The choked gasp that pours from your mouth trapped by a large hand slapping down on your lips.
“You see, I chose you sweetie.” Dr. Na’s tone falls an octave, the sugary sweetness behind his words disappearing. “This whole time, I molded you, prepared you for this.”
He nods, pushing his other hand down to grip and hold your stomach. “To carry my future child, to birth my spawn.”
Screams go muffled beneath the palm splayed over your mouth, shoved up with an arm belted around your waist to bend over on the table. Dr. Na rips at the hospital gown covering your backside, arching your neck with his powerful hold on your face to force you to continue watching him take advantage and use your body.
“I said shush!” He sounds more demonic now, displaying an inhuman strength as he shreds off your underwear. The chill air floating through the room smacks your core quickly sending your knees to clink together. Fearful as you watch the man on screen rip you open from the inside. “Almost liked you better asleep.”
He has the audacity to laugh when tears trickle down his fingers, kicking your thighs open with a knee as he plants against your bent body. The cool table melting against your heated flesh with his hips smacking into your bottom. Three fingers shove into your mouth as you attempt to scream for help, someone, anyone to hear you and stop what happens next.
“You see,” fingers drag up the backs of your thighs, gripping roughly where they land on your ass to spread you apart. Sucking in air between his teeth at the sight of your ruined hole, swollen and painfully stretched from the amount of times he’s fucked you through the night now. “You’re perfectly healthy, couldn’t be better. A little stupid, but you’re human afterall.”
He doesn’t explain more than that, thrusting his fingers deeper into your mouth to quiet the coughs and cries spilling out of you. The sound of a zipper opening has you weakly attempting to thrash back, fight him off.
He’s too big, he’s too strong, too powerful to kick away.
The first touch of his bare skin shoots your eyes open, crying out as his girth lands against your core.
He’s too big. He’s too fucking big, and he’ll break you.
Pleads fall empty trying to pray for mercy, his cock only leaking out more spurts of precum as a murmured ‘please God’ sounds.
“God can’t help you now, sweet little angel.” He sneers, rubbing the length of his size between your folds just as he begins to on the screen. The hold on your jaw forces you to watch each action, to watch the way he manipulates your body to do as he pleases.
“Don’t want it princess?” He grunts shakily, growling in his chest because you’re already wet. So fucking nasty, hot and wet between your thighs, canting back to meet his cock ramming against your meaty folds. “But look at how much you loved it.”
He shakes your head in a mocking manner, much like a child being punished for uttering a bad word. The screen too blurry behind your tears, but the image is clear enough to see your doctor take advantage of you in your most innocent helpless state.
“Please, please doctor…please.”
The sound of his tongue clicking in dismay echoes like a jeer, circling your entrance with the tip the more you plead. “Jaemin. Enough of this bullshit doctor act.”
Nothing he says to you makes sense anymore, incapacitated by his weight crushing your feeble body to the table. Deeming your pussy wet enough, he scoots forward to sandwich past your clamped thighs, kicking a foot roughly between your knees for more leverage. He wants it to hurt, wants you to scream to make up for all the times he’s let you enjoy it, wants to see you cry and beg for him to stop.
One swoop forward gives him exactly what he desires, shallowly fucking his full heavy girth in even with how tight you still manage to be. The video on screen displays a similar act, different in position, lacking the blood curdling screams and cries you let out as he mocks and laughs.
“So pretty baby, you’re so pretty for me.” Jaemin licks at his upper lip, jostling against you a few times as he turns you by your chin to look at him, cracking your neck with the strain. “Can I fuck you? Huh?”
He laughs again, an arrogant disgusting laugh, emphasizing the question with another piston of his hips. “Can I? My sweet angel can take it. You already have.”
It’s too easy, you’re nothing but a mindless hole succumbed to his strength. The man behind you more demonic than anything, the gentle features of your concerned doctor turned dark, menacing, purely evil.
His hips hammer wildly, keeping your face turned to the side to watch the way he ravages your body. To watch him destroy and rip away your soul.
Every choked miserable cry you let out only heightens his pleasure, snapping his hips brutally against your backside. The pain hits from both ends with each dig of your thighs and pelvic bone cutting against the table.
“You were tighter the other night.” He spits, wadding up saliva to aim at the middle of your fast. The nasty thick wetness trickling from the bridge of your nose to the puddle of snot and drool accumulated on your lips. “Already fucking loose, you know what that means?”
Fingers squeeze past his relentless hips, shoving between your buttcheeks to scratch at your rim earning a shriek and scurry of your feet to get away. The sadistic laugh that booms out behind you sending shrill fear up your spine, tightening up around the length punching in and out of you with intention to hurt.
“Ah, fuck, yeah. Like that.” Jaemin pushes back, choking your neck from behind to hold you down. Palm smacking down angrily on your rim. “but not today.”
He reaches around, finding your clit between his middle and index finger to pinch and roll until you lift onto your tippy toes with a gurgled scream. “Can’t fuck a baby into you back there.”
“Doctor, please! Stop!” Between heavy breaths and sniffles, Jaemin keeps laughing, biting on his lips from the conflict in your tone. Your pussy locked around his length begging for more the louder you cry and protests.
“Don’t have to beg.” He taunts, licking up your back to bite down on your jaw, his fingers continuing to pleasure your bundle of nerves incessantly. “Gonna fuck you full of cum regardless. You’re so wet for me princess.”
It’s sick, sensing the last semblance of energy leaving your fingertips, the hold you had on the table goes numb, shaking against your will as orgasm rips through you making Jaemin growl and fuck harder past the convulsing around his size. He crushes against you completely, knocking your lungs free of all air, desperately twitching as he paints your insides once again.
He’s quick to recover, faster than you can process, pulling out to throw you down onto your knees and stroke the last spurts of cum onto your lips before you can try to crawl away.
“You’re mine now.” Dr. Na’s chest beats up and down drenched in sweat. You shouldn’t like it, but as you wait for the bile to rise up your esophagus you can’t look away. The pads of his fingers clean your chin, pushing release past your swollen abused lips. Nodding with his chin that you swallow it all.
“What did I just say?” He tuts, pushing two digits down on the middle of your tongue until you cough and choke. Jerking out with a river of drool streaming out onto the floor, onto his designer loafers.
“I’m yours.” You repeat, sniffling with a cough as the tangy taste of cum lodges in your throat. It’s everywhere, rubbed raw onto your skin, stuck between your teeth. The statement is nothing but true as he watches you swallow.
“Exactly.” Dr. Na scoops you up, perched on the edge of the table to slap your thighs open. “You’re mine, and I’ll make sure you never forget that.”
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thatfrailsoul · 2 months
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P.s. See the full painting at the end!♡
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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For so long you took care of this connection, of this bond that each day grew between your hearts... You nourished each moment. You cherished each smile. And you worked hard to protect everything, from your own heart.
A heart that felt so safe, so accepted, so understood... that fell slowly and gently for them, for a person that knows this connection as something different from the one your heart more and more desperately wants.
Time passes, and the line between the reality of this connection and that more that you want becomes confusing. Harder to be aware of, once you are by their side. Harder to maintain, in this constant battle of respecting their boundaries, but also the calling of your feelings that veil your logic mind.
And you will not resist for much longer, under the pressure of this feeling, but also anxiety and fear of ruining everything, creating inevitably a wall between you... You feel already your limit, so close and heavy both on your mind and heart. You see it in the way it influences your connection, your ways towards them that start to change... But you don't see that they already know everything and understand as well.
As you discovered these feelings, learning so much more about the power of your heart, they saw it all, being always so close to you, knowing so well your soul. They saw it, they learned about it day by day as you were going through it, trying to hide it from their sight.
But you never spoke about it, you hid it, pretending that everything is okay and well. And they played along with it, knowing that you will find the courage sooner or later, and that they can wait.
And this moment is here, it's time to be open about what overwhelms your heart. Simply because otherwise you will explode, with all the feelings bottled up deep down and ignored in hopes that it will resolve on its own.
Even if you fear to ruin everything, even if you fear to loose them, even if they already know what is going on... You need to tell it. To allow your heart to speak up finally and freely, accepting fully your own feelings, accepting their reality by letting them flow out of you. You need to tell the truth.
Because you are good at hiding, but they are so good at seeing you for who you are. Because there is a reason why, knowing all fully, they still waited and stayed by your side. And it's simply because they know you, they see you, they feel you. And they already accepted your heart.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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You both always knew that this connection was meant to be so different, much deeper than what it became because of the constant challenges of your life. You both know it, you always felt it, that pull that brought you to each other in that first day, first moment that you crossed your gaze and recognised a familiar heart.
But as time passed, as things became difficult, the situation too heavy and overwhelming, your conviction became weaker, changing the decision of your hearts. You followed both the logic, you both chose to protect yourselves, your lives, from a connection that seemed to only challenge it. But even if this was the right decision, it doesn't mean that there can't be any doubts or wanders, that your hearts can't miss eachother, like it is happening right now, after all this time.
It's natural to miss eachother, to come back to that decision, now that your life feels much more safer and calmer. Once you have finally that balance and the things you needed and desired, missing only that person that you never truly left behind.
It is natural to feel that calling once again, to see those memories and precious moments. And to wander if that was really the end or if there might be a second chance.
And indeed your story didn't end, it was only starting, and so many moments that are yet to be created and lived, were put on hold. Giving you both time and space to take control over your lives again. Giving you the opportunity to grow, to learn, to change in the way you face a challenge, in the way you hold onto what is really important for your soul.
There isn't any risk in coming forward now, there isn't any shame in looking for them once again. Not if this is what your heart calls for. Not if you finally feel ready to answer those questions that scared you so much back then.
A connection as the one you feel to them it's not imaginary, they felt and feel it too, it's real. And in the same way, after all this time, it still has a place in your heart and life - it does in theirs too. Those feelings that are waking up in you again, never went to sleep in their heart, that still wanders and waits for you.
We all make mistakes, we all feel at least once confused and overwhelmed. We all know too well the need to escape, hide, to protect ourselves. As well as the regret of harming someone that never doubted, contrary to our heart and mind that needed some rest. And they know it, they knew it from the very start. This is why they let you go when you run away.
They knew from experience, they recognised that overwhelming fear and tiredness that they too once felt. And they knew that you were strong enough to overcome it. They knew that it would be worth it, to believe in you and in the right moment that will give your story another chance.
They still remember you, they still wait, they would still welcome you. Because that tenderness and true affection, never really goes away.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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Letting go of each other back then wasn't the only solution, the only option. There were many things that could've been done differently to save a connection that was so important for your hearts, for you and them, no matter how challenging it was starting to become. But the fact that it was possible to do more, doesn't mean that your decision was in the end a wrong one.
And you know it, you understand it very well now when you look back at everything that was happening, and everything that you faced and worked hard on in this period of time. You see and feel that it was all worth it, that it was the right decision to prioritise the health of your heart and mind. But you can't help but wonder, if they still feel the same. If they too have still that desire for more that you weren't able to create.
But what you are longing for is something that is already in the past, in those memories of moments and connection that you left behind. It's only in those hearts and minds of you and them that still didn't make that decision, that still had those chances to resolve everything if only they had enough patience and courage to try.
But time has passed, and while you were growing they grew up too. They had the same realisations, they gained the same understanding of what could've been if only you both tried more. And how, even if it was the right thing to be honest about each other's limits and letting go... It did change everything, being apart. It did influence those feelings, for which you both didn't fight hard enough.
It left you both with tenderness and affection for someone that you loved. Someone that you once already let go of, and that you need now to allow to continue on their path, while you continue on your own.
It is always a shame, to know what you missed, to feel the desire to try again now that you understand more, but being unable to do so. But what your decision gave you, that chance for your own self and the journey that you needed to do on your own... Is worth it. And it's enough to keep moving forward, leaving these doubts, wanders and decisions in the past, where they belong.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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"The Proposal", William - Adolphe Bouguereau, 1872
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saintsenara · 3 months
💚 💖 💀
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
what does everyone else get wrong about your favourite character?
that lord voldemort is legitimately emotionally intelligent.
i encounter a lot in fics the idea that voldemort doesn't have any idea how to understand or relate to other people's emotions - that he can't, for example, understand why one his minions is upset by a hard work day or a rude comment, since he considers both of those things to be unimportant if they occur in his own life - and that any interpersonal skills which he possesses are performative, a chameleonic mirroring of other people's emotional responses which he has no real knowledge of the deeper meaning of.
a lot of this is due - of course - to the idea that voldemort is a "sociopath" and/or "psychopath" [both of which are controversial terms]. and he's a great candidate for the pop-culture versions of these labels - which tend to present the person in question's "empathy deficit" as connected to a complete lack of understanding of how other people feel and a concomitant failure to appreciate or anticipate the emotional responses their actions will cause.
but, in many cases, the "empathy deficit" associated with antisocial personality disorder [the clinical umbrella term under which both "sociopathy" and "psychopathy" fall] isn't so much an inability to understand how other people feel... as it is an ability to understand this profoundly, use it for personal gain, and simply not care if this approach causes the other person harm.
[that is, they are capable of cognitive empathy - the ability to recognise and understand emotions in others, read social cues, and predict and influence others' emotional responses to their behaviour. this isn't a dangerous, abnormal, or disordered trait - it's what people who describe themselves as having "good intuition" or "good gut instincts" are talking about - but it can become so when it combines with other aspects of a person's personality to make them manipulative, exploitative, and entirely self-centred.]
and this - rather than an "empathy deficit" caused by an inability to understand human emotions - is what we see in the canonical voldemort. he is extraordinarily good at correctly identifying, dissecting, and influencing other people's emotions, and a failure to take this ability seriously often causes problems for the heroes of the series.
[dumbledore - for example - is caught out when the potion guarding the locket reveals that voldemort sincerely understands the power of love, grief, and guilt. his entry into the cave is hubristic - he dismisses voldemort's initial safeguards as crude, unimpressive, and not frightening, he then discovers that the final safeguard is extremely impressive indeed...]
the canonical voldemort is also someone whose own emotional performance isn't entirely fake, or entirely drawn from mirroring those around him. i talk a lot about how the fandom overlooks the fact that he's very, very funny - and how he's also [for narrative reasons, since the text needs him to deliver information to harry that neither snape nor dumbledore can if they're to maintain their cover until the end of deathly hallows] often found telling the truth in ways which render him considerably more authentic in conversation than many other characters in the story.
that his charm is performative [he's the centre of attention at the slug club, he's dull and subordinate when he goes to see hepzibah smith] is another example of him using his emotional intelligence to exploit other people for his own gain - and the fact that he's able to modify his affect so easily [and that, even when not performing, he doesn't have a reduced or shallow affect - he's someone who registers his genuine emotions very clearly on his face] is connected to his ability to understand, predict, and influence emotional expression.
and i do think that voldemort is more interesting - and his crimes much more difficult either to excuse or to dismiss as a monstrosity someone like us could never be capable of - when he's treated as something other than the caricature of the pop-culture psychopath, pretty and outwardly charming, with nothing beneath the surface.
and recognising that he understands other people very well - and still doesn't care about them in the slightest - is one way of doing this.
what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
that - while its morality is individualist and its politics are neoliberal and both of these things are incredibly tedious - its central thesis, that redemption is possible, forgiveness is achievable, and love and mercy are triumphant, is a legitimately good one, and the vast majority of fandom arguments about which characters "deserve" to be liked become irrelevant when these basic, human principles are taken into account.
if you had to choose one major character to die, who would you pick?
i think arthur weasley should have died in order of the phoenix - not only because it makes my best girl nagini look like a flop that he doesn't, but because i think it would be really interesting to bring the experience of a grief to which harry is peripheral forward in the series.
in canon, this is the purpose served by fred's death - and it comes as part of the arc that harry undergoes in the last third of deathly hallows, in which he begins to get over his earlier belief that he's central to everything about resisting voldemort. but i think something really interesting could be done with forcing him towards this realisation earlier.
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otomes-world · 9 months
Hello everyone! I had a strange urge to write something, so yes.. AU belongs to @shiny-jr I'm just interpreting. This is also my parody to the five stages of grief. Another sentient twst works are here. Enjoy 0/
Upd: I've finally got permission to post this thing! But.. I forgot about it.. and I'm no longer like it.. and it's so small.. but, yeah, let it exists.
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It was the first emotion that began to creep into consciousness with a light touch from just hearing about the “shutdown.” The player just took a break, was busy, preparing for exams, tests, work, whatever. Causing panic out of nowhere was stupid. This had already happened more than once, but..
The hours merged into days. Days became weeks. Only the most stubborn began to count beyond the month. The mistrust and fear began to be felt stronger than before. More and more often insidious “what ifs” were spinning in head.
You were only gone for a short moment. Maybe a little longer this time, but you would come back. You would, except… Yuu turned into the doll they always were. A puppet whose only value was in you, who controlled it. When there was no point in denying, a storm broke out.
Anticipation caused hearts to experience previously ignored emotions and heads to question. What could be the reason? Could something happen in that inaccessible world? Do you feel the same confusion, unable to connect?
Could you become bored with their existence?
Did you choose them, him, over someone else? What exactly made you hesitate? A beautiful singing voice? Looks that could challenge the Evil Queen? Fame? Wealth? What?
Was the effort really not enough to captivate you, to make you pay attention? Place in your heart the desire to stay. Is it really his fault or is it yours?
Bitterness replaced frustration. The one that was ripping chest, made him want to cut his own throat open if it would give any peace of mind. If it would strengthen confidence of your return.
When it seem that the empty vessel was about to break, hope still glimmers at the bottom. When the ear listened to every rumor, rustle, speculation, even if it was false. When the one he least want to see looked at him from the mirror.
When he didn’t want to, and most importantly, couldn’t stop. Gave up. Let every attempt, broken hope plunge him into the abyss of despair much deeper than the last time. Getting back on feet became more and more difficult. Sometimes the thought of acceptance flashed but gaving up the most desired thing was hardly possible. Even if the chances that no one would understand and that everything would burn out were higher every moment.
Yearning invariably replaces suffocating pain. Very reluctant, denied by all means.
When there was nothing left in tired beating heart - not a single drop - only memories of the time spent with you through Yuu. Then he still did not understand other people's adoration. He thought that this would bypass him. However, like everyone else, he couldn’t resist the eyes, your eyes and no one else’s, looking at him in a special way. As if in the world of colored pixels he was worth something.
A smile involuntarily plays on his face, although he barely had enough strength to maintain an imitation of life. In moments of overwhelming loss, pride insisted: you were not worth it. You were not worth all the torment, all the tears he shed. You were not worth.. but this was a blatant lie.
When everything around him would merge into one colorless heap, when he himself would cease to exist. The only thought at the last moment would be dedicated to you. Therefore, as soon as the news of the appearance of an impostor who dared to pretend to be you reached the exhausted mind, remained only... rage.
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
Actually I'm about to take this little exchange between Dean and Cas and Sam in the opening of 6.03 seriously, because why not? The conversation in the hotel has been an example used by deancrit casgirls for years to sell a story that Dean is always inconsiderate and demanding things of Cas.
Except Dean hadn't asked Cas for anything in a year as far as we know. He hadn't bothered him once. He hadn't asked him for anything. We know Dean was doing research on how to get Sam out of The Cage over the entire gap year (6.01) but we aren't told that Dean asked Cas to help him. As far as we know, he didn't "bother" Cas—much less demand his aid.
For many, that isn't necessarily the issue though. The issue is the lack of communication in of itself—the lack of "checking in". Setting aside that this isn't Dean's sole responsibility in the friendship and that Cas controls the means of communication between them, when Cas left at the end of 5.22, he spoke as if he was going off on his own solo adventure. Bolstered by a second resurrection, he planned to pursue his faith (and he and Dean clashed briefly over faith). Cas was excited by the idea of becoming "the new sheriff in town" up in heaven, and he didn't give the impression that he planned to maintain a relationship with Dean. He flew off without saying goodbye as if it didn't even occur to him that their connection was important and that parting deserved any sort of recognition, and I think that's how Dean received it—that Cas was at the very least, going away for a while and didn't care to be bothered.
At the same time, Cas didn't give the impression that he thought taking charge in heaven would be difficult. When we next see Cas a year later in 6.03, Cas echoes this sentiment, saying, "I expected more from my brothers". He thought he'd have more help from the other angels in creating (non-apocalyptic-leaning) order. To be honest, I don't think Cas or Dean expected Raphael to be a problem for Cas when they parted ways in 5.22. The Raphael that Dean and Cas had met in 5.03 was tired—barely past neutral in the apocalypse. In fact, Raphael didn't seem to actively take a role in making anything with the apocalypse happen. His only role seemed to be to guard The Prophet Chuck. He seemed like he just wanted to be left alone and outright said he didn't want to be in charge anymore.
"[God] ran off and disappeared. [He] left no instructions and a world to run. [...] We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want...paradise."
I would guess that Raphael's attitude in 5.03 (and the fact that he never actually came after Cas between 5.03 and 5.22 as he threatened) left both Cas and Dean with the belief that Raphael was weak—beaten down by life, and unlikely to be a problem—that if someone came along and said they wanted the keys, he'd just say, "Whatever" and hand them over and ask to be left alone. Even if he'd fought, Cas hoped to organize the angels on his side first according to his reflection in 6.03, and he believed God would be on his side (even the fear of that possibility was enough to scare Zachariah). God brought Cas back to life twice after he was killed by an archangel—once in 5.01, and again in 5.22. This likely bolstered Cas's confidence as well, made him feel he could gain the favor of devout angels, and made Dean believe Cas would be safe.
What's more, the Cas that Dean is familiar with from season 4 to season 5 isn't shy about asking for help. All Cas did all of season 4 was come to Dean asking or telling or demanding Dean do things for the angels. He was never shy about it. He was nosy and lacked any sense that he might be bothering anybody or even intruding on personal space when he came wanting help with something. He was more likely to show up unannounced and threaten and guilt than he was to think he was being a burden or that he had to handle everything on his own (though he was certainly happy to handle certain things on his own when he thought it would be easiest not to consult with anyone in advance). In 5.03, Cas showed up out of the blue asking Dean to be his meatshield against Raphael. In 5.04, Dean had to explain the concept of sleep when Cas wanted to pick Dean up to help him with a search for The Colt. When Cas needed help, Dean helped—practically and sometimes also emotionally. There were no questions about putting Dean at risk—the mission always came first.
So Dean between 5.22 and 6.03 has no reason to believe Cas would not come to him if he was in need—emotionally or practically. He simply assumes Cas is busy in a healthy way—busy governing with his angel buddies—busy with other relationships and his faith.
When Cas arrives in 6.03, it's because, for the first time in a year, Dean prayed to see if Cas had any ideas on their case. It wasn't a big deal—but seemed like it might be up his alley. It wasn't a demanding request. Hell—maybe Dean sees being on a mission for the first time after a year as a good excuse to get in touch. However, he also finds out just now from Sam that Cas had ghosted Sam when Sam was resurrected and prayed over and over. Over an entire year, Cas never took the time to show. Even if they don't consider each other friends, Dean figures Sam is owed a response at some point over the course of a year after sacrificing his life for everybody.
So when Sam and Cas start squabbling about Cas suddenly appearing (it seems at first) just because Dean prayed instead of Sam, Dean picks Sam's side—and when he says, "When Sam calls, you answer", I don't think he's trying to give orders—I think he's trying to quickly end an unproductive squabble between two more-volatile-than-usual parties who are already prone to butt heads by addressing what he thinks is the root of the issue: Cas simply not grasping the basics of communication and human courtesy.
Dean's had to explain that it isn't okay to fly people places without their permission. He's had to explain that humans need time to eat and sleep and can't assist you at a moments notice at any time day or night. He's had to explain personal space. He's had to explain that watching people sleep is creepy. He's had to explain that showing up in people's rooms or bathrooms out of the blue is startling. This is just one more thing he feels he needs to explain based on his assumptions about Cas ghosting Sam—which are also built upon Cas's own claim—that he ghosted Sam for an entire year simply because he didn't have an answer to his question and for no other reason.
Cas then proceeds to make it clear that he didn't come because Dean called, but because of why Dean called. Cas is interested in the staff of Moses. Cas then proceeds to say "I need your help", and Sam and Dean help him instead of holding a grudge or demanding more explanations. As the case progresses, it becomes more and more clear that Cas isn't going to explain anything and he just keeps darting around and doing things like torturing a kid. So Dean finally demands to know exactly what's going on with Cas. Getting Cas to explain is really difficult—Cas doesn't want to. His responses are short and scattered—he doesn't want to take the time—he's still darting around while he talks.
When they finally get the picture that there's Apocalypse 2.0 brewing, Dean asks outright why Cas didn't ever tell them. The implication here is clear when you realize that up to this point, Dean knows Cas as someone who isn't shy about asking for help when he needs it.
Cas admits,
"I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers."
He's still using Dean while he talks—literally yanking his wrist over to cut Dean's palm open and use his blood for a spell without asking.
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Ok regarding that “can i make Yves do my homework if I give him my childhood pictures” ask, exactly how much access does Yves have to our lives? Does he have images or videos from when we were still a baby or would they be new information to him?
A bunch of my baby pictures and videos are lost because my dad lost the computer that had them but we recently found my aunt’s old camera filled with our childhood pictures, it was a pleasant surprise for us but would it be for Yves too?
It absolutely is. If Yves was there with you while your aunt showed you the photo gallery of her old camera, Yves would momentarily lose a bit of inhibition and let his pupils dilate to a maddening degree before instantly constricting it back to appear normal. It's a rare, super deluxe edition photos of you, there isn't anything else like it out there as they're most likely not uploaded to the internet or a cloud based service, where he could easily hack.
Him coming across media from your childhood or at least during those early days where people still go to and get their photos developed, is like winning the lottery for him. Because, although he tries to collect everything relating to your existence, there is only so much he can do in a day. He rather prioritizes the present and the future, as the past is the past; neither you nor him can change it, he can only understand or connect it to your current behaviours or thought patterns.
He does have some information about you as a baby or a child, but that is if they're "readily available" to him. (I.e., it can be found in predictable places like in your childhood home.), that is why, Yves would try to build a good relationship with people you grew up with, to extract information.
Despite being reclusive as he is, Yves would never fail to attend every and any family gathering he is invited to or expected to come. Encouraging that drunk uncle to drink more if he knew he has something to say about you, bribing your relatives with gifts and career opportunities, perhaps even drugging that really difficult and combative cousin to make them more bearable to interrogate.
As soon as he knew your aunt could be another goldmine of your data, he would get to work. Wasting no time building a rapport with her, it's a piece of cake given how obsessive and manipulative his nature is.
Inevitably, your aunt will come to love him and see Yves as family. By extension, her relationship with you will skyrocket too, she will invite you to her place much more often even though she might not be the most sociable person in the first place. Yves will find a way to make her bend to his whims.
The majority of their conversations would be about you, only sometimes Yves would talk about something else if it meant he could keep the drive to spill more about your lore going. His sharp ears and mind will pick up on clues as to where he might find more pictures or writings about you. He would then break into your aunt's home to give it a thorough shakedown and leave without a trace. Yves would repeat this process until he's positive that she has nothing left to offer. That camera is getting fucking stolen and replaced with a duplicate.
It didn't matter if your aunt was a minimalist or a severe hoarder, he would go through all her things just to try and find pieces of your puzzle. He would wade through cobwebs, dust piles, rat droppings and mould if he had to, Yves isn't scared to get dirty to obtain what he wants, "squeamish" isn't in his vocabulary.
When she is robbed of all your essence, Yves would become distant. Not hostile towards her, just cold and indifferent. He would still maintain some sort of relationship with her though, in case she becomes useful again later. As of now, he either puts his entire focus on your current peripheral and direct life, or start to hunt other members down- from his snooping, he had learned of other people who may have valuable input about your childhood.
All of this is happening in the background. You wouldn't suspect a thing, there wasn't a dip in his attention for you. In fact, he may have gotten a lot more smothering, as Yves would be shaking at the thought of testing out his new theories and hypothesis that were birthed from his new knowledge.
He just loves you so much that he couldn't help himself but to get greedy. Yves wants all of you; past, present and future. And any version of you that could have been.
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radexchangeprogram · 2 years
Still too crammed to put out a coherent piece of work so have some random hcs. I didn’t proof read this so I’m sorry for grammar errors.
Random Devildom Culture HCS (Romance/Courtship)
Courtship varies depending on the sin the demon is more affiliated with, but they all essentially do the same thing: showing a potential partner that they value them over their sin. For example, a sloth demon may offer to help a potential love interest with some work.
Demons tend to not do anything without ulterior motive, so if a demon starts doing stuff for you without them owing you/needing anything from you, they probably have a crush.
It’s a very difficult task for a lot of demons which is why it’s considered a big deal to go through with actually courting someone.
If the feelings are mutual, the other demon will de the same.
After proving that this is a committed courtship, then it starts to look a lot more similar to how humans date. This includes things like going to restaurants, going to movies, ect.
Grooming is also a major part of bonding with a partner. This can include buffing your partner’s horns, helping them shed, preening, helping maintain hooves, ect. It builds mutual trust as if a non-loved one where to touch any of these parts, a fight would definitely break out.
Over time, each demon does tend to take on more traits of the other’s sin. (E.g. an envy demon becomes more gluttonous if their partner is a gluttony demon and vice versa).
Demon relationships are more often than not open with both partners still having casual flings, but some couples prefer to keep a closed relationship. It’s not considered taboo either way.
Devildom weddings are a huge spectacle and extremely colorful. Both suits and dresses have various combinations of colors and are almost always custom made.
This is because the colors chosen are meant to come together to represent the unique chemistry of the relationship.
Couples can assign meaning to the colors as they please and it’s very common for keys that discuss the meaning of a couple’s colors to be handed out at weddings.
Demons get something similar to a pact mark after getting married. Both parties get it and it looks like a combination of the two’s sigils. If a human marries a demon, a unique mark is still formed, but it tends to be more representative of something the human has a deep connection to (plant, animal, ect).
Demons can marry multiple partners and many do. Like I said earlier, it just depends on the relationship. A unique mark will form per spouse.
I don’t think demons, with the exception of envy or greed demons, get particularly possessive over a partner. They do, however, get pretty protective. To a human, this can appear possessive as demons can get more aggressive with it, but most demons back off right away or a partner can talk them down pretty fast so it doesn’t often break out into fights.
Because of their lifespan, marriage milestones tend to be every 20 years. Human-demon couples typically adopt the human tradition of celebrating yearly.
If you think I should write some specific courting hcs of the current characters, please let me know. My semester ends in about 3 weeks so I should have more time.
If you liked this, please also consider reblogging/leaving a comment. It really helps my work get out there more and it means a lot.
EDIT: Ty so much for all the support and kind comments this post has received 😭😭 this is a side blog so tumblr doesn’t let me reply directly under this URL, but I wanted to say I’ve been reading all of them with a big smile on my face.
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You know that Weapon Reader you did with Lilia and Malleus? Can do you one with Before and After Overblotting Yandere!Azul (And maybe Yan!Floyd and Yan!Jade) with Weapon Reader? I can see Reader doing this when Azul was asking for something to ‘sweeten’ the deal that he has for them (To free the Students):
Azul: What exactly can you offer me beside your Dorm? You don’t exactly-
Reader (No hesitation): My Body
Azul: Have much to offer- (Realizes what they said) HUH?!? (Is completely off guard by such a suggestive offer)
Reader (Straight faced): You heard me
Jade and Floyd (Both smirk realizing the Magicless Prefect is going be entertaining to have around): Hehehe…
Jack (Surprised and very started by their ‘suggestive’ offer): Are you INSANE?? (Has a blush on his face from embarrassment)
Grim, Ace and Deuce (Spit-Take after hearing what their Friend just offered): W H A T/N Y A H? ? ! ?
I DEFINITELY believe that Reader doesn’t realize that the rules on ‘Offering’ their Bodies is VERY different from their world (Since Demon Weapon offer their Bodies to Meisters to turn into Weapons) which is seen as connecting to their Meisters (Not realizing that what they offered was VERY suggestive until Ace explained it, then I bet their face rivals Angry Riddle’s Face)
I love this so much
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Weapon Reader (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Azul Ashengrotto
Feeling the weight of the scythe’s blade that was on his lap, he’s desperately trying to gain some semblance of normalcy for him
“Y-your leg!”
“It wouldn’t be just this part. This is only a demonstration. Fully changed, I'm a spear.”
“W-why would I need a spear?!”
“...” You were looking at him like he was the alien here 
“Uh to stab people? I thought you were the smart one Azul.”
He near faints 
Despite his initial shock he eventually gets quite excited about you and your so-called friends failing becoming part of his little crew in Monstro Lounge
With you in his pocket, he’d be unstoppable
Not to mention he could finally get to know you or rather for you to know him at all
Too many times had he chickened out from speaking to you because he was sure his heart was beating loud enough to hear
But if you really were making the offer
He’d take it
And when the day ends he himself will collect you
“Well similar to Ramshackle, it's only right that I protect and exercise your services until the contract is officially in action.”
On account of maintaining your deal, you sigh before following Azul who is trying to hide his blushy smile as he pushes his glasses up with pride
So between being interrogated about your weapon status and plotting with your friends it will ultimately trigger his overblot
When that finally does happen you are more than prepared to throw down especially if Jade is offering to be your meister
When all's said and done Azul’s really upset you are out of his grasp
Next to Jamil your #1 on his ‘make a contract with at any opportunity' list
And it's not entirely because of your weapon status
“Prefect, I was curious if you’d let me…handle you, a-as a weapon of course!”
“If you let me touch your tentacles.”
“W-what?! B-but thats–”
“Embarrassing? Maybe, but I’m not one to let just anyone wield me.”
“I’d love to wield you more than anything~!”
“J-just thinking about future…opportunities for collaboration, where’d we both get what we want.”
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Jade Leech
His having a difficult time repressing the smile on his face
No doubt having also been deeply engaged in research about you, he already deemed you a person of interest
This was just the icing on the cake
He’s really really hoping Azul didn’t properly explain it in the terms of the contract
If Azul didn’t have use for you, he’d gladly be willing 
He can’t wait to take advantage get to know you better
In all your forms
“We happily accept your offer. And once you fail, we can’t wait to keep you forever properly employ you.”
Now he’s going to enjoy exercising the guard for collateral 
Sevens does he love throwing that weight around 
As he slowly carves into your time with your friends 
“Excuse us but we best be off. We’ve scheduled some time for us to get acquainted with one another.”
He really wants to see you in your full weapon form
He also really wants to know if your sense of touch remains through your transformation
“So this is what you meant about being a battle axe. I expected something more modest.”
“Like a lumberjack’s? Please, with the monsters I’d be fighting this is–what are you doing?”
“Sorry I just wanted to know, can you feel this at all?”
“Y-yes but why are you holding my handle like that?!” 
“Just getting a feel for you, that’s all.”
“Well stop it! This is just weird!”
“Perhaps but you were the one to sign the contract, no?”
“It hasn’t gone into effect just yet.”
“It will. And when it does I’ll be more than prepared to wield you with the skill you deserve.”
Sucks to suck 
He’s more aggravated than he lets on about the contract being fulfilled
Now he’s got to find another way to get ahold of you
And while he’s at it he might just cut Azul and Floyd out of it for good measure
So prepare for any and all situations that need you to transform
“Well this is quite the predicament!”
“It isn’t a predicament! You purposely chose this heavily forested area!”
“I’ve done no such thing. This is all through coincidence.”
“Now if you’d transform so that I may cut through this bramble.”
“And there it is!”
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Floyd Leech
Is just as excited as his brother
He’s following you everywhere 
Closing in when he finds an opportunity to run off with
“I get to have (Y/n)! Why? Because I need to watch for the contract of somethin’!”
He isn’t as interested in getting Ramshackle as he is in finally getting to play with you
He always thought you were just a cute little shrimp 
But you have claws!
How fun!
Fully expect him to shake you hysterically before full-on asking
“Why won’t you change?!”
“You’re telling me! Where’s the knife button?”
“Hahaha! S-stop p-poking me! Hey! Keep your hands off!”
Thinking it might ease his insistent touches it won’t
You’ll transform and he’s swinging you around like a maniac
“Stoooop! You’re going to hurt someone!”
“But it's so fun to swing you around like this!”
“Leech brother put that down immediately! You shouldn’t be swinging a weapon like that so indiscriminately, especially since it's you.”
He’s honestly a little peeved
But hey you were known for never being boring
Now that you have claws he’s more intense with his advances
He’s not immune to blades but he does enjoy a workaround
It doesn’t matter that the contract wasn’t fulfilled 
It just means he gets to have fun trying to catch you off-guard
He’s always been one for a chase
“Ne ne Shrimpy~Where’d you run off to?!”
“Don’t come near me Floyd, I'll cut you!”
“I’d like to see you try!” 
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tenderhungering · 5 months
howdy howdy!!! do u have any thoughts on jack’s background? I think it’s really interesting the few tidbits we have (Illinois Boy™️, the Oh Calcutta story, getting his start in radio) + in the case of those first two its like. clearly been told time and time again for an audience. or if you’d prefer something else any thoughts on minnie 🙏😭 haunting the narrative icon
hello hello ! i so wish we’d gotten a little bit more about him but i’ve always imagined jack as being a little more introverted in his younger years? i think he really enjoys validation and this is such a difficult thing to achieve as someone as slightly awkward as jack. (don’t know why. maybe i just enjoy pathetic men but his blushing at naked bodies and his little “oh! not my chair!” has always made me feel like he has had to build up this persona he has made for himself) charming and quick-witted but very easily crumbles whenever he’s in an uncomfortable position (he seems to almost dissociate often?)
i think he might’ve been in some sort of college radio and broadcast (i’ve discussed this with a friend before!), and he was just so happy to build an audience. there’s no mention of his parents (my memory is foggy!) so part of me thinks that they’re either not in the picture or he’s lost them? so you know,,, mommy and daddy issues galore despite either one. maybe even one of them didn’t think being someone on television would maintain a steady flow of income. regardless, it might make him more interested in gaining that connection with the audience, getting validated for his feelings. getting praise for it. no you’re so cool please continue to make your show! i’m such a big fan!
he doesn’t know who is there for him as Mr. Midnight and who is there for him Jack Delroy so he blurs the line and vents to his audience, looks at the camera with every intention to impress.
i imagine meeting minnie was very sweet though. they were both sort of up and coming and it’s nice to have someone who understands that struggle! i imagine minnie being in theatre makes her the more extroverted out of the two ! (she was the one sharing stories and jack getting shy about them!), but also a lot more open about her emotions. jack seems like someone who keeps to himself and doesn’t quite understand how to communicate well (he does hide a lot from others when they ask what’s going on. might just be that 70s toxic masculinity upbringing that makes him unable to express these,, daddy issues? who knows!)
i do fully believe he loved her though! younger jack probably never dreamed of finding a girl like minnie. maybe a bit of idealization for her occurred earlier on but minnie was so fresh and bright and full of life even during her time spent ill that i always thought she just good humor and a knack for just being naturally talented at the arts.
which is a big difference between the two! minnie just had that spark of life, she was always going to end up being someone big, she knew how to capture a room. jack was awkward and had to find his voice, he had to learn what people liked, what good jokes landed and how to deliver them, he had to work hard (and i don’t mean this as minnie not working hard! jack just had to work to become this persona while minnie was able to become her characters almost immediately, she’s able to understand their emotions and feel for them immediately. i think it makes her a much more empathetic person while jack is a lot more sympathetic. jack needs to be verbally told what people are feeling which might be why ratings are so comforting. they’re either good or bad! they’re easy to read.) and become who we know as Mr. Midnight. something of an artist obsessed with not their craft but what their craft will mean to others
sorry if this wasn’t exactly background stuff pfft! i more so focused on how their personalities were! i do think that minnie was possibly in dance, and has that ability to be able to play a song after she hears it on time on the piano. i think she has to teach jack how to pick up on it though, he’s sort of stumbling and his keys are sour baha. he probably used to stay up late studying little mannerisms talk shows had. i think he has a natural charm to him but that charm is a lot more meek than what we see? i love them both dearly,,,
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nightsky652 · 8 months
Yandere Rich Girl
Her name is Lucy.
She is a girl of average height with long, well-maintained golden hair. Her skin and hair are flawless, and she uses various cosmetics and beauty treatments to maintain her perfect image. She likes to dress in eye-catching and extravagant clothes.
She is a selfish and irrational girl. If she wants something, she will have it. This is her way of thinking, shaped by the fact that since she was a child, she has always been given everything she desired, never deprived of anything she wanted. She grew up with the idea that everything should be as she wants it and that her money can get her anything.
She became interested in you since you two were very young. She offered you money to do all the work in a group project for school, but you refused. This angered her, but you still didn't comply. Another day she asked for something else, offering even more money, but once again, you refused. Normally, she would just ignore you, but for some reason, she couldn't stop thinking about you. When she realized what might be happening, she went into denial, refusing to accept the idea that she might be in love with someone who wasn't a prince or something similar.
She started giving you gifts without you doing anything. When you were in elementary school, they were somewhat normal things like flowers, sweets, and even video games. But as you both grew up, so did the gifts. They stopped being ordinary things, now, she gave you brand-name watches (with trackers), branded clothing (that she thinks would look good on you), and invites you to dine at luxury restaurants. It's useless to refuse because she leaves you no choice.
In high school, she becomes very intense with you. Her personality might make her seem like a tsundere, but don't be deceived, she is definitely a yandere, albeit in a more subtle way (not counting the expensive and unusual gifts she gives you). If another girl seems to have caught your interest and it's not her, she will use her money and connections to make her move, forcing her parents to work abroad or causing their business to go bankrupt, and similar actions.
If any girl is foolish enough to anger her too much by doing something that pushes her to the limit, like stealing a kiss from you, confessing her love, or rejecting you, she will take more extreme measures.
To get rid of people she hates, she goes to greater lengths to ensure their suffering. She might hire a hitman to go after them or even have them kidnapped so that she can personally take care of the problem.
She hates when you don't pay attention to her, even if you have a good reason to focus on other things, she won't care and will demand your attention only on her.
She is very popular at school, as she loves to be fashionable and always dresses in the newest and most exclusive clothes. Many girls admire her, partly because of her great beauty, which doesn't depend on cosmetics alone but is enhanced by them.
All the girls in her group know not to approach you, or it would anger her, and when she's angry, she's terrifying. Only some oblivious girls that aren’t in her group are unaware of this and are the most likely to end up on her bad side by doing things that annoy her without being aware of it.
She always has a lot of money for whatever she wants, but that doesn't stop her from complaining to her father to give her more. Her allowance is so large that she could buy a new car every month.
Her father cares a lot about his public image and, for that reason, doesn’t want to attract unnecessary scandals, so he forbade his own daughter from having a boyfriend. This has always bothered her a lot, but there wasn't much she could do. She depended on him for many things, and if she doesn’t obey him, he might cut her off financially, making things very difficult for her. Instead, she settled for adoring you from a distance, only as a friend or a secret admirer. But she wouldn't be content with this continuing forever.
In the future, when you both have graduated, she will eventually inherit her father's fortune (after an unfortunate incident). The amount of money she has now is absurd, and she is no longer restricted by her father or anyone else. She can have everything she’s ever wanted, and that is you.
With the money she inherits from her father, she can win you over in three ways.
The first is the most pleasant and peaceful. In this, she directly asks you to be hers, going straight to you (knowing where you are thanks to the trackers). She will offer you a life of luxury by her side, where she will pamper you and give you everything you want, in exchange for not seeing or talking to any other girl besides her. This would basically mean abandoning your family because she doesn't want anything to distract your attention from her.
If you accept to be her boyfriend, everything will be very good for you. You will move into her mansion on the same day, specifically into her room, living there in luxury, eating 5-star chef-prepared meals, surrounded by things you've always wanted. But your freedom has been dramatically reduced. You can't leave the room unless it's with her, leaving the mansion happens rarely and has to be also accompanied by her. You won't talk to anyone other than her, the mansion staff is strictly prohibited from talking to you. She doesn't want anyone taking even a little of your attention.
If you reject her, she will become furious. She will leave not understanding why you rejected her proposal, but, as you might expect, this rejection won't stop her, and she will resort to more extreme methods.
The second method is a bit more aggressive. She would attack the place where you work and your family. Over time, she has managed to gather a large number of followers and became an influential figure. She has great influence not only economically but also socially. If she criticizes your workplace or accuses people close to you of things they didn't do and involves them in controversies, she will make their lives more difficult. And if that's not enough, she can always buy the place where you work or bribe your bosses to fire you and put you on a blacklist so that you won't be hired anywhere, leaving you with no job options.
She will offer again that you go out with her, hoping that you accept this time, now that you have no way to sustain yourself economically. It's likely that you'll accept at this point. But if you don't, and you have a friend or family member supporting you, she will go against them and ruin them as well. But if you persist, she will resort to even more extreme measures.
The third method is the most intense of the three. It would happen after you reject her multiple times or if you get a girlfriend, or worse, a fiancée before she could inherit her father's assets. Blinded by anger, she wouldn’t stop at anything and would proceed to take you by force directly.
To get you by force, she would use a large sum of money to pay some hitman to catch you and your soon to be ex-girlfriend, if you have one. They will deliver both of you to her, and she will lock you in the basement of her mansion, a place she had specifically remodeled for you. This place is truly terrible, and you would want to avoid it at all costs after entering once.
In the basement, she has cells where she will keep both of you for as long as she wants. There's barely any light inside, and the doors are reinforced, they are more secure than doors in most prisons, but they aren't that necessary because she will keep you chained to the wall. When you are locked up, she will take the opportunity to hurt both of you, but it will be much worse for the person who tried to steal you from her. She will take her time to make you suffer until your will to resist is broken.
This third method will only end in one way, your partner suffering immensely, and you being completely submissive to her will. You missed your chance, she offered you to be by her side willingly, but you didn't want to accept, so this would be your punishment, but eventually, over time, she would let you out of the basement and live in her room, but you would still be chained.
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coochellati · 3 months
We all know how much we love our Bruno smut and how hot he can be in them 😩
Which leads me to ask, how much experience do you think he has? Do you think he’s had past partners or flings? Or is he a virgin who’s learned techniques to please his partner motivated by his want to please them? And for funsies, what do you think is his length? 👀
Hi!!! First of all, I wanted to thank you for sending me this ask, because now I get an excuse to talk about my thoughts surrounding his love life!!! This is a topic I am very passionate about.
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I'm very excited to share these headcanons because they’re something I’ve heavily discussed with @phosphor-escent / @cornerfortherats (Maggie) at random times during the past few months. She is a lovely person to hold a deep, analytical conversation about Bruno with. (And a lovely person all-around.)
Discussion is under the cut!!
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Bruno Bucciarati has never been in a relationship, nor has he slept around. (He doesn’t strike me as the type to have one night stands—loyalty is one of his defining character traits.)
As for why he lacks experience, I believe that Bruno would be very hesitant to let someone into his dangerous life.
Whether you like it or not, being associated with Bruno Bucciarati means being tied to Passione, a reality he's well aware of. Having connections to the organization can be dangerous—Bruno's enemies could use his loved ones against him. Being someone who prioritizes the safety of those he cares for over his own, the fear of loved ones becoming harmed due to his affiliations is enough to prevent him from forming deep relationships.
After the events of Golden Wind, I imagine Bruno would have been promoted to either Underboss or Consigliere within Passione. Passione is an immensely powerful organization, especially under Giorno's leadership. (If you consider Purple Haze Feedback to be canon, you'll know that Giorno's Passione has power beyond anything Diavolo could have ever imagined, surpassing even that of any president.)
With such a high-ranking position, Bruno would undoubtedly have a significant target on his back—not that he wasn't already in a highly sought-after position as Capo.
Being an existing member of Passione may make it easier to form a relationship with Bruno, but it certainly doesn't make it easy. If Bruno holds a higher rank, (which is almost certain if Giorno is boss, and still quite likely even if Bruno is a Capo,) he'd know that the person he's involved with would become an even more significant target than they already are.
Naturally, that raises the question: what if this person holds the same rank as Bruno or even higher? Given Bruno's serious approach to his career, he would likely maintain professionalism, trying to avoid letting personal feelings interfere.
(I would also like to note that if the person he cared about wasn't in Passione and expressed a desire to join, Bruno would do everything in his power to keep them out of the organization, likely outright forbidding it.)
At this point, you may be thinking, "Why does Coochellati think getting into a relationship with Bruno would be so difficult? Other mafiosos get into relationships--just look at Tiziano and Squalo!" While yes, it is true that typical mafiosos aren't afraid to form close relationships with others, we know Bruno isn't your typical mafioso. To begin with, "typical mafiosos" don't become career criminals at the age of twelve. (This leads nicely into my next point.)
So, what's the underlying reason behind my belief that Bruno would have a hard time getting into a relationship?
Childhood Trauma.
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At the ripe age of seven, Bruno Bucciarati experienced his parents' divorce. Divorce can be traumatizing--according to the University of Illinois Chicago, "Children of divorced parents are at an increased risk of [having] interpersonal relationship difficulties."
While not every child of divorce struggles in forming and maintaining relationships, evidence from Golden Wind suggests that this could be a factor for Bruno. His actions and behaviors indicate that his upbringing has left a lasting impact on the way he forms and maintains relationships.
The moment he was made to choose which parent he wanted to live with was likely traumatic, especially with the high stakes he was presented with. Despite knowing that living with his mother would provide him the opportunity to attend a good school, he knew his father needed his presence. He chose to risk the strong possibility of a bright future for his father's sake, and at just seven years old, Bruno had already learned to prioritize others' needs over his own. This only intensified over time--by the age of twelve, Bruno was willing to murder to protect his father, quick to throw away any hopes of having a good future.
Throughout Golden Wind, we repeatedly see Bruno sacrificing himself for the needs of others. For someone with a pattern of this behavior and is acutely aware of the danger his associations present, it’s more likely he would jeopardize his happiness to ensure his potential partner isn’t affected by his actions. Bruno would most likely push them away or cut contact entirely, depending on how closely connected to them he is.
How good is Bruno in bed?
Despite not having much experience, he’d be pretty damn good, I’d think. Why?
Being good in bed requires understanding what your partner needs, which can be achieved through communication and reading body language. Being able to read someone well is a highly valued skill in the bedroom, and Bruno is well known for his intuition.
Remember his lie-detecting ability?
Bruno can discern a liar by the taste of their sweat, but he doesn't need that ability to detect deception. He knew Giorno was lying long before tasting his sweat—why else would he have placed Leaky Eye Luka’s eyeball in Giorno’s hand? So, how did he know Giorno was lying? Although Bruno mentioned that Giorno wasn’t perspiring, (which he might have lied about,) he must have figured out Giorno was lying through other means. While the exact method is unclear, it’s evident that Bruno can read people like a book. Therefore, it wouldn’t be hard for him to understand your needs.
Additionally, to be good in bed, keen confidence is essential--this is another trait Bruno is famously known for. The Grateful Dead arc is a brilliant example of how well Bruno can act under pressure. In his fight against Prosciutto, Bruno quickly and confidently made the decision to throw himself and Prosciutto off the train to negate The Grateful Dead's aging effects, ensuring the safety of his squad and Trish. If Bruno can keep a cool head while jumping from a speeding train, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe that he would be confident in the bedroom--especially as he becomes more comfortable with you sexually.
During your first time together, he may feel pressured to ensure that you're enjoying yourself. Though Bruno typically maintains a good poker face under stress, his attempt to project his usual confidence may feel slightly off. Perhaps he isn’t speaking as often, or his hands feel more clammy than usual—small details like this reveal his nervousness. Regardless of whether you notice these signs, he’d focus so much attention on his partner that they wouldn’t perceive his anxiety. After all, this is about making his partner feel good.
(I like to imagine that Bruno would let out an unintentional whimper the first time he slides in.)
Another thing to note: as mentioned before, Bruno prioritizes the needs of those around him over his own. Golden Wind also shows us that he’s more comfortable when he's in control of a situation. These traits suggest he’d initially prefer taking on a dominant role in the bedroom, as it gives him control over ensuring his partner is feeling good.
Now for the best part.
I'm going to do you one better and give you a whole d!ck headcanon.
7.3 inches long, 2.625 inches wide. slight curve up. Uncut. Lion (CCA279) at the base, softens into Peach (F0C49C) mid-shaft. Tip is Atomic Tangerine (DF9C86.)
Here's a gradient for reference:
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(As for cut or uncut? 2.6% of Italians are circumcised, so I’m willing to bet money that Bruno isn’t one of them. [This statistic was found in a study done in 2016.])
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WHEW, I think that's everything--I hope at least. I'm sure I will have more to add to these thoughts in the future.
Before ending this, I wanted to quickly say that even though I (sometimes) state my headcanons as if they are fact I understand that this just is my interpretation of Bruno—everyone has differing opinions. It’s important to note that others’ headcanons are just as valid as mine. (I just happen to really like writing in an argumentative essay style, and this post is written in a style akin to it.)
Again, thank you for sending me this ask; I had a ton of fun writing my response. :)
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
taylor swift and joe alwyn composite chart houses
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7th house: the composite 7th house governs how you are as a couple, how much you’re focused on the relationship, how you move together as one, and the other people that you interact with together.
taurus 7th house : with the composite 7th house in taurus, you may be a pairing that interacts with others with great calm, or the people in your life may seem like calming forces. while the external face of the relationship may be intense, there can be an ease with commitment, and this can help buoy the partnership. if may be difficult for you to see together when you’re being stubborn and stuck, yet you may encounter others who are that way with the two of you.
7th house ruler in 3rd house: circumstance: meeting them through social media, dating apps, online. meeting through one of your hobbies. meeting them when you’re gaining a new skill: learning something/ taking a class. meeting them when you’re in a really busy time of your life. a time when you’re socializing a lot. meeting on a trip or something to do with driving. person: someone who is talkative, childish, playful, witty, intelligent, or humorous. someone that has many different skills or hobbies. the kind of person to be communicative and opinionated. someone who can be sort of “gemini-like” union: a relationship that is like a friendship. a dynamic where you’re competitive together. can feel like a “sibling” dynamic. a union where you communicate together, exchange ideas and learn from each other. being on social media together.
moon in 7th: with the composite moon in the 7th house, this is the house of relationships, so this can be a good placement for virtually any relationship, personal or professional. you each can focus on the relationship a great deal, feeling more secure and confident when you feel the relationship is solid and strong. you can work extra hard to make sure you’re each putting in your fair share of work to maintain the relationship, but you also need to make sure the relationship doesn’t become an emotional crutch for either of you.
8th house: the composite 8th house shows how we use what we have together and share with one another. this house also governs intimacy and sex, so it can also show how we connect on a physical level in romantic partnerships (in a way that may be different from individually in the natal chart).
gemini 8th house: with the composite 8th house in gemini, you may come up with plenty of ideas for what you should do with the resources you have together, and you may be a little scattered as a result. information and knowledge can be powerful, so you can do your homework first before making decisions to avoid being impulsive and scattered. in a romantic relationship, physical intimacy may need to come after a mental connection is built.
8th house ruler in 3rd house: you often desire a certain level of unpredictability and instability once a commitment is made. to some degree you’re unstable and that can transverse as non-committal in the house of “commitment” which may cause the surrounding environment to wane and fluctuate in an unhealthy manner. the real issue here is that you secretly have a complex about the perfect romance and often times the more mundane and predictable sides of being committed secretly bore you. you want excitement of not really knowing whether or not your lover will be there the next day which often can be sad due to the fact that their are often two faces present here! the one that wants excitement and the one that actually wants to be committed to someone. the odd thing here is that often for these natives once the committed twin wins over they often can place a high value on communication and open emotional expression despite their logical approach to settling down. all this taken into account once they kill off the fickle twin they don’t just commit to their lovers...they submit to them fully. your lover could shy away during this phase though as they’ll feel like it’s either they keep up or get out..but once they survive that part they’ll adore the committed and often completely sympathetic backing. once commitment is established you can frolic like a child in a field across your lovers body! you become experimental but also a bit of a bi-polar off and on type-you’ll often initiate sex in multiple ways.
jupiter in 8th: with composite jupiter in the 8th house, you can find it easier to deal with the serious aspects of the relationship, and deal with serious matters together. the darker side to this house can be somewhat muted with jupiter here, and you can be less prone to struggling over power and control. you can help to transform one another and deal with deeply-held issues that you’d normally keep buried.
chiron in 8th: you help each other heal from wounds related to loss, sexuality and power. you may be instrumental in helping each other reclaim your sexual power or overcoming wounds related to manipulation. you can help each other create understanding and perspective surrounding losses, crisis and personal tragedies. it’s easy for you to both hold space for each other’s grief and fears. you may have to struggle to help each other find transformation but once you begin to turn pain and fears into empowering change, you’ll both be able to shift from seeing yourselves as victims to seeing yourselves as powerful healers and leaders.
pholus in 8th: you can help each other face dramatic transformation and work through major turning points together. through this relationship you both find empowerment and perspective. you help each other release past fears and insecurities. your intuition helps you both pick up on small details that have dramatic ramifications. you can both become obsessed with shared wealth, security and resources, especially during times of dramatic change. small changes you both make can lead to cataclysmic changes. you are called to help each other embrace transformation. you may also help each other navigate major changes and turning points that help you both to unleash your sexual power and find greater clarity on what you desire. your relationship to each other can bring courage and focus in the midst of dramatic shifts and upsetting changes.
pallas in 8th: you are both easily able to do your best problem-solving work when it comes to dealing with matters of the subconscious and secret desires. you are both able to blend your intellectual and intuitive gifts to advocate for others’ rights to sexual freedom and you may be strategic about helping others to share power in relationships. this relationship can be a source of intense inspiration and you may both be motivated and determined to help each other succeed in accomplishing your goals of helping others navigate through change and transformation. you may also both have a psychic sense about strategies for problem solving that bring empowerment and new focus to others.
9th house: the composite 9th house can show how we expand, explore, and experience life together. The composite 9th house can show how we share our wisdom as a pairing with the world, and how we find meaning.
cancer 9th house: with the composite 9th house in cancer, you may feel at home with expansion and exploration together, and find some degree of emotional comfort in it. if you live together or are family, you may give each other a lot of space, and demand more freedom. travel, expansion, and new experiences may bring emotional security to the relationship. there may also be a focus to explore more at home.
9th house ruler in the 7th house: financial luck and fortune from marriage, gains and profits after marriage unless afflicted, spouse could prove lucky and is likely a foreigner or someone you meet while traveling, likely to travel a lot after marriage with spouse, due to career, due to social work, spouse or business partners may teach you a lot, can be someone you look up to, you can worship your spouse or platonic partners, luck and profits in business and career, gains in career after marriage, higher education in law, communication, management, business, economics, aesthetic/design industry, fashion, spouse may be someone you meet through friends, introduced by someone influential and in public eye, known through elder sibling, luck in legal battles and court cases, great sense of justice and self righteousness, if unafflicted shows a lucky life in second half of life especially, can marry friend's sibling, absolutely loyal and against infidelity of any kind, religious and spiritual beliefs can be influenced by spouse or business partners, can spread their wisdom and teachings to a big audience, can be a teacher, foreign education, morals and ethics may impact business and negotiations, self righteousness can affect partnerships, can be a spiritual or religious preacher or a life guide helping others through life with advice and teachings, spouse may live in a foreign land and be of same culture, looks for soulmate or spiritual connection with spouse, father may be famous, is a teacher, interacts with many people, could bring you your spouse, may be your business partner, constantly improving yourself in relationships unless malefics are associated, spouse provides happiness and prosperity if unafflicted, spouse is ethical and moral, you are a knowledge seeker, loves traveling, is self righteous, enjoys learning and history, open minded and spiritual,relationship with religion and spirituality may be affected after marriage, spouse can make you more pious, great placement for people in public eye,father may live away, you prove lucky for your partner
mars in 9th: with composite mars in the 9th house, you can feel driven to expand your lives and have new experiences together, and this can be a good placement for traveling or learning together. you can debate over beliefs and outlooks, and you try to keep things light, but you may fight over your beliefs at times, so you have to remain open. if you have the same beliefs, this can be a strong link between you.
ceres in 9th: you can nurture each other’s philosophies and beliefs. with each other’s encouragement you can both find greater inspiration and expand your point of view. you may also help each other create abundance through encouraging each other to expand on your plans and ideas. you may stand out as a couple that nurtures others’ higher ideals and help each other to maintain hope in the midst of challenging times. you both understand that each other needs to enjoy changes of scenery, taking classes and writing or traveling abroad as a means of nurturing your own inner strengths.
10th house: the composite 10th house can show how you present yourselves as a pair, how you step out into the world together (your public life), and what you work toward together.
virgo 10th house: here we have a somewhat reserved couple with others, but extremely cheerful and expressive with each other. people see that they are serious about the relationship, that they see themselves being with each other for a long time, they see a future together and people trust that they are the right person for this. both stand out for being very hardworking and devoted in the relationship, people can highlight the effort, mutual support and attention they give each other. they see the relationship as something that came to put more order in both their lives and their feelings, they think that they both do well and push themselves to be the best version of themselves. people realize that you both accept each other's flaws and all, and are likely to see a quality of relief and rest in one or both of you when you're together. they give the impression of being able to count unconditionally on the other regardless of the circumstances.
10th house ruler in 3rd house: the activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. the need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. you communicate like an authority figure. you communicate like a professional. you communicate like a parent. your profession is always on your mind. you write a blog for professionals. you keep a professional diary. you’d like your vocation to provide opportunities for making connections around town. you’d like to become known locally for the work that you do. you’d like to be a local celebrity. your vocation involves writing. your vocation involves conferencing, skypeing, phone calls, IM, facebook, twitter, email and other short correspondence. you get speaking engagements because of your professional status. your authoritative stance makes you stand out in the local community. you act like a parent to your siblings. you act like the parent of your neighborhood. you take your professional experience to the local level. you teach people how to do what you do. you teach at a vocational school. you pass on information about career placement. you are a school guidance counselor. you pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing. you become an authority on your local area. you become an authority on the written word. you become an authority on language.
11th house: the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. with the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision.
libra 11th house: with the composite 11th house in libra, you can be the compromising, pleasant pair in your friendships or groups you participate in, and can be easy to get along with together. you may want friends or groups that you feel are pleasant and won’t throw any drama into your lives together. you may spend time with many couples/partnerships. you can focus on change when balance is achieved.
11th house ruler in 3rd house: being versatile is something that characterizes these natives; they can fit in with any group, however they like to hang out with individuals who share their interests. astrology, drawing, digital art, having a blog, photography, traveling and playing video games are some of the hobbies that the native may have. they enjoy activities that challenge them somehow. some of them may encounter (and get along pretty well) either many people with gemini placements/3rd house placements/dominant mercuries in the course of their life. something that i have noticed in many of these natives is that they tend to be quite intelligent, and despite this, they do not study a lot or participate in class. they tend to like to learn on their own and hate wasting time studying, even feeling overwhelmed by the idea of ​​studying, unless they are studying on their own. these natives feel a very deep connection with their friends, coming to consider them family, to be more specific, they usually see them as brothers. they tend to interact in a friendly and witty way when wanting to forge new friendships. they tend to keep their friends from school regardless of the passage of time, however, remembering that astrology is ambiguous, i have also noticed the other side of the coin, and that is that it may have been difficult for them to make friends at school or feel that they fit in. with their classmates. their relationship with their siblings is usually somewhat complex and changing. the relationship can be a bit extreme, oscillating between getting along very well with each other and sometimes not wanting to see each other. siblings of the natives can have strong aquarius, saturn, uranus or 11th House energy or placements. something that perfectly describes them is their curiosity, being people who seek to find a deeper meaning to everything that is mundane or part of their day to day. they often have a huge desire to travel to know and explore or to have a job that allows them to travel. they are people willing and open to change. (if the ruler is badly aspected, their dedication to achieving their goals can give them a lonely life and perhaps fewer social contacts than they would like). do you want to get their attention? don't be afraid of being judged. something that they find admirable is people who are able to express their thoughts in a direct and unique way. abstract, complex and interesting minds will definitely catch their eye. these people are hardly understood by people, especially when others try to read what they write. i have noticed that the writing of these natives changes a lot and that they tend to write very fast. they speak and write with a unique, clever, entertaining, and easygoing style. they are quite social and have a remarkable ability to make new and helpful connections very quickly.
12th house: the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of.
libra 12th house: with the composite 12th house in libra, it may be difficult at times for you to find some pleasant compromise in the relationship, and restore balance and peace together. everything can smooth out in times of crisis so you operate in a calmer way, but this may cause a subconscious desire for more chaos. there may be karmic issues with lack of respect or commitment issues that need to be addressed, and some indecision may need to be let go of.
12th house ruler in 3rd house: shows intense passion towards certain skills or just lack in happiness if you feel dispassion or unhappy doing your skill, many people with this often are artistic and singers, they maybe into music, they are creative, and inherently talented, but also too obsessed that they can forget about real life, you may have felt detachment from family, neighbors, siblings, cousins, or just the immediate family, could be due to experiences or you felt you belonged somewhere else or with other crowd, you may have had sexual relations or possibly marry someone you know from school or they could be a friend first or introduced through cousin, sibling etc, you may be wise regarding education, learning, experienced in some skill, speech, social issues etc, could have hidden animosity from siblings, cousins, school peers, teachers, friends or neighbors, animosity could be due to talent, knowledge, brave and talk back bold personality, this only for malefic planets, or jealousy due to school matters, like going to a better school than others you know, could be due to grades, you can spend a lot on art, education, on friends, learning, if afflicted this could cause debt for you, you may manifest knowledge or skills or acceptance, can be intuitive or intuitively connected to friends, siblings, may live or did early education in a foreign land or with foreign people, may have felt imprisoned or claustrophobic in young age, with peers, in surroundings, may not be able to sleep when young, could have sleep disorders when young, you maybe troubled about your learning and education or not being able to learn a skill or not being able to speak, your speech mein reflect your subconscious, for people that hide stuff or are not able to express, your speech may be reflective of subconscious issues, restrictions in speaking, expressing or pursuing things of interest may put mind at distress, shows restrictions from mother or subconscious fear or animosity towards mother, lack of freedom of expression if afflicted, may have had difficult or life changing, teaching moments earlier in life, for some, there is lazy attitude towards things if interest, and lack of passion,you are subconsciously someone witty and a thinker, you enjoy learning and doing things with your hands, may enjoy traveling
pluto in 12th: with composite pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren’t obvious. it can be in a subconscious way, and you subconsciously want to have all of the power and control. this position can show one person makes all of the sacrifices and the other person takes everything selfishly, so you need to make sure you’re both giving and taking equally. you can transform in profound ways together if you can steer clear of secrets, lies, and cruelty.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard / 1H - 6H
7h + 7h ruler
8h + 8h ruler + composite chiron in house + composite pholus in houses + composite pallas in houses
9h + 9h ruler + composite ceres in houses
10h + 10h ruler
11h + 11h ruler
12h + 12h ruler
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass: Vaisha Soveniss
You already know how this works. "Other" option is for some sort of incompatibility or you'd just rather be friends or study them under a microscope or some secret fourth thing
Yoinking an open tag from @hazelkjt
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Height: 6'11"/~209cm
Age: 34
Gender: wizard
Pronouns: They/He
Sexuality: Grey asexual with heavy masculine preference
Herbalist and apothecary with a broad working knowledge of plants for both medicinal and arcane uses
Well versed in basic survival skills
Enjoys a good book and loves taking recommendations
Very nice voice. Very. Nice.
Will not mind one bit if you decide to infodump to him
Heavily prejudiced against Gridanians, especially conjurers
Has no limits they will not surpass in pursuit of knowledge, particularly occultist powers
Frustratingly private about themself
They don't shy away from violence as a solution
Grew up in part of a Gelmorran settlement that was later taken under the protection of the Redbelly Wasps.
They're a Hearer, but due to their fire aspected aether and existing while Duskwight, they've been thoroughly rejected by the conjurer's guild numerous times.
They leave the Shroud to continue their self-taught thaumaturgy skills and become a black mage. WoL!Vaisha continues on to Limsa and eventually becomes a summoner. They prefer magic that does not rely on an external source, as learning magic is something that cannot be taken away from them at any point.
They will use any form of persuasion in conversation, from genial manners to underhanded blackmail, all with the same serene smile in pursuit of their goals.
WoL!Vaisha's Echo power is to control the emotions of the people around them, for good or for ill. They cannot create new emotions, only suppress or amplify.
They enjoy the finer things in life. They relish the notoriety that being the WoL/a powerful mage gives them, and will often dress in fine linens and silks and drape themself in jewellery to supplement their natural arcane ability.
While travelling is not off the table entirely, they do prefer to stay in one place for extended periods of time.
They prefer to be nocturnal, so early risers will not see them very much.
They don't tend to put much effort into maintaining connections much farther than how useful one is to them, so creating an actual bond is quite difficult and requires a lot of patience and even more luck. So far there has been one exception.
Sexually dominant and will adapt to whatever their partner wants but mostly uses sex as a tool to further their own ends.
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scriberye · 2 months
on wedding anniversaries, fandom, and getting older
This September, my husband and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. He has been my greatest supporter, and sometimes my greatest enemy (beside myself, lol). Recently, I shared with him that I've been writing fanfiction, and much to my surprise, he was highly encouraging of it. Although he helps me with writing issues (like does this sequence of events make sense?), his knowledge of lore within my fandoms is limited.
If I ask him about Warhammer, he can tell me about Orks. If I ask him about Transformers, he tells me it's about robots and cars. If I ask him about Star Trek, he'll ask which one and give me a blank stare.
But if I ask him about the fine art and history of medieval cooking, he's got me covered!
And this is where my challenge arises: I want fandom friends.
I'm in my late 30's, and I've noticed I'm aging out of many fandom spaces, many of which are dominated by much younger people. It's nothing new, but it feels like many have become more vocal toward older people in fandom, questioning why they're in these spaces, like aren't you too old for this?
Yet, still, I am an adult who wishes to discuss adult things in adult spaces and maintain respectful boundaries. I didn't turn 30 and start chucking plushies and Transformers in the trash cause I'm 'too old' to enjoy them.
I ended up distancing myself from actively engaging in fandom. When I do find people closer to my age, I try to connect (anxiety can make this difficult), but I'm often met with silence. I reactivated my main account in hopes of encouraging more conversation, but there's still doubts in the back of my mind.
My husband encourages me to persist, and sometimes I do, but at one point I have to consider if it's worth it to continue if it's never going to be reciprocated.
If you made it this far, hey, thank you. This doesn't mean I'll stop writing and doing what I'm doing, I just needed to vent.
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