#supernatural drama tv
Seeing the USA folks talk about the conspiracy theories around their recent alert test reminded me of a reality TV show I saw on the BBC years ago which was exactly the same concept as the conspiracy theory!
I vaguely remember a spin off with child contestants but I can't find it anywhere. If anyone else can corroborate, please share!
I didn't know this before looking for the above, but apparently it replaced In the Flesh, which was about a bisexual zombie, I think (from scanning the Wikipedia page)?
It looks like it has the potential to be very amusingly bad - I'm excited to try and find it. Someone might say I consume cheap supernatural dramas like a zombie consumes flesh.
One more bonus: Dead Set is a (scripted, not reality) miniseries about the zombie apocalypse starting while filming Big Brother. Just describing that concept brings me so much joy!
It's got horror which gave me nightmares as a child; it's got delectably punchable characters and also nicer ones to root for; it's got a terrible Spanish remake for some reason; and it's highly recommended by me if you can ignore the touches of late 2000s style of edgy humour.
Turns out it's written by Charlie Brooker (famous for Black Mirror) if that is the kind of thing which catches your interest.
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lostinmac · 4 months
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I Saw the TV Glow (2024)
Dir. Jane Schoenbrun
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movies-tv-more · 5 months
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DEAD BOY DETECTIVES season 1 is now streaming on Netflix
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nellarw95 · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Jeffrey 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
April 22,1966
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
22 Aprile 1966
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plumspider · 2 months
I tried to update my like intro/bio thingy a bit since I haven’t posted in a while but here’s the more important part I think:
I don’t rlly post a lot anymore but I want to get back into tumblr so I’m tryinggg
stuff about things I’ll be posting, probably a lot of deep stuff because a lot has gone on in my life (mainly friendship stuff that could probably also be considered relationship stuff, emotional things, questions that I ask myself and stuff like that).
Alsoooo I LOVE music atm. Like I am constantly listening to music. I haven’t binged a tv show or watched movies in a while but I still love them and want to get back into them. I’m watching the office rn!
Umm I think that’s it but I need to remember to keep doing things on tumblr because I actually loved it but I moved onto instagram which I’m kinda obsessed with rn.
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horror-aesthete · 4 days
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The Twilight Zone, 1964, dir. Elliot Silverstein
SE05E21 Spur of the Moment
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youraveragebtsstan · 5 months
💫✨ Supernatural, but it's an early 2000's teen drama. (Think 'The O.C' meets 'One Tree Hill' vibes) ✨💫
Imagine, it's a gorgeous Saturday afternoon in 2003. You're in the kitchen pouring a bowl of Resse's Puffs when you hear Ain't It Fun by Paramore from the living room TV. (Pretend this song was out then.) Knowing the hit TV show Supernatural's theme song by anywhere, you rush to the couch.
Since the hit TV show aired in the early 2000's, its all anyone can talk about. Staring heartthrobs Jensen Ackles and Jarred Padalecki, this show tells the story of brothers Sam and Dean as they navigate life raised by their father John since their mother Mary's pasisng.
🤫 Allow me to set the scene...
Tension between Sam and John has been brewing since Season 1, always butting heads on the littlest of things. Dean says it's because they're an awful alot alike but neither party seems to see it. After moving from school to school, town to town, by Season 3 it's at its peak.
Season 3 opens on an 18 year old Sammy filling out an application for Stanford. He does so in secret, knowing Dean would bitch about it and John- well John probably won't be around to care anyway. Thoughout the season we see him rebell, staying out late and going to parties he probably shouldn't be. Dean tries his best to reason with him, but Sam needs to come around on his own time.
By the season finale, tension is at an all time high. Dean reveals to Sam he knows he's leaving them for Stanford after stumbling across his acceptance letter. This prompts Sam and Dean to get into an argument which John overhears.
After some awkward back and forth, Dean eventually blabs to which John says, "Like the college?"
Sam says, "Yeah, Dad- the college."
Dean says, "Isn't that something? He didn't even tell us he applied."
More silence sits netween them before Sam asks John what he thinks. After some thought John says, "Well, if you want to go, go."
Sam looks shocked, "Really?" he asks.
"Yeah," John nods. "But if you're gonna go, you might as well stay gone."
Sam's heart drops, Dean grumbling at his father's carelessness.
This ensues a BIG argument between John and Sam, to which Sam eventually Sam says, "You know what, I will."
Sam heads upstairs to pack, Dean once again trying to be the peacemaker. Eventually the season ends with Sam walking out of the door with a classic one-liner that absolutely shocks the hearts of millions across the world.
Sam isn't actually seen in the following season (S4), giving the audience well needed view of Dean's devotion to John (but also because Jared begins his stint on Gilmore Girls.) His welcome back to the show occurs at the end of the next season where the Original Supernatural starts, but done with a little more class.
On the last episode of Season 5, we see the infamous Impala pulling up outside a college dorm. Someone steps out of the Impala but we can't tell who it is, not just yet anyway. The person walks up to the door and maybe contemplates ringing the doorbell. Eventually he sneaks in and we see him knock something over on the way in.
Upstairs a girl sound asleep hears a noise. Waking up, she shakes her boyfriend saying, "Babe. Babe, I think someone's downstairs." We got back to downstairs where the man is now looking around in the dark- but wait, there's someone behind him. Someone with a bat takes a swing at him, tackling him to the ground. They tussle back and forth, until the burglar is revealed. We zoom in to see Dean, laying on his back with a smile.
"Dean?" says familiar voice.
"Hiya Sammy," Dean replies.
Boom! Hard cut to Sam's face and the crown goes wild!!! Sam says Dean what he's doing there to which Dean says, "Dad went on a hunting trip and now he's missing. I need your help."
Cut to black, end of Season 5.
Lol, dramatic I know, but I just get this awesome feeling of nostalgia whenever I imagine Supernatural as one of those teen drama, sentimental shows. (I've been binging those lately and they're all I can think about..lol)
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theneondreaming · 1 year
Manifest | Olive and Cal
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Stone Siblings
Olive Stone and Cal Stone
Manifest (TV series)
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 months
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I Saw the TV Glow (2024, Jane Schoenbrun)
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lucreziagiovane · 8 months
there's no better feeling than the love you share for a show/film to continually keep rewatching all of the scenes just to create content for it out of pure joy
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manichewitz · 1 year
rewatching supernatural season one is such a trip bc seeing sam and dean talk about following the orders of their father when he's not even around to give them, only having a leatherbound book he wrote to decipher what he wants, and arguing over whether or not they should have faith in him, when i know what i know about how the next several seasons play out, is like. wow. god really is just another absent father
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stuff-diary · 2 months
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (2023, Taiwan)
Director, Writer & Creator: Lin Kuan Hui
I don't know why I put off watching this for so long, cause it's really good. It includes so much stuff that I love: laugh-out-loud comedy, heartbreaking stories, supernatural elements and, most of all, a bunch of characters that burrow their way into your heart. The dynamic they share, specially between Yiyong and Guangyan, is incredibly fun. I feel like I could spend hours and hours watching them doing whatever together. And that's exactly what puts this drama miles ahead of other similarly supernatural-themed stories: the character writing is so damn good that you don't even care about the show's flaws, like the weak CGI. It certainly helps that the entire cast does a fantastic job, with Tseng Jing Hua giving a particularly unforgettable perfomance as the main character. Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is exactly what I needed right now, and I hope we get to see these characters again in the future.
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Merlin and Arthur, further adventures in modern London
Arthur: I'm sure glad we decided to try out this movie night thing.
Merlin: (grins) Yeah, modern life sure beats the constant threats of Camelot doesn't it?
Arthur: Well Merlin, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I need to be challenged, you know?
Merlin: (snorts) Oh, I'm not enough of a challenge for you?
Arthur: (playful smile) Now Merlin, don't go starting what you can't finish. Oh, here we go! This looks like an interesting movie. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Merlin: Now Arthur, what would King Uther say?
Arthur: Well, King Uther isn't here, is he Merlin? Only one king here.
Merlin: (sighs) ...and there you go again. You're still such a prat!
Arthur: ...and you love it. Come on. Admit it!
Merlin: Maybe a little...
Arthur: A cat turning into a witch. Yep, my dad certainly would not be a fan of this movie.
Merlin: (yawns)
Arthur: Tired Merlin?
Merlin: Mmmm hm
Merlin: (closes his eyes, smiles, and starts sleeping soundly)
Arthur: (thinking) 'He seems tired. I won't wake him. He looks so peaceful asleep, and happy'
Arthur: (smiles) 'We do have a happy life here, don't we? I used to think he was so insufferable, but as roommates in this strange new modern world we're really friends'
Merlin: (yawns in his sleep, and shifts, leaning his head on Arthur's shoulder)
Arthur: (freezes)
Merlin: (eyes flutter open) (yawns) Goodness! Must have fallen asleep. I seem to have fallen on you!
Arthur: Its fine, Merlin. Go back to sleep.
Arthur doesn't tell Merlin to move.
He studies Merlin thoughtfully. Taking in this new feeling of closeness between them.
The weight of Merlin's head against him, so close to his heart. He finds his pulse accelerating.
Arthur doesn't know entirely why, but he finds his arms embracing Merlin protectively. He kisses Merlin's black hair with a soft, calculated ghost of a kiss and smiles.
Holding Merlin is what feels right, right now.
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sappho-said-i-could · 6 months
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gameofthunder66 · 3 months
Supernatural (2005-2020) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 7- 6/21/2024- on Netflix (CW)
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wenellyb · 4 months
There's one thing I never understood about fandoms and Queerbaiting, is why people keep watching a show if they think it's Queerbaiting?
Queerbaiting is such an harmful practice and a real issue with some shows, it's not a shipping thing.
Imo, if a show does it, you're only encouraging it if you keep watching the show. Worse, you're saying "this is enough, we'll keep watching the show anyway, so you don't even have to give us actual representation"?
Why not focus on shows that already have Queer representation and make those shows more popular instead?
If I see somewhere that the fans are saying a show is Queerbaiting, I won't even bother to watch the show because why would I support such a nasty practice.
Or do people not mean it when they say "Queerbaiting" and only mean they want to see 2 characters who are not together get together?
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