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denissepalacios21 · 1 month ago
Happy 5 years of episode 100 where Kara tried to change the reality so she could save her relationship with Lena and be the one to tell her she's supergirl 💙❤️
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fazedlight · 6 months ago
I’m not going to fuck Supergirl, she promised herself.
There were two things Lena was very certain of in life: Kara was straight as a board, and Supergirl wanted Lena just as badly as Lena wanted her. The tension with the latter seemed to crackle with every late night conversation in her office, with every last minute save.
But it didn’t matter. One good lay wasn’t worth risking her friendship with Kara Danvers. If things went south with Supergirl, and Kara’s friendship with the kryptonian outranked her friendship with Lena…
Well, Lena wasn’t going to find out.
I’m not going to fuck Supergirl.
She didn’t want to, not anymore. Not with the kryptonian’s angry eyes trained on her, the completely unearned distrust. I did nothing wrong by making kryptonite.
Lena glared back, trying to distract herself from the tension between her legs. “This may come as a shock to you,” she snarled back, ignoring the electric charge between, “But I don’t think about you while I’m doing it.”
Okay. So it was a freudian slip.
But she wasn’t going to fuck Supergirl.
So she… started to develop feelings for the super.
The feelings still didn’t come close to the flame she held for Kara Danvers. The pointless, fruitless flame. What she wanted with the shy reporter was far more than one night, whereas her interest in Supergirl remained purely physical.
But as Supergirl sorted through Lex’s notebooks in the prison, Lena found that there was sympathy mixed with the tension. She knew what it was like to be falsely accused, to be framed for a crime she didn’t commit - and she felt the guilt of her role too, in helping Lex.
But still, the kryptonian looked at her with familiar and lonely eyes. God, it would be so easy…
If she could just forget Kara, meet her needs without strings attached, have a meaningless night with the reporter’s high-powered friend… But it wouldn’t be right, and it still wasn’t worth the risk. I’m not going to fuck Supergirl.
Fuck Supergirl.
Hatred buzzed in her veins after her brother’s death, and all she wanted to do was tell the blonde superpowered reporter to go fuck herself.
It was odd, Lena thought. With Kara so sad and weeping at the Pulitzer, Lena knew she had the kryptonian wrapped around her finger. How far would she go?, Lena mulled. If there was no longer a friendship to protect, what did it matter if Lena had Kara soothe her more primal needs?
In the early days, her fantasies had been about the shy and bashful reporter, or the demanding kryptonian. And after finding out Kara’s true identity, her fantasies became more base - hatefucks and betrayals. Any way to release some of the tension before sleep, to satisfy the burning temptation.
But she suspected it would destroy her. I’m not going to fuck Supergirl.
Fuck, Kara…
Lena was panicked as she rushed across the city, realizing the trap she had fallen into with Lex, worrying that something would happen - or had happened - to Kara. This is my fault, my fault, she thought, knocking on Kara’s door.
Her breath caught as the blonde answered. Relief that Kara was alive, shame that Kara and the others were in danger because of her. Anything else was pushed far out of her mind.
Far too quickly, Kara was sent to the phantom zone. Lena barely slept, and fantasized about nothing.
Then there were the happy tears. Standing in the Tower, Lena couldn’t believe Kara had returned to her - the world felt surreal as she felt Kara’s arms wrap around her.
It wasn’t long after that Kara pressed her lips against Lena’s, and Lena discovered that the kryptonian had many fantasies of her own. Whereas once she had thought Kara to be shy, and Supergirl to be controlling, Lena was delighted to find her insatiably creative.
I’m not going to fuck Supergirl, she had once promised herself.
Some promises were meant to be broken.
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natalievoncatte · 6 months ago
1. Leaves
Lena was, in all honesty, having the time of her life. Since they’d arrived here, she had finally relaxed. Really relaxed. Lex was gone. Capital-G Gone. The last of Cadmus had been mopped up. The Conpany was no longer a problem- L-Corp was being sold off, from entire divisions down to sales of old office chairs. The Estate and nine-tenths of the family holdings were all being sold off, and the money quietly funneled into a holding company. Sam Arias would manage Lena’s wealth.
Lena had nothing to do anymore, and it was glorious. She’d done what she’d never done in her entire life: rest. She ate when was hungry, slept when she was tired. She stayed up late finishing a thriller novel she’d grabbed off one of Kara’s tables and slept it off the following day. She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, so one day she said, “Let’s go watch the leaves change.”
“Not much of that in National City,” Kara had said, not looking up from her laptop.
Lena was flipping channels when she made the suggestion, another pedestrian activity that had been too far beneath her to ever indulge during her CEO days.
“I’m serious,” said Lena. “I’ll rent us a cabin, book a flight, and we’ll be there by tomorrow morning. Vermont, or maybe New Hampshire.”
Kara looked up. “I could just fly us.”
“Short distances only,” said Lena.
Kara weighed it for a moment. She looked at Lena for a drawn out instant, eyes darting this way and that. Lena knew she had a deadline; she had become privy to the details of Kara’s life ever since she started couch surfing at Kara’s place after dumping her chic penthouse on some petroleum heir from the Emirates.
She had been “crashing” at Kara’s place for three months and had her own key, but they weren’t talking about it. Lena had remained on the couch, falling asleep to YouTube videos of molten lava and cat purring sounds, while Kara puttered around the house.
There were moments of tension. Pauses during shared meals. Moments when they pressed closed on sofa, times when Kara got up to go to bed and Lena felt this yearning to follow that she never quite obeyed.
Kara was thinking. Hard.
“Rent a cabin?”
“Yeah, someplace remote. So you can take a break. You’ve been working harder than ever, Darling. It almost feels like you’re avoiding me.”
Kara swallowed. “Okay,” she said. “We’ll fly. The regular way.”
They did, arriving in Maine less than a day later. Lena rented a Land Rover (because they were on an Adventure) and did all the driving, three hours from the airport to the cabin.
Kara rode in silence, though Lena heard her gasp.
The trees were beautiful. They were alive with color, as if an impressionist master had made the world a canvas and run riot. It was more than a mass of reds and yellows and oranges. It was astonishing.
It was dark when they arrived at the cabin. Lena had chosen one with two bedrooms, though she hesitated when she did. It had a full kitchen with a gas stove and all the amenities but also a fire pit and picnic table and gazebo, and overlooked a private swath of a small lake. It was like something out of a Bob Ross painting.
They were both tired from the flight, or at least Lena was, and turned in right away. When she rose the next day, she cheerily told her cabin-mate she was headed into town to get some supplies.
Kara went out to chop wood. Lena, of course, watched a few swings before leaving. Kara didn’t really need an axe but Lena didn’t care; she was preoccupied watching the muscles of Kara’s shoulders and back as she swung the splitting maul.
Lena got back before noon and carried the groceries inside, enough for her to use the fancy kitchen to prepare a mighty feast for her companion.
She didn’t hear the sobs until she had most of it put away. Lena bolted to the back door and stopped.
Kara was sitting on the picnic table, feet resting on the long board that acted as a seat. She was holding a single golden leaf on her hand, studying it and sobbing softly to herself.
She looked up, soft blue eyes wet with tears. Lena felt a wave of grief but also panic, rushing to the table.
“Kara, what’s wrong?”
“I,” Kara started. “Lena, I’m scared.”
Lena swallowed hard. “Why?”
Kara looked at the leaf. “Another year past. The leaves turn colors and fall, school starts, things change.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Alex is married now. They’ve got a kid to raise. Nia and Brainy will probably get married soon. We hadn’t had a game night in two months.”
Lena swallowed. Kara was right. When Lena had first joined, then rejoined, this wonderful found family had been aggressively social, and now they forgot to text as often as not. They all spent more time at home or at their real jobs than at the Tower. The world had just started moving on. Kara didn’t even wear the cape every day anymore.
“I know,” said Lena, her voice thick. “But you’ve got me.”
Lena felt her pulse start to race. Kara had been so distant, she couldn’t help wonder if she was enough. If boring, retired Lena wasn’t enough. Oh God, what if Kara was thinking about going to Argo? Or the future?
“Not forever,” said Kara, her voice cracking like glass. She let the leaf drop from her fingers. “Eventually you’ll go. All of you. Brainy, Nia, Alex, Clark if he doesn’t come back from Argo. You.”
“Oh,” Lena said, softly. “Oh, Kara.”
“I think I might be immortal,” Kara whispered. “I don’t feel any aches or pains. Nothing about me changes. I don’t forget things like people do. My body just keeps repairing itself and it never makes any mistakes. What if I’m just like this forever? Or even a thousand years? What if everyone is gone and their kids are gone and no one knows who I am anymore?!” she was frantic now, the words coming too fast.
Lena reached out, tentatively. She put her hands on Kara’s shoulders and pulled herself in, wrapping her best friend in a hug.
Birds chirped, the waters of the lake made soft glug-glugs, and all around them was the soft tapping sound of the leaves, already letting go.
“I won’t leave you,” Lena whispered. “Kara, I won’t. If I have to live forever I will. I’ll find a way. Tech, magic, fifth dimensional imps. I’ll find a way.”
Kara sighed, arms firmly around her.
“Do you need space?” Lena asked. “I could leave you alone for a bit. Look for a place when we get back, so I’m not on the couch all the time.”
“I don’t want you to leave,” Kara blurted, almost cutting her off. “I know I’ve been distant, it’s just… I keep looking at you and thinking about all the time I’ve lost and all the mistakes I’ve made and how I’ll regret it forever. We have so little time and I’m so scared I’ll lose you.”
Lena pulled back to look at her. “We have a long time to make more memories. As many as we can.”
“I’ll lose you too,” said Kara. “I know you want more. A family, a partner. You’ll start to have less time for me. You’ll all just fall away and I’ll be stuck here alone.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“How can you say that?”
Kara started to pull away. Lena stopped her with a tug on her arms. It stunned her, sometimes, how she could overpower a god with her tiny human hands. How she could stun the other whirlwind or a touch.
“Kara,” said Lena. “I don’t want someone else. I want you.”
“Me?” Kara squeaked.
Lena cleared her throat. “I wanted to tell you at the wedding. I mean, I didn’t dress like that and go stag for the hell of it. I just lost my nerve and you seemed so overwhelmed.”
Kara blinked a few times.
“You want me?” said Kara.
Lena felt a cold rush of terror. She’d just blurted it out, artlessly, unplanned.
“Like want me want me? Like kissing want me?”
Lena licked her lips. “Yes. I’d like to kiss you right now, if you let me.”
Kara settled back into the table, leaning forward. Lena leaned in, pushing her back slightly, moving her hands from shoulders to hips, scoring the way Kara tensed and trembled. She was hardly inexperienced, Lena knew, but something about this felt like a first kiss, even for her. It tasted like one, too, down to the quivery way their lips met.
Kissing quickly became something more. Lena didn’t know if she was pulling or Kara pushing. It didn’t much matter; the path led to the bed in Kara’s room, marked by a trail of shed clothing.
Years of anticipation overwhelmed them both; dinner was forgotten, and they didn’t even emerge until the next day.
It was in the morning sun, the light turning Kara’s skin gold, that Lena saw it. Twisted within one of the curling locks of hair, splayed around Kara’s head on the pillow, was a faintly visible thread of purest silver, chased through the gold like an engraver’s masterpiece. Lena couldn’t help but twirl the errant strands around her finger.
As Kara slept, she looked up through the window and watched the wind as it caressed the leaves.
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mcgrathagron · 5 months ago
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Using the gift
Oct 18. Ok, I’m back for #Supercorptober2024. The today’s theme is “CatCo”.
Lena is using Kara’s gift, her planner. But also this kinda feel like redcorp lol, Krasnaya Dotch obsessed ass spying Lena at catco as Kara. What you say? Who is that?
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spaceman-earthgirl · 6 months ago
Supercorptober 2024 Day 5: Alone
ao3 fic link.
Lena wakes up, and she knows instantly she’s alone. Panic sets in for a moment, because Kara wouldn’t just leave, not after last night.
Lena would though. Lena has, after a one night stand where they did what they needed to do so she left in the early hours of the morning.
But this isn’t like this, this is Kara. Kara who told her she loves her, Kara who kissed her so gently that Lena cried.
This is Kara, her best friend, the person she trusts most, the person she loves the most, and now she knows Kara loves her too.
Lena sits up and looks around, blanket clutched to her chest. She sees her clothes neatly folded in a pile, which is definitely not where she left them last night. She’s pretty sure some didn’t even make it into the room. 
Lena blushes at the memory.
She looks around for her phone, and realises it didn’t make it to the room with them either, that it’s probably still in her purse in the living room.
That’s the first thing she needs, to find Kara. That, and she needs coffee. She debates for a moment putting on her clothes but instead decides to grab a hoodie and pair of Kara’s pants instead.
The hoodie smells like Kara, this whole place does, and for a moment it makes her want to bury herself back in bed and wait for Kara.
Because she knows Kara wouldn’t just leave her, knows Kara will be back.
It’s in the kitchen that Lena figures out where Kara is gone. Or at least that she’ll be back, a scribbled note on the table.
Be back soon. -K x 
It’s still early, and Lena knows she probably should go back to her own apartment, shower and get ready for work. But she’s not going to do that, not yet. Because all she can think about is seeing Kara, kissing her again and making sure that she doesn’t regret what happened.
Lena doesn’t.
Lena hasn’t even had time to consider making herself a coffee when the door clicks open and Kara is walking through the door.
“Oh,” Kara startles, clearly not expecting to see Lena. For a moment, Lena wonders if she should have left, but she doesn’t need to worry when Kara continues. “I was hoping to surprise you in bed.”
Lena had been so focused on Kara, she hadn’t noticed the paper bag and coffee cup holder in her hands.
Lena suddenly doesn’t know what to say. This is all new to her. Not only has their relationship changed overnight, but she doesn’t want to mess this up. Kara is too important to her and she can’t lose her over this. Lena doesn’t have a great track record with relationships and she’s never felt like this about anyone before, never wanted a relationship to work out like she wants this too.
“Are you panicking?” Kara asks, suddenly much closer than before, food no longer in her hands.
“No,” Lena replies. Kara raises her eyebrow and Lena knows she’s been caught. “Ok, maybe a little. I don’t want to mess this up.”
Kara takes her hands, and Lena instantly feels her thoughts settle, the warmth of Kara’s hands seeping into her skin.
“I know, me too. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know that you and me? We can do anything together. So, we probably will both mess up, but I know that no matter what happens, we can get through anything, because it’s us.”
Lena smiles. “Thank you.” 
She knows this will be a constant worry but for now it’s quietened down, both because of Kara’s words but also because Kara is smiling now too and it’s hard to focus on anything else when Kara is smiling at her.
Kara leans forward and Lena gets the memo, meeting her halfway in a kiss that feels so much like coming home that Lena feels like crying again.
“Good morning,” Kara mumbles against her mouth, Lena can feel her smile against her own.
“You taste like cinnamon,” Lena replies, and Kara pulls away. Lena would regret her words but Kara is grinning, looking sheepish in a way that’s too cute for words.
“I got hungry.”
Lena laughs. When is Kara not hungry?
“I like this, too,” Kara says, tugging on Lena’s shirt. “You look good in my clothes.” Kara pauses. “You look good out of them too.”
Kara’s blushing as she says the words, it’s adorable.
“Is that so?” Lena asks, and it’s her turn to lift her eyebrow.
Kara leans forward, clearly embarrassed as she hides her face in Lena’s shoulder.
“Yes,” Kara mumbles and Lena laughs, wrapping her arms around her best friend. ...Or girlfriend? She’s not sure, but they’re going to have plenty of time to figure that out.
Lena grins. “Good to know.”
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kmsdraws · 7 months ago
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It's that time of the year again, folks: Supercorptober is upon us again!
Create whatever you like for our beloved Supercorp using the daily prompt list below, and be sure to use the hashtags. Have fun!
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solnerao · 6 months ago
"Lena Luthor?"
A man stood before Lena. He was in his 50s, balding, and wore a pair of thick spectacles. He was staring down at a clipboard.
"Here we go— Lena Luthor, born October 24, 1994," He said.
Lena looked around. She was standing in a featureless white void, nothing in sight except herself and the man in front of her.
"Where am I?"
"Where—" The man looked up at Lena. "Have I not given you the— hold on". He flipped a few pages on his clipboard and began reading in a dull monotone. "Welcome to the afterlife. Yes, you are dead. No, this is not heaven. No, this is not hell. I am a higher dimensional being here to help place you into an appropriate afterlife experience. No, I am not an angel. No, I am not a demon. Please hold all questions until the end." He flipped back to his previous clipboard page.
"If you're a higher dimensional being, why do you have a British accent?" Lena asked.
"Oh, we find this process goes faster if we present as someone you find slightly irritating." He said, "Fewer questions this way."
"Why does it matter how long it takes? Is time even real here?"
The man looked up from his clipboard in irritation.
"Okay fine, sorry. Continue"
"Thank you. Alright, let's see what you got up to." The man began mumbling off events in Lena's life one after another. "Moved to National City… saved the world from your mother… very good, very good… helped save the world that time as well… black Kryptonite, hmm…"
Lena stared incredulously at the being who would decide her fate.
"…then you trapped your soulmate in some sort of castle on the south pole…"
"Hold on, who says she's my soulmate?"
"…even though she was just trying to help you…"
"Do soulmates even exist?"
"Yes, they do." The man said factually, looking up. "Says she's your soulmate right here" He turned his clipboard around to face Lena. The page he had been reading from was completely unintelligible to human eyes, a mass of incomprehensible symbols and characters that swirled and shifted across its surface. The man turned the clipboard back around, apparently satisfied he had proven his point, and returned to mumbling his way through Lena's accomplishments.
"…attempted to reprogram the consciousness of everyone on earth… well, everyone needs a hobby I suppose but that wasn't very…"
"I was trying to help." Lena protested "Trying to fix humanity."
"That was your first mistake." The man said without looking up. "And then you were killed by a…" The man flipped to the next page. "Space laser. In a secret mountain hideout. Well, might as well go out with a bang."
"Is my life just a joke to you?" Lena was starting to raise her voice. "Who are you to judge me anyway?"
"It's my job." He said, still not looking up. He seemed completely unfazed by this outburst.
"It's easy for you, you don't know what it's like down there." Lena was yelling now. "I had nobody. My whole life, I was alone. The only person who ever stood up for me, ever believed in me at all was Kara, and I—"
Lena paused as her anger melted and settled into a pit in her stomach.
"—and I hurt her. The only person who was there for me."
She turned away from the man and stared off into the void.
"My soulmate."
Lena collapsed into a sitting position.
Noticing that Lena had finished talking, the man began to explain something about evaluation criteria. Lena had stopped listening. She considered taking off into the void, looking for some way back, some way to fix things. But she knew it was futile. She was dead. She was—
Lena's train of thought was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. Lena looked up. An early 20th century wall telephone had materialized in midair next to the spectacled man. He didn't seem particularly surprised, but stopped talking and picked up the earpiece.
"Hello?" He said, still sounding bored. "Yes, she's here."
Lena stared up from what was either the floor or the ground, depending on if boundless voids counted as outside.
"What?" Now he was surprised. Irritated, even. "The Lazarus Pit? I thought we agreed to stop giving them ways to do this."
Lena tried not to enjoy his frustration.
"What do you mean grandfathered in?"
He sighed in exasperation at whatever his colleague was saying on the other end.
"Fine. But you're doing all the paperwork for this." He said finally, hanging up the earpiece with slightly more force than necessary.
"Alright." He said, looking back at Lena, "Some soulmate you've got there."
"Off you go." Said the man, and clapped once. Everything went dark.
Lena opened her eyes. She was floating in cool water, staring up at iridescent blue light dancing across a dark cave ceiling. A pair of strong arms supported her floating body, holding her head out of the water.
"Lena?" Kara's concerned voice echoed around the cave.
"Kara." Lena tried to straighten up but found herself sitting in Kara's arms, looking up at her soulmate.
"Lena, are you okay?" Kara met Lena's gaze "I thought I lost you. I'm sorry—"
"No, I'm sorry." Said Lena, cutting Kara off. "For everything. Can we start over?"
"Of course we can." Kara said softly. "Just stay with me."
Lena rested her head against Kara's shoulder and breathed deeply. "Always." Lena promised.
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wish-i-knew-what-i-am-doing · 6 months ago
4. Garden
The very first time Lena had mentioned it, it was to tell Kara she couldn’t go with her to the farmer’s market the following Saturday.
"I’m sorry darling, I-I have to tend to my garden". Curiosity picked, Kara ignored the hesitation and the pet name and went directly to the questions burning on her tongue. "You have a garden?", "Since when do you have a garden?", "Why haven’t you mentioned it before?", "I feel like as your best friend, I should have know about that".
Lena chuckled at the now pouting blonde.
"I’ve had it for several years and only a handful of people know about it. And you know the old adage, it’s good to keep some kind of mystery. Secret garden and all that." She winked at the double entendre.
"But don’t worry, maybe I’ll show it to you one day, if you play your cards right", Lena added, eyes sparkling with mirth and cheeks slightly rosier than before.
She then left it at that, not offering any more details.
Over the following days, Kara tried to broach the subject again but Lena didn’t seem too willing to share this part of herself and remained evasive. So Kara decided to drop it for now even if, deep inside, she was dying to know more.
The next time the enigmatic garden was brought up again was entirely by accident. Kara had been thinking about it. A lot. But she was being a good friend to Lena and respected her privacy, so she had buttoned her lips.
Until one morning, a bit distracted, she entered Lena’s office and noticed a simple yet elegant flower arrangement on her desk. "Oh, those are beautiful! Are they from your garden?" She asked before realising she mentioned the forbidden topic.
"Sorry, I didn’t mean -"
Lena chuckled lightly. "It’s okay, Kara", she interrupted the blonde before she could launch herself into a ramble. "And no, those are not from my garden. But I do have roses and daisies in parts of it". She said as she gently touched the petal of one of the flower in question.
Time went by and as busy as they all were, the matter slipped out of Kara’s focus. It was still resurfacing every now and then, in passing, but Kara never got any additional information about it and it didn’t bothered all that much anymore.
More time went by and the pair found themselves growing closer to each other, slowly pushing the boundaries of their friendship.
Until finally, after a lot of flirting (from Lena’s side) and a lot of blushing (from Kara’s side), the blonde finally put her big girl pants on and asked her best friend out on a date.
One date turned into two and soon the two women were exploring the new aspects the romance brought to their relationship.
On the morning after their first night together, Kara woke up fully rested, delightfully sated and entirely happy. A blinding smile spreading across her face.
It must have still been early, as the light was just beginning to shine through her windows. Lena was still asleep beside her, resting on her own belly. Kara raised her head slightly to get a better look at the (very naked) sleeping beauty lying next to her.
She noticed some dark marks on the brunette’s back. Propping herself on her elbow, Kara was then greeted with the view of an almost full back tattoo.
How had she not noticed that the night before? was Kara’s first question. She decided to blame it on eagerness and the sweet taste of Lena’s lips.
She brought up a hand to delicately trace the ink, making Lena stir. Only then did she picked up on the drawings themselves: dozens and dozens of flowers, of various shapes and sizes.
It took her a second, but then it finally clicked.
"The secret garden!", Kara gasped loudly.
That fully roused Lena, who turned around, laughing gleefully.
"I did tell you I would show it to you were you to play your cards right." She said, making Kara blush. "And I guess you have" she continued before raising a hand to bring Kara down in a heated kiss.
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autisticlenaluthor · 6 months ago
Kara stays up until nearly three in the morning, listening to the sounds of the city below. She eavesdrops on arguing neighbors and house parties blaring music multiple streets away as she fights back yawns and flips through TV channels. It’s tedious and bordering on painful, but it keeps her from fixating on her bottomless pit of a rumbling stomach and the cramps that make it impossible to sleep.
Okay– so, maybe Kara hadn’t tried to sleep. But sleep hasn’t been coming easy these days and being in a new city in a new state with no plan and no friends other than her sister doesn’t exactly make it easy to calm the mind.
That’s why Kara stays awake and distracted. She tries not to think about how Alex is being forced to give up even more years of her life and even more space in her home to accommodate her sister’s comfort. She tries not to spiral over Lena and how she lives fifteen minutes away now– maybe even less– and how she’s going to have to suck it up and tell her about the move eventually. But most importantly, Kara refuses to think about the fact that she truly feels like she may implode from hunger.
It’s a pointless effort.
At 2:45, she finds herself staring blankly into the fridge as she tries to distinguish between what’s Alex’s and what’s Kelly’s. Her stomach twists into an even tighter knot, causing memories of her first few weeks on Earth to flood her.
Eliza had found the hoards of packaged apple slices from free school lunches and expired Uncrustables stashed in her dresser drawer, led by the trail of ants marching through the second floor. Eliza tried explaining that she didn’t need to worry– they were never going to run out of food, they’d always be able to buy more. But the reassurance just felt like a drop in the bucket of everything else Kara was supposed to be absorbing.
She hadn’t known then, how to explain that the money was never the problem. She knew Eliza had had enough of it– she saw it in the clothes Alex wore and the jewelry around the older woman’s neck. It was just that the moment the yellow sun hit Kara’s skin– it was like a black hole erupted within her. It was aching and screaming– begging to be filled.
Constantly, Kara tried. She doubled up portions on family meals and guzzled protein shakes in between. But it was never enough. Her appetite would always return and with it, the question:
What if this feeling never goes away?
Staring at her big sister’s half-empty fridge, Kara feels thirteen again.
She’s anxious in a way she can’t quite describe with a restlessness she knows will never leave. The only thing Kara can cling to is the notion that she needs to snack on something before she loses her mind and she can’t justify stealing groceries from her new roomies.
So she does the logical thing and goes to the nearest 24-hour mini-mart at 3:07 am– clad in flannel pajama pants and tie-dye crocs.
There, Kara finds herself paralyzed in front of another freezer. Only this time, it’s in the frozen food aisle with a plastic basket in her hand. She’s filled it with all the essentials– pumpkin spice pretzels, a box of pasta shaped like the characters from Arthur, three things of frozen potstickers, and four variations of Hot Pockets.
As Kara stares, she tries to remember what the hell it was she came here to buy. She knows it wasn’t the cartoon mac-and-cheese and it definitely wasn’t the pretzels that Alex is going to bully her for later. But all she can register is how loudly the lights are humming and the fact that every so often, the one on her left will flicker like the bulb is about to die.
Kara blows through closed lips and turns her head. Down one of the aisles, there’s something sparkly and purple. She follows the glimmer with narrow eyes until she finds its source: a long, tight dress. The kind of thing you wear to a gala.
Except the woman who wears it isn’t at a gala– she’s standing in front of a selection of cheap wine, holding one bottle by the neck as she examines the others on the shelves. She has dark hair which cascades down her shoulders and the gown accentuates her curves in all the right places.
Even without seeing her face, Kara knows she’s beautiful.
She can’t help the way that she stares at her, trying to get a better look. It’s something on any other day– she’d never allow herself to do. But she’s only ever known one beautiful brunette with the money for dresses like that one and reasons to wear them. The woman she still hasn’t found a way to be honest with, even after three painstakingly long years apart.
Kara takes a hesitant step forward and watches for just a moment longer, catching the way that she turns and tilts her head, causing raven hair to fall down in front of her. From the angle of their bodies– it’s impossible to get a glimpse of her face, but when the movement is followed by a familiar flipping sound, Kara can’t help it. She freezes.
Because she knows that sound. There’s only two people in the entire world whose heart rates she’s trained herself to notice: Alex and Lena’s.
Lena’s heart rate just piqued which means Lena Luthor is standing less than ten feet away from her.
At the realization, Kara drops her basket. It clatters to the floor and topples over– spilling its contents across the linoleum and Kara nearly goes down with it. Her pulse skyrockets and anxiety fuels her body with enough energy to send a rocket to the moon.
She scrambles to pick up the spilled groceries but as soon as she hits the ground– she can see Lena’s head whipping around to find the source of the commotion. Kara drops the boxes again and without a second thought– makes a run for it. She dashes straight into the cereal aisle, in such a panic she forgets about her super speed.
By the time she’s ducked down on the floor, gripping one of the shelves for dear life, she’s knocked over three things of cereal and four jars of peanut butter. Still, she peers her head just past the shelf– now only able to see the outline of Lena’s figure and the slightest sliver of her face.
She can see traces of red lipstick (when did Lena start wearing that?) and the outline of her nose. When Lena turns– Kara catches her face through the wine bottles. Rao, she could collapse again at the sight.
Her pale skin makes her hair glisten and her green eyes glimmer below a thin stroke of eyeliner. Her lips, painted that fierce red, are parted ever so slightly in confusion, and she knits her brow the same way she used to when they were kids.
Somehow, Lena looks exactly the same and completely different and Kara doesn’t know how to process it.
She’s seen the occasional selfie Lena sends when she goes somewhere new– like Paris or the Boston Science Museum and every so often, she’ll appear in one of Sam’s Facebook posts– posted with shot glasses at the bar, or kissing the cheek of an adorably tan toddler. But nothing compares to really seeing her.
Her presence now is a forceful reminder that Lena’s existence is true. It isn’t just an occasional light on Kara’s phone or a status update from a friend of a friend. Lena exists in the same world as her. She lives a life that Kara was once stupid enough to believe she’d always be a part of.
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mrfrogmouth · 2 months ago
Day 23: Plumerias
Benny knows his graves.
He’s been keeping the grounds here for almost 43 years now. He’s tended these gardens through a pandemic, three alien invasions, and the brief fad of people shipping their remains into the sun. The world changes, but people always come back to good old stone. He’s seen the new graves with their fresh lettering and regular visits, he’s come to know the families of the older graves, regular visitors even after 20 years, and he knows the old graves, the ones with partially worn away names and no one left to mourn. Jaden has been telling him to retire but he just can’t bring himself to go. Sure the “retirement community” will be comfortable, but these are his people, his stones. If he left now, what would he do with himself? Who would clean the old stones?
Some of the older stones still get visitors, of course, or the occasional cleaning. A few famous actors are buried here, soldiers whose graves have become memorials to their various wars more than any individual celebration of life, and one old grave, where, every year, on October 10th, a small bouquet appears. There’s never a note left, and in the decades Benny has worked here, he’s never actually caught a guest with the peculiar branch of flowers. But nonetheless every year they appear.
It’s not that Lena Luthor lacks visitors precisely. Famous inventors with dramatic life stories usually get their fair share, add on her help against the Daxamites and that movie that came out a few years ago and Lena certainly had her fans. But still, she’d died when Benny was still a young man, and the flowers came every single year. She’d no family left these days. The wife had passed a few months after her. He’d thought for a while it might have been her children, but they had followed not long ago and the grandchildren were too scattered to be involved. He’d tried searching for some Lena Luthor Fan Club, some charity she’d founded or donated to (an annoyingly dense list). He’d even checked her biography for the significance of the date itself, but all he’d found was a botched assassination attempt in a long list of botched assassination attempts. If there’s a significance to this one, Benny can’t find it. Hell, she hadn’t even met Supergirl for few days.
It’s a surprise then, as he rakes the leaves, when he sees a figure standing alone before the grave, small bouquet clutched in one hand. He approaches quietly. He’s become an excellent lurker— part of the job, really— and watches. The woman is young, blond hair in loose curls around her shoulders. She fiddles with a wedding band as she speaks to the grave, too soft for Benny to hear.
She pauses after a while, and, without looking up, calls, “So are you just going to stand there or say hello?”
Benny straightens quickly. She hadn’t looked at him once. He’s sure he was quiet.
“I’m Benny.” He says, walking over as casually as one can after being caught snooping. “Fan of hers?”
“Something like that.” The woman says.
“You’re the new one then?” He asks.
“Hmm?” The woman looks up at him, and Benny gets his first real look at her face. She is young, maybe in her mid-thirties. Her glasses ever so slightly askew, a permanent crinkle has formed between her brows, only accentuated by the confused way she stares at him. Her blue eyes are tinged red. She’s been crying.
“The flowers? Somebody brings them every year. It’s you now?” The woman glances down at the bouquet in her hand as though she’d forgotten it was there.
“Oh. Yes. Plumerias. They were her favorite.” They stand in awkward silence for a few moments.
Finally Benny starts up again, “So, is it for a research group? Or some charity organizes the drop-off?”
“What? No. No, it’s just me.”
Benny fixes her with a look. “Just you. Every year?”
The woman shrugs. “Just me.”
“Aren’t you a bit young for that?” He asks.
“Didn’t realize dropping off flowers had an age requirement.”
“Those flowers have been showing up since before you were born.”
“And how should you know when that was?” That gets his attention. He freezes halfway to forming a rebuttal and stares at her. She stares back, challenge in her eyes, before her face cracks with a smile and she begins to laugh.
“I’m sorry, sorry, it’s—” The woman gasps for breath between giggles. Finally, she cracks out. “It’s just been a really long year.”
“Suppose it has. Plenty of new graves this year.” He thinks of the new lot in the east gardens. The one marked with a placard to remember the victims of Braniac’s invasion. “More than plenty. What’s got you visiting this one?”
The woman shrugs again. “Sometimes I like to talk to her. Ask for advice.” She continues quieter, more somber. “Sometimes I wish I could just ask her what I’m supposed to do. She always knew exactly what to say.” The woman pauses. “She’d handle all this so much better than I ever could.”
“Maybe she would. Maybe she wouldn’t,” Benny says. “It’s easy to imagine the dead have all the answers, but they were only people once too. Nobody’s born a hero. I’m sure when she was alive she had her own grave to talk to, and the same idea.”
The woman laughs again, lighter this time. “She always had this little bobble-head statuette of Einstein that she kept in her desk. Said if she read her research out to him, he’d show her where the errors were. She hated superstition but get between her and that little Einstein…” The woman’s face shadows. “I used to hate how quickly the time passed. Now it all passes so slowly. And for what?”
“Come on, now.” Benny says, soothing. A bit of a superfan then. Not all that unusual. At least he’d been right about the fan club. “You’re still young. Just give it time. You’ve got plenty of years left to build something out of.”
“Yeah. I suppose I do.” She doesn’t seem as comforted by that notion as Benny would have hoped. Young people, he thinks, always rushing around. Expecting life out of every moment.
They’re silent again for a while. Then the woman lays the bouquet on the grave, whispering something in a language Benny has never heard. She lays a gentle hand on the stone, before turning to Benny. Her smile is genuine, if weak.
“Thank you for keeping her stone clean.” She steps lightly away from the grave, heading back along the path, and Benny realizes he never got her name.
“Wait! Who—”
But when he turns, there’s nothing left but leaves dancing in the autumn chill.
Well, there’s always next time, he supposes. Jared will just have to wait another year.
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denissepalacios21 · 6 months ago
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fazedlight · 6 months ago
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Courage (supercorptober ficlet)
“You can scream at me if you like, I know I deserve it.”
So Kara did. She growled out how so many she loved could die that day, because Lena chose to work with a man who would love to see her dead and the world fallen. How all she had ever done was keep a secret, and yet Lena had found ways to betray her over and over again-
But she halted. 
Lena stood in front of her, fighting a trembling lip, simply trying… to take it. Gone was the woman in the forest of Juru who had snapped back at her about her real name. Gone was the woman in Eve’s hidden lab, calling Kara out for seeing red whenever she felt vulnerable. Gone was the woman in the Fortress who yelled at her for being two-faced.
Where is her anger?
Kara gazed at Lena, remembering the last time Lena had stood in silence. It was, perhaps, during the one time in Kara’s life when she let her own vulnerability out. When she had confessed to being selfish and scared, to not wanting to lose the woman in front of her. Rao, look how that turned out… “The encryption,” Kara muttered.
Lena nodded, turning around to sit at her computer again. Kara stared at the floor, her fists clenched as her mind hopscotched across their relationship. There was the first day at LuthorCorp, when Kara wondered if it was possible for a super to have a different relationship with a Luthor than what her cousin and Lena’s brother had created.
She remembered the day she had asked James to search her vault. She remembered saving Lena from Metallo, and Lena saving her from Agent Liberty. She remembered Lena handing her the anti-kryptonite shield in Striker’s prison, and remembered Lena trapping her in kryptonite in the Fortress. Lena had used her and betrayed her, but Kara knew she herself was no angel - it had never been just about the secret. Life wasn’t that simple.
She glanced up again, to the trembling Luthor in front of her. She was brave enough to knock on my door, Kara mulled. She’s trying to build the suit, to keep me safe, trying to do the right thing. “I said I made just one mistake,” Kara murmured. “I know that’s not true.”
Lena turned part way back to Kara, and Kara’s heart twinged at the tears that the Luthor was trying to hide. “I don’t know if we can fix this,” Kara said honestly, “But I know it took courage for you to come back.”
Lena swallowed harshly. “Thank you.”
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natalievoncatte · 6 months ago
3. Dress
Kara wore dresses. Lena had seen her wearing sundresses and skirts and even a cocktail dress once, and of course she’d worn a dress at the wedding and look very
in it.
So it wasn’t as if Lena had never seen her in a dress before. Still, if you asked Lena to picture Kara in her head, Lena would imagine her best friend in khaki pants that hugged her hips and displayed the impressive girth of her thighs, and of course the buns of steel. She would further visualize Kara wearing a plaid button-down tucked into a broad belt that emphasized the inhumanly flat plane or her muscular belly or the broad set of her block shoulders.
(If she didn’t visualize her wearing nothing at all)
Dresses simply didn’t seem to be her thing. She just felt right when she was a little… masc, one might say. Kara had a way about her, a swagger that worked with the belts and a habit of setting her arms with her hands in her hips that emphasized her physique.
Lena sometimes wondered how a pair of glasses had actually fooled her.
For the last eight weeks or so, Lena had been living in Kara’s apartment, sleeping on the couch in a weird state of limbo after she sold her penthouse. They had decided that Lena would soon be moving, but not where or when. Obviously she’d stay close -her life was here now, after all- but she wanted a change.
In a way, Lena was following in Kara’s footsteps, trying to relate to the world as her whole self. She’d come upon the idea of using a sort of checklist- reinventing herself with the same ruthless efficiency she brought to the lab and the boardroom. That was one part of herself that needed to go.
Lena’s whole life was constructed. She did everything she for a purpose, and that purpose no longer meant anything anymore. There was no longer a Lex or a Lillian to outmaneuver, no longer a board to persuade or dominate. She was running the Foundation, but from her laptop, and had hired Sam to handle the financials. She wasn’t even meeting with benefactors; she had people for that. Her main work focus now was a science education program for elementary school girls.
It was so liberating, not having to be the badass boardroom bitch. She’s stopped straightening her hair, abandoned her contacts in favor of chunky glasses, and, in a colossal shock to everyone, Kara included, stopped dyeing her hair black, a habit she’d picked up and kept because it pleased Lillian and kept up because stopping would be annoying.
She had even worn sweatpants. In public. Everyone in her family had been gifting her goofy clothes to wear; she was currently swaddled in a “Why Hex a Little When you Can Hexalotl” t-shirt that Kara had regifted, originally from Nia.
That was when Kara walked out of her bedroom area of the loft and Lena’s brain spun around and smacked against the front of her skull.
Kara was dressed to the nines in a black a-frame halter top mini dress that bared her shoulders and magnificent back, and she’d matched it with dark eye shadow and plum lipstick that was striking against her sun-kissed skin, and a pair of strappy high heels.
“Hey,” she said, sounding glum.
“Where are you off to?” Lena said, trying not to add the mental dressed like that.
“A date,” Kara sighed.
Lena kept her face even, despite the fact that her mind had just ripped in half. She was desperate to know why Kara sounded so glum, and also flat fucking terrified.
The idea of Kara going on a date horrified her. It made her instantly sick with worry -not just for Kara which was honestly a little silly- but because… because…
Lena was suddenly very aware that she didn’t want Kara to date. At all.
(Because she should be dating me)
Which sucked, because Kara was straight, because there was a god and he hated Lena Kieran Luthor and her accursed blood. That had to be why Lena was cursed to suffer a crush on
(be madly in love with)
the perfect girl who came from the sky.
“You look lovely,” said Lena. “Have fun.”
Kara blushed for a moment, then Looked at Lena a little oddly, a little forlorn.
“I’ll text you.”
Kara left, and Lena was alone in Kara’s
loft with just herself and Zillow open on her laptop.
Lena browsed for a while, but none of the places looked right. They were all as if HGTV had puked onto an old house. The minimalism and open concepts reminded her too much of her Old Life. She wanted quirky. She wanted unique. She wanted a place that reflected who Lena really was.
Jesus H Christ, was this a mid life crisis? She wasn’t that old.
Lena was startled out of her reverie when the door swung open and Kara stormed in, slammed it shut, and kicked off her shoes, storming barefoot across the loft.
“Fucking asshole,” said Kara.
Lena blinked, stunned by the profanity, only to be filled with outrage.
“Kara? What happened?”
“This is the last time I let someone at work set me up on a date. I didn’t even want to go, Alex badgered me into it.”
Lena put her computer aside. Kara grabbed a pair of beers from the fridge and popped the lids with her thumbs as she sat down, which was literally one of the hottest things she did on a regular basis. She offered Lena one and took a pull on her own.
“He was a jerk,” said Kara. “I tried asking him whether a hot dog is a sandwich, and he just said ‘who cares’.”
“Kara, a hot dog is a sandwich. We’ve been through this.”
Kara glared at her. “I’m not doing this again, Lena. Not until you admit that a burrito is a sandwich.”
Lena rolled her eyes.
“The last straw was when he told me I shouldn't work out so much. He said my muscles make me look like a man."
Lena blinked. "Where did your coworkers find this jerk?"
"Accounting. He wouldn't shut up about his finance degree. He insisted on paying for everything, too. Oh, and he told me I eat too much! All I did was order some appetizers!"
Lena drained her beer and grabbed another. She listened patiently as Kara vented about this guy and the other various jerks she'd gone one date with.
"I'm doomed, Lena. Every guy is a dick and insecure around me."
At around this time, she finished beer five. Lena nodded.
“Even if I think it’s working I lose the spark. Like when James finally wanted to go out with me and I was just like ‘nah.’”
“James… was nah for me too,” said Lena.
(Honestly, Kara, you should try dating girls.)
“Wait,” said Kara, “What?”
She said that one out loud.
“Um,” Lena said, lamely panicking, “I um, that was a joke, I meant… well it… worked out for your sister?”
Kara gaped at her.
Lena swallowed hard. “Would you believe it sounded funny in my head?”
“Have you… ever dated girls?” said Kara.
Lena’s stomach almost shot out of her throat. She put her most recent beer down to keep it from sloshing as her hands shook. She looked at Kara, who looked back, expectant… and hopeful?
“Yes,” Lena admitted. “Jack was the only man. I ever dated except James, but there have been women, too. Not that many. Despite my reputation I was never that social.”
“Who?” Kara asked, immediately.
Lena licked her lips. “Andrea.”
Kara stared. “Andrea? Andrea Rojas? Really?”
“It was a teen thing that ended in our eariy twenties, but it was serious. So do you remember how I told you I knew Roulette from boarding school?”
Kara nodded.
“Well, I knew her, um, biblically.”
Kara snorted. “No way. Who else?”
Lena smiled. At least she wasn’t being weird about it.”
“You’re not saying no to trying it yourself,” said Lena.
Kara looked away.
She took a drink of beer.
“There are no queer people on Krypton, Lena. There weren’t, I guess I should say.”
The pain in Kara’s voice made Lena shift closer, set aside her drink and curl a hand softly around her arm.
“You don’t have to tell me this if it hurts.”
Kara shook her head. “I… my culture would not allow anything, uh, gay. Or homosexual. Like we literally don’t even have a word for it, it’s so foreign to us. We were taught that the only acceptable pairing was for the best possible offspring. Most of my people didn’t have sex at all, it was all artificial. My aunt and uncle were some who did, they had Clark naturally.”
“So Kryptonians can’t be gay?”
Lena’s heart sank.
“I didn’t think so, but, there was this girl once and she made me feel something I never felt before… and seeing her made all of my other feelings feel different. After I saw her I suddenly felt like I was just going after guys because I was supposed to. Even when I was with Mon-El I had this feeling that… I mean it felt good and I liked being able to cut loose but it felt like…”
Lena waited, not wanting to push her.
“Frankly, it felt like using him as a sex toy. Nothing else in our relationship really felt that deep. Even when he came back and went to Argo with me, I was more happy about my mother seeing me continue our family line than I was about him actually being with me. The second time he left I almost felt relieved.”
“That’s a lot, Kara. I had no idea.”
“I had no idea you liked girls either,” said Kara.
“I really do,” Lena admitted. “Who was she, this girl that stole your heart? High school crush?”
“No,” said Kara. “I met her as Supergirl. The first time I ever saw her, I saved her.”
“Very romantic.”
Kara sighed. “She was the prettiest. She’s so soft, so inviting, and whenever she looks at me I feel like she’s staring right through me, seeing everything in a good way. She’s smart and kind and brave and she has the prettiest blue-green eyes and one of them is a little more blue and the other is a little more green.”
Lena felt the blood drain from her face as her hand shook. Kara smiled wistfully.
“I was always too scared to say anything. I didn’t think she’d ever want me the way I want her.”
Lena looked up and met Kara’s gaze.
“I want more than to not be alone,” said Kara. “I want to be understood. I want to be with someone but I want to be together with someone I can be alone with. Somebody who gets me, who likes what I like, who takes joy in sharing the things we love. Who looks really cute in my clothes. Especially the hexalotl shirt.”
Lena blinked.
“I like all that stuff but also blondes with big muscles who fly.”
Kara lunged across the couch and had Lena’s arms in her grip, and suddenly was lying on top of her, in that dress. Lena stared up at her.
“I wonder who we know who fits that description,” said Kara.
“I want you to kiss me.”
Kara smirked and leaned down, bringing her lips to Lena’s, and Lena honest to god moaned into her mouth as the kiss deepened, panting with excitement. As if her intentions weren’t obvious, Lena ground herself against Kara, working her thigh between her legs.
“I thought you were straight,” Kara blurted out.
“As spaghetti,” said Lena.
“What?” Kara blinked.
“I’ll explain later. As great as that dress looks on you, darling, it’d look better on the floor.”
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mcgrathagron · 5 months ago
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Almost done baking
Oct 19. Here’s today #Supercorptober2024 drawing. The today’s theme is “bake”.
For today’s drawing I draw the mess Kara did but also Lena is there to help to keep the kitchen intact lol.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 months ago
Supercorptober Day 28: Book
ao3 fic link. ao3 series link. - Thanks to @itistakingover for this idea!
Kara knows she’s in trouble. She can see it as soon as she walks into their apartment and sees her sister sitting at the dining table, book closed in front of her.
“We need to talk.”
There’s no preamble, Alex getting straight to the point, which means Kara’s in even more trouble than she thought.
It also means there’s no getting out of this.
“I can explain,” Kara starts, even though she can’t. Or, well, she can, but Kara knows Alex won’t be taking any of her excuses, not this time.
“Kara, this has to stop,” Alex continues, ignoring her. “We can barely afford rent and food and all the bills that are piling up and you brought another book. You promised you wouldn’t.”
Kara swallows. She thought she’d hid the book better, but Alex must have found it as it’s sitting on the table between them.
Kara’s glad she took a bag to the bookstore today, Alex would be extra upset if she knew that in Kara’s bag is a new book she bought less than half an hour ago.
Kara opens her mouth but Alex cuts her off. “And don’t you dare tell me you had to buy it.”
“But Alex, I did!” It’s really not her fault, she wishes Alex could see that. “I was at the bookstore and Lena was there and I had to buy it or else she’ll wonder why I was in the store again.”
“Oh my God, Kara,” Alex groans, head falling forward, knocking against the table.
Kara, alarmed for a moment, rushes to her sister’s side. “Are you okay?”
Alex sits up, levels Kara with a glare. “You have to stop spending all our money on books. We all know you have a crush on Lena, we all know that’s the only reason you go to her store so often. So please, for the love of God, just ask her out so you’ll stop buying so many books.”
“No, that’s not-“
“Kara, please, just don’t. Yes, I know she’s pretty and I know she’s smart and funny and whatever else you have to say about her. That’s no reason to spend all our money. All you need to do is ask her out and then you’ll get to see her whenever you like and we won’t get kicked out of our apartment because we can’t pay the rent.”
“I...” Kara bites her lip. “What if she says no?”
Alex looks surprised because yes, maybe it is rather obvious that Kara has a crush on Lena, but this is the first time she’s admitted it. Or is close to admitting it anyway.
“Trust me,” Alex says. “She won’t. You’ve both got it as bad as each other.”
Alex has said this before too but Kara has never listened, because there’s no way it’s true. Kara is in way too deep with a girl she only knows because she visits her bookstore so often. To Lena, Kara is probably just another customer who spends a lot of money, which means being nice to her is good for business.
“So,” Alex says, pulling Kara from her thoughts. “You promise you won’t buy any more books? And this time actually mean it?”
“But what if she-“
“No.” Alex cuts her off. “That’s it, come with me.”
Kara is alarmed as Alex abruptly stands and grabs onto her arm. Kara stumbles a little as she follows her sister.
“Where are we going?” Kara asks as Alex drags her out of the apartment.
“We’re going to the bookstore so you can ask Lena out.”
Kara stops on the spot, pulling Alex to a stop too. “No.”
Alex turns and tugs on her sisters arm again. “Yes. It’s either this or we’re going to starve because I know the next time you see her you’ll want to buy another book and we just can’t afford that.”
Considering that that’s exactly what happened this morning, Alex might be right.
“But,” Kara starts, except that only excuse she can think of not to do this is because she’s terrified. Which is a pretty good excuse in Kara’s opinion.
“No buts. Please, we need that money.”
Kara sighs, Alex is right.
“What do I even say?” Kara asks, starting to walk again on her own, surprising Alex again.
“Hi Lena, I’ve been in love with you forever and I want to have your babies.”
This time, Kara glares at Alex.
Alex laughs. “Ok fine. You just say, ‘Hi, I really like you, do you want to go out for coffee sometime?’”
“That sounds too easy.”
“It is that easy,” Alex agrees, though Kara still doesn’t believe her.
Kara stops again once they arrive at the store, standing outside, too scared to go in knowing what Alex wants her to do. And she wants to do it too, has dreamed of this, of actually telling Lena how she feels, or Lena asking her out, any version that it goes well and she gets to be with Lena.
Kara sees Lena through the window and despite the fact that Lena is talking to a customer, she happens to look up and catches Kara’s eye through the window. Lena gives her a small smile and wave and something in Kara’s chest loosens.
This is Lena, who always makes time to chat with her in store, who is always nice and friendly and is kind to everyone she meets. Lena, who is always willing to help Kara with any book request, no matter how silly it is and always makes her feel so warm and welcome.
Lena, who she is in love with and maybe does want to have her babies, but she’ll never admit that out loud.
“Go on,” Alex urges and Kara takes a deep breath before she steps through the door. The bell jingles above her head and even that is comforting in its familiarity.
Alex follows her in and Kara is glad her sister is here, even if she’s probably just going to embarrass herself.
Alex wanders off, making herself look busy looking at books but Kara stands awkwardly in the middle of the store, unsure what to do.
It’s a few minutes before Lena is finished with the customer and then she immediately makes her way towards Kara.
“Kara, what a nice surprise. Was one book not enough for you today?”
Kara shoots a quick look at her sister and finds Alex glaring at her, so obviously she’d heard and hadn’t figured out Kara had already bought a book today.
Lena catches the look, glancing between them. “Is everything okay?”
Kara shakes her head, and then just goes for it. Honestly is good, right? “No, Alex is upset I keep buying books.”
Lena looks confused. “Is that a bad thing?”
Kara bites her lip. “Yes, when I’m spending all our rent money on books.”
Lena still looks confused. “Oh I-“
Kara cuts her off. “Let me explain?”
Lena pauses and nods.
“It’s not the buying books part that is bad, it’s that I’m buying books I don’t need because I come in here just to see you but use the books as an excuse.”
Lena’s eyes widen. “Oh.”
“And I have genuinely enjoyed all the books I’ve brought from you, but the main reason I come in here most days is just to see you.”
Lena smiles. “I know.”
“I mean, I did think you wanted the books and I wouldn’t have let you buy them if I’d known you were spending your rent money. But I did know you were coming in here just to see me.”
“Oh.” It’s now Kara’s turn to not know what to say. “Is that okay?” Kara finally asks when the silence stretches too long.
“Is what okay?”
“Is it okay that I come here just to see you?”
Lena nods. “I look forward to your visits. Every time the bell jingles, I hope it’s you.”
Kara bites her lip, her heart skipping in her chest. This isn’t how she saw today going at all. “Does that mean if I ask you out for coffee, you’ll say yes?”
Lena presses her lips together, her cheeks pink as she nods. “I’d really like that.”
“I really like you,” Kara replies, the words tumbling from her mouth without much thought but as soon as she’s said them, she regrets it immediately. What if that’s not what Lena meant, what if she-
Kara’s thought process is derailed when Lena reaches out and takes her hand, warm fingers slipping between her own.
“I really like you too,” Lena says, voice soft and eyes bright.
Kara could spend forever looking into Lena’s eyes, trying to figure out exactly what colour they are.
“Thank God.” 
Both Kara and Lena startle at the interruption, Alex suddenly beside them.
“Sorry to break this up but Lena, you have a customer.”
Lena’s cheeks go properly red this time as she turns and sees a customer at the counter.
Lena turns back to Kara. She takes her hand, pulls a pen out of her pocket and scribbles something on Kara’s hand. 
“I have to go, but text me?” Lena asks, shy again like they didn’t just both admit they like each other. Of course, Kara isn’t going to say no.
Kara nods as she watches Lena go and help the customer. She looks down at her hand and sees Lena’s number written in blue ink, a little heart beside it.
Alex bumps her side. “Told you.”
Kara grins. “Thank you.”
“It was entirely selfish, I just wanted you to stop spending money,” Alex says but Kara knows that’s not true. It’s definitely partly true but by the way Alex is smiling at her, Kara knows her sister is happy for her too.
Kara links her arm with Alex’s. “Donuts to celebrate?”
Alex laughs. “At least now you can go back to spending all your money on food.”
Kara waves at Lena as she leaves, Lena sending her another small smile that makes Kara warm from the inside. She can’t wait for their first date.
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rustingcat · 5 months ago
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Anyone up for a haunted library story?
I decided to rewrite my first ever supercorptober fic since I thought it deserved better.
Huge thanks to @sssammich who helped me so much with the editing of that one. You're amazing, darling😘
Kara's new job was at a small library in National City, right next to National City University, to manage a whole library all by herself, like she always dreamed of. Well, maybe managing wasn't the right word considering she would be the only full time employee, as the library was severely underfunded and could barely pay for the one librarian. Not that it was a bad thing, she preferred it like that anyway, just her and the books. The only thing that put her off at first was the library reputation. It was known to be haunted.
Read it right here
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