#superman - god of hope and humanity's future
morninkim · 3 months
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In 2025, firmly into the Heroic Age, three of these superheroes become beacons to the newer generation now taking hold of their destinies.
Wonder Woman, once ascended to godhood as the Goddess of Truth as reward for her years of services to the Earth, left Mt. Olympus to return to the people. She reaches her hand out to those who need it, fostering belief in oneself and in others, showing the truth of human potential.
Batman has fostered friendships and maintains a vast network of allies all throughout Gotham City and beyond, a shining example of what human connection can do for not only one person, but many. His unwavering moral compass and sharp analytical mind make him a symbol for justice across the world.
Superman, a shining beacon of hope, the original superhero and the one to truly guide the Heroic Age. Like his contemporaries, he encourages and mentors new heroes stepping out into the sun where he is needed. The father of heroes, patriarch of the families El and Kent, his hope is one shared by all who join this extended family of superheroics.
The hope for a better tomorrow.
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
Friendly reminder. Bruce Wayne hung up the suit and retired after THREATENING someone with a gun and this was his reaction.
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And then his immediate reaction is to shut down and close the Batcave and his only words were. "Never again"
A truly tragic, but fitting way for Bruce’s career to end. Powerful stuff. Batman's career ended the same way it began: with a desperate man wielding a gun
Batman choosing not to be weak like Joe Chill >>>> Batman going on a killing spree because fighting crime is hard.
And by the way, since Zack Snyder says his inspiration was Dark Knight Returns, I got news for you, TDKR Batman doesn't kill either.
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Zack Snyder is a complete blithering fucking idiot.
his statement on Batman just lines up with what I’ve seen from all of his work. He likes the idea of the comics he makes movies out of but he doesn’t actually understand their themes. A Batman that kills is pointless. An edgy Superman is not only the most boring way to write him, but doesn’t make any sense without the wholesome one. That’s why injustice Superman/brightburn/Plutonian/omniman/homelander kind of make sense in their own ways because the original exists to compare them to.(mostly also boring though) His take on watchmen was pretty much devoid of any of the actual commentary from the graphic novel, but instead was just a dark justice league that were pretty bad at their jobs. Rorschach was just framed as a kind of unhinged Batman, but still a badass that does good, which is wildly generous compared to the way he’s originally written. I can understand turning your brain off and coasting through an action movie, but his fans are delusional if they think he does any of these stories justice. I wouldn’t take any of his comments seriously if they would stop letting him make these mediocre movies.
Zack Snyder is all flash and no substance. His films are visually stunning but utterly lacking in compelling storytelling.
The point of Batman is he cannot 'stoop to their level'. He HAS to be better, he HAS to believe these criminals can be rehabilitated, because if he kills them, he becomes just like them. With his wit, his intellect, he could future proof the city against crime ever happening by just killing the criminals before they commit crimes based on probable statistics and similar themes. But a Batman who refuses to kill is a murderer by inaction. Every time he chooses not to put Joker in the ground, he's allowed him to slaughter dozens, hundreds more, just for a laugh. Batman is equally guilty for every one of those deaths, because he could simply kill the Joker, and stop him from ever killing again. But he doesn't. Snyder saying Batman can kill, Batman SHOULD kill, is to say that without batman doing so, or being able to, he is just as bad as the villians. Except dipshit doesn't even have his Batman kill The Joker. "Oopsie daisy, Joker got out and bombed a hospital full of people, sowwwwyyyy, I put him back in jail again dunt worry TeeHeee :3". And then next week we do it all over again. OR. You kill the Joker, and he never hurts another person again. Which is why Jason Todd works so well as a counter to batman, and SHOULD be what Snyder is looking into. The reason why Zod works so well as a villain is because Humans are flawed apes who cant be trusted to govern themselves and should be conquered, and Superman, a literal God, could fix all that, but doesn't, because of Hope. Its foolish, childish even, to consider that a solution. And when placed in the vacuum of a comic book it works because you have to suspend disbelief, and forget that Superman let a city full of people die while he punched Zod through skyscrapers.
If you want Batman to kill people, just go and read one of his 1784956th copies that kill people. Go read Midnighter. Go read Punisher. Go read Moon Knight. Go read Peacemaker. Go read Nighthawk. What is stopping you?
I'm sure all those characters have brought about the peace and prosperity and the crime-free society that a "killer Batman" was supposed to. "Punisher would clean Gotham in under a week", right, just like he cleaned Marvel's New York, didn't he?
It has to be Batman specifically the one doing the killing? The number of superheroes that kill is nowadays much higher than the number of heroes who don't. Remember how Hawkeye spent the better part of his existence being the most anti-killing Avenger? Nowadays he is known as a super-assassin that "never had a non-kill rule". Should heroes who don't kill go extinct?
I like that Batman doesn't kill people. I feel no need to turn him into something he isn't like it was done to Hawkeye. If I wanted a Batman that kills, I would go and read one of the thousand "Batman who kills" out there.
Batman should not kill and should never kill.
"Gotham would be better off if Batman just killed The Joker"
You. Miss. The. Entire. Point.
Bruce Wayne lost his parents to crime and Bruce Wayne is a child who died alongside his parents and was reborn as a creature dedicated to insuring it never happened to any other child. He made a vow never to reduce himself to the criminal scum’s level or to Joe Chill’s level. He never kills for a reason.
Batman not killing is what makes him so compelling, if he kills criminals, there is no moral conflict, he is no better than the Punisher, Wolverine or any other dark edgy hero. Hell, if he starts to take a life, Batman is no better than Ra’s Al Ghul.
In the Daredevil Netflix show, Frank Castle told Daredevil this “That’s not how this works. You cross over to my side of the line, you don’t get to come back from that. Not ever.” That alone is why Batman should not kill, not even The Joker. Bruce Wayne is not Frank Castle, stop trying to make him Frank Castle. I mean…Stan Lee was absolutely disgusted when someone called The Punisher a hero, Frank Castle is a murderer, not a hero. How is this so hard for people to understand?
I don’t want to hear that Batman killed in the old comics and I don’t want to hear Elseworld stories. It’s an established fact that Batman does not kill and it’s a big part of his character.
Guess what? We already got a Bruce who killed The Joker, it happened in the Burtonverse/Schumacherverse and he was disgusted with himself. “So, you're willing to take a life.” “Long as it's Two-Face.” “Then it will happen this way: You make the kill, but your pain doesn't die with Harvey, it grows. So you run out into the night to find another face, and another, and another, until one terrible morning you wake up and realize that revenge has become your whole life. And you won't know why.”
A huge part of Bruce’s character is that he doesn’t kill, no matter what. Same with Clark. But edgelord writers from the New 52, DCEU and the Injustice abominations think it’s cool to make heroes kill. Heroes should not kill. You can’t be a hero and a killer. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!
Guess what would happen if Batman kills The Joker? The Joker wins. The Joker and Batman are each trying to prove a point to society - and really to us, the readers. The Joker wants Batman to kill him because he perfectly embodies chaos and anarchy and wants to prove a point to everyone that people are basically more chaotic than orderly. This is why he is so scary: we are worried he may be right. If the Joker is right, then civilization is a ruse and we are all truly monsters inside. If the Joker can prove that Batman - the most orderly and logical and self-controlled of all of us - is a monster inside, then we are all monsters inside, and that is terrifying. The Joker is terrifying because we fear that we are like him deep down - that he is us. Batman is what we (any average person) could be at our absolute best, and the Joker is what we could be at our absolute worst. The Joker’s claim is that we are all terrible deep down, and it is only the law and our misplaced sense of justice that keeps us in line. Since Batman isn’t confined by the law, he is a perfect test case to try to get him to "break.” The Joker wants Batman to kill a person, any person, but knows that the only person Batman might ever even remotely consider killing would have to be a terrible monster, so is willing to do this himself and sacrifice himself to prove this macabre point. Batman needs to prove that it is not just laws that keep us in line, but basic human decency and our natural instinct NOT to kill. If Batman can prove this, then others will be inspired by his example (the citizens of Gotham, but again, also the readers), just as we are all inspired every day to keep civilization running smoothly and not descend into violence, anarchy, and chaos. This ability to be decent in the face of the horrors and temptations present all around us is humanity’s superpower, the superpower of each of us. The struggle of Batman and the Joker is the internal struggle of each of us. But we are inspired by Batman’s example, not the Joker’s, because Batman always wins the argument, because he has not killed the Joker.
Batman not killing matters. Batman stories to me are the ultimate tale of turning pain and suffering into something positive. That is a story that everyone can relate to because let's be honest here. The world can suck. I've experienced and probably will always experience feelings of fear of depression of anger of angst. It's in my nature as a human being to experience those things. It's in all our nature it is what we choose to do with that pain that we all feel that defines us. Batman chose to turn all those negative emotions, he feels into a symbol that can bring people. Hope that Batman will save us from pain but more importantly hope that we can all be Batman. Why do we fall? And Batman Begins explains this best “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
Yes, Bruce Wayne is a flawed crazy person. He is at times mean stubborn and even abusive but he is still good. He is still someone we can aspire to be. We can try our hardest to be Superman but no human being can fly, but we can still try to be Batman We can all try to turn our pain into something good when I see Batman killing people or fans saying he killed before and he should kill The Joker, It pains me. It actually hurts my soul. Batman is not about finding a way to kill evil. But try to redeem it. His mission is an impossible task. Maybe he should kill people. Maybe he should kill The Joker, but what makes him fascinating what makes him a hero Is the fact that he has that moral code and stopped himself from crossing that line That's why I always looked up to Batman even as a kid despite all the adult subtext or mature themes superheroes are for kids. And killing is not Batman and it is not Bruce Wayne. This is why I hated the portrayal in the DCEU and the Burtonverse and why I really hated the implication that Batman killed The Joker in Batwoman. A Batman who kills is certainly not Bruce Wayne, that is an interpretation of Bruce Wayne that completely misses the point of Batman. It's easy to kill. Batman does not make the easy choice… Batman does not kill.
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Dan Mora’s Knight Terrors designs for batman, superman, and wonder woman came out and I have Thoughts as to what that might tell us for their individual stories !!!!!!!! if I’m right I am owed one billion dollar and to be president of dc thanks
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wonder woman: okay admittedly this one is easiest. judging by the several Greek mythological aspects of her design (medusa hair, ares/battle helmet, harpy or other bird of prey appendages, etc.) and excessive weaponry, I’d combine those two to expect her fear will be becoming a machination of war and a tool manipulated to fulfill the myth that is her life and themyscira’s existence. her extensive training as a warrior could easily be used to slot her into the place of the next great hero of myth, slaughtering the gods’ enemies until she herself completes her purpose and dies a warrior’s death. the fear stems from the fact that despite that, she is an individual. her choices to mingle with man’s world and extend her horizon beyond the world of the gods, along with the conscious decision to become the humans’ champion rather than just the gods’, is proof of this. To lose this and be used by the powers that granted her incredible talents against the new life she’s fought to protect could likely be her greatest fear.
superman: death. the grim reaper aspects of the design (skull face, hooded cloak, withered and near skeletal limbs, halo-like spikes) scream that to me (see also: angel of death). specifically, the fact that he can so easily escape death while nearly everyone around him can’t. it could also potentially be the fear of what dying would even look like for clark—alone, in a world unrecognizable from the one he landed in, etc. as a rebuttal for his seeming lack of fear regarding it—but this is less likely to me. the fact that humans are so fragile, so short-lived, and yet so wildly and passionately important to him is an easy target for clark, hence why this character is giving “ghosts of christmas future” vibes that will force him to confront a world without those he loves. (think, mark!!! what will you have in 500 years????)
batman: this was harder than I thought, in part due to my bias against doing his parents’ deaths for the millionth time. though, the detail of the bat crawling out of bruce’s mouth gives me hope for something a little different, as weird as that sounds: I think a distinct fear of bruce’s is letting the identity of the bat consume him. the fact that the amorphous bat-monster-thing crawling out of him alludes to the alternate identity that’s been dormant inside of him finally emerging, leaving bruce behind as a hollow skin along with his humanity and ties to the dredges of his former life. he has fully become the bat—there’s no longer any room for bruce wayne within him anymore. It might as well be the incarnation of his fear and anger leaving the rest of him behind to gain a life of its own.
so yeah!! I’d absolutely love to hear some other takes, I may very well be wrong but I had so much fun trying to decode these designs and I’m super excited for knight terrors regardless!
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lesser-mook · 10 months
"The logical conclusion to Kratos fighting every pantheon." (I really, really like this concept, only because of how batshit insane Lore acc Jesus is strictly from a power-scaling perspective and despite everyone on the Planet knowing who Jesus is, most have NO idea what he is.)
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not a bad concept, though they wouldn't have a reason to fight beyond Jesus' 2nd mission:
Off the top of my head, according to lore, he projects a sword out of his mouth (RV 1:16), can wield starts casually (RV 1:16), while riding a flaming horse or some shit, the sky split open (meaning the fabric of reality is breached) hence commanding legions of Angles hording through (which from text & recent visual interpretation actually look like Lovecraftian demons) to literally conquer Earth. like an interdimensional alien warlord pressing the sleep button on Humanity.
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The popular central theme of this guy is he doesn't die or live in a traditional sense, and the only reason he allowed himself to be killed was to be a martyr by choice, to make a point.
Give humanity a couple thousand years to find "his/the way" supposedly, otherwise according to lore, his comeback is "The End" of post-modern humanity itself than it is the literal end of humans, I have to read it again tho.
Then another millennia of apocalyptic fallout. No nukes, no armor, just this guy showing up.
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Not only would biblically acc angels be a horrifying aspect to put in a game, but Jesus himself is actually a terrifying entity despite the nice guy nature humans took for granted at the time.
Them just sounding off Trumpets will rumble the earth and cause extinction level events.
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Technically he can't be beaten, because everyone knows his mortality. Nobody knows what he can actually do, which is everything. He's the original Gary Stu.
We're not even factoring in the Quantum intelligence that is "God" or even the Holy Spirit which is like a glorified proxy medium. All the Angels, their ranks, their subordinates, etc.
That game would have to be psychological/cosmic horror epic themed, surrealism.
most People only know the Sunday school tales of the human side of prophets and judges, the people God used to manipulate lives to set a narrative. From beginning to end.
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Going by the book, Humanity is the original (The SIMS) game.
The BIBLE? In it's raw form, it's a tale of hope, flawed characters, redemption, perseverance, with an over-arching horror story subtext. Constant genocides at God's hands, only for Humanity to pick up the slack without his help.
And In a meta sense, in theory, WE ARE The Cliffhanger.
God itself doesn't reside in Heaven strictly, like Zeus or Odin. He has a throne, he's there, but not there.
That's just where the followers go to honor "it".
Jesus likely wouldn't want to kill Kratos, but if this is post Revelations arc Jesus. This would definitely be the game Kratos dies in cosmic epic glory.
Because that Jesus isn't preaching love, he brings war, and his physical form is G.O.N.E.
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I would love to see Kratos go up against a straight up hax-ego centric narcissist being that can't bleed, be reached or touched. Having no form.
And it's only form, his kinder nicer, human self, his Son. In canon is no more. Jesus as a physical being that can be hurt, doesn't exist anymore.
(JESUS), unbeknownst to most "Christians", actually existed simultaneously throughout the Bible since Genesis/possibly pre-Gen.
Meaning this guy CHRIST, can pass through time itself. Because he did, does, will do.
I shit you not.
Superman RED Son's (novel) ending plottwist has NOTHING ON this.
There's this narrative that repeats multiple times in just Relevation Chapter 1 "Was, Is, is to come"
Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Past, Present, Future. It's consistent.
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That's what i mean by "-doesn't die or live in a traditional sense", the guy existed before he was born, before he did, before he resec himself. Think about that.
Kratos needed to go on a whole ass side-quest to go through time. Jesus can just do it, technically the fabric of space-time is something he can possess, re-write, or see. Because REALLY think about what it means to exist in the past, present, and future: At the same time.
The past is gone for humans, we always live in the present. But Jesus still exists in back then. As we're in the present, waiting for the future, where he ALSO exists.
See how broken that is?
Even Asura couldn't touch this guy. DOOMSLAYER can't touch this dude, you can't.
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How in the actual fuck, do you "fight" that?
Everyone says the meme "Flash can go back and kill you as a baby". Jesus apparently can do the same thing. He is simultaneous.
When the text states God is everywhere, that includes timelines, dimensions, etc. This is a beyond 10th dimensional being.
Manifested himself in flesh.
Defied death after 3 days, the only one to do that, Lazarus needed re-animation, Christ is the ONLY one to do it himself.
Not as a rule, but just to make a fucking point. That shit is both petty and scary.
The (Pan) in Pantheon.
Post-Revelations Jesus IS THE God, of War. And death.
That would be the sheer irony of pulling this off as a game
This is why it claims to be "THE" God. The thing, It, is literally every superpower you can imagine. We're talking serious beyond Haruhi Suzumiya+Dr.Manhattan+Cthulhu on steroids type shit.
no god of the sea, no god of dreams, none of that shit. This one wanted the title of "THE".
Alpha--Omega, period.
Revelation 5:1, There's God's throne, and he's holding like this book no one man or anyone in the pantheon can open except his successor, Christ.
It has Seven seals, the book does, and Christ just opening the seals is summoning horseman, like these summoned executioners RV 6:4
Revelation 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:
And then another event where the people over the course of all time that died for God, are paid tribute and given royalty treatment after they question him as to what is their reward for their spilled blood?
Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Instead of tyranny for being questioned, he took care of them, gave them quality clothes, rest and a seat in the Kingdom to wait for the others after them: Theoretically any of us who would join.
Basically sit back, here's some drip and wait for immending immortality for being killed for his sake.
If this was OT, they would've been struck out of existence, but the era of Christ was God himself having a character arc that he himself determined in advance because technically before it happened, it happened already.
And the
RV 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Just him opening a seal of this book warped physics to change the shades of celestial bodies on a level of an eclipse.
This thing is next level.
The religion aspect is what people turn away from, including me, but from a strictly "kaiju"/Cosmic being standpoint, "Yahweh", "Elohim", "Christ" is a serious monster.
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Unless Kratos drops in during the NT or before OT even happens, because again Jesus existed during & thus by proxy before Genesis.
I used to think the whole book was corny but the Shit is mind-numbing apocalyptic, straight insanity.
Kratos cannot afford to be holding back with this one, even if he doesn't, it won't help.
The problem is most god's Kratos has fought has had physical silhouette's one way or another
Or that time he fought Zeus' ghost
or he’s had some kind of weapon to tangibly touch spirits. (GOW3)
This one, pantheon and all, is a whole different beast. These things are omi-dimensional avatars-- Vibrating between dimensions because reality is just a frequency that our atoms reside in.
Which is why we're not going to find Aliens in space or in the Earths Core. They're literally next to you, in another frequency of reality-- A dimension, that's what Parallel Earths in Comics represent. Thats what Heaven is. A frequency.
That's HOW this God does it, through sound, frequency science. Not spaceships.
Revelation 8:2  And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
These trumpets according to lore will change landscapes, cause great events and summon greater angels.
And that's why people resonate with music so much, how it can control moods, frequency of sound is power, it taps into dimensions if the sound is strong enough.
Specifically the method that Christs coming is announced is through Horns, Sound. Punching through our dimension like a battering-ram on a door.
It's no accident that the "Arrowhead project" let in aliens from another dimension into this one in 'The Mist' story because the military went and knocked on their front door.
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Sound is a stronger element than Humanity realizes, well the uninitiated anyway.
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All in all, I genuinely want to see that game happen. Even if not accurate, (because if it is, Kratos loses hard, it's not even a fight), the interpretation alone would be cool.
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Though his death was trash, GOW Thor was awesome.
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Could Doctor Strange be Agamotto's reincarnation? (I would love that, Marvel PLEASE DO THIS!!!)
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Avengers #62 came out and the similarities between Stephen and Agamotto are HUGE. There are so many superficial and deep things they have in common, plus the red clothing Agamotto uses to fly that resembles a different form of the Cloak of Levitation.
If you read the Avengers #62 that came out recently, you can notice some details like:
-Agamotto doesn't know how he came to be, so were his memories erased? Or did he die as a human and ascended as a god (but that made him lose his memories?) -He's constantly called Wizard, so he WAS sorcerer, like Stephen. -The Eye of Agamotto, specially in the MCU, only works properly when Doctor Strange uses it. Others can just open it apparently, and Mordo and Wong were shocked when Stephen used the book to open the Eye, since most sorcerers had tried for years and failed, while the Eye simply opened and worked for Stephen the first time he tried. -Agamotto has some issues/existential crisis things very similar to what Stephen does- apparently he's unable to be happy, always thinking and wondering about the future (like Stephen in DS2, who even after saving the would couldn't be happy while wondering about what if this what if that and future issues) -Agamotto seems to understand medicine. In the chapter, he teachers villagers how to use herbs and natural medicines- Stephen Strange is a doctor. -Agamotto seems unable to recognize all the love and appreciation he receives from people he saves and villagers (Stephen seems to have the same issue in the MCU and in the comics) -His magic is pink, and in the comics, Doctor Strange's magic was pink for MANY issues/sagas. Of course it depends of the spell, but what I mean is his MAIN magic (in the comic book covers and such) also is pink. -There are some "puns" in this comic, lines Agamotto says like "this was strange" "it were strange times" AND THE WORD STRANGE IS ALWAYS BOLD. On purpose. In the comic. Read the chapter and you will see, I mean it.
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-Agamotto looks like Stephen Strange SO much. Face, cheeks, facial hair, hair, white hair streaks. -He is SO kind. And he has SO MUCH hope. So many Stephen vibes, who in the MCU went against Dormammu despite the chances of winning being so low, and he also keeps fighting until the end. -Agamotto has the third eye (that Stephen does in the comics AND in the MCU) -Agamotto has Memory Spell skills and suggests in the comics using it to erase suffering, so he could have used it on himself- in the MCU Stephen knows memory spells and has already used it a few times. Also, memory spells was one of the first and most important Doctor Strange powers in the comics. (Since 1963). -Agamotto flies in the same position Stephen flies, which is "levitating while standing" and not "flying Superman style" or "Captain Marvel Style" (he levitates). -The poses he uses to conjure his spells are very similar to Stephen's, and other sorcerers have used different poses, it's not something every sorcerer does in the comics, it IS very similar to Doctor Strange's poses.
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-Mephisto and him have been fighting for EONS, again and again, and in the comics, Mephisto is one of the most recurring enemies of Doctor Strange- and in the ages Doctor Strange fights Mephisto, there is no Agamotto to fight Mephisto. -Agamotto has been illustrated in the "future timeline" of the Marvel Comics (since this comic happens in the past) as a soul tiger/beast, and in some flashbacks of Thor's comics, very similar to what he is shown in this comic, but older. So could it be that he was a sorcerer who ascended to a god (a Vishanti), but his "human" part (soul, spirit, essence) died in the process- but since he never quit defending the Earth, he reincarnated as Stephen to continue doing the same things he did when he was alive?? Like, it would justify that there is the entity Agamotto and Doctor Strange at the same timeline, because Stephen would be the human part of Agamotto, while the tiger soul we see is the part of his soul that ascended and became a Vishanti?? -In older comics, there's an issue Agamotto tries to take over Stephen's body- however, according to a great ton of Marvel comics lore, a god would need a specific human vessel to be able to possess it fully or share his/her powers in a relevant amount without DESTROYING the body they are possessing- so why would Agamotto think he could use Stephen's body without problems? Maybe he's compatible because he's a reincarnation or some sort of avatar? -The Marvel lore is not specific to any religion per se, so we could even be talking about something like Avatar The Legend of Aang, where there are different past Avatars that can interact with Aang, even though they are the reincarnation of the same soul/spirit, so Stephen interacting with Agamotto wouldn't be a contradiction at all to take down the theory.
There are MORE similarities between them but this is getting very long, so please, tell me what you think.
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thenixkat · 26 days
and you punched the metahuman victim because?
Batman's a bigot let's just say it
like, asshole you coulda punched Luthor instead of Luthor's victim Batman claims he only joined Luthor to figure out what Lex had been doing with Captain Marvel
Batman's group was plotting to double cross the villains
hmm maybe knocking Billy the fuck out while you explained to the room what Luthor did to him wasnt the best idea Bruce
especially teh part with you chasing with a gun while revealing everything that he knows is a lie
ah the dehumanization of prisoners who are only prisoners b/c a bunch of unsanctioned vigilantes kidnapped them for not bowing to their top vigilante
oh no how dare the people you kidnapped and put in a reeducation camp kill one of the guards keeping them locked up. The savages
meanwhile the regular people, the US president decides to drop nukes on the brawl at the Kansas gulag of course SUperman's the only hope. Also its nice to see someone acknowledging that Captain Marvel can match Superman
Wonder Woman attempts to kill Batman for talking shit. B/c we need someone to make the bad guy, and that's clearly what they've been trying to do with wonder woman here
just trying to murder someone who is there to help quell the revolution and keep teh prisoners in this illegal reeducation camp just cause they have an attitude is the best behavior from a superhero
Batman and Wonder Woman decide to stop fighting eachother and take on the planes carrying nuclear bombs. Granted i doubt either of them considered what the president might do is the heroes stop him from bombing them and their illegal prison camp
its probably not the best thing to say that all metas need to die for the sake of the world company that's bread and butter is selling stories about super people doing shit. But go off, which yer shitty shitty morals
The SPectre plans to punish who ever survives, the humans or the metas for the genocide that occurs either way, b/c teh Spetre is a shitty shitty superhero and an even more shit angel
and it picked up the narrator cause it cant tell teh future and needed help with teh judgment call cause the only two options the writers have decided to railroad shit into is either the metas get genocided or the metas take up humanity with infighting nevermind any other potential options
and the narrator chews teh Spectre the fuck out for simply being an all powerful observer and doing shit for dick to make shit better
so Superman decides to murder the UN for deciding to bomb his illegal prison camp and all of his friends who'd kidnapped people from all over teh world and were fighting all out to keep those prisoners from escaping that could have resulted in countless regular people casualties
teh narrator talks Superman down from murdering the UN
again with the people seeing superheroes as gods thing. I assure you that it'd be more normal for the average person to think of superpowers folks as just some asshole rather than a god
man i dont like this story
but also i love how solving problems along side the common folk doesnt involve like stopping being vigilantes and working through official channels. And it definitely wont mean doing shit that reduces crime in general
Batman rebuilds Wayne manor and turns it into a hospital to care for the people harmed by the radiation but he's still got multiple death robots just in every room watching people and he continuously patrols said hospital
why the fuck does Wonder Woman deserve to regain her crown when she tried to st
art a totalitarian regime?
fuck her and Superman and Wonder Woman hook up b/c they cant just leave a woman unattached
I dont care for the story. I didnt even find out the info I fucking read it for
I will say that its well painted and that painting a comic is an ordeal, too bad its wasted on this story
and Wonder Woman's fucking pregnant! Of course b/c that's the only way to heal and move forward hook up and have babies
of course other heroes breeding is a problem b/c they just spawn amoral wild animals but its ok for Wonder Woman and Superman to breed
they want Bruce to be a godparent to the baby. Bruce is shitty parent thank fuck its over
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My “Superman” OCs: Or How to Make a Superman Character who isn’t just “Hey, What if Superman was a dick?”
Keith Connors; a.k.a. Subject 010; a.k.a. Shepard:
Subject 010 was created by an alien civilization to be the ultimate weapon. Nearly invincible and all-powerful, with his Superman powerset, he forged the K’tar into an empire that spanned the stars. But Subject 001 eventually began to question his masters, and soon abandoned his mission, hiding on a backwater planet: Earth.
On Earth, which already has a pick of heroes, Subject 010 assumed the identity of Keith Connors, doing his best to blend in to Earth culture and understand his existence. There’s sort of a Blade Runner, “looking for his humanity” type thing going on. Eventually, he settles in rural Ireland and meets people he cares about, even loves, and begins to realize his own humanity.
Eventually, he decides that he wants to help people, and becomes the Superhero, Shepard. But, after being a warrior and a soldier for so long, he doesn’t understand a lot of the play-by-play of how the heroing business works, and ends up accidentally killing some bad guys, just because he’s never been instructed to hold back before. But, he eventually finds his niche in the Superhero community.
But everything changes when the K’tar comes for their lost property, bringing Keith’s “siblings” the nine failed prototypes that came before him. Now Keith must reconcile the monster he once was and the hero he wants to be and lead humanity against the Empire he forged.
Ishkur; a.k.a. Jim Marshal; a.k.a. Champion:
Centuries ago, when most men painted on cave walls, there was an age undreamed of.. A race of God-Like beings ruled the Earth, with power and strength unmatched. Unto this: Ishkur, the he who ruled the wind and sun. Ishkur was so powerful and mighty that all the other Gods feared and revered him in equal measure, and with good reason.
Ishkur realized the potential and future of humanity, and wished to nurture them. Others disagreed. A war between these beings broke out, a war that would inspire a thousand myths and legends across the globe. Eventually, Ishkur stood alone, his allies slaughtered, though his enemies were greatly reduced as well. Desperate, Ishkur sacrificed himself to seal the wicked Gods away.
Jump forward to the modern day, Ishkur reincarnates into a modern man, a black kid from Alabama named Jim Marshal, graced with terrible power. But with Ishkur’s reincarnation comes fell warnings. The wicked Gods that Ishkur sealed are breaking free, and will drive humanity back to the stone age, and enslave them.
But all is not lost. The Gods who were once Ishkur’s allies have also reincarnated, and now Jim must take up the mantle of Champion; the Hope of Humanity and unite the other reincarnated Gods against this ancient and terrible threat.
Alice Aberon; Project Nova; a.k.a. Lodestar:
Project Nova was originally conceived with the idea of making the ultimate soldier, using ancient alien D.N.A. found frozen in the Antarctic. However, for head scientist Madeline Aberon, it was a ticket to cure her daughter Alice of her terminal genetic disorder. When things became dire, Madeline used the experimental serum on her daughter. Not only did it cure her, but it gave her powers beyond anyone’s imagination.
But as all attempts to recreate that success failed, and Alice’s powers grew daily, the shadowy government organization that was funding the project terminated it, ordering everyone on board killed. Seeing her mother murdered before her eyes made Alice snap, and she murdered the soldiers sent to massacre the orbital base they were staying in, and fled to Earth.
Alice wandered alone for years, powerful beyond measure but divorced from her humanity almost completely. Eventually, she was taken in by an order of Himalayan Monks and Nuns, practitioners of an ancient and nameless martial art, who taught Alice to control her power, and opened her back up to her heart and soul.
Eventually, Alice decided that the world needs a hero like her. She left the monastery and took up the mantle of Lodestar, humanity’s guiding light, and take down the shadowy organization that killed her family, and guide humanity into a brighter and better future.
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celestial-narwhal · 1 year
Before God!—Now however this God hath died! Ye higher men, this God was your greatest danger. Only since he lay in the grave have ye again arisen. Now only cometh the great noontide, now only doth the higher man become—master! Have ye understood this word, O my brethren? Ye are frightened: do your hearts turn giddy? Doth the abyss here yawn for you? Doth the hell-hound here yelp at you? Well! Take heart! ye higher men! Now only travaileth the mountain of the human future. God hath died: now do WE desire—the Superman to live.
"An interesting excerpt from 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', Friedrich Nietzsche had his way with words," chuckled the Merchant, his eyes glimmering with mirth. His quiet voice rang out to everyone, but to no one in particular as he gently closed the book in his hands. "To have the courage to boldly state 'God is dead!' to a people who fervently worshiped at their feet in an admirable feat, if not rather foolish. Do you think he expected the ideologies in his books to become so well-renown? For him to become a keystone in an ideology that he himself, did not fully fall into?"
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"I suppose it is a commentary on the everlasting hope ingrained in mankind. For the father of Nihilism itself to find a positive conclusion to the realization that nothing matters; we are just specks in the limitless universe." "So, Thus Spoke Nietzsche, " he professes with an idyllic grin, "We shall make meaning in ourselves, in the sincerity of our own lives."
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asm5129 · 1 year
Flash Thoughts ⚡ A New World Part 4: Finale
Well, here we are. The last episode of the flash, and a farewell to the arrowverse–at least, for the foreseeable future. God damn, i’ll miss it. I don’t care what anyone says, this world, these characters, they’ve meant so much to me. They’ve been by my side through the worst moments of my life, through into a better time where I feel more fulfilled and happy, I feel genuine joy in my life, my family is healthier, and my pain, while not gone, is lessened. That kind of reliable companionship, whether through a human or a story, is rare. And I will treasure it, always. My hope remains that in a few years, people will start softening on the Arrowverse the way they have Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man or the Star Wars prequels, and maybe all the work that was put into this world–ten years, 6 shows not counting Superman and Lois or Stargirl–can get a bit of a resurgence. It’s already built out the most complete multiverse brought screen after all.
 But anyways. The finale. I liked it a lot. It was imperfect to be sure, a bit rushed, and it really wasted it’s returning villains. But I liked it. It was really lovely and hopeful. And I know Grant Gustin pushed for a hero’s death, but I actually stand with Eric Wallace on this one. The Flash, long before Wallace was showrunner, was about hope, and love. We can argue whether he took it to places it didn’t work, but that was always what it was about. Barry brought a light Oliver couldn’t. That was established in the pilot episode. So him meeting a similar end to Oliver I think, as epic as it may have been, wouldn’t have made sense in the grand scheme of things. No, ultimately, it was the right call to make The Flash’s final episode about hope, and love, and family, and–most importantly–coexistence. 
 While I liked Khione, her inclusion had no real grounded logic to it. There’s no reason what Caitlin did in the season 8 finale should have created Khione. Yet regardless–I think she was the perfect vessel for the message of coexistence. As long as Thawne was the Avatar of the negative speed force, there was no chance for coexistence. There was no path forward with him. But the NSF screwed up when it chose to try and corrupt a good man. This is, genuinely, the first time Barry talking a Big Bad down worked in Eric Wallace’s Flash, because Eddie was a good man who was in pain. He hadn’t chosen to be cruel, so much as he felt he had to make someone cruel happy for him to be happy. But it wasn’t natural for him. And while it was a bit rushed, I think it worked well.
 There will always be those we butt heads with, those standing in our way. But if we’re smart, and we’re kind, that doesn’t always mean there has to be pain. Conflict and contrasting viewpoints are healthy and important, as long as it doesn’t spiral out of control. Barry could have sworn off Eddie as just another Eobard, but he knew Eddie. He knew there was more to him than the pain and the fear that was pushing him to these extremes. So he chose peace, and let Eddie see the man he was becoming. I know it’s very idealistic, but fuck it, there are a billion other stories that refuse to entertain the idea of coexistence, that have the heroes just murdering whomever they consider a threat, or even just getting mad and pursuing vengeance without any care for the lives of others. There’s maybe ten mainstream stories that entertain the idea that maybe some people could change and that could make a better world. Less, most likely. If you wanna expend your energy getting upset over that, god, what a waste.
 I also really, really like that Barry’s choice to let Thawne kill himself ended up really mattering here. I felt that was very strange in season 8 and the beginning of season 9 because such a big deal was made during Armageddon about saving him, even though he was only a victim of his own actions just as he was in the S8 finale So for Barry to know the same thing could happen to Eddie and being desperate to not repeat his choice in season 8 was a great payoff to that. You can argue whether it’s rational to want to save those trying to kill him and his loved ones, but it’s who Barry is. He values every life. Every single one. We need hope. We need idealism. We need kindness. And The Flash didn’t always execute it right, and it’s failures at it deserve criticism, but I don’t feel this episode was one of those failures.
 Onto some criticism though… As I mentioned, I think this episode absolutely wastes its returning villains. 
 The first episode of A New World really oughta have been the last appearance of the Reverse-Flash I think if this was all they were gonna do with him. I don’t think this episode cheapened that one at all, but it still felt like a much less satisfying final appearance. And Chester having black hole powers that protected him from being murdered by Thanwe was just cheap. 
 Savitar did almost nothing, and everything that made him interesting from season 3 was gone. 
 Godspeed was just…ugh. He did less than nothing, because he did something and it had zero impact on anything and then Cecile just knocked him out with a thought. Godspeed really was the most underwhelming of all of them, he was mediocre in season 7 and mediocre here, and I wish his slot was filled by the Red Death, just to at least connect her to the rest of the season somehow. Bart finally got a mention in the last 15 minutes or so, but he wasn’t part of the episode despite Godspeed supposedly being “his Thanwe”. I guess the actor just wasn’t available or something, but God it’s so weird that they have spent so, so much time this season on Nora and there was just a single mention of Bart all season. and Zoom was eh.
 Did kinda enjoy all their egos clashing and their grandstanding, and I did appreciate the tension between Eobard and Eddie. Honestly what I might have done instead of these villains would be to have Matt Letscher’s Thawne and Tom Cavanaugh’s Thawne be recruited together. Could have made for some fun dynamics, clashing egos and both Thawnes hating that they were recruited by Eddie–plus finally seeing the two Thanwes onscreen together would have been a great way to say farewell. 
 Ah well. Not sure how I feel about the return of Caitlin, but I did very much like that her and Barry got a chance to talk again and reconcile what happened between them. So regardless of how I feel about the fact that she’s suddenly safe and sound, I do like something we got from it. And Frost still being dead at least makes this not a total about-face. I do like Chester and Allegra together, but I do think the will they/won’t they didn’t need to go on as long as it did. I did however adore Joe FINALLY proposing to Cecile. There were times I had to actually look up whether they were married or not, since they were dating so long, living together, had a kid, etc 
 And after Joe having such a hard time with love before Cecile, in retrospect I actually really appreciate that she didn’t push him. Sure, the ring and everything is nice, and it’s made clear she wanted it, but she clearly didn’t need a ring or a binding piece of paper to know that Joe was in it for the long haul. It was a really, really nice moment for the finale. Nora being present at her own birth, and even holding herself as a baby…yeah barry was right, even for the Flash family that’s a lot. 
But I really appreciated all the moments with baby Nora, especially Joe singing with iris’ memories flashing across the screen and Barry asking baby Nora to believe in something impossible. 
and actually on that note, let me close out by saying–I fucking love that that line, the very first line of the pilot episode, was at the core of the finale. “I need you to believe in the impossible.” It began as a way to describe a world of metahumans, aliens, time travel and multiverses. 
 But here, it’s about believing in a new world, a better world, one that doesn’t accept that a cycle of pain and violence could ever pass for the natural order of things. And I dunno–maybe it’s also a little message that the Arrowverse might have a future some day. That it will get it’s due. Some say that’s impossible, but maybe I’ll listen to Barry on this one, and believe in it anyway. 
 Thank you for following my Flash Thoughts during this final season. It was really enjoyable to write them up for folks. Chat soon folks. You’re all wonderful. stay safe.
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psychoblush · 2 years
one of my favorite things in The Batman’s depiction of Bruce is how human they make him in the style of how he’s shown. His hair is greasy and disgusting - he has to smudge on eyeliner. Even with the body armor you imagine that every single one of those hits and bullet impacts causes a scar and a bruise on his body - it really is just his own belief in his ability to endure that keeps him going. You see the fear in his eyes when he runs up to the roof and you see the utter pain and anguish he’s in in that final scene.
My favorite one of these details is that Bruce wraps his hands inside of his gloves - and they get all sweaty and tattered and dirty. Like of *course* batman would wrap his hands - it’s basic boxing / fighting etiquette, it protects his wrists, joints, and fingers and keeps his gauntlets tightly wound. And yet these are the details - like the mascara, like the dirty hair - that are never emphasized in prior batman media. Batman is always shown as cool, almost godlike, like a suave put-together James Bond figure. What they don’t show as much is that if Batman has these characteristics, it’s because he’s putting on a mask - a more real mask than the one he wears all the time.
“We both know this is your true face.”
Snyder fans love to say that Marvel is about humans learning to be gods while DC is about gods learning to be humans. I call utter bullshit on that weird christ-like interpretation of Superman and the other justice league members Snyder popularized. I think that’s not accurate at all. Batman is incredibly human - he’s extremely human. He’s horrifically traumatized and operates with such a specificity of action and intention because it’s the only way he knows how to contend with his feelings. He’s deeply broken, and he is striving to heal. And it isn’t being vengeance that allows him to heal. It is providing hope and protection to the innocent - and providing a sense of safety and family to his future bat family.
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Mini Series
Here are all of my short fics that will be ten chapters or under. for my longer fics go here Chaptered Story Masterlist and oneshots,drabbles and headcannons are here Oneshot Masterlist
Latest Teaser Dump UPDATED APRIL!!
Disclaimer and my stance on RPF
A Right Brat Fit! (Henry Cavill X Little!Reader/DDLG)
2020 has been a hard year for both you and Henry to navigate with the fear of the virus, lockdowns, littlespace, anxiety and a mad rush to catch up on delayed work in the last few months at some point he knew his little girl might blow up as him all the stress was going to boil over he just wished he’d seen the signs before hand because now it was to late and his usual perfect princess was showing a completely different side. A royal brat having her very own melt down!
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It’s A Match (Henry Cavill X Reader) FINISHED
Henry decides enough is enough. he is alone and wanting. A family man without his own little family. with a little coaxing he has entered the world of online dating and he has found a keeper. she is nerdy funny and successful with her own business centred around canines. And what’s more this new dream girl only lives a few miles away. and just like the site said, this is most definetly a match!
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Worth Every Penny (daddy!Henry X Little Sub Reader)
when things in your life go to shit you find yourself entering the life of a sub. but things dont always go to plan and you soon find yourslef out of your depth and placed in the middle of a BDSM auction and sold to a V.I.P bidder. you thought you new what to expect out of this lifestyle but suddenly being bought by a celebrity and whisked off across the pond with your new daddy was not one of them.
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Non lethal stealth weapons and military grade homing systems are your life’s work your a genius in your own right and its a dream come true to work with The Avengers but things turn when you outright refuse to make lethal weapons your suddenly demoted to sectary, replaced by another apprentice. Then you get an out a job offer from non other then Mr Bruce Wayne.
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Krypton is on the verge, teetering on a knife’s edge dying. But it wasn’t dead just yet, the council had made drastic changes to try and hold off on the core exploding until they found their hope, future. They wanted a legacy and there was only one way to have that. Find his Omega and deliver her to him.
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You were one of the best photographers the daily planet has, never afraid to run head first into danger willing to put your life on the line for that perfect shot barely escaping. Clark worries for you and tries keeping an eye on you getting you out of all sorts of situations. Then one fateful night he was patrolling the skies and found you free climbing a crane hanging off the side of a skyscraper almost sixty stories up. when you slip Clark decides enough is enough its time you were brought to hand…And he had a few ideas how, he himself had two heavy palms itching to put you back inline Complete!
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Finally being hired in the mail room at the daily planet was a god send, people don’t usually hire unmated omegas. But in the basement who could possibly scent you?. Enter one Kryptonian Alpha who has been scenting you eleven stories up for weeks. Finally Clark has found you, his omega that he can’t possibly claim…Or can he?
1  🥵/ 2🥵
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When you complete a rescue Clark cant shake these dark thoughts, he is hopelessly in love and obsessed with you. Your his mate. His soul mate and he is not taking no for an answer. You can kick and scream but at the end of the day you are a human and he is superman.
1 🥵/ 2 🥵/ 3🥵/ 4 / 5 🥵
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You was just a child when you were cast out for being omega, now years later alone and afraid in your tiny home but things are about to change. One morning you wake up to find an alpha in your home ,your so called mate and his bard, things look up when you finally realize you had found your pack. Complete!
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A kinky valentines day countdown for 2021, a kink for each day with all our favourites… and Humphrey too~
Day one- Napoleon🥵 (promtp only) / /Day Two- August🥵 / /Day Three- Humphrey🥵  / / Day Four- Syverson🥵 / / Day Five- Charles Brandon🥵 / / Day Six- Clark Kent🥵 / / Day Seven- Sherlock Holmes🥵 / / Day Eight- Walter🥵 / / Day Nine- Kal El/Superman🥵 / /Day Ten- Geralt🥵
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A very unique shifter bloodline has managed to survive through the ages, from mystical famed witchers, royal courtly dukes, detectives of past and present. But these males are all searching for their one. Their mates. And they each have a different approch to capturing their very own happily ever afters.
The Clans Progenitor (Geralt X Shifter!Reader/ Shifter Au)
The wolf of kings wood (Shifter!Charles X Shifter!Reader/shifter Clan AU)
Detectives Den 1 🥵/ / 2 (Walter X Reader/ A/B/O/Shifter AU/🥵)
Will Of The God’s
All is not well in Olympus; the king of the gods has grown weary of his cold distant wife who seeks to punish him for his infidelity. But two thousand years have passed and Zeus has finally had enough. If Hera doesn’t want to be his wife or warm his bed then he will seek out a replacement. A mortal who will entertain him. It’s time to test the mettle of these millennials. Time to make this modern mortal feel the will of the gods she’s so interested in.
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You get the drop on the one and only Napoleon. He inturn becomes obsessed with getting pay back, but soon payback morphs into something a little sinister and sexy. He had made up his mind, this new cat burglar was definitely the type of kitten needed to be brought to hand. And he definitely volunteers~
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The Brethren
A new cult has taken over your home town. these five stunning brothers have been worshipped as gods, they spit lies and spin tales. poison is there game, poisoning the well and minds of the people in your quiet town. but the worst is yet to come. they want to create their own hell spawn. they need a wife to share. and it would seem that's the reason for your parents wanting you home. a virginal sacrifice to the beasts of burden.
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Five. Five familial deaths are what would cause you to become Queen of Sinvir. It would never happen. You’d never take the crown, you rejected the palace. Hated it even! You were simple and wanted a simple life. You wanted to teach. But things change with a single audience with your king. 
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Thicker Than Water
A tale of love and fangs, Sherlock is a well respected ancient vampire; father to a coven of strapping young progenies. they find themselves living at the dawn of a new era. the coexistence of humanity and the supernatural. and what better way to coexist then to offer humans work in their nest. yet things soon become complicated when the new human cleaner is actually the life mate Sherlock has been searching for over the last three millennia. will he have the courage to claim her and greet the sun once more? or will he simply watch the woman from afar?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
It is time. It is finally time for the new Suicide Squad rant (and spoilers will be plentiful):
As someone who was into DC Comics and comics in the mid to late 2010s and had so much hype for the first Suicide Squad movie only to be let down, I was so nervous for this one. I knew it was going to be a roller coaster, but whether I would come out happy or disappointed was up in the air. Having just seen it I will say this: I have no idea if this was a good movie-movie. It was insane. The comedy. The violence. The high emotion. I’m still trying to take it all in. But one thing I do know is that this is an amazing Suicide Squad movie. Gunn and co took the best parts of the comic concept and went batshit with it and that is how this property should be handled (in my opinion). Screw edgelordisms, we need full on insanity free of aiming for shock-value or sexy brutality we want chaos baby.
Starting the whole movie as they did, with Savant as the POV for a mission (or part of the mission) that just goes to hell immediately and kills off so many before the title arrives is the perfect way to start this movie. Like the second I realized this was how they were doing it I was just smiling from ear to ear, this is the spirit of the property.
Part of me wishes we got more Amanda Waller, but what we had was impeccable. Then again, this is Viola Davis we’re talking about, and if she was born to play any character in a superhero story, it is Amanda Waller.
And points to her tech team, introducing them with the death bets was just a lovely way to show how regular this is and how awful everyone is in this movie.
I’m not going to pretend like Deadshot and Bloodsport didn’t have the exact same character- and plot premises… but I will say that Bloodsport felt better executed.
I love that they kept some of the past members and not just Harley. Rick Flag got to have a full personality and interactions with his team members and to be a true leader and it made me so happy for someone who initially did not give a single shit about his character. The Harley friendship? The Dubois friendship? The friendship with that guerilla leader? Amazing. The one American soldier in fictional media I genuinely like. You go Mr Flag.
The new members were… they were insane in the best way. Gone are the shitty stereotypes and present are some of the wackiest creations to ever grace the mainstream movie-sphere (aka the slightly less normal comic creations): A man who has to shoot out polka dots two times a day so as not to die from a space virus. A giant child murdering weasel. A guy who detaches his limbs and slaps people with said detached limbs. King Shark. The second person to command rats with a fancy gadget. They are all crazy and all weird and all more or less morally repulsive people and I love them.
The amount of times I did a double take over the soundtrack I swear. Jessie Reyez? The Pixies? It was so much fun to pick up on once I did.
Was the depiction of a vague Latin American country stereotypical? Yes. Was the secret American involvement predictable and felt mildly patronizing from a non-American, part Latina point of view? Yep. But damn it if I didn’t have a good time with those stereotypes and laugh my ass off at how well executed some were. I don’t know if it was meant as parody, but that one secretary has me thinking so — and if so I am pleased.
Speaking of Latino dictators Harley’s one day romance with one of the villains was something I never knew I needed. Like it was so perfect for Harley that when it happened I almost hit myself for not realizing that this kind of plot should be a normal thing for Harley. And the end of it? Perfect not only in this standalone movie, but also in conjunction with the first and with BoP.
The Taika Waititi cameo??? Oh my god??? I did not expect that and I love it?? Sir, What We Do in the Shadows is impeccable.
Rick Flag’s death actually surprised me. It shouldn’t as this is Suicide Squad, but I kind of expected him to be on Harley’s level of unkillable (because let’s face it, no one kills Harley). What I will say is that his death was good and his final words and actions made me love him all the more. I hope this spawns more Rick Flag content, or at least inspires me to look at what already exists, if he already is as this movie made him (it’s been ages since I read one of the Suicide Squad reboot comics okay).
Starro. How can a villain be so wacky and so terrifying at the same time? I did not expect a literal alien starfish to have more terrifying powers and a more tragic plot execution than Enchantress. But here we are. And that damn star just wanted to be floating in space, and instead it was stuck getting revenge by killing and puppeteering human corpses. Wow that thing was creepier the more you think about it.
I don’t know what I think about Polka Dot Man. I loved watching him on screen but also damn those mommy-issues were on a new level. Not just in his backstory but how he literally sees her in every person around him that was insane. Very funny but like also the kind that makes you laugh just because you’re uncomfortable and don’t know how else to releive the tension.
When Waller got knocked out by a staff member I immediately thought «oh my god Amanda Waller is going to kill half the staff for this», so I’m mildly surprised and disappointed that I didn’t get to see that happen. But also I should maybe expect something like this in a potential future Suicide Squad movie. We can’t have everything in a movie as packed as this.
Peacemaker was very horrible and worked really well. Don’t really have much to say about him, not because I didn’t enjoy him but because I already feel like the film itself has said it for me. But the planting and payoff for his death? Chef’s. Kiss.
Harley’s wardrobe was beautiful. Ratcatcher 2’s combat outfit felt like a steampunk plague dream. Bloodsport’s mask was supercool. Rick Flag’s t-shirt was amazing. But the best little outfit was the Mafalda-keychain and her red dress, hands down. Oh and King Shark’s fake moustache finger moment.
King Shark is shaped like a friend I don’t care how many people he ate alive on screen he looks so huggable. It feels like wanting to pet a bear. You know it will kill you but damn it look at those paws and those cute eyes!
I really need to give it to not just James Gunn but the entire production team for this movie. The aesthetic was perfect. The story was the right blend of whimsical and violent. The finished product was a literal rollercoaster and I mean that in a good way. If superhero movies have to be like amusement parks, I hope they’re more like this one and BoP.
I’ll finish on the note that while I think this movie was great and hopefully a step in the right direction for the DCU/DCEU (as in stop trying to play Marvel’s game and just do your own thing/ let your creative teams run wild and free), it is not the first step. Cathy Yan, Birds of Prey and the production team for it took a step first, and they deserve due credit and attention. If you loved this Suicide Squad movie and haven’t watched BoP yet, do so. Because they really are in the same ballpark while doing things in slightly different ways. And any good DCEU movie deserves more attention so the studios know that creativity and risks should be rewarded. I want more DC movies like this, not necessarily in genre but in creative risks. I want a Black Canary rock movie. I want Alfred in a reverse heist movie alone in the batcave against Gotham villains. I want Gotham Academy on screen play by play from the comics. I want a fully animated psychedelic-like Khalid Nassour as Dr. Fate movie. I want elevated horror movie Constantine. I want weird ass Lois Lane journalist movies with a heavy side of Superman. And I want DC movies I didn’t even know I wanted.
Support creativity in mainstream comic movies. Help me become a DC fan and happy about it again.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Ficlet Masterlist
Here are all of my short fics that will be ten chapters or under. for my longer fics go here Chaptered Story Masterlist and oneshots,drabbles and headcannons are here Oneshot Masterlist
Latest Teaser Dump UPDATED APRIL!!
Disclaimer and my stance on RPF
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A Right Brat Fit! (Henry Cavill X Little!Reader/DDLG)
2020 has been a hard year for both you and Henry to navigate with the fear of the virus, lockdowns, littlespace, anxiety and a mad rush to catch up on delayed work in the last few months at some point he knew his little girl might blow up as him all the stress was going to boil over he just wished he’d seen the signs before hand because now it was to late and his usual perfect princess was showing a completely different side. A royal brat having her very own melt down!
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It’s A Match (Henry Cavill X Reader)
Henry decides enough is enough. he is alone and wanting. A family man without his own little family. with a little coaxing he has entered the world of online dating and he has found a keeper. she is nerdy funny and successful with her own business centred around canines. And what’s more this new dream girl only lives a few miles away. and just like the site said, this is most definetly a match!
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Worth Every Penny (daddy!Henry X Little Sub Reader)
when things in your life go to shit you find yourself entering the life of a sub. but things dont always go to plan and you soon find yourslef out of your depth and placed in the middle of a BDSM auction and sold to a V.I.P bidder. you thought you new what to expect out of this lifestyle but suddenly being bought by a celebrity and whisked off across the pond with your new daddy was not one of them.
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Non lethal stealth weapons and military grade homing systems are your life’s work your a genius in your own right and its a dream come true to work with The Avengers but things turn when you outright refuse to make lethal weapons your suddenly demoted to sectary, replaced by another apprentice. Then you get an out a job offer from non other then Mr Bruce Wayne.
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Krypton is on the verge, teetering on a knife’s edge dying. But it wasn’t dead just yet, the council had made drastic changes to try and hold off on the core exploding until they found their hope, future. They wanted a legacy and there was only one way to have that. Find his Omega and deliver her to him.
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You were one of the best photographers the daily planet has, never afraid to run head first into danger willing to put your life on the line for that perfect shot barely escaping. Clark worries for you and tries keeping an eye on you getting you out of all sorts of situations. Then one fateful night he was patrolling the skies and found you free climbing a crane hanging off the side of a skyscraper almost sixty stories up. when you slip Clark decides enough is enough its time you were brought to hand…And he had a few ideas how, he himself had two heavy palms itching to put you back inline Complete!
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Finally being hired in the mail room at the daily planet was a god send, people don’t usually hire unmated omegas. But in the basement who could possibly scent you?. Enter one Kryptonian Alpha who has been scenting you eleven stories up for weeks. Finally Clark has found you, his omega that he can’t possibly claim…Or can he?
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When you complete a rescue Clark cant shake these dark thoughts, he is hopelessly in love and obsessed with you. Your his mate. His soul mate and he is not taking no for an answer. You can kick and scream but at the end of the day you are a human and he is superman.
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You was just a child when you were cast out for being omega, now years later alone and afraid in your tiny home but things are about to change. One morning you wake up to find an alpha in your home ,your so called mate and his bard, things look up when you finally realize you had found your pack. Complete!
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A kinky valentines day countdown for 2021, a kink for each day with all our favourites... and Humphrey too~
Day one- Napoleon🥵 (promtp only) / /Day Two- August🥵 / /Day Three- Humphrey🥵  / / Day Four- Syverson🥵 / / Day Five- Charles Brandon🥵 / / Day Six- Clark Kent🥵 / / Day Seven- Sherlock Holmes🥵 / / Day Eight- Walter🥵 / / Day Nine- Kal El/Superman🥵 / /Day Ten- Geralt🥵
A very unique shifter bloodline has managed to survive through the ages, from mystical famed witchers, royal courtly dukes, detectives of past and present. But these males are all searching for their one. Their mates. And they each have a different approch to capturing their very own happily ever afters.
The Clans Progenitor (Geralt X Shifter!Reader/ Shifter Au)
Detectives Den 1 🥵/ / 2 (Walter X Reader/ A/B/O/Shifter AU/🥵)
Will Of The God’s
All is not well in Olympus; the king of the gods has grown weary of his cold distant wife who seeks to punish him for his infidelity. But two thousand years have passed and Zeus has finally had enough. If Hera doesn’t want to be his wife or warm his bed then he will seek out a replacement. A mortal who will entertain him. It’s time to test the mettle of these millennials. Time to make this modern mortal feel the will of the gods she’s so interested in.
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You get the drop on the one and only Napoleon. He inturn becomes obsessed with getting pay back, but soon payback morphs into something a little sinister and sexy. He had made up his mind, this new cat burglar was definitely the type of kitten needed to be brought to hand. And he definitely volunteers~
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lol-jackles · 3 years
How much cultural Impact do you think will SPN have in the future?
Hmmm, it’s too early to say but I’ll take a gander.  
First, Sam and Dean may enter the list of epic fictional couples (Lois Lane & Superman, Romeo & Juliet, Cleopatra & Marc Anthony. Elizabeth & Mr. Darcy) but they’ll be the first brother partners.
Sam and Dean’s predecessors was Starsky & Hutch, in the 1970s they were called the “first primetime gay” even though both are ladies men.  The show’s influence reached Britian where policemen like to imitate some of their fashion choices.  Despite the mainstream acknowledgement of wincest ship, Sam and Dean are undeniably straight.  Being brothers and “bromance” becoming mainstream in the past 5 years further shield them from the “primetime gay” label.  Bromance is technically defined as non-sexual relationship between two or more men of any orientation that are considered deeper than an average friendship.  Some believe that the “rise of the bromance is directly related to the diminishment of homophobia. It signals that young, straight men no longer desire to be trapped by older, conservative notions of masculinity.”
Second, Sam and Dean are metaphors for the America spirit, just like Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a metaphor for adolescent and young adulthood.  Western genre is uniquely American and Supernatural is a modern Western with horror to represent the darkness lurking under every person.  Western genre explores divergent viewpoints (usually between two characters traveling together), struggles against nature and self, and dealing with the quickly changing times.
Third, the Winchesters are societal and cultural views of the time.  America’s politics have become polarized between the liberal coastal elites (angels & demons & a demiurge god) and the working class (Dean) whose labor provides materials and food to the ungrateful coastal elites while protecting the middle class (Sam) who keeps the country from descending into a 3rd world. That’s how I see it anyways.   Remember kids, the poor and the working class are not anarchists, the rich are.  Look at Antifa, they’re mostly bored white kids from well-to-do families, they don’t want to change the world for the poor people, they want to change the world for themselves in order to move from a 2%-er to 1%-er.  Whenever most (rich) revolutionaries try to overturn the old order, they are usually met with fierce resistance by conservative peasants defending their faith and way of life.  Like how superheroes spend much of their time stopping villains from changing the world, Sam and Dean are always stopping monsters, angels, and demons from changing the world.  This makes stories of the superhero universes remain relatable in a way that “hard” science fiction like Star Trek or Lord of the Rings isn’t.
America loves stories about ordinary humans overcoming inner demons, tough souls living in the wild struggling to survive each day amidst predators to live for another day, and underdogs fighting for their freedom against bigger than life villains.  Good stories give people hope because it shows that anybody, even superheroes, can be broken too but they can get back up with a better version of themselves.
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supermanshield · 2 years
so this beckons this question. how long can Clark live up to under a yellow sun? can Kryptonians die under a yellow sun?
Hi, thank you for your question! This turned out really long and rambly, sorry!
Ok so i might have said literally 100,000 (and up to 1,000,000) years old in that previous post but it's a little more complicated than that. In this arc (action #385-387) he travels forward through the time-stream but unfortunately also ages the amount of years he travelled (and he can't travel back). So, technically he is not 100,000 years old but just looks as if he were. (still pretty good looking for a fossil Clark).
That being said, you might take this as confirmation that he could grow 1 million years old, or at least pre-crisis Superman. And without death by kryptonite of course.
There are also (pre-crisis) stories where he ages quicker though. And post-crisis Superman beyond he has some wrinkles and grey temples when Bruce is already an old ass man.
putting the rest under a read more because of length
Superman Beyond #0:
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Then there's Kingdom Come, in which he looks like this after 1000 years:
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And recently we've seen in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman that Clark becomes very old but not as old as Diana:
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Here, he dies fighting Darkseid in the sun. So he maybe could have lived longer... but the sun was also dying, so that will complicate things for him. I believe the Future State timeline said this was 80,000 years into the future. (I still haven't read future state: house of kent but i think he's pretty dilfy in that one too).
There's also DC one million which I haven't read yet but is very high on my to read list. To my understanding Clark becomes a golden, lighting, god or something in the 853rd century. My god that's another one. in All-star he meets himself from the future (though he doesn't realise), from the year 4500.
So you've got some different options: does he age a bit slower but still end up like an old man in about a thousand years, or barely age at all and easily make it to 100,000 years, or does he simply live as long as our sun is a yellow sun?
It doesn't really matter. The universe is so richt and Superma's story won't ever really end (at least I hope because I want more comics).
Personally, I like when Clark ages very slowly and lives long after all his loved ones have died because of the angst potential.
So yeah, fave is definitely when he ages slowly, grows old and just keeps helping people and humanity and has lived a life that he can be content with and can be proud of newer heroes that have stepped up to fill his shoes... and now i'm thinking of the ending of Invincible. Like if Superman's story ever ends it should be similar to that in terms of overall feeling, obviously not exactly the same because Lois won't age like he does. The ending of Invincible is why the phrase 'what will you have in 500 years, mark?' still makes me cry. It's just so satisfying when comics actually have an ending and like I said we won't really ever get that for Superman, but it's also why stories like whatever happened to the man of tomorrow are so popular I think. But if Clark's story ever ends I hope it's like Invincible's ending (so mostly like the Kingdom Come one I guess haha).
Anyway, what do you like in terms of Clark's aging process and ability to (not) live forever?
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hercleverboy · 3 years
the waiting room
spencer reid x fem!reader
summary ↠ the three times Y/N waited for spencer, and the one time he waited for her. (based off of this blurb)
category ↠ angst
warnings/includes ↠ mentions of death as a result of potential illness, spencer’s headaches, mri scans, swearing,  indefinite ending. 
word count ↠ 2.9k
dedicating this one to two of the literal loves of my life, @voidsfilm + @ellesgreenaway ♡
“What is stronger than the human heart, which shatters over and over and still lives.” — Rupi Kaur
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Spencer had always hated hospitals.
He found it so conflicting, how a place could hold so much hope for life and promise for the future, and yet also hold so much heartbreak and despair and agony.
The strong disinfectant smell wasn’t his favourite thing, either. He hated how the bright lights always irritated his eyes, and how the hallways all just looked the same, so bleak and lifeless.
Most of all, he hated the waiting room. 
The navy-blue carpet that lined the floors, wooden chairs that were always, without fail, extremely uncomfortable to sit in. The way that nurses and doctors would walk past the room, eyes full of pity and sorrow. With his job, he’d seen more waiting rooms than he would’ve liked. He spent more time than he wanted to in hospitals, talking to victims’ families, and even sometimes having to witness them receive such heartbreaking news. On one or two occasions, he’d even had to be the bearer of bad news himself, the one who had to tell expectant family that their loved one was gone. It only added to the list of reasons why he despised hospitals.
Then there was the other side of the coin. He took frequent trips to the hospital, but unfortunately more oftenly as a patient than an FBI agent. He wouldn’t say he was reckless, but he didn’t exactly put much value on his life. Or at least, he never used to. He figured it was because he was the only one on the team without a family to come home to, without people who were dependent on him. And so, if it came down to it, he would willing take off his Kevlar vest and put down his weapon while talking down a gun-wielding unsub. Of course, he’d get the third degree from Hotch later, but he could live with that. And then he met Y/N, and he realised that now he had someone counting on him, someone waiting for him to come back home to them, he couldn’t afford to be so careless in the field.
Though sometimes, despite Spencer’s best attempts, things still went wrong. Y/N had seen the inside of the hospital waiting room more than most, often because she’d get called by one of his team mates to alert her that he’d been injured in the field. And without him ever asking, she’d drop everything to be there for him, even if it was his own stupidity that had landed him in those situations. 
The first time was after he’d been shot in the knee. Y/N had been midway through her workday when she’d received a call from JJ telling her that Spencer had been injured. She knew that it was only a leg wound, that he would be absolutely fine, but that didn’t stop her from being worried. She’d been sat in the waiting room, waiting anxiously for a nurse to come by and update her. 
As soon as she got the all clear to see him, she’d breathed out a sigh of relief and made her way to his room,  catching his attention as soon as she entered.
He gave her a tight-lipped smile, grimacing slightly at the pain shooting through his leg. “Hi.” 
She chuckled at that, moving to stand at his bedside. “Hi baby, how are you feeling?” 
“I’m ok.” He smiled, reaching up to tightly grasp one of her hands in his. “You didn’t have to come all the way down here, you know.” 
“Oh, stop.” She mumbled with a smile. “You know how much I worry about you.” 
He grinned at that, the warm feeling that he always got when he was with her spreading through him. He used the grip he had on her hand to pull her down to him, so his lips could meet hers in a sweet kiss. “Hotch has demanded I take some time off to rest, or whatever.” He murmured against her lips. “So, I’m all yours.” 
“Hmm, and what you mean by that is that you need someone to take care of you at home for a few days?” 
“Well, I did get shot in the leg, you know. Taking down the bad guy...” He gestured to his bandaged-up knee, a pout on his pretty pink lips. 
She let out a laugh at that, amused. “Alright, Superman. Let’s get you home, shall we?” 
The next time Y/N found herself in the hospital waiting room was a year later, when Spencer had been suffering from painful, unexplainable headaches. 
Initially, Spencer hadn’t wanted her to attend his MRI scan appointment, but it didn’t take much convincing for her to assure him that she wanted to be there for him. He’d held her hand in a vice-like grip on the drive to the hospital, only letting go when the nurse called his name to tell him they were ready for him. She’d kissed the back of his hand before he’d left, a whispered promise leaving her lips before he went, “I’ll be right here waiting.”
She looked around the empty waiting room, took note of its greying walls and stained carpet, and how awfully uncomfortable the chairs were. She thought of anything and everything that could distract her from the way she was feeling at that moment- knowing how scared her boyfriend was that there was something was wrong with him. 
Spencer came back to the waiting room an hour later, both relieved to see that his girl was indeed still waiting for him but frustrated with what little the doctor had told him. 
“Hey!” Y/N sat up straighter, putting on a smile for the sake of her boyfriend. “How’d it go?” 
Spencer just shook his head. “He says there’s nothing physically wrong with me. He suggested I should consider that it’s something more mental, but he’s wrong- he’s wrong, Y/N.” He sat down in the chair next to her, seeking comfort in her arms as he whimpered into the crook of her neck. “I’m not- I’m not crazy, am I?” 
And the truth was, she didn’t know. She was so afraid for him, worried that he was sick, dying, perhaps of something that the doctors hadn’t detected yet. It terrified her. Her hands ran up and down the expanse of his back, attempting to soothe his weeps the best that she could. Spencer grabbed fistfuls of the back of her shirt and breathed in the scent of her hair as deeply as he could to try and ground himself.
“I’m scared, Y/N.” 
That broke her heart to hear, but all she could do was nod in understanding, hoping her words would offer him some form of comfort. “I know, I know. We’ll figure this out, ok? Everything is going to be alright.” 
The next time Y/N inside of a waiting room was on what she could only refer to as the worst night of her life.
There were no words that could encompass the plethora of emotions she went through when she’d received a phone call from JJ, “Spencer has been shot. It’s- It’s pretty bad, Y/N. You need to come quickly.” 
When she got to the waiting room, she saw JJ and Alex sat opposite one another, a worry that made Y/N’s stomach sink on both their faces. She hurried towards them, tears blurring her vision. “Have you had any updates? Is he ok?” 
JJ looked up, shaking her head sadly. 
“What happened?” Y/N asked, her voice wavering. 
“He got shot in the neck. He pushed me out of the way.” Alex sighed, as though she was still in disbelief that he’d done that to save her. 
Y/N stared ahead in shock, dropping down into the seat beside Alex. Of course, of course, Spencer would risk his life to protect Alex. Y/N knew how fond he was of his colleague, how he idolised her, saw her as a sort of mother figure, even. 
Eventually JJ got called back to work, with Alex insisting that she’d stay with Y/N and wait for Spencer to wake. 
Y/N was so sick and fucking tired of the waiting room. Before, she hadn’t minded it, it had even bought a sense of comfort to her- because she was in a hospital, where they saved lives. But now? The familiar walls and dull navy-blue carpet made her feel nauseous. Not knowing whether her boyfriend was going to live or die was incomparable to any other time she’d found herself waiting in the same four walls. She was feeling everything and nothing all at once, she wanted to cry and scream, curse the universe for once again hurting a man that had done nothing in his life but protect others. Hell, part of her even wanted to laugh- laugh at the absurdity of the situation. If he died, - god, if he died - the world would’ve robbed him of a lifetime with her, the chance to live the life that he deserved.
She barely registered that Alex had left her side to bring her a coffee until she sat back down beside her. Y/N looked over at her, giving her a small smile as she gratefully accepted the coffee. 
Y/N brought the cup to her lips, relishing in how the hot liquid brought her a sense of warmth, and she wondered if she’d ever feel Spencer’s warmth again. She sucked in a shaky breath, speaking the first words she’d said in all the hours they’d been waiting. “You know he wants kids?” 
Alex looked over at her, sad smile tugging at her lips. “I do.” 
Y/N nodded, sniffing. “He’d be a phenomenal father.” 
“He would.” 
Y/N let out a small cry, trying desperately to hold herself together. “What if I never get the chance to give him that, Alex?” She cried, body finally giving in to the painful ache that consumed her entire being. 
Alex placed an arm around her, allowing the younger woman to lean on her shoulder for support. “You’ll get the chance. Spencer is strong, he’ll pull through.”
And sure enough, Alex had been right. When Y/N had been told he was awake, she couldn’t describe the relief that flooded her. After meeting Penelope in the hallway and being given a much-needed hug, she took a few deep breaths before walking into Spencer’s room. When her eyes landed on him, she felt the tears start to well again. She had to remind herself that despite the bandage on his neck and the numerous machines hooked up to him, he was there, and he was alive. 
She came towards him with the best smile she could muster, and he looked up at her with a drowsy smile.
“Hi.” She whispered, standing beside his bed. 
He grinned up at her, reaching out for her hand just like he always did. “Hi.” 
She squeezed his hand gently, reminding herself again that he was ok, though she couldn’t prevent the tears that began to tremble down her cheeks. 
Spencer’s heart throbbed at the sight, and he allowed himself to imagine the pain she must’ve been through, having to wait for hours to see if he was alive. He wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially not the woman he loved more than anything else. “It’s alright, sweet girl. I’m alright.” He promised, wishing more than anything that he could pull her into his arms and soothe her, though the pain in his neck prevented him from doing so. 
“I could’ve lost you.” She whimpered, her other hand coming out to delicately trace the side of his face. 
“I’m right here.” He gave her hand three squeezes just to emphasise his point. 
She leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. “You can’t ever scare me like that again.” 
Spencer chuckled lowly, nodding. “Yes ma’am.” 
“Promise me?” 
And though it was a promise they both knew he couldn’t keep, he granted her the reassurance that she craved. 
“I promise.” 
Y/N knew that wasn’t the last time she’d be sat in the waiting room, scared and anxious and hoping that the love of her life was ok. She knew there would always be a ‘next time’, no matter how many self-serving promises she asked Spencer to make. What she didn’t plan for, was that the next time she saw the inside of a hospital, it would be her fighting for her life. 
It had been a slow day at work for Spencer, with him managing to complete a majority of his withstanding paperwork. He sat at his desk, focused on how he twirled his pen between his fingertips, willing the clock to move faster so he could go back home when his phone rang, Y/N’s name flashing across the screen. 
He answered eagerly, though all eagerness was wiped away when it wasn’t her voice on the other end of the line. 
“Hi there, I’m looking for a Dr Spencer Reid?” 
Spencer’s mind raced, and he swallowed thickly before squeaking out an answer. “That’s me.” 
“I’m calling on behalf of Y/N Y/L/N, you’re registered as her emergency contact.” 
“Is she ok?” He croaked out, begging and pleading internally that all the worst-case scenario’s running through his head wouldn’t come to fruition. 
“She was involved in a severe road collision. You’re going to want to come down here-”
Everything past that was drowned out by the sound of Spencer’s heart beating quicker, so loudly he could hear it. He hung up, gathering his things together as quickly as he could and rushing toward the doors of the bullpen- running directly into one Derek Morgan. 
“Woah, easy there, kid. You got somewhere to be?” He joked at first, but erased all hints of a smile from his face when he saw the tears filling the younger man’s eyes. “What’s going on? Talk to me.” 
Spencer couldn’t form a sentence, only managing to splutter out a few barely strung together words. “It’s Y/N, she’s- she’s been in an a-accident and I need, I have to get to her.” 
Morgan’s eyes widened, nodding in understanding. “Alright, ok. You’re in no condition to be driving, let me take you.” 
Spencer wasn’t about to argue, already making his way toward the elevator. 
Spencer had always hated hospitals. 
But he’d also decided that he really fucking hated the waiting room. 
The doctors didn’t have any updates for him, no matter how many times he asked. So, he’d been forced to sit in that damned room and wait. 
He thought of how cruel the concept of the waiting room was. Waiting for either good or bad news, waiting to hear the words that would either fill him with relief or dread, signify the start of his life or the end. How cruel was it that people had to sit and wait, with the weight of the world on their shoulders and just hope their loved one was ok? 
With the first hour brought Spencer’s upset, tears trembling down rosy cheeks and whimpered words of disbelief that he could lose the woman he loved. He’d sat in the uncomfortable blue chair with his head in his hands as sobs wrecked through his body, with Morgan sat next to him, a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
The second hour brought with it a slither of hope, as a doctor came out to update them. Though it wasn’t good nor bad news, just that Y/N was still in surgery and was expected to be so for the next few hours. Spencer had again buried his head in his hands, his thoughts racing. The rest of the team arrived, joining the sombre atmosphere of the waiting room. 
The third hour saw Spencer grow agitated, angry with himself for not being with her, for not protecting her, despite how many times the team attempted to reassure him that there was nothing he could’ve done differently. They brought him cups of coffee with gentle reassurances, empty promises that Y/N would be fine, that she would pull through, but how could they possibly know that? 
In the fourth hour, Spencer sat staring blankly at the wall. He reminded himself of the future he’d dreamt of time and time again, and how he couldn’t imagine himself having that life with anyone else but her. He recalled the location of the velvet purple box he’d bought just a few months prior, hidden amongst pairs of his mismatched socks in the second drawer of his nightstand. What if he never got the chance to propose? To give her the life that he’d promised her time and time again when it was 3am and he was holding the love his life as close to his chest as he could get her. After all he’d done, the years of his life he’d given to helping to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, this was the thanks he got? What a sick twist of fate that was. 
By the fifth hour, he was exhausted. His eyes drooped but he fought to keep them open, choosing to ignore the pitiful looks JJ shot him when she saw him fighting sleep. He would wait for her, just like all the times she had waited for him. He recognised how the way that he felt must’ve been how Y/N had felt after he’d been shot the year before, and the thought almost made him sick. He ran over all the possible outcomes in his head, allowing his eyes to close for a single moment as he mentally calculated the statistical probabilities of each outcome. He despised how helpless he felt. For a man whose job was to help others in need, he’d never been a position before where he didn’t have the answer, where he couldn’t come up with a solution. His heart ached as the realisation that he could very well lose her settled over him, the statistic he’d calculated of her survival being a number that was way too low for Spencer’s liking. 
For the moment, he had no choice but to wait. 
It was all he could do. 
permanent taglist: @beyonces-breastmilk​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ @thelovelyrose​ @averyhotchner​ @cynbx​ @calm-and-doctor​ @reidyoulikeabook​ @katexrichardson​ @jemimah-b99​ @muffin-cup​ @shadyladyperfection​ @rigatonireid​ @amoeebaa​ @mggsprettygirl​  @alltooreid​ @s1utformgg @awritingtree
spencer reid taglist: @reidtome
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