#tails nine introject
the-fictive-haven · 2 months
So this is kind of silly and weird but:
Is there anyone out there who'd be willing to watch Prime alongside us, or who has seen it and would let us talk with you about it as we watch? No voice/video chat, just messaging.
Our system has difficulty maintaining attention and interest in one thing when we're by ourselves, and we process information/feelings by talking about it. It's embarrassing to admit we need a friend to basically hold our hand just to watch a show, but we genuinely want to see the rest of it (were only able to get through the first few episodes on our own... aaand already introjected Nine).
We're also the epitome of autistic and will hyperfixate and go on mini rants btw :') we're cool people I promise just a lil silly
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Not sure if anyone else is like this, but personally some of headmates believe themselves to be reincarnated in some sort of way. Saw someone (not on this blog) talk about how people shouldn't be saying that because did is a trauma-based disorder, etc etc etc, but... As someone who shares a body with people who believe they were reincarnated... I just want to tell anyone else like us that it's okay if you feel that way. Forcing that narrative on others is obviously soooooo not okay! But completely erasing the possibility for others is also not super cool, y'know? So. Just waving around our existence for anyone who might be struggling with that. It's okay. We're, we see you <3
A few introjects (who are also kin) from: Avatar (James Cameron), 7DS (anime), and The Nine Tails (kdrama)
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palmtreepanicsys · 4 months
"wow youre a nine introject? you must feel such a deep connection with foxes and the kitsune, since your mechanical tails are based on them."
meanwhile, im watching a movie about dragons, feeling draconic claws from somewhere, wishing source me had made mechanical wings instead. that would've been even better.
-N. 🔧
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possessedklug · 2 years
Their only refuge was the realm of their dreams...
otherkin, otherkith/copinglink. my otherkin is both for spiritual and coping reasons as I experiences unreality (osdd).
I don't mind people who "kin for fun" and I think the expansion of the term "kin" is important for our acceptance. I only dislike it being treated as a lesser label than introjects, IRLs, and related identity labels.
emote tags are for personal posts, I tag all posts with character names when I reblog them...
I don't reblog fanart here. It's mostly aesthetics or posts about being otherkin/otherkith.
about // kinlist*
*main kins under cut
PERMASHIFT: Klug 👓 and Strange Klug 🔖
IDENTITY: Mafuyu Asahina ❄️, Shu Itsuki 🪡, Fecto Elfilis 🧬
OTHER IMPORTANT FICKIN: Rui Ninomiya 🌐, The Radiance ✴️, Erika/Bernkastel/Rika 🔍, Ally 💚, Rafisol ♠️
OTHER: Cherubim 🕊️, nine-tailed fox 🦊, water 🌊
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the-fictive-haven · 2 months
We started watching Prime tonight. Writing this 'cause we need a break to process things.
Our (multi source) Sonic remembers all of this, and we found out this is actually where our unidentified Tails came from, when we watched the first few episodes quite some time ago. Nine's confused about his memories but watching with us, and the newer Nine seems to have his canon memories.
We're also literally on episode three and already introjected a Prime Shadow lmao
Any sourcemates who wanna talk, we'd be very appreciative! Doesn't just have to be from Prime but the greater Sonic universe in general! Message us!
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the-fictive-haven · 2 months
Nonhuman/alterhuman positivity post because Nine just popped into cofront and oh my gosh I can feel his phantom ears that's so cool jsgdhsshsg-
❤️ Shoutout to nonhumans who are part of a system, collective, or other multiple!
🧡 Shoutout to nonhuman introjects and fictives!
💛 Shoutout to nonhumans who are not plural!
💚 Shoutout to nonhumans who experience phantom limbs, tails, ears, etc!
💙 Shoutout to nonhumans who feel pressured to be "normal" by society!
💜 Shoutout to nonhumans who don't give a fuck what society says about them!
🩷 Shoutout to nonhumans who dress in ways that are affirming to their identities!
🤍 Shoutout to nonhumans who prefer to walk/run on all fours!
🩶 Shoutout to nonhumans who express comfort and affection in unique ways (purring, kneading, etc)!
🖤 Shoutout to nonhumans who express discomfort or disapproval in unique ways (growling, hissing, and so on)!
🐾 Shoutout to nonhumans whose identify as/are related to animals!
✨ Shoutout to nonhumans who are hybrids!
🤖 Shoutout to nonhumans with no relation to animals!
💔 Shoutout to nonhumans who find baby talk and similar treatment demeaning!
🌟 Shoutout to nonhumans who don't mind or enjoy those things!
🧠 Shoutout to nonhumans who are neurodiverse!
🦼 Shoutout to nonhumans who are disabled!
🌈 Shoutout to LGBTQIA+ nonhumans!
And all others I may not have explicitly mentioned here! Y'all are amazing and valid and I love you (/p)! :D
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the-fictive-haven · 2 months
Updated source call because the last one's a mess lol (would appreciate rbs for visibility ty /nf)
We are officially expanding our search to anyone who identifies as being part of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. This means fictives, introjects, IRLs, kins, etc are invited to interact! Still no roleplaying, that is not what this is about. Doubles welcome and encouraged. Folks who didn't get along in source also welcome.
Our fictives below the break!
Tumblr media
From Sonic Boom: Boom Sonic, Boom Tails, Boom Amy, Sticks
From Sonic Forces: Infinite
From Sonic Frontiers: Sage (early game), Sage (post game)
From Sonic Prime: Prime Shadow, Prime Tails, Nine (canon), Nine (canon divergent), Rusty Rose
Multi-source: Tails (Forces/Frontiers), Sonic (Forces/Frontiers/Prime), Shadow (Sonic Adventure 2/Forces), Eggman (Boom/Frontiers)
Source unknown/chooses not to disclose: Silver, Orbot and Cubot, Amy, Tails, Maria, and (sigh /lh) Fleetway super Sonic.
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