qilincha · 6 months
I saw your post about sending asks with my fav tea so you could draw qilin. So, black honey oolong.
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Sorry for the wait! One black honey oolong tea coming right up ❤️
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arc-hus · 14 days
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Clear Water Tea House, Nantou, China - Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten
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avatarfan11 · 10 months
Lin: Do you want some tea?
Kya: What are the options?
Lin: Yes or no.
Kya: *Sigh* i meant options in flavor Linny
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zishuge · 6 months
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RNZ taking every available opportunity to stake his claim on Lingling The Spirealm 致命游戏 (2024) | Ep. 16
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sound-under-the-sea · 5 months
Izumi after trying some tea in RC: This tastes like leaf juice.
Lin: Isn’t that what all tea is?
Lin: What?
Izumi: I cannot believe you would say that to me.
Lin: But it is…?
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risingsoleil · 2 months
That murder plot is really intriguing. What if Pema actually managed to poison Lin? Do you think Tenzin would be able to figure out who did it?
To make things a little more complex, what if the White Lotus knew about Pema's interest in Tenzin and approached her to pull this off?
They weren't direct about it, but planted the seeds in her brain and didn't tell her that it was poison. They only said that it would weaken Lin's fertility, and it would accelerate Tenzin's need to break up with Lin. Pema is compliant bc she doesn't think that the poison will cause much damage to Lin.
The White Lotus figures if anything goes wrong, then they'll blame Pema and make her take the fall for such a malicious attempt to murder Lin. There are many other girls who would love to replace Lin, so finding another replacement will not be difficult.
So Pema does it.
She puts a full dosage of poison in Lin's tea and has it served.
Lin only has one sip of tea and her body reacts immediately to it, and as she feels burning in her throat, she knocks down the tea. As the tea spills on the table, it instantly corrodes the wood and Lin's eyes widen. It takes all of her energy to try and throw up whatever she swallowed.
Some of the acolytes help her get to a healer. Tenzin is distraught and concerned over her. Lin will be fine and it doesn't seem that she has a lot of internal damage, but it's very clear that there was an attempted murder on his woman.
With so many conflicting emotions arising, he probably isn't able to clearly think and even pinpoint who would dare do this.
He sits at Lin's bedside, holding her hand and making sure that she's only consuming water and clear broths to flush out the poison. An acolyte enters the room, watching for anyone else who is around.
She is an old woman and raises a finger to her lips when Tenzin is about to speak. The acolyte retrieves a small sheet of paper in her pocket and hands it to Tenzin.
"Do not speak," she mouths to him. "They will hear."
Tenzin nods and unfolds the message, his jaw dropping.
The White Lotus and Pema orchestrated this
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sixofravens-reads · 11 months
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teabeexo · 1 month
𝚃𝚎𝚊'𝚜 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜: 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚊
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☘︎ ↳ ❝ I had a dream that the sun in the sky
Was feelin' so lonely, he started to cry
The rain on our window kept us inside
All of the morning, and into the night... ❞
❝ Alone in my dream room, I want to love you... ❞ - "Man on the Moon" By Zella Day
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𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚊 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚠𝚘𝚘𝚍
☘︎ The Basics ☘︎
Age(s): Step 1 - 10, Step 2 - 14, Step 3 - 18, Step 4 - 22
Birthday: December 17
Gender: Female (she/her)
Nationality: French
Height: 5'4"
Significant Other: Dante Rhodes (belonging to @captian-insecure)
Role: Side character in my OL:NF universe.
☘︎ Lore (past) ☘︎
Sonia Linwood was born in Nice, France on December 17th to her parents Baptiste and Sabine Linwood. She has four elder brothers: Jude, Beau, Raoul, and Quincy. She grew up primarily speaking French among her family and peers, but would catch some English from the occasional tourist in her mother's bakery. She spent most of her early childhood snoozing in the warmth of a patterned hammock or listening to her brothers' prattle about their school adventures.
This monotonous comfort would change whenever her family, alongside her extended relatives (including her aunts, cousins, and grandparents), moved to Oregon. Namely, the beloved Golden Grove. However, unlike her cousins Mina and Maël, she didn't live in a small cul-de-sac. Her house ended up on a hill about ten minutes away from them. Like all the houses in the town, her abode was hugged by blushing leaves and whispering briars.
She completed fifth grade at the same school as her cousins but wasn't in Mrs. Murray's class -- not that it made much of a difference to her. After the move, Sonia and her cousins drifted slightly. They lived farther apart now, had different classes, and new social groups. Sonia could already see how infatuated the two were with their new neighbors. She wasn't going to try to wedge herself between that.
Instead, she made new friends, too. Despite lacking some significant English vocabulary, Sonia was very easy to talk to. She attracted friends as easily as she deflected them. Her mother liked to call Sonia a social butterfly. But she preferred the term 'a social paper bag'. Butterflies choose where they fly, purposefully picking the most beautiful of flowers. They select their meals with careful consideration. But that was not Sonia. She went where she was beckoned, by whatever beckoned her. She followed the current of socialization like a paper bag that flies away in the ripples of the wind. Sometimes they got stuck in nooks and crannies, but they usually found their ways out. That was Sonia.
She didn't really develop a consistent social group until she was fourteen, whenever she and Mina reconnected. Through Mina, she met Tamarack -- whom she had only previously known as Mina's good friend and Maël's very obvious romantic fixation. Sonia also established strong bonds with Mina's other friends: Diana, Maxine, and Rex.
Though, at times it was hard to really say they were her 'friend group'. Sonia still sat and chatted with whoever she pleased, though most often she chose them. The paper bag couldn't be tied down. Not yet.
Whenever she was roughly fifteen, Sonia was officially diagnosed with Narcolepsy. From that point, she started taking the necessary measures to make sure it didn't impede her daily life too much. She doesn't often bring it up but is open about the diagnosis if asked.
During her later teenage years, Sonia began learning how to embrace her own style, and opened herself up to the world of romance. During her adolescent years, the concept hadn't interested her much, despite a handful of individuals expressing their interest in her. She'd seen the emotional turmoil of Mina and Maël. She wasn't keen on replicating it for herself.
She dated around a bit, but nothing ever stuck. Nothing seemed to click. Flings were boring while they lasted, and though the physical intimacy was moderately satisfying, she didn't feel as though anyone was truly seeing her.
Not until she met Dante, anyhow. They'd briefly glimpsed each other in passing before, but nothing was pursued until a link-up between mutual friends. The relationship moved faster than anything Sonia had experienced before -- much to her delight. She was certainly enraptured by his love of music, but it was his demeanor and empathy that ultimately stole her heart.
'Spiny on the outside, mushy on the inside'. That's how she first described him to her brothers and parents.
And upon meeting him, they didn't need much more convincing.
☘︎ Lore (present/ongoing) ☘︎
Following the solidification of their relationship, the two got a small apartment together -- where they live in present. Dante is still pursuing his music, waiting in anticipation for his girlfriend to come home from another of her late-night shifts at the hospital she does part-time work for. Time together is sporadic, but they treasure what they do have of it.
Sonia has been affectionately dubbed 'Sleepy' by Dante, which she wholeheartedly lives up to by dozing off whenever they're even slightly comfortable.
Her social presence narrows as well, as she become more devoted to certain friendships rather than floating between cliques. She maintains strong contact with her cousins, often trying to arrange times to meet up. Even with Vérène, who lives all the way in California, is among her closest confidants. She doesn't see Rex, Diana, or Maxine, as often -- but chats over phone aren't uncommon.
On her days alone, Sonia likes to use watercolor sometimes, often depicting the fields of landscape of France or a saturated scene from one of her dreams. She has also found herself collecting quite the abundance of unique, noisy windchimes to decorate her porch with (much to Dante's chagrin). But of course, the most common usage of her time is simply curling up on a sunlit armchair and sleeping the minutes away.
As she always has, Sonia takes life one thing at time. But now that she's an adult, things are a bit different. For once, being the paper bag stuck in a nook for a while doesn't seem so bad.
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☘︎ Relationships ☘︎
Parents: Baptiste and Sabine Linwood
Siblings: Jude (M), Beau (M), Raoul (M), and Quincy (M)
Aunts: Opal and Sophie
Cousins: Vérène (F; child of Sophie), Mina (F; child of Opal), and Maël (M; child of Opal).
S/O: Dante Rhodes
Notable Friends: Tamarack Baumann, Rex (my OC), Diana (my OC), and Maxine (my OC), Dex and Christin (OCs of a friend, neither of them are mentioned above)
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𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎
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As you may have deduced, this is Sonia and Dante together!
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Sonia headshot art. <33 (both art pieces were done by me)
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☘︎ Epilogue (Artist/Author's notes) ☘︎
Hello, everyone! If you've gotten this far, thank you for reading! I hope that this was relatively satisfactory in answering any questions you had regarding Sonia. As always, if there's anything that I left unanswered, feel free to ask!
If I remember correctly, Sonia was first conceptualized in February of this year, in which I was actually building on a pre-existing character. She first only existed to be a counterpart to Dante, but I quickly got extremely attached to her design and she kept popping up over and over in my sketchbook. Ultimately, I made the choice to make Vérène and Sonia related -- which is what generally solidified her as an important character. Of course, that also branched out to include being related to Mina and Maël, to whom she lives more closely to and can interact more directly with.
Sonia herself is very much one of my comfort characters. Her design is extremely fun for me to draw and replicate. I also enjoy playing around with her because she's very flexible to fit in a multitude of scenarios.
As always, I encourage questions. I recognize that the format of this post doesn't really touch on her personality itself very much, so if you all would find a separate post about that interesting, I'll consider making something about that too.
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𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜
Spotify playlist: coming soon! (wip)
Moodboard: coming soon! (as soon as I figure out how to make one)
Pinterest Board: coming soon! (wip)
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drowninginabactatank · 9 months
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My Barnes and Noble exclusive edition The Book of Tea boxed set arrived and I can't wait to read them! 🍵✨️
A Magic Steeped in Poison & A Venom Dark and Sweet by Judy I. Lin.
This limited edition boxed set contains the B&N exclusive edition of A Magic Steeped in Poison and a new exclusive edition of Venom Dark and Sweet. Each book includes foil type on the jacket, a unique case stamp, and character art endpapers.
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nyamadermont · 4 months
Tea in the Snow
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
661 words
TW: referenced torture
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Katara held open the door to the large lodge, and Zolt marched inside, Rohan cuddled close to his chest. When Tenzin bent down to give his mother a hug, Zolt stepped around him to let the rest of the crew through the door. He felt Lin come up along his other side, her arm reaching behind his back.
Tenzin straightened, saying, “Mother, this is Rohan.”
Zolt extended his arms to the baby’s grandmother. When the crying started, Zolt felt himself having to fight off tears. Lin squeezed him. Tenzin cooed into the baby’s ear, bringing him up against Katara’s chest.
“And this is Zoltan. Amon took his bending, as well.”
Katara looked up, and he could see the flash of recognition. “Zoltan is an unusual name. You were a firebender?”
Silently, Zolt nodded.
His hands fell to his sides, his arms feeling so painfully empty.
Lin spoke up. “Rohan was given to Zoltan to take care of when Pema died.” She glanced at Tenzin, continuing, “They stopped torturing Tenzin a little bit before they gave up on me.” She dropped her hand to lace her fingers with his. “Zoltan is why all three of us are still alive.”
And then Tenzin gave him a brief hug at the shoulders.
A small, giddy, part of him felt cuddled, his shoulder fitting neatly under Tenzin’s arms.
Rohan chose that moment to whimper again and Zolt reached for the child.
Katara smiled at him as she transferred the baby to him. “Thank you for taking care of them. It can’t have been easy. No matter what you did before, you have my gratitude.”
His eyes watered for real.
Tenzin folded closer to him, his other arm reaching for Lin, who slid her free hand along Tenzin’s waist. Rohan opened his eyes and reached for his father’s beard.
It was as if there were no other people in the world.
Zolt looked up at the gentle touch on his shoulder, seeing Asami, looking as tired and drawn as she had the entire trip. Behind her, he saw Mako and Bolin helping a younger couple set out a tea service.
“Senna has some tea and snacks for us. I think she’d really like it if people tried to eat. It sounds like she has been cooking since we called to say we were coming.”
Zolt exchanged glances with Lin and Tenzin, and they pulled apart just enough to move over to the seating.
Later, Zolt would notice that only Bolin and Tonraq were able to hold little Rohan for very long. Senna looked somewhat relieved, but Asami just looked a little more forlorn. Poor Bolin felt like he had to sit very, very still, but Rohan smiled at him more than at anyone else.
Mako and Lin went for a walk out in the compound, but when they came back, Rohan fussed until she picked him up. Mako got a spooked look and went to help Senna in the kitchen. He reemerged with a tray, carrying a pot and two small blue cups. Bolin hopped up and slid the door open long enough for Mako to pass the tray to Katara.
With Rohan content with Lin and Tenzin, Zolt took a teacup and slipped out through the front door.
The nearly unrelenting white expanse was overwhelming. It was so completely different from his native environment that he knew he would be a dead man in minutes, left to his own devices. The shivers didn’t take long to start, and soon, he was shaking too badly to keep his hands on the teacup, and it spilled on the snow at his feet.
The cup itself landed in the snow with a soft sigh.
He leaned over to pick it up, but his muscles cramped and he fell against the railing. He couldn’t fill his lungs with enough air
Breath of life Life of breath
He repeated the words to himself, but they faded away.
His vision blurred.
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bibliophilecats · 1 year
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06 August 2023: Sister's Day
Ning would do anything to save her sister's life.
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lisanees · 4 months
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// That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch (2020)
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cinswitch · 1 year
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sixofravens-reads · 11 months
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