"where do i get my mansions? idk, i'm not a gynaecologist"
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artist and ao3 writer | avid star trek, wicked and sfth fan | internet dad to some rowdy kids | looking at the stars with @caramello-koalas-for-feminism
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snek-of-eden · 8 hours ago
no but the way they portrayed Trent as an Elder GayTM was so good. The way, immediately after he finds out about Colin, we see his clothing get more and more visibly queer, we see him clock every little glimpse Colin lets through, we see him with his gay little rainbow mug… and the whole time all Trent is doing is signaling: i’m here, i’m safe, me too, me too. And so, when he finally follows Colin to have that conversation —in a random bar, just the two of them, in an entirely different city because that’s the safest place for it— he comes and hears about the LGBTQ party and says “that sounds fun, I’m in” and he’s really just trying to let Colin casually know me too me too me too but Colin is too terrified and too used to lying and then Trent has to be straightforward and finally they get to talk and Trent doesn’t give lessons or pass on wisdom or tell him to come out, he asks “how do you do it?” and basically just checks in to see if Colin is alright, and he listens, and he shares his own story, and that’s it. They party, they go home. And all Trent did was offer Colin a little bit of safety and let him know: me too.
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snek-of-eden · 1 day ago
if voyager was like 25% racier they could have had a plot where someone stumbles on a buried holodeck program about having sex with Tom Paris and now everyone is trying to figure out who wants to fuck Tom so badly they made a whole holodeck program about it.
no-one wants to bring it up with Tom himself for obvious reasons. naturally all eyes turn to B'Elanna but she strenuously denies it. initially no-one believes her but on investigation they break the encryption and discover that it looks like Harry made the program.
Harry gets very flustered and insists that someone must have fraudulently used his credentials to make the program. but if that's the case then it was either one of the ship's other senior officers (bcos they're the only people who'd be able to fake Harry's credentials) or someone with very advanced holodeck skills
Seven is briefly considered (she has the technical skills) but is fully exonerated when they realise the program predates her time on the crew.
Seven points out that it could have been the Doctor who also has the relevant skills but the Doctor argues that he wouldn't bcos he has better taste and also if he wanted to make a secret holodeck program he'd cover his tracks better and he's right on all counts. Neelix protests his innocence and everyone's like yeah honestly we never thought it was you Neelix.
the Doctor suggests that maybe they should let the matter rest on the grounds that masturbation is perfectly natural and healthy and whoever's responsible it's their own private business but B'Elanna and Harry are like nooo this is a threat to the harmony of the crew we have to know. also we're nosy. don't you want to help us on this. and the Doctor's like yeah. alright.
B'Elanna and Harry and the Doctor can't find any evidence of fakery which makes it more and more likely that it was a senior officer. they're all eying Janeway and Chakotay and Tuvok trying to guess which one of them secretly wants to fuck Tom Paris.
Janeway seems the most likely prospect as she has technically fucked him before when they were salamanders and also like as far as anyone knows she's been functionally celibate since they got stranded so she's gotta be pretty pent up by now.
but then Tom and Chakotay have some history from their time in the Maquis so there could be something going on there??
Tuvok is the least likely by a mile bcos like he's Tuvok but then it's always the people you least suspect isn't it and last time they found a weird holodeck program it turned out to be Tuvok's so maybe?? maybe??
obviously they aren't about to bring this up with Janeway & co so they're just sitting in command meetings with their 3 most plausible suspects and Tom himself. collectively fucking sweating. unable to concentrate.
after several repetitions of this Janeway's like OK something's distracting you all. fess up so we sort out whatever it is and move on with business. and after a lot of squirming one of them breaks.
& then Tom is like ohh yeah that's my program. and they're like. say what?? and he's like that's my holodeck program I made it. for personal use.
so B'Elanna is like 'why would you make a holosex program about yourself' and he's like because I wanted to know what it was like to fuck me?? is that so wrong. get off my case.
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snek-of-eden · 1 day ago
contrary to what you might expect, Seven of Nine is by far more likely to drop the 'you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid' line than Janeway
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snek-of-eden · 1 day ago
tom paris mpreg real???!???!??
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snek-of-eden · 2 days ago
So glad I get to experience homosexual desire. One life and thank god I'm not straight
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snek-of-eden · 2 days ago
Rex Stop
Tumblr media
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snek-of-eden · 2 days ago
the following is a list of words we do not say
[on youtube too]
dedicated to the amazing @crowlixcx happy birthday weekend 🫶
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snek-of-eden · 2 days ago
So like many people, when I first actually heard The Slur Song, it made quite an impression. Amazingly catchy song. The one thing about it I felt didn't do it justice was that on YouTube the video is just the word "slur" on a pink background for the entire duration; I thought it needed visuals with more punch.
So I may have spent the week and a half after first hearing it figuring out how to use video editing software and throwing any visual that seemed like a good idea at the time at it...
Ping @bigfoots-biggest-fan whose brilliant work the song is.
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snek-of-eden · 2 days ago
I really want someone to make a Raeda version of the "I will fall in love with you over and over again" thing
Like it would show them as teenagers, then in their 20s, then their season 2 designs, their season 3 designs, then in the future/finale/epilogue
(I saw you've been in a bad mood I figured this idea would cheer you up a bit)
Someone did do that!
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snek-of-eden · 3 days ago
sometimes I cannot tell if Ted is joking or not, but I like to believe that there actually is a zip lock bag with Trent's hair ties in the lost and found
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
Not where you grew up. Not where you’ll be living soon. Where you’re living right now.
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
oh. hi lol i forgot you changed your username
no thanks, i had a shower and i'm feeling less bad, going to sleep now
thanks though, i appreciate you <333
i cant BREATHE fuck this
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
i cant BREATHE fuck this
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
feelin manic in a bad way. anxiety ow. headache, everything feels too hot, also allergies. how tf am i supposed to play a match tomorrow 😭 crying crashing out
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
when will the horrors end omg
anxiety im actually so srry bbg what have i done to hurt u
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
ur not. you arent. i swear it on anything
in another universe i am not a burden to be loved
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snek-of-eden · 4 days ago
omg YAY thanks!!! i love that quote.
feel free to like T-T dm me or whatever if you ever wanna :3 *squirms awkwardly in social interaction* jk i love people
A cracked mirror, perhaps? (if i fit the moot title haha)
"You were born to be real, not to be perfect."
and ofc youre a moot!!! one of my favorites :)
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