#that hit me like a damn brick
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How we all feeling today after watching look my way??? Emotionally Devastated and dehydrated?? Yeah me too
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tickleepuppy · 1 month ago
Purposefully driving over the bumpy roads on your way home. Letting your mind wander after a horribly long shift. This desperate act of pleasure makes you arrive home later than usual, causing your owner to check your location.
When you open the door you see them sitting, waiting for you. They point down to their lap, "sit" they say sternly, you already know they found out about your embarrassing act to pleasure yourself. You sit on one of their legs and they start to bounce you, such a humiliating sight causes you to blush and hide into the crook of their neck.
"You know why I'm doing this?" they say as they grab a fistful of your hair so you can look up at them. You only whimper and whine in response, letting them know you at least figured it out somewhat. To make matters worse they start sensually praising you. Rubbing your back, scratching behind your ears, playing with your hair, everything a dumb mutt needs to be as pathetic as you look right now.
It's not enough for you to finish, it never will be. They start whispering in your ear, praises, insults, anything that makes this so much more torturous for you and absolute bliss for them. "You have 2 choices puppy, we can stop now or we can keep going. Either way you're not Cumming tonight, tomorrow and for a long time" they say as they continue to serenade you with everything you’ve ever needed (everything other than cumming your brains out) "the choice is yours <3"
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the-no-name-of-nowhere · 5 months ago
Idea on how Alastor met toon/cockroach Vox.
Imagine Alastor, bored out of his mind on day, hearing rumors about a sinner that had recently fallen making an image for himself.
People have said that this sinner is a towering monster that can move at incredible speeds and can lift things 2x his size. There’s even speak of him having the ability to warp reality at his will and being able to conquer things out of thin air, despite not being an overlord.
Which his interest peaked, and having not much to lose, Alastor decided to go and see if can find this demon. (What he’d do after? Who knows. He’d either fight him, make him an ally, see he can make a deal with him, or have him for a meal. Anyway it goes, it will be fun.) So, he headed over to where said demon was know to be spotted often.
But nothing looked to be out of the ordinary. It didn’t seem like someone was trying to take over the area or anything “reality warping” was going on. Though, Alastor is not one to be easily discouraged, so he continued with his search.
While walking by an alleyway, he heard something banging around inside of the dumpster in it. Curiosity got the best of him, and he went to see what it was. What he found was a small sinner with a picture box for a head trapped inside it.
Before he could get a word in edge wise, the little demon started to talk a mile a minute, complaining about these “dumbass demons” and how they “don’t knowing how good some of these parts are” before running off to god knows where; without acknowledging Alastor’s presence.
He decided to call it quits for today and try again tomorrow.
For the next week, Alastor kept going back to that area, hoping to finally the person everyone was talking about. But his searches always ended in vain. Instead, he kept running into the picture box headed; Vox, he learned his name was, from before.
He found Vox quite interesting. From his hyper personality to his rambles about his interests. He even learned that Vox was bit of an inventor, and that’s he was in the dumpster when they met, he was scavenging for parts. All in all, he was fun to have around for a drink or two.
Alastor never did find demon those rumors followed, but they were probably just that, rumors.
It wasn’t until one day, while out on a walk, he comes across Vox being mugged by a trio of sinners.
He was just about to help–you can never have too many favors in your back pocket, you know?–when the most unexpected thing happened.
As the leader of the trio was about to shoot Vox, the little sinner stuck his finger into the chamber of the gun and, instead of losing his finger, the bullet shot out the back of the gun and into the leader’s head.
This stunned everyone, including Alastor, with Vox ample time to take toy with them before killing them.
While mad little display, something occurred to Alastor. That Vox, the man who sometimes needs help getting on top of barstools, the man who willingly roots through garbage just to get some parts for his latest gizmo, was the one he was looking for.
Now, as Vox takes out the last sinner standing with a birthday cake using sticks of dynamite for candles, Alastor believes he found something truly entertaining in a long while.
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year ago
we as a fandom don’t talk about “anything julie, you know that” enough, actually
also they did NOT need to stand that close to each other they really didn’t and yet they did.
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vitrificvitriol · 3 months ago
Alright which one of u absolute chads is stickywrobots and please explain to me why the chapter count reads as 1 out of 18 (HELLO?)
If u guys would also want to read some fun Asdead [ AO3 ]
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eparvier · 3 months ago
u ever just wake up and remember "my immortal companion is claudia. my coven is claudia." and weep and dry heave for a quick min. because i just did
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years ago
would absolutely love if people would stop comparing food to sex. like does nothing else bring you joy
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nenoname · 28 days ago
while i've seen some pokemon aus where they give stan and ford a slowbro and slowking respectively, i've never been that sure about it until i saw this card
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fleshandwires · 6 months ago
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watermel0ns-dumb-cringe · 9 months ago
I love getting into the games my friends & family are into because sometimes like I'll watch a video on it then boom
VERY well written game that leaves me pondering some things /vvpos
Like God DAMN do messages hit like a brick sometimes
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llulabeee · 10 months ago
Sometimes I forget that my old coworkers are raging conservatives, but then I see shit like them trashing on the students protesting the war and I’m brought right back to
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strangedisciple · 1 year ago
........ough /lh
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showfallmediamaintenance · 1 year ago
Is that so, mechanic? I'm not sure when Edgar died, whether it was in that maintenance tunnel or in that clearing, but I doubt what's left of him is much more than just a lousy mechanic who got tricked and trapped, again
Please, just let me move on! I know I'm not the best person, but I'm trying to get better, I really am. I promise I'm trying to change! I'm still me. I'm... I'm still me. Nothings different.
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astoldbychae · 2 years ago
the rest is also work.
you have been fighting a very long time, huh? it feels like every time you wiggle out from something, another thing happens. like you spill all over the floor and into the hands of others. you might feel you are lazy, but there is no such thing as laziness. you are struggling with something older and more powerful than either of us - and it makes you a warrior. i have been there and i have fought the same thing. rest as much as you need, and be gentle to yourself for needing it. take the time you need. take the space you need. you are saving yourself when you are sleeping. i love you for it. feel better soon.
i made a little quiz. it has gentle wisdom to take with you. whatever i can give you is yours. love u. take the wisdom & run.
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assmaster-8000 · 2 months ago
i think im a pretty horrible conversationalist because everytime someone makes a witty remark or reference i don't laugh. i won't let out an honorary snort. if it's not tickling my pickle then im not laughing. i nod and smile. i freaking it nothing style xx and then the mood instantly dies
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pandaspwnz · 6 months ago
Milestone achieved: fell asleep at my desk
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