#tcw crew
thecomfywriter · 14 days
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the second one is more a warning than anything else
beware the oncoming spam. especially since i actually have a physical copy of my book now to binge-read
TCW Crew!
*interact with this post here to be added to the list :)
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @paeliae-occasionally
@kind-lion @mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill
@theink-stainedfolk @storyteller-kara @dahliaontherun
@writingismydrugs @authorcoledipalo @sm-writes-chaos
@illarian-rambling @pexchys @an-indecisive-nerd
@thelovelymachinery @kaeru483 @leahnardo-da-veggie
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kenobes · 2 months
The Coruscant Guard as Shitpost Pics I Have Saved on My Phone
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rexsterss · 4 months
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The Kiners are right of course, their kisses would need to have their own show
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This is not the first time they want clonexclone action babes
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adhd-coyote · 1 month
*kicks your door down* PIRATE SQUAD PIRATE SQUAD PIRATE SQUAD they can go on a playdate with my pirates mayhaps
I’m gonna go ahead and just turn this into the next batch of oc introductions SO @whiskygoldwings @grackle-draws @thivell @hastalavistabyebye @starwarsanthropology tagging all of y’all!!!
So! The pirate crew!
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Former 91st; Just a month or so into his deployment he was caught near an explosion and debris hit his bucket hard enough to shatter part of it and knock him out cold. He was assumed KIA and left behind, and by the time he woke up, his battalion was already gone. So, he managed to get his way off planet, and while trying to figure out how to get back to his battalion, was picked up/adopted by a pirate crew and eventually decided to stay with them
Bleached and dyed his hair after he decided to stay - he changes the color of the streak every so often - and eventually got a bunch of piercings as well
Has gotten very good at makeup and sewing
Is baby, can and will kill you, but would really prefer not to
Will bite
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Married to Kora
Excellent slicer, both with tech and knives
Wine aunt energy
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Married to Zhana
Sharp grin, sharp knives, and even sharper eyeliner
Very good actress and loves getting to put her skills to use- especially if there’s money involved
Taught Paws how to do makeup
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Janki’s older sibling
Talk shit, get hit
Absolutely fucking feral
The one who taught Paws to bite
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Hands are rated E for Everyone (he gets it from his sibling)
Helped Paws dye his hair
Just as feral as Hyela, but he hides it better
Very good at tooka eyes
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An absolute Tank
Himbo energy, but is actually pretty smart
Absolutely rocks a dress and heels, and will occasionally let Kora do his makeup
Gives the best hugs ever
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Will flirt with anyone- and is good at it, too
Silver-tongued little shit
Helped Paws with his piercings
Knows a variety of languages and will curse you out in every single one of them if you injure yourself in a stupid way
These are just the current members, but I might add more later! Feel free to ask whatever you want about em :3
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 23: a crossover with Hypnosis Mic (or other similar multimedia projects) you'd like to see
💿 Yohei & Iori / Samatoki & Jyuto
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I could name an infinity of crossovers that I'd like to see between HypMic and ParaLive: Kenta / Saburo (about which I've already made a fanart); Hajun / Gentaro (... / Shion, why not?); Allen / Ichiro (easy to imagine them talking for hours about Buraikan lol); Saimon and Haruomi / Jakurai, Hitoya and Rei; Toma / Hifumi; Reo, Ryu and Kantaro / Ramuda; Satsuki / Dice (OMG, I WOULD DIE TO SEE THOSE TWO DORKS INTERACTING); Zen / Rio ("SO MUSCLE. HUSTLE. THIS IS A JOY!")... and I think this is quite enough, so I'll stop here for your sake. BUT. BUT BUT BUT. Let's talk about the interaction between Iori, Yohei, Samatoki and Jyuto, will you?
I can perfectly see them meeting at bar 4/7 late in the evening, after the closing time. Yohei is behind the counter, cleaning the glasses while chatting idly with Iori, waiting for Samatoki and Jyuto, who just got off work, to open the bar's door and enter, even if the place is already closed. Because yes, they're a group of friends who just meet up to relax together before calling it a day. It makes me laugh to think that Samatoki is the youngest, among them! Yohei, Iori and Jyuto are, indeed, respectively 28, 28 and 29 years old. And all of them have so much in common! Let's start by saying that them all love smoking. So, I can picture the scene: Samatoki slowly walks in, sits on a high stool next to Iori, who's already smoking from his pipe, a glass of liquor in front of him, greeting Samatoki with a fist bump ("Yooo, Samatoki-kun~") and Jyuto with a graceful pipe motion ("Iruma-san~"). Meanwhile Yohei, with a relaxed smile, starts pouring a glass of iced whisky before the white haired man, who's just brought a cigarette to his lips. On Samatoki's right, Jyuto sits down and loosens just a little bit his necktie, lighting himself a cigarette, so Samatoki leans forward to light his through Jyuto's. Yohei places a glass of whisky before the other man, too. So the chitchat about the day starts, while a relaxing jazz music plays in the background. The two Yokohama men simply love bar 4/7. Samatoki, in particular. He loves the atmosphere, so calm and relaxing with those dim lights and the smell of liquors and a different tobacco to the one he smokes, so detached from the reality he lives every day, so much in line with his tastes about music and aesthetic. Moreover, Yohei's drinks are the best and he himself and Iori are ex Yakuzas too. It's so strange for him to say something like this, but he feels understood by them, he's at ease with Iori and Yohei, because they know what Samatoki goes through as a Yakuza. That's the only place where he can break down his defenses, at least for a while. Obviously, Jyuto enjoys their company, too! He gets on well especially with Iori (he won't never admit that Yohei remembers him a quieter version of Samatoki, lol). Jyuto and Iori sips from their glasses while talking about the day and exchanging information about criminals in the area... I can see Jyuto taking care of the AKYR case and informing Iori about every small new info about it. In the background, Yohei (who's now enjoying himself a glass of liquor and a cigarette offered by the MTC leader) and Samatoki are exchanging passionate opinions on their new purchases of vintage clothes and records, since they both love that kind of things. Until Yohei says "Oi, Samatoki, let's go to the piano, tell me what do you think about this new rap verse I'm writing for the next stage battle ... try to rap this part and this one, too. Follow me on the beat..." And that's how the rhythmic notes of a piano fill the calm, muted night air inside the bar. "Holy shit! What's the song's name, Yohei-san?" "Shooting arrows. You like it? Eheh" "It's really something, I must admit. But let's talk about it after you listen to our Scarface. Naa, Jyuto?" "Why, yes ~" And Iori: "Nee, Danna ~... What about a small rap battle, just for fun, then? Two on two, since we're in the mood?" Yohei: "Ohoh, not a bad idea! Count me in!" Samatoki: "Ha! You'll regret once we'll show you what MTC can do. Come here, Jyuto!" Jyuto: "Well, I suppose I have no choice " *Double Trouble starts playing...* Funny how to pass from MTC to TCW it's required just a flip of the M (it's an upside down W) and to place it at the end of the word.
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testingforgravity · 5 months
Petro: Also, from now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as Kyber One.
Katooni, code name– ‘been there, done that.’
Zatt is– ‘currently doing that.’
Gungi is– ‘it happened once in a dream.’
Byph, code name– ‘if I had to pick a different dude.’
Ganodi is– ‘Kyber Two.’
Ganodi: Oh thank god.
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thecomfywriter · 22 days
i have a busy work week(s) so forgive me if i’m a bit backlogged 😔
ANYWAYS, i made a community on tumblr if you’d like to check it out :)
womp womp happy writing!
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Rex, telling the Ghost crew about what his life was like in the clone wars thinking he’s telling a very funny story: 😁👍
The ghost crew, who actually heard the most horrific, heart wrenching, awful story of clone trooper mistreatment, war crimes, bloody warfare and all around brutality: 😟😳🫢🫤😧
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clonebrainrot · 5 months
So I was bored and on google trends as you do and typed in
Ahsoka (Yellow),
The Clone Wars (Red),
The Force Awakens (Green)
Andor (Blue)
The Mandalorian (purple)
Now what’s interesting is two things.
How little the mandalorian represents here when you compare it to the peak clone wars in 2010
How big the clone wars really was in late 2000s and the early 2010s
Lastly I find it interesting that Ahsoka reached a higher search volume than the Mandalorian.
Finally as much as I love Andor it does not even chart.
I’ll be interested to see how much this changes with the Acolyte and Skeleton Crew coming out later this year.
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
Hilarious Rebels/Bad Batch crossover idea:
Everyone is chilling on Yavin 4 in a rare moment of peace. They’re enjoying this little respite to rest and recover. The Spectres is enjoying their time together, especially since they were able to get Rex and Kallus outside to enjoy some fresh air around the Ghost.
And then a heavily-modified Omicron class shuttle from the late Republic and early Empire era comes in for a hasty landing. It’s an . . . unusual approach to say the least, complete with a specific turn and a touch-down that few pilots would dare to attempt.
Everyone, especially the Spectres, are interested in what this means.
Hera remembers this ship and what its occupants did to help Ryloth during the early Imperial period. Kanan gets leery, by contrast, since he remembers Kaller.
And Rex just laughs, gets up, and casually strolls over to the shuttle.
When the shuttle opens, a blonde woman emerges from inside like a bat out of hell, rushing over to hug Rex. He is equally as excited to see her, retuning that big hug with equal enthusiasm. The spectators can hear the gonking of a GNK droid echoing from inside.
The woman is wearing an amalgamation of several different clone trooper armor pieces with some unique adaptations. Zeb is the first to comment on the massive knife attached to her thigh and the smaller one sheathed on her forearm. Kallus responds with an observation about the Zygerrian bow she’s carrying. (Using that weapon takes practice and skill.) Ezra is intrigued by the unique design of the helmet she’s carrying, especially with the skull motif on it.
Before anyone can ask who this woman is or how she found the Rebellion, Rex asks, “So, why do you need a cover story when your brothers call me in a huff?”
The woman grins and pulls out a ratty old red bandana from a pouch on her hip. (She’s got more pouches than seem necessary on her person, but she seems to know what is where.) That makes Rex howl with laughter.
“It was either this or Echo’s legs . . . and I already stole those as a prank three times,” the woman replies. “This was harder to steal honestly, but it was completely worth it!”
“This is why you’re my favorite sister, ‘Megs. I haven’t seen Hunter without that thing on in . . . maybe since Bracca actually. You know he’s going to call me to see if I know where you are, right?” Rex tells her.
Neither seem to notice the audience growing around them. With that landing and the age of the shuttle, how could there not be an audience? If they do notice their audience, they clearly don’t care. Their reunion is more important to them to worry about that.
The woman gives Rex a sly smirk. “Of course, he will. And you get to witness first hand the annoyance of Hunter with a terrible haircut. Cross pulled out the clippers again while Hunter was napping.”
That seems to make Rex’s day.
“Don’t tell me what new haircut he got. I want to be surprised.” Rex finally deigns to notice the group watching him. The Ghost crew especially seem fascinated by who this woman is. He slings an around her shoulder and asks, “Why is everyone so interested in my sister all of a sudden? You haven’t seem siblings reunite before?”
“We didn’t know you have a sister,” Sabine asks carefully. (She’s fascinated by the modifications to the shuttle. There’s no way it should be in as good condition as it is at its age.)
The woman shakes her head. “Hera did. She’s met our brothers and my squad before.”
Hera grins and laughs. “I have. It’s great to see you again, Omega. How are your brothers, by the way.”
“Oh fantastic. I’ll tell you about what they’re up to over dinner, if that’s okay with you. Rex should be getting a very annoyed call any time now from Pabu. Hunter will have looked in the mirror by now. I promised Tech and Wrecker I’d record Rex’s reaction,” the newly-named Omega says.
And that’s when Kanan finally finds his words.
“How the kriff are Rex and Clone Force 99 your brothers? They’re clones - male clones,” he asks, a myriad of emotions in his voice.
Omega sighs. This isn’t the first time that she’s had this conversation.
“Well, let’s just say some of us are little . . . deviant from the standard mold,” she replies. “Though, we prefer to be called the Bad Batch.”
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Agen, texting his Creche's group comm: Pretty sure I just got glass in my foot
Bultar: take it out
Voolvif: no leave it
Voolvif: it livens up the place
Lissarkh: Agen's foot is so boring
Lissarkh: Agen if someone asked me my top three most boring additions to this world I'd say your foot that you have to shank with glass so people find it more interesting
Jak'Zin: Are you ok?
Voolvif: Agen please answer
Agen: what would you do if i died of a glassy foot and that was the last thing you ever said to me, Lissarkh
Agen: What if I got so mad that I forgot there was glass in it and stamped my foot and it shot up into my brain and died?
Sha: I just laughed so hard I heard something click in the back of my head
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art-ally · 6 months
A quick Fives and Vallana sketch! 💙
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Catch me thinking about the day Cody unofficially adopts Clone Force 99
This ragtag group saved not only his men but his own life during an arduous campaign, and they keep picking fights during the aftermath. The one called Hunter wanted to leave, but Cody all but ordered them to hang around long enough to get their foothold back before they head off to...whenever it is this group goes. They've become a name in such a short amount of time, and to be named after 99 on top of it gains his interest.
Tech is the first to "warm" up to Cody, pulling what he called an Echo about the local wildlife while Cody is trying to salvage their position, and points out a few ideas that he hadn't considered. Once you get past the slight superiority complex Tech was great company, and as such Wrecker starts to orbit around Cody.
Wrecker reminds Cody of a lot of his men, and its maybe an hour before the bigger clone is laughing and telling tales of their exploits. He's pleased when Cody asks about him personally, slinging an arm around the surprised man to talk about how he had lifted a LATT/i once to scare off some longnecks, and Cody let's out a rare laugh at that.
Crosshair is the next one, orbiting in the background to keep an eye on his two brothers that seem enamored by the reg. He doesn't really understand why this one was different, and hardly says a word until a few days into their forced stay. He's taken to flicking his toothpicks at Cody's back for fun, and grins when Cody catches the next one, threatening to return them with 10x the force unless he knocks it the kriff off. Crosshair just taunts in return until quite suddenly, he's picked up and chucked across the command center with a growl to stop being a shiny and behave, or you're on guard duty for the rest of your life. Crosshair decides he likes him then.
Hunter is the last one to fall in orbit, more unsure about Cody and his seeming kindness than anything else. They had always just stuck around each other, and while never overly rude to regs, they were just too different to be considered a "true brother" in Hunter's eyes. Yet here is Cody, reprimanding Crosshair and Wrecker like they've been under his command all their short lives, or chiding Tech to eat something before he goes almost a full day without sustenance, and yes he is serious. He's not sure when he went from silent observer to chatting idly at night with Cody, but it happens and suddenly Cody is more than another reg.
I have many Thoughts of my boys <3
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Look, I don't care much for Lux Bonteri either if he is indeed being brought back but... it doesn't ruin Ahsoka for me if she ends up with a male love interest? Do I think she works better alone? Sure. But I never deluded myself into thinking they'd make her and Barriss canon for example. That just wasn't going to happen. Ahsoka is and always will be a fantastic character, in spite of her canon sexuality and love interests. I'm so confused by why people are so outraged by something that is, at the end of the day, mostly inconsequential.
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