baseball louie
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Any Pronouns ♥️ Evil Dead, Saw, + Hellraiser ♥️
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catkibbleeater · 4 days ago
hi tumblies i made a discord server for VOCAMETAL ENJOYERS literally nobody is here yet but come onnn come on 😁😁 please
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catkibbleeater · 4 days ago
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Hellraiser (random daily sketch)
The signature name thing is just jest from Discord.
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catkibbleeater · 19 days ago
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hi guys this is me if i was a cenobite. sigh if u even care. sound off in the tags if ud hit them with your car. very fun to draw a little ME cenobite i think everyone should do this
all the cenobites have silly ass names so their name is The Splits. get it. because of the uhhh. the splits. that they. have.
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catkibbleeater · 25 days ago
i wrote an entire essay about this for a final so mueheheheh
ive seen hellraiser criticisms that are like "clive barkers depictions of queer characters are hard to distinguish from right wing ideologies" but like he released nightbreed and i never see anything for it and that was a pretty fuckn explicit allegory for gay bars being raided and just being queer in general (lori and boone r literally t4t)
the cenobites had to be invited uncle frank asked for infinite pleasures and you cant have pleasures without pain. i think freaks can be freaks with fellow freaks the issue was frank being a horrible person. cenobites just made him more theatrical. i think people just see monsters as this infectious plauge that need to be eliminated or maybe normalized is the better word but you cant ignore how they were treated. they have always been there they always will be there and we have to work with the monsters terms
idk im exhausted kinda had an anxiety attack earlier and watching horror movies helps. i love hellraiser and nightbreed so much and i have so many feelings. ik clive barker is british but being queer there isnt better. i just dont know a lot of the specifics of british queer history but im watching nightbreed directors cut right now and all i can think of is the raids and stonewall and reagan... probly shouldve just watched saw or house of 1000 corpses for my anxiety but oh well
i know i watch too much horror and old shit so my perspective is skewed but when people now see old gay stuff like hellraiser or rocky horror it is uncomfortable and they mix that with homophobia bc it fits their perspective. and queer people can be homophobic but i dont think thats happening here. idk idk just thinking thoughts. i didnt even read the article review or whatever but its stuck in my mind for a while.
tldr: whatever guillermo del toro said about monsters and outsiders fits with the gays and weird bdsm freaks are cool
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catkibbleeater · 26 days ago
ive seen hellraiser criticisms that are like "clive barkers depictions of queer characters are hard to distinguish from right wing ideologies" but like he released nightbreed and i never see anything for it and that was a pretty fuckn explicit allegory for gay bars being raided and just being queer in general (lori and boone r literally t4t)
the cenobites had to be invited uncle frank asked for infinite pleasures and you cant have pleasures without pain. i think freaks can be freaks with fellow freaks the issue was frank being a horrible person. cenobites just made him more theatrical. i think people just see monsters as this infectious plauge that need to be eliminated or maybe normalized is the better word but you cant ignore how they were treated. they have always been there they always will be there and we have to work with the monsters terms
idk im exhausted kinda had an anxiety attack earlier and watching horror movies helps. i love hellraiser and nightbreed so much and i have so many feelings. ik clive barker is british but being queer there isnt better. i just dont know a lot of the specifics of british queer history but im watching nightbreed directors cut right now and all i can think of is the raids and stonewall and reagan... probly shouldve just watched saw or house of 1000 corpses for my anxiety but oh well
i know i watch too much horror and old shit so my perspective is skewed but when people now see old gay stuff like hellraiser or rocky horror it is uncomfortable and they mix that with homophobia bc it fits their perspective. and queer people can be homophobic but i dont think thats happening here. idk idk just thinking thoughts. i didnt even read the article review or whatever but its stuck in my mind for a while.
tldr: whatever guillermo del toro said about monsters and outsiders fits with the gays and weird bdsm freaks are cool
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catkibbleeater · 2 months ago
man, I love that weird late 80s dark fantasy movie with a bunch of brothers grimm esque fairytale allegories. the one where a girl (with a stepmother she hates) journeys into an extra dimensional labyrinth with strange creatures and vines and loose eyeballs all over the place. because an english supernatural entity who’s the ruler of a league of Creatures supposedly stole their family member away… but the supernatural entity keeps flirting with them thru psychological warfare and tempting them with their own desires and a mystical object. you know the one with all the practical effects and the abstract sort of surrealist ending…. wtf is Jim Henson’s Labyrinth????? That’s Hellbound: Hellraiser II.
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catkibbleeater · 3 months ago
i only watch horror movies that are insane. movies that are freaking it freaky style. if they are not then they are bad. if a movie is too coherent i will get bored and go to bed. the movie must be subtextually queer. if not explicitly i will make it so. the practical effects must be over stylized and unrealistic but still convincing. there must be goo and slime. characters must make evil little quips that i can say over and over to annoy those around me. the director must be a man who is just so crazy. he puts the at least one of the actors in like all of his other movies because they are friends. ideally he has a silly little cameo. it must be the 80s.
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catkibbleeater · 3 months ago
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catkibbleeater · 3 months ago
i wish all pinhead enjoyers to be aware that doug bradley has a youtube channel wherein just he reads aloud classic horror stories.
you can and will have pinhead read you a bedtime story btw (without the voice effects, of course; maybe it sounds more like elliot spencer’s reading you a bedtime story)
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
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a tragedy in two parts (guess whose answer this was)
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
adam excluded bc he’s not old enough to be elected into office in the us!
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
i found the most perfect hoffstrahm song from strahms perspective i love making spotify playlists for these kinds of occasions its just something so beautiful about being human!!!!! my favorite playlist ive made right now is my playlist for strahm, i have found so many perfect songs for him and everything is just so amazing to me Guys
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
Happy 18th anniversary Saw III
Also, let’s celebrate with the same Costas’ interview. This time he was talking about his first encounter with Angus Macfadyen (Jeff Denlon).
“Angus was a strange and funny cat. He's rather eccentric. I remember when I first got there. I'm laughing and joking because it was a gift to be there. He was there before me, in the movie before me. I'm laughing and joking with everybody, and I found him at one point. He's like staring at me, smoking for like an hour at the table, and I'm like, does he want to fight me or does he want to have sex with me? I'm going to find out! And by the time we got to know each other, we were laughing together, and he told me some funny stories.”
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
John Kramer and The Denlon's
Cracks everything in my body. It's time to yap. I keep going on in many posts about the fact John is just as flawed as those he tries to ''better'', so I want to go over one of my main comparisons in a tad more depth than I have before. John Kramer and Jeff Denlon honestly are very similar when it comes to their backstory and need for revenge due to grief. Even though John always states that he tests people so they become grateful for being alive- It's very obvious in some cases, he's doing it for his own type of gratification too. For example, Cecil Adams who caused Jill Tuck to miscarry and then Cecilia Pederson who scammed John. He didn't put these people in traps just because of his philosophy, but because they were also very ''close to home'' for him.
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The loss of a child is very integral to both John and Jeff's character. Both of these men crave justice.... However, the way they want it and how they achieve it isn't exactly the most healthy thing. It leads both of them to neglect their partners, Jill and Lynn. (Just took a break to eat leftover spaghetti I am legit lost in the sauce- I don't plan out these little rants I do, so I just go where rambling takes me.) When it comes to the major differences between them, Jeff is more rage fuelled, at least in how he carries himself. His anger manifests more verbally and physically than John- Which is his downfall, alongside him not listening or acting when needed. This is a bit of a reach, but another thought nonetheless and nothing I say needs to be something I'm 100% on anyway. Danica Scott, the only other witness to Dylan's death didn't cause Jeff's son's demise, however her lack of action and fleeing the scene made her someone Jeff would want to take revenge upon anyway.
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Amanda, although she had more involvement with Gideon's death, seeing as she was the one to convince Cecil to rob the clinic, didn't take physical action either. However, outside of her just being a drug addict- It is debated whether or not John always knew about her role in Jill Tuck's miscarriage, another reason for her to be tested.
We've also got basic comparisons such as the fact Jill and Lynn are both in the medical field and having mentioned Lynn again? Her demeanour is more like John than anybody else I have brought up in this post I'd say- I can't really word well why I think that, but it's there anyway. (Another thing to add is how in Saw 3, John in his delirious state starts getting confused and thinking Lynn is Jill.)
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Might as well slip some others thoughts in here too whilst I'm fucking rambling this much- I don't have too many complex thoughts on Jeff Denlon I guess, I basically seem him as an example within the Saw universe about a person who cannot let go enough that it results in his trauma and vengeance taking over his life and ending it too. He's not a evil or terrible man, just very flawed. He had some of the physically easiest traps in the franchise to complete, but because he never made an effort to heal and instead remained stagnant within his grief... He takes too long to take action and morally flip flops all over the place when it comes to what decision he'll make- It's that or he doesn't assess the long term consequences of things such as never forgiving. I personally don't think he ever has to forgive someone like Timothy Young- However, I do believe he let's it impact his life and those around him too much. Corbett didn't deserve the neglect she faced and she herself is a child grieving her sibling. Grief and forgiveness are very hard topics to navigate, but I honestly as a viewer felt the most bad for Corbett more so than Jeff or even Lynn. Coming back to Lynn, I believe she ''learnt'' the most or at least came to terms with things faster within her trap than Jeff. She didn't have time to dwell or not be fast paced with her choices, because her life was connected to John's. She was doing her best not only to stay alive, but to get back to her family even if it was dysfunctional. (Me when I come back to this in my drafts weeks later, time to attempt to find the wave length I was on whilst doing this before.) It's an interesting though to picture different people in other traps. For example, if Lynn was going through Jeff's test. Would she have reacted faster than him and made clear cut decisions? Could she forgive? Jeff is no medical professional and his rage wouldn't let him care for John to the best of his ability so we know he'd fumble that, which is why I'm more so focused on Lynn in his test. Lynn's grief is more ''subtle'' compared to Jeff's and as an audience it's hard to pinpoint what her thoughts and opinions of those involved with her sons death would've been. She turned to antidepressants and her fractured marriage led her to having an affair, not to mention the child neglect. But when it comes down to it, we don't see as much as a drive for revenge and justice within Lynn as we do Jeff. This would mainly come down to screen time, setting and general context but it's an interesting thought of how she'd handle someone like Danica or Timothy if they were right in front of her.
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This is why I say she learnt the most from her test compared to Jeff in his? After everything she went through with Amanda constantly up her ass and power drilling through a guys skull- All Lynn wanted was to reunite with her family. Like, the only time we see Lynn exert full physical violence is in a deleted scene where she attacks Amanda.... And even then that is because she wants the key for her collar more so than a drive to murder the other woman. On all accounts, she actually won that scuffle as well.
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But then for example Jeff when he finally encounters John? He just can't help himself! Lynn literally is on the floor bleeding out, reaching for him not to leave and this man just can't NOT go and fulfil his need for vengeance. He'd literally just acted upon it before too by shooting Amanda, though that is more understandable giving the context of the fact she shot Lynn..... I think overall this is why so many people dislike Jeff but they just can't word it? Like he's been dubbed ''slow ass motherfucking Jeff''- But it's not really the speed of execution, it's either the lack of long term critical thinking and or the fact he's indecisive? Jeff doesn't have the weight of a contraption around his neck and or his life truly on the line like his wife.... However, somehow Lynn is still managing her test better than him with a freaky little lesbian on her ass and doing backhouse brain surgery on some random old dude with a fucking power drill. I'll also bring up the fact that like John and Jeff, Mark Hoffman has a pretty similar drive and motive to the both of these men. Just like how Jeff saw his sons death, Mark saw the aftermath of his sisters murder for example. All three of them feel justified in their actions against those who have wronged them and etc....
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And as I always bring up in character studies like these, the perceptions from the audience are so interesting- Especially when you start comparing characters. It will come as no surprise when I say, I am a pretty active Tumblr user... Through this? The interactions with media and popularity of characters from Saw on this platform are decently clear. First I'll get it out the way that screen time plays a big role in making characters fan favourites. Although, Adam is a subversion to this as he's only in one movie (alive) and likely the most popular Saw character- Anyway! Using John, Jeff and Mark as examples here still... As previously stated, these three men can be considered quite alike in some aspects! But our perceptions of them are quite different due to how they're presented and what we know about them. John is an older sickly man, his life being cut short by the fact he has terminal cancer. His wife miscarries and later on then becomes ex-wife and then also somewhere down the line he gets scammed by a fake cancer treatment....All in all? Dude's kinda got fucked over. But what I haven't mentioned yet in this brief is the fact that whilst most of this is going on, peepaw is designing elaborate death traps and testing people in them slash indoctrinating some into his fuckass ideology! He as a character get's quite a neutral response and or a 50/50 split? He's Jigsaw, the face of the franchise.... There is a decent amount to discuss in regards to him. However, when it all comes down to it it I wouldn’t say he’s favoured as much as other characters.
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Moving to Jeff, he witnessed his own son get killed in a hit and run and the grief and injustice of that basically made him spiral into neglecting himself but also his family. He cannot move forward from the loss of Dylan and this is why during his test he is so slow to act- I think one thing to mention here too, is this is something John likely accounted for. Jeff’s test is designed for him and the challenge isn’t that of " OH CUT YOU ARM” it’s for him to overcome his grief and to choose whether to forgive or let those involved with Dylan’s passing die. It’s easy for us as viewers behind the screen to think that he could’ve done almost everything faster. But we’re not Jeff. It’s shown time and time again mentally he just cannot move on and the only reason he is making progress though the test is due to its nature, average therapy? Jeff just wouldn’t go because he refuses to confront HIMSELF in regards to his own grief and would rather wallow in fantasies of revenge.
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Mark Hoffman? Obviously the case I’ll bring up with him is that of his sister's murder. Angelina is his only close relative, with no other mention of Mark’s family in the franchise really. So, when she is killed in a case of domestic violence and he also sees her dead body? Yeah, that’s certainly the kind of thing to fuck someone up mentally. Which is why Mark then developed a drinking problem to cope and started to display more erratic behaviour such as shooting a man three times who’d actually surrendered beforehand…. By the time Seth Baxter his sister's killer is released from prison via a technicality- Mark has no quarrels with taking his revenge via abducting him and placing him in a Jigsaw like trap. However, as we all know, this trap is by no means escapable and is only being used by Mark as a scapegoat to get away with murdering Seth. This act then kickstarts his life as an apprentice for John when he himself is abducted.
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(I legit forgot this was in my drafts- Months later. I’ll post this now even if it’s not really complete…)
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catkibbleeater · 4 months ago
John Kramer and The Denlon's
Cracks everything in my body. It's time to yap. I keep going on in many posts about the fact John is just as flawed as those he tries to ''better'', so I want to go over one of my main comparisons in a tad more depth than I have before. John Kramer and Jeff Denlon honestly are very similar when it comes to their backstory and need for revenge due to grief. Even though John always states that he tests people so they become grateful for being alive- It's very obvious in some cases, he's doing it for his own type of gratification too. For example, Cecil Adams who caused Jill Tuck to miscarry and then Cecilia Pederson who scammed John. He didn't put these people in traps just because of his philosophy, but because they were also very ''close to home'' for him.
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The loss of a child is very integral to both John and Jeff's character. Both of these men crave justice.... However, the way they want it and how they achieve it isn't exactly the most healthy thing. It leads both of them to neglect their partners, Jill and Lynn. (Just took a break to eat leftover spaghetti I am legit lost in the sauce- I don't plan out these little rants I do, so I just go where rambling takes me.) When it comes to the major differences between them, Jeff is more rage fuelled, at least in how he carries himself. His anger manifests more verbally and physically than John- Which is his downfall, alongside him not listening or acting when needed. This is a bit of a reach, but another thought nonetheless and nothing I say needs to be something I'm 100% on anyway. Danica Scott, the only other witness to Dylan's death didn't cause Jeff's son's demise, however her lack of action and fleeing the scene made her someone Jeff would want to take revenge upon anyway.
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Amanda, although she had more involvement with Gideon's death, seeing as she was the one to convince Cecil to rob the clinic, didn't take physical action either. However, outside of her just being a drug addict- It is debated whether or not John always knew about her role in Jill Tuck's miscarriage, another reason for her to be tested.
We've also got basic comparisons such as the fact Jill and Lynn are both in the medical field and having mentioned Lynn again? Her demeanour is more like John than anybody else I have brought up in this post I'd say- I can't really word well why I think that, but it's there anyway. (Another thing to add is how in Saw 3, John in his delirious state starts getting confused and thinking Lynn is Jill.)
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Might as well slip some others thoughts in here too whilst I'm fucking rambling this much- I don't have too many complex thoughts on Jeff Denlon I guess, I basically seem him as an example within the Saw universe about a person who cannot let go enough that it results in his trauma and vengeance taking over his life and ending it too. He's not a evil or terrible man, just very flawed. He had some of the physically easiest traps in the franchise to complete, but because he never made an effort to heal and instead remained stagnant within his grief... He takes too long to take action and morally flip flops all over the place when it comes to what decision he'll make- It's that or he doesn't assess the long term consequences of things such as never forgiving. I personally don't think he ever has to forgive someone like Timothy Young- However, I do believe he let's it impact his life and those around him too much. Corbett didn't deserve the neglect she faced and she herself is a child grieving her sibling. Grief and forgiveness are very hard topics to navigate, but I honestly as a viewer felt the most bad for Corbett more so than Jeff or even Lynn. Coming back to Lynn, I believe she ''learnt'' the most or at least came to terms with things faster within her trap than Jeff. She didn't have time to dwell or not be fast paced with her choices, because her life was connected to John's. She was doing her best not only to stay alive, but to get back to her family even if it was dysfunctional. (Me when I come back to this in my drafts weeks later, time to attempt to find the wave length I was on whilst doing this before.) It's an interesting though to picture different people in other traps. For example, if Lynn was going through Jeff's test. Would she have reacted faster than him and made clear cut decisions? Could she forgive? Jeff is no medical professional and his rage wouldn't let him care for John to the best of his ability so we know he'd fumble that, which is why I'm more so focused on Lynn in his test. Lynn's grief is more ''subtle'' compared to Jeff's and as an audience it's hard to pinpoint what her thoughts and opinions of those involved with her sons death would've been. She turned to antidepressants and her fractured marriage led her to having an affair, not to mention the child neglect. But when it comes down to it, we don't see as much as a drive for revenge and justice within Lynn as we do Jeff. This would mainly come down to screen time, setting and general context but it's an interesting thought of how she'd handle someone like Danica or Timothy if they were right in front of her.
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This is why I say she learnt the most from her test compared to Jeff in his? After everything she went through with Amanda constantly up her ass and power drilling through a guys skull- All Lynn wanted was to reunite with her family. Like, the only time we see Lynn exert full physical violence is in a deleted scene where she attacks Amanda.... And even then that is because she wants the key for her collar more so than a drive to murder the other woman. On all accounts, she actually won that scuffle as well.
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But then for example Jeff when he finally encounters John? He just can't help himself! Lynn literally is on the floor bleeding out, reaching for him not to leave and this man just can't NOT go and fulfil his need for vengeance. He'd literally just acted upon it before too by shooting Amanda, though that is more understandable giving the context of the fact she shot Lynn..... I think overall this is why so many people dislike Jeff but they just can't word it? Like he's been dubbed ''slow ass motherfucking Jeff''- But it's not really the speed of execution, it's either the lack of long term critical thinking and or the fact he's indecisive? Jeff doesn't have the weight of a contraption around his neck and or his life truly on the line like his wife.... However, somehow Lynn is still managing her test better than him with a freaky little lesbian on her ass and doing backhouse brain surgery on some random old dude with a fucking power drill. I'll also bring up the fact that like John and Jeff, Mark Hoffman has a pretty similar drive and motive to the both of these men. Just like how Jeff saw his sons death, Mark saw the aftermath of his sisters murder for example. All three of them feel justified in their actions against those who have wronged them and etc....
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And as I always bring up in character studies like these, the perceptions from the audience are so interesting- Especially when you start comparing characters. It will come as no surprise when I say, I am a pretty active Tumblr user... Through this? The interactions with media and popularity of characters from Saw on this platform are decently clear. First I'll get it out the way that screen time plays a big role in making characters fan favourites. Although, Adam is a subversion to this as he's only in one movie (alive) and likely the most popular Saw character- Anyway! Using John, Jeff and Mark as examples here still... As previously stated, these three men can be considered quite alike in some aspects! But our perceptions of them are quite different due to how they're presented and what we know about them. John is an older sickly man, his life being cut short by the fact he has terminal cancer. His wife miscarries and later on then becomes ex-wife and then also somewhere down the line he gets scammed by a fake cancer treatment....All in all? Dude's kinda got fucked over. But what I haven't mentioned yet in this brief is the fact that whilst most of this is going on, peepaw is designing elaborate death traps and testing people in them slash indoctrinating some into his fuckass ideology! He as a character get's quite a neutral response and or a 50/50 split? He's Jigsaw, the face of the franchise.... There is a decent amount to discuss in regards to him. However, when it all comes down to it it I wouldn’t say he’s favoured as much as other characters.
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Moving to Jeff, he witnessed his own son get killed in a hit and run and the grief and injustice of that basically made him spiral into neglecting himself but also his family. He cannot move forward from the loss of Dylan and this is why during his test he is so slow to act- I think one thing to mention here too, is this is something John likely accounted for. Jeff’s test is designed for him and the challenge isn’t that of " OH CUT YOU ARM” it’s for him to overcome his grief and to choose whether to forgive or let those involved with Dylan’s passing die. It’s easy for us as viewers behind the screen to think that he could’ve done almost everything faster. But we’re not Jeff. It’s shown time and time again mentally he just cannot move on and the only reason he is making progress though the test is due to its nature, average therapy? Jeff just wouldn’t go because he refuses to confront HIMSELF in regards to his own grief and would rather wallow in fantasies of revenge.
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Mark Hoffman? Obviously the case I’ll bring up with him is that of his sister's murder. Angelina is his only close relative, with no other mention of Mark’s family in the franchise really. So, when she is killed in a case of domestic violence and he also sees her dead body? Yeah, that’s certainly the kind of thing to fuck someone up mentally. Which is why Mark then developed a drinking problem to cope and started to display more erratic behaviour such as shooting a man three times who’d actually surrendered beforehand…. By the time Seth Baxter his sister's killer is released from prison via a technicality- Mark has no quarrels with taking his revenge via abducting him and placing him in a Jigsaw like trap. However, as we all know, this trap is by no means escapable and is only being used by Mark as a scapegoat to get away with murdering Seth. This act then kickstarts his life as an apprentice for John when he himself is abducted.
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(I legit forgot this was in my drafts- Months later. I’ll post this now even if it’s not really complete…)
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catkibbleeater · 5 months ago
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"attacks" he's literally caressing bro. this is not attacking this is flirting
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catkibbleeater · 5 months ago
i love him so much he just runs around mumbling to himself and experiencing momentary psychosis he’s so cute 😭😭 who let this man on the task force ♥️
Saw V but its only Strahm's pov and his hallucinations are cut out
Strahm makes a bunch of assumptions, wanders around, and dies
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