#Supercorptober 2024
natalievoncatte · 3 days
3. Dress
Kara wore dresses. Lena had seen her wearing sundresses and skirts and even a cocktail dress once, and of course she’d worn a dress at the wedding and look very
in it.
So it wasn’t as if Lena had never seen her in a dress before. Still, if you asked Lena to picture Kara in her head, Lena would imagine her best friend in khaki pants that hugged her hips and displayed the impressive girth of her thighs, and of course the buns of steel. She would further visualize Kara wearing a plaid button-down tucked into a broad belt that emphasized the inhumanly flat plane or her muscular belly or the broad set of her block shoulders.
(If she didn’t visualize her wearing nothing at all)
Dresses simply didn’t seem to be her thing. She just felt right when she was a little… masc, one might say. Kara had a way about her, a swagger that worked with the belts and a habit of setting her arms with her hands in her hips that emphasized her physique.
Lena sometimes wondered how a pair of glasses had actually fooled her.
For the last eight weeks or so, Lena had been living in Kara’s apartment, sleeping on the couch in a weird state of limbo after she sold her penthouse. They had decided that Lena would soon be moving, but not where or when. Obviously she’d stay close -her life was here now, after all- but she wanted a change.
In a way, Lena was following in Kara’s footsteps, trying to relate to the world as her whole self. She’d come upon the idea of using a sort of checklist- reinventing herself with the same ruthless efficiency she brought to the lab and the boardroom. That was one part of herself that needed to go.
Lena’s whole life was constructed. She did everything she for a purpose, and that purpose no longer meant anything anymore. There was no longer a Lex or a Lillian to outmaneuver, no longer a board to persuade or dominate. She was running the Foundation, but from her laptop, and had hired Sam to handle the financials. She wasn’t even meeting with benefactors; she had people for that. Her main work focus now was a science education program for elementary school girls.
It was so liberating, not having to be the badass boardroom bitch. She’s stopped straightening her hair, abandoned her contacts in favor of chunky glasses, and, in a colossal shock to everyone, Kara included, stopped dyeing her hair black, a habit she’d picked up and kept because it pleased Lillian and kept up because stopping would be annoying.
She had even worn sweatpants. In public. Everyone in her family had been gifting her goofy clothes to wear; she was currently swaddled in a “Why Hex a Little When you Can Hexalotl” t-shirt that Kara had regifted, originally from Nia.
That was when Kara walked out of her bedroom area of the loft and Lena’s brain spun around and smacked against the front of her skull.
Kara was dressed to the nines in a black a-frame halter top mini dress that bared her shoulders and magnificent back, and she’d matched it with dark eye shadow and plum lipstick that was striking against her sun-kissed skin, and a pair of strappy high heels.
“Hey,” she said, sounding glum.
“Where are you off to?” Lena said, trying not to add the mental dressed like that.
“A date,” Kara sighed.
Lena kept her face even, despite the fact that her mind had just ripped in half. She was desperate to know why Kara sounded so glum, and also flat fucking terrified.
The idea of Kara going on a date horrified her. It made her instantly sick with worry -not just for Kara which was honestly a little silly- but because… because…
Lena was suddenly very aware that she didn’t want Kara to date. At all.
(Because she should be dating me)
Which sucked, because Kara was straight, because there was a god and he hated Lena Kieran Luthor and her accursed blood. That had to be why Lena was cursed to suffer a crush on
(be madly in love with)
the perfect girl who came from the sky.
“You look lovely,” said Lena. “Have fun.”
Kara blushed for a moment, then Looked at Lena a little oddly, a little forlorn.
“I’ll text you.”
Kara left, and Lena was alone in Kara’s
loft with just herself and Zillow open on her laptop.
Lena browsed for a while, but none of the places looked right. They were all as if HGTV had puked onto an old house. The minimalism and open concepts reminded her too much of her Old Life. She wanted quirky. She wanted unique. She wanted a place that reflected who Lena really was.
Jesus H Christ, was this a mid life crisis? She wasn’t that old.
Lena was startled out of her reverie when the door swung open and Kara stormed in, slammed it shut, and kicked off her shoes, storming barefoot across the loft.
“Fucking asshole,” said Kara.
Lena blinked, stunned by the profanity, only to be filled with outrage.
“Kara? What happened?”
“This is the last time I let someone at work set me up on a date. I didn’t even want to go, Alex badgered me into it.”
Lena put her computer aside. Kara grabbed a pair of beers from the fridge and popped the lids with her thumbs as she sat down, which was literally one of the hottest things she did on a regular basis. She offered Lena one and took a pull on her own.
“He was a jerk,” said Kara. “I tried asking him whether a hot dog is a sandwich, and he just said ‘who cares’.”
“Kara, a hot dog is a sandwich. We’ve been through this.”
Kara glared at her. “I’m not doing this again, Lena. Not until you admit that a burrito is a sandwich.”
Lena rolled her eyes.
“The last straw was when he told me I shouldn't work out so much. He said my muscles make me look like a man."
Lena blinked. "Where did your coworkers find this jerk?"
"Accounting. He wouldn't shut up about his finance degree. He insisted on paying for everything, too. Oh, and he told me I eat too much! All I did was order some appetizers!"
Lena drained her beer and grabbed another. She listened patiently as Kara vented about this guy and the other various jerks she'd gone one date with.
"I'm doomed, Lena. Every guy is a dick and insecure around me."
At around this time, she finished beer five. Lena nodded.
“Even if I think it’s working I lose the spark. Like when James finally wanted to go out with me and I was just like ‘nah.’”
“James… was nah for me too,” said Lena.
(Honestly, Kara, you should try dating girls.)
“Wait,” said Kara, “What?”
She said that one out loud.
“Um,” Lena said, lamely panicking, “I um, that was a joke, I meant… well it… worked out for your sister?”
Kara gaped at her.
Lena swallowed hard. “Would you believe it sounded funny in my head?”
“Have you… ever dated girls?” said Kara.
Lena’s stomach almost shot out of her throat. She put her most recent beer down to keep it from sloshing as her hands shook. She looked at Kara, who looked back, expectant… and hopeful?
“Yes,” Lena admitted. “Jack was the only man. I ever dated except James, but there have been women, too. Not that many. Despite my reputation I was never that social.”
“Who?” Kara asked, immediately.
Lena licked her lips. “Andrea.”
Kara stared. “Andrea? Andrea Rojas? Really?”
“It was a teen thing that ended in our eariy twenties, but it was serious. So do you remember how I told you I knew Roulette from boarding school?”
Kara nodded.
“Well, I knew her, um, biblically.”
Kara snorted. “No way. Who else?”
Lena smiled. At least she wasn’t being weird about it.”
“You’re not saying no to trying it yourself,” said Lena.
Kara looked away.
She took a drink of beer.
“There are no queer people on Krypton, Lena. There weren’t, I guess I should say.”
The pain in Kara’s voice made Lena shift closer, set aside her drink and curl a hand softly around her arm.
“You don’t have to tell me this if it hurts.”
Kara shook her head. “I… my culture would not allow anything, uh, gay. Or homosexual. Like we literally don’t even have a word for it, it’s so foreign to us. We were taught that the only acceptable pairing was for the best possible offspring. Most of my people didn’t have sex at all, it was all artificial. My aunt and uncle were some who did, they had Clark naturally.”
“So Kryptonians can’t be gay?”
Lena’s heart sank.
“I didn’t think so, but, there was this girl once and she made me feel something I never felt before… and seeing her made all of my other feelings feel different. After I saw her I suddenly felt like I was just going after guys because I was supposed to. Even when I was with Mon-El I had this feeling that… I mean it felt good and I liked being able to cut loose but it felt like…”
Lena waited, not wanting to push her.
“Frankly, it felt like using him as a sex toy. Nothing else in our relationship really felt that deep. Even when he came back and went to Argo with me, I was more happy about my mother seeing me continue our family line than I was about him actually being with me. The second time he left I almost felt relieved.”
“That’s a lot, Kara. I had no idea.”
“I had no idea you liked girls either,” said Kara.
“I really do,” Lena admitted. “Who was she, this girl that stole your heart? High school crush?”
“No,” said Kara. “I met her as Supergirl. The first time I ever saw her, I saved her.”
“Very romantic.”
Kara sighed. “She was the prettiest. She’s so soft, so inviting, and whenever she looks at me I feel like she’s staring right through me, seeing everything in a good way. She’s smart and kind and brave and she has the prettiest blue-green eyes and one of them is a little more blue and the other is a little more green.”
Lena felt the blood drain from her face as her hand shook. Kara smiled wistfully.
“I was always too scared to say anything. I didn’t think she’d ever want me the way I want her.”
Lena looked up and met Kara’s gaze.
“I want more than to not be alone,” said Kara. “I want to be understood. I want to be with someone but I want to be together with someone I can be alone with. Somebody who gets me, who likes what I like, who takes joy in sharing the things we love. Who looks really cute in my clothes. Especially the hexalotl shirt.”
Lena blinked.
“I like all that stuff but also blondes with big muscles who fly.”
Kara lunged across the couch and had Lena’s arms in her grip, and suddenly was lying on top of her, in that dress. Lena stared up at her.
“I wonder who we know who fits that description,” said Kara.
“I want you to kiss me.”
Kara smirked and leaned down, bringing her lips to Lena’s, and Lena honest to god moaned into her mouth as the kiss deepened, panting with excitement. As if her intentions weren’t obvious, Lena ground herself against Kara, working her thigh between her legs.
“I thought you were straight,” Kara blurted out.
“As spaghetti,” said Lena.
“What?” Kara blinked.
“I’ll explain later. As great as that dress looks on you, darling, it’d look better on the floor.”
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innamorament0 · 1 day
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Day 4 of Supercorptober / kinktober
Garden for Scorptober and corset for kinktober
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uselesseaweedbrain · 2 days
Supercorptober - Leaves
Kara landed on Earth in autumn, on a carpet of crimson, dying leaves, creating a crater the size of which that forest had scarcely known. 
Kara exited the pod then, making sure the air was breathable, even though the pod's system had assured her it would be.
The air was warm and fresh, the wind a slight breeze, and as she stood on wobbly legs, Kara relished in the caress of the wind on her skin for the first time in years, settling on this welcoming, healthy, foreign soil. 
The trees had not yet lost all their foliage, and the sky was peppered with flashes of vibrant oranges, glowing yellows, poignant reds, interspersed with branches nearly bare.
Kara had arrived in autumn, at the end of a cycle that was culminating in ruddy orange and flaming red - colours once a reassurance and a manifestation of Rao, but no more. 
Red, for Kara, then, had long since become a cruel and permanent reminder of a planet imploding.
When Kal-El happened, another let-down, another cutting disappointment, Kara had raged in anger and despair.
It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t, that Kal, Krypton’s last hope and final descendent, had been  stolen from Kara before she had even gotten to him.
But thus it was, Kal - Clark - had been moulded to earthly customs, never to be returned, unwilling to acknowledge his Kryptonian heritage or his Kryptonian cousin, and- there it was. Kara was well and truly alone - guilty of failing her only assigned task, guilty of having let Krypton die, guilty of being alive when so many others - all the others - were dead.
Of course. Kara had thought bitterly. Of course another thing in my care wilted and died. Krypton’s last hope, vanished into thin air, and now I am all we have left. 
But Kara knew how heavy Krypton could be to bear, and-
Maybe it's a good thing I couldn't raise Kal. A good thing that I didn't touch him, didn't teach him, didn't contaminate him with our dying culture - my dying culture, Kara amends in her mind, mine - let him live free of my burden and Krypton's curse.
Kara was alone in her culture and alone in her family and alone on this planet, and all around, scarlet leaves rustled and dried.
When Jeremiah disappeared, never to be seen again, it was winter. The leaves were well and truly dead, decomposed, gone with the wind or burned on a pyre, the trees were bare and Kara found it fitting. 
When spring happened, and Alex softened, and Kara made a friend, finally finding her footing on this strange planet, Kara started believing again. In Rao. In the dance of the sun and the stars, in the push and pull of the tide, in the balance of life and death - the leaves had grown back. 
Now Kara was surrounded with blooming life everywhere, glowing greens, dewy petals and burgeoning flowers, delicate and strong as they braved the wind and the rain to come out and live. 
The plants lived without directions or agenda or specific care. 
The flowers bloomed and blossomed because it was time, because the sun and the heat and the sap had ordered them to, and because they could, and Kara observed the phenomenon with desperate fascination. 
When Kara interviewed Lena Luthor in the fall, she'd already seen forty-eight earthly seasons. She had grieved, and grown through them, yet most of her relations to them remained unchanged.
Kara still fell into a meditative state during autumn, reciting prayers to Rao in her head, afraid to say them out loud and set them free, lest they never came back to her, and she lost yet another part of her decaying self.
She still despised winter, a stark reminder of death and loss and emptiness, her grief palpable and her guilt crushing.
The feeling of spring remained bittersweet, clad in awe but tied down with fear and resentment, that flowers would never bloom again on Krypton. That her people - her leaders, her parents - had made sure of that. 
Summer was by far the easiest season of them all, comforting in its heat and nostalgic in its vermillion sunsets, still brimming with life as if holding its breath before the storm.
Summer, unlike fall, wasn't already shedding its dead weight, preparing to survive at all costs, doing exactly what it would take with no second thoughts.
Summer, unlike fall, wasn't calculating and pragmatic, utilitarian in its approach and cynical in its realisation.
Summer wasn't like spring, either, young and green and naive and too ready to live or die trying. 
No. Summer was running on the edge of a cliff fast approaching, choosing not to look and believing it would make it.
Summer was reasonable hope and measured expectations, wrapped in exuberance for life and faith in the future.
When Kara followed Clark Kent in Lena Luthor's office, summer was ending. The trees were starting to shed, and Kara was slipping into her personal refuge, every year more afraid that her last remnants of Krypton would fade into dust and scatter.
When Kara walked in, trailing behind Clark, she was thinking of her suit and her life and her limits - and how long she would last if she were to give up the latter for the benefit of the first. How she was, once again, allowing higher-ups to dictate her calling and orient her actions, and how, soon, she would become her parents, too entwined in the web of power and duty to put their foot down.
Kara had seen aliens be roughed up and mistreated. She'd seen many, arrested for petty theft or clumsy property destruction, walk into a cell and never come out. She'd seen selective justice, and she'd seen Jeremiah walk out of their house into the DEO, and vanish without a trace. 
Kara had seen and she had heard and she had executed orders still. 
And now there she was, too, following her cousin in his reporter footsteps and investigating a woman who had done nothing but be her brother's sister. 
And, Rao, how Kara knew about poisoned legacies and irreparable debts.
Lena Luthor walked ahead of them both, preceding them into the room with the rhythmic click-clack of her heels on the marble floors.
"There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I wasn't aboard the Venture yesterday”, she dove in, and Kara was impressed by the steadiness of her voice, the firmness of her tone and the constant pace of her heart.
"It was an emergency, regarding planning for a ceremony I'm holding tomorrow. I'm renaming my family's company, and I had to cancel", she elaborated.
Her back was turned as she poured herself a glass from her water jug, carrying it back to her desk.
Clark looked skeptical and Lena seemed aware.
"Lucky", Clark called her.
Lena laughed and Kara wanted to laugh with her. She didn't believe in luck. 
Neither did Clark, when it came to a Luthor. 
"Lucky was Superman saving the day", Lena deflected, and Kara smirked internally.
Clark's fake laugh rung out for a few seconds.
"Not something one would expect a Luthor to say."
Kara didn't like the accusation - wanted, somehow, to deflect and protect this woman that she'd barely just met. But Kara hadn't ever been well-spoken or at ease on Earth, her confidence sapped by the need for secrecy and the initial language barrier. 
So what she ended up saying was:
"Ah- uh- Supergirl was there too!"
Lena's attention was on her all of a sudden, and:
"And who are you exactly?”, she inquired with, maybe, a trace of genuine endearment.
"Um- I'm Kara Danvers." A second lie, a second half-truth, one more erasure of herself. "I'm not with the Daily Planet. I'm with CatCo magazine, sort of?"
An additional misstep, that Lena, of course, picked up on.
"That's a publication not known for its hard hitting journalism. More like 'high waisted jeans, yes or no'."
Kara shifted uneasily, and, thankfully, Lena didn't push further.
The CEO had sat down at her desk, and she was finally facing them.
"Can we just- speed this interview along? Just ask what you want to ask, Mr. Kent. Did I have anything to do with the Venture explosion."
"Did you?" Clark shot back.
"You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Smith."
"Oh, but it's not. It's Luthor."
Kara recoiled at the barbed statement. Now Clark wanted to wield family ties as weapons? After giving up his Kryptonian legacy without a second thought? After dropping off his only living blood relative before even getting to know her?
Lena, unfazed, leaned back in her leather chair.
"Some steel under that Kansas tweed," she remarked playfully, a barely noticeable edge in her voice.
"It wasn't always." Lena stated next. 
She looked at Kara, then. Not the way others had, with friendly condescension or lofty endearment.
Lena, as she unraveled her family's history, her adoption, her attachment to Lex and her grief at his madness, her vow to rebuild her legacy as her own, Lena was staring at Kara and seeing her.
"I'm just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family. Do you understand that?"
Lena's tone had switched from defensive to soft the second she'd laid her eyes on Kara, and-
"Yes." Kara responded reflexively. 
Clark looked at her in shock. 
But Lena had seen her and her office was clean and her lipstick was crimson and her eyes were the colour of spring.
And, right then, spring didn't seem so naive to Kara anymore.
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After tutoring, Lena spends her afternoons in the empty backyard where nobody bothers her, pushing dirt around with a stick.
She draws faces, bumblebees, and butterflies, all in the spot that one day, is going to be a garden. And when that gets boring, which it does rather quickly, Lena begins to pace the strip of grass. She walks back and forth with her eyes fixated on the ground, using her stick like a cane.
Sometimes, she’ll look up over the top of the fence. There, Lena can vaguely see into the yard owned by the other half of the building. From the ground, there’s not much to look at except red metal bars and the four gray chains that hang off them.
Lena knows that together, they make a swing set. She can see the full thing from her bedroom window. It has two swings even though only one kid lives next door.
Lena isn’t sure if she’s supposed to know all this. But sometimes when she’s meant to be working on her flash-cards, she stares through the glass, at the blonde girl playing below.
She’ll see her hop off the swings and try to climb the metal poles like a monkey. There– she throws her head back and shakes out her hair before jumping down and landing on her hands and knees like a superhero. Other times, she hangs from the middle of the bar and swings back and forth. She knows how to hook her legs over the metal and dangle upside down with her arms swinging behind her.
A few times, she’s gotten stuck like that, and Lena’s watched her mom pull her down.
She replays the memory in her head as she turns the corner of her yard for what feels like the millionth time.
Dropping her stick, Lena releases a frustrated huff. She’s sure she’s been walking for hours by now. She has no idea when her new Dad will be home from work or if he’ll even want to talk to her when he is. Lex has already pushed her out of his room, and the nanny is inside cooking dinner– something French and gross sounding that Lena already knows she’s going to hate.
Turning her head, she lowers her brow and gives the wooden fence separating the yards a good hard stare. It’s made out of old wood with stains and mossy green stuff. On multiple occasions, she’s heard Lionel talking about hiring someone to tear it down to replace it because it’s just another eyesore in this ugly, old home.
Lena doesn’t think the house is ugly but it certainly is old. Maybe more than a thousand years. And the fence is probably even older. One of the boards has a hole in it, about a foot from the ground, exposing a glimpse of the flowers on the other side.
Curiosity piqued, Lena kicks her stick away and makes her way over to the fence. She squats down in the dirt and squints her eyes, then presses her hands into the wood. She tries to see as much as she can through the hole but the blobs of orange and red block her view.
She thinks for a minute, brow furrowed, before scooting away just far enough that she has room to stick her index finger through the hole. From there, Lena wiggles it around and wonders if she should call out to get someone's attention.
Back home– at her real home in the country, she wouldn’t have thought twice before yelling. She used to yell with her mom when they played in the garden all the time. Sometimes, her mom would even yell with her – just not in the scary way like other grown-ups do.
No, Lena’s real mom would call out pretend spells from their favorite fairy book while Lena shrieked with excitement, bouncing around and flapping her hands because what if a real fairy found them? She’d cackle with laughter when her belly got tickled after a bath, wrapped in a fluffy white towel made for someone five times her size, and jump through mud puddles in her favorite sparkly rain boots.
Her clothes were soft and always felt nice on her skin– all bright colors with different patterns and shapes. She used to wear her favorite shirt, the one with all the dinosaurs on it, almost every day. And when her mom let her pick her outfit, Lena would pair it with the pink tutu that made her feel like a ballerina, her fairy wings for when it was time to play in the garden, and, of course, her sparkly rain boots.
Here, things were different. Grown-ups were quiet and they didn’t play games. The yelling only happened at night and when it did, it was the kind that made her want to hide in the closet. The closet that was filled with itchy, boring clothes without dinosaurs or glitter.
As Lena looks back at the fence, she frowns. If she yells and Lex hears her, he’ll tell the nanny and she’ll get another consequence. So she continues to stare through the hole, zoning out as she wiggles her finger until she hears a:
The voice is high-pitched and followed by a fierce giggle. Lena pictures the blonde girl from the swings on the other side and wonders how long she’s been there.
Without warning, a bright blue eye appears in the center of the hole.
Lena scrambles backwards and her own eyes grow wide. Her heart pounds, her mind rushing a mile a minute. She hadn’t thought this far ahead- she wasn’t prepared, she doesn’t know what to say!
This girl could be mean like Lex, she could be laughing at her. She could yell at her for poking her finger through the hole or worse, she could tell her mom who would tell their nanny who would tell Lillian who–
“Are you a spy?”
Lena swallows. She shakes her head and draws her legs in close. She should’ve just kept walking. The kids at her new school aren't as nice as at her old one and she isn’t sure she can handle another bully.
Silently, Lena watches as the other girl mimics her by poking her own finger through the hole, then giggles once more.
“Are you playing a game?”
Lena shakes her head. She pulls back even further and hugs herself as tight as she can.
“Well, do you want to play a game?”
“Um…” She isn’t sure why she says anything. She’d just wanted to get a look– maybe touch the air on the other side. But now the girl is talking and she isn’t being mean. She’s aggressive with her excitement, sure, but the scariness it ignites isn’t like the scariness Lena’s used to.
“What game?”
The girl goes silent for a second. She’s no longer holding her eye to the hole so all Lena can see is a flash of blonde hair and the blue on her shirt.
“I dunno,” she says. “Why were you poking your finger in here?”
Lena shrugs. She leans forward and rests her chin on her knee. The girl's voice is high and soft. It makes Lena think of caramel.
“Just, um… got bored.”
“Don’t you have any toys?”
Lena shakes her head.
“I can’t see you, silly!” The girl exclaims. “You gotta talk!”
“Just… um… chess,” Lena says. “But I had-a play it a lot.”
“Ummmm, well, I could play a game with you,” the girl says. “And we can be friends! My name’s Kara and I’m five and three-quarters! What’s your name?”
“Lena.” Lena removes her arms from around herself and puts them on either side of herself, her heart rate finally starting to even out. “‘m five.”
“Hi, Lena,” Kara responds, smiling bright like the sun. “Your voice is funny. I like it.”
“Oh… that’s ‘cause I’m from Ireland.”
“Where’s I-ruh-land?”
Lena leans forward and tries to look through the hole again. She hugs herself tightly as she moves, her fingers moving up and down her torso the way her mom’s used to.
“I flew a plane,” she says. “But… um… I was only four. A long time ago.”
“Was it scary?”
“Yeah… but…” Lena looks down, knitting her brow with thought. “I was small. And now I’m kinda scared of planes but, ‘cause I’m a lot bigger, it’s not as much. But… so… when I get really big, like, when I’m ten, I wouldn’t be scared at all. ‘Cause I’d be big.”
Kara hums and nods knowingly.
“I’m scared of volcanoes,” she says.
“There’s no volcanoes in Top-o-lis.”
“Yeah, that’s what my mommy says.”
“But… then why are you scared?”
“I dunno.” Kara laughs. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Um… green?”
“Mine’s blue. Did you know I can do a cartwheel?”
Lena furrows her brow. “How would I know that?”
“‘Cause I see you watching me in your window,” Kara says matter-of-factly. “I tried to watch you too but all you do is walk in circles with a stick.”
“Yeah! ‘Cause I already told you, I don’t have any toys!” Lena frustratedly retorts, any remnants of her anxiety having been forgotten. “Don’t you pay attention?”
“Well, then, why don’t you just come to my house?” Kara asks. “We could go on the swings and I have lots of toys and a dollhouse we could play with.”
Lena’s about to answer when a door creaks open loudly behind them. It’s followed by the sound of Kara quietly groaning and mumbling something unintelligible to herself.
“Kara, love, come on, it’s time for dinner,” a voice calls out. It’s an older woman– her mom, Lena figures.
“No!” Kara cries. “I’m talking to the girl in the other house– just gimmie five minutes and I’ll come inside!”
Her voice is shrill and high– it makes Lena want to cover her ears.
Somehow, she resists the urge and instead, pulls her knees back into her chest. She considers leaning over to tell Kara through the hole not to talk back because, maybe she doesn’t know yet, but if you’re disrespectful, you get consequences. You have to listen so the yelling doesn’t start.
But if the woman notices Lena whispering she might get mad at her too. She’ll tell Lillian that Lena was being distracting and Lillian will get mad again.
“Please!” Kara begs, the word long and drawn out. “Pleasepleaseplease just five minutes?”
“Honey, I already gave you five minutes,” the older woman responds. “It’s time to come in now before your food gets cold, okay? I made mac-and-cheese like you wanted.”
She says the last bit in a sing-songy voice like the one Lena’s pre-k teacher would use when she called the class over for circle time. She isn’t loud or angry, she's just… she’s nice.
“But Mommy, I was just asking if Lena can come over, maybe, this weekend or a different day like– like on my birthday or after school so we can go on the swings and play in my room.”
There’s a moment of silence before Kara’s mom sighs.
“Okay, you can ask Lena and then it’s time to come inside. You understand?” She asks.
Kara nods eagerly and scrambles back to the fence, pushing her face right up against the hole.
“Lena!” She exclaims. “Do you wanna come to my house on a different day for a playdate?”
Lena doesn’t say anything. She’s too focused on Kara’s mom and the sound of her voice. How soft it was, like it’s never been raised before– not even a single time. How even when Kara whines, she doesn’t change. She stays kind and soft, like the kind of mother who means it when they say I love you.
Lena hugs herself tighter as her mind begins to wander.
She wants mac-and-cheese too, not gross French food from her nanny. She wants the orange kind that comes out of the box that her mom used to make, sometimes three days a week. She wants to eat it on the couch with the TV on, watching cartoons after a long day of running through puddles and reading books about dinosaurs and the ocean. She wants her mom to talk to her in the soft voice that Kara’s mom uses; so quiet and gentle, without an ounce of anger to be found.
Lena’s face feels hot as she thinks about it, her eyes welling up with tears. She can still see the old house in the back of her mind– the grassy overgrown lawn and her little playhouse in the back. Her sparkly rain boots and closet with clothes that don’t itch– clothes she actually liked, that her mom would help her pick out.
Why does Kara get to have it and not her?
Lena’s lips pull down into a frown. Her chin quivers and quakes– eyes stinging like they’re on fire.
She wants to run right back to her mom.
Sometimes she still thinks maybe when she comes downstairs– she’ll be there in the kitchen making breakfast. She’ll have tracked down the new house after months of searching and when Lena runs to her, she’ll pick her up and hold her so tightly– tighter than she’s ever been held before– then tell her it’s time to go home.
The hole in Lena’s heart will get stitched back up. Her aches and pains won’t be gone but she’ll be able to live with them because finally, they will have been tended to. She’ll be scarred and stapled, sure, but at least she’ll have been pieced back together.
Lena does all she can do to keep from crying in front of her new friend but the effort isn’t enough. The tears are falling– hot and furious. They make her want to scream because it isn’t fair. None of it is fair and gosh, she just wants to go home.
Determined not to let Kara see her, Lena scrambles to her feet and brushes the dirt off her thighs. As Kara calls her name again, Lena sprints right back to her house.
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thatonebirdwrites · 22 hours
Nestled in the corner of a shallow alleyway, a garden drapes its vines and blooms with squash and herbs. It's a public garden, one where the community upkeeps it, but most are aliens with little to no money for food. Many can't tolerate much of Earth's plants, but the beloved gardener has found a solution for them. A fourth of the garden, nestled up against the fence, is a line of pots filled with specialized soil.
Each pot holds a different plant from some other world. A world where that alien species once lived before they fled to Earth.
One person comes regularly to this garden. This beloved gardener tends each plant with care, provides the alien nutrients to the pots, and sits in the dirt to dwell in the solitude. Her thoughts and life beyond the garden a mystery for most of the community, but one they respect.
One of the elders, a Czarnian with red eyes and white skin, asks the beloved gardener why she comes daily. "Is it not an imposition? You seem important to the cultures of this world."
She smiles and shakes her head. "Gardening is a hobby of mine, and I want to give back somehow, considering the evils my family has done. What better way than to ensure food is available to those that need it?" She gestures to the garden. "Besides, it's fun to learn of your people's food. To find a way to grow it here."
It's the first hint she's ever given of her past. Sometimes alien children ask her questions about her life, but she shakes her head and asks if they'd like to hear a tale instead.
Her stories ripple with adventure, discoveries, and great battles. The mythology unknown to most in the community, but curious young visit the library to discover most her tales herald from Ireland. A small island country far, far to the east.
As the years pass, most in the community have heard of her or seen glimpses of her. Her research into alien plants devised the pots and the very specific soil mixtures needed. For that they are grateful, for the increasing yields of edible plants fights to curtail their rates of hunger.
Few in the alien community know her name, and those that do keep her secret. Most days, she wears a sweatshirt with NCU emblazoned across its front, and she always wears sunglasses and a hood. She's short, they know, with pale skin. Sometimes she walks with a limp, while other days she navigates with a cane.
She doesn't look old to those who encounter her in the garden, but an old injury seems to haunt her hips. Some members offer healing, but she always shakes her head with a wry smile.
"It's my own fault," she says in explanation when an inquisitive youth asks. "And serves as a reminder of what's at stake."
Another brief glimpse into her mysterious past. She first came years ago, after a brutal and vicious attacks by Cadmus massacred aliens all across the United States. At first, the community watched her with fear, curiosity, and concern.
But she built them a garden. Brought the soil, tended each plant, and over time, the community opened up to her. A few daring to speak with her. Over time, they learn she rarely speaks of herself, but she carries grief across her young shoulders.
On a very rare day, she comes with a blond and blue-eyed reporter, one who always writes in support of the community.
When she does speak, she provides tips for offshoots of the alien plants, how to grow them at home, ways to craft the soils using local minerals. Her tips are invaluable, her presence respected and beloved.
Until one day she doesn't tend the gardens.
At first the community doesn't think much of it. Sometimes people fall ill, and humans are notorious for it.
But then another day passes, and a third, fourth, and fifth. Never has she been absent that long.
Something is wrong.
A few of the teenagers, some orange-skinned aliens and one blue-skinned Aloi, decide to seek Supergirl. To ask for her help in finding their beloved gardener. They argue over the best way to call for her, and decide to shout it from the rooftop of a nearby apartment building.
Only seconds later Supergirl descends in her full regalia. The blue and red suit with her family's crest emblazoned on her chest.
The Aloi, who took the human name Thomas years ago, steps forward, anxiously. "Supergirl, our beloved gardener is missing. Can you help?"
"Of course! When did you last see them and where?"
Ye'uer, a tall, orange-skinned Margoi, says, "Five days ago, she tended our garden. We played nearby to watch."
"Wait, she's been missing for five days?" Supergirl asks. Her hands are on her hips and her gaze both concerned and stern.
Thomas shifts from foot to foot and nods, while Ye'uer stutters a defense. "We thought she might be ill so didn't want to intrude, but she's never missed a day before."
"What does she look like?"
Ye'uer hands over a copy of a photo someone took last year. One of the few they have of their beloved gardener.
It shows her digging in the dirt with a trowel, a peaceful smile on her face. It's one of the few times any of them have seen her slide her sunglasses atop her head, the shade in that corner heavy. One eye is greener than the other, which holds a bluer hue.
Supergirl sucks in her breath sharply. "Oh, oh no. I know her." Her hands shake as she hands back the photo. "I promise you, I will find her."
The three youths nearly cry in relief. Ye'uer's brother, the youngest, grasps Supergirl's hands in his reptilian grip. "Please, please will you let us know? We go to the garden after our lessons, when the sun graces the horizon."
"I will." Supergirl hugs him, and opens her arms for the others. They crowd together to wrap up the superhero tightly.
She leaves in a gust of wind that blows cups and bags further down the alley. The youths turn and head to the garden to wait.
As more days pass, a vigil starts in the early evening, where more and more of the community offer trinkets and offerings to the growing forest of candles. The youths take turns caring for the candles and the gardens, while the elders cast wide their networks for any news pertaining to their beloved gardener.
Supergirl drops in only to say that she's still working the case. That they're closer to finding her. Any leads the elders offer, she takes time to listen carefully. Out of respect, no one speaks the gardener's name, even though many in the community have come to realize who exactly she is.
But they don't fear her true name. They have seen her spirit, her kindness, and they have been fed from her genius, the food of their ancestors once again thriving because of her tender care.
One month and six days since her disappearance, those free in the community gathers for their vigil once more. Kids tend to the garden, the adults hum their songs, and candles adorn every surface. A few have brought instruments crafted from wood their beloved gardener found, so that they could once more make the music from their homeworld.
Her touch is everywhere, and the community fears her loss. She seemed so young, surely she could not have died?
That evening, near eight pm, two figures round the corner and enter the alley. One walks with crutches, while the other with the long red cape hovers anxiously at her side.
"Darling," the familiar voice says, "It's okay. I need to do this. I'm late enough already."
When the pair enter the square, the beloved gardener stops in surprise. She wears no glasses and no sweatshirt this time. Only clad in blue jeans and a long-sleeved green blouse. Her hair hangs in gentle waves around her face, and a leg sits in a cast.
Several elders in the comment stand in wonder and relief. "You've returned," Toc, the elder of the Ardenans. He steps forward and holds out his hands, palm up, his orange skin lighter across his palm, and his claws trimmed back. "Welcome, beloved gardener."
The gardener looks at Toc and those assembled behind him -- the Aloi, Ardenans, Changralynians, Criqian, Glirellians, and many more alien species, all refugees, all grateful for the beloved gardener's humble work.
"Are -- are you here for me?" the gardener says, astonished.
"They're the ones who alerted me to you missing," Supergirl says, softly. "I'd been getting texts from you, but after they came to me, we tracked the texts and that eventually led us to you."
Tears shine in the gardener's eyes. "I'm not deserving of this welcome. Surely you all know who I am? Who my family is?"
"We do not care for your family," Toc says, resolutely. He gestures to another elder, a genderless and orange-skinned Tynolan.
"We understand you are Lena Luthor," the Tynolan says, their voice quiet and yet echoes across the garden. Stepping forward, they offer up a necklace. "You have helped our people survive. Gave us the tools to thrive. We can do no less. We are in your debt."
Lena's hand trembles as she picks up the necklace. "It's the least I can do," she says. "to make up for my family's wrongs."
"But what of you?" the Tynolan says. "Your legacy exceeds their own. You have brought life to where there was none. Let us at least give you protection, so you may not suffer alone."
"It's a magical artifact," Supergirl says. "To provide protection against most attacks. A sort of field if I understand correctly?" She glances at the Tynolan, who nods and gives a small bow before stepping back among the others.
"Thank you," she murmurs, stunned still.
"We've glad you're back!" Ye'uer can't contain himself, and he darts forward to wrap his arms around Lena's waist. "We missed you."
Tears fall down Lena's face, and she pats his back. "I've missed you too."
From that day forward, the beloved gardener rarely tends the gardens alone. Her daily visits once more grace the community, but some days she works with Supergirl, who steals a kiss every now and then.
Other times, alien children come to hear her tales of wisdom and learn her techniques.
On days when she seeks quiet, the elders work in parallel with her own efforts. None speaking but each treasuring the quiet warmth of each other's presence.
Together, the gardens grow and flourish under their care.
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lespetitesmortsde · 3 days
A night before Kara and Lena take the leap together, Lena decides to confess to her feelings.
Except Kara gets pulled away for a Supergirl emergency.
Except Lena gets time to talk herself out of it.
Day 2 of Supercorptober 2024.
Prompt: Courage
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thesebitchesrgay · 4 days
sctober drabbles, part 1: leaves
Kara can’t take her eyes off of Lena. 
That’s not an unusual sight, nowadays. Wherever Lena is, Kara is guaranteed to be nearby - watching her speak, whispering to her, and depending on the day, touching her - holding her hand, laying in her lap, having an arm wrapped around her. 
So today, when Lena is spending an afternoon off from work, and Kara coincidentally has nothing better to do, and they both end up taking a short walk in the park, which has somehow turned into them sitting underneath a tree with Kara’s head resting on Lena’s thigh as she reads something on her phone - it’s not an unusual sight, at all, not even when Lena puts her phone down with a sigh, and Kara’s eyes follow her as she watches her lean against the cold bark of the tree.
She watches her eyelids flutter as she fights to keep them open, eventually giving in and letting them fall. Her hand reaches up to brush back some stray hair - hair that Kara has noticed getting wavier and wilder ever since she started letting herself relax - and then she rests one hand on the ground, and the other goes to join Kara’s. 
Kara holds her hand close to her chest, and splays it over her heart. If Lena is surprised, she doesn’t let it show.
She hums, and uses her other hand to stroke Kara’s hair. 
Kara really doesn’t want to take her eyes off Lena, but the week has been tiring. The tree towers over them and its shade is like a cool blanket. The breeze carries the scent of the flower shop across the street, and Kara can only hear Lena’s soft breaths, and feel her warm touch. 
She closes her eyes. 
When she opens them, she can’t see. She can only feel Lena’s hand covering her eyes. 
She comes back to herself slowly - she’s half on the ground, but the rest of her is cushioned by something soft and bumpy. 
Kara takes a deep breath - it somehow smells cold. 
She can hear a voice through the fog of her mind. 
“Kara,” she can hear this voice reverberate through the body beneath her. “Are you up?”
An arm tightens around her middle, and Lena’s hand moves slightly off her eyes, stroking her forehead. 
Kara groans, pushing her eyes back beneath her hand. She can feel Lena’s laughter. 
“Come on, now, my leg is numb,” she admonishes her, flexing her legs beneath Kara’s back, “At least open your eyes.”
Kara turns her head out from under the shade of Lena’s hand, and she lets out a shocked gasp. Their spot - the empty spot underneath the large tree that was previously covered in shade - was now covered in at least two or three inches of leaves.
Various tones of yellow, red, orange, and brown surrounded them in the form of leaves the size of their palms. 
Lena just laughs again, and scoops up a few to scatter over Kara’s face. She jolts up and sputters - they were crunchy and now they were in her eyes and her mouth -
“It’s not my fault you decided to sleep under a giant tree on the first day of autumn,” Lena stands up and dusts herself off, and Kara is once again hypnotized by her. 
Her shirt is rumpled and untucked, her dimples are on full display as she laughs at Kara, her darkened eyes are as droopy as they get in the late evening, and to top it all off, there are leaves stuck in her hair. 
“I love you.”
Lena smiles wider, and the crunchy leaves in her mouth don’t matter much to either of them when she holds Kara’s shoulders, pulls her in, and kisses her.
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itsalliebitheway · 2 days
make a move, do your thing
Chapter 1: leaves, courage, dress
Lena was nervous. Usually, she wasn’t afraid of anything. She had already survived multiple assassination attempts, curtesy of her brother. Hell, she even managed to escape a couple of thugs with a knife stuck in her thigh. So, it was fair to say she didn’t scare easily.
And yet, this was a whole other situation that made her legs feel like jelly and her stomach running rampant. Still, Lena didn’t allow herself to waste anymore time, she was Lena Luthor after all. Not afraid of anything.
“Oh my god I love your dress!”
Lena flinched and focused on the women she had been wanting to approach for the last ten minutes without finding the courage to do so.
read more here :)
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kmsdraws · 23 days
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It's that time of the year again, folks: Supercorptober is upon us again!
Create whatever you like for our beloved Supercorp using the daily prompt list below, and be sure to use the hashtags. Have fun!
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Supercorptober 2024 Day 5: Alone
ao3 fic link.
Lena wakes up, and she knows instantly she’s alone. Panic sets in for a moment, because Kara wouldn’t just leave, not after last night.
Lena would though. Lena has, after a one night stand where they did what they needed to do so she left in the early hours of the morning.
But this isn’t like this, this is Kara. Kara who told her she loves her, Kara who kissed her so gently that Lena cried.
This is Kara, her best friend, the person she trusts most, the person she loves the most, and now she knows Kara loves her too.
Lena sits up and looks around, blanket clutched to her chest. She sees her clothes neatly folded in a pile, which is definitely not where she left them last night. She’s pretty sure some didn’t even make it into the room. 
Lena blushes at the memory.
She looks around for her phone, and realises it didn’t make it to the room with them either, that it’s probably still in her purse in the living room.
That’s the first thing she needs, to find Kara. That, and she needs coffee. She debates for a moment putting on her clothes but instead decides to grab a hoodie and pair of Kara’s pants instead.
The hoodie smells like Kara, this whole place does, and for a moment it makes her want to bury herself back in bed and wait for Kara.
Because she knows Kara wouldn’t just leave her, knows Kara will be back.
It’s in the kitchen that Lena figures out where Kara is gone. Or at least that she’ll be back, a scribbled note on the table.
Be back soon. -K x 
It’s still early, and Lena knows she probably should go back to her own apartment, shower and get ready for work. But she’s not going to do that, not yet. Because all she can think about is seeing Kara, kissing her again and making sure that she doesn’t regret what happened.
Lena doesn’t.
Lena hasn’t even had time to consider making herself a coffee when the door clicks open and Kara is walking through the door.
“Oh,” Kara startles, clearly not expecting to see Lena. For a moment, Lena wonders if she should have left, but she doesn’t need to worry when Kara continues. “I was hoping to surprise you in bed.”
Lena had been so focused on Kara, she hadn’t noticed the paper bag and coffee cup holder in her hands.
Lena suddenly doesn’t know what to say. This is all new to her. Not only has their relationship changed overnight, but she doesn’t want to mess this up. Kara is too important to her and she can’t lose her over this. Lena doesn’t have a great track record with relationships and she’s never felt like this about anyone before, never wanted a relationship to work out like she wants this too.
“Are you panicking?” Kara asks, suddenly much closer than before, food no longer in her hands.
“No,” Lena replies. Kara raises her eyebrow and Lena knows she’s been caught. “Ok, maybe a little. I don’t want to mess this up.”
Kara takes her hands, and Lena instantly feels her thoughts settle, the warmth of Kara’s hands seeping into her skin.
“I know, me too. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know that you and me? We can do anything together. So, we probably will both mess up, but I know that no matter what happens, we can get through anything, because it’s us.”
Lena smiles. “Thank you.” 
She knows this will be a constant worry but for now it’s quietened down, both because of Kara’s words but also because Kara is smiling now too and it’s hard to focus on anything else when Kara is smiling at her.
Kara leans forward and Lena gets the memo, meeting her halfway in a kiss that feels so much like coming home that Lena feels like crying again.
“Good morning,” Kara mumbles against her mouth, Lena can feel her smile against her own.
“You taste like cinnamon,” Lena replies, and Kara pulls away. Lena would regret her words but Kara is grinning, looking sheepish in a way that’s too cute for words.
“I got hungry.”
Lena laughs. When is Kara not hungry?
“I like this, too,” Kara says, tugging on Lena’s shirt. “You look good in my clothes.” Kara pauses. “You look good out of them too.”
Kara’s blushing as she says the words, it’s adorable.
“Is that so?” Lena asks, and it’s her turn to lift her eyebrow.
Kara leans forward, clearly embarrassed as she hides her face in Lena’s shoulder.
“Yes,” Kara mumbles and Lena laughs, wrapping her arms around her best friend. ...Or girlfriend? She’s not sure, but they’re going to have plenty of time to figure that out.
Lena grins. “Good to know.”
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eqt-95 · 3 days
quinn's supercorptober / whumptober master list [2024]
day 1 | leaves / race against the clock day 2 | courage / trust issues day 3 | dress / set up for failure day 4 | garden / hallucinations day 5 | alone / sunburn
note: this will be updated and pinned on my blog for the duration of october.
looking for quinn's supercorp master list? it's here!
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natalievoncatte · 8 hours
5. Alone
CONTENT WARNING: This ficlet includes themes of self harm and contains some heavy sexual content and themes.
The void called.
Lena heard its siren song for hours, even before she left the lab. She was sick, belly sick, soul sick. Running on fumes, running on whiskey for breakfast and rage. She’d been awake thirty six hours, fumbling with the Myriad module as she plumbed its secrets. Hiding within the alien metal bauble was what she wanted most, a world without deception, without pain, without crime or loss or hate or fear. No more wars, no more muggings, and no more lies.
Soon she could look Kara in the eyes and scream. Look what I did! Look at my work! I fixed the world, not you! No more crimes to stop, Supergirl. The world doesn’t need you anymore. I don’t need you anymore.
(but could she still say that in a world without lies?)
Lena stumbled into her apartment, head filled with dark thoughts, hateful thoughts, unwanted thoughts. Non Nocere would free her from them. No more pining for soft touches or stolen glances, no more dreams of feeling fingers slipping through silken sunny hair. No more waking up riding her own hand thinking about back muscles flexing or protective hands cupping her thighs.
No more more dreams of sunrise companions. She could rip it all out of herself and at last be alone.
Lena wasn’t going to look at the picture. She wasn’t, she wasn’t! Her hands betrayed her, her addled mind loosened by alcohol and sleep deprivation. She should have flung the fucking thing out the window but every time she tried her hand rebelled and she ended up clutching the shattered glass to her chest and wished she could impale herself on it.
The memory of the picture burned her. Alex had snapped it, an impromptu capture of the girls at game night. Kara’s cheek had been soft against hers and so very warm, just like her. She was soft and hard at the same time, the best hugger in the world.
Lena sobbed, because she was alone and she always would be.
It hit her all at once, crashing in from every direction. When she closed her eyes all she could see was the horror in Kara’s eyes, the terror of realization. That was what Lena wanted, right?
(It was what you wanted, you stupid bitch. Look at what you did.)
Fuck this, fuck it, fuck it all.
Lena stormed through her empty cold sterile apartment and onto the balcony. Grabbing a chair as makeshift stairs, she stepped up and onto the rail. Had to do it now. Had to.
Only to two people has she ever mattered. One slipped beneath the waves and left her and the other, she locked in a cage and robbed. She couldn’t save her mother and she’d backstabbed her best friend. It was in the blood.
Lena stepped into empty air and fell.
Below her, the street yawned wide, empty of traffic at this hour. It rocketed towards her and she had a horrific, bowel-watering realization.
The only thing in her life that could not be fixed was that she just threw herself off a goddamn building.
Lena screamed, shrieked for her life, the name tearing from the depths of her chest in a painful cry.
It didn’t matter.
She fell anyway.
Then she saw it, a red and blue streak in the corner of her vision. Too close, too low.
Goodbye, Kara. I’m sorry.
Kara flew beneath her, catching her not with her arms but her entire body, Lena’s jaw clicking and stomach flipping at the deceleration. Too late, too late.
Kara slowed their descent, too fast, sending a jolt through her. The impact came and as Lena felt the shockwave pass through her body, she knew she was dead. All she wanted to do was tell Kara she was sorry, beg her forgiveness for making her see it.
Slamming to the pavement, Kara landed on her back, cratering the asphalt. It folded up around her like petals of a strange flower and sent up a cloud of dust and debris. Her arms closed around Lena and she cried out in shock and fear.
I’m alive, Lena thought.
Gathering Lena with her, Kara stood up and took off immediately. Lena crushed herself against Kara’s body as she lifted up, cresting above the balcony with a heavy thud of Kara’s boot heels. Kara said nothing, bearing her inside. Only then did Lena’s feet touch the ground.
Kara was feral, blazing, holding a quaking Lena by the shoulders.
“What happened?” she demanded. “Did someone attack you? There’s no one here. What the hell happened? Lena? Lena? Say something! God damn it answer me!”
Lena’s voice was small, broken.
“I jumped.”
Kara’s eyes went wide and her mouth fell open in almost comical surprise.
“Why… no, no no no Lena please no.”
Kara lunged into a hug, almost painfully embracing her. Lena’s walls fell, all the pain and hate shedding from her like skin from a snake. She was alive, alive and alive, and Kara was sobbing, her entire body shaking with grief and pain.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, please Lena I please, I love you I love you I love you!”
They both went utterly still. Lena blinked a few times; the blood rushing to her skull nearly stealing her from consciousness. It was like she’d been thrown into an ice bath.
There could be no mistaking Kara’s meaning. She didn’t mean friendship love, she didn’t mean side-hug brunch time love. There was a truth in her voice as potent and hot as her self-righteous arrogance and shocking, seemingly endless kindness. She meant love in the deepest sense of the word, the most raw, the most unbearable.
That was when Lena kissed her.
Kara hesitated, but something in her must have snapped because she kissed Lena so deeply, so filthily, that it was as if she meant to consume her entirely. Lena was dimly aware that property damage was happening- Kara simply tossed the entire sofa aside with a free hand as she stormed across the apartment.
She didn’t pick Lena up, Lena climbed her, locking her legs around Kara’s waist, shuddering at the feeling of powerful muscles flexing against her thighs.
No words were exchanged, only kisses that bordered on violent. Kara showed no more concern for Lena’s clothes than her decor, shredding through a designer outfit that cost as much as a car.
Only then did she stop, shocking Lena with the sudden withdrawal. Her restraint made her entire body shudder, stopping herself with same force as stopping a runaway freight train.
“Do you want this?” she panted.
Lena lunged up and grabbed the collar of her suit, yanking down. The most powerful being on Earth yielded to her without resistance.
“Yes,” Lena panted.
Kara shed her suit, wriggling out of it in a sensuous display that drove Lena wild. Once she was free and they were both bare, it began.
Kara held nothing back. She used her powers. Super-speed. Vibration. Even her freeze breath. It was as if she knew exactly what Lena wanted and needed, reading her body like an open book, playing her like an instrument, and she was relentless. It was like making love to a hurricane.
Only when Lena pressed a hand to Kara’s chest did it stop. Her entire manner changed in an instant and she became soft, handling Lena like something precious and irreplaceable, attending to her every need until her head landed on the pillow and sleep took her in an irresistible wave.
When her eyes snapped open, she was sure she would be alone. It had to be a fantasy or a vivid dream, but it felt real. She was loose and pleasantly sore at the same time, and felt an odd sense of weight around her.
Tears forced themselves to her eyes. She was damned, doomed to wake up alone forever, and then Kara moved, sighing contentedly. She pulled Lena closer, into her bare breasts and the silken embrace of her unclothed skin beneath the silk sheets. Lena’s heart almost seized.
“Hi, baby.”
“You’re really here?”
“You saved me.”
“I always save you.”
Lena choked back a sob and rolled over into Kara’s arms, tucked into her, and buried her face in Kara’s neck as she swept her fingers up and down Lena’s back in a soothing gesture.
“Kara, I’m sorry,” she began.
“Shhhhh,” said Kara. “I forgive you.”
“But you can’t just do that.”
“I can, and I will. Can you forgive me?”
“Yes,” Lena whispered.
“Good,” said Kara. “Now I just hope Alex forgives me for plowing a fifteen foot wide crater in the street outside.”
Lena laughed through her tears, and she wasn’t alone.
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innamorament0 · 4 days
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I am combining ( or trying to) kinktober and Supercorptober prompts, so here it is - Blindfold for Kinktober and leaves for Supercorptober.
I didn't know where to put leaves, so I slapped them behind Lena's window. Let's say it's a very windy autumn, and they flew 90 stories high XD
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autisticlenaluthor · 10 hours
Kara wanders aimlessly through the new town in the new city in the new world and takes in the dampened sights. She watches moths buzzing over illuminated streetlamps and drags her feet over brick sidewalks, wishing she could get lost.
When she was younger, she used to try.
During Hampton-summers, she would wander alone down the beach before the sun could come up and find herself amongst rows of trees, going down every road she could find. She’d carry a stick with her and drag it through the sand, pretending she was an explorer or an archaeologist or an Olympic hiker. Back then, Kara wasn’t sure if half those professions existed but the details didn’t matter so long as she wasn’t herself.
As she takes in the buildings now– making mental notes of the cafes and libraries– Kara finds herself pretending the same way.
Except this time she isn’t a Lost Boy or a Park Ranger. The new vision is much more simple.
She imagines herself as a university student in her third year. She’s majoring in something intellectual like philosophy or literature. The kind of thing that impresses others. It’s difficult work– lots of reading, but Kara would enjoy it enough. Her essays would always come back with high marks and even though she wouldn’t be at the top of her class, she’s not at the bottom either. She’s right where she needs to be; tucked right into that comfortable middle spot.
Kara smiles at the notion.
When she isn’t in class, she’d be the kind of girl who has a big friend group. She pictures the ones you see on college brochures where everyone is content to sit in the grass and laugh while they study. She’d have her school friends and her friend friends, because apparently, there’s a difference, and when the school day ended, she’d reside peacefully in her apartment. Not Alex and Kelly’s apartment– her own apartment. Every month, she’d pay her rent with her own money from her own job because she’d be put together enough to work one. She’d be independent, Kara imagines. She’d be happy.
Slipping her hands into the pockets of her pajama pants, Kara looks down at the sidewalk.
She’d never really gotten lost as a kid, no matter how hard she’d tried.
There were a few times where she’d gotten close. If she left early enough, she could get so deep into towns she didn’t recognize or blocked off forests that for a moment, she’d forget where she was. It was a split second of pure bliss that Kara would bask in for as long as she possibly could. But it was always ruined as quickly as it began.
Because as soon as Kara thought she might finally be far enough away to lose herself, she’d hear Alex’s heartbeat thumping in her ear, ready to guide her home. It would remain strong and steady, no matter how hard she tried to block it out, until Kara was back in the house with her sister, safely under Eliza’s watchful gaze.
Almost a decade later, Kara still isn’t sure if the part of her that always seeked out her sister knew what it was doing or not. She can’t tell if the version of herself that wanted to get lost was the real her, or if it was the one that couldn’t stand the isolation of her escapes.
But at thirteen, it was clear to Kara: there’s no way to truly lose yourself if you always have a clear map home.
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thatonebirdwrites · 4 days
Trees did exist on Krypton. They weren't anything like Earth trees however. The color change for specific trees was definitely not a thing on Krypton. Much of what Kara remembered most fondly was the Scarlet trees with the drooping red leaves and the scary undergrowth, or the more orange or yellow hued leaves that stayed the same year-round. The flowers changed hue sometimes, but not leaves.
When she first saw the flush of leaves change colors, Kara wondered if the tree was dying.
"No," Eliza explained patiently. "It's autumn. These particular trees are shedding their leaves in preparation of winter." Apparently specific temperate zone trees did this, but other trees did not.
"Then why don't those change colors?" Kara had pointed to some pine on a ridge near the vacation cabins. They'd gone to northern Oregon for a quiet fall trip, where Alex spent most of it avoiding Kara entirely.
"Those are pine trees. Their needles are able to withstand the cold."
How strange and intriguing. Kara found herself going down a research binge, reading everything she could on Earth trees. With Krypton, much of the landscape echoed with desert or hot forests. Being close to the sun, a red dwarf star, meant a large portion of its orbit faced the sun in a slow movement toward tidal locking.
She suspected some of the great machinery that powered her culture also tried to stop tidal locking. That it was their hubris that destroyed her home.
She tried not to think about it too deeply. It hurt far too much. Instead, she distracted herself. Read everything she could find about life on Earth, delved deep into its languages, and tried to not face the looming and ever pervasive grief that saturated her being.
Because if she ever stopped to consider it, she felt she might explode from the torrent.
Years later, Lena and her walked through the autumn forests of Maine, near the cabin her birth mother had left her. The vacation had been Lena's suggestion. It had only been a week since Lena and the others rescued Kara from the phantom zone, and Kara had spent that week in hiding.
Only Lena had been allowed close to her. She'd even hid from Alex. Overwhelmed by the sounds of the city, by the duties, by the expectations, by the fact she'd ran out of bandwidth within an hour of her 'welcome home' party.
By the fact her father was still alive, the man who had shaped her to be a scientist, who had played a role in Krypton's demise, who had suffered enough in the phantom zone.
As soon as he'd been shipped to Argo, Kara had flown to Lena's penthouse, desperate for something, but unable to articulate anything.
So Lena suggested the vacation to a cabin she'd never visited. One that had been in a trust fund this entire time, and one she'd never had the courage to investigate.
Two wounded people walked under the changing hues of these temperate trees. Reds, oranges, and golds loomed like a fire to herald the passing of seasons.
The only sounds came from the forest -- swaying branches, crinkle of leaves and twigs underfoot, movement of critters in the brush, and Lena's steady heartbeat next to her.
It calmed Kara in a way nothing else had.
Neither of them spoke, but then neither of them needed to speak. They understood each other at a level that went beyond speech. They'd seen the darkest parts of one another, and somehow came back to each other, reforged what lay broken, and now stood on the other side of that chasm.
Hand in hand, they walked under the changing leaves of the end of another season on Earth. No expectations, no duties, only quiet acceptance that this was how things needed to be.
At least for today. Maybe tomorrow too.
Lena had given no ending date to this visit. She'd only said, "As long you need it." Then she smiled, a tentative, unsure one, as if she expected Kara to run away or say no.
"Thank you," Kara had whispered. She'd pressed her forehead against Lena's shoulder, and Lena had embraced her, holding her with all the strength she had, as if to hold Kara together.
As if she didn't dare let go again.
The nightmares still lurked at night, but as long as Lena held her, she could hold them back. As long as Lena stayed at her side, she could walk a little straighter.
No, no changing of leaves happened on Krypton. Nor in the phantom zone.
But here, on Earth, they inspired a burgeoning hope that the pain and horror would pass. Just as the leaves fell and transformed autumn to winter.
Walking hand in hand with Lena Luthor, Kara felt a strength she'd lost slowly weave its way through her spirit.
She wasn't ready yet for therapy, to face her demons, but she was closer.
And maybe when the last leaf fell, when the snow settled on the cabin, she'd take the final steps in her healing.
And when that time came, Lena would be right there with her.
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Chapters: 1/31 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor Additional Tags: Supercorptober, Supercorptober 2024, Useless Lesbians, Domestic Fluff, Just really cute, Lena Luthor is So Whipped, Endgame Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Summary:
Happy Supercorptober :p
This is my first year partaking, but here is my collection of little one shots based on the october themes. Hope you guys enjoy!!
Themes from kmsdraws on twitter!!
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