#team brian: a new journey
March MC of the Month: Evie Ayana
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Please welcome March 2024's MC of the Month! Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month’s MC of the month is…
@cadybear420's Evie Ayana!
More below...
1..In your own words, tell us what you like most about Evie.
It’s hard to choose a specific thing… but most probably her drive to keep moving forward. 
Before coming to Berry, Evie dealt with social anxiety a lot in her old schools. She didn’t have many close friends, she struggled to talk to people she liked, she had a little more insecurity about joining certain social/group activities, etc. And she’d lived in the same house all her life up until moving to Cedar Cove, so she wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about moving up north from the Bay Area and leaving behind what friends and memories and familiar places she did have. 
She does start out as a little more impulsive and “holding herself back” when she first comes to the school– unsure how to respond to Brian at first, unthinkingly introducing herself as “Emma’s wingman” to Caleb, gives Hugh a startled look when they make eye contact at the school assembly. She didn’t have quite as much drive for change yet and wasn’t expecting much from the school, but she was definitely going to stick with the few friends she did make (such as Emma). 
But one thing she did somewhat hope for was that Berry High was a new change of pace. And as Principal Hughs said on the first day assembly in canon, “That’s the great thing about a fresh start. You can be anybody you want to be”. This was perhaps the core motivator for Evie to start changing things. Soon enough, she comes to realize that Berry is sort of this “fresh start” for her, a chance to find herself in a brand new environment. She wants to be someone who is sure of herself, someone who can get shit done. And a school that strives to be welcoming to all is the perfect environment for that. That’s kind of what the OG HSS Trilogy always was to me. High school, but if it were, y’know, actually good. 
So, Evie is partly motivated by the fact that the environment at Berry is much more welcoming, and partly motivated because of the opportunity of a fresh start in a new town. And so she starts to push herself out of her comfort zone a little and soon becomes a lot more outspoken, protective, proactive, and helpful towards others. Evie becomes a lot more confident through her journey at Berry High. 
One major motivator for Evie is that her first friend and the one who takes her under her wing when she’s lost and nervous at the start of her first day, is Emma Hawkins, a socially awkward wallflower. So right away, she has some companionship with someone she can relate to a bit. And not only that, but seeing someone as socially awkward as Emma have no problem extending kindness to her, kind of motivates her to do the same with others. 
Another major green flag for Evie is also probably in her involvement in sports. In Evie’s old high school, she had considered joining football, but was nervous about it due to the team being all guys and not co-ed. Evie is fairly secure in her enjoyment of certain sports and wanted to join the football team at her old school, but was nervous about not being allowed to join and seeming like an idiot for trying to do so. She had heard that some schools might make exceptions for girls who wanted to join, since there generally wasn’t a girls’ football team, but she was still very nervous about the possibility of “sticking out like a sore thumb”. 
But since she was most familiar with Caleb of all the people she saw in the cafeteria and knew him to be a friendly guy, I had her sit with him and the other jocks at lunch that day to maybe get the chance to know more about the football team. Much to both of our surprises and delights, the sports teams at Berry are all co-ed and Caleb and Julian encouraged Evie to join football. And the best part? As she was on football, basketball, and baseball, she was treated like yet another part of the team. Rather than being pathologized, patronized, sensationalized, or tokenized for being a female football player/jock on a team of mostly guys… she was just treated as normal (Sonic Boom Knuckles would be proud, haha). As per canon, Brian did make a few comments to her during that one mini-race, but Caleb nonchalantly shot them down. 
And lest we not forget her beloved Aiden Zhou. He’s passionate and dedicated to his creative craft; but also shy, reserved, socially awkward, and afraid of coming off as a screw-up or a failure in social interactions. A major reason why Evie is so drawn to him (along with her finding him incredibly attractive) is that she sees a lot of herself in him, and she can relate to him. She sees how passionate he is, and that inspires her to do better herself. It inspires her to keep doing better. And as she works to improve herself and move past her own struggles, she can sort of connect with Aiden and help him with his struggles as well, as she understands to some degree what that sort of social anxiety feels like.
2...Do you feel Evie is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Evie is very based off of how I am, especially when it comes to the little details. She’s a cat lover, she’s a picky eater and especially hates spicy food, she’s fairly into sports and writing, she’s obsessed with scented products and cute stuff, she’s pretty horny-on-main, and a lot more. I had Evie be a jock in each of the three books because I myself was involved in sports when I was in high school (though I was more of a track-and-field/runner and I didn’t really have a lot of experience in football, basketball, or baseball; meanwhile, Evie gets experience in each of those). I can’t play an instrument to save my life, and cheerleading is absolutely not my thing, and so the same applies to Evie. 
But in a more general sense… Evie is partly based off of who I am, and partly based off of the kind of person I aspire to be.
When I was in high school, I sort of dealt with social anxiety a lot, and even now I still struggle with it a fair bit. I did get along with a fair amount of people, but it was on a very superficial level with most of them and so I wouldn’t exactly have considered myself “well-known” back then. So I’ve imagined the same for Evie.
The difference, of course, is that Evie is much more outspoken, social, and heavily proactive in the school community than I was when I was in high school. I mean, I was a bit like that myself every now and then. But with Evie, she sort of gets more opportunities to be that kind of person, and she had somewhat more drive for it. And that’s what allows it to manifest. That doesn’t mean her anxieties go away by any means, she just becomes better at managing them. 
Though, one thing I’ve liked about generally being more shy and reserved is that it did sometimes help me stay a little more aware of boundaries, if that makes sense. Evie is much the same, and although she becomes a more confident person throughout her story, that doesn’t mean she also can’t be aware of boundaries– and that especially shows with how I had her approach her crush on Aiden in the first book.
Evie took a slight interest in Aiden when she first met him; it started out as superficial, but it developed into an actual more deep attraction when he invited her in to listen to him play. She’d sort of push herself to talk to him and hang out with him, but for the most part, she knew not to explicitly flirt with him (not that he’d really have minded in the game but yeah). Occasionally she’d be a little bit forwards with him by accident (see: teaching him how to do “sexy moves” at Brian’s party), but wouldn’t express explicit attraction to him until when he asked her to homecoming and admitted he did like her. 
And once she knew that he liked her back, she was much more comfortable with explicitly making romantic gestures/moves onto him. I’d never gotten that far with any of my high school crushes, but if I had, I certainly would have been the same. (It’s also worth noting that the more I replay the series, the more I feel like Aiden and I both share similar qualities as well, so naturally I envision Evie as someone who can relate to him). 
A final MAJOR way in which Evie and I are very similar is how very GNC we are. I’d say Evie is a lot more openly masc/butch leaning than I am, especially appearance wise (as much as I wish I did, I do not have defined muscles like Evie does, lol). She prefers to keep her hair short; she loves masc clothing like pantsuits, tuxes, boxers, and swim trunks, and she takes pride in her more masc body figure. Similar to me as well, there are a few feminine-associated things (for lack of better wording), such as flowers, glittery/sparkly patterns, heart shapes, general cute stuff, etc., that you can pry from her cold, dead hands. But there are certainly a lot of feminine-associated things she has a distaste for indulging in, such as wearing short shorts or high heels or doing cheerleading– not because they’re “feminine,” but quite simply because they just aren’t her thing. We also both have major bottom dysphoria and would rather die than ever get pregnant. 
3.. What is most important to Evie? What is their motivation in life?
Not just being sure that she can end up in a good point in life and nothing changes from that, but also being sure that if things do change, she will be able to manage it. Even when things are at their worst point, she wants to do what she can to fix the problem and make the situation better. 
For a lot of her life, Evie has been very unsure about what specific thing she’d want to be doing in the future, and while she agrees with the “it’s okay if it takes a little longer for you to decide” sentiment that people tell her, she does also know that she can’t spend her whole life indecisive, and the fact that she’s still figuring things out frustrates her sometimes. And as I’ve mentioned before, her and her dad’s move to Cedar Cove was initially very hard on her. Even as she gets settled in Berry and Cedar Cove, she worries about anything that could possibly disrupt it. 
A big contributor to her drive for stability is her parents’ history. After her dad Scott and Emma’s mom Julia had gone their separate ways with university as per canon, he’d eventually meet a woman in his year but with a different major. Her name was Rani, and he’d fall in love with and marry her after they’d both got their graduate degrees. Rani eventually became pregnant, but it was only a few months into the pregnancy when she realized she was not interested in being a parent. 
Scott, of course, had always wanted to be a dad, but he respected Rani’s decision. So, due to this contrast of life goals, the two divorced on amicable terms. Rani was okay with carrying the baby AKA Evie to term (though Scott was okay with it if she wanted to terminate the pregnancy), and after that she’d simply take on the title of being Evie’s Auntie Rani. And it was heartbreaking for both of them because they were otherwise a perfect match.
Evie knew the full story growing up, and while she did not resent Rani at all for leaving, knowing that story had amplified her own cautiousness– particularly when it came to her own romance. She’d crushed on Aiden, wanted to be official with him, and fell in love with him long before he did with her for each of those points, but she didn’t want to push anything too suddenly onto him. Often, she’d wait until moments, such as when Aiden confessed to liking her after asking her to homecoming or when he confessed he loved her at prom, before she’d start taking things further. She wouldn’t express romantic gestures and attraction to him until after he said he liked her. She wouldn’t confess her love to him until after he confessed to her. 
That doesn’t mean she’d never initiate, though. She’s the one who took Aiden outside to talk about becoming official, even though he ended up being the one to ask her to be his girlfriend. After their moment on Hearst’s rooftop, she had started making plans to ask him to be her date to homecoming (but of course, Aiden beat her to it). And she was the one to (as per my headcanons) dip him in their first dance at homecoming and (as per canon) initiate their first kiss during that dance. 
And make no mistake, all those moments– learning Aiden liked her, having a steady relationship with him that year, to the point of them becoming official in late February and him confessing he loved her at the end of prom, and seeing Aiden become a more confident and self-assured person throughout their relationship… she was incredibly happy about all of it. But in the back of her mind, she sometimes couldn’t help but think it to be too good to be true. Sometimes she feared that they’d end up the same way her dad and her Auntie Rani did: a seemingly perfect couple at first, all until one singular but major area of incompatibility. 
Later on in their relationship, she would start to become fussy over making sure Aiden actually enjoyed what he was doing with her, telling him she didn’t want to force him to do anything he didn’t want to do. This would become a point of contention between them, as Aiden would be a little upset at Evie not being fully sure in his choices. But in the end, they’d be able to work it out together. To this day she still isn’t fully sure about what she’d do if she and Aiden ended up separating, but she would become better at being able to manage any difficulties or disagreements between them. She would do what she could to better the situation. The two would eventually get married (Evie being the one to propose), having talked about it prior and both being sure that they were happy with each other.
As for everything else in her life? She does slowly become more welcoming to change. As of now, I don’t imagine her going through a lot of sudden changes in her life, but she does become more comfortable with the idea. A year after they marry, Aiden and Evie move out of Evie’s old house and into a cozy apartment in the Bay Area, and then move back into Cedar Cove but in their own home when they decide they want to have kids. Events like these where Evie does have a bit more control over the situation, do help her get used to the idea of major change. 
4.. What are Evie's biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
Evie loathes gender essentialism, gender complementarianism, TERFs, and the like (Then again, any person with common sense would loathe those things, haha). But especially as someone who is very openly and proudly GNC, she just absolutely loathes them. She hasn’t experienced a lot of direct bigotry from TERFs herself, but to put it briefly, she’s been paying attention to their behaviors, and she’s not having any of their bullshit. Especially not with their blatantly two-faced behaviors towards GNC cis people (especially cis female athletes with even the smallest bit of “masculine” features, AKA people like her3). All the more reason why she sings her praises to Berry for having co-ed sports.
For something on a lighter note… she can’t stand spicy food despite her South Asian heritage. A bit of mild spice is alright, but very spicy food is just… she doesn’t get the appeal at all. She’s generally a very picky eater, even being averse to most South Asian dishes. And overly spicy food is probably the bane of her picky eater existence. 
I imagine she just also dislikes… bullies in general. In her old schools, she would get bullied quite a bit, but she never quite knew how to stand up to them. So at Berry, she does try to change that, starting with standing up for her friends (like Emma) who get bullied. She aspires to be a protective girlfriend to Aiden and an overall reliable friend. It’s not always easy– such as when Isa and the hall monitors screw over Aiden and band and cheer, when band and cheer turn on the basketball team, or when Max and Kara frame her for sabotage. But she doesn’t let it stop her. She always tries to get through it, one way or another. 
5.. If Evie could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
I’m not fully sure, honestly. I imagine there are lots of things she’d want to change. 
Although it’s a bit more general, Evie would change… a lot of her past. She has way too many moments of “I look back on this thing I did in the past, and I fucking cringe at it.” She knows she’s grown from all that and has become a much better person, but it’s just hard for her to not feel bad about herself over her past mistakes. 
For something that’s a little more specific, her parental situation is something she’s sometimes wished she could change. To reiterate, she does not resent Rani for leaving and understands why she did. But there have been times when she’s wished that Rani and Scott never separated. From what Scott had told her, Rani sounded freaking awesome to her, and she imagined she’d have loved having her as a mom, along with Scott as her dad.
Rani would sometimes visit them, taking on more of a title of being Evie’s Auntie. But she wouldn’t visit often because it could be very awkward knowing the past, especially so when she and Scott hadn’t fully moved past their feelings for each other. 
Evie and Scott have had a very healthy relationship, but the situation with Rani has created some confusion for both of them. With Scott, he’s often feeling guilt. He’d told Rani that he was okay if she didn’t want to carry the pregnancy to term– Evie knows this and understands, but he sometimes feels guilty for having felt that way about Evie, even though it was before she was born. But he also sometimes feels guilty about giving Rani a pregnancy she ended up not wanting and seeing her carry that pregnancy to term even after realizing that, even though she had agreed to it at first and agreed to carry it to term anyways. 
I headcanon a big part of why he’s extra sweet to Evie, on top of her being his daughter, is the fact that he sort of considers himself lucky to have ended up with Evie. Rani chose to carry the pregnancy to term, even though both she and Scott were well aware that she was in every right not to. He’s always wanted to be a dad, and he got just that. So he tries his best to not take her decision for granted. 
With Evie, she’s certainly fine with having just Scott, but she’s known the story of Scott and Rani’s separation ever since she was very young and it’s hard for her not to feel like she missed out on having Rani as a mother figure. But she also sometimes feels guilty for feeling that way, knowing Rani did not want to be a mother. 
At one point or another though, she does come to terms with her parental situation. Rani would come to visit more often when she could as she and Scott were eventually able to move on from each other. 
6.. What is Evie’s favorite quote or song?
I don’t think Evie can really pick just one song, haha. Though Evie can't play an instrument for shit, let alone compose a song and a lot of the musical terminology Aiden uses is mostly just pure jargon nonsense to her… she's quite the enthusiast for good songs and soundtracks. 
She excitedly raves to Aiden about her favorite soundtracks from movies, video games, TV shows, etc. Often, she'll even recommend a show or movie to him partly on the basis of it having a bomb-ass soundtrack and almost 100% of the time, he will enjoy it, and they'll rave about the best parts of the soundtrack together. 
So it’s a little hard for Evie to pick just one song (or one quote, for that matter). Probably something Aiden composed for her, but I’m not sure. 
7.. Is there anything else you’d like to share about Evie? 
I guess I’d like to ramble a bit about how fun it is to build the character of my OG HSS MC, both within the game and outside of it. 
In Choices, I generally tend to prefer MCs with a more open-ended backstory and especially choices in what kind of personality they have and how they respond/behave/act. I know even the most choice-based story can’t account for every single granular detail about what we want for our MCs, but most of the time I just like being able to decide *who* my MC is whenever fitting. I like being able to make choices for the MC, and create my own backstory for them that sort of informs said choices, maybe even make two different versions of the MC that feel like completely different people from one another. (Truth be told, I’m a fan of any MC that’s allowed to have a spine and be proactive in the story, but the ones that are flexible in their character score extra major points with me). 
OG HSS is definitely a series that allows for stuff like that, which is part of why both the trilogy and the MC are my favorites of all Choices. There’s a lot of variety in the kind of story experience you can have, and probably only two or three moments where default dialogue made me go “Evie would not say that”. Honestly, I don’t think the series would have had nearly as much of an impact if MC had only one activity they could do, or one singular specific backstory for Scott and their mom and their old school. 
Although I haven’t really played as a MC other than “Evie Ayana” in any of my 7 playthroughs, I have tried a couple of different choices and routes for her. Once I’ve had her as a band kid instead of a jock, and I loved all the extra moments she could get with Aiden. Twice I’ve had her romance Michael, and as much as Evie would be attracted to him, they do not have all that much romantic chemistry (and so I’m making a new HSS MC for his route). One time I’ve even had Evie try and side against her own team at the basketball game in Book 2… and oh my God, it was so puke-inducingly out-of-character for Evie that I had to scrub it from my HSS screenshots history. 
Once I’ve deliberately made mostly bad choices for her (outside of her activity), and it was quite interesting to see outcomes such as losing the baseball game, losing homecoming crown and guest-of-honor-– and most notably, how she can lose her tryouts spot to her respective Hearst rival if she’s been mostly awful to the Hearst kids, even if she’s otherwise good at the actual tryouts. Like hello? I can make my MC not be nice? And face consequences for it? I like. I’ve sometimes seen the HSS MC get flak for being “too perfect” or “too much of a fantasy” or “not having much personality”, and I’m just like, “Honey, with all due respect… they’re only perfect because you made them that way.”
I’ll admit, with the most recent playthrough I did to record Evie’s official storyline, I did make the choices that would lead to the “good” outcomes. But with most of it, I was just making whatever choices felt right for the kind of character I wanted for Evie and then let things take their course. I wanted her to be someone who was fairly good at her sports. I wanted her to become someone who tries to step up and be a leader, and someone who is outspoken about her opinions and stays true to them, but also knows her boundaries. But sometimes she can act without thinking and that does make her very self-conscious a lot of the time, even as she becomes more confident throughout her time at Berry. Some of it was more intentional– I did want her to be fairly competent at her activities. But other stuff like the homecoming/prom crowns felt more like bonus things for her. 
Fun Fact: during my most recent playthrough, where I was recording the official choices and outcomes in the story for Evie, I kind of wanted a way to represent her lack of experience in baseball since I headcanon it’s Evie’s first time doing the sport. So what I did was I just took my glasses off and backed away from the phone screen a bit when the minigame choices were in session. And Evie did miss a few of the throws, but performed mostly successfully in the end, getting the tryouts spot and winning the baseball game.
I’ve actually gone through a couple of different “canons” for Evie, throughout each of my 7 playthroughs of the story. I’ve tried different routes and options for the sake of trying them out, but there are quite a few choices I’d imagined as “canon” for her that are now different. When I first played the trilogy, Evie was actually named “Cady Heron” after the main character of Mean Girls, my favorite HS-based movie (Scott calling her “Cady-bear” all the time is how I came up with my username). She had the blonde beachy waves hairstyle in the first book, and was a bit more openly flirtatious with the characters she liked (Aiden, Michael, and Maria), she told Koh’s secret to Isa out of panic and thinking that it would get Isa off of Koh’s back. I imagined her having figured out clear goals for herself by the end of the first day: take down Brian and Zoe, and get with Aiden+Michael+Maria. 
But upon developing her character, I was sort of trying to make her a bit more like me. With that in consideration, Evie would have been someone who wouldn’t be so openly forward and would take secret-keeping pretty seriously. In my “Evie’s official choices” playthrough I did have her slip the secret to Isa, but it felt so wrong, and so I had to restart the chapter right after the choice in order to choose otherwise. 
And I am planning to make a couple more OG HSS MCs too. One will be a male MC named Alan Parke, a cheerleader who is a total diva– he’ll romance either Maria or Emma, and he’ll be very flirty, preppy, and pompous. Book 3 would be a sort of a character arc for him where he may have to set his self-aggrandizing habits aside as he comes to sympathize with fellow male cheerleader Kieran, with whom he’s competing in tryouts. Another will be a female MC named Violet Jones, the one I’ll have to romance Michael. She’ll be a lot more suave and no-nonsense– she hates self-policing and is a lot more quick to call people out on their crap whenever she can, and will certainly have a lot more romantic chemistry with Michael than Evie did. 
And I’m definitely gonna have one or two MCs that are utter screw-ups at everything in the game– crap at their activities, they don’t win the dance titles, they’re cold to the Hearst kids. And I also wanna do a couple of playthroughs that switch activities between books. Some that are more slow-burn in their romances. I’m even planning an “AU/alternate timeline” playthrough where Evie tries band (and is mostly crap at it). Agh, there are so many route combinations I wanna do in HSS! 
Bottom line: it’s just really fun to give my MCs their personalities and make them feel like my own, and it especially applies with Evie. It brings me joy to build her character and share/discuss it with the fandom here (as well as seeing how others build their MCs too)! 
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blazehedgehog · 2 months
Man, that's crazy and unfortunate what happened to that level designer on Sonic Heroes. Is there a source for those stories you could share?
Unfortunately it came from a Game Informer interview on their website back in 2016. Thanks to the efforts of Gamestop, everything about Game Informer was basically wiped from the internet about a little over a week ago.
Digging around a bit I found this Wayback Machine post for the article, titled "Where Sonic Went Wrong", written by Brian Shea.
Iizuka recalls the development cycle of Sonic Heroes, the first multiplatform mainline Sonic console game, as the most stressful of his career, in part thanks to deadlines. He was based in the United States while the rest of the development team was in Japan, and mismanagement took its toll on the team. "The level design for Sonic Heroes was made by two people: me and one other person," he says. "As we got to the later stages of development, this other person got pretty sick and didn't show up to work, so level design was made by one person! So for those very last stages of the game, I didn't sleep at all and I was constantly working. I lost about [22 pounds] because I was just cranking away and it was just work, work, work. I didn't sleep because I had to finish the game on my own. Almost dying!"
From what I've heard, this isn't the first time somebody has mentioned this about Sonic Heroes, just the first time in an English interview.
For the other information:
The information about Sonic 2 comes in the wake of Hirokazu Yasuhara's Digital Dragons talk in 2017, where he revealed a significantly different and more ambitious early design for Sonic 2 that was scrapped in favor of something they could do faster and easier.
The information about Sonic 3 comes from the Hidden Palace dump of a Sonic 3 prototype. The creation date on their prototype is maybe three months before its retail release and the state of the game at that point can charitably be described as a disaster, something their news post explains thanks to information provided by the person who offered the prototype.
Sonic Adventure 2 being made by half the people in half the time is original research by me. Sonic Team is on record that the 3D Sonic World in Sonic Jam was a prototype for Sonic Adventure on the Sega Saturn, putting development of SA1 starting around late 1996 or early 1997. If you count from there to when the finishing touches were put on the International (American) release of SA1, that gives it a development time of around 2-3 years. SA2's development started probably around December of 1999, and came out in June of 2001, making for a development time of 18 months. You can compare developer numbers yourself using Mobygames. (Shoutouts to The Golden Bolt for also looking down a similar path.)
Similarly, just look at the production credits for Shadow the Hedgehog, CTRL+F, and search for "Takashi Iizuka"
After Shadow in 2005, Takashi Iizuka was no longer an active developer on the Sonic series for the next five or six games, mostly relegated to distant "supervisor", "concept" and "special thanks" roles. Instead, he worked on NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, another game Sega jerked him around on. He came back to the Sonic franchise and started doing press again midway through the development of Sonic Colors in 2010.
Sonic Unleashed being expensive comes from, to my memory, an IGN Developer Diary that's impossible to find nowadays, where the director admits one of the producers at Sega pitched the Werehog as a way to slow players down and appreciate all the effort they put into environment art. Also they literally developed a whole entire rendering engine just for that game, of course it was expensive.
Here's a 2009 post mentioning a "Sonic Anniversary" leak from Sega's FTP. Details are fuzzy, but a Sega Spain leak a year later clarified that "Sonic Anniversary" was a game coming to Wii, DS, PSP, and PS3. A (physically) broken prototype of Sonic Anniversary for the PSP reveals a very early version of what would become Sonic Generations for the 3DS. And given how much content is shared between Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, it's not hard to connect the dots between Colors being built from the proposed Wii version of "Anniversary" (Generations). There may be a more direct source for this straight from the horse's mouth, but I can't find it right now.
Morio Kishimoto was a game designer for Secret Rings and Black Knight, his first games for Sega, and got promoted to Director for Sonic Colors where he's stayed ever since. He mentioned not being a part of Sonic Forces at first, but was brought in to get the game back on track, and the game's troubled development is corroborated by Takashi Iizuka in the liner notes for the Sonic Forces soundtrack.
You can compare the metacritic for Secret Rings and Sonic 06 to see just how much more favorably Secret Rings was received, despite both games coming out less than six months apart.
Here's an archived IGN interview from 2007 with Yojiro Ogawa describing how Secret Rings was split off from the development resources of Sonic 06. Exact dates would be fuzzy, but it's easy to assume the entire game was developed in less than a year.
Here's a 2010 Eurogamer interview where Takashi Iizuka (not Kishimoto, whoops) says Sonic Colors is a Sonic game meant to appeal to Mario fans.
As for Sonic Lost World being Sonic Colors 2, my source on that is "I mean, just look at it."
(For people many years in the future, this post is in response to this.)
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months
Knuckles live-action series premieres April 26, trailer
From Gematsu
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The Knuckles live-action series will premiere on Paramount+ on April 26, Paramount Pictures announced. It will consist of six episodes all released simultaneously, and is set between the events of the movies Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
Here is an overview of the series, via Paramount Pictures:
The new live-action series will follow Knuckles (Idris Elba) on a hilarious and action-packed journey of self-discovery as he agrees to train Wade (Adam Pally) as his protege and teach him the ways of the Echidna warrior. The series takes place between the films Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3. In addition to Elba starring as the titular character, Adam Pally reprises his role from the film franchise as Wade Whipple. The ensemble cast includes guest stars Stockard Channing (The West Wing), Edi Patterson (The Righteous Gemstones), Scott Mescudi (Don’t Look Up), Ellie Taylor (Ted Lasso), Julian Barratt (Mindhorn), Rory McCann (Game of Thrones), Cary Elwes (Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning), Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future), Paul Scheer (Black Monday), and Rob Huebel (Childrens Hospital). Special guest star Ben Schwartz will reprise his role as Sonic, as well as special guest star Tika Sumpter, reprising her role as Maddie. Colleen O’Shaughnessey will also return as a special guest star in her role as Tails. All of the key creative team from the previous films have returned for the series, including the films’ director/executive producer Jeff Fowler, who directed the pilot episode and helped transition the film’s signature cinematic animation style to television, as well as Neal H. Moritz, Toby Ascher, John Whittington and Toru Nakahara, who serve as executive producers along with Idris Elba. Additional directors for the series include Ged Wright, Brandon Trost, Jorma Taccone and Carol Banker. The series was created for television by John Whittington and Toby Ascher, who is showrunning during production. Whittington, who wrote Sonic the Hedgehog 2, serves as head writer and wrote the pilot for the series. Additional series writers include Brian Schacter and James Madejski.
Watch the official trailer below.
Official Trailer
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khushi156 · 4 months
Celebrate Pride Month with These 10 Must-Read LGBTQ+ Books
Pride Month is a time to honor and celebrate the rich tapestry of LGBTQ+ voices and stories that shape our world. This June, dive into these ten captivating books that not only entertain but also enlighten, offering diverse perspectives and poignant insights into the queer experience. From business guides to young adult fiction, each book on this list is a unique journey worth embarking on.
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1. “Queeristan: LGBTQ Inclusion in the Indian Workplace” by Parmesh Shahani
Genre: Business / Memoir
Parmesh Shahani's ‘Queeristan’ is more than just a business book; it's a manifesto for change in the Indian corporate world. Shahani, known for his pioneering work in LGBTQ+ advocacy, blends his personal experiences with actionable strategies for creating inclusive workplaces. Through engaging storytelling, he illuminates the challenges and triumphs of being queer in corporate India and presents a compelling case for diversity and inclusion. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the intersection of business and LGBTQ+ rights in India.
2. “It Has No Name” by Payal Dhar
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
In a landscape where LGBTQ+ representation in Indian literature is sparse, *It Has No Name* shines brightly. Authored by Payal Dhar, an Indian non-binary writer, this YA novel explores the tender and tumultuous world of two high school girls in a small Indian town discovering their love for each other. Despite its raw and sometimes uneven narrative, Dhar's debut offers a heartfelt and genuine portrayal of young love and identity. It's a refreshing addition to the world of queer Indian fiction and a beacon of hope for more stories like it.
3. “Just Happy to Be Here” by Naomi Kanakia
Genre: Fantasy
Naomi Kanakia's ‘Just Happy to Be Here’ is a thrilling adventure set in a world inspired by Jamaican folklore. Faron Vincent, blessed with divine powers, must navigate complex choices that pit her loyalty to her homeland against her love for her sister. This fantasy novel combines rich cultural elements with a gripping plot, offering readers an immersive experience. Kanakia's storytelling weaves themes of identity, family, and sacrifice, making it a standout in the realm of LGBTQ+ fantasy.
4. “My Fair Brady” by Brian D. Kennedy
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Blending the charm of ‘My Fair Lady’ with the spirit of teen rom-coms like *She’s All That*, Brian D. Kennedy’s *My Fair Brady* is a delightful read. When Wade Westmore, a high school musical star, and Elijah Brady, a shy sophomore, team up to reinvent each other, they both embark on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected romance. This book is perfect for fans of heartwarming tales about finding love and identity in the most unexpected places.
5. “Daniel, Deconstructed” by James Ramos
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
In ‘Daniel, Deconstructed’, James Ramos offers a touching exploration of life through the lens of a high school photographer and film buff, Daniel Sanchez. Navigating his autism and queer identity, Daniel's world is a carefully constructed script until a new classmate, Gabe, challenges everything he thought he knew. This novel beautifully captures the complexities of growing up different and the transformative power of genuine connections.
6. “The Fox Maidens” by Robin Ha
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
‘The Fox Maidens’ follows Tara, the first out trans girl at an all-girls school, as she struggles to find her place in a traditionally rigid environment. Robin Ha’s narrative dives deep into themes of identity, acceptance, and the courage to be true to oneself. With its richly drawn characters and poignant storyline, this YA novel is an inspiring read for anyone navigating the complexities of gender and belonging.
7. “City of Laughter” by Temim Fruchter
Genre: Historical Fiction / Folklore
Temim Fruchter’s debut novel, ‘City of Laughter’, is a mesmerizing journey that intertwines the lives of a modern young woman and an 18th-century Jewish badchan. As Shiva Margolin delves into her family’s past in Poland, she uncovers a tapestry of history, humor, and heartache. Fruchter’s narrative, praised for its deep understanding of queer and Jewish traditions, offers a poignant exploration of identity, grief, and the enduring power of storytelling.
8. “Crooked Teeth: A Queer Syrian Refugee Memoir” by Danny Ramadan
Genre: Memoir
Danny Ramadan’s ‘Crooked Teeth’ is a powerful memoir that chronicles his journey as a queer Syrian refugee navigating life through the tumultuous backdrop of political upheaval and personal discovery. From Damascus to Canada, Ramadan's story is a testament to resilience, community, and the enduring quest for belonging. This memoir is both heart-wrenching and hopeful, offering an unflinching look at the struggles and triumphs of finding one's place in the world.
9. “Blessings” by Chukwuebuka Ibeh
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Chukwuebuka Ibeh’s debut novel, ‘Blessings’, tells the intertwined stories of Obiefuna and his mother, Uzoamaka, as they navigate their lives in Nigeria amidst societal and personal upheaval. Set against the backdrop of the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act of 2013, this novel explores themes of identity, family, and the quest for freedom. Ibeh's storytelling is intimate and evocative, making *Blessings* a significant contribution to LGBTQ+ literature.
10. “Wish You Weren’t Here” by Erin Baldwin
Genre: Romantic Comedy
‘Wish You Weren’t Here’ by Erin Baldwin is a delightful enemies-to-lovers rom-com set against the backdrop of a summer camp. When high school rivals Juliette and Priya end up as roommates, sparks fly in more ways than one. Baldwin’s immersive storytelling and richly drawn characters make this book a perfect summer read. It's a charming exploration of love, rivalry, and the surprises life has in store.
This Pride Month, let these books take you on journeys of self-discovery, love, and resilience. Whether you’re looking for heartfelt memoirs, exciting fantasies, or charming romances, these ten reads offer something special for everyone. Happy reading!
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anarchic-miscellany · 9 months
Gundam SEED: A Dubbing Journey
More fun physical media tales! "Gundam SEED"
It's not the best Gundam series, but it's good fun and the first iteration of "Gundam" which I watched. Hence I have a sense of nostalgia for it, despite its flaws (looking at you 48 episode length...).
Anime is already a fairly niche field, despite the hilarious jokes and mainstream creep us filthy degenerates are making into modern society. The age old "debate" I guess, between those of us who have never seen the sun, seems to be between watching in the original language with subtitles, or watching it dubbed.
My personal thoughts go towards the dub. Aside from the fact that there are dozens and dozens of brilliant actors in this field who make the material fantastic and more accessible (Tara Platt, Yuri Lowenthal, Colleen Clinkenbeard, my homie Kirk Thornton, Steve Blum, Michelle Ruff, Wendee Lee, Kari Wahlgren, Todd Haberkon, Joel McDonald, so, so, so, so many others) to simply ignore the dub through snobbery is to disregard the hours and hours of effort and work put in by hard working, under-appreciated actors across the field. Voice actors are my jam.
So, "Gundam SEED" came out in 2002/2003 but was dubbed by the Ocean Group with Bandai in 2004, released by Beez on DVD. It's a good dub: No "Baccano!" or "Cowboy Bebop" but then again, what is? There are some great actors in this (Andrew Drummond's brother Brian plays the best character: Andrew Waltfeld THE DESERT TIGER, Lisa Ann Beley is the ship's captain, Trevor Devall from "Cowboy Bebop" and "Team America" as Mu La Flaga, Samuel Vincent as one of the two leads and, for some god-damned reason Brad "Light Yagami" Swaile as one of the best characters) as well as some lesser known names in the industry but also great in their parts. Chantal Strand is a standout as Lacus Clyne.
The dub was an excellent work, and my first exposure to the series, it's great.
The series was released on DVD, but had a rather short run: the always excellent Beez released it in the ever delightful format of five episodes per disc and one disc per box, their usual M.O.
I am going somewhere with this, bear with me.
So far so good.
In 2014 the series was re-released in HD, fine. Excellent! More of Beez's back catalogue coming out again and to the forefront is always a good thing.
The dub was redone.
The actors, for the most part, were completely replaced from the top down. Gone were Matt Hill and Samuel Vincent as Kira and Athrun, gone were Drummond and Swaile. Everybody has been changed, right down to the lesser known actors playing some major parts in the series.
And they are the people who I want to talk about.
Bill Switzer, Sarah Johns and Lisa Ann Beley are not ever going to be household names, nor ever known truly amongst the clique-like cult who follow weaboo shit. But I am going to focus on these three people for a moment.
Respectively, in the Ocean Dub, they play Sai Argyle, Lt. Badgiruel and Captain Murrue Ramius, all fairly major characters in the series.
And they were replaced.
Bye, so long, farewell, hope that you got something out of the experience.
This isn't about rambling about how "the new dub sucks" or "Grrrr, change is bad" (well, maybe the latter a little) because, in all honesty, I haven't watched it. Heck, maybe it's fantastic!
But on a more philosophical level, I guess, consider this:
Mr Switzer, Ms Johns and Ms Beley have put a lot of work, time and effort into those parts, they're actors underappreciated, underpaid and glossed over in an already niche field, and then the one big piece of art they get to do, the one big part they have to be remembered and loved, is forgotten, soon to be washed away by the new dub. Sounds dramatic, sure, but now in future should Gundam SEED be sought out by people hoping to catch up on Gundam (though, why you'd start with "Gundam SEED" like a moron when the fantabulously gay "Gundam Wing" exists I shall never know) or just picked up and watched it's more likely that one will watch the remastered dub, and Mr Switzer and co will be banished and forgotten by history.
I guess what I wanted to say was simple:
Remember forgotten art, remember obscure actors, writers, producers and the like. All art has meaning, be it terrible, great or forgotten. Every piece of art has effort and love put into it by some people.
Don't let Bill Switzer and Sarah Johns and Lisa Ann Beley be mere forgotten footnotes.
Buy a DVD of something obscure and forgotten. Remember the effort put into it.
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gacmediadaily · 2 months
Great American Media announced today that three additional films have been added to their already impressive Great American Christmas lineup, which includes new talent such as Mario Lopez, Courtney Lopez, Alexa PenaVega, Carlos PenaVega, Julia Reilly, and more.
In their press release, they invite viewers to "Cherish the holidays. Joy is coming. Great American Christmas 2024 will soon be revealed."
Here's a closer look at three more movies coming to Great American Family this Christmas...
Jonathan Stoddard and Brittany Underwood on the set of  A Royal Christmas Ballet - source
A Royal Christmas Ballet
Starring: Brittany Underwood (“One Life to Live,” A Royal Christmas Holiday) and Jonathan Stoddard (A Royal Christmas Holiday, Sweet Maple Romance).
Storyline: In A Royal Christmas Ballet, a retired ballerina is pressed into service working with a visiting team of royal ambassadors to put on the season’s performance of “The Nutcracker” and finds herself center stage in an unexpected Christmas romance. Produced by Hybrid Entertainment. Fred Olen Ray directs from his own Original screenplay.
Eric Guilmette and Ash Tsai in A Shelter and Season’s Greetings - source
A Shelter and Season’s Greetings (wt)
Starring: Eric Guilmette (The Black Box) and Ash Tsai (Journey to Christmas)
Storyline: Eric Guilmette (The Black Box) plays Caleb, an Army vet wounded in service who recovers with the help of therapy dogs from a local shelter run by Amber (Ash Tsai, Journey to Christmas). As a sign of gratitude, Caleb volunteers at the shelter, though he notices one wealthy donor has his eye on Amber. Despite the patron’s help, the shelter needs additional funds to stay afloat, so Caleb produces a holiday pet fair to bring community together. As the pair become closer, Caleb confides a desire to repair the relationship with his parents that became strained after his injury. Amber has the perfect plan! Produced by Candlelight Media. Brian Bough directs from an Original screenplay by Brittany Wiscombe.
The Fabric of Christmas - image via Reel One
The Fabric of Christmas (wt)
Starring: Harmon Walsh (Christmas By Candlelight) and Ferelith Young (A Match for the Prince)
Storyline: Harmon Walsh (Liam Sullivan, Christmas By Candlelight), a firefighter, and Ferelith Young (Amy Walker, A Match for the Prince), a quilting teacher, are drawn together to make the perfect quilt for Liam’s sister Lauren’s (Alia Desantis, Saying Yes to Christmas) Christmas wedding. After a rocky start, the pair is forced to put differences aside and decide what is most important this Christmas. Produced by Reel One. Don McBrearty directs from an Original screenplay by Sarah Mayberry.
I also wanted to note that "The Fabric of Christmas" is one of those movies that can also be seen via streaming sources. Maria, Florence, Jane, and I have written movie reviews, which you can read below. If you'd like to contribute a review, please do so in the comments beneath this post.
Movie Reviews - The Fabric of Christmas:
🎄 Reel One's The Fabric of Christmas is clean and very sweet. (streaming on Xumo). -Maria
🎄 The Fabric of Christmas - This was a surprise - a low budget movie about a fireman and a quilting teacher joining up to make a Christmas quilt for the fireman's sister's wedding. Sounded like a sure-fire recipe for 90 minutes of boredom! But hey, the two leads Kyana Teresa (Amy) and Harmon Walsh (Liam) both previously unknown to me were perfect together with great chemistry.
It was engaging to se Liam try to keep on top of his burgeoning feelings. It started off nicely with friction between Amy and Liam as he had to fail Amy's premises in a fire inspection and there was a side plot of the business threatened with going under.
The movie was full of warmth and humour and the mechanics surrounding the production of the quilt turned out to be fascinating. A little bit different and an unexpected delight - Florence Rating 8.5
🎄 The Fabric of Christmas. Completely agree with Florence - this was a thoroughly enjoyable movie! I was expecting a low-budget movie with typical audio issues and subpar acting, but this turned out to be a pleasant surprise. The acting, writing and directing were well done. (I looked up the director and it turns out he’s been the director on a lot of the bigger-name Hallmark/GAF movies.)
The actors were new to me but I thought they were all good, including side characters. The lead actress, Ferelith Young, was excellent; she was so natural and believable and sincere and warm - I never felt like I was watching someone act. And the lead actor, Harmon Walsh, is a cutie patootie, reminiscent of Kevin McGarry; the chemistry between the two leads felt realistic.
This whole production felt a bit more polished and mature than a lot of the “first-string” movies out there this year (and I appreciated that there was no ridiculous and overblown conflict or big misunderstanding between the couple). The sweet relationship between the brother and sister was a nice bonus.
This one would be a keeper if I had it on my dvr but right now it’s only available via streaming (previously it had been showing on XumoPlay but they took it off and as of January 2nd it’s now playing on the Roku channel – catch this cute movie while you can! Maybe also available on Amazon streaming?). Family friendly. ~~Jane
🎄 The Fabric of Christmas – This movie is like a warm, cuddly blanket… it’s cozy, comfortable, and sweet! And it’s family-friendly, too!
Sparks fly the instant when Liam, a firefighter, and Amy, a quilting teacher, meet. Liam’s sister is getting married and he asks Amy to help him with the task of making a quilt for her wedding present. It’s a traditional wedding gift in their family, and Liam wants to ensure his sister has one on behalf of their deceased mother.
As Liam and Amy work together, it’s plain to see a romance is gently flaring up – as the two are obviously attracted to each other.
Amy is known for working with candles lit around her, which is a terrible fire hazard especially around fabric. I found it to be adorably cute and responsible how Liam would constantly go around blowing them out.
Both characters felt like such real, authentic people. Liam’s the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, and as far as being kind and giving is concerned, Amy seems to be cut from the same cloth.
This movie is one of those lighthearted, feel-good movies that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. ~Net
I hope you enjoyed our reviews. If you like, you can read even more reviews for "The Fabric of Christmas" at Amazon - *click here*! 88% of reviewers there gave it 5 stars, and 12% gave it 4.
Please share your thoughts on these movies in comments below.
Have a Merry Day!
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rapidprime · 2 months
The Troubling Tale of Brian Laundrie: From Fiancé to Fugitive
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The story of Brian Laundrie is not just one of a man who lost his way, but of someone who veered off the road into a deep, dark forest of madness and violence. Once seen as the loving fiancé of Gabby Petito, his chilling metamorphosis into a killer is a tale that has gripped the nation with equal parts horror and fascination. Recent revelations from the FBI investigation have exposed a disturbing side of Laundrie, one that was carefully concealed behind a facade of normalcy. His private writings reveal a mind obsessed with violence and destruction, harboring a "mania" that foretold the tragic events that would eventually unfold.
The Troubled Journey: Gabby and Brian's Fateful Road Trip
Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie set out on what should have been an adventurous cross-country road trip in August 2021. Instead, it became a journey into the heart of darkness. Their relationship, once seemingly solid, began to unravel in the most public way possible. A domestic dispute in Moab, Utah, captured on police body camera footage, hinted at the storm brewing beneath the surface. Gabby’s account of Laundrie grabbing her face, leaving a cut on her cheek, was downplayed by authorities as a "mental health break" rather than domestic violence. However, a photo taken by Gabby that day tells a different story—a face smeared with blood, possibly from having her breathing passages blocked by Laundrie.
The couple's troubled past was not just a series of unfortunate events but a prelude to a tragedy that would shock the world. A letter found by the FBI, written by Gabby, pleaded with Laundrie to stop his verbal abuse, a desperate cry from a woman who believed they were still a "team." Unfortunately, the cracks in their relationship had widened beyond repair, setting the stage for the grim events that followed.
Suspicion and Deceit: Brian Laundrie’s Odd Behavior
After Gabby Petito was reported missing, Brian Laundrie’s actions became increasingly suspicious. Returning alone to his family’s Florida home in Petito’s van on September 1, 2021, without any explanation for Gabby’s absence, Laundrie immediately became a person of interest. Authorities issued an arrest warrant for him, charging him with the unlawful use of a debit card—allegedly Gabby’s—after her death. But before any real answers could be extracted, Laundrie disappeared into the wilds of the Carlton Reserve in Florida, sparking a massive manhunt that captivated the nation.
A Gruesome Discovery: Finding Gabby Petito
The search for Gabby Petito ended in heartbreak. On September 19, 2021, authorities discovered a body matching her description in a remote area of Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest. The identification process confirmed the worst: it was indeed Gabby Petito, and her death was ruled a homicide by strangulation. The coroner’s report left no doubt that Gabby’s death was a violent act, further deepening the mystery and horror surrounding the case.
The Manhunt: Brian Laundrie's Final Escape
The hunt for Brian Laundrie was nothing short of a media frenzy. Starting on September 13, 2021, the search centered on the Carlton Reserve, where Laundrie’s parents claimed he had gone hiking. Law enforcement agencies deployed an array of resources, from K-9 units and drones to specialized underwater recovery teams, scouring the vast and challenging terrain of the reserve. Despite these efforts, Laundrie remained elusive, turning the search into a spectacle that gripped the nation’s attention.
The case became more than just a search for a fugitive; it was a reflection of the public’s fascination with true crime, fueled by the tragic circumstances and the high-profile nature of the case. Social media buzzed with theories, and news outlets provided round-the-clock coverage, turning the hunt for Laundrie into a national obsession.
The Grim Conclusion: Confession and Suicide
On October 20, 2021, the search for Brian Laundrie came to a grim end. Human remains were found in Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, later confirmed to be those of Laundrie. Alongside the remains was a notebook, which contained what was believed to be Laundrie’s written confession to Gabby Petito’s murder. The autopsy revealed that Laundrie had died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, bringing this high-profile case to a tragic conclusion.
While Laundrie’s death may have provided some closure, it also left behind many unanswered questions. The discovery of his remains and the confession only added to the mystery, leaving a trail of speculation and sorrow in its wake.
Legal Battles and Aftermath: Seeking Justice
The aftermath of Gabby Petito’s murder has been marked by legal battles and a quest for justice. Her family was awarded $3 million in a wrongful death lawsuit against Brian Laundrie’s estate, a bittersweet victory that did little to ease their pain. The funds are set to benefit the Gabby Petito Foundation, established to fight against domestic violence and aid in the search for missing persons.
In addition to the lawsuit against Laundrie’s estate, Gabby’s parents also filed a separate lawsuit against Brian’s parents, Christopher and Roberta Laundrie, and their attorney, Steven Bertolino. The lawsuit alleges that they knew of Gabby’s death but continued to offer false hope to her family. The legal battle is ongoing, with the Petito family seeking accountability and justice for their daughter.
The Moab Police Department’s Failure: A Missed Opportunity
Gabby Petito’s parents have also filed a $50 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Moab Police Department, accusing the officers of negligence in their handling of the domestic dispute between Gabby and Brian. The lawsuit argues that the officers failed to properly investigate the incident, despite clear evidence that Laundrie had physically assaulted Gabby. Instead of arresting Laundrie or conducting a thorough investigation, the officers separated the couple for the night, a decision that may have had fatal consequences.
The Moab Police Department has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the officers acted with kindness and empathy. However, the lawsuit has raised serious questions about the department’s handling of domestic violence cases and the need for systemic reform to better protect victims.
Media Coverage and Public Outcry: The Gabby Petito Case's Impact
The Gabby Petito case has sparked widespread debate about the media’s role in covering missing persons cases. While Gabby’s story received extensive coverage, many have pointed out the disparity in attention given to cases involving people of color, particularly Indigenous women and Black men. The mother of Jelani Day, a 25-year-old Black man who went missing around the same time as Gabby, expressed frustration that her son’s case did not receive the same level of national attention.
This unequal coverage reflects broader institutional biases within the media, where stories about young, white victims often dominate the headlines, while cases involving marginalized communities go underreported. The consequences of this disparity are severe, as it deprives families of the public pressure and resources needed to locate their missing loved ones.
A Lasting Legacy: Lessons from the Gabby Petito Case
The tragic case of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie serves as a haunting reminder of the dangers of domestic violence and the need for institutional change. Gabby’s story has left an indelible mark on the public consciousness, highlighting the urgent need for better support systems for victims of abuse and greater accountability for those who fail to protect them.
As the legal battles continue and the media coverage persists, the lessons from this case must not be forgotten. The fight against domestic violence is far from over, and the legacy of Gabby Petito should inspire us all to push for a world where such tragedies are no longer possible.
The tragic case of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of domestic violence and the systemic failures that often accompany it. While the intense media coverage and legal battles surrounding the case have highlighted the urgent need for institutional reform and better protection for victims, they also underscore the broader societal issues, such as media bias and the unequal attention given to missing persons cases. Gabby Petito's legacy calls for ongoing efforts to address these challenges and prevent future tragedies.
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themosleyreview · 3 months
The Mosley Review: Twisters
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I'm not gonna lie, when it was announced that a sequel to the original Twister was to be made, I was disgusted. Twister holds a special place in mine and many others’ hearts when it comes to the natural disaster film genre. Not only did we get a fun and thrilling story with colourful and unforgettable characters, but we also got a wholesome story about reconnection. The tornado's were treated as a constant threat that was equal parts beautiful and destructive, but also felt like the omnipresent monster that tormented residents and one of the lead characters. That film had so many layers and my fear was all of that was gonna be tossed away for a more action packed film with little to no memorable characters or story. Well, here we are with the a new and somewhat standalone sequel that doesn't meet the same level of depth, but dammit I would be lying if I said I didn't have any fun. This film delivers a new level of unapologetic and joyful nonsense while leaving enough room to come down from the high of storm chasing to tell a serviceable story. The stormy set pieces are bigger, louder, more destructive and sometimes impressive in how a particular pool scene was executed. The characters this time around are charming and kept me engaged throughout.
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Daisy Edgar-Jones was really good and strong as meteorologist / storm chaser Kate. I loved seeing the emotional journey she goes on while dealing with the PTSD from the loss of friends and her dream project failing. The peace she gains from the storms was a cool motivator for her to get back in the game. Anthony Ramos was excellent and cool as her best friend and fellow storm chaser, Javi. I loved that his heart was in the right place even if he was working in the wrong industry. Anthony has this fascinating ability with eyes to convey more than just forgiveness, but also sorrow and guilt. The bond between them was solid and I loved their friendship. Glen Powell steals the film as the wild and rowdy YouTube sensation, Tyler Owens and what an entrance. He was the thrill seeking cowboy that was all types of charming and fun in the best ways. I couldn't get enough of his energy and slick attitude, but there is more to the character that is brought out by his tongue and cheek rivalry with Kate. The classic building of a romantic comedy lives in the chemistry between the two of them and I was all for it. David Corenswet was good and stuck up as Javi's assistant Scott and a bit one note. He represented the cold nature of the business behind storm chasing for a major financial backer. Katy O' Brian was having the time of her life as Dani, the mechanic of Tyler's team. Brandon Perea as Boone matched Tyler's energy as his videographer and he reminded me of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman's Dusty in the best way.
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The score by Benjamin Wallfisch was good and thrilling during the most intense scenes in the last half of the film and brought out the emotional core in the quiet moments of the film. The soundtrack in this film was fantastic and reminded me of the great film inspired soundtracks of the 90's. The pacing of the film was excellent as it almost felt like a nonstop thrill ride, but I would've loved a few more moments of build up before the destruction. The storms themselves were scary at times, but were more focused on being bigger and destructive than thematic. I know I sound pretentious, but if you look at how the storms were used in the original film and compare it to this, its terror and emotional resonance versus spectacle. Either way, I had fun with this film and the tornado sequences. Is this film better than the original Twister? Hell no. Is it a fun summer movie that keeps you entertained with good characters and decent story? Absolutely. I would consider this a good companion film to the original that is missing that same spirit, but is still worth the ride. I would do a triple feature of Tornado films and in this order: Twister, Into the Storm and then Twisters. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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betweenthelinesevents · 5 months
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The Home Team
Are you looking for the next band to blow up? The Home Team are a four piece band from Seattle, USA creating music in the style of heavy pop. They are clean, catchy and are always pushing their creative limits. Their influences originally came from pop-punk and metal but enjoy funk, R&B and pop so they’ve blended all these genres together to create their own unique sound. They’ve opened for big names such as The Used, Don Bronco and Australia’s own With Confidence. The Home Team have released 3 albums since 2018 and have consistently been creating new music with incredible visuals to accompany. Their 2024 released songs ‘Brag’ and ‘Hell’ will get stuck in your head for days with catchy hooks and cheeky lyrics. These songs show that The Home Team are doing what they love and boy are they good at it! Brian’s vocals are strong and he isn’t afraid to show off his range (and his dance moves) while John’s punky melodic guitars elevate their songs and give bite. I guarantee you won’t be able to sit still. Their next album ‘The Crucible of Life’ will be coming out in July and you can pre-save/order it now. From all the footage I’ve seen, these guys are just as good live. They have high energy and bring their clean sound to the stage. You can catch them on tour in Australia in the coming weeks and in the USA and UK later this year. The Home Team are rapidly gaining fans all over the world so don’t miss them. Jump on board with their journey now and catch them in a city near you!
Connect with The Home Team:
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
It's 2020, and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth's crust than man has ever gone before — but now the ground itself is fighting back. The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a tiny mining village, and find themselves plunged into a battle against a deadly danger from a bygone age.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Night Terrors
The Eleventh Doctor receives a distress call, bringing him, Amy Pond and Rory Williams to Earth. George is a young boy terrorised by the monsters in his cupboard. Are they imaginary, or are they real?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe
Christmas Eve, 1938. Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel, the Eleventh Doctor, who promises to repay her kindness – all she has to do is make a wish. Three years later, Madge escapes war-torn London with her two children for a dilapidated house in Dorset. Crippled with grief at the news her husband has been lost over the English Channel, she wishes to give her children the best Christmas ever. The Arwells are greeted by the Doctor, who acts as their madcap caretaker. However, a mysterious Christmas gift from him leads them into a wintry, magical world. Madge must learn how to be braver than she ever thought possible... and that wishes can come true.
its trash, but its my trash. for the longest time series 7 was the only one I had on dvd, and we were on holiday one year so I couldn’t watch it on iplayer like I usually would. I was 10, I was deep in the trenches at that age, Doctor Who was literally the only thing I ever watched, I watched that DVD multiple times, and this was the first episode on it, it’s almost as much a part of me as series 1 at this point because I have such strong memories and nostalgia for watching it. I mean, and this is no word of a lie, I haven’t pronounced majority correctly in my head for about 10 years (and think god it hasn’t affected my actual speech), no, madge arwell has imprinted herself on my internal vocabulary, I think madge-arwellity. (anonymous)
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
In 2367, the Indian Space Agency is on high alert as an unidentified spaceship hurtles towards the Earth. The Eleventh Doctor assembles a team to investigate, including the legendary Queen Nefertiti, a big game hunter named Riddell, Amy, Rory... and Rory's father, Brian. Materialising aboard the mystery ship, they're surprised to find it populated by dinosaurs. With time running out before the ship is blasted out of the sky, the Doctor must confront a vicious criminal named Solomon, as the lives of his companions and the dinosaurs hang in the balance...
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A Town Called Mercy
Missing Mexico by 200 miles, the Eleventh Doctor ends up in Mercy, Nevada, where something's not quite right... The locals are hostile to strangers, and a border of stone and wood surrounds the town. As the Doctor soon finds out, a gunslinger is behind this, and not just an ordinary one.
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Clara and the Eleventh Doctor arrive at the haunted Caliburn House, set alone on a desolate moor. Within its walls, a ghost-hunting professor and a gifted empathic psychic are searching for the Witch of the Well. Her apparition appears throughout the history of the building, but is she really a ghost? And what is chasing her?
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Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Doctor's TARDIS is captured by brothers running a salvage company in space. In the process, Clara gets lost inside the time machine. To save her, the Eleventh Doctor promises the brothers they can have the TARDIS if they'll help search for his missing companion. They agree, only to find that what lies at the centre of the TARDIS can kill them all.
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The Crimson Horror
In 1893, the Eleventh Doctor's old friends, Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax find an optogram of the Doctor on a victim of the mysterious "crimson horror". They head for Yorkshire, where Jenny infiltrates Mrs Winifred Gillyflower's community of Sweetville to find what has happened to him.
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whencallstheheart · 1 year
Brian Bird via Twitter: Just like none of our lives ever goes in a straight line... so it goes in Hope Valley. My advice to #Hearties is open your arms wide to whatever transpires. This show has always been more about the forest than the trees. It will make sense soon and I believe it will be transformational for all, as long as our hearts are open.
Oh no we’re back to Brian Bird’s insanely cryptic messages.
BB has definitely gotten Team Nathan’s hopes up before so this wouldn’t be anything new from him, but since the post he was replying to stated that Nathan and Elizabeth would never be together, “transformational” was an interesting word to use. He also asked everyone to “open your arms wide to anything that transpires”.
I suppose this post could be taken either way, maybe he’s trying to reassure Lucabeth fans that despite the weird path they’re taking this season, by the end it will all be ok?
I have never been more confused in my life, at least in season 8 there was a chance that it wouldn’t be Nathan. Whereas now it all seemed so final in season 9, so this change of tone in season 10 is so confusing.
While i’ll always be open to a flip (Nathan and Elizabeth are just incredible together!!), it would be naive of me to think it could be done in a way that would make the hardcore Lucabeth fans happy because at the end of the day, as seen with Team Nathan in season 8, their guy not getting picked even if he’s treated like absolute GARBAGE by Elizabeth is a loss. (I am aware she was grieving so I suppose you can’t really blame her? Maybe a little?)
Could be entirely a ratings thing at the end of the day, whether it was the Nathan hostage situation or the sort of reigniting of the Triangle, episode 9 did get 2 million viewers (I believe). Is that the highest this season? While I wouldn’t take total credit for Nathan bringing in the viewers, the drama of it all CERTAINLY does.
I've gone a long time not seeing a post from that man. I can't stand him. We can't really go off anything he says since it could definitely be taken multiple ways and he loves to stir the pot.
I read an article (this one) that had some snippets from an interview with one of the writers and he sort of had the same message about trusting that things are going to be okay... however they end up being.
“When we were trying to figure out what to do with Elizabeth this year… (we thought) let’s not make it such a straight line,” he said. “Let’s just explore how she gets there. There are no wrong answers. Of course, the fans will read into everything that happens with her, but … she’s an interesting character… Without giving anything away… (that’s) the journey that we’re on with her.”
“I hope it ends up in a position where everyone is supportive of Elizabeth and happy for her and excited about the future,” he said. “…And I think the resolution…is the right way, and hopefully the fans are happy too… Again, we’re mid-season, we’re trying to create questions…”
They've certainly created a lot of questions! I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Maybe we won't know until next season. I could see them ending on some big cliffhanger where things are left undecided and that would be really frustrating. Hopefully that's not the case.
It would be a really huge deal for them to break up Lucas and Elizabeth but I feel like there's been some seeds planted this season that they might be using as a way to explain it. We see them being pulled in different directions and not always on the same page. She clearly has doubts about the wedding that seem like more than cold feet. It wouldn't be a shock for them to break up if this were the real world. She has her son to consider as well. There's also the whole issue of maybe she's in love with another man. That's a good reason to end things. Her grief could explain why she didn't pick Nathan but it could also explain why she was drawn to Lucas as the safe choice. Are we able to trust her judgement either way? Maybe she wasn't ready at the time to pick Lucas either but felt like she had to make a choice. I think it has to apply to both men in a way if they're going to throw that reasoning around.
It'll be really interesting to see how this all unfolds. Neither side is necessarily all that happy right now. Team Lucas fans are upset with how Elizabeth is acting and rightfully so. Team Nathan can't trust any of this and we always think he deserves better than what he gets.
I really don't think they did this plot for the ratings but it's giving them a little boost because of everyone freaking out, surely. Maybe they predicted fans would react this way but it's also a gamble. They might get some people to tune in again but if they get screwed over they're not coming back. I think ratings would be higher if they just let Nathan be happy and have a decent relationship. It doesn't have to be with Elizabeth but it's almost like it needs to be at this point since they won't let him be happy with anyone else when there was literally no reason why. Maybe Elizabeth is the reason.
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The Importance Of Financial Literacy: Empowering Your Financial Journey
For anyone looking to safeguard their financial future in today's complex financial environment, financial literacy is crucial. Understanding ideas like risk management, retirement planning, investing, and budgeting equips people to make wise financial decisions. Financial gurus Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek of Goldstone Financial Group understand the value of financial knowledge. We discuss the value of financial literacy in this blog post, as well as how Goldstone Financial Group can assist you in managing your money.
Understanding Financial Literacy
The ability to make wise financial decisions is referred to as financial literacy. It covers a range of topics, such as making a budget, saving money, investing, paying off debt, and getting insurance. Having financial literacy enables people to manage their money wisely, reach their financial objectives, and deal with the difficulties presented by a constantly shifting financial environment.
• Making Informed Financial Decisions
Financial literacy is the capacity to make prudent financial decisions. A variety of issues are covered, including setting up a budget, saving money, making investments, paying off debt, and obtaining insurance. People who are financially literate are better equipped to handle their money sensibly, accomplish their financial goals, and overcome the challenges brought on by a continuously changing financial environment.
• Budgeting And Saving
Understanding income and expenses allows people to make practical budgets, allocate money wisely, and accumulate emergency funds. This makes it possible for people to manage unforeseen costs, lessen financial stress, and progress toward their financial goals.
• Investing And Wealth Accumulation
A key component of financial literacy is understanding investment principles and strategies. Individuals can learn about different investment options, asset allocation, risk management, and the power of compound interest. With this knowledge, individuals can make informed investment decisions to grow their wealth over time.
• Retirement Planning
When it comes to retirement planning, financial literacy is essential. People who are knowledgeable about retirement vehicles, such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions, may choose their investments, contribution levels, and withdrawal methods with confidence. This guarantees a comfortable retirement and the freedom to continue living the way one wants. The Role Of Goldstone Financial Group In Promoting Financial Literacy
• Comprehensive Financial Education
Given the significance of financial literacy, Goldstone Financial Group provides its clients with thorough financial education. They give people the information and skills necessary to make wise financial decisions through workshops, seminars, and one-on-one consultations. According to the specific requirements of each customer, Anthony Pellegrino, Brian Korienek, and their team of professionals offer advice on risk management, investment, retirement planning, and budgeting.
• Personalized Financial Strategies
Financial planning is approached on an individualized basis by Goldstone Financial Group. They are aware that everyone has different financial objectives, risk tolerances, and life situations. By taking into account these variables, they create tailored financial strategies that support each client's goals and enable them to take control of their financial future.
• Long-Term Partnership
The Goldstone Financial Group values establishing enduring connections with its clients. They offer constant assistance, direction, and education all along the financial journey. Clients are certain that they stay on track and modify their tactics when their circumstances change through frequent check-ins, portfolio evaluations, and modifications.
• Staying Current with Industry Trends
The financial landscape is continuously changing as new market trends, tax laws, and investment opportunities arise. In order to give clients the most recent advice, Goldstone Financial Group regularly updates its methods and knowledge to stay current of these changes. As a result, its clients are given the tools necessary to successfully manage the constantly shifting financial landscape.
The Final Thoughts
Individuals can take charge of their financial well-being by using the effective instrument of financial literacy. Making wise decisions and comprehending fundamental financial principles can lead to financial success. The Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek-led Goldstone Financial Group understands the value of financial literacy and offers its clients thorough financial education as well as individualized plans. Individuals can acquire the information and abilities required to confidently navigate the financial world by working with Goldstone Financial Group.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
OPUS: Prism Peak second teaser trailer, screenshots
Gematsu Source
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SIGONO has released the second teaser trailer and screenshots for OPUS: Prism Peak, its upcoming spiritual sibling to OPUS: Echo of Starsong.
The developer describes OPUS: Prism Peak as a cross between What Remains of Edith Finch and Makoto Shinkai films, in which players go on a journey of nostalgia to explore past regrets.
The second teaser trailer introduces the male protagonist along with new in-game footage.
Here is a brief overview of the game, via SIGONO:
OPUS: Prism Peak is a narrative adventure where your choices lead to divergent endings. Play as a photographer lost in an ethereal realm, and unveil its mysteries with your camera to find a way home. The game’s music, which has always been a priority for the team, is handled by OPUS series composer Triodust and Audio Textural Ltd. In addition, the story is confirmed to be penned by Brian Lee, the writer for OPUS: Echo of Starsong, an honorable mention at the Independent Games Festival for Excellence in Narrative.
OPUS: Prism Peak is in development for PC (Steam). A release date has yet to be announced.
Teaser Trailer #2
Traditional Chinese
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 7 months
News broke today about the possibility of a movie based on the highly acclaimed book by Greg Renoff — Van Halen Rising — the book that charts the iconic band's journey from Pasadena locals to rock legends.
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What the chances are it'll happen, we dorn't know yet. But it's possible. Renoff has posted an update to Facebook:
“Some exciting news broke today, about me and my book Van Halen Rising via the video below.
A few years back, my book was optioned by a producer. What that means is that the producer and his team had the exclusive right to commission a screenplay and to try to get a deal for a movie based on Van Halen Rising.
Fast forward to today, and there IS a screenplay based on my book, written by screenwriter, producer, and director Jeff Wadlow. Jeff's enthusiasm for the project (and naturally the Van Halen origin story) is off the charts, and accordingly, he's worked incredibly hard on his script.
I can't describe the narrative arc in the script better than Jeff, so check out his take on his own script in the video below.
Obviously, I think the Van Halen origin story is compelling, cinematic, and offers key insights about the place and time that birthed the band and it's incredible music.
Full disclosure: I am biased, but that's what I think. Needless to say, when you spend five years & conduct 200+ original interviews while writing a book, you believe there's something very worthy that you are pursuing as a historian and author.
As of today, the next potential step is for it to go out to film financiers at some point in the future.
What comes next remains to be seen, needless to say. Anyone who knows anything (and know very little) about the movie business will tell you that getting from script to screen is no easy feat. So there may, or may not, ever be a movie based on my book.
Let me repeat: There may, or may not, ever be a movie based on my book.
It's exciting to think there might be, but expectations are best tempered by reality.
That said, am extremely grateful to Jeff and his team for all their hard work to get to this point!
Today I am also thinking of the well-established, gifted individuals who read my book before it was released and said: this is good. I like this. I will endorse it: writer Chuck Klosterman, director/writer Brian Koppelman, & MTV VJ & DJ Martha Quinn. Thank you for believing in me.”
— Greg Renoff
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 50 - 50 Years And Counting
I wasn’t sure I’d have enough material to cover to make it to a 50th post in this journey considering Hank’s reputation as a “Forgotten Avenger” these days, but we're 50 years into his legacy and not out of comics just yet (we’re about 3 years away from Rage of Ultron though, so the timer’s ticking). 
Avengers vs X-Men popped off here as the Phoenix Force returned to Earth to possess Hope Summers. Hank’s really just a set piece in the fight scenes of all these comics, basically having no lines and no impact on the greater narrative despite appearing in more than a dozen issues of it. His biggest appearances outside of Avengers Academy in these comics were kicking Wolverine out of a plane and running diagnostics on Tony’s Phoenix-Killer gun. After that he was injured and sent to search and rescue work.
At least we got some cool group shots of Giant-Man out of this.
Secret Avengers vol 1 #22-23, 25
Captain America stepped down as the leader of the Secret Avengers, leaving Hawkeye to lead it just as Captain Britain joined the team. Brian was very impressed by The Lighthouse, their miniature satellite base in Earth’s orbit that used Hank’s Pymportal tech to both transport and shrink those who enter. Cap had put Hank and Beast on the project to keep them both out of trouble. Hawkeye’s first mission escalated quickly, pitting the team against an entire society of A.I. called The Descendants. Most of the team escaped safely thanks to Agent Venom’s late arrival, but Eric O’Grady was killed and Jim Hammond’s body was badly damaged. Hank promised to do what he could to restore Jim to full health after this. 
Avengers Academy vol 1 #29, 32-33
Cap and Wolverine worked with Hank to bring the young Utopian mutants to Avengers Academy to keep them safe from the Avengers vs X-Men conflict. Hank left Hercules and Tigra in charge while he, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye were in the field. The young mutants didn’t stick around long before Sebastian Shaw, X-23, and Tigra came to an agreement and allowed them to leave rather than hold them against their will. They staged a mock battle so that the camera footage couldn't implicate the Avengers in their escape if Cap decided to investigate. Despite her status as a mutant, Laura chose to remain a student rather than leave with her peers even after Hank had the chance to discuss it with her.
As the Phoenix Five had begun their efforts to guarantee world peace by force Emma Frost arrived at Avengers Academy to destroy Juston Seyfert’s Sentinel, an older model he’d befriended and reprogrammed to prevent it from harming mutants. His fail-safes were not entirely effective, as it attacked Emma immediately upon detecting her. Hank tried to reason with her that it could be managed, but her only compromise was to scrub it of it’s current programming entirely, which would erase it’s personality and memories in the process. Their combined efforts meant nothing against Emma’s new power; she easily destroyed the Sentinel and would have inadvertently killed Juston as well had it not protected him. She melted it’s CPU before leaving to ensure it would never rise again, but Quicksilver swapped in a fake one without her noticing. With Emma gone, Hank, Pietro, and Juston were able to rebuild his friend. The issue ends with Hank and Tigra telling the students they’re not certain the school will survive this war against the X-Men and that they need to go back home if they can.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Venom vol 2 #17, 22
Avengers Assemble vol 1 #6, 8
Avengers vs. X-Men vol 1 #1-5, 7, 9, 11-12
New Avengers vol 2 #24
Wolverine and the X-Men vol 1 #10-12
Avengers vol 4 #29
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gacmediadaily · 7 months
Actress and filmmaker Ansley Gordon has a major announcement to make in her personal life. She and her husband, Brian Balzerini, are expecting their first child. #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos has the exclusive interview.
The secret is out!
“We’ve been keeping this a secret for months but… My husband, Brian, and I are pregnant with our first child,” she exclaimed. “This journey has had its twists and turns but we couldn’t be more excited to meet our baby this coming July.”
An emotional journey but well worth it
When asked if it was an emotional process when she found out she was pregnant, she responded, “Oh my gosh, there were so many emotions when we first found out. We’ve been trying to start a family for a few years now and, like many couples, it wasn’t as easy for us as we thought it was originally going to be. We actually got pregnant late last summer, right after ‘The Abigail Mysteries’ premiered on Great American Family, but miscarried before the end of the first trimester. It was a really traumatic experience and during a big upheaval in our lives. I had to have a procedure and the whole thing. But, unexpectedly, we got pregnant again shortly after and now we’re due this July!”
“I actually found out the day A Christmas Frequency premiered on Hulu. It was a big day,” she exclaimed.
Will the couple have a gender reveal party?
The couple revealed that they will not have a gender reveal party. “We aren’t, but we know the gender. We got the results back on Christmas morning and it was such a sweet surprise. It’s a girl!” she exclaimed.
“We waited so long to tell people that I’m pregnant that by the time most people would have done the gender reveal party, we were just starting to share the news. I’m almost in my third trimester which feels wild!”
Three movies with Jon Stoddard out
Most recently, she had three new movies with Jon Stoddard out… “Love on Retreat” on UPtv, “A Christmas Frequency” on Hulu, and “Baked with a Kiss” also on UPtv. “Jon and I had three movies premier in less than 6 months! Crazy, right?” she said.
“Jon knew I was pregnant when we were doing press for ‘Baked with a Kiss’ and he joked after our interview with the network that I had ‘that glow’ which made me laugh but I told him I was so glad he didn’t say that while we were on air because I wasn’t ready to share the news yet,” she said.
“My husband and I were just starting to try for a baby back when Jon and I filmed ‘Love on Retreat’ so he’s known this is something we’ve wanted for a long time,” she added.
Great American Family
Gordon shared that she loves working with Bill [Abbott] and the whole Great American Family team. “I’ve met so many great people through working with the network like Danica McKellar who took me to lunch after ‘The Abigail Mysteries’ premiered and has checked on me throughout my pregnancy,” she said.
“Danica is such a doll and has the best heart and I am so thankful to know her! I’ve also loved getting to connect with Merritt Patterson who starred in ‘One Perfect Match,’ my favorite of my scripts to be produced to date,” she added.
Future plans
Regarding her future plans, she shared, “I have a couple of fun things in the works that I can’t wait to share with everyone! One is a massive project (the biggest of my career) that will be out later this year, after our daughter is born, which is so cool to say. I can’t wait to watch it with her!”
“I also might be dusting off the magnifying glass to solve another mystery soon,” she foreshadowed.
Fans and supporters
For her fans and supporters, she expressed, ” I can’t thank everyone enough for their support. The Great American Family community especially has been really amazing over the past year, welcoming me into the family with open arms. This can be a tough business and I am so thankful to get to make work that resonates with people and that I get to connect with so many passionate fans! I feel really lucky to be living my dream in a way that little Ansley would be so proud of.”
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