#teaching degree money is not in my future)
alaamomtoleen · 3 days
The Broken Journey: Dreams Amid Ruins 💔🍉
A Personal Introduction 🙋‍♀️🍉
My name is Alaa Khalaf, a mother, a wife, and a determined freelancer 🌸. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education, majoring in English language. From a young age, I had a passion for languages and teaching. After working in kindergartens and private schools, I transitioned to freelancing where I found my true calling. Becoming a translator and content writer opened a world of opportunities, giving me the freedom to build a unique professional identity ✍️. I spent countless hours crafting a portfolio I was proud of, hoping it would inspire others in the same field.
During war, I’ve got injured many times 🤕🩼
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Life Before the War 🛟😌🍉
Before the war, life had a rhythm. I had a loving family, my husband Muhannad Baalusha, and our daughter Toleen 💕. We lived in a house that held warmth and memories, and I was surrounded by friends who shared in our joy. We would gather often, escaping the pressures of life, finding solace in each other’s company. I remember how we would laugh, share meals, and speak about our dreams for the future. Professionally, I was thriving, always improving my skills, and aiming to reach new heights in the world of freelancing 🌟.
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The Home We Lost 🏠🍉
Our home was not just bricks and walls; it was a sanctuary 🏡. It was a place where my daughter’s laughter echoed in every corner, and where every piece of furniture had its own story. My family, along with my friends, gave me strength. They were my support system, my community, and we shared not just joys but struggles. But war has a way of tearing everything apart. It came swiftly, like a storm, leaving destruction in its path. One day, we were forced to leave everything behind—our home, our belongings, our memories, and even our safety. We were suddenly strangers in our own land, running from one place to another.
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Now, we are homeless 💔💣
The Onset of Fear and Displacement 😰🍉
When the war began, fear became our constant companion. The sound of bombs, the sight of destruction, and the terror of losing everything pushed us to flee. We left our beloved home in northern Gaza and began a journey of displacement that took us to more than 10 different locations 🚶‍♀️. Each time we moved, we hoped it would be the last, but it never was. We paid exorbitant amounts of money, just for the chance to sleep in a safer place for one night. There was no peace. We lived out of suitcases, moving from shelter to shelter, never knowing where the next bomb would fall.
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The Career I Paused, and the Dream I Hold On To 📈👩‍💻🍉
Before the war, I had carved out a career for myself in freelancing 🌍. I worked with clients from around the world, translating documents and creating content. I loved my work—it gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment. But since the war began, I have not been able to work. The constant fear, the need to keep moving, and the unreliable internet have made it impossible to maintain my freelancing career. My projects have been put on hold, my clients left in the dark, and the portfolio I worked so hard to build now feels like a distant memory. But I hold onto hope. I know that one day, I will return to my work, stronger and more determined than ever to rebuild everything that was taken from me.
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I Call you for Support 🚨🍉 🍀✨
@90-ghost @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @dykesbat @khanger @ot3 @irhabiya @appsa @ibtisam @timetravellingkitty @meaganandersoncolor @briarhips @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnot-blog @7bittersweet @tortiefrancis @toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptocracia @amygdalae @ankle-beez @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @syrup @deepspaceboytoy @mohamedddw @junglejim4233 @post-impressionisms @neechees @neptunerings @deathlonging @deathlonelypast-blog @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @kibumkim @sawasawako @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @socalgal @tododeku-or-bust @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
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pinkieroy · 1 year
One day my nerd ass will cave in and I'll get a credit card for the sole reason of signing up to dropout
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ham1lton · 5 months
the talk.
pairing: lando norris x fellow driver’s sister!reader.
format: mixed media smau.
summary: when o/s asked you to apologise to lando she did not expect for you to start dating him? you decide to break the news over lunch at her favourite restaurant. we’ll see how that goes…
author's note: your favourite sisters on the grid are back! the baddest bitches. also you all voted on giving o/s a bf so keep an eye out for that. if you’re confused on the addition of o/s’s bff - read party in the u.s.a. for more clarification!
— part of the nepo sister universe —
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liked by oldersister, oldersisterbff and 367,691 others.
yourusername: beachtime!! also someone needs to teach those girls in the second slide some manners…. nasty 😒
oldersister: you’re just jealous.
-> oldersisterbff: she doesn’t understand us pookie bear….
-> yourusername: sometimes it shocks me that you’re both older than me and also considered as the best in your respective fields….
user7: the beach designs are so cute!!
user1: what i would give to have o/s gently put her leg over my arm…
-> user2: what i would give to gently put my leg over o/s/bff’s arm…
user8: you think you’re so slick with the soft launch…
-> oldersister: omg i almost didn’t see it…
-> yourusername: THANKS A LOT user8 😒
-> user8: my bad bae 😩‼️
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-> as detailed and described to her boyfriend LANDO NORRIS.
Y/N (monologue): so to start, i obviously allowed her to take us to a restaurant that she liked to get her in a good mood. i even get there early. i’m all ready, let be rephrase, i was all ready and early, when my sister walked in. she already was mad so i got a start on ordering my food so she’d have to pay the bill.
LANDO: you and your free dinners.
Y/N: keep talking and you’ll fund my ubereats for the next month. this is a monologue lando.
LANDO: got it babe. mouth zipped. no more words.
Y/N: okay so she sits down and gives me a glare. i’m like ‘oh my beautiful amazing sister who funds my eating habits. i wonder how i have annoyed you on this glorious day’.
Y/N as O/S: stop talking shit and tell me who you’re dating.
Y/N: oh no! my sweet glorious sister! i can’t tell you that! you might cut me off your credit card!
Y/N as O/S: i would never do that. i am a fair and sweet sister. i love you y/n and i will give you a lot of money to prove this.
Y/N: oh thank you! love you. then that’s the part where we hugged it out.
LANDO: has anyone ever told you that you should go into acting babe?
Y/N: yes! you think i have a future in it?
LANDO: yes! now tell me what really happened.
Y/N: i said i was dating you. she spat out her drink and started choking on something. we had to call the ambulance and take her to the hospital. she woke up and thought it was a nightmare. then i told her, she vomited and she fainted. to be honest…. i was expecting it to worse. that’s pretty tame. i think she likes you!
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liked by rollingstone, user67 and 1,283,892 others.
oldersister: thank you to rolling stone for photographing me as a part of their front cover. being interviewed in my own home seemed daunting but it was so seamless and fun.
we talked about betrayal, fashion and navigating being a barrier breaker. go read the full article on rolling stone’s website or in the physical march copy!
oldersisterbff: my best friend is so hot and sexy i love you 😍
-> oldersisterbff: hot, sexy and smart? what can’t you do bae?
-> oldersister: lots of things. like ending climate change.
-> oldersisterbff: i think you could 🤷🏼‍♀️
user17: yourusername hasn’t liked this… um…
-> user72: she doesn’t have to like every one of o/s’s post. you forget she actually sees her sister in person.
user455: i love listening to her thoughts. she’s so intelligent i love it.
-> user12: she has two degrees! one she got and an honorary one!
-> user23: unlike lando. does he even have his gcses?
-> user89: stop comparing the two lol. both of them have complained about how annoying it is.
-> user23: comparison is a part of the job. get over it.
user61: she’s so hot. need her sooo bad actually.
rollingstone: we loved having you o/s as our cover girl!
-> oldersister: i loved being your cover girl!
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liked by oldersisterbff, yourbff and 308,727 others.
yourusername: my bitch pose is NAYYYSSTY…don’t ever play with the cat…. that ELBOWWW…
landonorris: when you said you were hard launching me… this isn’t what i was expecting tbh.
-> yourusername: u look cute mwah 😘
-> landonorris: i’ll take anything you give me stink 🤤🤤
oldersister: just vomited actually…. trigger warning next time please.
-> oldersisterbff: i’m omw babe.
-> oldersister: hurry i can feel the light fading from my eyes…
-> yourusername: BOOOOOO!!! you are not florence pugh.
user56: is this the betrayal o/s was talking about in the rolling stone interview??? she’s so dramatic lmaoooo.
oldersister: this is your man?
-> yourusername: yesss 😍😍😍
-> landonorris: hey sister in law 😁
-> oldersister: blocked for harassment.
-> landonorris: NOOOOOOO 😭
user73: how she a nepo baby twice. got f1 connections through her sister and her boyfriend?
-> user89: not how nepotism works tbh….
user67: he looks so goofy lmaooo.
-> yourusername: good keep thinking that. more for me.
-> user67: girl i want you not him 😭
-> landonorris: nuh uh 🙄👎🏼 you can’t have her user67.
taglist: @23victoria @luckyladycreator2 @mxdi0 @booksandflowrs @charlesleclercsonlywife @molten-m122 @casperlikej @nichmeddar @decafmickey @evie-119 @ironmaiden1313 @d3kstar (wanna be removed? send an ask!)
— wanna be tagged in any future works? join my taglist! —
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vermillionbedfellow · 4 months
being young and british right now is just a fucking trip
I have a bleeding heart and empty pockets and the best I can hope for in the upcoming election is the grotesque marionette doll of the corpse of the labour party , i have a complex degree that i worked for for years with a view to saving the world and i pull pints for money, I'll likely never own a home,nor would i have children if it meant condemning them to a future of insecurity and fear and conflict. the world is on fire and I am donating my minimum wage bullshit income to families millions of miles away just so that they might not have to face certain death under a regime that I am also funding involuntarily through my taxes. My trans peers might not live to see 40. It will take me over a month to get a gp appointment and even then I'll likely be told that I'm a woman and that i should just be less stressed. There's shit in the water. It's been raining for days. The police want to hurt us. Everything is expensive and nothing is worth the price. The catcalling is getting worse. A man old enough to be my grandfather smacked my arse today. The prime minister wants to send kids to war to teach them British values, but for all I can see, the only persistent British value that there is is taking the fucking piss.
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pinkthrone445 · 3 months
-Baila conmigo-
(Dance with me)
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fun, soft, first time knowing someone
Warnings:I don't think so
Summary:Mel finds you sad in a bar and decides to step in, not knowing that life will bring you back together again.
(This is the song that they dance together)
One more month without a job call, you had tried in all the schools and positions and no one accepted your degree because you were from another country which they did not consider very superior although you had an excellent and valid degree.
Your mother's voice resounded in your head like a drum, she insisted over and over again that if you left the country your degree would be useless and you would end up working in something you didn't like or that you would end up returning to your country devastated and sad. As you emptied your glass in one gulp, you took her words into consideration and thought about whether it would be the right thing to go back home. The money you had set aside to go live there was about to run out and it was time to make a decision about your future, a pretty quick decision.
It was already late and you were too drunk to decide at the moment, you sighed and leaned your head against the table, how sticky it was made you sigh again. The noise of a glass being placed near you made you raise your head again, a redhead on the other side of the bar was smiling empathetically at you, with a bit of worry in her eyes
-"It's on me"-she said pointing at the drink beside you, it was the same that you were drinking before-"It looks like you need it"-You frowned
-"And you don't look like my bartender..."-you answered and she laughed, a gorgeous soft laugh that you could hear over the music
-"That's because I'm not... I'm on this side of the bar because I'm the bartender's sister... He is an asshole, but putin up with him has privileges, like free drinks"-she said with a gorgeous smile that distracted you for a few seconds
-"I appreciated, but I already had too many... And I still don't feel better... I think it's time to go home" - You answer and she looked at you curious
-"What are you trying to escape from with the drinks?"-she pointed all the empty cups by your side
-"Home... Reality... Being a unsuccessful grown-up?" - You answer looking at the drink with love and want
-"I feel you" - she answered and walked to the other side of the stool to sit beside you with a beer in her hand-"I'm far away from where I picture myself years ago...but that doesn't mean I'm unsuccessful or that you are, you have many years ahead of you yet, plenty of time to figure it out" - she said with a smile and you took the drink
-"I feel like a failure right now, I came here to get a nice job and be happy and now I'm drowning my sorrows in a glass while I reconsider going back to live with my mom"-You muttered embarrassed under your breath
-"I had to get a roommate to help me pay the rent because the money I do is not enough, who is more pathetic? Keep in mind that I'm much older than you" - she laughed drinking from her bottle
-"Hey, this is not a competition, let me be the sad one tonight" - You jocked and you both laughed-"Thanks for the drink... And for the company, you are helping more than the 4 glasses that I already had... Also, for being way older than me, you are very hot"-You said and she looked at you surprised
-"Are you flirting with me right now? You don't even know my name" - she said nervously
-"First I was admiring you... Second, we already stablish that I'm very pathetic, so I had nothing to lose if I said that... And third, I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you" - You said having another sip and she laughed
-"I'm Melissa, nice to meet you too... You are funny" - The redhead looked at your mouth smiling
-"Maybe is the alcohol talking, a few moments ago I was very miserable, but I'm glad to know that I can pursue a clown career if my teaching one still doesn't work" - You slurred your words a little bit
-"I bet they would pay you better that what we teachers make nowadays" - she said finishing her beer
-"Maybe you could be a clown too, you already have the red hair, no need for a wig" - You said without thinking, maybe that would have offended someone else, but instead made her laugh
-"I like you kiddo, you would be definitely a good kid's teacher...witch is your specialty?" - she asked curious
-"I'm a Spanish teacher..."-you looked at her, her eyes were green with little brown dots and the fluorescent lights of the club made them shine in a particular way that made you feel attracted like a moth to the light.
-"Ohh that's cool" - she smiled and you looked the other way
-"It would be cool to find a job with it"-You insisted and she slapped your arm-"Hey!"
-"Stop mopping about it, more chances will come" - She commented to you and you grabbed her hand with a frown
-"Just because you're pretty doesn't give you the right to hit me miss"-You said leaning closer to her squinting your eyes at her, she pulled the arm that you were holding to bring you closer
-"But being pretty has worked for me many times to get out of many things, are you sure that I can't hit you? I bet you would love it in a different situation in a different part of your body" - she flirted back and you smiled looking at the way her lips moved when she talked and how her tongue licked her lips to make them look more shiny and full, you were about to lean more but she pressed her hand on your shoulder stopping you from going any further - "Do you know how to dance?" - she asked and you nodded a little bit dizzy-"Take me to dance then, a Spanish song is playing and I want to know what it says and also how to dance it properly"-she demanded and you laughed standing up and reaching for her hand
-"Whatever the lady wishes" - The redhead got up from her chair smiling as you directed her to the dance floor. You knew the song that was playing very well, you had heard it too many times in your house growing up, it was one of those songs that your mother played at home that you hated but when you grew up you started to sing and love.
The song started slowly and you brought her closer to you by running your hands over her soft arms until you reached her hands and took them firmly, bringing her body closer to you and placing one of your hands on her waist, leaning her hips a little to yours. You gently moved your hips from side to side making her follow you to the rhythm of the beginning of the song while your other hand went up a little and landed on the side of her body almost on her ribs holding her firmly to be able to guide her more easily.
It was funny that the song talked about how no one knew were the night would end, nobody knew what would happen tomorrow, if you would be together or not or if the world would end or not, if you would be the perfect person for each other, end up loving or hating each other... That you should not think too much about the future, this moment was unique and you were alive and you should enjoy that. Nobody could known the end and life was like roulette that will turn no stop, you should let your heart decide what you are feeling tomorrow and just enjoy the present time.
The rhythm began to go faster and you moved away from her to give her a little turn and stick the front of your body to her back making her dance from one side to the other, the redhead followed you well and moved her feet quickly following yours, easily following the rhythm of the salsa you were dancing.
Every time the song slowed down, you stuck her closer to your body so you could gently shake your hips together while you singed the lyrics and when the song went faster, you moved her a little bit away so you could do some spins or some easy tricks. The two complemented each other well and people noticed it and began to make space for the two of you to dance, earning some applause and encouraging comments.
The redhead seemed to enjoy the dance and the attention as she had a smile from ear to ear and her hands squeezed yours every time she looked into your eyes, eyes that shone in a particular way with a lot of joy.
When the song ended you gave her a little spin and a little hug, her laughter reached your ears and that made you smile. You were both agitated from dancing so much but smiling too much. Without letting go of your hand, she pulled you off the dance floor and ordered some lemonades for both of you. The dance and her smile had made you feel sober and quickly awake, so you were grateful that she didn't order something with alcohol in it again.
-"That was so much fun!" - Melissa said over the music and you focused on her smile while you had your drink
-"You surprised me, I thought you didn't knew how to dance that kind of music" - You said laughing and she smiled
-"I've been in a few dancing clases, I never said that I didn't danced, I asked if you knew how to... What did the song say?" - She asked, gently pushing you in a playful way with the side of her hip
-"It talked about how nobody knows about the future and how you should enjoy the present and do what you heart wishes without think too much about it..."-you said and blushed a little bit but the darkness of the bar didn't let it show
-"And what is that your heart wishes right now?" - she asked grabbing your jacket and pulling you closer to her, your eyes immediately went to her lips-"Maybe a kiss?" - she played and you nodded, too dumb to speak-"That would be only fair after such an amazing dance" - she said before slowly getting closer to you and pressing her lips to yours, thing that you inmediatly reciprocated grabbing her waist and bringing her closer. Her lips were a little bit salty for the heat of the dance and a little bit sour for the lemonade, but at the same time it was sweet with a cherry taste from her lipstick, it was addictive. Your hands clenched more to her body at the same time the kiss grew more deep. She parted her lips a little bit and you swipe your tongue in her lips after getting in her mouth. Her tongue danced with yours even more expertly that the dance you had minutes ago. Her hand went to your neck and her nails scratched the skin softly and playfully, making you whimper, thing that made her smile on your lips.
You wanted to keep kissing her all night long, but time run out when her phone rang. With an annoyed moan, the redhead pulled away a little and looked at her messages, her happy face diminished a little and she gave you a sympathetic smile
-"My roommate it's waiting for me outside, tomorrow we have to work and I don't have my car here, I'm sorry..."-she said and you smiled caressing her waist
-"Don't worry, thank you for making me feel better, I had a lot of fun" - You said honestly and she put on her jacket
-"Thank you for the dance...Do you want to go out tomorrow?... if you are still here in the country..."-she asked messing with you and you nodded smiling-"I'll send you a message then" - she comment and gave you a last peck before going away.
You were too happy and she was too rushed to realize that you hadn't exchanged numbers or anything, thing you didn't realize until the uber dropped you at your home.
As you changed and removed your makeup, you couldn't help but smile from remembering the things and the fun time you spent together.
When you got inside your bed, you were about to fall asleep when your cell phone rang lighting up your room, when you picked it up and opened your email, you almost jumped out of bed when you read that you had a job offer, at an elementary school replacing a teacher, for the next day. You quickly got out of bed to look for an appropriate outfit and leave things ready for the next day, you knew that it would be difficult to sleep now with such much excitement.
Thoughts about the redhead and her kisses took a back seat when you started planning the next day's classes.
The next morning, even though you had slept little, the excitement made you feel fresh as a lettuce. When you got out of your car you put your bag over your shoulder and squeezed the straps in your hand, with the other, you took your necklace, giving a small kiss to the medal you had around your neck to ask for good luck before entering the building.
Before you could take a step inside, some firefighters arrived and took everyone out of the school, confused you waited outside with some of the students. While you waited, you started talking to some of the teachers to learn a little bit about the kids and the classes. Some of them explained you a few things and were happy to have a new teacher in the school, others were talking about what caused the alarms to go off and didn't payed attention to you. They only stoped talking when they were being interrupted when one of the fire captains walked through the school doors
-"Okay... So, apparently one of the students had been smoking in the bathrooms and activated the smoke alarm..."-he said but you immediately stoped paying attention to him when you saw a special redhead walking behind him, like the sight of an oasis in the desert, that familiar face gave you a little peace to see her there... And also a little/much anxiety
-"We found the little rascal with Melissa, she sniffed him out" - one of the other teachers said
-"One sniff and I'm back to when..."-Her gaze met yours and for a moment her mind was filled with memories from the night before and she forgot how words were used - "Back... To... Nevermind, the important thing is that we found him"-she said and looked the other way avoiding your eyes going with another older teacher.
After some time and talks, the school resumed it's course.
Ava stopped you at the entrance to give you your pass and explain a couple of things that you almost didn't hear because you were focused on the redhead who was bringing the children to her classroom
-"... And Melissa is the other second grade teacher, so if you need help, you can ask her, because I can't help you... I mean, I can but I don't want to"-The principal said and you nodded smiling to her shily before walking away to your classroom to meet the children, looking sideways at the redhead who stopped next to the school principal once you were gone
-"She is hot, isn't she?" - Ava said checking you out while you walked away and Melissa looked at her frowning
-"Isn't that inappropriate to say at school about one of your coworkers?" - The redhead asked and Ava laughed
-"No if she doesn't hear it... Besides, I saw how you looked at her... Maybe she can feel uncomfortable with that too"-The principal remarked and the redhead rolled her eyes and went to her classroom, thinking what would be the appropriate way to address you now that you would be working there.
I'm back bitches! Bye
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my-darling-boy · 2 months
It’s horrible how my design course has killed my enjoyment in creativity because all they want is finished pieces founded in nothing but a spontaneous mark just to hang at some concrete art gallery or to sell to some “join our revolution” comfy business-casual company with a prison cell wellness room. I’m not saying that it’s “not art” —cos that’s a different post altogether— it’s that the ethos behind this particular formula for art education is ruining the way we think about creation.
Design courses (and other art courses I’ve heard?) are no longer teaching artists or designers techniques, drawing skills, art fundamentals and allowing them to find their own voice so much as they are only instructing how to tic boxes alongside pushing corporate and classist motivated style/methodology bias aimed at producing workers, not creatives, not to mention providing Adobe with endless funds for their despicable scam programs. That’s it. My creativity is only a means to money for them, and if they can extract the process of creation from me without the complex creative intimacy involved in it, they know they can churn out products and services faster and it’s concerning some lecturers don’t seem to be aware this is what they’re teaching? Like they’re buying into industry propaganda?
And the whole time it’s sold to you like you can be some trailblazer when the irony is they’re usually either prepping you for cubicle work or for some misguided high horse creative team pumping out design solutions completely divorced from the reality. I’m tired of all the talks about sustainability in a vacuum with no conversation about nuanced designs that factor in broader social and economic perspectives which lack thereof is leading to sustainable products being sold at a price only able to be afforded by wealthier people who are causing said economic and social problems and contributing to the rapid obsoletion of trades and crafts. Lecturers and speakers don’t seem to think that’s any of our concern and should just worry about producing the design for the hypothetical Bluetooth powered organic hairbrush or using the twigs to make the pattern for the £85 fabric square.
Like? Can I please make something that actually resonates with people outside the circle jerk of egotistical creatives and corporations? Something charming and maybe idk something that doesn’t make me want to tear my miserable portfolio in half with my teeth? And they’re like Mm nope sorry it has to be an extreme close up of a mark making abstract leaf you made from a recycled trash bag inspired by a stalled urban space which we will force you to price at £100 during your exhibition 5 people will bother to attend and no you’re not allowed any other style cos this isn’t the Dark Ages :///
I think the worst thing my lecturer ever said was, while looking around the room of our class work reduced down to a series of cubes and splatters and abstract typography, “Wow, I love how you can’t tell what anyone’s [main artist discipline] is!” Like awww conformity at the expense of a person’s individuality to make pieces for airport hallways and rich people’s living rooms wow so cool heehee like girl that’s not good?? Why on Earth are you complimenting us for that? Like I get it, I thought this course would boost skillset as an illustrator (as we were told), turns out the degree is really not for me, fair enough to anyone thinking that, but forcing students to produce modern abstract art because you think it’s the ONLY Logical Pathway for the future of design, judging them intensely for doing a different style, and thinking producing financially inaccessible art + design is the solution to things like climate change and community severance is an objectively bad take.
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Hi Sarah (or Sara? I remember you discussing the h but don't remember which way it's spelled). I hope you're doing well on your break and enjoying September. I have a question - how much schooling did you have to do to become a nurse? I'm considering becoming an elementary school teacher in Norway, which would require me to go back to school for 5 (additional) years. Seems like a long fucking time and i didnt do great the first run tbh. It would be free though. Investment in the future seems like it could pay off, so i guess im looking for inspiration from other ppl who have perhaps made a similar plunge
Hi, anon! I wish I could give you some straight up inspo. Instead, I navel-gazed for a while. Schooling-wise, I already had a (completely unrelated) bachelor's degree so I was able to do an accelerated nursing program after two semesters of community college doing the prereqs. I did struggle in nursing school. College has always been brutal on my mental health and nursing is a hard pivot from my original degree (double major history and english w a concentration in creative writing) (you cannot imagine how many books I read and essays I wrote). It took a little over two years in total.
You don't have to don't have to worry about student debt which is so so wonderful. I didn't have to either, and that's let me be way more adventurous with my life choices. The cost of your education would just ("just") be your time, energy, and the potential money that you could earn by focusing on work instead. I had to stick around in my hometown instead of going traveling with Cyrus. I worked a lot fewer hours than I would if I'd not been in school. I had to miss the live airing of the Jesus Christ Superstar on NBC in order to study for an anatomy test which was genuinely so distressing to me. 2018 was a hell of a year for me. (I aced that test btw. It was such an improvement over my previous test my teacher emailed me a congratulations note with twelve exclamation points.)
All of this while people were constantly talking about how shitty it is to be a nurse and how so many of them leave the field within six months. (Similar to teaching in that way, at least in America.) I was doing work I didn't enjoy for a job I might not stick with. There were a lot of times I resented nursing school for interfering with my life.
I'm still very glad I did it. My degree gave me a lot. On the very practical side, my degree has given me more financial freedom and a much higher earning potential. On the idealistic level, my degree has enabled me to do work that I find meaningful. The work touches a lot of things that I find interesting. My nursing degree has benefited my life, regardless of if I stay in nursing for the rest of my career or move on to something new. I didn't like getting my degree, but I don't regret that I got it.
Maybe it'll go way easier for you, maybe it won't be worth it. When I thought about becoming a nurse, it felt like my life plan clicked into place because it ticked every single need I had for a job. I didn't know if it would work out, but the rewards outweighed the risks. More than that, it was the first plan I had for my future that made me excited. I liked the life I pictured if I was a nurse. I've found that excitement to be rare and precious. If teaching gives you that, I'd strongly consider pursuing it.
Besides, you can always use my last-line defense against school despair: being like "fuck it I'm gonna drop out after this semester" and then keep not doing that. You can bail on stuff! It's rad.
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU Headcannons: Part Three | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 861.
A/n: So I've made it a habit recently to post a fic every one-two days, but I was extremely busy today, so I didn't have time to start working on any of my other requests. I still wanted to post something, though, so here's a part three to my personal headcannons for the SSHD AU that nobody asked for. This is mostly set in the future but before the outbreak. I hope y'all like these! If you wanna see more, let me know.
★ After graduating high school, you went to college to get a degree in teaching.
★ Daryl didn't go to college, however. He felt like more school was unnecessary for him, but he encouraged you to do it since he knew you wanted to become a teacher.
★ Daryl managed to land a job as an apprentice of sorts to a mechanic and got a second job as a bouncer after a while, and used some (most of it but he didn't tell you that) of the money to help pay for your tuition and textbooks.
★ You had your suspicions about it, and got a job of your own to help pay for everything. However, Daryl shot down any talks of you getting a second job, claiming that one job was already hard enough added on top of college.
★ The two of you rented a crappy, worn down apartment until you graduated and landed a full-time teaching job at a kindergarten near Atlanta, and you and Daryl finally managed to upgrade to a decent apartment.
★ Once the two of you had settled down and had gotten hitched at the courthouse, you invited your mother over for a housewarming of sorts.
★ She definitely tore into you both for eloping, but in the end, she was ultimately happy for the two of you.
★ She started teasingly calling you Mrs Dixon at every opportunity, and playfully threatening Daryl that if he ever broke your heart, she'd kill him.
★ She was a decade too late for that talk, however, so Daryl paid it no mind whatsoever.
★ Your mom was practically your best friend, so when she died three years later due to cancer, you were devastated.
★ You regretted not having a proper wedding like your mom had wanted you to have, but Daryl assured you that she didn't hate you for it.
★ Daryl was also heartbroken. He couldn't believe that the sweet woman who had basically taken him in was dead.
★ It was a hard couple of months after that, but Daryl refrained from falling into old habits and distancing himself to deal with his emotions alone. He reminded himself that you were a team and that you needed him more than ever at that moment. He couldn't pull away at a time like that.
★ Things got better with time. With the both of you taking the time to properly grieve and mourn, it got easier. The sadness when you thought of her death never fully vanquished, but with time, you were feeling better, visiting her grave whenever you had the chance.
★ When you and Daryl moved from the trailer park all those years ago, he didn't tell anyone from his family where he was going.
★ He didn't even tell his father. He just packed his bags with his things and silently disappeared from the trailer.
★ Merle didn't know about it, either. Daryl loved his brother but he knew what a dick he was and what he involved himself in, and he didn't want that in his new life with you. He wanted to start fresh, wipe the slate clean.
★ It was a couple of months before the outbreak when you and Daryl saw Merle again. You were walking around, doing grocery shopping, when you bumped into him.
★ Merle was immensely surprised when he noted the wedding rings on both of your fingers, and demanded to know why he wasn't invited to the wedding.
★ However, he guessed he shouldn't have been surprised when Daryl bitterly spat out that there wasn't a wedding and that you eloped. If he knew anything about Daryl, it's that he doesn't do big, fancy events.
★ About a month before the outbreak, you started feeling nauseous and more tired than usual. A total of three pregnancy tests confirmed that the reason for that wasn't because you were ill, but because you had a life growing inside of you.
★ Daryl was surprised to find out you were pregnant. Neither of you planned the pregnancy and it was extremely unexpected.
★ However, you both decided to keep the baby.
★ Daryl was scared of what parenthood had in store for him. He didn't want to end up like his father or be even worse than him.
★ It took for you to gently talk him through his fears for him to start calming down.
★ After he was calmed down, he allowed himself to feel happy. The two of you were in a stable environment with enough money between the both of you to accommodate a baby, so he felt himself relax.
★ That didn't last long, because soon the two of you would hear about the dead rising and see the news reports that warn you to evacuate immediately.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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audrey-carr1 · 2 months
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 1)
Author's note: Due to a lack of Hetty x reader fics I decided to fix that. This will more than likely be a series! For future writings, I will take requests as well! Please don't be too upset with how i write because I'm still learning how to write for Hetty. We all know she's a simple yet complex lady. We learn as we go. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
warnings: fem!reader, hettyxreader
It was an accident when I stumbled upon the "Woodstone B&B "hiring ad". As a child visiting my grandmother, I remember riding my bike past the mansion. My grandmother used to take me trick or treating there, and the older woman who lived at the manor always gave the children king-sized candy bars.
After a near-death experience as a teen, I've been able to see ghosts. It began to happen on occasion before it became an everyday thing. I would pretend it wasn’t real and ignore every ghost I encountered. Unless they looked sorely out of place, I couldn't really tell if they weren't living anyway. Ignoring all of them had worked...at least up until I walked into the Woodstone B&B.
“So is there a history convention in town or something?” I ask Sam teaches me the basics of the B&B website.
“Um no, why do you ask?” Sam questions nervously
“Because of the people in costume? Do you not see the Viking and Revolutionary officer in front of us?”
Sam gasps, “ Oh my gosh You can see them!?”
“She can see us?!” The two men ask.
“Am I not supposed to?” I asks
Sam quickly takes my hand and leads me into the living room. She has me sit and takes a seat in the spot next to me.
“What I’m about to say is going to seem absolutely insane,”
“Okay?” I say unsure of where Sam is taking this.
“This place is haunted, and everyone you see besides me and Jay are dead,” Sam explains
I didn’t mean to burst into laughter, but I did. How could something so absurd be true?
“My word what is all of this laughter about? Can you plebians be joyous outside of my napping hours,” a voice says
I turn to see a red-headed Victorian woman descend the main staircase. We both lock eyes and I feel as if time has stood still. My heart starts to beat a little faster and are my palms sweating? I could be mistaken but is that blush on the other woman's cheeks? "Can ghosts blush?" I ask myself
The redhead quirks and eyebrow before breaking the silence, “You can see me?”
Suddenly unable to speak I nod still looking into blue eyes.
“Hetty, this is (y/n). She is our new employee,”
“And she can see us? She’s not dead? How can you see us?”
Finally finding my words I reply, “I can see you, I’m not dead, and I’m not sure as to why I can see you but I can,”
“Did young girl fall and hit head like Sam?” The Viking asks
“I don’t remember falling recently,” I reply
“Have you always been able to see ghosts,” Sam turns and asks me.
“It’s a long complicated story, I’d rather not get into,” I say.
The redhead purses her lips not enthused by my answer. Soon I hear whispering of what I assume are the other ghosts.
“It’s okay guys, you can come out,” I say not sure of what could happen next.
Entering the room is a flapper, the Viking, the war officer, a hippie, an oversized Boy Scout, and a man without pants. My mind is filled with questions, but mainly I'm wondering why that man doesn’t have on pants. Before I can question his attire, Sam begins introducing everyone.
“There is one more of the main 8, his name is Sassapis, but we call him Sass. He’s out on a walk with Crash, our occasional headless ghost.”
“I see, well it’s nice to meet you all,” I say to them.
“Well go on tell us about your little cute self,” Alberta says “We want to know everything,”
“Well okay I’ve graduated college with a (insert major) degree, and my grandmother recently passed and left me with more money than I know what to do with. Which means I'm technically a heiress. I’m not sure I want to go into my field of work yet, that probably has something to do with my imposter syndrome. I’m an only child, my parents passed away when I was 19. Oh, I love jazz! I actually play piano and know almost all of the Jazz standards, my favorite pizza is pepperoni, and after reading a dystopian novel series I got into archery but that didn’t last long. Let’s see what else,” As I try to recall information I notice the redhead Victorian woman, Hetty looking at you. I begin to blush as I start my next sentence, “I was crowned queen at my senior prom, I love playing vintage Super Mario Brothers in my spare time, My favorite fish to cook is cod, I have a stuffed teddy bear named Daisy, and my favorite musical of all time is Hamilton,”
Isaac, the revolutionary war officer, scoffs and throws his hands up in exasperation while Hetty pats his shoulder while holding back a smirk.
“What about the juicy stuff, like do you have a significant other and have you ever killed someone?” Alberta asks.
“Oh well," I say a little overwhelmed, "I do not have a significant other, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet. To answer your other question, I have not participated in a murder at least not to my knowledge,”
“Sam you have to keep her! She’s perfect for the job,” Flower says
“Except for the Hamilton thing,” Isaac says off the side.
“Plus she’s incredibly hot,” Trevor says. “Not like Tara Reid hot but she’s almost at your level Sam,”
Everyone rolls their eyes at his comment, “I find it best if you ignore his comments. He’s harmless ” The victorian woman who's the name I've learned is, Hetty, whispers in my ear and I try to ignore the sudden butterflies in my stomach. I don’t need to add attracted to a ghost to my resume.
“Well it seems like everyone is on board with you being here even though you were already hired. Why don’t we go back and get some training done,” Sam says heading back to the front desk.
I go to follow her, but I trip over my untied shoelace. Before I can hit the floor, I find myself caught by a pair of soft hands.
Everyone gasps, and I can tell it wasn’t from the fall.
“Did Hetty just catch a living?”
A/N: Oh I hope y'all don't hate it! This is the first fanfic I've written in about 11 years, so I'm a little rusty. As I said before this is the first part of this many-part series. I may even add this to AO3. Tell me what you think! Until later!
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pant--eater · 2 months
what do you think fry's family is like!!! i love him sooo much every time you draw him it's like a gift 🥺🥺🥺
WAUGHGHGHJ these Fry questions make me so happy since he's my Blorbo(TM) <3 Gah I'm itching to talk about him, so ask and you shall deserve!! Also thank you SO much I'm so glad you love my art <33
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little sketches related to what I'm about to yap about. ANYWAYS here's wonderwall
So on my old account I used to hc he is Indian-British, whose family hails from Travancore (Kerala nowadays). This was based on what I ASSUMED was canon info since back in January, all Chicken Run wiki articles about him mentioned he's Indian-British. But apparently that's not 100% settled info what his ethnicity is?? And the wikis have been edited since. His VA Nick Mohammed is from a mixed Cypriot/Indo-Trinidadian family though and I spent time reading about Indian-British immigrant history to get Fry's characterization accurate, so imma keep with that hc.
Anyway! I headcanon Marcus is the only child of wealthy businessmen that owned a highly successful trade company. His Vaishya grandparents moved to Britain during the late Victorian era; after all one of the only ways a PoC family could make it back then in Britain was by being filthy rich, and very early on the Fry family had been forced to adopt a "British" way of living in order to be taken seriously by the shitass imperial society. Such as switching to a British surname and avoiding to display too much of their original culture in public. A colonial trauma that still prevails, since Fry's parents christened him with a heavily English name.
I REEEALLY wanna give a try to designing Fry's parents sometime!! But I imagine his parents as sort of a healthier parallel to Melisha's parents; his father is a pristine and calm gentleman with a soothing voice and a love for theatre and literature (a trait that Marcus inherited LMAO) while his mother is more stern, headstrong and very, VERY proud of her status. (but she also has a infectuous smile and laughter and has a bombastic overdramatic streak...something that Fry inherited as well)
They're both native Malayam speakers, and while their family in public strives to keep Keralite culture hidden, they made sure to teach Marcus to speak his native language fluently as well, along with Hindi, Bengali, Tegulu and Tamil. Along with that, they frequently go on family trips to Travancore and enjoy things like inji neer, Kathakali performances (which inspired Fry on his love for theatre <3) and Carnatic music.
Both parents pushed Marcus to study hard and gain multiple academic degrees - it was all out of love and concern, because they wanted Marcus to be able to survive in the cruel world out there without only relying on his money. (Once again, a PoC immigrant family experience that I can identify with as well... even if society nowadays is not nearly as racist as it was back then, unfortunately PoC people are often forced to study waaaay harder than white people in order to make it.) Because they had lived through the years of great depression in the 1930s, and while they managed to survive with most of their wealth intact, they knew that one should not rely only on money for support since anything could happen.
Fry, as a child, was a gifted A+ grade student and a very well-behaved, so his parents called him a little ray of sunshine and a future hope. He yearned to be perfect so his parents would never be disappointed in him. Something that later on contributed MASSIVELY to Fry's gifted child burnout, and how he adopted a sinister, sadistic fascination with mind control and manipulation during his Cambridge years.
Once Marcus came out as trans and genderfluid to his parents, his father was very patient and accepting, but his mother spent several years in denial before finally accepting him. Not directly out of transphobia - but because she was afraid that Marcus would be discriminated, attacked and hurt by people, and that he should focus first on building a career for himself instead of bringing a bad name to the Fry family like this, with an outrageous gender identity. But she soon realized that hiding himself would only hurt her child on the long run. Also - the way Fry managed to fully bribe (cough mind control cough) British officials to switch the gender in his personal info and passport was nothing less than impressive to both of his parents LMFAOOOO and they're very proud
However despite all of this, Fry retains a loving relationship to his parents!! He goes to their mansion every Christmas, and they're also VERY accepting and encouraging to his marriage to Melisha. In fact, his mom was relieved to see Fry had married a very orderly, stern and no-nonsense woman, because Marcus had always been a scatterbrained mess and a reckless money-spender. He made a wonderful scientist, but business-running had never been his thing, so Melisha taking care of all that is like a lottery win to the Fry parents. ESPECIALLY since Melisha came from a poor household - a woman like this, who knows what it's like to live at the rock bottom, surely knows to keep Marcus humble and not let him make flimsy business decisions!! (either way Melisha is still a bit intimidated by Fry's mom, which says a lot considering what kind of a girl Melisha herself is LMFAO)
Pluuuus... the Harsh Expectations(TM) is something that Melisha can relate to </3 It's something that catches her entirely off guard, when she learns this detail about Fry's past. After all, the silly goofy doctor is like an endless ray of sunshine, he's rich and successful. (and we all know what Melisha's mother told her about money bringing happiness...) How could he ever have any worries or feelings of inferiority??
It's a detail that makes (in my hcs) Melisha fall even deeper in love with Fry and become tenfold more protective over him :''') <3 Once she realizes what a horrific burden this goofball is carrying on his back, and yet he still finds the energy every day to stay positive, be optimistic and support Melisha during her hard days.
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saras-devotionals · 13 days
Quiet Time 9/18
What am I feeling today?
I will admit I’m still feeling a bit anxious. I have my first pediatric exam today and I haven’t prepared that much. It’s been a minute since I’ve taken an actual exam and I struggle a bit with this area. But I’ve prayed about it and I’m feeling a bit better. I just know I have to study and pray and trust that God will see me through because He has never let me down before!
Bible Plan: Prayers for Contentment
These verses remind us that true contentment does not come from our circumstances or our material possessions, but rather from our relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter what we may be facing in life - whether we have plenty or are in need - we can find true contentment and strength in Christ.
So if you're struggling with feeling content in your current situation, turn to Jesus. Trust in Him and His promise to give you strength and peace, no matter what life throws your way. Lean on Him and find contentment in His love and grace.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you today seeking your wisdom and guidance on how to find contentment in my life. I know that I have often struggled with wanting more and feeling discontent with the stage in which my life is at and my relationship status. I can look too far into the future and think things will be better then instead of staying peaceful in the present and knowing everything is playing out the way that it is meant to.
Help me to trust in your provision and to always be grateful for what I have been given.
I pray that, like Paul, I would learn to be content in all circumstances, as stated in Philippians 4:11-13. "For I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances may be. I know now how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of eating well or going hungry, of facing either plenty or poverty. I am ready for anything through the strength of the One who lives within me."
I also pray that you would help me to be content leading a quiet and peaceful life, attending to my own business and work with my hands, as 1 Thessalonians 4:11 advises. Help me to find joy and fulfillment in the simple, everyday tasks that you have called me to do.
Help me to see the eternal purpose and significance of simple day to day tasks.
Lord, I thank you for your grace and provision in my life. I pray that you would continue to teach me how to find contentment in you, rather than in the things of this world.
In your precious name I pray, Amen.
Luke 3:14 NIV
“Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.””
The context of the scripture is John the Baptist talking to the crowds. There were people who wanted to be baptized but John refused to do so because they were struggling with certain things. In this instance he’s talking to soldier and one of the things he states here applies to us during this day and age. He says, be content with your pay! We should not be greedy, the Bible tells us so, instead let us find peace in what we do receive. That is not to say that you can’t pursue a degree or job that would allow you to make more money, instead it’s saying for us to be content in all circumstances of what we make and not to make money an idol, something we seek after more than seeking God and His kingdom.
Philippians 4:11-13 NIV
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
I already briefly touched on this. But here it’s Paul speaking and he is saying how he has learned to be content in all his circumstances. There are times when he has been in need (think of the time he spent in prison) and times when he has had plenty (think of when he was persecuting) - Paul is saying here that regardless of what his life looks like, he is content through it all and the reason he is able to be content is because of the strength he gets from Jesus!
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sketch-guardian · 30 days
On the horror movie thing I’d feel like hush,your next,purge and the strangers would most likely disturb them in a sense cause all of those movies show what people do with out reason and what they’re willing to do out of greed
In hush the protagonist says to the killer (around the middle or beginning) she’ll keep her mouth shut and not telling anyone cause she doesn’t know the killers face the killer in return just takes off his mask so he now has a reason to kill her
Your next would probably be a movie Uriel would like cause the protagonist makes good decisions however near the end of the middle (it’s been a while since I watch it forgive me if the timing is wrong) we find out it’s all a planned thing between the protagonists boyfriend(?) and his younger brother to get more money out of the life insurance and any money the parents had from their company
Purge is well purge people will do whatever the fuck they want the moment they realize there won’t be consequences they’ll kill,torture kidnap etc each movie of the purge series constantly shows how depraved people can and will become if they had no punishment for their crimes
The strangers would definitely be one of my fav movies cause you never know who is at the door in both movies the killers do it without reason just for fun or in how one of the characters said “because you were home”/“because you answered the door” (this happened in the first or second movie around the ending of the movie I think) cause at the end of the day they kill for fun
Each if these killers have some sort of sadistic joy out of killing
Or hellfest for example is another movie of a smart protagonist (kinda) but we’re not gonna focus on the protagonist much on this one at the end of the movie you see the killer coming home to his daughter which makes it a lot more realistic since you don’t know who it could be it could be since most killers are mundane when they aren’t killing they could be a dad,a neighbor,a coworker just anybody anything besides a killer you wouldn’t know what they do in their free time. And that’s what makes it scary
Teach me your secret for writing so much in such a short time, please😂I need it for my headcanons🙈especially because I fear these days it could take me some days or weeks to reply to asks😥since I have to study, having my degree thesis on September 10th, where I will have to give a speech, I'm terrified😭
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Anyway, don't worry, I don't mind spoilers or word vomit, but thanks for mentioning those things for others too, just to be safe☺
Regardless, I think you're right🤔I believe "Hush" would mostly upset Nathaniel (due to the stalking theme) and Domnra (due to the cruelty reminding Domnra of who cursed him with Mobim in the past)
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Uriel would like "Your Next" because the protagonist would actually fight back and kick ass and Zuri would like it for the plot and betrayal that lies beneath
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"Purge" would mainly disturb Uriel (due to the absent justice) and Remiel (who would feel bad for all those poor souls)
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"Strangers" would especially upset Demya (due to the thought of a possible invasion of her nest)
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While "Hellfest" would slightly disturb Azul, not so much for the plot, but for the end, because he would try to empathize. If Azul were a parent, he would actually attempt to tone down his demon lifestyle, turning to murder only if necessary, he would also pity the little girl in the movie and what she could become in the future
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The only one who wouldn't bat an eye at those movies would be Odon (to be fair, Odon still remains an ancient eldritch horror and it took them a few centuries to learn what empathy or other emotions felt like, they would hardly be shaken up by such themes basically)
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bettsfic · 7 months
Desolately need a teacher’s perspective. If you feel comfortable can you way in on this:
I’m thinking of switching to English with a writing concentration because I love reading and learning about writing. However, I’m worried about a few things:
1. People keep saying there are no jobs for English majors
2. I’m worried that reading and writing in my academic life, may either crush my love for it in my personal life(e.g. bad professors or students who rip you to shreds(so not constructive criticism really))or cause me to be too burnt out to read or write on my own time.
Sorry just to add (in regards to my question about being an English major): I’m terribly afraid that my writing voice may change into something inauthentic when takings certain writing courses in this major.
these are all good and difficult questions.
to start, there are as many jobs for english majors as there are for anyone else. except maybe, idk, engineering or nursing or something. and if engineering or nursing are things you enjoy *almost* as much as english, then that might be a good option. but an english degree will qualify you for any basic office job and also jobs in publishing, copywriting, copyediting, media and communications, and a whooole lot of other things. publishing is a nightmare, yes, but not more so than most other industries. and with the right amount of hustle, freelance copywriting can be an extremely lucrative profession. if you're willing to move to LA or NYC, there will be many, many opportunities available to you. they might not be good opportunities, and you might not succeed all the time, but you'll make do. personally i think it's better to spend 4 years (and a lot of money) learning something intrinsically valuable to you and risk a more unstable job market than it is to slog through 4 years in a subject you're less passionate about but that has a clearer career trajectory.
more importantly, your major doesn't matter nearly as much as it might seem. what matters is completing the degree to the best of your ability and learning to apply the knowledge you obtain to multiple fields. as much as some people would have you believe, you can't predict or plan for your entire future. you can only honor yourself and your interests in the present.
but that's english. creative writing is a different beast. i don't recommend majoring in creative writing unless you need the motivation of a hard deadline. it doesn't open more doors for you than an english degree does, and very very few cw professors get adequate training in creative pedagogy. a good professor is great, but a bad professor can ruin writing for you for a long time. unlike an english degree which is a medium risk for a big reward, a cw focus is a high risk for a medium reward. if you're already writing on your own time for your own fulfillment, that's more important than writing for a class.
you're right about a cw degree changing your voice into something inauthentic, and you're right about it damaging your creative motivation. both of those things have some benefits, though: when you adapt your voice into something it's not, later it'll snap back into an even stronger version of what you're doing now; and being forced to write for certain assignments will offer discipline so that you learn to write well even when you're uninspired and unmotivated.
regardless, all of that is better suited for an MFA. 4 years reading, 2-3 years writing. that will get you the education you're looking for and you'll be spending that time doing work you enjoy. i don't recommend going straight to the MFA after the BA, but people do that all the time anyway. the MFA will pay you so you won't go into any additional debt, and you'll gain teaching experience to boot (i do not recommend any programs you have to pay a single cent for unless you're filthy rich and bored). you'll write a thesis and go on to begin a life of words, be it reading the words of other people or writing your own.
so spend this time reading stuff and thinking about the stuff you read, writing some original work for a writing sample, and maybe sending that work out to some magazines. go meet with the creative writing faculty at your university and ask these questions to them as well. they'll give it to you straight about what your specific university's program is like and what it can offer you. even if you don't focus in cw, there are probably a ton of other extracurricular cw opportunities available to you, like working at the undergrad lit mag or attending readings.
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astroheauxxxxx · 2 years
Money and career astrology (ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PT.3)
planets/placements included in this post:
[venus/taurus♉️, 2nd house/2nd house ruler]
lets start in order of houses. the 2nd house.
the 2nd house is naturally ruled by taurus♉️ which is ruled by venus. this is the aspect of venus embodies earned resources, self-accrued assets, how you add value to yourself, what you consider luxury etc.
planets/signs in the 2nd house let you know what characteristics or areas of your life can help you add value to yourself physically or through resources.
sun/leo ♌️/5,17,29- accruing value through your personality, your ego, your natural motivation for life
moon/cancer♋️/4,16,28- accruing value through your intuition, your sensitivity and nurturing of others
mercury/gemini♊️/virgo♍️/3,15,27 gemini 6,18 virgo- accruing value through how you think, how you communicate, and absorb information and teach others
venus/taurus♉️/libra/7,19 libra, 2,14,26 taurus- accruing value by loving yourself and others, having an abundant mindset, investing long term
mars/aries/scorpio/8,20 scorpio,0,1,13,25 aries- accruing value through your passion, asserting your attitude, masculine energy, sports also, being competitive
jupiter/sagittarius/pisces/9,21 sagittarius, 12,24 pisces- accruing value by expanding, traveling, adventuring out or taking risks. expanding knowledge philosophically (I.e college, university, courses, higher learning, teacher/profesor etc.)
saturn/capricorn/aquarius/11,23 aquarius, 10, 22 capricorn- accruing value by disciplining yourself, managing your responsibilities, working hard over a longer period of time.
pluto/scorpio/8, 20 scorpio- accruing value by tapping into the unknown/occult, using your subconscious, transforming yourself and others. also through death
neptune/pisces 12,24 pisces- accruing value. by tapping into the subconscious, out of reality etc. also by getting into spiritual/religious concepts. movies, meditation , hypnosis, comic books etc.
i have my 2nd house cusp is at 4 degrees of cancer, with my sun in cancer to the 7th degree a libra degree which represents beauty, luxury,couples, marriage, art, music, associates, justice etc.
i am a psychic and child of african moon goddess yemaya and love goddess oshun her sister/daughter (depends on who you ask, where you're from). yemaya represents the moon in astrology because she is the mother of every creature on earth, land and sea. she represents your relationship with motherhood and femininity. in christianity she is known as the virgin mary and black madonna. she is associated with all water signs but especially cancer due to the connection with the ocean which is where she is found. she also represents ancestry and roots, especially matrilineal ancestry.
oshun is venus in astrology and is considered the most beautiful goddess there is. she represents everything venus does (i also have venus in my 1st so my 2nd house ruler is in my 1st house of self/rising). yemaya is the virgin mary and the womb and breats, oshun is the immaculate conception and the entrance to the vagina as well as the wetness secreted.
so i have oshun and yemaya in my second house literally in my sun. i was born under them. not to mention i am a highly sensual and sexual person and i value this about myself. combo of the moon and venus.
my roots are in saint lucia🇱🇨 in the caribbean which is one of the places she followed her children to when they were enslaved on the coast of africa. for me this manifests as having a strong inclination to earn money in saint lucia where my roots are. im located in new york and i have no desire to make money here at all. i plan to go back home and do airbnb/real estate cuz cancer rules real estate as well. i also plan to incorporate feminine concepts into my immediate society. i really want to prove as a nurturer to my people and the youth in the future in order to create a stronger emotional foundation and relationship with femininity.
they blessed me with the powers the moon and venus and so this where i should earn money from. so astrology, love, feminine healing, sensuality and sexuality, nurturing and intuition. so this how i make sense of it in my life.
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sukirichi · 2 months
ok so like even before we find out that *spoiler*
rin is actually not the king’s son 🤭
I just always wanted wakatoshi as the king. He’s just so king material plus he got a stable life (and is also mentally stable lol unlike rin). you know people say first love will break your heart and you will break your second love’s heart, so I hope rin can move on from both his mistakes and find someone new and treat them right. And at last I just want my lovely y/n to have a peaceful life far away from the royals with kyoomi. Also I wish THE BEST for kags kita and akaashi. OH and it would be lovely if after all this turoo and kyoomi go on double dates with their sweet wives hehehe.
wakatoshi living the most peaceful life out here, king stays unbothered and we love that for him! OOOOH rintaro finding a new love in the future? not canon in the dtd universe at all but now that makes me think of !! exiled rin !! exiled rin who is forced to live overseas and take on a different name (since he was a different suna) and what if he ended up finding his biological parents months after being exiled, and then takes their name 🥹 he stays in contact with them and teaches his mum how to facetime, since she’s getting old and his dad doesn’t know how to use technology, either. he sends them money at the multiple part time jobs he took
thinking about ex-prince! rin who has to go to university to get a degree and land a job, since all he’s ever known was how to run a kingdom and nothing about the outside world. ex-prince rin! who ends up being roommates with this computer science major called tsukki, and how the two butt heads with their dry wit and sarcasm. ex-prince rin! who wears a cap and mask every time he goes out to avoid people staring a little too long and they go, “wait, doesn’t he look familiar?” and ex-prince rin! who learns how to tie his own aprons as he clocks in his shift at this cafe near his university and secretly crushes on his manager, the only woman around his age because he’s nearing his thirties and his peers in uni are younger than him. and how his manager is strict and intimidating, completely different from his shy and soft-spoken ex-wife, yet extremely soft for her co-workers and has even softer spot for rin.
that’s who he is now. just rin, not rintaro. he avoids the international news whenever they play in the radio, and you, his manager, notice his discomfort and will always switch to a jazz station when you two close up the cafe
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
A Full Defense of Lydia Bennet
Lydia Bennet is not a villain, but she gets a lot of hate for carelessly running off with Wickham and possibly ruining her sister’s lives. The narrator and characters, however, do not blame Lydia very much and I don’t think the author meant for us to hate her. She was failed by her parents, who did not teach her how to properly behave and did not ensure she was properly protected.
Obviously, the real villain is Wickham.
The most vicious takedown of Lydia is put in the mouth (letter) of a character we should not respect, Mr. Collins. We already know that his morality is skewed, as he seems to view the collection of tithes and sucking up to Lady Catherine as his primary duties, he writes this of Lydia, “I am inclined to think that her own disposition must be naturally bad, or she could not be guilty of such an enormity, at so early an age.” (Ch 48). However, even he mentions the real cause, “a faulty degree of indulgence”.
Elizabeth feels this cause strongly, and lays out a good argument for her father on why Lydia should not go to Brighton, “She represented to him all the improprieties of Lydia’s general behaviour, the little advantage she could derive from the friendship of such a woman as Mrs. Forster, and the probability of her being yet more imprudent with such a companion at Brighton, where the temptations must be greater than at home.” (Ch 41). Mr. Bennet dismisses all these great arguments because he is too lazy to deal with Lydia’s disappointment. He’s been a lazy parent and continues to be.
Mr. Bennet then takes on the responsibility for what happened, ““Who should suffer but myself? It has been my own doing, and I ought to feel it… No, Lizzy, let me once in my life feel how much I have been to blame.” (Ch 50). Lydia has been allowed to run around flirting with officers for months, without any check on her conduct. She does not act within the rules of society, and while Elizabeth and Jane have tried to correct her, Lydia knew they had no real authority. She needed parents and neither of them did their duty. 
Mr. Bennet also acknowledges that he failed his daughters by not saving money for their future provision, “Had he done his duty in that respect” (Ch 50).
Mrs. Bennet shares this guilt, little as she will accept it: Mrs. Bennet, to whose apartment they all repaired, after a few minutes’ conversation together, received them exactly as might be expected; with tears and lamentations of regret, invectives against the villainous conduct of Wickham, and complaints of her own sufferings and ill-usage; blaming everybody but the person to whose ill-judging indulgence the errors of her daughter must principally be owing. (Ch 47)
Lastly, Lydia was failed by Darcy, who talks about his share of the blame here: “Wickham’s worthlessness had not been so well known as to make it impossible for any young woman of character to love or confide in him. He generously imputed the whole to his mistaken pride, and confessed that he had before thought it beneath him to lay his private actions open to the world.” (Ch 52). We see in Sense & Sensibility Elinor asking everyone who knows him about Willoughby’s character. Character references were important, that is how women knew they were safe in a man’s presence. Darcy knew the truth and he left Meryton and the Bennets in danger.
Lydia did make a choice (and certainly the wrong one), but she does not deserve all the blame for what happened. The narrator makes it clear that no one should be surprised by the outcome. Lydia was not taught was what right, she was not taught to control her impulses, and she was put out in the world too young, as Colonel Brandon said in Sense & Sensibility, “But can we wonder that… without a friend to advise or restrain her… she should fall?”
Related posts: Lydia too young to be out, Should Darcy have warned Meryton?
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