#symptoms and treatment
brainofinterest · 2 months
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headsupfast · 6 months
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houseswife · 9 months
people who aren’t in the house md fandom assume that the batshit craziness of these plotlines starts and ends with the old man yaoi and the malpractice. you all think you understand? [grabs you by the face] listen to me closely. these patients specifically seek out house because he’s known as the capital-G God of diagnostics. on MULTIPLE occasions someone has come in with seizures, coughing up blood, in multi-system organ failure and the team is like “it says here in the chart that you’ve had sex before?… yeah so we have concluded that ur allergic to cum :/ sorry.” and then are genuinely shocked when their treatment of “no more taking big fat loads from peanis” doesn’t reverse sepsis. this is a medical drama. about medical mysteries
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
oK so after like?? 3+ years of trying to treat my IBS i just found out i almost DEFINITELY actually have RCPD??? no wonder nothing was working it's not the food it's my FUCKING BODY that's the problem!!!
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ooppo · 1 year
Btw for anyone who needs to hear it: thinking that people are reading your mind/your thoughts are being heard by everyone is not normal. It's a symptom of psychosis and could be linked to a psychiatric disorder. This, too, goes with hallucinations.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but to teens who don't know what symptoms look like, they may jog it off for a number of reasons. I did, too, when I was in highschool! As a freshman I was having delusions/hallucinations and I didn't tell anyone because I thought they were cringe and weird. I chalked up my hallucinations to me being "tired". People who have psychosis often don't realize that what they're experiencing IS psychosis. This goes the same with other classmates/friends/loved ones. If someone comes to you with concerning behavior (even if they are joking about it) you should take note of it.
In highschool I remember a kid talking about how he could go into the matrix and he had a whole other world to protect/do missions in. He would also go still for long periods of time randomly. I thought he was weird and didn't think much of it, but those are symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions/catatonia).
I would appreciate it if this got a reblog so it could potentially help those recognize these symptoms in either themselves or others!
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I wish I could have seen a post like this when I was younger. Then I could have avoided a lot of hardships and would have gotten treatment a lot sooner
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valtsv · 2 years
i love worldbuilding so so so much i love making shit up!!!
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poppyandlilysblog · 20 days
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cambriancrew · 3 months
Found an interesting pair of statistics while looking up new research to combat a transphobe on Twitter.
Only about 65% of people on an antidepressant see alleviation of their depression symptoms.
About 80% of trans people are significantly happier after transitioning. 95% if you include the ones who are somewhat happier.
More trans people are happier having transitioned than depressed people are happier after antidepressants.
And people STILL think "trans ideology" is harmful???
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tooedgyforbrunch · 3 months
Girlies with PCOS send me your tips and things that have worked for you. I’ve gained so much weight and losing it has been difficult. I feel so uncomfortable in my skin and it’s been very deflating to be honest.
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jawz · 6 months
if you continue treating BPD like a set-in-stone subject, you continue to stigmatize so many women who have been harmed by the psychiatric industry.
i have been straight up discriminated against multiple times in medical settings for having those three letters on my charts. my life got better the day i rejected that bullshit diagnosis and decided to go to the root of my problems instead of hiding behind the shield of Sensitive Difficult Person Disease.
if we actually treated trauma victims with any dignity this wouldn’t even be an issue
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inblazes · 2 months
ok, since this is kind of affecting my ability/energy to be around and concentrate on writing in a pretty massive way, i'm just gonna be out with it lol:
i'm pregnant!
it's still super early on so I have my fingers crossed that everything goes well, but symptoms are hitting me HARD at the moment. i'm spending most of my time either eating every 3 hours (I'M SO HUNGRY BUT THEN I GET FULL SO FAST WTF), feeling violently sick, feeling extremely exhausted, and then sleeping for far too long, or not sleeping at all due to discomfort and still being exhausted.
replies might be a little slower but i don't intend on stopping writing altogether. ❤️ i prommy.
but eggy, aren't you infertile!?!
i thought the same!!!! we've been trying for over TEN FUCKIN YEARS but it looks like my surgery back in April did some magic, even if it didn't resolve all my pain. i'm still in disbelief myself tbh.
what's happening with your endo treatment!?
i'm on a waiting list for specialist treatment but it's gonna take over 52 weeks for just an appointment to come through, so I can literally have a whole ass child in that time and it will not really be affected.
lol. lmao even.
so yeah. baby egg incoming. i'm a bit mindfucked and completely stunned by this sudden development but I'm also really fucking happy.
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netbug009 · 3 months
"why did techno sound so hoarse in that video" probably because chemo is a BITCH to your throat. it's a bitch to everything. It's even a bitch in a weird way that causes hiccups sometimes???? my point is everyone you've ever met on chemo, no matter how early their cancer was caught or how good their odds, is an absolute badass who went through a bunch of absolute shit because chemo is both a modern miracle and one of the worst treatments in modern medicine
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What is deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (also known as venous thrombosis) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) develops in veins deep in your body because your veins are injured or the blood flowing through them is too sluggish. Learn more about deep vein thrombosis.
Deep vein thrombosis (also known as venous thrombosis) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) develops in veins deep in your body because your veins are injured or the blood flowing through them is too sluggish. The blood clots may partially or completely block blood flow through your vein. Most DVTs happen in your lower leg, thigh or pelvis, but they also can occur in other parts of your body…
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baejax-the-great · 11 months
Inspired by a bizarre argument I had on reddit,
I think the question comes down to whether the word "treatment" encompasses strategic behaviors for lessening negative outcomes that result from ADHD symptoms or if treatments are meant to alleviate the symptoms themselves.
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peridyke · 2 months
I dont want a bpd diagnosis for many obvious reasons but I worry it'll be something that will naturally come up when I seek mental health treatment OTL like there r only so many answers to "my bipolar disorder is being treated and managed but I still have emotional instability/abandonment fears/trust issues/impulsive behavior that cause chaos and distress in my life". that being said I think doctors are actually pretty hesitant to diagnose it so maybe I'll be safe LOL
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tj-crochets · 4 days
Hey y'all! Weird question time, not really a medical question, more a question about doctors office response times? Below a read more in case you want to skip it:
So, last week I may or may not have passed out*, in a way different to the times I may or may not (almost definitely have) passed out before, because this time my blood pressure was not low and my heart rate was not high. I am someone with a long history of cardiac-adjacent issues, endocrine and/or brain related issues, and neurological issues**. I called my primary care doctor early afternoon on Wednesday and did not hear back from his office until after 5pm on Thursday, though the very helpful nurse I spoke to at the front desk squeezed me in for an appointment with a different doc at the same location on Thursday morning. I called my neurologist at the same time Wednesday, and I did not hear back from their office until today, the following Monday. They also were not calling to schedule an appointment. They were calling to see if I'd gotten my referral to an ENT that they send in five months ago, and mentioned they'd gotten my message that I'd "had an incident". I had to get transferred to someone else and say "I saw my primary care doctor already because you did not return my messages and I'd passed out. He did some bloodwork that all turned up normal and told me to talk to my neurologist" before they even considered getting me an appointment (which they did not do! They said they'd call me back tomorrow!) The question: Is that an unreasonable response time? It feels like an unreasonable response time to me, from both my PCP and my neurologist, honestly. Like, the nurse at the PCP's facility got me in to see another doctor, but my PCP didn't know and didn't respond for over a day, and my neurologist took five days and wouldn't schedule an appointment. I suspect the combo of past history of heart and neurological issues and passing out for the first time in years should be the sort of thing that rings alarm bells, right? *when I felt like I was going to fall down if I did not immediately lie down, I chose to lie down and had my eyes closed while lying down and I think I lost time? hard to tell though **I have tachycardia but it's never ever out of rhythm, so technically I don't have heart issues? The tachycardia tends to alarm new doctors though, like I get an express pass to an EKG immediately at the ER. The endocrine and/or brain issue is the salt wasting syndrome. Might be endocrine! Might be brain damage! Hard to tell! Thought it was endocrine for a long time but there's overlap. The neurological issues are migraines and brain fog.
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