#t: fanvid
ntshastark · 2 months
Thought the people who were impressed by That Photo would like to know he does this kind of shit all the time
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
5 times Uhura interrupted Kirk/Spock having a moment because she was doing her job (unlike them)
+ 1 where they were all tired of Starfleet calls
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nordarknessdimsthesky · 4 months
Great Pirates | Blackbonnet [Our Flag Means Death]
May you all emerge free and clear And may you do some good where you go High in the hands of the crosswinds Or in the arms of the undertow
Song: Great Pirates – The Mountain Goats
(Also posted to YouTube here)
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tigereyes45 · 23 days
August 26th 2024 was the year anniversary of when I first started posting Star Trek fanworks.
So I decided to do a very basic, little graphic about the fanworks I posted on Ao3!
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Stats are for August 26th 2023 - August 26th 2024
I didn't include any of the & ships because oftentimes I tag posts as & as well as /.
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oneawkwardcookie · 10 months
The type of night that's arrived, it's incredibly blessed. The one that the world wants from afar He's right next to me
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edzephyr · 1 year
Presenting, for your viewing pleasure
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Star Trek Infinities: Test Footage
For more info on the hows/whys and character/Trek analysis, click on the 'Making of' video below (some spoilers).
As well as those credited, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to all the fans I've met on my travels and online, whose enthusiastic response to my "real life" Kirk encouraged the production of this small flavor of possibility...
Score composed by musical maestro @pazak, who is also here, so give her a follow!
I hope you enjoy it!
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tafadhali · 1 year
Masochism Tango - a Star Trek fanvid
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear / But much more for the touch of your whips, dear
The most self-indulgent vid I've ever made, definitely made because I spent too much time on AllYourTrekAreBelongTo.us as a teen. Cross-posted on AO3.
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aurumcalendula · 9 months
Live To Tell | Multifandom
'look what my future's gone and done'
AO3 | DW
(premiered at @fanworkscon 2023!)
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gamerism · 6 months
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half-lightl · 1 year
Now that all the dust has settled, I rebut all my rebuttals, no one knows what it's like to be us.
adele / strangers by nature
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aliasjanedoe · 2 years
Star Trek - Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Jerry Goldsmith: “The Mountain”
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
This scenes are so similar, yet so different. I have so many simple feelings 🥺❤️
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butterflydm · 1 year
This may feel like a weird/random question, but a million years ago you made a Chris Pine as Kirk fanvid to Circus. Do you still have that online anywhere?
I do! <3
You can find it here, embedded on my AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/butterflysvids/works/489240
(disclaimer: this was made back in 2009, fairly soon after the movie came out so it does not use high-quality clips, lol)
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tigereyes45 · 8 months
Anchor MEP - Part 3 - Mcspirk - Star Trek TOS - For @light_w0lf
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fuckindiscourseblog · 7 months
actually cannot fucking stand when people take a serious issue & say bc of it's seriousness you have to do/not do minor thing that barely influences the issue as if it's akin to active support.
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edzephyr · 1 year
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@actordougjones is a beautiful person
And seriously, there is point of note here that is coincident and perhaps quite relevant. He is genuinely (and not only for being kind and supportive to fans and fellow (much more lowly!) professionals) one of my favourite actors, and a lot of that is to do with what he does - he coins it in an interview when he says "dialogue comes in visuals and verbal". Doug Jones speaks wonderfully through physical language - it's a significant part of what he does; and how he does it, in all the nuanced flavours of his many different characters, is delicious to see/hear/sensorially absorb. It is something I identify with as an actor in my own work, even (perhaps surprisingly) regarding Kirk and portraying him in a holistic sense - because Kirk is so specific and recognizable in body; in physical language that is part of the expression, the 'dialogue' of his character.
I noticed from the start of this journey some years ago that a lot of fans talked about and expressed artistically how important Kirk's body and physicality was to them, and when you start to really feel out the character, it hits you how integral to his character it is; how a significant proportion of who he is is communicated uniquely through that embodiment and expression. I allude to this in "The Making of...". This character was born on screen and is so loved, so iconic, because of this entire package. It's what makes Kirk himself, and not another character - and indeed, not easy to play fast and loose with and still convey the same thing.
In terms of encapsulating that specificity in the physical sense, it is certainly not about practicing and performing superficial mannerisms - you can, but in order to work with a different physical 'accent' and for it to not seem 'put on' and fake, you have to make it make sense as a truthful expression of the character. A lot of the physical language of Kirk I find comes from the inner life of the character, and understanding that to a sufficient degree the physicality naturally/subconsciously follows. It's also true that people sometimes spot gestures or expressions in my everyday life and say 'you just did x or y like Kirk' - so some or maybe a lot of it is just how I am; being so similar in build also, I likely (as also pointed out) walk and move similarly. A close casting does help - it's taking a good start point and bringing to bear the work of the actor to fine tune it. I feel quite blessed and fortunate to be able to bring the two together. I'm glad I've been able to show it in some way now on film.
And friends/fans - don't miss out on the 'Making of' video - I talk about the above; the characters, their arcs and a lot of episode/movie meta-analysis. For fans of the Kirk-Spock arc, it's essential viewing...!
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