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thashining · 1 month ago
It’s been a scam from day 1
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tmarshconnors · 8 days ago
The Most Qualified US President JFK
As a staunch supporter of right-wing politics, particularly the Reform Party and figures like Nigel Farage, my natural inclination is to align with the Republican Party in the United States. Conservatism, free-market principles, and a strong national identity are values I hold dear, and the modern Republican Party, despite its internal fractures, still embodies many of these ideals. 
However, there is one undeniable truth, even for those of us on the right: John F. Kennedy was arguably the most qualified and capable president the United States has ever had.
Now, before my fellow conservatives scoff at the notion of praising a Democrat, let's take a step back and analyze JFK not through the lens of partisan loyalty, but through merit, leadership, and statesmanship.
A President with Real-World Experience
Unlike many modern politicians who build their careers in the bureaucratic echo chambers of Washington, JFK came from a background that genuinely prepared him for the highest office in the land. His time in the military, particularly as a naval officer during World War II, shaped his resilience, decision-making, and ability to lead under pressure. The famous PT-109 incident, where Kennedy saved his crew after their boat was sunk, showcased his courage and sense of duty qualities sorely lacking in many of today’s career politicians.
Compare this to the political dynasties we see today, where candidates emerge not because of their personal achievements but because of their family name or ideological appeal. JFK may have been born into privilege, but he proved himself through action, not just rhetoric.
A Pragmatist, Not an Ideologue
JFK was a Democrat, yes, but not in the radical progressive sense we see dominating the party today. He was staunchly anti-communist, supported a strong military, and pushed for tax cuts that spurred economic growth positions that would make many modern Republicans nod in agreement. In fact, his economic policies bear more resemblance to those of Ronald Reagan than to those of today’s left-wing Democrats.
His approach to the Cold War was another mark of his pragmatism. Instead of blindly capitulating to Soviet pressure or overreacting with reckless aggression, Kennedy took a calculated stance that balanced deterrence with diplomacy. His handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis remains one of the greatest demonstrations of presidential leadership in history.
A Leader Who Inspired a Nation
One of the greatest failings of modern political leaders, particularly in America, is their inability to unite and inspire their nation. Kennedy, however, had that rare ability to make people believe in something bigger than themselves. His speeches weren’t just empty words they were calls to action. “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country” is a sentiment that conservatives, especially those who champion personal responsibility and national pride, can respect.
Contrast this with the modern left’s obsession with victimhood and entitlement, and you see just how different JFK was from today’s Democrats. His vision was one of strength, optimism, and American exceptionalism values that, ironically, align more with the modern right than the radical left.
The Tragic Loss of Leadership
One can only wonder what America and indeed the world—would look like had Kennedy not been assassinated. Would he have continued to steer the country away from the bureaucratic stagnation that followed in the decades after? Would he have resisted the extreme leftward shift of his party? We will never know.
What is certain, however, is that John F. Kennedy was a leader of rare ability. His blend of real-world experience, economic pragmatism, and nationalistic spirit set him apart from most presidents before and after him.
So yes, while my allegiance lies firmly with conservative values and right-wing politics, I can recognize excellence when I see it. And in JFK, America had a leader who was truly qualified for the presidency a fact that even Republicans should acknowledge.
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munaeem · 17 days ago
Can Germany's Massive Spending Plan Revive Its Economy?
Hey, Let’s Talk About Germany’s Big Money Move! So, picture this: I’m sitting down with you over coffee, and you casually ask, “What’s going on with Germany’s economy? I keep hearing something about a huge spending plan.” Oh, buddy, do I have a story for you! Germany’s government is rolling out this massive €500 billion infrastructure plan—yeah, billion—spread over 10 years. That’s like 1.2% of…
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trendtracker360writer · 2 months ago
Tax cuts aren’t just political buzzwords; they play a huge role in shaping our wallets and the economy! They lower what we pay at the federal, state, or local level and can lead to more cash in your pocket or new business opportunities.
Want a real example? The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act slashed rates and doubled deductions, putting more money where it matters—in our hands. With individual cuts boosting take-home pay and corporate cuts encouraging jobs and growth, the ripple effect is powerful.
But it’s not all sunshine—many cuts are temporary, so staying updated on policy shifts is key to managing your finances effectively.
Maximize your gains: adjust your withholdings, plan your deductions wisely, invest your savings, and keep a pulse on tax changes. Get informed and take charge of your financial future!
Sign Up to the free newsletter here www.investmentrarities.com.
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political-science-solution · 2 months ago
Union Budget 2025: Key Highlights, Major Reforms, and Economic Outlook
The Union Budget 2025, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, outlines transformative reforms aimed at boosting India’s economic growth. A key highlight is the significant income tax relief, with the rebate threshold raised from ₹7 lakh to ₹12 lakh, benefiting the middle class. The highest tax rate of 30% now applies only to incomes above ₹24 lakh. Despite these tax cuts, fiscal discipline is maintained with a targeted fiscal deficit of 4.4% for FY26.
Read More:
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mortiz888-blog · 5 months ago
Tax Cuts and Immigration: The American Workers' Advantage
Discover how the latest tax cuts and regulatory reforms aim to bolster American workers. We explore the implications of cracking down on immigration and taking a stand against unfair global practices. Join us for key insights! #TaxCuts #AmericanWorkers #RegulationReform #ImmigrationPolicy #EconomicGrowth #SupremeCourtImpact #GlobalTrade #WorkersRights #PolicyChanges #AmericanEconomy
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the-wealth-mindset · 5 months ago
Preparing for Expiring Tax Cuts in 2025
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The 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) brought significant changes, but many key provisions affecting individual taxpayers are set to expire after 2025. As tax rates and income brackets revert to pre-2017 levels, it’s essential to plan now to optimize tax savings. Key Strategies to Consider: 1.Roth Conversions: Converting from the basic IRAs to Roth IRAs before the new rates go up in 2026 may come in handy for tax-free growth, particularly to couples in higher tax brackets. 2.Estate Tax Planning: Today’s $13.61 million estate tax exemption will change after the year 2025. Timely making of lifetime gifts would enable one avoid paying estate taxes on those assets in the future. 3.Itemized Deductions: The changes for the year include some deductions that you should consider before making an informed decision such as the state and local tax cap. Working with experienced financial advisors like All Seasons Wealth can help you navigate these changes and develop a proactive plan for 2025 and beyond.
Read more: Preparing for expiring tax cuts in 2025
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
Indian-American Entrepreneur Shines in Republican Debate, Focuses on Jobs, Immigration, and Healthcare #conservativevoters #deregulation #economicgrowth #healthcarereform #immigration #IndianAmericansinUSpolitics #marketorientedapproach #meritbasedimmigration #nationalsecurity #republicanparty #republicanpresidentialdebate #securingAmericasborders #taxcuts #USelections #vivekramaswamy
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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
Struggling Australian Economy Needs Help for Growth and Jobs #Australianeconomy #belowtrendrate #businessinvestment #businesses #COVID19pandemic #economicgrowth #employment #financialassistance #gdpgrowth #householdconsumption #households. #housingmarket #infrastructurespending #PrimeMinisterAnthonyAlbanese #reducinginterestrates #ReserveBankofAustralia #structuralreforms #strugglinghouseholds #sustainableeconomicgrowth #taxcuts #unemploymentrates
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cpapartners · 1 year ago
Tough budget decisions ahead as state tax revenue drops
By Tanaz Meghjani
Cooling economic growth, tax cuts and weak stock-market performance are big contributors to the drop.
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thirteenball · 2 years ago
Government spending and why it will always be wastefully corrupt.
Time and time again you might hear people say, the system is broken and the Government doesn’t work or is inefficient. I would like to make the case that this premise is incorrect, the Government is in fact very effective, once you realize that it is not meant to work for you. It is the other way round.
There is no benefit to society in giving people free money and then telling them they are equal to people that work. Let me speak for myself. I do not believe in equality, it is a LIE. It is not based in reality. That is like saying, I am equal to these fake journalists, I reject that. Remember they are after your reality, once they get that, it is easier to steal your money.  
What is even more infuriating is that if you ever bring it up, you are labeled, insulted or attacked. be careful you might be called Privileged… Yet you work for a living, enough is enough. …
The biggest poison in our society is the grant system. … Someone has to say it, it is time for some political incorrectness, how else are you going to fix the problem. To give people free money is a direct attack on the family and I, for one, do not want to participate in it anymore. My answer is NO. I do not CONSENT. 
In case you think I am being hateful, please consider educating yourself about the law of the land. 
(This speech is protected by our constitution, it's called freedom of expression, you should go take a look at that. …) 
I think that there is a better way, surely. … If you manage to digest what I am saying without being triggered or think that I am hateful towards the poor or whatever word you think might hurt me, you should know that I have no capacity to care about your opinion, I am stating my opinion. Expert or not, degree, honors or not, I could care less. … 
I speak for myself and hardworking people like me, I don’t not care where they are, what colour their skin is, or where they come from. … And if it moves the conversation forward, I’ll be the monster. We are robbing young people of the pride and satisfaction to work and earn for self. 
The solution is to CUT taxes. 
YES, if our Government really cared about people, as we do, and by we I mean the productive population of society, they would cut taxes for businesses. And let us solve the mess we have put us in. … 
There are plenty of case studies you can find to support my argument. It is also common sense that productive people will reinvest most of the money they make back into their businesses always always always. I know it might seem strange to you, but if it does, then I am sorry you don’t belong in that league. … And we do this because we want to increase production, this normally means more jobs, and more money. Everyone is happy. .. I know that they teach something different at our universities, I know..
Government is happy since the tax pool is bigger, people are happy they are working and spending on themselves. It is important, people are working. Pride in self restored. 
The Late Milton Fredman spoke eloquently about government's spending and the reason that it will always be wastefully corrupt, and why it is the way it is. 
The question you need to ask or consider  is “who is spending who’s money?”.  There are 4 sets of scenarios whenever you spend money …
So when you spend money,  you can
spend your money on yourself
When you spend YOUR OWN money on YOURSELF, you are very careful how much you spend and you are very careful to make sure that you get the best quality for the money you spend. You worked for it after all, very important. _ VALUE FOR MONEY
spend your money on someone else
When you spend YOUR OWN money on SOMEONE ELSE, you are careful how much you spend, and you are not too concerned about the quality, like you would in first scenario AFFORDABLE QUALITY
spend SOMEONE ELSE'S money on YOURSELF, you don’t care how much money you spend and you also make sure you get the best quality for the money you are spending. EXPENSE QUALITY
spend someone else's money on someone else, you don’t care about the price and you couldn’t care less about the quality __ CHEAP CHEAP
And the 4th scenario is the definition of Government Spending. … There is this misconception that the Government creates jobs, that is not true. And it is not the responsibility of the Government to create jobs, all the government can do is spend the money it takes from the productive members of society and give it away. 
If you take money from Tebogo and give it to Thabo, you can always rely on Thabo’s support. .. 
Well now Tebogo is now GATVOEL and wants to keep his money. … 
In conclusion, the cause is the cure and the cure is the cause. … You are able to solve the problem with the cause of the problem. And you manage to do this without a tax revolt.
Is that too simplistic? Has that been tried in our country before?
The solutions are with the productive members of society, the working class and maybe it is time they were asked? Clearly the Experts in this scenario are experts at failure, step aside. 
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cuntstable · 2 years ago
the fact that theres a high likelyhood that the winning party in todays election will be the one whos single most defining policy trait is cuts and austerity to social welfare and safetynets is insane like its evil always but esp now with living costs being so high. lol.
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politsport · 22 days ago
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cebozcom · 1 year ago
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Winston Peters Sparks Fiscal Debate: Budget Tensions Emerge | www.ceboz.com
Independent economist Brian Easton highlights budget tensions within the Coalition Government as Winston Peters challenges fiscal policies.
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
Chancellor's Tax Cuts Boost UK Economy Amid COVID-19 #ChancelloroftheExchequer #corporationtax #COVID19pandemic #economicgrowth #taxcuts
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wordpress-blaze-233553194 · 46 minutes ago
U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges to 2-Year Low: What It Means for Inflation, Jobs, and Your Wallet in 2025
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As of March 28, 2025, the United States is experiencing a sharp decline in consumer sentiment, indicating increasing anxiety about economic stability and future expectations. The University of Michigan's most recent survey shows a dramatic fall in its Consumer Sentiment Index, falling to 57.0 in March from 64.7 in February, the lowest since November 2022. ​ Understanding the Consumer Sentiment Index The Consumer Sentiment Index, which is provided by the University of Michigan, is a principal gauge of confidence in the U.S. economy held by the American public. It tracks personal finance, overall economic situation, and buying attitudes. A decline in the index means that consumers are pessimistic regarding their financial situation and the overall economic situation, which can lead to decreased spending and slower economic growth. Reasons behind the Decline Some of the most significant reasons that the consumer confidence has dropped recently include: Inflation Anxiety: Persistent inflation eroded purchasing power, making the average consumer spend more on goods and services. During February, the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index grew by 0.3%, maintaining its 2.5% year-over-year gain. Core PCE, the measure of prices minus volatile food and energy costs, grew 0.4% in February and 2.8% from a year ago. ​ Trade Tariffs and Global Agitation: Placing new trade tariffs has added economic uncertainty. President Donald Trump's recent tariff declarations have increased worry about increased prices of foreign-made goods and potential retaliatory moves by trade partners. Such trade activism has ignited consumer  uncertainty about the general economic situation. Labor Market Anxiety: Rising fear around the labor market has also impacted consumer confidence. Two-thirds of consumers reported that they expected more unemployment over the next year, the most apprehensive since 2009. Fear around employment opportunities might lead to reduced consumption, hence even weaker economic growth. ​
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Impact on Financial Markets Financial markets have experienced the fall in consumer confidence rebound through them: Stock Market Drops: The big indexes have dropped. The S&P 500 fell 2%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq Composite also took large drops. Investors are frightened by economic slowdown fears and a possibility of stagflation—a condition characterized by slowing growth and rising inflation. Bond Market Trends: The yield on the 10-year Treasury note declined to 4.26%, reflecting a shift into safer assets as investors seek shelter from market risk. ​ Financial Times Consumer Spending Trends Despite the decline in sentiment, consumer spending increased by a modest 0.4% in February. Adjusted for inflation, real spending growth was modest, which means that even though consumers are spending more in nominal terms, their real consumption has not been increasing significantly. Such mediocre growth in spending is worrying for the sustainability of economic growth. Inflation Expectations Inflation expectations have increased, with consumers predicting a 5% average rate of inflation in the next year and 4.1% in the next five years. Such higher expectations can affect the behavior of consumers, leading to reduced spending and increased demand for higher wages, which can, in turn, propel inflationary pressures. ​ MarketWatch Regional Perspectives In Florida, and in towns like St. Cloud, the ramifications of deteriorating consumer attitudes are being experienced. Local shops can observe slower traffic and sales as local consumers grow more cautious in their spending. The state's tourism industry, a staple of the Florida economy, could also be affected if consumers nationwide curtailed travel spending.​ Strategies for Consumers In light of these occurrences, consumers might utilize the following strategies: Financial Planning and Budgeting: Recalculation and recasting personal budgets to incorporate rising costs can help keep expenses under control. Emergency Fund: Establishing or restoring an emergency fund can provide a measure of financial protection if a job is lost or unexpected expenses occur. Investment in Human Capital: Investment in additional education or skills can improve employability and job security in an potentially more constrained labor market. The latest decline in consumer confidence emphasizes the troubles facing the U.S. economy, such as persistent inflation, trade tensions, and labor market challenges. As consumers progress through this complex setting, being very well-educated and exhibiting good financial practices will be crucial for minimizing the impacts of these economic headwinds.
Source: U.S. Consumer Sentiment Plunges to 2-Year Low: What It Means for Inflation, Jobs, and Your Wallet in 2025
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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
Japanese Prime Minister Announces Tax Cuts to Boost Economy and Income #corporatetaxrate #disposableincome #FumioKishida #incometaxes #JapanesePrimeMinister #taxcuts
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