#tbh i like those prince/knight ones a lot...
deadsetobsessions · 6 months
Batfam as characters in one of those manhwas if they each got killed and transmigrated (by themselves, there is no shipping in this post):
The Head Butler
The hidden veteran
The grandfather with a lot of money
Bruce Wayne
Tired Dad of the Villainess (bc let’s be real he’s got a pretty decent track record of making sure his kids don’t turn into outright war criminals)
Father of the male lead
Maybe the cold northern duke but this man would not be falling in love with anyone tbh
Dick Grayson
Male lead frfr
The villainess
Older brother of the villainess (he’s damn versatile)
Tragic second lead is also a good contender but only
Knight Captain of the empire or whatever but only bc Dick was a cop once
Wise mentor/friend (who’s probably an immortal)
Crown prince in disguise
Barbara Gordon
Master of the magic tower
Merchant guild leader
Spy network owner
King maker
Shadow ruler
A crown Princess, but only bc Barbara Gordon’s letting whoever the king/queen is remain in charge so she doesn’t have to deal with the annoying courtiers
Cassandra Cain
The OG female lead
The OP SAINTESS (the good ones)
THE LOVE INTEREST (bc I have a major crush on her kickassery)
The villainess’ royal ally/friend bc Cassandra deserves to be treated like royalty dammit
Crown Princess that had to take over the kingdom bc her parents sucked at their job
Aura Master who’s underestimated bc she’s small
Magician of the tower, second in command
Information Broker, maybe
Jason Todd
The villainess (good route OR bad route)
The mercenary king
The dragon slayer
The male lead that’s probably a red flag but he’s hot and totally respectful of the love interest so you just kind of poof the homicide away. What murder?
Crown Prince that raises the education levels of the kingdom
Tim Drake
The villainess. Like. THE villainess. War crimes for the good of the people? Yes.
The villainess that takes over the kingdom and overthrows her shitty king-father
Revolutionary co-leader
Prolly opens coffee franchises to make hella bank
Spy network owner?
That one male lead with the super tragic background but is also like committing crimes to help his kingdom or something
The Sleeping Beauty Prince
Stephanie Brown
The villainess that was neglected but turns everyone to her side but the end of the manhwa
Revolutionary Queen
Mercenary Queen
Aura Master/Sword Master
Legendary mage or the tower (Steph would be a menace with magic let’s be real)
Salon Owner
Duke Thomas
The main lead who is seen escaping the palace guards in the first two episodes/chapters
Roguish Crown Prince (full of respect women juice obv.)
Rebellion leader who used to be the king’s trusted knight in shiny armor
Mercenary King
Damian Wayne
Sword master, genius prince of the kingdom
Beast tamer
Dragon warrior (let’s be real, Damian would lose it over having an actual dragons)
Serious Crown Prince (with kennels of “hunting dogs” that we all know is there for him to cuddle)
Cold Northern Duke but he’s cold frfr bc his family isn’t with him
Former assassin turned Duke of the east or something
The famous painter
Alternatively, they all say “fuck it, I don’t fuck with monarchies” and start a revolution.
I wrote this pretty late so it might be off lmfao
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the--rebel--fae · 6 months
do u think I could ask for some angst->fluff for nightmares for the Diasomnia boys?
(twisted wonderland)
A/N: Hiya, my dear! First off, I'd like to say I'm so so sorry for the late response to your request. Life's been...hectic, to say the least, and I'm still getting the hang of trying to do proper time management. Anyhoot! Thanks so much for the request! I really enjoyed writing this one. Tbh, I love these boys so much and have been getting back into the Twist fandom again, so yea 💜 Well my friend, I hope the wait was worth it! Enjoy!
Pairing: Diasomnia boys x Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word Count: 607
Chase The Nightmares Away - Bad Dream Comfort Headcanons
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First up, we have our lovely bat dad. We all know he’d probably be the perfect person to go to for nightmares.
He’s bat dad for a reason y’all.
When you walk in he’s probably still up, probably playing video games. 
So when you mumble you couldn’t sleep because of nightmares, he’s pulling up a chair, getting you a blanket, and snacks. Everything you need, peepaw has it. 
Wanna talk about what happened? No worries, he’s helped Silver, Sebek, and Malleus many times with their nightmares.
“Little bat? Are you alright? Ah, a nightmare. There’s no need to worry, why don’t you come sit by me and we can play this new video game together? And if you want, you can tell me about what happened.”
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Sebek, yea..good luck on getting some comfort from him. But he’ll try his best!
He’ll probably be like: Human what are you doing in here? Oh, you had a nightmare? Uhm, why are you here then?
Poor boy would be so confused.
He’ll definitely point out how weak humans are, but then I think when he sees you truly upset, he’d feel it as his duty as a knight to protect “those weaker than him”. At least that’s the excuse he’s playing when we both know the crocodile boy cares in his own tsun-tsun way.
“Human? Why are you here so late? A nightmare? I do suppose a human would be bugged by something like that. Fae are much stronger. O-oh I didn’t mean to make you more upset. Ahem, well, as my duty as a knight in training I’ll do you the service of protecting you. You should be honored. Here, you can borrow my Malleus-Sama plush. I made it myself! It looks just like the young lord, doesn’t it?”
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Ah yes, our sleepy little prince Silver. If this boy is actually awake for once I think he’d do a pretty good job at comforting you.
I can see him as the type to have a lot of blankets so he’d probably give you one to snuggle with as comfort.
I could also see him get some of his little animal friends to comfort you too if you wanted that. 
And if you wanted to talk about your nightmare, he’d be all ears, at least until he’d fall back asleep. But, I bet he’d do his best to fight back the sleepiness as long as possible for you.
“Oh, Prefect. You’re up late. What’s that? You had a nightmare? I’m sorry, not sleeping well is never a good thing. Here, I have some extra blankets, and we can even get some of my animal friends here if you’d like. Don’t worry, it was just a dream, you’re ok now.”
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Ah, our Housewarden of Diasomnia, the future ruler of Briar Valley. Malleus Draconia. Our sweet draconic prince.
I think he’d care the most but not know whatever the loving hell what to do.
Does this man even get nightmares?
Walks around the Night Raven campus is definitely going to happen the second you tell him what’s wrong. Nothing solves problems better than a nice walk in some fresh air.
He’ll probably even tell you stories about his time in Briar Valley to distract you or even let you play with Gao Gao Dragon-kun!
10/10 best person to go to for comfort aside from Lilia.
“Child of Man? What’s the matter? You seem upset. Oh, a nightmare? Yes, those can be troubling. How about we take a walk outside and if you feel up to it, you can talk about it. It's better than being alone. I'll even let you play with Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.”
Well, that's it for these headcanons! I hope you enjoyed them! It was a lot of fun to write! And again, so sorry for the delay! Feel free to request again!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Twisted wonderland!
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theladyragnell · 9 months
Ooh! Re: book recs for the new year, do you have any lesser known fantasy (or sci fi tbh) recommendations? Or better known but pre-2010s books - I've kind of devoured a lot of the modern stuff, and we have a shockingly similar taste in books
Ooh, excellent! I never actually know what's lesser known? So I'm going with things I haven't seen a lot of internet buzz about, with a decent amount of indie and self-pub. A lot of it will be fantasy romance, but I'll try for a variety!
The Devotion of Delflenor by R. Cooper (I'm going to keep trying until someone reads this piney piney lady knights book, damn it)
The Tea Princess Chronicles by Casey Blair
Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch (a lot of people were talking about Seducing the Sorcerer by the same author a year or so ago, but I like this one better!)
Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky, and then if you like the concept behind that, try the Steerswoman books by Rosemary Kirstein
Ariah by B.R. Sanders is very worldbuildy and cool
Sharon Shinn flies under the radar sometimes but tends to have cool worldbuilding concepts, I'm midway through the Elemental Blessings series and really enjoying it
Felicia Davin's Gardener's Hand trilogy is great, and Davin now has a historical fantasy romance(/verging on erotica in places) epistolary series coming out, of which I've read the first, The Scandalous Letters of V and J is very fun.
I've only read the first of Effie Calvin's Ieflaria series of largely sapphic fantasy romance, but I had fun with that one!
I like Amy Rae Durreson, who usually writes m/m fantasy romance, try Reawakening on for size but be warned the second book has a plague in it
If you like middle grade, I really like Merrie Haskell's fairy tale retellings and her short stories for older readers too, she's very Robin McKinley-esque
(Speaking of, if you haven't read Robin McKinley, please do, any of her you can get your hands on but particularly her fairy tales and Chalice)
Three Princes by Ramona Wheeler is one I don't remember a lot about but the concept is great, it's the kind of alternate history I wish more people were writing instead of 18,000 "The Nazis/Confederates Won" books (and similarly, P. Djeli Clark's Dead Djinn books, though those have a much bigger dose of fantasy)
CJ Cherryh can sometimes be a bit dense for my mood, but I've read the first three books in her series that starts with Foreigner and there is SO much fun politics and worldbuilding. (I haven't read fantasy from her, just sci fi, sorry, almost posted this without making that clear, this is very much sci fi!)
Okay, that's what I've got for this exact second! I'm on a different floor from the bookshelf that has the most of my older fantasy on it, so there's not quite as much of that as intended, but it's what I've got in me!
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browniefox · 5 months
ooo i used to be really big into classpecting in my homestuck days. off the top of my head, id say cloud: maid of void, tifa: mage of blood, barret: seer of doom, aerith: heir of hope, yuffie: thief of time, red: knight of breath, zack: knight of void, and seph: witch of light!! (unfortunatley i dont have a super great hold on cid/vincent/reeve as characters soi dont have a really clear idea for them). happy 4/13!!
Whoa! Thanks! Hope you don't mind me digging right into these.
Cloud: Maid of Void, I can definitely see this as someone filled with nothing or battling with the sense of nothing inside of him. I actually could also see him being a Prince of Blood or something along those lines, a double-edged sword where he starts out destroying his relations with other people, but then being able to use his bonds with others more as a 'power of friendship' style weapon. Also possibly Doom, intially dooming himself but ultimately utilizing it to doom and destroy Sephroth...?
Tifa: Mage of Blood. I love this as Tifa being away of her connections to others and trying to utilize those connections, be the glue that's keeping people together, and especially utilizing that to keep Cloud together. I could also see her being a Maid of Life, especially in regards to how she ultimately is the one who heals Cloud's mind.
Barret: Seer of Doom is such an interesting choice! Like, how he can see the state of the world, which makes it all the more interesting how much he strives to change things. Another could be Knight of Hope, by the way he's sort of the face of the AVALANCHE, which is hope, and how he can provide that hope and drive to others.
Aerith: Heir of Hope, super goes with Aerith and just totally embodying hope for the team, and then how that hope takes a hit with her death. I'd suggest also Heir of Time, with the connection of death and fate really matching her, especially in regards to Rebirth.
Yuffie: Theif of Time. The girl is born to be a theif lol, though giving her such a death-connected aspect is super interesting. I could maybe see Theif of Mind or Space better? Yuffie's a hard one to match up tbh. Mind because it has to do with karma and intelligence, and I think it'd combine interestingly with how Yuffie is often underestimated, as well as the retribution she's seeking for Wutai. And then Space because she strikes me as creative I guess haha (and let's be real, I am a little bit trying to get both Time and Space into here).
Nanaki: Knight of Breath. Fuck yeah give the one who was trapped the freedom aspect. No notes, I love this.
Zack: Knight of Void. I like how this connects him to Cloud, but I'm not sure how I like it for Zack. To me, he hits me more as a Page of Light or something that actually reached his full potential, with Light and fortune kinda going well with the DMW and then how it fails him in the end.
Sephiroth: Witch of Light. Super interesting take! Controlling fate! I think you could also easily make him a Witch of Doom, which is also kind of fate-inclined, but if I recall correclty Doom is often more towards oneself. Still either way I could see it.
Cid: I don't know him super well either, but I could see him being Hope or Blood considering he becomes the leader after Cloud is gone and kind of needs to rally the troops. Maybe a Rogue, being able to take those aspects and share them around to the group?
Vincent: Considering his whole deal with the various beasts inside of him, I'd be tempted to say Heir or Prince of Rage. But then, considering he's still alive despite everything he's been through, i could also see him being a Life player.
Reeve: Easy, Mage of Heart, aware of his power of splintering himself and utilizing that with Cait Sith. Also possibly adding to how he's at the 'heart' of a lot of the problems aka within Shinra Tower.
If anyone has any other thoughts on the matter, would love to hear them!
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royalrambler · 11 months
Writing Commissions!! Now Open!!
hihello royal here !!! uhm life happens tbh and i just lost my current source of income, sooo
i’m opening writing commissions !! just dm me here or on discord (moriensstellarum) to start !!
my rates: (cashapp only)
semi cheap since i really do need commissions right now! my cashapp info will be given once the planning process is over!!
$5 usd: every 1k words
+$5 usd: fandoms i am not in or completely original
+$2 usd: for oc, self insert, or x reader works (mc from twisted wonderland doesn’t count!!)
current fandoms:
fire emblem three houses
genshin impact
my hero academia
identity v
bungo stray dogs
demon slayer
good omens
star wars (all movies and shows)
legend of zelda (breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom)
twisted wonderland
project sekai
voltron: legendary defender
danganronpa (in progress)
jujutsu kaisen (in progress)
kingdom hearts (in progress it’s a lot of games)
Persona 5
please be through in explaining what you’d like (i.e. pairings, au if any kind, plot, etc) and allow for 5-8 days from the end of planning for writing to be completed
will do:
action/violence(to a point)
mild gore or body horror
legal non toxic pairings of any kind(including poly)
if it’s not listed i probably won’t write it. you can still ask since i think i missed a couple of things, but this is your warning you might get denied. i also only write ragbro’s as platonic/familial.
writing sample:
this piece is reposted from my flufftober writing !!
This was a scene that Byleth could go on without repeating over and over again, but alas, the flow of time is a fickle thing, and the loss is necessary. Countless times, they had tried other ways to snap Dimitri back into reality, only to fail in the end. This was the only way to succeed.
The rain was warm, unusual for this area, but it made it seem like the heavens were weeping for the loss of such a great man and knight. Perhaps they were. Byleth certainly had the first few times they lived through it. But now their grief has been replaced by a determination to end this cycle. To have this be the last time they watch as Rodrigue sacrifices himself in order to save Dimitri. Let this be the final version of this particular encounter.
The sky grew darker as Byleth waited, the rain soaking them to the bone. They would continue to wait as long as needed… He would come. And soon, just as many times before, the soon-to-be king rounded the corner, and they stepped out of the shadows into his path.
“What do you want?”
His voice was harsh, almost intentionally so, as if Byleth’s mere presence was an annoyance. The first times they heard it, they flinched and held their tongue to placate the prince. The times after they had responded with anger or indifference. They all worked out in the end, but none were right. But now…
“I know where you’re going. You don't have to do this, Dimitri.” Their voice remained calm, even as anger flashed across his face.
“This isn’t your concern!” Dimitri spat out. “Get out of my way. Now.”
Byleth simply glared as he menacingly stepped closer. If one thing remained true, it was that Dimitri would never harm them. He could act like it was all he wanted, but they knew the truth.
“Going to Enbarr will not fix anything! Do you really think it will appease the dead? Or will it simply add Edelgard’s corpse to those that haunt you?"
“Do not speak of that vile woman as if she is a friend! It is their voices that demand her head! Only then will they finally get to rest peacefully. Don’t speak of matters you could never understand."
Dimitri took a moment, seemingly to compose himself. His anger had faded slightly, making way for something else. Something different. Grief? Was he perhaps finally letting himself grieve for his losses after all these years? Or was it simply resignation?
“Death…” He continued, his voice becoming thick with emotion. “Death is the end. No matter how much lingering regret a person has, after death, they are powerless. They cannot even wish for revenge, much less seek it out. Hatred. Regret. Those burdens fall on the shoulders of those who are left behind. They fall to me. I must continue down this path! And it is far too late to stop... You know this much already."
Byleth’s gaze softened as they watched his anger bleed into resignation and acceptance of his self-imposed fate.
“But you don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got me and so many others! You don’t have to throw your life away in the pursuit of revenge! Surely there is-“
“There is no other way! That is merely the logic of the living. It's meaningless. Those who died with lingering regret... They will not loose their hold on me so easily.
“But you seem to have all the answers... So tell me, professor. Please, tell me... How do I silence their desperate pleas? How do I... How do I save them? Ever since that day nine years ago... I have lived only to avenge the fallen. It is the only thing that keeps me alive... My only reason to keep moving forward...”
Byleth let out a soft huff of laughter, mainly out of nervousness. “I haven’t been your professor in a long time, Mitya... I was hardly qualified to be that in the first place, but even I know to not deny the Archbishop. But you’ve suffered enough. You must forgive yourself; move towards accepting the past and embracing the future.”
“But then who…or what…should should I live for?”
“Live for what you believe in. Live for yourself, and if you can’t do that, then make me the reason to keep on living.”
“What I believe in..." Dimitri shook his head slightly and turned his face up towards the sky. “Rodrigue said the same thing. But is it possible? I am a murderous monster. My hands are stained red. Could one such as I truly hope for such a life? As the sole survivor of that day, do I... Do I have the right to live for myself?”
Byleth placed a gentle hand on Dimitri’s cheek and turned his face back towards them. “No one’s hands are ever truly clean in this world. Asking that would be the same as asking me if I deserved the life I live. Each day you continue to live serves as proof that you deserve to live and live for yourself. And if you ever forget that, you will always have me to remind you.”
“I’ve got you…” Dimitri whispered as the professor pulled him into a gentle embrace. As he returned it, Byleth began to softly hum an ancient and gentle song. “You’re… You’re so warm… Have you always been?”
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
something i’m observing in knight of the seven kingdoms is how people are drawn to dunk. after just one conversation, they seem to trust him implicitly and rely on him to uphold ideals of justice and honor. for example: egg, baelor breakspear, the fossoway squire raised to be a knight, eustace osgey. (i say men and not “people” bc the only woman given any page time so far is tanselle; her service worker/customer relationship with dunk + lower position in the hierarchy at the tournament + Westerosi Misogyny very likely informs their interactions. i’m about to meet rohanne and may update with my thoughts afterward.)
it would be wrong to say that dunk is wholly good. this is asoiaf; both grrm’s heroes and villains typically have complex moral values. rather, dunk 1) tries to be good and 2) believes it’s possible to be good in a world that rewards power and violence over anything else. he also maintains these convictions when “common sense” says otherwise and/or his bodily safety is at risk—i.e. kicking a targaryen prince in the mouth. men who want to be good and recognize how fucked westerosi society is are drawn to dunk like moths to a flame. these men also believe they’re shrewder than dunk; their convictions clash with their notion of “common sense.”
as a result, they revere him as a perfect expression of knighthood ideals and feel inspired to fight for honor again. this is why egg gets dunk when aerion hurts tanselle and, i believe, why baelor breakspear eventually fights by his side. (dunk is obviously not perfect; he has his own character arc to go through. he’s pretty uncomfortable with this reverence and feels a lot of misplaced guilt over his actions—an common ironic trait for heroes that fits really well in this narrative.) baelor is especially interesting in this context. right before he dies, he accepts dunk into his service and professes him as the type of man westeros needs. although we don’t have his pov, we can surmise his disillusionment with both his family and the feudal system overall.
as the dunk & egg stories deal with the aftermath of the blackfyre rebellions, i think we can also surmise that baelor’s disillusionment comes from winning the battle against “the pretender,” only to find the targs lacking honor, valor, kindness. perhaps dunk’s immediate willingness to risk everything to protect just one person inspires him to action once again, to a tragic end. (really good writing moment for grrm tbh, it’s going to be one of those asoiaf scenes that sticks with me.)
all in all, i really like dunk’s contribution to asoiaf’s internal questions about Being a Good Person. is staying honorable possible? does it even matter to believe in justice and honor when the world is unjust and dishonorable? how do i stay true to my convictions when i also want to stay alive and protect my loved ones? many characters encounter these questions—brienne & jaime are the most salient examples of Dunk Vibes from the og series, but there’s also dany, sam tarly, sansa, arya, ned, tyrion, sandor clegane, lady stoneheart, etc. dunk & egg also allows grrm to really lay into the monarchy and get into pacifism. anyway, i’m excited to see how these themes further develop in the rest of the dunk & egg stories and twow/ados (obligatory 😵‍💫 disclaimer.)
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summerwritesfics · 11 months
🌎The Prince In The Tower
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 979 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Fairy Tale AU, Prince!Kuai Liang, Knight!Hanzo Hasashi, Locked in a tower, Rescue, Isolation, Kept Prisoner, Attempted Forced Relationship, Minor onesided Sektor/Kuai Liang, Kuai’s gone a little strange from isolation, Mentioned death of origami animals (it makes sense in context trust me)
Meanwhile In Another Universe Masterlist
Notes: By my “putting Kuai Liang through hell” standards this is pretty tame, and tbh he does get a semblance of a happy ending. Cuz y’know. Fairy tales :)
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“Alright, thank you all for gathering here today.”
Kuai Liang linked his fingers, resting his elbows on the table as he stared at the array of origami animals before him. There had to be almost 100 at this point, the art form one of the only forms of entertainment Sektor allowed him to have. At some point, Kuai had started using them as a substitute for social contact. They were not just his creations at this point, but also his friends.
He was definitely aware that probably made him strange in other people's eyes, but those other people hadn’t been stuck mostly alone in a tower for almost 10 years, so quite frankly they had no room to judge him.
“I realise that recently we’ve had some unfortunate losses amongst us. Pàxiū, Fang Mei and Nián Qīng will be sorely missed.” 
It was a tragedy, really. Sektor may have approved of Kuai’s only hobby, but his jealousy was so great it extended to lifeless objects. Every so often, he’d “kill” one of Kuai’s animals, for no other reason than to hurt him. Usually, this meant squashing them, taking them apart or ripping them to pieces. Poor Nián Qīng’s death was particularly traumatic though, Sektor cruelly throwing her into the fire, having some of his soldiers hold Kuai back from saving her.
“But, I have no doubt we will-“
He stopped himself when he heard the door to the tower open. Swallowing sharply, he pushed himself to stand up. He knew if Sektor caught him talking to the bits of paper, he’d have more casualties on his hands. He stilled, listening to footsteps approaching the door to the room he was in. He saw the knob begin to turn, and he held his breath, scared of what tortures Sektor had in mind for him today.
Except, when the door opened, it revealed someone who definitely wasn’t Sektor.
Actually, it didn’t even seem to be one of Sektor’s soldiers, given his armour was a completely different style. He had long black hair tied into a bun, and a short black beard. A long sword was in his hand, but when he saw Kuai Liang, he slowly put it back into its sheath.
“Prince Kuai Liang?” The man questioned, like he wasn’t sure that was who he was looking at.
“Um. Yes?” Kuai fiddled with the hem of his clothing. “Do I know you, sir?”
“No. My name is Hanzo Hasashi,” he replied, walking over towards him. “I am a passing knight who became aware of your plight. I am here to free you.”
Kuai blinked and all that could come out of his mouth was “oh.” It took a couple of seconds to really understand what had been said to him. “Oh! You’re here to rescue us!”
“Yes I- wait… us?” Hanzo raised an eyebrow and briefly looked around the room. “I wasn’t aware anyone else was here.”
“Well, I need to take my friend’s with me.” Kuai gestured towards his army of origami animals. Hanzo stared at the table with a look of disbelief. “If I leave them Sektor will probably kill them all in an act of vengeance.”
“Those are…” Hanzo hesitated, glancing between the animals and Kuai Liang. “Those are just bits of paper.”
“Yes, well, they are bits of paper I’ve formed a bond with, thank you very much,” Kuai snapped, feeling a little bad as soon as he did. He rubbed his arm and looked away. “I’m sorry. They have just been my only companions for the last 10 years. They mean a lot to me.”
Hanzo’s face softened slightly, his confusion replaced by what Kuai could only describe as pity. Kuai should probably have hated that, but instead he decided to take it as a sign of understanding.
“I see.” Hanzo reached around to pull a bag from behind his back. “They may fit in here, but I can’t guarantee they won’t get squashed.”
“If it’s just a little, I should be able to fix them,” Kuai sighed in relief. At least his rescuer was being somewhat kind to him. That already put him leagues above Sektor. He turned away and began to scoop up his companions and gently placed them in the bag. “Thank you…”
“If they are that important to you, I have no room to judge you,” Hanzo replied, eyes darting back and forth as Kuai continued to fill the bag. “Have you really been here for 10 years?”
Kuai hummed in confirmation. “Originally it was just meant to be until I agreed to marry Sektor but uh… That hasn’t exactly happened.”
“You have held off his desires for 10 years?” After Kuai put the last few animals into the bag, Hanzo pulled the strings to close it up. “I will admit, I am impressed by your resolve.”
“Oh, it helps to realise if I were to marry him, his treatment of me would just get worse.”
Hanzo nodded, although there was clear conflict on his face. He put the bag away regardless, and then held out his hand to Kuai.
“Come, let’s get you out of here.”
Kuai smiled, taking Hanzo’s hand and letting him guide him through the corridor, and down the spiral staircase of the tower. As they stepped out into the outside, he had to close his eyes from how bright it was. A couple of seconds to adjust, and he was slowly able to open them and look around.
There were trees, and the light blue sky above him. He could hear birds singing, and a pleasant breeze licked at his skin. In the tower, he had only been able to spy very brief glances of the outside world. Everything looked far more beautiful than he remembered.
As Hanzo tugged on his hand, silently instructing him to follow, Kuai couldn’t help but smile.
He was finally free.
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In case anyone was wondering, why my nickname is Fareeha AND some Spaniards, answer is right under the cut! (Since Tumblr is basically a diary, and I REALLY want to describe, tell, write down, draw and even put it in my blog) Long post ahead! Many screenshots, personal stuff, memes etc.
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It started with Dark Souls 3. The first game experience was very exciting. I spent for about 3 hours creating a character, dealing with a disgustingly made character editor, and they came out.... Simply terrible. Some chubby-cheeked femboy (I have nothing against it, even like it sometimes, but he looked really terrible) with a face like he wants to betray you right now, taking away your family castle and all your feudal possessions. What a waste of time… Also it was sad that I spent 3 hours in the game without starting it. Therefore, I deleted this character and hastily, literally in 5 minutes, created new one - I barely changed one of the in-game templates - slightly lengthened the nose (because big noses are an art); decided to take a hairstyle that would be a little feminine, but at the same time more or less practical - a bun :’D ; made a slightly more stern appearance and it turned out that he was very attractive! There was a problem with the name, but then I also took the first one that came to mind - Esteban. I took the Deprived class because I couldn’t decide who I want him to be and I also wanted to try the so-called “most difficult class,” which turned out to be the most comfortable.
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During the game I fell in love with him so much exactly the way he was - and he turned out to be a little frivolous, jester, Casanova, just a handsome guy in my favorite armor of the Black Knights (those devils look INCREDIBLE and make me squeal) and funny older brother of my husband's character.
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Tbh now I see that I am making a kind of a doll game out of Fromsoftware games, as it was in childhood - all my characters have their own story, relationships, preferences and strong family bonds lmaooo Why not (I won’t stop)
Esteban was the first "Spaniard". Playing with him as my avatar was incredibly fun - numerous deaths were not perceived so hard, there were LOTS of funny moments, I was scolding Esteban, amusing my husband… In general - we became close, and for a long time finishing the game I could not calm down and was talking about him too much (I genuinely don’t know how my hubbo puts up with me). I was drawing, even wrote a fanfic. And since I LITERALLY CAN’T live without a romantic story, Esteban was the first simp of Prince Lothric and a little bit of Orbeck and Fire Keeper xdd
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After DS3, we started Elden Ring. There I created Miguel - also a spaniard, Wretch, cheerful, but more mischievous and feminine than Esteban. I couldn't stop changing his appearance for a very long time until I found something that suits Miguel and fully reflects his character. I really liked Gideon Ofnir, well, really, really liked, but Miguel didn’t share my interest, and I couldn’t really ship them (except for a few explicit drawings :’D). Miguel stayed with Ranni, whom I love dearly, and I started the game again, with a new character. I created a girl. She turned out to be french and received the name Fiquet, and she not only gave me inspiration to finally write a fanfic about her and Gideon, but also brought me mental satisfaction because I finally took the Sorcerer class and spent the entire game killing enemies so easily (except for Mogh and Malenia) with a few hits, without tactics, thinking or other crap. Fiquet, my girl Q_Q
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I miss them, enjoy the pics of them
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Hello, sir :^)
After Elden Ring we started DS1, where Ramon was created in the same way, and also Jose in DS2 (I didn’t go further than Majula, I can’t help it - I don’t like this game. The desire to continue appears only because of Jose, who is my funniest character I think)
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Ramon as his is. No screenshots of Jose, he jumped of a cliff and now looks kinda bad lol...
So it became a tradition to start the game with pathetic (I mean his class xd) spaniard and continue with girl (although I have only Fiquet for now. Others are not much remarkable). That’s how Guillermo was created for playing Bloodborne! I already did absolutely everything I could in BB (I even created a female character to come to Edgar so choir boy won’t be so sad :'D), but Guillermo remains with me - kind, sweet, a little nervous, like an angel from vintage postcards (I see him that way xD), caring, kind of mother figure, confident in his rightness, responsive and sensitive, but at the same time with an impenetrable moral shield (I mean, it’s impossible in any way hurt his feelings). I brought him together with Micolash (not surprising, I guess), came up with a tragic and romantic story for them and an AU with a continuation of the plot after the squid hunter ending for a happy end, endowed him with the blessing of Kos and gave him a backstory. There is something attractive about it when a man receives the blessing of a female deity who protects women - it says a lot about him as a more feminine person on the inside than he appears on the outside.
When I imagine any cool plot with Guillermo x Micolash, I feel like
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Guillermo in case if you hadn't see him already:
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You know, all my oc x canon look like that
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(my OCs are always sort of Sportacus for their loved ones lol And also their loved ones are almost every time evil and edgy)
With all this I want to say that my spaniards and Fiquet have probably become like children to me... I love them, I continue to write about them, they are an integral part of my perception of games, and yes, this is probably really a peculiar need to play with dolls at my age xd Maybe that's why Guillermo wears Doll's gloves, Esteban enjoyed wearing Zullie the Witch's dress and gloves (with ADORABLE manicure yknow!!!) and etc lol...
Thanks for reading! I love to tell stories (As you may guessed lol), tho it take a plenty of time to translate it. Love yall
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lightandfellowship · 5 months
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It took a really long time but I finally settled on Dream Eater teams for the upperclassmen + Baldr. (Dream Eaters in these images do not reflect their actual sizes.)
As usual here are the explanations under the read more:
Aura Lion (primary): I really wanted to give Vidar a wolf Dream Eater because of the mythological Vidar's connection to Fenrir, but alas there are no wolf Dream Eaters in this game (which is very surprising to me; seems like an obvious choice?). I felt a lion Dream Eater was the closest thing, and a lion's reputation for being the "king of the jungle" fits Vidar's leader role and his pursuit of Kingdom Hearts. This Dream Eater is also a Light type, which is perfect for Vidar who is fiercely loyal to the Light. It's one of the most powerful Dream Eaters as well with a lot of Light attacks and support abilities, which fits a powerful leader who watches out for those under him.
Juggle Pup (secondary): I'll admit, I had a hard time picking Vidar's second Dream Eater. What convinced me to pick this guy is its color scheme, gambling theme, and its description. It's primarily blue and yellow which nicely matches the colors in Vidar's design. And much like this Dream Eater, Vidar "took a risky gamble" on Kingdom Hearts. Its description also says "their poker faces are hard to read", which I think fits Vidar as well (just look at how straight-faced he is when Vor despairingly talks about her emotional issues, haha).
Peepsta Hoo (primary): Because owls are considered wise. And this Dream Eater has an ability where it "scans" enemies for weaknesses to exploit (along with having a name that evokes "looking/peeping at something"), which fits the "vision" thing Vala has going on, along with how she watched Urd from afar to assess her abilities. This Dream Eater also uses a lot of elemental magic attacks (as well as some light magic despite being Dark type) which fits how Vala primarily uses magic. Finally, it has a link attack called "Fly-By Knight" which will be relevant…right now.
Lord Kyroo (secondary): Mostly because of my knightly Vala headcanons I've talked about before (tbh "samurai" could probably work too and would perhaps be more fitting; I just go with the European knight thing because of her debuting in Beast's Castle and because I'm more familiar with knights.) That being said, its description does call it a "smartypants" for some reason, which I think fits her. The clear reference to the Frog Prince fairytale also works well with her debuting in Beast's Castle since the Beast is also an enchanted prince turned into something "ugly". And of course this Dream Eater uses magic.
Me Me Bunny (primary): Me Me Bunny is the closest thing to a ninja-themed Dream Eater due to its appearance/body language and its description saying it knows "bun fu". (I know, not Japanese). It is Physical-attribute which fits how Vali uses physical attacks.
Kooma Panda (secondary): Gonna be honest, not much logical reason for this one, I just think they would make an adorable team. I'm imagining Vali taking naps on Kooma Panda's belly and them climbing trees together. That said, color-wise, I think Kooma Panda's blue-green claws match Vali's eyes extremely well. Oh, and it's a Physical and Light type; I don't think I need to explain why Light types are good for the upperclassmen in general, haha.
Cera Terror (primary): Mostly just because this Dream Eater's crest (head) resembles the shape of Heimdall's collar. I just love it when people visually resemble their pets in some way, whether in shape or color scheme or vibe. Once again, this one is a Physical and Light type.
Skelterwild (secondary): I wanted to pick a rainbow Dream Eater as a reference to the mythological Heimdall who guards the rainbow bridge "Bifrost" (funnily enough this Dream Eater is ice-themed as well…"frost" is in the name Bifrost, even if it doesn't actually mean that. It can just be a silly pun, y'know). And yeah I guess our Heimdall gets to have a dino theme for his Dream Eaters.
Keeba Tiger (primary): I knew I wanted either Aura Lion or Keeba Tiger for him because of these animals being considered strong, scary, and wild, but I think the ice age theming of a saber-tooth tiger better fits how Helgi looks like he's dressed for the cold with those furs of his. In addition, its ability link board includes a lot of attack boosts and attack hastes which fits Helgi's confrontational personality. Plus, much like Aura Lion this Dream Eater is just pretty powerful in general.
Tyranto Rex (secondary): For a lot of the same reasons as above: it's large, powerful, imposing, and wild. (I guess I accidentally went for an "extinct" theme here.) One of its dispositions is called "Tyrant" (and Keeba Tiger has one called "Conquerer") which fits how Helgi thinks force is acceptable for maintaining righteous order. Both of his Dream Eaters use fire attacks, coincidentally.
Wheeflower (primary): Wheeflower's head shape actually perfectly matches the flower shape on Sigrun's sleeves. But yes, I chose this one because of the flower theme. I also really like the headcanon from user rosie-kairi that Sigrun is distantly related to Lauriam and Strelitzia, and wouldn't you know it this Dream Eater is not only a flower, it also has a dandelion themed attack. It also has access to Protect and Shell which fits how Sigrun jumped in front of Heimdall to protect him from Dragon Maleficent.
Eaglider (secondary): I wanted to pick a Dream Eater that could reference how the mythological Sigrun was a Valkyrie, and I think this one works well for that. Its head shape is very helmet-esque, and I frequently see Valkries depicted with feathered wings.
Pegaslick (primary): It was absolutely necessary to me that Hoder have at least one Light type Dream Eater, so here it is. Also, I feel like Hoder's hair kind of resembles white feathers (plus she's got that whole angelic look going on), so a pegasus just makes sense. It has support abilities like Haste and Regen.
Cyber Yog (secondary): I really struggled with picking a second Dream Eater for her until I realized that the dispositions for this Dream Eater are all references to Santa's reindeer (Comet, Blitzen, etc.) And, well, mistletoe is important to the mythology of Hoder and Baldr. Because Cyber Yog is Thunder attribute and Pegaslick is Light, it can do a dual link with Pegaslick called "Ragnarok", something else important to Hoder and Baldr's mythology. Cyber Yog being red also matches the red accents in Hoder's design. Finally it has access to Protect and Shell which fits Hoder's original intentions of protecting Baldr.
Ghostabocky (primary): Like with Hoder, I knew I wanted Baldr to have at least one Dark type Dream Eater on his team (he actually gets two). This guy being a mischievous, gluttonous-looking ghost just fits Baldr's color scheme and vibe, right? (I mean, it wields a knife.) One of its dispositions is called "Split Personality" which can (figuratively) reference a couple of things, like Baldr hiding himself and his darkness from everybody, or his symbiotic relationship with Darkness.
Woeflower (secondary): This one was so easy to pick because of how perfect it is. It's a Dark type, of course. Its head shape, thorns, and color scheme match Maleficent, the one who, y'know, had a major hand in killing Hoder. But the best part is its description: "This Dream Eater is a total downer, inflicting negative status effects left and right and getting pouty when companions leave it behind." Just like how Baldr feared Hoder leaving him behind.
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candyn-gutz · 11 months
ok anyway i promised u my internet idols and i am here to deliver. don't mind that there's going to be a lot of the same song... ehehe... i also haven't listened to the unit songs for the two units so like. i cannot send u any of those until i do
so !! lets just start with strpri (strawberry prince) guys i listen to! (riinu's my favorite from strpri btw)
riinu ! the red one. transmasc and i love him so much. if riinu can do it i can do it ! his liddle guy is a dogboy :). shoujorei, magical girl and chocolate, loveit
root ! the yellow guy. very soft kinda voice. love this guy. his youtube channel is mostly minecraft its funny. darling dance, bug
colon! little blue guy. also got that soft kinda voice that i enjoy. devil janai mon
satomi ! pink. has a more mature sounding voice compared to the other three. got a nice bit of power while still being kinda smooth. kinda nice tbh. shoujorei, kamipoina (godish)
nanamori ! purple. had to stop being a utaite for a bit after he kinda got doxxed or smth. like satomi has a more mature voice but still has that smoothness to it (also his voice just sounds neat) one of my faves tbh. he does solo stuff more now :) also he's the founder of strpri!! yellow, loveit, vampire (rlly shows off his power)
nanamori technically isn't active in strpri itself anymore, but he's still active as a utaite and as strpri's like. manager? kinda? so he counts. to me <3
also! lavie (root, colon, satomi, riinu)
KnightA! lets ignore that my favorite enstars unit is knights, and just move on...
vau ! red guy. leader of KnightA. i have mixed feelings on his voice but he has such a unique vocal style that i listen anyway (and im coming to enjoy his voice...). he's got a lot of interesting vocal stuff he does. gets very loud and growly sometimes its impressive. devil janai mon (he sings in a lower and a higher register to mimic deco and pino's styles, and even while singing high he can still growl and emit so much power behind that voice), loveit
soma! yellow. soft but mature voice! usually sings in his normal register but has a few times where he gets a little higher or a little deeper and growly. knightA loves their powerful voices with those growls man. ough. bug, non-breath oblige, gehenna
mahito ! blue. he doesn't do solo stuff very often but has a kinda unique voice to me... very smooth yet a bit low. you don't expect the voice that comes outta that liddle blue guy. goodbye declaration
teruto ! pink. very soft and gentle voice. i enjoy it a lot actually. he does a lot of solo stuff and has covered a lotta songs :) kyukurarin, please play-bite, magical girl and chocolate, goodbye delcaration
shiyun ! green. VERY powerful voice. loves those screams and growls. he gets growly a LOT. when not being all growly he has a very smooth voice, kinda high at times but he's also very good at singing lower ! usseewa, bug, apocalypse now, n ah ah (vocals on this one are very whispery and airy, and then he gets loud for one part towards the end :3)
yukimura ! purple. not actually part of KnightA anymore bc they wanted to go solo, but left the group on good terms! very soft voice. almost feminine sounding? good at hitting highs bc of it. very pleasing to listen to them tbh. also they're kinda controversial in japan bc they're uh ! a fucked up little guy ! read their page on the utaite wiki abt that lmao. also their gender isn't known so :3 ! tensei ringo, ifuudoudou, shoujorei, devil janai mon (w/ utu-kun)
multisongs ! unfriendly haters (shiyun + teruto), identity (vau + yukimura - their voices contrast SO much)
and !! misc guys.
utaranuki ! tanuki guy. got a nice voice. i don't have much to say abt him skdghds. urataneko, ifuudoudou, lavie, magical girl and chocolate
utu-kun ! name literally means depression-kun. most low energy covers ever i love it. also if you run his titles thru google translate they are literally so funny. smooth voice, pleasing to listen to :3 internet overdose (this song in utu's low-energy vibe is so funny tbh), lavie, vampire (shows off his low-energy vibe so well. also the full title is "i, who is afraid of blood, covered [vampire]"), bug (blood in the image, btw),
soraru ! you know soraru. everyone know soraru. soft and smooth voice. ghost city tokyo, kamipoina, menhera janai mon (w/ mazeta)
mazeta! i didn't listen to a lot of his stuff but like he has such a unique vocal style a lot like vau. soft voice with an interesting accent but also just fucking goes ham sometimes. hibana, ego rock (w/ utu-kun. shows off his "go ham" voice where he gets growly and like. sharp. for lack of a better term), usseewa (got some Go Ham mazeta in it :3)
ivudot. i don't listen to a lot of his stuff. has a very smooth like. anime protag voice. but also can sing in a higher and kinda softer register ! nee nee nee, shoujorei
whalewood! fascinating name tbh. i haven't listened to a lot of his stuff tbh but ! soft smooth voice. does some fun vocal stuff at times mostly w/ post-processing effects. gekkou (w/ suisoh), villain, traffic jam
suisoh ! also soft !! i do not listen to a lot of suisoh's stuff though so. yanno. ph, venom
visibly exploded when i saw this in my inbox/pos
thank you so much for being so through with them!!! i love hearing the thoughts. that are being thunked oughbnn ♡♡♡ i will definetely update u as i go through them hoho
but for now i'm really eepy so gonna try to get some sleep...
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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c0rpseductor · 4 months
tbh i'm thinking again about how i'm gonna approach vauthry in my fic, since i'm going to have to write him very soon.
i'm aleady planning on taking some sizeable liberties since in shadowbringers he's a bit cartoonish, both as a villain and designwise. i don't think it. well. i DO think it's a bad choice in terms of the fact that it's massively fatphobic, but in terms of tone i think a video game can get away with a somewhat absurd and cartoonish hate sink villain a bit more than a novelization, especially when he shows up sparingly. i want to keep a lot of the base tone of shb, but i do plan on morningstar being a little more sober and adult. there's sex in it i don't have to go with the shonen anime stuff if it doesn't work
i can't bring myself to agree with arguments that eulmore was Fine Actually, and in my writing i'm kind of making it worse, so i don't really want to go with a super sympathetic vauthry (although i think there can be, and want there to be, a sort of quiet tragedy to him, given his canon backstory). i Really need vauthry to still be detestable in morningstar because he has to pull double time on hate sink duty so i can pull my dirty little tricks on the reader with emet-selch. emet is getting more positive treatment in morningstar (until he isn't <3) so until such time as he has his little moment vauthry Really has to be terrible.
i've been thinking that rather than his being quite as. i guess juvenile as in canon, throwing tantrums and generally getting the "fat = dumb baby" treatment, i want to work the sort of egotistical aspect of his character from a place of sophisticated condescension (distinct in execution from emet's bitchy rich girl thing). he's supposed to represent the worst of nobility anyway, which is entitlement and a sense of others as being beneath oneself or belonging to an ontologically lesser class. i thought it might be interesting if he has a sort of grudging "respect" for pfeil, but regards him as a rogue asset to be seized moreso than a human being. i think it works very well from the angle of vauthry playing the role of a corrupt king and pfeil in many cases playing the role of a fairytale knight. like yeah of course the bad guy wants lancelot for his own. or whatever idk i dont know as much about arthuriana as i maybe should
i also think there's some running thread between them, like that there's something very similar that they take in different directions - moreso morningstar's as yet immaterial "serious vauthry" than the saturday morning cartoon vauthry of canon, but still, if you just lay out vauthry's story on paper, yknow?
on a meta level vauthry and pfeil are both fat characters from a source narrative that very much condemns and loathes fat bodies, so i think there's a sense of "similar monstrousness" that carries through even in a work intended not to be fatphobic given fic exists inherently in conversation with its source material - some of pfeil's Angst necessarily has to address that he's in a narrative role too small for his body, in a sense. fairytale knights and princes are only ever thin, shonen anime heroes are only ever thin, persephone was thin and remains so in every retelling, basically every one of those hot satan statues, you get the idea. all the motifs i draw on to inform his role-identity carry this expectation of otherworldly bodily perfection and attractiveness. to some extent this is what it means to be commodified in fiction at all. vauthry is still condemned to the same fate as he was before, but pfeil is a fat hero in a retelling of a story where fatness is evil, built on stories of heroes whose beauty is indicative of goodness and whose beauty is considered to lie in their thinness. maybe it's no wonder vauthry is like, "ditch these losers and eat bonbons with me," LMAO. sort of a like...what if solidarity was bad. you know
also, vauthry is Doomed, and pfeil is Fakeout Doomed. vauthry's story couldn't have ended any other way because he was set up to take this exact fall before even being born. even if he had been a good person morally he would have to die because his very existence upholds and hastens the apocalypse. on top of this, the circumstances under which he was raised were...less than ideal, let's say. i still vastly prefer to say that despite everything, INCLUDING the lightwarden shit, vauthry still has agency that he exercises poorly and likely had chances to be a better and kinder person which he rejected, because a narrative in which nothing is anyone's fault and no one has any choice and it all just Happens is boring. (not in the sense of tragedy, where fate and its incursion on autonomy and meaningful choice is a huge element that adds interest, but in the sense of like...if nobody ever decides to do anything and nothing is ever driven by character action it's not a story where the characters participate anymore. what is the point of that.) his ultimate aim was to secure paradise in eulmore, but no wealthy and powerful person's conception of paradise is gonna be equitable or sustainable or anything less than monstrous. also paradise is fake we live in an imperfect world and that's the only thing we get!! deal with it how you like but that's it!! the hero here is a satan allegory so he's gonna tear down your fake ass heaven!! so on and so forth. off topic. point is he's a villain, and by virtue of being a villain in a story with a clearly designated hero, he's doomed as fuck, no matter the circumstances or aims of his villainy, just like emet. sorry man
pfeil is, by contrast, Fakeout Doomed. like vauthry, he didn't really have much of a choice in becoming who he is - heroes don't get to resist the call no matter how hard they fight, and like all WoLs, hydaelyn had her sights on him for since forever because time loop shenanigans and arguably because reincarnation anyway. by virtue of being born, and even before being born, he was already stuck on the path he's on now. it's not kind to him, being on this path, but he can't give up on it because it would bring harm to others and he can't accept that. it's not who he is to shirk social responsibility. if it was, he wouldn't be the hero. but i as the author know that it's not going to kill him, and once he does what he was always meant to do he gets a whole life ahead of him free of my fuckin meddling. there's an end to the story and then pfeil kind of does a vague whatever. not my business. in the end, he escapes.
again, of course neither of them really know this because they don't know they're in a story. only emet kind of has that inkling of meta and it influences how he interacts with pfeil. but i think it's something that pfeil and vauthry might understand about each other sort of subconsciously, or voice it in other terms. vauthry is living a terminal villain's existence, where his choices are die or live and end the world, and pfeil by contrast is a Big Damn Hero, a beacon of hope who barrels toward the impossible light at the end of the tunnel. vauthry wants pfeil on his side because who wouldn't want that? maybe they can escape together. or maybe vauthry's terminal existence will feel that much less empty, with someone who is fated to one day be Real in a way he can never be at his side. heroes always win. (except in tragedies.)
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theboarsbride · 2 years
Name 5 movies/book/songs/etc that inspired each of your stories!
OOO!!! So sorry this took too long to get around, but thank you so, so much for sending this ask in!! 🥺💛
The Monster and the Butterfly🥀🦋
Crimson Peak - and Guillermo del Toro's whole filmography, tbh, but Crimson Peak especially. And also other ghost movies/shows, such as The Orphanage, The Others, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Mama, Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring I & II.
Panna a Netvor/Beauty and the Beast (1979), as well as Jean Cocteau's La Belle et la Bete.
Various dark fantasy movies and books from the 1980s/90s like The Dark Crystal, Legend, The Company of Wolves, etc. and Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber.
Shelley Duvall's Fairytale Theater "Beauty and the Beast" episode (literally why Susan Sarandon - who plays Beauty - is Sophie's fc)... and honestly, on that same note, Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy because the fucking music is so good, and Brad Dourif as Grima Wormtongue is the whole reason why the modern version of Edgar exists (and is his fc) lmao.
A Taste for Monsters by Matthew Kirby - and to add onto this, KIND OF?? Is that a lot of inspiration for TMATB came from the hate I feel towards some modern BATB retellings (i.e.- Sarah J Maas' A Court of Thorns and Roses series especially) that feature conventionally attractive 'Beasts' who are only beasts in the sense that they're awful, toxic, cruel people who, to me, don't deserve redemption or romance - or even friendship - as well as female protagonists who are just so, so unlikeable in their bitterness, idiocy, and Mary Sue-ness??? I wanted to write a romance that featured love interests that were unconventional in appearance, flawed but still likeable, and having a relationship that is healthy/consensual!
Cheating and adding a 6th one, but the works of Abigail J. Harding's Parliament of Rooks portfolio! GOTHIC BIRD MONSTER BELOVED!
Those Red Nights🌕🐺
Using Bob Odenkirk as a fc for a werewolf character - literally that's the whole reason why this story exists lmfao. So you bet I was watching the hell out of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad for inspo (and simp material)!
Silence of the Lambs, the movie especially! But there is also Thomas Harris' Red Dragon novel (and the movie starring Ed Norton and Anthony Hopkins, and the movie Manhunter) that was a source of inspiration!
David Fincher's Se7en - I wanted to write a neo-Noir story for a hot minute, especially ones with psychological horror elements!
Nightmare by Tuesday Knight - this just helped me develop the idea of TRN being a psychological horror, and writing about the themes surrounding nightmares, the haunting effects of guilt, etc.
Werewolf movies like Bad Moon and Silver Bullet
Temperance & Mr. Wyrm 🐍⚕️- I don't talk about this WIP much but I still think about it regularly!
Wanting to do a retelling of the fairytale "The Lindworm Prince" and also wanting to explore writing a weird body horror romance!
The Shape of Water - again, del Toro out here inspiring goofy fucking monster romances!
David Cronenberg's The Fly - tragic body horror romance goodness, my beloved!
General 1980s media and pop culture - a lot of this was kind of inspired by reading My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix! It's a book set in the 80s and utilizes the 80s nostalgia, but it also doesn't shy away from how ugly the 80s were in terms of social stigmas for people who weren't straight white men. In TAMW especially what I'd be alluding to is the stigma surrounding AIDS, and other blood-borne illnesses.
And, lowkey, wanting to have Gwendoline Christie as a fc for a character?? Like, idk, with who Temperance is as a character within the novella, Christie seems to fit her super well! Also the tall gf x short bf is a ship dynamic I ADORE! (also the character of Jack, the titular 'Mr. Wyrm,' is another character where I use Brad Dourif as a fc for but shhhhh i know I'm cringe, don't remind me)
These are the main WIPs I still work on!! There is also The Faeries and the Lark but that's more on the backburner for now, but that story was inspired by wanting to do a genderbent retelling of Sleeping Beauty but has now turned into a Gothic/dark fantasy Sapphic romance that's a funky blend between Sleeping Beauty and East of the Sun, West of the Moon that's inspired by Scandinavian folklore and seeing images of women in armor lmao.
But if there are any WIPs you'd wanna learn about, give me a shout and I'm more than willing to scream about these goofy, silly little stories!!
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
do you mind to tell me your fav book and fav film?
Another super hard question because I’m absolutely terrible at picking just one thing, but imma try.
Book: Peter Pan or The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Peter Pan has been my favorite since forever, the book is a bit darker than all of the films and I find that very appealing too. I know, “it’s a children’s book” but I still think is freaking great.
And there is just something about Dorian’s talks with Lord Henry that just embrace crude hedonism in a crazy most literal way, and the way he talks to Dorian about society, I mean this guy almost invented the corruption arc, and in love it.
Other book recs: Percy Jackson or anything from Rick Riordan, The Midnight Library, The Night Circus, The Martian, Howl’s Moving Castle, The Giver saga, The Magicians, Anne of Green Gables, The Borrowers, The Secret Garden, All the Young Dudes, Cirque du Freak, The Theory of Everything (comfort book), Freaking Romance, Operation True Love, Mystic Prince, Unholly Blood [Last four are webtoons] <- when I say I can’t pick this is literally what I mean.
Favorite Film:
This one is a lot harder because I love movies and I would consider myself a bit of a film nerd, tbh, so again, in no order in particular:
Tick, Tick… Boom! [Jonny’s lyrics just resonate], Peter Pan (2003), Hook, Howl’s Moving Castle, Peter Pan return to Neverland [Jane is me, I am Jane], Brave, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Eragon, Casper, Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Cirque du Freak, Robin Hood, Cloud Atlas, CA: Winter Soldier, Thor: Dark World [nobody likes it but Loki kills me in this one], Ex Machina and Arriety.
Side note: I feel like a great way to actually get to know me is to know my favorite tv shows of all time, so I’m also adding those:
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Moon Knight and BBC’s Sherlock
I totally failed at picking just one
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I'm a little late I know, but tbf paramay came back pretty suddenly. After trying to decide which para to focus on for the entire month, I choose everyone's my favorite bisexual magician: Calypso! (Though I really should've chosen Rowan since it's his birthmonth...)
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Para + Intro
Calypso Cecil Raymond (neé Morningstar) is the current ringleader of DreamSet Circus, where he is doomed to die on every Friday to a lion attack. Don't feel too bad for him — he likes being dramatic and what's more dramatic than your beloved pet tearing your face off? Exactly.
In addition to being a ringleader, Calypso is also a prince! He is the second prince and third in line for the throne of the kingdom Verona. He likes being a ringleader a lot more tbh.
A very important thing about Cali is that the life he has isn't technically his. It was given to him by a strange woman known as Vee after he beat his highscore on Polybius in the real world (Earth 2/4). Cali spends most of his time in Arcadia (the VR world), and as such the majority of I'm Not the One takes place there. This fact is important though because IRL/Beta Versions affect the players VR lives. I'll point out the differences between the two if the prompt leads itself to that.
He's basically a fun silly guy with a ton of trauma underneath that mask of his.
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(L-R: VR!Calypso, Beta!Calypso, Idol!Cali, Reverse!AU/Cecil)
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Para + Family
Calypso's family isn't talked about much, though it's heavily implied that they're negligent.
Due to his Beta Version, Cali's VR Family is essentially just the Found Family trope. He does have bio siblings, those being: Merlin, Tezrah, Seraphina, Reverie, and Sybil. They aren't focused on much except for Rev, as she's Cali's twin sister. 
But back to the found family: his chosen family are the performers at DreamSet. They're an incredibly tight knit group and are Calypso's very much needed theater kid friends. The most important of the bunch are Isaac (former ringleader & the circus' owner) and Regan (Isaac's wife & former lion tamer). Those are his parents try to convince him otherwise.
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Para + Childhood
Calypso was born an only child. He didn’t have many friends growing up, though he longed to have a tight-knit friend group. To fill this void, he turned to tv/video games/books/etc, as well as his own creations. If Beta!Calypso was focused on more I think it'd be revealed that he's a MaDDer/IDer.
Calypso was born into royalty. He was the second son of Rose and Luscious Morningstar, making him third in line for the throne. As such, he didn’t have many responsibilities compared to Merlin (blood prince) and Tezrah (second in line for the throne should something happen to Merlin) (their birth order is: Merlin, Tezrah, Calypso & Reverie, Seraphina, Sybil). 
He grew up alongside Rowan Dellacroy and Jane Bellerose, making them childhood friends. The two knights (Rowan & Jane) would later be appointed as Calypso’s personal knights that accompany him everywhere for protection. The three have become known to get in trouble and odd shenanigans here and there.
So, yknow. VR!Cali's childhood was marginally better than Beta!Cali's. If only he actually lived it instead of having false memories implanted 😔
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fraycreations · 1 year
Hello! Just came across your Classpect art for the Rise Turtles, and I would like to inquire about them!
HI i didn't see this because tumblr?? ate my inbox??? anyway it's been forever since i drew that lol but i did find these old reasonings i wrote back then (under the cut)
leo - the rogue of breath - defined as “one who steals breath (motivation/freedom) from others for their allies”, which i thought was fitting to both how he's constantly shown to be motivating his bros, and is able to smooth talk his enemies thereby “stealing” their motivation. plus breath players are the most “go with the flow” out of any of the aspects. breath players also tend to make good leaders, but ones who are reluctant to take the position ;) ^ i did discuss this one w somebody and they suggested knight of breath, which i actually think fits a bit better in retrospect donnie - mage of space - one who has great knowledge of space but is “plagued” by it in some way. space seems to represent creation as far as i can tell, so i thought it was an interesting take on how donnie’s creations - his tech - tend to backfire on him a lot, and also that he uses his ability to create as something he hangs all his self-worth on. space being related to physics as well fits with him being science-minded. he also just seems like he’d have a lot of fun with the size-altering aspects of space powers. i went back and forth on him for a while (he was almost a mind player) but this feels the best
raph - prince of doom - tbh i just wanted to put him in the puffy pants and the little crown but the actual definition is “one who destroys doom (endings/danger/rules)”, aka the Ultimate Protector. plus raph has never been much of a rule-follower so “destroying rules” works for him too. also, i thought it was funny for such a sweet guy to have the Doom and Destroy title
mikey - heir of hope - heirs are kind of tricky to define but the basic gist is that they become their aspect and are passively protected by it. since mikey’s Thing™ is about believing in the best in people no matter what, him “becoming hope” and spreading belief to others seemed pretty apt. hope players also tend to be kind of blind to the truth bc of those beliefs, which also fits mikey's (occasional) naivité (but also goes with the fact that he often KNOWS it's "unwise" to hope or believe the best in people, but he does anyway)
thanks for being interested! means a lot
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