#superman black suit variant
kollectorsrus · 2 years
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nightwingology · 2 years
Tools of the Trade Part 1: Nightwing's Costume
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Nightwing has used six main suits over the years, as well as several up-armored variants. In general, his suit is a tri-layered, insulated, Nomex/Kevlar body armor. Most versions can heat up in the cold, resist bullets, resist flames, and electrocute enemies. Certain versions of the suit also included a glider function, such as the second blue/gold suit worn in the 1990s. The third version, which was blue/black and included the fan-favorite finger stripes, was made of "a controlled photo-chromic fabric" which could shift the colors of the suit from blue to navy for increased stealth capabilities. Nightwing also possesses up-armored variants of his traditional black/blue suits, seen in situations when he was facing threats of immense power, such as in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day, and Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle. In a potential future in Nightwing: The New Order, Nightwing also designed a more high-tech, armored version of his suit. Most versions of his suit, including the original, the fingerstripes, and the New 52, use gauntlets to carry Nightwing's gadgets.
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Brian Stelfreeze Fingerstripes Concept Art
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Nightwing vol. 2 #36
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Nightwing vol. 2 #54
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Nightwing vol. 3 #18
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Nightwing vol. 3 #19
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Teen Titans vol. 3 #33
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Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle #1
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Nightwing: The New Order #5
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Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #2
In the two DC events Dark Knights: Metal and Dark Knights: Death Metal, Nightwing wore specialized suits. The first was a thermal armor designed by Batman, which aided Nightwing in battling Mr. Freeze. The second was a Death Metal variant of Nightwing's armor, used to blend into the twisted version of Earth created by the Batman Who Laughs.
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Nightwing vol. 4 #29
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Justice League (2018) #53
The Rebirth/Infinite Frontier era version of the suit is reminiscent of his black/blue fingerstripes suit, but no longer uses gauntlets to store his gadgets. This incarnation includes an in-suit defibrillator, as well as a small backpack for Nightwing's sticks and other gadgets. The Fingerstripes 2.0 suit is similar, but has been upgraded by Mr. Terrific to be thinner and have more resistance to bullets and knives, as well as an in-suit glider.
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Nightwing vol. 4 #36
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Bruno Redondo Nightwing concept art
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Nightwing vol. 4 #88
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Superman: Son of Kal-El #9
In the Batman Beyond timeline, though Dick was no longer active as Nightwing, he did use a futuristic black and blue biker suit on occasion, which resembled his old Nightwing gear.
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Batman Beyond #40
During DC's Future State event, which explored a possible future in which Gotham has become a police state, Dick has become the leader of the resistance fighters, and his suit reflects that. It retains the classic elements, but is more armored and cobbled together.
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Future State: Nightwing #1
Later on in the Future State timeline, Dick escaped Gotham and joined his old Titans friends. During this time, the years of trauma, from the death of Batman to the collapse of the Titans Academy weighed heavily on Dick, and he switched to a modified version of his second blue and gold Nightwing suit, which included a combination of his and Deathstroke's mask, as well as a gun.
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Future State: Teen Titans #1
The Mask:
Nightwing's domino mask attaches to his face with an adhesive, and has a built in radio, thermal vision, self destruct, night vision, and build in protective lenses. The mask of the red New 52 version of his suit could also pair with a syringe in his glove to perform chemical analysis.
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Nightwing vol. 2 #103
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Nightwing vol. 2 #133
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Nightwing vol. 2 #147
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Nightwing vol. 3 #5
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Nightwing vol. 3 #15
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Nightwing vol. 4 #4
In the event his mask was removed or lost, Nightwing also built a self destruct feature into it, and carried a spare in the lining of his suit, a habit he picked up as Robin.
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Trinity vol. 1 #9
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Nightwing vol. 4 #6
The Gauntlets:
Nightwing's gauntlets are a key part of his suit, replacing the need for a utility belt. Contained within them are many gadgets and tools, including a portable computer, communicator, GPS, 100,000 volt taser, laser cutter, rope launcher, and self destruct charges.
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Batman: The Ultimate Guide to the DC Comics Superhero
This is part 1 of a series I will be posting, future installments will cover more specific gadgets and vehicles used by Nightwing.
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elioherondale · 2 months
Unorthodox Justice League character designs that I like
Superman - Krypto Suit from CW Supergirl (Technically it's not a suit Clark ever wore but I didn't feel like the variants I looked for fit what I was looking for)
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Batman - Titans Tomorrow and Endless Winter suits
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Wonder Woman - Her Odyssey look for casual and her DCYou look for more serious fights
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The Flash - Fast Track suit (for all intents and purposes, it is still a Flash suit. Plus I really like the aesthetic)
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Green Arrow - CW Arrow Season 4 suit + Dawn of DC design (personally, I've always liked the idea of having Ollie have sleeves so I guess just add that to the current design)
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Zatanna - Come Together outfit
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Black Canary - "Scream Queen" design (also used by Infinite Frontier Earth-3 Dinah)
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Aquaman - "Exiled"/DC You design
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bimboficationblues · 11 months
whats the good comics to read? ive read & liked hellboy & flex mentallo, watchmen was pretty good. did not rly enjoy punisher that much tho i read a lot of it like 15 years ago. ive read a couple of batman runs as well tho aside from killing joke idr which ones.
caveat that I've been mostly reading Marvel stuff of late and I kinda dropped off comics like...a month and a half ago or so cause of work and pivoting to interest in film, though I'm hoping to get back into it. But here are some things I've enjoyed!
The original Stan Lee and Gerry Conway Amazing Spider-Man runs are great if you want old-school character drama and have the patience for excessive exposition. The same caveats go for Chris Claremont's tenure on Uncanny X-Men which are some of my favorite cape comics ever. This run is really long, so if you want a condensed idea of what it's like, "God Loves, Man Kills" is a great graphic novel that kinda captures the spirit of that era and its core characters, and I also adore the Starjammers/Brood Saga. The New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman, which @radiofreederry is chronicling as she reads it, works for similar reasons as Claremont's X-Men, which it was emulating and in some ways surpasses.
J. Michael Straczynski's Amazing Spider-Man run...there are two options here: 1) Just read the period where John Romita Jr. is the artist, which ends with "The Book of Ezekiel" arc. This is the strongest and most consistent section of the story. It actually made me cry at least once or twice. 2) Read the whole run, but recognize that it *will* shit the bed at least three times, two of which are mostly pointless and skippable ("Sins Past" and "The Other"), one of which is both one of the worst stories ever told and fundamentally damaged the character to this day, *and* the unfortunate, editorially imposed conclusion to the whole creative run ("One More Day"). However this section also includes two of my favorite Spider-Man stories ("Mr. Parker Goes to Washington/The War at Home," imo the only part of Civil War that actually proved the value of the event, and "Back in Black") so it depends on your patience and willingness to deal with wack stuff in order to get to good parts.
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo's Fantastic Four run is like, really charming and beautiful and silly but moving. Honestly a perfect run imo.
My favorite Batman story is unquestionably The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, which was a big influence on the Matt Reeves Batman movie (which is also my favorite Batman film). Really embraces the character's detective qualities, which is when I think he's most interesting - I don't need him to be doing a lot emotionally or be the most unconquerable creature with tons of prep time, I need him to be Hercule Poirot in a silly suit. But if you want a great detective story without Batman's baggage, Denny O'Neill's The Question is so so good. Funny, dark, politically charged, philosophically poignant. Kind of ends unsatisfactorily but the ride there is really good detective drama.
If you like Hellboy, it's worth checking out a lot of the late 80s DC/Vertigo lineup which aimed for weirdness and high concepts. This includes Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Gaiman's The Sandman, Hellblazer, Animal Man, and Doom Patrol. Double-recommendation for Doom Patrol and Animal Man, because both were written by Flex Mentallo author Grant Morrison.
Let's see...George Perez's Wonder Woman is a cool mix of grounded drama and high-fantasy. I like it best when Perez is on pencils and writing, not just the latter. Hawkworld is the only good Hawkman story. Morrison's All-Star Superman is great but requires a lot of Superman familiarity to really appreciate imo. Warren Ellis's time on Thunderbolts is a fun little action/psychological thriller comic. Brian Michael Bendis' Dardevil is actually really good, it's the only thing he's written that I think is great without any qualifications. Gail Simone's Secret Six is a fun variant on the Suicide Squad concept. I like 2000s She-Hulk, Ghost Rider...the first forty-two issues of Ed Brubaker's Captain America is honestly a pretty sick spy thriller.
if I didn't' mention something well-regarded or contemporary here (e.g. Mark Waid's The Flash) assume I just haven't read it yet, I have an extremely long spreadsheet of things to read. This got pretty long but yeah, that's a bunch of stuff I've read and enjoyed!
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Fun Flash Comic idea
The Flash runs into an alternate reality, as he’s known to do, and for funsies let’s say Nightwing came along. They find themselves on trial for “Tresspassing” in a reality where they don’t belong, and the judges are a group of superheros that look familiar. It’s sorta like the Justice Society Storyline, but also like Multiverse of Madness.
This other group of superheroes are kind of like the Justice League, and kind of like the Avengers. Think of the Amalgam Comics, but made in a way so that DC doesn’t have to pay Marvel any royalties.
There’s a Superman with a big Star on his chest instead of an S, and wears no cape. 
Batman is there, but he’s got a high tech suit of black armor, with a light up 5 inch wide bat signal on his chest. He shows up wearing a helmet that covers his entire face, but it folds back to reveal his face, showing that in this Universe his identity is public. He’s also not wearing a cape.
There’s a Supergirl Variant that has the same look as Superman, but it makes her look like Captain Marvel. Batwoman is there as well, but instead of a suit of armor she’s just wearing the same outfit she usually wears, sans cape. she sorta looks like Black WIdow. 
There a version of Wonderwoman who’s got a sword of lightning. She resembles Thor, but since she’s the daughter of Zeus it works.
I don’t know who the alt Hulk would be, but I could see a recolor of the flash who’s wearing a blue suit with white lightning bolts. 
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McFarlane DC Super Powers Wave 8 - A figurák
A Walmart ideiglenesen listázott néhány figurát a McFarlane Toys 5 inches DC Super Powers figurát 8. hullámából. Az alábbi képeken a Black Manta (Black Suit), Guy Gardner, Booster Gold és Metamorpho figurák láthatóak. A hullámhoz tartozó további figurák között Superman (Fleischer Variant) és Batman (The Dark Knight Returns) figurák is szerepelnek. Nem tudni, hogy mikor lesz a hivatalos…
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northoftheroad · 4 years
Dick Grayson’s Nightwing suits
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It all started with a deep cut v-neck, back in 1984. In a lighter shade of blue than the rest of the suit. We still see that basic form in the Nightwing suit today, whether it is the variant with a lighter colour (generally blue) in a v-shape over the chest, shoulder and back or as a stylized bird.
The v-shape started to take the shape of a bird on the Nightwing suit in 1997, in The New Batman Adventures (a continuation of Batman The Animated Series). 
(If you know of any model or facts that I’ve missed, don’t hesitate to let me know so I can update!)
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The original suit, fondly nicknamed “discowing”. When Dick took it on for the first time, he had an inner monologue about how the name and the costume are based on Batman and Superman but also his parents and Kory/Starfire. Tales of the Teen Titans # 44. By Marv Wolfman, art George Pérez, Dick Giordano and Mike DeCarlo. (July 1984)
This is from an interview with Marv Wolfman, on 13thdimension.com, about why Dick became Nightwing: 
It was fairly simple, actually. I got a call that (DC) really would like Robin back in Batman, and they wanted Robin to be younger. Again, because Batman really needed a partner. The nice thing was that Teen Titans—which I was still on at the time—was way outselling Batman and I really wanted Dick Grayson and I really loved the character. We had aged him, we had made him a real leader, we had done a whole bunch of things with him, and I didn’t want to give up Dick Grayson. And it suddenly struck me — I don’t even know what happened because it was unprecedented in comics — I said, “Why don’t I keep Dick Grayson and you create a new Robin and make that a big to-do in Batman … while we have Nightwing.
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After eight years, the “discowing” suit was replaced by one with less light blue and more yellow, not unlike the original but without the collar and deep neckline. It also had a bat-like emblem on the belt. The uniform was (in-universe) designed by Mirage impersonating Starfire/Kory, who also cut Dick’s hair to go with the 90′s, over his mild protests. (It’s been a long time since I read NTT from this era, so I can’t remember if the yellow between the arms actually functioned as glider wings.) New Titans vol 1 # 88. Written by Marv Wolfman and Lein Wein, art Tom Grummett, Al Vey, Ian Akin and John Statema. (July 1992) 
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This model didn’t last long – Dick scrapped it in September 1995, in the first issue of the first Nightwing (mini) series. His decision to leave the hero business lasted about ten minutes, I guess. Nightwing vol 1 # 1. By Dennis O’Neil, art Greg Land and Mike Sellers. (1995)
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Dick’s third model, the black and electric blue “fingerstripe” suit was, in-universe, designed by Harold Allnut who lived in the Batcave and worked as Batman’s all round mechanic and technical guy. Dick would stick with this design until he became Batman in 2009. Nightwing vol 1 # 2. By Dennis O’Neil, art Greg Land and Mike Sellers. (1995)
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The actual designer was Brian Stelfreeze, who made this model sheet.
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The fingerstripe suit by Jim Lee (from Hush). 
At the very end of the NTT era, Dick's second and third Nightwing suits were drawn in slightly different ways in a few panels. In New Titans # 114, the second suit has a lighter blue colour and is paired with a Nightwing jacket. In this issue, Nightwing leaves the team. And in New Titans # 130, the very last issue, his fingerstripe costume has some yellow accents. I would chalk it up to artist mistake rather than a costume variation, but in the interest of being complete, I'll add them here.
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New Titans # 114. By Marv Wolfman, art Rick Mays, Karl Story, Jason Martin and Keith Champagne (1994). 
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New Titans # 130. By Marv Wolfman, art William Rosado and Will Blyberg. (1996)
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Dick Grayson was Moonwing, an amalgamation of Marvel’s Moon Knight and Nightwing in the the Amalgam Universe. Bruce Wayne, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. By Chuck Dixon, art Cary Nord and Mark Pennington. (1996)
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The continuation of Batman The Animated Series was called The New Batman Adventures. Tim is the new Robin, and Dick as Nightwing makes his debut in season 1 episode 5, “You Scratch My Back”. He has a black suit with collapsible wings that help him to glide, and a stylized bird motif in a v-shape over chest, shoulders and back. It bears a likeness to the fingerstripe model, without the actual fingerstripes, that is. (Pictures from You Scratch My Back, November 1997)
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In the universe of Batman The Animated Series, Dick splits from Bruce and Gotham in anger. He transforms to Nightwing while he travels the world to learn different skills in the five-issue mini-series The Batman Adventures: The Lost Years. He picked up a suit with collapsible wings from monks in the Himalayas, and that became the base for his new outfit and identity. The bird symbol comes from a statue but the origin of the name Nightwing is unknown. Batman Adventures: The Lost Years # 5. Writer Hilary J. Bader, art Bo Hampton and Terry Beatty. (1998)
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The Nightwing design in the tie-in comics, Batman: Gotham Adventures, mirrors the one in The New Batman Adventures, except that the collapsible wings are blue. Batman: Gotham Adventures # 11. By Ty Templeton, art Rick Burchett and Terry Beatty. (1999)
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JLA: Riddle of the Beast is an Elseworld story where Batman and Nightwing are “Brothers of the Night” and fight to protect Gotham. When Nightwing is killed in battle, Batman keeps his corpse beside him on the throne. JLA. Ridde of the Beast. Written by Alan Grant, art Andrew Robinson and more. (2001)
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The Nightwing battle armour that Dick wore when the Titans and Young Justice teams prepared to battle a rouge Superman robot. Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day # 2. By Judd Winick, art Alé Garza and Lary Strucker. (2003) 
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Nightwing from the future turns up in the Teen Titans tv-show, in the episode “How Long is Forever” (season 2, episode 1). He wears a black suit with a blue bird symbol on the chest. (A stylized bird is by now a Nightwing logo, and a blue symbol on black has been used in several animated movies and tv-shows.) (January 2004) 
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To the best of my knowledge, Dick’s original Nightwing suit had no in-universe inspiration for the neckline (and he made it himself). This was retconned because in Nightwing # 103 (part of Nightwing Year One), his dad’s old circus outfit is a clear inspiration for a costume Dick performs in and upgrades to his first Nightwing suit. At the end of the story arc, in Nightwing # 106, he gets a new costume that Alfred made for him. The difference is mainly yellow feathering because, as Alfred writes, “you once wore this color to great distinction in your youth.” By Scott Beatty and Chuck Dixon. Art Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens. (2005)
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A variation of Dick’s second suit, wing glider wings, which Dick used for a short while in the middle of Infinite Crisis. Teen Titans vol 3 # 33. Written by Geoff Johns and Marv Wolfman, art Todd Nauck, Norm Rapmund and Marlo Alquiza. (2006) 
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The Teen Titans tv show had a tie-in comics, Teen Titans Go! between 2004 and 2008. Older Dick/Nightwing comes to the "present" in # 31. By J. Torres, art Todd Nauck and Lary Strucker. (2006)
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In the tv show The Batman (2004-2008), Nightwing (in the original suit) is Dick’s avatar in some game but as far as I know, it’s not said where the name comes from. The Batman 5:08, “The Metal Face of Comedy”.
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NightLantern/Hal Grayson, an amalgam of Dick and Hal Jordan in a dream world created by Doctor Destiny. Superman/Batman # 60-61. Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson, art Francis Manapul. (2009)
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Dick wore his fingerstripe suit, and is seen is the discowing suit in flashbacks, in Batman: The Widening Gyre, a six issue series that was supposed to have a continuation. It is an alternate reality that borrows a lot from canon stories. Written by Kevin Smith, art Wait Flanagan and Art Thibert. (2009)
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Dick in Li’l Gotham wore the same fingerstripe suit he had in the main universe. Written by Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen, art Dustin Nguyen. (2009)
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Black and blue with the a v-shape In clear blue over chest, back and shoulders, but without the fingerstripes in the animated movie Batman: Under the Red Hood. (2010)
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In the tv show Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Dick left Robin and took on Nightwing (the name is Batman’s suggestion) in the episode “Sidekicks Assemble”). (Season 2, episode 6. 2010) This picture is from the episode “Criss-Cross Conspiracy” (2:19, 2010). 
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In Batman Beyond vol 3 (2010), Dick has left the Nightwing identity and working with Batman behind long ago (the two aren’t on speaking terms). But we do get to see the Nightwing suit he almost died in, torn and bloody. Batman Beyond: Hush Beyond # 4. By Adam Beechenm art Ryan Benjamin and John Stanisci. (2010)
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As far as I know, Dick Grayson of DC Bombshells (a line of retro figurines starting in 2011, that expanded into a comic book) has only been seen on this poster from DC Universe. (January 2011)
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The Flashpoint story arc portrayed a very different DC universe where Dick never became Nightwing, but his circus outfit has a similar design. At the end of this mini-series, Dick becomes the new Doctor Fate. The resolution of Flashpoint led to a changed status quo in the main DC universe, The New 52. Deadman and the Flying Graysons. # 2, by J T Krul, art Fabrizio Fiorentino and Alejandro Giraldo. (2011) 
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Nightwing in New 52 had a suit in red and black, to match the other Robins’, with the familiar v-shape around the torso. Nightwing vol 3 # 1. By Kyle Higgins, art Eddy Barrows and JP Mayer. (2011)
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Again, we see that the Flying Graysons’ circus outfits has been made to look as inspiration for Dick’s Nightwing suits. Nightwing vol 3 # 0. By Tom De Falco and Kyle Higgins. Art Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira. (2011)
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Nightwing in a type of fingerstripe design in the game Batman: Arkham City. (2011)
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In the second season of the tv show Young Justice, Dick has become Nightwing. (2012)
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The original Nightwing uniform in New 52 only had the v-shaped motif. After a while, the suit also got red stripes along the arms, ending under the gauntlets. In his current lair, you can see that he has both the "old" read and the new one. Nightwing vol 3 # 10. By Kyle Higgins, art  Eddy Barrows, Geraldo Borges, Eber Ferreira and Roy José. (2012)
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When New 52 started, after Flashpoint, Dick was well established as Nightwing and had recently got back his old identity after a stint as Batman. A (weird-ish, if you ask me) variant on the discowing costume have been seen in flashbacks. Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 1 # 6. By Scott Lobdell, art Kenneth Rocafort. (2012)
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And in Secret Origins (New 52) vol 3 # 8. By Tim Seeley and Tom King, art Stephen Mooney. (2015)
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After another handful of issues, the New 52 Nightwing suit got back the fingerstripes – but it was still in red, and some red lines over hips and on the raised collar. Nightwing vol 3 # 19. By Kyle Higgins, art Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund. (2013)
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Nightwing is a playable character in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us. The blue is his “ordinary” game uniform, and a red New 52 version. (2013)
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Dick made a short guest-appearance in Legends of the Dark Knight (2012-2015) (an anthology book that was meant to be "continuity free") with a fingerstripe version. Legends of the Dark Knight # 55. By Charles Soule, art Dennis Calero. (2013)
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Dick is no longer Nightwing in Batman Beyond 2.0, set one year after a previous Batman Beyond comic (published 2012–2013), but he works with Terry McGinnis/Batman. However, Nightwing, together with Batman and Batgirl, is on the cover to the first chapters and Terry meets a fake Nightwing & Co in # 5. The two Nightwings have, for some reason I haven’t figured out, different costumes (perhaps that’s why one of them is fake?). Batman Beyond 2.0 # 1. Cover art Sean Murphy. Batman Beyond 2.0 # 5. Written by Kyle Higgins, art Thony Silas. (2013)
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Dick’s suit in the game tie-in comic Injustice: Gods Among Us. Chapter 16, written by Tom Taylor, art Mike S Miller. (2013)
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Son of Batman was the first In a series of Batman-centric movies in the DC AMU. Dick had a black suit with a blue bird symbol on the chest, similar to the suit in the tv-shows Teen Titans and Young Justice. Son of Batman (2014) 
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Lego Nightwing had a New 52-red suit in the tv short Leaguered October 2014).
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The second of the animated movies with Batman, Robin and Nightwing had Dick in the same black suit with a blue bird symbol. Batman vs. Robin was based on the Court of Owls storyline, but here, it is Damian the Court wants as a talon, not Dick. Batman vs. Robin (2015)
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In another Arkham game, Dick had a half cowl (Dick Grayson of Earth Two had something like that for one of his adult Robin costumes), but no fingerstripes. Arkham Knight. (2015)
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In Batman: Arkham Knight. Limited series, a prequel to the game, Dick made a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance. Batman: Arkham Knight digital # 30. By Peter J Tomasi, art Ig Guara and Julio Ferreira. (2015)
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Batman Unlimited, a series of animated movies and shorts, saw Nightwing in a dark blue and red suit with a half cowl. Pictures from Nightwing and Red Robin vs. Silverback. (2015)
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In the transition between New 52 and Rebirth, DC published a series of two-issue mini-series that was meant to tie up what had happened to DC characters in different timelines. Dick was in two of these – in Nightwing/Oracle, he had a black suit with blue as the v-shaped motif over the torso, bracelets, belt and knees. Written by Gail Simone, art Jan Duursema and Dan Parsons. (2015)
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In the New Teen Titans timeline, the suit looks very much like the original Nightwing uniform. Convergence: The New Teen Titans. Written by Marv Wolfman, art Nicola Scott and Marc Deering. (2015)
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Batman went missing and Dick had to step in as Batman in this animated movie. His Nightwing suit is the same black with a blue bird as the two earlier Batman movies in DC AMU. Batman: Bad Blood (2016)
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The tv show from 1966 got a comic continuation in 2013, followed by a few different team-ups. One of them was set some years in the future where Dick has transformed to Nightwing and wears a version of the discowing suit. Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman, written by Marc Andreyko and Jeff Parker, art David Hahn, Karl Kesel. (2016–2017)
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Dick went back to black and blue when he came back as Nightwing after his time as Agent 37 in the comic book Grayson. The suit is a lot like his classical, fingerstripe one, albeit there are no fingerstripes. Knuckles, palms and lines around the lower legs are also blue. Nightwing vol 4 # 1, by Tim Seeley, art Yanick Paquette (July 2016) and Nightwing vol 4 # 27, cover art by Javier Fernandez and Chris Sotomayor. 
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Dick wore a red version of his Nightwing (fingerstripe) suit in the adaptation of The The Judas Contract storyline from the New Teen Titans. (The arc where he became Nightwing in comics, back in 1984.) It is the only one of the Batman movies in the DC AMU where Nightwing wears black and red instead of black and blue. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017)
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Batman/TMNT Adventures. By Matthew Manning, art Jon Sommariva. (2017) 
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During the Dark Nights: Metal event, Dick had a thermal armor, provided by Batman. “His version of an ugly sweater” Nightwing vol 4 # 26. By Tim Seeley, art Paul Pelletier and Andrew Hennessy. (2017)
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Dick Grayson of Gotham City Garage had a Nightwing-esque tatoo. Gotham City Garage chapter 7. By Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, art Aneke. (2017)
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In the so called Murphyverse, where the roles of Batman and Joker are reversed, Dick wears a blue jacket over his black and blue suit. Batman: White Knight (miniseries). By Sean Murphy (2017–2018)
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Nightwing in the animated movie Batman and Harley Quinn had the familiar v-bird in the style of BTAS. (2017)
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Dick/Nightwing in Batman and Harley Quinn, also in the style of BTAS. The seven issue digital mini series was an anthology series that took place after the events of the movie. Batman and Harley Quinn # 4, Written by Amanda Deibert, art David Hahn. (2017) 
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In Dick’s room in Titan’s Tower, he has for instance a Batman plushie and two Nightwing suits with different designs. Rebirth Titans # 10. By Dan Abnett, art Norm Rapmund and Brett Booth. (2017)
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In this alternate reality story, Dick wears his classic fingerstripe suit in the beginning. He retires from Nightwing but many years later, puts on a uniform again; this one looks a bit more armoured. Nightwing: The New Order. Written by Kyle Higgins, art Trevor McCarthy. (2017-2018)
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Nightwing # 39 is partly a flashback to when Dick had left as Robin and was studying a semester at Blüdhaven College Law School. When he can’t help but get involved in a murder case, he uses some workout gear that happens to look a lot like the original Nighwing suit. Nighwing # 39. By Sam Humphries, art Phil Jimenez, Jamal Campbell and Matt Santorelli. (2018)
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Yet another alternative reality version where Batman and the Robins find themselves transplanted from modern Gotham City to feudal Japan. Batman Ninja animated movie. (2018)
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In a weird twist in Rebirth Titans, Dick is trapped inside what’s happening on the tv. The Nightwing theme is still clearly recognizable in the western and sci-fi outfits. Titans Rebirth # 25, by Dan Abnett, art Guilleum March, Denis Medri, Brent Peeples, Brandon Peterson, Matt Santorelli. (2018) 
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A winter outfit. Titans Rebirth # 26, by Dan Abnett, art Brent Peeples and Matt Santorelli. (2018) 
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Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II # 5. By Ryan Ferrier and James Tynion IV, art Freddie E Williams II. And what he looks like on the cover of # 6, art by Kevin Eastman. (2018) 
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And just like that, the original discowing suit was suddenly canon again, as well as Dick’s second Nightwing suit, when Dick prepares to set fire to the past he doesn’t remember in Nightwing vol 4 # 50. (Though the fingerstripe version is noticeably absent.) The four suits will be worn by there cops and a firefighter in the coming year (plus), while the amnesiac “Ric” doesn’t remember his past after his parents were killed and is being mind manipulated by the Court of Owls in another effort to make him a talon. (Dick does, however, turn up as himself in comics that are not in this exact moment of canon, such as Doomsday Clock and Batman Universe, and alternate reality stories such as DCeased, wearing his regular suit.) Nightwing # 50. By Benjamin Percy, art Chris Mooneyham. (October 2018)
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In the third season of Young Justice, Dick’s Nightwing suit looks the same. He also has a civilian jacket with some Nightwing blue over the shoulders. (2019)
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Back in the old finger stripes in the animated movie Batman: Hush. The third version of Nightwing’s suit in DC AMU. (2019)
(Dick would die in this version of his suit, in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War in 2020, by the way.) 
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In a world where Dick for a time went by the name by Talon, because the bats were defeated, he ends up in the classic Nightwing fingerstripe suit when good has finally been victorious. Batman: Last Knight on Earth # 3. By Scott Snyder, art Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion. (2019)
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Nightwing and Leonardo the turtle are fused together in Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. At the end of the series, each character are back to their normal selves. Written by James Tynion IV, art Kevin Eastman and Freddie E Williams II. (2019)
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Doomsday Clock # 9. By Geoff Johns, art Gary Frank. (2019)
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DCeased, where Dick is one of the first to succumb to the zombie virus (or something, I haven’t actually read it...). DCeased # 1. By Tom Taylor, art Trevor Hairsine and Stefano Gaudiano. (2019)
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Lego DC Batman: Family matters. (2019)
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Batman. Universe # 5. By Brian Michael Bendis, art Nick Derrington. (2019) 
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We got the first live version of Nightwing in the tv-show Titans, with Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson. Dick’s inspiration in this show is a folkloric Latin American hero, Alazul, who has a bird motive. (Looking at earlier Nightwing suits, I rather think this has borrowed a lot from the design in Batman: Arkham City.) It was designed by Laura Jean Shannon. Titans (DC Universe). (2019)
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In another (the latest) version of Batman Beyond, Dick is the mayor of Blüdhaven and has long left the superhero life, but he turns up in a very Nightwing-like outfit. Batman Beyond (2016) # 40. By Dan Jurgens, art Sean Chen and Sean Parsons. (2020)
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The adventures of the characters from Batman The Animated Series continues in a new comic book. Nightwing has so far been seen in a promoting picture. Batman: The Adventures Continue. (2020)
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Aaand – to hammer home the point that everyone who can ignores the current state of Nightwing, and tells stories as if Dick was as he should be. Dick is seen as Nightwing (in his current Rebirth-suit) in two of the stories in Giant Batman # 4 (2020). Concrete Jungle (by Mark Russell, art Ryan Benjamin and Richard Friend) and Puppets (by Steve Orlando, art Tom Lyle). (2020)
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Dick wore a winged armour in the Nightwing Annual # 3, in a flashback to before he was shot in the head. An organisation, The Condors, tried to recruit Dick and tempted him with the flying suit. (June 2020)
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720 days after Dick was shot in the head in Batman vol 3 # 55, he got his memories back in Nightwing vol 4 # 74. The week after, in Batman vol 3 # 99, he also got his suit – though he never put it on. (September 2020)
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In the simultaneous DC event, Death Metal, Nightwing has, somehow, been prisoner together with several other heroes in a super-prison on Apokolips. And the details of his suit is all over the place even though these two comics are supposed to show the exact same scene. In one version, the artist draws the suit with a triangle instead of the stylized bird's head and "hooks" below the clavicles. It looks most of all like a blue version of his original New 52 suit. In the book that picks up right after, the suit has the bird's head, and the close-up of the heroes' hands shows the classic finger stripes though it's very dubious of it also has the lines along the arms. Left: Dark Nights: Death Metal # 3 (August 2020). Right: Dark Nights: Trinity Crisis # 1 (September 2020).
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And then Nightwing gets a fantasy makeover in his further adventures in Death Metal. Justice League vol 4 # 53 (September 2020).
In the early 2021 event Future States, which as far as I understand, will be about glimpses from different time streams, Nightwing will be in two titles: Nightwing and  Teen Titans. From what we can see so far, Dick will have a variant of his second costume in the Teen Titans title and a version of his current one in Nightwing.
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Art Nicola Scott
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Cover art Rafa Sandoval
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Nightwing as a playable character in the game Gotham Knights (2021).
Due to a large number of Nightwing suits in different DC media, this post now has a Part Two.
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Pretty great month in Aug for Superman coming up! September will be the big one though with the event.
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This book really looks to be a hoot - I'm so-so on Venditti but he has his moments, and more importantly Torres doing a big Superman project is an event unto itself. The variant cover from Doc is nice too, just for the illustration for how different his Reeve Superman is from his regular 'ol Superman.
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Not one single solitary soul taking bets on what the second Black Label Superman project would finally be is walking away happy here, but Seeley and Andolfo doing a Superman book together (not familiar with Beattie's collaborations with Seeley but I'm sure it'll be a plus) is a win in my book.
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Shame to see this story end but at least it's going out with a bang, and I'm excited for what Yang could possibly do to keep up the pace afterwards.
Not invested enough that I'll spend yet more space here on their cover art, but I'll be interested to hear what's going on with Conner in that Suicide Squad annual and the Midnighter backups in Action have improved enough that I'll probably pick up this finale even standalone.
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Hope I'll be forgiven for not using that lovely Sampere main cover, but Tedesco, man. Curious how everything'll play out here and Atlantis of all locales being a major part of PKJ's opening salvo.
The Synmar stuff coming back around in Justice League, huh? Alright with me, and glad to see Hester here. And Overman in Justice League Infinity!
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What a pretty cover. That preview that came out for #1 did not grab me - it almost felt like King was daring everyone who was aghast at the idea of him getting Supergirl not to start groaning all over again - but I remain hopeful.
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Makes sense to put the extra focus on Enchantress given her presence is the biggest question mark. What's absolutely wild though is that for all the world the solicits for this sound like a totally normal Superman team-up comic, which means we still have no clue what Morrison's really up to.
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Right away probably a top 3 all-time Superman cover. Wagner and Campbell doing Superman stories should be fun, and is King doing a chapter with Paolo Rivera???
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That's an aces cover (even if it sadly indicates it'll probably be a minute before Jon picks up his cleaner new suit, which if they're committing to this as a real thing needed to be right away), and the solicit makes it sound like pretty much the ideal version of Taylor handling this with a nice status quo quickly in place and indulging in the fun of stuff like Jon tooling around with the Fortress now that it's his.
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onetruesporkbot · 3 years
Sporky’s LPoH: Super Rebirth
A few weeks ago, I read that Superman wears a black suit in the Snyder Cut of Justice League because “black symbolizes rebirth.” Which...yeah, I’d never heard of that. It just feels like it’s Zacky-boy’s constant need to make things “darker” (”BeCauSe iT’s So GroWn uP, YoU gUyS!”), and just happens to double as a nod to the comics.
Curious, I just punched into google “what color symbolizes rebirth, and got...green. Because, y’know...green. So I found an outline of Supes from the 90′s animated series, and did this.
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     “Great hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons of Krypton!”
So, yeah, it looks like his St. Patrick’s Day uniform, but is more “rebirth” than something you’d wear to a funeral.
Then I got to thinking that, as far as the movies are concerned, he’s technically being resurrected. So checked the color associated with THAT, and got white and gold, because Jesus Christ. True, Supes was actually made more like Moses in his creation, but Snyder loves to hammer in Christ symbolism...which I guess some people think is deep. So I did this.
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Because Easter.
I kept the green, because of the aforementioned relation to rebirth. There’s also a variant on this.
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Red instead of green, for...I don’t know “blood of Christ” or maybe just to reference the red on Kal’s suit.
I’m not watching the Snyder Cut. Let it, and the Snyderverse, disappear.
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hellacre13 · 5 years
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Okay so just decided to share some of the pages from the Superman and Wonder Woman Plus Collectibles and give my own little review. The book itself comes with two figures. So it is part of the package, a sort of backup to two collectibles to inform even the most casual or new fan about Superman and Wonder Woman’s history. 
The collectibles themselves are fine for what they are. Personally I would have preferred New 52 or Classic uniforms ie red trunks and star spangled bottoms. I especially do not care for the Reborn Superman suit because it looks like a onesie. I do not care if Superman has trunks or not but he really needs red boots. So this is a bias of mine I fully acknowledge. I might throw a lick of paint on his boots. Wonder Woman, eh this is her look all over now so she at least feels kind of just up to date as opposed to Rebirth onesie Superman. 
The book itself, while I would have liked a hardcover, is 67 pages. The quality of the paper and print is very good. It has a nice high sheen and bright colors. The cover is a gorgeous print of Jason Fabok’s Superman and Wonder Woman The Ultimate Power Couple Justice League variant from the new 52. As a fan of the new 52 couple this was nice to see. 
The book is clearly an amalgam of other books DC probably has written on Superman and Wonder Woman in order to try to give the reader an idea about the two heroes and their history apart and together. It has that feel that it is not one voice or era speaking. And this is evidenced by the different writers ie,  James Hill ,  James Andrews, Neal Bailey , Jake Black and Matthew Manning. It, however, does a fairly good job trying to simplify the very convoluted history of DC from Action Comics #1 to Rebirth era. It presents timelines, different eras, milestones, iconic covers, origins, foes, love interests, events, character background etc and so forth on the two heroes. If you are not a staunch follower of DC this is fine. If you read comics and know your stuff then you might wonder where is a particular story or certain cover? But I get it. They needed to try to consolidate decades of history in a limited pages on two heroes who collectively have been around since 1938 and 1941. Diana is also called the First Lady of Superheroes, and is seen as Superman’s equal and a feminist icon since her inception. 
Now one wonders with the Superman and Wonder Woman guides out there why there is even a need to do this. Some of this stuff surely could have been slotted in those books in a couple of pages but it seems that this book is some sort of effort to present them as a partnership, even if they have separate franchises.I am surprised they did this given the way they carry on about Batman/Superman as a duo. Batman has a book with him and the Joker btw in the same Superhero Collector series. But then they are of the same franchise so it was a pleasant surprise to see them put Superman and Wonder Woman together. 
They mention the Clark and Diana romance, dedicate pages to showing images and more or less seems to be trying to say, whether romance or close friends, they have a significant connection that is there and has always been there. The preface on the back cover also supports this and the page dedicated to them Partners in Justice. They mention their date back in Action 600 and even tried to suggest they stayed close in Rebirth. This is ironic because we know this to not be not exactly true. DC writers currently have been keeping Superman away from Wonder Woman, there is not the closeness of preflashpoint. They close of with a double splash page of Rocafort’s Young Romance cover and panels from that Truth or Dare story as well. I only wished they had included more of Charles Soule’s  and Tony S Daniel’s Power Couple series Superman/Wonder Woman and Ross/Waid’s Kingdom Come. But then I guess this means people can go look for those stories and read them as they are mentioned. 
The mere fact this book exists I would say is a good thing. At least to inform new and non fans. It’s a nice gift for a loved one or younger reader who are SMWW fans or who want to know more. It also is an affirmation that Superman and Wonder Woman have shared history and are a significant partnership in the DCU. Now if only current DC writers, tv writers and movie writers can remember that. 
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collectorscorner · 4 years
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Martin's A Clash Of Kings #1 (Cover K Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover A Arthur Suydam), $3.99 KISS Zombies #4 (Cover B Stuart Sayger), $3.99 KISS Zombies #4 (Cover C Rodney Buchemi), $3.99 KISS Zombies #4 (Cover D Photo), $3.99 KISS Zombies #4 (Cover E Ken Haeser Bonus Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover F Photo Virgin Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover G Ken Haeser Black & White Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover H Rodney Buchemi Pencils Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover I Rodney Buchemi Virgin Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover J Rodney Buchemi Black & White Virgin Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover K Rodney Buchemi Tint Virgin Variant), AR KISS Zombies #4 (Cover L Rodney Buchemi Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja #13 (Cover S Jae Lee Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #13 (Cover T Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99 Red Sonja #14 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99 Red Sonja #14 (Cover C Bob Q), $3.99 Red Sonja #14 (Cover D Marc Laming), $3.99 Red Sonja #14 (Cover E Katy DeCobray Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Red Sonja #14 (Cover F Roberto Castro Bonus Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover G Juan Gedeon Zombie Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover H Andrew Pepoy Seduction Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover I Roberto Castro Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover J Juan Gedeon Zombie Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover K Katy DeCobray Cosplay Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover L Jae Lee Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover M Jae Lee Tint Dressed Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover N Joseph Michael Linsner Tint Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover O Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover P Joseph Michael Linsner Tint Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover Q Jae Lee Tint Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover R Bob Q Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #14 (Cover S Andrew Pepoy Seduction Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #2 (Cover W Derrick Chew Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #2 (Cover X Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #2 (Cover Y Alan Quah Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #2 (Cover Z Ale Garza Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #8 (Of 12)(Cover N Fay Dalton Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #8 (Of 12)(Cover O Cat Staggs Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #1 (Billy Tucci Black & White Variant Cover), AR Vampirella #1 (Billy Tucci Pure Pencil Variant Cover), AR Vampirella #1 (Billy Tucci Variant Cover), AR Vampirella #1 (Billy Tucci Virgin Black & White Variant Cover), AR Vampirella #1 (Billy Tucci Virgin Variant Cover), AR Vampirella #6 (Cover X Stanley Artgerm Lau Charcoal Variant), AR Vampirella #6 (Cover Y Stanley Artgerm Lau Charcoal Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover X Denys Cowan Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover Y Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover Z Alitha Martinez Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover Z1 Mark Beachum Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover Z2 Afua Richardson Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella #8 (Cover Z3 Fay Dalton Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella Red Sonja #4 (Cover P Babs Tarr Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella Red Sonja #4 (Cover Q Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #5 (Cover R Ben Oliver Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #5 (Cover S Lucio Parrillo Seduction Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover A Lucio Parillo), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover B Ben Oliver), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover C Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover D Lorraine Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover E Roberto Castro Bonus Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover F Roberto Castro Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover G Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover H Roberto Castro Black & White Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover I Roberto Castro Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover J Lorraine Cosplay Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover K Lucio Parillo Black & White Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover L Lucio Parillo Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover M Ben Oliver Black & White Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover N Ben Oliver Tint Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover O Mike Deodato Jr. Icon Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #6 (Cover P Julie Bell Icon Variant), AR
IDW PUBLISHING Corto Maltese Ballad Of The Salty Sea GN, $34.99 Crow Hack Slash Volume 1 TP, $15.99 Crow Lethe #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Peach Momoko), $3.99 Crow Lethe #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Tim Seeley), $3.99 Crow Lethe #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Tim Seeley Black & White Variant), AR Crow Lethe #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Ilias Kyriazis), AR Descendants Fright At The Museum TP, $9.99 Embarrassment Of Witches Volume 1 GN, $19.99 Ghostbusters Year One #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99 Ghostbusters Year One #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Dan Schoening), $3.99 Ghostbusters Year One #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Tim Lattie), AR Marvel Action Captain Marvel Volume 1 CAT-Tastrophe TP, $9.99 Pandemica #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Alex Sanchez), $3.99 Pandemica #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Alex Sanchez Pixel Art Variant), AR Ragnarok The Breaking Of Helheim #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Walter Simonson), $4.99 Ragnarok The Breaking Of Helheim #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Walter Simonson), AR Sonic The Hedgehog #26 (Cover A Evan Stanley), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #26 (Cover B Aaron Hammerstrom & Reggie Graham), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #26 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #22 (Cover A Frank Fosco), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #22 (Cover B Frank Fosco & Erik Larsen), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #22 (Cover C Kevin Eastman), AR Transformers Galaxies #5 (Cover A Alex Milne), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #5 (Cover B Sara Pitre-Durocher), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #5 (Cover C Anna Malkova), AR Transformers Galaxies #5 (Cover D Kei Zama), AR Transformers Ghostbusters Volume 1 Ghosts Of Cybertron TP, $17.99 Uncle Scrooge Volume 12 The Cursed Cell Phone TP, $12.99 Wellington #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Piotr Kowalski), $3.99 Wellington #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Robert Hack), AR
IMAGE COMICS 100% TP, $24.99 Birthright #42, $3.99 Dead Eyes Volume 1 TP, $14.99 Farmhand #14, $3.99 Man-Eaters Tomorrow Belongs To You #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Lia Miternique), $4.99 Man-Eaters Tomorrow Belongs To You #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Lia Miternique), $4.99 Marked #5 (Cover A Jay Anacleto), $3.99 Marked #5 (Cover B Brian Haberlin & Geirrod Van Dyke), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover A Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover B Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover D Enrico Marini), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover E Marco B. Bucci Photo Variant), $3.99 Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1 (Cover F Blank Variant), $3.99 Outer Darkness Chew #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Afu Chan), $3.99 Outer Darkness Chew #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Rob Guillory), $3.99 Unearth #6, $3.99
MAD CAVE STUDIOS Battlecats Tales Of Valderia #2 (Of 4), $3.99 Hellfighter Quin #1 (Of 5), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS 2020 Rescue #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Paco Medina), $3.99 2020 Rescue #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Jen Bartel), AR Atlantis Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Ario Anindito 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Black Cat #10 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99 Black Cat #10 (Cover B Adi Granov Spider-Woman Variant), AR Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda #7 (Cover A Carlos Pacheco), $3.99 Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda #7 (Cover B Valentine Pasche Spider-Woman Variant), AR Black Widow Postcard Book HC, $19.99 Black Widow Waid And Samnee The Complete Collection TP, $29.99 Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mahmud A. Asrar), $3.99 Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ben Caldwell), AR Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #2 (Of 5)(Cover C John Tyler Christopher), AR Daredevil #19 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99 Daredevil #19 (Cover B Michael Del Mundo Spider-Woman Variant), AR Doctor Doom #6 (Cover A Salvador Larroca), $3.99 Doctor Doom #6 (Cover B Mike Mayhew Spider-Woman Variant), AR Dr. Strange #4, $3.99 Excalibur #8, $3.99 Iron Man 2020 #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Pete Woods 5th Color Fluorescent Ink Variant), $4.99 Iron Man 2020 #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Simone Bianchi Connecting Variant), AR Iron Man 2020 #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Superlog Heads Variant), AR Iron Man 2020 #3 (Of 6)(Cover D Ron Lim), AR Iron Man 2020 #3 (Of 6)(Cover E Alexander Lozano), AR Magnificent Ms. Marvel #13, $3.99 Marauders #9 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $3.99 Marauders #9 (Cover B Marcos Martin God Loves Man Kills Variant), AR Marvel #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99 Marvel #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Steve Rude), AR Marvel Comics #1000 HC, $29.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #16 (Cover A Javier Garron), $3.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #16 (Cover B Pasqual Ferry Spider-Woman Variant), AR Power Pack Classic Omnibus Volume 1 HC (June Brigman Book Market Cover), $125.00 Power Pack Classic Omnibus Volume 1 HC (TBD Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Robert E. Howard's Dark Agnes #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Stephanie Hans), $3.99 Robert E. Howard's Dark Agnes #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jay Anacleto), AR Savage Avengers #11, $3.99 Spider-Man Noir #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Dave Rapoza), $3.99 Spider-Man Noir #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Spider-Man Noir #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Javier Garron), AR Spider-Man Noir #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Mark Bagley), AR Spider-Verse #6 (Of 6), $3.99 Star Wars #2 (R. B. Silva 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Star Wars The Rise Of Kylo Ren #1 (Of 4)(Clayton Crain 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Strange Academy #1 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $4.99 Strange Academy #1 (Cover B Arthur Adams Character Spotlight Variant), AR Strange Academy #1 (Cover C Humberto Ramos Design Wraparound Variant), AR Strange Academy #1 (Cover D J. Scott Campbell), AR Strange Academy #1 (Cover E Humberto Ramos), AR Strange Academy #1 (Cover F Skottie Young), AR Strange Academy #1 (Cover G Jerome Opena), AR Strikeforce #7, $3.99 Sword Master #9, $3.99 Thor #2 (Nic Klein 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 True Believers Empyre Mantis #1, $1.00 True Believers Empyre Mar-Vell #1, $1.00 Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender Omnibus HC (New Printing), $100.00 Weapon Plus World War IV #1 (Valerio Giangiordano 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Web Of Black Widow TP, $15.99 X-Men #5 (Leinil Francis Yu 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 X-Men Children Of The Atom Hardcover Box Set Slipcase, $500.00
ONI PRESS Dryad #1 (Cover A Tomas Oleksak), $3.99 Dryad #1 (Cover B Fiona Staples), $3.99 Princess Princess Ever After GN, $9.99 Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons And Dragons Volume 2 Painscape TP, $19.99
REBELLION / 2000AD 2000 AD Prog Pack January 2020, $7.99 Billy's Boots HC, $22.99 Judge Dredd Mechanismo Machine Law TP, $13.99
TITAN BOOKS Cursed An Anthology Of Dark Fairy Tales MMPB, $14.95
TITAN COMICS Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor Season Two #3 (Cover A Karen Hallion), $3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor Season Two #3 (Cover B Photo), $3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor Season Two #3 (Cover C Andy Walker), $3.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #4 (Cover A Alice X. Zhang), $4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #4 (Cover B Photo), $4.99 Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia #4 (Cover C Jay), $4.99
TOKYOPOP Aria The Masterpiece Omnibus Volume 5 GN, $24.99 Still Sick Manga Volume 2 GN, $12.99
VAULT COMICS Money Shot #5, $3.99 Plot TP, $17.99 Relics Of Youth Complete Edition TP, $14.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Red Agent Island Of Dr. Moreau #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Drew Edward Johnson), $3.99 Red Agent Island Of Dr. Moreau #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Martin Coccolo), $3.99 Red Agent Island Of Dr. Moreau #3 (Of 5)(Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Red Agent Island Of Dr. Moreau #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Jason Muhr), $3.99
TOYS, T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Dragon Ball Super Vegito Final Kamehameha V1 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Vegito Final Kamehameha V4 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Vegito Final Kamehameha V6 Figure, AR POP Marvel Black Widow Red Guardian Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Black Widow Taskmaster With Bow Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Black Widow Yelena Vinyl Figure, AR
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gorogues · 5 years
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Spoilers for comics in October! (and November)
These are some of the official solicits for that month, which you can see at Newsarama and CBR.  Interestingly, CBR also includes a November Flash issue (Flash #82) solicitation, which has Len on one of the covers.
THE FLASH #80 written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSON art by SCOTT KOLINS cover by RAFA SANDOVAL card stock variant cover by HOWARD PORTER “The Hunter and the Hunted” part one! Barry Allen is hurt, and his connection to the Speed Force is fading fast. With the Speed Force dying, the only person who can save it is…Hunter Zolomon? Hunter has returned to prove he’s the one, true Flash, and he doesn’t care who gets in his way. But who is left to deal with the Rogues? Captain Cold has assembled the newly amped-up Rogues to tell them about Lex Luthor’s offer...but are they all willing to take it? ON SALE 10.09.19 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES CARD STOCK VARIANT COVER $4.99 US FC | RATED T This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
THE FLASH #81 written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSON art by SCOTT KOLINS cover by RAFA SANDOVAL variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH “The Hunter and the Hunted” part two! This is one issue you cannot miss! The last gasp of the Speed Force! Can Barry Allen and Hunter Zolomon work together long enough to beat death and save the Speed Force? Can Kid Flash and Avery, the Flash of China, discover what the Rogues want within the wreckage of Iron Heights? Even if the Flash survives, nothing will ever be the same again for the Flash family! ON SALE 10.23.19 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES FC | RATED T This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
ACETATE COVER — ADVANCE SOLICITATION ON SALE IN NOVEMBER THE FLASH #82 writtenby JOSHUA WILLIAMSON art by RAFA SANDOVAL acetate cover by GUILLEM MARCH variant cover by KAMOME SHIRAHAMA “Rogues Reign” part one! The speed force is dead, doom has gripped the earth, and the FLASH lives in a nightmare! Powered-up by Lex Luthor’s offer, Captain Cold led his team of Rogues to ultimate victory over Central City. Through the might of Mirror Master’s amplified abilities, the rogues have re-shaped reality itself into their own kingdoms of cruelty – Heat Wave’s volcanic territory, Weather Wizard’s floating armory of the elements, and at the center of it all, the icy castle of Captain Cold. But with the villains stealing the show, why is the greatest threat to their reign one of their own? ON SALE 11.13.18 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES FC | RATED T This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details. Please note the acetate covers will be available on first printings only.
It does seem from these cover images that Len is indeed using tech in his suit, but I’m not sure about the others.  I’m curious about Marco’s upgrade, and he’s presumably the one with the green arm on the second cover.
And some Rogue-related reprints:
DC’S YEAR OF THE VILLAIN OMNIBUS HC story and art by various cover by GREG CAPULLO The complete collection of DC’s “Year of the Villain” event is here! Following the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE, Lex Luthor takes a major step forward, assembling his Legion of Doom for the final push to replace Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the League as the rightful leaders of not only mankind, but the universe itself! From New York Times best-selling author Scott Snyder (DARK NIGHTS: METAL) and some of the best artists anywhere, including Alex Maleev, Francis Manapul, Jim Cheung, Greg Capullo and more! This title collects ACTION COMICS #1017, AQUAMAN #54, BATGIRL #41, BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #7, BATMAN #82, BATMAN/SUPERMAN #4, BLACK ADAM: YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, CATWOMAN #17, DC’S YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, DEATHSTROKE #49, DETECTIVE COMICS #1015, THE FLASH #82, HARLEY QUINN #67, HAWKMAN #18, THE JOKER: YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE #35, JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #17, JUSTICE LEAGUE ODYSSEY #15, LEX LUTHOR: YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, NIGHTWING #66, RED HOOD: OUTLAW #40, RIDDLER: YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, SUPERGIRL #36, SUPERMAN #17, TEEN TITANS #36, THE TERRIFICS #22, WONDER WOMAN #82 and more! ON SALE 03.25.20 $99.99 US | 864 PAGES FC | 7.0625” x 10.875” ISBN: 978-1-779500-885
Cool Golden and Silver Age reprints!
DC’S WANTED: THE WORLD’S MOST DANGEROUS SUPER VILLAINS HC stories and art by various cover by NICK CARDY Take a journey into the dark minds of DC’s most dangerous super-villains in these tales starring The Joker, the Mist, Captain Cold, Signalman, the Puppeteer, Clock King, Mr. Who and many more. Collects WANTED: THE WORLD’S MOST DANGEROUS VILLAINS #1-9 from 1972, which reprinted stories from Action Comics #57 and 69; Batman #25, 84 and 112; World’s Finest Comics #6 and 111; The Flash #114 and 121; Adventure Comics #72 and 77; Green Lantern #1 and 33; Wonder Woman #36; Sensation Comics #66 and 71; More Fun Comics #65, 73 and 76; Flash Comics #86, 90 and 100; All-American Comics #61; Kid Eternity #15; and Doll Man Quarterly #15. ON SALE 03.11.20 $39.99 US | 256 PAGES FC | ISBN: 978-1-779501-134
I’m thinking the following solicit might be reprinting some of the Walmart comics, which would be great because they haven’t been available in Canada (or probably outside the US at all, but I know for sure not in Canada).  There’s been a Mirror Master and a Snarts story in the Walmart comics, which I’d sure like to see.
THE FLASH GIANT #1 Includes 24 pages of new stories plus classic reprints! ON SALE 10.02.19 $4.99 US | FC | 96 PAGES
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tokupedia · 6 years
Costume Ideas for Halloween 2018: Boom! Studios edition (Power Rangers 25th anniversary)
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It is that time of year again and we are going to start off with Power Rangers since this is their big year. Boom! Studios has blessed fans with a ton of new options for trick or treat this year to dedicated cosplayers, so we are going to start off with a few of them before moving on to the usual fare.
First up, of course, is...
Lord Drakkon (Evolution I, Evolution II and III)
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One of the deadliest threats to the Power Rangers thus far, Drakkon made a lasting impact on the franchise. Having some good looking upgraded forms is definitely going to leave a lasting impression on fans. He starts out as a MMPR-Samurai hybrid, then evolves further with the Red Zeo subcrystal before attaining godhood by becoming one with the Morphin Grid. 
Female fans can do the standard Gokai Change method if they wish by adding a skirt or do an even wilder alternate take where Ranger Slayer Kimberly kills Evil Tommy and takes the powers for herself, adding the Bow of Darkness to the costume. However fans go about it, if done well, you will look like a badass when entering a room or going door to door for those elusive Snickers, M&Ms or other goodies.
“Super Zack” (or a variation) from “Forever Mighty Morphin Black”
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Superheroes are all the rage these days, in movies, tv and in merch. So what if Power Rangers were a more traditional western style superhero team rather than an adaptation of a Japanese superhero show? You get this guy from a short story in one of the MMPR Comic annuals!
This version of Zack can fly like Superman and sports a variation of the classic MMPR Black Ranger suit with a full black cape, Superman-like boots that have a single black diamond with a white outline and elbow length gloves with black lining on the hand and finger parts of it. Or, if you have time, you could design a variant of the other colors. Imagine how cool a White, Pink, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue or even a Zeo version could be!
Zombie ‘69 Rangers
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Let’s face it, these poor guys didn’t get enough “screentime” for our tastes. So, what if there was a “Blackest Night” scenario?  Zombie Power Rangers! Admittedly, a bit too gruesome for the kiddies, but scares are part of what Halloween is for right?
This would be an easy one, just wear tattered 1960s-ish clothes, a little make up and carry a Power Morpher or go crazy and make mangled Power Ranger suits. Daniel’s would have the shattered helmet visor with scary zombie eyes peering out of it, Jaime’s would have bloody entrails sticking out since she was crushed to death and Nikolai’s would be a singed Blue Ranger suit with exposed burns and some skeletal make up. 
Silver Space Ranger Sentry
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A fan favorite among shows in the Power Rangers lore is Power Rangers in Space. So it stands to reason that a representative of what could go wrong if evil got that team’s Ranger powers should be present on this list. 
The Silver Space Sentries are vastly different from their original counterpart, equipped with a combat utility belt with the (Mega)Ranger symbol in the center and a few bulky pouches on each side of the hips, a jetpack with shoulder padding, kneepads and some kind of device on the left shoulder (energy gage?). Some kind of breathing apparatus tube flows into the helmet and they are equipped with twin blasters. 
Honestly, I chose this one out of the recent ones not cosplayed yet because the White Jungle Fury Rhino and Gold Dino Charge are way more complicated to replicate from scratch due to all the armor. But if you can pull those off, I’d love to see you complete the challenge!
And lastly for now, our recent lovely morphin’ lady, since Ranger Slayer is all the rage and cosplayed quite a lot, it helps to go for the less mainstream.
Solar Ranger
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This shy-but-kinda-maybe-evil little sunshine gal is still very new, having not even uttered a word yet in the comics so far. And while her full costume hasn’t been given a lot of time to show off, we can tell that the costume has a purple hoodie with gold lining, bandages on her wrists and boots, some kind of star like pattern, gauntlets or morpher on the gloves and seemingly takes heavy inspiration from Kamen Rider Ghost and Kyuranger with a touch of SPD thrown in. She wields some kind of discus weapon that may or may not be made of purple crystal or just energy.
It is a challenge to translate to real world costume given the cosmic pattern of stars in her suit. But for the helmet, I recommend a purple or violet Maziora or Chromaflair paint and a few custom flakes to bring the “star” effect to life. Just be sure not to hurt yourself when applying and wear a mask when spraying. Since her costume is gender neutral like Trini’s suit, a Rule 63 is pretty simple to pull off, just make it fit your body with no add-ons needed.
And there you have it! 7 costume ideas to kick off the spoopy-spooky season.
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maddmuses · 5 years
Superboy // Kon-El // Conner Kent
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Age: Verse-Dependent, but generally 5 years (was artificially-aged to a biological 15 over the course of a year, and ages normally after that) Aliases: Conner Kent, Superboy, Carl Grummet Date of Birth: March 21 Place of Birth: Cadmus Labs, Washington DC Branch (53rd sub-level) Species: Artificially-Grown Human “Clone” with Kryptonian DNA (Krypto-Human “hybrid”)
Universe-Inspiration: Composite Superboy
Appearance Being a clone whose DNA was rewritten to perform mitosis in a manner that largely matches the kryptonian DNA of Kal-El, Superboy appears to be the spitting image of his biological progenitor. However, due to the difference in his basic anatomical composition of his body, as a production of two human DNA donors, Kon-El’s body develops naturally differently. This coupled with the fact that he has a far more active lifestyle that involved heroic activities from a younger age than his mentor, Kon-El is naturally more bulky than Superman, with muscles designed and worked more for power than for tone.
Generally speaking, Conner wears comfortable clothes, shirts and jeans, often with some kind of jacket, particularly leather jackets or flannels. As well, he often wears a pair of thick glasses which strongly resemble those worn by Clark Kent.
As a superhero, Superboy wears a variety of costumes, although he generally defaults to one of three versions. One being a simple black T-Shirt with the House of El insignia on the chest, and jeans with boots. Another is the jumpsuit in which he was primarily clothed during his time under Cadmus Lab’s control that is almost solely black, with glowing red patterns, and a house of El symbol on the chest, which all light up when Kon uses his telekinesis. This suit’s function was to help contain his telekinesis, and protect him from molecular backlash due to the volatile nature OF his telekinesis. The third variant appears to be much like that of Superman’s costume, although it lacks a cape, or a yellow field behind the S, instead favoring a primarily blue color, with black wrists, boots, and shoulders with chest, featuring the same iconic symbol on the chest. The gloves, and segments of his arms and legs that change color on the costume are separated from the rest of the design by large yellow cuffs.
Personality Conner Kent was conditioned to have a particular sort of personality, as he was placed in a number of simulations that would help foster and mold him into someone who would want to be the new Superman, but still have the programming necessary to kill Superman in cold blood, or otherwise act as the pawn of Lex Luthor through subliminal programming.
However, these simulations had mixed results, as due to kryptonian brain physiology, and his constant awareness of his actual surroundings due to his telekinetic field, the clone would be painfully aware of the direction in which he was being lead. This would cause the clone to become jaded naturally, believing that his entire existence was inauthentic, due to being a construct of someone else’s design.
Due to the circumstances of his release this would change, and Conner does indeed understand things like emphathy and right as opposed to wrong. While much of the programming failed, though, Conner still felt a deep-seated desire to fulfill his informed purpose of existing, to be Superman.
Despite this lofty purpose that he’s resigned himself to, Conner has a very generally laid-back, and somewhat ignorant, demeanor. Due to his lack of sincere attention during the simulations that he had been put through, Kon-El is very generally ignorant of many social norms and behaviors, as well as how to handle and interact with certain things.
In order to make his Superboy persona distinct from his Conner Kent persona, Kon intentionally flanderizes himself in both. Conner the brooding, bright, unmotivated teen cousin of Clark Kent who has little interest in most types of activities which don’t directly relate to his schooling, until college. Superboy, on the other hand, is a jockish idiot who plays the fool and enjoys being a goblin towards his friends and foes. The true Kon lies somewhere between these two.
Ultimately, despite his complexes and facades, Conner is a caring person who will not hesitate to help someone in need, even if he knows it will come out badly for him in the end.
Biography The Superman provided a conundrum for certain people. Do they accept this new creator without question, and simply hope that he remains a benevolent angel? Or do they rebel against this outsider, this godlike man from the stars?
For those such as Lex Luthor, and many of those in his employ at Cadmus Labs, it was an obvious answer. And so the undertaking known as Project Kr would be born. A scientific endeavor meant to create a terrestrial being who could match Superman, and be an ultimate weapon to use against the alien should he heel turn. However, this was not Luthor’s sole intent for the project, he had much bigger plans in mind.
Thanks to his many battles across Metropolis, nay the world, Superman’s DNA samples were in no short supply. It was a simple mater of collecting lost skin cells during a confrontation between The Man of Steel and Lex for the project to have the samples necessary to begin research.
Now with the fundamentals, it was a matter of researching the kryptonian’s DNA and duplicating it into a clone, a process which Cadmus had already perfected with humans. This would not be feasible for a kryptonian clone, however, as the genome was far too complex to recreate and develop an otherwise perfect duplicate. Instead, it was determined that a human clone would need to be created first, and be artificially made into a replication of the DNA, rather than a true kryptonian clone.
Lex Luthor naturally volunteered his own DNA to be cloned, feeling there would be some type of poetic justice to a clone of himself being a part of the weapon that could ultimately kill Superman. But he was not satisfied with just this, insisting the clone be made into a combined construct of his and Lois Lane’s DNA, fulfilling a fantasy of having children with the woman, while also compounding the irony in this clone being a weapon to fight against the god-like alien.
As the project moved along it proved to be a steady success, with a number of subjects proving stable enough to survive gestation and growth. However, none of these had the ability to manifest kryptonian abilities in their physiology, due to a fault in the DNA, or a lack of exposure to the proper environmental factors, it was unclear. This was frustrating, as even overloading the cells with solar energy only served to kill the clones.
It was deemed necessary to create an alternative to the true kryptonian powers, and hope that exposure to solar radiation over time, and growth, would result in Superman’s powers manifesting in a successful subject. And thus, a string of clones were created that had psychic powers artificially implanted into their brains. However, artificial meta-enhancement is more of a gamble than a true science, and it took many repeated attempts to see if the clone’s artificial mutations were psionic in nature, and from there to determine if the baseline of what the project desired wold even occur.
The process to create a clone of Superman that met the criteria as-set by Lex Luthor took over seven years. But eventually the project was successful in creating a child that was not only stable, despite the overwriting of his DNA, and the artificial mutation of his human DNA to simulate a meta-genetic occurrence of telekinetic powers.
Following this the clone would be artificially aged, experiencing a simulation of life at a rate that was 15 times faster than what others normally do, as the project’s intention WAS to have an adolescent subject at least. With this, the intent was to socialize and teach the clone how to utilize the information that he was programmed to know. However, due to his unique telekinetic powers, the clone would experience not only what the Cadmus staff believed to be his sole intended simulation, but also many things within the most diminished range of his telekinesis, which at the time encompassed a radius of roughly the entire DC facility of Cadmus Labs.
Once the year of speed-aging was complete, Luthor would have the Cadmus crew send Project Kr (Codenamed at this point as Superboy) on periodic “exercises”, which were truly missions disguised as training for the clone. From doing away with failed experiments at other facilities of Luthor’s, to kidnapping other teenaged meta-humans and vigilantes, the clone served for a time as the billionaire’s personal enforcer for when things went awry, or Lex wanted to research other subjects, or do away with annoyances.
This would continue for some months, until a rescue operation was sprung by the Teen Titans to recover the meta-humans and heroes that Luthor and Cadmus had Superboy kidnap. After a drawn-out series of struggles, which was destructive, and included the revelation to Superboy that Cadmus never had any intentions of releasing the clone from their custody once he completed their missions, but were intent on continuing to control him following his future installation as the new Superman, to become an authoritarian enforcer for them.
Determined to take his freedom for himself, Superboy helped the Teen Titans escape Cadmus through the use of his telekinesis, and intimate familiarity with the facility. As when he stretched his telekinetic range to its limits while incubating, he’d been able to experience the entire building and its basements through this sort of sixth sensation, he understood the best way to escape.
Once he was free, The Superboy immediately chose to make his way to Metropolis, in part to fulfill his purpose his own way, and also to measure up Superman. It was during this time, to no knowledge of the clone, that Superman was in a sort of hyper-sleep, after having “perished” during a brawl with Doomsday. So, along with Steel, Last Son of Krypton (Eradicator), and Cyborg-Superman (Hank Henshaw), Superboy scrambled to become no only Metropolis’s sole hero, but also to make sure the city didn’t suffer any fallout from this power struggle of sorts. Ultimately, though, with the return of the real Superman, Superboy would go on a world tour of his own, ultimately stopping on Hawaii to become the state’s super hero for roughly a year.
While a hero off-shore, Superboy would team up with the Teen Titans several more times, specifically Robin, Impulse, and Wonder Girl, before eventually forming the superhero team Young Justice (as they stylized more as a Young Justice League than a part of a club of teenage superheroes like The Titans were often handled). As time would go on, and Superboy worked more with other heroes, the teenager would eventually develop something of a relationship with Superman, being adopted by the hero in a sense, being given an Earthling and a Kryptonian name. In addition to this, Kon-El would be invited to live on the Kent Farm, which a short time later he would accept.
While a hero with Young Justice, Conner would learn of Cadmus’s continued attempts to create a clone of Superman, this time by cloning Kon-El directly. Through the use of the copy, Superboy’s reputation was so thoroughly tarnished, even having appeared to have betrayed his own allies, that a tribunal was assembled within The Justice League to determine what would be done about the young hero. However, a public struggle between the clone of Superboy, at which point he was referred to as Match, and the original cleared up what was going on. But due to the fallout OF that struggle, Superboy’s girlfriend at the time was killed, leaving the clone heartbroken.
Compounding this with the discovery that the human donor for his original body was primarily Lex Luthor a significant emotional strain was put upon Superboy, prompting Conner to finally accept the offer to live in Smallville with Clark’s parents, taking a hiatus from being a superhero, or even using his powers. During this time he would be deeply troubled by nightmares.
It wasn’t until the appearance of Superboy-Prime, a mentally unbalanced version of Kal-El from another reality, whoso happened to be the most powerful individual Kal-El in the multiverse, appeared with the intent of killing Kon-El on his way to creating a perfect version of Earth. Forced to adopt the Superboy mantle once more, the two did battle that raged across several states. Unable to put down Superboy-Prime on his own, Kon required the assistance of his allies to ultimately defeat the other kryptonian, with Bart Allen and Wally West ultimately having to imprison Kal-El-Prime in the multiverse.
Within weeks of this, though, Kal-El-Prime returned once again wearing a suit of power armor that only made him more deadly, with a machine that converted Luthor Tower into the focal point for his new multiverse. During another battle, even more hopeless than the one before, Kon-El was forced to plow the both of them into the tower in order to halt Superboy-Prime’s plot, perishing as he did so, while failing to kill the other Superboy in the process.
Ultimately Superboy-Prime would be defeated, but at the cost of Conner’s life, and several others. He was buried and memorialized beneath a statue of himself in Metropolis.
In the year 31st century Brainiac 5 would use technology found in The Fortress of Solitude, and collections of Lex Luthor’s and Lois Lane’s DNA, to repair Kon-El’s body to working order. In the process of this resurrection the kryptonian cells of Superboy’s body would become able to process solar radiation in the same fashion as Kal-El.
Working with three versions of the Legion of Superheroes from different timelines, several versions of Superman, and his time-displaced friend Bart Allen, Kon-El and the united group of heroes were able to defeat Superboy-Prime and his version of The Legion of Super-Villains through the abuse of the laws of space and time, by causing a paradox between Kal-El-Prime, and a further future version of himself.
Returning to the present with Bart, Conner resumed his superheroic adventures as Superboy once more. Rejoining teams he was once part of, serving as Smallville’s personal protector, and even being invited to The Supermen of America, Kon-El’s next adventure could be his most difficult.
Abilities and Skills -Enhanced Intellect: Conner is able to learn and process information far faster and more efficiently than a human, even without the use of kryptonian powers. Due to his uniquely kryptonian physiology this is possible, much like with Kal-El, and it is implied that he may have inherited vestiges of Luthor’s own natural intellect. However, beyond what he was programmed to learn, and what information was provided to him in his simulations, Kon-El is generally considered very ignorant and of below-average knowledge. Generally this is Conner’s acting on his own part, although his personality DOES cause him to naturally be short-sighted and brash. --Polyglot: Through his naturally superior intellect, Kon-El is able to learn languages very quickly through study. However, due to some of his latent psychic abilities, he seems able to absorb the information through touch. Currently he can speak English and Kryptonian flawlessly. He has also expressed a cursory knowledge of Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, and Hawaiian. -Hand-To-Hand Combat (Intermediate): Through a combination of experience and tutoring from other heroes, Superboy is a fairly capable hand-to-hand fighter. His powers do generally rely on his naturally superior physiology and powers more than technical skill, however, and much of Kon-El’s skill in combat is expressed through holding back just enough to not injure his opponent’s permanently. -Artistic Ability: Kon enjoys art and music, and pursues the former in some of his college studies.
Superhuman Powers and Abilities Psionic Enhancements: Artificially mutated by Cadmus Labs, Conner has manifested both Telekinesis and Telepathy. While the particulars of these powers are vastly different in terms of scope, they were once sufficient for Superboy to keep on-par with opponents of Superman-like stature: -Telepathy: A rudimentary form of communication, Conner can interact with the minds of those he touches, although he can only read and erase their memories. If anything, his telepathy does little more for the clone than provide him protection against other telepaths. -Telekinesis: Initially manifesting as “Tactile” Telekinesis, Conner could only influence objects and people that he could touch either directly or indirectly. This power manifests as a field that allows him to simulate Superman-like Strength and Durability, as well as flight. The closer to his body the field is manifested the stronger the result of the fields become. As he practices and develops this ability further, Conner eventually can become able to separate this field from his body, and not have to indirectly touch a target to utilize it. This would only be the case in Superman verses. This telekinesis is able to be used in tandem with Conner’s actual physical strength. Through using the field creatively, he was able to recreate certain powers of Superman’s without having irradiated sufficiently to have them naturally.
Kryptonian-Clone Physiology: Due to his DNA being rewritten to replicate Kal-El’s, Superboy specifically develops powers in the same fashion that Superman does. Although, components of them are affected by both his physical differences with Clark (as a non-fully-grown teenager he isn’t as inherently physically strong) and his lack of complete irradiation (in most cases he hasn’t naturally developed heat vision). He has displayed the following in all verses: -Superhuman Strength -Self-Sustenance -Superhuman Speed -Superhuman Durability -Superhuman Stamina -Superhuman Agility -Accelerated Healing -Invulnerability -Enhanced Hearing -Enhanced Vision Based on the specific universe, and thus the age and development of Conner’s powers, he may express a more complete list, with college age Conner almost always having the full array of Superman’s powers.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Does The Suicide Squad Box Office Hurt Future of R-Rated Superhero Movies?
There are many ways to look at the box office returns for The Suicide Squad from this past weekend. Perhaps the most rose-tinted one is to note that it earned more than any other R-rated film since the COVID-19 pandemic first shut down movie theaters in 2020. But then, there’ve been few R-rated wide releases since then, and those that did open weren’t starring Margot Robbie in her most popular role, nor were they perceived as a semi-sequel to a movie which opened to $133 million in 2016. They didn’t even have to be compared to the anemic debut of Birds of Prey, which also underperformed when it opened to $33 million in February 2020.
There is no kind way of saying that The Suicide Squad fell way below expectations, pre or post-pandemic, when it opened at an estimated $26.5 million this weekend. This comes in lower than even the $30 million floor the industry placed on projections for the James Gunn movie. These are not the kind of numbers that get sequels made. In fact, when accompanied with a $185 million production budget, it looks more like a number that will scare studios away from anything remotely similar.
Which was of course the immediate takeaway for many prognosticators: The Suicide Squad, and to a lesser extent Birds of Prey, prove the folly of R-rated superhero movies, and that something as wild and demented as Gunn’s filmmaking voice (or Harley Quinn’s persona) should be filtered only through the prism of PG-13 studio mandates, and all the edge-smoothing committees that implies.
Unfortunately, this runs the risk of being the same type of knee-jerk conventional wisdom that prevents studios from gambling on outside-the-box projects like the mere concept of Suicide Squad, which was profitable, or R-rated superhero movie success stories like Deadpool and Logan. In fact, it begs the question of whether the R-rating really is a major factor in The Suicide Squad’s box office failure?
There are several significant factors that likely contributed to The Suicide Squad’s underperformance. The first major one is the elephant in the room which media companies would prefer go ignored: day-and-date release strategies, which cripple the box office potential of films also immediately available for streaming (and thereby piracy). It’s barely been a week since Scarlett Johansson filed suit against Disney over an alleged contract breach by releasing Black Widow on Disney+ the same day it opened in theaters. While that PG-13 superhero movie had the biggest opening since the pandemic began with more than $80 million, Disney earned almost as much behind Disney+’s Premier Access paywall—revenue that Johansson alleged she has not seen a cut of, and which she’s claimed the company ignored overtures to discuss.
That movie had a relatively luxuriant price tag of $30 on its streaming release, and yet Black Widow’s staggering 68 percent drop in its second weekend (a relative anomaly among Marvel movies) shows the limits that streaming/piracy puts on a theatrical releases. As does the fact that despite opening domestically smaller, Universal’s F9 is on track to earn nearly double what the Disney superhero movie did. And F9 is only available in theaters.
Also unlike Black Widow, The Suicide Squad opened on a streaming service with no paywall via HBO Max. While the day-and-date model for HBO Max has had some silver linings, most notably Godzilla vs. Kong earning $31.6 million in March, back when theaters and distributors were terrified audiences would never return to cinemas, those numbers always come with an asterisk. In truth, there seems to be a relative ceiling on the HBO Max hybrid model, which might have undercut In the Heights. Despite lots of industry buzz and glowing reviews, that musical flopped when it opened at $11.5 million in June. In the same month, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It somewhat underperformed with a $24 million opening, despite the previous direct film in the franchise earning $40 million during its U.S. debut.
Honestly, it’s worth wondering if there’s a cap that HBO Max streaming releases are creating for these Warner Bros. movies. So far no other hybrid release has topped GVK, which opened at a time that many theaters were still closed, and the only one to come close is Space Jam: A New Legacy. That animated sequel premiered at $31.1 million. Perhaps that’s why HBO Max chief Andy Forssell sounded like he was whistling past the graveyard when he announced that The Suicide Squad is HBO Max’s second most viewed WB release, just behind Mortal Kombat.
“As the country faces new challenges due to the COVID variant, we’re happy to continue to offer fans the option of viewing movies in their homes,” the executive said. “Many chose to do just that as Suicide Squad emerged as the second most viewed film over an opening weekend on HBO Max since we began day-and-date releases with theaters.”
There is also the question of whether the legacy of the franchise itself is wholly tainted by the 2016 movie. While that earlier movie opened at a staggering $133 million, it was during a period where superhero movies seemed like they could only grow in popularity. Just as the word of mouth and the overall quality of the same year’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice came back to haunt its sequel, Justice League, the legacy of Suicide Squad ’16 has lingered on the brand despite rave reviews.
One might even wonder if those memories, coupled with emerging anxiety about the COVID delta variant, led millions of people with an HBO Max subscription to pick watching the new flick at home in spite of its rave reviews? HBO Max apparently had a good weekend, if few others did in relation to this rollout. Meanwhile sequels to movies that audiences actually liked the first time out, such as A Quiet Place Part II, can still clear $58 million over Memorial Day weekend.
It is ultimately impossible to really know how much each of these factors contributed to The Suicide Squad’s failure, but I would argue it seems shortsighted to suggest that because Birds of Prey and Gunn’s movie were rated R, then superhero movies demonstrably don’t work at that level. Deadpool opened at $132 million with a much smaller marketing push than The Suicide Squad, and with a character audiences hadn’t proven they were already interested in. In fact, some of the problems the first Suicide Squad ran into included that movie being reshot and reedited to better resemble recent hits like Deadpool.
It was the strangeness of the basic concept for this franchise, as well as elements that surprised audiences back then like Robbie’s Harley Quinn, which became that year’s most popular Halloween costume, that won audiences over. Did the PG-13 rating help at the box office? Most likely, but the movie was ironically not marketed like a PG-13 superhero flick.
Read more
The Suicide Squad Soundtrack: The Songs James Gunn Picked First
By Mike Cecchini
The Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller Is The Greatest DCEU Villain
By David Crow
At the very least, we hope these numbers don’t mark the last time we see these characters. Encouragingly, Gunn is already making a Peacemaker HBO Max series with Cena. And with any luck, if WB decides Harley Quinn’s fanbase is too limited for a major blockbuster (even though the initial enthusiasm for the 2016 movie begs to differ), maybe Robbie would agree to an HBO Max series herself? It certainly would be easier to have more creative control if she didn’t have to worry about how certain foreign markets would react.
This was a bad weekend for The Suicide Squad franchise. It shouldn’t become a worse one for the genre where the wrong lessons are learned.
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caricature-story · 3 years
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