#t: benjamin
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Old Friend
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Summary: You meet an old friend in your shopping trip with the family.
Nothing but a slice of life, fluff, bit of angst and a jealous Miguel ~
Whenever it was restock day, Costco or Walmart would be the main places to go.
You'd get the list, Miguel would secure Rosie to his chest, as Benjamin would get inside your cart. Gabi would walk alongside you or her beloved Papa, pushing his cart.
Each would take separate ways, you'd get the meats and veggies, as Miguel would get the rest, powder detergent, cleansing products, and snacks.
"Mama, can I have these?" Benjamin swayed his feet pointing at the  colorful packaging of dinosaur shaped nuggets.
"Course you can, mi niño. Which one you want?"
"I tried the red one last time, I'll get the purple"
Benji's boyish voice echoed around you as you stopped on the frozen meals section.
"Alright, purple it is."
You picked the purple package, a triceratops and a T-Rex on the cover. Then, filled the cart with different sort of meats, Miguel's favorite cuts, hams and of course, lots of canned jalapeños. Orange, pineapple, and cranberry juice, a couple of sodas and finally you got to go to the cereal and coffee aisle.
Miguel was running out of coffee in his office, and back at home you only had a couple of packages. It reminded you the time Miguel nearly had an anxiety attack when he found out he had ran out of the black liquid gold, even in his secret stash.
For some reason the brand he always bought was put on the top shelves. With a huff you looked around to see if there was any ladder, but upon finding none, You stepped on the bottom shelf, trying to get the six pack in the edge, but obviously, you couldn't reach it.
Benjamin giggled when you missed, as revenge you smothered his face in kisses, earning you a loud and bubbling squeal.
"Here, let me." A deep voice rumbled behind you. Your eyes widened at the all too familiar face before you. Reaching effortlessly for the coffee packaging.
"Richard" you mumbled while taking the package, to then put it on the cart.
"Hey" His hand waved softly. Clad in a hoodie, bermudas and sneakers. A little gold band hugging his ring finger. Dull, as his overall aura.
Despite the years coming through, he hadn't lost his kind green eyes. Some wrinkles adorned his matured face. Ricky was only two years older than you, and still had some white hairs poking out here and there.
He sported a short and well trimmed beard, hair parted and neatly arranged to a side. His eyes darted to the boy that undoubtedly resembled alot like you, except for his curious big and round red-ish eyes.
"Whose this little champ?" The smile on his face was coy, but genuine.
"It's my boy, Benjamin."
A proud beam stretched on your face as your hand caressed Benjamin's head, some of his curls trapping your fingers.
"Nice to meet you, champ." Ricky stretched his hands towards him and Benjamin shook it, a tad nervous.
"He definitely has your curls."
You smiled, eyes diverting behind him, ready to meet his partner but, there was none, just his half cart full of car appliances, some diary products and snacks.
"My goodness, you have a beard now."
Ricky chuckled and scratched it. He was a handsome man, undoubtedly. Good and well worked physique. Lean muscles, athletic and healthy looking. Green eyes a shade darker than green apples, pretty lips you liked biting and a healthy tan on his skin, despite him being a pale guy. A couple of freckles adorned his nose.
"And you've got a kid now." there was a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"Three actually. Funny how we ended up doing the things we always said we wouldn't do right away."
Richard gave a soft laugh.
"At least we look good. And I'm sure you're a great mom. How long has it been?"
"I don't know, I suck at math. But I do know it's more than ten years." You pushed the cart to get the cereals and naturally he helped you to get them. Eyes looking for Miguel in every chance you had.
"How have you been?" He tensed a bit at the question, not expecting your openness to talking so casually, specially when your finger shone with a golden band. He graduated college and never saw you again, until now. Gentle and caring as always. You hadn't changed, and he was glad.
"As usual. Existing, trying to keep myself afloat after, uh... my divorce." His mouth pressed in a tight line, green eyes looked away for a second, unable to meet your stare. Ashamed.
Your eyes blinked at his reply. Clearly surprised by such thing. Face falling with worry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Richard shook his head, and gave a nonchalant shrug.
"Things happen. It's one of those situations that get your eyes open for good." Ricky rubbed his neck awkwardly and you offered a little reassure with a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly.
"Hey, you've got this. I know it's been a while, but I'm sure your problem solving skills are still top notch."
Hw chuckled, almost sympathetic at himself, "I don't even know anymore, if I'm honest. But if you say so."
The voices in the aisles kept indistinct, each in their own world, mingling with the upbeat background music.
"Also... I'm sorry." His eyes remained on yours. Something he'd always do when speaking truthfully.
Your brow quirked, "Whatever for?"
Ricky's hands squeezed the insides of his pockets as he spoke.
"For breaking up with you. Specially like that. It was a d-" He caught his tongue before continuing with the french before Benjamin, "It was wrong of me."
You could only stare at him, and he recoiled further in his spot, shoulders hunched, eyes on the floor.
"If something's worth saying, I... divorced cause my mom also ruined it for me."
You frowned, confused and he shook his head.
"So I cut ties, went to therapy and yeah." He reached out for a three pack of granola for himself, and another for you after you pointed at the brand.
"I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused as to why would you think I'd be happy to know something awful happened to you, Richard?"
Richard's brow puckered. You really hadn't changed at all. Even after he dumped you a few days before Christmas eve.
"I... don't know? Thought you'd hold a grudge for what I did."
"A grudge?" You tittered and this threw him off guard, "Not to sound mean or anything, but I didn't even remember what had happened until now. You know I'm forgetful."
You both chuckled as he nodded.
"Yeah, kinda wondered if you'd lose your head too if it wasn't attached to your body."
You gasped while mocking offense, "That was rude."
You grabbed a couple of cereal boxes Benjamin pointed at.
"But true. In all seriousness, I'm glad that at least something great came after me. Is he a good man?, wait..." He shook his head softly, "Stupid question Of course he is, you married him."
You beamed and this made his chest swell in a mix of happiness and pride. You deserved it after all he also put you through.
"You'll find someone, I know so." It always made him wondered why he was stupid like that to allow his mother come in between.
"I'll give myself a couple of years to heal first. Wanna make sure I don't repeat things over."
It was your turn to get that pride sensation in your chest. Knowing he was making a good progress out of his mother's shadow also made you happy. You out of everyone knew how hard it was like.
"Hope they're ready to listen country music nonstop in your car." He rolled his eyes.
"I know you hated the genre, that's why I always played them"
Your lips pursed with faked anger as he tittered, however, Ricky cleared his throat off the laughing upon watching a behemoth of a man, approaching from behind. Red eyes set on him. A shudder crawled on his skin as he gulped. The baby on his chest did little to appease the intimidating aura around him.
"Mama!" Gabi came to you with an excited face as she showed you her new acquisition. A purple and glittery cover for her phone.
"Qué lindo! Do they have it in blue too?" (How cute!)
"Nah, it was the last one, Papa said this would match with my room too."
Said Papa hugged you from behind, and kissed your temple, red eyes never left him. Ricky gave Miguel a polite smile as he backed away a few steps. Miguel's strong features only turned sharper. It would be a lie to say if Ricky wasn't surprised and intimidated.
Surprised cause you hugged Miguel's narrow waist, a pleased and proud purr emanated from his chest. Loud enough for only you to hear it.
The man before him screamed danger a mile ago. But also, explained lots of things. Like Benjamin's eyes.
"Richard, this is my husband. Miguel O'Hara."
Ricky hesitated for a second, but stretched his hands towards him, big tan hands easily enveloped his in a firm shake.
"Nice to meet you." His nervous smile was like fuel to your husband's ego.
Miguel acknowledged him with a brief nod, eyes not tearing away from him. A quiet She's mine in his eyes.
"Richard and I used to go at the same college. Oh! This is my eldest daughter, Gabriella. And my youngest baby, Rosie."
Gabi smiled politely while holding onto Miguel's hips.
"You have a beautiful family." His green eyes stared at an ever curious Rosie that gazed back at him. Miguel's shoulder's tensed when Rosie gave Ricky a smile.
"Thanks, You'll be fine though. Things take time, but, It all comes together somehow. Just be patient. I'm glad you're doing good on your own." Again, you patted his shoulder, he just gave you a small but genuine smile. Miguel's guts churned as his jaw clenched.
Ricky left after saying his goodbyes, not wanting to impose his presence any further.
"Gabibi, mi amor, can you get the food cart to the line, please?"
"Okay. Don't take too long, please?"
Gabriella took the cart as Benjamin showed her his nuggets, leaving you and Miguel with Rosie alone.
"Alright, interrogation can start now." You chuckled and Miguel pulled you by your waist towards him, ebbing you to walk a few steps before giving a firm slap on your rear.
"Miguel!" you hushed, flustered while looking around to see of there were people and he smirked.
"Wanted to do that before that guy, but that wouldn't be too polite of me, wouldn't it?"
You kissed his cheek, but he quickly corrected the place and pecked your lips.
"That's better. Who was he anyway?"
"My ex from college."
He just hummed and it was your turn to return the squeeze, he chuckled, "Relax. He just got divorced and obviously not having a good time."
"Too bad." He shrugged, a bit nonchalant and you deadpanned.
"Don't be mean. You were scaring him on purpose."
"Obvio. Still, forgot to thank him." (Obviously)
You chuckled as you approached to the line, Gabi waved at you both.
"Thank him?"
"Well, he let you go, and I wouldn't have met you in the first place. So thanks to that."
"Well, he's there on the other line, go tell him."
You teased, but to your surprise Miguel stepped away from the beeline and was walking towards Richard.
"W-Wait! Miguel!" You had skip a few steps to catch him and pull him back to spot, he smirked while pulling you tighter towards him.
"Don't tempt me, mi reina."
"God, I swear. You're-"
"Your husband, mi amor." He smirked, satisfied at his own title in your life.
"A jealous one."
He leaned to your ear and whispered, "Espérate que lleguemos a casa. No te la vas a acabar conmigo, mi reina." (Wait till we get home. You'll see what's up.)
Gabriella rolled her eyes at the flirty atmosphere around you and covered Benjamin's eyes.
"You're too young to see that."
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aspiringnexu · 8 months
Humans are Vulcan catnip, I swear to Q.
Spock and Kirk: No need to explain. In any universe they are drawn together and Spock abandons any sense of rationality if his Captain is hurt or just looks at him sweetly.
Sarek and Amanda: Admitted he married Amanda for love, not logic. Then made Spock.
Solkar and Zefram: Ten seconds off the spaceship and Solkar decides to do the diplomatic thing and make out with this human.
Surak and Archer: Archer was given Surak's katra without his knowledge and when T'Pau attempted to extract him Surak clung to the mental doorframe because he was safer here and he liked it better here, despite the logic of being housed in a nice logical Vulcan mind instead.
Solok and Sisko: Solok abandoned all pretense of logic when he won a wrestling match with a young Sisko and became so obsessed with him that he taught an entire Vulcan Starfleet crew how to play baseball just so he could beat Sisko again.
T'Pol and Trip: T'Pol became so attached to the Enterprise crew that she gave up her military career with Vulcan to continue to serve as First Officer, and to keep close with her boyfriend.
Tuvok and Janeway: Tuvok is fiercely loyal to Janeway, to the point that he will go along with her illogical plans just because he has such great faith in her.
Soval and Forrest: Soval respected Forrest but when Forrest died saving Soval it uprooted what loyalty he had left to the Vulcan High Command (who he then realised was corrupt) and he went rogue trying to save Vulcan from itself. (Really watch for the nose flare when he talks to Archer next to Forrest's casket, that Vulcan is pissed.)
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magpieandpossum · 3 months
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Star Trek art/photo dump because I’ve been gone awhile ^^ A bit of something from both TNG, TOS, and DS9.
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whymakedecisions · 4 months
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Saw the version with the og 5 going around, so I thought I'd spread the deluxe (2x the chaos, double the potential for unhinged admirals) edition.
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curator-on-ao3 · 9 months
Perhaps the essential nature of each captain and first officer dynamic:
Kirk and Spock: t'hy'la
Georgiou and Burnham: family
Chris and Una: asylum
Picard and Riker: respect
Sisko and Kira: reverence
Janeway and Chakotay: leaky parameters
Archer and T’Pol: dog surrounded by fire “this is fine” meme
Shaw and Seven: that time she calls him a dick and he agrees
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uchuujin-sama · 21 days
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evviejo · 7 months
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STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE // S5E6 Trials and Tribble-ations Of course I want to meet him. I'd like to shake his hand, ask him about fighting the Gorn on Cestus III, but that's not why we're here, old man.
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lesbian-odo · 3 months
Thinking about how Lower Decks is the first Star Trek show with a canonically queer lead, but she's not only that, she's a black, female, canonically queer lead. It's as if you combined Kirk (bisexual), Sisko (African-American) and Janeway (first female lead)
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oswaldpettyeyeart · 2 months
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villain medley.
click for better quality! commission info.
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Ooh-wee-hoo, I have broke the Prime Directive
Oh-oh, and they’ve built a Warp Core
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tarjapearce · 1 year
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[There is no exact timeline, mind you hehe]
Meeting for the first time
Meeting Again
First Kiss
Boyfriend Makeover
First time with eachother (Mild +18)
Who Fell Harder
Meeting Miguel's Family
Miguel Meeting Wife!Reader's Family (Drama & Angst)
Break Up (Angst)
Makeup (Angst and Fluff)
The Making Of Gabriella (+18)
Pregnancy Cares with Miguel
The Wedding
Miguel's Birthday
The Making Of Benjamin (+18)
Unlocking Memories
Young Spiders Meeting Miguel's Family
Spider Gang Babysitting Gabi and Benji
Uncle Gabriel Paying A Visit
Girl's Day with Gabriella
Baby Benjamin's First Words
Jealous Wife
Marital Fight
Miguel Helping Gabi With School Project
Gabi's Toddler Days
Big Sister, Again
Angry Spanish Cursing with Miguel
Rosie's Birth
Miguel Comforting Mama
Baby Cares with Miguel and Rosie
Gabi's First Period
Benjamin's Pregnancy
Grandma's Visit
Meeting Mama's ex at Costco
Mama Pick up Lines
Welcome Back, Papa!
Introducing Gabriella to Soccer
Miguel's Pick up Lines
Gabriel and Miguel Fight
A series Of First With Gabriella
Conversations between Miguel and Mama
Papa, You're Getting Old
Miguel Comforting Wife After A Bad Dream
Possessive Husband Miguel
Miguel Waking Up To A BJ
Needy Mama with a Gentle Dom! Miguel
Mama Pegging Miguel
The Making of Rosie
Miguel and Mama's favorite positions
Miguel Eating out Mama (with a lil twist)
For Science Purposes
Big Boobs
A Sibling
Big Boobs (Miguel Version)
Milk Jugs
Is Mama ok?
Spicy food with Gabi
Gabi's Tamtrum
Mama Is Harassed By Another Man
Gabi comforting a Fussy Benjamin
Miguel Rizzing up Mama
Benji And His Baby Walker
Mama Teasing Miguel
A Little Time Lapse
Cleaning Sunday
Benji Getting A Tummy Ache
Bitter Coffee
Benjamin's "Messy Hair" (Angry Mama)
Sad Movie Night
Questions Related 2 3 4 5 6 7
Go Shave, Papa!
Nothing But Short Short Shirts
Benjamin Cutting His Own Hair
Soccer Family Into Tik Tok
Nude Portrait
Benji Being a Lil Ladies Man
Kiss Cam
Sleepy Boys
Benjamin as a 12 year old boy
Baby Benjamin gets injured
Drunk Mama
You're adopted, Benji.
Getting Gabi to Sleep
El Ratón Perez
(Header made by me)
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds "Lost in Translation" &
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Emissary"
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Star Trek: The Captain's Table Combined Cover Art by Keith Birdsong
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trekkie-polls · 2 months
I wanted to include more women, but I think Star Trek is less likely to show a female character’s hobbies. Take Paris & B’elanna - we know about his interests in holography, fast vehicles & racing, oceanography, tv & movies, anything 20th century, pool, etc…. But for B’elanna all we get is banana pancakes & trying to kill herself with extreme sports on the holodeck. It kills me that we never get a real interest or hobby for her.
Anyway, it is great how they incorporate the skills of real actors in the show, and I do love that we get to see how they spend leisure time! And there are many others, so we can do a part two on this one. Add your ideas in the tags!
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