#tfp x you
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you get jealous (TF Prime)
featuring - Optimus Prime x F!Reader, Bumblebee x F!Reader, Knock Out x F!Reader, Smokescreen x F!Reader, Wheeljack x F!Reader, Soundwave x F!Reader, Shockwave x F!Reader
summary - a new female recruit makes you feel inferior and insignificant, though your Cybertronian lover is quick to reassure you
warnings - slight angst
*(R/F/N) - random female name
a/n - i tried to make Knock Out's angsty like the others, i really did. but we all know that bot is too interested in himself to be interested in another 😭 also, i had no inspiration for Soundwave's or Shockwave's so theirs might be bad this time...sorry!
For a while there was nothing for you to be worried about. The only femme in the group was Arcee and she didn't even entertain the idea of romance, especially with any of the mechs currently in the team. So as far as you were the concerned, jealousy was never an issue in your relationship with the Prime.
Until a certain arrival changed that.
"Ratchet," your boyfriend's voice came through the comm-link, "Set a groundbridge for our coordinates. We will be arriving with a new recruit."
"Another one?" You asked, surprised. "They're coming in fast now."
You and the other human allies of the Autobots lined up at the railing to get a look at the new Autobot as the groundbridge opened. The usual suspects came through, before someone you had never seen before followed Optimus through.
A female Autobot. A very pretty one.
"This is (R/F/N)," Optimus introduced you all, then told her your names one by one, finishing with you. "And this is (Name)."
"Pleasure to meet you," you smiled up at her.
"The pleasure's all mine," she replied, though she didn't seem to be very interested in you or Jack, Raf and Miko. She turned to Optimus, smiling at him sweetly, "So this is your base? Would you like to show me around?"
You felt sick to your stomach. It was very obvious that this femme was interested in Optimus, whether or not her intentions were true or she just liked the idea of dating a Prime. You turned away from them, Optimus starting to agree to show her around when he noticed how upset you were.
"Actually, I believe Smokescreen would be better suited for that task," the Prime told her, before his footsteps drew closer to you. As she left with the younger bot, you felt him tap your shoulder. "Are you alright, (Name)?"
"Yes," you replied in a small voice. "I'm fine."
Optimus looked at Jack and Miko, who shook their heads to tell him you were not fine. You didn't turn to look at the Prime, which also indicated you were bothered by something.
"May I speak with you in private?" He asked hopefully, wanting to sort this out as soon as possible.
You didn't mean to give him attitude, you hated snapping at Optimus. But you were jealous, no doubt about it, because he finally had a shot at a partner of his species.
"What bothers you?" He asked when you were in his berthroom.
Now that you were alone with him, you couldn't stop the flood of emotions that overwhelmed you, and your eyes became glassy.
"Do you like her?"
"Who?" He frowned. "(R/F/N)?"
"She is skilled in combat," he responded, "But I sense that is not what you mean."
"No, it's not," you confirmed, sighing and sitting on his berth dejectedly. "We both know you've never really had a chance to find a partner that's your species. Now that there is one, who seems interested in you, where does that leave me?"
"I have no need for a partner of my species," the large bot declared, coming to face-level with you. "I do, however, need my human partner. Who underestimates just how much I feel for her."
You looked up at him, surprised, "Really? You don't want someone like you? Someone you don't have to be gentle with?"
"(Name)," the Prime picked you up and placed you on his chassis, "You are what I want. That will not change, regardless of how many of my kind arrive here. You have nothing to worry about, for you will remain my partner regardless."
Your tears stopped brimming in your eyes at his words, and a shaky smile formed on your lips, "Thank you, Optimus. That's exactly what I needed to hear."
He smiled and held you close, aiming to prove to you that he will only ever want his sweet little human girlfriend.
It was no secret that the Autobots needed more bots. It was undeniable that the team has long since required new members to assist in the fight against the Decepticons and the battle to protect earth. So when another beacon alerted the base to its presence, you were excited to meet whoever else had arrived on your planet. Especially since Smokescreen had turned out to be so cool.
That excitement dwindled when you got your first look at the new arrival, who was a femme. A really pretty one, too. She was also young, much like Bumblebee, and it looked like the two knew each other.
That was confirmed when Bumblebee came over to you excitedly and beeped and whirred so fast you only caught 'old friend' and 'glad she's here'. You started feeling queasy, but you forced it down because he was just so cute when he was excited and you didn't want to ruin the mood.
"That's great, Bee. I'm glad she's okay." And you meant it. You would welcome any friend of Bee's with open arms, and she was just so nice you understood why Bee had made friends with her.
"Is this your human?" She smiled at you. "She's so pretty1"
"Thank you," you smiled back, forcefully. "I was just about to say the same to you."
Only Jack and Miko were aware of how you really felt, and to get you away from the awkward and uncomfortable situation they called out to you to join their game.
"What are we playing?" You asked them, trying not to look at where Bee and the new recruit, (R/F/N), were standing and talking.
You didn't have the heart to tell them you didn't really want to play. Though they could already tell, from how distracted you were by your thoughts.
"Earth to (Name)!" Miko waved a hand in front of your face.
You snapped out of it, "Oh, sorry...I think I'm just going to take a walk." Before any of them could reply, you got up and walked away.
Bee noticed you leave, his optics following your figure as you retreated down one of the long hallways of the base. He wasn't worried about you getting lost, you knew your way around, he was worried about the forlorn expression you had on your face.
He found you sitting against the concrete wall, your knees pulled up to your chest and chin resting on top. Your eyes had a faraway look in them, but what really struck him was the slight frown on your lips. He beeped in concern, earning your attention.
"Oh, hey Bee. I'm fine, don't worry. Where's (R/F/N)?"
More beeps led you to find out she was with Smokescreen, as Bee had followed you out of concern when he noticed you looked down. Another beep asked you what was wrong.
"You've got a great friend," you told him, looking down. "But wouldn't she also make a great partner?"
The scout looked confused, then asked you what made you think that.
"It's just...you guys have a good friendship and I can see you've known each other a while...a lot longer than I've known you. And she's Cybertronian, a relationship with her would be so easy..."
Bumblebee disagreed, telling you that even though he's known you for a shorter time, his relationship with you is as easy and natural as transforming because you fit with him in a way she doesn't. He went on to say that he likes his relationship with you, and he loves you, so nothing and no one will change that and you don't have to be jealous because she can't compare to you in beauty, and she doesn't have your personality which he absolutely adores. In essence, she's not you.
"Bee..." You smiled up at him, his words warming your chest and maoing your heart swell. "That's really sweet...I didn't know you felt that strongly." You slowly stood up and beckoned him down so that you could kiss him. "I love you too, my cute scout."
He whirred happily and lifted you up onto his shoulder, relaxed now that he's made you feel better. He walks back to the others with you, but instead of going to talk to (R/F/N) again, he went with you to watch you beat Miko and Jack in their video game.
You soon forgot why you were even jealous in the first place, and when (R/F/N) told you that you and Bee made the cutest couple, all your worries were put to rest. He was yours, and would always be yours.
You'd never had to worry about sharing Knock Out's attention before, because he was only worried about two things. His paintjob and you. Everything else was sidelined and not as important as you or his finish, especially if it had anything to do with the other Decepticons. And there had never been any female cons apart from Airachnid, so that wasn't ever an issue either.
Until now.
Starscream had been sent out with a few Seekers to investigate a signal that was coming from what seemed like a Decepticon stasis pod. He came back with the prettiest Cybertronian you'd ever seen, or maybe the second prettiest. Knock Out would always top the list. Nevertheless, you were a little intimidated, to say the least.
Especially when she started flirting with your mech. Insecurity welled up inside you, it would be so easy for him to just leave you for someone who's the same species.
"What a stunning finish," you could hear the femme saying, "I can't help but keep staring at it. Share your secret, Knock Out."
The mech was flattered by the praise, but he was too busy being pleased with himself to notice that she was flirting, "Why, thank you. That's the nicest thing any con has said to me."
"Well, there's more where that came from," she smirked at him, leaning in a little too close for your liking. "Would you buff mine?"
Her words ignited an ugly feeling in you, and you scoffed and rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms. She apparently didn't like this, turning to glare at you.
"Does your little pet have a problem with me?"
Knock Out was between the two of you in a second, shielding you protectively, "Has anyone ever told you that insulting someone won't earn you any favours?"
"I insulted the human-"
"And that's an insult to me," he cut her off. "She is my little girlfriend, and if you wish to speak ill of her, I'd be more than happy to schedule a dissection for you." For added effect, he morphed his servo into a scalpel.
You smiled when he did this for you, jealousy now replaced with admiration for the mech. You stared at him, a little in disbelief and a little in awe.
"You would pick the lowly human over one of your own?" She was stunned by the idea.
"I would pick her over anyone."
You felt your cheeks burn at those words, your heart thumping so wildly you feared it would break out of your chest. You felt giddy, the idea that you were his first choice always sending your heart soaring.
"Suit yourself then," she huffed and left the lab.
Knock Out turned to you, smirking, "Was my little human jealous?"
"Jealous?!" You protested. "Me? No way."
"Uh huh, and I'm blue," he replied sarcastically, chuckling. "I think it's rather cute that you were jealous of a femme that isn't even half the woman you are."
Your cheeks burned again, "Stop! You can't do that!"
"I'm not doing anything," he replied innocently, though his smirk told you that he knew very well what he was doing.
"Did you mean what you said earlier?" You asked him, serious now.
"Every word," he didn't hesitate to answer. "There was never a reason for you to be jealous of a femme, I can't date someone with a nicer finish than me."
You knew he meant well, but you face-palmed. Of course he had to say that, of course that had to be a factor. Nevertheless, you were comforted by the fact that he preferred you over femmes, for any reason at all.
"Now do I get a reward for being so sweet?" He asked you, tapping his faceplate with his long, sharp digit.
"As many as you want," you smiled and leaned up to kiss his faceplates multiple times.
When Smokescreen falls for you, he falls hard. He devotes himself to you, in a similar fashion to how he devotes himself to being the best he can be. When he does something, or when he loves, he puts every fibre of his being into it. There's no room for doubt with this bot, because he's so affectionate that sometimes it's hard to get away from him to do other things. He has once locked you in his vehicle form and pretended to be in power down to keep you from going home because he'd miss you too much.
So when an Autobot life signal pops up, you don't think much of it at first. And when the team brings back a new femme, you're not alarmed or anything. You're eager to make another friend, and that's all that's on your mind.
You think nothing of it when the femme comes in through the groundbridge a little too close to your Cybertronian boyfriend. She's smiling and chatting animatedly to him, but as soon as his optics found you in the base he's rushing over to introduce her to you, the most important thing he's ever had.
"(Name)! Look who we found!"
You found out that she used to be friends with Smokescreen before they got separated, although she seemed to have a different version of the story.
"Smoke, dear, you forget that we almost became sparkmates."
She said it so casually that one would think it's a meaningless comment, but her optics told you she'd mentioned it with malicious intent. That being to upset you, a human she didn't know but decided she didn't like just for being Smokescreen's girlfriend. You assumed he must have either rejected her or they'd been separated before they could begin to date.
You narrowed your eyes, but you couldn't deny that a part of you did feel jealous at the idea. Truth or not, you despised the idea of your loveable bot with anyone else. It hurt to even think about, so you did your best to not imagine Smokescreen with a Cybertronian lover, even though it would make more sense.
"Oh yeah, I remember that..." He mused, then launched into the story of how he'd met you, "And no one understands me better than she does!"
You smiled at the young mech, chest filled with warmth, until (R/F/N) decided to chime in with another dubious story.
"I miss our spot on Cybertron," she pressed, "It was such a nice view of Iacon." She sighed nostalgically, and then went on to describe how she missed meeting him there to just relax from the stress of the constant fighting, when they'd had breaks.
You realised then that you didn't have a special spot with Smokescreen here on Earth. That did dampen your mood a little, and a small frown formed on your lips. You had been together a while now, but the only places you ever went to with him were your house and this base. Maybe some recon missions, but nothing romantic.
"(Name), what's wrong?" Smokescreen asked you, ever the observant lover.
"Was it something I said?" (R/F/N) asked innocently.
"I'm just going to get some air," you got up and headed for the elevator that would take you the top of this rock.
"Wait, don't go!" Smokescreen went after you. "You have to tell her about-"
"Maybe later," you waved him off. "Enjoy reminiscing."
You had never gotten mad at him before, so this confused him. Of course, being the worried bot he was, he abandoned his conversation with (R/F/N) to join you up top.
"Seriously, did I do something?" His tone implied he was afraid it might be his fault.
You sighed, "No, Smoke. You didn't do anything." You pressed your thighs to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs. "Your friend is the problem, actually."
"(R/F/N)?" He asked, sitting beside you, "What did she do?" He easily picked you up and set you down on his leg.
"She kept going on and on about how you almost dated and how you guys had a special spot and everything," you admitted, "And it just occurred to me that we ARE dating and don't have a spot..." You looked up at him, eyes glassy. "And I can't help but think it would be more natural for you to be with one of your own kind."
He blinked once, twice, confused. Then he started to speak, and everything he said was exactly what you needed to hear, surprisingly.
"(R/F/N) and I never 'almost dated'. I don't know why she said that. She and I were always just friends, and the spot she was talking about was where we met so she could update me on the war, considering I was stuck on guard duty. I never looked at her in any other way, I promise. But when I met you...I don't think I've ever loved or will ever love anyone as much as you. You take up a lot of my thoughts, and I'm pretty sure it's obvious but I love your company. She may be my own species, but she's not the one that makes me feel special, she's not the one that makes me smile and she's not the one that I want to be around all day. You are. And I absolutely adore my little human girl, I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Thanks, Smokey," you smiled, climbing up to give his faceplates a loving kiss. "That means a lot to me. I love you too."
And the two of you sat there and watched the sunset, the view better than anything Smokescreen had ever seen on Cybertron. He decided then and there that this would be yours and his special spot, and he held you even closer.
When Wheeljack left to explore your planet to see if he'd stay, you both kind of left things up in the air. You'd shared one spur-of-the-moment kiss, and nothing more. So you weren't really sure where that left the two of you, especially since he was Cybertronian and you were human. That and he was unpredictable and you didn't know when he'd come back.
When he did come back, though, you hadn't expected it to be with a very pretty femme that only Bulkhead recognised, so you assumed she had been a Wrecker too.
"Hey, (R/F/N)!" The big green bot yelled excitedly, rushing over to greet her. "You found another one, Jackie!"
"Yeah, turns out she's been exploring this rock for a while, doing the same as me. Trying to see if it's worth staying to join Team Prime," Wheeljack explained, grinning at them both.
"And?" Bulkhead prompted.
"I think it's worth it," (R/F/N) grinned. "The native life forms are cute too."
Miko, who had been rooting for you and Wheeljack to get together ever since you had met him, looked at you in concern. You just took a deep breath and walked away, failing to hide the jealousy bubbling to the surface.
"I'm fine."
Wheeljack looked over when he noticed Miko chasing after you, and for a moment he was confused. You were usually happy to see him, and after that kiss he thought he'd earned more than a greeting. Then he dismissed the thought, but your sudden departure nagged at him until he decided to follow you too. He stopped when he overheard you and Miko talking.
"But he likes YOU, (Name)! I'm sure of it!"
"Doesn't seem like it," you replied, and your voice sounded... sad. "Look, if he wants someone that's the same species as him, I'm not going to stand in the way. Plus, she's a Wrecker too. He probably spent lots of time with her so she knows him better than I do. She'd be a perfect fit...everything I'm not." You looked down, sighing heavily.
Wheeljack had no idea what to do with this information. He couldn't approach you now, he wouldn't know what to say. So he decided to go to Bulkhead, who knew more about humans than he did.
When you returned to the main area of the base, where everyone was still gathered, you walked right past Wheeljack. Again, no greeting. You headed towards the other humans, but Wheeljack scooped you up before you could get there.
"Hey! Let me go!" You protested, struggling against his grip.
"No," he denied, transforming and locking you in his vehicle form, "You and I need to talk, and you need to stop avoiding me." Then he took off, out of the base.
"There's nothing to talk about," You insisted, crossing your arms. "But your Wrecker friend, she's nice. Good choice."
He sighed, "I'm sure she'd approve that the human I want has such an attitude. I've always known you were feisty sweetheart, but this is something else. You angry about something? Or maybe jealous?"
You scoffed, "Jealous? Why would I be?"
"Because we both know that neither of us has forgotten that kiss," he suddenly came to a stop. "Now come on, admit it. And then I'll tell you who I really want."
"Annoying as ever," you grumbled, "But fine, yes I'm jealous. Can you blame me? She's not only a Cybertronian, but a Wrecker too! She's the obvious choice for you, it just makes sense. You and I...we don't make sense."
"When has that ever stopped me?" He questioned. "Look, I brought (R/F/N) back because I thought Bulk would be happy to see her. And maybe I was looking for an excuse to see you."
"Because my choice is you, (Name). I want you."
Your eyes widened at his confession, your heartbeat picking up pace. You found yourself getting flustered, cheeks burning.
"Yeah, well, unfortunately I want you too."
Soundwave keeps to himself, with only you and Laserbeak as his companions. He only needs your company, so you never have to worry about his attention being divided or shared. When he wasn't busy doing tasks for Megatron, he spent his time with you, teaching you about Cybertron and its culture while you did the same for him about Earth and humans.
That changed when Starscream found another femme for the group, one that instantly recognised your lover. He didn't know her, but she seemed to know everything about him. While it was kind of creepy, you were also a little jealous.
Soundwave never got irritated, he was a very patient bot. So her hanging around him and constantly chatting to him never got to him, but it was getting to you. It was harder to spend time with him alone now that he had a fangirl around the ship.
"Can I help you with anything?"
"Oh, I know about that!"
"I can accompany you to retrieve the relic, if you'd like."
At each remark or suggestion, you became increasingly annoyed. And maybe a little jealous, because she could join Soundwave on missions without the risk of getting hurt too badly. You were always stuck on the ship, never allowed to go anywhere.
"Fine. Go with Soundwave."
You heard her start rambling excitedly after Megatron gave her permission, and you sighed from where you stood and made your way back to Soundwave's berthroom.
Now you trusted Soundwave more than anything, and you never doubted him. But you didn't like the way this femme felt as if she could invade his personal space, just because he couldn't verbally tell her he didn't want her to. And you didn't like the fact that they would be alone for majority of the day while you sulked in the berthroom without a clue what was going on, or what she was doing.
They came back a few hours later, as you had gotten comfortable on his berth with a book. You didn't look up as he came in, and didn't even speak even though he knew you were aware he had arrived. He sat down next to you, using a slender digit to push your book down to reveal your face, and his screen lit up with a question mark.
"Nothing," you told him, putting your book back up.
He wouldn't give up, and pulled the book out of your hands instead. Placing it down gently next to you, he brought his large visor close to your face and again displayed a question mark. That was then followed by a heart, meaning he's worried because he cares.
You sighed and curled up with your legs against your chest, "It's really nothing, Soundwave. Nothing important anyway."
His screen suddenly showed a picture of (R/F/N), and then an angry emoji. You struggled to hide your growing smile, his method of communication never failing to make you giggle.
"Okay, yes, I don't like her. She's too...excited, especially around you. Not to mention, she can go on missions with you and I can't..."
He started to type on his visor now, showing you when he was done: She is too eager, but I do not pay any attention to her. ANd when we are out on missions, I only think about you.
As you read this you smiled, feeling a little better. He always knew just how to comfort you, and what to tell you when you were feeling down. He continued to reassure you that you didn't need to be jealous because he would much rather prefer your company on missions than her, but he also loves you just the way you are. He told you he adores his little human, and that he finds you cute. He also reminded you that you were special, because he usually leaves humans alone, and assured you that no femme was going to change that.
You beamed up at him in response, "I already knew that, I guess I just get worried sometimes that we can't do everything together because we're not the same."
He typed out that you never had to worry about that because he's actually glad he can keep you out of harm's way, and this way he can never lose you. He also typed out that he doesn't care that you're not like him because his affection for you was not based on your species or form, but rather who you were and how you treated him.
"Okay," you finally relaxed, smiling fully now. "Thank you, Soundwave. You always know just what to say." You kissed his visor, and a heart popped up, making you smile even more.
Shockwave was a unique Cybertronian. Not only did he absolutely terrify both Autobots and Decepticons alike, not only was he physically imposing, but his intelligence far outshone that of any of the bots you knew. He was also emotionally detached, from everything and everyone except you. He only showed emotion to you, and others got the steely glare of his one red optic. He was content with just you in his lab, keeping him company, and he liked to show you his experiments and explain what he was doing. He never minded sharing his knowledge with you, and he never cared that you weren't as scientifically inclined as he was.
It also never truly bothered you until Megatron found a femme partner for him in the lab, after Knock Out's and Starscream's blatant failure with the zombie Breakdown. He wanted someone to keep a close eye on Knock Out while helping speed up Project Predacon, but instead got a femme much more interested in your boyfriend.
"Can I suggest a more prudent path?" You woke up from a nap to hear her asking Shockwave. She then went on to say a bunch of scientific words and terms that you didn't understand.
"I see. That would be most logical."
You looked at him in disbelief, unable to comprehend the fact that he was outsmarted by this femme. If he was so intelligent, how intelligent did she have to be to come up with a different solution? And why did you feel so jealous that she was that smart? Why was it making you feel so inferior?
Shockwave seemed to notice your silence. He would usually enjoy your chatter while working, secretly listening to everything you said while maintaining his focus. But right now you were just sitting there staring at him, or maybe staring at his new lab partner. And he did not like the expression on your face. It was a mixture of hurt, embarrassment and sadness, none of which he ever wanted to inflict on you.
"(R/F/N), could you please show this to Lord Megatron?" Shockwave asked her, handing her a tablet.
"But-" She tried to protest.
"It is our status report," he cut her off, "He will require it."
When she was gone, the scientist came over to where you were sitting and lowered himself so that he could be eye-level with you. His face was just his optic, but his voice showed concern.
"Little one, why do you look so upset? Have I done something?"
"No," you shook your head, "It's not you."
He paused, waiting for you to continue, but you didn't so he spoke again, "Would you like to inform me of the reason?"
You sighed and finally met his gaze, transfixed almost instantly by his glowing red optic, "I've just never felt more inferior or more dumb than I do now. She's so smart and she knows everything you do and seems like such a perfect match for you. I'm a human who knows very little about Cybertronian science and can't physically help you in the lab..."
He listened intently, not moving an inch as you told him about your insecurities and how you were jealous of how easy it was for them to work together.
"I do not require any assistance from her," Shockwave told you, "But I sometimes require assistance from you. Your company helps to remind me that I am not alone anymore, and even though you cannot physically help me with my projects, you make them easier for me to bear. When it becomes overwhelming, you are there to calm me down and ease my tension. You console me in ways that no one else can, and I hold an affection for you that I will never hold for anyone else. Including (R/F/N). You do not have to worry, I do not consider you to be less intelligent than her, you just have a different kind. However, intelligence alone does not matter to me. You are attentive to my needs just as I am to yours, and I can ask for no better romantic partner."
His words may sound monotonous and meaningless the way he said them, but you knew better. To you, it was basically a love confession, and he was basically pouring out his spark to you. You appreciated every single word, and it worked to make you feel better.
"Thank you, Shockwave," you smiled and climbed onto his servo when he held it out for you. "That's all I needed to hear. I'm glad I can be helpful to you in any way."
"Now that your illogical thoughts have been dealt with, I shall take a break from my work to indulge in that cuddling you like so much," he told you, going to his bethroom and laying on his berth. He placed you on his chassis, and placed his single hand over your smaller body. "Are you comfortable?"
"Very," you smiled and curled up on his warm chassis. "With you, always."
And as you relaxed, you heard him say quietly, "As am I with you."
#transformers prime#tf prime#tfp#tfp x reader#tfp x you#optimus prime x reader#bumblebee x reader#knock out x reader#smokescreen x reader#wheeljack x reader#soundwave x reader#shockwave x reader
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Can I request TFP Megatron and a femme autobot reader who’s super duper sweet and literally the complete opposite of him. He secretly loves her dearly because they knew each other back on cybertron before he even became Megatron. She’s also maybe stronger than him (bc we love strong women) 😋
☆ Contrasting Clashing — TFP Megatron x Fem Autobot Reader ☆
Genre: Fluff || she/her pronouns for reader || No warnings needed

──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Megatron always claimed to his Decepticon allies that you were just as much an enemy as any other, that you were a scraplet in his side and someone he wanted to annihilate just as much as any other Autobot
ᯓᡣ𐭩 The truth was a lot more complicated than he always claimed it to be. He couldn't keep you out of his processor, your faceplates deeply familiar. He remembered every smile you gave him, present and past. To be back now, of all times, must've been a punishment from Unicron himself
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He stayed focused on hating you, trying to see you like another faceless Autobot. He'd see you before fights chatting with your fellow soldiers, and his spark would get an uncomfortable wrench knowing those grins were no longer for him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 One of the first things that solidified your spot in his processor was how you bested him in battle. He wasn't anything close to happy about losing, but your sheer strength was something he'd always found attractive. Someone who could make him feel like he had a fair match frustrated and delighted him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You could've sworn there were moments in battle where he was holding back. Where he'd miss a shot that should've been easy for him, or the Decepticons deflected away from you under his command. You felt bewildered, yet oddly curious. What were his intentions here? Why did it almost feel like he was looking out for you?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Deep down, Megatron hated how he couldn't stand to see you hurt. He loathed how the smile leaving your faceplates hurt him as well, and what he hated the most was he felt anguish when hearing that his armies had been what did it to you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 As a show of good will, you once lifted Megatron with great ease when he got heavy injuries during a battle. Megatron felt his faceplates heat up embarrassingly quick, and he scrambled to try and say he was fine, but you at least got him somewhere safe first
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Decepticons of course also got curious after a time, subtly inquiring what their boss was thinking when matching against you so often. Megatron would assure them that it was all a part of his plan, but really he just wanted any excuse to be close to you again
#fem reader#tf x bot!reader#tf x y/n#tf x fem reader#tf x you#tf x reader#tfp x y/n#tfp x you#tfp x reader#transformers x bot!reader#transformers x you#transformers x y/n#transformers x reader#tfp megatron x reader#tfp megatron x you#tfp megatron x y/n#tfp megatron#transformers prime#transformers prime x you#transformers prime x reader#transformers prime x y/n#cybertronian!reader#autobot!reader#tfp megatron x fem reader#transformers prime megatron#tfp headcanons#x reader headcanons#megatron x y/n#megatron x you#megatron x reader
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How would starscream,knockout, and sounwave dealing with a yandere female decepticon follow them around and stalking them
~☠ Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave with a Yandere S/O Who Likes To Stalking and Following Them Around ☠~
A/N: Hello there Anon! Thank you for the request, gosh. This one is quite difficult but I will try my best to write it down please don't be a Yandere in a real life because it's very harmful to your S/O, friends, family, or your partner. Also, I want to make this post gender friendly to every gender people out there so I hope you do not mind if I don't write just female S/O.
Warning: Yandere Tendencies, profanities and violence.
Gender: Neutral
Starscream - Decepticon
I'm very sorry to sound a bit Ironic but Starscream find it a little bit creepy that you are following him around and looking up his biography despite he does stalk Autobots when he got kicked out by Megatron.
He does find it hot if you had to kill someone to protect him or when you are getting jealous. Especially if you get all Yandere on Airachnid because he despise that spider girl a lot.
Sometimes would ask you to stop being creepy like "Ughhh, could you just stop following me around or stalking me? I'm busy," while working on his data.
Starscreams does know that you are willing to do anything so he would use your killing service so if someone are on your way. He would sweetly say "My dear (Y/N). Would you be kind enough to kill someone for me?" with a golden plate smile.
Starscream also adores that you would be willing enough to be sweet and caring to him. He would also use that side of you if he's injured as he told you who hurt him.
As you kill those who hurt him. He would just gonna watch you from far with a smirk on his face as if he just watch an action or thriller movie.
He does get annoyed that you had just stand there shyly instead of trying to talk to him. He does genuinely wants to talk with you so you don't need to follow him around because he's genuinely an EXTROVERT.
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Behind the automatic door, a certain bots with (Paint job Colour/Skin Colour) standing there and watching her/his/their crush. (Y/N) pulse quickens with every glance she/he/they steal, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. And you can't help but imagine what it would be like to step out from your hiding spot and finally engage in a conversation with Starscream.
The decepticon indeed hear the sound of small clicks that (Y/N) made but not stepping inside of the hallway. The poor bot just standing there behind the door, staring at him from far away instead of trying to talk to him. Even he realizes that (Y/N) would follow him secretly from far. Afterall, he's not deaf, he has a great hearings.
A flicker of impatience dancing across his features. He's well aware of (Y/N)'s presence, the way (Y/N) always seem to be around when he's nearby. While Starscream finds it intriguing that (Y/N) is interested in him, he's growing frustrated by their shyness that renders them utterly speechless in his presence. He wants to engage in a conversation, to hear their/her/his voice, to understand what's behind those bashful optics.
Starscream mutters under his breath, a mix of exasperation and determination in his tone. "If only (Y/N) could muster the courage to speak to me," he grumbles quietly to himself. He paces a few steps, optics narrowing in thought. Then, a spark of inspiration lights up his scheming mind. An almost mischievous grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he hatches a plan. Starscream's crimson gaze fixates on (Y/N)'s hiding spot behind the automatic door.
Starscream's voice takes on a dramatic tone, laden with a hint of desperation. "Oh, if only there were someone out there who had the intellect and willingness to assist me with this data. It need to be given by Lord Megatron today," he sighs. Little does he know, you had been listening all along.
With a quiet exhale, you step out from your hiding spot as you feel your body shakin. Not hearing Starscream whispers to himself 'works like a charm'. (Y/N)'s shy demeanor still evident, yet there's some determination in her/his/their voice. "I... I might be able to help you with that data," they/she/he venture, voice timid but earnest.
Starscream's optics narrow, studying them for a moment before a smug smile tugs at his lips. It seems his subtle ploy has worked, coaxing (Y/N) out of hiding. Starscream's commanding presence asserts itself as he raises a hand, gesturing for (Y/N) to come closer. His optics lock onto theirs, a mix of authority and curiosity in his gaze. "Come here, my dear. Would you be willing to lend your expertise and take the reins on this data?"
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant but nod in response to his question. "Yes, Starscream, I can certainly give it a try," you agreed. You can't help but feel a secret thrill at the endearment he uses, the word "dear" echoing in your mind, even if it was just a casual part of his speech.
A subtle smirk curls at the corner of Starscream's lips as he observes Y/N's response. While his outer demeanor remains composed, inwardly he's pleased to see them stepping up to the task. While he appreciates Y/N's assistance, a darker thought forms within him. He ponders whether they might be willing to go even further to ensure his success by killing Airachnid.
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Knockout - Decepticon
Another Ironic character who is low-key scared of Yandere S/O which is Knokout but also low-key finds it hot that you are willing to kill anyone who tries to steal him away from you.
He is also kind of scared that if you are willing to hurt him just because he made you upset so he would try to give you many energon cubes to calm you down if he ever made you upset with his words.
Just like a star scream. He does use your killing service if someone or the Autobot made him upset by scratching his paint job. Or those insecticons scratch his paint job.
He does like it when you are being attentive and sweet around him because he knows that you are willing to help him fix his paint job or help him around with his labs.
Unlike Starscream, he does not mind when you are being shy around him but he just that you just don't hide and follow him even though he's aware you are there. he prefers if you are there and watch him instead of hiding because he does feel it's a bit creepy.
Just like Starscream, he wishes that at least instead of hiding and following you anywhere. You had the guts to talk to him but he won't force you like Starscream does so he would wait for you.
Sometimes would tease you when he is aware that you are following as he pretends that he doesn't notice you "Why, my dear. Why does it feel like the temperature of the room getting hotter? Is there someone in here~" as he knows you are there.
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Knockout usually a pristine finish had been his pride and joy, a reflection of his meticulous self-care. But today after what happened to him when there were the Autobots. There were many Scratches on his paint job. His vents puff with annoyance as he was sitting in his clinical room and buffing his paint job. "Those damn Autobots, they are ruining my perfect paint job."
"Primus-darned scraplets, can't trust anyone around here," he grumbles, his voice dripping with exasperation. His vents hiss angrily. He could still remember when he saw his reflection in the train's mirror. Scratches were everywhere as he screams in misery. Realizing he looks horrible.
What Knockout did not realize that someone has been listening to him ranting about the Autobots had ruined his looks. Hidden behind the automatic door, (Y/N) listens with a mixture of surprise and amusement as Knockout's colourful curses fill the air. You can't help but stifle a small chuckle at his reaction.
(Y/N) curiosity piqued, she/he/they peer through a small gap, watching as Knockout meticulously buffs his paint job. "Perhaps it's time I have a proper conversation with Arcee and Bumblebee," (Y/N) muses quietly to themselves. They take a step back, leaving their hiding spot behind the automatic door and considering how to approach the situation.
As (Y/N) strutted along the hallway and travelled into the main hall of the Nemesis. (Y/N) cross the threshold, feeling the familiar sensation of being pulled through space and time. The world shifts around them, and suddenly, they find themselves standing in the vast expanse of the Nevada desert. The sun casts a warm golden glow over the arid landscape.
(Y/N) seamlessly shifts into their alternate form, a sleek and powerful Jet. Her/his/their mechanical whirring and shifting of parts blend harmoniously as they complete their transformation. The wind rushes past them as they soar over dunes and navigate rocky outcrops, their sensors scanning for any signs of the Autobots, especially Bumblebee or Arcee.
(Y/N) internal systems emit a soft beeping sound. Their onboard GPS system flashes to two familiar signals, projecting a holographic interface in front of her/him/them. A bright red dot blinks on the display, indicating the location of Arcee and Bumblebee. The signal is strong and clear, guiding them towards their destination.
(Y/N) accelerates even further, the engines humming with a loud roar as you have gotten faster than before. The red dot on the display draws closer with each passing moment, fueling their anticipation to finally meet those two Autobots that made Knockout whine for the whole day after his mission.
Arcee's sleek motorcycle form and Bumblebee's compact car form come into view. With a rush of emotions, (Y/N) readies themselves/herself/himself for the moment by shifting their/her/his jet form into your real form. Seeing you, Arcee and BUmblebee were quite surprised as they immediately transform to face you. "Good job you two, for causing Knockout to whine the whole day. And here's the prize for you~" (Y/N) chirps as their/her/his servo shifted into her gun.
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Soundwave - Decepticon
Unlike Starscream and Knockout. He is not as manipulative and toxic as them when he uses their Yandere S/O. He does not like using other bots service and he is independent.
He doesn't really find it creepy either when he found out that you follow him secretly. After all, he could see everything through the security camera of the Nemesis.
Soundwave do find it a bit confusing when he found out about it. He did not say it out loud or show it through his visor. But he could sense that you are there and staring at him while he is working.
Don't touch him though because if you catch the scene of him versus Airachnid. We know he always has his guards one hundred per cent up
He does find it cute each time he goes into his berth room. He found an energon cube that you brought for him as if you remind him to rest and eat well.
Also finds it cute that you are shy around him although he does not admit it since we know he cannot talk and has a visor on his face. Although it is going to be awkward if you try to talk to him because we know he does not speak and only speaks using voice recording.
Unlike Starscream and Knockout again. If you try to kill anyone except Autobot. He would stop you and reprimand you with the voice recording as he held you with his tendrils
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In the dimly lit nemesis main hallway of the ship, the soft glow of holographic displays illuminates his form. His tall and stoic frame engrossed in his work. His mechanical digits dance deftly over the keypad, producing a rhythmic symphony of clicks and soft hums as he types down lines of code and inputs data with precision.
The monitors display intricate diagrams, encrypted transmissions, and complex algorithms. Soundwave-hidden optics underneath his visor remains focused on the screen, his expressions hidden behind his emotionless visage. The complex symphony of keystrokes under Soundwave's adept fingers is in service of a directive issued by none other than Lord Megatron himself.
The data itself was about the whereabouts of Energon on the earth and picking on the signals through the screen. Not wanting to anger the lord of the Decepticon, he had to be focused on every signal and careful with picking them or Megatron is going to be really angry. At least, among Decepticons that he is the only one who is capable of everything.
In the shadows, (Y/N) remains concealed in the darkness through her/his/their hiding spot. A pang of sympathy and concern tugs at your core. The relentless rhythm of his work is evident, and it's clear that he has been engrossed in his duties for an extended period without any break.
As the silence lingers, (Y/N)'s thoughts turn to whether there might be a way to help Soundwave to ease his burden. (Y/N)'s mind begins to formulate a plan. They realize that even the most dedicated Decepticon needs moments of rest. You decided by showing him support in a small but meaningful way.
The (Paint job colour) Decepticons slip away from the hall of the Nemesis ship. Strutting along the hallway and going down with the lift, going down into the energon storage room where there are millions of them. It cannot be wrong if you just take one of them, no one is going to notice, right? Taking one of them in your room, you began to leave the storage room and came back to the second floor of the Nemesis ship.
(Y/N) slips away and makes their way to his quarters. The cube in their servo, they enter the room with a quiet reverence, not wanting to disturb the vehicons or anyone. (Y/N) also did not want to alarm Soundwave either. Placing the Energon cube on a nearby surface, (Y/N) leaves it as a silent reminder, an unspoken encouragement for Soundwave to take a moment and replenish his energy.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Despite standing tall and his chest still puffs up while coming back to his berthroom. His frame exudes a quiet weariness, a testament to the hours he has spent immersed in his duties. The dim lighting casts elongated shadows as Soundwave rises from his workstation, coming back to his room after a long time of working to fix some errors in the computer room.
The door opens and closes with a faint hiss, shutting Soundwave away from the outside world once he enters his room. He turns his head slightly. A momentary pause occurs as he spots something out of place, an energon cube resting on the table nearby. The sight tugs at a corner of his processor, a subtle shift in his usually impassive expression.
Soundwave's sensors analyze the cube for a fraction of a second, his optic lingering on it before he moves to retrieve it. He doesn't show any overt signs of emotion, yet his internal circuits hum with a sense of gratitude. His fingers wrap around the cube, his servos almost reverent as he lifts it. With precision, Soundwave uncaps the cube and takes a sip, the Energon replenishing his systems.
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#transformer prime#transformer prime imagines#transformer prime x reader#transformer prime headcanons#transformer prime scenario#tfp decepticons#decepticons x reader#tfp soundwave#soundwave x reader#tfp knockout#knockout x reader#tfp starscream#starscream x reader#tfp x reader#tfp x you
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New au
In this au, y/n is megatron twin, so after megatron betrayal all decepticons are looking at him to be the new leader no matter what.
So in short way, forced responsibility on y/n who didn't want to be the leader.
Y/n is a big gentle mech but can be brutal if need to. Usually y/n is in control room doing everything mostly fixing up everything what megatron left, if y/n is not in control room is mostly he is flying around with the seekers to take a break but most of it he is either way with soundwave or thundercracker, he dose like the planet earth and is deciding if the deceptions should stay on earth or go back to cybertron (most want to stay)
This au is mix of tfp x earthspark x idw, so the characters can look different.
Au name: true leader
#transformers au#transformers one#transformers idw#transformers g1#transformers#transformers x you#transformers x oc#transformers x reader#earth spark#earthspark x reader#earthspark#tfp x reader#tfp#transformers prime#megatron#soundwave x reader#starscream#thundercracker#skywarp#transformers seekers#decepticons#autobots
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As someone who’s prone to moments of major audial/visual overstimulation, I like to think Ratchet would be the most understanding and let me chill out in his vehicle mode
Majorly self-indulgent, I’m not gonna lie. But I’m not ashamed, haha
#digital art#art#ratchet#transformers selfship#self insert#self indulgent#ratchet x oc#ratchet x reader#I guess#if you squint#transformers#ratchet transformers#tfp ratchet
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Guess who finally heard what Knockout said to Optimus in TFP ?!!?! (me)
#this has been all an elaborate ruse on myself to draw knockout#im doing breakbee cowboys tommorow dont worry#transformers#maccadam#tf optimus prime#tfe optimus prime#optimus prime#orion pax#tfe megatron#tf megatron#megatron#megop#tfe megop#megatron x optimus prime#optimus x megatron#tfp knockout#knockout#transformers knockout#doctor knockout#i can make knockout say other things if you guys want i have some ideas open to suggestions#honestly i genuinely believe knockout would be a big supporter of healthy communication about things like this hes so :3#do not call Megatron chad megatron i taped eva foam to my face and took pictures like that so i could get the angles right PLEASE D:#i love you big nose megatron#transformers prime#kinda#tfp#tfp spoilers#earthspark
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hello, love your art! how about some tfp optimus doing domestic stuff with his human?

Ahhhh here he is! I’ve also never drawn tfp Optimus before so I hope he looks good :3
#idw mtmte#mtmte#transformers#transformers g1#transformers mtmte#transformers x human#transformers x reader#drawing#fanart#my art#tfp optimus prime#tfp optimus x reader#tfp x reader#optimus prime#transformers optimus#optimus x reader#optimus x you#op x reader#op x you#op x y/n#transformers prime
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to Hear, to Feel, to Know
Inspired by @muletia’s Obsessed Optimus fanfics—they just so so so so good!! The yearning, the ill-buried desire, Optimus chaining himself in place like some dog with a biting problem when all he wants to do is love you???? OUAGH so so good!!
Asdfghjkl I wanna try my own hand at a fic looking at Optimus’s tendency towards obsession in love, but for now, I’ve been thinking about Optimus as a bot who tends to listen….
Pairing: Optimus Prime x Reader
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Optimus is a bot who's exceptionally good at listening. What he likes listening to most of all though, is you.
Masterlist | Transformers Masterlist
Word count: 1,106
There was no denying that Optimus had a keen eye, and an even keener attention. His ability to promptly decipher texts based on key words or phrases allowing him to understand the greater picture from his days as an archivist served to train him well in noticing patterns of behaviour if he focused his attention on it. The ongoing war certainly helped as well, forcing him to zero in on what would allow them to survive. Forcefully training his eye to fall to keep points in any battle field.
And yet as trained as his eyes were, Optimus was always keen to listen.
Or perhaps absorbing was a better comparison. How despite being a leader, despite giving commands, Optimus was almost always better suited to listening to the people around him. The information that they shared, the feelings they expressed. Ratchet always used to say he would make for a much kinder medic than he if he took a role in that field. Perhaps it could have served him even better as a leader, but there was little he could change through the tides of time.
It’s why he clings to these things, saving them in the event that one day they may save him. From another attack or another encounter with Megatron, to even a stretch of boredom or loneliness.
It is why he clings to your every word.
Why he loves it when you sit atop his shoulder. So close to his helm, it is as if you’re speaking directly into his processor, filling his thoughts with your words—your delights, your frustrations, your sorrows, your needs. A direct feed like some constant supply of energon into his lines.
Both, he supposed would make his spark stutter a bit.
Ah, just thinking about it brings to mind the many times you’ve pressed yourself against his audial, leaning against his helm or purposely cupping his audials as you whispered sweet words his way, words for him and him alone, a gift sweeter than any energon could ever be.
You didn’t even have to be saying something sweet. Scathing secrets and vicious critiques against some other’s back from the mistreatment you received in the hands of a cruel stranger or an even crueler co-worker, or even some coy remark against a teammate, the fact that you chose to whisper your words to him—to confide your secrets and burning emotions to his audials.
Even being chosen as a Prime was a lesser honour than this.
But perhaps the thing he enjoys listening to most, though your every word delights him and your laughter makes his spark feel so light it might burst from his chest, the sound Optimus likes best it’s the soft thud of your heartbeat and the whisper of your breath.
He recalls when he first heard the sound, mass displaced at your request as you showed to him your beating heart after he showed you his whirring spark.
There is meaning to the action, to show one’s spark to the other, but Optimus felt he need not explain it to you, knowing full well you wouldn’t be able to return the gesture.
And yet somehow you did.
Even if you could not pull back the viscera from your chest the way he did the plates of his chassis, you brought his helm to your chest, pressed his audial against you, and implored him to listen.
And he did.
In the caverns of your chest, Optimus heard as air filled your lungs, swelling with every breath you took, and for a moment he mistook that steady beat for an abnormal twitch, until you began to explain.
“That’s my heart.” You had told him. “The ‘thud-thud, thud-thud, thud-thud’.”
And pressing just a bit harder, Optimus stilled his fans to listen to the faint beat.
And he heard it.
Loud against his audial the drum of your heart pounded against your chest like an insistent knock, or the demands of a captive begging to be freed.
Though perhaps that’s just wistful thinking.
He hears it in his full form sometimes, when you lean your back against his helm or when you cling to his audial in a moment of fear or excitement. A gentle faint rhythm, that sings that you’re alive.
He wishes some days that it would accompany him in his berth, as he lies under the midnight silence hounded by the whispers and wails of the dead of the living he must fight, of the humans he’d never know. They all rattle and sob frying his processor as he starves himself of a proper recharge, but then, some days he hears something this in the base. Perhaps it’s his own movement, perhaps something falls—once even it was the rumble and stroke of thunder and lightning overhead. All the same, it brings to his mind the thump of your heartbeat, and like a spring being unwound, he replays your words in his head. Every praise, every sweet word, every secret you’d give him. Your smile your laughter, your delight and glee he’d play them all over and over in his processor, lingering on the compliments you’d direct his way, every smile you’d make when your eyes met his.
All with the background theme of your heart singing its little song of life, your every breath an instrument to the symphony.
You were here, you were alive, you were with him.
Ah, but sometimes those moments stung worse than the wailing dead.
You were not here with him now, and all he had was the echo of your heartbeat. If he could hum its melody he would, but the sound doesn't comply with his voice box. Still he taps it out with a digit sometimes or a pede even, a little reminder of a precious tune.
He hasn’t had the chance to listen to your heart again. To mass displace and press his head against your chest, to listen to that sound, and maybe listen to you speak as he follows the gentle beat. He hopes one day he might get the chance. He hopes one day to tell you what it means when one shows the other their spark.
One day, he dreams, he’d tell you what it meant, and you’d smile, perhaps in rapt delight, perhaps shyly, but you’d open your arms to him and allow him to listen once more, let him listen as he lets you watch his glowing spark.
Until then, he basks in what he can get, faint as it is against his full form, listening to the soft beat of your heart, feeling you warm and pressed against him, resting assured in the knowledge that you were here, you were alive.
#Paper Tells Tales#transformers#transformers prime#tfp#tfp optimus prime#tfp optimus x reader#Transformers optimus x reader#optimus x reader#optimus prime#optimus#optimus prime x reader#x reader#reader insert#optimus x you#optimus prime x you#transformers x reader#gender neutral reader#gn reader
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Counting Stars
TFP Optimus x Female Reader
Summary: After a dangerous mission where you almost die, Optimus breaks up with you without knowing you are carrying his sparkling. It's not until seven months later that the universe allows you both to meet once again.
A/N: Lots of yearning, jealousy, delusions, craving, fluff. All that good stuff.
Counting Stars
He almost lost you.
And yet he had to act like he didn't care.
It was to everyone's surprise when he announced that you will no longer be living at the base. It was simple. Due to inner conflicts, you won't be a part of Team Prime any longer.
No one believed it until you came to pick up your things and said your last goodbyes.
Optimus was nowhere to be found.
And no one dared to ask him why.
Only Optimus knows the reason.
He was well aware of his limits. Knowing that the moment he sees you, he would break down. Throw away his pride and ask you to stay forever with him. That he was a complete idiot to believe he could live a single day without you.
What an idiot he indeed is.
It's been a week and he can't do it. Primus, give him strength. He sees you everywhere. He smells you in the flowers, feels your touch in the wind, hears your voice in nature and sees you in the stars. How much he misses to taste your lips once more.
"One more day and I think you will go offline, old friend."
Out of embarrassment, Optimus tries to close the windows in the data-pad screen, he was too focused on looking at pictures of you to notice Ratchet walking close to him.
“What, um-” He keeps closing tabs, each one having a different picture of you. From different angles and expressions. Blurry and not. “What are you referring to, old friend?”
Ratchet doesn't know how to react to this. He has always been aware of Optimus' massive love for you. Of course he knew. Even more now that the bearer of the Matrix can’t seem to function properly without your presence.
Optimus keeps closing taps and Ratchet gets a glimpse of Orion Pax. Trying his best to hide the fact that he messed up.
From innocent pictures, more intimate ones appeared.
“Would you please close your optics?” There is some panic and concern in his voice. But also an authoritative tone to it. “I do not wish for you to see her the way I used to.”
Ratchet just turns around, giving Optimus enough privacy to conclude his activity.
“I had just wanted to check up on your well-being due to recent events. But I am afraid that you are in a worse state than I thought possible.”
He hears more clicking and typing before hearing a heavy ex-vent coming from the Autobot leader.
“You can turn around now.”
“Optimus, you can’t continue like this,” the robot medic takes a look at the screen again. It’s empty but the blue blush on Optimus’ face is still evident. “It’s only been a week. But have you truthly imagined what your life will be after living an eternity without (y/n)?”
Of course he doesn’t think about it. He might be an idiot but not entirely stupid. If he spirals and thinks too much about it he’ll probably lose all sense of responsibility and sanity. He can’t think about no longer being able to see the stars in your eyes. Of not longer hearing the sweetness of your voice or caressing the softness of your skin–
“There’s nothing I can do about it,” Optimus quickly stops thinking. “My fate is sealed and so is hers. Our paths shall never meet again.”
Knowing Optimus for such a long time, Ratchet knows when he is lying. Even he should be aware of how full of scrap that lie is. Still, he wishes to push it further and see for how long Optimus will keep it up.
“If you truthly think that way then delete all of those frames and we shall never speak of her again.”
Their optics met for a few seconds and the gentle look in Optimus’ optics let Ratchet know everything he needed. However, he wanted his friend to be the one to realize it. Some things have to be lived and pain is the best teacher.
“I … I-”
Looking back at the screen, there are no pictures of you. The thought of never seeing you again crosses his mind. He doesn’t have much to remember you by. You had taken all of your things. No longer can he phantom words to deny the truth.
“Why are you putting yourself through all of this pain, old friend? When you and I are aware that you cannot pass a second without thinking of her?”
It was late night at the hangar and all other Autobots had gone to recharge. It was only the two of them and no one dared to ask Optimus about past occurrences that included you.
“I told her … I wish I had never met her.”
Ratchet slowly opens his intake the moment the words slips Optimus’ glossa.
“Even if my spark wishes nothing more but to see her again … I am afraid I have severed the relationship beyond repay.”
There is a pause in which Ratchet wanted to comfort his friend, to say some words of encouragement but he doesn’t know if it will be good enough.
“If only you had seen her face, Ratchet … You would know. I have no right to ask for forgiveness.”
You are the strongest person he knows. He has yet to see you shed a tear, no amount of injuries have made you do so. But that night, between discussions and arguments, he saw your eyes become crystal. The only thing he could do was to look away. He knew he would break as well if he ever became the reason for your suffering.
Seven months passed.
Not a single word from you.
Sometimes, however, Optimus would hear Fowler speak about you. A simple ‘She’s doing fine’ and ‘She has made new friends.’
But that was enough to make him wonder about you. Your new life, friends, if you had found anyone who was of your interest.
“We need the Autobot assistance in transporting a highly classified product across the state.”
He finds himself enjoying putting his life in danger. To take on difficult missions so his mind can be occupied. For those moments he is free from the thoughts of you. Any other second he is busy indulging in his torment from your parting.
Apparently, MECH was extremely interested in this product and had plans to steal it from the CIA. It was the Autobots’ job to prevent that from happening.
The bots surrounded a black bulletproof truck. They weren’t allowed to look at what was inside which did not please them. If they were to protect something, they wanted to know what it was. However, Optimus gave it a one time pass. After all, Fowler has proved himself to be a trusted ally.
The first couple of miles went by easily. With no interruptions.
It wasn’t until it started to go dark that trouble appeared.
MECH had interjected the mission. Using every single gun, missile and bombs at their dispossession. Whatever that black truck was carrying, they wanted it no matter what.
“At this rate we are going to lose the target!”
Arcee screamed through her comm-link as she tried her best to take down as many helicopters as possible without hurting any human in the process. Pretty much against her will but orders were orders.
“These guys are really fighting it out!” Bulkhead was against a few tanks, he had stayed behind to keep them busy while the truck made an attempt to go out of sight. “Are we even sure this thing we are protecting is worth our lives?!”
Optimus was the one closest to the truck, keeping direct contact in case of a disaster.
“Optimus! We won’t be able to keep them away for long!”
Bumblebee chirped in morse code and the Autobot leader knew he had to do something.
He drives faster, facing the two officers that were driving the truck. Side to side, they look at the driverless vehicle.
“Open the trunk and I’ll take the cargo. We won’t be able to hold them for long. I’ll take the cargo somewhere safe while you serve as a distraction. If we don’t do this, you’ll lose it all.”
The military officers look at each other for a small second. Giving a knowing look, they knew what they had to do. They open up the trunk and Optimus slows his driving, taking a look, finally, at what’s inside.
The cargo is you.
He quickly transforms back to his robot mode. Running towards you. He extended a sevo, he wanted you to jump.
You were holding onto the walls of the truck as if your life depended on it. And it did. This was definitely not the encounter you were expecting after not seeing him for seven months. But now it wasn’t the moment to think about that. What happened between the two of you was over. But you still trusted Optimus Prime, the leader he has always been.
You run towards him and jump as the trunk is in fast motion. Your feet land on his servo and in less than a second, he transforms back to his vehicle mode. Now you sat safely in the passenger seat. Optimus moves out of the road and drives off into the forest. Getting lost into the massiveness of nature and tall pine trees.
No longer being able to hear chaos, Optimus assumed it was safe to talk.
“Would you care to explain your status and the reasoning to why you are being transported by the American military?”
You weren’t fond of his voice, much less how this conversation started.
“Not even a ‘how are you’ first? You really haven’t changed at all, Prime.”
You say as you cross your arms in front of your chest. Looking outside the window, you wished you were being chased again by MECH.
“Do not dare to call me by titles.”
There were times you called him by his last name. When you were angry and when the two of you were yet to form a relationship. He doesn’t like to reminisce about those times.
“Just let me out. I’ll walk.”
“I said … I’ll walk.”
Optimus stops and opens the door for you. You hop out of his vehicle mode and start walking without anywhere in mind.
You put your hands in your oversize hoodie. The last thing you wanted was for him to take a deep look at you. Much less if he starts analyzing your body with stats.
“I don’t think you know where you are supposed to be located,” he says as he transforms back to his regular robot mode.
“I’ll figure it out.”
Optimus begins to panic as you start to walk away. This wasn’t how the reunion was supposed to be. He had dreamt of the next time he saw you. Maybe on a field of flowers and running towards each other. Ending it with an embrace and a passionate kiss.
“Would you listen to reason for once?”
He tries again to engage but he only makes himself sound rude without having those intentions.
Would please look at him? It’s been seven months since he last saw you. He’s only seen your eyes through the pictures of his data-pad but they didn’t compare to seeing them in person–
“Why are you following me? I thought you didn’t care.”
You finally turn to look at him.
He can’t control his processor at your sight. Your hair was a nice mess, you were wearing clothes too big for you, maybe to hide the few pounds you gained during this time. Your cheeks were pinker and plumber. Dark circles under your eyes but skin glowing and those beautiful eyes that could put any star in the universe to shame.
Optimus stumbles on his pedes and almost falls on his knees, your beauty too distracting for any living being to be witness of.
“I .. I –”
He can’t believe you are talking to him. This was too soon and no words could leave his voice box as if had forgotten how to speak entirely.
He wanted to say it all. How much he missed you, how desperately he needed you. How there hasn’t been a single day he didn’t think about you. How everything reminded him of you. And how painful has it been every second you are not with him.
But before he could rant about his undying love for you, he sees a painful expression on your face. Followed by you, placing your arms around your belly and bending as if the cause of your physical pain was located in your stomach.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“Just,” you take a moment to breathe as you slowly make your way towards a tree. “Just leave me alone.”
With sad and curious optics, he sees you put a hand on your stomach. Whispering comforting words. ‘It’s alright’ and ‘It’s ok’ you kept talking to yourself to make you believe those words.
“We’ll be safe.”
“I am going to run a quick analysis–”
“No,” you interrupt him again. “You know I hate it when you do that.”
Optimus dislikes going against your wishes. But the way you are breathing heavily, your sweating and trembling doesn’t look like a good sign. He can manage to live without you if it guarantees that you can live a long happy life. But not the same can be said if your life is cut short for whatever reason.
“My apologies but my mission is to keep you safe and that’s exactly what I tend to do.”
“I am pregnant,” you had no other choice. “Thankfully, you are not the father.”
That was a lie but at least the shock will prevent and confuse him enough. If Optimus were to do an analysis on your body, he would find anomalies only a Cybertronian would know.
Finally getting the strength you need, you stand up and walk past Optimus whose face you did not dare to look. Your swollen belly still hurts but you didn’t want to worry him. The reason why you are not with him in the first place is because he thought of you as a liability. You no longer want to be seen as such.
“Who’s the father of the child?”
The question infuriated you. Of all the things he could have asked, he asks such a selfish question. He shouldn’t care and certainly you are tired of Optimus pretending he does.
“You know, on Earth, is customary to say ‘congratulations,” you turn to look at him.
A fatal mistake.
His optics reflected a grief unknown to you. The type you do not know nor wish to ever experience. Then there is a pain you recognize, that of a broken heart. You knew that feeling very well. He had been the one responsible for it after all. A part of you is happy to know that he is experiencing karma, that he is hopefully experiencing a fraction of the pain he made you go through.
But that wasn’t you. You didn’t want to inflect any type of suffering in him. Not now. Not ever.
“I am sorry.”
There wasn’t anything else you could say. You look down, disappointed at your own feelings.
“No. My apologies,” Optimus noticed your sudden change and he too feels unworthy to be of your presence. Having his ill feelings and jealousy overtake his processor instead of worrying about your well being. “I did not think it was possible for you to find a suitable partner with whom … to mate with … and so soon.”
“Well, humans do not live for long and we only have a few years until we are no longer able to ‘mate’”
You didn’t like using the word ‘mate’ . It made humans sound like animals but you used it so Optimus could be spoken to in terms he could understand.
“But do you have … feelings for this individual?”
“Yes,” you lied again, trying to see what you can get away with. “He is just and kind. Tall and handsome.”
Optimus puts a servo on his hip and looks to the other side. Not looking at anything in particular rather he didn’t want to show his evident discomfort.
“Yet it seems he is unable to do the most important duty … to protect you.”
“He is quite adequate, actually,” you tease him again. The Autobot leader might be a smart war tactician but is terrible at understanding hints. “He is the strongest and fierce when needed.”
“Well, I’ll have you know that I have as well found someone else to keep my time occupied,” he stutters, unable to lie. “She’s strong, a good talker and a listener. Kind and has the most beautiful eyes in the entire universe.”
Now he was being too specific for your liking. What if he was telling the truth and he had indeed found someone else? You didn't know how not. After all, Optimus Prime was the most extraordinary being on Earth and probably in the entire universe.
All of your doubts and insecurities began to fill your heart. You were just a human, easily replaceable. But Optimus? There’s only one of him. You were insignificant compared to him. It has always been this way.
“Then I hope she is better than I ever was.”
You turn to keep walking into the woods with no destination whatsoever but you didn’t care.
“It seems we made the right choice to part ways.”
Optimus wouldn’t have it. He can’t phantom it and it’s probably selfish thinking. But he can’t understand how easily you can say that while there hasn’t been a single day he is not tormented by your absence. When every second of his life has been torture without you.
“Is that really how you feel?” His voice is indignant. Every circuit in his processor, begged him to hold you. To tell you how much he craves you and how unfair has life been. Taking you away only when you have become the most beautiful of beings. “After everything?”
“You have someone and I have someone,” you don’t turn around, putting a hand again on your stomach. Giving it a small rub and looking down at it. “And I am with a child as you can see and very happy.”
“A child that should have been born from our bond. I should have been the father of that sparkling, I-”
“You wished we had never met,” you whisper quietly but you know he can hear you. He always listened. “So please, stop talking like you care.”
He looks at you and notices your distraught. Your breathing has become slower.
“Are you alright?”
You fall but before your body could touch the ground, Optimus catches you on his servo. He studies you for a second. You have pink cheeks and breathing seems difficult. He doesn’t hesitate to use his comm-link.
“Ratchet, I request an immediate groundbridge.”
“Vitals are stable but I’ll stay alert tonight to watch over her.”
Ratchet was glad to have you back at the base although he wished it was in different circumstances. After a couple of hours, everyone went back to their private quarters. The only ones left were the medic and the leader of the autobots.
They watched over you as you slept soundly in the medical berth. Your vital signs displayed on the data-screen. Although everything seems fine, the two of them were known to overthink and worry.
“I waited for everyone to leave to tell you something of an extremely important matter.”
“What is it, old friend?”
“While doing some analyses in (Y/N)’s body, I distinguished an anomaly,” Ratchet clicks on keys and rapidly two sound frames appear. There are many lines, short and big, all close together. Together they create a different pattern from each other.
“(Y/N) appears to have two different heart beats. But, of course, that goes against human biology. So I did further testing.”
“I made a discovery. The second beat has a different frequency of that of a human heart,” the medic played the sound, Optimus recognized this as your heartbeat. “But this other one has the same frequency and energy as a spark.”
“I do not understand.”
Trying to be tactful was hard for Ratchet as it is. He didn’t want to downplay the situation either. It was a serious matter but he has to admit that not even himself can’t contain his exhilaration.
“Cybertron hasn’t had a single sparkling in centuries so coming to this conclusion took some time”
The medic ex-vents, somehow it helped with his tension. He has been alive for quite some time and yet he can’t remember the last time he helped bring a new life to Cybertron. It was all the culmination of his studies and practices. Maybe finally he will have a chance to create life instead of just curing it.
“After all, I had to look through some old archives and Human-Cybertronian hybrids is a first. But seeing that humans have the ability to create life and combining that with Cybertronian transmission genes … I believe I have a definite conclusion.”
Ratchet presses a key, making the data-screen play a distinct sound. A sound similar to static but a distinct rhythm could be heard. Gentle and soft. Pure.
“(Y/N) is carrying a sparkling.”
“By the AllSpark,” Optimus blinks multiple times as he always does when he is excited or perplexed about something. He looks at you. Your small fragile body. “How?”
“How are humans able to create life with a soul, conscious mind and a body?” Ratchet doesn’t know how to explain it, because even he can't fully understand how. “Primus may have heard our prayers and has blessed us with an opportunity to welcome a new life to our race.”
“Agent Fowler must have known this and MECH as well. That’s why they were so precautious when transporting her from one place to the other.”
Optimus made a mental note to ask Fowler about this and his reasoning as to why he wasn’t informed of such an important matter.
“If MECH lay hands on (Y/N) they would experiment on her and the sparkling as soon as it’s born,” Ratchet says as he walks towards you with a tender expression in his faceplace. “Half Human, half Cybertronian. This child will change everything.”
“Conceived from a son of Primus and a daughter of Unicron.”
The situation was out of legends and myths. The kind of thing that sounds impossible but maybe this little hope inside of you is what is needed to light up their darkest hour.
“And this may also explain your sudden urge to nest,” the medic’s voice is more light-hearted now. Having flashbacks of Optimus picking up random flowers, pretty rocks and good-looking metal to bring back to the base. When questioned about it, the leader of the Autobots simply responded that he had an urge to do so.
“I thought you were going crazy when you started to bring earthly materials to the base.”
“I thought so too.”
Optimus sees you sleep. He has the need to touch your swollen belly, to feel the growing spark within you. You have always been amazing, he knew that much. But he never thought you were capable of conceiving life like their own. What a beautiful sight. One he never thought possible. Now, it’s right in front of him. Hope. The complete personification of it, staring right at him.
“Will she be alright?”
“She’s stable but she definitely needs to be watched over. Her weakened state is due to the fact that the sparkling is taking too much of her energy,” Ratchet also has his optics on you. The happiest Optimus has ever seen. Knowing that there is hope for their race to continue to grow must be the first real sign of hope Ratchet has had since eons ago.
“Energon is mostly toxic to humans but the sparkling has created anti-mechs for (y/n)’s immune system to withstand it. We are going to have to start supplying her with energon if we wish for the sparkling to be born healthy.”
“And most importantly,” he takes a moment to look at his old friend. His optics now showed a more hostile gaze. “A sparkling needs the electromagnetic waves of a caregiver to copy growing behaviors.”
“She needs you, Optimus.”
It was the middle of the night when you woke up. You feel thirsty but need more than water. Your body has had strange cravings lately but you were not about to randomly drink energon just because the baby wanted to.
You knew this place too well. The smell of metal and bots was everywhere. The soft vans of the air conditioner are comforting. The orange light coming from Ratchet’s data screen illuminated the room enough for you not to be scared. Although you didn’t want to admit it, you missed this place. Even when you much preferred to be sleeping in the coach instead of the medical berth.
“Do you need something?”
Optimus came back from behind you. You shake your body and back away a few centimeters.
“My apologies, I did not want to scare you.”
He had mass-displaced. Still over 10 feet and really tall compared to any regular human. He tries to be delicate even when you know he is not fond of this form. Optimus had told you before that it was a bit uncomfortable for him. Of course, he never seemed to complain whenever he mass shifted to lay on your bed.
You look down and caress your stomach. It would be stupid to believe that Ratchet did not find out about your little secret and told Optimus about it.
“It’s alright.”
Awkwardly, he sits next to you. You thought he might be furious with you. For lying to him in the first place. But now you feel ashamed for a reason you can’t understand. The mere fact of deceiving Optimus Prime is an unpleasant experience.
“(Y/N) …”
“I am sorry I didn’t tell you,” you don’t look at him. Instead, you look down at your feet and how they hang from the medical berth. “Don’t get angry at Fowler, please. I was the one who told him not to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you want to share such important information?”
“Because you said … You wished you had never met me,” you feel a knot forming on your throat. It hurts to speak, to even form thoughts and remember what happened seven months ago. His voice is still very present in your memories. The pain is still in your heart. “So I thought, you wouldn’t want our child either.”
Clenching his servo into a fist, Optimus fights the urge to hold you. You were so close, yet the only thing he can indulge himself with is your scent. It's different now. It was your smell combined with a new aroma. That of his sparkling.
“I have made many hard decisions in my life,” it was difficult for him to look at you. Now, he feels indignant to stand before you. You were to him what the gods were to their subjects. Devotion is not enough for him to satisfy his service to you.
“But the hardest decision was to let you go and I did it because I was scared. Even now, I doubt myself. Maybe you’ll be safer somewhere else. Away from me, away from all of this,”
Reminiscing about the past is painful to him. Most memories of you are lovely, unforgettable. But that time seven months ago when the Decepticons had captured you. The screams, the terror in your face, Megatron ordering you to tell him how scared you were. How he couldn’t do anything. Helpless. Pathetic.
And for a small second. For a fraction he really believed he had lost you. That was enough for him to know he won’t function without you.
“If something were to happen to you … I won’t be able to … I can’t-”
He feels his entire core shake. His servos trembling as they remember holding your almost lifeless body.
“I am sorry,” his voice glitches. “I said unforgivable things with hopes that they would push you away. To protect you. I can live with you hating me but I cannot envision the day the universe takes your soul from me.”
May Primus have mercy on his spark. May he forgive him but Optimus would throw everything away just to hold you. Just for his words to reach your heart. To feel your touch once again.
“But I was a fool to believe I could stay away from you. To think that my restraint was as strong as my morals.”
There is silence and although he doesn’t dare to look at you, he can feel your presence. For now it was enough to have you next to him.
“You may not believe in my words but believe this; the only good thing this fool has ever done is love you. It's the only thing … the only decision I have no doubts about.”
Suddenly, softness meets his faceplate. Immediately, his optics were on the blink of releasing energon. With a simple touch, you had healed him. A part of his spark that felt empty was full again. The meaning to his life was restored.
“Do you even know how much I missed you?”
You ask him with a gentle voice. Caressing every sense of his audials, engraving them in his processor. To forever remain in the deepest part of his mind.
He can’t even begin to tell you what he truly feels. He had given up. Come to realize that no words, no language in the present, past nor future could ever be vast enough to express the love he has for you.
Optimus could try with his actions. That may not be enough either. But he will have all of eternity to make for it.
“Everyday after you left, I would go to the rooftop on the base and I would count each star in the sky,” he puts a servo on top of your hand and his dermas brush against your skin, a small kiss. “To try and relieve the nights I would count the stars in your eyes.”
You didn’t say anything. Whenever it came to talking, Optimus was always more proficient. You never felt the need to say something either, he always knew what you meant. What you were feeling. Words were not necessary. Not when he can read your eyes so easily.
“And not even the timeless company of the entire universe could compare to one second with you.”
That night, you rested in his chassis. Missing your warmth, he embraced you. Your stomach pressed lightly against him. This experience was something new to him and he was terrified of it. Afraid he won’t be good enough to be a partner or a father. But as long as you were with him, the impossible became possible. So maybe becoming someone worthy of a sparkling could also be feasible.
Optimus will try his very best. For you, for the sparkling. For himself. Failing it's not an option and being a father was a greater honor than being a Prime. A title he would give up if only you would ask him. Of course, you will never ask him such a thing. He knew you better than that.
Optimus believes in Primus, fully. But he is thankful to whatever gods created you. If he could and knew how, he would pray and thank them.
He now has another chance. Another opportunity. To give you what he has been collecting.
Maybe tomorrow he will give you all the dandelions he found for you.
A/N: Sorry for the late Christmas post. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years I hope y’all enjoyed this. As always, for any questions, comments, concerns or prompt ideas you can send me an inbox. For all the love and support … Thank you! See you next year!
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AVA (TF Prime)
featuring - Optimus Prime x F!Reader, Bumblebee x F!Reader, Knock Out x F!Reader, Smokescreen x F!Reader, Wheeljack x F!Reader, Soundwave x F!Reader, Shockwave x F!Reader
summary - you're listening to 'AVA' by Natalie Jane, and your partner reacts to you singing certain lines out loud as a prank
warnings - i changed the lyric 'who the f*** is Ava' to 'who the hell is Ava' just to make it slightly more appropriate, NOT implied cheating, just a funny lyric prank. if you have short hair, i put (other) there for you guys. if your name is Ava, please use another name in the song lyric 😭
a/n - out of all my drafts, this was a nagging idea i had. i will not lie, i was half asleep writing Soundwave's and Shockwave's. There's so many of them to write for, it takes a while so shhh, let soft Shockwave be for now
Optimus had been on Earth longer than most Autobots, but he was still fairly new to most of human culture. He had learned some since meeting Jack, Raf, Miko and you, but he was still confused about a lot of the things humans did. Like now, for example.
You walked into base with your wireless earphones in, under your hair/(other), so Optimus couldn't see them. You were humming a tune, before you suddenly belted out words that confused and alarmed the Prime.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
Optimus's optics widened because you looked up at him just as you sang that, and because he didn't know it was just a song he went through every recent scenario in his processor, trying to find where he'd met an Ava. If he even knew an Ava. You noticed the slightly worried look on his faceplates, and pulled one earphone out.
"Optimus, are you okay?"
"I do not know," he admitted. "I can see you are upset with me."
"Huh?" You frowned, confused. "I'm not upset with you."
"What about this 'Ava'?" He questioned. "That you think I know. Because I am lost, (Name). I do not know an Ava."
You realised what must have happened, and suddenly started laughing. Optimus frowned, even more confused now, but waited for an explanation from you.
"Oh my gosh, you're so cute," you giggled, taking both your earphones out and stuffing them in your pockets as you made your way over to him. "My sweet, sweet Prime, there is no 'Ava'. I was listening to a song, and those were lyrics from the song. I didn't mean to make you panic, my love."
Optimus visibly relaxed, a smile forming on his lips again, "That is.good to hear. But I now question what you choose to listen to."
Your jaw dropped, because that is the closest Optimus would ever get to insulting something, "Are you saying my music taste is bad?" You were stunned. Nothing had prepared you for this.
Optimus chuckled, "Maybe you should listen to songs with nicer words. That do not imply infidelity."
You laughed at that and let him scoop you up so you could give him his daily dose of kisses. He, being oddly bold today, asked for more and cited your distressful prank as a reason, to which you only laughed more and obliged.
Bumblebee knows about Earth music. He's listened to it before, and Raf also introduced him to some new genres. Unfortunately, he still does not realise that lyrics are just lyrics, and in your case do not mean a thing.
It's been a quiet week for the bots, so your great idea to make the base livelier was a prank war. So far it was going in the humans' favour, but the bots were quick learners. They had some pretty creative ideas for pranks, as you and the other human kids found out.
Especially Bumblebee, that guy was a menace. It's always the quiet ones.
After you'd been terrified by a fake spider and turned to run away, only to get a face full of pie, you suddenly got an idea. It was one you'd had for a while, but you hadn't planned to use it until now.
You walked into base the following day, your hair/(other) covering your earphones, and walked up to Bumblebee. Before he could greet you, you launched into song, putting on your best impression of anger.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
If Bumblebee's optics could get any wider, they probably would have. He instantly beeped and whirred in a panic, rushing to you and shaking his servos and helm frantically. Saying he didn't even know an Ava, and he would never evem dream of having another girl when he already has you. He was so cute and sweet about it that you kind of felt bad.
He interrupted you with more beeps and whirrs, hurriedly trying to reassure you that he was so attached to you and you only that he doesn't even acknowledge the existence of other girls, except maybe Miko but that's because her existence is hard to ignore. That made you giggle, and you shook your head with a smile.
"Bee, it was a prank."
He beeped, what.
You laughed even more at how offended he got, "Baby, I know you don't know an Ava. That's just a song I like to listen to. After the fake spider fiasco yesterday, I figured I owed you one."
He whined, but that's just mean!
"So is pranking me with the very bug you know I'm terrified of!"
He claimed this was different, and admitted that for a moment he was afraid you were serious and you were going to leave him and he would have had no idea why. He called you mean again, saying you hurt his feelings, but that last part you could tell was more teasing.
"Aw, I'm so sorry my baby," you cooed, beckoning him closer to offer him kisses. "I just wanted to get my very crestive prankster boyfriend back. But I promise I will never do it again."
He hummed satisfactorily.
Smokescreen is so cute that you almost don't want to prank him. He's been nothing but sweet, adoring and loving towards you, and it makes you feel guilty that you want to play what seems like a mean prank on him. But Miko encourages you, saying Smokescreen isn't that sensitive and will actually appreciate the prank since it will liven things up around the base.
You weren't so sure, but proceeded with the prank anyway. Plugging in your earphones and hiding them with your hair/(other), you played the song and walked into the main area where everyone was gathered. Miko hushed Jack as he was talking to her, confusing the poor boy.
"(Name)!" Smokescreen lit up, excited to see you as always. He had no idea that you couldn't hear anything he said.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
"~I bet she's dyin' to date ya, and be your entire world~"
You had pulled out your earphones to hear his response, only to listen to him sing the next part of the chorus. Your jaw dropped, as did Miko's and everybody else's.
"Plot twist," the younger girl commented.
"Smokescreen, what?" You blinked, confused. "That's not how this was supposed to go."
Your boyfriend chuckled, kneeling down to get closer to you, "Sweetspark, pretty girl, light of my life, you didn't seriously expect me to not see through your little prank? I cling to you like glue! So I wouldn't know an Ava, because everywhere you've been, I've been."
"I...yeah, that's true," you sighed. "Oh well."
"Also, I may have learned the lyrics to all the songs you like," he admitted, his faceplates heating up, "I figured it might come in handy if you ever wanted to belt them out while I was driving...I could at least do that with you too."
Your cheeks burned, a warm feeling filling you, "That's... actually incredibly sweet, Smoke. Now I feel even guiltier."
Smokescreen lifted you up onto his servo and shot you one of his brightest smiles, "Don't be! I think it's cute that you tried to prank me, baby. But you underestimate just how much I know about you."
"Clearly," you laughed, then leaned in to kiss his faceplates. "You're cuter. Come on, show me stuff you like then. I want to learn yours too."
And the others didn't see you two for the rest of the day.
Knock Out doesn't care very much for human culture. He's only into the vehicles because they look good, but other than that he's not a fan. However, since becoming attached to you he has found himself growing intrigued by the things that you did. You were cute, and everything you did was cute in his opinion.
The one thing he knows the least about, though, is human music. He listens to the radio occasionally, and sees some movies at drive-in theatres, but he doesn't listen to any music. Still, he can be pretty devious when he wants to be, and can flip the situation around with ease - after all, he is a Decepticon and trickery is their brand.
"What did you do while I was gone, darling?" The red mech asks as he finally returns from yet another mission.
You, with one earphone in and one out, immediately launch into song, "~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
"Ah, yes, you found out," he didn't miss a beat, "That's my other human girlfriend I go see when I'm not here."
"Knock Out!" You glared at him and tried to look for something to throw at him.
He chuckled and came over to where you were sitting, "Pretty girl, you started it. Like I told the Autobots' humans, you can't con a con. But it was a cute attempt."
You huffed, crossing your arms, "You're just mean!"
"Oh, I'm the mean one?"
His expression softened, a rare side of him coming out as he gently lifted you up into his servos, being mindful not to poke you by accident.
"You are my only human, you know that," he spoke softly, gently, "And will only ever be. I can barely tolerate any other."
For a moment you side-eyed him, much to his amusement, but then you caved and uncrossed your arms, eyes meeting his blood-red optics.
"That was actually sweet, Knock Out. Thank you," you smiled.
"Sweet enough to merit a kiss?" He grinned deviously.
"Of course," you leaned in and went to kiss his faceplate, but he had other ideas.
That being turning his head so that your lips met his own instead. Cheeky Decepticon.
He is both the easiest and hardest target for this. On one hand, he knows absolutely nothing about humans and your culture, but on the other he is so faithful thst pranking him with a lyric implying unfaithfulness was going to be difficult. He didn't care much for humans, but you were his favourite, so why would he ever go for another?
Still, you thought it would be funny to try. Your mischievousness was one of the reasons Wheeljack liked you so much, and if you weren't planning something he would be suspicious. The problem was...each day you had something different. He could never predict what you were going to do next. He both liked it and felt uneasy about it.
He had just returned from rescuing June and Fowler from Knock Out, when you decided to hit him with the damning lyrics.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
Miko tried her best to hold in her giggle, Jack and Raf shaking their heads in dismay. Wheeljack stopped in his tracks, his optics landing on you, who was glaring at him - or at least pretending to.
"What did you say, sweetheart?" He came over to the railing.
"~I bet she's tryin' to date ya, and be your entire world?~" You tried to sound confident, but the second part of the chorus came out more like an uneasy question.
Wheeljack smirked, "That so? Well tell Ava she can get lost. I'm already dating someone, my very troublesome little woman."
Your cheeks burned, "You're no fun."
"It's cute when you cause trouble," he chuckled, "But when it comes to you, I don't play." He scooped you up and put you on his shoulder. "Now come on. I'd rather not have to stick around with the commander." He briefly looked at Ultra Magnus before carrying you off.
"You gonna tell me what happened?"
"Nah, your little prank lifted my mood. Don't wanna bring it back down again."
You grinned triumphantly, "I cheered you up?!"
"You always do, sweetheart."
You didn't even get a chance to try. The silent mech was notorious for knowing about everything that happened on the ship, so you knew that there was a slim chance of you getting away with your little prank. That and the fact that Soundwave didn't seem like the type to engage in such a trivial human activity.
But you got lucky eventually. Well, lucky and unlucky. After a crash landing, Megatron had infused the ship with Dark Energon, and it had turned on the Decepticons. Even Soundwave had been shut down, which was a very rare occurrence. So when everything returned to normal, and Soundwave rebooted, he was not exactly as aware or alert as he usually is. He needed to power down properly, get his systems back in order, before he returned to his duties. However, him entering his berthroom yielded an unexpected surprise.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~" You sang, and for once you caught the Decepticon off-guard.
In this state, Soundwave was disoriented. He could not differentiate between prank, joke, or serious accusation so he immediately assumed the worst. Because he had been shut down, he thought in the time that had lapsed he had somehow woken up and done something to upset you.
Did I meet someone new and just do not remember it? Appeared on his visor. Followed by a worried-looking emoji. I am sorry.
That's how you knew Soundwave was not okay. He would usually either dismiss your prank entirely, or shake his helm in dismay st your antics. But he never, ever fell for them, and now you felt bad.
"No, no, no," you quickly shook your head and rushed over to him as he sat down on his berth, a little wobbly. "It was a prank, I'm sorry. You don't know an Ava, I know that. Are you okay?"
Need to reboot systems, he typed. As my one and only human, I require you to stay with me.
"Of course, Soundwave," you rested against his chassis when he put you there. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
And you smiled at the 'one and only human' part, even though you had already known Soundwave was extremely loyal. But it was always nice to hear/read.
You don't even try to prank this guy. First of all, he's too busy working all the time to entertain your pranks, and secondly you're too nervous to prank him because he's so intimidating. You might be dating him, but even you are a little scared of him still.
So you're sitting on his table, near one of his tools, and you have your earphones plugged in. A song you like starts playing, and you hum along to it for a few seconds before you unintentionally sing the chorus out loud.
"~Who the hell is Ava? Is she the other girl?~"
Shockwave looks up from his work, a little confused by those words, "I do not know any human except for you. I would not know who this...Ava, is."
Your face burns, "No, no, it's just a song. It's not real, even I don't know an Ava. Never knew one. I just like the song."
Shockwave tilted his helm, puzzled by why you would like a song that explores the theme of unfaithfulness and a girl's boyfriend being pursued by another girl. Humans were weird.
"I do not understand."
"That's okay," you smiled at him. "Never mind. I'll keep it down."
Shockwave shook his helm, "No need. Your noise does not disturb me. Carry on."
That was as close to "I like hearing your voice" as you'd get with him, so you nodded and continued to listen to your songs. Smiling at the fact that his first reaction was to reassure you that you were his only human.
"You are cute."
That casually-thrown compliment was jarring, and you looked up at the scientist, "What?"
"Me simply reminding you that you alone are mine made you smile. That was cute. Is that not the word humans use?"
"No, no, it is, I'm just not used to hearing you say it."
"Your argument is logical."
#transformers prime#tf prime#tfp#tfp x reader#tfp x you#optimus prime x reader#bumblebee x reader#smokescreen x reader#knock out x reader#wheeljack x reader#soundwave x reader#shockwave x reader
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Hello! If it's not too much to ask, can you do the TFP Decepticons with a femme Cybertronian [(S/O) or platonic] that's like Rouge The Bat from Sonic? In terms of personality and her being a thief?
☆ Stolen Sparks — TFP Decepticons x Fem Reader HCs ☆
Genre: Fluff || she/her pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
A/N: There's more than just Megatron in the post I promise I'm just using him as the fic image cause I couldn't find a picture with all the Decepticons I included 😭

──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Despite his attempts, Megatron could never seem to track you down for long. You kept evading his notice, working as a rogue and stealing from whoever you please. It annoyed him at first... but he found his feelings shifting
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He was intrigued by you before long. What did you want for, were you working for someone else or purely yourself? A faction of thieves, maybe? He became determined to get to know you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 To your surprise, he could out-maneuver you. Turns and tricks that usually worked would get you caught, and you found yourself intrigued above all else. Though you loved to give up a chase, you couldn't resist humoring his conversation
ᯓᡣ𐭩 If he were being honest, it was more than just your efficiency to fulfill your own gain that pulled him in. It was the glances, the claws you'd trail against his plating, the flirting. It consumed his processor entirely, and he felt a drive to be close to you because of it, to experience it all over again every day
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Starscream was a bit harder to charm, he saw you as a direct threat to his reign and someone who could bring down what he's been working so hard to build
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Your cooing and little snarky comments made him irritated the most, and he was determined to find a way to stop your meddling. He talked about you constantly, always thinking about your next move, and always thinking of you over the littlest things
ᯓᡣ𐭩 It took some external prodding from Knockout for him to come to the sudden realization that he'd become infatuated with you. He couldn't help it, but he had no idea how it managed to sneak up on him. How you so effortlessly stole his spark like you'd done to countless treasures
ᯓᡣ𐭩 It wasn't long before you could pick on him about fumbling in battles and suddenly losing what little composer he had. He just couldn't focus anymore, because now when you got in his face to tease, all he could think of was the proximity of your frames
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You thought it a fun challenge to see if you could get some sort of reaction out of the notoriously stoic Decepticon, but he never once spoke a word to you, no matter how many little jabs you gave him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He spoke more with actions. He always knew your next move, and had plenty of Cassettes to set you back if you got out of line or threatened Megatron's cause. Other than that, he seemed more passive towards you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You were surprised when you began finding trinkets and treasures being practically gifted to you. They were left out in obvious spots around your usual stops, and sometimes you'd catch a glimpse of the Officer warding off other bots who tried to pick them up before you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You would start back up chatting at Soundwave, noting the little signs he gave in body language and his gifts that he'd been paying attention to your preferences. He didn't respond to any flirting outwardly, but definitely never shied away from your words
ᯓᡣ𐭩 The logical but completely amoral, getting ahead of Shockwave was nearly impossible. He didn't rise to any of your bait, disabled any traps, and even mocked back when you goaded him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 With his unyielding stoicism, you were more than a little convinced that you were always the winner of your little play-fights, since he seemed to completely miss any hint you threw at him
ᯓᡣ𐭩 What you learned after he won a small scuffle between you two is you weren't the only one playing this little game. Intellectual challenges are where Shockwave excelled, and him letting you win was to prolong this habit you shared, of challenging the other into doing their best
ᯓᡣ𐭩 You both agree to mutually maintain this system for as long as possible, chasing each other in this friendly war of tactics that honestly has made you feel closer to the scientist than ever, especially when he reciprocates your sly remarks
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Running into the spidery fembot was a dangerous bet— you'd heard plenty about what she was capable of, and you always tried to keep on your best wits when around anything she considered her territory
ᯓᡣ𐭩 When Airachid inevitably did catch you, she was surprisingly not keen on the though of tearing you apart. Instead, she told you all the potential she saw in you, and all the success you two could have when working together
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Whether you agree or deny, she's always in your plans from that day forth. Either by aiding your work and complimenting your efficiency, or by undermining your plans the same way you always do to others
ᯓᡣ𐭩 In cooperation or opposition, you two are evenly matched. Airachnid knows how to trip you up, and you know how to evade her fangs. No matter what you pick, she finds you alluring, and desires to someday have you as her own little treat
#tfp#transformers prime#tfp megatron#tfp starscream#tfp shockwave#tfp soundwave#tfp airachnid#tfp x reader#tfp x you#tfp x y/n#transformers prime x reader#transformers prime megatron#transformers prime soundwave#transformers prime shockwave#transformers prime starscream#transformers prime airachnid#megatron x reader#soundwave x reader#shockwave x reader#starscream x reader#airachnid x reader#fem reader#tfp megatron x reader#tfp starscream x reader#tfp soundwave x reader#tfp shockwave x reader#tfp airachnid x reader#can be individual or poly ig?#tfp fanfic#transformers prime fanfic
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The more I study electronics the more I'm positive whoever came up with Transformers smut terms was studying something in the electronics engineering field.
#transformers#megatron#optimus prime#shockwave#transformers cyberverse#knockout#bumblebee#hot rod#rodimus prime#soundwave#starscream#wheeljack#ratchet#elita one#scourge#transformers rise of the beasts#transformers g1#airrazor#optimus prim x reader#megatron x reader#tfp x reader#starscream x reader#yandere#yancore#yandere x you#yandere x reader#drift#deadlock#arcee#windblade
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And we have shockwave here :] wolf in a deer clothing????
Soundwave and shockwave keep Y/n in check(manipulation like guilt tripping.)
#transformers au#transformers one#transformers idw#transformers g1#transformers#transformers x you#transformers x reader#tfp soundwave#g1 soundwave#soundwave x reader#shockwave#shockwave x reader#true leader au
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Soundwave: 🤨🏳️🌈⁉️

Happy Monday 🫶 these comms are kicking my ass rn I wish I had more to post 😔
#transformers prime#maccadam#tfp soundwave#tfp knockout#tfp breakdown#tfp kobd#transformers#kobd#knockout x breakdown#breakdown x knockout#tf fanart#fanart#sketch#chibi art#my art <3#my art style#tf soundwave#tf knockout#tf breakdown#transformers fanart#i know what you are
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I was thinking about Cybertronians freezing in the Arctic due to the ice that forms on them instead of just the cold & not knowing what humidity is again, and what if they weren’t instantly aware of all the abilities of their alt modes?
They’d have a warmup period after scanning them and have to gradually get used to/ discover all the things they can do. There’s little to no water on cybertron, no reason for them to know that ice forms in the cold, no reason for them to have de-icing. And when they come to earth and choose aircraft as their new vehicle modes, they have no idea those aircraft come with built in warmers on the wings.
I thought about how some flying decepticons would deal with it. Let’s go with Starscream first because I love him very much.
(Also because he complains about cold the most out of all the characters. I imagine everyone ices up the same amount, but the cold is an entirely different problem and one that affects him more because he’s all thin and lanky, not very good at retaining heat. It’s worth clarifying that the freezing is what’s dangerous to them. The cold bothers them but isn’t a threat in and of itself, seeing as they can walk around in space just fine. But I ramble on)
- If he had a human friend or partner, he’d be complaining about how cold it is in front of them and they’d be like “Wait, aren’t you a plane?” He’d ask what that has to do with anything and get very annoyed that he didn’t know he came with extra heating.
- He claims he totally knew about that all along and merely forgot about it in the moment. He also claims he totally knows how to turn it on, but…remind him again?
- The realization that he can just… make himself warmer at will is incredible. He’s still gonna complain about the cold though. Probably out of instinct, he complains to fill the silence. (Is it obvious I want him to be safe and warm. I think it’s obvious.)
- Cue a concerned human asking if he’s been flying through clouds and terrible weather and all the way into the stratosphere with ice building on his wings for all this time. How is he still flying? He just replies that he’s built different, and that he’s far superior to human machines yap yap yap blah blah.
- He doesn’t want to admit how great it is, but after the human shows him how to turn it on, he’d be waking around with the de-icing turned on all day, even when he doesn’t need it. I reckon it’d make the area between his wings an excellent nap spot. He could just put a human in there and squeeze them between his wings and it’d feel like being put in one of these bad boys, I dunno what they’re called in English

In any case, peak nap spot.
Up next is Megan:
- Megatron doesn’t actually have an earth based vehicle mode, leading me to believe he wouldn’t have any form of de-icing. My headcanon is that his bigger, bulkier frame would require and generate more heat, but look at him.
He got a lot of nooks and crannies that ice could build up in. Even spikier than Starscream. Much like Starscream he doesn’t have paint which may also have acted like an extra layer of heat insulation. Additionally, his joints on the arms and legs are visible.
(Actually unsure if Starscream is painted and just gray, but Megs definitely isn’t)
- My point is, I’m not an ice expert but Megatron is terrible for both heat insulation and icing prevention. Megatron is a tough bot, he can take a lot of punches, and as prideful as he is I doubt he’d ignore the fact that a snowstorm would be a genuine threat or hinderance to him.
- Not that he’d let anyone notice, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, and he can’t allow anyone to know his weakness. When he’s in private though, I find the image of evil dictator Megs snuggled up in a billion blankets drinking a hot cocoa hilarious. I’ll probably draw it.
- A human pal or partner may not be able to advise him to turn on de-icing that he doesn’t have, but they might be able to offer him another solution. A badass cloak or cape to protect himself from the snow, while also remaining intimidating. Anyone would think it was just for show, unaware that it’s actually to keep him from freezing.
Last but certainly not least, Soundwave!
-Oh, Soundwave totally knew about the de-icing without needing anyone to mention it. Soundwave knows a lot of things. He’d totally read his own altmode’s manual. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Soundwave in the Arctic though.
Trying to find a good gif for my own reference hang on-
- I’d argue that out of these three he’s probably best with the cold. Sure, he’s spiky too, but nowhere near the other two. His “elbows” are awfully small and exposed, but since his wings form the arms there’d be no issue once he turned on the de-icing. In the gif he easily covers his entire body with those huge arms, so he could easily curl up around himself and defrost if be needed to. Now here’s a good writing idea I probably will never use
- Laserbeak probably has its own de-icing, which makes Soundwave extra warm when he requires it. ADDITIONALLY Laserbeak could be deployed in order to warm up a human friend or partner from afar. Tactical warms.
- Not much to say about Soundwave. Maybe I’ll edit and add later.
#transformers#transformers prime#tfp#decepticons#decepticons x reader#starscream#Megatron#Soundwave#tfp starscream#tfp Megatron#TFP Soundwave#transformers x reader#transformers x human#starscream x reader#megatron x reader#soundwave x reader#headcanons#transformers headcanons#tfp headcanons#cybertronian headcanons#de icing#don’t forget to turn on your de icing kids#clear ice can bring you down#also remember to adjust throttle occasionally in icing conditions lest it freezes in place#always use your carburetor heat#and turn it on gradually if you suspect it has already iced to prevent water ingestion#follow me for more airplane fact’s or cybertronians in the cold headcanons#there is no starscream gif because I already know by heart what he looks like#cybertronians struggling with temperature and humidity
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