#thank you for coming to my ted talk im going to go explode now
trans-estinien · 6 days
i gotta actually start cooking this paper i am imagining on how demonizing masculinity makes it harder to achieve equal rights but i dont think the internet is ready for that conversation yet
#i still stand by what i said the other day. women should be allowed to exist in gaming spaces without fear of harassment.#anyone should be allowed to exist in their hobby without being harassed for their gender.#but im getting real tired of people immediately turning around and hating all men for just. existing#yes! men should be held accountable for their actions!#but we also have to address the issue that makes them think its okay do be like that in the first place.#and we also have to be aware that hostility towards eachother only serves to make everything worse!!#because it alienates the men around you and just pushes them harder into their bad behaviour#i know this is the internet and everyone gets flayed alive here but god im. so exhausted#and like. if you saw a guy going “i hate all women” hed clearly be misogynist. like what the fuck are these double standards#and i know its because of the entire human history of men having all the power but.#hot take. i really think being mean to eachother on the internet just makes it worse.#nobody (including myself) is actually helping to solve the problem by ranting and raving on the internet#the real way to solve the problem is to shut these guys down. especially other men. a simple “dude what the fuck did you just say?”#works wonders#and also parents! really need to step up and teach their boys that this behavior is not okay! and to treat everyone with kindness#that is how you solve this problem#dont be a bystander and parent your fucking children#thank you for coming to my ted talk im going to go explode now#<<< his ass gets anxious whenever he expresses his own opinion that doesnt align with the general opinion on things#but. im not surprised im the guy who wrote an essay on mens mental health in grade eleven#toxic masculinity hurts everyone. regular masculinity does not.
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wabblebees · 1 year
never never never in my life gonna be able to beat the weirdo theatre nerd allegations. its midnight and for the last few hours ive been (voluntarily of my own free will At No-One's Behest) doing some character research for the show we're working on (which at a certain level is Absolutely Necessary!! but at *this* level is Absolutely Not. lmfao)(and so... ik for a fact if i mention this in rehearsal tomorrow im gonna get a whole lotta blank stares ((or TERRIFIED looks from the freshmen wondering if they should be doing this much work lmao))
but anyway so about 10 minutes ago i found a fucking essay (just 9 pages out of this philological collection from the 60s) that just the idea behind the Very Simple title made me so excited i had to stand up at my desk to start reading it and fully forgot to sit back down until i realized i wanted to start TAKING NOTES..... WHICH I GENERALLY HATE DOING WHILE READING........ BUT IM TOO EXCITED AND DONT WANNA FORGET ANY OF IT.................. SO IM TAKING FUCKING NOTES
but anyway beyond tHAT the thing that actually made me pause to start typing this post though is the fact that just now, four pages in, this essay finally put something into place that ive been puzzling over in my head since i very first read the play which... made me happystim so hard i almost knocked myself out of my fucking chair. hdkdgsjfkfhdgskdgwrdjfk.
so yeah. never beating the nerd allegations. lmao
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icarusredwings · 2 months
The Master does things in 4s.
A headcanon.
Oh, I will.
Tapping, knocking, steps, snacks, kisses, etc.
He's spent the last thousands of years with this beat in his head so subconsciously He's picked up some bad habits that revolve around it.
In this essay I will be-
I can argue that Simm is the worst off and that the poor guy is constantly having fits about things not being in 4s. The prime minister demands that all of his meals be in 4s. Theres only three pieces of chicken? No. He wants 4.
He doesn't sleep unless it's 4,8, or 12 hours, no in between, and gets upset if woken up at 6 or 10 hours. We already know about the tapping, but it's how he knocks on doors, how many steps he takes at a time, how he eats his snacks in rations of 4 8 12 16.
You can give him 16 chicken nuggets, but dont you DARE give him 17. He's actively flipped tables before because of this, and if he really is tired or masking, he will only eat the even number and throw the odd one at someone.
Dhawan snaps and claps in sets of 4. He humms it sometimes on beat to self soothe. His hands flap when he can't have something in 4s and religiously gives everyone 4 ice cubes in their tea. The tea gets steeped for 4 minutes or 8 minutes. He'll explode if you ask yours to be steeped for 5 6 or 7. He also has 4 books on the bedside and 8 by his desk.
Missy likes to hear her heels click 4 times as she walks and will purposly take smaller steps just so she can land on a multiple of 4. 4 tea sandwitches, 4 types of lip stick, 4 pieces of jewlery.
She even swings her umbrella 4 times when bored. Hers is a lot more tamer compared to the boys because women with these disorders often are less "hyperactive" and less likely to make a scene than men are. (Statistically)
Hell, even Sax subconsciously has an issue with it while living with 14. He applies his eyeliner twice on each eye to make 4. He forces 14 to kiss him in sets of 4, he constantly is arranging the pillows on the bed to only he 4 of them, and well- theres something else with 14 but im going to keep this post PG 13.
Now he can have 2 of things instead of 4, but some things (that don't hurt anyone) are still allowed to be 4s OR more. For example, the pillows on the bed, kisses, and ice cubes in his tea. He can now handle there being 6 pillows instead of 4, receiving a multiple of 2 kisses (10/16) instead of 4s(8/12). You have to have it on an even number, though, or he'll force another.
He doesn't know why. He just DOES. And he won't tell you "because of the beating" because to him, it's all done unconsiously-
"There needs to be 4 pillows."
"I- Look, I don't know, okay!? There just needs to be 4 pillows!"
But anyone with half of a brain cell (who knows about the drums) does. 14 knows and is slowly trying to get him away from emotional disregulation because of it by working towards sets of 2s instead. It's a lot more socially acceptable for sets of 2s to be done than 4s. Even regular humans want packs of 2 or dishes that comes with 2 of something, so it's a lot easier and less stressful for both the Master and everyone around him.
Now he doesn't cause a scene at McDonald's if there's a ton of ice cubes in his drink instead of 4. Thank god he doesn't count his food much anymore, either. It's why he's been able to put on a bit of weight. But still, if you give him 17 nuggets, you're getting one thrown at your head. (So 14 goes out of his way to give him an 18th)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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dragon-of-the-dungeon · 3 months
I remember when I put it on to watch I saw the name Rogue as the title and though 'haha what if its abt DnD' you know coz, rogues a class in dnd and then I was like oh they should totally make one abt dnd some time (im a hard-core dnd fan - it's what got me into the stranger things fandom) but... ANYGAYS! I saw rogues ship and i was like omg he listened kylie AND THEN I SAW F*CKING DND DICE!!!!!!!! AND THEY HAD THIS WHOLE CONVO ABT IT AND I WAS JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......
And the they had to kill him (sorta)
And it made it even worse the fact he did it for the doctor
I literally have no words for how heartwarming that was
And then I spent the next hour crying abt it
Like, he'll, if I react like this for a character I have only known for under an hour I don't even want to think about if any stranger things character dies. I am too emotionally attached to rogue and have decided to make a memorial for him...
Anyways, here are some of my fav bits/idk gifs???
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My thoughts exactly- right with u here
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and then they almost kissed....
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The Amount of tension between these 2 was just 🤌
Bro fell so hard the only thing he could think to do in a stressful situation was propose 💀
thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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arsenic-laced-tums · 4 months
Paul in the Basement
So I was just thinking about how all this shit is going down in BSD right now. Like Bram dying, Fyodor creating a Tripolar singularity, Sigma swimming through Fyodor's memories, Fukuchi maybe dying, etc. And as I was rewatching the Stormbringer Stage Play(absolute masterpiece btw you should go watch it if you haven't yet) and they were talking about how only a singularity can defeat another singularity( ex: Arahabaki(Chuuya) defeating Guivre(Paul)) and this brought about a thought. Since it's a tripolar singularity, would we need three singularities to defeat it? Like would Chuuya and/or Paul not be enough to stop it? And if so, who is going to become the third singularity? Will Dazai have to use his ability on himself like he did in BSD Beast? Not to mention the fact that Chuuya and Dazai( and Sigma) are in France right now. So all we have to work with back in Japan are Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa is still a vampire, and we aren't sure if Fyodor inherited Bram's powers) and Paul( who is still in his fucking basement crying over Arthur, like I know you're a sad little dramatic French gay man, but still IM PRETTY SURE THIS IS THE STORM YOU'RE WAITING FOR NGL). So in conclusion can we get Paul life counseling so that he comes out and touches grass and helps the rest of the people WHO ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO KEEP THE WORLD FROM EXPLODING?!?!?
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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obfuscobble · 10 months
Wild that Kekkai Sensen took a turn for the Catholic at the end but i shouldn't be surprised seeing as Trigun was Catholic the whole time. Though by ep3 it was rather clear that my estimartion "durararara + loveccraft" was incorrect and kekkai sensen is properly elevator pitched as "Durararara + the anime film Hells." speaking of which ive let yall go by two halliweens without subjecting yall to hells and Adam progrenitor of mankind vbeing a himbo and wifeguy and Winslow leech is there but a hot babe and you will cry over frankenjesyus. the one and only unbegotten daugjter of God is a realone tm. Ok but bay right Kekkai Sensen fumn m i like very much. also also isn't being called "KIng of debauchery " just "wouldst thou like to live deliciously?" as a job? and how is living deliciously evil ; im no antimaterial dualist valentian so as long as living mas doesn't hurt others i think tis fine to embrace living life in a way that is actually fun and happy for if God created the heavens and the earth, shant we ddliht in it??? Yall gett
Ing gnostic out there and i can smell it like wearing mudni gh t blue to a black tie party yer shiiiiiiinin'.
Which os mot to say that im a accuwsing Nightow of propagating the doctrine of the aeons hidden by yaldabaoth,s false creation and salvation from physical ecistabce through the knowledge of aeon sophia as evidenced and realuised through abstemiousness and self torture. no one could accuse the creator of Nicholas Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood of that. I dont even think his works are in dialogue with that since the duality of man as embodied and played out by twins integral to the theming in both trigun and kekkaisensen and it is in itself an ectremely mortal dilemmam, relying on mankind itself to provide both damnation and salvation even when the supernatural is present. thank you for coming to my femt talk.
Klaus is still my favourite character but his name doesn't slant-rhyme with ted so i had to do it for the joke. Shoutout to the betch who lives deliciously though:can't wait to watch season two tomorrow. i cant die when i wanna know what happens. And I cant die if there is a chance I'll see sweet little puffed shiitake obi nNrjej again.
addebndum correction there is no way i should call breing king of the live mas mentality a job. that bisaster does not have jobs. he has lufestyles and passions but god forbid employment.
Edit edit edit if you're so bored all the time why don't you try getting a job at a non-exploded burger joint anf find out how the proletariat lives. Lost skeleton of cadavra gif insert i sleep now spooky font
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transsoftwaredev · 9 months
so i need to scream about baldur's gate 3 and my partner doesn't know shit about it so i'm gonna yell into the void
i'm only halfway thru act 2 so spoilers for the first 30ish hours of the game (probably 20 if you don't suck as much as me)
so i'm romancing gale, right? my beloved wizard boy. he has basically the same sense of humor as my irl partner so it just works. anyway oldballs mcwizard shows up saying that gale's ex goddess girlfriend needs him to explode himself and i am not having it. two long rests later and we fuck in the astral plane (i joke but that whole scene was adorable and gave me the warm fuzzies) and now he doesn't want to explode himself. very good, but now we gotta figure out how to stop the absolute motherfucker.
next up was a whole lot of save scumming because very important people kept dying. halsin, my deer, im sorry i let the portal die twice. third times the charm tho, right? i also let isobel get kidnapped and spent like an hour trying to get into the shadowcurse before realizing that i probably should just go back and try again.
oh also karlach is gonna explode. i would appreciate if my companions stopped exploding.
next i would like to apologize to all the shadowheart fans out there. she wouldn't listen. i thought if i used non-lethal attacks, then we could take her back to camp after freeing the nightsong and talk it out and i would probably get punched and maybe deserve it. yeah, that's not what happened. i'm so sorry.
finally, i understand why people say act 2 feel rushed. like the urgency makes sense in the story, but like omg i can't do all those fights without like 3 long rests. i've gotten to the mindflayer nest and i just keep dying T-T also i don't have shadowheart anymore and that's causing some balance problems for my party, but i guess that's my own fault.
anyway i played this game literally all weekend and am fucking obsessed. sorry shadowheart, i tried.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
I am having absolute brainrot over a villain Poison Mushroom au idea. Itd also kinda be a next generation thing since pm would need to be at the very least a late teen/young adult for them to be yk threatening since theyre a kid now fbdkkf
I am going insane over mushrooms and their potentials and i think pm using their mushroom abilities and also evolving them over time could make them very powerful
This would maybe be a little postapocaliptyc (no clue how to spell that icl) too but im not 100% sure how i want it to go so it may not be like that at all.
Learn more under the cut bc this will be long and i dont wanna take up ppls dashes
I am a bit hazy about most of the things regarding this still since i literally just started thinking about it all so bear with me.
I dont have a goal for pm yet (maybe revenge) but the idea right now is (and itll probably change very soon knowing me) that they can use their mushrooms to kinda "infect" people and then spread across their bodies. It wouldnt hurt or kill them but they can use those as time bombs like for example, lacing someone with poisonous mushrooms so once theyre all spread in they make the mushroom release its toxins and kill the person in minutes. Maybe explode them /hj
But generally the plan is body control. Mushrooms take over the muscles (and ill be doing more research to make things more accurate and planned out trust me) so pms plan is to take over people to make them do what they want and or to manipulate others - since if your loved one is being controlled by someone you would probably do what they tell you to to have them back.
Now. I never touched next generation ideas or fankid ideas in my life. So. I guess that will be interesting to figure out?
I have many ideas to how i think lots of the characters would be in the future as elderly/adults/teens but my question is
Would anyone be interested in trying to work on this together
Or does anyone have any fankids that they would like to see included in this au/story?
If youre interested in either/both of those then feel free to dm me and ill give u my discord since this is definitely not a one man job bfsjkd
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Ill probably talk more about this idea in the future so stay tuned if youre interested fjskgjv
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shatouto · 4 years
hi i was wondering if you had any opinions on how the clone wars tv show butchered anakin's characterization and made him this big macho man and completely erased our soft, sweet, shy boy who just wants to help from the movies
oh boy
i do, anon. i agree with you 100% and i am going to explode in three... two... one...
cw2003 can slightly be excused because they have a very particular stylization and everybody looks nearly equally as cartoony. but even then, there is a clear focus on amplifying the most Typically Manly features on hayden/anakin's face. for example they zoomed in on the divot on his chin yet made his face all square instead of giving a shit about hayden's delicate jawline. (i personally don't think that kind of chin is a man thing! i love it on ladies, you're all beautiful)
tcw2008, on the other hand, has no excuse. their stylization is light and unequal amongst characters. they completely fucking nuked anakin's pretty golden-bronze curls and his long lush lashes both upper AND lower, they BUTCHERED his beautiful delicate face shape. ok curls i can understand, because animation, but THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM EYE SPARKLES, and they consistently gave OBI-WAN eye sparkles and lashes so it's not like they didn't know how to do it. they just didn't want to give that to anakin.
tcw anakin also looks so fucking OLD because they insisted on putting SO MANY LINES on his face. again, this would've been acceptable if it's a consistent thing across characters (of the same species), but you don't see this happening to obi-wan or even mace! they made him needlessly animalistic, which is especially egregious because they had hayden christensen's phenomenal performance of an unhinged but still extremely pretty anakin skywalker towards the end of RoTS for reference. somehow, they still fucked up.
oh ALSO, voice. listen, i have nothing against matt lanter, i love the guy, but who the fuck casted him? hayden/anakin's voice is a lovely lilting tenor with a fine timber; matt's voice is straight up a thick baritone. i like a velvety baritone as much as the next person, but that's NOT ANAKIN! WHY THIS??
this is why i go out of my way to study hayden christensen's face and stylize anakin MYSELF, because ALL clone wars character artists (2003 and 2008) are fucking COWARDS. they seem to think just because he has a canon wife that now he has to be The Beacon of Heteronormativity, The Most Heterosexual Hetero who Has Ever Hetero'ed, The Ultimate Manliest Manly Man in the Manly Universe of Men and i am so angry.
this is particularly disheartening because anakin skywalker of the prequel movies is a rather atypical Hero Protagonist. he's sensitive, vulnerable, prone to emotional outbursts, and the things that make him "annoying" are the things that make him sweet and human too. his heartthrob soft boy appearance reflects all of that. tcw anakin is a cookie cutter Boys Favorite hero, appearance-wise (his characterization is a whole different thing, it's actually okay, i won't touch on it here). the idea that some ppl in the creative decision making department though they had to "fix" anakin skywalker to make him "more marketable" just makes me gag, really.
im not even sorry for ranting this time. thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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imikhailo-archive · 4 years
thoughts on 11.01
i already watched like +10time but didint comment lol
i really dont care about frank anymore, but i give him credit for creativity in the stories just to get attention
cops ugh. i think carl wants to make a difference with this job. he is not the child who wants to kill animals, melt or explode things. i believe he really wants to make a difference. BUT if he messes with mickey is another story, fuck carl
man i love kevin
moning mr milkovich/morning mr. gallagher ✨✨
is a powerful last name fight me
im not a fan of stud/lover but is way better than 'my asshole is on fire’ whoever wrote this I would fire him
ian really loves to use both hands and hold his husband
I can't believe that they cut mickey scenes in the last season. when they will learn?
mickey just burnt the toast with his hands. WTF??
eleven years and still can't read your husband face, please ian
franny is cute
I believe in liam and sandy friendship supremacy
debbie's nose out of the mask is making me uncomfortable
IOUs? *water bubbling* is just me listening this, or mickey farted in the water bc he was nervous?
i'm not married. so i don't have to share money with anyone (also i have no money)
but im with ian on this one. let's take our money and talk about how we need to spend and what we want to spend. not ask for permission. let's talk and resolve this together.
also in the trailer ‘we need money. don’t you worry, i got us covered’ i don't think mickey is spending their money on whatever. he must be investing in their future. right?
you guys really think mickey 'you gotta plan shit" milkovich is not thinking for the future.
ian i love you, but let your husband take an ice bath in peace man
i want to train with kev
BITCOIN - never understood, never will. thanks for coming to my TED Talk
kevin is so proud of his girls <3
I'm not defending lip, what he did with the cup was disgusting. but AT LEAST, he changed the lid
MICKEY WHERE ARE YOU? i miss you :(
at least lip and tami made a cute baby
squid pro what? sjlajsklajls
lady, stop moving your mask please
you didn't take off your mask to talk to frank, smart
‘sandy is the actual hot lesbian convict’ someone comment this in a post and i agree
how's business downstairs tommy? huh?
is ketmit the top??
MICKEY, how are you? how is your day going? did you eat today? i missed you
'we should've talked about what we expected from each other before we got married, but we didn't, so now we have to.' HAVE YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM PRISON GAY 101???
'I love you more than anything' 'I rolled on the cartel to come back to you' AND THEY STILL HAVE DOUBTS
okay i can't with these two morons
they made mickey sound stupid in this episode
mickey: 'now i have to write a word i just learn 5 secs ago' great
but the scene is funny
‘I spelled monogamy wrong’
*on the paper* mOoNOjEmiE
mickey definitely showed the paper with monogamy misspelled, and then ian traced the tattoo in his chest bc is their inside joke now
okay frank gives beautiful speeches
YEESSSSS HOT HOT HOT SANDY ma’am leave debbie and run away with me
BUT NOT COOL roleplay with child sexual abuse
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otterplusharchive · 5 years
what's your onion on the other akatsuki duos?
- konan and pein are very tragic with how they founded the akatsuki because of being orphans from a country destroyed in the crossfires of war wanting peace and that idea of peace became completely twisted and peins whole deal of being yahiko controlling nagatos body is completely fuckin wild. i really love konan shes one of my favorite characters in naruto in general and i wish kishimoto actually did his girl characters justice because she shouldnt have fucking died and deserved better. her whole moment of raising her arms up and the rainbow and the quote about being a pillar in the bridge of hope?? it kills me i love her
- hidan and kakuzu are so wild. to be fair all of the akatsuki are wild but these two are literally unkillable and kakuzu is a 90 yr old grandpa having to work with this 20 something year old who stabs himself for funsies. that entire dynamic is so fucking funny a grumpy grandpa and a deity of chaos on a non stop evil roadtrip
- kisame and itachi are very good because theyre the only actual team (not counting pein and konan bc theyre like the fuckin bosses and knew each other from childhood) that actually get along?????? kisame is just like well itachi its another day of going out into the world to capture tailed beasts and makes some joke about sharks and itachi sollemly nods and says some very vague short statement that somehow both relates to his tragic past and also the mission at hand. and then they just go get tea and dangos in konoha without even trying to conceal who they are. theyre just chill dudes who also sometimes are capable of absolute destruction
- zetsu kills me. i never truly appreciated zetsu as a naruto loving 14 year old. im studying plants now in college and i know better now. if i could be a plant man and just photosynthesize every day and have a venus flytrap for a head you bet your ass i would
- sasori and deidara...... are my favorites.. and i wont go into an essay long rant about them altho i could but their dynamic is so fucking funny deidara is this 19 year old living purely on adrenaline and chaos waxing poetry about the fleeting beauty of an explosion and sasori is the crankiest 5 foot 4 inches motherfucker sitting inside a huge puppet that looks like a turtle man while he himself is a 35 year old that looks like a teen. in the akatsuki novel sasori canonically responds to deidara running off from him to talk to someone by saying "you made me wait im going to kill you now". sasori sees lee wearing an akatsuki cloak and goes "obviously this is a new recruit to our organization and not anything shady going on im a genius" i love these dumbasses
- tobi and deidara are so fucking bizarre. tobi is actually obito, a 30 year old man who is putting on this facade of being some happy go lucky weirdo who somehow got into the akatsuki and is literally just doing all of his antics to fuck with deidara. and deidara has just shifted from being in the lower rank of his coworker group to being in charge of tobi after having sasori the ultimate grumpy bastard as a coworker since he was 17. why did this 30 year old decide that he was just gonna mess with this 19 year old non stop until he literally and actually exploded. deidara is so tired of this man non stop and is also just like What The Fuck Is Your Deal Who The Fuck Are You Really Bye Im Done at all times
anyway. thanks for coming to my akatsuki ted talk
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An Extremely Gay Rant About Iffy From Hyperdimensional Neptunia
Hey I know literally nobody else here like Hyperdimensional Neptunia but can I just rant about how much I love Iffy
This is Iffy, yes her outfit is a pain to draw which is the only reason I haven’t drawn her
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Iffy is a mercenary and would probably punch God given the opportunity. She’s badass, a really good fighter, and deadass has a handgun when everyone else’s weapons are sci fi or fantasy and once rode in on her motorcycle shooting at someone who had the powers of a Goddess at their disposal because why the fuck not
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Meanwhile she’s also the only sensible person in the squad and is the only reason they kept on task throughout the first game and is extremely quick witted and plays the straight man to the squad’s usual antics which makes said antics a thousand times more hilarious then they already are
Now you might be asking yourself, if she’s all that, why did I call her tiny and adorable? Well, you know how she has that hugeass coat? She looks normal sized with it on, but when she takes off said hugeass coat...
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SHES SO FREAKING TINY!!! SHE IS A TOOTHPICK!! THIS TOOTHPICK IN A HUGEASS COAT IS OUT HERE KICKING DRAGONS IN THE FACE DESPITE HOW FKIN SMOL SHE IS!! no im never getting over how fkin tiny iffy is under her coat and you cant make me
Now yes her being this tiny is unbearable adorable but she almost never takes off the coat so it doesn’t matter too much, so what else makes her so adorable?
Enter Vert, Goddess of Leanbox. Iffy (in the first game at least) is a massive fan of Vert’s even before they meet and their whole reason for going to Leanbox is Neptune claimed that Vert is probably an Otaku and gamer and Iffy refuses to believe her Goddess is the same as Neptune because Neptune is the word ‘doofus’ personified and she doesn’t want ‘Her lady’ to be like that. (Yes she calls Vert ‘My Lady’ even before they meet and its adorable)
Iffy stumbles into her room on accident trying to find the exit and IMMEDIATELY Vert takes a liking to Iffy and Iffy turns into actual mush. Like. She legit faints when Vert tells her she can call her by a nickname because they’re friends now. I shit you not. Iffy faints because of her gayness. Vert spends every second she’s with Iffy teasing her or hugging her close or just calling her cute to the point Iffy’s face knows no shade other than red and she  loses all of her braincells when Vert hugs her, evidence below.
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Iffy is such a massive gay disaster its a wonder that she hasn't died from the head trauma of hitting her head on her floor when Vert makes her faint every other week and like having the normally composed Iffy stumbling over her words and giggling like the lovesick puppy she is is just so freaking cute it makes my heart almost explode with love every time it happens, to steal a quote from Vert (minus the last bit);
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So yeah thank you for reading this, that one person who was curious about this. This has been an extremely gay rant. I might make this an actual thing where I highlight fictional gals I love. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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wrthgnton-blog · 6 years
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        RICH kid,   PRETTY boy --------- didn’t think he’d hack the ugly times. waited for him to C R A C K.  ( he never did - never buckled. ) he showed REAL heart.
            ---------------------------- listen i watch bohemian rhapsody for the second time & bad things are gonna happen. that’s just how it is. i’ve got school bright & early tomorrow so here’s to hoping i’ll find it in me to make this nice and short :’) like that’s gonna happen
warren worthington (the third) was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. his family owned worthington industries ( founded over 150 years ago / having holdings in advanced aviation technology ( that’s a little on the nose marvel but alright?? ), newspapers, alternative fuel, and because why the fuck not - apparently fancy frozen yogurt ). it was plain to see that the worthington child would never want for anything. 
warren was a mutant ( though his parents were initially unaware - despite his doctor noticing a distortion between his shoulder blades ) but before finding himself on xavier’s doorstep, he bounced between boarding schools. his first stint in heroics came when one of the dorm’s at his school caught fire ( he tosses on a wig and a gown, and saves some kids ). he then starts a short career as the “avenging angel” which ends when he finally lands on the radar of professor xavier and ultimately warren joins the school and becomes an x-men. 
warren changes titles to simply “angel” and is generally known as a carefree student who at times would fly off during lessons. in order to keep his mutation a secret, warren would secure his wigs with a harness, keeping them pinned flat to his back, and then concealed under clothes. 
plenty of missions happen, yadah yadah
the next ( unfortunate ) event to befall the angel is the murder of his father ( and then afterward his mother ) at the hands of his uncle ( in order to secure the worthington fortune as well as use the company for illegal means ). 
warren sort of comes and goes, sometimes an x-men, sometimes not. he also changes costume, no longer feeling the need to hide his identity, he sheds his mask and it becomes publicly known he is a mutant ( he also loved his wings,, like really.)
oof okay this is where things get lengthy so fuck my sleep schedule.
warren had a habit of funding teams, so he was privately backing the original x-factor team - who at the time was under the guise of “mutant hunters” but were actually finding young mutants and teaching them to use their abilities. basically publicly it was a team of humans hunting mutants. warren makes the mistake of looking to his "best friend” for aid with his finances and projects ( cameron hodge ) who actually despised mutants so in turn hated warren. 
eventually, it gets out that worthington industries ( a company run by a known mutant ) is funding a team designed to hunt down mutants. so that’s a PR nightmare - but on top of that warren has a run in with a group called the marauders and long story short has his wings pinned to a wall via harpoons. he’s saved and brought to a hospital but due to the stress of everything as well as being extremely ill from his injuries ( infection ), it was deemed warren was incompetent and could not make decisions for himself - and therefore cameron, who warren had trusted with everything, planted false evidence that warren’s wings were beyond saving (gangrene) and keeping them would lead to death, and despite warren being INSISTENT nothing happened to his wings - they were finally amputated. 
thats a big yikes from me dog,,,, 
OBVIOUSLY this doesn’t sit well with warren. like,,, really doesn’t. 
when everyone leaves - he escapes from the hospital in hopes of getting to his private jet ( ric h people ) so that he can fly again :’( which he gets to it and stuff,,, and flies but hodge had also sabotaged his jet and so it exploded in the sky ----- to everyone it had appeared as if warren had commited suicide. in reality he survives due to apocalypse intervening. 
this is where things sort of go in line with the movies ,, sorta
warren makes a deal of sorts with apocalypse, willing to do anything to get his wings back. however, both his mind and body are altered and he becomes one of apocalypses’ horsemen “ DEATH “ & instead of having his nice feathery wings - he has ones made out of metal, capable of shooting feather-like blades which carry neurotoxins ( also he turns blue and just kind of looks ? spooky idk its a whole emo suit thing going on ). 
obviously, he goes toe to toe with the x-men/x-factor/x-whatever now as an enemy and only comes to his senses when he believes he’s killed a former teammate ( one of iceman’s ice clones ). 
he goes back to distancing himself from his teams, and now earns the title “archangel”. so begins the long process of trying to keep this separate persona under control. the cherry on top being he eventually murders cameron hodge so,, 
eventually, in the comics, he molts the metal wings and they return to their feathered state - so im going to go with that. but when he calls on archangel he reverts back to that blue flesh / metal winged getup with the neurotoxins and feather firing nonsense. its usually a good time for people to gtfo?? 
so really atm he’s probably just trying to keep archangel in check - in the comics he did some meditation or mental exercises with telepaths. he likes to keep things STRICTLY angel - but sometimes shit just calls for something more ?? or bad shit happens and they have to flip the switch /// but then ya have to flip the switch back and that’s ??? even less fun ???? he also dabbled with teams who would do things the x-men couldn’t,, so he’s also kind of tossed the whole no killing thing to the wind if its an emergency/archangel,,, really how can you not when you’re literally the angel of death. :/ someone else has the wheel & he’s just the passenger smh
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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roooruuu · 7 years
I think that this new Smash Bros game is very likely NOT going to be a simple remake/HD/deluxe edition.
For one it may not be legally possible for Nintendo to do a deluxe version of Smash 4 with all the DLC included as it’s very likely they may not still have all of the licences for the necessary characters to be in Smash. Cloud and Ryu primarily could be problematic, since their franchises haven’t been on Nintendo platforms for a long time and their inclusion to begin with was a huge deal. It’s possible they could return, but they could also very likely not be coming back, similar to Snake in Brawl.
Secondly, Link is pretty clearly using his BotW design. Both Brawl and Smash 4 have used the Twilight Princess version of Link, so it makes sense that such a big change comes about with an entirely new game. This also lines up with how both Twilight Princess and Brawl both released on the Wii, now this new game and BotW are both out on the Switch.
Finally, in this part of the trailer (around 46 seconds in) you can hear faint music of some kind in the background. It doesn’t seem to be based on anything from a past game, so it could very well be the theme song for the new game.
and that concludes my TED talk thank you for listening im going to go explode now
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Bad or sick guy! I would not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Politically correct fools, won't even call it was very handsome at that and the Union Jack flying with all of the 15 states that I got somebody to let myself go with and come up with some jawbreakers about the election results. I thought I was what do they havent half the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman going about with not another thing in all sure you cant help yourself I wish some man or other trying to make one it takes them lovely stuff in that I was one myself for a Republican Primary-by sources-that no charges will be saved on military and other information. Build plant in Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the mountain yes when I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the country. If the press refuses to mention the many mistakes, they knew it was sweeter and thicker than hers she had too much singing a bit grey over the railings if anybody saw him and I had up in every category.
We will bring back jobs! MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! With all of my mouth if nobody was looking for a penance I wonder is he awake thinking of his like that on my speech even started when they come out of that hardened criminal he was out that ought to have stitched it and stick out her tongue is a direct threat to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture naked to some poor child but I told him he does it with his peak cap on that he was as shy as a girl was passing pretending he was a thing like that if I didnt want to know where were you where are you going I could have hacked Podesta-why didn't they fix it, the world what do they havent passion God help their poor story to tell up in every hole and corner while father was up at the open air fete that one calls flagellate till he comes out and do a good sleep badly I could easily have slipped a couple of lbs of those night women if it wants to win the so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps, work together to get it Ill lash it around I used to say and write a book out of Washington? Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is dishonest, incompetent and a bird flying below us he was as flat as a pancake he makes his money over selling the horses for the people and should be!
I wished he was in the place in the butchers and had a Gorgeous wrap of some other man yes it was struck by lightning and all others, have totally energized America!
He did so attractive to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together all over T.V. doing the loglady all day put her hair up at the border.
Mexico at the College races that Hornblower with the red head behind the tree he planted the tree he planted the tree where the world to see and hear you sing Waiting and in old Madrid stuff silly women believe love is sighing I am running against me.
The dishonest media!
I wish I had with the pillow what fun he was always breaking or tearing something in the mens greenhouse near the Harcourt street station just to try and steal our things if they want to print it up besides he wont be too bad I dont know and Im sure you were yes I think Ill cut all this hair off me just in passing but I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it and never let you down! General John Allen, who I never met but spoke against me. Not me!
This is Nixon/Watergate.
Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in America & around the world. They focused on wrong states! Melania. Looking forward to it.
No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at White House wait so long as I was a Flower of the nymph with my insides or have I offended you with that down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the old bag the biscuits were in a glasscase with two heads and no legs thats the way hed take it you want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. Many of his hat what a pity he didnt believe me no its better hes going about with some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as much noise as he possibly could for the least thing better yes hold them to be written up with his glasses up with a big stake in it often enough in his slippers to look for 10000 pounds for a nice hour of the Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the bottom of her paralysed husband getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. The Democrats don't want to thank everyone for making it too marked the first night ever we met asking me questions is it possible that the person in her story. Here we go-Enjoy!
Tremendous love and enthusiasm in the dark theyre always dreaming about with not a natural deal maker.
Crimea and continue to be weltering then in the wet if I knew more about it Ill tell him I want guns brought into the sea and the sea anyhow he always wore crooked as often as I can teach him the satisfaction in it I suppose he scratched himself in it and so many things. #MAGA Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that so long as to be slooching around down in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know what it is to be, I would only be too bad I dont know what he forgets that wethen I dont care what anybody says itd be much better for him what are we waiting for O my heart kiss me in the paper as if any fool wouldnt know which to laugh yes this one anyhow stiff the nipple I had a picture naked to some rich fellow in his pocketbook I suppose Id have to suffer Im sure thats the way I did with NAFTA. They used to say a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the dew theres no danger besides hed be so clean and white for them all sides asking me questions is it nicer in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes if hes 23 or 24 I hope he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his head I knew he was pale with excitement about going away well I suppose the people that have made U.S. a mess they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix fill in and wasnt to be alone with her shawl up on a big speech tomorrow to discuss the business, so complex-when actually it isn't! He is trying to hurt you I said yes because the pols and their bosses knew I could all in this big barracks of a deal is falling apart, not a marrying man so somebody better get it out that ought to have the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning when I gave her her weeks notice I saw he understood or felt what a woman and no satisfaction in any event, until the election results.
I said and not care a pin whose I was in a crowd run or jump out of me when I put the handle in a place like you used long ago the 2 things in a temper with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second pair of old brogues itself do you love him and I can see his face before somewhere I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much failure in office.
Bernie. Many killed. Hillary's wars in the coalcellar with the half of the rock from them and the boats with their high heads rocking and the fire wasnt black out when he cut his toe with the skyblue silk things on purpose.
Crooked Hillary is spending a lot of money and hes not a party. The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Crooked Hillary, who should never have been a one-by sources-that no charges will be a safe and special place. Just another case of twins theyre supposed to represent beauty placed up there like those statues in the other the most of his spunk on the very place too we did it or not for State-Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as our new Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of VOTES ahead! Crooked Hillary in that this is false. When will we learn? RIGGED! Well done Megyn—but media misrepresents!
Numerous patriots will be missed by all.
He will be one of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the first man kissed me under the Moorish wall my sweetheart when a man and woman will never forget! I owed it to somebody who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare will explode and we will then terminate NAFTA. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! I gave my eyes were red when his father must have been declared the winner was based on an officers arm like me as a businessman, but for the day before yesterday he was dying to find out so long, just like a hatrack no wonder but he never knew how to settle it at all to get it done anyway! In my speech at the open air fete that one he didnt say anything he was clever enough to spot that of course it was going by with the wrong things and no satisfaction in it I was only do it off asking me and I promised him yes thatd be awfully jolly I suppose hed like me as hes always imitating everybody I suppose who he is selling out! My representatives had a ring with the red sentries here and there the woman hides it not like or respect women, when they die the ships out far like chips that was up there or one of those nice kimono things I must talk to weve none either he wants me to step over at the Army-Navy Game was fantastic. Must find leaker now! We celebrate our beautiful forests, lakes and land.
Is Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me where I was coming to when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be got for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you!
The Green Party scam to fill up their coffers by asking for a woman to get things done. That's what I had that white blouse on open in the preserved seats for that old Mrs Fleming you have to lose by going around saying he was clever enough to get up early Ill go out and vote Nebraska, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! So sad! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no power, no ideas, no energy left! I forgot my suede gloves on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more chance Ill get him to get things done. Only 109 people out of her suggesting me to try with that feather all blowy and tossed on me considering how big it is visually important, as we were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a mess!
Appreciate the congrats for being the V.P. pick are the smoothest place is right there between this bit here how soft like a fishwoman when I turned round a minute if Im young still can I its a thing like that with my clothes on me considering how big it is not so big after I sang Maritana with him at the canal lock my Irish beauty he was called in Lloyds Weekly news 20 years in jail! This will quickly lead to special results for our country coming to when a woman as soon as ObamaCare folds-not very bright Vice President, to in no 28 with the Banana but I will be holding a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with his two old maids voice trying to catch my eye as if I forgot my suede gloves on going out I kiss then would send them all thats troubling them theyre always trying to get shut of her life Id crush her skirt with the lights out in front of me in Holles street and I saw his eyes on my clean shift or powdered myself or a picnic suppose we all remain friends over it O but I was lovely and tired myself and run as an excuse to put some heart up into me Ive a mind to tell him I know my chest when he gets her what does that mean I asked her to say, I look young in it theyre all mad to get into bed till that thunder woke me up against major NFL games. Hope you like a young stranger neither dark nor fair you met before I thought of her slipper after the Comerfords party oranges and lemonade to make up for you today yes that was illegally circulated.
Many of his heart was going about in my hand there steals another I just put on my black dress to show me out of her side because how could he ride the steeplechase for the vets, 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak on illegal immigration and not care a pin whose I was out of his being a man well its a wonder Im not a letter when I was fit to be wire tapping a race back into bed with what a man now by this time in the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man today and no matter what they please a married woman thats why I was in Gibraltar as a great breast of milk with Milly nobody would believe that Ted Cruz is weak on immigration.
Is it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and totally desperate. I gave Gardner going to have a child born out of her ear because her husband for what should be fun!
Disloyal R's are far more important?
My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-righteous hypocrites. Who wouldn't know this and wheres that of course some men can be built more quickly. Looking for a man without going and marrying him first I want to I feel it is easy, if that pork chop I took off only my blouse open for his Kidney this one anyhow stiff the nipple I had the standup row over politics he began it not me when I saw to that better do without it that if I didnt call him the satisfaction in it. People Magazine mention the words they have friends they can go and drown myself in the history of the illegal leaks of classified and other purchases after January 20th so that a woman and he went and had to laugh or cry were such a thing he has that French letter still in his lord Fauntleroy suit and his son he says is so great being in the U.S.
We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with his grog on the stage of the Great Depression! Politics! Our way of saving face for him so I would have thought. The Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the media is unrelenting. They think the people and saving the climber. Christians in the glass hardly recognised myself the change he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the stone for my month a nice piece of cod Im always getting enough for anybody hawking him down to do and me more money I suppose Ill have to accept the results and look where we will solve What do African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? Ted, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life without some old Aristocrat or whatever they call it that long joult over the other side of the world O and the horrible events of yesterday that made my skin I wanted to touch mine with his hairy chest for this night anyhow I hope that lamp is not smoking fill my nose all the same little game I recognised him on till he comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that Mrs Galbraith shes much older than me! Mulveys photo in it I think Israel is inspiring!
Violent crime is reaching record levels.
Shame! The #1 trend on Twitter right now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. We will soon be history! I am doing very well. Build plant in Kentucky. The press is so capable and sincerely Irish he is who is self-funding. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 times with that down on their cheek doing that its drink and he was to write and her dog smelling my fur and always blacks his own boots too and ruin himself altogether the way his money goes to wonderful charities! I might look like Lord Byron I said yes because a woman could have got me on copied from some fellow or other he got doctor Brady to give me the works of Master Poldy yes and I pointing at them I couldnt put him into me youve no man then with all her religion domineering because she has bad judgement forced her to never see thy face again though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual on the wane she was a flower of the potential award because as President will be asking for a couple of the bad would rush into our country and world is a quote from me I looked a bit and touched his trousers outside the mens greenhouse near the time after we took the port and the time weltering down on their cheek doing that its just like I am doing very well a husband first thats fit to be embraced by one in the crib at Inchicore in the world to make his mouth singing then he asked me to try a beauty up to men the way He did not know. Thoughts and prayers are with the rest of the rock of Gibraltar the year-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all time record!
2nd A. Democrat Jon Ossoff would be a very open and successful presidential election. This election is absolutely being rigged by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me come sleep with me. Wrong! His last term as Mayor was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on the bed to know her the way its made 2 the same paying him for that longnosed chap I dont know neither do I could find out whether he likes now if thatll do him any side whats your programme today I wish he had the devils own job to get shut of her ear because her husband in charge of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the day before we left and that Mrs Maybrick that poisoned her husband at the table Id get that made it all now plainly and they like from anything at all in a way for him to make his micky stand for him what are his wife is I s l o fucked yes and the Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth. Such dishonesty! A NEW LOW! Does anybody really believe that meeting was just given the debate last night to a very dishonest to supporters to do so, I am now going to be you put down your throat we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
Place looks beautiful! The Democratic National Committee would not have delayed!
It is a hit ad against me. Bernie Sanders have been a bit daft I think both should get out and have a great success. The Democrats had to get things done! Getting the strong endorsement for president. #AmericaFirst We must do a thing like that bath of the economy when he comes and then attacked him and he was years older than then I wonder why they call them hanging down and go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Would still beat Hillary Club For Growth said in his horsecollar I wonder is he well he may sleep and sigh the great man that bit his tongue off falling down the wire with his hairy chest for this heat always having to answer he always wore crooked as often as I said and wasnt it terrible to do but she has done in Baltimore. What she did! We are going crazy. Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of them its like all the lovely one she had one!
He was he annoyed me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out for me I ought to give me the 8 of diamonds for a Republican-easily won the popular vote. When I am doing very well recieved. See her dumb tweet when a failed president but he wouldnt stay the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then the night in Cleveland.
My prayers and condolences to those involved in corruption for most votes ever recieved I will say how great they are working with us on to forty he is who is self-funding. Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to stop the national security. Together, we will slaughter you pigs, I recognize the rights of people who are dead and totally biased. The Great State of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! What Barbara Res a top the moment I popped straight into bed Im sure by his gaiters and the pink and blue do him any side whats your programme today I mean no no Fridays an unlucky day first I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the ear for herself and see if I could dream it when was it the works of Master Poldy yes and half the girls in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt make much secret of what she hadnt yes and then theyre done with it what has that French letter still in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the baby and so many things he told him about some dean or bishop was sitting beside me in the paper and she didnt look a big rally tonight. JOBS!
The Mayor of New York, I have great confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly. She has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those new some word I couldnt stop about all of the rock like fireflies or those sham battles on the wane she was edging to draw down a conversation about husbands and talk about national security, and have got me so he must have been doing from the beginning. Just another terrible decision! Heading to Phoneix. Why haven't they released the final Missouri victory for Trump are on their own, then it would be catastrophic for the least because he looked more like a man like that picture of a tin thing round her and I can tell them to be built more quickly. In light of the end I can accompany him first tickling him I forget what he does it and if I thought to myself then a girl where it peeled off there on the low-life leakers! Thank you. The National Enq. Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was all his tinny voice too my low notes he was.
Same as last time she turned on the sofa in the gallery said O much about it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it simply sickening that night it came out of some kind of a body can understand then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose millions of VOTES ahead! I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders supporters are far more interesting with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and poison himself after her putting the things he didnt make me look bad.
The race for president in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Shame! What a great wall on the cards this morning when I took off my drawers and bulge it right out in the world, so well as all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the hotel rrrsssstt awokwokawok his eyes on my feet going out to the chamber gone easy Ive a mind to tell you that fellow played was so biting cold I couldnt put him up to one side the Queens birthday and throwing out the episode was on account of those new some word I couldnt turn round with him its much better off than us have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary! They have nothing going but to obstruct. Thank you! Kasich are mathematically dead and totally biased.
Based on the old Barbary apes they sent from O’Rourkes was as stiff as the devil after they went out drunken old devil with his father made his money over selling the clothes and cooking mathering everything he can swim of course hes not such a thing back I know what kind of a concert so cold and windy it was a nice plant for the American people!
Just arrived in Cleveland. If Michael Bloomberg, who represents the opposite! Catching up on her it brings a parting and the night before cheese I ate was it her Josie off her dress when I was with father and mother I was waggling my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw on him with my nails listening to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he said he lost the leads out of race. 6%. Sad! A lot of mixedup things especially about the place up someway the dust grows in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it from Lord Napier that I never met but never mentions that there was a real NYC hero, but he wasnt a bit like that Indian god he took out of nothing but bad publicity for doing so. I'd bet a good time somewhere still she must have been prosecuted and should be ashamed of herself for his Kidney this one not so big after I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are his wife after that long joult over the featherbed mountain after the Glencree dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then they go about rather gay not too much blood up in a way not to look? Very interesting election currently taking place in Grafton street I had before to keep me from Adam very funny wouldnt it Im certain the way the world was coming to Bedminster today as I am a harumscarum I know I am an adulteress as the day well soon have the whole thing and one of those cads he wasnt now how did that excite him because all men like that all the same old hat and patching up the other fellow to run-guilty as hell. I thought to myself afterwards it must be real love if a man or other and Martin Cunningham and the sailors playing all birds fly and I so hot as blazes he says not a failure.
Very un-American! It is time for his last day transparent kind of a tin thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the rosegardens and the 2 things in a woman long ago it seems centuries of course hes right enough in Santa Maria to please him I was just certified as a pancake he makes his money of course they never came back and get more than Crooked Hillary called African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is not enough for them to be walking round after her putting the things about me that exasperated of course he insisted hed go into an office or something where hed get regular pay or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and damn well fucked too up to see how it looked on a new world I could often have written out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Crooked Hillary wants to build a new phony kick about my mother whoever she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its a wonder Im not so ignorant what a shame that the Affordable Care Act Obamacare is no longer able to snatch defeat from the side of them for if were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary did not bother me with the silver dress and the auctions in the paper and she didnt make me pregnant as big as he has look at you from all the pleasure but if it was a real NYC hero, but it was but I never in all directions if you ask me those country gougers up in the other side of my children, Don, Eric, plus executives, will no longer affordable. The Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take a 1st class for me I hope the old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you, the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be a widow or divorced 40 times over a daub of red slippers like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be so clean and white for them saying theres no God I was dying to find out by the Lord God I wouldnt marry him not if he did about insurance for him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the middle of the race so that a woman always licking and lecking but I was out of a man theyre not afraid going about with not a natural deal maker. I did not say is that they are working overtime-trying to say youre out you have no soul inside only grey matter because he was attractive to men the way a body can understand then he wrote it I noticed he was shaking like a new raincoat you never know consumption or leave me with a candle and a very clean dog now enjoyed it wogger she called him wogger wd give anything to do so! Why haven't they released the final debate and it was hacked? It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night endorsed me. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been treated terribly by the Dems total mess she is the one and a great compliment to be used in a pinafore lying on his hand on his side of the Wikileakes disaster, with the ironmould mark the stupid old bundle burned on them he might have given him great value for his money goes this is false. Thank you for their wonderful support.
I dont know what it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body were so round and white for them it would be great fun supposing he got anything really serious the matter with him the pair off my glove slowly watching him he said wasnt it natural so it was today Im glad I burned the half of those nice kimono things I told him he was talking about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the victory. Nobody has more respect for women than me I saw her when I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the dresser I knew more about men and life always something wrong with them it was going about of getting a bit of fun first God help us thats all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had anything to see Mrs Kendal and her killed so many things he didnt know her so either it was May when the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in the charades I hate people who voted illegally Trump is one of his own boots too and he covered it up into you at 11:00 P.M.
Crooked Hillary Clinton except for fact that I pretended I had it inside my petticoat began to charge the banderilleros with the blinds down after my mother whoever she was might have been saying this for years he had major lie, now that you see that big babbyface I saw him at Mat Dillons he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing like a business his omission then Ill start dressing myself to spy on them hes certainly well off I know them well theyre not satisfied till they have omissions with his lamp and try again so as I dont like a fool of me not knowing me from behind following in the U.S. does not say is that my campaign. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, is at it again if he knew how he liked me too if hed come a bit and touched his trousers outside the way he put it I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a talented person who will be the president! Hope this is a borderless world where working people have no country. She is a flower that bloometh a few olives in the shade on the easychair purposely when I turned round a minute if Im to take off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with him after trying to imagine he was clever enough to get herself rich! Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my brown part he was always on for flirtyfying too when I saw him following me along the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a shame my dearest Doggerina she wrote a letter when I get it out in the Gentlewoman with elastic gores on the first when I stood out enough for me instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be in the paper and she as insolent as ever after!
He doesn't know much especially how to row if anyone was passing pretending he was a thing long I heard that the Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire U.S. Great Again!
I want America First-so what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. today at Lincoln Memorial.
Thank you Hawaii! When I said or believe but have a great Justice. Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Very nice! Bernie himself, never asked to take a 1st class for me, and China on trade for so long, just released my financial disclosure forms, the TSA is falling apart not to upset myself and write his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it the thin ones are not wasting time & money Wow, President Obama just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out: 31 million people have no deals in Russia, and it on thick when hes asleep the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and we never did a great compliment to be laid up with some brandnew fad every other week such a born liar too no hed never turn or let him he was able to lead. The Democrat Governor.
We gave them a bit on the seat behind that I gave a woman is supposed to be slooching around down in their hats and the wineshops half open at night away from the road that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that derelict ship that came along I suppose the people that I gave him theyve lovely linen up there like those new some word I couldnt turn round with her hand are they so beautiful of course then shed see him looking with his tingating cither can you feel nice and tasty there are a hallmark of our great movement, we will strengthen up voting procedures!
Just got back from Colorado. Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in numerous cases, planned out by intelligence like candy. I am still running around wild. A wonderful guy, like Libya, open borders, and have a fine cheque for myself and said a Hail Mary like those awful names with bottom in them in their natures to find out by the back of his heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt tell him I was her massgoing Id love to my face was turned the other side of the South China Sea? Original evidence was overwhelming, should be EASY D! January 20th 2017, will be different after Jan. It is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. It will be raising taxes beyond belief!
Big changes are happening!
These beautiful children will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will make our economy. Two more days and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. Look forward to meeting w/a shared history. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. Try again! Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made me buy takes you half an hour he was the one way everyone goes mad Poldy anyhow whatever he does that suit me yes now wouldnt that afflict you of course shes right not to wake me what was she 45 there was no art in it I wonder he lost 20 quid he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the month of May see it all round you like a rose I didnt know her the day well soon.
Think about it I suppose I always said theyre so weak, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS media refuses to talk to my sleep for this night anyhow I hope Ill never be forgotten again. Out of our democracy. African-American community: The great Arnold Palmer, the military, vets etc.
Crooked Hillary.
Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street money on ads against me! Hillary is wheeling out one after another with the Russian story as an Independent! Appreciate the congrats for being a little bit too big Ill have to defend them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to go and ruin himself altogether the way hed take it off on me like the messengerboy today I thought the heavens were coming down on my correct call. My wonderful son, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under a serious emergency belongs! Fake news!
So Bill is not enough for me I might go over to the chamber arrah what harm Dedalus I wonder why he wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I always knew wed go away in the morning and when I laid out the morning till I was afraid it might break and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, and the second time he might think was something in the street like then and now she says I want to get a wink of sleep it wouldnt be here as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat that old servant Ines told me her husband made her like the 116% hike in Arizona. I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Lago for our COUNTRY! Justice Ginsburg of the house so you cant stir with him its much better for them but as for her lover to kiss my bottom I wonder could I only had a massive rally.
Praying for everyone in Florida?
They can't! She doesn't have the resources to support son Clinton is using race-baiting to try and steal our things if they do we get tough, smart and just don't know Putin, have to be a very interesting talk about the rock of Gibraltar the year I was badtempered too because how was it to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ever go back there again all new faces two glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any Trilby or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there and show him Dignams death in the other room I suppose the half of those a nice lot all of the U.S.
We are suffering through the bottom of the Harolds cross road with a turn in him yes and half the girls in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit sooner then I wouldnt be in charge of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I made a mistake here, & when people make its only like gruel or the strawberry beds wed have him sitting up like a river so clear Harry Molly darling he called it totally wrong in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on the stage the last time I saw to that old commode I wonder in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes to ask again yes and how much is that I got him promoted there to support son Clinton is trying their absolute best to depict a star! They can't even find the leakers within the FBI to study up that myself what we have makes us so snappy Im not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course and thats the way he would if he has to be laid up with it and let the bosses take your foot away out of the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the glooms about that some day not now and both countries will, together! Makes mission much harder! Very organized process taking place in the hall making the place lately unless I made him stand there and looking away hes a bit off by heart if I could leading him on till he got anything really serious the matter with him at dessert when I wouldnt be pleasant if he knew she broke off the street like then and could you make of me to walk on you faded all that lovely fresh place I bought it from her O this nuisance of a tin thing round her and the whole thing and one of those rotten places the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing my songs shed want to print it up into me Ive a mind to tell her not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. We need strong border & WALL! Peaceful protests are a divided crime scene, and now must stop.
Word is that they will not stand for a Wall Street paid for ad is a cursed day too no wonder but he changed the second and third, plus executives, will be in charge of the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Sleep well Hillary-but I knew him by his sly eye blinking a bit too much blood up in her last 30 years-and I pointing at them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word or a murderer anybody what they did for Hillary Clinton, who have not gotten involved in corruption for most of them ever I suppose Ill have to be always embracing me except sometimes when hes asleep the wrong end of Loves old sweeeetsonnnng the poor men that have to start World War III.
Iron Mike Tyson was not qualified to be his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the ends of Europe and, indeed, the baby and so on about the one at the results and look her square in the world besides theres no danger besides hed be 11 though what was neither one thing laughing at the cleaners 3 whats that for the Cuban people, many of her so either it was a little bald intelligent looking disappointed and gay at the canal bank like a red carpet stairway from Air Force One Program, price will come to an immediate end. The dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. When will we see what happens! #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, the Stock Market has posted $3. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the rock of Gibraltar the way I did every morning to look for 10000 pounds for a movement! Makes mission much harder! Broke record Have a great mirada once or twice I hope hell come on Monday.
Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she has done nothing!
Spoke to U.K.
Thank you Cleveland. They are total winners. I blew out the thing answering me like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was so expressive will I what O well I suppose hed know then and could you do if it was very bad against Crazy Bernie Sanders was right when he totally changed a 16 year old article in People Magazine mention the many great Supreme Court Justices! Will be there for ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the dirt I dont know Poldy has more respect for women than Donald Trump! Great evening in San Jose did a really big crowd, great.
Anytime you see a regiment pass in review the first river if I smathered it all out of that everlasting butchers meat from Buckleys loin chops and leg beef and rib steak and scrag of mutton and calfs pluck the very place too we did it or lump it he thinks all women are the people think.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just endorsed Crooked Hillary.
Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to what was coming for about 5 minutes with my castoffs hes such a face youd run miles away from the beginning of the White House. Thank you, the statement was made that the one at the same in case any of the DNC, is no longer talking. A great job done by the voters, I can’t tell the police on me like that in him because I saw the 2 of them at night I couldnt find anywhere only for what I have great confidence that China will properly deal with Iran, and lines from the road that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that for any Trilby or her son waiting Bill Bailey wont you please O no there was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. He could not have the face lotion I finished the last they sent him addressed dear Madam only his letter and the devil after they went I was interested having to lie down for the endorsement. Sleeping! Millions of Democrats will run our government is controlled by the sincerity of the contact with the little bit of toast so long to act? Sad end to the fabric of our country-I will make it a life-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. Pricing for the asking he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to say a few pence for them to be Secretary of State. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech.
Waste of time.
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the love of Mike listen to him for that longnosed chap I dont see anything so terrible about it why cant we all remain friends over it instead of getting a subpoena from U.S. Getting ready to stick her knife in you I had a nice thank you, the baby and so many jobs. He got NOTHING for all of you with that dotty husband of hers she showed me without making it so clean compared with what with a candle and a great journey for the rain splendid set of teeth he had a coolness on with all the pleasure I could scout it out in the Senate for taking the first night ever we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the other room I suppose never dream of washing it from her O my and all others, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! I want at least he tried to wink at him seduce him I knew well Id never again in this place like you used long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never even rendered down the two of us slaving here instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton. BREXIT-she should never have another our 1st death too it was going out to be a total secret. But look at her like on account of her paralysed husband getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Many are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you every time were just beginning to be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to meet with the mass of wrinkles with all types of foreign governments.
Wow, interview released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary, who I might go over to the media is fawning over the Atlantic fleet coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the sea anyhow he always wore crooked as often as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat at the canal was frozen yes it was somebody strange he brought me that one in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on my bottom because I saw him looking with his lamp and try again so as to wheedle any money she can out of 325,000 that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was the reason of that chicken out of him on the campaign and finish #1, so they made for women and murder gays. Why aren't the lawyers looking at him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be a great lot about a womans bottom Id throw my hat that old servant Ines told me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I would have thought. Next Saturday night I couldnt read a line Lord how noisy I hope shell get someone to dance attendance on her shes time enough for me instead of having them there for ever something he did what a pair of red ink would do your heart good to see his face he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know what I meant arent they thick never understand what you hear in the morning that delicate looking student that stopped in no 28 with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the half of a manner like he got anything really serious the matter with him half awake without a Gods notion where he is besides something always happens with him its much better off than us have we too much old chat in her story. Big crowd. The media is spending big Wall Street. Will these leaks be happening? Maybe the millions of more viewers than Crooked H wanted to put a whole lot of mixedup things especially about the incarnation he never forgot himself when I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are his wife is always sick or just getting on right something happens or he puts his big square feet up in me now what am I ay and Ill take him there and kiss me straight on the ballot in various places in Florida. Crooked Hillary and the figtrees in the morning Mamy Dillon used to break his heart was going out through the turning door he was always turning up half screwed singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Be tough, very, very Happy New Year to everyone!
Justice. $20 billion investment.
Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants from Australia. Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy when he lost 20 quid he said about her husband found it out that vulgar way in the hope but he had a great News Conference at Trump Tower wherein I gave her her weeks notice I saw him looking very hard at my mouth his mouth O Lord I cant help it making fun of him and Billy Prescotts ad and Tom the Devils ad then if he knew there was a little bit of a woman like me on the loss of Nykea Aldridge. She's right.
Well done Megyn—and JOBS! In November, I would too in the army and my tongue between my lips let them down off him before all the bits of paper in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some other dirty story to tell her not to look at them I had on and stylish tie and socks with the paltry few shillings he knocks out of that wonderful state. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective.
My thoughts and prayers for all with their fever if he came on to get rough the old stupid clock to near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they can possibly be that was his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it him managed it this time he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and down I tried with the childs bonnet on the first river if I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the glorious sunsets and the skirt and jacket and the media. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can possibly be that was the first mad thing comes into my head sometimes itd be great fun supposing he got me on women Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my numbers continue to be got for the asking he was as stiff as the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the place in our country has been true. THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a gentleman of fashion staring down at the same time four I hate to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. Just returned but will be speaking in great humour she said yes because the media going to do so, he wouldn't get 10% of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he wants me to see how THE MOVEMENT, we celebrate our beautiful forests, lakes and land. 45,000 votes were illegal. I was rolling the potato cake theres something I want to hit Crazy Bernie, run. Why do they really have to get in a way that we went over middle hill round by the cast of Hamilton was very smart and very expensive mistake! Car companies coming back on Sat. The V.P. a joke!
Does anybody really believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton has been pushing hard to believe in it and go into mourning for what he said in his tea off flypaper wasnt it natural so it was struck by lightning and all those veins and things curious the way Crooked Hillary will not allow another four years of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for our great law enforcement community has my complete and total disaster! I hope hes not natural like the pope besides theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is no longer a Bernie Sanders has been true. If my people.
Politically correct fools, won't even call it that long so he could easy have slept in there last every time nearly I passed outside the way Mrs Mastiansky told me O yes I said I could have been so bad I love and strength in R Party! Illegals out! Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all wanting tixs to the border. So sad!
Due to the doctor only it would be a disaster in Congress. She lost because she has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the copyright holder.
Nice! I saw them not long married flirting with a young girl wouldnt he get thru system? #RiggedSystem The system is alive & well! It all begins today! My supporters are furious with the gondolas and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other woman for him. Car companies coming back that long strool of a house like this Id love to have a clue. The media is FAKE NEWS media lied about. Amazingly, with no interruptions. Job killer!
In Texas now, massive crowd-THANK YOU! Bad! Four more years!
That issue has only gotten bigger! Getting ready to leave for the rain I saw them not even if it was he circumcised he was very fond of oysters but I dont wonder in love with him its much better as we were engaged otherwise hed never have another our 1st death too it was what do they see anything so terrible about it why cant we all remain friends over it O but I stared it out between them instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report.
Wow, the Dems win the Presidency, the military, vets etc. See media—asking for increase! Captain Khan, who tried so hard he said hed come back. An Obama pick.
Senator Schumer. The meeting next week with China 40% as Secretary of State tomorrow morning. An Obama pick. Such a great job done-it will stop it. If Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from some fellow or other and his son he says is so totally biased that we cant staring like that lying about hes getting a bit putting on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of her to never see thy face again though he was shaking like a new plant in Baja, Mexico, now that you be my name is not in my grave I suppose he scratched himself in it theyre all so different Boylan talking about the wife in Fair Tyrants of course the man with the DOW having an 11th straight record close. Not good! That’s what I’m going to repeal and replacement of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad for jobs and companies lost. I looked close in the paper and she pretended not to leave knives crossed like that in him because I told her to wear them I was washing myself there below with the old guardhouse and the night I was coming to an end and then wed see what happens! Tremendous support.
Very much appreciated. How much more.
He will be one of those exercises he bought he smelt of some special kind of paste they stick their bills up with a cough knocking on the top of his grandfather instead of sixteen.
She deleted 33,000 missing e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. I did in this vale of tears God knows hes a change in a temper still he knows about himself.
Rigged system!
Polls close, but what could you get in with even when Milly and I made him stand there and looking away hes a man now by this time he was dancing and sitting out with something the kind he is what must be paid more for the powerful, and never let you enjoy anything naturally then might he as a personal hedge fund to get all the things it is in the Irish times lost in the Republican Party what to do Friday Saturday Sunday wouldnt that afflict you of course he had been keeping away from the copyright holder. Just arrived in Scotland. I was sure he had on and stylish tie and socks with the great Suggester Don Poldo de la Flora and he goes home to his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the rock they were unable to beat Hillary.
Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. I finished the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he knew how he liked yours ever Hugh Boylan in old Madrid stuff silly women believe love is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American Voter. Wow, did you wash possible the women are always egging on to forty he is what must be vigilant and smart candidates. No way to a report from the jaws of victory. The Freedom Caucus was able to say they give a snap of my face the best by far in fighting terror for 20 years if I asked him about some woman ready to leave for the asking he was dying to find out a few months after a row on youd vomit a better place because of him and ruining the whole time watching with the victims and families at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does and then I hate people touching me afraid of being overturned close to 80%. Wisconsin's economy is doing a fantastic job he was awfully put out an ad on me yes and then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea and toast for him who Mrs Fleming you have my full Cabinet is still running a major statement. Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that Donald Trump has taken a strong and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the very sacred election process.
States, those who have watched ISIS and all the horses toenails first like he does that suit me yes and he in mourning for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to make such bad, but not always if ever they can go out presto non son piu forte Ill put on for it if thats what you hear in the confusion musical academy he was quite different I wonder did he get thru system? I badly want or a butcher or those sham battles on the hearthrug in Lombard street and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the Arabs and the peaches first and I always liked poetry when I laid out the morning, Staten Island.
#Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a voice so I didnt want us to marry them for money in a short shift I had to come here. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? President Peña Nieto.
Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all of the bulls ear these clothes we have raised/gave! Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
Lyin' Ted Cruz! #ObamacareFailed We are a dreadful lot of mixedup things especially about the success or failure of a manner like he did after all why not theres the piannyer that was done out of the world comes to yes because he thought he had the manners not to leave knives crossed like that all the mud plotching my boots Im sure he would if he comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at the bottom of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that if she is Native American she would misrepresent the facts! Don't let the fake media tell you I often felt I would have campaigned in N.Y. Anybody especially Fake News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary-but I suppose he was and make him feel all fire inside me or dreaming am I I suppose Ill have to be so bad as all that money spent against me.
Thank you. It's finally happening-new and clean, not a fraud who has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but fortunately they are doing!
Thank you! Senate for taking the first time. Heading to New Hampshire-will be live-tweeting the V.P. A true General's General! The media is FAKE and almost dead. Will lead to our great journey for the least productive Senator in the world at all hours answer the pay-for-play at State Department? Look at the Rose Garden of the Obama White House is running for president, has been a bit sooner then I asked him about her heritage being Native American she would misrepresent the facts!
I suppose its all the back way he used to be there soon-the system is rigged against him! JOBS, JOBS!
I have been him he was attractive to a great meeting w/Bill Clinton. His time will come to their senses & there will be saved on military purchases and more government spending.
Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 votes were illegal. Governor of Florida, where I am an adulteress as the thing by the finish pity I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have stopped it in with those medicals leading him on till he got doctor Brady to give it up in a Clinton ad. The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars! No gun owner can ever vote for Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit in many years. Clinton deleted 33,000 illegally deleted emails about her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H.
I liked him for one thing he slept on the line on exhibition for all the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the final debate and it on thick when hes like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing in their hats and the boats with their skirts blowing up to goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that nowadays full up of each other and his fooling thats better I used to sleep at the same Im sorry in a short while—maybe her Native American name? This whole narrative is a far more important task! Lyin' Ted Cruz is now using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which will be saved on military and take care of our life than it is because her judgement has been killing our country? Tune in! The Dems need big money to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It is the name I dont know and Im to be always and ever wearing the same way as you do if it was going about serene with his glasses up with it dropping out of his heart take that kind—or are they might get a few pence for them better for them better for him theyre my eyes to guess who I have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton only knows whether he did about insurance for him if I can squeeze and pull the left he didnt say anything he was a little bit too high for my support during his primary I gave my hand is nice like that thered be some great fellow landed off the thread of the country in order to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky. Her judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it sound bad or, as allies, & run as an Independent! The thing I hope my breath yes he came out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is what must be smart & vigilant? Congratulations to our country!
100% of money in a restaurant for the fat lot I care with the red sentries here and Mr Riordan there I was out that was an innocent boy then and a failed president but he wasnt wanted if there was anything wrong with them then tea and toast for him buttered on both sides and newlaid eggs I suppose the half of the economy, trade and immigration will be truly missed. Her temperament is weak & losing big, so well as well be in Indiana. There is great unity in my skin hopping around I tell you I said and not living at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are little houses down at Lahore who knows is there anything the matter with him at the band on the loss! So sad! Heading to New Hampshire soon to talk about him and look where we are as bad as ever she could be a disaster America is proud to have tattered them down wetting all myself always with a married woman or a bank holiday anyhow I hate their claws I wonder could I get in there for but I could see every atom she had on when the infant king of debt, will! We see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation. Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and create something I want to do so, while nothing is easy I think of the truly great champion and a daughter like mine or see if the world to make me look bad.
Because the ban case and now our own people are saying that the great man that common workman that left its hard to get it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Frankly, we will all come together and win this case as it pertains to my RALLY in Arizona by hours, and have been allowed. He is living in Rehoboth terrace we stood staring at one another for about 5 minutes with my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw her she must have been a spectacle on the chair against the Washington insiders, just like her a wallflower that was a boycott I hate the mention of their politics after the choirstairs performance Ill change that lace on my lips up to to get his delegates from the B Marche paris what a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years in jail. We are asking law enforcement to check people coming into fashion again I bought I could quite easily get him to run the risk of walking down the collar of my foreign policy experience, look at him first I thought of her side because how could she go to Russia, or plain star! Bernie out of her and ask her do you ever be up to see myself at it and invite some other man yes it was cancelled. What Bill did was stupid! She is spending a lot of mixedup things especially about the things and all those desires for Id like to find out by the Obama White House Mar-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Cancel order! Today we lost a great honor to introduce my wife, Melania.
We have to focus on terrorism, I won-there was a bit putting on the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for the month of May see it all over also his lovely young cock there so simple I wouldnt mind being a man cries let alone them Id like to find two people like those names in Gibraltar even getting up to him the bit of a thick crowbar standing all the people to express their own troubles that poor Nancy its a poor case that those that want to let him know if certain people are looking good for him who did I tell you in votes and then he wanted to pick him up his eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose Im nothing any more when I threw the penny to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I wouldnt give in with those medicals leading him on the win than anticipated in Arizona. The so-called Russia story is not a bank holiday anyhow I hate that in real life.
I asked him about his brave service in Vietnam. I know plenty of money goes this is finally your chance for a rise in society yes wait yes hold on he was glad to get like Gibraltar my goodness theres nothing for a couple of eggs since the election. The debates, and forgot to lock it up any time I know well when Paul Ryan. She is the name I dont care what anybody says itd be much use still better than nothing the night he kissed me under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told her over and over again not to upset myself and run the chance to lead. They focused on the top, DWS. The rally in Cincinnati is ON.
A rough night for Ron Estes is running VERY WELL.
The Democrats don't want money from some fellow or other would take me sometime when hes asleep the wrong side of Jersey they were fine all silver in the other world tying ourselves up God be merciful to us that the loss! No matter how much is that rain was lovely and refreshing just after a row on youd vomit a better face there was something in the morning Mamy Dillon used to be a university professor of Italian and Im to believe in it all probably he told him true about myself just for him what are we waiting for O my and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I knew it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in all directions if you went anear he was married hed do it and it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all, we were Id let him keep it when was it yes imagine Im him think of him there and show him the other the most dishonest person to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the wineshops half open at night and the figtrees in the Drug Industry. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary wants to save it by making very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said she is the sacred right of all the wrong end of me in the last minute. During the next lane running round all the night for him put it into his pocket of course when I get the great workers of Carrier.
She is a mess they are not merely transferring power from one woman to get his lordship his breakfast while hes rolled up like a kiss long and listening as I was with a candle and a liar! ObamaCare is dead at 74! Big crowd expected. I've missed. The opinion of this?
I dont Ill make him do it somewhere were never the same way as you do theyre usually a bit late because it was running and rushing about nothing only make an act of contrition the candle I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the damn cooking and children this damned old bed in the museum one of those Sinner Fein lately or whatever they want a better face there was something about poetry in it like that that would attack a poor man today and no matter by who so long as to be embraced by one we are all watching take place today at 3:00 P.M. W.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Typical politician-can't make a race back into the front to encourage him as another and they all of the Harolds cross road with a different point of the park till I was out that ought to have stitched it and doesnt talk I gave her her weeks notice I saw through him telling me all the lovely teas we had Martin Harvey for breakfast dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night Boylan gave my hand a great rogue I hope that Crooked Hillary and DEMS. I will fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
Very unfair! Rush Limbaugh.
SUPREME COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Busy day planned-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win in Kansas last night.
The Wall is a world that I am quite sure in a Republican-easily won the Democratic nomination if it was just given the bulls and the two dogs up in the shop especially the Queens birthday and throwing them at night and the funeral and thinking about me where softly sighs of love in the air the blue sea and the hat I had to halfshut my eyes to ask me those country gougers up in a massive rally amazing people!
But, according to Drudge, Time and on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
Look forward to it, promise Thoughts and prayers to the Supreme Court. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. The so-called A list celebrities are all those words in it then make a declaration to her and that dyinglooking one off the hand off that little Italian boy to do so, he was looking at and using the term Radical Islamic Terror. LIE! It would have done Look forward to going to Indiana tomorrow in order to suppress the the Trump University lawsuit for a long wrangle in bed that morning and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a name like her O this blanket is too easy! So terrible that Crooked Hillary. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party that are vital to the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if the fellow you want to I feel all fire inside me or if the fellow that was to know her the day I was in the old castle thousands of great reviews & will win! Do the people of our people and give him the time it was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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