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starz-n-stuff · 13 days ago
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Janeford ft. Rebelcaptain + social media textposts ☆ happy birthday, tina! @guildfordd <3
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starz-n-stuff · 15 days ago
I’ve just had a startling realization that I may be several years late to
Did Leia name her son Ben after Obi-Wan?
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starz-n-stuff · 18 days ago
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How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 
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starz-n-stuff · 1 month ago
heye every one.
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starz-n-stuff · 1 month ago
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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The Demon Princess and the Blood Son
(Talias look here is inspired by how the fantastic Juni Ba drew her in the BOYWONDER comics!!)
If you have seen any of my drawings before you may have come across me on Instagram before! Feel free to say hi!
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
Anyone know if it works in Canada too? I’d love to help!
since it’s a scary time to be trans: refuge restrooms is an app which maps gender-neutral/single-stall restrooms. it’s community-mapped, so it’s possible you might be the first person to log the restroom locations, but hopefully it’ll help some people.
please reblog this post if you’ve got trans followers. stay safe.
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
A fun Danny Phantom idea:
One of those “mediums tormented by the fact they can’t turn Off the ability to see ghosts” types moves to Amity, and for the most part, it’s great! Like yeah maybe there’s still ghosts everywhere, but now they can react normally, because finally for once in their life everyone else sees the ghosts too. Granted, judging from what everyone else says it sounds like they’re seeing significantly tamer humanoid proper-manifestations than the near-incomprehensible masses of emotion, spectral energy, and whatever that particular spirit’s associated with they’re used to seeing, but eh- between how jaded they are to seeing stuff like that after all these years and the fact that in practice the response of “GTFO” tends to be applicable regardless of whether you’re dealing with a poltergheist in overalls who likes hucking boxes at people, a giant robot guy who’s yelling about world domination, or reality breaking fever dream vomit, it’s not too big a deal
…There’s just ooooone little problem
Which is that when people look at the Fenton’s youngest kid and when people see local town hero/cryptid The Phantom, clearly everyone ELSE is seeing two different people/entities, but in their case, all they see is the same wild plasma-lightning living tear in reality either way, and they’re afraid if they mix the two “identities” up they’re either A) gonna fuck up some poor kid’s life/put him and those around him in danger, B) piss off a very powerful spirit whose repeatedly proven why that’s a very bad idea, or C) both-
(Bonus points if it’s some completely mundane guy like Ted the Bus Driver/ the county deputy in training/ some poor janitor who’d be reasonably expected to come in contact with either one fairly frequently-)
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
Danny finds out that, due to his flexibility and weightlessness of being a half-ghost, he's actually pretty good at Ballet.
First it was a few classes because of a lost dare, but then those few turned into a usual thing for him.
In fact, he got so into it that even his rogues, when they realized it was almost time for his Ballet lessons, would pause the fight and make sure he went. The young half-ghost was, in their opinion, far too tense and stressed, and if they wanted to make sure he was in top form for fighting then he needed a hobby.
Regular Ballet lessons turned into competitions.
Competitions turned into him being scouted.
And while he never, ever expected this path for himself, at the age of twenty-four he became one of the best Danseurs in the country.
He's also a registered meta, but only because when he dances he gets so into it that some of his ghostly features leak over to his appearance.
Floating white hair, eyes shifting from blue to green in the lights, slightly pointed ears; costume designers adore him.
So it's no surprise that he has his fair share of stalkers.
This is where John Constantine comes in, because someone just tried to send a very nasty curse to Danny, and they need to find out who.
Song that inspired this idea here
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
Danny makes creative use of his intangibility. At, of course, the inconvenience of everyone else.
He's been denied entry into the Justice League yet again, but that's fine.
He's not angry.
But like, he is feeling like getting a little bit of revenge. Not angry revenge, which would be totally different.
He wants petty revenge.
And he knows where the Watchtower is.
So he makes it his mission to sneak into the Watchtower, over and over and over again, and while completely invisible and intangible, eat the inside of all the heroes treats and meals, so that all they're left with is a hollowed out shell.
Cakes? Just a shell. Sandwiches? Difficult but he manages to hollow those out too. Ice Cream? Just the outside. Spaghetti? Almost impossible, but he manages to do a swap instead; it's spaghetti laying on top of old cardboard. Anything inside of a wrapper? He eats it and leaves the wrapper.
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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Haunted Waves
surprise :]
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
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The fic Who You Gonna Call? by jaemyun on ao3 has an absolute gorilla grip on my roommate and I. I found myself doodling Permafrost the baby ghost yeti from chapter 22 because it was just too precious, here it is with some color ^^^
the link for the fic:
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
beatdown buddies
(You always read fics where the pit is instantly calmed by Danny’s presence, but what if it didn’t?)
Now, you have to understand, that Jason was long past attacking strangers in a blind fury. The Bats? Sure, all the time--- but he was working on that.
This particular scrawny, possibly-homeless stranger hadn’t done anything more than simply exist in Jason’s proximity. If it was any other Crime Alley resident, Jason would be much more likely feel a surge of protectiveness.
This guy though– he was different.
Locking toxic-green eyes to toxic-green eyes made the pit in his skin violently react. Before he knew it, he was hitting the guy with everything he had, and the guy was hitting back.
The groceries Jason had left his apartment to get spilled all over the ground as the two rolled.
Pulled hair, split knuckles, and bruised bodies, the guy’s fist hit Jason’s jaw for the umpteenth time, cracking his head back and making him look at the gloomy sky.
They only used their fists. Jason could feel the familiar ghost of weapons hidden under the other guy’s hoodie, but neither pulled their hidden weapons.
Despite it all, Jason and the guy shared blood-tinged smiles. Blood boiled under his skin in an exciting trill. He was angry, and it was fantastic.
He’s pretty sure he just made a new best friend.
Someone hit Jason’s back with what could distinctly be identified as a broom. He vaguely heard the sound of yelling around him, but Jason’s only focus was getting his next hit in.
Eventually, they were stopped by a familiar shade of blue and black. Strong arms pulled him off the stranger and pinned his arms down, locking their arms over his chest to prevent Jason from getting free.
“You need to calm down!” Dickwing’s voice lectured in his ear. “You’re going to kill him!”
Surprisingly, Jason settled in Dick’s hold, fight and anger drained out of him in the space of a breath. The fire under his skin didn’t keep flaming and flaming and building it just– stopped.
“Oh, Please.” The stranger was grinning widely, despite the model of developing bruises and cuts across his face. A burly man who Jason vaguely recognized worked at the store they were standing right in front of was both holding up and holding back the guy. “We were just saying ‘Hi’.”
The guy made eye contact with Jason. Blue, no hints of green anywhere. The guy winked. “Danny.”
Frankly, Jason couldn’t quite explain his actions. He felt stupidly chastized by Nightwing’s patented older brother stare of disappointment. Apparently, the guy couldn’t explain his actions either, as he disappeared the instant no one’s eyes were on him.
Jason arrived an hour early to Wayne Sunday family dinner. He missed cooking alongside Alfred, and offered his help.
He let Dick wrap an arm around his shoulder for a few seconds as a welcome. He didn’t seethe at Bruce simply being there. He chose to sit between Tim and the Demon brat when it looked like new fratricide plans were being drawn up by the younger.
The pit didn’t scream under his skin to hurt. Little things didn’t set him off, making him have to leave early. He wasn’t tempted to throttle anyone for existing around him.
The pit was just… quiet. Peaceful even. Well, as peaceful as it could get in the Wayne household.
It was a massive improvement compared to six months ago— hell, compared to last month.
He shrugged off inquiries about his black eye, citing it would heal quickly anyway.
Jason should have known he wasn’t safe.
Sure, he was on a roof one could only grapple to, across the city from crime alley, and dressed up as Red Hood.
However, Danny always reappeared periodically like a well-timed extremely therapeutic punching bag.
One moment, Jason was looking down over the streets of Gotham the next, he was being flying-kicked by a lithe frame. Something instantly recognized Danny so, rather the putting a bullet in him, Jason picked himself back up into a crouch and lunged at Danny.
“Hood? Hood what’s going on?” Someone called in his ear— Oh, right he had connected comms with his family that night.
Danny stopped suddenly, straddling Jason’s stomach, one hand fisting his collar, the other posed to strike. He blinked. glowing green eyes turned blue. “You’re not like, busy doing vigilante stuff, are you?” He asked.
Every bruise and cut from their last fight was gone, his baby face appeared as though it had never been punched in his life, making him look all the more punchable.
“Nope.” Jason answered, driving an elbow into the kid’s stomach and in the same motion ripped the comm out of his ear to toss it to the side.
Minutes later Danny was pulled off him, and the fire under his skin died down.
He blinked back into his surroundings to find himself on a rooftop with half of Gotham’s vigilantes standing in a circle around him, an unease that he could only read because he was so familiar with them written in all of their body languages. Batman held Danny slightly behind himself, keeping a firm grasp on the guy so he couldn’t escape.
“You claimed the rage was getting better.” Bruce stated in the way that meant he was supposed to answer his unasked questions..
Jason waited for rage and indignance to rise up in him, but rather he just considered that Bruce saw glowing green eyes and a brutal beat down and made a logical leap.
“It has!” Jason argued anyway. He sniffed and ran a hand under his slightly bleeding nose. It didn’t sting enough to be broken. “I haven’t lost my cool in months.”
“That’s what he has me for!” Danny chimed happily. His nose was broken, but Danny didn’t seem to mind the twin streaks of blood running down his face. “We’re friends with Benefits. It’s always healthy to have a little dead-guy on dead-guy action. You guys should really fight with him more often, his ectoplasm is rank.”
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starz-n-stuff · 2 months ago
DCXDP Ghosts mate for life (and dead)
It is logical to think that when a ghost finds their partner, is for the afterlife.
Ghosts are basically the souls of those who died and passed to a better state of being, striping them of all the things that could restrain them from following their obsessions.
And even Neverborns, they are ideas given enough power to develop a soul.
So it is logical to think that when a ghost finds their partner, when their core identifies them as their selected partners, is for the remaining of the afterlife.
Sure, they don't have to be lovely dovey the whole time. They fight, "break up" maybe even try to kill each other.
But at the end of the day they get back together.
Danny thought he wouldn't have to worry about that until he went fully dead. He thought that even though he had a ghost core, he was human enough.
He dated Val and Sam and he didn't get ghost attached to them (aside from the protection obsession, but that's mostly because he thought of them as his people)
Then he fooled around with Tuck and even Dash and he didn't form any kind of intense, over the top attachment.
(He still will go feral if someone ever dared to even threaten them or hurt them, but when Tuck and Star started to date he was the first to celebrate for them)
So Danny thought he was save.
That is until he was in his first semester of College in Gotham U, when he was walking back to his dorms at night and someone tried to mug him.
Now, normally he would easily deck the mugger and go his merry way. But this time, before he could do anything, someone fell from the roofs directly on top of the mugger.
And as Danny sees this vigilante take down the mugger, his core does a little purr and pull towards the man, and Danny can only think oh shit and now what do I say to my possible soulmate
Tim has never felt more embarrassed in his entire life.
He had been following this guy since he saw him walking alone through Gotham a couple of weeks ago.
At first it was because he was worried that the guy will get mugged working so close to Crime Alley.
(He did get robbed, but decked the man right across his face so hard that the mugger got knocked down)
Then because Tim was curious, full detective mode about this guy and his ability to fight.
Then just because.
He figured out his name was Daniel and he worked in a small coffee shop, and attended the Gotham U aerospace program on a Wayne scholarship.
He figured out he came from a tiny town and was Vladimir Masters legal heir
He discovered he liked to eat midnight burgers and eleven shots of espresso on a coffee cup.
And he knew, now that he was right in front of him, that he had the clearest blue eyes he has seen. It was like seeing deep into a glacier.
Damian had found him stalking following the guy to keep him safe and had pushed him off the roof. And now he was right in front of him.
And he had no clue what to say.
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