#symbolic dreams
I keep having dreams about Lord Lucifer. Some of them vivid, some of them in bits and pieces
Would anyone like to hear my latest dream?
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Hello, Max
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Trigger Warnings for unreality/dream logic, feelings of being trapped, symbolism connected to internalized homophobia, "statue" horror, body morphing, and religious (Catholic) elements.
Max squinted as his eyes opened to meet a bright, crimson light, causing him to stumble back. He gritted his teeth, straining against it and the many images that flashed through his head with the greens, yellows, and blues until his eyes could finally open once more. Yet, his vision was far from being what he would describe as clear. 
Feeling along his face, his glasses were absent from the bridge of his nose. As was his bedside table to his right, as was the bed beneath him. Inevitably, the person that had once slept beside him, angelic eyes fluttering closed and chest heaving up and down with a peaceful rhythm, was also nowhere to be found. And that fact would not change, no matter how hard he stared at the nondescript space beside him. 
Max stood straight up and came to a dramatic halt. He scanned his unfamiliar surroundings with a spike of urgency. 
All around Max there was a field of white. Though it wasn't a wheat field, nor did the luminescent spread resemble grass, even if parts of it were verdant. A better description, based on its shine and the true color still peeking through , would be snow. Yet, upon close inspection, the indents within its surface and around his feet indicated something much stiffer. 
Looking along, a metal object was sticking out of the carved pathway, glinting in the now dimmed lights. They must have fallen in his alarm, Max surmised, shifting through the mucky substance to make his way over. Max picked up his glasses from the ground, pushing the rounded spectacles on to finally illuminate the situation. 
Not only did his vision clear the moment he slipped them on, but it appeared his hearing had as well. He felt a popping sensation before the muffled sounds around him became as crisp as the air in Autumn. 
In the newly visible distance, dollops and cherries came into view, confirming Max’s suspicions. The substance was frosting, and what Max was standing on now was a cake. Not just any cake, a three layered wedding cake, if memory serves him correct, and, judging by the size, Max was on the very top of it. Hues of several colors shone on its surface in uneven triangles, though the backdrop was merely a layered brown. 
There was an unintelligible droning in the background that Max could not make out for the life of him, regardless of how close or far he seemed to come to it. It was accompanied by the somber notes of a piano, or, Max lifted a brow as he considered, an organ perhaps? Either way, the melody made his heart soar, so vividly able to see his lover pressing down on the keys. 
So, it’s just a dream. Max mentally sighed, putting a hand on his heart to steady himself. He hadn’t discounted the idea that he had started sleep baking in the middle of the night, smearing icing all over the kitchen floor and surfaces. With a soft chuckle, he decided this was a much better alternative.
A smile graced Max’s lips, the muscles in his back and shoulders slowly disengaging themselves. He had a trick for this. All he needed to do was blink twice and he’d be back in the waking world in an instant. He took a deep breath, counting with his fingers, one on each hand. 
One. His eyelashes collided before pulling apart again, the small hairs shining in the golden delicious light. A finger was drawn out to his right. The music in the background was beginning to reach its conclusion as he began the short count. Two. And the other was drawn out to his left.
There was darkness, and yet, consciousness did not follow. The black had simply lingered. Max’s lips and nose skewered as he opened his eyes again, only to be greeted by that same, frosty surroundings. He took a tentative step back, breath hitching in the sudden silence that had overtaken the scene. 
“It’s only a cake, Max. There’s no harm in looking around for a little bit longer,” he murmured to himself. 
As far as he knew, his next great design idea was hidden beneath that tampered surface, and he’d be amiss if he didn’t at least give it the full walk around. So, with the hunching of his back, he searched for his next point of interest. His eyes scanned around until he came face to face with…another face. 
The groom’s topper was present within the middle of the cake, though Max could not find the other anywhere. Using the indents made by both himself and an unseen second party, Max stepped towards it. The groom stood tall with a crumbling cavern just to his side, a part of the cake seeming to have melted in on itself. Max assumed that explained the missing second party, being careful not to come too close to the weak surface as he stepped in front of the lone figure. 
It was a well groomed gentleman, with an appearance so discolored even the vibrant lighting couldn’t put a dent in his overly gray tones. His dark hair was brushed back, mouth pulled into a wide smile to show off his perfectly white teeth. Something about his features and proportions felt intensely familiar, sporting slender cheeks with a sharp chin. Though any time Max tried to focus on the statue’s face, his vision began to act up again. He soon looked elsewhere, fully examining the stock still figure. 
The groom was much better dressed than Max was, the latter simply wearing a long, knitted cardigan with a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. Max had managed to keep the sneakers relatively clean, if one ignored their bottoms, by retracing the previous steps, though it seemed the man in front of him had not experienced the same luck.
His tux had chocolate stains all over it, and Max was so focused on inspecting them, attempting to scrape the dried bits off, that he did not register that motion blur within the corner of his eyes was the moving of lips.
"Hello, Max."
Suddenly, the groom’s head turned, and Max threw himself back into the frosting with saucer wide eyes. There was no mistaking it. Even through the record static of the voice, Max had heard it too many times to play dumb. The man leaned down, giving a better view of his face, but never his eyes. 
"Why, when you see your own face do you assume harm," the man asked and Max glared at him from his crumpled spot.
Max had fallen on his side, having attempted to take a step back when he fell. His legs rested against each other, feet curling in to reach his bottom. 
“Perhaps, I should take on a more comforting form for you as well.”
Max’s mouth opened with a question, though his lips sealed shut when the groom’s features began to change. The man’s cheeks turned into a rosy red, his lips, which were pulled at their edges to become more plump, had become much the same. The color spread to the rest of his face, including his button nose, and seeped down his neck to cover his entire body. His hair, though straight, had found a few curls here and there, color breaking through the deep hue until it was a strawberry blonde. All in all his appearance had become much softer, more rounded, so to speak. When all the changes had set in, he offered Max a tender smile. 
“So, what do you think?” 
Piercing eyes shone out through the darkness, though only for a moment. A beautiful, sea emerald. Max's blood ran cold as the memories awoke, shaking off their musty cobwebs. 
Though the groom had settled on an older version, it didn’t take long for Max to recall the boy he had crafted it from. Max could feel his cheeks begin to flush.
Max’s hand jutted up at the sensation, feeling the warmth there, before he forced himself to move. He hopped up, going over to one of the candles near the middle of the cake. He yanked it out with some effort, gripping it tight within his hands before pointing it toward Sam…whoever he was. Though the end wasn’t even lit, so Max didn’t understand the point of it. 
"I apologize for being so bold. Can you forgive me, Jude?" The man asked in a voice that rang like wind chimes. 
It echoed in Max’s ears, his eyes stuck jumping between those features before he shook his head. 
"Listen. I don't know who or what you are or what you think you are. But, if you hurt Florence, a candle through the head is the least of your worries."
The man laughed, clapping at that, the sound sharp compared to the silence. His face changed back, as if the mere act had commanded it to. The rest of the groom’s appearance followed suit. 
“I’m you, of course. Isn’t that obvious?” the man said in a loud whisper, stepping forward with his head held high, “Relax, I only wish to speak with you.”
Max could feel his arms gradually fall to his sides, flinching as the candle fell from his hands, which had become just as limp. The man came closer and closer, Max backing away. He was thankful his legs remained functional, kicking up the cake’s fragile batter until…
…Max let out a harsh yelp, stumbling back and grasping for one of the cherry stems in desperation. However, his fingertips narrowly missed it and, when he did manage to grasp one, it merely broke beneath his touch. Now, not only was the side of his cardigan covered in frosting, but his fingers had collected several bits of cream in the struggle. 
He was only saved from his ceramic doom by the man walking over. He did so leisurely, motioning towards himself with his fingers before Max completely fell back. Max found himself pushed several feet forward, managing to remain on shaking knees despite the dragging of his feet. With Max in front of him, the man grabbed Max’s hand and pulled him even closer. Max soon landed straight into the man’s chest, head shifted to his right to avoid eye contact. 
“I promise to keep things short,” the man said, wrists lifting in a sign of mock innocence. 
The man’s smile widened as Max’s body went still within his touch, the man’s hand coming up to stroke through Max’s hair. Though Max’s brain surged with warnings, the fingers lightly scratching his scalp were distinctly his own. It felt the same as using his own hand to comb through his own hair. Which was to say it was known, and passive. 
“Does that sound fair?”
Max looked up, inspecting his own, distorted face before giving a faint nod of his agreement. The man grinned, showing off his teeth before, with two accidental blinks, Max’s eyes snapped open.
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psychiccalda · 6 days
Dream Reading & Dream Interpretation - Same Day Psychic Reading, Tarot Insights on Nightmares, Lucid Dreams, Symbolic Meanings and More
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lottiehasthoughts · 8 months
tbh i had the strangest dream last night that some girl touched herself for hades and was warning other people not to on tiktok. what is the relevance of this in my life
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hotcinnamonsunset · 6 months
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nancy drew and the case of the color work sweater🔍
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likakvitsiani · 2 months
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"Letting Go"
Ink on paper.
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rosieandthemoon · 3 months
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Sculpture by Ann Harrington
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anglerflsh · 2 years
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vivrosita · 6 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Alas, this beautiful dream could not last.
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beclipoe · 5 months
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Good Morning, I was once again bestowed symbolic dreams in terms of worship
I was in a castle and there was tons of people arguing about what should be done with it. Each group of people had their own ideas of what should be done to it. Arguments broke out and I went to this massive owl, who I just knew was the owner of the castle. I told him the people were arguing about what should be done with the place.
I remember this really upset the owl, and he flew away to deal with it himself. When he returned, the two of us went to a different part of the castle, away from the people. The owl asked me what I wanted to do with the place, and I chose devotion.
The owl was very pleased by this, and said that devotion was a very good and sacred choice. We were in a room, and I was stood before an archway on a wall. The kind where you'd put decorative objects in, not like an archway tunnel type.
The archway gave me things. Platinum, gold, rocks, amethyst and bones. It just came to me too. I just knew what it placed in my hands. I thanked it for trusting me with this, bowing deeply to it. When I stood back up, there were words on the wall I couldn't read, but I remember hearing a voice tell me "pay attention for its important"
But then, my body started being dragged away. I was waking up, and the archway could tell. I could tell it wasn't mad at me for not paying attention since I was waking up, I couldn't even if I tried.
And then I woke up.
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mythical-redon · 4 months
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By Plinio Nomellini (Italian, 1866-1943)
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crustyfloor · 26 days
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A new pop-up store dropped for ALIEN STAGE's 2nd anniversary and wow. It's so sick.
It's Interesting what exactly these experiments are focusing on and monitoring.
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Instrument practice
I found it interesting earlier that Till was so tame, more so than he usually is when he's going through experiments, but music, and making music is what he loves doing, So he was fully in his element here. This was probably the only thing he was made to do by the aliens that he at least tolerated.
(Additionally, judging by his collar (orange), he was at least calm. maybe he just isn't fazed anymore.)
//Side note, that head contraption looks familiar BUT this most likely isn't related at least i hope
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(It puts me at ease, at least..)
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Dance practice
This surprised me, but I suppose Mizi needed more skills.
She looks very startled here, and nervous(?) +It looks like she's doing this while singing. And with that face covering I assume this was a test monitoring her dance balance, precision, etc. At first, I did think it was odd, "Why would Shine put her through that" But alas I was reminded that even though Mizi is the flower of the group she was never untouchable, to Shine, this was the equivalent of teaching your dog to sit and stay.
(seeing this it reminded me of those scenes in movies where the people are dancing, and the music gets faster and faster until they fall. I wonder if she was doing through something similar to that)
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Singing practice (?)
Similar to Till she also looks quite calm outwardly, if the machine around her neck is an iteration of the collars they have, then this process wasn't something she liked, or given how intense this experiment looks, this was a test of high-pressure to ensure she always stayed calm during performances (?). Then again this could also be a posture practice given all the structure focused on maintaining her position.
(What I believe was another form of this test was shown before so I think so)
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(With her hands in a praying stance I wonder if she was praying to herself or singing a religious song (sweet dream?) It's also interesting that the machinery around her looks like a halo, and she looks so...angelic? holy?)
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Image making practice
By image making, I think they made Ivan replicate expressions with his face. Whether this process was painful for him or not...I'm not sure. But it looked visibly uncomfortable, maybe that was the point. (His expression, even in this circumstance is so dubious..)
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Ivan, among other things, needed to have a spotless appearance to be successful, his image was a priority given his skills were certainly guaranteed.
I assume the aliens eventually took note of his lack of expression, in the real world this can be a detriment to one's career, so the Aliens had to ensure quality was perfect. (To a more...dedicated level)
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Superiority test
'Superiority test' Is very vague.
HyunA is very calm here too, likely sedated in that water with all the tablets on her. I guess this was a test to get an idea of a pet human's strengths and weaknesses, endurance, and temperament to compare and contrast them with others, testing who is more viable for Alien stage?
Another interesting, and sad part about this is that HyunWoo was there, watching his sister through her experiments.
(Also, it looks like both of her legs are normal, no alien leg yet.)
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Heart rate variability
And finally, the most visceral of them all. The wording 'variability' makes this all the more sickening, the Aliens were testing his heart hours, testing it at different rates, speeds, and states. And he was in agony the entire time. Even the way he's clutching his chest, it gives me chills. This would've been a completely harmless test in a normal setting, as something quite similar to this can be performed efficiently in real life. But he's being tortured in the process.
This is one of the first times we've ever seen Luka's face so truly clear and unprotected, (understandably so.) He's even crying.
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floriseu · 1 month
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ㅤㅤ接吻ㅤㅤㅤTell me, Tell meㅤㅤㅤ♪ 𝅘𝅥 ♩ ♫ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🐛❤︎ㅤ ⬭ ° 𓏸ㅤ○●  
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strlito · 1 month
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⠀ ⠀ ◯𓂂 The 𝓐pple ⡴ ֹ✿⃘ֹ
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