#tdp prince ezran
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
Ezran: We should approach everyone with an open heart, give them a chance to choose peace and love instead of war!
Ezran when Viren showed up:
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limaisstilldrawing · 1 year
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dragon kiddos 💕
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violetwolfraven · 1 month
Everybody keeps being like excited to see Callum trying to win Runaan over and meanwhile I’m just like
I want to see Runaan meet Ezran.
This is a child he signed up to help kill two years ago, and I imagine assassin man is going to have to go through an “oh shit, this kid is like. a really good kid. and if i had killed him peace between katolis and xadia probably never would have happened.” and try to figure out how to apologize.
And meanwhile Ezran is going to have to figure out if his “everyone deserves a chance to choose a different path” philosophy extends to the man who killed his father.
While his home is literally in ashes from Sol Regem’s attack.
Like yes I want to watch Callum be a dork around his girlfriend’s dad, but tbh I’m more curious about how they’re going to handle the reality that Runaan very much did kill Harrow. Like that is definitely a thing he did.
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fruitiebee · 6 months
some dragon prince + httyd fanart
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strollthroughstars29 · 2 months
How far can a person bend before they break and how long can the broken be wielded before they turn double edged?
This season was so devastatingly beautiful, but ironically, the metaphorical crown wouldn't be heavy if the gemstones didn't dig into the head of the wearer.
Sometimes, the line between mercy and cruelty can be thin.
The reason WHY Claudia resonates so deeply with Aaravos' story is because it's a mirror that she finds herself in. She IS the daughter in the story but not the one who pays the price. No, that was paid by her father... her father, who was brave enough to do what Aaravos couldn't. What's heartbreaking is that she doesn't even realize what she's discarding is the same thing Viren chose to embrace in death; his humanity.
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One father who chose to bear the brunt, and another who chose to sacrifice his child.
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I absolutely loved the parallel between Callum and Rayla having a do-over of their reunion, getting what could've been, but Viren refusing to reveal the truth to Soren, knowing one is a blessing and the other, a curse. Forever losing the opportunity to know what could've been.
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The loss portrayed was so unsettling...
To even the loss we felt as the audience, seeing what made Viren who he was... his own son, to seeing what he made himself and the loss of what could've been and how his death proved the one thing we didn't want him to show... him having a human heart. And that's what this show did magnificently... it made this audience root for people against our will.
From the unfinished story of the lovers forever frozen in time to the mournful ballad rayla sang to console the stormbringer.
The only thing left to see is how these weapons charecters are to be utilized.
How callum will embrace his darkness and if Rayla will be able to kill him if need be. Or if promises will not be the only things to be broken next time.
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annaarenas890 · 13 days
The royal brothers.
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tdp textposts: just vibes edition
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year
I love how Callum losing his temper, while awesome, isn’t portrayed as awesome, but is instead portrayed as this feral, malicious, venomous thing that finally got loose.
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All the new season 7 screenshots, which I'm super normal about
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ac0531 · 8 days
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Happy 6 years to The Dragon Prince!!
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
Im sure its been said before but I absolutely love love love how well The Dragon Prince did depicting how siblings can have the same parents but still grow up with very different versions of them.
To Claudia her dad was gentle, loving, and devoted. He taught her everything he knew, guiding his daughter lovingly through the lessons he had learned through life.
To Soren his dad was cold, angry, and dismissive. He ignored him every chance he got, making it known he was disappointed in his son for ‘failing’ to take after him.
To Claudia her mom is someone she doesn’t ever want to see again, someone who abandoned her.
To Soren his mom is someone he misses dearly, someone he wants to reconnect with after everything.
Then stepping away from their family
To Ezran his dad was affectionate, funny, and playful. Everyday he knew his dad loved him unconditionally, cause he tossed aside court manners to play with him.
To Callum his dad was a little awkward, stiff, but kind. He was never really sure how much of family he actually was, or if he could call Harrow his father at all.
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hadesisqueer · 30 days
Imagine being Runaan and being stuck in a coin for a long time while being corrupted over the guilt of having tried to hurt your daughter before you got stuck inside that coin. And then that same daughter releases you. And you find out it's been two years. And that in those two years that one kid you were supposed to kill to avenge the Dragon Prince is now the Dragon Prince's bestie (brother) and Queen Zubeia really likes him. That he's also besties with your daughter, and the brother of your daughter's boyfriend- yep your daughter is dating a human, specifically the step-son of the man you killed. Yep you killed your daughter's father-in-law. There's now peace between humans and Xadians! No more wars-- damn the Sunfire Queen is even married to a human-- wait she's your daughter's boyfriend's aunt. And of the kid you tried to kill. You tried to kill the nephew and actually killed the brother-in-law of the Queen Consort of Lux Aurea. Though Lux Aurea is no more, because it got fucked up by a Startouch Elf named Aaravos. A guy that just got freed from his prison and he's like. The size of a building. Also yeah Katolis is fucked too. Gotta head there with your daughter and your son-in-law now.
Man what a headache. If it weren't for Ethari I'd just ask to be coined again until they solve some stuff /j
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withdenim · 9 months
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So uh. How about that time skip huh. (Corvus composing and performing the best track in the show was so hot of him btw if you care)
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venice-1987 · 2 months
TDP asked "Hey, is anyone else going to analyze the deeply loving and deeply traumatic relationship fathers have with their sons and daughters?" And did not wait for an answer
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