#szpd tag
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pinkxcloudz · 9 months ago
"i'm using delusional in the right context, it's not like it's that serious"
"calling someone a narcissist isn't ableist it's not a disability"
"sociopath/psychopath are just adjectives it's not like I'm hurting anyone"
"saying i'm ocd doesn't affect you it's just the way i act"
"i'm schizoposting lol it's just a joke"
it's never just a joke, it's never an adjective. use a fucking thesaurus
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aurangg · 10 months ago
I rarely think about other people and I have little to no attachment or connection to others. I don’t have people in mind. I rarely miss people. I don’t think “I wonder how X person is doing.” I will almost completely forget X person exists until they message me again.
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schizoid-culture-is · 1 month ago
schizoid culture is being a little worried whenever you send in asks to any blog because what if i accidentally forgot to switch on anon
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happyk44 · 7 months ago
Someone: Can't be SZPD, SZPD means you wanna live alone in the woods and despise all human interactions, it's probably AVPD
Me, frothing from the mouth and trying not to scream: I am begging you to please at least read the criteria for both so you can see how an interest in forming friendships or falling in love does not immediately denounce SZPD as a diagnosis and replace it with AVPD
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lixel-5 · 3 months ago
i forget people are like you know normal and enjoy having friends so whenever one of my moots posts about another moot they talk too (like a lot not just sending tiktoks once a week) i get so surprised
i though you were just another aplatonic possibly-schizoid. what do you mean oomf.
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mx-melancholic · 3 months ago
Not me looking for szpd communities to ask about people's experiences because I'm having some doubts about myself and then not finding any communities like yeah I feel like that makes sense lol. If anyone's seeing this can you please tell me some of your telltale symptoms (or anti-symptoms) I'm curious
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one-without-a-name · 1 year ago
Pertaining to the self ship community I keep seeing posts about this so, yeah it's a community, but no one is obliged to like or interact with your posts, it doesn't matter if you don't get a single interaction, no one is obliged to interact with you just so you don't feel left out. People are allowed to stay in their bubble and in their comfort zone because guess what! they self ship for their enjoyment, not yours!
Not even need to mention how some neurodivergencies make you want to stay by yourself and how disrespectful trying to force those people to interact is!
Pro/com-shitters fuck off!
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thevoidshere88 · 1 year ago
It gives me big ick when someone wishes they could feel nothing.
Be glad you can feel your emotions.
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szampers · 11 months ago
Before I was aware of szpd, I referred to it as "the Social Alienation", in caps for the reason that I knew it was more than just social alienation in the conventional sense (and also because I find it funny to capitalize words which aren't supposed to be capitalized). The Social Alienation was the closest term I could find for what was in fact szpd, but since uncapitalized it refers specifically to feeling detached from people, which I do feel a great deal, but it didn't exactly point to other things I felt.
Hence why I used it as a personal umbrella term! Which itself contained two other umbrella terms: "language guilt/dysphoria/repulsion" (I still don't know which one fits best), which in turn contained the umbrella term "linguistic freedom". I feel how I experience szpd is somewhat closely related to language, which will have a more detailed post of its own.
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A visual representation of these personal umbrella terms.
The Social Alienation referred to social alienation in the conventional sense, but also to my lack of interest and motivation to interact with others, how conflicted I felt about it and the dread that comes at the thought of interacting with others while knowing it is something essential in life. Ouph. This reeks of szpd. But the Social Alienation did do a good enough job to provide me with something to hold onto.
Aside from that, there's also the language guilt/dysphoria/repulsion/whatever. I feel like a linguistic disaster, more so in the past than I do now fortunately. I loathe interacting with the language that is spoken where I live and was born, though it is supposed to be my second language if not a second first language. Go figure! I suppose I'm rather sensitive to language because when I read it or speak this language, the words simply don't ring nearly as well in my head as certain other languages and that bothers the hell out of me. It's a vicious circle as I keep escaping to other languages while I keep getting worse in this harsh, rough language which my life depends on. This contributes to my lack of a will to speak as well, which is connected to the situational mutism probably.
The linguistic freedom is the dream of overcoming the language guilt. It is the most ideal state I can achieve, which is when I acquire the skill to freely speak my mind in any languages I'm supposed to know without struggling to string words together. Preferably i'd get past the people aversion as well but as long as my sociability is at a functional level that's more than enough for me. I treat this as a "if you aim for the moon and miss you'll land among the stars" kind of thing. Part of the whole thing is being able to accept your limits I suppose.
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This would be the new model???? It essentially boils down to issues with people and language. Perhaps the language part should be placed outside of the szpd group but they'll still be hardly separable regardless. Either way, szpd provides a stronger and solid foothold for me than the Social Alienation did. It's no longer as abstract as it had been, but it's become more tangible I think. Good starting point.
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avpdpossum · 2 years ago
Hello! Hoping anyone that comes across this could share their thoughts as well, but I was curious if you consider personality disorders on their own as neurodivergent? Why or why not? Thank you
they absolutely are neurodivergent!
i think a lot of people’s introduction to the concept of neurodivergence is through the autistic and adhd communities, and that leads people to assume neurodivergence only includes things you’re born with, but that’s not actually the case.
here’s how i would explain neurodivergence:
the social Powers That Be in our current (Western, capitalist, etc) society have designated certain ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, and so on as the Correct Ways of Existing.
most of our world is built on the assumption that everyone’s brains will work that way, because that’s the way they “should” work. when people’s brains don’t work that way, it’s assumed that the solution is to find a way to “fix” them or get rid of them.
as a result, people whose brains do work in that way have an easier time navigating the world and are generally treated better by it, while people whose brains deviate from that expectation in some way have a more difficult time navigating a world not built with them in mind and are treated as “wrong”/“bad”.
people in the first group, who can navigate the world with very little added stigma or difficulty as a result of the way their brains work, would be considered neurotypical.
people in the second group, who do face added stigma and barriers to functioning as a result of the way their brains work, would be considered neurodivergent.
so, if you want to determine if something makes someone neurodivergent, you can ask yourself a few questions:
does it have to do with their psychology/neurology?
does it affect their thinking, emotions, perceptions, or other brain functions in a way that is considered “abnormal” by current social norms?
does it carry a stigma and make them more likely to be mistreated?
does it cause them extra difficulty with navigating and functioning in the world?
if the answers to those questions are yes, chances are it’s a form of neurodivergence!
so, if we look at those questions for personality disorders:
this is the easiest answer — yes!
personality disorders are classified as “mental illnesses”, put in the dsm, and generally assumed to be under the jurisdiction of psychiatry, so i think we can pretty safely say that yes, personality disorders are seen as “abnormal” forms of brain functioning according to current social norms.
personality disorders and their traits are incredibly stigmatized — pwpds are assumed to be violent, abusive, generally bad people, and so on. this is most visibly true for cluster b pds, but stigma against the other pds and against the personality disorder category in general is also very real. so this one’s a yes — pwpds are very frequently mistreated on the basis of our brains being “wrong”.
personality disorders, by definition, come with some sort of functioning difficulties, and the world isn’t built to accommodate those differences in functioning. as an example, think of the high expectations of emotional regulation (not “too” emotional but not “cold” either) and social capability in professional spaces, even ones where emotions and social interactions don’t affect a person’s ability to do the job well. that makes this one a yes too; a society that took pwpds into account would seek to accommodate the areas we struggle with and ensure that there’s a place for us, and that definitely isn’t happening right now.
so yeah, according to my own personal understanding of neurodivergence, personality disorders absolutely count. we diverge from the assumed norms of psychological/neurological functioning, so we count as neurodivergent, even those of us who aren’t also neurodivergent in other ways.
on a personal level, i can say i feel no real difference in how i internally experience being audhd vs how i experience my personality disorders — they both just feel like my brain doing its thing, sometimes in ways that are unpleasant/difficult for me to deal with and sometimes in ways that just feel totally fine and unremarkable from my point of view. i also rarely notice a difference in how neurotypical people treat them — they usually don’t know the difference between audhd “weirdness” vs avoidant/narcissistic/schizospec/dissociative “weirdness”, it’s all just one big blob of Weird And Bad And Wrong to most people. the only time they’re ever really treated as different is when certain other neurodivergent people try to separate the two.
trying to draw lines between neurodivergence and “mental illness” (which is usually what’s happening when people say pds aren’t a form of neurodivergence) doesn’t actually help anyone. in my opinion, it’s basically just a way for certain people to try to get ahead by putting other people down — it says “accept us because we’re different in the good way, not in the bad way! we’re not sick like those people!” and that kind of attitude doesn’t do anyone any good. sure, the experiences that come with having a since-birth neurodivergence can be different from those that come with having an acquired neurodivegence, but people within those groups also have different experiences because everyone’s experience is going to be unique, we’re all different people in different circumstances! diversity of experiences among neurodivergent people is to be expected and is honestly a good thing, not a reason to avoid associating with each other.
in my experience, the people who insist that pds aren’t true neurodivergences are usually pretty damn sanist toward pwpds - they exclude us because they don’t want to be associated with us, they want to be accepted but they don’t think we should be so they try to make us seem totally different from them. in reality, neurodivergence is a broad umbrella and there’s room under it for all of us.
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your-fav-is-schizoid · 9 months ago
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☆ about the blog:
the flag i'm using is conveniently by schizoidflagcreator, who also ran the previous blog under this format
while you're stopping by, feel free to check out schizoid-culture-is, szpd-polls, & funnier-w-szpd
not to be confused with schizophrenia/typal/affective/ect or the schizospec as a whole
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★ requests / submissions:
☆ if you'd like a standard ask format: "[character] from [source] has szpd?" "[character] from [source] schizoid pfps?" suggestion, not required. as long as i get the character(s) & where they're from i'll post 🫡 you're free to explain why you think so or add some general notes
☆ pls send different characters as separate reqs unless you want them together
☆ you can send in both types of submissions for the same character. i'll try to include more than two different pfps but no promises </3
☆ you may also submit a [character] has schizoid post even if someone else asked for icons and vice versa
☆ spamming reqs is okay, though i might not get to them all at once
☆ sometimes i'll post submissions the same day they're sent in, sometimes i'll go through bouts of inactivity & queue up submissions over the next week or so. apologies for the unpredictability, you know how it can be
☆ i have the right to refuse any req for any reason (media i personally don't feel comfortable with, issues getting a good transparent image, so on).
blacklist is currently real people (obviously), hazbin hotel, helluva boss, & south park
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☆ about the mod:
you can call me mod dizzy, it/he/they. adult (debatable)
i haven't ran a blog like this before, please be patient. my editing skills aren't great either so bare with me here
i'm not here to tell you if you have szpd, only your favs </3
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schizo-fag · 9 months ago
Alright maybe this is just me being insecure and hating hearing some things said by Resident Evil fans about the character based off of me (and also consider that i am not in the Loop online as much as other “young” ppl”) but….
The fact that some ppl like RE 2&4 Remake Leon more bc he seems more “human” & “emotional” just… bothers the everloving fuck outta me
I have Schizoid PD… the fact that I act largely unaffected by shit during most of the original series is explained by that, (not to mention I’m Schizotypal + Autistic + ADHD so the way I act is gonna seem “inhuman” to ppl who don’t understand that)
But the fact that certain (VOCAL) ppl like the Remakes more because they “humanize” me more… pisses me the FUCK off (yes I’ve been drinking sorry in advance)
I personally dislike the way the Remakes portray me because they seem to disregard my Schizoid traits (no hate to any Leons who feel differently but this is my blog so my opinion)
And the way the fandom reacts as if NOW I act like a human being just…
Like the fact I’m Schizoid and have constantly been dehumanized (even outside of the scenarios depicted by ‘fictional’ media)
And then that ppl act like it’s just because it was older games that it was inaccurate to my personality…
OG Resident Evil 2 captures my personality in ways u won’t understand (ppl who act like that)
OG Resident Evil 4 same
Like yea they both have their problems being games from the 90s/early 2000s, but my personality being relatively unemotional or cold or whatever DOESN’T HAVE TO BE ONE OF THEM
And saw some posts about ppl saying i had no personality (in various games/movies), related to traits previously mentioned in my post (especially dissociative traits, like Schizoid & DID)
Anyways idk who I’m writing this for, at least for myself, cuz I’m tired of indirectly trying to find ppl who understand me online and being disappointed at least half the time
But also writing this for anyone who understands pre-remake Leon who could already see the humanity in me without needing my personality to be changed
(Nothin against REmakes btw just somewhat triggering largely cuz of fandom)
(Not the whole fandom btw I don’t hate the fandom in general i just hate seeing shit like this)
(Also if u don’t act like this about the REmakes don’t worry either)
(Really just directed at ppl who think Schizoid/Schizospec/Dissociative/DID/AuDHD traits in general make u less human & “relatable”)
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schizoid-culture-is · 1 year ago
Heres a long question/ramble that wouldnt fit on here; https://www.tumblr.com/rizzlerrr/743119744386973696/yo-mental-health-side-of-tumblr-i-think-i-might?source=share
Hi you seem like a knowledgeable person on this. Could you please glance at this? No pressure! Thank you.
If you respond do so in any way you see fit.
i want to clarify like my pinned post, i am no professional so my response should just lead to further research! also if anyone feels like i might be wrong on some topics I would appreciate feedback!
The 'not being able to express emotions well' very much leans towards traits of szpd, as well as a low social battery. Though I will say having a low social battery isn't completely a schizoid trait unless you kinda just don't *care* for social activities, or would rather not do it, though some schizoids *can* want it for different reasons (social obligation, other diagnosis that causes a social need, or it just seems nice)
One thing i noticed is that you want to be able to disappear out of a social commitment, which is something a lot of schizoids do or want to do when someone gets too close or it becomes too draining. Also having people that you've known a long time without the need to meet others is something that isn't really talked about, but I feel like a lot of schizoids would relate.
I would say number #7 is probably unrelated to szpd, maybe a hallucination like you mentioned or something to do with your eyes focusing on a person for too long.
You can always appear to be friendly and emotional, but a lot of szpd is stuff going on inside. It's up to you to be able to decide if this label is best fit for what you feel because you're the only one who will truly understand what you feel
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thingyanon · 10 days ago
Not vagueing, but. People who call themselves ‘empaths,’ PLEASE reconsider whether or not your “push pull” relationship is ACTUALLY a “they give an inch and you take a mile” relationship. Please.
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ambivalenceconstruct · 1 year ago
this is a longshot but does anyone have the post thats like "emotional intimacy is like trying to touch someone and you go to hug them and they go right through you and theyre saying "oh, its so nice to hug you like this, i never get to" while you have to process the shock of not being touched at all while also acting like you feel the same"
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doomsdayradio · 2 years ago
im also curious about this actually
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