#headcanons about Krypton
natalievoncatte · 3 days
3. Dress
Kara wore dresses. Lena had seen her wearing sundresses and skirts and even a cocktail dress once, and of course she’d worn a dress at the wedding and look very
in it.
So it wasn’t as if Lena had never seen her in a dress before. Still, if you asked Lena to picture Kara in her head, Lena would imagine her best friend in khaki pants that hugged her hips and displayed the impressive girth of her thighs, and of course the buns of steel. She would further visualize Kara wearing a plaid button-down tucked into a broad belt that emphasized the inhumanly flat plane or her muscular belly or the broad set of her block shoulders.
(If she didn’t visualize her wearing nothing at all)
Dresses simply didn’t seem to be her thing. She just felt right when she was a little… masc, one might say. Kara had a way about her, a swagger that worked with the belts and a habit of setting her arms with her hands in her hips that emphasized her physique.
Lena sometimes wondered how a pair of glasses had actually fooled her.
For the last eight weeks or so, Lena had been living in Kara’s apartment, sleeping on the couch in a weird state of limbo after she sold her penthouse. They had decided that Lena would soon be moving, but not where or when. Obviously she’d stay close -her life was here now, after all- but she wanted a change.
In a way, Lena was following in Kara’s footsteps, trying to relate to the world as her whole self. She’d come upon the idea of using a sort of checklist- reinventing herself with the same ruthless efficiency she brought to the lab and the boardroom. That was one part of herself that needed to go.
Lena’s whole life was constructed. She did everything she for a purpose, and that purpose no longer meant anything anymore. There was no longer a Lex or a Lillian to outmaneuver, no longer a board to persuade or dominate. She was running the Foundation, but from her laptop, and had hired Sam to handle the financials. She wasn’t even meeting with benefactors; she had people for that. Her main work focus now was a science education program for elementary school girls.
It was so liberating, not having to be the badass boardroom bitch. She’s stopped straightening her hair, abandoned her contacts in favor of chunky glasses, and, in a colossal shock to everyone, Kara included, stopped dyeing her hair black, a habit she’d picked up and kept because it pleased Lillian and kept up because stopping would be annoying.
She had even worn sweatpants. In public. Everyone in her family had been gifting her goofy clothes to wear; she was currently swaddled in a “Why Hex a Little When you Can Hexalotl” t-shirt that Kara had regifted, originally from Nia.
That was when Kara walked out of her bedroom area of the loft and Lena’s brain spun around and smacked against the front of her skull.
Kara was dressed to the nines in a black a-frame halter top mini dress that bared her shoulders and magnificent back, and she’d matched it with dark eye shadow and plum lipstick that was striking against her sun-kissed skin, and a pair of strappy high heels.
“Hey,” she said, sounding glum.
“Where are you off to?” Lena said, trying not to add the mental dressed like that.
“A date,” Kara sighed.
Lena kept her face even, despite the fact that her mind had just ripped in half. She was desperate to know why Kara sounded so glum, and also flat fucking terrified.
The idea of Kara going on a date horrified her. It made her instantly sick with worry -not just for Kara which was honestly a little silly- but because… because…
Lena was suddenly very aware that she didn’t want Kara to date. At all.
(Because she should be dating me)
Which sucked, because Kara was straight, because there was a god and he hated Lena Kieran Luthor and her accursed blood. That had to be why Lena was cursed to suffer a crush on
(be madly in love with)
the perfect girl who came from the sky.
“You look lovely,” said Lena. “Have fun.”
Kara blushed for a moment, then Looked at Lena a little oddly, a little forlorn.
“I’ll text you.”
Kara left, and Lena was alone in Kara’s
loft with just herself and Zillow open on her laptop.
Lena browsed for a while, but none of the places looked right. They were all as if HGTV had puked onto an old house. The minimalism and open concepts reminded her too much of her Old Life. She wanted quirky. She wanted unique. She wanted a place that reflected who Lena really was.
Jesus H Christ, was this a mid life crisis? She wasn’t that old.
Lena was startled out of her reverie when the door swung open and Kara stormed in, slammed it shut, and kicked off her shoes, storming barefoot across the loft.
“Fucking asshole,” said Kara.
Lena blinked, stunned by the profanity, only to be filled with outrage.
“Kara? What happened?”
“This is the last time I let someone at work set me up on a date. I didn’t even want to go, Alex badgered me into it.”
Lena put her computer aside. Kara grabbed a pair of beers from the fridge and popped the lids with her thumbs as she sat down, which was literally one of the hottest things she did on a regular basis. She offered Lena one and took a pull on her own.
“He was a jerk,” said Kara. “I tried asking him whether a hot dog is a sandwich, and he just said ‘who cares’.”
“Kara, a hot dog is a sandwich. We’ve been through this.”
Kara glared at her. “I’m not doing this again, Lena. Not until you admit that a burrito is a sandwich.”
Lena rolled her eyes.
“The last straw was when he told me I shouldn't work out so much. He said my muscles make me look like a man."
Lena blinked. "Where did your coworkers find this jerk?"
"Accounting. He wouldn't shut up about his finance degree. He insisted on paying for everything, too. Oh, and he told me I eat too much! All I did was order some appetizers!"
Lena drained her beer and grabbed another. She listened patiently as Kara vented about this guy and the other various jerks she'd gone one date with.
"I'm doomed, Lena. Every guy is a dick and insecure around me."
At around this time, she finished beer five. Lena nodded.
“Even if I think it’s working I lose the spark. Like when James finally wanted to go out with me and I was just like ‘nah.’”
“James… was nah for me too,” said Lena.
(Honestly, Kara, you should try dating girls.)
“Wait,” said Kara, “What?”
She said that one out loud.
“Um,” Lena said, lamely panicking, “I um, that was a joke, I meant… well it… worked out for your sister?”
Kara gaped at her.
Lena swallowed hard. “Would you believe it sounded funny in my head?”
“Have you… ever dated girls?” said Kara.
Lena’s stomach almost shot out of her throat. She put her most recent beer down to keep it from sloshing as her hands shook. She looked at Kara, who looked back, expectant… and hopeful?
“Yes,” Lena admitted. “Jack was the only man. I ever dated except James, but there have been women, too. Not that many. Despite my reputation I was never that social.”
“Who?” Kara asked, immediately.
Lena licked her lips. “Andrea.”
Kara stared. “Andrea? Andrea Rojas? Really?”
“It was a teen thing that ended in our eariy twenties, but it was serious. So do you remember how I told you I knew Roulette from boarding school?”
Kara nodded.
“Well, I knew her, um, biblically.”
Kara snorted. “No way. Who else?”
Lena smiled. At least she wasn’t being weird about it.”
“You’re not saying no to trying it yourself,” said Lena.
Kara looked away.
She took a drink of beer.
“There are no queer people on Krypton, Lena. There weren’t, I guess I should say.”
The pain in Kara’s voice made Lena shift closer, set aside her drink and curl a hand softly around her arm.
“You don’t have to tell me this if it hurts.”
Kara shook her head. “I… my culture would not allow anything, uh, gay. Or homosexual. Like we literally don’t even have a word for it, it’s so foreign to us. We were taught that the only acceptable pairing was for the best possible offspring. Most of my people didn’t have sex at all, it was all artificial. My aunt and uncle were some who did, they had Clark naturally.”
“So Kryptonians can’t be gay?”
Lena’s heart sank.
“I didn’t think so, but, there was this girl once and she made me feel something I never felt before… and seeing her made all of my other feelings feel different. After I saw her I suddenly felt like I was just going after guys because I was supposed to. Even when I was with Mon-El I had this feeling that… I mean it felt good and I liked being able to cut loose but it felt like…”
Lena waited, not wanting to push her.
“Frankly, it felt like using him as a sex toy. Nothing else in our relationship really felt that deep. Even when he came back and went to Argo with me, I was more happy about my mother seeing me continue our family line than I was about him actually being with me. The second time he left I almost felt relieved.”
“That’s a lot, Kara. I had no idea.”
“I had no idea you liked girls either,” said Kara.
“I really do,” Lena admitted. “Who was she, this girl that stole your heart? High school crush?”
“No,” said Kara. “I met her as Supergirl. The first time I ever saw her, I saved her.”
“Very romantic.”
Kara sighed. “She was the prettiest. She’s so soft, so inviting, and whenever she looks at me I feel like she’s staring right through me, seeing everything in a good way. She’s smart and kind and brave and she has the prettiest blue-green eyes and one of them is a little more blue and the other is a little more green.”
Lena felt the blood drain from her face as her hand shook. Kara smiled wistfully.
“I was always too scared to say anything. I didn’t think she’d ever want me the way I want her.”
Lena looked up and met Kara’s gaze.
“I want more than to not be alone,” said Kara. “I want to be understood. I want to be with someone but I want to be together with someone I can be alone with. Somebody who gets me, who likes what I like, who takes joy in sharing the things we love. Who looks really cute in my clothes. Especially the hexalotl shirt.”
Lena blinked.
“I like all that stuff but also blondes with big muscles who fly.”
Kara lunged across the couch and had Lena’s arms in her grip, and suddenly was lying on top of her, in that dress. Lena stared up at her.
“I wonder who we know who fits that description,” said Kara.
“I want you to kiss me.”
Kara smirked and leaned down, bringing her lips to Lena’s, and Lena honest to god moaned into her mouth as the kiss deepened, panting with excitement. As if her intentions weren’t obvious, Lena ground herself against Kara, working her thigh between her legs.
“I thought you were straight,” Kara blurted out.
“As spaghetti,” said Lena.
“What?” Kara blinked.
“I’ll explain later. As great as that dress looks on you, darling, it’d look better on the floor.”
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dio-icarticaae · 8 months
It's a minor pet peeve of mine when somehow de-powered Clark (usually via red sun radiation) is portrayed as just being a regular human. He's not.
Kryptonians are aliens, and logically, for Clark to be able to do all that he does under a yellow sun, Kryptonians should be able to do something similar (though far less powerful) under a red sun too. Why would Clark be able to take in energy from the sun if Kryptonians didn't do the same on Krypton?
A kryptonian under a red sun (or depowered Clark) should still have keener senses than a human and be able to see in more wavelengths; maybe still able to move a little bit faster than a human could or be a little bit stronger. Be more durable than a human too. The mechanism for heat vision would still be there, just less powerful (maybe emits closer to infrared?) Maybe a Kryptonian under a red sun can't fly, but they can glide/hover/jump a lot further.
Anyway, the point is: Clark's an alien. Even without his powers, he's still an alien.
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lgbtimelords · 8 months
the argo trials: food
Quick summary of what I found on krypton's food: basically nothing.
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"Kvornish tri-snout" is the only meal with a name I could find, it's from Supergirl (2016) issue 7.
There's a bunch of comics that are set on Krypton or have memories of Krypton but unfortunately, none of them really show them eating. So, I've taken the liberty of making shit up.
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By this old map of Krypton we can tell it has a "Great Krypton Sea" and a few rivers and lakes, because of that it's likely that they had a lot of sea animals. Fish would be a big part of their food.
And, because of the "Scarlet Jungle", they'd have at least some animals like snagriffs, rondors, hounds, moles and more, as mentioned here. As well as different plants, herbs and fruits that they would be able to cook with.
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So basically, I think in the good old days before Krypton started to decay, their food would be based on meat and plants. Later on, when they started to use up their resources, they had to find a way to eat with more artificial foods, kinda like energy bars with the amount of nutrients necessary for the day, and resort to off-world foods (which we know that Kryptonians had relations, at least to visit, with other words because of this:
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So trades for food are not unlikely.)
As for the argo trials:
I made up Khulufehk which is basically soup (because we know our girl Kara is canonically not a good cook). Khuluf means warm and ehk means water. (thank you kryptonian.info)
PS: if you do know of any comic or ep of a DC show that mentions any Kryptonian food and you tell me, I'll love you forever
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mias-deardens · 1 year
Jor-El is almost always framed as this older man, with at least some salt-and-pepper hair going on to highlight his age and wisdom, but the more I think about it, the more I want to see a young Jor-El.
Like imagine Clark building/going to the Fortress for the first time, and he’s in his early-mid twenties, and he sees the Jor-El hologram. Clark sees himself just after graduation.
And Jor-El, he’s brilliant, sure, but the scientists’ guild on Krypton doesn’t listen to his warnings cause they see him as a kid. And he can’t even put together a good argument because he hasn’t been taught to make one to the guild yet and he can’t keep his emotions in check when he tries and just sounds hysterical.
Or maybe they play it the way they did in My Adventures with Superman, where Clark hasn’t even hit double digits yet and sees this overwhelming, domineering figure and is terrified. Then he goes back years later and that menacing, war-hardened face is actually just as scared and inexperienced as he is.
And whatever knowledge is embedded in the Fortress and the AI comes out sounding wise and omniscient cause that’s how it’s supposed to be delivered, but words that actually come from Jor-El, his hopes and dreams for his son, his depiction of Krypton’s end, they’re all filled with emotion and character and little verbal and physical tics and habits that make it so much clearer to Clark that there’s no grand plan. He wasn’t sent to Earth to save it or conquer it or teach them.
He was sent to live, by a terrified young man who just wanted to give his son the chance to do so.
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soullessjack · 1 year
okay sorry I’m going full autism here but I am so obsessed with how fucking weird Kryptonian physiology is and all the implications of it. Like
Kryptonians do not have powers on Krypton. They’re exclusively a side effect of Earth’s lesser gravity and yellow Sun, but why would their biology only be affected by a singular planet light years away from them, and why does their biology include the capability for bending metals and shooting eye beams and seeing through solid materials? There’s nothing in Krypton’s environment to suggest that those are natural survival mechanisms, like human hair is for warmth–and even if it was, they’re useless mechanisms because they can only be applied under another planet’s specific environmental conditions.
Jor-El’s hologram makes it a point to mention to Clark that he will develop powers, and those powers could lead to people becoming afraid of him. If Kryptonians are functionally humans on their planet with powers that only exist under the conditions of another specific planet, how does Jor-El know about them or to warn Clark about them? How does he know fear will be an inevitable reaction from the people of Earth? Have Kryptonians ever gone to Earth before, or are there other planets that activate their powers? Does Krypton have a history of accidentally inciting fear with their abilities that could warrant Jor-El including that as a warning for what Clark could face after they develop?
Could different reflections of sunlight, like moonlight or an eclipse or even a rainbow, affect Clark’s powers? Could they make him weaker or stronger or give him entirely different powers altogether? There’s a STAS episode where that one weather control guy filters the sun’s energy into exclusive red rays that significantly weaken Superman, but what could other rays do?
Kryptonians don’t necessarily need food or drink to survive and sustain themselves, and can basically photosynthesize yellow sun energy. But then, why would they be naturally dependent on another planet’s light source for energy, and why would they have mouths and teeth and a digestive system if their energy intake isn’t exclusive or necessary in that form?
Kryptonite is essentially the equivalent to our radiation, uranium, etc lethal radioactive materials. How could an entire race exist or develop to utopian standards of life on a planet made of radiation? Are their powers a product of being constantly irradiated by their own home? Do I know too little about earth radiation to understand any of this? (Yes).
I’m sure there’s answers lying around in the comics somewhere, and I’m even more sure these are all just questions that don’t have answers because most comic book origins were simplistically constructed and later-expanded ideas without any real solid backing. Also, I am just autistic and really into biology and knowing the reasoning of things, so this only matters to me for those express purposes
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months
Dc x dp headcanon/prompt idea thing! If u wanna use just tag me on here with a link if it’s ao3 or wherever else
What if the GIW controls what’s accessible on the internet? Okay so imagine that for whatever reason Tim Drake has a laptop from Danny or maybe Tucks PDA:
“Hey, Tim, you called while I was in class so now you’re on speaker and everyone can hear you.” Danny tells him quickly before he can say anything.
“Alright,” Tim doesn’t seem to care if the class is able to hear, “so the laptop is fine now, but it wasn’t letting me into some things, citing an error code that shouldn’t exist so I did some digging and Danny is there only one network provider in Amity?”
“Yeah, everyone uses it, why?”
“I think they’re controlling what is visible to you all on the internet. Because there’s no result online for Superman or, or, the Justice League, none of that.”
You could hear a pin drop in the classroom, even Lancer, who had been intending to tell Danny to hang up or take the call into the hallway was staring at Danny and the phone, spinning a pencil in his hands.
“Who… who are those people? Superman and…” Danny trails off.
“Superman is an alien from the planet Krypton. Our sun gives him powers like flight, heat vision, ice breath, and a whole lot more.” Tim explains, “and The Justice League is an organization of superhero’s dedicated to protecting Earth and its inhabitants. If they knew about Phantom or Amity, or had received any sort of distress call they would’ve sent someone over with a similar power set and helped train Phantom, since he’s a newer hero.”
It’s silent in the classroom. Nobody has anything to say.
“Can you fix it?” Danny asks, voice scratchy from the burning in the back of his eyes and throat.
So yeah— I know nothing about technology n stuff so feel free to like play around with the idea. Also did anybody else’s teachers make us answer our phones on speaker if they rang in class? Or was that just my terrible high school?
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frownyalfred · 11 months
My real angsty Kryptonian culture headcanon is that if Clark wasn't raised speaking krytonian and only learned it later, of their generation (the last generation of krypton) Kara would technically be the last true native speaker
From what I understand, a language is considered a dead language either when it's no longer spoken in everyday (non-academic) contexts or when it's last native speaker dies
So I'm just imagining Kara finding out Lois is pregnant and half begging Clark if she can teach Jon krytonian as he grows up so he's raised bilingual and their language won't die with her
Something about someone learning/teaching a language for the next generation’s sake always gets me.
I also like to think Bruce quietly teaches Kryptonian to all of his kids so that Clark and his children/family have someone to speak to when he’s gone.
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franollie · 5 months
Elaborate on your Kryptonian fashion headcanons please!!!
Of course!!
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I initially got inspired by these drawings of Jon by @jesncin the fabric, the patterns, the colors everything about it screamed krypton to me— in their AU Jon is part Indo because their Lois design is indo! Very very cute au you should totally go support them
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The base of all Kryptonian clothing is the suit. From there, you can layer shawls, sashes, robes, etc.
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Here’s some doodles I did exploring the fashion and meanings behind the robes.
Feel free to ask more questions; I’m always happy to share more of my ideas!
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thejuveniledelinquent · 2 months
random headcanons/scenarios that i think are funky fun
Lex tried to copyright the word "lexicon" after releasing a book called "The Lexicon" (the capitialization is often debated; nobody agrees on anything or confirms it, especially not Lex) that details his vocabulary, phrases he often uses and quotes he claims are his, including but not limited to "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take," "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players," and the entirety of the bible.
bro didn't even make it into court with that one
Kara was once supposed to write a memoir about krypton or something but ended up sending the publisher her K/S genderbend femslash fanfic instead :/
they published it without a word. she stayed on the nyt bestseller's list for like two years. lesbian Spirk is canon now.
Dick was a stripper for a few months. mostly just for funsies, but also because Bruce dies inside whenever he brings it up and he thinks that's the funniest shit in the world
also Bruce got sent to jail one time for reasons he refuses to elaborate on, and he was cellmates with Lex. he acted like Brucie the WHOLE TIME.
buddy did not drop the act. not even in his sleep. he is an actor committed to his craft.
on that note, Bruce has been in at least twenty-five romcoms, four horrors movies ("i can't do those anymore! they're just so terrifying," Brucie had told the press when speaking about his latest film, Movie That Is Not Scary That Nobody Knows The Name Of), ten movies about dogs, twelve animated films james corden style, one very emotional family-focused western considered a cult classic by hardcore fans, and three buddy cop films in the past month
Dick, Jason and Cass drag the rest of the family to see Hamilton on broadway during opening week. none of them initially want to be there, but they're all ugly crying at any character's slightest inconvenience and they somehow know all the lyrics within ten minutes because they're homosexuals like that.
Bart Allen bites people. he is an animal and humans are his chew toys.
Damian played Assassin's Creed 2 once, and it was on thin fucking ice purely because it wasn't realistic enough
"i am not caught up on my italian and vatican history, father, but i don't think the pope had a mind control staff. why does he need it? is he stupid?"
Oliver once sang Four Jews in a Room Bitching in front of Bruce, the resident bitching jew who has not seen Falsettos, and he got served the batglare of a lifetime
also, Oliver's favourite musical is Falsettos because i said so.
"the big grey block isn't real, Oliver. the big grey block can't hurt you," Dinah lied mere moments before the big grey block hurt him.
anyway give me YOUR headcanons and scenarios!!!!! give them to me and let me eat them :D
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domnorian · 2 years
Have you ever thought about making Clark or Connor look more extraterrestrial or having Connor go through a part of Kryptonian puberty that even Lex was completely unaware of for angst or?
You've been many to ask this so... here we go!
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Since Krypton was under a red sun, I made the assumption that most of the planet's fauna would be in shades of blue or white to better absorb the light. As for the photosynthesis ability, I thought making Kryptonians reptiles would make sense. And also because dragons. I like dragons.
Since in my headcanons Krypton's mass was heavier than earth, most of the Kryptonians who were raised on their home planet were more muscular and would tend to walk more often on four legs rather than two which made their back slightly bent like the drawing I made below. But Clark being raised from a very young age on a planet with a lighter mass, he would be thinner, his back straight and perfectly bipedal.
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Their "hair" would actually be proto feathers who shimmer like crystals so they can hide in their environment (mostly crystal mountains and forests). Most of the time, their horns are the only way to determine males from females (bigger for the males) because they have a similar build.
I'll answer about Hybrid Conner in another ask because I lack the space here.
Bonus: Martha loving her baby despite his alien appearance.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Heyy!! I see your requests are opened again!
What if Kon was dating a masc reader who also has smell being a big part of their culture?
Like they are both scenting eachother and cuddling, Reader getting jealous if Kon smells a little too much like someone else.
And unlike with kyrtontians, humans can hear the reader purr.
Conner Kent/Kon-El x male reader
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You are from an alien species, something that was connected to krypton one way or another thousands of years ago, leading you to sharing some similarities to Conner and other kryptonians.
Things like scent, marking and touch was important for both of your cultures, though for Conner it was more of an instinctual thing than for you, where it was rather something taught in most ways.
After the two of you started dating, you both also learned you had a similar organ in your throats that allowed you to purr, except the one you possessed had an extra muscle that made it possible for most beings to hear when you purred.
This meant of course you had to work on not purring at the wrong times, unlike Conner who could purr whenever he wanted since the only ones that could hear him were other kryptonians and yourself.
Conner would tease you by purring at you, which on instinct would make you purr at him in return, since you two care for one another in that instinctual way. He always ends up snickering when you give him the most unamused look when he does this.
You two are regularly found cuddling, be it on the couch, in the kitchen or even when there’s small breaks during training. You both end up subconsciously scenting one another without truly realizing.
It just feels right, so its only when someone asks what you two are up too, that you two realize you’ve been rubbing your chins on the others shoulders and scenting the other. Your both a little flustered about that in the beginning, until you both come to the conclusion that its equally important for both of you.
So after that you two just continue cuddling and scenting one another, though you are both conscious about it now and try to only do it when it wont get in the way of other people in some way.
The cuddling you two always results in the both of you purring, but since you are the only one people can hear, you tend to be the one your friend’s tease. Of course they don’t mean it maliciously, they find you two adorable together, like a pair of big cuddly cats.
There has even been times when you have been in a horrible mood, so Wally wanted to try out a theory of his. The speedster walked up to you where you were sitting and brooding, and showed you a video he had taken of Conner the day before.
You started purring out loud when you saw the video, your mood getting better at seeing your lover, even if it was just a video. Wally will find it hilarious and will never let you live it down.
The importance of scent has also lead to some issues, mainly you both getting jealous on an instinctual level when the other smells too strongly of other people.
This is resulted in you hugging Conner from behind when he’s talking to one of your friends and rubbing your neck and face all over his shoulders and upper back to get your scent to be the dominating one on him.
But Conner is just as bad, having crawled into your lap and rubbed himself up against you to get his scent on you, when your just sitting on your teams couch and hanging out with the other.
Your friends and teammates have gotten so used to you two acting like this though that they don’t react much, when either of you do this. They probably use your possessive streak in a way to tease you and prank you.
They have taken so many videos and pictures over the years of You and Conner cuddling and purring that it’s become kind of an inside joke in your friend group, and at times youll drag your friends into the cuddle pile, but for the most part its just you and Conner.
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
a tuppence for your bi4bi Clois thoughts 🪙... I'm luv them so much and I'd love to hear if you have any specific headcanons about them 🥺
YESSSS!!! i DO have some thoughts. i love them,
generally i think lois has her bisexuality figured out by the time she's in her mid-20s. she and cat grant have had some rage-filled makeouts on at least one occasion, but an actual relationship would never in a million years work out between them. they respect each other but do not see eye to eye nearly enough. she never bothered to come out to her father, but just knows it's one more thing about her that he'd hate.
clark, by contrast, does Not have it figured out. he has spent his entire life repressing every single thought, feeling, and ability that set him apart from the classic good all-american boy because he had to fit in. and being superman, exploring his kryptonian heritage, etc., has helped, of course, but he is still. so repressed. he has no idea that he's ever experienced attraction to guys before. he's got some internalized homophobia to work through, about himself. He Has To Be Normal. so as far as he's concerned, there was lana, and then there was lois.
to me, clark's journey toward self-acceptance is very intrinsically tied to his family. there's kara, talking about how sexuality and gender stuff on krypton wasn't like it is on earth, especially in western culture. there's kon, suffering through his own repression and depression and trying to pretend he's fine. there's chris and jon, both too young to fully grasp it all (probably), who make clark incredibly aware of every step he makes in terms of parenting them.
so one day, after kon's finally come out to the family, and kara's muddled through trying to figure out earth labels that she's comfortable with, the two of them decide they wanna go to pride, and ask lois and clark if they want to make it a family affair. lois says hell yeah, and clark says yes of course he's happy to support them! and jon says YAY, GLITTER!! CAN I GET STICKERS? and chris says if you get glitter all over my nintendo ds again i will punt you into the ocean, baby brother or not.
and there's just this innocuous moment while they're out when kon goes "here i got you these!" and hands lois and clark two simple lil heart-shaped bi flag buttons. and lois is like aw thanks squirt! and ruffles kon's hair. clark meanwhile goes oh i think there's been a misunderstanding... ... . . . .. . .. .. . or. has there?
and that night he's just sitting on the edge of the bed holding this tiny like $3 button in his hands having a whole crisis. lois hooks her chin over his shoulder and asks what's wrong? and he's like. lois i'm not. i'm. except maybe i'm not not. but i don't know, i thought i... i never thought i could think about it. clark kent is supposed to be normal. i... i'm already an alien, lois, i thought i was already set apart enough, and if i'm... if i'm this, even when i'm clark, not superman, then... then...
and lois digs her matching little $3 bi flag heart button out of her purse and bumps it against his and says, even if you are queer, you're still not alone. and then clark gives her the patented kent family big soft puppy-dog eyes. that night, he falls asleep in her arms with his head tucked snugly under her chin. it's where he feels safest.
but the next year, he lets kara get him a flag, and lets kon tie it around his shoulders like a cape. and he's here as clark kent, but it's kind of funny when he looks at his shadow. because he might not be superman right now, but the silhouette still looks the same.
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lgbtimelords · 7 months
the argo trials: argo city
I, unsurprisingly, spent a whole lot of time wondering how tf does argo city is mapped out so here's what I came up with:
Following the headcanon I created in the third chapter about Kryptonians liking circles and since Argo city is basically a big circle, this is the layout:
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The main circle is the square, where people buy trinkets from the artisans guild and books from the science guild, among other things.
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The second circle are the guilds. One building for each guild. And behind each of the guilds, in the third circle, are the houses of the people belonging to that guild.
Couples go to the "neighborhood" of the person with the highest ranking family name (which is why the Els are always in the science guild sector, even when Alura was living alone in it and she belongs to the lawmakers guild).
Also!!!! I was sooooo annoyed when I realized that Argo City has no mountains and since it's a fucking dome it wouldn't really have natural weather so I was like "where tf did that lake that's in the show comes from?", especially because it's a flying rock on space so it shouldn't have enough space for underground water AND the rocks outside (and by relation the rocks Below) are filled with kryptonite and that would make everyone sick even if there Is water underground. But we're gonna be delulu and smile and nod when I said there's underground water that gets filtered by the science guild :)
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nitewrighter · 5 months
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So like... I'm reading Superman: The Man of Steel Issue #62 and initially I was kind of shrugging the Hamilton+Krypton parallel off because at first it just seemed like, "Oh, you're just juxtaposing Jor-El's dread at the impending loss of Krypton against Superman fighting against the impending total-death-of-earth-because-our-Sun-Got-Eaten." You have Superman's loss of power without sunlight juxtaposed with Jor-El's scientific mastery being ultimately helpless in the face of this existential threat. But then midway through it pancake flips the despair of the whole thing because Superman has what Jor-El doesn't--not heat vision or super strength because he's a yellow star-irradiated mutant of his species--but rather a planet that trusts him and is willing to work with him to save themselves. And like, this isn't even played in such a way as 'ough it's Krypton's fault this happened to them' but rather it's a thesis of "Interpersonal connection is our ultimate salvation, and it is so easy to lose that. Even if you're the smartest, most powerful people in the world. Especially if you're the smartest, most powerful people in the world."
You'll remember that "Kryptonians aren't even mammals" commenter i was talking about like... a week back. Like, they pretty much were operating from this position of, "If you posit any headcanons on Krypton that it was flawed or that there were cultural factors contributing to the totality of its destruction, then you're undermining Superman's immigrant narrative because you're making him quote unquote 'One of the good ones.'" But like...this is also where the line of speculative fiction vs societal narrative gets blurred. Speculative fiction is supposed to take certain worldbuilding elements to various extremes to illustrate how those elements operate within our society--and like, the crazy thing about Krypton is, that though there's a lot of aspects of it that were meant to be portrayed as extremes in the silver, bronze, and modern comic book ages, I feel like we have more in common with this fictional planet than ever. Like, is it really less relatable when you talk about it as a cold and alienating society when we're literally dealing with that right now?
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For the headcanons thing (that you posted 6 months ago - sorry)
Winn Schott
If you’ve already done him (which is highly likely) give me another character you haven’t done and please tag me in the Winn one :)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS LMFAOOO thank you for reminding me that's so embarrassing
anyways, I'd had Winn and Lena requested but Kara is my second fav blorbo after Winn so I did her too <33
also, this is going off the premise that both Winn and Kara are autistic, it's canon because I said so I have lists you can fight me on this
Realistic: Winn is notably the only analyst (in the main cortex at least) that wears dress clothes instead of uniform. At the beginning he really did try to stand the uniform, but he ended up convincing J'onn to let him off because he just couldn't deal with the feeling of it on his skin.
Hilarious: Being the only human member of the Legion of Superheroes, Winn got asked A LOT about human culture. A blatant lie that originally stemmed from being asked the same ten questions a billion times, snowballed into a complicated lore about humanology and Gods and belief systems (because he was too embarrassed to admit to the original lie) and he ended up being the accidental cause of organised religion in the 31st century.
tldr: Winn Schott manages to shitpost his way through space and time
Also, he's asthmatic as fuck. He has to carry an inhaler in his bag and he hates it.
Awful: He hates the smell of teakwood and tobacco because it reminds him so viscerally of an abusive foster home that it genuinely makes him physically anxious and nauseous.
Unrealistic: He's actually really good at handling spicy food. He's even out-performed Alex a handful of times.
Realistic: Lena actually really hates chess. She hates how everything needs to be calculated properly, how everything needs to be thought out exactly, and it just reminds her too much of how she was brought up.
Hilarious: She has a peanut allergy. Similar to Winn, she has to carry an epi-pen in her bag. This is not public knowledge, of course, because that would probably bring her quarterly assassination attempts up to weekly.
Awful: Lena can only fall asleep with a nightlight- she isn't really sure why, all she knows is that her bed feels less like frigid, murky water when it's on.
Unrealistic: She doesn't know how to cook or how to drive. Her whole life she's had people cook for her and drive her places, so she never had to learn how to. She'd like to one day, though.
Realistic: Kara LOVES dinosaurs. She didn't have birds on Krypton, which implies either all the dinosaurs were wiped out, or there never were any in the first place, and she was immediately enthralled and fascinated by them when she first learned about them.
Hilarious: She's dyslexic. She relies on Grammarly like it's lifeblood.
Awful: She's insanely afraid of thunderstorms. It takes everything in her not to have a flashback or a panic attack or a meltdown, and she will point blank refuse to patrol if it's storming.
Unrealistic: After Red Daughter was killed, Kara's heat vision stayed permanently purple, and her eyes were purple too for a very long time afterwards.
maybe that first ones a bit of projection, i fucking love dinosaurs
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supercorpkid · 1 month
I was going to send this as an ask too bc tumblr screwed me and put my reblog as a draft but then I saw the new pics of Katie McGrath, got distracted and forgot about it until now lol
So, ok, I need to ask (and you can say no, no problem at all) but ever since I read The Other Kryptonian I can’t stop thinking about how I just can’t fucking choose between Kara and Lena!!! You wrote it so fucking well that I can’t choose one and see the other sad. So, could you do an alternative ending where reader end up with both?
I even have this headcanon (I have a bunch of them for this story tbh) where she says she now has two hearts (bc of the device Lena made for her) and they belong to two people, so she can’t choose.
I actually have the whole thing in my mind but idk if you’d like to read it all
But as an added bonus: I also see Lena and Kara falling in love for each other and reader kinda seeing this happen but not wanting to interfere and let them do it in their own pace
The Other Kryptonian - alternative ending.
Ending with both Kara and Lena :)
Word Count: 3215.
Notes: damn it was fun revisiting this story. Hope you enjoy this!
part 1, part 2, part 3
They are all so nice. All of their friends are nice and genuinely good. It makes your guilt sit heavier on your stomach because they are heroes saving the world from people like you. Your heart is also heavy, you don’t think you can tell them many of the awful things you’ve done.
After a while talking with all of them, you spot Lena coming out of the elevator. You don’t know exactly what your face says, but Lena can read it perfectly when she comes closer and holds your free hand -the one Kara isn’t still holding.
“I’m glad you all got a chance to meet Y/N, but I think it’s time for her to rest.” Lena blinks at you, etched with support. You nod, suddenly feeling that you should rest for sure.
“You know, I was about to say that.” Alex adds, her hand makes way to your shoulder, and she squeezes lightly. “Go rest, we’ll be here when you wake up.”
Kara looks at you, query in her eyes. “You ok? I can fly you home so you can rest better.”
That’s a word you haven’t said in a while. Where would that be? The room Lex used to keep you in? Your old house in Midvale? The ship? Krypton?
“I think Kara meant her home.” Lena explains when she sees how confused you are. “But maybe you should come with me.”
It’s almost unnoticeable, but at that Kara holds your hand a little bit tighter. And Lena’s heart beats a little bit faster.
“No. I mean, what if Lex comes back for her? I have to protect her.”
“Well, she can protect herself, she is also Kryptonian. Besides, I should be around to see if the second heart is working properly.”
Alex, hearing that, takes one little step backwards, aware of something you are not. Everyone else that was watching the interaction, looked somewhere else and engaged in meaningless conversations. You look down on your hands, intertwined with both women, feeling incapable of letting go of any of them.
“If the heart stops working, I’ll fly her back here in a blink of an eye.”
“Sure, and if Lex comes back for her I’ll use the watch and you’ll be there in a blink as well, won’t you?” Lena pulls your hand slowly. “Besides, I have extra space. Your apartment would be kind of cramped. She needs to actually rest; she won’t be able to do that on your couch.”
“My couch is very comfortable.” Kara speaks out of greeted teeth. “And she would obviously sleep in the bed with me. We’ve done that many times before, right Y/N?”
You’re not sure it’s a real question when Kara gives Lena a wry smile. Everyone else in the room is clearly trying to hide their discomfort at the situation, but all breathes are stuck in their lungs after the question, and you can feel the tension wrapping around your throat as your breath also gets stuck in your lungs.
“Oh.” And all of sudden all eyes are on you. “Maybe I should stay on the med bay?” You plead at Alex with your eyes, and she agrees promptly.
“Yes! I have yet to clear her permanently.” Alex comes back closer, hands on your shoulders. “Well, come on. A little bit more of the yellow sunlight won’t hurt.”
Both let go of your hand, unable to argue with that logic. Alex helps you back into the med bay, turning the yellow lights back on.
“You know,” She starts, giving you another pillow so you can get more comfortable. If only she knew this is the most comfortable you’ve been in years. “It’s a hard choice, but one you’ll have to make.” Alex taps on your hand lightly. “I can’t hide you out here forever.”
You let out a smile at that, and she smiles back at you.
“Hey,” You call her a moment before she leaves the room. “Thank you. Lena told me you’ve helped, and I know you did the surgery too. I know I’m a wanted criminal…” You choke on your words after that. It’s true, but still not easy to admit it out loud.
Alex assures you. “It was all Lex. I can tell the difference.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t really like me before that either.” You force a smile out.
“Water under the bridge.”
And just like that, all of those times you thought about Alex and why she hated you faded away.
It’s funny, having dreams. You were never once for having different dreams every night. But this time there was no falling from the sky. No yelling for you to run and protect yourself. No begging for your safety whatsoever.
It was only blue and green. Blue sky. Green grass. Blue ocean. Green trees. Blue eyes. Green eyes. Love and love.
It’s a hard choice, but one you’ll have to make.
It's a decision between secrets, deep understanding, familiar touches, hearts that play the same symphony, and love. It’s about going back to what is known. To what was supposed to happen all along. It’s choosing blue.
It’s a decision between blunt honesty, desperate trust, touch-starved skins, strong holds on hearts, and love. It’s about taking the leap. It’s about closing the distance your body has been protesting all along. It’s choosing green.
A hard choice, indeed.
--------------- different ending starts here ---------------
You wake up to the warmth of the artificial sun on your skin. You haven't felt this good in—well, maybe ever. Now, you're free to use your powers as you wish, not at the command of others. And best of all, beside you are the two women you’ve loved most in your life.
"Baby," you hear, the voice as familiar as your own heartbeat. You open your eyes, hardly daring to believe they aren’t playing tricks on you. But there she is—Kara Danvers, standing in front of you with a hot plate of waffles, just like she used to when you were both teenagers. And right beside her is Lena Luthor, her eyes bright as she hands you a steaming mug of coffee. You think this might be the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.
"Can we talk to you for a little bit?" Lena asks gently.
You nod, a bit wary of revisiting the uncomfortable situation from last night. Kara places the plate on the bed, and you start eating before either of them can say another word. It’s been ten long years since you last had waffles, and you’d forgotten just how good they taste. Your mouth is full when Lena begins again.
"We talked about what happened last night." Lena pulls a chair over and sits down in front of you. Kara turns off the sunlight simulator, then joins her, sitting down in front of you.
"We don’t want that to ever happen again," Kara says, reaching for your hand. "We made you uncomfortable, and everyone around us." She takes a deep breath, clearly holding back tears. "It’s obvious that we both have feelings for you. You were the only person I’ve ever loved like this. I tried to have other relationships, but no one understands me like you. No one ever will."
"I know," you whisper, biting your lip to keep the tears at bay. "I feel the same."
"And I would give anything to have you by my side again. It would be—Rao, baby, it would be everything. We’d fly around the world, helping people like we always dreamed. And you’d finally get to explore Earth’s history. There are so many things I want you to see."
You squeeze her hand tighter. "Why are you saying this like it can’t happen?"
"It could. But I'm not going to make you choose me. I want you to be happy, and if happy is Lena, then — then I want that for you."
"And I want the same." Lena says reaching for your free hand. "I want you to have it all. You’re here, and you’re safe. And I finally have you next to me and darling, I’ll do everything I can to give back all that Lex stole from you." Lena smiles at you and you can no longer hold the tears back. "If you want to be with Kara, I'll support you no matter how I feel. I’m not going to hold you back from happiness"
"I—" There's a tennis size ball on your throat and you can't even swallow. "I can't decide. I love both of you. And I — I need the two of you equally. I've gone so long alone. I don't want that anymore."
Kara's arms are the first you feel around you, but Lena is quick to hold you too. 
"You are never going to be alone again, darling. We are all here for you."
The embrace feels like home, a place you never thought you'd find again. The warmth of Lena's arms, the steady comfort of Kara's presence—these are the things you've missed for so long. The weight of years of loneliness and fear melts away in their hold.
When you finally pull back, you see the tears in their eyes mirror your own. Kara's smile is soft, and Lena’s touch on your cheek is gentle, grounding you in this moment.
“I don’t know how this will work, or if it will at all.” you admit, voice trembling. “But I don’t want to lose either of you. I can’t.”
Kara nods, squeezing your hand. “We’ll figure it out together," she says, extending her hand to Lena. In a moment, they’re holding hands too. "All of us.”
For the first time in what feels like forever, you allow yourself to hope. Maybe this can work. Maybe you don’t have to choose. Maybe love doesn’t have to be divided like it has been all your life. Maybe the three of you can find a way to share it.
The tension that once filled the room dissipates, replaced by a sense of peace. You take a deep breath, feeling lighter than you have in years.
Lena looks at you, her eyes full of warmth. “You don’t have to rush anything, darling. We have time now. We'll figure out how to make this work for the three of us.”
Kara nods in agreement. “Yeah, there’s no need to decide everything right now. Let’s just take it one step at a time.”
You smile at both of them, feeling a sense of relief. “I’d like that.”
Kara's eyes smile, as well as the rest of her face, and she comes closer to kiss your forehead. You close your eyes to it, can't help but to. It's been years since your touch-starved skin has received any love, any proof that you are deserving of more than suffering. You can’t help the way your heart swirls with joy at this small gesture.
It's almost too long to be considered innocent. And before you even open your eyes, you feel another pair of lips, and you can't believe how well you know the difference, kissing your temple.
"I was never not thinking about you." Lena whispers in your ear, and a smile tugs at your lips, unbidden but welcome.
"I've missed you everyday since the last time I saw you." Kara whispers in your other ear, and you feel another kiss being planted on your cheek. 
And another on the other cheek. And another on the tip of your nose. Eye. Chin. Every inch of your face is showered with love and devotion, and your heart, Rao! Your heart has been beating so fast and hard, you're scared of failing you.
"We'd do anything for you." You're not sure who said that, or at least who started the sentence, but you know that by the end of it, both voices had mingled and it was your favorite sound. 
You slowly open your eyes, when you don't feel any kisses on your face for a few seconds. Kara and Lena are still so close, you can feel that you are all sharing the same breath. Eyes so close, blue and green are about to become one. Or even better, yours.
"Please," You reach for their faces, each palm on one of their cheeks. "Please," You beg again. You beg with your mouth, and with your eyes. Your love begs in silence and preaches in scream.
"Anything you want." 
Lena's lips touch yours for a brief second before they are replaced by Kara's and oh Rao, if only you knew all along this would be your future. If only you knew it was not a choice, but a balance. Not division, but unity. If only you knew you'd get what you've been searching for all your life.
"Lena," You blink at her and you can read her eyes perfectly as if you never once stopped seeing them, "I — I love you. It's you and all the things you do. You're all that I would think about."
She blinks too, starry-eyed and understanding. Face etched with love and desire. So, before you even ask her permission for it, she leans in, her lips meeting yours, her breath mingling with yours. This—this feels sacred, like something holy. And who else would hold you if not her?
It's perfect, incredible, but there is an itch on your throat, there's something more to be said. There's someone else to be touched and felt and loved. And Lena knows it too, for when she separates your lips, she gives you a nod and space so you can tell Kara what you need.
"Kara," You hold her face close to yours so you can whisper in her mouth, "Shovuhodh khuhp w rraop ehm tiv ewuhshehd im tiv aorghuhs uldifirstunia chao ukep."
Kara's eyes are full of tears because she remembers your mom teaching both of you a few sentences in Kryptonian and this is one you'd always say while looking deep inside Kara's eyes. I love you to the end of the ever-expanding universe and back.
And as an answer, she holds your face closer and kisses you like she would all those years ago. Hearts synchronizing playing the known symphony. Souls bleeding so. And who's gonna know you if not her?
This happens once every few lifetimes. You're sure. Who else can tell that they found love in two beautiful souls? In two people who care about you so deeply, they're willing to share and come together and overflow. 
When you look at their faces again, you're sure. The three of you will be able to make this work. The certainty is bone-deep within you.
But your life has never been just about good things. In fact, it rarely was. Even as your heart swells with love, threatening to burst from your chest, a voice slices through the warmth, pulling you back to a darker reality. And in a heartbeat, you find yourself thrust to the opposite end of the emotional spectrum.
“You all have something that belongs to me,” Lex’s voice cuts through the air, icy and cruel. Panic surges through your body, locking the breath in your lungs as your eyes widen in fear.
“Stay here,” Kara instructs, rising to her feet immediately. But Lena senses the shift in the atmosphere and follows her instinct, standing up as well. You’re left behind in the med bay, though you can see and hear everything unfold with alarming clarity.
“I’m sorry, sis," Lex sneers. "But I won’t share my pet with you. I thought I made that perfectly clear. Now hand it back, or suffer the consequences.”
A kryptonite gun gleams menacingly in his hand, and it’s pointed straight at Kara’s head. No. No. You will not let this happen. Lex will not hurt anyone else because of you, nor will he use you as a weapon against the people you love. Without a second thought, you speed into the room, positioning yourself in front of Kara and Lena, shielding them from the man who’s tormented you for so long.
“Lex,” you say, your voice steady despite the storm raging within.
“Oh, there she is. Come on, alien," he taunts, brandishing a remote control in front of you. But you hold your ground, eyes fixed on his face.
“You can’t hurt me," you declare with quiet resolve.
Lex scoffs, then presses the button meant to flood your body with kryptonite. But nothing happens. His face contorts in disbelief, fury simmering beneath the surface. He doesn't wear his frustration for long, though, as he snarls through clenched teeth, “I can always hurt you.”
You glance back at Kara and Lena, and in that moment, you know his threat is hollow. No matter what Lex does, no matter how much kryptonite he throws at you or how far his malice reaches, these two women would lay down their lives for you—just as you would for them.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” you warn, gesturing to those standing around you. “You’ve managed to piss off two Kryptonians, one Martian, one Coluan, one human-Naltorian, one badass agent, and your genius sister. Do you really think that a kryptonite gun will save you now that you’ve run out of people to fight your battles for you?”
It’s not the victory you’ve fantasized about for years, nor the vengeance you once craved. It doesn’t come close to the justice he deserves for all the horrors he’s unleashed. But to watch Lex Luthor stand down, to see the realization dawn on him that he no longer holds any power over you feels more liberating than anything you could have imagined.
“Don’t come near us again,” you say, your voice filled with the steel of conviction. “You know the terrible things I’ve done for you, and what I’m capable of doing to you now.” It’s an empty threat, but he doesn’t know that.
“Aliens,” he spits, disgusted, before opening a portal and vanishing from the Tower.
Lena's house is huge, but lacks character. Kara is happy to change that by moving things from her flat. Slowly, the space begins to fill with her colorful additions—bright pillows, whimsical lamps, and blue throw blankets that add a pop of warmth to the cool, neutral tones.
Lena’s massive bed, once so wide and cold, feels smaller now. Cozier. Especially with you sandwiched between the two of them, pillows surrounding you like a fortress.
Routine comes easily. What started as one-on-one moments with each of them gradually blossoms into a shared rhythm, a natural flow in which all three of you find comfort, passion, and peace in each other’s arms. Their love for you is steadfast, unwavering, and it only deepens with time. Just as your love for them grows stronger, you also witness the quiet affection they nurture for each other getting less hinted and more obvious. You’re grateful that you get to see it unfold, to experience it up close.
It turns out, you do have a home. It may have taken you long to figure it out, but now you know. Home, for you, is not a place—it’s the people who complete you. Kara is your Krypton—your origin, your understanding, your soulmate. Lena is your Earth—your deep-rooted connection, your forged and enduring love.
And together, it feels just like home.
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