#super speed shenanigan’s
How to Marvelously piss off a Bat: A Guide by Billy Batson, Pt 1
Bruce: Hint at anything and everything prophetic, alternate futures or timelines where something goes horribly wrong. The sheer amount of stress will piss him off, weather its true or not.
Billy: Well, this could be worse…
Batman: Superman is flinging himself into buildings high on fear gas, how does this get any worse chum?
Billy: Well hes not murdering his wife or lasering my eyes out right now so we’re definitely in the better timeline
Bruce: he’s not What now
Dick: Midair super-speed pokes. The slightest jab at the side, ankle, or even knuckle mid leap or drive freaks him out and leaves him fumbling a lot.
Nightwing, happily summersaulting off buildings preparing to grapple to another mid flip: It’s a bird, its a plane, its the Lord Gray-
Captain Marvel, gaining righteous revenge for his bowl of marshmallow only lucky charms: (Pokes the back of his right knee) bop
Nightwing, now clutching his right knee 57 stories up: so-IIIIIEEEEEE
Jason: Stick a plunger on that crome dome of a helmet, bonus anger points if its during a meeting or in front of people he’s trying to intimidate
The Red Hood, scourge of Gothams criminal underworld, in a meeting with his lieutenants: Next thing on our agenda-
The Red Hood, now with 3 plungers stuck to his helmet: We- what the hell
The Hoodlum from the warehouse rafters: THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SELLING ME OUT TO BATMAN JERK FACE!!!
Hood, taking a plunger off and pointing it at Hoodlum: I KNOW 17 WAYS TO KILL YOU WITH THIS THING YOU LITTLE SHIT, SO YOU’VE GOT 17 SECONDS TO RUN!!
Tim: Mutter something sounding like a vague hex within his proximity, he’ll think you cursed him if he knows you’re petty enough. Basically a magical non-magical psych out
Tim, very tired: I am not helping you beat Damians score on Cheese Viking Billy, that goblin will know you cheated and then its my head on the same stick as yours.
Billy, muttering under his breath while walking away: oi karpoí tou kópou sou na xekinísoun sto stóma sou (may the fruits of your labor sour in your mouth)
Tim, understanding the Greek and that billy has ties to Greek gods and magic: *panik*
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steakout-05 · 2 months
i was playing gmod earlier and i was messing around with some hhgregg ragdolls and i accidentally fucking KILLED HH and i have literally been cry-laughing at it for like 20 minutes
i was NOT expecting him to fall apart like that i'm fucking crying i wish this video had audio so bad
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fortune-maiden · 6 months
Me: I'm going to play Gates to Infinity because I never played it as a kid and heard the story is good :D
Also me: Got so annoyed with this game while waiting for the story to get good that I went and beat the main story of Rescue Team DX instead
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fandom-trash-xl · 2 years
Haven't done a little chat post drabble in a hot minute, so... here's an "incorrect quote" one
Inspo: The "Car Full of Girls" segment apparently from the Reel Guys podcast but I cannot track down the exact original source link for the life of me Context: Remember how I headcanonned that Frieza would get inaugurated into the unofficial Z Fighters "mom group" against his will once Kuriza starts bonding with Pan and Bulla? Well, Videl decides to rope Frieza into one of their get togethers... forgetting that this was actually a girl's night out with Launch. Insanity ensues. --- Frieza: You do not know what it's like to be in a car with multiple Earth women... It is the most reckless thing ever. I don't know how they THINK. They've got the music on 98, everyone's SCREAMING. The monkey daughter-in-law's (Videl) face-calling her husband, Bulma and that "Lunch" woman are having a conversation- the monkey wife (Chi-Chi) just BUTTS IN. They're making plans. The "Lunch" woman's eating CASHEWS and driving with all the windows down so there's hair flying EVERYWHERE. We're going 90 miles per hour, I can't even THINK. We're missing turns and somehow made it there earlier, then- *thump thump* Blue!Launch: (sneezes out of fright) *thumping again* Blonde!Launch: Oh yeah, Yamcha's in the trunk. (Frieza is not sure whether to be horrified, disgusted, or impressed. Yamcha's just happy to be included. In conclusion, Frieza permanently uninvites himself from any further "girls nights".)
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princessbrunette · 3 months
okay what if it’s just been a long day of hanging out with the pogues and both bunny and puppy are lent up and need it, and puppy is usually on top but she’s super tired and bunny takes the lead this time :)
(⑅◞ ִ ◟⑅) · ˚ 𓈒 🐇 ྀི 🐾 ♡
each time bunny glides her puffy cunt up against pups, the two girls let out a harmony of groans— their clothes discarded across the bed, a kaleidoscope of pastel pinks and blues.
it had been a long day. first of all john b came to get them way too early, sending jj to climb up to the window when they wouldn’t answer the door because they were too busy sleeping. he was shoving clothes over their heads and throwing them out the door by 8AM to hop on the boat to the other side of the island. after that, it was shenanigan after shenanigan — and didn’t stop until they were safely back in bunny’s glamorous bedroom.
“need t’shower, you smell like sunscreen.” bunny giggles against puppy’s neck between moans, leaning forward as puppy hungrily opens her mouth, tiredly trying to catch her girlfriends tit in her mouth.
“mm, too sleepy!” pup throws her head back, wanting to complain but enjoying the feeling of being grinded on too much.
“cant get in my bed if you’re stinky.” bunny sighs, sitting back up and rolling her hips, looking down at the way their pudgy clits kiss eachother. “s’okay, you can cum first. wanna make you cum.” she groans, speeding up the roll of her hips making puppy pant like a real dog.
“m’gonna!” she whines, and her girlfriend puts on a real show — grabbing at her own tits, knowing the other girl usually enjoys to watch. concentrating, pup keeps her eyes screwed shut, breathing hard and fast as she tries to reach orgasm. bunny leans forward, pressing her chest to her lovers, blowing gently on her face, the scent of her lipgloss lingering as puppy’s eyes flutter open.
“wanna look at you. missed you pup.” bunny pouts and pup furrows her brows, nodding as she sits up on her elbows, rutting up against bun.
“‘kay. love you.”
“love you too. now let’s cum, wanna make a big mess!”
(⑅◞ ִ ◟⑅) · ˚ 𓈒 🐇 ྀི 🐾 ♡
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choochooboss · 14 days
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Sketch dump! Vol. 3 August 2022
Literally dumping all the presentable works here as promised, whether I’m proud of them or not!
The first image was inspired by a color palette of a random YT playlist thumbnail! I really loved it and wanted to turn it into a cosy travel & rain scene with colorful city lights smeared like dripping wet watercolors. The second one is a KH3 reference! Do you recognise this scene? I don't know how he would possibly end up there in the first place, but he sure is determined to find his dear brother by breaking through the edge of the world!
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How to make Ingo smile, step 1: Make him spell "Emmet"! And a goofy cartoon collision moment ahah!
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They are very satisfied after a challenging match, win or lose, and they want you to come back for another ride! I love the twins as they appear in Pokémas the most and try to capture the personalities their English VAs give in my art. They are adorable, excitable, cool and very much admirable!
Emmet always wants to look cool, and Ingo surely gives the most heartfelt handshakes! This piece was to celebrate 1K followers on Twitter! The first three months were wild as so many people found my works!! I fondly reminisce that time, not only I was doing well with my first fanart account, I also felt very happy in general! I was so in the zone with art, being super creative free of worries. It's awesome to see most of the people who commented this back then are still posting/in contact with me!! Thank you so much for sticking with me and my little shenanigans!
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I still really like these sketches here, love to see this trio having a blast together! The clips are from a movie classic "Singing in the Rain", and below is the final piece:
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Early Breakmas AU sketch (Team Break Submas); going full speed after trainers to collect their pokémon... What would you do if these two giant traffic cones approached you at high velocities?
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Excadrill & Archeops, the soft & fluffy guys! Some of my first sketches of the submas mons. Excadrill has become my no. 1 submas mon, I adore that tough little missile knight! Archeops is definitely one of the most appealing ones! I love how he kinda has 4 wings he glides with. However I cannot unsee the snake in a parrot suit ahahah, pardon me! Also I pity the poor guy's in-battle idle animation where he has to flap SO HARD just to stay afloat!
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Also Durant & Galvantula! I never was a fan of Durant but I've found ways to have fun drawing this little mischievous creature. They're after your ankles nyehehehe~ Galvantula also wasn't appealing to me until submas fever hit but now I think it's a pretty cute beast! I really like how I drew that fur, which is funny because it was that bristly blue fur that didn't strike my fancy back then!
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Still enjoying this sketch! Took me some time to read the lines though ahah, the sketch so loose. He's leading a complete opposite life now...
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Surprise!!! I held an art raffle on my Twitter account once but I never finished the piece for no good explanation other than getting stuck with the depot agent designs. I wanted to finish this so badly but just couldn't get over that mental block. It still bothers me I couldn't do it!
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More KH inspired attempts, this time the stained glass!
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Some expressions! Those snouts I draw for them are so silly ahah
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Oh yikes, mood shift! The situation is looking dire, is his brother okay?? I like how the pose & water turned out!
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'How's it hanging bro?' Who hung him up there anyway?
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Another intense situation, what could this Team Break guy possibly want from him..?! Man, this piece feels so old now but I still like the movie like vibe! That's all just from August!! I was extremely productive back then ahah, it's cool to see how creative and varied stuff I could do!
More and more sketches & WIPs are waiting in the queue! Hope you had fun checking these out!
UPDATE: I had accidentally uploaded some sketches I had already shared in the July 2022 sketchdump so I replaced them with other sketches I had actually forgot I made in August!
Sketch dump Vol. 1: April-June 2022 Sketch dump Vol. 2: July 2022
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wheeboo · 1 month
RANIAAAA hru? I hope you're well💗
I have a soft thought on superman!mingyu. When you first started dating, he's just so happy and excited he forgets his own strength sometimes.
He holds the door open for you? There's a dent in his car door. He feeds u the first bite of his cooking? Best believe the spoon is bent from how nervous he is. He wants to help out dusting and vacuuming? He accidentally lifts the couch to high it knocks out your lightbullb.
He's always so apologetic and shy about it, sometimes he gets insecure and scared that even with the best of his intentions he might accidentally get you hurt. It could be thaat at a point it bothers him so much that he's teary eyed. Cause how can he be this reliable hero but also risk hurting you? But you just shake your head and kiss his pout away because when it comes to touching you.. he's always gentle.
(sure sometimes you gasp when you dont see each other for a while or his adrenaline is pumping from a recent rescue that he speeds into your arms.)
But after the first few times, Mingyu won't lunge forward for a hug, instead he opens his arms so you come to him and he'll gently cradle you. He's softer and slower and intentional when he reaches for you. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much when he's carefully picking off an eyelash from your cheekbone. His fingers are rough from callouses but it reminds you of who he is and why he had to work so hard. So you brush your lips against his palms and just embrace him.
Idk, i feel like theres always going to be this juxtaposition of being a reliable and good super hero with abilities that can hurt others or attract others to hurt you. 🤧But he really does try and thats all that matters to you💗
Hiii TOMO !!! and i've been doing fineee how have u been lovely 🫶🫶
STOPP you're so right!!! i've already mentioned how he would totally underestimate his super strength abilities and overall just being this goofball in a muscular man's body yk 😓
there will for sure be lil dents and cracks in both of your homes from his clumsy shenanigans 😭😭 STOP THE SPOON BEING BENT i could just imagine the food falling off the spoon when he's trying to feed you and he gets all shy abt it HAHA
he would definitely be so shy and apologetic abt it :(( the thought of hurting you hurts him, makes his poor lil heart ache if that happens. there are definitely instances throughout the relationship where he believed his heroic identity and obvious inhuman abilities would be the downfall of your relationship, yet it's so hard to imagine a life without you in it, and the kiss you leave to his lips after he spills that to you makes him nearly forget all about it. so that's why he's always cautious when it comes to you, always tries to let you do the first move in initiating affection even though he wants to do that too. he would be so so sweet, gentle, and soft whenever he's admiring you in more intimate situations 🥺
sometimes he may accidentally squeeze you a lil too hard or even picking you up by surprise while he's flying back home 😔
but he for sure makes mental notes about it. would place a nervous hand at your hips if he wants to backhug you, open his arms for you to fall into his embrace after noticing you've had a hard day at work, and overall just make you feel loved and cherished. and whenever the comfort and protection of his arms swallow you whole, you can't help but admire him too--over the small cut you notice at his lips from a very difficult battle that would fade away in time, the callouses at the tip of his fingers, while listening the sound of his steady heartbeat in your ear <3
there definitely is a big juxtaposition with being a superhero with the ability to hurt others too :(( but like you said... he tries because he loves you and has so much love to give, and that's all that matters 🥺
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 98
So there’s been a leucistic raven around the area I live and they are giving me ideas. 
 Danny is having fun. He’s on vacation! Sort of. Look, the GIW can barely find ecto-animals, and apparently being a halfa means that once Amorpho helped him with shapeshifting, he was golden. Well not literally, apparently his form’s coloration is based on his hair. So. But even then, who expects a raven of all things to be stopping crimes? Or aiding them. Look, the plant-lady has the right idea and he thinks Sam would adore her. Er, as long as she doesn’t kill anyone that is. 
 And Clockwork even gave his approval to do some time shenanigans too! Apparently there’s some super-speed heroes who he’s getting frustrated with and he’s allowed to follow them back in time to mess with their own stumbling through the time stream. Or something, does he really care? No, he’s on vacation! 
 But his absolute favorite has to be this sad funky british man and this age-shifting magic boy. He of course brings them all the best gossip- and food for the kid. Look, just because he’s on vacation doesn’t mean he’s gonna’ be heartless. He remembers how it is as a teenage-hero and the kid is like, ten so. 
 Though he’s pretty sure Mr sad-trench coat dude knows he’s not a normal raven but it’s hilarious to hear him try to figure it out. 
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captainhysunstuff · 6 months
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22 more images (with some saucy shenanigans and immature "seduction" tactics towards the end) below the cut:
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Ryuk makes his grand return and is brought up to speed with Light and L's immoral union. The date seems pretty successful~.
Next (Mature)
Next (Super Abridged)
Master List
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critterbitter · 9 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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ssoulphrase · 1 month
00. The Curiosity of Haku Shota
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Pairing: alien!soul x fem!reader
Genre: Slice of life, fluff
Warnings: mentions of bugs (´-`)
Word Count: 2,159
👾 - I decided to write a small piece as a filler for the actual fic I'm writing with this concept. I realized it was gonna take me longer than I wanted, so l'm writing this to get me motivated T^T I wanted my debut to be the longer fic but oh well :) This can be read as a stand alone as it doesn't add much to the main plot :) The main fic wil be linked once it's finished!
Sorry in advance if there's any mistakes,l wrote this kinda fast ( ´~`)
💿 - Aya Hirano, Super Driver !!
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“Y/n! Come on! Wake up! Don’t waste your summer lying around all day! I wanna do stuff!!”
It’s been a couple of months since Soul crashed into your apartment, him first arriving at the time when you were still in classes. He’s become accustomed to your way of life quickly, seamlessly blending into what is human society. However, it's now summer, and he’s been begging every day to do something new, saying that it’s all for his ‘research.’ You laid on your carpeted floor, limbs sprawled out in a starfish shape as the cheap fan you bought at a market once was blasting at full speed, squeaking as it does its turns.
“What is it that you want to do Soul…?” The grogginess in your voice made it evident that you had no intention of getting up at any moment. However, Soul continued on, ignoring your groggy state.
“I want to go on a bike ride! Oh! And have a picnic! And draw with chalk! And maybe go star gazing at night!”
“That’s quite the list you’ve got there…” Although these were pretty mundane things to you, you couldn’t help but entertain Soul and his shenanigans, his excitement lifting a small smile upon your lips.
“I know! I thought about it all last night! It's stuff I've heard humans do during their free time.” A proud grin made itself onto his lips.
“Okay,” you chuckled fondly, “come help me make some sandwiches then.” It was just like Soul to drag you out of your apartment to do something. Just yesterday, the two of you had gone bug catching, Soul having the brilliant idea to make it a contest to see who could catch the most. It was no surprise to see that he had caught more than you by the end of it, boasting about having done his research on the most efficient way humans catch bugs. Of course, you didn’t let him keep any of the bugs he caught as you didn’t want any crawling around in your apartment. He dejectedly let the bugs go, seeing them fly out into the horizon. You couldn’t lie though, the scenery was beautiful (minus the flapping of the bugs…), the sun was starting to set just beyond the horizon and if it wasn’t for Soul, you would have spent this summer alone in your apartment.
“You, know they might return the favor one day, since you were so kind to let them go.” You glanced to your side, Soul was staring at the sunset in awe as all the little bugs he caught flew away.
“Return the favor?” He ripped his eyes from the sight in front of him to look at you in confusion. You couldn’t help but admire how ethereal he looked under the sun’s rays, his sun kissed skin and deep brown eyes reflected the sun’s true colors as the bit of breeze that picked up swept his hair, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.
“C’mon,” you chuckled, “Let’s go back home.”
Cut back to now, you lazily got up off your carpeted floor, already missing the fan’s cool breeze against your face
“What type of sandwiches are we making??” Soul excitedly followed behind you as you slowly made your way into your cramped kitchen.
“I guess whatever we find in the fridge…” Luckily, you did have the correct ingredients to make sandwiches, having bought the stuff a couple of weeks ago. You spent the next thirty minutes teaching Soul how to make a simple ham and cheese sandwich, not because of his lack of experience but because of your lack of ingredients (which he didn’t seem to mind), his excitement over making sandwiches made the chore a bit more bearable.
⋆⭒˚.⋆🪐 ⋆⭒˚.⋆
“C’mon! Hurry up! I wanna get to the park already!”
“I’m coming…” Soul had already reached the end of the steps, waiting beside your baby blue bike that you had gotten for your birthday. He had already placed the basket of food onto the bike’s built in basket, hands on his hips as he waited for you to ascend the stairs.
“You know, we’re gonna have to pass by the store to get the chalk you wanted, cuz I certainly don’t have any…” You finally reached the end of the stairs, Soul’s frown turning into a smile.
“I’ve got that settled already!”
There’s that proud smile again…
“What? How?”
“Your neighbor! I had mentioned it a while ago to her while you were out shopping, and she let me borrow some as long as we bring them back!” Soul boasted, you could only let out a sigh in response.
“So you had this all planned, huh? C’mon, get on the back of the bike.” Soul eagerly made his way on the back of your bike, holding onto your waist for security. The bike ride to the park was surprisingly peaceful. You half expected Soul to ask you about every little thing he saw on the way. Instead, he sat quietly behind you, squeezing you once in a while to hold on when the tighter turns came.
Soul honestly just liked being in your presence. He knew that asking you many questions tired you out, having once realizing that when your tone of voice turned into something less friendly by what seemed like his 500th question that day. Soul once again hugged you tighter, feeling only grateful for all you’ve done for him since he got there, a feeling he doesn’t experience often. Sure, he’s always experienced excitement ever since he arrived on Earth, especially when you comply to his wishes, however, sometimes he feels this inexplicable feeling in his chest whenever he’s close to you, almost as if he’s out of breath. He wonders if you’ve ever felt that before.
He might have to do some research on that later.
“Soul, we’re here.” Your voice broke through his thoughts as he eagerly jumped off your bike as you went to park it. While he was running off to who knows where, you looked for a good place under the shade to set the quilted picnic blanket you brought.
“Y/n! Come! What’s that vehicle over there???” You looked to what seemed to be an ice cream truck, you knew what he was going to ask once you told him, however, a good ice cream cone would be wonderful in this hot weather.
“It’s a truck that sells ice cream. You want some?” You weren’t surprised when he eagerly nodded his head yes, running over to stand behind all the other children who were begging their parents to get them ice cream.
“Do you know what flavor you want?” Once you caught up to him, you looked over the poster plastered onto the side of the truck, skimming through all the flavors they had.
“I’ll try what you have, I’m not particularly interested in any one of them. If I could, I'd try them all…”
Of course you would…
“Hmm, should we try the strawberry then?”
The two of you had what seemed to be a feast for the both of you as you gobbled up every piece of food you had brought plus the ice cream, Soul seeming to be the one enjoying it the most. After the meal however, Soul ran off to chase some bugs again while you stayed seated in your spot on the blanket under the shade, having had enough of the ‘creepy crawlies’ since your small excursion the day before. Without noticing, an affectionate gaze landed upon your features as you looked over Soul who was carefully examining the grass beneath the (already) dirty sneakers you let him borrow. You couldn’t help but build a sense of endearment towards the alien that appeared in your apartment unannounced. It was only natural, right? You had spent several months together by now, Soul accompanying you through almost everything. You’d feel a little strange if he wasn’t there by your side bugging you about every ‘cool’ thing he saw. You wondered how you’d feel once his research period was over and he’d have to go back home.
There he goes calling my name again…
“Yes Soul?”
“Let’s go draw with the chalk!” He was already running off again, expecting you to be able to catch up to his speed. He led you towards the pavement pathway where previous chalk drawings were, some already being washed out due to age.
“What are you planning to draw?” Soul handed you a few chalk pieces before going a few squares away from you.
“It’s a secret!” You playfully rolled your eyes at his childlike nature, his nose scrunched as he turned away to scribble. You drifted your sight to the empty pavement square beneath you, sighing.
Guess I’ve gotta draw something…
Your artistic skills weren’t the best per se, but you couldn’t help but feel a little proud of the cute but childlike drawing made out of the pastel chalk colors Soul had handed you. You were so engaged in your drawing, however, that you didn’t see or hear Soul walking behind you.
“That’s your drawing?” Soul’s soft but snarky voice came from behind you, eliciting another eye roll from you.
“Oh, come on! Show me yours then!” You stomped your way to his square on the pavement, a series of squiggles and lines as well as intricate shapes were drawn with the chalk.
“Uh, what’s that?”
“It’s the writing system we use in space! I was hoping that if I write it big enough, my friends and family up there will be able to see it!” He wore that proud grin once more, showing off his penmanship in his language.
“Oh! What does it say then?” You stepped closer to examine his work, intrigued by the intricate work that went into the writing.
“Um, just letting them know that I’m doing okay,” his right hand went to rub his chin in thought, “I wonder if I wrote it big enough though…”
“I’m sure they’ll see it,” you reassured him, “They’ll be happy to hear that you’re doing well.” You tried giving him a reassuring smile to ease the worry that was present on his face, his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought.
“You really think so? Okay then!” In the blink of an eye, his worrisome expression changed to his usual carefree smile that he carries.
That was fast…
“Y/n! Let’s go draw something together over there!” And once again, Soul was dragging you to another place to draw. You spent the rest of the afternoon drawing on the pavement with Soul, him claiming that this has to be the ‘best drawing to ever exist,’ meaning that he wanted to put in the extra time to perfect it as much as possible. What he wanted to execute though, was a ‘family portrait’ of you and him so that his family and friends in space would be able to see what he was up to. And as always, you obliged to his demands, putting in the extra elbow grease to draw it as he imagined it. As a finishing touch, Soul added the orange, tabby cat that hung out on your balcony at random times, Soul claiming that they’re best friends.
“Perfect! We’re done!” Soul looked over the drawing with pride, the sun had already set and the stars were starting to twinkle brightly.
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Oh definitely!” he nodded eagerly “And we finished just in time to go stargazing!” Before you could say anything, Soul grabbed your hand to lead you to the picnic blanket under the tree, this time, a bit more calmer.
“Why’d you wanna stargaze anyway? I thought you lived amongst the stars based on what you’ve told me.” You sat down one last time on the blanket right next to him, Soul immediately laying his head right on your lap, your hand came up to rest on his multicolored hair.
“I wanted to see the stars with you.” The phrase touched you more than you thought it would, the meaning behind his words bringing a certain heavy feeling on your chest almost bringing you to tears.
“I promise I’ll keep in touch with you once my research period on Earth is over. You better keep in touch too!” You couldn’t see it, however you could almost sense that carefree grin he always carries forming on his face.
“Okay, I promise I’ll keep in touch too.”
I wouldn’t want to forget you…
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👾 - bleep blorp zeep zorp
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Thinking more about my post about the Core Four growing up (as I've now got Tynion's Detective Comics under my belt as the lead in to Young Justice 2019, and I still think the narrative that the Core Four need to move away to grow up like Dick's Titans did is flawed, because of how this narrative is shaped.
Tim spends all of Tynion's run playing with the idea of moving away, going to college outside Gotham to 'grow up' and find himself.
But he can't do it, and he realises he doesn't want to do it. And instead...he discovers he has a missing past, and 'leaves Gotham' as he goes to Zatanna to have his memories restored.
Tim's growth in finding himself is...restoring his childhood and teen years. It's in finding his old friends.
And similarly, through Young Justice 2019, there is a read on the text that for Tim and Cassie in particular, this is a period of restored memories. Their growth and change is regaining their pasts and their friends. You see this via Bart's return, where he escapes the Speed Force and then goes looking for his friends and family, and you can see some characters suddenly remember who he is by encountering him. Cassie in particular seems to literally regain her memories of Bart just by being in proximity to him at the start of Young Justice 2019. It feels like Speed Force shenanigans, in line with the ones that have variously been used on Donna and Wally in particular over the years to restore their existences, and given that as precedent, it's almost got to be a side effect of the fact the Core Four are lighting rods for Bart, even though I don't think that's ever been outright stated on panel.
And then Cassie and Tim have the same experience again while locked up by Opal in Gemworld, where they (and only they) sense something 'familiar' right before Conner appears and tears the top off the oubliettes they're trapped in. They can feel his TTK and they recognise it. By being near Conner they 'get' Conner back.
And this all happens in Gemworld, which is a setting of narrative about growing up for Amy herself. They grow up by restoring their old friendships and connections...and then returning home to their families.
And Bart manages to reintegrate by the Speed Force smoothing things out in terms of his family's memories being restored of him.
And Tim goes back to Gotham and slides back into being Robin in the aftermath of it all, as he knows who he is now.
And Conner has to rebuild all of his connections as he's once again a person without a past to all of the Supers, and his storylines are firstly about becoming part of the family again and then about pulling back away to check he still has family backing him up.
And Cassie goes back to the Wonders and has to navigate her feelings over being replaced because unlike everyone else this is the first time it's happened to her, but she's got her best friends back.
They didn't need to leave home to find themselves to grow up. They left home to find each other, and then returned, comfortable in their connections, to take their places in their communities and families as their sign of growing maturity.
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anthurak · 5 months
So I have a hunch that we’re going to find out that Ruby actually has some… special connection to the Relics.
See, let’s consider for a moment the fact that as of the end of Volume 8, all three of Jinn’s answers have been questioned. Which, according to everything we know, means that it should be a hundred years before more questions can be asked, and by extension, before we could see Jinn again.
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Now the thing is, I think we call all agree that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that this is the last we’re meant to see of a character like Jinn in RWBY. If for nothing else than it feels like we’re meant to get at least one more vision from her in a big ‘Once More, With Clarity’ reveal.
Like you know the theory that the main reason for the Unreliable-Narrator nature of Jinn’s vision in Volume 6 was because Ruby’s question was ‘What is Ozpin hiding from us?’, meaning that Jinn’s answer was framed ENTIRELY around what Oz knew, or BELIEVED, ie; all the info/propaganda he was told/fed by the God of Light about what happened while he was dead.
So I think it feels like a pretty natural step that we could wind up seeing someone, likely Ruby again, doing a redux of that moment where she asks Jinn a far more direct question, say; “What happened to Old Humanity?”, to get the TRUTH of what really happened.
Which all means that our heroines are somehow going to get MORE answers out of Jinn. And since a hundred-year timeskip seems… unlikely, to say the least, that leaves us with really just two options:
Time-manipulation shenanigans to ‘speed up’ the normal hundred-year recharge, which we don’t have any kind of precedent for at the moment.
Or, it turns out that there are ways of BYPASSING Jinn’s normal three-question limit.
Which brings us to Ruby, who just so happens to have a mysterious inborn power apparently originating from the very being who CREATED Jinn and the other relic spirits.
Basically, I’ve got a hunch that Ruby’s Silver Eyes, possibly as a result of developing/realizing more of their powers, turn out to give her what is essentially ‘administrator access’ to the Relics, allowing her to bypass their normal restrictions.
Like getting more answers from Jinn.
And the funny thing is, we’ve actually ALREADY seen Ruby get both relic spirits we’ve met thus far to, shall we say, skirt the rules a bit.
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Ruby got what was essentially a freebie out of Jinn to get herself more time to use her Silver Eyes against the Leviathan: “And while you do not seek knowledge, just this once I was give it freely.” Also note that Jinn’s warning was merely that she would not be summoned ‘without a question’ again. What if it turns out that Ruby is actually capable of asking Jinn more questions? It’s also worth noting that this instance feels distinct from what we saw later when Hazel and Emerald summoned Jinn seemingly for free: Unlike Ruby, Hazel was ‘seeking knowledge’ when he summoned Jinn, and the fact that the so-called ‘password’ worked gave him all the answers he needed, which in turn satisfies Jinn’s mandate to answer questions. Which again feels rather distinct from the outright FREEBIE that Jinn gives Ruby.
And then of course there’s the whole bit where Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang got Ambrosius to SUPER-skirt his own rules to make Penny a new body. Which we’re still a bit hazy on HOW they got that to work. Again, given that it was Ruby who summoned Ambrosius, what if it turns out that she was able to get him to BYPASS his normal restrictions?
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Another neat little detail to all this is the fact that we are actually two-for-two on Ruby being the FIRST person shown on-screen using each of the relics. She’s the first person we see using the Lamp to summon Jinn, and again the first person we see using the Staff to summon Ambrosius. So I can’t help but think we’re likely to see this pattern continue with the Sword and the Crown.
I realize some of these on their own might feel like a bit of a stretch, but taken together I think we can start seeing a pattern:
Right now, Ruby is two-for-two on both being the first person shown on screen using a relic AND getting what seems to be special treatment from both relic spirits AND just so happens to have a power that apparently originates from the very being who CREATED the relics in the first place.
I can’t help but feel like this is all going somewhere…
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
⬭ 𓈒 hey there! all star. chapter two: the pink pen
╰   * rockstar! ellie x singer! reader x rockstar! abby
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synopsis: At All Star University deviance isn’t tolerated. When the band room is up in flames with 3 music students to blame, community service at a band camp in the summer is in order.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, smoking, mentions of arson, fighting, sexual undertones if you look closely, jealousy, slighty dark! ellie n abby, descriptions of blood, stabbing (with a pen), touching, jabs at hooking up, crazy-exes, if you watched tsitp (like a team conrad vs team jeremiah type beat), big feelings denial
a/n: (9k + words) There is definitely a change of speed this chapter, now for the fun, a lot of stakes a presented this chapter which lines up for future chapters, thus why there is one flashback to the fight scene, and some gaps of events — as always my inbox is open I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter if you ever wanna pop in to talk about it, I would love to hear theories as well
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previous. next chapter
02. the pink pen
You wish you could super-glue your eyes shut. 
The heat scorned your back, as the light layer of sunscreen you applied started to melt. The terrible air circulation from the broken bus fans didn’t help how sticky you felt against the red leather seats of the school bus.
Of course, apart from the 3 of you that had to volunteer, some other campus students were there as well; naturally volunteering out of the kindness of their own hearts. They were often plastered on the University’s Instagram as appreciation for their service.
Recognizable to you was first, Nora, who walked onto the bus with a pep in her step, followed by Dina and Jesse who you knew as friends of Ellie, Manny -- Abby’s practice buddy, and the silhouette of the last person who made your heart drop. A scowl appearing on your face as you brought a hand up to your face in shock.
Elora was the last campus student to enter the bus. 
The smug look on her face made you want to walk right up and slap it off of her. This was ridiculous. In this very moment, you hated the fact that you signed up for this – you should have just taken the expulsion, this was fucking awkward. You turned your head to look at Abby who was already looking at you as if she wanted to slam her head into a wall. 
With a loud – thud, Abby’s head hit the window, while you slowly slid down in your seat.
“If you act like you don’t see IT…it’s not even there” Abby whispered, referring to Elora as ‘it’ - making you only groan in response.
Ellie was to your right in the 3 seater, making you sandwiched between the two. Squinting at the two of you in confusion. The loud screaming music of her headphones masked any sounds your lips were making – so she tried to read lips. 
Ellie only got “don’t look” “not… there” and she eventually just tilted her head forward to mind her own business. Ellie was quiet this go round, you were waiting for her to just unclip her seatbelt and try to switch with Nora, who sat with Dina. Mentally, you thought she probably had enough of you and Abby’s shenanigans. 
Ellie wore long jorts in the heat, her leg rubbing against your own; one leg slightly further out in the middle aisle but her left leg still touching yours. You could feel Ellie’s cold hands slightly brushing at your knee from its position that it had on your own. You were overstimulated at this moment. Between Elora looking at you, Ellie being basically on top of you, and Abby throwing insults about Elora in your ear, it was too much. 
Abby and yourself went from cracking jokes and laughing to now trying your best to be invisible and unseen on the bus. 
“It’s hard not to she’s literally looking at me.” You hissed lowly back to Abby, who popped up from her slumped position like a popcorn kernel to look back at Elora as she twirled the drumstick in her hands some more. Abby pretended to throw the drumstick at Elora’s head, clicking her tongue and pretending that she hit her target. “Maybe I should wack her…again”
“Maybe you shouldn’t”
“Nah maybe I should, ya know…poke her eye out or—”
“The bitch can’t even read music!”
“What is up with you guys?” Ellie’s voice boomed as she took out her headphones to look at the two of you. Her sea green eyes were deep into your own, suddenly feeling yourself shake slightly under her gaze. Now that you got to see her features up even closer, she was more beautiful than your brain sought her to be. Her freckled face is slightly red from the sun and glossy from the sunscreen she wore as well. A cropped Guns & Roses muscle tee on her body, exposing the familiar tattoos on her arms. Sunglasses on her forehead – mirroring Abby. You broke the contact, your eyes pleading with Abby to help you.
Deny Deny Deny 
“You know…ex-flings” Abby blurted out, making sure to emphasize the word ex making you gasp and jab an elbow into her hip. Abby let out a huff at your unexpected jab. 
Abby entirely missed your que. 
You could feel your body getting jittery, your cheeks warm as your lips were slightly parted. You were not about to tell your crush about your failed situationship that nearly set you off. 
“I wasn’t asking you, rookie, I’m asking y/n…” Ellie interrupted, not breaking eye contact with you. Great. She was staring you down like a hawk watching its prey. She was onto you. Ellie bit her lip leaning into you “Y/n…?” 
You couldn’t focus. Between Ellie’s peppermint, eucalyptus scent that was hovering over you, your mind almost shutting dow; you looked past Ellie to look at Elora, who was already staring at you. Like you were a hunk of meat. It grossed you out, body shifting under her gaze, you could feel her eyes shifting to parts of your body that were exposed. Looking at places that she shouldn’t. Like your thighs, or your cleavage that was showing as your boobs pressed against each other in the tight pink halter top you wore.
Abby, on the other hand was twirling her drums got faster…and faster – to the point where you can hear the whizzing of the wood slapping against her flesh fingers.
You swore the wood was going to snap.
Ellie followed your train of vision, her lips shut as she looked at Elora. You could feel Ellie tense next to you, taking her hand off of her own thigh to crack her knuckles briefly.
“You fuckin’ around with Elora?” Ellie sounded disgusted, “ooh you could do better” she sang, reaching down to fix your signature necklace that was slightly crooked at the center of your chest. Your hand gently grabbing at her own, but still looking elsewhere.
You were still hyper-focused on Elora, Ellie periodically looking back between you and Elora to see if she stopped looking.
“I’m not– I didn’t,” you sighed “We used to talk she kinda fucked shit up it’s just awkward to see her here…and now she won’t stop looking at me” Your voice was small, soft, almost whining.
Ellie could feel that you were uncomfortable. So could Abby to your left who fallen awfully silent. Your discomfort makes both girls grow angrier by the minute. Ellie didn’t like Elora. It wasn’t even for the fact that you were previously entangled with her but Ellie had her personal beef with Elora. 
Starting with the fact that Elora swept her own ex-girlfriend from right under her own arms and was pretty determined to make sure anything Ellie touched would be briefly removed from her hands. Ellie’s hands gripped the backboard of the seat in front of you, her knuckles turning white.
“Stop staring back at her, just look at me” Ellie whispered aggressively making you blink rapidly out of the haze you were in. 
Her raspy voice was like a siren call, making you instantly submit yourself to do whatever she said, whatever she wanted “Want me to do something– say something? Cuz I will” Ellie whispered her voice, dark.
Ellie looked murderous at the moment. What the fuck were you doing to her? Ellie hasn’t felt this way in months. Jealousy nagged at her heart, enraging her head until all she could see was red. She hated the way Elora looked at you, it wasn’t in a saying hi to an old friend way, but like she was stirring the pot in her head cooking up the most chaotic and disruptive recipe. 
No sugar, bitter table-salt. 
Given the opportunity to put Elora in her place, she would do it any day free of charge. A scowl made home on Ellie’s face. In the moment she was rather expressive– extremely expressive, in comparison to her stoic face 10 minutes ago. Ellie dug into the front pocket of your shorts taking out your pink pen that was peaking out. Double clicking it a few times. The clicking becoming obnoxious to the ears, like nails on a chalkboard — Abby sat up this time watching Ellie’s hands as her eyes flickered to Elora who of course was aloof as ever.
Ellie spoke up again, 
“Say the word…” 
You couldn’t find it in you to speak. Your silence defies the room. Ellie bounced her leg steadily growing irritated at the fact that you weren’t giving her an answer. The minute your supervisor turned to sit in her seat after doing attendance checks, Elora took the chance to give one final glance at you - Ellie’s jaw clenched as she felt the pen almost liquifying in her hand and flying uncontrollably.
Ellie held the pen like a dart as it whizzed in the air whacking Elora in the face. Elora turned around holding her cheek, letting out a groan that could be heard throughout the bus. Abby laughed to your left in amusement at Ellie’s sudden behavior;  your mouth going wide staring at Ellie who only sunk back into her chair with a smug I don’t care - look on her face. Ellie’s head was skewing out different curses. The red she was seeing was pulsing, like a beating heart. 
Two could play that game. 
“So you let her do it but not me?” Abby shamelessly admitted, trying her best to conceal her laughter against the window. Even though she wasn’t the one to do it Abby found the situation entertaining.
Elora turned again, trying to figure out who threw the pen, locking eyes with Ellie who was already staring her down.
“Next time…” Ellie croaked,  raising a hand to point at her right eye “It’ll be your fuckin’ eye” Ellie’s voice was prominent, threatening; sending Elora a cocky wink to finalize her statement. 
It was safe to say that Elora didn’t look at you for the rest of the bumpy ride. Eventually, your head slumped against Abby’s bulked arms letting out silent snores as you slept peacefully for the 30-minute bus ride to the cabins. Abby was doing the same her head against the glass of the window while her hand was gently on your thigh.
Ellie looked like a guard dog, a Doberman, protective and alert – wired headphones returned in her small ears, zoning out ahead. Occasionally boring a hole into the back of Elora’s head before hitting the skip button to the song on her phone.
Ellie’s green eyes tilted down to Abby’s hand that was protectively over your leg — like a blanket keeping you warm in the winter. She wasn’t sure why she was feeling jittery all of sudden, she knew better than to think anything more of it.
Just a friend…
Abby was just a friend, right?
Arriving to the camp-site, smelling the air filled of freshly cut grass, merky salt water from the lake, a boost of serotonin ran through you. When summer calls and nature picks up the phone it was truly a sight to see. The buzzing of the bees – working overtime in pollination and flies out for blood put you at ease. 
Stepping off the bus, you took your bags from the lower compartment to sling the pink duffle over your shoulder. Waiting in front as Abby did the same thing. Abby rightfully brought her drumsticks, tucking them in her butt pocket like she always does, while Ellie had her guitar case strapped to her back. A guitar pick hanging from her neck around a ball-chain silver necklace. 
It truly reminded you of the times there was marching band practice during high-school summers. 
Certain cabins with labels on them indicating the music rooms, dorms, and dining hall, nostalgia hitting you like a wet brick. A navigation stick at the center with arrows pointing at different locations of the camp. 
The bee’s decided that your perfume was perfectly sweet, making you swat your arm around your head at the bees that were effortlessly trying to kiss your ear. 
Abby, slid into the empty pocket of standing distance next to you, as you turned slightly to point at Abby’s sunglasses – your way of asking to wear them, to which she gracefully handed them to you with a smile.
Abby cleared her throat, “Ehm…Robin, hope you didn’t forget about our deal” 
Right. The fucking bet, you wanted to forget the bet and honestly just ditch it. Feeling ridiculous and immature for making the deal in the first place — words slipping out of your mouth uncontrollably. You looked like you just got caught doing something you shouldn’t – shrouding bashfully away from Abby, looking up at her through your tinted glasses.
“How about we delay that til’ fall?”
“It’s too late we already swapped spit” Abby grumbled, pretending to do the act of spitting in her hand and shaking an imaginary one in front of her. 
You puffed out your cheeks, rolling your eyes as you did so, letting the air deflate “I’ll bump it up to $40”
“Hey…you have one little interaction with the punk and now you’re giving up?” Abby began, nudging you with her arm “She got you feelin' hot and wet don’t she?’' Abby teased, her voice low and cunning almost as if she was daring you to try something. 
Abby slyly put two fingers in her mouth, slowly sucking on her fingers – humming out a low moan deep in your ear before pushing her fingers out of her mouth with a loud pop! 
Abby wasn’t wrong you were hot and bothered, probably not in the way she was thinking but definitely in need of a long cold shower to kill any sexual desires arising in your psyché. 
Lewd thoughts attacking your neurons, sending shots of dopamine throughout your body – wondering what sweet nothings she would whisper in your ear, lips grazing your ear – before meeting your jawline, running her tongue against your skin. Then swirling her tongue at your neck occasionally giving the flesh a bite like a vampire, creating art on your body and leaving you in violet hues.
Was it normal to have such lewd, unholy thoughts about your best friend? 
You couldn’t— no you shouldn’t. It felt almost illegal like you have been committing a crime.
No…you didn’t feel some type away it was just how she was. Maybe it was how she flirted you like always, but that was who she was, that was just…Abby. You needed to distract yourself - refocus, so you chose Ellie.
It didn’t help with how good Ellie looked under the sun’s gaze either. Shifting your gaze to where Ellie stood talking to Dina and Jesse who were giving very animated responses back to the girl. Ellie’s hands were on her hip slightly applying more pressure to lean on one leg. You could see the pack of Marlboro Reds in her back pocket, peaking out just a tad. Her cropped muscle tee lifts up every few minutes exposing the hemline of her boxers. You could feel the lace of your underwear in your denim light wash shorts, feeling stickier and wetter.
You were frustrated…extreemly frustrated, sexually.
Was it the sun beaming or was it her?
Maybe it was the way Abby was seductively trying to get a rise out of you that was turning you on even further.
Snapping out of your trance, that had you tilting your head in different directions, biting at your pink glossed lips while your fingers played with the ends of your hair.
Abby was an asshole, an asshole that was causing your heart to palpitate in an unusual manner. She was a little devious devil on your shoulder pushing you to the edge.
“Dude seriously! – gross”
“Whatever you say dear” Abby sang putting her hands up in defense – a shit-eating grin on her lips. “Ellie’s about to make you her bitch…watch…not like it’s hard” Abby swiftly looked you up and down.
Not that you would mind – sitting at her feet begging her to touch you, it was your perfect wet fantasy.
But you wanted to prove Abby wrong. You wanted to be in control and call the shots, you desperately wanted the ball to be in your court.
“Yeah…we’ll see”
As if on cue, your supervisor tucks the clipboard under her arm giving a triple clap to grab everybody’s attention. The woman appeared to be in her 50s and the name tag on her her breast pocket saying ‘Adalaide’ sealed the deal for you. Her smile was wide, and looking up at everyone through her visor, she almost looked robotic – artificial. 
“Welcome counselors to All-Star sleep-away band camp!” She shouted, bringing up her hands to give a mini applause. No one else followed suit to clap. It was almost humorous.
“We are so pleased to have you here! Helping to aid our student ran camping program is a big responsibility and the All-Star University family thanks you! At this table I have your staff shirts and name badges which you will be expected to wear, if you don’t wear your staff shirt because it gets dirty or unsanitary at any moment, name pins must be worn. Upon receiving your shirts you will initial next to your name, which has your cabin number at the top. We typically have separate cabins for the counselors…So that line of cabins,” 
Adalaide pointed to the row of cabins down the rocky road from where you were standing
“...has two beds and a bathroom. On the desks of each bedroom, there will be a clipboard with rules and the group you are running or teaching. We will be meeting back here – at this central spot,  around 12:30 which is when the campers start arriving”
You turn around to give Abby a slight smirk, taking off her sunglasses from your face and putting them on your head this time.
“We ensure you have a great experience, we hope you can make this a responsible and fun summer for the kids” Adalaide finished her announcement with an ear-splitting smile, the woman out of breath, clasping her hands together to make a loud clap. 
The group of you made your way towards the wooden picnic table, picking up a woefully ugly red shirt with the word STAFF bolded in white lettering on the back, it was definitely something you had to personalize.
 Initialing your name with the blue ink trailing your painted nail across the thin paper seeing your cabin number and bunkmate.
You mentally cursed at yourself, it was as if your downfall was being prayed upon. It’s not that you didn’t want to bunk with Ellie, but the thoughts of her that possessed you drove you insane. You didn’t think you could hold yourself back in a room alone with the girl.
Tilting to look at Abby, you let out a sigh seeing that she was occupied.
Abby got into a good conversation with Nora, Abby smiling, occasionally pushing her bangs out of her face. She was beet red, fiddling with the shark tooth around her neck.
Your small grin turning into a frown at the sight of it. It’s not that you were jealous…of course not — but Abby looked at Nora with such admiration, like she was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.
You wanted Abby to look at you like that— no
You wanted someone to look at you the way Abby looked at Nora. You let out a growl at the conflicting voices in your head.
Looking around the mix of counselors you saw that Ellie had already disappeared off into the cabin. Deciding it would be best to just walk off on your own.
Heading down the trail, your white vintage classic rebooks got dusty. The sand gravel blowing onto your feet from the breeze of the trees. You walked into your cabin, the door letting out a loud creek as it slammed behind you.
It was homey – definitely smelled of slightly rotting wood and water from the lake, and was rather small; It was going to do the job for the month. Ellie’s bed and your own are across from each other with a desk at the center of the room. The in-cabin bathroom is small and in the corner of the 4x4.
Ellie’s eyes shifted up, eyebrows raised in amusement as she saw you come into the cabin. Looking at you up and down with a small smirk across her lips.
“Hey roomie, it’s an honor to share a bunk with you” Ellie teased taking out clothes from her bag and putting them into the bedside drawers. Her tone was cocky, almost poking fun at you.
“Something tells me I’m gonna regret it” You challenged cracking a smile. You slammed your bag down on your bed, which was followed by your body resting against the hard mattress that almost was the equivalent of sleeping on a box. Ellie was moving with great speed, picking up her fitted linen sheets and putting her blankets on the bed. She was almost finished packing. There was silence between the two of you. Mutually comfortable as you both did your own thing. 
Ellie fluffed out her pillow one last time and looked up to where you were resting. Her eyes skimmed over your exposed skin: from how your shirt rode up and the way your shorts rested on your thighs. Ellie bit her lips looking closely at your waistline to see the light-pink underwear strap peaking through. She felt dirty for doing so, but she couldn’t help it. Your eyes were closed long eyelashes poking at your cheeks, giving your under-eyes butterfly kisses.
“Need a hand?” Ellie spoke up gently, as you heard a drawer close from her end, followed by the creaking of her bed. 
“…y-yeah I could use the help juuust taking a breather” you whispered, bringing up your arms to block your face almost as if you were about to start a game of 7-up. 
“You don’t mind me touching your stuff right,” Ellie asked, dipping a knee into your mattress and she fiddled with the puffball at the zipper of your duffle bag. 
“No no– go ahead, do your thing” you responded, mentally counting to three before pulling your body weight to help. The two of you put away your clothes, followed by your sheets and blanket in silence.
You tried to ignore the fact that Ellie was gracefully putting your intimates in the top drawer with ease, her fingers running across the hemlines and edges of your bras and underwear as she slid them into the drawer.
Was it bad that you wanted her to take one?
“The shirt they are making us wear is fucking ugly” Ellie confessed, as she pulled down the remaining corner of your blanket, her muscles flexing as she moved. Ellie shifted her body this time, collapsing on your bed as she watched your body move. Ellie thought you were attractive – she always did, but granted the right person wrong time was very much real, the both of you were somewhat involved in relationships before she could make a move.
Ellie was smitten for you, hell half of the shit she would do for you, she definitely didn’t do for her ex. 
Lifting up the red shirt and the pair of scissors on the desk, you pretend to snip air “Ugh I know, I was about to cut it into something” you began.
This wasn’t uncommon for you, fixing and revamping old clothes has been your creative passion since you were 10. Freshly in the 6th grade making your outfits yourself no matter how badly the colors matched. It was you; came strongly from your large heart. This was one of the moments where you could express your authentic self freely.
You rested the shirt flat on the desk, cutting a vertical slit at the neckline to create a small v-line and splitting the bottom into two halves so it would be easier to crop and tie in a knot. Smiling at your work you swiftly pulled the pink-halter top off –  ignoring the presence of Ellie who was gawking at you. Her eyes glossed over your boobs admiring how nicely they sat in your push-up bra. The glittery lace compliments your skin well. Her thoughts were interrupted when your previously displayed bra had been covered by the red shirt.
You were teasing her.
Giving her a show — just enough to where she wanted to taste you and then pulling it back with that typical sweet look that was placed back on your dolled-up face. You tied it off in a knot at the bottom, the shirt fitting as you turned around to face Ellie fully this time.
“Ta-da!” you sang giving a twirl as Ellie whistled at you from her positioning at your bed. Ellie bit her lips watching the way you playfully danced. She wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you on top of her. Grabbing at your hair and your face like it was her last time touching it. 
Ellie walked over, slightly tugging you aside by the waist as she set down her own red shirt on the table cutting off the sleeves – the shirt now in a muscle-tee format. Ellie mimicked your actions, disregarding her black top over her head leaving her in a Calvin Klein sports bra as she put the red top on. Ellie wasn’t breaking eye contact with you – like she always does. Staring you down as you adjusted her shirt to her body. It seemed like she got the hint – perhaps you were teasing her, maybe you did want her to look at you.
You DID want her to look at you 
“That’s more like it…” Ellie mumbled, stretching her arms in the shirt. 
“Looks like we are going to be having a lot of fun this summer” Ellie whispered, her fingertips ghosting over your waist, as she trailed her fingers along the side of your exposed skin, before picking up the clipboard behind you. You exhaled at the feeling of her cold tips on your skin sending shocks through your body at the sudden temperature change.
Your body being hit with flashes, from cool to warm and eventually burning hot, as if someone turned on a heater and blasted in your face. Heart thumping in your ears like rolling thunder.
You quickly cleared your throat trying to push the out of body experience you were having out — followed her actions. Turning around to face the desk–  lifting up your own clipboard to see the thick layers of paper. A stack of 4 to 5 pages. 1-2 being rules, 3 being your attendance sheet and any dietary restrictions, 4 being the section you were teaching – which in this case was vocal lessons, and page 5 was your daily hour schedule. 
“So…where did they place you?” Ellie inquired, tilting her head to try to get a glimpse of your board.
“I’m at vocal lessons, with Jesse…” you mumbled eyes furrowing at what you were being expected to teach “Who were you so lucky to get?”
“More like unlucky… guitar lessons with your little weird friend, Elora” Ellie snickered bitterly, you almost choked on the air at her words. It seemed like a never-ending slope of bad luck – now would have been a good time to tape a clover to your chest. When things were doing just fine they would eventually reach the lowest of lows that you have seen them. Perhaps it was your karma for your negligent and careless way of thinking. Perhaps this was being done to punish you. 
“She’s not my friend”
“I know, just teasin’” Ellie shrugged, as she grabbed the sunscreen off the table to quickly reapply the aerosol. You watched as her body started to glisten, almost twinkling under the dim overhead light in the cabin. The thoughts of Ellie and Elora possibly working together escaping your thoughts. “Want some?”
Ellie shook the bottle of sunscreen in front of your face. You nodded faintly reaching for the bottle and making Ellie slap your hands away. Ellie took the initiative to spray the sunscreen for you, hitting your arms legs, and your exposed neck. Settling down the can with a faint smile. Ellie was sweet to you – from helping you avoid creeping Elora, unpacking, and now she was applying your sunscreen. You tried to keep your head screwed on tight. She was just being nice. You were convincing yourself that every little inkling or intuitive tingle you had about her liking you was untrue. You couldn't believe it. You didn’t want to. The bet also reappears within your head in flashes.
What Abby doesn’t know – won’t hurt her right?
That was your best friend, why did you suddenly care what Abby thought, what she felt?
You couldn’t grasp why that had such meaning for you.
So what if you got close with Ellie…fucked around – kissed and maybe even profess your liking. Wasn’t this all you wanted? Your happily ever after?
Ellie was making her way out of the door, while you were preparing to follow suit. Looking around swiftly for your pink pen – noticing its absence on your body. Right…it was probably with Elora after Ellie chucked it at her head. 
“Wait…Ellie!” you called out, rushing out the door with the clipboard tucked under your arm like a blanket. “Can you get my pen back?” 
Ellie smirked, casually rolling her eyes at your request. Of course, she’ll do it, she’ll do anything for you. 
“What– you’re gonna die without it?” Ellie teased abruptly turning around to face where you stood on the porch of the cabin, “Of course I’ll get it, back in blood” Ellie sent you a wink. 
By the tone of her voice, you couldn’t tell if she was joking or if it was just her dark-humored nature. Nodding your head to yourself, trailing behind her to get back to the main campsite. 
Taking care of children was free parenting to you. The runny noses, spontaneous injuries; “he said” – “she said”. It was enough to make you never want to have children. Today went rather peacefully than you expected. Naturally, the campers were settling in, making best friends with their bunk buddies, provided with a tour from Adalaide, meeting with the counselors briefly for an introduction and schedule update, and now they were briefly in the lunch rooms for a quick lunch break. 
The dining hall was well cleaned and put together, wood against wood with fairy lights hanging through the ceiling. It was a cute attraction – something that the youth definitely would enjoy. On the wall there were plaques with BEST CAMP and CHEF OF THE WEEK engraved in the metal. Paddles hanging from the wooden banisters made years prior at the camp. 
With a sharp inhale, you dove head first for the table that sat all the counselors. Parking yourself next to the empty seat that Abby had left open for you. You felt like you haven’t seen your best friend in hours – so caught up in the camping activities it was like you didn’t exist to each other. Abby gave a comforting smile as she patted the wood next to her. You of course sitting at the table. The rotation was rather odd, Jesse, Dina, Abby, and Nora sat at this table but two familiar faces were missing. The absence of the cocky redheaded airhead was gone. 
Ellie and…Elora. 
“Where’s Ellie?” you question, looking at the empty spot next to Jesse. The mood of the table shifted at your words. Everything suddenly became awkward, Abby letting out a small unprovoked cough – Dina taking an awfully large sip of water and Jesse suddenly finding interest in the ice pop that was melting in between his lips.  You quirked an eyebrow, lips apart as you analyzed the faces at the table everyone was silent – avoiding eye contact. “Uhm..hello?”
Jesse coughed, “Infirmary [seriously Jesse!]” 
As soon as the words left his mouth everyone at the table tried to hush him up, Abby muttering under breath, Nora had her head in her hands, and Dina was jabbing at him in his hip. Scolding him. Something was up. “So…why is Ellie in the infirmary?” you pushed fiddling your thumbs against the wood of the table.
“Elora stabbed her hand with a pen” Dina finished, making everyone at the table groan. Ellie’s familiar words of Back in Blood ringing your head. 
“Now that the cat is out of the bag” Abby shot a glare at Jesse and Dina “Special delivery for you” Abby lifted the pen, your pink pen from her back pocket handing it to you gently. Taking it within your hands you felt almost guilty – like a criminal holding a murder weapon, your once cute and pink pen was now splattered in a crimson gooey mess – blood cleaned but spots noticeably there. Ellie’s dry blood was on your pen, staining the plastic. If you knew that Elora would have spontaneously jabbed a pen at her you would have never asked Ellie to fetch it for you.
Elora had her own intentions with Ellie – their beef running deeper than Ellie and Abby’s ever could. 
“Great…” you dragged, grimacing and almost gagging at the blood on the pen – carefully rotating it so your fingers wouldn’t touch the pen.
“This is a fucking biohazard”
Taking a napkin from the napkin holder you gently wrapped the pen with the cotton - briefly walking it to the trash and sitting down again.
“So why did this happen?”
“Payback from getting hit with it earlier, according to Ellie it was unprovoked”
Ellie was pacing in the room, walking around the group of kids doing a headcount – having them stand around in the circle. Ellie just had gotten finished reading the rules and expectations and playing a gentle round of icebreakers for the day. Everything was going fine – apart from Elora staring down Ellie like she wanted to kill her, everything was presumably fine.
“Okay, looks like everyone is here you are all free to go to the dining hall – no running right! We don’t want an injury” The students nodded pushing and shoving their way out of the cabin as Ellie let out a breath of air at the slam of the door. The students were gone. Ellie’s mouth was dry from all of the talking she had been doing. 
Sliding her guitar off from around her neck, she launched it into the stands – backing away to where her water stood on the floor. Picking up the bottle as the lukewarm liquid traveled down her throat, making Ellie groan in satisfaction.
Elora was hunched over in a chair. Watching Ellie as if she had been plotting something rather devious. 
“Is there something on my face or…” Ellie spoke up. Tightening the rest of her water bottle, before tossing it to the floor with a loud BANG! 
“Nah, I’m not even looking at you” Elora spoke up bluntly, her eyes still focused on Ellie. Are you fucking kidding me? Ellie thought. With the absence of people around leaving the two of them alone, she wouldn’t hesitate to send a fast blow to Elora’s rather punchable face.
“Yeah, the fuck you are– you got a real staring problem…do we have a problem?” Ellie was raising her voice, clearly irritated at Elora fucking around with her. Ellie’s hands crossed her chest as she looked at Elora up in down in disgust. 
“You know Cat warned me about you”
Ellie froze at the mention of her ex's name. Cat, who was vastly swept off of her feet by Elora and whatever bullshit lies Elora was feeding her. Ellie felt that her love for Cat was real – rather raw, one of the happiest points in her life. Then Joel died and every strip of happiness faded away into black and grey. She didn’t wanna see Cat anymore – enraged by anything and everything, she didn’t like how open Cat was about their relationship – now everything she did was catching up to her at full speed. Cat confided in Elora who whispered sweet nothings and “Ellie doesn’t know how to treat you right” in her ears.
Elora was a demon sent straight from hell.
“Warned you about what?” Ellie laughed, bitterly,  walking closer to Elora who had stood up from her seat.
“About how reckless you are…how you hit and quit…serial heartbreaker…a cheater, a player” Elora spat making Ellie roll her eyes at her statement. 
“Notice how she only said that after you stole her from me – you stole my girlfriend”
“Same fuckin’ shit!” Ellie fussed, throwing her hands up.
“She said since the death of your father you got reckless… that you get possessive to bitches n’ groupies you taped once…that you’re a freak who can’t control her anger” It was all true. Ellie feeling betrayed by the exposure. But for Ellie’s sake, she would deny it. For your sake…she would deny it too.
Deny Deny Deny.
“Tis’ not true” Ellie then thought about the situation again. “That would be the pot calling the kettle black don’t you think?” 
“Sure about that? Wonder what Y/N would think when she finds out her little crush is no better than her last” Elora shot back, with a shit-eating grin on her face. Ellie was rather startled. 1. By the sudden mention of your name and 2. That Elora was so far up her ass to bring you into this mess and 3. The fact that you liked her. It seemed wrong to come from Elora – your personal feelings had nothing to do with her. Ellie felt herself heating up. 
“Our issues got nothing to do with her” Ellie confessed “She doesn’t want anything to do with you either!” 
“They will now…the way I see you looking at her like you want to eat her.. I dunno fuck her – let her see how much of a crazy bitch you are…bring the lion out rockstar”
Ellie snapped, “Well she’ll be screaming my name over…and over…and over again – and not yours if that's what your insecure ass is worried about” 
“Oh, not for me…I think you should be worried about Abby” Elora warned, making Ellie furrow her eyebrows. Abby? What the fuck did any of this have to do with Abby either? That was your best friend like hell she had to worry about Abby. But Abby did sit a little too close, grab at your waist, call you names, kiss your forehead– do friends do that?
Elora smirked watching as Ellie began to rethink every interaction she saw between you and Abby. Like the day she returned your pen and Abby just had to drag you away. Her arm around your shoulder rubbing circles into your skin. No No No, Elora was just trying to get in her head, Abby wasn’t a threat to her and she knew that.
“And what about her?” Ellie squinted 
“Anderson’s got a wandering eye…y/n might be screaming her name before yours – she’s been 2 steps ahead of you this whole time,”
Ellie poked her tongue in her cheek about Elora’s warning, choosing to ignore it and change the subject. She couldn’t think about that right now she didn’t want to. Fuckfuckfuck! Elora was already enough. Ellie looked down to the clipboard on the chair remembering what you said about the pen. Perfect time to change the subject during this brief period of silence. 
Ellie swiftly pointed at your pink pen in the clipboard “Oh and I need that back” 
Elora turned around to look at your pen, darting her eyes back and forth between Ellie and the pen. The mood shifted again it was hostile, like the moment of peace and tranquility before everything goes terribly wrong. Ellie felt her intuition bubbling, sharp pains jabbing in her stomach – Elora was up to no good.
Before Ellie could say anything else Elora bolted for the pen jabbing it into the flesh of Ellie’s left hand making Ellie let out a blood-curdling scream. Blood pooled out of her gash as Elora twisted the pen-point side allowing the tip to dig into her bloodstream. Ellie shook off the pain bringing up her free hand to right-hook Elora in her face. 
“Fuckin’ bitch – and you’re calling me crazy?” Ellie shouted, reaching for the pen in her hand and taking it out with an animalistic growl. While Elora was still trying to recuperate from the sudden smack, Ellie took this as an opportunity to tackle Elora to the floor, straddling the brunette as Elora’s hands grabbed at Ellie’s face. Ellie bit her finger in a rush, sending another punch to Elora’s face with a loud THUD as Elora’s skull bounced against the wood floor.
The thud almost matched Ellie’s heartbeat - the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she felt herself reaching euphoria at Elora’s displeasure. Ellie always wanted to punch Elora, get the deed out of the way and she didn’t particularly care if she looked like a bad person now. Ellie wasn’t pulling her punches.
With each punch Elora’s words kept on playing in limbo at the back of her head ‘what would y/n think”
What would you think if you walked in at this very moment seeing Ellie on top of Elora hitting her repeatedly? That would make anyone pray it wasn’t a dent. Blood on her rings dripping down her hands both from the stab wound and Elora’s now bloody nose, Elora sent a hand up to Ellie slapping her across making Ellie fall back. It was Elora’s turn this time – getting on top of Ellie and sending two punches to her face. Ellie groaned out with each tension-filled punch, watching as Elora’s hand drew back one more time before a big- muscular hand dragged Elora off of Ellie. It was Abby, almost crushing Elora’s hand 
“Get the fuck up…and get this fucking shit off your face you look ridiculous”  Abby spat at Elora, Elora scrambling out of the cabin holding her face.
Ellie was beat…on the floor letting out heavy breaths as she tried to recollect her thoughts. A wave of relief cast over her body at the sight of Abby. Ellie wasn’t sure why she felt relieved or why Abby’s presence wasn’t bothering her anymore. Perhaps Ellie was tolerating Abby, just for you…But Ellie didn’t want to make Ellie an enemy, not anymore.
“Well don’t you look like shit” Abby sneered bringing an arm down to Ellie. A helping hand. Ellie grasped on with ease as Abby pulled her up from the floor. “What happened here?” 
“I was just asking for y/n’s pen and she stabbed me unprovoked – a crazy shit talker too” Ellie spat, wiping her bloody nose at the back of her hand. Ellie recalled your pen, bending down to lift up the pink pen that was tinted red, coated in her blood.
“I’m not giving her this…” Abby pinched her fingers together to hold the pen trying to avoid touching any blood. “Clean it and don’t tell her…just give it back”
Abby ignored her statement, “What’s your deal with Elora?” Ellie let out a sarcastic laugh at Abby’s question. 
“Try having a girl steal your ex-girlfriend and then try to plot on a girl you’ve been eyeing…I’m sure you’d react the same” Ellie breathed out, reaching for her water to take a sip.
“What are you gonna tell y/n?” Abby spoke up again.
“You ask a lot of questions…j- just that I fell” Ellie shrugged skewing a ridiculous lie. She didn’t spend years of heartbreaking to be a shit liar. 
“She’s not gonna buy it fuck-face…what about Elora, I mean come sunrise her face is pretty fucked up too” Abby confessed. Ellie cursed under her breath. She didn’t care anymore. Elora could tell you whatever she wanted – that’s if she could even catch you
“She can tell her whatever the fuck she wants “ Ellie’s voice was monotone. The freckled-face girl dug in her pockets pulling out the flavored stick to her lips realizing she didn’t have a lighter. Sitting on the chorus bleachers that were set up in the cabin for the students. “Got a light?”
Abby dug into her pocket flicking out a black BIC lighter, a replacement for the one from the school fire. Safety broken off, Abby lit Ellie’s cigarette for her – the fresh smell of tobacco filling the room. 
Ellie’s bloody hand was the one to bring the cigarette too in from her lips. 
“She brought up my dad…what kind of fucker does that?” Ellie mumbled as Abby took a seat next to her, “I want to–no I need to get rid of her, she is plotting something against y/n and I can feel it” 
Abby hummed looking at the small smudge of blood against the floor, “I could help you”
Ellie was confused. Why would Abby want to help her? Why would the blonde go out of her way to give Ellie a hand? Clearly, it was not for her but rather for you. Ellie knew that Abby cared about you more than you can imagine or even muster up in words. Abby was your safety blanket, the bell ringer to call you home.
“It’s not for you…” Abby whispered, looking up at the ceiling briefly before finishing her statement “We both don’t like Elora, and we both want to protect Y/n…I say we team up”
“You wouldn’t…”
“You don’t know how far I’ll go…”
“Jeez, I don’t wanna kill her Abby, just fuck around with her a little – make her kiss my boot you know…She has this isolation technique I know how she moves – only a matter of time before she makes Y/n hate you too” Ellie assured, tapping the ash building up at the edge of the bleachers, Ellie spoke like a pro. Abruptly remembering the words that left Elora’s mouth that tormented her.
 “You like her or something” 
Abby was silent, it was evident she was hesitating and thinking before she gave her answer. It wouldn’t be an honest answer of course not.
“Actually scratch that…how long?” 
Abby’s eyes went wide at the question. Ellie wasn’t even giving her any room to answer. 
Abby scratched at her neck, reaching into her back pocket and cursing when she realized her drumsticks were missing. Clearing her throat, she instead played with the bracelets on her wrist, “Uhm…3- no, 5 months”
Ellie cursed under her breath. Ellie only liked you for 3 ½ Abby led the majority and she was a strong believer of first come first serve. Ellie quite frankly didn’t know how she felt about sharing – Elora wasn’t exactly wrong about her possessiveness. Ellie reached into her pockets of Marlboro’s offering Abby a stick – it was her offering solidarity. Abby obliged sticking the slender tobacco in between her lips and bringing a light up to get herself started.
“She knows?” Ellie questioned watching as her cigarette got shorter and shorter.
“Hell no, I’m not telling her either – she thinks I like Nora I wanna keep it that way”
“No, you don’t” Ellie read right through her like a book. Abby ‘nepo-baby’ Anderson certainly didn’t wanna hide it from you it was painfully obvious, no mind reader needed to see! 
“I don’t do the sharing shit” Ellie confessed blowing out the smoke, “But I can accommodate” 
“Let her choose it isn’t our decision…” Abby elaborated, making Ellie nod at the response. She was right. Who were they to choose who gets to have her? Ellie knew deep down you would trade her for Abby any day – she’s been with you through it all. 
“And if she wants both of us?”
“We let her have it” Abby shrugged.
 Abby could care less nor give a flying fuck if she had to share you…She rather it is with Ellie than some dick-wad like Elora. Ellie was a pure reflection of herself – perhaps that's why they clashed so much. Maybe that’s why she hated her. It was like arguing with a broken mirror. 
She was arguing with herself.
 Ellie nodded at Abby’s response, putting out the butt of her cigarette. 
Ellie took her bleeding hand out preparing to shake Abby’s with a mischievous grin, Abby’s lips slowly curled into one as well, taking Ellie’s bloodied hand in her own. A tight firm handshake. Business is business. 
“But seriously… go to the infirmary, it looks is gross” 
After the lunch break, the campers were settling around the burning wood for a quick bonfire and s'mores night. Fire sparks filled the air as the radio blared a mix of recent pop hits while other mini activities and s'more building stations were happening. The sun was down, stars twinkling in the sky like a scene right out of a movie. 
You had enough of the fire. Flashbacks to how you ended up at this camp in the first place peaking through.
When the music room advises no outside equipment, like liquids – don’t bring them. Save yourself the trouble, the fines, and the embarrassment. 
Making a plate of s’mores, you looked around realizing the absence of Abby and Ellie. Other counselors dancing or talking to the kids but you were alone. Your best friend wasn’t around and the familiar faces started blending in with each other. It seemed like since you arrived at the camp this disappearing act had started. If it wasn’t disappearing then it sure was secrecy. Your white pullover sweater rested on your body, while your lower half was still covered in shorts, picking up your flashlight from the picnic table. Now that it was nightfall Adalaide was responsible for the children. She was the one to do bunk checks making the counselors free for the rest of the night. 
You walked down the gravel trail from the main campsite, the flames getting smaller and smaller behind you. Reaching up to your cabin the shiny number 3 flashing under the moonlight brought you comfort, flashing your flashlight around the open air to make sure there was no one else behind you. You haven’t seen Elora all afternoon. Not that you wanted to, nor did you care but it was as if she became a ghost. There one minute and gone the next. 
Approaching the steps, as the wood creaked underneath you, your nose tilted up at the sudden smell of freshly lit tobacco almost lethargic to the nose. The air was potent and spicy which lead you to believe that the people you were looking for were nearby. Deciding to reverse your feet at the steps, pausing to listen if you heard any voices. Hearing Abby’s subtle raspy voice against the wind you fully reversed your steps, turning away from the cabin to follow the voices. This leads you down a mini trail in the gaps between each of the Cabin, finding Abby and Ellie leaning up against the cabin walls, on opposite sides of each other blowing out smoke in conversation.
This was weird – strange almost.
It didn’t make sense to you – last time you checked they didn’t get along. You held up your flashlight at the two flashing it which caused their conversation to stop. 
Abby smirked seeing your figure approach the two, admiring your relaxed state. Her eyes eventually trailed down to the plate of s’mores that you had in her hand, three perfectly placed and put together on the plate. Abby thought to herself about the common phrase, “The best things come in 3’s"
“What are you guys doing here?” you whispered, voice soft as always – angelic and pure. Ellie looked up at you blowing smoke away from your face. This was the first time you got to see her all day, her hand wrapped in white gauze almost like a cast and the plump flesh around her eye was swollen. Hues of purple, yellow, and green blended around her eye, her skin clearly sore from all of the hits she had taken. A frozen ice bag was placed near her temples just above her eye. It was worse than you expected. 
“Well hello to you too…” Ellie spoke up, bringing the cigarette up to her lips for another hit. Abby pulled you into the two of them, her hands reaching down to the plate to take one of your s’mores off of the plate. 
“Thanks for the treat [It wasn’t for you?]” Abby whispered, sending you a quick wink as she took a bite of the rich and sticky dessert. Abby let out low moans in satisfaction at the gooey substance. Ellie looked down at the plate seeing that you had two more smores left. Mocking Abby’s actions and taking one for herself. You weren’t sad about it hell you weren’t gonna finish the dessert anyways. Queasy knots turning in your stomach.
“Why aren’t you hanging out at the bonfire?” Ellie pondered. It’s not like you would enjoy it anyways, ever since the fire incident in May that was enough to have you never want to see a fire again. The burning of the wood was enough to make your chest burn – having flashbacks of your feet feeling cemented into the practice room floor as the instruments melted and melted. Ellie’s tone was kind of cold almost as if you had been interjecting something you shouldn’t have. 
“Sorry…am I interrupting something” Your question was enough to shut up the both of them. Between Abby’s aggressive chewing, she abruptly stopped — eyeing down Ellie, very slowly shaking her head. 
“No, why would you be?” Ellie was reclining from her original tone, giving Abby the quickest glance before focusing on you with a killer smile. The way the light from the moon gently cast onto your face was enough for you to fully see how her eye looked.
“Holy shit…your eye” Your voice was full of concern, pushing the plate with s’mores into Abby’s hands as you walked towards Ellie running your fingers gently along the side of her face, Ellie fluttering her eyes closed briefly as her free hand dusted yours to bring it down, squeezing softly in appreciation.
“You should see the other guy” Ellie joked, putting the cigarette back up to her lips. The joke brought a slight frown to your face, you vastly looking at her hand that was bandaged up to the best security. “How’d you get the..uhm, bruise?”
Ellie cleared her throat, spitting out the build-up of phlegm onto the rocky road to her right, taking a breather – she wanted to stay true to her lie. “I fell, bumped into a table as I was crashing down – I’ll be fine though just have to keep icing until the bruising goes down”
Ellie’s voice was convincing – not a single hint of a lie being there. She was telling you the same story she told the nurse.
Abby cleared her throat making you redirect your attention towards her who was leaning against the wall with your plate of smores, She looked up at you through her lashes, a rather serious tone in her voice “You see Elora?”
“Mhm no not really…She was at the bonfire for a quick second…seemed like her face was bruised too” You recalled, voice trailing off as you glanced at Ellie briefly squinting your eyes at the girl. Something was up, and you knew it…the two just weren’t telling you. You weren’t to be fooled and you were gonna find out what the issue was – but you instead played it off while the deep intuitive knowing itched at the back of your brain.
“Well if she tries to talk to you, avoid her – come find me or…Ellie for that matter” Abby’s tone was rather serious. You knew she wasn’t the biggest fan of Elora but this time it seemed more advanced than the time that she had comforted you the night Elora broke things off. She was angered.
Your head jolted back in confusion at Abby’s mention of Ellie’s name. Reminding you of all the times she would be throwing insults – jabbing negatively at the girl, what was with the sudden switch up?
“Wait since when were the two of you, friends?”
Abby and Ellie looked at each other briefly – Ellie putting the cigarette back up in silence meanwhile Abby looked back at you, “Not important…– but I’m serious don’t talk to her”
“Not like I planned on it” you shot back, Abby nodded her head – Ellie repeating the nod as well.
“Good [yeah, good]” The both of them talked over each other.
“You guys are being weird…very weird” you blurted out, finally stating what was on your mind. They weren’t doing the best job at hiding it – it was painfully obvious. A thick awkward tension was in the air as well. 
“If the Elora issue was about me you’d let me know right?” you inquired. Testing the waters to see what they would tell you, “Right?” you repeated yourself.
“Yeah…yeah – of course, but it isn’t about you so don’t worry your pretty little head about it” Abby smiled at you reaching to grab at your head, shaking it gently like she had done in May after your meeting in the Dean’s office. Abby didn’t exactly deny that there was a problem though, her poor word choice digging – almost scratching at your beliefs. Abby reached a hand down grabbing you at your waist with one hand before bunching up the fabric of your sweater in the ball of a fist at your back.
“You look sleepy – think you should call it a night?” Abby analyzed your face, pushing the plate with a singular s’more in your hands. You weren’t tired – well at least you thought you weren’t, you couldn’t focus with Ellie’s gaze on you and Abby touching you. As if on instinct you let out a yawn bringing the back of your hand to your lips to block your mouth that was agape. At this moment Ellie knew that Elora’s words were correct. Ellie’s eyes were zapped on Abby’s hand, clenching her jaw seeing that Abby had gentle control over you. Dear ol’ Abby knew what was best. 
and Abby was 2 steps ahead of her.
But she didn’t wanna cave in now, or turn it into some fucking competition when she was already trying to handle Elora – but if she could just sway you to want her and her only, she would do it in a heartbeat.
This might have been the rocky first day of counseling. From losing your pink pen, Elora’s unwanted appearance, Ellie getting into a fight, and Abby and Ellie’s consequential team-up, this only seemed to be the beginning of a dark, wild, treacherous ride. Every action from this night forward would have consequences. Back in blood, definitely meant deeper now.
Eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth. 
@ellsss @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @starologist @destielcore @beforeimdeceased @kissesskittens @emluvselandabs @abbyily @sawaagyapong @zahraaziza
© cowgirlcherrie 2023
405 notes · View notes
Hi! I have a bit of an uncommon ask; would you be willing to write the brothers+dateables (just the dateables if that's too many characters) with a MC that...just seems to know things before they happen? They never say anything about it or redirect the conversation, but they've snagged Luke on the collar seconds before a demon comes sprinting around the corner or a car speeds the red light, and always seems to know what a person's saying before they even finish saying it.
Idk, I like the idea of an MC who's been through time shenanigans before (bc time shenanigans be like that), I think it could have some really interesting effects, especially around lesson 16
This is a fun ask and it’s interesting to me because I tend to be someone that dreams about things before they happen - usually years in advance and it’s such mundane moments that I don’t even think about it until it happens in real life and I’m like hey! 👀
Despite the coolness of this ask, it’s obviously very delayed and not very fleshed out because I couldn’t find it in my brain/creativity to do it justice. I’m sorry for that and I hope you were able to find it elsewhere!
Lucifer: Lucifer is more than a little suspicious at first. It’s one thing to have a human down here in the Devildom but quite another to have one with the ability of precognition. It puts him and his family and the kingdom at potential risk; if you’re having visions about the future, it’s hard to keep any secrets or keep you in line as you may be a step ahead of him which really throws him off his game. So he’s keeping a careful eye on you at first and instructs you tell him about all of the visions you have, at least until he’s sure that he can trust you. Then he’s going to use that nifty little powers of yours to help stop his brothers before they can cause too many problems for him.
Mammon: Mammon thinks it’s both cool and freaky. He definitely wants you to keep it a secret just between the two of you so you can use it to his, excuse me, your advantage. He would absolutely bring you with him while gambling in the hopes that you’ll be able to see the winning numbers or colors or machines. It would make you even more invaluable to him, especially when you save his hide by warning him pre-emptively about bounty hunters or Lucifer coming after him or even just a RAD project that he may have forgotten. He’s a little in awe of you honestly.
Levi: Levi thinks you’re super cool! It’s like you have a superpower like one of his favorite anime girls. He can’t wait to be your sidekick as you work your way through the Devildom with your secret powers. He gushes over them/you every time you use them, especially when you use them for something nice like making sure Luke doesn’t get plowed over in a hallway or you keep something of his safe from Mammon. Occasionally, he does let you use it for gaming. He won’t let you warn him ahead of time of things in his games because it feels like cheating but if you’re playing co-op, well, he can’t exactly stop you and if you become practically undefeated realm-wide, that’s just a bonus.
Satan: Satan loves a good mystery and research so this is perfect. You have no idea where this elusive power comes from nor do you have any idea how to control it. That means he’s going to do a full deep dive getting your history, learning all about what the preminitons are like for you and what their usual subject matter is, tracking them to see if there’s any triggers or precursors he can identity. It’s like a fun game for him. He absolutely loves it when you get information that involves Lucifer because he and Belphie want to use it to their advantage for pranks, and he also loves how incredibly human you are with your gift - you use it kindly for everyone around you, always saving them from danger or distress or even just to spare their feelings.
Asmo: Asmo is easily freaked out by your power. Don’t get him wrong, he adores you and loves how special and unique you are - of course everyone should be super jealous knowing he gets to have the superpowered human. However, he is lowkey creeped out by it because he is so easy to startle. Pulling him out of the way of a random food fight? He shrieks. Snatch something out of his hands because it’s actually cursed? He’s got tears in his eyes both of gratitude and fear, also maybe a little bit of arousal because wow, you really do take such good care of him, don’t you?
Beel: Beel is the definition of the surprised pikachu face meme every time you use your powers. It’s like he has short term memory loss when it comes to this so whenever you manage to answer a question that’s so far unasked or catch something flying at you or you save one of the brothers from falling down the stairs, Beel looks at you like you’re a superhero. He’s just very impressed with you all the time anyway and he does his best to make sure that no one bothers you about or for your gift. You’re not some little sideshow pony for people to use for their gain and he’s going to make sure no one treats you that way.
Belphie: Your gift breaks his heart a little. Belphie wonders how much you knew, how much you know now. Did you always know that he was going to betray you and did you still choose to befriend him, to heal his family, to love him anyway? Did you know it would work out in the end or did you just hope for it? Or did you have no clue about his betrayal despite being aware of so many other things? He doesn’t know what’s worse actually - if you were ignorant and blinded or if you walked into his home a knowing martyr. It makes him want to project you, especially when all you seem to do is protect others with your gift. You’re always rescuing everyone else, heedless to the danger of the present and the pain of the past. He does his best to support you in any way possible, especially when the visions are something stronger and deeper than just making sure Beel doesn’t eat his last cookie.
Diavolo: Diavolo had no idea when he selected you as the exchange student that you had such a wonderful gift. He sees it as a sign from the universe that he picked the right person; it’s just another reason that you’re perfect for here, for him. Especially because you actively use your powers to do the good and right thing. Where others could and would choose to be selfish or manipulate others or gain power, you do your best to ensure everyone’s safety and happiness. He finds you and your gift incredibly endearing and wonderful. He’s just so thrilled that he has such a talented little human around to prove their goodness and usefulness. He also very much enjoys watching you have fun with your gift, whether it’s causing some trouble with Solomon or Mammon or Simeon, and he doesn’t let anyone scold you for it because he thinks it’s so much fun to watch you make your own way down there.
Barbatos: Barbatos was at first a little unsettled by this power of yours. He’s grown quite used to being the unsettling, omniscient person in the group. It’s not every day you meet someone who can see through time, even with visions as mundane and innocuous as yours usually are. It makes him suspicious in the beginning but, as he grows to trust you, he helps you deal with your powers both in terms of handling the visions/honing your skills and in terms of coping with the things that you may see. Once you’ve built that strong relationship between you, he absolutely loves to create chaos with you. You both like to be as ominous and vague as possible, using your unspoken twin bond thing to communicate and leave the others in a constant feeling of being a step behind the both of you.
Solomon: Solomon is deeply curious; he’s a man who knows everything about the past and you’re the person who knows everything about the future. He’s met humans with powers before, some even with the power of pre-cognition, but yours are the most erratic and it’s a very interesting coincidence that you happened to be brought in as the exchange student at RAD. He’s definitely going to ask to run tests and experiments on you, a bit like Satan but much more hands on his approach. He wants to figure out the origin and the extent of your powers, and he’s certainly okay with stirring up some trouble. It’s not unusual for him to use your powers as an excuse for why he did/didn’t something, even if it’s not true, and he uses his magic to help you harness your gift to turn into something consistently useful.
Simeon: Simeon is almost as curious as Satan and Solomon (must be an S name thing?). He does wonder where your gift comes from - if it’s a Gift from his Father to be used to better the world around you, which he sees happening every time you save one of them from a near death experience or even just give them the answer in class in RAD because you knew the professor would ask them, or if it’s a curse because he’s seen the haunted, lonely, terrified look on your face when you’re confronted with the visions of darker things than the others can even comprehend. He knows you don’t share those visions with everyone; you tend to keep them to yourself and work to make sure they don’t happen. Simeon is the one who sees that look and steps in to stand by your side and support you so that you don’t have to bear the responsibility alone. To make things a little light for you, Simeon encourages you to use your gify for fun. Between your visions and Simeon’s angelic grace, no one doubts whatever you two say and that means you can get away with so many things and keep yourself out of trouble. It might be a little bit naughty of you but you think you both do more than enough for the Devildom to have earned this little mischeif.
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comicaurora · 1 year
Have you seen the new Superman show on adult swim? Himbo Clark Kent rights
It's off to an extremely encouraging start! Thoughts under the cut!
I like how they portray Clark's super-strength and how comfortable he is flying and using super-speed. They really feel like innate characteristics of his body rather than powers he switches on and off - things he keeps toned down when people are watching, but things that are always present regardless. The number of times I've pulled a push door or shoved something that was stuck and thought "if I had super-strength I wouldn't get a Take Two on this because my hand would've gone straight through that" is clearly something the showrunners have also thought about. This Clark lives in a world of cardboard and physically cannot stop himself from putting his hand through it at least once a day.
There's a physicality to the way Clark takes hits that really communicates how little he feels them most of the time. Eyes open, mouth closed, immediately getting back into the fight after getting punched into a crater. This is stuff I also think about when I draw supernaturally tough characters in combat situations, and it's cool to see someone else doing it - especially since one of my very few complaints about the older DCAU is that Superman always took every hit like it was a fully incapacitating blow, which Worf'd him pretty constantly.
I also like that we have so far never seen Clark angry. We've seen him scared, flustered, disappointed - but not angry. Even in fights where he's taking serious hits, he's only motivated by wanting to protect and save people, even his opponents - he so far has never been motivated by a desire to destroy. That feels like very good writing for Superman.
It's currently a little unclear how exactly his powerset is scaling - it looks like the blue-eye-glow-and-suit-emblem thing is a legitimate powerup that lets him hit harder and recover faster than his normal baseline, but how exactly that works isn't clear yet - although that is very obviously going to be a plot point later, since they keep giving him little flashes of the story of Krypton's destruction and what shenanigans they were getting up to when it exploded.
On that note, Kryptonian tech has never looked or felt so otherworldly. I love the distorted electronic backward-voice choir they use exclusively for when Clark is on the ship. I love that hologram Jor-El can't speak English, but can clearly understand Clark - also this is the coolest Jor-El has ever looked. Some comics wax poetic about how Clark is an alien space god who only pretends to be human, but I like how this show is firmly putting Clark on the side of the audience with regards to how unsettling the "alien space god" vibes truly are. He can't understand the nature of the ship or the words of its holographic inhabitant, he's not really interested in what it means or where it came from - he just wants to know who he is, or rather who Superman should be. And I like that he concludes that Superman should be him - the heroics he was already doing, except this time on purpose. Superman should not be this spooky glowing alien god thing, even if that's the vibe we get from Krypton itself.
I like that the ship gave Superman his modern no-underpants-on-the-outside suit and Ma Kent was like "we can do better than that" and added the underpants back on.
I also like how much setup there is for future plot stuff that a DC-familiar audience can see coming. Clark hasn't used any of his vision-based powers yet, and it's possible he doesn't know they exist. No sign of Lex Luthor or Kryptonite yet, two problems we know will become more severe with time. We've already got Amanda Waller being stoically nefarious in the background. Young Hot Deathstroke is a hell of a design choice and I am Here For It.
I also appreciate how many little referential jokes are packed into the dialogue, ranging from the obvious "it's a bird it's a plane" to some hella deep pulls like Jimmy Olson's youtube channel.
And fundamentally I love how this show starts from the jump with the thesis that friendly, humble, Normal Man Clark is the real person, and Superman is the job that Clark Kent does. The title of the show is "My Adventures With Superman." The POV character is Clark. He is the "my" in that title. This is Clark's story about Superman.
I really, really hope Batman eventually shows up, because this Superman would make that hilarious.
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