My Library
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Summary: its fun enlightening people isnt it?
Warnings : mentions of anal (surprise surprise) teasing, swearing, crack fic
A/N:just a funny little drabble based on banter and commeradery. Also i would 100% tease the fuck out of obi-wan i wanna make him blush so bad, and i know i could. I just know it!
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"Aren't you excited to get home and enjoy that four letter word?" Cody asked, excited to be heading home for a few weeks' leave. The others took that as a queue for a little guessing game, each offering their own four letter word. love?,Food? Beer?
"Anal?" Everyone paused nd snapped their heads to you. You forwned but kepts chewing your mouthfull of cookie slowly, flicking your gaze between the others.
"A-anal? Y/n? What the fuck? Your a jedi!" Cody broke the awkward silence with a yell, waving at you animatedly.
"Oh What like i cant be a jedi and like anal at the same time?" You said with a scoff rolling your eyes before taking another bite of your cookie.
"Well i? No? But.!?" He tried to find the words to argue his point but you cut him off.
"Exactly. Butts" you smirked pointing to him with a suggestive raise pf your eyebrows.
"Fucking hell!"
"This discussion is very inappropriate" obiwan called from his seat across the room. Desperately trying npt to massaged his temples as he felt another head ache coming. He knew you would rile the others up. You cpuldnt help it it was in your nature, not even being raised in the temple could get rid of your sadistic streak. And by force did they try to teach it out of you.
"Like youve never tried butt stuff?" You grunted at the older man with a light sneer. Not about to be judged by so eone who'd probably played more 'hide the salami' then you ever had.
But the jedi master held firm, trying to keep a stern gaze, but flushed. His eyes gave him away. No, he had never explored to that degree.
"Wait youve neve smashed a girls back doors in?" You pondered out loud unable to fathom the attractive man had never been given the chance to lay some back door pipe.
"Oh my god you havent? Well shit i thought he got it from you?" You exclaimed pointing a thumb in Anakins direction whoch ,and a few of the others chuckle. Anakin frowned for a second and made to ask what you meant, but obi-wan got there first with a sputtering yelp.
"I beg your pardon?! Who got what from me exactly?" Obiwans voice grew high. Offended by the insinuation. Yet still asked just to clarify he hadnt misheard you.
"Well, you know you got anakin when you were young, i gathered he got that cocky adventourous sheet freak vibe from you? But now Im geussing not?" You shrugged
"Wait i give off sheet freak vibes?" Anakin asked from the door, a little too excitedly if you do say so yourself.
"Err yeah.... did you not know that? Like half the temple thinks your a kinky son of a btich... and they think you got it from him" you explained whilst slowly pointing to obiwan, who despite blushing looked completly blindsided. And appalled.
"Jedi have fantasy fucks?"
"Im stil, surprised to find out you guys have sex? Like kriff! You live in an actual temple" You rolled your eyes as the guys spoke out loud, completely confused. It was like they belived jedi were a differe speices. Idiots.
"We're not fucking abstinent. We just dont form relationships. We are free to fuck all we want;i mean damn you can fuck without being lovers. So in other words yes. Jedi women have fantasy fucks. And most of the ones i know;which is a fair few are sort of split into two camps. Obi-wan and Anakin. Some are simps for windu too but err. No thanks i tryto avoid that particular locker room talk"
"Im a fantasy fuck? Thats pretty awsome actually." Anakin laughed puffing his chest with pride. You giggled at him nodding, pleased that he atleast found it amusing.
"Thats the spirit" you praised him with a beaming grin.
"Anakin, y/n can you both just shut up? Please I just? I didnt need to know this type of thing happened in the temple." Obi-wan huffed pinching his brow. Clearly he was getting fed up with the two of you and your laid back attitudes. Honestly why the hell the council had paired you two together in the same troop he will never know. You both brought out the worst in each other.
"To be honest obi-wan, you should be proud, i mean being a temple fantasy fuck is quite something. We are a religious bunch... maybe sacrilegious now?" You teased lightly trying to lighten him up with so e jokes. He really was a stuck in the mud. But then again that stern yet caring disposition was what had granted him the 'daddy' moniker. His reply was a stern grunt of your name, warning you to pack it in.
"What? Im Tying'na make you feel better. No one likes a sad obi-wan. Especially the ladies at the temple" you pouted glearing at him crossing your arms. But he held your gaze, raising a brow.
"Am i a fantasy fuck in the temple" the question came from cody, sitting beside you. You paused for a moment before pointing at him a little.
"You know what? I'll ask around and get back to you on that cody" the conversation seemed to stall their, much to the jedi masters relief. Anakin looked to obi-wan seeing him relax, thanking the stars anal was jot the topic of discussion now. He smirked, he couldnt have that now could he?
"Sooo anal?" He asked, turing his head to you suggestively smirking, before sending you a not so subtl wink. Obi-wan deapanned before ha ing his head. Muttering ' For fuck sake anakin' under his breath.
"In your dreams pretty boy" you uttered smirking back at him enjoying the little tit for tat, and the fact anakin was in a playful mood, whoch was rare nowadays.
"Ah your an obi-wan kind of girl, gotcha" he grinned crossing his arms and tipping back to lean on the wall.the others laughed and began hooting like a bunch of overgrown teens.
"Fuck you!" You cursed glowering at him playfully.
"I just tried, but you turned me down" he coundptered sending the clones into peals of laughter as your face turned red and yo tried to find some scathing reply.
"Anakin stop it!" Obi-wan chided half heartedly. He couldnt help it, deep down he did enjoy seeing the old playfull anakin rear his head. It was rare.
"Oh i think the feelings mutual. Lucky obi-wan y/n~" you flushed brighter and squeaked. The grin on obi-wan's face dropped and he began scolding him. But as usual it fell on deaf ears.
"Thats not fair! Jedi get the force, the sabers, and now anal?!" Cody cried raising his hands in a 'what the fuck' gesture. You threw your head back laughing at the list of jedi perks. Even anakin broke out into a thunderous laugh. Clearly the man had done the back door break in probably to avoid pregnancy; much like you if your honest.
"no one is getting anal; dont you dare give me that look y/n" obi-wan stated making the room break out into a chorus of groans. Yoh giggled though, your pout had caught iphis attention.
"Boring old fart" you snipped slumpjng back into your seat with a grunt.
"Hey! Watch it" he growled snapping his fingers whislt pojntjng at you.
"What ever you say daddy~" you laughed when his composure slipped and his cheeks glowed. You smirked at him. Gotcha! He rolled his eyes waving a hand at you before slipping away from the group with a sigh. By know youd thought he'd learn youd do anything to rile him up. Teasing was pretty much the only fun you got. Well untill you got so e leave and found a little fuck boy.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
A Selfish Sin
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Summary: in which after months of conditioning vaders obbsession with a little mustafar serving girl finally comes to an end. And the offer of a life time is made will you accept your new rile, or try to deny your masters lust.
Warnings : dark fic, manipulation, obsessive vader, non con?(she doesnt realise he's mind fucked her), mind games, conditioning, power dynamics, coercion, smut, grinding, dry humping, crispy vader, this is some twisted dark shit.
A/N: basically this came from the idea of vader using the force's mental ability to coerced a crush into loving him. Not that she'd notice her lord warping her mind.
Unbeta'd because im lazy and one notes spellcheck is shit.
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It was wrong. Completely wrong and unthinkable to most but he couldnt help it. He really couldnt. It was your fault, your soft skin delicate features. The expressive innocent eyes that stared at him with a doe like expression each and every day. The supple cherry red lips tinted from gloss that he shouldn't technically allow you to have; but oh how the delicate colour enhanced them as they curled around his name so respectful, so sweet. Parted and pouting naturally every time your spoke. Your curvaceous form though tall to the average man still remains full ,round and soft teasing him through your uniform, he'd have you standing at attention for him all day if he could. He craved seeing you, he wanted to adore you in the most depraved of ways. The naive little girl, and evil incarnate.
But most of all it was the way you waited on him. So iunafraid of him as opposed to the others, while most of the staff within his mustafar home avoided him like the plague, ducking into small coves in the wallsor hiding behind structural out crops, you did not. Instead flocked to him, everytime you saw him asking if there was anything you could do for him, anything he needed. Maker if only you knew the thouasnds of times he'd almost accosted you, the times he'd nearly taken advantage and dragged you towards him, locking the great doors of his halls to trap you with him.
He had fantasised about it many times, it was maddening. He'd pull you close, either by hand or the force. He'd be slow at first uttering a variation of 'there was something you can do for me little one' watching as your face lit up rosey cheeks and gasps caught in your throat. He'd tease you, toy with you peeling the layers of your uniform from you with delight, prolonging the his victory. You'd fight him at first, confused, unsure and embarrassed. Your resistance to being stripped bare is only the result of nerves and modesty that had been bred into you. He'd be sure to fuck it out of you soon enough, well for him, no other would ever see you in that sstate. If they did it'd be the last thing they ever state.
But the spft refusal would soon change as he explored you, your shy hands would ultimately drop their gaurd and lithe fingers would curl themselves into his cloak.
Thats when he'd strike, press you against the closest surface and truley enjoy you. Sate his lust, the lust youd rekindled after ten years of reprieve. It would be wild, ferocious and oh so satisfying. He'd rut and fuck you for hours, releaseing the frustration into your welcoming body. Youd be sore, bruised even but youd cry out for him as he plucked away the innocence that clung to you. He'd make you do the unthinkable,cruel and downright sickening things for him. Use you like a pricless whore. And when all said an done, and your body is forever stained with his cum? He'd drag you into another room and start all over again. Continue from room to room until there was a memory of your desperate pleading, echos of your rapture in every crevice in the fortress.
He hadnt pounced you, hadn't coiled around you and made a home between your thighs. Not yet. He had shown restraint, denying himself untill he truley deserved it. Untill he had a true victory to celebrate. But he couldnt abstain completely. In a way what he does is worse. But he doesnt care, its a kindess and cruelty. That's if you ever found out.
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He marched down the familiar halls heading deeper down into the oldest parts of the building. He had no fear of being seen down in the servants wing. He'd decreed everyone was to stay in their rooms from 8pm. The thing with his mustafar staff, was that their fear of him gave him complete obedience. That was a blessing, untill it came to you. With his sweet angel his dominance felt more like a curse, because he knew all he had to do was order you to sit astride him and ride, you would eithout much hesitation. But he wanted more then blind obedience, he wanted you to need him, crave and adore him. He wanted you to love him.
His steps lead him to the end of the corridor. Your room was on the left. He paused by the door, stretching out with the force feeling your own aura. Asleep, as always. But he knew you would be, his closest followers here made sure of it. The tablets were always meticulously hidden in your food, just enough to put you under. Just enough to keep you peacfully unaware of his visits.
Not that he did much. He'd not harm you, kriff no. He was just? Preparing you. Spending time with you to help you unconsciously relax around him. Sometimes meditating beside your sleeping form, watching your dreams or wandering into your mind learning more about you, seeing your memories. Other times he'd plant little seeds of thought and watch you grasp onto them and nurture them of your own accord. His efforts paid off, he'd coaxed you into a secret infatuation of him.
In waking hours you truley belived this was of your own making, that your longing wasnt carfully constructed by him. And you ventured a step further. You thought he didnt know, that he was unaware of your slowly growing feelings. It was cute, in a sickenignly naive innocent way. A tiny thing like you, so weak and pliant. Vulnerable, the fact you thought you could hide anything from him when you served him so closely was laughable.
He almost felt sorry for you, you had such a weak mind twisted so easily. But any guilt was quickly chased away with pride, the satisfaction of holding your own mind and emotions within the palm of his hands was thrilling. He could do anything he wanted with you, and youd thank him. It was dangerous, but rewarding. But nothing will ever compare to the moment he finally invades your body. There'd be no better feeling then finally having you mewling seated on his cock and clutching at him desperately as he fucked you into depravity.
You attended him so sweetly throught opyour waking hours, always at his beck and call. Delivering the sustenance packs he had to survive on, cleaning the great hall and his own personal rooms. He even allowed you to initiate the bacta cleasnsing protocols, simply because he wanted less people within his private chambers. Youd also begun tending to his droids and personal holo tablets and tables. Making sure the mundane maintenance was taken care of, that they were all fully working, charged and updated. Freeing him to tend to important business.
Occasionally his nightly visists would take a turn. When he felt you were stressed or deserving he'd ease in some... heated thoughts, before sitting back and watching. Theyd quickly become wild fantasies that had you mewling in your sleep. Sometimes if things got to much he'd have to pull away and tend to himself, fucking his fist as he listened to your pants and gently breathy moans, the way you shifted in the bed hands tensing reaching out for something to hold on to.
It was cruel. Feeding you his lust and locking you in the fantasy, leaving you unable to wake from the fevered dream's. He'd observe you carefully. The crease in your brow, light sweat leaving your face with an almost ethereal dewy complexion. The delicate arching of your hips as you desperately sought out the sexual release. Grinding in the bed trying to cum for him. The rise and fall of your chest was always a delight to watch, your breasts giving the slightest of jiggles with every sharp stuttered moan, each mound tipped with perfet pebbled buds. The way you kicked out in reflex wax also very cute, parting your thighs in your sleep lost in sweet deviant thoughts torn between fighting his lust and inviting it.
He'd only ever watched you. Only allowed himself the sight, sound and smell of you in those moments of wanton bliss. Keeping his hands firmly to himself. Atleast untill the fantasy passed and you settled down, slow deep breaths taking hold of you and exhaustion smothering you, usually with a light frown marring your face. You very rarely succumbed to your rapture. The dream not being enough to sate you, and throw you into ecstasy.
Between these erotic dreams and watching your memories he spoke to you, low comforting words. Recounting his day or reciting memories, future battle plans anything at all, all in an effort to subconsciously associate his voice, his aura his very exsistance with the unquenchable thrist and euphoric high of your sexual desire. He wanted you to only ever think of him, want him, dampen for him! He needed you to come alive at the sight of him! The distance sound of his boots on the gloss floor, the sound of his ventilator sending your body aflame.
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He wasnt entirely sure what the end game was. He just wanted you, that much he knew but it was a possessive sense. Dark, and selfish. He wanted to keep you as his doll. Something he could have beside him as a stress relief, someone to serve all of his needs, who he could twist into to always choosing him. Always needing him. He needed to be needed, worshipped. He wanted someone to covet his attention, not for personal gain or out of fear but just because they wanted him.
He wanted the control, to see the affect he had on you. And whilst all of the dark nefarious lust fueld obsession was good and all. He also enjoyed speaking freely to someone, a normal conversation even if it was one sided. He couldn't wait until he could sit with you like this when your fully awake. He can see it now, you talking away shyly to him, trying to cheer him up by telling him about your day; not that youd need to. If he has his way youd become his little shadow. Constantly behinde him all day everyday, following him around for his own amusment.
He wont have his doll on her hands and need scrubbing oil stains and blood. No. Youd be gifted books to read, or drawing materials to occupy yourself with through out the day. He might give you the odd task of polishing a piece of armour maybe even mending holes. His chest puffed up at the thought. Yes, he liked that. Your delicate hands tending to him in such a traditional way. But above all youd simply be there to entertain him with small talk and offer you feminine charms to distract him and break up his days. On demand of course.
But those scenarios were for another day, for now the only luxury he would allow himself at is a light pat to your head, a soft featherlight touch to your back as he pulled the tousled blankets over you again. Or if he was really desperates he'd ruffle your hair delicatly, lightly detangling the knots youd thrashed into them as you withered in the center of your bed crying out for him pitifully.
He took a seat beside you, not worried by how the bed dipped. You woudltn wake. The tablets were efficient, and kept you under their spell effectively. His heavy gaze roamed your form, he always felt an odd calm emitting from you. A gentle peacefull warmth that only grew, his mind ran wild as he continued basking in your presence. Growing until there was a rageing fire in his blood. The type of fire he'd thought was forever lost to him since being confined to his suit.
It was at that point he would casually begin to dip in and out of your consious. Peering into you in the most intimate of ways. He was always pleased knowing hee was he onlyone to see so much of you. It was the closest anyone had ccome to owning you. It made his excitement grow, tingling up his spine, his blood running hotter in his veins. He couldnt help it, you did so ethingmto him, awakened something he thought he'd lost a long time ago.
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You gasped jolting up on to your knees, the blankets quickly falling away from your shoulders. You eyes were wide heart thundering in your chest as one hand moves to press against it. The other raking through your damp hair. Something woke you, a primal sensation. Not quite fear but shock? Panic? You couldnt put a name to the feeling. It just felt ancient and instinctive. It rattled you to your core in the strangest sense.
Your not entierly sure what happened. You didnt have a bad dream, you just felt something. And it was strong enough to pull you from sleep. The hair on the back of you neck raised, skin prickling with goosebumps. You couldnt shake the unease.
You drew a deep breath shuddering at the slow release only to falter when your ears finally stopped ringing with the loud panicked thrumming of your pulse as your heart settled somwhat. What was?... no. It cant be? You thought, beliving you were just hearing things.
But a few seconds ticked by the hissing inhales fell into the rythm you knew all to well. Lord vader was here. You cursed looking around anxiously you eyes still trying to ajusted to the dark slower then youd have liked. Seeing this the sith raise his hand, a curt wave sent the force towards the tiny bedside light flicking it on.
Suddenly the room glowed a dim orange and your lords huge mass took shape, the blinking lights clear as day. You felt yourself shrink slightly completely unsure of what the purpose of this visit was? Your sure you hadnt done anything wrong, and even if you did lord vader wasnt known for such intimate setting for punishment or dismissing via saber. Infact he used such opportunities to make a show of his power, reasserting his dominance among the staff. Not that you ever forgot just who your master was. But he liked to make sure everyone remebered the command he had over you all. It ,ept everyone inline.
"Oh god; m-my lord?" You squeaked leaning to your side, bottom slipping from your feet to the matress, tilting away from the hulking figure you somehow missed. He moved lowering his hand that had waved in the direction of your lamp lighing it.
He turned himself towards you fully, silently assesing you before rising to his full hieght taking the three steps to your bed before seating himself on the edge. You swallowed dryly, attempting not to flinch as a hand ficked towards you, a gentle pressure coaxed you backwards into the center of the bed making more room for him. And there he remained, watching you his head tilted slightly.
Feeling his eyes run over you slowly prompted you to move tugging your blankets around you consiously, feeling more and more uncomfortable as the seconds passed. What did you do? Did you stand? Or remain still? And why was he here? Had you done something? Did he need somthing? Are you in trouble?
You stretched your legs, preparing to throw them over the blankets and stand, but the once gentle pressure returned. This time restircting you. It was like a huge weight had draped over your form holding you still in the center of your bed.
Okay. So that answered that. You were to remain seated and still. Fuck. You weren't sure if that was better or worse for you.
"Is everything okay sir?" You spoke ater a few moments of silence. You were accustomed to him. Used to interacting with him on an almost daily basis. You were comfortable even! But something here was off? A shift in the tone. He felt more? You couldnt descrube it. Stern? Intense? Determined? None of these yet all at the same time. It was thrilling, but your not completely sure if yoh were mistaking adrenaline with excitment. Or dare you say mistaking lust for excitment.
Oh stars was that it? Did he know of the thoughts you harboured? The fond feelings that had grown towards him. The lust, and longing. Fuck, it that were the case he's sure to be livid with you. Maybe he was here to end you. To choke you to death personally, to assure your demise.
"S-sir? Did you need something?" You tried again, fear creeping into your voice as your mind seemed to have decided on your fate already. You were almost resigning yourself to your death. Be ause surely he was here to deliver.
"Many things; though im unsure your truly ready pet" he spoke, breaking his silence with nothing less then a confusing mix of riddle and decree. Your breath hitched in your throat as your mind latched onto the name. Your chest swelling with a strangeness. Elation and trepidation. The rest of his statment was almost lost on you as you repeated the simple word. Pet, pet. Pet? An endearment or insult your didnt care. Eitherway it made you quiver.
"Ready? My lord if my performance has lacked in any way please allow me a chance to correct it, i wont disappoint i swear to try my best to fix it;" you began speaking evenly. Professionally and politly willing yourself to calm down. It'd do no good to let yourself fall prey to those kind of thoughts. You were here to serve, and you will not let your sinfull thoughts result in disappointing your master.
"Your perfomance exeeds all my expectations. You exceed my expectations, in every task i give you" he spoke softly, wel, as soft as his mask would allow. His gaze still resti g on you. Drinking in your facial exessions. You felt yourself shift slightly, hnsure if you were relived or disappointed that his gaze had not wandered lower. Were you not desirable? Did he not find you pleasing to look at?
You cast aside the thoughts. No, of course he wouldnt onjectify yoh like that. This was no weak man with little restraint. This was lord vader for kriff sake. He'd never allow himself to be so vile and lecherous. He may be a feared brutal sith lord. But not once had yyou heard of him stoing to such atrocious lows. He was not a depraved man that preys on the fairer sex. That was left to the generals.
"I'm.. im glad to hear that. Thank you my lord" you hesitated, unused to receivei g compliments. Especially from your lord. He was not one for pleasantries. Your reward and praise was keeping your position, and life.
"I'm sure i would be able to assist you in what you need sir. If youd like for me to assist that is?" You spoke up once more, slowly relaxing. Feeljng more confident that there was no problems. Perhaps he just needed something more from you. That he wanted to add another task to your rota and had forgotten to inform you this morning?
"Belive me there is no other i would consider for this task pet. But im uncertain of burdening you with such... duty" your brows pinched together at that. He sounded so cryptic? Sure sometimes he spoke in strange riddles, but he was also a straight talker, blunt and never really hide behinde riddles when appointing tasks. All his orders were very clear. And yet what ever new task he had in kind was almost causing him to shy away from the topic? It was very unusual.
Feeling your confusion he began to elaborate a little more. It almost sounded li,e he was unsure of himself. He was? Doubting his own request? Maybe? Perhaps not.
"The position is life changing, it might be premature to ask such things of you yet. Your heart may not be in the right place, you should not have woke. An oversight on my part. Perhaps youve grown immune" he trailed off, loosingnhimself in thought. Debating his own decisions. You frowned growing more unsure. He was not himself. Was this dangerous?
"Immune? Immune to what? Sir i dont? Did something happen?" You spoke before you could register how rude you may have sounded; insubordinat even. You gasped quickly covering your mouth shaking your head in instant regret. You made to apologise for your outburst but he had spoke first.
"Id rather you not question me sweet one. Id hate to think our trust is broken and your suspicious of me. Suspicion can arguably be considered disloyalty" he hummed, not accusatory but the words were firm enough to make his slight displeasure known. You trembled, whimpering under your breath. The mix of fear, guilt, and joy was enough to make you squirm. Another pet name, another soft tease from your pord, that set you ablaze. Did he even kmpw how much you were lapping up the delicate sweetness? The whispers of what could be? It made your eyes water as shame washed over you. How dare you long for him? How dare you lust for him, even with these gentle terms of endearment you could never be enough to please this godly man.
You shuddered to think of just what he'd do should he find out about your infatuation. He wou,d make and example of you for sure. Make you pay for such disrespectful thoughts. Youd hate that. Hate for him to think you were a whore, a deviant. Itd destroy you if he every saw you as anything but a devoted loyal servant of his.
"You wouldnt want me to belive your a disloyal little thing now would you?" He coaxed, leaning forward slightly, bringing his face close to yours. Close enough for you to see the glowing of his eyes staring at you from behonde the mask. He'd crossed an invisible line and entering your personal space. Something he'd never done before now. It made you quiver.
"I assure you my lord im loyal to you i swear it; id never ever wish to think me anything less then that. Please if i could find a way to prove to you" You pleaded desperatly, tears now slowly trailing down your face. The fear and pain of him beliving you would betray him cut sharper than and blade ever could.
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He shifted on the bed slightly, as if he were uncomfortable. The subtle movement almost tset you toppling forward as his weight jostled the matress. You yelped thwoing your hands out catching yourself quickly. Only to freeze when you realised youd captured his thigh. Accosting him! Fuck. You stuttered looking up at him wide eyed flushing brightly.
You scrabbled back muttering apologies but his hand snapped out, capturing your wrist, holding it to his thigh before pulling forward, and thn back making you pet the thick muscle. You squeaked embarassed but didnt dare pull away. Even after his hand left yours when you began rubbing of your own accord. Fuck this was torture. But he didnt let the odd contact intterupt the conversation.
"Not the empire? Now that is interesting" he teased, not that you realised he was toying with you. No whilst he shifted leaning back to give you metaphorical breathing room. His words drew you out of your embarassement and gasped beginning to try to correct your mistake.
"No! I-I mean yes sir. I am loyal to you;and the empire of course th-that goes without saying; im sorry" he tilted his head humming quietly as if pondering what to make of your stumbling apology. But he was grinning, he did enjoy seeing you so flustered. It was quite endearing seeing you accidentally renouce the empire in favour of him personally. He wouldnt want it any other way. You were his, and his alone.
"Thats to say? I swear I will do my absolute best to maintain any positions you see fit to allow me;" you continued still trying to dig yourself out of the hole you inadvertently landed yourself in. But you paused when he groaned. A low, hissing deep sound that was odd coming from him. Somthing youd never heard before, not once. It sent a shiver through you, it was definitely a sound youd revisit on your lonely nights.
"Do not tempt me pet. Even the strongest of men have their limits" he warned unable to drown out the loud, sensual thoughts that engulfed your mind. You clutched at his groan with both hands and desperately tried to lock it away. Far too eager to replay it in your mind the next time your fingers wandered. Fuck, he could see it! The way youd cry sweetly as your dainty fingers swirled and plucked at your clit.
And then the almost dissatisfaction when your small hands ventured lower, fingers exploring your depths in some fenzied sexual frustration. Yet he could see that it wasnt enough. Frustration crept in your own hands not bog enough to bring the fantasy to life. He felt smug, he was a large man and you new it. Your slight fingers werent thick enough, long enough or fast enough to endulge yourself. It would seem your sexual frustration was sweeter then he'd imagined. It'd only make his defiling of you much more euphoric. He will ruin you completely, drown you in a sea of ecstasy in ways youd never felt before.
It didnt help that your hand was still placed on his thigh, youd stopped moving, tried to remove it from himmand subtly pull your ha d to your own lap. But he hadnt allowed it, he commaneded a tendril of the force to hold your palm to him. He'd given in, enticed you to touch him and now you'd not retreat untill he decided to let you.
"Tempt? My lord im sorry i didnt mean to bait you. I just wanted to assure you of my loyalty; m-my willingness to do anything for you and the empire;" your excuses cut through the delicious thoughts that had enticed him images of you riding your sweet fingers longing for them to be his own.
"Anything you say? Youd do anything i ask? And thats not teasing me little one?" He uttered quietly. The voice more of a purr, an inviting unsettljng noise one that you werent sure was an entirely good thingnfor you. Afterall this was lord vader, and ilhe was an unpredictable powerful man with a mighty temper. He didnt stand fools, you were unsure if he now believed you foolish after your blunders.
"Teasing? My lord im sorry; i dont understand" your words faltered, you were at a loss. Did he not want your utter devotion? Was your unwavering obedience displeaseing? Did he want you to fight? Argue and challenge him? You knew some co,manders enjoyed the odd fight for dominance. But youd never thought your lord would be one for such futile games.
Your gaze droppeto your hand still pressed to him, slightly curled. In your embarassement and building panic youd clawed at him, digging your fingertips into the thick muscle. Your breath hitched and quickly you relaxed your trembling hand to rest delicatly on him. You squeezed your thghts together unconsciously.
Your mind was swaying to and fro. Caught in a storm of questions and answers. With the way your lord fought, and held such impossible physical strength youd almost belived him to be an android. A next generation mech that could control the force through some miraculous AI consciousness. But no. You could feel it, below your hand, squeezing the huge relaxed muscle. Flesh, flesh and blood. He truly was a man.
Your attention was pulled back to him with a jolt as his hand landed ontop of yours once more, casually directing it higher with a low chuckle. You yelped trying to pull back out of reflex but he was firm, letting your palm lingers inches from his codpjece. Youd never know but he was analysing you. Carfully monitering your reactions. The red tint to your cheeks glowed brighter, pulse fluttering erratically and lips parting, onyl to be bitten anxiously.
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His other leather clad hand rose to your face, the lightest feather touch sweeping on your cheek as his hand curled around your chin and squeezed gently puckering your lips into a soft pout. He groaned when your eyes watered fear and lust overwhelming you. He could almost smell it.
"Of course you dont, your far too naive. To oblivious to your own potency. Your innocence is like a drug pet. Your something to covet, addictive. You could lead people into obsession" the words had a sting to them, a mocking accusation. It was difficult to discern if her were angry or excited. He seemed to be on. Knife edge of something, you just couldnt tellwhat he intended. All you knew was he had a determination, he had fixated on something.
"Well...You already have." He uttered tilting his hand, pivoting it at the writs to press his thumb insistently at your lips. You whined, cheeks flushing as your mouth opened to him. Accepting the full lenght of his thumb into your mouth and suckled without a thought.
He grunted, his breaths fell out of rythm for the shortest of moments as your tongue pressed to the digit. Tasting the leather. You ahdnt meant to prod him as such, but you truly coudlnt ignore the temptation. He pressed down on your tongue making you encase the thumb, curling your tongue around it.
"You say youd do anything i wished, yet im unsure if you realise how dangerous that would be for such a small sweet thing like youself" he pondered outloud pulling back frommyour mouth before he snpped and pushed you down to your knees and scull fucked you into passing out. Fuck! He doesn't even think he'd be able to stop. He'd most likely suffocate you on his cock, drown you with his cum unable to refuse his need to finish. Rut your face like a beast.
The whine you made at the loss of his thumb in yohr mouth would have broken a lesser man. He huffed still debating if now was the time to ram himself down your throat or not. Insead of completely pulling away he wiped his saturated glove over your lips, smearing your spit across them.
"I-i dont think youd hurt me my lord... not without good reason, your not the irrational sort; your anger though frightening is justified. Should i end up injured im sure it will be my own doing"you stuttered, trying to form words around the mans hand petting your face as if trying to wipe away the sordid feeling of you suckling at his finger like a little whore.
His reaction was immediate. A his damp hand snapping to your throat and squeezed before pressing you back onto the bed. He was over you in seconds, one ha d beside your head, a knee between yours. His crotch pressed threateningly into your stomach.
You gasped, mewling at the sight. This wasnt happening. It couldnt be, it was to dream like. The way he held you still, controled you with a single hand and the his weight. The press of his codpiece agaisnt your soft tummy, imprinting the bulge. Light almost unnoticeable arches of his hips pressing his cock deeper gainst you, rocking against your body as if redy to hump it like a lust fueld animal.
"Kriff! Even after a warning you still play with fire. Its the threat of being burned not enough? Your so lost in your need to please me youd forgo all reason?" He seethed to himself feeling the threads of his resolve singed, buring and snapping as the heat of his own need roared to life.
He arched into you deeper, slowly dragging his full codpiece along your soft tummy. Sighing as he did. The first feel of your body pressed against his cock was heavenly. It wasnt long before he found a soft rythm pulling and pushing along you, useing you like the fuck toy your were destined to be.
"And you dont see the danger in that? Dont feel the fear? Stupid girl! Tell me what if i told you i wanted you? No more, no less. That i want to reduce you to nothing more then my personal whore! A toy? A doll slave that will survive only to please me, your whole life becoming nothing but constantly being at my beck and call. Fucked and defiled at a moments notice!" You mewled panting, arching up to him, chaseing his gyrating hips. It sounded perfect! You wanted it, wanted to be his doll!
You couldnt form words, just odd desperat breathless cries. Trying to curl you hips high enough to grind your needy slit on him. You whined as he didnt let you. Always one to be incontrol he shifted, not letting you hump him into your own frenzy. No. He was going to make you work for it. Force your cooperation, make you swear yourself to him and only him whislt he could stillpretend you were lucid enough to make that decision. And then when you finally fell to him, when you gave yourself to him fully aware of the consequences he'd fuck you. Ruin you once and for all after he had made your new position completely clear. Because there would be no backing out, no second guessing. And no escape once you pledged yourself to him.
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"This is the new position you seem so desperate for. Would you be so eager to tie yourself to me in such unbreakable bonds that you will never know whether your thoughts, dreams and desires are your own? so needy, so willing if told you of the isolation id subject you to?" His words fell from his lips, he refused to stop. Refused to pretend to be civil and act as though he wasnt a beast of a man. A predator excited to sink into your pure supple flesh. He needed it, and unquenchable thirst that had haunted him since you entered his halls.
"I want nothing more then to keep you secluded and locked away within my own rooms, never to see the light of day again;" his word took on a snarl, a possessive rage that melded into a moan as his hips rutted against you faster. Spurred on by your own whines and airy breathless moans. You arched into him, at this point not even seeking out your own end. You simply wanted to please him, to serve him as some sort of inanimate object for him to grind on. To hear him as he found his own ecstasy.
"Or drag you out and put you on display when the mood strikes. My sweet naive angel, i want to clip those wings of yours and force you to my side permanently, parade you around my home and fleet for my own twisted pleasure" his words were harsh, but his breathing was harsher. The ventilator was uneven, shorter and more pronounced intakes accompanied by almost non existant moans and grunts. His hips sped up arching almost viole tly into you, rocki gnyour on the mattress below.
"I want you beyond anything you could ever comprehend. I want to own you in the most vile depraved ways anyone could own another being." You whined, pleading wordlessly whislt tensting your stomach as you withered below him. Despite not finding your own relief, your pussy was throbbing on its own. Clenching itself into a frenzy as he vocalised his pleasure.
He monaed louder, swearing as he ran himslef over your tensed stomach. The hand beside your head laced itself into your hair, curling tightly around the locks before pulling. Pinning you to the bed. He released your throat to wander across your chest instead.
He tilted his head down drinking in the sight. Red face, eyes weeping for him. Delicate tears rolling down into your hair. Mouth open swpewing silent pleas. Begging him for more without ever uttering those desperate words. You arched, twisting yourself as if to escape him, yet he knew better. It wasnt him that had you so worked up and shy. It was the lust. The sexual desire and overwhelming need he'd ignited in you without actual touching your weeping cunt.
"What if i told you you had no choice, that its already begun. That you'll be my fuck toy, my pet, my doll and there was nothing you could do to fight it" he urged letting his words, his voice; the very voice he'd been training you to shudder to in your slumber. It was undoing you, tearing you down i to a sordid little harlot.
He pinched your hardened nipple tightly, drawing a yelp from you. A sweet high sound that was lost somewhere between pain and pleasure. He twisted pulling lightly before releasing and then plucked at it. Flicking back and forth before pjnching once more. Forcing the blood to race back and forth to the tiny defenceless bud in an effort to build you up. To push you farther into your erotic lust fueled daze.
"Tell me. Would you still be so eager to give me anything, if i told you of the ways i want to fuck you, mount you like a beast and force you to squeal and shout until your throat is raw. I know your heart, it aches for your lord. It calls me, beckons me here into this room" his voice dropped low and he stilled for a moment. Halting his powerfull hips and held them against you. Humming, scoffing as you used your feet to try and rock against him. So desperate to make him cum. To please him. He grinned below his mask.
"Calling, crying, pleading for me to come and find you. Your dreams entice me. There own sweet seduction drawing me closer and closer. The promise of rapture is too hard to bare some nights." He explained thoughtfully, decoding it'd be in his best intrest to share some of his secrects with you. Hopefully it'd take away any silly ideas of sha,e and secrecy from you. If you realized he already knew of your fantasies youd be less likely to deny him. Your embarassement wouldnt send you in the opposite direction.
"So i haunt the halls, drifting to you like a phantom. Unable to resist the sirens call. And i sit and watch, waiting. Waiting so patiently for the day my resolve snaps and i finally capture you. Wrapping you so tightly in your sheets you cannot move.And then once your trapped inside my own chamber i stike" he added echoing the thoughts he'd held so close. The reality of it all, and then his voice fpgrew darker once more. Low and thick as if he were reciting darkened lustfull forbidden incantations.
"I take and take and take, over and over untill my obsession has been saited and you are little more then an exhausted mewling, weeping, drooling mess of a woman tangled in the sheets. But i wont let you up. No, no. Once, twice, five, ten, one hundred times of fucking you wont be enough. No. Once ive lain witn you, there will be no other. No remorse, no mercy and no escape" his words painted divine pictures of rapture. Debauchrous promises, your ,ind conjured every scene in every dark sexual fantasy and novella youd ever read. It was perfectly twisted. The thought of him; your dark lord falling into the depths of such sordid love making with you sent your mind realing. It was almost too much for you to handle.
"So tell me. Do you still want to give me anything i desire?" He uttered now letting you choose. Poseing the all important question. Would you have him? Agree to be his and accept him and all of his vile depravity?
He finally relented, relaxing his hand and switch from fisting his fingers in your hair to lightly petting it, dragging his fingers through the tresses soothingly. Almost in adoration, as if he had to be gentle, despite his threats of fucking and mounting you like some unfavourable whore. He was giving you the chance to speak, to decide.
"I-i am here to serve. I am happy to assist my lord in any way i can" you warbled, your tongue felt like mush. Your thoughts muddled after such a strange yet pleasant encounter with your lord. You felt it though, the longing. A deep greed, gluttony even. You wanted more, this was a sweet taste to wet your appetite but it was jot enough. You wanted the feast, the full five stars the entire experience.
Nothing, nothing would deter you, not the threats of humiliation, degradation or rough callous words and desperate love making. If antything it ,ade you long for him even more. He was brutal, powerfull and perfect! He was everythingnyoh wanted him to be and more! You loved it, loved him. You needed him.
"Very well. Just remember pet, i gave you a choice. This is your doing.first i will steal that innonece from you on yohr own sheets; then you will drench my own" His pleased hiss was little more the. Triumphant gloating, his inched his hands dow. Once more, the lithe leathed clad Fingers clawed across you, donw further and further, closer to your molten wanting heat. Your legs fell open wider i. Anticipation. Tonight will be the beginning of your new subservience and you couldnt be happier.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Needed spanking headcannon
Prompt: what happens if your too shy to ask starwars daddies for a spanking.
Warnings: ddlg, spanking, bratting? Fluff, mindless self indulgent headcannon, kink
Characters: Obi-wan, Anakin, vader
A/n: i seperate Anakin and vader as two different people because i do think after the whole mustafar bbq his outlook and behaviour changes. Also it makes me sad thinking of poor sweet little anakin being trapped in the suit 🥺🥺
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Omg this man makes it so difficult! He seems oblivious to your hints.
When you begin getting antsy and stressed he would be the most supportive daddy.
Back rubs, hugs, bubble baths even you favorite foods!
Which made it so hard to ask him for more, you always felt guilty because he did so much for you already. You didnt want to seem ungratefull.
And acting up was out of the question, because this man was just too attentive!
Unfortunately it meant you had to suck it up and endure the embarrassment of trying to ask to be tipped over his knee. Ugh.
He'd sense you had something to ask him and would call you over, coaxing you to stand before him as he toom a seat.
"Now why dont you tell me whats on your mind?"
"I just... i wanted to ask if i could err" youd stutter shrinking into yourself before looking away far too ashamed to need anything more from him when he is so perfect.
"If you could what darling? What do you need love?" His gentle coaxing would always be coupled with a slight furrow to his brow and soft soothing strokes of his palms.
You clammed up and bit your lip. You couldnt voice it. You just couldnt.
So instead you took initiative and managed to push his arms away from his lap and the clambered onto it, slumping over his knee before turning to look at him and nod behinde you with a mewl.
At first he was a little confused but quickly caught up when you tugged his hand to your bottom and gave a little wriggle.
He'd chuckle before "oh i see, you want a little more hands on attention hmm? Okay darling i understand now"
Obi-wan was a slow spanker, be built himself up to speed once your 'warmed up'
He was well aware that half of the punishment was the embarrassment of being tipped over someone knee bare assed. The lack of control was also a factor.
And this was no exception after a few love taps. He'd rid you of your bottoms before continueing with his task.
With the practiced ease that had come from raising the most difficult of padawans.
He'd be attentive but stern, in his own caring way of course. Everything he did was with careful consideration.
Once satisfied he'd forced you to weep away your stress he'd relent.
Slowly rubbing circles into your heated cheeks and then scoop you into his arms and hold you close.
Afterward you were settled in his embrace youd be showered with praise and kisses.
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So asking for a spanking from anakin? Well it was actually pretty rare to get the the point of asking.
Most of the time he'd realise what you needed before you did, because lets face it daddy anakin took his job seriously and would 100% peak into your mind regularly to make sure you were okay and not hiding anything from him because absolutely not.
And even if he didnt it didnt matter much as spanking was usually part of your foreplay.
I mean anakin has a high sex drive so you wont go without for long.
But on the rare occasion he did get caught up in his missions and responsibilities it'd be you blurting it out in the heat of the moment.
"Are you trying to piss me off? Honestly what has gotten into you? Your being a little brat" He finally snapped at you training his eyes on you.
"Nothing!" You growled back at him. Frustrated with yourself for not being confident enough to voice your needs.
It was so rare to have to tell him what you want, you just couldnt bring yourself to ask him nicely.
"Nothing? You expect me to belive that little one? Youve been in a foul mood all day" the stern words made you angrier. You felt ashamed of yourself, he didnt deserve your bad mood.
So you did what you always did and projected, shouting back at him "No i havent! Youve been in a bad mood!"
"Hey do not take that tone with me"
"Or else what?"
"Or else you'll end up with a sore ass" he smirked, raising a brow expecting you to back down.
What he did not expect was the way you burst, throwing your hands up in the air and yelled "Hallelujah! And here i thought i was going to have to spell it out for you!"
"wait? Are you behaving like this because you need a spanking?"
You both stared at one another for a few momwnts of silence.
Queue you suddenly bursting into tears nodding whilst feeling physically sick to your stomach with guilt. You hated being like this.
Anakins gaze softened as he realised youd been acting up because you were terrible at asking for what you needed. You hated asking for anything, just like him.
"Oh little one. If you needed a spanking you should have just said so not try to antgonize me." He uttered quickly collecting you into his arms.
"Come on, come here lets get you all sorted out"
He wouldnt stall, quickly getting started as soon as he had you settled over his lap, half sprawled out on the bed.
He wouldnt speak, apart from a few tuts, and instructions to keep your feet down, or stop squirming.
And you would, squirm that is. Anakin was thorough, heating your backside quickly with little effort.
There'd be no end, not until you gave in.
There was a difference between your self pitty fuled sobs and your 'release' sobs. And your daddy knew the difference.
Afterwards would be all hushed whispers, reassurance and cuddles.
Anakin was always one to coddle you after spankings, even when you were really introuble and had a ti,e out afterwards he'd always take some time to just hold you.
More often than not youd end up napping with him.
He'd lay in bed with you quietly, just enjoying your company untill you drifted to sleep.
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Asking for a spanking from vader is surprisingly easy. Because you dont even need to ask him.
All you had to do was be a little difficult. It could be as subtle as growling back at him and pushing him away when he tries to coddle you.
Stomping your feet at him, or just outright refusing to do as your told with a simple yet firm 'no'
He didnt have the time to play the brat tamer role and you knew that and had agreed.
So you were normally a well behaved good little doing what he said when he said.
So if you refused or acted out, it was one of 3 reasons. 1. Your sick 2. Your on your period and moody or 3. You needed a spanking but were too shy to ask him out right.
Toady was a 'no!' With a foot stomp day. Vader had been tryingnto usher you to the commnd shuttle. For a trip to fortesss inquisitorous.
You did tnit want to go, you hated the inquisitors, they often made fun of you when your daddy wasnt there beside you. Especially when vader had a few of them put on 'baby sitting duty'
Normally youd just go along with him though. But today you didnt want to be left alone with them. You wanted him! You wanted to spend time with vader.
You didnt get that often, now that thered been sightings of obi-wan! It had been causing you some really big feelings. Jealousy, anger, sadness. But most of all you were stressed and lonely.
You needed some reassurance and attention.
"What was that little one?" the question would be slow and decisive, accompanied with the crossing of his arms.
"No" You reiterated, crossing your own arms, mimicing him, whislt also being an odd selfsoothing and defensive gesture.
He'd pause for a moment analysing you.
His mask has built in medical observation sensors so if you were sick he'd know and he'd definitely know if you were on your period afterall it was his job to look after you.
Once realising you were being obstinate because you needed more from him he'd tilt his head at you silently, waiting for an apology.
It was a last chance. Giving you one final chance to back out.
If he didnt get one he took that as confirmation you needed some extra attention; and you bothknew that extra attention was a butt busting.
Would he inform you of whats coming? No. No he wouldn't.
He'd capture you quickly without a word before baring your back side and getting right down to business.
He wont stop untill he felt you were truly ready. And sorry, because disobedience is not tolorated at all.
You could cry and wail but no. He will persevere untill he felt you truly succumb to his chastisement.
Sure he was carful not to do any real harm considering his prosthetics. But that didnt mean you weren't spanked to tears.
He wouldnt berate you, or scold you as he reddened your ass. No that was for when youd truley done something to grate him.
Afterwards he'd let you stay on his lap for how ever long you wanted.
secretly he enjoyed the closeness, it wasnt pften he could feel you against him; not his prosthetics. So having you laid over his thighs was somewhat of a treat for him. And he is in no rush to end it.
you'd melt under the slow circles he'd rub on your back almost drifting off to sleep.
He'd only speak up when you sit up and face him "Are you feeling better now?"
You wouldnt make a sound, simply nod to him, pawing at your eyes trying to fend off another wave of guilty tears.
"Im glad, we can move forward now little one." He'd always take a moment to let you know it was over. He wasnt angry, your werent in trouble anymore it was done. He had realised early on to reassure you as much as possible. His mask made it difficult for you to read him.
"im sorry i was bad..." youd sniffle quietly still embarrassed by the whole ordeal.
"Dont be. We all have needs to be met. Now come along, panties back on and then shoes. We still have to leave" and that was that, the spanking forgotten youd be quickly ushered to continue with the day. Though he did usually keep you closer then necessary for the rest of the day because youd be needy.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Vader kink headcannon
My thoughts on vader and his kinks. They might surprise you?
Warnings: kink talk, smut talk
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The fact he can do anything to his lover just gets him going. After living such a restrictive life having the freedom to release his frustration in such a way made his blood sing!
His partner being unable to overcome him despite the restrictions of his suit makes him feel alive. It feeds his ego. And to be honest it does give him a litttle boost. He struggles to accept himself now, he sees himself as this crippled monster unworthy of anything good or pleasurable.
Fear is a turn on for him. He doesnt want you terrified but a spike of primal fear is a delicious treat. He can practically smell it and it smells divine.
Speaking of primal did someone say Primal kink? this man enjoys the hunt, he is a predator and his partner is prey. plain and simple.
Yes he will chase you across the ship. And no you wont have any say in the matter. Theres no discussion, no bartering. He will approch you at any given time and utter 'run' and you know what?
You fucking run. Because its darth vader, and he is not playing around.
He is kind enough to give you a headstart though. He'll remain for a few moments before giving in to the hunt and begin the pursuit.
Its not just the chase that has him excited though, its the thrill of the capture.
He uses his immense strength to manhandle your and he isnt apologising for it.
He never holds back, not when you give in to your delicious fear and panic, clawing at him to try and free yourself, its delicious.
Has he accidentally broken your wrist whislt capturing and pinning you down? Yes. Does he regret it? No. It comes with the territory.
Though he did make sure you worked along side him when you were recovering.
And he did keep you supplied with more then your fair share of pain medication.
Tears. He loves seeing you cry, whats the point in fucking you if he isnt reducing you to tears?
He craves seeing the sweet droplets decorating his armour weave. Theres a beauty in the sweet release of your tears.
Choking is a double edged sword for him, on the one hand he does enjoy the shades of red and purple you turn. The way your moans become strained and the desperate scratching at his hands, pitiful tiny fists pounding at him as you panic.
It all blends together, feeding into the slight size kink he has. And obviously the power dynamics on the relationship.
But he also finds himself becoming somewhat disturbed when actually ending the life of some useless officer. Because it stirs something in him, not quite arousal. But? He finds himself compareing the noises, the gasps and mewls.
And that is what arouses him, when the sounds of your own whimpering breathless moans echo inside his mind. Igniting his desire. And he cant ignore it
Afterwards he always needs to hunt down his little fuck toy and enjoy himself.
A leather kink is a strange one for him; it was unexpected he hates his suit. Loathes it.
But the way the leather glistened with you cum and tears always gave him a wicked smile. Evidence of your rapture was always something he craved.
Not that he never left marks on you, because he did. But staining his suit with your scent was something he looked forward to.
Titles. Fuck yes. He craves the way you beg him so sweetly, calling him your lord and master.
Basically anything that acknowledges him as your superior drives him wild.
He is just? Beastly, possesive and raw. Hexd spent too long being contained. He is just so unapologetically brutal when fucking.
He is possesive to a fault and loves sending you to work with his cum leaking from you. The thought of you having to work along side all those other lesser males smothered in his cum leaves him satisfied.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Anakin kink headcannon
Here is my veiw on Anakin's kinks. This one was fun. He is a sick little puppy, i love him so much 🥲🥲
Warnings: smut takl, kink talk (tried to make this more gender neutral please tell me if i failed miserably)
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Anakin is a precious boi. Confusing. But precious.
It takes alot to fully understand anakin as a parnter. Sure he is cocky, playfull protective and pretty scary when his temper is aroused.
But in the bed room he is pretty needy and sweet, oh so easy to break.
If we are honest he becomes a feral little whore.
Mommy/daddy kink. Thats it. Thats the elephant in the room. Despite being the chosen hero without fear he is desperate to find that one partner who will let him be the apple of their eye.
And who also takes care of him, and is stern enough to stop him from thinking too hard. He needs to have the weight lifted from his shoulders sometimes? You know?
Needs to be needed. In all aspects of life he lives to serve, he needs to be wanted and appreciated. Rewarded even.
Definitely a chest man, whether his partner is male or femal theres something about titties.
He isnt even too sure himself. He loves to lay on them, snuggling up into your chest leaving kisses on them listening to your heartbeat below.
Yes, he is a sucker for titties and sucks the titties more often than not.
To rial him up all you gotta do is show some chest and give him a stern look and he is ready freddy!
Praise kink for days! DAYS! Tell him he's a good boy and 'making mommy/daddy so proud' and he will be putty in your hands.
Also filthy. He has a knack for lacing his pleading with dirty talk. Like the nastiest shit
Some of which even makes you blush. He wants to be your filthy little whore, to have his hair pulled and face slapped. 'Use me' is on of his favourite things to moan in your ear. And obviously you ablige itxd be rude not to~
He has asked to be spat on.
But its not all scratces and sobbing, oh no he also enjoys the way you litter his face with sweet kisses and shower him with affection afterwards.
The chosen one is obsessed with making his partner cum, he lives for it! The need to please and receive his partners approval drives him.
But sometimes he is a little too eager. There has been times where he tries so hard to be the bestest boy and forces you across the finish line one time too many.
Youd be laying their in a daze tasting colours after being forced into multiple orgasms;during which you were unable to speak to order him to stop.
He'd become the most attentive he's ever been, scurrying about the room collecting anything and everything he could think of to help you relax. Juice, datapad, blankets pillows.
Fuck he'd even fetch some body lotion and start trying to coax you into having a massage from him.
He will do anything and everything because he is just that type of partner.
He has and ingrained need to earn approval and praise from everyone he holds dear to him, and if you start feeding that need in the bed room? Well congratulations you just earned yourself a jedi general for the forseeable future.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Obi-wan Kink Headcannon
A small look into what i think would be obiwans kinks would be.
These are just some quick writing exercises for myself so i can take a little break from my fics. Anyway hope you enjoy 😉
Warnings: obviously smut/kink talk
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So sum up obiwan in one word? Repressed. My god the poor man is so repressed when it comes to sex.
A life time of being a well put together perfect jedi with perfect morals has taken its toll.
His late teens early twenties were spent raising anakin. So the man couldnt explore like other jedi his age.
He placed so much pressure on himself that when the time came to finally explore; and anakin was no longer attached to his hip he couldnt let go!
He struggled to give into his lust at first and was actually quite the shy submissive little bean.
He had sought you out quietly, confessing his attraction before revealing he was interested in doing 'stuff' if you wanted to.
To say your jaw went slack was an understatment. You were not what you thought hexd be i to. Loud boisterous and well known for being shall we say adventourous?
Youd been known to have fun. Lets just you didnt shy away from physical relationships. Yolo?
But when obi-wan had approached you, you felt like all your name days had come at once.
Naturally you jumped at the chance, dropping every single plan you had that day and run off with him. Because fuck, this was THE obi-wan.
You quickly found he was not the confident jedi master you had come to know when he was in the bedroom.
He was very very anxious of his reactions trying to keep himself in control. Bless him 🥲
At first he was always whimpering quiet 'no's' as you toyed with him trying to deny himself the most basic of pleasures; like being stuffed down the back of your throat.
It was so sweet, watching him fight with himself, trying to hold back whilst unable to stop his hips from snapping forward. The body was willing, but the jedi was stubborn.
He fought you every step of the way, bending and buckleing as you chipped away at his restraint with vulgar demands and condescending coos about his pitiful whimpers.
Oh yeah he also has a degradation kink. He wanted you to ruin him.
The dark teasing and wicked words brought the jedi master to his knees.
But good god when he finaly embraced his end? Fuck it's beautiful.
He is loud. Like really loud, which is funny becase the man tries so hard to be a quite little church mouse.
He is a masochist. He likes pain. And each time he endulges himself he gets more and more filthy.
It actually frightens you somewhat because his tolerance is high. Higher then your comfortable with if your honest.
Its no real surprise when he comes out as a switch. He does enjoy exercising his dominance.
A switch with big dick energy. (And an actual big dick)
One day you didnt quite push him far enough. He is always one to test his limit. And youd felt hesitant worried of taking things to far with a few of the toys you had.
He'd demanded more strikes, he wanted marks. Welts!
Youd refused beliving he was lost in the pleasure of it all.
That was it, the day you held back he pounced, snapping and turning the tables rather quickly.
You know what they say? Reap what you sow. And by god did you. Youd created a monster.
The man was a fucking menace. An insaitable sadist of the highest calibre.
But he never hurt you, no inflicting pain was not his thing. But pleasure? That was a different story.
He was addicted to watching you unraveled. There was so ething about have you at hos mercy that changed his sex drive. It sent him wild.
And he knew how to use its sharp sting of pleasure to torment you.
He would edge you for hours, teasing and tormenting you to an almost inhumane level for the fun of it.
More. He always needed more, more cum, more tears, more begging and hoarse shouts from you.
He quickly found he much preferred to be on top. He enjoyed being able to release himself in such a way.
He would fuck you like his life depended on it. Railing you, hissing sinister vulgar thoughts any darkness that dwelled within him smothered you in your many sexual encounters.
You somehow ended up becoming his own type of sex therapy; not that you minded, the man was a quick learner.
And then he had the absolute audacity to be the perfect sweet gentleman afterwards.
Offering you tea and a bloody sandwich whist your trying to rememebr how to breath.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
A Stuffy Called Geb Chapter 1
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Summary: It was your turn to help train Matt , and as usual the kylo fanatic was quick to bring up the magnificent supre leader, who you actuallyheld in high regard yourself. Bonding ensues, but you might have gotten a little too comfortable with Matt and over shared some personal embarrassing details about yourself. But it could be worse? I mean it wasnt like the leader of the first order was going to find out or anything... Right?
Warnings : DDLG, Age play, Anxiety, fluff, homour, swearing, closet little trying to make a friend.
A/N: so i cant get the idea of daddydom!kylo finding a little hidden within his ranks. I love ddlg dynamics and really do think kylo has a soft nurturing side thag in canon he hates. But what if he had an outlet? One single person he could fawn over to get it out of his system so he can be a hard ass on everyone else?
Wordcount: fairly short for me.
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You entered the break room, cautiously crossing the space making sure to wav out of everyones way lest you become the butt of another joke. You managed to arrive at your destination; the caf pot. You moved quickly grabbing a fresh cup silently praying there was some actual caf left on the pot, and that it was still warm. Luck had to be on your side as the pot poured hot fresh caf into you cup.
"Oh thank the stars for that" you muttered before moving to place the pot back down. Only to pause when another cup emerged from behinde you. You yelped slightly, not hearing anyone creep up beside you, and nervously turned hoping it wasnt one of the bullies you unfortunately had to work with. But you were pleasantly surprized. Instead of a Jake or his little posse of ass kissers and assholes there stood the tall handsome yet clumsy newbie called Matt.
You flicked your gaze up faltering slightly. You drew a deep breath. Oh yeah you had Matt with you today. Not that you minded, you just werent the most social. But then again years of torment and bullying by your peers would do that to you. You calmed yourself somewhat and craned your head up higher and higher realising once again just how over whelmingly big he was. He was huge, in every aspect. You smiled up at him trying desperately not to screw up a chance to possibly make a freind.
"M-morning Matt. Caf?" You offered whilst busying yourself popping three sugars into your caf and stirring. Matt eyed you carefully before nodding quietly.
"Morning, yes caf please." he answered in his usuall awkward yet slightly demanding tone. But his eyes locked onto you, staring at you intently, a slight quirk to his brow. You smiled anxiously youd worked with Matt only once and that was when youd found him abandoned by karen in the corridor and decided to help him fix the little blunder he'd made on the calcinator.
"So i dont know if youve been told already, but today your with me" you anounced quickly pouring out a cup for him and handed it over trying to ignore anxiety building inside of you. You really didnt want to mess up and have another colleague laughing at you behinde your back. You had to act normal. Just be calm and normal.
"Oh good, i want to avoid Karen" he added following you away from the caf pot to let the others get to it. You flicked your gaze around noticing the others were sending you side eyes and smirking at you. Clearly they were waiting for you to make a fool of yourself as usual.
"We all do. Shes err, difficult. Well we dont have much for today but you sir are a lucky duck~ we are working in the rear star destroyer dock today and the finaliser is finally scheduled to dock there. Isnt that cool? Were gonna see her come in" you babbled nerves getting the better of you. He always made you nervous, he wasnt like he seemed? He had a strange aura. Powerful, stern, authoritative. He felt like a; no. No way. There was no way Matt was one of those. But god he was definitely huge enough to make you feel little. Fuck. That was a dangerous thought, now all your going to imagine is how easily he could man handle you if you were a brat. Shit.
"You like the finaliser?" Matt asked following you out of the break room grabbing your tool bags from the small cubbies by the door. You looked down and shrugged embarrassed by the way he said it. He'd noticed your odd enthusiasm.
"Yeah, sorry i get too excited. Ever since i was a kid I'd wanted to see a star destroyer." You uttered twiddling your fingers in the strap of your bag.
"So do you like star destroyers in general or just the finaliser?" He asked this time in a less abraisive tone. He sounded careful, gentle. Nothing like the matt youd seen before now. You looked at him confused by the change but offered him a small smile.
"All of them i suppose, growing up stories of the old empires fleet and stuff? I could never get my head around them. Their just so huge and stuff; even now i get excited just seeing them" you explained slightly dejected knowing youd made a fool of yourself. But still a little thrown off by his change in demeanour. He seemed to back off? The stern prickly aura tht surrounded him mellowed out. It was nice, like he was reassuring you in some unspoken way.
You couldnt help glancing up at him nervously, trying to figure him out. If anything he didnt seem to mind your small outburst, he just carried on wth the conversation as you both walked the halls towards the elevators like getting over excited was a normal thing in the first order. You flicked your gaze away quickly before he caught you staring. Fuck. He didnt look like he thought less of you for getting all giddy over something so small.
"I understand that. They are awe inspiring, an engineering marvel" Matt's lip quirked ever so slightly when you perked up again beaming up at him bouncing back from your self doubt quickly.
"Exactly! We might even see her dock if we're lucky; did you know its the first time shes coming in to dock since the supremacy? Shes never been on the supernova before" you chirped happily scanning your pass at the faster maintenance elevator.
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"Soo you take this rag and slip it over the clamp and just pop it here... no this way, remember righty tighty... your right; thats it. Then that way the pannel cant spring back and catch your fingers" you explained leaning over to hold the spring loaded sliding door back out of matts way so he could place a clamp in front of it.
"Huh... Thats alot easier" he uttered with a grunt as you released the hatch door letting it meet the clamp and stay open without risking any fingers.
"I take it the others didnt show you that trick?" You sighed with a frown as he marveled at the now secure hatch door for a second.
"No, i caught my fingers alot see?" He growled, one eye twitching in irritation before holding his hands up showing you a few nasty bruises and small cuts where these finger death traps had clearly pinched him. You winced hissing through your teeth
"They are all bullies, dont let it get to you. They think their hot shit because they work on the supernova now. But like its not that hard you know? Its a big ship they need tonnes of us here. Personally I'd rather work on her" you reassured him with a light pat on the arm before flicking your eyes to the huge ship that was docked no more then forty feet from you.
You shook your head, shoving the longing from your mind before peeking into the hatch useing your torch to dig around for the problem.
"Ah. Jakes handy work." You uttered spying the issue. A lower voltage cable haphazardly bridging two connectors. Luckily you had some of the correct sized wire spare this was a common issue.
"Hmm? How do you know that?" He asked with a frown not likeing the way you didnt sound surprized by a mistake. Like this was a regular occurrence.
"He always uses this for everything. This sector needs thicker cables for the higher voltages going to the star destroyers. He doesnt like carrying it down here because... well im not sure why to be honest" you explained moving over to show him the problem wire. You ended with a shrug but pulled back from the hatch to dig around in your bag.
"All we have to do it replace this small section and it shouldnt short anymore, lets get to it" You said over your shoulder as you began pulling things out of your bag to get to the replacement wire.
"Now see these wires are already stripped? We just smoosh them together and then twist, it makes the most reliable connection... good job! Now we tape it" you instructed watching Matt work the electrical components and secure it in place. Luckily Matt had picked up alot on the job and had not only disconnected the useless wire, but replaced the connecters either end just to make sure everything worked.
"So why are the others so nasty to you?" He asked out of the blue as he tightened the two screws securing the plastic safety cover on the open wires. You stuttered at him before shaking your head deciding to pretend you didnt know what he was talking about. But he sat up fixing you with a single look making you feel like a kid caught in a lie.
"The others, they avoid you unless they are tormenting you. Why? You seem... competent and pretty harmless, actually nice" he pried again this time not giving you any room to deny or deflect. you sighed defeated, slumping on the spot feeling pretty pathetic.
"You noticed that? Well they are bullies" he frowned at that it was the second time youd called them that. This time he was determined to get to the bottom of it,his eyes grew colder. You shuddered. This man? There really was something about him. Something completely feral yet contained? He just had something dangerous about him. But not in a 'im big and we both know i could crush you' way. It was? Darker, refined, pronounced. Honed.
"But why?" He coaxed again, his voice growing sharper. You got the distinct feeling he wasnt used to asking a second time. And most certainly never had to repeat himself a third time.
You swallowed dryly feeling a tense curiosity grow between you both. He wasnt going to drop this, you might aswell tell him so he can laugh at you and be done with it.
"A few things, as you noticed i tend to get excited quickly, sometimes i say things without thinking? They also know about my past failures... And well they found out about my hobby and i became a joke" you trailed off hoping he'd get the hint from your vague answers and leave the conversation there. But he didnt instead he seemed to perk up his gaze intensified.
"Hobby? Not many people still have hobbies in the first order?"
"I know its sad right? Just because we work here doesnt mean we gotta be a bunch of faceless boring old farts" you covered your mouth quickly but the words hd already escaped. Fuck, why are you like this? The one time you could really use a thought to mouth filter it failed again.
"So whats your hobby?" You did a double take before frowing confused. Why did he care?
"I err well i make clothes for dolls and stuff" you mumbled, mixing your words a little bit. Some part of you still waring you this was a bd idea nd he was just going to make fun of you for it. The other more submissive part reasoning he wasnt the type to be refused.
"Dolls?" you cringed at his tone, he didnt sound creeped out, or as if he was about to laugh in your face but he sounded off? Strained? As if he'd been anticipating something like that but had hoped youd say something different.
"Yeah it started when i was a kid... When the first order took over my home planet the the job market crashed especially when the first order began conscripting kids" you paused for a moment gauging his reaction before deciding you should elaborate more.
"There wasnt many options for anyone i got conscripted but I failed the physicals and at the time couldnt read so failed the IQ tests. But my reaction time was quick so they wanted to train me as a pilot but i got terrible motion sickness. In the end they said i was useless and dumped me back home. I failed to be worthy of any resources" you recounted trying your best not to sound pathetic or depressed. But honestly being dumped back home for being useless really did a number on your self esteem for a good few years.
"The only other careers i could try once home were prostitution, serving girl, seamstress or try to abandon the planet and join the resistance. I became a seamstress because it meant i could learn to read patterns and stuff. Luckily because of my small hands i was ideal for making clothes for infants and smaller races" you added proud of your achievements. Although they were small you had done it all by yourself, no schooling or first order academies. Just you in your tiny bunk studying at night.
"But how do you get from illiterate seamstress to first order engineer?" Surprisingly the question didnt sting, nor was it harsh. He seemed invested in hearing how you actually ended up here. It was flattering in a way.
"Oh i had to learn to read as part of my apprenticeship; for patterns and stuff then i learned how to fix the machinery in the warehouses, i was the best person for the job because again small hands" you giggled raising your smaller then average hands and wiggled your fingers at him.
"I could reach where others couldnt when the sewing and press machines died. Then the first order came back to the planet looking for those with mechanical skills, they were desperate. We were taken to the supernova in its early days; just after snoke died and the commander becme supreme leader. I was trained up to keep things running smoothly while the more senoir engineers were sent to the more technical sectors" you ended your tale there wasnt much to say after that, youd gone through training and been assigned to your sector.
You moved to the open hatch and began loosening the clamp prompting matt to catch the door and let it slide shut without capturing your fingers.
"And why did the others laugh at you? I mean you just make clothes?" He pried not letting you escape his initial question.
"Yeah... its everything really? They already think Im too childish and get mysel upset or excited easily. Then they found out about Geb." You grunted, cursing yourself for letting Gebs name slip through knowing that this was going to be the point he began to ridicule you.
"Geb?" You nodded without looking up at him while making yourself busy by collecting your toold and playing your own game of tetris tryingnto fit everything neetly back into your bag
"Yes he is... he's a small bear stuffy, i brought him with me to remind me of home and i make all my outfits for him and dress him up. I made him little first order uniforms and tropper armour and stuff."
"You dress him up in uniform?" He asked his face breaking out into a grin. Though you couldnt tell if he was trying not to laugh or not.
"Yeah but not just officers and stuff; hey you like the supreme leader right? I did him" you changed the topic quickly, hopeing bringing up the man would send Matt into a kylo ren ted talk and get yourself out of the metaphorical hot seat.
"You made geb a kylo ren uniform?" He reiterated slowly as if needing to say it to let it sink in. You eyed him curiously waiting to see if he was offended on the commanders behalf or not. But when he finally chuckled you relaxed before gushing over the small bear you loved.
"Yeah i even did a little light saber too and and his helmet is removable and a little hood on his cloak oh oh and he has his little belt but the best part is his little fluffy ears poke out through his mask and stuff he is so cute, Geb's lived in it since i made it" you cooed letting yourself getting carried away explaining the little outfit youd spent almost a week creating. Matt beamed at you nodding along encouraging you, enjoying the show of pure innocent adoration. But stunned you into silence as he cut through all the talk with one single question.
"You think kylo ren's cute?"
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You sputtered quickly glowing red as the huge man chuckled down at you almost cooing sweetly in a very un-matt way. Clearly something about all this had tickled him pink. He looked pretty smug actually. Good lord you hope he wasnt really freinds with the big man, youd die if any of this got back to him.
"Wha; err no. I err i dont err well maybe? I've never seen him in person; not close up anyway but i? I suppose he's probably cute; handsome? I dont think he'd like the word cute but handsome is good i suppose? But I meant Geb is cute... his fluffy little ears poke out the top of his kylo mask" you began scratching at your head lightly, trying to figure out how to get out of this with at least a shred of dignity. If that was even possible. It took your around three seconds to start talking yourself in circles nervously, your thoughts warning you not to insult your beloved leader 1. Incase matt lost his cool about it like he did at lunch the other day and 2. Well if matt was close to the kylo? Youd rather the leader of the first order knew you thought he was hot instead of cute.
"What do you think about kylo ren? You must like him to make an outfit for Geb" ah theres the matt you know and love. Thank god you thought youd lost him for a second there.
"Well yeah. I think he is a good leader, hes a smart tactician and skilled. Hes an astounding pilot and a frightening warrior;"
"You think he's frightening?" You frowned at the indignation in matts tone, the way he tensed and became clearly aggravated made you falter, why was he offended?
"Well dont you? He's so soo big, but then again so are you so you probably dont think he is scary; but to me your both soo huge!" You questioned blinking up at him curiously. Wasnt Matt scared of the supreme leader? Didnt he hear all the stories? You quickly grew uneasy with the mans simmering stare and tried to diffuse the situation by making a little comparrison between him and kylos impossible hieghts waving your hand at him animatedly. He finally cracked a smirk before tipping his head to the side .
"Your scared of my size?" He teased with a chuckle.
"No, i mean i was at first but now im not. You wont hurt me. But Kylo might if i annoy him and well most people think im annoying. But he is really scary he's stupid strong and people say he gets angry super quick and it just... he is really scary to me. i mean people chuckle about the way he says he is going to surpass darth vader but i think he already has in his own way" your words continued, thoughts and opinions on the commander that youd never shared with anyone pouring from you. You werent a fangirl but you did understand alot more of the subtleties that whent hand in hand with the commander and his abilities.
"You do? How?" Matt was quick to ask, he seemed eager to hear everything you had to say. As if he were glad someone else shared his love of the commander.
"His saber. Its all erratic and static-y, people can laugh about it. But that just shows they have no clue to what it takes to do something like that. That kyber crystal? Its gotta be cracked or something." You explained letting your theory out. Youd never really had anyone to explain this too before. It was actually nice to talk about so ething other than work a.nd food for a change
"How do you know about kyber?" You finched back at the sudden cold demanding tone. Warning? Threat? No, something else. Defensive. but your not sure why?
"I grew up on stories of the old empire. My grandpa was an inquisitor, i know the red sabers are made with bloodied angry kybers" you shrugged trying to play off the uneasy feelings matt gve you.
"You know not even vaders rage and hate managed to damage his kyber crystal. So for Ren to... the power it took to do that?" You spoke up again trying to make him perk up and snap out of the eerie calculating gze he had trapped you in. Luckily praising the commander seemd to do the trick. Thnk god, matt was a big guy, he was scary when his mood soured.
"Exactly! Its about time someone understood!" you grinned as mtt beamed down at you with an oddly fanatic look bout him. He relly did love to commander... it was almost creepy. But he was brightening up gain so you run with it.
"He's already got more going on then lord vader did. I just hope people dont manipulate him like its said they did with lord vader. Ren could be so much more. I mean as long as people dont mess with his head and stuff he'll finish what lord vader started, he has more drive." You summrised, in all honestly it was all true. Atleast in your mind, and thats not to sy you worshipped the ruler, well not like Matt seemed to anyway. But you did hold lot of respect and helthy amount of fear for the man. You secretly hoped youd never come face to face with him, youd probably die from a heart attack.
"You sound like you care for him despite your fear?" You faltered for a moment mulling over his words. You hummed for a moment contemplating your reply. Not just to keep him happy, but also genuinely cpnsideringnthe truth to hois statment. Finally you nodded to the huge man.
"I do. I mean I've never met him, if i did id either wet myself or he'd kill me for doing something stupid... like wetting myself probably" you chuckled trying to add a little humour, wanting to hopefully change the subject soon. You didnt exactly want to get caught gossiping about kylo. The last thing you needed was to give him an excuse to peak inside your mind, god knows what he could find...
"I dont think he'd kill you. You admire and respect him, he'd see that" Matt held your gaze leveling you with a stare, serious conviction that was sobering. Your demeanour changed once more uncertainty washing through you as his eyes bore into you. It was enough to make your head ache. But you ignored the light pressure of an oncoming head pains to continue your playfull facade.
"Like in my head? Oh god thatd be terrible what if he saw Geb? Or worse what if he found out i think hes good looking under that mask and has a gorgeous butt?" You panicked playfully, flushing at the small nugget of truth hidden in your teasing. You breathed a sigh of relief as the pressure receded in a stuttered jagged reversal.
"You've been staring at the commanders butt?" Why did he sound so smug about that? Unless he swings that way? oh maybe thats it? Matt had a crush on him~ that was actually quite sweet.
"Yeah, have you seen the man climb into the silencer? Thats the best butt in the first order! Besides toffee face had the old gnarled and ugly covered right? And huckleberry has the pale and sickly outer rim orphan thing going on, so kylos gotta be the young and handsome" you blushed as Matt suddenly boomed a laugh, holding his stomach as he lost himself in his belly laugh. You watched queitly, you got the feeling he didnt get a laugh very often. It made you feel a little sense of pride knowing youd given that to him.
"Did you just call Snoke toffee face?" He uttered chuckling between words still trying to compose himself. But even when he managed to cease the laughter his grin stayed across his face lighting up his handsome features, almost giving him life eyes sparkling with something youd not noticed in them before.
"Yeah... err dont tell anyone about that; especially the supreme leader and you most definitely cant tell him about geb, or that he has a cute butt! Pinky promise?" You rubbed the back of your neck nervously before perking up again and held out your pinky. You froze as you did so feeling embarrassed at showing such childish behaviour. But instead of being put off he smirked down at you, tipping his head forward, raising a hand to hover next to yours.
"Sure, but only if I get to see geb dressed up as kylo" he anounced lowering his voice as he inched forward locking eyes with you. You could only manage to look him in the eye for a few seconds before blushing again brighter and avert your eyes, focusing on the vast open space of the docking bays behinde him.
"Err sure but only if you dont make fun ok? Its bad enough with the others" you mumbled aprihensively nodding to him.
"I wont make fun of you, its nice to see someone recognise our leaders greatness, you idolise him enough to create an efergy of him. Its cute" He smirked curling his pinky around yours sealing the deal with a little shake of pinkies.
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Kylo couldnt help the way his body warmed as his mind began twisting itself around the idea of you. This little promise was much more then you realised, he was swearing to himself youd become his. It was only a matter of time.
He couldnt stop. He couldnt erase you from his mind. The tiny naive technician he'd spent the day with. It was rare for him to be so drawn to someone. But you? You admired him, and understood his greatness more then most, understood him more than even he could ever imagine. You belived in him, worshipped him! It had taken everything in him not to reveal himself then and there. To tell you how right you were, how smart he thought you were. But he hadnt. He'd simply left the shift with a spring in his step. The knowledge that someone as sweet and innocent aboard the ship actually respected him was enough to make him giddy. And he didnt get giddy. He'd quickly brought the undercover project to an end after that. Not wanting to endure another day with irritating jobs worths and bitching. And he was far to tempted to smuggle you into the safety of his own chambers. Word got out about the whole thing, and that Matt was actually kylo. Some people suspected as much but by that point he didnt care. He was too wrapped up with thoughts of his tiny technician.
He had suspicions on the type of woman you were. Shy, sweet kind and open hearted. But naive and excitable a childlike quality. something he adored and secretly craved. There was something that pulled him to such a woman. He'd dabbled in erotica, reading up on all types of fantasies during those odd few years after escapeing to the darkside. Suddenly he was free to explore in that respect. Reading kink, watching porn on the holonet and having his first few sexual encounters. He thought it was strange but it was the careing aspect of control he craved more then anything. He had odd tastes in sex had lead him to almost abstinence. He liked being called daddy, loved being much larger then his partner. Feeling needed, having soemone obey him because they trusted him to make the right decisions. He needed someone to be his entirely, someone to absolutly adore him and listen. Someone fun who could brighten up his days. He just wanted one person to give themselves to him entirely without an ulterior motive. But it was difficult to find such a woman aboard the supremacy, they all had plans to ensnare him in some stupid plot to fame and fortune or worse. Children. Sure he was aware oneday he'd have to continue his legacy but not now, not in the middle of a god damned war!
But here he may have found what he was truley looking for in you. He wanted a permanent lover, sweet, small and genuinely innocent. You were unique a gentle somewhat clumsy person with little quirks, enough little quirks for him to wonder if you were indeed a little. He was no expert, he'd only ever really seen and played with littles in the clubs he and his knights frequented when the stress of the military got too much. But you were sending all the signals, maybe he just needed to take the reigns and give a few sharp tugs to snap you into little space. From the looks of it, you wouldnt need much coaxing. Well unless nerves got in the way but a few swift trips over his knee and some playful swats would probably be enough to stop any denile.
The anticipation that quivered inside of him, shook him to his core. Sweet, small, naive and breakable. A little. Fuck. A little here of all places?! Double fuck. Now was not the time to find that kind of gem! But then again who was he to kick a gift horse in the mouth? For such a rarity to wind up here of all places and land in his lap like that must be a sign from the universe? You must be a reward, you were perfect! And you were his. He just had to draw you in. He needed a reason to see you, a reason to get you to his chambers. And then he just had to keep you there.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
A Choice
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Summary: kylo struggled with his past, the lies, feelings and heavy burden of being his mothers son. But at the temple he'd found solace, not in the force or his teachings. But you, the young girl with her own struggle in the dark. He fell in love. Time passed, alliances change but his feelings did not. And now he has you captured, but not even he knows what he's going to do with the woman who makes his heart race.
Warnings : swearing, kissing, angst, fluff and general feels, softer kylo?
A/N: the promot for this is: kylo is a soft boi and no one can change my mind. I hope you enjoy my first kylo oneshot 😊🥰
Wordcount: very long, not sorry
Not beta'd
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For the first time in a long time he was unsure, at a complete loss on what he should do. You looked back at him aprihensive, fearfull yet he could see the deeper concealed relief and dare he say joy?
Your eyes were wide and expressive, just as they had always been. Skin still glowing its beautiful deep bronze even in the harsh white light above. Your breathing was erratic, switching from shallow panicked breaths and low deep intakes that he knew were used to calm and center yourself.
His eyes roamed you, he felt himself flush slightly thankfully he had his mask still in place. You were no longer a small gangly pre teen but a woman. Supple curves had replaced the lithe muscle youd been youd been honing. Your hands though shackled showed no signs of calluses. And the dress you wore wasnt practical for hard labour, fleeing or fighting. It was clear the rumours were true, you hadn't stayed with skywalker to complete your training. And you certainly hadnt chose a life of a warrior.
Kylo sighed heavily, he didnt know how he felt about your fate. You'd come to train along side him, allbeit not by choice. But you'd still ended up by his side. You'd only really ended up there because you were a potential problem like him. Strong in the force, yet it was rooted in the dark side. The first time youd used the force properly you'd intentionally hurt your father. The fact it was to save your mother from being beaten to death was never acknowledged. As far as everyone was concerned you were a ticking time bomb they needed under control or eliminated.
He remebers you fondly, youd grown together becoming close despite skywalkers attempts to seperate you both. The first time he met you was the day you arrived, a small girl two years younger then him. He was nine when you were dropped off. You were scared and didnt understand why you were seperated from your parents. Skywalker didnt take time to explain things properly. Instead telling you that you were going to be trained and become a jedi. As if you should almost be excited, greatfull even.
Youd cried, pleading with wide tearful eyes to anyone who looked at you to take you home, that you had to go home and protect your mother, that your father was evil and will hurt her. No one paid anymind, thinking you were just a child making excuses to get your way. Untill kylo's own mother came to the school with the news, your father had succeeded. He had murderedyour mother, beating her to death with hks bare hands.
He remebers that day well, the way youd burst into a rage. Screaming at the top of your lungs you told them you were right and you knew he'd hurt her again. He remebers the conflict he felt. Youd been seperated from your mother for only six weeks? If that? That was all it took. Six weeks for your father to kill your mother, and kylo couldnt help but agree with you as you yelled at the two jedi. It was partly Luke and his mothers fault, they hadnt belived you when youd initially told them why youd attacked your father, nor had they bothered to try and investigate it.
Youd even tried to lunge at luke during your initial grief. Kylo had only just caught your tiny wrists tugging you back to himself, curling around you in a half hug, half wrestle. It was then youd broke down, falling to pieces on the spot bawling your eyes out. He'd felt it then the protec5ive rage twistingnin his guts as he tried reassuring you, why couldnt anyone see you were just a kid. A Terrified six year old now completely alone.
You almost looked the same now, scared lost and alone begging silently to just go home. When you were children he'd wanted to return you to your safe haven, even after the death of your mother he wanted to find somewhere you could go, somewhere safe away from the life of a jedi. It wasnt what you wanted, you just gave up after your mothers funera, seeing the coffin had given you a brutal awakening. You had no home to return to.
Yes, he'd wanted to ind somewhere for you to live peacfully away from it all. But now? The thought of releasing you alone into the galaxy left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had lost that benevolence and naive trust in the greater good. Only he could truly offer you safety.
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"Sir? Is there a problem? Should we dispose of the rebel and intterogate the rest?;" the tropper began speaking, misunderstanding the supreme leader's stark silence. The unnamed male began making a move closer to you. But Kylo stopped him a single raised hand waving him off, ordering him to stand down.
"No. No i will deal with this myself. Leave us" his voice was low, calm and thoughtful. He couldnt tear his eyes from you, it was hard to belive you were here infront of him. Despite years of hardening himself to his own feelings everything he had thought and felt about you came rushing back. His stomach was twisting in anxious pulls, his heart desperately trying to beat out of his chest.
But you laid still, somehow managing not to fight your bonds that held you to the table. Instead of breaking down into a panic you were looking around the room. He could tell you were struggling to maintain calm as you saw the many tools scattered about the interrogation cell. But you were also counting, lips twitching ever so slightly. It was somthing he had taught you all those years ago, counting when panicked can help you focus. Can keep you alert and in the moment instead of crumbling.
"But sir;"
"Get. Out." with that the trooper left hastily, not wanting to push his superior any further.
When kylo was sure the hall was clear he moved stepping closer to you, hands rising to remove his mask. He paused, should he reveal himself? If he did what was he going to say? Would he be able to hold his nerve? He observed you for a long moment. How should he begin? He didnt want to interrogate you like the others, didnt want to frighten you away, he told himself it was because you could be a valuable asset. But he knew that was an excuse, he didnt want you to run from him, you were probably the only person who understood him.
They said you were an evil child too, muttered about how you were probably going to end up as a sith. That the rage had already settled into you, youd already given in it was just a matter of time. And to some extent they were right to be wary. You and him both sat up at night debating the truth in the force in hushed whispers. Wondering outloud if the dark side was truly dark, or if it was all just subjective. You both didnt see the separation between evil, and evil deeds commited for the light.
Kylo sighed heavily as he tried to weigh up what he should do for the best. He wasnt keen on the idea of interrogating you. But he didnt want to go easy on you and let you go so if you really were a rebel trying to clear your name in some desperate need for acceptance.
In truth he wanted to sooth you, to tell you everything was going to be okay and swear he'd look after you. But again, he was unsure where your loyalties lie at the moment. Afterall you were found with the rebels.
"I know who you are, they told me. Tried to use it to manipulate me" you broke the silence for him, soft spoken and quiet just as he remebered. He held his breath for a moment feeling a wieght lift from his shoulders. You knew. He quickly decided to trust your words. His hands moved slowly riseing to his mask before sliding it off tucking it in the crook of his arm.
"Its been a long time. Your prettier then i thought youd be, its actually really intimidating" You smiled up at him, and moved your trapped hand in a little wave making him scoff at your antics rolling his eyes. Prettier? Of course the first thing youd do it tease him. Stupid brat.
"You havent changed much, you still have no self preservation" he uttered leaning to the side and placing his mask down on one of the trolleys.
"Self preservation? Should i be frightened of you?" You uttered after swallowing dryly, he could see the tears welling in your eyes. Despite the tease you were scared. Scared of him, it made him look away for a second. Fuck. He had to get this over with.
"I dont know should you? Are you hiding something?" He pried sternly whilst bringing his attention back to you, his face set in stone. You frowned at him looking hurt, he just arched a brow still trying to decide if you were going to be a loose end or not. He really hoped not, but a rebel is a rebel and they must be snuffed out. No matter how painful it will be for him.
"No, but you wont belive me untill you look so go head, look. I have nothing to hide" you finally answered shaking your head with the inch of so of movement your bonds allowed you.
"I would rather you tell me yourself. I dont want to hurt you, i will actually help you if you need it. But i need you to tell me everything" he replied a little to quickly for it to be a trap. You frowned for a second, trying to find deceite in his words but there was none. He was being genuine, it made you relax a little drawing a huge comforting breath.
"Can you do that for me?" He coaxed inching closer lightly traceing the side of the examination table with the tips of his fingers. He seemed hesitant. As if he couldnt trust himself to touch you, but the temptation was there.
"Y-yeah, i dont know alot though but i'll tell the truth. I have nothing to hide, itd be useless anyway i know how skilled you are at reading people." You said with minimal shuddering breaths, trying to ease your panic induced shivers and anxiety fueled sobs. Kylos heart jerked painfully. You were terrified of him. But then again he couldnt fault you for that, he was the one whod killed your frineds, burned down the new temple and then fled to the darkside making a name for himself as a brutal warrior. He was now the ruler of a cut throat regime. The feared supreme leader of the first order well on his way to becoming Emperor. And you were at his mercy strapped to a table.
His stomach lurched. He didnt like it, you didnt belong here,not like this; tied down and scared. He hated it, the way you were so defenceless. It disturbed him seeing you in such a vulnerable position.
"How? How did you escape that night?" He hadnt intended for that to be his first question. But he had to know, he needed to know how youd made it out. He had mourned you, the guilt of killing you almost crushed him. He convinced himself you were away, created a delusion, a story in his head as to how you couldnt have possibly been in the temple. He had to tell himself you survived just to sleep at night. And then he heard a rumour, that the resistance knew of a survivor from skywalkers temple, that is was a girl. Your age. Your looks. It had been the first time he had felt true relief in a very long time.
"I was... I'd had another feeling. It was worse then any others, i knew it was bad; something terrible was going to happen and i got scared." You uttered recounting the night everything went to shit and you learned what true evil deeds were. Kylo inched closer, eyes trained on you hanging on everyword. He knew of your ability, empathic foresight, you didnt get visions in your sleep or hear distant whispers in meditation. You got feelings, gut feelings that made you experience emotional reactions of the furture. Youd feel greif before a death, pain before an injury. Fear before a fright. You'd only ever confided this in him scared of what skywalker might have said an done.
"I snuck out of my room to come and check on you, i dont know why but i just... i knew the feeling was about you. It hurt too much. Then i saw him, saw what he" you explained trailing off not needing to state the obvious. You both knew very well what Luke had done.
"After that i ran, i didnt? I wanted to help! To save you but i? How could i? Im sorry! Im so sorry i was so scared... everyone said that we are similar, so when i saw what he did i? I dont know something inside me just told me to run. So i did. I didnt want..I thought he'd done it, that he'd already? And then? I thought that he'd?" your explanation became a sob, fear and guilt pouring from you in harsh waves and half sentences. Kylo's hands clenched as your force came to life, you were almost reliving it. Terror. Confusion, hopelessness, shame he could feel it now as if he were there beside you.
"You thought you were next didnt you? That he was going to murder you after me." He uttered understanding instantly what youd belived. You were young on the cusp of adulthood but still a child, just like he was. And you were both scared, but you had the opportunity to run. He only had a few seconds to defend himself. Had he been quicker he'd have found you outside and would have taken you with him.
"I ran like a coward. I've never forgiven myself" you uttered quietly, your shame rising. Youd always felt as if youd let Ben down. Left him to die, that it was your fault. Tears finally began falling, youd struggled for so long with that. Your freind who youd loved so dearly died because you didnt have the guts to even call out and startle Luke. If youd made a noise, distracted him then maybe ben would have survived. The only thing you thank the resistance for was the fact theyd told you who kylo ren was. It absolved the guilt, freed you from that dark heavy shadow.
He finally rested a hand on you, the leather clad palm squeezing your bicep in a firm reassurance. It drew your attention to him. He held your gaze with a sincere look. Before speaking in a firm, yet calm tone of voice. Leaving no room for argument or doubt.
"No, you ran because you saw a so called jedi try to slaughter a boy in his sleep. You were a scared child who just wanted to survive. Theres no shame in that" his voice was firm. He needed you to understand that there was nothing to be ashamed of. You couldnt help your fear, or your reaction. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with his own fear. To accept it as natural, children are hard wired to run in the face of danger. Run, hide and survive.
"When i heard about what happened afterwards i... i was glad? Is that bad? I wasnt happy with the loss but i hoped it was you, hoped you were alive. But? I thought you were dead, how could you? It was luke skywalker, i didnt think you could survive. It crushed me, i was so happy the temple was gone but then guilty because i didnt stay. If id stayed, helped then maybe we could have survived together" you confessed to him slowly, still confused over your contradicting feelings. You constantly swung back and forth between being happy hearing whispers that ben had gotten out, yet angry that skywalker had pushed ben into the darkside out of fear.
Kylo nodded slowly, he too had wanted to look for you afterwards. At first he belived youd perished in the flames. But as time went on something told him you had escaped. He couldnt put his finger on it, he'd belived he had been going mad. Making pitiful hopless wishes and was trying to convince himself a miracle had happened, and youd escaped his rage.
"Im glad you didnt. Snoke was not tolerant. He'd have pitted us against one another. Years later I heard rumours youd got away, i wanted to find you, i really did. I felt...A responsibility? But in the end i decided against it... snoke would have killed one of us and made it a lesson" kylo barely contained a shudder. He couldnt imagine being put in that position. He didnt know what he would have done, having to choose between his own destiny and the only woman he'd ever considered spending the rest of his life with.
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Back at the temple he'd spent many nights pondering the future he could have with you. As sexual maturity settled in he couldnt help feeling more certain in his selection, you were the dream girl, the powerful woman he could rely on. He watched you grow into your abilities and beauty. He wasnt stupid, he knew even though he was a jedi he was expected to continue his blood line so there would be atleast one powerful jedi to play hero and protector of the people for the next generation.
As he grew along side you his mind always invisioned you as that woman, his wife and mother of his child. He had dreams of a small dark haired, olive skinned little boy grinning up at him with your expressive eyes, hands reaching towards him as his own held up a smll toy only to have it force-pulled from his hand by the small boy. There was also a younger child toddling around in the hazy background of the scene. Somehow he just knew the younger cild held the same glowing caramel eyes you had. Sometimes he would hear your giggling from somewhere in the room, other times the scene was mute, not a sound he'd just watch and smile as the two children laughed happily with one another.
But each time he had these dreams a new warmth filled his chest, one not creted by rage and loathing but love. He knew without a doubt the children were his own. It was a dream that comforted him in many cold uncertain nights, it haunted him to this day.
But perhaps it wasnt a dream? Maybe it was a premonition. The force gifting him a vision of the children you would birth him. The family he will have one day. He allways thought it odd that in these dreams you and the chilren were in black robes, bright white surroundings that didnt resemble a house but a ship of somesort. So maybe they were visions of his own future, not just fantasies of a lonley teen with a crush.
This might be his chance to make the dream a reality. It was so close yet so far, the reconciliation he was almost ashamed to adimt he craved. Not that he ever told you that, he uttered nothing of the dreams. But skywalker knew, he was completely against it.
Once kylo left he couldnt help think luke had been against it out of fear, maybe by that point he'd already given up on him. Writing him off as sith already and wanted to avoid an even more powerful generation of dark force wielders. The two of you would have incredibly strong children with ridiculously high midichorian counts. It was possible luke feard the power such a union could unleash.
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"I geuss things worked out in a wierd way.." you uttered after a few moments of silence, unaware of how kylo's mind had wandered into old thoughts. Old desires and hopes rearing their heads with vigor and his resolve began building. The excitment and need to keep you by his side growing with every moment he spent next to you.
"I am thankfull for things turning out this way. We are both alive" he spoke methodically, nothing giving away the temptation he felt, the dark tugging him towards you in a new seduction. It was like the force was toying with him, placing you before him once more, helpless and alone. Yet still the same young woman he knew. The funny diplomatic but anxious ridden girl he'd belived he'd lost for so long.
You smiled at his words, though automatic and almost thoughtless they sounded genuine. He sounded sincerely thankful for the both of you to be alive. Slowly you began truly relaxing into the bonds holding you. The more you spoke the more you recognised him. He was still ben, just more; dare you say honest? If that was the right word? Mybe not but you always knew he had this darkness, kylo had always been lurking , pacing back and forth behinde those hazel eyes. Ben had just masked it. Just how youd msked your own demons. You both hid parts of yourself whilst with skywalker. Kylo was the animal inside, raw unbridled power who embraced the force in aggression and victory.
"Why are you with the rebels now?" He asked in a starind voice, the words finally managing to roll off his tongue thick and accusatory. He felt a sickening anticipation his hand absentmindedly rubed his chest trying to ease the tight squeezing of his heart. He was holding his breath agonising over your answer. What if you were with them? What if he had lost you anyway? What does that mean for the two of you then? Would he have to kill you? More importantly could he?
"Im not. Or i was physically there with them but im not apart of the rebel alliance. I dont know what they told you but im not. They said you were hunting me! That you were going to!?" You paused for a moment as the fear inside rekindled. Theyd said he was hunting all force sensitive beings just as vader once had. That he would kill you slowly, torture you into insanity before ending you. They said he thought you had run off to continue your jedi training and that he was furious with you.
Youd had thoughts of him attacking you, with his saber and the force. It was terrifying, youd never out matched him, not in hand to hand combat, the force or deuling. He decimated you each time and those had been just sparring matches where you knew he held back. In a real fight you wouldnt survive two mineuts.
"Calm down, take a breath. Im not going to hurt you, do you here me? Im not going to hurt you, i just want the truth thats all. Just tell me the truth, and everything will be okay. I'm here to listen, id never belive those traitors over you" he instructed slowly squeezing your arm again trying to ease you. To coax you from your panic. You swallowed dryly, feeling a light spark of hope from his words. The fact he still held your words in high regard soothed you somewhat, he still knew you and trusted you to some degree. It was a relief. Tell the truth, you can do that. because honestly you had nothing to hide. And soemthingntold you if he did doubt you he'd take the time to look through your mind before sending you to execution.
"They tracked me down, they were trying to pull me in. They have been trying to recruit me for a while now. They're running low on force sensitive people to throw infront of you. They were willing to overlook my darkside at least untill they find skywalker themselves" you uttered after wetting your lips nervously. You had no loyalty to the resistance or skywalker. You werent involved anymore, this wasnt your fight and youd have no part in it.
You tipped your head to face kylo, a smll smile grazing your lips taking another moment or so to truly drink in the sifpght. He really had become handsome. Taller then youd expected, broader to, he was stunning. Nd the scar across his face would have marred anyones elses beauty but it... suited him, his character it gave him a visual to the rugged edge he'd always hidden. He looked dangerousnd magnificent. Your eyes flicked away frim his before he could see your flushed cheeks. Now was not the ti,e to start fawning over him. He had questions and you had the answers. Everything else can wait.
"I even debated joining just to kill him myself. But when they told me you were kylo i? I didnt want to become your enemy" you added shrugging a little before pausing hesitating on your lst statment. It was true though, you had no quarrel with the first order. Sure it was a little daunting to see another empire try to rise. But didnt that just men without the jedi this is the normal. Empires rising and falling in the external fight for dominance. There will always be someone who thinks they can do a better job ruleing. That they deserve a chance, and if need be they will take the top spot by force. Surely its better to just stick with the devil you know?
"They couldnt understand that. And still pushed, chaseing me across systems! This time they had me truley cornered, trying to scare me, telling me that the first order were after me because im a threat; that you were hunting me, wanted me dead they said they heard it in a transmission" your words grew more panicked, more weary and your chest tightened once more as the adrenaline flooded your veins. You felt more vulnerable and uncertain by the second.
Kylo growled low in his throat, rumbling in his large chest echoing off the walls as if they'd been struck. The force arou d him quivered as he began a descent into anger once more.
"So they are trying to scare you into their ranks?. Pathetic" his lip curled into a violent snarl. His hands clenching, jaw locking for a moment, teeth grinding. To think theyd try to manipulate you to brazenly. Lie to your face and threaten you with him, his fury.
You whimpered, pressing back in to the table shivering, quaking in fear so violently that he heard it, physically heard your body shuddering against to cold metal. Your eyes were closed, biting your lip willing yourself to disappear. He relaxed. The force, shit. He forgot, you were force sensitive and his rage would affect you more then others. To you it would prickly, pinch and grate on your very skin like bladed sandpaper. Cut and scrape.
"I was not looking for you, or hunting you. I toyed with the idea but you hadnt been spotted in the rebellion i? I assumed you were content being away from it all" he acquiesced, mamanging 5o control himself and dial back his rage. Instead he inched closer cupping one of your cheeks urgingnyou to look at him.
You hissed, drew a deep sharp breath cringing waiting for... something? Anything! But instead he held still, letting his palm warm your skin through his glove. You peaked up at him tentativly. He gave a small half smile, one of reassurance yet also questioning you, asking you to trust him.
"i dont want you dead, i never have and never will. Your no threat to me, you never posed yourself as a threat. So i wouldnt treat you as one. It seems noone truely understands how much we care for and trust one another" he spoke barely a whisper, as his hand smoothed over your cheek. You nuzzled into him delicatly blinking slowly, enjoying the contact. It was, nice. To feel someone, to feel him again. Youd take anything you could, any gentle touch or soft glimpse of ben you could get.
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It didnt last, he pulled back removing himself from you as he spome once more, tryingt to go back to business. But that didnt ,atter, he had show you a few seconds of almost loveing kindness and that was enough for you.
"Everything they told you is a lie, a desperate attempt on the rebels part trying to recruit all the force sensitive people they can find, even ones that werent good enough to be trained" he stated firmly, dropping his hands behinde him taking on a powerful stance, hos chest swelling slightly, arms bulging in the robes he wore, tugging on the seams slightly showing off his physique.
"They were... persistent i have been evading them for years but? When they found me this time... something was different. It was odd they were trying to make me hate you, trying to scare me saying you betrayed them. They hinted at me useing my darkness, suppose they want to try fighting fire with fire" you continued slowly trying to put everything into words was hard. Because honestly there was so many emotions and caveats that you had to think through and label. So much trauma and fear, pain, regret to force yourself through to explain the situation. All while staying truthful and making your point.
"They dont know you saw the whole thing?" He asked with a frown, surely they knew what had happened for you to survive, or have an inkling? Unless they belived he loved you so had spared you and if so they were truley cruel to try and use you against him.
"No, no one seemed to know the whole story. And those that do? Well your the first person ive told. And I was small, if you recall not even you could find me when i skipped my lessons" you finished with a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes before tipping his head to the side agreeing with a half shrug and laughed.
"You were always tricky to locate, your ability to shield your life force was something i admired and loathed" It was true, you managed to get away with alot because you could effectivly disappear from the force at will. It made keeping up with your shenanigans hard.
"Yes well it didnt do me any good hiding from the rebles alliance did it? They have eyes everywhere kylo." You sighed trying not to let the weight of your failure show, it was hard though. Youd literally wanted to achieve one thing. One tiny thing and that was to be left alone, dissappear into the galaxy. Kylo frowned drawing a deep breath, not only the confirmation that the rebles did indeed have connectiones in everycorner of the galaxy, but he could also see that being found had got to you. You werent playing or trying to hide behind false pretenses. You were genuinely upset, anxious and flighty. you were never one to accept your failures well and he could see being found was frustrating. It hurt him, tore into his tightening chest, what if you didnt want to see him? Or worse, what if you didnt want to stay?
"You really arent with them are you?" He uttered, more of a self realisation then anything else. He watched spinning slightly to rest his hip against the table you were on. He expected you to flinch, to tug at the bonds or yelp trying to pull away from him. Instead you gravitated towards him, tilting your body in his dorection subtley, seeking him out for some comfort. Though he didnt get time to comment or even smile at the small subconscious movement. Instead you began speaking, blinking up at him with tearfully hopeful eyes.
"No, im not and i never will be, this isnt my fight. It never was, i never wanted training or? or stupid force abilities; Why would i fight for the jedi; or even your mother? when they only want me to kill for them. Return me to skywalker to finish training just to taint myself by killing you?" You paused trying to shake the anger frommyou. It was hard though, looking back now everything was a manipulation. You were training to be a weapon of 'peace'. Nothing more, nothing less.
"No way. Absolutely not, he took so much away from me, it was like i was an animal to them. Nothing but an evil child meant to become a tool to use. But unfortunately they wont take no for an answer" you admonished, your words drifting from sincerity to frustration, irritation and finally resignation. He could not only hear it but feel it, it would seem you have relaxed enough to let him sense you. Feel you for the first time since he'd left.
It was euphoric, like coming home in a sense. The same airy feeling. Thealmost dry smokey whistful and warm feeling you always gave him. Yet it was clouded, fear, almost frantic paranoia. Frustration and panic. Turmoil. But most of all you felt tired.
Exhausted, from the years of hiding and running. Fighting and hideing the force, blocking it out. Compressing the raw power inside of you into a tiny space hidden in your mind. Keeping the all powerful force of life itself under lock and key. Surpressing everything youd come to know and accept all while running for your life.
"i didnt think youd try to fight for them, or against me. Or i had hoped not" he offered meekly with a shrug, glancing at you offering a slight tilt to his lips.
"I dont want to fight anyone, but they are adamant i do just that. Apparently i have no choice i have to choose because i was trained"
"So if i asked you to fight for me? For the first order?" He asked unable to deny himself the chance to hear you. He wanted you to be heard, to be given the chance to speak and be given a choice. If frightened him, he didnt know what he would do if you denied him everything. But he was determined to try and keep himself in check and abode your wishes.
"i just want to live. Its all i've ever wanted to do Kylo" you whispered. Kylo hummed and nodded with a tight smile, it wasnt a no. But it wasnt exactly a yes eigther. There was no guarantees youd stay beside him, but he couldnt help feeling at ease with your answer.
"I understand" 'I did too' kylo finished the thought with a heavy sigh. He truley did understand, he wanted nothing more then to live out his life. Not be manipulated or judged for things he couldnt control. The only difference between the two of you was that he found snoke and fed his hatred letting it become his power, he'd wandered deeper into the force and his darkness. And youd dinstanced yourself from the force and hid away.
"You know they wont leave you alone untill you make a choice. Until then youll never get any peace you were a skywalker pupil they wont let that go. Youll never be free" he uttered with a sigh, hewas so ewhat greatfull to the resistance for leading him to you. But also felt a gnawing bitter anger, they had been trying to ue youjust as snoke had used him. He was no fool, he knew very well how much he'd been taken advantage of. He told himself being aware of it made it better somehow? Less humiliating? Yet he broke free of it in the end. Just as his servitude was ending, yours was trying to begin.
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He was proud of you in a sense, the way you flatly refused to be a pawn. In a way you refused what he could not. Only his keeper was snoke and yohrs would have been his own mother. Yet even through all of this anger, pride and shame he couldnt help feel an overwhelming pity for you. Because as he said, youdnever be free of them, the resistance. The jedi they were parasites, latching onto anything that will ensure their own survival with little thought to those they damage and destroy along the way. All that mattered was their own ambition and goals. Youd be forever running from them.
"Well not while im here anyway." You chuckled motioning to the way you were strapped to the table with an uncomfortable grin. Kylo cursed and quickly flicked his fingers up, releasing your bonds before helping you sit up. You thanked him rubbing your wrists gently trying to stop the pins and needles from stinging your finger tips.
"You could be" kylo uttered an barely a whisper. Almost as if he didnt want you to hear him. You paused flicking your gaze to him confusion twisting across your face.
"Could be what?" Kylo swallowed as your eyes locked with his, he looked uncertain and small just as your words had been. You were vulnerable in a way he loathed, youd forgotten yourself, your power your drive. It was gone, and it made his heart clench painfully and his blood boil in his veins. He wanted you more and more as it became clear youd done nothing but hide and cower. Spent your years running from the first order, the war and resistance. Desperately looking for somewhere wanting nothing more then to forget about your past.
"Free here. You could be free here, with me. The rebels wouldnt dare set foot here and youd be protected. I would protect you" he emphasised stepping closer, his thighs touching your knees. And then his huge hands found yours. Twisting them in his grasp gently thumbs rubbing your reddened wrists trying to sooth them. Your gaze locked on to his face, trying to read his expression. But he dipped his hed down, his hair hanging down sheilding his face, keeping his secrets.
"Your-your offering me freedom? In the first order? I doubt the rebels would take that well, they'd say I was kidnapped or something stupid." Your voice waivered before laughing humourlessly, shaking your head scoffing at him thinking it was just wishful thinking. Theres no way kylo would offer you a home here in the first order. No matter the history or fondness between you. You were an ex-jedi student of skywalkers temple and found with a huge group of resistance fighters in a makeshift military base. The first order thought you were a traitor to them or something.
"Not if your decision was made public. If we made sure you were seen" kylo offered without a moments hesitation, his head riseing once more. Gifting you a single glance before his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but you as he tried finding the confidence to say what he really meant.
He felt like a teenager again, desperately wracking his brain trying to find those magic words that would turn his dream into a reality. That'd give him his own happily ever after innthis clusterfuck of a situation.
"You want me to stand beside you when you raid bases and ships like some propergander prop? Let them see that skywalker created not one but two;" your frustrated words were cut off by him shaking his head at you. Growling leaning forward pressing his way between your knees standing firmly before you. His hands trailing up your arms, resting just below your elbows in a strangely distant yet intimate hold. Panic threatened to wash over him for the first time in years.
"No! Of course not! Nothing like that. And thats not to say i think your weak either. I know how powerfull you were, the potential you have. And even though youd become a great asset to me as a soilder or posterchild i wont use you like them, i am better then that" he grunted, his voice somwhere between offended and saddened. His anger flared momentarily, did you truly think he'd be just as dishonest as the rebles? As skywalker and his mother? That he'd use you and cast you out when he was done? It hurt, gutted him to belive you thought so little of him. He knew he had changed but even he like to think he had some integrity left.
"But thats not to say I'd refuse to train you if you wish, help you master the darkside, not fear and loath it." His words wavered as he saw the face you made, the twisting of a frown and the feeling of distaste curling around you like a potent perfume infecting him, becoming trapped in his throat with all of the words he wished he could say outloud.
"Or not, you can stay here with me as a confidant; a friend. Someone i can actually trust" he uttered shrugging, removing one hand from you raiseing it up in a surrendering motion as he began ratteling off another option. That sounded as if there was alot more thought put into it then he was willing to admit.
"Or if you want to take a place beside me. Not as a soilder but perhaps as more... As empress? I'd- i mean to say that... The position is open to you, if you wish. All you have to do is say and.. i would" he stuttered slightly, his grip on your arm loosening as he focused on his own hands grasping you nervously. Running his thumbs across the soft skin of your inner arm gently. He was anxiously waiting your reaction. He may have voiced his thoughts prematurely but? He wasnt going to take it back. He liked you. No. He loved you, you were the only person in his life that hadn't used or manipulated him. You accepted him dark and all.
"Empress? Your empress? Are you? Are you serious? What? Wheres that come from?" You fought the words, wresteling them out through hitched breaths and shock. Your stomach flipped, filling with butterflies and your cheeks burst into a bright blush. Mind instantly latching onto the idea.
You couldnt help it, the sweet gentle intimacy only brought back the feelings youd thought had died. Feelings that had been dangerous, forbidden. And yet here and now they weren't. You werent jedi, and neither was he. You were free. Free to give and take in a selfish love. Free to claim what your heart desired and protect it feircely. Not only that but its what was being offered, freely without remorse or fear or the need to hide. It was too good to be true, theres no way there wasnt a hidden catch. If there one thing you learned is the force doesnt work in mysterious ways, it was exchange. What it gives it can and will take without a moments notice and theres nothign you could do about it. Everything had a price, and to offer this up so carelessly meant the price will be dire.
"I have always liked; no thats to say? You are the only woman i've ever loved. I love you even now" He uttered suddenly, unable to catch himself. He paused when you gasped audibly hands rising to your mouth, covering the shock. He? He didnt just? Did he? He couldnt possibly have just admitted something like that so thoughtlessly. So casually, as if his words wouldnt possibly alter both of your lives.
You shook your head subtly, tears pricking your eyes. It was too much to hope for. Love. It was a fools errand, forbidden, taboo unachievable for your kind. Jedi cant escape their teachings even when they leave the orders and temples.
Kylo grasped your quivering hand pulling it from your mouth before drawing it to his own. Pressing the back of it to his lips, eyes closing as his kiss lingered. Drawing in a deep breath theough his nose andmheld still. Enjoying what could very well be the last tender moment he would ever get with you. A moment he will cherish.
You sniffled leaning forward pressing your head to his chest your other hand riseing to capture the cloak at his waist. He hummed tucking the hand at his lips into his own once more holding it to his chest delicatly. And you both stayed like that for some time reveling in the silence, just enjoying the comfort youd both longed for.
"I have always loved you" he uttered breaking the silence, taking the chance to wrap himself around you, his arms moving to hold you, drawing you closer to him, pressing you to his chest.
"Your beautiful, funny easy to be around and? You have never lied to me or tried to sway my decisions. Not once, you are grown now beautiful, articulate everythingni thought youd be. The first order needs someone to admire, a crown jewel so to speak" his words seemed light, yet sincere. Almost hopefull.
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You closed your eyes whining under your breath pressing into him harder. Your hand squeezing his cloak dragging him closer. It was more then you could dream. He inched closer hands finally capturing you, arms wrapping around you pulling you flush against him dippingnhis head down to rest on yours. You responded instantly curling your own arms around his torso. Holding on tightly afraid this was ll just some fucked up hallucination thats goingnto be ripped away. That the force will tear him from you again.
"I need you. Need something; someone to fight for. All this time I've been fighting for power. Rage and hate fueling my every move. But i dont want that. I honestly dont, i want to be more then what became of vader. More then another power hungry sith or evil dictator. I want to end not just the jedi but the sith aswell. Just like we talked about. Nothing but the force itself" His explained softly, tracing light patterns across you with his fingers, flexing his rms to hold you even tighter, press you closer. You both clung to one another as if your lives depended on it. Yet there was no rush, not anxieties just the twoof you finally accepting each other as more then comrades or friends.
"I want you by my side, but i only want you to stay if thats what you want." His words waivered slightly, your ongoing silence becoming deafening.
"It would keep the rebels away if they saw you made such a decision and you were happy and i believe i could make you happy, that we could make each other happy." You hummed listening carefully. Still loosing yourself in the feeling of being so close to him. So wrapped up in his tender hold, your life forces drifting around one another as if trying to re-establish itself. Trying to find the comfortable sweet spot that would revive your bond.
"We could build something remarkable together. You and I, we could prove everyone wrong. And this isnt some sudden realisation. I have always had a strong attachment to you. Always loved you. I just didnt understand it before" the reasons continued to pour from him almost desperately. He could help it, he felt as if it was now or never. That he had to make a convincing argument to keep you by his side.
You sighed and pulled back from him reluctantly slowly dragging your hands across his ribs as you did so. He frowned, eyes searching yours, he made to grasp at you again but you intercepted raising your own hands to meet his, delicatly placing your palms to his weaving your fingers between his own.
"D-do you really mean it? That... that you love me?" You spome in a hushed secretive tone. As though testing him, testing yourself unsure if you could trust youd heard him correctly. But perhaps it was also becuase you needed the clarification, reassurance that he had admitted to something so significant, so utterly life changing.
"Yes, it was one of the many things skywalker berated me for. It was forbidden, you were forbidden. It was why i distanced myself from you in the weeks before, i was trying so hard to fight it" he gave a tight smile, it had been hard to abstain from you. To pull back and desert you as he tried desperately to be a good jedi. To follow the hypocriticall code.
When it was brought down into its most basic components the jedis code was to protect and love everyone as a whole but never become selfish enough to love and protect individuals. The greed of such selfish adoration will breed possessiveness; the refusal to give up the one you loved. This then gave way to worry, paranoia. And from there you fall to fear; the fear of loss. Settle into loathing and hate. Finally suffering; suffer the loss of your love, suffer the greif and regret when you lose all that you held most dear. That was the decent into the darkside. The journy most sith fell prey to. And it all started with forbidden love.
Kylo was pulled from his thoughts as your voice cracked, weak words tumbling from you as you revealed he was not alone in being caught out by his uncle. You too had been warned many times about your feelings towards ben.
"He got at me about it too. I love you too. He scolded me many times, even hinting at me to leave if i couldnt control it" and just like that the daydream was gone, the proverbial spell broken and it felt as if the whole world came crashing down upon you. Just like before, only this time it wasnt codes, oaths and the fear of beong caught that was stopping you from pursuing him. No, it was worse. Status, titles and public opinion.
No. this was? It cant work! Hexs the leader of the first order, a jedi killer. And you were effectivly an apostate. An ex jedi that the rebels were desperately trying to recruit. You were found with them! Brought in as a prisoner and cuffed inside an interrogation cell. Itd ruin his credibility, if he were seen with you.
Kylos heart seized as he heard the thoughts loud and clear. You were projecting in your panic. In the sorrow and anxious devastation. No. No! He wont allow it. He wont let you deny yourself happiness, he wont let you deny him now he knows the truth.
"No. No dont? Dont say that we can. We can be together we can. I can make it happen. Im the supremeleader anything i say goes. I can; we can build our own future together" kylo hissed, shaking his head sharply squeezing your hands as you tried detaching yourself from him.
"But kylo...What would the first order say? Surley they would have issues with me; an ex jedi caught with a batallion of rebel's suddenly beside you exachanging vows" kylos reply silenced you. It was a snarl, a deep frustrated growl echojngnin his chest sending shivers down your spine. Goosebumps rose on your skin, your tummy fluttered. There was something about his reaction, about knowing he would argue, that he'd fight for you. It made you feel relieved and anxious all at once. Youd never had anyone fight for you before, you normally had to do that all by yourself.
"Im their supreme leader. Theres not much i connot take care of. I would create a story of half truths. Paint you as my lover, my secret fiancé who i hid away from everyone for her own protection; that i feared snokes reaction if he ever knew" his words soothed you so ewhat, and he could tell. You relaxed, listening to him intently. It made sense sort of?
"Id say youd been hunted by the rebels because of who you were to me. Explain that the whole operation was to rescue you, that the rebels got to you before i could come and collect you once id killed snoke. And the raid was just me bringing you home.
"But i was brought here in cuffs? That trooper knows im here, in an interrogation cell it cant? I wont be your down fall;"
"It was a ruse for your safety!" Kylo finally snapped at you, his desperation to keep you becoming irritation. Why didnt you trust him? Why did you doubt he could fix it, handle everything and take care of you. He loved you, you loved him that should be enough shouldnt it?
He drew a deep breath befpre cupping the sides of your face lightly. Your eyes closed and you gave into his touch. Enjoying the warmth on your cheeks as his hands held you. You pressed into the soft leather of his gloves silently wishing he'd taken them off. You didnt want barriers between you, you wanted him, just him. His skin, his affection his love everything!
"Everyone knows anything could happen when it comes to those... vermin. I had you cuffed and brought here as a precaution. They could have done anything to you my love, warped your mind, pumped you full of toxins to insight hallucinations looking for information about me, us the first order?" His story unfolded around you, creating the perfect romantic tragedy. Rewriting the script of your romance as if he'd already finished a manuscript. You almost forgot how quick he was thinking on his feet, conjuring stories and reasons with ease.
"I had to do it this way, incase they belived youd turned on me. You could have played the part of a deserter to survive. But now, once ive had time to read you, to peer into your mind i know you hadnt betrayed us. You managed to fend off their cruel games and twisted words" he continued his reasoning, useing logic to create the perfect reunion for the two of you. Setting the stage for you to both love one another freely.
"And you came home, stronger than ever. Ready to take your rightfull place. And the rebels would feel Iied to by their general, of course she had to have known who her sons fiance was, we did grow up together. Theyd lose morale. And we'd gain it. And id finally have you all to myself. With no shame, or fear. Just us together as it should have always been" his rant came to a slow sweet end. Making you smile, grinning shyly up at him. You liked the sound of that, being with him like regular people. Normal lovers able to enjoy one another.
"But most importantly be safe and loved for the rest of your days. We could have everything we were denied, we could be together. Truley be together, do you hear me?" His hands shifted, dragging over your ears, further and further back untill his fingers stretched out i to your hair lightly massaging your scalp. And then he moved nuzzling into you, breathing deep trying to drown himself innyour scent. It was just as he remebered, light spice that seemed to cling to you from your love of the exotic, coupled with a slight sweet honeyed scent that came from every scented soap, shampoo and conditioner. And then the overall delicate scent that was your own. It was the smell of home. The scent that haunted him just as much as his dreams. He'd missed it. Your eyes fluttered closed, melting into him natheing in the long lost warmth of a kind embrace.
"We can do it. Together me and you, nothing will stop us. Nothing will ever come between us my love, please dont... dont turn away, dont leave me. I love you. I still love you and i promise you; swear to you that i wil, protect you. Protect us... there can be an us now. We will never hide, or shy away from each other again" his word grew almost frantic, pleading even. You pressed into him tighter tlitling your head tryingnto tuck yourself into him properly and rest against his chest. But he paused, stopping you carefully before tipping your head up promtpingnyou to look at him, locking eyes again.
"Please give us a chance? Give the first order a chance. You wont regret it. You wont" you tentativly moved to cup his own cheek tilting your head to the side taking in the sight of him. So vulnerable and raw. Sincere and sweet? Hopefull. You couldnt deny him. You knew it deep down, there was no way you could abandon him. Not when youd both finally revealed your true feelings. Not when he already had all the answers, all the excuses and plans. But that didnt mean you werent going to ask what was expected of you.
"What would i have to do? As empress i mean? I dont want to... i wont have to fight? Or officially join the darkside and become sith? Will i?" Kylo froze his entire body shuddered. Did that mean? Were you really going to stay?! He grinned unable to stop the giddy laugh from bubbling in his throat. It was more then he could imagine. The rush of happiness, anticipation. But quickly shook his head before speakign answering all of your fears and doubts wanting to nip them in the butt before you could dwell on them and overthink.
"No, not at all. Not for a second i wouldnt force you my love. Like i said the choice is yours, it will always be yours. Whether you become my apprentice, empress or stay as a freind i will protect you from skywalker and the rebels. You never have to fear them or look over your shoulder again" he uttered dragging his hands over yu, lower, curling around your waist resting in the curve of your back.
"That is if you stay.You-you are always free to walk away now. It would be painful to watch you go, but i would let you. Id have you escorted to where ever you want to go" his promise came with a fearfull swallow. But he wanted to make sure you understood, that you knew you had the choice. That you truly had a choice and he'd respect your wishes.
"Though id much rather have you here with me, beside me. I belive we were meant to find one another again. I really do. I dont want to let you go. I just want you to be safe, to have the saftey and security of a home. Something that had been ripped from us as children."
"Kylo;" you tried halting his rambling, the anxious words that escaped him as his thoughts ran rabid, second guessing his own offer. Would you think he was trying to takl you out of it? Trying to chase you away? Fuck. Fuck what if he misspoke or pushed to hard?
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You could see the wild panic, the odd nauseating fear that spiked from him, making the force tremble around the both of you restlessly. But you couldnt manage to get a word in as he began falling into another half anxious monologue of explanations and reasoning.
"You know what it feels like to be manipulated and have your life mapped out for you. We had many decisions made for us, too many options taken from us and we both paid for them with blood and fear. We know how cruel family is. You deserved better. You deserved a choice" he finalised with conviction. He made to open his ,outh once more but you hushed him, a single palm covering his mouth, managing to stop another round of persuasion from the large sweet man.
"We both did... And maybe we can make things better together? We can make a real family, a home and right a few wrongs? Be ourselves without shame or remorse together. One united front? Us against the galaxy?" Your hand slowly drifted to his hair as you spoke, making your decision. Your fingers danced in the thick ebony locks. You smiled when he couldnt refrain from nuzzling into you once more. He really wasnt the big scary man he tried to be. Just a huge loth cat.
"What? You mean? Youll stay with me? As my empress? Youll really stay?" Your heart broke at the tiny disbelieving voice, so unlike him. Yet exactly what youd expect from the old ben. The one who felt so much weight, so much responsibility with little love for himself. Back then he was so uncertain, so frightend to chase after what he wanted because he felt denying himself made him strong.
"Id be honoured kylo. I can think of nothing id like more than to spend my life with you, if youll have me?" You anounced, dragging his face closer your own unable to stop the fluttering in your tummy, or the way your face flushed, and the excited giddiness overwhelming you.
He wrapped himself around you, nose touching your own eye flicking from your own gaze down to your lips, the temptation to press his own against yours and devour you. Lock you into a kiss that had been long overdue.
"Of course, fuck yes i mean i? I want you by my side. I love you" he whispered, not wantingnto break the spell. The euphoric haze that seemed to isolate the two of you from the rest of the galaxy in this moment.he couldnt, wouldnt jeopardise this one peacfull moment you had together. The moment youd both been praying for since your early teens.
"I love you too. Theres just one thing i ask from you?" You breathed out, grazing his nose with the lightest of touches. Barely hanging on to the thread of control you somehow maintained.
"Name it, its yours" his voice dipped low. No thoughts just feeling. Pure joy and eager acceptance. He didnt care what it was you wanted. Youd have it, he'd grant you anything even the impossible. He'd find a way to give you the univers in its entirety if you asked.
"Dont lie to me. Even if the truth hurts, even if its dangerous or frightening. Dont hide things behinde half truths and lies. We have both had enough of that for a life time" you could see his eyes soften the aprihension that your qeustion had caused quickly disappeared. He seemed saddened almost, humbled. Your unsure what it was he expected you to ask, but apparently it wasnt honesty.
"You have my word my love. I swear i will never lie to you, never. I trust you to know everything, youll always know as much as i do" in that moment he swore to you and himself. Made it an oath, his own code to live by.
You sighed fully relaxing into him before coilingnyour arms around his neck tugging him down closer and began rising you your tip toes. He didnt need to think, about his next move. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. The first light pressing on your lips together soon gve way to soemthing heated, years of repressed emotions and desire. Before you realised what was happeneing you were scooped up in hos arms. Legs locking around his waist your kiss now coupled with hands tugging you against him, rocking you against him in a delicious grinding that only spurred the both of you on.
Your kisses quickly became desperate a flurry of nips, kisses and the lapping of his tongue. The constant pressure of his tongue finally pried your own mouth open. He wasted no time in pressing on, fucking into your mouth with his tongue growling as your own fought his, twisting around his own in a decadent battle. His fingers tightened on your ass, digging into the flesh before thrusting his hips against yours. You gasped, tongue faltering in its own assault, he used the mone tto delve deeper, dominating you claiming victory over your playful defiance. Not that you minded, not in the slightest. You moaning when he began tracing the roof of your mouth lightly, a tickling pleasant feeling making you whine, shuddering and arching into his hold.
"Supreme leader i;" you yepled as the modulated voice of a trooper called out only to stop mid sentence as he realised what he'd just walked in on.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Kylos shout was accompanied with a blast of the force towards the unsuspecting trooper. Not that he needed prompting, at the forst yelled words he'd already turned trying to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Only managing a few feet untill he connected with the opposite wall on the hall. The force following closely slamming his helmet clade head even harder into the wall. And then he dropped into a heap of white armour on the floor.
"Oh god; that poor bastard. Is he gonna be okay?" You uttered flushing, giggleing somewhat nervously as there were foot steps in the distance out in the hall growing fainter. Apparently there'd been an audience.
"If he stays down he will be" kylo huffed petulantly. It would have been cute had it not been for the look of murder in his wpeyes, violence on his mind. You sighed before pecking him once more, trapping him in a barrage of sweet kisses between words.
"Kylo. Leave him be... i wasnt going to fuck you here anyway, theres cameras" his eyes flicked to the small cctv cameras in the corner. You had a point. He sighed slowly letting you stand befpre him once more and reached out to retrieve his mask, which you promptly toom from him, holding it carefully. You didnt want him to disappear behinde it just yet. He gave you a look, only to shake his head at you as you subtly twisted the carbon mask from him stubbornly. He chuckled realiseing quickly you wanted to keep looking at him.
"Right~ Come, let's get you home;" he faltered as you stepped up beside him eagerly. It was odd, having someone wanting to be so close to him. He? Liked it. But only if it was you, everyone else better keep their fucking distance... especially if you were there.
"Lead the way" you grinned cutely up at him. It was enough to stop him in his tracks. This was it, his future; your future. It all starts now, starts here. And force be damned he could barely contain the excitement. You were his, and he was yours, and nothing would ever interfere again. For the first time in years, he felt that all powerful hope the rebellion raged on about. And honestly? He could understand it. This was a new, powerful feeling. He felt like he could achieve the impossible. And he would. There was no doubt in his mind now. You'd both succeed where others failed because you had one another.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Huh? Oh, I'm Bambi chapter 1
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Summary: You're a jeweller invited to a once in a lifetime high fashion party as blackmail to sign away your soul for fashion. Only youe not, no. You're ready to turn down versace to keep your brands integrity. It's a classic line, right? Refusing fame and fortune so you can sleep at night? But instead of 'no thank you' and walking away, you find yourself in the sights of the gucci power couple. Little do you know they have been on the hunt for someone just like you, and they have no intentions of letting you escape.
Warnings: polygamy, f/m/f, f/f, f/m, power exchange, anxiety, fluff, swearing, sugar baby themes? Ddlg(if you squint?)
A/N: so i decided to watch house of gucci when making my latest custom doll and couldnt help dreaming of being maurizio and patrizia's little sugar baby. So here you go a little fic thts planned out and only 7 chapters long max. also i dont know anything about high fashion, so please forgive any inaccuracies.
Maurizio watched from his place at the bar. His eyes fixed on the small woman hovering off to the side, half hiding behind a column looking terrified. He'd been glancing at her all night. His mind wandering there was something about her that had captured his and patrizia's attention.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Patrizia uttered from beside him, casting another glance to the petite woman. She was wrapped up on a soft lilac chiffon dress cinched below full bust before flowy freely to her ankles. It was sweet and delicate, not a designer brand. The woman was like a breath of fresh air. A certain change from all the harsh colours and stiff lines of designers advertising their own clothes proudly.
And when Maurizio was home, he found himself alone because of patrizia's previous engagements. It was poor communication on both parts neither one wanted to change their ways and at first it was okay, the wild sex made up for it. But now the honeymoon period was over snd life was beginning to take its toll. Although they wanted to let go of monogamy, they still loved one another and wanted to be loyal to one another in some way. So they decided it'd be a good idea to just bring in a third. One single person they could both love and adore, so no matter what neither one felt abandoned or was alone all the time. And it may actually encourage them to coordinate better and find more balance.
"Yes. Very. What do you think amore?" Maurizio answered, sipping his drink and poseing his own question to his wife. Though he is unsure if she understood the context. But then again, the idea was coming up constantly as of late. The idea of monogamy becoming less appealing, he found himself caught up in the office longer hours leaving his wife frustrated, and when he was free, they made up for lost time, but they were drifting apart. When Maurizio was at work, patrizia would make social appearance's keeping the gucci name in all the right circles and social events.
Theyd spoke in depth about what they both wanted. A woman; Maurizio thought he'd have to fight his corner on that. But as it turns out patrizia hadnt always been with men, she didnt have a problem. In fact she was excited at the prospect of having a best freind and lover all in one. She'd always have someone to spend her days shopping, dancing and going to the spa with. He liked the idea of her having that too.
He watched as his wife tilted her head, humming to herself clearly debating the young woman. Imagining her as their own coveted lover. She shifted leaning back against her husband.
"Shes adorable. Though ive never seen her before? I asked around, no one seemed to know who she is." She finally spoke still refusing to take her eyes off the other woman. Who was beginning to shuffle and fidget, she probably felt their eyes on her. It was sweet, the way her eyes flicked around the room with a tiny furrow in her brow, a lost confused little bunny that had ne idea she had attracted their attention. She sensed it, the chnge in the air. She knew someone had noticed her, she just didnt know who.
"So you are considering her? It just so happens I think i might know who she is, your going to love this. Versace was boasting about capturing that new little jeweller from the article a few weeks ago. And there are rumours she was invited here tonight as a show of good will" he anounced wrapping one arm around the woman infront of him, curling into his wife as he spoke making sure no one could over hear them.
"Wait the one we we're after? Who did the obsidian and pearl carvings?" Patrizia said arching away from maurizio slightly to look up at him.
"The very same, it'd be just like him to try an flaunt her here. Especially when he knew so many of us were after her" he grinned down at his wife, knowing she would be all to pleased to go and meet the young jeweller.
"Yet shes alone?" Patrizia hummed feigning innocence. Still beating around the bush, feeling out Maurizio's intentions before biting the bullet and asking him outright.
"Shame isnt it? Poor piccolina left by herself in a cold little corner" he cooed resting his chin on Patrizia's shoulder, obviously teasing the idea they both shared. The both of them wanted her, her being a skilled little jeweller was just a cherry on top.
"Indeed, perhaps we should... look after her mio amore? Keep her for a while, just untill shes ready to flourish" he grinned at his wives words. The way she finally gave in and admitted her true motives out loud.
"A splended idea, it'd be such a waste for her to simply hide and wither" Maurizio uttered hardly able to contain his joy. This was it. She was the one! He knew it.
"She is beautiful maurizio. I'd like to pursue this one if you are still open to our idea." Maurizio's heart sped in his chest at the idea of actually doing this, he could have his wife and they could share a lover between them? A beautiful young woman to coddle and spoil. It was more than he had hoped for.
"Im still open to it patrizia but we both need to agree for this to work" he said, wetting his lip drawing a deep breath not wanting to rush. It was important they took this step together and both agreed to their would be lover.
"Yes, i know that, i like her. Do you? Like her that is?" What started as a confident direct answer was quickly followed by doubt, she was unsure where maurizio's thoughts were at that moment. She herself was ready to try and build a relationship with this woman. But she didnt want to force anything onto her husband, she could ruin what she already had.
"Yes, i do. And shes a skilled jeweller, there wouldnt be so many uncomfortable question should we get caught... acquainting ourselves with her personally" her heart almost burst as her husband gave her his answer, they both agreed. She beamed up at him grinning wider then she had for a long time.
"To the world we could just be incredibly close freinds" she added nodding her head at the almost perfect situation they found themselves in. And it was perfect, as if the stars had alligned just for them.
"And if the world did find out? Would that bother you? It could happen..." Maurizio's voice broke through Patrizia 's elation, wanting to make sure the both of them understand the risks associated with this new lifestyle.
Patrizia was silent for a moment, thinking over the many outcomes and accusations they could face if it became known they were inviting another to their bed. Maurizio waited patiently, he himself hadnt really thought about all the consequences. He only knew he wanted for him and his wife to be happy and loved constantly. If the both of them loving and doteing on another woman would make that happen he was more then willing.
"No, i dont think it would. We are expected to be somewhat eccentric. And i think it may even help us appeal to the younger more open generation. The owner of gucci and his wife accepting and embracing an alternative life style? Being who we are without remorse or shame? It'd almost be a selling point. It says Gucci is modern. Gucci is love, no matter who you are or what you belive we accept you for it" she smirked, at the idea. Hell if they did manage to have this woman by their side and in there bed it might be beneficial to go public, instead of being caught red handed. Just admit it, yes we are all together. It could be somthing that sets gucci apart from the competition.
"You are very clever mio amore, you think of everything. Always have an answer" she grinned twisting her head and pressed a delicate kiss to his cheek. Before tapping his arm that still hung across her wasit.
"Lets go meet our new principessa" she uttered slowly pealing herself from his front, taking his hand and began leading him through the crowd towards the unsuspecting jewel that had them both enamoured.
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To all intents and purposes you shouldnt be here. You werent in the 'business' of high fashion so didnt know who was who. It never really interested you. Well not untill about two weeks ago anyway.
You were just little english jeweller whod immigrated to italy to make a living off your odd little statment pieces. You worked with alternative materials, semi precious stones, crystals. Pearls, opals, quarzt and other lesser used gemstones. You mostly carved them with a small dremal. Your designs were usually on the darker and stranger side of things. Skulls, anatomical hearts, flowers and mythical creatures sometimes tipped in silver or gold when you could afford it. You made anything and everything, from niche takes on zodiac signs to gods and insects. Each piece had a little twist to it. And everything was different and customised.
You got a break two weeks ago, being featured in a fashion magazine as an 'new commer' with your new collection. All tiny skulls carved out of pearls and black jade. Each with their own gold embellishments, from curved ram horns to royal crowns and circlets. People seemed to like them and you were pleased to have a small recognition for your work. But then came a letter, versace was offering you a collaboration job and wanted to meet.
But thats where the good news stopped. Things hadnt gone well. They wanted you to take your work in a Different direction, wanted to make you conform. Youd come away with a contract to read but honestly youd already deccided you werent going to sign. You did try to get positive about it, tried to think of the money and exposure but it just didnt seem worth it. You were quirky and weird, and liked it that way.
Versace didnt seem to think the meeting had gone well either, so had invited you here to a huge party full or the rich an famous. The elites were all here. You knew it was meant to entice you, to convince you to sell your integrity for money and the chance to enter this big new marble coated gold drenched world of fashion. But it wasnt going to work. No. You were here for the free food and to be nosey, then youll politely decline the offer and return home to toddle along as you have been. Saving up to get a little hole in the wall shop somewhere and live happy and free.
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You stared out into the swathes of people each sipping champagne or other expensive drinks you didnt think you could pronounce let alone afford. This was definitely an experience, you just werent sure if it was a good one yet. Comming here had been a good idea at the time, spurred by curiosity and the prospect of seeing how the rich people partied. You didnt realise just how nerve-wracking it would be to actually attend alone though.
Sure the invite said to bring a plus one but? Well there was no one. As pathetic as it was you didnt have any friends. Since moving here youd thrown yourself into your work and it had paid off. You made enough money off of your jewellery to live. You had a roof over your head and food on the table, thats all you needed. Build a client base and reputation and then youll grow.
Your eyes skimmed the crowd again, you couldnt help feeling like youd been being watched, you were actually waiting for security to come and escourt you out because of how out of place you looked. Theyd think you snuck in. apart of you was actually hoping thatd happen so you could leave early without being rude.
You had intended of trying to make some business associates. Network and sell your little brand but... well everyone was dressed head to toe in ridiculously expensive brands. And you didnt know who was who. You could end up trying to sell your jewellery to a property tycoon!
"You look positively terrified"
"Oh jesus!" you jumped cursing as you almost threw your glass of white wine all over yourself whilst almost having a heart attack. You spun around to reply to who ever had just snuck up behinde you, ready to give them a piece of your mind. But paused seeing an impeccably dressed handsome couple. Your irritation fled instantly and you smiled uncertainly shifting on your feet nervously.
A beautiful dark haired woman with perfect make up and not a single hair out of place. she was sultry and had a slight danger to her. It was seductive, like she could have anything she wanted and she knew it, yet she didnt seem to be arrogant?. Behinde her stood a tall stunning man, who looked he like he was almost hideing behinde his glasses, he had a sweet look to him but cunning and playfull you couldnt really describe it beyone that. His hair curling gently framing his face, again dressed in a beautifully tailored suit. God lord.
"Oh? Yes this isnt really my thing" you smiled nervously waving your hand around only to stop and quickly tuck your hair behinde your ear. Trying to calm down. But honestly it was impossible each moment made you more uncomfortable then the last since youd been her. You were definitely out of your depth. And somehow you knew this couple knew that.
"I couldnt tell, what with you hiding back here and all?" The woman chuckled softly, swaying slightly as she observed you carefully. One arm crossing her stomach to lock fingers with the mans hand at her waist. He to stared down at you, gifting you a gentle smile before speaking.
"You dont come to these gala's often. We certainly would have remebered seeing you before"
"Your right, I've never been to one of these before its very daunting" you explained slowly turning to sweep the party with your eyes once more, soaking in the luxurious scene. And then brought you attention back to the couple. Not wanting to be rude.
"Everyone is nervous their first time, its why we thought we would come and talk to you" the woman said trying to appease you, not wantingnyou to feel so put out.
"Was it that obvious?" You asked with a sigh sagging slightly frowning feeling defeated. But the woman stepped closer rubbing you arm reassuringly.
"A little. So who invited you? And then abandoned you so cruely" the man asked almost sounding offended on your behalf. His hand now brusing the womans back as she remained close to you.
"Oh... i got an invite from someone representing versace? I... dont actually know their name. Or what they look like" you avoided their gaze as you spoke embarrassed, feeling your cheeks warm. Saying it out loud did remind you how pathetic the situation really was.
"Versace? Thats unusual for him, to invite such a lovely woman as a plus one and leave her all alone" you flushed at that before actually realising he'd thought you were a date, or even worse an escourt!
"Wait you think? Oh! No no im not a date. They are just err. Trying to butter me up i think?" You blurted out, trying to make things clear. You didnt want to get anyone some bad publicity of start rumours, but also wanted to clear you name? Make sure everyone knew you were here with your own invite, not a plus one or anything.
"Butter you up?" The woman repeated, almost testing the words on her tongue before frowning to her companion who was also looking somewhat confused. Oh yeah... thats probably not a saying here?
"Yes, they think that inviting me to this fancy party will sweeten me and make me sign with them or somthing. They said i should network? But i havent got a clue what that meant so just thought i could hide here and people watch for the rest of the night" you clarified as much as you could, suddenly they both smiled nodding understanding what youd meant.
The man snapped his fingers and pointed at you lightly as if he'd just realised what youd said and possibly who you were.
"Sign? Ah. You must be that little jeweller they were bragging about. You make carvings? I saw some of your work in the article you did. Your jewellery is very intricate" he complimented making you flush brightly at him.
"I fell inlove with your southsea gold pearl, the skull was stunning and useing moissanite for the setting stones on the crown was genius. I've not heard of it before." The woman added kindly. You placed a hand to your chest grinning. To them feeling overwhelmed, you always did when people had been impressed with your work. And for some reason being complimented by these two seemed to make you feel like you were walking on air.
"Oh thank you so much, I'm glad you liked them. Moissanite has been overlooked quite a bit. I never understood replacing diamonds for cubiziconia when both are dull compared to moisonites sparkle" you began relaxing as they spoke about your work. You actually grew excited over it, you loved being able to talk about your jewellery especially to people who seemed genuinely interested in it.
"I assume we will be seeing more soon? In the versaces collection this season?" You paused at the mans question, smile dropping instantly, all excitement died as you were once again reminded of what was hanging over you. You curled into yourself slightly and shook your head at them.
"No? Oh piccolina whats that face for? Have they refused you?" You shivered at the pet name that rolled off the womans tongue like honey. It didnt help that she shuffled closer to you, placing a hand at your back gently. You found it slightly odd, but then again you werent exactly used to any sort of interaction, so it would be odd wouldnt it?
"No. They invited me here thinking i was already in their back pocket. But im not signing their contract. Its not a good fit for my work." You tried to brush off the topic trying not to say anything to informative. You didnt really know who these two were, and you were a too nervous to ask. They both regarded you for a few seconds, shareing a look before nodding in what you assumed was understanding. Youd never know they were indicating to one another to go in for the proverbial kill. That they were going to have you for themselves and that was the end of it.
"I looked up their clothes and well they are very boring, everything they make is clean straight lines and seems to only come in two colours nude beigh or nude pink" your words began escaping just to fill the little silence that followed your initial reply.
"You dont like nudes?" The question escaped from behind the males smirk. A light chuckle following as your face must have been a picture.
"No i dont. oh that sounds so bad; i just? i mean the colours. They are fine but? Lets just say its personal preference. They wanted me to conform. But I make fun statment pieces, my jewellery isnt ostentatious enough to?" You tired to put words to it, your creations were difficult to pin down, they were just so unique, it was a hard sell in the mainstream market. Your usual clients were shal we say alternative?
"Your work is made to compliment the outfit. Not carry it" the man uttered summing it up beautifully. You were stunned to silence for a second. That was perfect. You frowned for a second repeating the words, trying to remember them for when you decline the current contract. It was shocking to have someone come up with the perfect words to describe your little brand, it was only then you realised he must be involved in fashion somewhere.
"Exactly that... I came here mostly out of curiosity, to see the other side of the fence you know? Im sure this is the only chance i will get" you ended with a small laugh trying to shake the serious tone that was beginning to take over the conversation. People came here to have fun, not talk business. Your sure this couple was no different.
"I wouldnt be so sure about that" the woman teased lightly turning to her companion once more and tipped her head to you whislt looking at him intently. You frowned unsure what that was about but was posed with another question before you could realy think on the small interaction.
"Tell me tesoro would you be open to working with other brands?" The way he spoke seemed to change? He sounded more inviting. Not that he was standoffish before. But there was a warmth, in the question. An almost flirtatious lull. Like a siren trying to entice you. It was working.
"Err sure? I mean i do want to grow. But i suppose im just picky with what my stuff will be shown with? Alot of these big designer brands are too basic looking. I understand the quality standpoint but does every woman have to be stuck in a double breasted pant suit in a pastel nude?" You chuckled forgetting yourself for a moment and making small jabs at the high fashions lack of variety. It was the reason you were walking away from the offer you already had on the table.
Luckily they both chuckled along with you. Seeming to agree with your sentiment but the man pressed on with his line of questioning. Clearly wanting to direct the conversation into a certain direction.
"Have you thought about coming to work for Gucci?"
"I feel like i cant even afford to answer that question." You scoffed at the mention of the huge brand. As if thatd ever be an option. But you realised this time neither of them had laughed along with you. They simply waited expectantly for you to answer properly.
"But gucci is... different,even i can appreciate their drive and unique takes on fashion, they can be fun, comfortable and elegant at the same time." You mused, youd admit when youd looked at the high fashion brands that was one you returned to over and over, they were bolder then most. Colours, fabrics and prints that they used always made statments yet didnt become ridiculous and circus like.
"Working with them would definitely be something id jump at. Especially working with my new ideas; i just began working with brighter freshwater pearls, they come in so many colours its incredible. From pink to deep purples, blues, greens browns even reds. My last shipment had some huge green and red ones they are stunning and would definitely fit in with the gucci stripes;" you added getting carried away with your excitement and you were excited. The idea of useing the brighter pearls for more extravagant pieces had been one youd harboured for a long time. It was only now you managed to secure a supplier that wasnt charging double the pearls worth.
"Then perhaps we should find a table and discuss business and a contract?"
"Wait what? Do you work for them?" You frowned looking from one to the other who'd both began laughing as if youd just made the joke of the year.
"Am i missing somthing?" You asked stepping back feeling like they were laughing at you, making fun. This was what you were afraid of, being made a fool of by rich people that had nothing better to do then toy with those they deemed less than them. Just as you were about to walk away the huge male captured your hand pressing his other to his chest and dipped forward.
"Per favore forgive my wife and I its rare we are not recognised. Allow me to introduce myself. Maurizio Gucci and this is my wife Patrizia" he said sweetly before pressing a kiss to your hand. You squeaked, tensing eyes widening as you soked in the information. Holy shit. Theres no way?
"And for the record you are very good at networking, im glad we were able to meet you before the others found you" he added after allowing you a few moments to recover from your shock.
"Y-your wait... err huh? What?" You squeaked, just managing to utter some words through your hurricane of thoughts. Panic and embarrassment swirling in your head with clusters of thoughts and questions. But the overall consensus was; im an idiot for not looking them up. And dear god i hope they dont sell pastel nude pant suits.
"Oh now look? Youve scared the poor thing. Maurizio shes shaking." Patrizia chided lightly before stepping beside you once more hooking an arm in yours.
"Come piccolina, come to Patrizia, lets get you to our table. Maurizio can you fetch me and? Im sorry tesoro i didn't get your name?" She took control of the situation with ease, turning from you to maurizio nd back to you when she realised youd not introduced yourself to them. Luckily it broke through your shock and you replied quickly as if snapping back to reality.
"Oh Bambi. Im Bambi" you offered up quickly, so quickly youd had to repeat yourself just to be certainnyoud actually told them your name. Patrizia shared a grin with her husband before testing out your name.
"Bambi, perfect. Could you fetch us another bottle of champagne while i show Bambi to our table?" She spoke quickly, whilst handing you your small pink clutch that was resting ont the small marble pedal stool that youd been using as a makeshift table.
"Of course amore" you heard Maurizio's reply and found yourself being lead around the party, some turned glancing at you as you were wisked across the floor. But you didnt pay them any mind. All you could think about was the fact youd somehow landed a meeting with the head of the gucci empire, and honestly your not sure how. But you were thankfull, this could actually work... maybe? Youd have to wait and see.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
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Might not be new to some, but this is a fun picrew! And it even has some plus size options! 🤗
I can't choose, so you're getting 2 versions 😅
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No pressure tag: @oh-for-fic-sake @omgkatinka @littlefreya @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @sillyrabbit81 @nashibirne @nuggsmum @emelinelovesjc @ysmmsy @shewriteswhenthewordscome
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Uno reverse this shit
Summary: kylo refuses to fight crazy.
Warnings : swearing, shitpost, crack fic, threats of violence, small dog syndrom jedi style, no fucks were given
A/N: this isnt serious! I just wanted to play around with a funny crack fic drabble.
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"Stupid little jedi you seek to fight me? I'll show you the power of the darkside;" kylo growled out as his old masters youngest prodigy stepped forward readying to fight without a weapon.
"You know what? Do it. Make my day" kylo frowned behinde his mask at that faltering for a second at the sincere angered words spat at him.
"W-what?" He asked confused by the lack of fear or anxiety. This girl was either incredibly stupid or just had a deathwish. He looked to luke, then rey who both seemed to grow more uncomfortable with the situation.
"I said do it hit me up motherfucker you and me, right now lets go!" The tiny woman spoke up still heading towards him.
"Y/n for the love of god stop antagonising him! He's the fucking supreme leader now?! What the fuck?!" Luke called out to the small enraged woman that was still stalking towards kylo unarmed.
"Id listen to your master little jedi, i will use the dark side of the force on you, torture you couldnt ever dream of;" he tried again to intimidate the small female but it didnt work she infact she began rolling up her sleeves.
"I hope the fuck you do. Because then when i use the force to rip your lungs out your asshole i wont look like the bitch" she snarled pointing at him threateningly. Okay, that was unexpected? Kylo really didnt know what to do now? She wasnt palying the part of jedi, infact she seemed worse then him? It frightened him a little bit.
"Yeah thats right I aint playing silly buggers. If you gonna be all dark side voodoo scary boy with a red glow stick ima be a the psycho bitch that fucks you up bare hands. Im gona uno reverse this shit" she uttered into the stunned silence. Though luke and rey seemed more embarrassed and disappointed then shocked by the threat.
"Did.... did she just threaten to rip my lungs out of my ass?" Kylo asked the other two hesitantly whislt pointing to the she devil glareing up at him with an unsettling look of convictionon her face. She was 100% serious. He really wasnt registering this situation at all and was completely shook.
"Yeah she can do it too.... We're still working on the whole... rage thing" rey uttered quietly rubbing the back of her neck whilst shrugging. Luke nodded in agreement.
"And i was the fucking problem?! Me?!" He screamed across the open space in an accusatory tone. Completely dumbfounded by the hypocrisy of it all. Luke did have the decency to look away sheepishly. Kylo then held his hands up muttering 'fuck this' and turning abandoning the battlefeild. He refused to fight crazy.
"Did i win? Wow that was easy" The small woman pondered outloud but kylo just wasnt getting involved. You were,luke and reys problem, not his.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Miss Krennic
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Summary: Reincarnation was something the force was known to do, many tales were told of doppleganger's. People who were carbon copies of the deceased. But it was unheard of for one to found within a single life time. And why oh why did it have to be her? Was this yet another torment he'd be forced to endure for his evil deeds? Or was this the force giving him a chance to right the wrongs? Or was this just another scheme sidious had orchestrated? Either way there was only one thing that truly mattered and that was keeping her alive, whoch should be easy when shes such a young, obedient citizen of the empire.
Warnings : age gap, yandere vader?, manipulative relationship, forced marriage, swearing, possessive behaviour, shitty fathers, angst?
A/N: so i wanted to try th whole Reincarnation/doppleganger trope. But with a little more 'oommf' and there actually a bit of political plot in this one. Anyway i hope you continue to enjoy my vader obsession. Kylos next 😉👉👉
Unbeta'd i live life on the edge.
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Vader paused, frowing for a second before snapping his head back towards the small family. No. Impossible? There's no way. He trembled for a second a seething fury seared him from the inside as his gaze was fixed on the young woman.
"Ah, you noticed, i wondered how long it would take," the emperor cackled from beside his apprentice. He hd beenwaitingnfor this all night, it was about time vader saw the living ghost of his past.
"She was cloned" vader seethed while grinding his teeth, clenching his fists in anger as he saw the woman he loved so feircely mingle with the other empire elites in the gala. Padme. Almost exactly as she was when she had died, the only thing missing was the heavily pregnant belly. The mystery woman even wore two of padme's favourite colours, purple and silver.
"No, of course not. But the force is a fickle thing." Palpatine uttered almost scoffing at vader. The former turned watching the emperor waiting patiently for more of an explanation. Desperately trying to calm his anger at his master.
"I suspect she is a doppleganger. Such things rarely happen in a single lifetime. We are lucky to see it. A miss Dagny Krennic, oldest daughter to our very own director krennic. " vader turned his head to watch this... Dagny, as she managed to capture a small boys wrist, helped him balance a plate of food towards an empty set before sitting down, lifting the young boy to her lap, and helping him eat.
The sith lord felt his chest tighten, his breathing hitched ununcomfortably as the ventilator fought the natural reaction. But he couldn't help it. Had his master shown him this doppleganger just to spite him? Was she married, was that her child she doted on? Was this a cruel trick showing him what could have been had he chosen a different path?
"Fear not, that is her younger brother klaus. She's only twenty and currently being paraded through high society by her father, who is hoping for a suitable husband for her. Not that she knows that. The poor thing still thinks she's going to have a career in architecture." The emperor hummed distastefully as if the aristocratic socialites were all beneath him. And in a way, they were. The emperor had much more pressing matters than gossip and matchmaking. Yet he made an exception for this particular girl. He wanted to know everything about he, his life may depend on it in the future.
"Speechless, I see? I was shocked. Caught off gaurd when i first laid eyes on her. The force is a marvellous thing. I thought I'd seen a ghost. I had planned on using little Dagny to keep krennic inline when i discovered he had children. " he trailed off sinisterly. Had vader been a lesser man, he would have shrunk at the tone. For the first time in a long time, he felt a spike of fear. His master wasn't going to make him kill her, was he?
"But then when i laid eyes on her, i thought she could be more useful than i first anticipated. She is the reason i went to the trouble of hosting this gala. She's yours. Do what you will with her." That certainly wasn't what he thought his master was going to say. He looked back to the emperor, confused, shocked, and a slim trickle of excitment.
"What?" Vader snarled, unable to separate the anger and possessiveness out of his voice. Palpatine chuckled, seemingly pleased with his apprentice's sudden burst of life. The heated aggression was exactly what he wanted from him. Things will work out nicely.
"You have lost a certain spark. But it can always be reignited. Im sure the many years of serving the empire so faithfully have began to take their toll. Consider her my reward for a job well done thus far" he cackled as vaders eyes drifted once again. He was unable to stop looking at her, he couldnt help it. As much as he couldnt bare to watch the doppleganger roam around the gala, he did. He was almost afraid to blink incase she somehow disappeared before his very eyes. It hurt him hearing her laughter, seeing her smileing face flush at the whispers and compliments given to her from the many unworthy suitors flocking to her.
"As i said its no secret krennic is looking to marry her, i am offering her to you. I reached out to him and have taken it upon myslef to find the young woman a match. Krennic couldn't refuse my generous offer to see his daughter marry well" his master spoke again, not commenting on the way vader fixated on the young woman.
"Youve not taken a break since fully ajusting to your suit Even you need to take breaks vader, or you'll burn yourself out" vader winced at that this was both a reward and an embarrassment. To think people may know he was given the young woman to keep him entertained and placated. Like handing a toddler a toy to keep them quite and well behaved. Yet even then vader failed to care, he would be quite content having this... Dagny hidden away in mustafar safe and sound for his eyes only. If he had his way shexd never set foot outside again, certainly not on mustafar's cursed soil.
He couldnt deny the thrill of excitement thats raced acros his spine at the thought. She'd be the most prized possession awithin the fortress, people would only hear of her, whispers of a beautiful young woman haunting the evil lords halls dripping innthe finest silks and softest garments in the known galaxy. She would become something of a myth in her own right. The fair maiden that married the darkest beast of them all.
"Dagny will be your escape. Shes young, loyal and raised in the empire. Hopefully she can help remind you of your passion. Then maybe you will begin to make progress again. Your no use to the empire if you no longer connecting to the dark side." The chiding was acidic in nature. Mocking and sinister.
"My pain pushes me closer to the dark side;" he began trailing off the monotonous excuse he had been telling himself for the past twenty years trying to deny himself the girl. He couldnt afford to have an ounce of happiness, his master will only rip itfrom him in years to come and then call it a test. But the emperor interrupted him with a severe tone.
"That is no longer enough and you know it. We both feel it vader, you are begining to falter it shows in your recent failings. You have become stagnant in your growth" the hiss made vader wince once more. He would admit he had struggled as of late, his meditations hadnt been as effective leaving him less efficient on the field. But he was still getting results, just a little slower then before.
"Master i assure you i am fine;"
"And you will be much better with my gift beside you. She might reawaken your... determination, redeem your lust for life." plapatine grunted again, silencing vaders complaints. The sith apprentice knew better than to push his master on this. They both knew he had become stuck in his growth as of late. It was futile to try and deny it.
"Her father needs some incentive to avoid any more jedah incidents. What better incentive than to have his innocent daughter kept in mustafar with you doing maker knows what" his beady eyes glinted viciously at the notion of krennic being driven half mad with worry for the precious daughter he couldnt protect. It'd be even more amusing when krennic realised that vader indeed couldnt control himself and had bedded the girl over and over; which the emperor knew he would, it was only a matter of time. Vader mourned padme still, so any chance to somehow relive what he had with her would be taken. Even if it was a doppleganger who had no idea who padme amidala was.
"Shes to be a hostage?" The emperor reamained quiet for a moment, letting the question linger in the air for a few agonising seconds. And then he grinned, finding the words to entice his apprentice. Palpatine needed this to work, needed to pull vader into this new fold to maintain the grip he was slowly loosing over the younger sith, in that respect the girl had surfaced at the right moment, as if the force itself was willing sidiouss victory. She would be the choke chain that binds vader to his servitude.
"A guest, companion, lover. Though wife is a much more reasonable excuse to keep her separated from her family wouldnt you say? But as i said she is a gift, do what you want with her i honestly do not care. You have earned a reward. Just be sure to dangle her infront of krennic occasionally, keep him on his toes make him squirm" vaders chest tightened, even though he knew this was a double edged sword, he couldnt help the desire seepingninto his very being. He wanted her. Needed her, there was nothing else in the world he wanted more. Not even themdeath of obi-wan or to slaughter his master. He needed the small woman that was flitting about the gala. He neabed her to ccome to to, to return with him to the saftey of his home. He had to protect her and steal her away hide her from the galaxy.
Yet he couldnt help hold a slight anger towards the young woman who wore his wifes face so brazenly. There was an indignation there, how dare the force do this so soon. How dare the universe offer him a replacement. She was not padme; she will never be his Padme. Just an imitation, a guise of the woman he loved smothering a young imperial chit. A krennic. It made him growl, eyes narrowing behinde the mask. But despite the mixed feleings surrounding the girl, overall vader felt as if somethingnhad been returned to him. Even if it were just coincidence.
"Is there anything else i should know about her?" Vader hummed, trying to feight disinterest, still unsure if this was a test. Maker knows it wouldnt be the first cruelty his master inflicted on him. Andmif it was, this certainly wouldnt be the last.
"She is shy. Though she may look like padme, she is much more sheltered. Shes been raised to be an obedient wife and mother of the empires elite. I advise you not to forget that. Though i doubt you will, she will most likely do anything you ask, no matter how scandalous"
"Thats the beauty of the empire. Everyone knows their duty, everyone obeys their betters" vaders excitement dwindled and he tried not to cringe at that. It was well known the elites daughters were raised to be breeding stock. They were cattle, groomed from birth to be their husbands trophies and live in little gilded cages to provide heirs. But above all they were taught to always remain loyal to their husbands, when women married in the empire in high society you nolonger had anyone to trust and rely on but your spouse, they were your entire world from that point on.
He was torn, it sounded tempting to have such a wife. Obedient poised and docile, a woman who'd dote on him. Yet he couldnt imagine his padme ever living such a life... could he stand seeing dagny as such? Watching her succumb to his every whim and wicked desire? Would he miss the fire? But then again an obedient wife who follows orders is a wife he can protect. Had padme given in to him all those years ago much would have changed. He'd be a father, have eradicated sidious and taken the throne for himself.
"... i can do anything" vaders voice became quiet, monotonous as his head turned facing the young woman. This time she was standing quietly off to the side sipping wine watching the people around her, keeping a watchfull eye on her brother who was occupying himself by pulling petals off of one of the many flowers held on a table display.
It took everything in the emperor to maintain his composure as once again vader fell to his whims. The boy hadnt learned a thing, still foolish and eager to chase padme's skirt. Even a doppleganger will do.
"Yes, just mke sure she isnt a hindrance to your work. And do yourself a favour? Try not to kill this one" vader hissed, chelchingnhis fists at the provication. He so badly wanted the atack, to pumble his master and rip him limb from limb. But he couldnt, he wasnt ready. Not yet. So instead of replying he turned, striding off into the darkened fringes of the gala choosing to watch his little prize for a while longer. Letting her have her final moments of ignorant blissful freedom before cageing her.
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"Orson! Im telling you they are staring."
"We cannot leave just yet, people will think it strange if we leave before the emperors speech;" he replied haughtily trying to quiet his wife down as tpshe nagged him with a hiss.
"Are you telling me that your daughter means less to you then your reputation?" Came the snapping reply, panic grazing her tone. He had noticed his wife was uneasy since arriving. He to felt a certain chill. A forboding in the air that unsettled him. But he had brushed the feeling off as paranoia.
"Of course not" his voice became little more than an irritated bark, jaw snapping shut into a tense scowl.
"Then we are leaving. Im telling you orson, they are staring and whispering about her." Orson fought not to roll his eyes; god knows his wife would make him regret that. But he couldnt stand this anxiety rolling off of her. She was so sure something was going to happen to Dagny. If only she knew dagny had been dealt with already. Perhaps he should have told her that their daughter was well on her way to having a suitor picked for her from the crowd of eligible elite; the emperor himself taking an interest in her match deciding to help find her a powerful husband.
"I highly doubt lord vader is interested in persueing dagny, he isnt the type to waste time on frivolous things" he growled turning slightly making sure he couldnt be seen bikering with his wife in public.
"Who the hell said anything about lord vader persuing her?" She whisper shouted leaning in to him, fixing him with a heated glare. Her scowl deepened as he stalled taking a sip of his drink to try and stall.
"Orson? What is it? Is there somthing your not telling me?" He hung his head at the question, she wouldnt drop this. Not now. He shook his head once more sighing befor lightly capturing his wives elbow and slowly lead her further into a quiet alcove.
"I... i had an audience with the emperor... about Dagny, he wanted to show his gratitude for my work and our families sacrifices. " he began quietly, almost sou ding defeated. He knew she would be less than pleased. But she had to understand his hands were tied.
"What happened? Orson what did you do?" He winced at the accusatory tone, almost a scold. Like she would give klaus when he returned home with a red notification on his school data pad for misbehaving.
"Nothing, i did nothing because i could do nothing" he snipped, insulted by the way his wife assumed he was the conspirator of nasty ill-gotten games. It wasnt like he was in politics, he was a director for christ sake, he commanded scientist's researchers and troops. He didnt sit in on government meetings and try to bribe the higher ups.
"What happened? What was said?" She pried, still seething, yet her anger was becoming more alarmed by the second. Worry etching itself into her expression.
"The emperor wishes to help find her a suitor. A high ranking imperial. He would see her marry into true aristocracy. Its partly why we are here. He said we could... she could meet suitors here tonight" he looked away from his wife u willing to watch the realisation settle across her face. She would be furious, this was the one thing he had swore to never do. He had never wanted to be seen as ridding himself of his daughter like so many other disappointing female heirs. But unfortunately he coudltn avoid it.he hadnt orchestrated any of it, the emperor had. And it wasnt like he could refuse?
"Oh god. Oh my god. Do you? Do you have any idea what you have done? An arranged marriage really? Thats what you want for her? A contract, youve practically sold her" orson bit his tongue, he so desperately wanted to argue that fact but? He couldnt. In a way thats what he had done. Or what he was going to do? He was going to let his daughter be given off as some prize to an aristocratic little ponce. She will be a trophy wife, and she wont have a choice.
"She could be given to anyone Orson. Anyone including him. He can use her as blackmail, have her sent across the galaxy to fuck knows where? Did you even think about that?" She growled leaningntowards his face so he wouldnt escape her displeasure. He snapped at her, he felt bad enough he didnt need her giving him more shit over it. Especially not when he is supposed to be watching over dagny's interactions with her so cqlled suitors.
"I didnt have a choice? What was i supposed to do;"
"You were supposed to protect your child orson. You were supposed to be a god damned father for once in your life" she bit out venomously snappjng her jawsa at him in the only way she could. Harsh spiteful words slicing into his insecurities as a father. He knew he wasnt the best father, he wasnt there for his children and missed most of their milestones. But he had no choice, he still loved his children and they knew that.
"The point is I dont think lord vader would even be interested in a wife. He hasnt got the time" orsons voice grew thick irritation and anxiety raceing through his veins. He wishes his wife would just stop. He didnt need this tonight, he had other things to think about.
"He doesnt need to, having her locked away in mustafar would be enough to hold over your head." The low tone was calm, too calm. It drew his gaze back to his wife and he froze on the spot. How one could look soo angry and so cold at the same time he would never know.
"Call it a mothers intuition but im telling you vader is watching her closely. Too closely. Look" orson did look casting a glance to his eldest who was politely declining a dance. And then his eyes slowly moved to vader. The dark lords gaze was locked onto dagny's back, he was tense, still unwavering. To anyone who'd never been around the lord they could mistake it for his normal frightening disposition. But orson knew better, somthing was off. the sickening dread he felt was palpable. Something was off, he couldnt put his finger on it but... he felt something.
"Fine quickly fetch dagny and Klaus we are leaving. We can move her off planet. I will arrange a move for you to naboo or somthing" Orson spoke, unable to taear his eyes from lord vader, whose head had tipped slightly following the movements of his daughter as she was ushered through the crowd. This was definitely bad.
"Thank god, and dont think this is over orson. Im livid, you dare make decisionsfor her without consulting her or me. Your not even home most of the time, you dont even know her" his wife sneered before walking away leaving him alone with his shame. He had no choice. He had no choice but to surrender his one and only daughter to the empire.
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"Dagny, come we are leaving" you frowned at your mothers severe tone. Her heels struck the floor with urgency, almost as if she were trying to gouge holes into the floor as she crossed the space between you both, one hand grasping Klaus' arm firmly.
You gave a polite head nod to the handsome young man youd been hatting with before spinning around facing your mother letting her know you werent going to argue with her.
She gave a tight smile and paused, glancing around you both anxiously before ushering you closer to herself, one hand rising to your elbow pressing you to move forward.
"Mother? Is something wrong?" You finally asked as she pressed you harder, weaving in and out of the other guests ignoring all pleasantries in favour of practically shoving you into your fathers direction, who was hovering near the main entrance. It wasnt like your socialite mother to be rude to the other aristocratic families, this almost frantic behaviour would be the talk of the empire. Damaging her reputation, she wouldnt abide such travesty unless something was terribly wrong
"No, no its going to be alright. I just.. im not feeling to well your father is escorting us home. Come quickly" you nodded in understanding before following your mothers lead as she pressed you and your younger brother through the door your father held open. You spared a glance as you passed him, the usually unshakeable man was flicking his gaze across the gala nervously. It unsettled you. What was going on?
You frown feeling a spike of anxiety. Why did they seem so scared? What happened? Your mother cast you another worried glance before quickly pulling your brother to her hip when he struggled to keep pace. Odd. She hated carrying him now he was older, trying to get him used to walking on his instead of holding him. There were too many red flags for there not to be a catastrophe on the horizon, it was making your stomach twist. You turned to look at your father he too was wearing a dire look of concern, eyes twisting slightly as if he were on alert.
You shook your head, what ever happened wasnt any of your business. And if it were, your parents would tell you at some point. You walked down the rows of the hanger towards your small shuttle. What the?
"What is the meaning of this?" Your father snapped passing you to stand infront of the soldiers that had congregated at your shuttle. You drew a deep breath as the soldiers began explaining they had orders to keep the shuttles docked untill after the speech.
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"Leaving so soon director krennic?" you froze at the voice calling out to your father from behinde you. The fear that seeped into your spine made you shudder. You slowly turned praying to the maker that it was not who you thought it was. Your hopes were dashed when your gaze landed on the impossibly huge figure draped head to too in the darkest of blacks. Your entire body seized, every muscle tightening in fear as the lord approached. The hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end as he advanced on you, you swore you felt something shift around you, felt his gaze burning into you. But it was impossible to tell if either was the case. All you could do was hope and pray you were mistaken and you hadnt unwittingly drawn the terrifying mans attention.
Everything inside told you to run, every bone in your body screaming for you to hide and take cover before it was to late. Before he got too close, stupidly you had the urge to scuttle behinde your father. But logically you knew it was futile, there was nothing your father could do. Not that your feet would even move, they seemed rooted to the spot.
Instead you stared wide eyed as the empires enforcer came to a halt not two feet away. By god he was huge, youd always thought it was the cape that made him seem large. But no, he was just... massive. Tall, wide and terrifying how anyone could ever possibly stand infront of him and think they stood a chance at outmatching him was beyond you. He looked like his hand could swallow and crucs your scull in a heartbeat... and your pretty sure there was a rumour of two about him doing just that to some unfortunate deluded resistance member.
"Lord vader? I.. i was unaware you would attend this gathering. You never have before" your father utttered respectfully inching closer attempting to plce himself between you and the dark lord whose attention had somehow shifted to you. Not that you could tell what he was looking at, whether it was your eyes or something else.
"Even i manage to attend occasionally, when something has peaked my interest. I must remind people i am still alive." Your unsure if he meant to or not but as vader spoke he intercepted your father, his attention lingering on you for a few moments. Stepping closer to you leaving you inches from him. You tried to move back subtly but panic flushed through you when your feet refused to shuffle back. Something had ahold of your ankles nd shoes and was cementing them to the ground.
Your heart stuttered in terror as you began to realise the procarious position you were in. Something has definitely happened tonight, and somehow it had something to do with the dark lord and your father. Which was not going to be a good thing, you pressed your hands to your stomach willing them to stop trembling as it dawned on you that this may very well be the day you die.
Lord vader never sought out those beneath him. Not unless they had earned a punishment, and to have him chasing down your father in such a public gathering meant what ever consequence was awaiting him was big. Your father was about to be made an example of, be it a verbal beat down or a more brutal act you didnt yet know. But lord vader has been known to eliminate the spouses and children of those who displease him. Your stomach lurched, twisting in uncomfortable nauseating motions threatening to make you heave already in the pure terror that settled over you in a suffocating grip. This is what you imagined being thrown out of an airlock to feel like.
"Yes i never thought of that." Your father uttered politely drawing vaders attention back to himself, whislt sending you a quenstionable look when you didnt back away from lord vader. But you didnt really notice all that much, far to lost in the primal fear wracking your bones.
"I am glad i caught you before you left. I wanted to follow up on our last meeting, I have been unable to visit in some time. I trust things are going smoothy, there are no problems i should be made aware of" vader spoke as if nothing were wrong, as if this was a completely normal occurrence. But then again you suppose it was, everyone was terrified of him. He was used to the fear that permeated the air around him. He probably thrived on it.
"Yes, yes my lord everything is on schedule. The project is almost complete. I was using this night as a pseudo celebration for it. we entered the final stages this week i felt it was acceptable to spend a night with my family" you relaxed as your father managed to slid beside you at the mention of his family. You appreciated it, though your still not certain he knows that your unable to move, the more you thought about it the more aware you were of a constricting sensation wrapped aroing your legs. Whatever held you wasnt content with just sticking you to the cement you truely couldnt move, and if you tried youd land face first into the floor.
"A family you almost kept quiet. I had no idea you had children" you shuddered at dark glee in his tone. Clearly the force wielder was pleased to uncover you and your families exsistance. You chanced another look to your mother. She looked physically ill, pale and clammy. She was clutching klaus tightly as if he were her only life line. Her eyes landed on you, she looked guilty? Her gaze was hopless, lost and full of sorrow. You opened your mouth to speak but she gave a swift shakeof her head. You paused before nodding to her subtly, you instruction was clear. Remain silent.
"Yes, i try to keep my work and home lives seperate." Your fathers reply was uncertain. Clearly he was tryjng to figure out how best to handle the situation he found himself in.
"It must be hard, being seperated from them" you flinched when the dark lords hand rose, landing heavily on your shoulder. Your head snapped to it, the thick fingers smothered your shoulder. And followed the length of his arm setteling on his mask, but he wasnt looking at you, or maybe he was? You couldnt tell, his head was still directed at your father, but that didnt necessarily mean thats where the siths eyes were.
You frowned as the digits dug into your flesh lightly. His hand was firm, firmer than it should be, it was then noticed you could just make out the soft whirring that accompanied all mechanical prostetics. Perhaps the stories of him crushing sculls were true after all.
"If i had such precious women to return to i dont think i would be able to stray from them for long" he gave a half chuckle squeezing your shoulder tigher making you wince for a few seconds only to relax as the hand drifted lower placing a light pressure on your shoulder blade, before gliding to your spine and dipping to the curve of your back.
"It is difficult sometimes, but i take pride in knowing my work helps keep them safe and happy here in the capital" your father replied trying to keep his attention on vader, but couldnt help sending you worried glances from the corner of his eye. He was growing more uncomfortable by the second as lord vader casually pressed his leather clad palm to you. You shuddered facing forward once more closing your eyes tightly drawing a deep breath.
"You never visit your father? Not even when hes posted on safer planets?" You panicked internally returning your gaze to the frightening male as he began speaking to you directly. Mouth openeing and closeing but failing to make a sound. You were scared stiff, not wanting to land your father in trouble, but also unsure what answer lord vader wanted. Thankfully your father stepped in for you.
"No my lord, i Never allow them to accompany me. I would rather they remain home" you released a slow calming breath mentally thanking your father for speaking for you. However you got the feeling Vader wasnt as happy at him for interfering. His fingerd curled slightly into your back. You bit into the side of your inner cheek trying not to whimper as you swore down you felt a rippling of power radiating from his hand into the small of your back.
It didnt take a genius to figure out what it was. The force. You trembled, having such a power active and so close to your spine was unsettling to say the least.
"That is a shame. Your children should reap some reward for you being away all the time. They should take full advantage and travel across the galaxy" you willed yourself to calm down even though the dark lords tone seemed to drip with irritation. Youd never heard him speak before today. It was frightening, his voice through the voice coder was eery. Calm collected malice enriched with a smug goading. It was as scary as it was enthralling.
"They have been to young, schooling is important." Your father uttered somehow holding himself together. He didnt tremble,didnt quiver before the lord. But then again he must have had audience's with him often. He'd had time to hone his terror and control it. The rest of you had not.
"Yet your daughter is no longer in school? Are you?" You snapped your gaze back to the huge dark clad beast of a man. You offered him a quick polite smile shaking your head delicatly before speaking demurly. Making sure to keep your tone light and well mannered.
"N-no my lord, i finally finished my education this past summer" you spoke the truth giving yourself a mental pat on the back for managing to look him in the face as not to be rude. Youd heard he couldnt stand rude people. Afterall manners cost nothing. You also couldnt shke the feeling he wouldnt stand your silence for much longer. Somthing told you he wont rest untill he has hd some form of conversation with you. So the quicker you give into him the quicker you can escape this entire situation nd try to dissappear off the face of the planet entirely.
"Then you must be eager to explore. There is only so much that schooling can teach us. Your real education is out in the galaxy" he added with a hint of amusment. You could feel the fear radiating off of your parents. Your father more so, though there was an almost resignation about him as though something had already happend and it was just a matter of time before the rest of you were informed. It was at that moment you truley began to wonder. What was going on? There was something wrong with this picture. Something bigger at play.
"Yes, i do hope to travel one day my lord, there is much i wish to see in the galaxy" you nodded still keeping your words measured, your tone light and lady like. Desperately trying to evade his displeasure.
"Then why wait?" He quipped inching closer still, pivoting in a way that began to seperate you from your family. His cloak almost brushing your form as it fell from his shoulder, swaying with his movement towards you. His ever present hand now hovering at your elbow, lightly pinching the joint between his fingers. You were conflicted eyes panicking for a second as you realised youd stepped away, uncomfortable with the way he towered over you. But stupidly realised he had coaxed you further from your fathers side, seperated you from your parents and their reassurance with little more than a few measly steps forward.
"Oh; well I need to make up my mind on where to go first? Theres so many beautiful worlds to see. And then make arrangements, flights and hotel stays. But getting myself a passport is probably the first thing i should do;" your voice waivered for a moment as your mind took a few seconds to begin listing off reasons for not raceing off into the galaxy alone. The last thing you wanted was to lie to him, that would end in disaster.
"All trivial nonsense. Come, you may join me" he waved a hand as if the gesture would erase all the red tape that accompanied traveling the galaxy. You somehow managed not to flinch at the motion. Which was an achievement when his hand rose everyone held the breath, a few troopers jerking at the speed of the movement waiting for something to happen. It seemed lord vaders reputation definitely held some truth.
"Join you my lord? N-now?" You spoke somewhat evenly, only stuttering on your last question because youd sent your father a look. Pleading fpr him to help you escape the hole youd landed in. All you received was a gut wrenching look of defeat. Your fathers eyes lowered, unable to face the fear on your face. The betrayal they held. You couldnt help the look crossing your face. Every little girl depended on the protection of their father; even the most independent of young women liked to belive that their father will always save the day. It was a devastating blow when reality dawned and you realised your dad couldnt always protect you from the boogeyman.
"That is what i said is it not? Theres no time like the present. I do have my own transport" he uttered pivoting on his feet once more to nod towards his own personal tie fighter. You followed his gaze and tried to respond but words failed you. At the silence he met your gaze once more, this time you got the sense he was pleased with your lack of argument.
"Apologies my lord, Im afraid Dagny is unprepared for such a trip. And i am sure it would be a struggle to fit the both of you in a tie fighter cock pitt. But if youd like i can arrange for her to visit the executor;" you father stepped in quickly rounding you to try and intervene. Panic flushed through him as he realised his wife was right. Lord vader fully intended on taking you from them,this instant.
"Your daughter is just a tiny thing director, it certainly wouldnt do harm to have her on my lap for a short flight. She may even enjoy it. Thats to say, not many civilians can say they have flown in a tie fighter" you stiffened closing your eyes trying not to cry at the provication. Or the way the sith had curled his hand around your bicep in a tight grip, making it clear despite your father manging to step around you, vader was still very much in control. And you would not be slipping away from him, and it was becoming clear you were not going to be escaping him for sometime. He held your fathers gaze, though his eyes were hidden you know the two men were stareing at one another. The dark lord was baiting your father, toying with him useing you to somehow threaten him.
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Your father was sweating, anger and fear clouding his gaze. But he had an over all sense of hopeless defeat clinging to him, failure at its peak. He had failed to protect you from the fearsome lord. And now it would seem you were going to be taken away and used any way the dark lord deemed fit, leverage or otherwise.
"My lord i am very thankful for the offer but i wouldnt want to inconvenience you. I have nothing packed, no clothes and such." You spoke before you could think. Twisting to look up at the imposing figure trying to keep your voice light and airy, but it was difficult as your eyes began watering. Somehow you pretended to be brave. Your words respectful but perhaps firm? You werent sure, all you knew was your voice was calmer then you actually felt in that moment. You needed to refuse, but how does one refuse such a powerfull demanding man who was known for his brutality?
"I assure you i will take care of everything Dagny. You will want for nothing while under my supervision. Id be delighted to have you." His words were sweet, carefully selected to torment your father at the prospect of 'having you' yet his reply aslo gave you an opportunity to comply of your own free will. It was a farce. You had no choice and you knew it.
You must have looked like you would argue as he crept even closer, the hand on your arm pulling you further from your family to stand directly infront of him, his other hand placed strategically along your back, pausing to rest in the dip of your spine once again. The fast movement made you flinch, he could do anything. He truly could snap your spine and leave you paralysed, suffocate you with a twitch of his fingers, impale you on his saber for anything he deemed as defiance.
"Infact i have already made up my mind. I must insist you accompany me" the finality of his words struck cord with not only you but your parent, who both drew a deep breath. The question was now an order. An instruction and you would have no choice but to obey. Anything less wouldnt be tolorated. And with that there was only one thing you could say.
"Then i thank you my lord, i look forward to traveling alongside you. Though i fear you will grow tired of my presence soon enough" you hummed, only just managing to keep your tears at bay. This was madness, utter madness. Not in your wildest nightmares haveyou imagined being kept beside lord vader. As a prisoner or otherwise.
"A tiny thing like you would struggle to tire me Dagny. Come, bid your parents farewell we are leaving" he said leaving no room for any more discussion. You cast your father a pleading look unsure what to do. But that was just it, there was nothing any of you could do. For some god awful reason lord vader had decided to take you from your parents and wisk you off to maker knows where.
"I... yes of course." You shuffled towards your mother when vaders hand pressed you forward. She latched onto you quickly holding on tightly.
"Its okay, i'll be okay... i will see you soon mother, i love you" you uttered into her trying not to tremble in her arms. Thought she herself couldnt help it, shuddering innyour arms. Whisperingnto behave and do as your told. You pulled back from the hug ruffling your brothers hair before stepping back. You cast your father a look, but he didnt return it. Shame was washing over him. Good, something tells you this was his doing. It always was, nothing mattered more then his career and image, not even his family. You only hoped this would haunt him.
"Do not fear mrs krennic, dagny will be be perfectly safe, i wont let her out of my sight. This is for the best" you nd your mother paled at that. You couldnt shake the feeling lord vader wasnt using his words to toy with your father anymore. He was actually being serious, you were going to be kept in close proximty to him. Your mind wandered, drifting to the lords tesing jabs through out this hellish encounter. The way he had hinted at having you in more debaucherous ways. Maybe he did want to sully you, to ruin you just to spite your father. Thought it that were the case it would be unusual for the sith. Int the thousands of stories whispered about him no one had ever hinted at this type of behaviour. If anything many wondered about his sexual preferences, some pondering if he was even capable of such things.
"For the best my lord? Im afraid i dont understand?" Your mother spoke up with a dreadful foreboding. You felt like you were on a knife edge. A precipice staringdown into murky waters, about to be plunged into the frigid depths and drown in the black.
"I would like for your daughter to grow accustomed to being near me. I'd prefer my wife not to tremble at my very presence " your entire world stopped. Your universe halted and life seemed to shatter, crumble around you at the words vader had scoffed. A victorious huff of syllables full of gloating. Pride. He was proud of revealing the news, an ace up his sleeve that dealt a heavy blow.
"W-wife? Wh-what do you mean, my lord? Wife? He said wife?" You yelped one hand moving to clutch at your throat as you felt you couldn't breathe, fighting your own lungs for enough air to speak. The words came out as a startling mix of fear and rage. You couldn't even pretend to be calm and collected. This was too much. twisitng to face your parents, almost lunging at them. But you were stopped short, the same feeling from before creeping up your body, invisible and unmoving. You cast a glance to Lord vader to see his hand slightly raised in your direction. He was doing this. It really was the force holding you still, forcing you towards him.
"Exactly what i said little dagny. You are the only reason that I am here. I came to collect you, we are to be wed as per your fathers wishes." Your heart shattered at that. Youd heard of this type of thing, but never thought youd succumb to it. Your father was never around to find you a suitor or sell you off! But somehow he had? Without saying a word about it. And by the look on your mothers face she too had no idea you were being given to the most terrifying man in the galaxy.
"My lord you must be mistaken d-dagny has not made any decisions;" to your fathers credit he did try to fix his mistake. But everyone knew it was futile. Lord vader would not be refused.
"Had you not tried to run off you would have been informed. After all you did agree to the emperor arranging her marriage. Did you not?" You could feel the smirk crosse the dark lords face as he dropped your father in the shit. Making it perfectly clear who's fault this was. Your father was flustered you were seething, hurt and frightened. How will you survive this? Survive him!? You could only hope this was a cruel means to an end of lord vaders part. That he didnt expect anything from you, that he will simply lock you away on a star ship somewhere and forget you existed.
"Welll, yes, my lord, i did, but i wasn't aware of any discussions or options;"
"Why would you have been? The emperor promised you she would be wed to a high ranking imperial, aristocracy. I am a lord director." Vader gave a noise almost akin to a laugh, scoffing as if he thought it funny your father thought so highly of himself to be consulted on your future.
"Yes my lord i just never belived it would happen so fast, or or that the decision wouldnt invlove me or my wifemor dagny herself and i had hoped that i could inform my daughter of the arrangement" whilst your father tried to fight a battle of words with lord vader, the sith had coaxed you back into his grasp. Consistent pushes from the force quickly directing you towards him
"Had you remained at the gala youd have had that chance director. The emperor had intended to tell you after his speech. But you tried to leave early"
"But as it stands i was offered young dagny's hand and accepted. But i assure you, she and our children will be well looked after, not only will i be seeing to her wellbeing Mustafar is one of the most gaurded places in the galaxy" you could feel the sadistic glee radiating off of the sith as it reality hit you all. You were about to be stolen, taken from everything youd ever known to be a dark lords pet wife. Hidden away in a fabled fortress or prison house of horrors with no one but himself for company. And it was entirely your fathers fault.
"Mustafar? I... i dont feel so good" You uttered feeling woozy, your head spinning. The horror crossing your fathers face was enough to make you feel queasy. What was on mustafar thats so frightening? Was it a lab? A prison? Or something worse?
"Yes, i am not needed for some time. And there are some things at home that will need tending to." Home. His... you were going to his home? What... were you really being taken away to his lair as a wife?. A hostage to hold over your fathers head. Should he fail in his task lord vader will? Oh maker have mercy! Your life here on out will rely on the whims of lord vader and your fathers performance!
"But do not worry little one, i will make sure you travel along side me as well. I insist my wife experiences as much of the galaxy as she can before settling down and having children" the words were intended to taunt your father, conjuring almost graphic images of what now awaits.
"Now, lets be off the sooner you get settled in the better" vader spoke deciding to end the sadistic game. His ar moved around your back, his hand pressing into the side of your waist and began coaxing you into his side. Half hiding you below his cape, it was almost symbolic the way you were dragged under the heavy darkness. Engulfing your frame severing you from your family, who just watched solemnly, unable to intervene.
"I will send word upon our safe arrival director" vader anounced making sure to get one final gloat, before turning and leading you away.
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You heard the footsteps of the troopers that han witnessed the entire ordeal follow you both. You knew something was wrong with them, theyd been there with the soul purpose to keep your family here.
Youd only got a few hundred feet when youd heard the tell tale sound of skin meeting skin. You looked back in fright only catching a glimpse of your mothers hand raised, your father half crouched, his head turned to the side. Your mother had hit him, as hard as she physically could by the looks of it.
Before you could really ponder the implications of what her rage meant for your parents marriage you were jerked to face forward again a firm hand pressing you a step infront of the sith, keeping control of your movements.
"Never look back little one. Always keep your eyes forward. Looking back is a trap what is done cannot be undone" you nodded blinking up at him for a second before casting your head down, your hands riseing to paw at your eyes. Trying to hide the tears threatening to fall. Suddenly life was bleak, your duty was now to serve and submit. In a way was always going to end like that, but youd hoped and prayed to have a somewhat kind if slightly arrogant husband to tend to. Someone you could grow affectionate with and possibly love or at least become fond of. You had silly dreams of a happy affectionate home life. But now you knew it was definitely not the life youd be granted.
"Why the tears little one?" He asked firmly you shook your head wiping away the evidence of your pitiful weeping as quickly as you could. And then turned to look into the mask of your husband to be with a false smile.
"Its nothing my lord;" you tried to hide the turmoil not wanting to anger him and let him see the truth devastation your union was going to cause. You didnt want to anger him, he might be excited about it... thats if he ever got excited? Either way you knew it would be foolish to offend him.
"You will not be able to hide things from me. I will pluck the truth from your mind by force if i have to. I will not abide lies dagny. Now let us try that again shall we? Why are you crying?" His words were heavy, thick with a stern warning. You knew the implications, heard rumours of his abilities to enter ones mind. Youd never thought much of the stories, believing them to be elaborate stories told to frighten you. Darth vader had become a boogeyman of sorts, parents would use him to frighten you into good behaviour when you were younger. It was hard to fathom what was truth and what was a lie.
The fact he confirmed his ability to look into your mind only brought on another wave of panic. Not only would have to be careful of every word, gesture, reaction and movment you make, but also keep a tight grip on your thougths aswell? Impossible. It was impossible.
"Im sorry i didnt mean too... i meant no disrespect my lord its embarrassing... silly but i? im scared. Ive never been... never been without my mother before, nor have i ventured out into the galaxy, i didnt want you to think me a coward for being frightened" you spoke without really thinking of the consequences of bending the truth. You were frightened of leaving your mother, nervous of traveling the galaxy, frightened of him seeing you as a coward and suddenly deciding you were not worth his time, that would be the end of you. But above all you were more frightend of traveling the galaxy alone with him specifically. You just hoped he wouldnt call you out for leaving tht bit out.
You both looked at one another for a few moments. For a few sickening seconds you thought he was infact beginning to sift through your thoughts. Its not like you knew what it'd feel like? Perhapsyou didnt feel anything at all when he was stealing your secrets?
He finally tore his gaze from you as youd both unknowingly reached his tie fighter. The sleek black ship seemed almost insignificant? Small, so small apart of you doubted itd survive the pressure of true space travel. But you knew better, this was custom military grade engineering.
"I see. Both are vey daunting prospects. But as i said to your mother, you will be perfectly safe with me dagny. Infact, your well being is now my top priority." The words would have almost sounded sympathetic had it not been for the sadistic victorious glee that accompanied them. His voice coder did little to hide his feeling of triumph. He even continued to gloat with a chuckle.
"I dare say i will protect you better than your mother ever could. Infact i can guarantee it"
"Will... will i see them again? My parents" you uttered quietly unable to stop the way your voice grew small and uncertain. You almost glanced back once more in the direction your families shuttle was. But managed to stop yourself remebering his words. Do not look back. Instead you fixed your gaze on the tie fighter before you. Trying desperately to calm down as the vessel began to open up ready for you both to enter the tiny cockpit.
"In time perhaps. But you do not need them anymore. I am all you need, i am all you will ever need from now on. You will be a good girl for wont you? Do as your told? " he admitted, giving you some hope before almost immediately crushing it with his own possessive claim. Youd frowned, lip quivering only to stop when his final chiding questions were hummed into you ear as he croched slightly intimidating you.
"Yes my lord. Of course" your words rolled off your tongue with little thought. Just how the empire liked it, unthinking unwavering obedience. A compliant citizen was a live one.
"Im very pleased to hear it. I had a feeling you would be. Now up you go, we mustn't waste time" he uttered standing tall before seizing you quickly, hoisting you up into the cockpit before following seemingly eager to have you secured in the vessel. You yelped at the sudden movement as you were manhandled, spun around and manouvered like a doll only to end up sat in his lap. And then the tie fighter began to close. The thick metal of the airlock door sealing you away from the planet you called home. You couldnt help feeling a deep seated dread. It felt symbolic. Final. And worst of all? It felt like it was a sign of things to come, something told you this wasnt going to be the first time you were hidden behinde a locked door.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
The Apprentice Hunt
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Summary: Being force sensitive was tough in the empire, whether you were trained or untrained you had the inquisitors and storm troppers to worry about. But well the empires huge starfleet was also a great place find a job. And everyone needed one of those right? Sure you were slightly concerned when landing yourself a job on lord vaders flag ship. But luckily youd taught yourself to stay awake in restfull meditation. Everything was fine, untill one night you got a visitor sneaking into your peacfull meditation. And he was a stubborn asshole who wont leave you alone!
Warnings: swearing, power dynamics?, fear/anxiety, more platonic teasing than anything.
A/N: this was an idea i had for a while nd finally decided to write it. It comes from the thought of what happens when a force users abilities arent trained or tainted by jedi or sith? How would vader react to finding someone like tht in his ranks.
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Vader stood quietly observing the structure infront of him. Dark, polished and iridescent. The flat surface seemed to go on for miles in either direction, and had to be a mile high atleast. It was the strangest sheilding he had ever seen in his medative exploration. And that was saying something his only rest was meditation.
Though he was also annoyed, who ever this was they had more control then most. Their inner sanctum sat in the middle of a desert, a sea of black sand, he'd scaled the rising and falling of the ever changing black dunes for quite some time. The constant shifting had been a nuisance, he'd even reaches a shore line at some point. Then had ti turn around and make his way back.
This had been weeks of work leading him here, figuring out the route that would let him pass through the constantly changing landscape. Each night he would retire to his chamber and enter the same meditation. Searching for the pull, and then following it untill he felt the sifting sand below his feet and began his journy searching for the life force pulsing from within.
With the eradication of most force sensitive beings within the empire it was rare to find another in meditation. He'd first thought that he had tracked a careless jedi, perhaps one of the masters that had escaped.
But he quickly disregarded that once he had wandered deeper, following the tugging and light airy feeling that came from this other being. Their force was more natural they felt organic? Not processed and refined. Sometimes in his search they werent around, yet each time he had felt them he had managed to get closer and closer. Finally tonight was the night. He had reached the barrier.
He hovered by the tall structure, pressing his hand to it only to hiss and pull back. It was freezing to the touch, painfull even. He subtly cursed the fact he had chose to appear as his own complete form in the hunt for this new user. He felt the need to hide himself, he wanted the anonymity his former self gave him.
The barrier flickered in an odd shimmering opalescent effect around where his hand had rested, and then slowly returned to the black iridescent once more. Odd, very odd indeed, this force user was skilled but not in the same way he was. No. But how does he get in? He could try to destroy the wall, but that would give himself away as a powerfull force user and chase them away.
Vader was interested in this new found oddity, he wanted to observe them, perhaps even claim them as an apprentice should they contimue to spark his intrest. Then he would have an extra set of hands to rid the galaxy of palpatine. And the newbie being so knew and untrained would mean it'd be longer befor they learned everything he knew and tried to kill him to become a master themselves.
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"Can i help you?" Vader took a step back as a soft voice called out from the barrier. So they are female, that surprized him. Force sensitive women that are untrained were easy to find, their emotions revealed them quickly.
"You are self aware?" He uttered a little shocked that he had been approached. There was a pause, for a moment he doubted she had heard him through the black wall seperating them.
"So are you. You've been searching for me. Drawing closer each night, why?" The voice carried across the mental block easily. He was almost lost for words, it was an impeccable control. Something no one outside of a jedi or sith master should be able to achieve. The raw talent was unfathomable.
"I was curious. You dont see many force sensitives in meditation nowa days" he faltered, at first hesitating for a second but quickly found himself again. His mind was already weaving together excuses and schemes to claim you as his own apprentice. He just needed to find you.
"You never heard of curiosity and the cat? i could have been anyone. Approaching strangers in meditation is dangerous" she laughed almost chiding and teasing him all in one sentence. But there was a nervous chime. An overwhelming fear lacing the words. You were uneasy. Good, you were smart enough to be cautious of him.
"And yet your interacting with me" he quipped smugly chuckling, wanting to test you, poke and prod he new all he needed to about your ability. Now he wanted to explore your character, see if you had any hope of becoming sith. If not he wouldnt waste his time. He'd outright attack you and tear apart your defences before seeking you out in the real world and disposing of you. You were either an asset or potential threat.
"You won't leave me alone untill youve been acknowledged." She huffed out like speaking down to child. He bristled at that, noone spoke down to him! He ws a sith lord! Yet, there was a smile on his face. It was exciting, fun? Apart of him liked the sass this woman had. She wasnt a push over.
"Correct. I thought you were a jedi, but your force is... unique not something the order has tampered with"
"Ah well thatd be telling" he frowned at the giggled reply. Fuck. This woman wasn't going to give him answers with light prodding. And he hgot the feeling she was toying with him. He growled as the giggle escelated. He rolled his eyes turning away from the impressive defence and leant on the wall crossing his arms. Fuck
"You would be wise to give me my answers" his said flippantly, or atleast it would have been flippant had his aggravation hadnt krept into his words making them sharp.
"Maybe youll get an answer when you actually ask a question" the gentle voice trailed off with a giggle. Vader grunted. Technically the girl was right, he hadnt actually asked anything, was he so used to having people grovel and hnd him information that he forgot how to ask for it?
"Are you a jedi?" He huffed definitely not pouting, or sheepish about being called out. He could feel his cheeks flush in rare embarrassment, why was this girl getting to him? She was making him feel well? Normal. He was unsure if he liked it or not.
"Nope. Thank the stars for small mercies" the woman answered surpriseing him. He'd thought she would have tried her luck and refuse him. Perhaps she was just as curious as he was. Which would be a good thing in the long run, maybe he could lure her out easier.
"Trained?" His second question was out faster then he would have liked, he sounded somewhere between eager and desperate for information. He'd have to be mindfull, she was skittish and he didnt want her to bolt and lose a potentialy powerful asset.
"No, well i figured stuff out alone, practiced and stuff not sure if youd call it training though, it was nothing formal you know?" The woman explained. Vaders frown deepened, impossible it was unheard of! Force sensitive people needed the formal training to get anywhere! They needed a guide, mentor something to help them. There was no way this girl could have come so far alone.
"Thats impossible! How? People outside of the sith and jedi shouldn't even be self aware in meditation. Let alone have these types of defences" he snapped as he pressed on the wall, placing experimental pressure on it, slowly increasing his force wanting to truley test it, yet not wanting to break it completely. He was torn, he wanted to force through, but he also wanted you to submit willingly.
"The empires genocide has a way of kicking you up the arse. I had to learn to be awake to survive; could you stop fucking pushing!" The woman snarled striking the defence from the other side sending a rippled of power through it, interrupting his light attack making his own force stutter and flare around him.
Vader grunted pulling back as your own burst through the force shocked his finger tip lightly making them prickle and feel fizzy before going numb. He shook his hand and took a step back from the wall
"So you are inside of the empire?" He pressed trying to ignore the building irritation and small voice in the back of his mind telling him to turn the wall to rubble and clear a path to the girl on the other side. No, he wont attack, at least not yet.
"What does it matter?"
"As i said im curious, in all my years ive not felt this... freedom that dwells inside of you I would like to speak face to face, or enter your mind further to explore." He uttered finally making his intention clear. He felt a tremor, amusment, shock and fear all balled into one. His words had resounded with the woman.
"Why would i do something that stupid? You could be an inquisitor for all i know. Next thing i know i could be getting hunted or dragged to a plasma slice n dice" he shook his head amused by the way your worded your own potential demise. You had a dry sense of humour, something he hadnt enjoyed for a long time. But then again no one wanted to make jokes with him, he couldnt blame them but he does miss it occasionally.
"You can volunteer the answers i seek or i can tear them from you" vader threatened as his rage caught him, years of bnever being refused or questioned made him unable to curb himself when faced with out right rejection.
"See now thats just rude. Im out of here" vader barely registered the words as suddenly the womans presence was gone and he was alone. Within seconds the wall disappeared before his eyes and everything was gone. He cursed himself, she had slipped away because he couldnt control his arrogance. Fuck.
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"Can you not?" You grunted as you made your way along your inner minds protective wall, towards the harsh thumps and heavy hits that ricocheted along the wall. He was back, and this time attacking. Well maybe less attacking and more knocking. Harshly. Youd been ignoring it for the best part of an hour now, but It was clear he wanted attention and wasnt leaving untill he got it.
"Oh so you can hear me?" The male chuckled smugly from the other side ceasing his incessant banging. You rolled your eyes, he was such a fucking child. You opted to take a seat on the floor picking at the grass lightly.
"Hard not to when your trying to blow a hole in my wall" your replied sarcastically, feigning bordem. You dont want him to think you were curious of him. Of gods forbid, wanted to chat to him.
"You know I wouldnt be if youd let me in" he quipped once again tryingnto wriggle his way past your defence. You huffed cursing under your breath. You couldnt help feelingnhe was far to used to getting his own way. And that in itself was a red flag.
"You realise I come here to relax? Not to be bugged" you hummed unimpressed.
"And I came here to talk." You could practically hear him trying to sound inconspicuous. He sucked at it, it was clear he was on some reconnaissance misson wantingnto find out as much as he could. He wasnt exactly subtle.
"No, you came here to investigate" you corrected making it clear you were no fool. You had him pinned.
"If it bothers you so much why not let me in and investigate? I'll be out of your hair quicker" ah again with the false casual attitude. My god one thing was for sure, he was not a spy. Well not a very good one. It was actually unsettling it meant he had no need to hide, no need to watch his back or think about consequences. It meant he was either powerfull or important, possibly both.
"No. I know nothing about you other then your a bit of a stalker" you shrugged and smiled when you heard an indignant sputter and snarl from him. Oh, he didnt lie that~
"I am not!" He hissed furiously, offended by the mere insinuation of stooping so low. You threw your head back and laughed out loud, tumbling back the lay in the grass. You calmed your laughter enough to tease him once more.
"mmhmm really? You did chase me down for a few weeks"
"Seeking a fellow force user out is so bad?" Oh so he was going to try the lonely wandering force user card? Unfortunately sympathy wasnt a strong suit for you. You cant afford sympathy in the empire. Sympathy, mercy and trust were the holy trinity to getting killed. No thank you.
"With a strength like yours? Yes. Im not thick, your someone powerfull, either a jedi sniffing out new padawan for some suicide mission. Or an inquisitor looking for new prey" you answered truthfully making it clear you weren't some stupid naive little idiot. You didnt survive this long in the empire without having your head screwed on. You knew who ever this guy was it was bad news for you.
"I assure you I'm neither, and like you said your not thick it was only a matter of time you drew someone in. Your different" you could hear the conviction, the words almost a chiding decree. Like he belived his word was absolute that no one could dispute him. It sent another little red falg in your mind. The more you heard the more uneasy you got.
"And theres my other issue. Your too confident for someone to be hiding from the empire, its disconcerting" you confessed to him, you needed to be careful. Hopefully if you called him out a few times he'd grow bored and leave, hunt for easier prey.
"I will not allow any harm to come to you, you have my word. Let me in and youll be under my protection." You shuddered at the eerie calm, the force laden words dripping with persuasion and temptation. This fucker was trying to manipulate you. You sat up with a growl.
"Oh? And you are in a position to promise that?" Your words a sarcastic malice as your got annoyed yourself. You began pulling back from him growing more definsive. You couldnt help feelingnvery stupid for interacting with him.
"Yes. I have the authority to make that promise" aha! Gotcha! You grinned, he'd fallen for that hook line and sinker.
"So you are a ranked officer in the empire? Thanks for the heads up" you muttered victoriously unable to hide the smug glee from your words. All previous rage now melting away into amusment.
"I? wait thats not what i meant- the empire wouldnt harm someone so unique."
"So not only high ranking but trusted enough to know what the empire would and wouldnt do with little old me" you verified quickly reading between the lines and figuring out the truth behind his panicked explanation.
You smirked waiting for another snippy remark or a desperate excuse. But intead tou were met with silence. The quiet dragged on for. Long few mineuts. He was collecting his thoughts, tryingnto find a way to twist his own words. But he couldnt, youd figured out too much.
"Your silence is telling inquisitor" you hummed playfully rising to stand, stretching your back out. Gettingnready to leave, it was almost time for your next shift.
"I am not an inquisitor" the harsh reply was accompanied with a hard thump on the wall seperating the both of you. Ooo someone was in a mood now. You smiled at that, good now he was just as annoyed as you were at being disturbed in your meditation.
"I beg to differ, You feel like a trained jedi~" you added desperately fighting your laughter not wanting to make him feel to annoyed. Afterall he was strong, and could easily tear down your defences and ravage your mind taking anything he wanted from your memory and thought.
"I am not an inquisitor. You would do well to remember that" he pounded once more on the wall making it shudder. A warning. You jumped back eyeing the black dense barrier. A shiver rzn up your spine. The force whispering warnings to you, coiling around your very soul with alarm and fear. It was clear what it was telling you to do. Run. Danger. Leave. Leave now, while you could. It was a primal fear, desperate and feirce and you werent going to ignor it.
"Anyway i hate to cut this short but i have work. Tata for now" you spoke a little louder as you backed up from the barrier, eyes locked onto where you knew your visitor stood waiting for him to break through. After a few steps you turned and ran, sprinted right out of your own meditation full of adrenaline and sickening fear. That was too close. You had to be carefull in future.
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"You! Hey you! I can feel you hovering! Get over here and fucking explain that bullshit!" You shouted, jumping up racing towards the presence you felt on the other side of the wall. You'd been impatiently wating for him to arrive for almost half an hour, throwing fear and caution to the wind. You were far to angry to fear this unknown wielder.
"Oh my, and here i thought you were terrified of me~ you are a very angry girl today." he uttered with mischievous glee. You snarled at him sending a wave of fury towards him, wanting him to know just how upset you were about todays antics. Your going to kill him!
"You bet your ass i am! What the hell was that earlier!?" You screeched letting yourself give into the rage and fear. Today was a shit show, and in amongst all the terror and confusion your felt the last thing you needed was to discover the stranger that had been haunting your meditation calming your emotions. Intruding on your life force manipulating your feeling to sooth you. It was crossing so many lines!
"Our interactions have left an... imprint. We have a connection. A bond" he explained vaguely smirking to himself. Proud of his new scheme and the force bond he had uncovered.
"The hell we do! Destroy it!" You ordered panick seeping through you, this was bad. So bad. Disastrous! You cant form force bonds with people, it will get you caught! And you definitely shouldnt allow one with someone working for the empire especially someone high up. Fuck. This will be the death of you.
"Why would I do that?" Mirth and victory permeated the space. Rolling off of him in thick waves. He was pleased with himself. He was winning and you both knew it. You dont stand a chance.
"Because I dont need a force connection with you! And i certainly dont want you soothing me and shit! Im doing just fine! You need to stay the fuck out of my head! Stop co,ing here! Stop just ugh! Just fuck off before you get us both killed" You panted slapping both hands on the ever present wall that shielded your inner sanctuary. You felt asthough you were losing it. The peacefull safe escape youd always relied on, the space that held all of your prized memories and well kept secrets.
"You were deathly afraid. I dont see the harm in soothing you when you feel like your seconds way from a heart attack." The voice became stern. You could almost detect worry, as if he had truly felt alarmed by the terror hexd felt radiating off of you, screaming like a beacon. Not that youd admit to just how frightened youd been by todays announcements. If you acknowledged your fear youd succumb to it and make a silly mistake resulting in execution.
"I was not about to have a heart attack;"
"Yes yes. What happened? Are you hurt?" You faltered unable to be angry at his interruption. You just froze. What? He was clearly concerned that time. He didnt even try to hide it behind sarcasm or wit.
"No, no I'm not hurt, and nothing happened" you sighed inching yourself away from the wall between you. Closing your eyes trying to relax and take in the small safe haven you'd created for yourself. But before you could fully immerse yourself innthe calm quiet your guest tapped the wall sending a thrum of energy through it to draw your attention back to him.
"People do not experience that type of terror over nothing. Tell me what was it that spooked you?" You remained silent hoping he'd take a hint and leave. But this man was far to stubborn for his own good. Or perhaps just ignorant?
"No? Well let me hazard a guess then~ perhaps it has something to do with the announcement today?" You could hear the grin, the subtle smug victorious tone that he took on. Not to be confused with the usual smug smart ass.
"W-what are you talking bout?" Your words almost squeaked out as your mind began racing. What does he know? What has he done? Who is he? He cant be responsible can he? If he was, then he knew where you were. If he had a hand in the anouncment then that means you are being hunted. Hunted... he will kill you.
"The anouncment of random midi-chlorian tests for staff on the executor." You staggered back, quivering feeling ice flush through you. Your visioned blurred begind tears and your world spun, anxiety rendering you completely imobile. You couldnt even catch yourself s you knee buckled. You fell to your knees as if the weight of the entire empire was on your shoulders. And in a way it was. You were goingnto be found nd killed. A traitor, rebel, scum simply for being force sensitive. They would kill you. He would kill you, or even drag you before lord vader as a prize. A meal ticket to a promotion. All he had to do was call you amjedi, plant some evidence and that was it.
"Your silence is telling little one. I had my suspicions that we were both aboard the same ship. It was the only explanation to feeling you so often in deep space" you sat up snapping straight wide eyed recounting the words in your head deciphering them quietly. Fuck. How couldnt you have realised he was collecting information this whole time. You handt even thought of him realising you were on the same ship from interacting with you a when the executor drifted through space passing threw start systems hundreds of lightyears away from one nother.
Maybe he had been the one to advise the detours. Directing the entire ship; the entrie fleet! Around the galaxy to see if the connection severs or strengthens. Instead of either it had been consistent. Clearly you were close to him to have such constant stable meditation connections. All this was plnned, goihgn on secretly behinde the scenes and you were none the wiser to his search. Fuck. Youd done wht youd always swore you wouldnt do. Youd gotten complacent, and it may cost you your life.
"The same- wait your here! You? Fuck fuck!" Your panicked cries tore from you with little thought. Your knees bent, elbows resting on them as your head bowed, fingers digging through your hair fisting in the roots in frustration.
On the other side of the wall vader was smug. He had played this game carefully. Closed in around you without giving you a chance to react. A great game of chess played in the dark with an unknowing opponent. It was only here and now he could relish hin his victory. It was only a matter of time before he had you in the palm of his hand and could play with you. Prod at you, test your force.
Thats what all of this had been about. Finding you and examine the true abilities the force had to offer when untainted by jedi or sith. You were an anomally, and perhaps the only instinctual force user in the galaxy. The idea of having you at his mercy was thrilling. He wanted to observe you, encourage you to hone the force and see what was really capable for the natural organic wielder.
"You know had you been trained youd have been able to avoid being found out easily." He spoke finally breaking the tense silence. Fear and panic quickly morphed into anger. He could feel it. It was marvelous the way your life force swirled angrily. He could feel it, the tendrils coiling like dangerous vipers no hesitation or denile. Ypthe force wasnt regecting the emotional responses it was guided by them. Was this what it was meant to be like? Before people began to manipulate it into doctrines and add caveats and rules.
"Had i been trained id be fucking dead! You just? Fuck! What do you want from me? To have me killed? Is that it?" You yelled, panting as your chest became tight. Your throat felt blocked but nothing was there. Your mind quickly conjured images of the many times lord vader had killed by strangulation. This is what it would feel like. Nothing to claw at, your unable to breathe. Your going to die. Your going to die!
Vader faltered for a moment as you began to feel scared. Truely frightened. There was a distinct moment his smug victory lost its luster. You felt cold, incredibly cold, isolated and stuck. Tense in your own force as it become increasingly thick and aggressive. Anxiety and terror riseing to a suffocating manifestation of the force.
"No i just wish to find you, teach you help you unleash your potential" he wasnt sure what prompted him to try and reassure you. Perhaps he just wanted to keep you alive? Calm and safe. He did have plans for you. For some reason your force wasnt just reactive but almost uncontrolled in this highly anxious state. He could feel it almost turning in on itself. Trying to hide but couldnt quite recede inside of you. It was... harming you? He suddenly felt very guilty and very foolish for provoking you.
"You want to teach; do you have any idea what you have done? Has it occurred to you who is on this ship!? Lord vader himself- this is his fucking flag ship! He will kill me if he finds me!" You half shouted, half pleaded still trying to convince yourself this was just a bad dream. That when you wake up everything will be fine. There wouldnt be any tests being carried out. But he seemed to grow tired of the panicked wailing.
"Calm yourself"
"Fuck you!" The response was automatic, a hissed curse and snapping teeth. You were aggressive in your fear, feeling every bit a caged animal. Cornered and vulnerable but desperate.
"Enough woman" he snapped with a growl once again loosing his temper. He didnt appreciate your disrespect. Part of him wnted to reveal himself as your lord to quiet you down. But he feared youd do somthing dramatic. The lst thing he needed was to chase down a soldier whod stolen a tie fighters and was going rogue. And yes, thats what he thought you do if you found out you were curseing at vader himself.
"Dont you dare fucking 'woman' me! You've signed my death warrant! You might be some groveling jedi turned inquisitor and have skills to offer him in exchange to spare your life,but i fucking dont!" You finally screamed at him somehow managing a few deep breaths, tears flowing freely as you tried to regain control. But all you felt was an intense pressure within you. A thick syrupy feeling in your throat as if it were clogged.
"I have nothing and now... now i will be slaughtered like an animal for simply exsisting" you sobbed in defeat your deepest fear coming to light. You wouldnt simply be shot. No, youd be a traitor. On lord vaders ship no less. He was going to fucking gut you. And there was nothing you could do about it. Nowhere you could run or hide. With that final thought you turned walking away from the wall, there was nothing left to say or do. You simply had to wait for your number to be called.
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"Your fear is going to be the death of you little one" you growled quietly hearing the concern tinted words reverberate through the wall. You maintained your position laying flat on your back in the soft grass, you hands clasped on your stomach eyes closed. You had been trying to ground yourself. Ever since your last encounter with your intruder things had gone from bad to worse. Life on the executor was exhausting, days filled with unending work and overall fear as the spontaneous midichorian tests were carried out across the ship.
So far just over three hundred tests had been carried out. Forteen personnel had not returned to their posts. There hadnt been any official executions but people were guessing. They talked, rumour had it they were being held in the cells waiting for... something. No one knew who or what? But something was coming.
"I thought you already had that covered" you huffed still laying down, focusing on the way your hands rose and fell with your breaths trying to find that all important numb open feeling. The blank freedom of true inner peace.
"Again with this? No one is going to kill you" he scoffed lightly pressing against the barrier seperating you. Not hard, or with the intent of breaking through. Instead it was like he was trying to comfort you. A light humm of his life force sizzled on the surface. But he wasnt pushy, just lightly grazing it.
He was trying to call you, coaxing you to interact with him and let him help ease your overall fear and exhaustion. Youd tried to avoid sleeping and meditating so you wouldnt have to encounter him. You knew he was dangerous now.
Can you blame me?" Your answer came in the form of a heavy sigh.
"Your fear is misplaced." He uttered before sitting in the sand leaning aginst the wall. Resting the back of his head against it lightly. He relly didnt want to fight today, he jut wanted to check in on you. You hadnt rested in meditation for over a week, he was... worried.
"Really? Explain that one to me again because i must have missed something" you snapped at him feeling yourself begin to grow angry with him. With the situation he'd put you in.
"I already told you that you wont be harmed. I wish to tutor you, to haven apprentice, explore your power and guide you" you rolled your eyes at that. He was haughty and almost seemed confused at your refusal. He must have felt he didnt need to be subtle about trying to use you. Clearly he thought himself so important that you should be greatfull he was even giving you the time of day.
"Oh yeah thats right your a big wig." You grunted unimpressed, more so out of spite. You wanted to get under his skin, which probably wasnt the best idea. But he laughed in response making you growl.
"Somthing like that" he chuckled shaking his head if you only knew. But as he sat in his own amusment, pondering your reaction. Youd been struck by a thought. This man was quite arrogant, so why not try to use that against him. Before you could really think over your plan you spoke out loud.
"Prove it" your words were quiet, calm and still unsure but you were taking the chance.
"And how would you like me to do that?" You swore he was teasing you, you heard the smirk. The light goading in his words. He seemed happy to just be speaking with you rather than you shouting at him.
"Call off the tests" you uttered without missing a beat. Eager to atleast try and coerce him into stopping the inevitable shit show coming your way.
"Now we both know i wont do that. How could i possibly find you if i called off the tests" he chided quietly, chuckleing lightly at the mere thought of suddenly ceasing all efforts to find you. And it was an effort, moreso because he was trying to keep it completely hidden from the emperor. For his plan to work he had to hide you, you cant be his ace in the hole if his master knew of you.
So he'd mentioned randomly testing the ranks but made sure not to know how or when they were implemented. Instead he got reports on the numbers and occupations of those that failed. Apart from that he knew nothing, and thats how it would stay.
"So you can call them off? You just wont" you werent sure how you felt at this realisation? Elated because youd managed to get more information about who this could be. But frightened as it became clear he really was high up in the chain of command. What if he wanted to find you to kill you, but punish you for all your insubordination first? Or worse, what if he was so high up that vader already knew about you? And thats why the tests were implemented so quickly, and its also why he wont stop them. Because it wasnt his decision to make, it was lord vaders.
"Maybe. Im closing in arent i? Today one of your colleagues were tested. I felt it, the terror. It was the moment we selected those from the eighth quadrant" his voice broke your train of though, and you were a little grateful for it. You didnt need another panick attack today.
"...Please stop, just stop. I want to live my life quietly" you begged quietly, rising to your knees gazing where you felt he was. Pressing your hands to the wall pushing through some of your life force gently, giving him a tiny sliver of what he'd wanted through out all of these meetings. A connection, you were frightened you knew you were playing a dangerous game but you had to give him somthing. The stacks had just became too great to ignore. If he was working with lord vader, you had to escape. Had to get out now. And unfortunately he was your only option for help in this moment.
You just wanted to live, to go to work and return to your fproom each night for a few more years before leaving the fleet and buying a small home somewhere. That all youd ever wanted.
"I will not stop. Not untill i have found you" he hummed in a bored tone. He was growing tired of this, the chase was loosing its appeal.
"Why? So you can deliver me like a lamb to slaughter?" You cursed, spat the words more in desperation than anger.
"You wont be harmed;"
"You dont know that for certain" you cut him off, growing tired of him repeating the same high horse bullshit. He didnt seem to understand the gravity of the situation he was putting you in.
"Yes i do."
"No you dont! No one knows what they will do... what he will do." In your panic youd let too much slip. You hadnt intended to let him know your thoughts, your true fear. This was the empire, fear were used against you just like every other weakness that was uncovered.
"He? You mean lord vader? Your scared of him. Is that why your so frightened?" You faltered at that just hearing it said out loud was enough to silence you.
"Oh course i am. He terrifies me. And if you had any sense he'd frighten you too. If vader finds out im hiding right under his nose? He will be so angry. Have you ever seen him angry? I wont just die. I will suffer for making him seem incompetent. Please, plese call off these tests and spare me that. I dont want to die" you pleaded with him, revealing the true consequence you feared. You didnt want to be found, you wanted to be left alone and safe.
The silence that followed dragged on, you were almost hopefull he was coming around to your wy of thinking. But no. Vader was hurt, he didnt understand why but your fear of him. The way you thought he'd kill you slowly for some pleasure of sport had unsettled him. And it never would normally, he didnt care for other peoples opinions but you were different.
He liked you, you were charming in your own irritatingly sarcastic way. He almost felt human with you, teasing back and forth, snippjng at one another like comrades. He hadnt had that in a long time. He just didnt feel so alone at night when he visited you. So to realise you were so scared of him, that you thought he was nothing more then a vicious killer was hard for him. But he couldnt blame you, you didnt know who he was. You didnt know he was who ou spent your nights talking to, that youd created this sort of companionship with him.
It was clear he had to put an end to this now, he had to force your hand. He needed you to see him, to come to him and help him end palpantine. Thats the only reason he ontinued to come to you. You were a secret weapon, with untamed power and he needed you to help kill palpantine so he could rule and make some changes to the empire. It had strayed from its purpose and vader was going to bring it back on course.
"I can see we are not going to agree, you do not trust me to come to me freely. So I will offer you a choice. Meet up with me outside of these meditations. Agree to become my apprentice and i will call off the tests, and release those with unacceptable results" he rose to his feet dusting off his bottoms as he spoke trying not to feel guilty for the sudden flare of fear and desperation he felt from the woman.
"If not then i will have every single one of you in the eighth quadrent tested and the undesirables will be relived of more than just their posts" he finally spoke offering you his ultimatum. You will reveal yourself or everyone whose counts were too high will die.
"Meet me in training hall b-5 at midnight, if you are not there you know what will happen. I am done chasing you little one, its time to come to me" he didnt pause for a response he didnt want to hear you crying and pleading. He didnt think he could bare it, he had grown attached to you. Convinced himself your were his apprentice, his soon to be student, so no. He didnt want to hear your panicked fearfull begging. Instead he left the meditation quickly, pulling himself back until he awakened in his pressurised chamber. Tonight was the night. He almost felt excited, he was looking forward to meetingnyou properly.
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Rightly or wrongly you obeyed. Youd debated all day whether to call his bluff, but you wouldnt be able to live with yourself if you heard something had happened to everyone else. Plus you werent sure how much longer this man would be civil. He clearly had some say in the goings on on the executor;if not the entire fleet! So obeying him was probably for the best.
Not that you were fine with the prospect of revealing yourself. Honestly you werent. But that just how things went. You wandered the corridors, surprised by how quiet they were. Even this late you would have thought the ship would be buzzing. But no, it was quiet. The gentle humm of the ship and occasional patrol was all you could hear.
It didnt take long to reach the training room. It was one of the smaller ones used for sparring matches between the inquisitors. Somewhere they practice their force abilities in private. You felt very uncomfortable being in here, for you it was forbidden to enter this particular corridor. It was when you stepped inside a few more feet you felt eyes on you. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end. Your force tried to flare but you managed to relax it, purposefully pushing the energy back into the room so it wouldnt linger on you. Something you did without even thinking now.
"You are smaller than i anticipated" you yelped jumping, spinning around as you heard the modulated voice. For a split second you thought it was a trooper or something. And then you registered who was stood a few meters infront of you.
"O-oh shit" you scrambled back yelping as your tripped over your own feet before laying there for a few seconds staring up at lord vader. You quivered unsure what to do.
"Lord vader; im sorry my lord, i know its past curfew but;" you tried to apologise, praying he had only followed you out of curiosity. That he was going to give you a demerit for being in a restricted area.
"You have no reason to fear, i have told you time and again you are to be trained" Oh fuck.
"You; it was you all this time? Oh... oh maker i; im sorry i never meant to" you sat up, sublty shuffled back in terror as your worst nightmare was confirmed. Your dark lord; the sith lord and enforcer of the galactic empire and self proclaimed jedi killer had found you. And whats worse he knows your frightened of him.
You began hyperventilating still trying to shuffle back already knowing the out come. You couldnt even get up off the floor, your legs were like jelly and you felt sick to your stomach. Your mind fell into a shocked panic, screaming at you so many things it became and overwhelming mass of terror and instincts. Run, hide, cry? Fight? run, flee? Hide ,cry? Beg. You couldnt seeme to grasp a single thought long enough to act on it.
"Calm yourself young one. Your fear is... uncomfortable. I dislike it. Id much rather you stay the same infuriating yet honest self, calm down, thats it" with the simple raise of a hand and almost gently words the panic dissolved instantly. Your mind quietened and your body relaxed as if youd just been placed into a warm bath.
"You? D-did you do that?"
"Yes. You are a flighty thing. It'd do no good to have you so panicked and flee, a patrol could assume the worst and shoot. Then id be down a few troops and youll be in the infirmary unable to start your training" he explained, which surprised you. Honestly youd never heard of lord vader explaining himself to anyone before. Not even the far fetched stories about him had gone so far.
"Now come over here, let me get a look at you" you did as he ordered only hesitating for a second or so. Gasping slightly as you felt him use the force to prompt you into moving. A light shove to your shoulder and then pressure below you, helping you find your feet. You couldnt help feeling more and more insignificant as you approached him. He seemd so much bigger then youd ever realised. Larger than life even. Huge imposing and unreadable. But he didnt seem to be hostile. If anything youd have felt as though he was curious?
"My you are small, smaller then i had hoped. But no matter i suspect you will be agile. What you lack in physical strength you'll make up for in speed, youd suit shorter duel sabers" he began speaking out loud as he analysed you closely. Debating on what type of training would suit you. Looking for natural advantages youd have. Despite being so clinical in his assessment you didnt feel dehumanised, reduced to mere power and potential. You felt oddly proud?
"Your aura is tempered. You feel normal. How are you masking so well young one?" The genuine curiosity threw you a little, he sounded gentle? Well as gentle as his voice coder allowed. You felt an odd warmth from him, a delicate encouraging twinge from his force. He was trying to reassure you. And you didnt mind, in fact you were pleased. There was no protocol for this. Youd never been this close to lord vader before never had to learn how to mind yourself or try to anticipate his moods. So the way he was maintaining enough distance between you both to keep you comfortable was very much appreciated. He was cutting you some slack.
"I dont... i dont know i just do it..." you explained as best as you could whislt trying to figure out how much of this relaxed feeling was you, nd how much was a manipulation. But even as you prodded your lords intrusive force lightly he didnt press back. Infact he seemed to invite your curiosity. Not that you were really incontrol of the interaction. Not conciously anyway, the force was its own entity, you could only let it coil nd drift around the new sensation.
Vader relaxed It was only natural that youd try to get a feel for him. It was something all younglings did the first time a more refined user connected with them. And that is what he was doing, claiming your own force signature, smothering it with his own in an intimate bond. All mentors did this, its how they learned what type of jedi they were raising. What their force naturally gravitated towards, healing, offence or defence.
"Do you imagine something? Picture something in your mind to mould your life force and blend in?" He asked after a moment, realising you were still wary of him even though you were fixating on his life force. It made him smile below his mask, it reminded him of the last time he'd done this with ahsoka. Though she was younger and used to the experience of having someone elses force brushing against hers in her own mind. It was something the jedi did as you grew. The ability was used as a tool, subtly sweeping through the minds of younglings to calm them or help them overcome their emotions and eventually shun their undesirable feelings altogether.
"What? Oh Yes, I think of a stream sometimes" you replied still pulling faces subconciously investigating the changes in the force surrounding the both of you.
"A stream?" He uttered quietly before nodding slowly, quickly understanding what you were doing. It was quite impressive a type of masking without exerting yourself or trying to cut off fro. The force; which took alote of concentration and willpower.
"Yes, like a shallow body of water always moving? Its hard to explain and probably doesnt make sense" you waved it off feeling stupid. I mean he was asking for answers you didnt quite understand youself
"No, no it makes perfect sense. You are constantly flushing the force through you, letting it trickle away. Never letting it build up and become noticable its clever.Its why you are so..." his complement trailed off slowly, he couldnt find the word to describe the odd aura that surrounded you. The force gravitated to you, like any other force sensitive being. But it didnt linger like most, didnt hover around you in a dense pull. It dissipated.
"Weak?" You offered self depreciation drentching the word, underlaying humour and sarcasm. He could tell you were trying to lighten the mood. He understood the need to fill 5he silence. Many people felt the need to when interacting with him. He put them on edge and you cant discern anything from silence.
But that wasnt to say he necessarily liked the way your defaulted to crushing yourself. You needed confidence, needed to hve enough self respect to know your worth. To take what you are owed. Something he will be sure to encourage, you have to find pride and ambition.
"I was going to say unusual. What else can you do?" His words were chiding at first. He risked stepping closer well aware of how fidgety you were. But he had to push you throw this fear nonetheless. He cannot train you if you were to terrified to aprouch him, how would combat or lessons in the force ever work? No. Its best to break barriers now. He will be understanding, but he wont coddle you. Time is of the essence, he had plans and you had to be ready to play your part on time.
"Move things... and sometimes control people" you shrugged as if these werent a big deal. It was pretty standard stuff for force users. And vader agreed, they were usually what youd expect. For trained users. But you were untrained and raw, to have such refined ability without formal training was rare.
"So thats what you were trying to do in our meetings? Trying to manipulate me?" He chuckled lightly grinning below his mask, he had wondered what the tickleing sensation had been. And to think youd been trying to control him amused him. You really were a breath of fresh air, he was almost eager. Excited to see you blossom and grow into somthing both amusing and powerful. Youd definitely suit him as an apprentice.
"Only once or twice, i wanted you to leave me alone" you mumbled rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
"Is there anything else you can do?" He asked taking yet another step closer closing the distance unoticed by you. Or maybe you did notice but didnt feel the need to run. Either way he got the same result, managing to get within rms reach of you without you screaming and bolting for the door. Not that yous make it far, he'd simply use the force to pluck you from the floor.
"Well maybe? But i never figured out if it was a force thing or not. Sometimes i feel things? Like bad stuff. I get a feeling that something bad will happen nd then it does" though your explination was a little less then coherent he did get the message. The force was tricky to explain at the best of times, so he couldnt really expect you to articulate it like a expert. But your words did give him pause for thought. That was not a usual naturl force ability. The last jedi said to have such afinity was yoda himself, and the old master didnt weild it, instead let it fester and become useless.
"Like visions?" He asked trying not to sound so desperate, he wanted to be as nonchalant about it as he could. He didnt need you worrying over it. Force knows you had enough going through your head as it was.
"No, i never see what it is, i just have the feeling before hand? A deep dread. Its only after something happens i realise what it was about" he nodded thinking over the words and comparing them to things he had read in the thousands of jedi and sith texts he'd researched over the years. Thankfully he had heard of such and odd thing. It was rare, very rare.
"Empathic premonitions. A powerful ability that is the beginning of true foresight. If trained properly you could not only have visions of the future but decipher them correctly in the right context" he offered the information up easily, to withhold knowledge from an apprentice was not the sith way. Though technically you should outright ask him for the answers he would be lenient for the moment. You were unaware of such things as of now. You would have to learn how to become a sith apprentice, just as he would learn to become your master.
"Thats a frightening concept. It'd land me on few hitlists. And im not sure id want to see the future anyway" you giggled humourlessly before shrinking into yourself gazeing up at his mask; something youd been avoiding for the past few mineuts. He took that as a good sign.
"It could be useful. You might have realised who i was sooner" you smiled at his small chuckle. It was strange, he really was the same person. You were surprised how familiar he was beginning to feel. It was nice, in a daunting way.
"That is true...Soo what happens now?" You pondered quietly still adrift in some anxiety, force induced calm state of mind that honestly felt like some odd dream.
"Now the work begins. I will train you and we will help one another acheive our goals" his reply was short and direct. You appreciated it, you didn want to be frettingnover what if's for the next few weeks. He was going to train you. Then use you. It was all you needed to know.
"I dont have any... well apart from hiding from everyone but that failed pretty badly if you think about it." your voice dipped lower, shame lingering around you s you admitted outloud you had no ambition past the goal of stying hidden away from the world.
"Do not let that deter you. You did very well, you weren't easy to find. You certainly made me work to uncover you. Something rarely achieved by anyone" he watched with satisfaction as his praise perked you up. A flicker of pride igniting inside of you from the words, a sense of achievement rippled from you. You were responsive to praise, rather than punishment. Good, he had no time to be constantly rebuilding trust after punishing you and if you grew to trust and dmire him as your mentor there was less chance of you turning on him in the future. He may even beable to change the tide of the sith, remove the rule of two and instead create a real empire, a real dynasty of the darkside. He could create something never seen before.
"And I am sure we will uncover some ambition inside of you. Today we will start by embracing your life force" his encourageing words seemed to be all you needed to nod and you followed as he began to lead you fom the room. Motioning for you to step up beside him intent on heading to his own personal meditation cha,bers, that had undergone a little renovating now holding a second seat a few steps down from his own that was souly intended for you.
You walked beside him silently, unsure where you were going but understood he wasnt going to kill you, so you just did as he asked. There was no reason to fight. And no chance in winning against him. Though the quiet resignation wasnt enough to quell your rampant thoughts. Mostly revolving your future and things to come, occasionally the emperor crossed your mind accompanied with a healthy dose of fear.
"I sensed a spike of fear in you. What is wrong?" You almost jumped out of your skin when the siths voice broke through the low white noise of the corridor. For a second you debated lying to him, telling him nothing was wrong but that wouldnt be a good idea? Besides he would find out eventually so whats the point in putting effort into a lie?
"Wont the emperor be angry if he finds out about me?" You didnt know if it was meant to be a statment or question.
"No. We are far enough away and i will make sure to smother your own force with mine. I told you, i will see to your saftey. You re my apprentice now. That grants you some privileges including my protection"
"Sounds better then dying" you hummed cheering up at his words. You actually felt comfort knowing this powerful sith was not only going to train you, but protect you. It was a weight off you mind. Not that youd ever take it for granted. Hell no, that would be a foolish thing to do.
"I do believe its the more preferable outcome?" You laughed outright at that finding his sarcasm comfortable. He stepped into an open elevator, you paused gor a second still a little on edge. He hadnt told you where you were off to, or what you'll be doing.
"Come we will have a short session tonight, and tomorrow i will test your combat" he anounced tryingnto remind himself the more you knew the less flighty you would be. It was odd explaining himself, he hadnt had to in to long. At that you stepped inside the tiny space with him.
"Save yourself the trouble i suck with gun" you huffed not even sugar coating it. You couldnt aim for shit and had been retrained as a technician because of it.
"And a lightsaber?" That caught you off gaurd, you hadnt even considered youd be trained in saber combat. Suddenly this wasnt sounding like the best idea, not with your clumsiness.
"I wouldnt know, ive never even seen one; holy shit!" You jumped back cursing as you headbutted the side of the elevator turning to run full speed into it trying escape as the small space lit up red in a nanosecond. Vader chuckled but didnt move the saber, opting to just hold it still so you could see it in all of its glory. You placed a hand over your head rubbing it before turning to look a the saber. It was scary, oddly beautiful but scary nonetheless.
"Do a girl a favour and warn me before you whip that thing out! I almost pissed myself" you complained, completely forgetting who you were talking to in you panic. Your eyes locked on the plasma blade in a mix of awe and terror. But awe quickly outweighed the fear as you understood he was merely showing you the saber, not about to use it on you.
"You are frightened of them? Ah ah carful" he asked only to tilt the blade from you as curiosity got the better of you and your hand inched closer to the sabers heat. You flinched back slightly, you could feel the heat radiating from it a good few inches from it.
"In my defence... i think its a rationl fear, they are kind of dangerous... and that one in particular, its known for slicing and diceing" you defended yourself with a little snippy quip, hand drifting to the saber again as if drawn to it like a moth. He could see your fascination was somthing he'd have to watch out for, or you might hurt yourself, though on the other handnit was good. You were interested.
"Tomorrow will be exciting for you. And very entertaining for me" he uttered disengaging the light saber before your curiosity left a more lasting impression.
"Wait Tomorrow? Why? Whats tomorrow?" You quized confused frowing up at him. But he only tipped his head to the side in response.
"You'll see" he uttered before turning forward once more as the dorrs opened. He strode down the hall not waiting for you as you rolled your eyes before chasing him, jogging to catch up to him again.
"Brilliant, my masters a sadist" he halted, jerking to a stop snapping his head down at you. An icey feeling washed over you and you suddenly felt very small. And very stupid.
"What? W-was that right? I didn't know what to call you, if its wrong im sorry i can;" he silenced you with a hand gesture.
"No, no it was correct. It has just been a long time since ive been called master. It may take some getting used to" he admitted quietly, sounding lost in thought. It was like your words had truly brought the circumstances to life. This was happening. Vader was claiming you as an apprentice, he'd train you and youd be the secret weapon to help him defeat his master and claim the throne that had been promised to him.
"Well if it helps ive neve been anyones apprentice before. So how about we give each other a settleing in period and ease ourselves in?" You uttered with a shrug unsure if you were meant to try and reassure him or not. He didnt seem the type to need it, but... it felt polite.
"Plus I err dont want to be punished or anything if i make silly mistakes" you added cheekily whilst subtly tryingnto convince him not go easy on you. He eyed you for a moment before turning walking away with a subtle shake of his head. You scampered behind him quickly not wanting to get lost this deep in the ship.
"Punishments accrued will always be met out, but youve shown little indication of needing such harsh tutelage. Im here to teach you, not break you" he uttered once you fell into step with him. He sent you a final side glance. He felt oddly satisfied by the way you were quietly accepting your new situation. He could almost let himself become fond of you, form an attachment to you. Only time will tell, for now he was content to focus on your training. He could ponder companionship another time.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Dont make me do this
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Summary: The chosen one has fallen, disappearing into the dark, following sidious. And though it is your duty to end him you just cant, why? Why should you kill him when ll he had done was be human? He gave everything for the love of his life. And you would do the same, you abandoned him once, and you will not make that mistake again, even if it meant following him into the shadows.
Warnings: jedi bashing? Swearing, angst, poorly writen gore/graphic injury.
A/N: This is a purely self indulgent fic based around unrequited/hidden love and HE DIDNT DESERVE THE FUCKING SUIT! All that precious little bean did was try to save his wife a baby 😭😭😭
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"Obi wan, we have to do this" you pleaded quietly, trying not to let padme hear you from your position in the cock pit. Your eyes searched his desperately, praying he'd see reason and agree to help you. You couldnt do this alone. Your prayers were unanswered Instead you felt ice prickle in your veins. shuddering under the intense glare the jedi master sent you. Youd never seen him so... angry before
"This is madness! You are letting your feelings cloud you;" he scolded quickly wiping the rage from his face trying not to succumbto his own emptions and be called out as a hypocrite.
"Damn fucking right i am! I am letting it get in the way, because being fucking emotionless drove him away, drove him to this." you snapped back your own desperation driving you to a furious frustration.
"Thea please now is not the time for this;" obi-wan sighed once again trying to brush you off as he often did. As everyone did. But this time you refused to be ignored, this was too damn important. You leant over slamming both hands down on the console letting your force crackle ominously around you.
Obi-wan stiffened at the display of hot fury. Something he'd heard mace and yoda raise concern about in meetings, yet he'd never seen this for himself. It was unsettling to see you so riled up. For the first time in his life he saw somthing else in you. Something frightening.
"It is the only time for this! Obi-wan, Anakin has struggled all his life in the order. He feels much more then anyone i know. He doesn't feel sadness only devastation, not happiness but elation, never fondness but love. He always has. And he felt completely and utterly alone" obi-wan tried to argue, he opened his mouth wantingnto find the words to counter you. But he couldnt, you were right, Anakin sought out connections. He didnt mean to but he did, subconsciously he always needed to cling to something, someone.
And in pushing him away, setting clear boundaries between them in an effort to stop himself becoming a father figure to anakin he hadnt been there to stop this madness. He'd failed to curb anakins need for attachments. Perhaps if he had allowed anakin to latch onto him as the boy wanted, he wouldnt have unknowingly sought out sidious, or you or persued padme. He could have happily continued his path as a jedi along side his master.
"We did that, we isolated him. Or made himmfeel isolated. He felt like he couldnt come to us for help obi-wan. He thought we'd judge him, that we would abandon him."
"He was terrified that the one person he loves, the only person in the world he could truly be ungaurded around was about to be torn from him. He made mistakes but so did we..." you traild off slumping back against the wall of the ship feeling your own shame wash over you. The many times youd seen anakin not himself, but let him brush you off, telling you he was just tired or giving some other generic excuse. Should you have pressed him harder? Pushed for answers, made him snap at you and perhaps get the truth. Was that what he needed?
"He slaughtered the younglings! He's become sith, and you want to pity him, you dont know what your asking!" Your self doubt was cut short as obi-wan growled in anguish. He was so torn, hurt by what had happened. Maye more so then you, he probably felt even more responsible for this then you did. He practically raised anakin. But no mtter how much this hurt him you were not about to let him take it out on you. No. He didnt get to do that, he wasnt the only person hurting, nd you werent about to become an emotional punching bag for him.
"I am asking you to fucking help me. I am asking you not to do this, dont fight him. He doesnt need an adversary. He needs help, he need us to accept him, to be honest with him and guide him" you snapped back watching with a tightening chest as obi-wan pulled back slightly. Before shaking his head scoffing at you, trying to calm his irritation. He spun away from you flicking a switch on the control panel before ducking his head pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Accept him? How. How can we accept this! How can you stand there and tell us we need to join him!" When he finally spoke again his voice rose quickly. You faltered not used to seei g anything but mild disapproval from him. Never had he bordered anger like this. You knew it was only natural, a mix of fear, disappointment and dread. He felt betrayed.
"Because thats what we need to do to fucking bring him back! I want to bring him back and we cant do that if we arnet beside him. For fuck sake this is the orders fault as much as it is sidious'... its our fault obi-wan. We ignored the signs, we... took Anakin for granted assumed he would cope alone so left him to his own devices" you managed to keep calm, trying to reason with obi-wan.
"We nurtured his turning by allowing his marriage to go undeteced we should have reported it;" obi-wan didnt get to finsh. You were narling in his face before he could move an inch.
"Dont you dare. DONT YOU DARE! Padme is the only reason he didnt fall sooner and you know it!" Your temper flared as you pointed in the direction of padme somewhere in the ship. Youd put up with a lot, but blaming padme because he couldnt stomach the thought of failing in his teachings was not one of them.
"And now look! He turned anyway! He fell Thea." He spoke quieter this time realising he may have begun to be unnecessarily harsh.
"Yeah he did. He fell right into the hands of sidious, because we couldnt catch him ourselves. Joining the dark side isnt the answer... even if we were just pretending so we can make him see the light, sidious would know." You offered once more, still trying to make obi-wan come around to your way of thinking. Surely it was better to try and save Anakin by nymeans then to just go and kill him? Didnt obi-wan love him enough to try?
"Im sorry but i have to do this. He has to see reason or..."
"Careful Obi-wan that almost sounded like an absolute." You hissed cruely making him snap his gaze to you. Eyes hardening as he took in your stnce, the way your force rippled around you sinisterly.
"Thea" he warned gently, trying to calm you and use that legendary charm he was famed for. But you sneered at him instead. All you could think was how easily the jedimaster was giving up, how he threw away his brother so quickly and would turn on him when there were other ways.
"You don even care how hypocritical you just sounded do you? The same old jedi double standard" Youd scoffed rolling your eyes, unable to The hypocrisy and intolerance wouldnt change.
"Please try to see things clearly" he almost pleaded, but unfortunately it was too late. Youd made your decision, and he had made his. All you could do now was watch things crumble around you.
"Oh trust me I do. i didnt before, but i finally understand. You dont see it. Do you? Its the order. Its poison. It's infected your mind like a sickness. They made sure the order means more to you then actual living breathing people." Your words began to twist, prod and slice at him but once you started you couldnt stop. Wouldnt stop.
"That no one in the galaxy should be more important or more powerfull then the jedi. Its funny really. The sith empire will rise again; more powerfull then last time and it was pssible because of the jedi orders hubris and even now the jedi are so blinded by their pride they refuse to admit it" your eyes locked with obi-wan's pwn pained gaze. He didnt respnd, you werent sure if it was because he was hurt by your words orif he thought this would blow over, that you were just throwing a tantrum. After a few more moments of silence he sighed, opeing his mouth to speak but it was too late.
"I dont want to hear it. Just know if you raise your saber, i will to." You anounced drawing a line in the sand before gettingnup, leaving the cockpit ignoring his calls to come back and talk this out. But there was no talking. No reconciliation. The time of the jedi had ended, the order was dead. and unfortunately obi-wan wasnt smart enough to admite defeat and abandon the sunken ship.
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You watched from Inside the ship as anakin and obi-wan dueled across mustafar's boiling terrain. You yelled in fury obi-wan was cunning, after youd left him in the cockpitt to mull over your words he'd removed your acsess to the doors. And left with pad,e quickly making sure you were kept on the ship.
Your heart broke as the fight continued, eyes watering as two people you caredmfor deeply camemto blows in a brutal battle. Padme was unconscious on the floor by the ship. It had been frightening seeing first hand what anakin was capable of, what he was willing to do to those he belived betrayed him. A tiny part of you wanted to stay on the ship out of fear. You were scared he now thought you were a backstabber. That youd forsaken him as padme and obi-wan had.
No. no you couldnt allow it. You wont let him think so little of you.
"3-po! Quick we have to get padme, come on we have to help her" you pleaded motioning to the woman sprawled out on the floor. Your words drew the droids attention and suddenly he was stepping towards the back of the ship all the while continuing his usual anxious rambling.
As soon as the door was open you bolted, running past the droid full speed stopping beside padme checking her over. She was unconscious- maybe passed out? But not dead. Thankfully Anakin would never forgive himself or obi-wan if padme had died here like this.
"3-po you handle this, take her to the ship and look after her" you called over your shoulder to the droid ignoring the complaints from him.
You raced across the surface of mustafar unclipping your lightsaber as you climber a small burning dune of sand only to freeze at the scene. Obi-wan had anakin trapped, the former was being backed up to the flowing lava. They were yelling at one another, screaming. Anakin was meeting his master blow for blow but Obi-wan wasnt relenting or holding back instead he was leading anakin to the river. Anakin hadn't noticed, he was to angry, he wasnt paying attention.
You ran, jumping, leaping forward trying to close the distance between them before it was too late. Your anger spiked fueling you, urging you to go faster. Obi-wan was going to throw him in the lava. He wasnt going to kill him himself. He didnt have the guts to do it cleanly himself!
Obi-wan brought his saber down in a powerfull blow tipping Anakin off balance . And with that the chosen one began to fall.
"NO ANAKIN!" the scream tore from your throat in such a mournful bellow it hurt your vocal cords. Both men looked towards you startled by you. Your arrival destracted obi-wan enough for you to stretch out to the force as Anakin fell into the molten lava.
He screamed in excruciating pain as one arm, shoulder, leg and the side of his chest became burned but you yanked on him. Your force was quick enough to pull him from his fiery grave before it could engulf him. And it was strong enough to put some distance between him and obi wan. Anakin landed heavily out of harms way quivering, hissing and moaning as the pain of his wounds began settling.
Anakin was alive. He was alive. Thank the force youd got out of that ship.
You didnt stop. Even though Anakin was alive, you didnt stop your charge. No. Instead to ignited your own saber and jumped over Anakin before lunging at obi-wan.
"Wait what are you doing? You said youd help" obi-wan yelled raising his saber only just managing to block your own. He staggered back, unprepared for the power youd put behind the blow. He waited for you to pull back but you didnt. Instead you pushed on keeping your blade locked with his, digging your heals into the rock below you and using your weight to throw him back a few steps creating some distancebetween the two of you.
"I said id raise my saber if you do. I never said it'd be pointed at Anakin" you panted pointing your saber to him threateningly.
His eyes widened, realising you had intended to kill him. He glanced to the purple of your saber. He knew what it meant, had always known what it meant. You were comfortable useing the dark side if you had to. It was unspoken but purple sabers were somewhat feared in the order. It meant you had afinty for both light and dark. It meant you were a different kind of jedi. Strong, dangerous. Suddenly he felt sick, the beginings of dread and icey fear curling around him. It was as they had always feared. You were turning. Not just Anakin, you were going to the dark aswell.
"No. No! Thea dont do this! Dont follow him down this road" obi-wan pleaded lowering his saber shaking his head at you, hopeing, praying you will stop before its to late.
You widened your stance before casting a look over your shoulder to Anakin. As silly as it was you were uncomfortable with him behinde you. He was clearly stressed, angered beyond the point of reasoning. Your eyes locked with his and he frowned. He was trying to figure out if you were an ally in this or not. You nodded subtly to him.
"Youll be okay Anakin. I'll help you with your wounds i promise just... just sit tight okay?" You said glancing at the burns on his side, the bionic prostetic was fucked, the metal and carbon melted and twisted, his fingers all stuck in odd angles and fused as if he had cramp. It was probably where the caseing was melted and shrunk pressing on the components below. It was completely useless now.
Your gaze lifted with a wince the top of his arm and shoulder was almost steaming from the way the intense heat that had caught it. His skin was blitering, torn and sagging away from his actual muscles and tendons. He was sitting down at an odd angle, his arm jutted away from his body, avoiding the same agonising blisters and open wonuds on his arm that also decorated one side of his chest, down his ribs and abdomen.
He only uttered your name in response. Hissing as he shifted trying to inch closer. His eyes told you all you needed to know. He was relieved you were here, thankfull you saved him. Yet determined, angry. He wanted to kill obi-wan you could sense it. See it in him. He was frustrated because he knew how close he'd come to failing. How close he'd been to death. Yet he still wanted to fight. But he also knew he couldnt take on obi-wan again in this state.
"Thea Move!" Obi-wan demanded angrily drawing your attention away from Anakin. You growled locking your shoulders and tensing, anticipating a strike from the jedi master.
"Move Thea please, dont make me do this" you scoffed keeping your eyes on him as he poised his saber for another attack. Both of you prepared to do what must be done.
"Im not making you do anything, your doing it all on your own. Leave obi-wan. Its over, the orders dead. Just... just go" you hissed feeling the irritation grow with obi-wan. He couldnt see it! He was blinded by faith in an order that never was.
"You know i cant do that i cant walk away from this" the jedi master pleade, as if tryingnto make it seem as if his hands were truley tied. And that right there was the problem. The jedi order did this to people. Took away choices, forced decision onto people claiming it was for the greater good. When in actual fact it was just to protect the orders values. They belived that there was no other way, all other veiws were immoral. It was almost amusing the amount of hypocrisy the order spewed, the absolutes they enforced despite only sith deal in absolutes.
"Yes you can, just go. While you still can. I dont want to kill you but i will." Your words were almost pleading, yet too harsh to be considered as such. You needed him to just walk away.
"Youll really do this? Really stand by him? After what he has done! Join his madness?!" You winced as he tried to manipulate you, twisting the knife in the still raw open wound. Dredgeing up the worst atrocities Anakin had just commited to try and sway you. Did you agree with the younglings slaughter? No. Your not a monster. But whats done is done, and you knew Anakin would regret that untill the day he died. When he dropped out of what ever manic fury he was in the younglings will haunt him forever. Thats his burden, his punishment, his guilt to bare. Not yours.
"Yes. I wont abandon him when he needs me. I wont let him suffer alone. Not again" you called out louder then intended, you heard Anakins faint gasp as you confirmed your intentions. You felt his force signature lift from behinde you. Perking up with a warmth you knew to be his own relief and joy. He was happy you werent going to turn on him.
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"You.. you love him. All this time you've been in love with him. Youll be sith fall into the darkside for him? This is why we dont love! This is the reason!" Obi-wan's words were small at first, doubtfull and confused. But quickly became frustrated accusations. You met his gaze and drew a breath choosing not to respond which made the jedi master snarl in frustration.
You had to look away from him, casting your eyes back to Anakin who had been torn between watching the scene before him and trying to ease his pain with deep breaths and force healing, that he wasnt exactly the best at.
But Anakin had heard, you wished he hadnt but he had. Looking up with a startled face, locking eyes with you questioning if it was true with a single gaze. You tore your eyes from him, fightened of what youd see in the next few moments. You didnt want him to know, didnt want him to see how far you had fallen. You were ashamed, your love was forbidden. But you loved your best friend, your comrade, brother. You loved a man who belonged to another. And it ate you alive.
"Dont you see? Dont you both see love feeds the darkness! It pushes jedi untill we are irrational and we fall untill we are sith;" Obi-wan began another rant, desperately trying to turn things around and scold you both into an epiphany. As if you both would suddenly stop holding people dear and your love would dissappear.
Obi-wans words seemed to be the final straw, he had found your tipping point. Scolding you like a child about pride and responsibility when he himself couldnt even admit the order had fucked up. That they had been cruel and negligent.
"I am not a jedi! I am not a sith! I am a fucking human being obi-wan. A free, thinking, feeling, angry, tired human being who has had just about enough of the orders propegander cultist shit!" Your scream echoed in the valley so loud it rendered the roar of mustafar almost silent in comparison. A small amount of your force rippled around you shifting the sand and rocks about your feet. Your rage had come to a boil, the darkness within you flickering awake. But you refused to stamp it out, refused to deny it this time.
"Thea.." the jedi master stepped back lowering his saber in shock as your aura darkened before him finally releasing what felt like a lifetime of pent up rage and fear. The fury and down right evil radiating from you was enough for him to rethink this battle. You were glorious and frightening to behold.
"Your right. Your right I love Anakin! I love you! I love padme and ahsoka and stars forbid i even hold a love for my master!" You continued shouting, loosing yourself in the truth of your own emotion. Welcoming the anger and frustration for the first time in your life. Finally, finally letting yourself drown in it.
"But i also hate. I hate master yoda for not listening to me when i sought reassurance, instead of helping me he gave me riddles and kept me silent. I hate that i was never allowed to question anything, i hate that i was expected to give up so much for so little. That my life would become meaningless just because i could use the force; it fucking condemned me! Condemned all of us!" Your words spewed like venom they were acidic on your tongue so much so you had to spit them out to so they wouldnt poison you further.
"I hate that i have become a fucking gaurd dog of the elite! That i spend my days protecting crooked senators instead of helping the civilians i vowed to protect and i loath; no detest the order and its stupid fucking rules, rules that were created out of fear" you clenched your saber tight in your fist untill the ridges of the hilt threatened to cut into your skin. You shook, quivered dragging sharp breaths through your teeth as your own words resounded around you. The fear, hate, shame and guilt youd always felt releasing at once in once torrent of regret.
"You dont know what your saying;"
"Yes i do! i said it and i meant it i hate the order. Hate it Obi-wan! And im fucking relived that this is the end of it because its needed to fucking die for years!" You shut him down quickly with a snarl, inching forward as another more powerful wave of your now tainted force escaped in yet another blast towards him despite you trying to hold it back. It was impossible, the air around you was charged with it. Crackling and twisting in an invisible violent display of power.
You closed your eyes pulling yourself back from what ever edge you were teetering on. Trying to calm yourself and draw some deep breaths. You didnt want to loose control, not like this but... but you didnt want to lie to yourself anymore or pretend. You were a human, you were entitled to feel your feelings.
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Obi-wan watched in horror as your saber rattled in your hand, shuddering violently in your grip for a few long seconds untill it faltered. He felt sick to his stomach as the blade transformed before his eyes. Red seeped from the hilt, consuming the purple of your blade with greed. It was over, there was no coming back from that. Your kyber had absorbed the hate and malice. He coudlnt pull you from the dark side now. You were lost.
Even Anakin was shocked never seeing such a thing happen before. He knew how it happened but never once thought youd bleed your crystal. You were always so controlled and carefull with your saber and handling your kyber. Perhaps this was why? You were close to the dark and it wouldnt have taken much to slip and fall. What shocked him the most was that you hadnt even realised what youd done. Was it was so natural for you to feel this rage that you didnt even notice it properly? You didnt cast a second thought to what might happen to your kyber?
You began speaking again, this time clamer. But still on the cusp of pure unadulterated rage. The frightening female rage that could stop a man in his tracks with a single 'no' still oblivious to the new red hue of your blade.
"Between the hate, love and frustration most of all i am sick. Sick and tired of this galaxy and everyone in it trying to contain those gifted with the force. Just because the force chose us to wield it; doesnt mean we have to be fucking soldiers or pawns or or slaves to someone elses doctrines" you explained revealing just what you thought the jedi truley were. Slaves.
You heard Anakin from behind you, repeating the word gently in a strange disbelief. As if he himself had never associated the two. But you felt the realisation. The moment his own anger spiked before knosediving into a deep depressed disappointment. He had replaced slavery for slavery. And he'd never even noticed.
"You.. you have been straying? these? Thea how long has this...." obi-wan summarised, not even angry at you. How could he be? This was the orders failing. For a moment you thought you could see understanding. That he accepted the order hadnt just failed to understand and protect Anakin, but you aswell. How many others? How many jedi hated the order and were just too scared to sya it? How many people had stayed silent just so they could remain with their loved ones and not be exiled?
"Longer than him. As long as i can remember I..." your words trailed off. Once again shame and doubt cluding you. This was difficult, for the first timemyou were being honest with yourself, with obi-wan and Anakin. It was daunting letting everything out like this, feeling true emotions willingly. Youd been trained not to, itgoes against everything youve been brought up to belive.
"Thea? Why did you never say anything?" Anakin called from behind you finally managing to stand and breath through the pain, all be it unsteady and lopsided, his uninjured arms curled below his burned one.
"I couldnt. I never wanted to admit it... anakin you? Had your own doubts if I'd said something? I didnt want anyone to know my real thoughts. Or influence you." You uttered slowly still coming down from your rage, inching yourself back into a calmer state of mind. Somehow your outburst had stopped the raging war between the jedi master and Knight.
Or maybe obi-wan wasnt attacking because he knew itd be useless. A master jedi would struggle taking on one dark side user, let alone two. It was clear both you and Anakin had embraced your afinty for the dark side to certain degrees. You were both unpredictable now and obi-wan probably wouldnt best you both.
You tried to ingor the flutter of pride, you made a jedi master question his own strength and resolve. It wasnt a stretch to say he might even fear battleing you now youd begun your decent into the so called darker aspects of the force
"There is only the force and it is grey. It is balance, but it is power and we all use it to gain victory. The force is blameless and we are all manipulators. Thats it. Nothing else you either use it or you dont. Everything in the force can be used for good or evil." Anakin hummed pondering the words in a very un-anakin like way. He never seemed one for deep thinking or philosophical nonsense. But he seemed to be taking in your points weighing them up against one another.
"Dont you see obi-wan we twisted it, us. We made it what it is and use the force as an excuse to control one another. And if you force me to choose between slavery in the light and freedom in the dark?" You turned from Anakin and began pleading for your friend and teacher to understand your point. He had to, even if he didnt like it or agree you had to make him know of your reasoning. That you werent ust an evil woman driven by a need for power and vengeance.
"I choose the dark, just like Anakin. And honestly i chose it long ago... i was just scared of loosing what was most important to me. Scared to break the chains" you glanced to Anakin again unable to keep your self from checking on him. You were worried, concered and anxious to see if he was angry or disgusted by the way you felt about him. But he didnt give any indication, he was lost innhis own thoughts and didnt seem to aware of what was going on in that moment.
But then again he was probably overwhelmed. In the last few hours he'd betrayed the jedi, stormed the temple, slaughtered the younglings and jedi, almost killed padme and his unborn, fought his master, almost been burned alive and then had to deal with your hidden feelings coming to light.
"Thea please;" obi-wan tried again holding out his hand to you, trying to offer you a path back into whats left of the jedi. And it felt like the final attempt. He looked conflicted and exhausted.
You shook your head and stepped back as if he was trying to poison you. And in a way he was, he wanted to draw you into something youd only just managed to truely escape. He was still a slave he just couldnt see it. You pitied him in a way. He was too far gone and would never ever be free.
"No. I wont warn you again kenobi. You need to Leave now. And do not seek us out again" your voice didnt waver. You didnt flinch or stutter. Though the strength was just a mask. Inside you were crumbling, it shouldnt have come to this. The order should have just faded away like all relics of the past. But the jedi were greedy in their own way, stubborn. They refused to change, belived there was no need to ever compromise and for that hubris they had paid dearly.
Obi-wan didnt say anything, what could he say as you severed every connection you had with him. Every familiarity gone in a instant. He flicked his gaze from you to anakin and back again before disengaging his lightsaber and backed away. And then he was gone, falling out of sight behind the dunes.
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You stayed alert until, you saw the ship take off and felt you and anakin were alone. Only then did you finally disengage your own saber and relax, collapsing to your knees taking a moment to come to terms with what had just happened. You were out. Free, free to feel and love and hate, free to decide whats best for you, live on your own terms with your own beliefs.
Tears began streaming down your face. This wasnt what you thought itd be, wasnt what you feared. Where was the shame? The terror and guilt? You were supposed to be lost and alone now. But all you felt was relief and strong. You felt peace yet a chaos, powerfull. You felt bold. It was everythingnyou were told it wasnt. You heard anakin shuffle behind you and then a gruntal moan as he fell heavily to the floor next to you. That snapped you out of your trance, you can reorder your feelings later, for now he needed you.
"Fuck, fuck are you okay? Here lets get away from all this lava, come on up here, let me see." You began quickly assessing him while trying to usher him futher up the bank. He swore under his breath pushing at you hands as you tired to support him. It was slow going but you managed to help half drag him higher moving him away from the rushing lava river that nearly killed him.
"Hey talk to me..." your voice grew quiet as the silence dragged on becoming uncomfortable and tense. But he just stared at you, yellow eyes burning into you trying to figure something out. Like you were a puzzle for him to pull apart.
"You... saved me from the lava... you pulled me free before....and protected me. You chose to stay?" He finally spoke confusion lacing his words. For a moment you thought he was going into some pain induced delirium or shock syndrom. He was both questioning you and doubting himself. Yet at the same time reaffirming what had happened.
"Yes. I did... Are you okay? Anakin your scaring me;" you confirmed before trying to find out if he was feeling like himself. You needed to lnow if he was going to turn and attack you or not. You had to be ready, he may have dropped his saber but youd seen what he'd done to padme without it. You didnt want to be the next one on his list.
"Anakin is dead." He snarled, sharp and furious. It was manic he was desperate to distance himself from who he once was. You drew a breath nodding to him, raising your hands slowly in a surrendering motion as you felt his force swirl around him erratically smothering you in a thickening cloak of raw power.
"W-who has taken his place?" You tried not to fear the answer, fear him. But he was glareing at you so intensely it almost physically hurt.
"Vader. Darth vader." You flinched, swallowing dryly. So it was true, he wasnt just becoming a dark jedi, but a sith. A true sith apprentice, one day a sith lord like the old tales. But you managed to take it in your stride simply nodding along with him.
"And what is darth vader going to do? I-is he; are you going kill me? Now that obi-wan is gone and the jedi are being eradicated" with that he relaxed. The acceptance soothed him, his rage receded as if he understood you werent going to argue or harm him. You felt an overwhelming sadness at that. He was so defensive and vulnerable yet youd never noticed before. He didnt reply the silence was deafening, you could only assume the worse.
"It okay vader... its okay of you need to; just at least let me help fix you up first alright?" You reassured him holding back tears. You knew this was a possibility. Knew he might kill you anyway to truly set himself free of the order. And you were willing to do that for him, to die for him to release himself from the shackles of the order.
"Thank stars its your right at least you wont lose another hand, well youll need a new prostetic and your shoulders fucked for now but we can;" you continued babbling trying not to think as you began healing him slowly, carfully letting your force flow through you to at least sooth his pain. He stared the whole time gazing almost blankly at you. Not evern hissing or flinching as you worked over the burns.
"Were you telling the truth?" His voice carried a vulnerable lilt to it. Like a child asking a parent if they were truly forgiven after being naughty. It was a small voice one youd never heard him use before. You stopped what you were doing and sat straighter giving him your undivided attention, yet it was you who felt like you were under a microscope.
"Is what you said true? About the order... the dark. Your feelings... your love?" He struggled to voice the words aloud but had to. And just like he had to ask you knew you had to answer.
"Yes. I havent ever truly cared for the order, but i did fear them. I stayed because i had people i was afraid of losing" you looked down still feeling shame. It was so ingrained into you that everything you thought and felt was wrong you could'nt help but be nervous revealing it so intimately.
"But eventually you have to be true to yourself and accept it. Even if it means getting yourself killed. If thats the case I'll die free and honest" you summarised tryingnto let him know you understood and you were at peace with your impending demise, especially if that ps what he needed.
"And your love? Was that a truth you had to face? The thing you couldnt lose...The person you were afraid of losing?" He asked again this time more desperate. He raised a hand to yours, clasping your wrist tightly and pulling it from his wounds. You closed your eyes sighing.
"Im here arent I?" You chuckled nervously motioning around you. Trying to deflect and make him assume what he wanted to save yourself the embarrassment. But he shook his head a growling at you in frustration, irritated at your refusal to answer him directly.
"No. Thea I need to hear you say it. I need to know the truth. Tell me." His frustration rose and his grip grew tighter making you wince. Your eyes searched his, pleading for him to let this go. Whats the point in pouring your heart out to him now?
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His gaze was stern, brows pinched and jaw set firm, twitching in anger as the seconds slowly ticked away in silence as you continued your staring match. Finally you gave in looking away afterall you didnt have to look at him to bare your soul to him.
"Say what? That ive been madly inlove with you since i was a child? That i didnt understand what it was untill it was too late? That i adore you? That i always pushed myself harder and harder just so i could keep up with you and we wouldn't be separated? So i could be there if you ever needed me? That i could be strong enough to save you if you needed it?" You managed to wokr up the courage to look at him and gently twisted your hand from his grip and raised one slowly to his face. Cupping his jaw softly. He closed his eyes pressing into your palm, twisting slightly nuzzling into you enjoying the soft comfort.
"Yes. Yes to all the above. I love you and it has always terrified me like nothing else in the world. I was told so many times by my master by yoda and everyone who noticed that i was wrong. That it was dangerous and itd destroy me but i didnt care. I love you An-Vader;" you stopped yourself short and pulled away from him before you broke down. You felt like your chest was in a vice, being crushed. Your stomach was churning unsettled by the mix of fear and warmth you were feeling. It felt unnatural to just be human and experience your own emotions without resisting.
Vader followed your hand unconsciouly before capturing himself. Frowning in disappointment as the soothing touch fell away from him. He let you retreat knowing you you needed to distance yourself to get this off your chest once and for all. He was prepared for tears, and frustration and cursing. But he wasnt ready for the dark turn your words took.
"Fuck i even pulled clovis aside and threatened to skin him alive when he started to interfere; and i wasnt bluffing i was going to do it. I had a plan on how i was going to get away with it too. i scared him and myself. i couldnt find it in myself to be jealous of padme or resent her becasue i just wanted you to be happy. And if her love made you happy that was enough for me" your words pulled your force,making it thrum once more igniting under the surface with an eager malice as you remebered the fear. The promise you made to clovis as he trembled at the thoughts you were pushing into him. Youd gone too far that day. You knew you had, forcing him to see his own torture in his minds eye. It wasnt the jedi way. Youd avoided him after that. Not wanting to relive it, far too frightend of your own commitment to your threat. Youd have done it. Youd do anything for Anakin.
"She didnt, she never actually;" Vader began speaking searching for the words to explain himself. As much as he didnt want to belive it he knew there was only one explination for padme's refusal. He wasnt enough. His love and devotion wasnt enough to keep her by his side. He trembled, lip quivering as he turned to look you in the eye and finally with a shaky breath he admitted outloud what you both knew to be true.
"She has betrayed me. She wouldnt come with me y/n. In the end she didnt want me enough. I did everything for her. All this for her and she abandoned me her love wasnt enough to stand by me." He broke down, he didnt understand. Didnt want to, the pain was too much. He had sacrificed everything for her survival. And he sees now it was in vain. He'd been living a lie for her and she didnt see what it had done. What she had cost him. What he was willing to pay for her to be safely by his side.
You inched closer as he crumbled, mouring his love. His loss, his failure. It cut you, twisted cold knives in your gut. How? How could she have done this? Didnt she see what there marriage had cost them? Cost Anakin. No. How could she? Padme was free, she had nothing to lose. To her she had a powerful, respected ,handsome husband who she could have exciting secret couplings with when ever she wished. She got to run around in her own exciting forbbiden romance reality.
Yet Anakin could have lost everything he had worked for . All his years of blood sweat and tears would have been for nothing. He'd have lost his home,family, freinds, job his entire world would have crumbled around him if he'd been caught. And in the end he gave it all up willingly, falling from grace so thoroughly just to save her life. And it wasnt enough.
"But you didnt run... you didnt abandon me..your feelings are real, they have to be" you were pulled out of your thoughts by him grasping you, his hand coming to your cheek. You gasped as he pushed forward fingers trailing down to your jaw thumb lightly, ghosting your lower lip and then with a languid twist his fingers rose once more to settle on your cheek again.
Its was like he was mapping out your features. Fascinated and in awe. You blinked at him speechless from the delicate feather light touches. He'd never done anything like this before. His eyes became haunting as the yellow shrunk giving way to his puplis that grew wider. It was like he were seeing you for the first time, releasing the tight grip on his own restraint. Just as you were about to break the silence he spoke again, this time softer.
"You... you just threw away everything for me. Risked everything to protect me, just as i did for her. You truly love me. More then the others; more then my own wife. Im sorry, sweet angel im so so sorry i never saw it before." He apologised slidingmhis hand to cup the back of your neck and tipped forward pressing his own forehead to yours.
"I will not forsake you as she has done me. Do you hear me? I will not, i swear to you Thea. Come with me. Join me" the vow caught you off gaurd. This was something you only dreamt of. A fantasy youd kept in secret. He closed his eyes arching up pressing a kiss to your head inching closer and pulled you to rest on his collar bone. His arm now dropping to coil around you as best as they could with the damage done to his prostetic. You leant into him letting yourself curl into him, closing as much space as you could between the two of you.
"Join me? Please? We can... we can build something. Be something greater than what we were designed to be. Make an empire that will bring peace, that will punish the wicked greed festering in the galaxy" you shuddered feeling a sob bubble up. The guilt and elation both clashing in an overwhelming storm of emotion youd never been allowed to experience before. Tears began flowing once more as you tried to latch onto something familiar, something comforting. But there was nothing, it was all brand new and frightening.
"But what about Padme? Arent you going to try and convince her again? Or sidious? He will kill me im not strong enough to join him he'd never;" your words were mumbled, sentences torn apart by weak sobs and soft sniffles. You were desperately trying to find some stability, some comfort in all the chaos. And you were most comfortable when denying yourself everything youd ever truly wanted.
"Padme is not my concern any longer. Its time i stopped kidding myself, she showed where her loyalties lie. She was willing to let me; the so called love of her life, her husband, the father to her child; die at the hands of obi-wan becuase i chose another more powerful path" You shook your head disagreeing in mumbled hlf sobs weeping into him still unable to really understand what he was saying, you heard the words but it didnt register. You didnt want to risk believing them incase this was a trick, a ruse to ruin you completely.
"You were not. You who has been by my side, and loved me in secret. You stood up against obi-wan to protect me, thats the loyalty and courage a true wife should have. I will not ignore that sacrifice" he said louder, a grit to his voice determination and authority pouring from him. He wanted you to listen. To truly listen and see this for what it was. This was the defining moment of both your lives. The moment you both truly found oneanother and began walking the same path, marching towards a future that would give the both of you everything youd ever wanted and needed.
He honestly belived that both of you had been drifting through this life, mearly exsisting waiting for this moment where the force finally unites you both. He could feel it now, see clearly for the first time in years. The sleepless nights, doubts and fear of his own desires and marriage came to an end and al. He knew was that this was where he had meant to be. Here with you standing on the dawn of a new era for the galaxy.
"Sidious will not harm you. I will not allow that. You are loyal to me. You are mine. And i will fight to,protect you as you have fought for me today." His words poured, hands grasping you tighter as you cried still weakly holding onto the past. Your own doubt and fear clouding your resolve. He hated it. The way you crumbled so completely into him, you were strong. Always so strong but here and now you were lost and overwhelmed. It was down to him to pull you through. To guide you back and show you your place amongst all the changes.
"But im a jedi; vader dont... dont toy with me. I know you need to kill me and its okay. Its okay, im ready. I knew; you dont have to;"
"You are no longer a jedi. Look. Your saber...see?" He cut you off quickly, a snarl. Then he let out a breath before tipping his head to your saber and explained gently. You frowned at him before leaning to the saber youd discarded beside the both of you as you slumped to the ash. With a quick look to Vader you ignighted your saber only to yelp and drop it as soon as the red glow shone from the hilt.
"Oh... oh stars what?" You blreathed out fear and shame flushing through you. Vader moved bringing the saber between you both again ingiteing it again needing you to face the reality of your new predicament.
"You bled it Thea. Somehow while your kyber was still sat inside your saber. I haven't even managed to bleed mine yet. But you? It seemes you have been much closer to the dark side than me for a while" he hummed flicking his gaze from your awe struck face and the now red saber. It was odd seeing one so close without being attacked. It was raw, powerful. He could feel the rage and distress from within it, he knew he was feeling your own discontent through the hilt. But at the same time there was almost a relief? You were at peace with the red kyber. There was an understanding. He could only assume youd been fighting it for a long time.
"I think that is what made obi-wan retreat. He realised you were serious and willing to do what ever it took. That you meant every word and if he had stayed he would be fighting a powerful woman with no jedi rules to follow" he pondered outloud still watching you trying to decipher your thoughts. He could see how this was a moral dilemma. You seemed to return to him from the shock and gave a half smile taking the saber from him with a lightly nod and clipped it to your belt.
"He feared for his life and ran" he smirked as you scoffed at that rolling your eyes at him. He released a breath he didnt realise he'd been holding as you seemed to have gatherd yourself together with an odd acceptance.
"Once i have gained the knowledge i need i will end sidious and We shall rule. You and me Thea. The jedi order and all those who stand in our way will fall;that is if you want to join me? Become the force wielder you were born to be" he ducked down following your eyes as they dipped away from him, his uninjured hand tipping your chip up once more. You flicked your eyes to his, the amber was almost golden and shone with a sincere pleading. He was being honest.
"Become the woman you were meant to be. Im asking you take this final step with me please. Come with me, serve me, stand beside me; where you belong take your place along side me and rule. Will you help me make them all pay?" You swallowed whimpering quietly lowering your eyes to your saber resting in your lap and then locked eyes with him again. What was there to lose now? You had nothing now. Nothing but the freedom to choose.
"Yes of course i will. Id do anything for you" you managed to speak through the thickening lump in your throat, managing to push through the emotional whirlwind that encased the two of you.
"And i you. Perhaps it is not too late for us, maybe we can both finally break our chains and find the true love we have always craved"
"Dont say things like that, you love padme and that wont change. And thats okay Vader." you grunted into him still weakly trying to deny what had just happened. Still convinced that Vader was lost in his own feelings and hurt by his wife. Refusing his love for her out of spite.
"You love many people, why would you think im any different. I have always held you close to my heart. I do love you, i thought i loved padme more. But... I was young and foolish, you were jedi and untouchable she wasnt. I loved you enought o never risk you, yet i didnt do the same with her. Maybe i was wrong?" He sighed pondering hos own reasoning and short comings. Maybe he should have giving things more thought before jumping the gun the way he had. He would admit after his marriage hed been torn, happy to have a slice of normality but felt an uncomfortable pain when he'd watched your face drop at the news.
"Fuck anakin really must be dead. He's never been wrong before" you laughed slapping at him playfully. He grunted pushing you back making you fall back into the ash calling you a brat.
"Oh thank god theres still some sass in there, for a second there i though vader was going to be a boring old fart" you both chuckled at that and for a second there was nothing else. No responsibilities, no betrayal no jedi of sith. It was just the two of you chuckling at your own antics as youd done so many times a children. Before everything real and pure had been stolen away and twisted for someone elses gains.
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"Come. We should go he isnt patient" vader spoke glancing up the ridge as he felt Sidious approach looking down the bank to the both of you. He stood with a grunt dragging you up beside him with useing the force. You gasped lightly at the way his life force acquainted itself with you in a new familiarity. It was forbidden to use the force this way, touching carelessly could cause unbreakable force bonds, your own life forces could mingle and become reliant on one another. It was almost seen as rude and obscene to let your force touch someone else outside of healing and battle.
You eyed him flushing but said noting, instead shyly opened yourself up to him as you both began to climb up the bank towards sidious. You felt unsure as you followed vader, but you trusted him. Sidious might not have wanted you but... would he real1ly deny another corrupted jedi? Your answer came as you approuched him, he peered around vader to you and his face lit up into a sinister grin. He nodded eyes glinting with glee, it would seem he was pleased with his two for one deal.
"Come, let's get both of your injuries tended to and then we can discuss our next objectives" you relaxed visibly at that before letting Sidious lead you both away. You weren't sure what was going to come next, and selfishly you didn't care. All you knew was for the first time in your life, you'd made the choice. And you will stay beside Vader for along as he allowed you to. You will not turn your back on him. Not now, not ever.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
A Sires Bond Chapter 2
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Summary: The dark sire isnt one to waste time, when he makes a deal he intends to fullfill his end immediately.
Warnings : Smut! A/B/O, Adult themes, Werewolves/shifters au, Dark magic,Fluff?, Angst, swearing
A/N: so here is the second part, i promise im trying to keep writing but my hard work for my shop has paid off and im currently getting orders in for custom dolls/animals. Its good news but my dolls are time consuming to make 🥲 16-20 hours each if im lucky hence i havent had much spare time to write and update things.
You both gasped at the first touch. The cracked barrier felt like thickened air as your palm passed through it, his warm skin burning against yours. He didn't hesitate as you did. His fingers slotted between yours and he held you firmly. A strange pulsing came from the barrier. Intermittent thrumming echoing through the air soundlessly. Your hair flicked, jumping with the movment.
Just when you thought nothing more would happen you saw it. Magic. It seemed to creep below you skin. Your veins glowed, a strange dark light emitting from them. Along with it came a strange feeling. Something between pins and needles and feather light touches gliding across your skin. You looked to him seeing his eyes alight with orange golden fire.
A quick sense of panic flared inside of you as the magic crawled up your arm. Reaching ever closer to your body. But you refused to deny this. You will not become a victim of someone elses decision. Just as the tingling hit your chest you relaxed. The ever constant pain of your loss ebbed away, as if it was being chased by him.
Once reaching your chest there seemed to be one quick flicker of light. Your entire body shuddered, trembled with the same odd feeling. And then it stopped. Every trace of magic dispersed and he suddenly lurched forward. Eagerly passing through the barrier as if remaining on the other sode was the worst fate imaginable.
You squeeked as he was suddenly upon you. Falling forward jn his eagerness, landing over you. Yet his reflexes kicked in and a huge hand captured the back of your head. He grunted heavily as his knuckles took the weight of your fall. But quickly bit off the pained grunt and hummed down at you seductively. Eyes taking in your wide eyes, red cheeks and full lips parted in shock as you yelped. An adorable high pitch sound that he had no doubt he could draw from you again. Next time it would be breathy and sweeter. A cry of unexpected passion as he claimed you. He was sure of it.
"So cute~ i could just eat you up" he mused with a smirk. Enjoying the way your cheeks glowed. He was sure you were a fair maiden. Untouched. He could not wait to sink his fangs into you. Nip and kiss his way across your supple flesh, tainting and awakening you all at once. Before gifting you what you craved, letting you take hold of him and create a new life.
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He almost felt sorry for his new naive female. He would grow to love you, of that he was most certain. But he was under no false pretenses. For the moment you were both each others means to an end.
You will use him for pups,family and security. Even use him for your own passive revenge on those who wronged you by proving them to be the fools they are, making them regret casting you aside when you could bare more then one pup.
But he was useing you. Not only to escape his prison, but also to sire a new generation of perfected wolves. His hope was that his pups would gain notoriety and draw others to them. To become the male to have sired a renownd pack alphas. That his lineage will rule over these inferior wolves. Ultimatly proving that devious bitch goddess she was wrong to forsake him. That he can and will create something better, something lasting. His children will be the fiercest of all and will rule the entire race he helped create. He had a millenia of meddling to catch up on.
And he also wanted to prove that he could love another? He wants to show the gods that he can be worthy. That he would be a perfect mate! He wanted to show luna what she had missed out on. He hated thinking that luna belived he was pining for her. He was not. He despised her. Any affection he had left for her had died when she threatened to harm their unborn.
"Eat me?! But you... you promised? Please dont hurt me" you cried panicked once more. And tried to shuffle from beneath him in fright. He chuckled blinking slowly, before scratchingmyour scalp gently with the hand that cradled your crown. You relaxed slightly into the gentle touch, unable to deny the pleasurable feeling on your head being for lack ofa better word petted.
"Hush morsel. I would not devour you in a beastly sense of blood and sacrifice. I have bonded you already. My magic has krept inside of you, has seeped into your very being and tied us together." He purred out in delight, eyes flashing their godly orange before dimming to the blue you were comingnto love already. At the mention of magic you shivered, you could still feel it. Working its way deep into your very being, soaking you through with a delirious sense of want and need.
He hummed at you raising a perfect brow as you shuddered once more laying in the cool wwater did nothing to help you as your heat began to drift into your blood once more. He smirked as he caught the scent of a needy omega again. The flames of desire were quickly igniting as his spell reawakend you.
"Though i may feast on you when the mood strikes, i will never harm such a delicate mate. You are to be treasured, you are my light. My freedom and my future" he teased pressing forward ghosting your mouth with his, sinful lips kissin your as he spoke the heated words. You whined up at him pressing your thighs together as the liquid fire in your veins pooled in your loins. This was different to before, your desire was incomprehensible. Though it may have been dampened because of mikhail's swift refusal.
"Shh shh your fine, omega. Your perfectly safe with me. My sweet ripe little pup~ i have you. Its dofferent isnt it?" He breathed out senseig you slight panic. Many omega's were frigtened on their first true experience of heat. It was unpleasant to be tormented with such frenzied arousal you could bearly speak.
Your eyes watered and your hands gripped him tight, tiny fingers clutching mercilessly at his robes. You were confused and frightened.
"Oh i know child, its difficult hm? This is what your supposed to feel, this is a true mating bond my sweet;fuck you are soo sweet! Like honeyed ambrosia!" He grunted out through clenched teeth as the scent of his new found mate washed over him. He couldnt wait to defile you. He shifted holding himself over you before dragging you to him.
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You could do little more then moan as he finally kissed you, his lips pressed hard against yours teasing your own. You somehow found a rhythm and fell into a delicious needy kiss. He licked and nipped along your bottom lip. He pulled the swelling flesh into his mouth, biting lightly before suckling at it like a pup on a breast. You panted mewling following his mouth trying to entice him to deepenthe kiss once more, al, the while arching your hips in uncontrollable movements. Your center seeking him out.
He shifted once more, rewarding your attempts with a single thick thigh. You moaned into his mouth as you found the hard muscle and began grinding onto it, whining and moaning for him aloud with little care. Your insides tensed, your walls pulsing with a need unlike any other youd felt. This was what mating really was? The undeniable hunger for your mate. Your body willingly tearing itself apart just so he would fulfill your needs. You quivered as you began to saturate your leggings.
Your hips jolted against him as he tensed his leg, and you sped up, rocking back and forth tending to your own need. Stoking your own fire useing him like a tool, as if his only purpose for being was to satisfy your own pleasure.
He grunted when you arched higher, brushing against his own need and released your mouth with a wet pop grinning down at you.
"I am your servant, your gaurdian. You shall never know pain again. Never endure torment, or need to worry or fear anything." He spoke with clarity, pledging himself to you in a flurry of sweet words. But the sentimentality was muted as he made sure to start tugging on the leggings you wore, his fingers finding the thick elastic quickly before curling them inside and peeling them off of you. You yelled in need before wriggleing your hips trying to help him rid you of them.
He chuckled dipping down once more at your insistence, you hands tugging on him trying to bring him closer. He locked lips again, this time pundering your mouth drinking in the cries and whimpers as you spiralled into a dazed heat, craving nothing but him.
You grunted at him as he pulled his thigh free from your own and quickly pulled your leggings to your knees.and in a swift movement you were rolled over below him.
You dropped your chest low, hissing as the position submerged your breast into the cool stream but quickly found a love for the temperature. Your body was boiling, your pussy wept a molten heat of longing. He groaned loud into the glen, the trees trembled at the beastly primal sound. You moaned as his hands captured your hips and urged you to rock back towards him.
"I am your protector and your might. If you give the word I will prowl this land and bring your enimies to a brutal bloody end." He spoke in a strained voice. His hot hands storking over your lower back, down your ass and squeezed. It had been a long time since a female presented for him, he'd not rush ahead befpre commiting the sight to memory. And you were a cute little thing.
"And me? What am i?" You breathed out desperately trying to press against him, searching for him. Willing him to finally take you and claim you for himself.
"You my dear? You are about to become and impossibility. An exception to every constraint placed upon your kind. You my little love are about to birth an entirely new era." His words were overshadowed by the howl like cry you belowed as he impaled you. He coildnt help smirk victoriously as your body wrapped aroundnhim so tightly. Your insides squeezing him with no complaints.
You moaned into the open air as his cock pressed jnto you. The thick rod prying you open, pressing you to your limits as he invaded you. It was a sweet pajn, the stretch and light burn form him making you feel cold. You grunted when he pressed further, you could almost imagine him protuding in your stomach. The thought made you wail louder tensing around him as if fighting for room in you own body.no. not yours, it was his now.
He grunted holding still as your heat suckled on him, pulling him urging him deeper. Fuck yes. He growled as you squirmed, turning to look back at him and tried rockingmon your knees. No. You were uis, and youd take what he gave.
He moved, slowly at first hands on your hips tugging you back to wards him, meeting the light tilts of his hips. You cried rung out around you. The mewling sobs of pained pleasure echoing around the glen as he toyed with you. He couldnt help it, he wanted to tease his new mate. But you were driving him mad.
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You moaned as the male mounting you began to fuck you, the arching hips became harde and harder as he worked himself inside of you. Each thrust forceing the breath from you. And then like something inside of og him snapped he grasped your wasit tightly, fingers threatening to bruise as he jerked your body faster, harder and deeper.
Each pull made you more desperate, you needed him, needed something more! The trembling in your legs seemed to spread further. Crawling across your spine and tummy leaving tinggling in its wake. You couldnt describe it, the sensation of being one with your intended. It was all encompassesing and muted. Like you were trapped inside a bubble of unyeilding lust and heat.
He growled, curseing out loud fucking you in harsheder strokes. His thighs slping yours in scalding stinging swats, only adding to your heady ecstasy. And then he stopped, p,undging himself as far as he could. You yelped eyes wideneing as you felt something else. A foreign feeling, a swelling. But not y9ur own?
A stinging pain tugged at you unlike anything youd felt before. You cried out in fear turning to him, but a hand caught your hair, tilting your head back. You made to ask what was going on but could only let out silent scream when you felt teeth imbed into your neck. Fangs shooting down locking themselves into your flesh.
The pain coupled with the seering heat in your hea made you tense, your body twisting tightly befor relaxing in a mind numbing pleasure. You trembled and quivered finding your end cumming in one frighteningly powerful wave leaving blackspkts in your vision.
You whined almost collapsing below him, completely spent. But our mate was quick to capture you, one thick arm crossing your abdomen supporting your weight, whislt holding you still as he rooted himself deep inside of you. His cock pulsing, tickling your insides with his seed as he came inside of you.
You moaned when his jaw pulled free of your neck as he felt you coming down from your high. With a gentle kiss he parted from your bitten flesh.
"Shh shh thats me, my knot. We are one. I will release you soon my love" he panted trying to sooth you as you cried out and tugged, trying to pull yourself from him. Your mate sighed, It was always painfull the first time, omega needed to learn to appreciate the knot. For now you would weep as the sensation of being knotted, the burn was a knife edge of pleasure and pain, for the moment youd only focus on the latter.
You whined arching forward again trying to escape the pain, ignoring the warmth of his seed coating your insides with a hope of taking root. But not even the promise of pups could ease the full painfull feeling. He hushed you, pressing his hands into your back warming them, rubbing circles and long lengths up and down your tight muscles easing them. Encouraging you to relax for him.
"Together we will gift this world our pups. Pups that will grow into feirce rulers, and they will bring about a new dawn to this dismal supernatural world. Your species will not be mocked. They will be feared" he spoke, trying to draw your mind away from the present uncomfortable sensation of your first knot. It worked somewhat, he felt your excit en and hope spark through the bond. His heart leapt in his chest, it has been to long since he had shared this kind of bond. The way he felt you, the way your emotions pulled at him as you unknowingly broadcast them like a beacon for him. He closed his eyes swearing a silent oath to keep this bond, this union sacred and safe.
"We will be feared" he ended, the tone dark and foreboding as he finished his silent promise out loud. You'llbe feared, loved and cherished. Your pups will be worshipped . Your bloodline revered.
"So... whats your name?" You pondered flushing as you realised youd given youraelf to the dark sire without even knowing his true name. It was... demeaning in a way? You felt embarrassed, ashamed almost that you even had to ask in this postion.
"You know i have never given it much thought. I do not really have one, only titles. The dark sire, the shroud, hound of hell, hell beast, deciver;"
"Thats... actually really sad everyone should have an actual name" you interrupted him as his tone began to grow more acidic. It would seem even he held offence to the mamy blighted names he had been gifted over the millenia. You also felt sorry for him, you couldnt imagine never having something so important. A name was? Personal, it was identity being. It was acceptance and civil. To not have one was, it was unthinkable.
"Augustus? I was named Augustus a few hundred years ago" he spoke again quietly, his voice a purring hum. Thoughtful and deep, he sounded lost, adrift somewhere in his own mind. You faltered. Oh. Augustus? Like the boy from Charlie and the chocolate factory? The fat one who couldnt swim. You were pulled from your thoughts by a deep laugh from behinde.
"You are not fond of it? Me neither of course you can always help me find a new one. I am but a humble servant for my rescuer" he cooed, leaning down once more to nuzzle your neck unable to resist. You preened at the attention.
"How about August? Just shorten it? Its fancy but not old we dont want people to know who you really are... right?"you offered weakly, trying to avoid the old aristocratic name that made you cringe.
"August. I like it. And you are?" You felt a wave of relief flush through you. Thank the gods! But then paused your name? Oh! He doesnt know either... oops?
"Willow. My name is willow" his face lit up as he tested your name, letting it roll off the tongue in a languid purr.
"Willow. My perfect mate has such a unique name, it really does suit you my love." He added gently before taking your legs into his hands slowy and lowered you to the ground following your movements as not to tug on your joining. You hissed but managed to remain still for him only releasing a huge breath when the larger then life male smothered your back. Warming you instantly with his own body heat.
"Well willow, you should try and rest for. While, the next few days are going to be very busy" he uttered coaxing you to relax further, his kingstache tickled your neck and shoulder as his lips fou d your skin again gently littering it with kisses and gentl licks. Everything about he did was to keep you calm, docile and relaxed around him. Praying each and every moment that natrue would take its course and youd be pupped by the time you were released from beneath him.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
A Suitable Alternative chapter 2 (Final)
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Summary: you new life with vader begins, and though unexpected your not entirely unhappy about it.
Warnings: suitless vader, coercion, dub con relationship, power play, canon typical violence
A/N:Here is a second and final part to my vader fic. I dont really want to get suckd in and make a long fic, i have too many. But i will be doing little anakin and vader oneshots and drabbles in the future
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Your eyes flicked to the open living area. The footfalls of Vader moving around did little to calm your nerves. Today was your debut. Or as you'd mentally dubbed it release day. Well, maybe that was a tad harsh. You reasoned with yourself. You weren't a prisoner here, well possibly? Since the whole incident with the fifth brother last week Vader had made it his life's mission to keep you in his quarters until you were quote; 'recovered from the trauma and ready to take your place'. And somehow your new wardrobe had been delayed. Which you didn't believe for a second. Everyone knew when Darth Vader wanted something it was on board within hours. You thought it was more likely that he wanted to have a few days bonding with you. And he did.
Your terror of this frighteningly beautiful man had subsided somewhat. The situation you found yourself in wasn't entirely unpleasant. You were treated impeccably well. It wasn't hard to forget just who he was inside your newly appointed home. You had taken a few days to acclimatise to seeing him without his mask. Whilst at the same time pretending nothing phased you, it was difficult. So much had changed for you, suddenly you were spending more time with him than anyone ever had since he'd appeared out of thin air alongside the empire itself! You shared a home, wardrobe, facilities even a bed.
That had terrified you the first night. He'd dressed you in one of the tunics as a makeshift night dress. You knew he could have someone go and collect your things from your room but he opted to have you draped in his own oversized clothes. You were surprised he even had casual clothing, but then again even a sith lord had the odd free days to relax in his home.
After letting you change in the bathroom he'd slowly coaxed you into bed like a scared child. It took a few tense moments but you did give in. Swallowing back your fear and climb into the bed resigning yourself to his will. He was smug, watching as you crawled below the sheets and turned glancing out of the window to the slowly moving stars as the executor glided through space, passing the odd asteroid and planet.
It was the one thing you truly adored. You didn't have windows in any of your previous rooms. You'd never really seen the stars pass you by before. You could watch the soothing sight all day.
You'd panicked when he'd laid beside you and shuffled close, pressing a hand to your shoulder and lightly drawing your attention to him. You were concerned he'd do something, that he'd expect something. But he kept his word, he didn't push you. Instead just stretched an arm out below your head letting you rest on him, occasionally running his fingers through your hair. And then looked out to the stars with you perfectly content, before striking up a conversation.
He asked about your travels, homeland, childhood, family and education anything he could think of to keep the conversation flowing. It was like he didn't want you to sleep, he wanted to savour the time he had with you. Like he had to hear you speak to prove to himself you were here. It was the first time you got the feeling he was lonely.
From then on it became a nightly ritual, talking until you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore. And that wasn't the only thing that became a daily occurrence you had breakfast, lunch and dinner together every day. He would vent about mistakes others made, missions and upcoming events in the next few days and secret imperial business; which your entirely convinced he wasn't supposed to share with you, but you still tried to help. Even if he did wave it off and settle for threatening or replacing the commanders. He didn't have the same attitude towards the storm troopers though?
You found it odd, but never brought it up. You didnt want to make him think he was being soft on them, your sure he'd do something drastic if he ever thought he wasnt scaring the piss out of everyone. He did infact enjoy that, it amused him to no end watching those around him quiver in his presence. But he wasnt always talking about the empire, he also made a point to speak of your work, ideas hobbies and of course your future together.
It was strange, youd formed an attachment to him. A familiarity, it was easy to forget who he was sometimes, especially when he would entertain you in trivial small talk during meals. And then youd spot the lightsaber on his belt, or his mask on one of the many stands scattered around the place. It would flush through you like ice, youd stiffen a rush of panic overwhelming you followed by him sighing quietly and then he'd draw you to him once more as if trying to condition you into being at ease around him.
The only way you could describe it was they were two different people. Lord vader was the mask, he had always been that imposing tall figure, billowing cape and harsh mechanical breaths and very heavy handed in everything he did. And then there was Vader himself; beautiful, intelligent and dare you say needy? Funny? Allbeit his humour was a little dark and dry for your tastes but you could appreciate some of his witty quips. But nothing detracted the fact he was clearly unstable, possessive and devestatingly strong.
But he seemed willing to put you at ease. He answered your questions most of the time. Sometimes he deflected, but with every refusal he did offer you something else in exchange. Youd asked about his past, who he was before vader was born. He'd gone rigid and trapped you in a stern icey stare before telling you the past was the past and he wont relive that weakness.
Yet he followed this harsh rebuke by offering explanations about his suit. It was nothing more then a means to strike fear into people. That vader was born from the ashes of his own failures and his suit was his new identity. Ending by saying that there was nothing more to the suit itself. Well thats what he said but you couldnt help there was more to it then that.
Yet you still got uncomfortable. Sometimes you'd say something that insinuated a future seperate from his and he would quickly react with a firm yet frustrated quip. Snapping at you to stop being ridiculous, and remind you he would be beside you always. That you were his and there was nothing in the galaxy that would change that. Then his anger would grow, his frustration would boil over and he'd spit venom at you. Voice his own insecurities in some teasing yet vague threats.
This was always resulted in a quick bout of damage control. Youd found out quickly that for someone so unapproachable his love language was touch. Youd grasp his hands holding them close to your chest or tuck yourself against him making yourself small whilst seeking him out. Whispering you were sorry and hadnt meant for it to sound the way it did. Pleading with him to forgive you. Going as far as to press gentle kisses to his hands and wrists, initiating any type of loving embrace or gesture you could. He always calmed when you acted on your infatuation.
He would sag, relaxing and quickly capture you, dragging you close and embrace you tightly. Though he never apologised. No, his anger was always justified. But he would defuse the tension warning you to be careful with your words, to think before you speak. He wanted you to be utterly convinced of your shared future and impending marriage. So much that it was ingrained into your subconscious. He wanted to stop these slip ups, you were his now and forever and you had to come to terms with that and create yourself a new path. A new future. One that had snuck up on you quicker then youd thought possible.
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Okay. Okay... Okay, this is okay. Isn't it? Maybe. Maybe not. Fuck. Your eyes ran over the woman in the glass. Black. All you saw was black, velvet, leather and chiffon draped over you like a sea of unending darkness. The clothing was flattering, comfortable and practical, the leggings were a surprise. Something had told you lord Vader believed in more traditional gender roles and once he mentioned a new wardrobe you feared you'd be permanently donning a dress!
But no, thankfully you were placed in a long flowing tunic styled top held securely with a leather underbust styled waist coat. And behinde you fell a thin chiffon black cape. Flowy, feminine just like the rest of your outfit, it was clearly designed to mimic vaders own menacing outfit. But with a faint soft aesthetic to it, less brash and more refined. You were meant to compliment Vader, not out dress him. You moved this way and that watching the cape flutter behind you, it was attatched to the stiff paundrons protruding a inch or so from your shoulders.
"Stunning, my colour suits you." Vader called from the entrance of the bed room. You looked at him through the mirror and bit your lip, cheeks glowing, you couldnt help it when he was looking at you like that! Arms crossed smirking at you like the tempting devil he was, blue eyes flickering amber as they ran lengths up and down your frame. Fuck.
"You think so? I thought it washed me out?" You uttered trying to deflect slightly. You still found it strange having him compliment you. It happened quite often, though sometimes felt more like he was appraising you and preening 'oh look at this pretty jewel in my collection'
"All the more reason for me to bring a flush you your cheeks" you huffed averting your gaze trying to compose yourself. He was far to good at making you squirm. It wasnt fair, the way he could so easily make you flustered and embarassed. Simple blunt statments and well timed innuendos made sure to remind you that he intended to have you in every way possible.
"You are magnificent. You look powerfull, regal. Mine" the words were liquid silk, heated promising. But chilling in their meaning. He was claiming you publicly, making sure everyone who saw you shadowing him in the halls understood you were spoken for. It was like a child taking their new toy out to show it off. But there was little you could do about it. And honestly what could you complain about? You were dressed in comfy expensive clothes, ate amazing food, slept in a luxurious bed and found yourself a gorgeous partner. And above all you were safe. Untouchable. The only thing you had to worry about was vaders temper. But you were working your way around that, he needed to be needed, he craved soft, gentle. He wanted love, or atleast affection.
"Thank you my lord." You hummed sweetly turning to face him peaking up at him trying not to look as anxious as you felt. The reality of being seen out with him today.
"What did we discuss?" You faltered at that snapping your eyes to his. And he stared at you with an exhausted look. If he'd been a lesser man he'd have rolled his eyes. Your shoulders slumped and you tucking into yourself hands absentmindedly pulling on your clothes anxiously.
"Y-yes, right. Vader i apologise" your reply was cut short when he crossed the space, hands raising to your cheeks and ha cupped them almost sweetly, pulling you to face him once more. Youd niticed he hted when you avoided looking at him. He always wanted your attention. He was forever drawing your attention to himself.
"Do not look so sullen little one, it was not a chastisement. Just a reminder" he soothed you rubbing the apples of your cheeks with his thumbs. You blinked up at him still at a loss, these strnge affectionate moments were still foreign to you. It was alot to grow accustomed to. He drew a heavy sigh and tipped his head to the side, his hands began smoothing out your hair.
"I understand things will take time, you must adjust. Im simply trying to help you from new habits. We cant have you living in the past. Nothing exists but our future together. At least not for you anyway" he explained for what felt like the thousandth time. You nodded to him weakly, making sure not to pull away from him. The last time your tried to on reflex he'd fixed his hands round your jaw, pressing his fingertips tighter so you couldn't pull away. It was one of the few times youd been close to weeping, frightened youd angered him.
"You do look delectable in your new wardrobe. I am going to have to keep my witts about me whist your around the other men aboard" he uttered aftter a few moments and leant in pressing a kiss to your head before stepping back and marvelled at you. And then froze, frown marred his face.
"I sense your fear, what has frightened you? You know i would never allow you to be attacked again. If anyone dares to release a harsh breath in your direction it will be their last" the question was quickly followed by a promise to protect you. It would have been chivalrous decree had you not known he was utterly serious about murdering anyone on board whoxd dare make you uncomfortable. But you had to smile, ignore the violence and accept that his darlness was apart of him and the way he expressed himself.
"I know that, i trust you. Im just... not one for change. Everything is changing" you said with a light smile bringing your own hand to his wrist rubbing the skin, whilst leaning into hos hand lightly. He drew a deep breath before craning forward kissing your hairline and then stepped back.
You twisted your hand removing it from him but he quickly found it again squeezing it in his holding you delicatly. You released a deep breath as you successfully shook off your unpleasant fear of being the cause of another death. Not that you cared about the fitfth brother. Well not much, youd never liked him but that didnt mean seeing him brutalised and killed had been your idea of a good time.
"This change is good little one." He coaxed slowly leading you away from the mirror and in to the larger open space on the room.
"Yes, yes i know my lor- vader. I will get over it, just some beginners nerves i think? After all I do have a new position now. Its quite a climb" your words faltered as you struggled to find the appropriate words for your new position.
"You have no need to be nervous, i am here. I will always be here. Now why dont you show off your new uniform properly hmm? Give me a little spin~" he guided you infront of him before releasing you and grinned insisting you spin for him with a quick gesture of his finger swirling around.
You did as he asked spining around for him letting him admire you dripping in the clothes he had provided for you. You could feel the victorious grin he wore. Smug and cocky drinking in the sight of you. His prized trophy. He reached out smothing your cape back down to sit aginst your back and then coiled around you, tucking you below one arm.
"Very good. You truly are ravishing. Are you ready for your surprise?" He asked raising a brow at you, grinning wide a bright excitement across his face, eyes sparkling with his own elation.
"Surprise? what Surprise?"you asked tilting your head at him, scrunching your nose in confusion. He hadnt mentioned anything about a surprise. Only telling you that today youd start your new duties which consisted of joining him about the ship, shadowing him like a makeshift assistant.
"Well if i told you it wouldnt be a surprise now would it~ Follow me" and with that he swooped out of the room completely and glided across the living area. Right towards a very uncomfortable looking captain. You stopped still, locking eyes with the anxious looking man. This doesnt feel right.
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"Captain? What a surprise?" You asked trembling slightly, feeling a deep dread. Panic like youd never felt before burrowing into you like a parasite. But you didnt know why, you couldnt understand it. You stepped forward hesitantly trying to keep yourself in check as your mind raced over all the possible reasons the captain was here.
"Im afraid i could not wait. I feel it would be best if we were to, expedite our union, i see no reason to wait" the sith anounced still striding towards the pale man, quivering in his boots. He was sweating and looked queasy but was outright staring at vader, drinking in the sight of his lords maskless face. You could understand. It was such a momentous thing, to see the frightfull lord in all his glory. Being able to categorically rule out the rumours of knarled twisted features and horrid burns mutations and from interspecies breeding. And instead see the sith for waht he was, a stunning powerful young man.
"It is a little known fact that captains are still able to marry those onboard the ships they command. Even in the empire." Vaders words halted your thoughts, yet somehow you still moved forward, inchingntowards him and his surprise. What? Already? No, he wouldnt do that yet would he? You twisted your head slightly before reaching out grasping for vader in what you hoped looked like casual affection. But it was to anchor you. You needed to hold onto something before your knees collapsed in on themselves and you crumpled to the floor. Vaders was glancing at the captain in warning, eyes burning making it clear the man was to hold his tongue over the next few moments.
And then the dark lord turned to you, one hand meeting yours before settling it in the crook of his arm playing the part of a gentleman. He nodded gifting you another bright grin and then pulled you closer to stand infront of him. He blinked tipping his head waiting for your reaction.
"Marry? He can marry us?" You breathed out, surprized and very very uncomfortable. As much as you knew this was the end game for lord vader. You were not prepared, youd belived hexd take you to mustafa first. Or atleast have the ceremony there. Not on a war ship.
"Indeed. He can and he will." He nodded once more, ending his reply with another threatening look cast to the man who looked like he was about to pass out. But overall vader sounded almost proud of himself. It was clear he thought the surprise and shock on your face was a good thing. And maybe it was? You werent crying or pleading. You cowered back slightly gulping down the dread you felt, you couldnt risk upsetting him now. Not infront of company.
"You look unsure little one, I will not waste our time together. You are mine and theres no reason to delay our future together. This is for the best" vaders words were laced with a soft warning, his bionic hand pressing against yours pinning it to his arm in a tight cold grip.
"We are not revisiting this discussion, ive made up my mind. You know this. Do not begin to disappoint me now little one" the chiding held a sharp egde. Threat of retribution shpuld you even think to argue woth him. His plans will not be ruined. And honestly you were not even stupid enough to try.
"oh no, vader no i was not; im just surprized. When you said we'd wed soon i did not realise how soon" you panicked rounding on him slightly, your other hand coming to rest ontop of his own vice like grip. You plead with him wide eyes glossing with tears, your hand moved smoothing over his skin thumbs circling over his wrist.
He held your gaze, nostrils flaring under his slowly rising temper. Lips thin and eyes glowing dangerously. Your heart thundered in your chest. It wasnt working? You dropped your gaze, slumping and released his hand slowly.
"Please vadet,don't be put out with me. I didnt mean it the way it sounded you know what im like. Id hate for you to think that i was against this in anyway. I truly meant no offence." He hummed relaxing his hold on you and released a deeper breath. You peaked up at him from the top of your eyes taking another half step closer. He settled somewhat as you drew closer, as if he realised you were not going to turn tail and flee. You continued to calm him spurred on by his sublte change in stance.
"It's just i? I suppose its selfish of me but i had silly hopes for our union is all, picking out a dress and flowers. Its what every little girl dreams of. But i will be happy aslong as i have you. Im not refusing you,not in the slightest. Id hate for you to ever think that, because i would never do that to you my lord. Never" you explained, choosing to play the little girl card to wriggle out of the hole youd somehow began to land yourself in.
He held your gaze for a few long moments and then sighed blinking slowly and released your now throbbing hand. You smiled but didnt move, instead squeezed his arm trying to reassure him you were staying here.
"A wise decision little one. unfortunately i have no time to give you a wedding you deserve one day i will make amends. But i have managed to aquire this at least. Here" the warning was more sinister then you'd anticipated. But the half explanation soothed you somewhat. He was once again gifting you with some semblance of consideration, letting you hold onto some sort of hope that he cared for your feelings. The words hung in the air for a few seconds before a hand rose. He held out a ring, pinching it between two fingers letting you pluck it from him.
You inspected it. It felt weighty, large and menacing. Clearly this was not yours it was too large, this ring was meantmfor him. It was neither gold or bright silver but an odd dark silver colour reminiscent of pewter. It was plain, nothing engraved or embedded into it. No decoration whats so ever. You closed your fist around it and plastered a smile on your face before looking back up at Vader.
"Shall we?" You said managing to bypass the panicked lump in your throat. You slowly felt dread build inside of you. You wanted to scream. This felt so insane, so fast and frightening. You were realising this was really happeneing and there was nothing you could do or say. You were trapped, no matter how delicatly he treated you, or how sweet his words and affection were. You were no longer free, you were his now. Completely and this man would keep a tight grip on you from here on out.
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Vader beckoned you, holding out a hand clasping yours quickly and directed you to stand beside him and then shifted his attention. Suddenly the captain was pinned in place with a feirce look. It was only then you noticed a slim datapad in the poor mans quivering hand.
There were no fanatical speeches about love or family. No mentions of a pitiful romance or passages read on the sanctity of marriage. Only a few words about loyalty, strength and honour. And then vows, odd vows. Promises of obedience, surrender and worship. You vowed to serve him, to remain by his side and honour him. In return he will protect and provide for you and any children you may birth. It wasnt exactly the best exchange, but you were in not position to argue, you had nothing to bargin with, vader could take what he wanted if need be. So you'd be wise to accept whilst you had the illusion of choice.
You opted to smile pleasantly, reciting your vows watching carfully as vader seemed to visibly relax once youd played your part beautifully. Giving him exactly what he wanted without a fuss. The way you had submitted so quickly made heat rush through him, you were perfect. He'd enjoyed the light gasp as he'd placed his ring onto your finger. Your eyes lit up as you saw it for the first time, he had been unsure about it. He didnt know what youd want, all he knew was he wanted it to match his. From the look you gave him he had done well the delicate black band with light scrolling engraving across it. You were pleased, shocked but please nonetheless.
The ceremony was no more then ten mineuts, it would have been faster had the captain not stumbled over his words anxiously. Fear had made the man incoherent at some points in the small paragraphs. But even if the blithering idiot hadn't messed up the final kiss couldnt have come fast enough for vader. He needed it, the finality.
You stood listening as the ceremony drew to an end, with the fatefull words 'you may kiss the bride'. Your eyes flicked to vader unsure of whether he would indeed kiss you publicly. You shook your head subtly and made to pull back from you once lord now husband. You tried not to let your disappointment show, he didnt strike you as one for outward public affection so you shouldnt be surprised.
But as you tried to pry your hand that had resigned in his since donning his ring. He grunted, squeezing your hand. Suddenly he was on you, his human hand capturing your neck, thumb below your jaw, and hand stretched around covering your neck, fingers curling around you grazing the sking below your ear.
You cast a final worried look to the male beside you before. Opening your mouth to remind vader you had a guest. But what came out was a muffled cry of surprize when vader tugged you close before pressing his mouth to yours. You froze unprepared for his affection so much so he had managed to draw you into him, coaxing you to his own chest. Tilting his head before plundering your mouth. His lips moved against yours with delicate groan. Your eyes closed and cheeks flamed, unsure of what to do. All you did know was the captain was watching you with a weird fascination. It made you self conscious, youd only ever kissed once before;that had been at one of your freinds birthday parties years ago with a fumbling boy fresh out of his acne phase.
Vader chuckled drawing back a little taking a good look at you. You were his. He had a wife again. This time things will be different. He could love you freely without fear. This time he will be able to protect you, simply because youll obey him without question.
He descended again devouring you harsher this time, teeth biting and nipping at your lip making you whine in light pain before pressing forward. Plunging his tongue int your mouth lapping at your own before prodding you, encouraging you to join him in the kiss.
You did so carefully still aprihensive. Gingerly prodding at him, lapping and nibbling testing out what he liked and disliked. Your soft kissing and light exploring touch was met with light groans of praise. You relaxed smoothing your palms over his chest, remembering the lean muscles hidden beneath the thick suit. Just as you were melting into him, moaning into his mouth enjoying the kiss. You heard the captain Shuffle on his feet. Your eyes snapped open and attempted to tear yourself away from vader in a panic. He tightened his grip on your neck growling, jerking you forward drawing your attention back to him taking control. Once again you were reminded vader enjoyed your attention, he doesn't tolerate it wandering from him.
It was a few moments later when a loud thump rung out vader finally let you pull away. You eyed him for a moment only to look away as he made a show of lapping at his bottom lip, eyes half lidded stareing at you hungrily. He made sure not to let you get too far as you pulled back searching for where the thump had come from. His hands dropped to your waist keeping you close, chest pressing against his.
You panicked momentarily glancing around where the captain had been. Then gasped seeing the captain in a crumpled heap on the floor. You forgot to breath, your world stopped. No. No way, not again.
"Oh- shit! Vader he's? Is he alright? Did he passout? We should call the medic droids;" you began squirming in his grip, not beliving what you saw. He'd just passed out, he must have. There no way vader would have killed him, vader needed him to pilot the executor right?
"Hush, all is well. He served his purpose" he hummed pulling you closer resting his chin on your head kissing your hair lightly and wrapped his arms around you. Paying no mind to the dead captain on his living room floor.
"Did you? While we were?" You flushed eyes widening as you realised vader really had used the felxing of his hand on your neck to choke the captain. You stomach churrned, anxiety tugging at your chest like a horrid vice squeezing your diaphragm painfully.
"B-But he is the captain. Dont we need him to pilot the ship?" You asked pressing a hand to your chest rubbing trying to fend off the pain. Your eyes flicked from the captains body, to vader who chuckled shaking his head at you like you would a child.
"No, a team of twenty officers pilot the ship. His job is to coordinate them....Think of it this way, the co-pilot just got a promotion."
"You seem a little too upset, did you know him personally? Was he a friend?" His words grew sharp, the arms around you began tensing, squeezing threateningly. You whined shaking your head, quickly trying to backtrack and calm him before he became enraged.
"No, no ive never met him , i just wondered... this is such a huge vessel and i thought he must have been specifically trained to pilot it. I'd hate the thought of you wasting such a valuable member of the crew over me." You clarified, uttering the first thing that came to your head. Ending with a slight manipulation, wanting him to think you were only concered about his ship and reputation. Not the man who lay dead at your feet. Because god forbid he ever think you felt any sympathy for another man.
"I dont want to weaken you in any way, not even by havingnyour men killed... you have lost a powerfull force user and a trained captain because of me" Vaders eyes bore into you, gauging your reaction before he smiled his tightly squeezing arms loosening their hold.
"So sweet, so innocent. I could just eat you up sometimes. But save your worries we have many officers onboard equipped to pilot this vessel. And many force sensitive inquisitors at our disposal. Its how i keep them on their toes, they work harder if they understand they are replaceable" he cooed at you quietly, and then preceded to reassure you, explaining away the crew and reasoning he had for such a large staff turn over. You nodded dilligently, not really taking anything in.
"Besides he saw my face. No one in the galaxy is allowed that privilege. Except you of course wife~ Come you shouldn't dwell on this. Whats done is done. Instead focus on our happiness. We are now married." He exclaimed, rocking slowly side to side with you still keeping you tangled in his arms.
"Wont you smile for me love? It should be the happiest day of your life" his hand moved pinching your chin tilting you to look up at him. You forced a smile, beaming up at him like the glowing bride you were meant to be. Apart of you mused that things werent soo bad. He was a devastatingly handsome man to be married to, and powerful. He could look after you, keep you safe and sound, fed protected. And all it would cost is? Obedience and a semblance of love. Honestly you were sure you would come to love him, something tells you you wont have a choice in the end. So atleast you might get a true happy ending.
"Theres my good girl" he praised grinning down at you before dipping down clearly going in for another kiss.
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Just as your lips were a breath away there was a loud sound ringing out from the door. You yelped jumping almost headbutting Vader. He growled glaring at the door, you wondered how it didnt melt under the anger. He sighed and stepped away from you, releasing you entirely.
"Ugh they are early. I apologise love, I hoped we would have a little time to ourselves to celebrate our union" he scowled as he spoke, disappointment curling into the words.
"Would you let them in. I called for them to clean up" he asked over his shoulder whilst stepping past you heading towards the bedroom. You spun watching him with a frown looking to the door and then bck to the room Vader was heading to.
"Clean up?" You asked unsure what he ,eant. But he sent a glnce over his shoulder nd nodded to the captain. Oh. That.
"Just instruct them to dispose of that mess.I wont be a moment, just finish dressing and once they are finished we will be off"he paused at the entrance to the bed room, and leant forward pressing a hand to the wall tapping it in thought.
"Do not worry they will know what to do, and i will just be in the other room. Id also like for you to put them in their place. Think of it as a? Practice run. I do expect you to mke use of your new title little one" his eyes pinned you to the spot, halflidded and buring with a promising heat before he spoke aagain.
"I dare say I will find it entertaining. But remember nothing will happen to you, my sweet little wife. You are untouchable now. Perfectly safe. " you drew a deep breath as he disappeared into the other room. Safe? Just who the hell is at the door? You pondered for a second before heading to the large main door and pressed your hand to the locking pad. The doors opened with a sharp hiss.
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"Grand inquisitor, second sister?"You greeted politely praying you hadnt sounded to uncomfortable. Your stomach twisted and it took everything in you not to stagger back from them defensively. The two black clad visitors looked furious. Fuck.
"You?! i mean Lord vader had sent for us? He has a task?" Grand inquisitor snapped, only just managing to conceal his anger when he remembered that lord vader might be within hearing distance.
"Oh that. Yes. Please come in" you stepped back letting both of the inquisitors into the living space then reached over closing the thick doors once more. They stared at you, curious and spitefull gaz3s mking you want to shrink away from them. You werent a fool, these two were nasty pieces of work, cruel and vindictive. They were snakes and how Vader trusted them with anything amazed you, you wouldnt trust them as far s you could throw them. But then again, vader was a threat to them, they feared him enough not to fuck around and find out. You on the otherhand were an easy target.
"Im pleased to see you are well, we were concerned when you disappeared without a trace" second sister hissed with thinly veiled malice. The type of threateningly polite tipne only females could manage. Bitchy, nasty. Dangerous. You winced slightly and made your way around the room making sure not to turn your back on them. You didnt trust them out of your eye line.
"I have been taking some personal time, after everything that happened." You replied calming your breathing finally rounding one of the larger sofa's in the room placing it between you and the two force weilding occupants.
"Ah personl time, and new robes? A promotion? Or Acknowledgment of your service to the empire?" The grand inquisitors words sparked a chuc,led from second sister. Their eyes flicking to one another with amusement. You bristled at the insult that sat on the edge of his words. Whore. Thats what they saw you as. Vaders cock sleeve was another term youd heard them utter. You clenched your jaw and glanced away from them choosing to ignore it. But paused whe. You noticed you were hovering by the bed room wall, vader was behonde you, he'd step in if they tried anything.
The thought of your new unintentional husband slaughtering these two if they tried anything shouldnt have mde you giddy. But it did, there was something to be said for having that type of protection from such a sinfully wicked man. His immense strength was your new sheild.
"Yes you could say that. Something to thank the inquisitors for. Though the circumstances were... unpleasant the outcome is, preferable" you smiled tightly, casting a quick glance over your shoulder hearing some movement from behinde the partician wall. You visibly relaxed. Vader was only few feet away and could hear everything. And something told you he'd made himself heard to remind you of that fact.
"Im glad we could be of service to you. Its telling that you take your personal time here of all places. And to think you tried to deny your... association with lord vader so desperately." Grand inquisitor uttered with a laugh once again calli g you a whore without actually saying the words.
"It's laughable really we all knew it" the other woman added, laughing along with her commander. Ganging up on you like bullies on a playground. You growled feeling a rush of hopelessness and anger swell. A small voice began whispering to you, you could have mistaken it for someone else uttering spite in your ear. 'How long? How long will you let this go on for? Why are you letting them talk to you like this? Use it. Use the rage, its there for a reason' you snarled shaking with fury clentching your fists letting your anger seep through your stance.
"Knew what exactly?" You snapped at the two chuckling vindictive fools. They faltered, frowning when they saw you standing tall, back straight muscles tight and eyes blazing.
"You know very well;"
"Im afraid i dont. Would you spell it out for me? If not wait until vader is here? By all means ask him. Im sure he will indulge one of you." You sneered cutting off the womans rambling attempt at cutting you back down to size.
Both inquisitors shared a look, they looked unsettled. Confused by your rage. You were meant to be spineless, weak! Somebodymeone they could always push around and frighten. Yet? No. You looked different. Confident and assertive, angry. They eyed one another again shiftingnon there feet slightly before decideing to change tactics and steer the conversation away from what ever outburst was awaiting them if they continued to pry.
"Where is lord vader? Its seems unusual for him to be absent when he requested us, especially when he calls us into his own rooms" grand inquisitor asked trying to sound high and mighty, beliving him being here was an achievement, something he could brag about being called to the lords private chambers.
"Vader is;" you began with a smile realising that the man was trying to not only diffuse the situation but also regain control by name dropping your superior.
"Lord vader, he has a title" the other woman sneered once again testing you, trying to provoke you with a correction. Your gaze snapped to her, she flinched. You mentally pat yourself on the back. You were uncomfortable, anxious about this whole dominance thing. But you were more concered with the repercussions from Vader if you didnt heed his request. But even you took a second or so to appreciate that thrill seeing someone grow rigid and wary just from a single glance.
"Vader is occupied." You snapped at her actually feeling insulted by at the tought of being corrected by this woman who still seemed to think you were below her.
"Yes. And the only reason you are here is deal with that." You huffed waving a hand in the direction of the dismissed captain lying out of veiw, save for his feet pomeing out from behinde one of the leather sofa's. Both inquisitors frowned before side stepping, peaking around to see who had fallen ill of their lord.
"I-is that the Captain?" Second sister uttered outloud a light tremor to her voice. You could tell she was pnicked, the cptain was an extremely high ranked trusted officer. And to have been killed? Well it meant either vder was in a bad mood, or just plain furious. Both were never a good thing especially when you were due to see vader yourself. Youd much rather encounter him on a good day.
"Yes... It was unfortunate. But? Whats done is done." You finished repeating the words of vader himself. Only this time they seemed to settel more, there meaning truly sinking in. His life was over, done, gone and there was no bringing him back. No reason to mourn or fret over it. Much like life before the incidentwith the inquisitors? The life of a faceless engineer in the empire fleet. Your anonymity was a thing of the past, or it will be soon. You could feel it, the way your mind resigned itself to your new position. Youd always served vader, you just had a different role now.
"You've been called to clean up this mess"
"Of course, those are our lords orders" you bit your lip harshly. Did you dare push futher? Could you? 'Yes, assert yourself Lady vader' you gasped head tilting slightly, listening out in the direction of vader. For a moment you felt you might be going mad especially when neither inquisitor reacted to vaders voice coaxing you to retaliate. 'Im here, im always here wife' you tensed but nodded minutely locking eyes with the two people infront of you. You knew exactly wahat to do.
"No. They are mine. Though im sure vader wont mind me commanding you over such trivial things" your words escaped with little thought that time. You were beginning to understand why so mny superiors hd n attitude, it was invigorating commnding others with lttle consequence. Your tempted to order one of them to retrieve some caf for you, but the fear of them spitting in it was enough to deter you.
"We do not obey orders from a" grand inquisitor snarled eyes burning whislt taking a threatening step towrds you. It seems youd found his boiling point. You almost shrunk back at his menacing approach, but somehow held firm remaining still. Your stomch twisted in knots as you continued to stare him down. Quietly praying vader would hurry up nd pop out from his hiding place.
"From a what? Though do be aware you must choose your next words carefully, very very carefully there will be repercussions should i not enjoy them" your unsure how but you mnged an even tone, kept your words calm but sharp all the while praying vader would realise you were beckoming uncomfortable now. You were scared, fearfull of what a split second of anger could result in if the grand inquisitor did loose his cool and used the force against you.
"Or else what?" The hiss ws pure venom, he towered over you standing inches from you, the tip of his boots brushing yours. You opened your mouth to reply but couldnt, the words left you.
"You witnessed first hand what happens to those who antagonised my wife" You relxed instantly as your husband spoke whilst entering the room with an air of sinister mischief. But also a dull rage, he glanced at you quickly noting the how panicked youd seemed. And how close the grand inquisitor had gotten.
Vader straightened an rm out beckong you to him as he slowly crossed the space in measured steps. You side stepped the offending male and tucked yourself into vaders side, placing yourself under his cape smiling up at him thankfully as his arm curled round your waist.
He hummed in approval he definitely wanted to intimidate his inquisitors letting them know of the real connection between the two of you. Not that they could see his amusement below his mask that was now firmly placed on his head, shrouding his true beauty below the intimidating visage. You tried not to let him know you were uncomfortable with the way he'd orcastrated this little reveal. But your unsure if you managed to conceal it.
"Yes my lord" unlike you the two force weilders before you managed to shake the fearful shock within seconds at the revelation and snap into a tight posture. They looked to you with anxiety in their gaze, clearly wondering if their disrespectful teasing was going to cost them. You simply faced forward as yur husbands hand glided to the small of your back absentmindedly.
"I expect lady vader gave you her orders? Complete your task by the time we return." vader ordered befor turning to you dismissing the two underlings to their task.
"We have much to do this morning" he informed you acting as if you were still the only two in the room.
"W-we do?" You frowned, you hadnt realised you were busy today. Vader hadnt told you what you were doing, just that you were going to be with him for the morning. But then again you were quickly finding that vader didnt prewarn you. He planned things and then sprung them on you last minute.
"Yes, today we will visit the control center where you will install your track and trace protocol and whislt we are there we can inform the copilot of his promotion, nothing too exciting i assure you" he continued mking sure the other two could hear him. It was petty in a way, vader was flaunting you. Letting the inquisitors know you were to be conducting important business and trailing after your husband all day. And they will spend the morning as clean up crew.
"Im sure it will be exciting enough for our first excursion my love, im eager to join you, as much as i adore our home i do need to stretch my legs, a few laps of the halls will be some much needed exercise." You replied with a smile allbeit a nervous one. you hadnt tried to play anong with vader like this, so you were unsure if he'd reciprocate but it was worht a shot.
"My lady have i not provided you enough stimulation?" You could feel his smirk. As he teased you, playing the small game youd initiated just to spite the others into an awkward unsteady footing. He couldnt help the little thrill as he saw your tiny sadistic streak rear its head once more.
"I apologise for this oversight. I will be sure to indulge you more frequently in the future" with that you laughed out loud shaking your head at him before drifting closer placing a hand to his bicep squeezing lightly in thanks. He hummed to you raisingnhis other hand to pull yours down along his arm leaving it to settled in the crook of his elbow and held it there.
"As you should husband~"You told yourself you were playing a part,to piss off the other two currently on clean up duty. But there was a certain flutter of excitment, you couldnt help feel that the little vindictive victory over the inquisitors was just the first of many new privileges. And the fact vader had not only tolorated but actually played along with your spiteful little game helping you to tease them made you giddy. Were you aprihensive about your future with him? Sure. But so far the title lady Vader was working out smashingly.
"Come let us go" Vader spoke casually before stepping forward. He was pleased. There had been slight hiccups today but the way you'd obeyed him so quickly and stood up to the two inquisitors that had tormented you. You'd also trusted him to protect you if the inquisitors tried to attack. It was perfect and definitely made him realise he had chosen wisely. You really will be the perfect little wife he needed. And he doubts it will take long for you to fully submit yourself to your new role. When that day comes and you've truly proven yourself, you'll be rewarded. Given the honour of carrying his child, the heir to the galactic empire. He couldnt wait to have it all.
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 2 years ago
Cruel cravings
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Summary: fantasy fucks were meant to remain just that, fantasies. Especially when you want to fuck you your sith lord employer. Whats a girl to do when she cries out for her lord to ravage her? Worse then that, what do you do when he answers that call?
Warnings : ⚠️adult content +18⚠️ smut, degradation, name calling, toys, power play, swearing, body fluids, dacryphillia, teasing, dom/sub dynamic, Vader is a teasing prick
A/N: here is some filth, i enjoyed writing this one. I hope you like reading it, i havent wrote smut for a while so hope i still got it 😅 anyway enjoy peeps
You scrambled up the bed kicking your covers letting out a gargled sound between a squeak and yowl. It took all of three seconds for your chest tighten and lungs to shrivle in your chest. Oh dear god. You shivered staring wide eyed at the tall imposing figure that had somehow bypassed the lock and thundered into your room.
He stiffened, straightening his posture as he took in the sight of you. The thin, non regulation night dress that usually reached your knees was bunched around your thighs, legs bent and tangled up in your crumpled damp sheets, you hair a mess and skin flushed with sweat on your brow. And your chest heaving with deep pants. Fuck, it was better then he could have imagined. you must look a state!
"M-my lord?" You stammered swallowing dryly between syllables trying to gain some self control and not burst into tears, you knew how you must look;a complete mess. You moved your hand slowly, inching the contraband under your bunched sheets praying to any diety who was observing your mortification in that moment, willing them to let your lord show mercy and to not pull the sheets back and see your shame.
"You, i should have known" you frowned at that. What? He grunted in irritation as your confusion washed over your face at his accusatory tone. To your knowledge youd never done anything to rouse his fury. Infact he seemed to like you? In his own intimidating blunt way. He praised you when youd done a good job, hovered behinde you staring holes into into the back of your head. Not that you could see him, but when lord vader was looking at you, you knew. It was like being hunted by a camouflaged predator. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, you got the shivers and goosebumps.
"Do you have any idea how frustrating you have been girl? This is the last straw. You have pushed too far" Your stomach dropped and fear crept up your spine. Had he heard you? Could he really read minds?! God you hoped not. The ferocity of his words sent a delicious heat straight to your weeping pussy. Your mind was reeling, only moments ago had you been lost in a rapturous daze, your mind stringing together a perfect cruelties starring this powerful man as you ravished yourself with the cheap toy youd snuck onboard.
"Out. Come, stand and address me properly" he ordered jerking his head to the side as he ordered you out of your bed. You paled and shook your head slightly at him one hand clutching your sheet as if the thin material would save you from your lords wrath.
"Wha- i would but im;" you tried to plead with him, tell him you were underdressed his breathing hitched and he raised a hand pointing at you threateningly.
"You will do as your told female" he ordered as he stepped closer leaning over you menacingly, practically trapping you on the bed. His large fram left only a small space for you to crawl past him.
You yelped quickly diving across the bed scooting passed him forgetting about your modesty as his hand remained raised. Your fear was to much to ignore, you didnt want to be choked, well that wasnt strictly true. You didn't want to be choked to death. You flushed as that dangerous thought swirled in you head as you climbed out of bed. Your blood was singing, insides tensing at the thought of this huge impressive lord chokeing you as he pumbled your fragile insides. Useing you like a helpless wet hole and unloading his frustration into you, forcing you to take his stress anger and lust in a brutal twisted pleasure. Oh maker please~
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You whined breathlessly managing to finally stand next to him. Straight back arms at your sides and legs slightly apart. You looked blindly forward, shivering every so often, you just hope he mistook it for panic or fear and not the fithly excitment it truly was.
He took half a step back and gazed at you silently. You could only guess where his eye were at any one time. His mask kept such secrets, all you could do was stand still and wait for his next order. You closed your eyes trying to drown out the deeper breaths coming from your lord. You were desperate to block them out,
"Oh? Whats this?" You almost jerked back as your lords gloved hand descened. But somehow you managed to hold firm, but gasped snapping your head to him when his fingers lightly ghosted the peak of your breast. You stuttered wanting to say something, anything! But the words died when he tilted his head and captured the puckered bud between two fingers and rolled it. Your breaths became sharper as he toyed with your nipple through the thin night dress.
You yelped when the light pleasant tormet became something more attune with vaders reputation. He pinched harshly and drew you bud towards him. You hissed following him, rising to your tip toes trying to ease the maddening sting. He gave a low humm, something between approval and amusment whilst twisting your bud drawing a high whine from you. You tipped your head up facing his mask, staring into the black glass that concealed his own supposed golden gaze. All you could see was your own reflection, face scrunched in pain and your eyes wide wet and pleading.
"Hmm? Just what have you been up to?" The words were spoken with a small shake of his hand, pulling you breast left and right punishing you with an addictive erotic pain. Your resolve died at the tugging, you lost your footing stumbbling half a step forward unable to remain still under his harsh minstrations. To your shame you let out a high moan. He paused at that, and before you could apologise he had moved. His other hand had parting your thighs, the smooth padded leather felt heavenly as his hand latched onto your thigh, just above your knee.
He almost immediately pulled away with a chuckle, releasing your throbbing teet letting you drop back onto your heels with a sharp jolt. He pulled his slick gloved fingers higher, inspecting it. You could have died, shame swallowing you as you realised your lord had noticed your arousal glistening on your inner thighs, the wet trail smeared to your knees.
"I see, you have the luxury of your own room so you tend to yourself unlike the others" he uttered with a sigh and made a point to wipe your slick off his glove onto you. You mewled quietly, trying to find some self control in the wake of your new devastating situation. Even in the fear and shame your mind still found somthing to celebrate. Something to make your pussy clench and throb, a filthy unhinged thought to make your blood sing and nipples tighten painfully.
You knew you had odd desires in the bed room, filthy words and rough hands, being teased and taunted, having vicious words spat at you as your force fed inches you swore you couldnt tolorate. But lord vader useing you as your own cum rag? No, that was never something you thought would make you quiver with need. You bit your lip trying not to cry at your confusing shamefull reactions to his behaviour.
"Could this be why you have been avoiding your comrades desperate conversations? This is the reason for your lack of interest?" He cooed, his words were a taunt, sweet and sharp. Incendiary. He was baiting you. You could see he was pretending to be disappointed. But his voice didn't quite match the words, he sounded excited?
"Or perhaps its this?" You gasped as he moved past you, his cloak brushing your form while he flicked back your sheet revealing the wet toy youd been enjoying only moments ago. He tutted stepping back, holding the toy in his hand and raised it, letting you see your arousal coating it obscenely.
"So which is it? " he purred sending your heart into an erratic almost painful tempo.You swallowed dryly, eyeing the toy, that looked tiny now between his thick leather clad fingers. Your panicked gaze moved to him and back again mind desperately trying muster something more then a fragile meek wail or sob. Your lips parted, moving trying to form words but you just couldn't articulate anything more then a feeble primal cry of embarassing desperation.
"Tell me. Be a good girl and answer your lords question" Vader uttered trying to coax your words watching you carefully, a sinister amusment hung in the air around him. It was hard to explain, you could sometimes sense lord vaders moods though nothing really gave him away. Not untill he voiced it, so what you perceive as amusment could actually be adrenaline before the kill.
"B-both my lord. Its both" you eventually mewled breathlessly, tears welled in your eyes and you fought to keep your sobbing quiet. It was one thing to be caught with a toy, another thing to be caught in the midst of such a private moment. Even worse being caught by a superior, but to be caught by the sith lord himself? The man youd been crying out for? The one you thought about as you fucked yourself to the point of exhaustion? It was your worst nightmare, and most tempting fantasy. You were trapped in some sort of twilight zone, experiencing your own hell and rapture in one terrifyingly twisted confusion. You only hoped if he was going to off you, he would kill you now before you could make this any worse, or before he could create a more sadistic punishment. Unfortunately your mouth didnt get the memo and you found yourself babbeling, almost incoherently.
"Im sorry, i know its'gainst regulations please i couldnt; it was a stupid thing to do; the others they can; their better at talking to the men. They find partners easily but... i cant... i should never have broke the rules sir... im sorry my lord please, i beg your forgiveness" the tears trickled down your cheeks as the words flowed, hitching and mumbled. You didnt move to wipe the droplets staining your face away, you were to scared to break your stance, he might find it disrespectful.
He shifted on his feet twisting his head slowly, still observing you. He made a show to look puzzled. But the amused air around him gave his movements a teasing look. He was making fun, toying with you relishing in your discomfort and shame. Feeding off of it, your misery was his delight. The masochist inside screamed out to him, willed him to continue, yet your common sense was begging him to stop. He didnt.
"Are you now? Are you sorry about breaking my rules? Sorry for disgracing yourself so pathetically? Sorry for becoming nothing more then an feral little whore wholst serving on my star ship? Or are you just sorry you got caught in the act?" He ducked down pressing his head beside yours. You shuddered as his cloak brushed across your arm. He chuckled soaking in the sight of you, drowning in a delirious mix of arousal, fear and shame. Your eyes gave you away, the blown pupils letting him know just what emotion was winning. It pleased him, he may have found the reason your cunt seemed to call out to him like beacon. You were perfect.
It was better then he could have thought. All the times he'd tried to draw a reaction from you. The hours he'd spent in your sector needlessly, watching and listening. The droids he'd sent to eavesdrop on the girl talk between your colleagues, the filth they spouted fantasies of what they let the stormtroopers do to them. What they'd let him do to them if he gave them a chance. He'd somehow become a fantasy fuck, he knew it was most likely the power and privilege that drew their eye.
But you? Youd never really joined in. Never had tall tales of one night stands. You didnt seem to have an intrest in sex ,it was a pity. If youd ever shown interest in such things;even if it wasnt him youd craved, he would've had you dragged away. Thrown into his quaters and locked inside, tied to his bed as a hostage for days on end. You were captivating, small, soft spoken and pure. An innocent with wide expressive eyes and perfect pouty lips that would surround his cock with a sublime softness. He could use so many words to describe you. Fragile, ethereal, shy, demure, poised. Everything a soilder shouldnt be. You hadnt hardened under your training, but you hadnt been broken by it either. He wanted to tear you apart, to see what you really were on the inside there must be more to you then the soft gentle woman you claimed to be. It drove him wild. He needed to pound away the image youd created and claim you inside and out. H needed to smother you in his own taint, bathe your skin in his cum before holding you underneath him and drown you in it.
So when he had heard your passionate cries within his watchfull meditation he couldnt hold himself back. Rage boiled in his veins at the thought of you coupling with some undeserving welp. He'd thundered through the ship, following the breathless whispers and gratifying cries. And then it happened, you finally named your lover. Or should he say imaginary partner. Youd moaned so sweetly for your lord, cried out for him. And unbeknownst to you he had heard your desperate mewling and had decided to answer your call.
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He smiled below his mask, the delicate grunts and breathy pleading echoing in his head. You were trying soo hard to be quiet but the thought of him ravishing you was too much to bare. His thoughts took a turn as his cock gave a powerfull throb, this time refusing to be ignored by the sith lord. His mind began drawing a perfect solution. As much as it will pain him, he must teach you a valuable lesson before impaling you on his thick shaft, thus ruining you for other men.
"No matter, its of no real concern as to why you are sorry. Because my discipline will not change either way" he finally spoke, drewing your agonising anticipation to a close. Youd been well behaved, remaining silent and still as his thoughts got carried away.
"My lord;"
"Silence girl. I think you have made enough noise for one night." His bark was enough to shut you up. He felt a twnige of excitement, you were biting your lip desperately trying to obey him. He enjoyed your compliance.
"You think i could not hear you? That when meditating i can't pick out my own name? Did you think i would ignore such filth from my own subordinates?" You whined, opening your mouth to reply but closed it remembering his order to keep quiet. Instead you settled for dropping your gaze to the floor and sniffling, trying to fight off your sobs. They would do you no good now.
"Good. Now sit" he ordered, apparently he had been testing you. Waiting to see if you disobeyed him. You sat instantly, perching yourself on the edge of your bed, still keeping your eyes on the floor infront of you.
"Take a breath. Good." He praised you ptting your head like dog s you took a large shuddering breath and released slowly. He inched loser to you, still ruffling your hair slightly calming you.
"You will be relived to find i am not going to punish you too severely. You are a young woman with urges. I cannot fault you for your nature. You will not be dismissed." You practically melted at that. It ws commen knowledge that dismissed meant killed. And to know that wsnt your fate lifted a huge wieght from you. Your chest was suddenly released from the fearfull grip it had been in. Your tears came thick and fast, flooding your face. As much as you wanted to thank him you remined silent not wnting to push him further.
"However I will be confiscating this abomination. The last thing I need is a silly girl slacking during her shifts because she had been up all night entertaining herself." He added twisting the toy this way and tht, looking it over. You cringed as he waved the small toy in front of you drawing attention to it.
"This is a pathetic example of a cock anyway, not onpy am isurprized you managed to wet it in the first place, im slightly offended you thought of me whislt using it. I can only hope you imgined it was my fingers fucking you. If not we certainly have a problem" you flushed brighter and glanced up at him again. You may have underestimated your lords size, he was frighteningly huge. And the dildo though molded to mimic human cock was small, only a few inches longer then your own finger and not much wider then otheeither. But it had to be small to sneak onboard!
"Perhaps i should see if it was worth your embarrassment, it would fit the crime would it not?" You jolted, breath hitching in your throat. Hell no. You shook your hed inching backwards, kicking off of the floor with your toe almost shooting up the bed away from him.
But it was no use before you could move more then a few inches his gloved hand snatched the front of your nighty, the thick supple leather creaking under the pressure threatening to split at the seams. You whined lifting both hands to his feebly trying to pry him off. He simply pulled you forward making you returnt to the edge of the bed, your feet falling limp back to the floor. He grunted at you squeezing your noghty once more making a point. Stay. You nodded at him making him release you, and untangle his wrist from your trembling fingers.
He chuckled at you. It wasnt true insubordination, he knew your reaction was just from embarrassment, you wanted to escape your shame, it was sweet. Delicious even, he loved the thought of your cunt quivering in need as you shook with uncertaintly, the way he'd tear sounds from you despite your mortification was nothing but arousing to him.
"Now now. You brought this on yourself. I am your lord, duty bound to educate you. I will not shirk such a duty. I need to demonstrate the... dangers of such temptations. How a simple seemingly harmelss, inadequate toy can quickly get out of hand and leave you worse off" his words morphed from a deep amusment to sinister promises, his delight rose whilst his minds eye conjured all the sinful things he was going to to, perhaps not all today, but intime he will push you above any beyond everything you could fantasise about. Youd know rapture, so much so youd beg him for rest, cry and scream for him untill you are hoarse and pliant.
"Lay back, cease your wimpering and open your legs." You tensed eyes wide. No. You must have missheard him, surely your lord wouldnt; You were cut off by your own yelp of surprize feeling a gust of wind hit you, the odd feeling of being hit in the chest by nothing, yet at the same time a hard force. You fell back and squirmed trying to fight what ever was pressing you down.
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You only stopped moving as vader inched closer, close enough that your knees and thighs had squeezed his own legs. You snapped your head up, blinking at him owlishly as you registered what was happening. He had pinned you with the force and was looming over you, one hand clasping your pitifully small toy.
You struggled to think as he towered over you, settling between your legs comfortably. Like it was his rightful place. He knew you wouldnt stop him. He fell forward his left hand pressed into the bed by your head. Close. Soo close that the leather cuff of his glove rubbing against the skin of your neck. You couldnt breath or speak or think! You could do nothing more then wait anxiously.
"You may beg girl, even i am not cruel enough to demand your silence during such things" you frowned unsure what he meant, but seconds later you arched your back curseing as he impaled you on the dildo youd been teasing yourself with before he joined you. The toy pressed into you with a delicious friction. Parting you, carving is way into you with a smooth, ribbed thrust. Masaging every scared piece of you as vader repeated the motion. In and out tilting and twisting to draw out new and exciting sounds.
Your hands grabbed him blindly, fingers and short nails calwing his cloak and arm. Capturing him tightly, grunting and hissing as he gave you no rest. Though youd gave the toy all the preparation it needed, after being pulled from you for so long it had cooled. It was a fantastically taboo feeling.
Vaders breathing became shallow. His breaths deepened, trying to draw you in he wanted to treat himself to the scent of your sex, sweat and fear. His hand moved the toy, twisting and pivoting as he fucked you with it, slow heavy thrusts rocking you on the bed drawing a subtle protest from your weak bed frame. He smiled as the sound seemed to make you flush. Embarassed and perfect.
"F-fuck! Oh maker; my lord?! Agh!" You cried out when his experimental twisting of the toy paid off hitting the spot you could easily spend over and hour looking for yourself.
You arched again, deeper throwing you head back. Vader watched keeping an even slow harsh tempo just grazeing the tiny spot hexd uncovered. You cursed at him, somehow finding some courage in your impatient need. When he continued the madening pace, you growled raising you legs, trying to tilt your hips and force him to gift you the sweet pleasure you craved.
His reply was a laugh, teasing you would easily become his new pass time. Especially if you became such an insolent brat. He slwoed down, softening his thrusts draging out a low keen from you.
"Please?, pleasefuuuck! Please sir!" Your begging was little more then shallow breaths. Using your hold on him to try and fuck yourslef onto the ever slowing toy.
"Such a beastly little thing you are" he tutted but still granted you a small mercy. And began to try a new torment, shallow, fast and rough jerking motiones. Occasionally rubbing your clit with his knuckle, just to drive you wild.
"Fuck! Fuck fu;UGH!" You screeched kicking at the bed, trying to shuffle away, only to be stopped by the stong arm that rested beside your neck. He laughed out loud nd moved faster finding the odd gruntal yelp amusing.
"That was a curious sound. Lets see if you can do it again" this time the sith decided to toy with you further. His hand stopped moving, instead he pressed down, forceing the tip to grind on up and then swayed. You wailed louder, kicking out on reflex and rocking, pivoting your hips chasing the friction your master caused.
"Oh yes, you are full of surpises. Oh? Such a pathetic girl is this truly what would undo you?" He hissed into your ear useing more strength to really dig into your sensitive flesh igniting your nerves in a burning, aching pleasure.
Your pleading words melding together. You feard you werent even speaking common tongue at that point. Between the wails hissing begging and tight gasps you doubted your managed a single sentence.
"Poor thing, its barely even in, im not even fucking you with it" vaders words grew more teasing, more cruel and cold. Slowly he was uncovering yet another secret to his tiny would be lover. You enjoyed his cold harsh nature, the spitfull teasing and vicious mocking words.
"Im beginning to understand why you are so desperate" he watched carefully noting the way you tensed, your pussy momentarily fighting his thrusts. Youd tensed round the toy as he spoke. Your desperate heat eagerly suckling it, trying to stay stuffed for as long as it could.
"Ah thats it, you liked that? Such sweet noises. My voice? You like my cruel taunting dont you? Such a surprising little bitch, all this time i thought you were pure, virtuous" you shuddered, he changed his pace once more, twisting and turning in unpredictably savage thrusts. The wet sounds of your own lust grew embarrassingly loud. The coarse words being spat at you drawing you into higher frenzy.
Your cunt pulsed around the dildo he punished you with. Just when you thought you had tasted euphoria his thumb extended seeking out your burning clit. You choked on your breath, your lord scoffed flicking and rubbing your tender neglected bud with each harsh thrust into your weeping pussy. You trembled unable to stop the sounds pouring from you. You may have well be burning alive under his hands, your veins were lava and nerves scalding. Every touch, every brutal precise jerk of the toy drew you further and further into a boiling pool of lust, threatening to drown you. Every sensation raced along your body, setteling in your needy pussy. All you could do was try to hang on to sanity. Your hands aching useing your white knuckle grip to anchor yourself to reality.
"In all of my visits, never did i hear you talk or think about me in such a sinfull way. The other woman, they always spoke their vulgarity. But you were soo innocent" your lords voice swung from accusatory to mocking and back again. Hos words dripping in sin and filth he alsmost spat them at you with a spitfull delicious condemnation. All you cpuld do was wither and squirm on the bed, crying out for him with torn words and gruntal half plea's desperation soaking theough your bones into your very soul. It was delightful and torturous.
"But your not are you? Deep down your no better then a whore. A collection of holes that would galdly wet my cock" he hissed the viciously divine words at you. Eyes bruning into you even througn his mask you could feel him gazing at you. Taking in the sight of you coming completely undone. So close, so close you could taste the sweet release.
"My; no pleaseLOORD PLEA-vadeah! Fuck!fuuck!" You called for him, one hand reaching, grasing his cloak higher almost forcing him to len closer over you. Your tummy tensed, back arching wildy trying to buck against him seeking out the friction you desired. You squinted almost in pain at the overwhelming burn in your nerves, the tenderness of your clit as you trocked onto his gloved thumb harder and harder. It became a delectable pain, your body tried to find that final trigger, the last piece of the puzzle that would let you free fall into biss.
"Yes, i know i. Can sense it. Your ready to burst, want to burst. So wet, soo close. Yet im unsure you truly deserve it" your eyes opened, fear and ice doused your system when you registered his words. No. No he wouldnt be so cruel. He chuckled pressing his weight down on you the harsh carbon of his mask resting aginst your brow biting at the skin s he stared into your eyes. You could almost make out a tinted glowing iris behide the visor.
"Now that i think about it. No, you dont deserve it do you?" You ground out a mournful wail, a cry from your very soul as vader pulled away, straighteneing to his full height whilst also wrenching the toy from your depths leaaving you empty and unsatisfied.
"You, were a disrespectful little brat~" The words were accompanied with a wet stinging slap to your pulsing pussy. You yepled and tried closeing your legs, feebly trying to sheild yourself from him. You tried to cover yourself with a hand, eager to hide and finsh all at once. But your hands were slapped away, harsh red marks donning each one with warning.
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It was then you burst into tears, bawling in shame nd need. Fat tears wetting your face as you sobbed in earnest. Unsure what he expected from you, your body slowly inching back from that all important finish you craved. All vader did was watch relishing his victory while you crumbled. It was stunning, the way your walls collapsed around you because of him. He wondered if this is how youd react if he did tie you to his bed like a hostage and toyed with you days at a time. He loved the sight of weeping broken women thatd do anything he dreamt for a warm cock in her belly.
"Oh dear you really are crying, did i stop? Was your lord cruel to you? I didnt let you finish did i? Can you blame me? To think you belived you were worthy of a reward, after such apalling behaviour" you sobbed movingnto grasp him again, willing him to show mercy and finish you off. Your mouth had a mind of its own, spewing promises and oaths, babbling nonsense pleadingnfor a chance to show him how good you can be, begging him to allow you to cum for him and only him.
But he stood firm, silently assessing you. His stance was stern and domineering, imovable. But behinde al, the bravado you could still feel the lustfull amusment in the air. He wanted you, you knew he did you could feel it. But he was just as hexd described. Cruel, and a cruel lord would always deliver a cruel punishment.
"What did you expect little one? Mercy? Thats awfully entitled for such a needy little harlot dont you think?" His words carried a weight to them, you realised there would be no changing his mind and cried out mournfully.
"Oh poor thing hush. I know you dont think so now but this is for the best, we must all learn to control ourselves" he prompted movingnto pat your head as you wept at the loss, the fire in your veins ebbing away leaving behind and ache, echoes of what could have been the best orgasm of your life.
You huffed, sniffling and pulled away, dipping your head from under his hand nd pawing at it with a pathetic scowl. He laughed at that finding the petulant display for lack of a better word; cute.
"Are you sulking? To think youd have me belive you didnt enjoy my torment when your bed is drenched" his hand raised motioning to the large dark spot on your sheets.
"Look, look at all this mess youve made. And you still wanted more? What makes you think i'll indulge a spoiled brat" You eyed them and flushed before subtly tryingnthe hide it with your covers, not wanting him to see it a second longer than necessary.
"Come up you get, i do not tolerate self pity and whining girl.Time to make your bed, we wouldnt want to sleep it in damp sheets;" you sent him a sour look, glowering at him with tinted cheeks. Your embarrassment and sexual frustration morphing into an odd bravery.
"Do not give me that look. This was your doing" vader scolded with an amused chuckle. He was pleased by your pout, your needy longing and pathetic cries mingling with stubborn grunts whines. But you acquiesced his command, standing on shakey legs one hand holding onto the bunk supporting yourself the other making quick work of straightening the bed, fixing the pillows and sheets neatly. Sniffling the entire time pawing at your face trying to stop the flow of tears.
"Very good pet, now climb back in" vader prompted pressing on hand to your back coaxing you forward. You drew a breath quickly climb forward, cringing as you sat in the wet patch youd left in the bed. You quickly shook off the feeling and looked up at your lord with anticipation. Maybe he was teasing earlier? Maybe he was trying to prove a point? Could your lord be about to grant mercy and finish what he started? You shivered, and peeked up at hi. Expectantly. Vader belowed a laugh drawing a frown from you.
"Oh dont look so hopefull girl, your not getting anything else this night. If i gave in to your mindless weeping now your lesson would not stick." his words were riddled with scoffs and bearly contained laughter as you deflated into another pout whining all the way. An invisible force curled around your jaw tilting you to stare at him.
"I will however make myself clear. The next time you feel the need, you will not take matters into your own hands. You are to report to me directly, i do not care when or where i am you will seek me out immediately" he inched closer, the grip on your jaw pressing you back to the wall, the pressure dropped untill your entire body felt the weight. He arched forward still hands landing beside you cageing you in. The force began to coiled around your neck tightening panic plucked at your heart, but he didnt let up. He continued to let his power seep over your form holding you still.
"And Should i find out you have not sought me out i will personally see to it you revisit this night, but as a public example of breaking the regulations. Am i clear?" The threat of his words weaved through your mind with heated tendrils. Images of you held down open and wanton, tormented by the sith for anyone to see made you tremble. The thought threatening to ignite you once more.
"Y-yes sir; my lord sir" the whispered before you could even realise what you were swearing to. Vader must have been pleased with you as he rleased you from his invisible grasp and backed away patting your head lightly as he rose to his full hieght.
"Very good. Do try to get some sleep" with a quick swish of his cape he was gone. The door closeing behinde him leaving you alone as if nothing had happened. You blinked drawing amheavy breath and slowly let it out. The only evidence he was there was the damp bedding and empty lust in your pussy. With that thought you quickly scrabbled to the side of the bed hopeing he'd forgotten to pocket your toy. He hadnt. Fuck.
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You wandered the halls hands curling up into your sleeves anxiously plucking at the threads on the lining of your uniform. You knew people were casting you odd looks. They wonders why you were here. Hell you wondered why you were here?! Brave? Stupid? Crazy. Yeah thats the one crazy. After your encounter with lord vader you had been trying to fend off the ache, willing the fire in your loins to die. But no, your lords callous and cruel teasing had left you wanting more. he'd made your fantasy a reality and the sweet poisonous fruit was too much to bare. You craved it, craved him like never before. You swear you were addicted, suffering this heat and need was something youd only describe as a withdrawal. The need was all encompassing raw and painfull. And whats worse you think he knew, he'd stayed way from your sector, you couldnt help feel slighted. Was it a test? A punishment? Did he want you to seek him out? You truley didnt know. But after an entire two weeks of not seeing the glorious man you couldnt hold out anymore. Foolish of not you had to know if he was serious.
Which lead you here. Completely out of your comfort zone, surrounded by more important people bustling about the halls. Decorated officers with badges and pins proving loylty and ability. You were getting odd looks as you wandered aimlessly. You knew lord Vader was here today, the few you asked had told you as much.
You werent sure if you wished to find him quickly or not. Your mind was still debating the sanity of this idea of yours. But luckily... or unluckily you caught sight of him. He was in a meeting room, the door open giving you a clear veiw of his towering form. Not that he saw you yet he couldnt he had his back to you. You faltered for a moment. Maybe this was stupid? Where you really going to risk being killed over a possible night of sex? Was he worth dying for?
You pondered these thoughts, your feet shuffleing along the floor drawing closer to the huge imposeing sith. Slowing with each step you confidence drained. Finally you found yourself tiptoeing up behinde him. And then you stopped, hovering off to the side, half hiding behind the door frame deciding that you should atleast wait ptiently for him to finish his important conversation. Plus it also gives you a few more moments of sweet life if he does just off you.
You tried to disappear into the background, still wondering if this was a good idea. But as vader spoke to one of the many generals you never bothered to learn the name of, the general peeked around his lord drawing attention to you. His eyes narrowed considerably, clearly the man thought you inferior. Vader stood straighter and peaked over his shoulder curiously. You felt the moment he noticed you, his gaze burning you andnhis head tilted in what you hoped was curiosity.
You shifted on your feet for a few seconds before snapping into a salute and held yourself straight greeting lord vader professionally. He then spun on his feet now faceing you directly. All chatter seemed to die around you as lord vader held you in his gaze. The air seemed to be sucked from your lungs, your pulse deafening you. This was it.
"Yes girl" you drew a harsh breath at the name. It had an effect on you, you thought he may have used it on purpose to a,use himself. You swallowed and stood a little taller trying to ,uster all the courage you could, or at the very least not pass out.
"You- i mean? M-my lord? You said to err come find you... when i needed... when i felt y-you know?" You stuttered feeling yourself shrink smaller and smaller as lord vader gave you his undivided attention. The others around him eyed you curiously waiting to see if youd survive such a bumbling shit show as you stumbled on your words and became little more then a babbling idiot. Breaking your stand to gnaw on the cuff of your uniform nervously.
"Get that out of your mouth soldier" He ordered waving a hand over you comanding your arm down to your side with a harsh tug from the force. You squeaked nodding quickly mutter a tiny 'yes sir' The silence that followed was palpable, thick and tense. The only sound being that of lord vaders even breaths.
"Well?" For a moment you thought he had completely forgotten about you and the orders he left you with. Nothing in his voice or stance gave any hint to him recognising you. It was at that point dread began to set in, and you really began to sweat, tugging your sleeves nervously before elaborating.
"I-i came to you... like you said, I dont want to be made an example of sir..." you coaxed, trailing off trying to jog his memory whislt praying he had actually been serious and not been poking fun at you.
It was when he nodded to you that you finally relaxed. Thank god he had remebered your not sure how you would have coped if he hadnt and told you to remind him of your last encounter infront of everyone.
"My good girl, you were so polite. Your obedience pleases me greatly" your knees quivered as relief flooded you, luckily years of stress training kept you steady. Thank the maker for small mercies!You could have cried at his praise.
"I am proud of you,not only did you realise i was serious but took it upon yourself to follow my strict orders even when you were unsure and were willing to wait patiently. My lesson has served you well." Vader continued showering you with praise as he stepped closer to you, one hand reaching out and patting your head slightly which quickly turned into a strangely demeaning yet perfect petting of your hair.
Only you and your lord would understand this exchange. Only he could know the mix of condescending petting and stern pleased words would dampen your panties and turn you into his obedient wanton slut. The others gave you the side eye, frowns and sneers muttering under their breath.
"So much so you have earned yourself a proper reward this time. Come let us see to it immediately. I will not delay when you've proven to be such an obedient girl" your lord pulled back and swooped past you to exit the way you came. You spun quickly ready to follow him eagerly to where ever he saw fit, excitment coiling in your belly. Maybe youd get to finish this time? Oh god... what if he let you cum twice? Or more... fuck you couldnt wait. You practically vibrated with excitment as you hurried to keep up with your lord.
"But my lord i must insist you stay, we have things to discuss! More important then what ever this girl;" the general began chasing down the sith lord into the hall only to cut himself short as vader halted in his movements, you tensed thinking you may have been foolish to come up here. If looks could kill youd be buggered, the generals eyes burned into you, jealous rage in them. But his hatefull gaze quickly fell as lord vader began speaking, slow and angry. His voice coder annunciating each syllable in a spine chilling malice.
"You seem to think that you can determine my schedule general? Tell me am i not your lord? Do you not think i am more aware of what is of greater importance?" The sith lord hissed, your stomach flipped, somehow the display of power made your insides quiver. And not out of fear. Lust, raging heat flushing your system causing you to whimper almost soundlessly. Vader gave a soft huff in response he had heard your needy wordless plea. In a hopes to sooth you he pivoted on his feet and raised a gloved hand and capturing the nape of your neck coaxing you closer, fingers flexing against the soft skin possesively.
"This woman has fullfilled her duty, completed orders i gave to her personally and in secret. Do you think i would shirk my duty and postpone a meetingnfor trivial matters?" Vaders voice darkened with a hint of sarcasm, he was toying with the general. Pokeing at him with a metaphorical sharp stick for nothing more then his own amusment.
"No, no my lord please forgive me, i was not thinking;"
"Im sure you werent, fear not i am used to generals and their lapses in judgement. Luck is in your favor for my girls actions have put me in a good mood." You preened at that, feeling yourself stand a little straighter at the continued praise lord vader showed you. It made your tummy flutter. Yet the hand on your neck still squeezed every few seconds reminding you of his control over you.
"Next time you try to command me you may not be so lucky. Now if youll excuse me, I have matters to attend. Youd be wise to find a suitable solution to this issue alone. Should i be distributed in the next forty eight hours there will be severe consequences" and with that he turned away slowing his stride to allow you to walk beside him. His hand still secured on your neck. But you couldnt dwell on that, the only thing going through your mind was your lord had said he wanted to be undisturbed for forty eight hours. What the kriff? How the fuck are you going to keep going for that long?
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