#kara is the most oblivious beefcake
natalievoncatte · 3 days
3. Dress
Kara wore dresses. Lena had seen her wearing sundresses and skirts and even a cocktail dress once, and of course she’d worn a dress at the wedding and look very
in it.
So it wasn’t as if Lena had never seen her in a dress before. Still, if you asked Lena to picture Kara in her head, Lena would imagine her best friend in khaki pants that hugged her hips and displayed the impressive girth of her thighs, and of course the buns of steel. She would further visualize Kara wearing a plaid button-down tucked into a broad belt that emphasized the inhumanly flat plane or her muscular belly or the broad set of her block shoulders.
(If she didn’t visualize her wearing nothing at all)
Dresses simply didn’t seem to be her thing. She just felt right when she was a little… masc, one might say. Kara had a way about her, a swagger that worked with the belts and a habit of setting her arms with her hands in her hips that emphasized her physique.
Lena sometimes wondered how a pair of glasses had actually fooled her.
For the last eight weeks or so, Lena had been living in Kara’s apartment, sleeping on the couch in a weird state of limbo after she sold her penthouse. They had decided that Lena would soon be moving, but not where or when. Obviously she’d stay close -her life was here now, after all- but she wanted a change.
In a way, Lena was following in Kara’s footsteps, trying to relate to the world as her whole self. She’d come upon the idea of using a sort of checklist- reinventing herself with the same ruthless efficiency she brought to the lab and the boardroom. That was one part of herself that needed to go.
Lena’s whole life was constructed. She did everything she for a purpose, and that purpose no longer meant anything anymore. There was no longer a Lex or a Lillian to outmaneuver, no longer a board to persuade or dominate. She was running the Foundation, but from her laptop, and had hired Sam to handle the financials. She wasn’t even meeting with benefactors; she had people for that. Her main work focus now was a science education program for elementary school girls.
It was so liberating, not having to be the badass boardroom bitch. She’s stopped straightening her hair, abandoned her contacts in favor of chunky glasses, and, in a colossal shock to everyone, Kara included, stopped dyeing her hair black, a habit she’d picked up and kept because it pleased Lillian and kept up because stopping would be annoying.
She had even worn sweatpants. In public. Everyone in her family had been gifting her goofy clothes to wear; she was currently swaddled in a “Why Hex a Little When you Can Hexalotl” t-shirt that Kara had regifted, originally from Nia.
That was when Kara walked out of her bedroom area of the loft and Lena’s brain spun around and smacked against the front of her skull.
Kara was dressed to the nines in a black a-frame halter top mini dress that bared her shoulders and magnificent back, and she’d matched it with dark eye shadow and plum lipstick that was striking against her sun-kissed skin, and a pair of strappy high heels.
“Hey,” she said, sounding glum.
“Where are you off to?” Lena said, trying not to add the mental dressed like that.
“A date,” Kara sighed.
Lena kept her face even, despite the fact that her mind had just ripped in half. She was desperate to know why Kara sounded so glum, and also flat fucking terrified.
The idea of Kara going on a date horrified her. It made her instantly sick with worry -not just for Kara which was honestly a little silly- but because… because…
Lena was suddenly very aware that she didn’t want Kara to date. At all.
(Because she should be dating me)
Which sucked, because Kara was straight, because there was a god and he hated Lena Kieran Luthor and her accursed blood. That had to be why Lena was cursed to suffer a crush on
(be madly in love with)
the perfect girl who came from the sky.
“You look lovely,” said Lena. “Have fun.”
Kara blushed for a moment, then Looked at Lena a little oddly, a little forlorn.
“I’ll text you.”
Kara left, and Lena was alone in Kara’s
loft with just herself and Zillow open on her laptop.
Lena browsed for a while, but none of the places looked right. They were all as if HGTV had puked onto an old house. The minimalism and open concepts reminded her too much of her Old Life. She wanted quirky. She wanted unique. She wanted a place that reflected who Lena really was.
Jesus H Christ, was this a mid life crisis? She wasn’t that old.
Lena was startled out of her reverie when the door swung open and Kara stormed in, slammed it shut, and kicked off her shoes, storming barefoot across the loft.
“Fucking asshole,” said Kara.
Lena blinked, stunned by the profanity, only to be filled with outrage.
“Kara? What happened?”
“This is the last time I let someone at work set me up on a date. I didn’t even want to go, Alex badgered me into it.”
Lena put her computer aside. Kara grabbed a pair of beers from the fridge and popped the lids with her thumbs as she sat down, which was literally one of the hottest things she did on a regular basis. She offered Lena one and took a pull on her own.
“He was a jerk,” said Kara. “I tried asking him whether a hot dog is a sandwich, and he just said ‘who cares’.”
“Kara, a hot dog is a sandwich. We’ve been through this.”
Kara glared at her. “I’m not doing this again, Lena. Not until you admit that a burrito is a sandwich.”
Lena rolled her eyes.
“The last straw was when he told me I shouldn't work out so much. He said my muscles make me look like a man."
Lena blinked. "Where did your coworkers find this jerk?"
"Accounting. He wouldn't shut up about his finance degree. He insisted on paying for everything, too. Oh, and he told me I eat too much! All I did was order some appetizers!"
Lena drained her beer and grabbed another. She listened patiently as Kara vented about this guy and the other various jerks she'd gone one date with.
"I'm doomed, Lena. Every guy is a dick and insecure around me."
At around this time, she finished beer five. Lena nodded.
“Even if I think it’s working I lose the spark. Like when James finally wanted to go out with me and I was just like ‘nah.’”
“James… was nah for me too,” said Lena.
(Honestly, Kara, you should try dating girls.)
“Wait,” said Kara, “What?”
She said that one out loud.
“Um,” Lena said, lamely panicking, “I um, that was a joke, I meant… well it… worked out for your sister?”
Kara gaped at her.
Lena swallowed hard. “Would you believe it sounded funny in my head?”
“Have you… ever dated girls?” said Kara.
Lena’s stomach almost shot out of her throat. She put her most recent beer down to keep it from sloshing as her hands shook. She looked at Kara, who looked back, expectant… and hopeful?
“Yes,” Lena admitted. “Jack was the only man. I ever dated except James, but there have been women, too. Not that many. Despite my reputation I was never that social.”
“Who?” Kara asked, immediately.
Lena licked her lips. “Andrea.”
Kara stared. “Andrea? Andrea Rojas? Really?”
“It was a teen thing that ended in our eariy twenties, but it was serious. So do you remember how I told you I knew Roulette from boarding school?”
Kara nodded.
“Well, I knew her, um, biblically.”
Kara snorted. “No way. Who else?”
Lena smiled. At least she wasn’t being weird about it.”
“You’re not saying no to trying it yourself,” said Lena.
Kara looked away.
She took a drink of beer.
“There are no queer people on Krypton, Lena. There weren’t, I guess I should say.”
The pain in Kara’s voice made Lena shift closer, set aside her drink and curl a hand softly around her arm.
“You don’t have to tell me this if it hurts.”
Kara shook her head. “I… my culture would not allow anything, uh, gay. Or homosexual. Like we literally don’t even have a word for it, it’s so foreign to us. We were taught that the only acceptable pairing was for the best possible offspring. Most of my people didn’t have sex at all, it was all artificial. My aunt and uncle were some who did, they had Clark naturally.”
“So Kryptonians can’t be gay?”
Lena’s heart sank.
“I didn’t think so, but, there was this girl once and she made me feel something I never felt before… and seeing her made all of my other feelings feel different. After I saw her I suddenly felt like I was just going after guys because I was supposed to. Even when I was with Mon-El I had this feeling that… I mean it felt good and I liked being able to cut loose but it felt like…”
Lena waited, not wanting to push her.
“Frankly, it felt like using him as a sex toy. Nothing else in our relationship really felt that deep. Even when he came back and went to Argo with me, I was more happy about my mother seeing me continue our family line than I was about him actually being with me. The second time he left I almost felt relieved.”
“That’s a lot, Kara. I had no idea.”
“I had no idea you liked girls either,” said Kara.
“I really do,” Lena admitted. “Who was she, this girl that stole your heart? High school crush?”
“No,” said Kara. “I met her as Supergirl. The first time I ever saw her, I saved her.”
“Very romantic.”
Kara sighed. “She was the prettiest. She’s so soft, so inviting, and whenever she looks at me I feel like she’s staring right through me, seeing everything in a good way. She’s smart and kind and brave and she has the prettiest blue-green eyes and one of them is a little more blue and the other is a little more green.”
Lena felt the blood drain from her face as her hand shook. Kara smiled wistfully.
“I was always too scared to say anything. I didn’t think she’d ever want me the way I want her.”
Lena looked up and met Kara’s gaze.
“I want more than to not be alone,” said Kara. “I want to be understood. I want to be with someone but I want to be together with someone I can be alone with. Somebody who gets me, who likes what I like, who takes joy in sharing the things we love. Who looks really cute in my clothes. Especially the hexalotl shirt.”
Lena blinked.
“I like all that stuff but also blondes with big muscles who fly.”
Kara lunged across the couch and had Lena’s arms in her grip, and suddenly was lying on top of her, in that dress. Lena stared up at her.
“I wonder who we know who fits that description,” said Kara.
“I want you to kiss me.”
Kara smirked and leaned down, bringing her lips to Lena’s, and Lena honest to god moaned into her mouth as the kiss deepened, panting with excitement. As if her intentions weren’t obvious, Lena ground herself against Kara, working her thigh between her legs.
“I thought you were straight,” Kara blurted out.
“As spaghetti,” said Lena.
“What?” Kara blinked.
“I’ll explain later. As great as that dress looks on you, darling, it’d look better on the floor.”
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coffeeshib · 2 years
Drives me wild to think that Lena "heart-shaped, double-dimpled smiles; double cheeked up and packed with cake; jawline and eyebrows for days; soft, sad kitten" Luthor is just out there existing loudly while being extremely wifeable? Some dapper, earnest, and mildly oblivious blonde beefcake should wife her up or something, ya know?
she exists loudly & lovingly, steals kara's hoodie/sweaters at every opportunity, has most of her personal belongings in kara's apartment, always finds a way to cuddle up to kara every night in their (kara's) bed, sleeping happily & soundly in kara's big strong arms, performs shared wifely duties with kara every day. 
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wife her up!!!
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