#random drabble
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ant1quar1an · 1 year ago
Horror Sans x Reader
A Kitten for your troubles?
You loved your job. Ever since you were little, there was barely anything else you loved more than helping and caring for animals. That’s what landed you a solid job here, in the shelter.
Even though saying goodbye to some of the animals when others came to adopt them was difficult, you were still happy to see them go to a hopefully-good family.
You’d been tending to one of the rather touch-starved kittens when he’d walked in. A skeleton monster, tall and broad, with a gaping hole in his skull.
… Monsters had come up from the underground a little under four years ago, and it took 80% of that time to actually get them accepted into society– considering what they’d had to do.
You didn’t feel disgusted by them or anything– it was just unusual for them to be outside of Upper Ebott.
You watched curiously as other employees showed him around. It wasn’t hard to tell he was feeling awkward– perhaps a tad anxious– as he looked at everything he could.
The kitten on your lap began to make you into her personal pincushion as she lovingly dug her claws into you.
You smiled at her, gently patting her head. Her tabby fur was sleek underneath your hand as she looked up to you with her one good eye. This was by far your favourite kitten– having picked her off the streets and been put in charge of nursing her back to health. The skittish thing she used to be was gone, replaced by a loving, adventurous little gremlin.
“It’s alright, sir.” You glanced up when you heard one of your colleagues attempting to comfort the skeleton from before, “ol’ Barkley here is naturally really wary.”
… The skeleton had a downcast look on his face, but reluctantly nodded. You were immediately reminded of a kicked puppy.
You assumed that’s what prompted your body to move before you had thought about it, scooping the kitten up in your hands.
She purred, simply blinking at you.
Your colleague left, which was when you approached the skeleton.
“Heya, sir.” You smiled, stepping into his line of sight. His large, red eyelight landed on you and the black dot in the centre contracted in surprise.
“Kitten for your troubles?” You asked, unintimidated by the way he just seemed to stare at your face. As if he was taking in everything you were and trying to make sense of it before he looked down at the kitten.
“... you… sure…?”
Oh boy that’s a fuckin’ attractive voice rightthere–
You internally slapped yourself, deciding to ignore just how nice his voice sounded. Deep– like bass deep– with a slight gravelly-ness to it that sounded as if it had been gained rather than natural.
“Mhm!” You nodded, tilting your head at him as you gently held out the kitten. She looked up at him before meowing, shifting her head so that she could see him better.
He seemed to hesitate, one of his hands locked in the fur lining of his hood, before he carefully scooped the kitten out of your hands.
… You almost laughed at the comical difference– how she managed to look so much smaller in his hands. Hell, they were probably big enough to cover up the entirety of the front of your face.
“You can pat her, y’know,” You commented softly, watching his face carefully. You searched for any kind of hints that he didn’t like this or he was uncomfortable, which you found none of.
He slowly shifted his thumb to rub under her chin. Almost immediately, her engine-like purr started up and she nuzzled against him.
You had a front row seat to the look of pure awe that came over his face. His grin, once almost in a frown, picked back up again. His sockets squinted as he let out the cutest, “eheheh.”
It took a long while of just comfy silence where he slowly got bolder with patting the kitten before he slowly looked up to you again.
“what’s your… name…?” He asked slowly, as if he was struggling to put his thoughts into words, “‘m… sans.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sans.” Your smile became a few degrees warmer as you held eye-contact with him before giving him your name.
He quietly repeated it back to you and you nodded.
“... ‘s a nice name.”
“Thank you.” A pause, then, “are you planning to adopt the kitten? She’s been needing a good home for a while now.”
Sans nodded slowly but eagerly, cupping the kitten in his hand. He kept his very sharp distals away from her, though. Heh, he was almost handling her like she was a very delicate china tea cup.
“Awesome. Now, if you could follow me over here…”
You didn’t even notice the small amount of dusky blue that had formed on his cheekbones as you took him through the process of adopting the kitten.
It was safe to say that wasn’t your last interaction.
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queeniethevampire · 5 months ago
The year was 19XX. Before Queenie ascended to the throne. She had come out to the previous monarch, Queen Alessia, that when she died or retired the vampire would take over, making her existence public. From there she had begun quietly living in her castle. Down in the dungeon and the secret second dungeon. That one was fun to explain.
However from time to time she was called to aid with various castle duties. After all she was not the Queen now, and what her majesty says, goes (on citizens born before 1785, as per a law passed in 1900). One night as she was on the grounds moon watching Alessia and her husband came out. Her husband pushed his wife forwards gently as the vampire looked at the woman in her 30’s.
“You don’t need to push she won’t kill her monarch. I commanded it.” Alessia huffed as her husband stopped. They were both in night gowns. And clearly they were tired.
“Pardon my French.” Queenie said facing said.
“Mon Dieu.” Alessia replied.
“But why the fuck are you two out here half past midnight in your pajamas.”
“I have a similar question about the leather.” Alessia’s husband said looking the vampire over.
“I like how it looks.” Queenie replied bluntly.
“Let’s not get distracted. I’d like some sleep tonight.” Alessia said. “Queenie. It’s my daughter. She’s terrified there are demons present in the castle. Or…. Well she changes the monster a lot.”
“Changelings? Some of the fuckers snuck in. Royal guard is fucking slacking. I’ll-“. As she spoke a knife flicked out from her arm into her palm, the silver glint of the blade visible under the floodlights from the castle, the moon hidden behind thick, thick clouds.
“Queenie my daughter is six in a creepy old castle with a goddamn vampire in the basement. I’d say she has an overactive imagination but I’m speaking to the founder of a five hundred year old nation who will not be bringing a knife into my daughters room!” Alessia’s voice rose in a bit of anger. “All we want is for you to introduce yourself to her and explain that you will scare away all the monsters. She’s been listening in on our meetings and signings. Hell, she helped write up February’s draft.”
“That’s why February’s draft said I’ve been around a really really really long time. Damn, I liked that.” Queenie said as her knife went away. “Fine I’ll speak to her. I guess there’s not much harm in going ‘a vampire lives in the castle’ I’ve been spreading that story since Mussolini personally.”
Up she went to the castle. Before it's interior was open to the public, and before a restoration Queenie began once Alessia moved out 30 years from tonight. the old floors creaking, the wires exposed. The lighting poor and oppressive. Alessia went in first.
"I should mention, part of your duties tonight is to get Eva to sleep.". Alessia's husband added on.
Queenie rolled her eyes. "And you call me a monster.". She said before Alessia signalled for Queenie to enter.
The young girl, Eva, had a plainer bedroom. old plaster which needed work was intricately painted. Showing remnants of old masters. Bookshelves with girls toys, old books, gift bibles, and other trinkets were built into nooks in the walls. her bed was an old canopy, though the canopy was long gone. As the redhead approached the light to the room flickered and Eva pulled back holding her teddy bear close to her chest.
"Don't make the light flicker." Alessia said annoyed.
"I'm not.". Queenie said before getting closer and, after a moments thought, kneeling before the girl Eva and bowing her head. "Greetings Miss Eva. I am Queenie, founder of Idra and the greatest warrior and soldier to serve this nation. Your mother Queen Alessia commands me, her most loyal undead to make sure you are both safe and will go to sleep.". She said sounding very serious. in actuality she aimed to tell the child a bedtime story, and check for monsters, but some ceremony might help make a special memory.
As she lifted her head Queenie was struck with a pillow with impeccable timing right square in the face. Alessia had to aggressively fight down a snort, and even her husband watching from the door had to do the same. As the pillow held on her face for a few instants before falling Queenie slowly blinked. “Not the first time I was attacked on ID.” She said flat.
“You’re the monster under my bed!” Eva asserted.
“I, young lady, am most definitely not.”
“You definitely are.”
“Queen Alessia, you are the divinely appointed monarch of this nation and mother to young Eva are you not?”
“Your daughters bed, am I under it?”
There was a moment. “I’d rather say you’re right next to it if anything.”
“That’s what I thought too. Wanted to see if someone a cardinal blessed would see the same or if my eyes were clouded by demonic trickery.”
“No. Your eyes are as sharp as ever Miss Queenie.” Alessia said getting into the role now.
“Why are you Queenie. Mommy is the Queen. Though I won’t be. But that’s ok. Queen sucks.”
Both women, alive and undead, visibly deflated at that.
“I love you dear.” Alessia’s husband said.
“What about me?” Queenie asked with a look back at him, the man now leaning in the door frame a bit more relaxed.
“You’re ok too.”
With a bemused grin she faced Eva. “Well that’s mean. First you say I’m a monster under your bed, and next you say your mom has a sucky job. You are a rude young Miss.”. Queenie extended one finger and gently poked Eva on the forehead. Naturally the child gripped her teddy bear tighter.
Alessia handed Queenie the recently-thrown pillow. “I’m not re-arming her. This girl is dangerous.” Queenie said. “She has monster vision. And is an anti-monarchist.” There was a moment as she watched Eva cuddle her bear. Something in Queenie sparked.
“Though. That makes sense. I think being so anti monarchist has awoken her totem.”
“T-totem?” Alessia was willing to play a little supernatural with her vampiric predecessor and successor. But she sounded serious about this. “What did you sneak into her room?”
“Well, she has a few books and the sword.” She pointed to a sword mounted up high. “But the totem is…”. She put up a finger. “Miss Eva, who gave you your Teddy Bear?”
“The royal guardsmen, Antonio.”
“Anthony.” Alessia corrected.
Queenie smirked. Anthony was American, his father coming back some time after World War Two. Anthony was one of the supernaturally capable guards and probably had been a worse influence on Eva than Queenie. A rare feat. Still he had given her an out.
“Miss Eva. Have you studied American history yet?” Queenie asked the child.
“We’ve done a bit. We’re doing their civil war right now.”
“Oh. Who is your teacher?”
“Brother Pietro.”
“Ah.” She wouldn’t ask him to bring up the time she stopped the volcano plot in st Helen’s in the 80’s then. “Well he’s getting close to teaching you about the man who made a powerful totem, in the age no gods.” Queenie pointed at the teddy bear. “Theodore Roosevelt.”
“Teddy isn’t some…. Monsters tool!” Eva said sounding shocked. “He helps me sleep. He protects me! Though you stick around.” She said that last part sounding a bit annoyed.
“Of course. I knew mister Roosevelt. We were friends.” Friendly acquaintances, and Roosevelt didn’t know she was a vampire, but still. Alice on the other hand. Ho ho~. “He knows my bark is much worse than my bite. However Teddy Roosevelt he loved children. And you see, they named a toy after him.”
Eva let out a gasp as her eyes widened. “Mister Teddy is a president? I think thats bigger than a Queen. Mom, mister Teddy says I can stay up-“
“President is bigger than a Queen. Mom is bigger than a president and the pope combined young lady.” Alessia said sternly.
Eva let out a huff.
Queenie fought down a smirk. Her plan was starting to work. “Yes. But your safe. See. Mister Roosevelt, Teddy, he saw how the kids loved his bears and with some advice from a few friends made sure they could keep kids safe from monsters. First, he made sure everyone called him Teddy. So they’d associate him with the bear. See names hold magic. And a billion people calling Teddy a bear? That’s a lot of magic. Of course. Teddy was a fierce warrior. I know he beat the crap out of me once.” Young Eva’s mouth went wide as Queenie swore, her mother made it clear to let the vampire continue her story with one look. “So when people think of Teddy Roosevelt and the Teddy bear his spirit remains strong in each teddy bear. And most monsters they fear them. I knew Roosevelt so him and I can get along, and I’m safe in front of any Teddy. But if I was a danger the bear would gut me on the spot!” She said poking herself with her fingers dramatically. “This is, of course, an American myth, so not many Italians know it too well. Teddy bears keep kids safe until they’re able to do it themselves.”
Eva was quiet. “How do I know you’re not lying?” She asked the pale skinned woman with blood red eyes and fangs who came to meet her in the middle of the night. A reasonable question really.
“M’lady.” Queenie said to Alessia.
“As your citizen. Do I speak the truth?” Queenie asked.
“If you do not may the might Roosevelt strike you down.” Alessia said nodding solemnly and making the sign of the cross.
There was a moment. However from the corner of her eye Queenie saw Eva’s teddy twitch. Calmly she turned around.
“I’ve never seen Teddy do anything like that.”
“Oh. That’s cause they strike while kids sleep. Fighting monsters is gruesome business. Mind if I show you something?” Queenie asked.
After a nod from Eva Queenie scooted over on her knees and touched the bear, she rested one hand under Teddy’s back and pointed to his eyes. Small black buttons. “See his eyes?” She asked. “They’re never closed. Unlike monsters, Teddy’s are guardians and they never sleep. Always watching the monsters who approach kids. And if they get to close you learn about mister Roosevelt.”
“How tough was he? I mean you’re a scary monster. How can some president scare you away.”
“Well you see one time a guy got as close to him as you and I are and shot him”. Queenie used two fingers and made a ‘bang’ sound. “And he got hit. He asked the man, ‘why did you do that’ and then began a speech saying ‘it takes more than a bullet to kill a bull moose’.” With that Queenie began to regale Eva with various tales of Roosevelt perhaps slightly exaggerated.
Alessia stepped out and sat on a bench outside.
Half an hour later Queenie closed the door quietly and nodded to the Queen and her husband to move along. They went to their bedroom and spoke quietly. “Did you do it?” Alessia asked.
“Yeah. I had to spend some time getting it all ready, but she’s convinced that her bear will kill a vampire.” Queenie said with a content sigh.
“I mean if it works.” Alessia’s husband said offering a hand. “Still. Thank you.”
Queenie took it and shook his hand. “No problem. Now I’m below a mortal Queen and a Teddy bear.” She chuckled. “Say, Alessia, is Anthony on duty tomorrow do ya know?”
“No. I think he’s gonna be training the guard, but no formal duties for his squad till Friday.”
“Ok.” She nodded.
“Are you going to thank him for the out?”
“Yeah. That’s the plan.” She said. “Oh, and whenever her class gets to Teddy Roosevelt just, uh, just tell the teacher you are the Queen of a vampire kingdom and some people love to tell stories.
Alessia tossed another pillow and Queenie. “I have to do that once a month already. You’re a terrible influence. Now my husband and I are going to sleep.”
Tossing back the pillow Queenie blew them both a kiss before walking out.
The next morning as the guards assembled for their training Queenie was there before them all. Holding a teddy bear and some red thread. When a young man walked by she tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to come with her.
In an old office overfilled wirh various dusty uniforms and spears Queenie had cleared two seats. “Mistah Anthony.” Queenie said with man exaggerated New York accent. “Have a seat.” She said as she put down the stuffed bear before him.
“Yes m’lady?” He asked sitting down looking at her, then the bear confused as to what kinda interrogation technique involved a child’s toy.
“Did you get young Eva a teddy bear from New York about two years ago for her birthday?”
“That’s the guy.” He said nodding at the toy.
“So. Did you put this in it?” Queenie presented a carved silver disk which she put down on his lap. The carvings had a faint red glow to them.
“What. Why is it glowing red? Did Eva get cut on it?”
“That’s my blood.” Queenie said. “Last night the young Miss had me tell her some bedtime stories and I made up some bullshit about a guardian teddy bear. When I said ‘if it lie let the bear strike me down’ this bear moved on its own.” She said. “So I took a hold of it to investigate and being a vampire I used a drop of blood. Well, it took in the blood and a fair bit of magic too.”
“Fuckin hell. It’s not meant to have a soul in it.”
“Why did you put an absorption talisman in the bear An-to-ny.” Queenie said annihilating the syllables in his name.
“Eva, look, my grandfather was in your guard. And though he died last year he was a damn fine mage. But he said since the war magics been coming back.”
“Yeah. I know. I did that.” Queenie replied.
“How. How the fuck-?”
“Answer the question, magic may be back, but I’ve been around when it was much more plentiful. As it is a poor answer will cost a testicle!”
“Fine! Fine! Grandpa watched over the Queen, and When Eva was born he realized she had tons of magic flowing from her. The castle grounds were modified to keep excess magic from flowing out already, but this kid has a lot and no control. When her mother said no to magic lessons before she’s 16 we wanted to do something. He wanted to keep a talisman to bleed off the excess at night. She’d bleed a little magic during the day, but it wouldn’t hurt her. And when she graduated magic lessons she could use the magic in the talisman to help her. I had just been to America and got the bear. I said it could be a gift for her birthday and we could stick it inside. She’d just have to keep it in her room and it’d be good enough most of the time. As she got older she’d handle her magic a bit better. I just didn’t think a vampire would stick some blood in it. Cause-“
“Cause it’d become alive and gain its own will.” Queenie smirked. “Isn’t that right mister Teddy.” She said before putting the round talisman back in and starting to see it up with the red thread.
“What are ya doing? You’re gonna make-“
“Anthony. I’m 1300 years old. I predate the oath. When I was ‘young’ parents would do something like this if they knew their kids were capable. And either they’d put it in a toy, or tell the kid the amulet would protect them. And while it’s not everything, if the parent died they’d make sure some of their blood went in. While the parent would pass on some of the desire to protect would remain. And if the kid really believed it.” She finished her sewing and then a length of thread integrated with the bear turning it red before fading slowly. “It would protect that child in ways I can’t.” She chuckled. “Alessia will have a new bedtime story to tell Eva. And I’ll do what I can to reinforce it. But at least the lil kid will be safe. For the future my ego took from her. Queens are stupid and second to Presidents and Moms after all.” She said as she checked the bear over.
“What was that?”
“Teddy will need to learn. He’ll be returned at the end of the day.” Queenie said putting him before Anthony, though she was sloppy and the bear faced sideways to Anthony. Letting Teddy go Queenie stood up hands clasped behind her back. “But he will be overseeing your drills with me. Eva asked that I train him.”
“Y-yes?” Anthony said confused before looking at the bear, who was facing him now. “Ahh!”
“Relax. Teddy only hurts monsters who threatens kids. And I guess animals.” Queenie chuckled.
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queermentaldisaster · 1 year ago
Zeus, who, the moment his hair started giving him bad dysphoria, decided to take one of the electric razors at Laswell's house and attempted to give himself a mohawk like Soap's.
Laswell's wife found him crying in the bathroom with his hair so messed up that it had to be shaved off. She handed him to Nikolai, who came over in the helo to pick up Zeus and take him back to the base, with the words: “He tried to give himself his first haircut. Please reassure him that you're not going to be mad at him.”
The whole ride back to base, Nikolai had his son sitting in his lap, sobbing about how mad Price would be.
The moment they landed, Nikolai walked right into the briefing room, in the middle of the debriefing, and handed Zeus to Price with the words: “it's your turn now.”
Price, who was actually in the middle of the debriefing with his boss, Laswell, and the rest of the 141, had to stop everything to comfort his sobbing son.
And the Major is just standing there, at the head of the table, trying not to laugh, because he remembers the days when he'd randomly get a call from his wife about something their daughter had done, and she needed his reassurance that he wouldn't be mad.
Tags: @thejacketscloset @forestshadow-wolf @bringinsexybackk69
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ladykettlechips · 1 year ago
Sweet Little Loaf (A Drabble)
I have no idea what to title this, so... yeah. This. This is a random drabble of 935 words based on a tweet that @folklauerate thought was very Kate and Anthony. In a nutshell, a woman was driving home from the shops and saw someone walking a corgi, came to a stop and went to say hi. Turns out, it was her corgi and her husband. So, I made a drabble out of after writing some random dialogue between Kate and Anthony. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tapping the steering wheel with a hum, Kate’s eyes slid from the empty road to the path closest to her. The warm evening sun had cast a golden hue upon the dark concrete, bereft of the life she had witnessed just a half hour ago.
Then, she saw it: a glimmer of red and white, streaks of late summer sun bouncing off soft fur. A wiggling bottom and a wagging tail, attached to a loaf-shaped body and carried by stumpy little legs. His ears pricked up, eyes bright as the little guy turned his head, tongue lolling and trying to keep up with his owner’s pace.
Gasping, Kate slowed her car until she crawled to a stop, her own eyes wide and shining at the sweet little corgi. She had to say hi, perhaps give the sweetheart some scratches, a little bit of fuss and love because, well, he simply deserved it.
At the very idea Kate’s own fingers began to itch and, opening her car door, stepped out onto the pavement a short walk ahead of the precious loaf.
She felt her smile stretch across her face when the corgi caught sight of her and, with an energetic yip, began pulling on his lead, his tiny paws scrabbling to get to her. Kate nearly melted at the sight, his precious face lighting up at the thought of being adored.
Bending down, Kate laughed when the corgi all but shoved his head into her hand, his paws resting on her knees with eyes shut, enjoying the fuss. Above her, Kate heard the owner groan and even tap his foot. Good God, she hoped the poor baby hadn’t been stuck with a miserable bugger for an owner.
“Babe,” the voice was low, a sigh heavy on his lips. “I thought I told you to stop coming up to strangers who have corgis.”
Looking up, Kate scowled at Anthony, now tugging on Newton’s lead, and narrowed her eyes. Shit.
“Oh, shut up,” she muttered, and with another stroke of Newton’s beautiful fur, she stood to her full height and snatched the lead from Anthony’s grasp. “It’s not like you haven’t done it yourself.”
A low growl fell from Anthony’s lips and, turning on her heel, Kate walked Newton over to her car. Opening the back door, she picked up her – admittedly, quite heavy – dog, and placed him on the seat where he obediently parked his bum and panted up at her excitedly.
“I was chatting you up, Kate,” Anthony hissed from behind her, one arm wrapping around her waist and tugging her into him. “I was not interested in the corgi.” Flattening his other palm onto the window of the car door, Anthony slammed it shut.
Huffing, Kate wriggled in Anthony’s grasp, which only served to make him pull her that much closer.
“Funny, because I distinctly remember you only asking about Newton when you pulled up beside us,” she teased, and lowering her voice to a gruff cadence, continued with a grin. “What was it you said? Oh, yeah, What a beautiful little dog. You take such good care of his fur…”
Anthony groaned, his head dropping onto her shoulder, his arm tightening. Before Kate could finish her impression of their first meeting, she felt her body turn until her back was pressed up against the car, Anthony’s face mere inches away from her own.
His eyes were dark, lips slightly parted while he took her in, his gaze lowering down to her mouth before returning to her eyes again.
“I only asked because you were walking him, you menace,” he murmured, his nose barely brushing against hers. Kate shivered. “You can’t believe that everybody who walks up to a corgi has innocent intentions, sweetheart, nor should you believe all corgi owners won’t think twice about asking you out.”
Sliding her hands over his shirt, Kate hummed. “So, you didn’t have innocent intentions, then?” she asked with a tilt of her head, her arms wrapping around his neck and tugging him closer. Anthony smirked, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest.
“Not even one,” he whispered, his lips impossibly close to hers. Kate’s eyes fluttered closed.
“Poor Newton will be heartbroken,” she sighed softly, her fingers playing with the curls at the nape of Anthony’s neck. “He really thought you liked him.”
“Oh, I do,” Anthony admitted, his nose brushing against her cheek as he inhaled. “I like that he adores you just as much as I do.” His lips ghosted over her cheek and over her jaw. “I like him because he makes you happy.”
He kissed her brow, her chin, the tip of her nose, both of his arms crushing her against him, and Kate sighed contentedly.
“I like that fat corgi because he’s yours, Kate,” Anthony murmured, giving her hip a gentle squeeze. “I like him because he gave me a reason to meet you.” And then he captured her lips with his in a bruising kiss, swallowing any further arguments.
They broke apart moments later when a whistle sounded in the distance. Faces burning brighter than the evening sun, Kate rushed to get in the car and started up the car again, Anthony sliding into the passenger seat beside her.
They started the quiet drive home, Anthony’s large hand resting on her knee. Looking up into the rearview mirror, Kate spied her beloved corgi, now snoozing on the backseat and smiled to herself.
She loved Newton, her perfect little corgi, and she had to thank him, too; without his aid, Kate probably wouldn’t have met the man she now called her husband.
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theimprobabledreamersworld · 11 months ago
"Virgil... We need to talk." Virgil stopped still in his tracks as the familiar sarcastic voice flooded the hallway. He sighed and turned around.
"What the hell do you want, Janus?" Virgil quipped, frustrated that he had to deal with this as well as everything else going on around him. This was a conversation he didn't want to have, but he knew it was coming.
"You know damn well what I want, it's about Patton." A pang hit Virgil's heart when the name was said out loud, whether it was anger or guilt, he could ascertain.
"What... what about him?" Virgil avoided eye contact as Janus scowled.
"You haven't exactly been very nice to him lately, have you?" Janus' voice became more threatening and Virgil had to fight back the tempest tongue from emerging.
The silence between them grew, almost unbearably as Virgil tried to suppress his emotions.
"He's been out of control! Losing sight of his role... Choosing selfishness and sending Thomas down a conflicted path. He's turning into you." Virgil blurted out as Janus stared at him before pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh my god, Patton has been a walking cry for help for so long now. This wasn't Patton 'turning into me'... Patton has been in self-destruct mode because he was losing you... All of you. Him lashing out, cutting people off... He's losing sight of his role... because he's losing you."
Virgil went to open his mouth but no sound came out, he was so dumbfounded by the words and how much they made sense, there was nothing for him to say. Besides it was clear that Janus wasn't done yet.
"Virgil. You've been so consumed and blinded by your complete and utter hatred for me, that you never stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, something else was going on. None of you have... So... Does that make me the monster if I'm the only one that Patton has felt like he can turn to?" Janus' voice filled with tones of genuine frustration even though it was dripping with sarcasm as it usually was, but it made Virgil's heart almost stop beating.
'Shit. What have I done?'
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modernspellsword · 3 months ago
Annalise was wrapping up her shift one night when the basement door to the supe opened. Half a dozen people came out only putting on a glimmer as they ascended into the employee break room. Annalise stared at them. “Why are you guys here?” She asked. “And so freshly glimmered.”
“It’s caroling time.” One said as they held a book of music. “And we need you conductor.”
Annalise’s eyes widened. “Hol-up hol-up! I did this last year last minute. What makes you think I’d do it again?”
“That last year you could sing the first verse of god rest ye merry gentlemen without music in tempo.” One said.
“We have three sirens who work for the club, and at least one muse. Use one of them.”
“The muse does writing only.” One at the back said with a cough. “You’d know if you attended one of our practices. I have an original arrangement. But because we’re working with Irving’s brass ghosts you just have the same six songs as last year.”
“I-I never attended a practice. I can’t be a conductor on that alone.”
“You didn’t last year and you were still more in tune and on tempo than all of us.”
“You all are really ba-“. Annalise felt a vine wrap around her leg. she turned to see Ariad in the doorframe.
“Go out one night girl. You won’t sleep until after midnight anyways. You are a better conductor than any of them. It’s two hours there and back. You get free cookies and cocoa. Also they’re sad they missed last year and wanted to see you sing.”
From the vines a small rubber ducky waddled by with a squeak. “Squeakers? Oh? You wanted to see momma sing?” Annalise was nearly in tears as she picked up the rubber ducky who eagerly wriggled and squeaked in joy.
Annalise quickly got a mug from a cabinet and filled it with coffee while making baby talk with the rubber ducky. “The more I see it the more I have to fight the urge to giggle.” A voice said.
Annalise saw Thomas in the doorway holding a music book. “Thomas? Wait. You’re psychic you can keep them all in tune and conduct.”
“I made the offer.” He said. “But I had told squeakers you conduct and they insisted they wanted to see. So I’ll be singing with. At least this year we’ll hit the chords.” He said.
As they got into cars, Annalise driving one half, she spoke to the muse who wrote the music. “So it was last minute last year, but the band. They aren’t actually ghosts right?”
“Oh yeah. They are. Lead by a spirit medium. Said they’d help her out if they could play at least four Christmas concerts a year.” The muse said.
“That’s. Oddly specific.”
“I dunno. Ghosts are weird. Why I work with the living. Can barely tolerate the undead. But your Ex Pays to arrange the public and church concerts. This one is one of the ones she can attend. So she’ll be there.”
“Don’t tell me Queenie will be there too.”
“Don’t…. Dont ask. I love her but she’d be nothing but trouble.” Annalise sighed.
The drive to the site, a small park with a Christmas tree and some stands set up. The ghost band was almost all there, the tips of their hair and the backs of their ankles faded just a touch, so they sat facing a bush. Squeakers rested on Annalise’s shoulder as they set up. Once it had begun and she had the music in front of her her and the ghost band coordinated. “I’ll count to three and then we start. Give me the tempo and I’ll try and match. We just need to pause between each tune.” She said.
“Can do.” A deep voiced gentleman ghost said. “Imagine, a woman leading the band. Well, we have singers so I can’t complain too much. Why she has a rubber duck on her shoulder is beyond me.”
Annalise exchanged a smirk with Squeakers. “One. Two, one two three- God rest ye merry gentlemen may nothing you dismay.”
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writemeagoodprompt · 2 years ago
"I loved you!"
"You didn't love me enough."
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fangirlmiv · 7 months ago
“I can look out for myself! You don’t have to throw yourself in front of every enemy that comes my way!” Robin yelled. She never yelled. Except now she did, very proficiently so, and Zoro had no fucking clue why! What had pushed his girlfriend to this stage of anger, face red as she loomed over him? He was pretty sure he was the reason, but that insight didn't come with an explanation conveniently attached.
“I know you can,” he shot back, because that was all that came to mind. Shit, was she growing tall by the second?
“And I’m not throwing myself in front of every enemy! Wish I could, but I can’t!”
“No, you can’t and you should not!”
“What?!” Now he was getting angry as well. “I’m not going to leave you unprotected!”
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tremendousmothergoat · 6 months ago
"Why no, officer, I hadn't heard about all that." Toriel stood in her doorway, her fat, rounded stomach hanging down far enough that it was only halfway contained by her robes. Beneath where the bottom of her robes was stretched taut, the lower half of her belly hung down low, gurgling quietly. She stifled a belch as she shifted her weight, feeling the digested remains of an entire college class sloshing heavily inside her. Felt like a water balloon.. "And how many disappeared? Oh my.. Well, if I hear anything, I'll let you know." She didn't even notice how loudly her stomach growled as she held in another loud belch. It'd been grumbling so much from digesting them all, she'd been tuning it out..
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powertaco · 9 months ago
You use me, and I use you
Weiss had been dragged to a party against her will by her roommate who of course ditched her the moment she got there.
Can she salvage the night, can it turn into something better than she'd ever thought?
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siberat · 1 year ago
roasting marshmallow
I can imagine a chubby sky/fire easily and eagerly keeping a lover warm Dispite being stuck in a blizzard. That soft marshmallow would simply wrap his pudgy frame around the other mech and hug. Engines would be purring as he happily hummed in enjoyment. The jets arms would rub smoothly up and down the others chilly frame and pulling them close to his pillowed gut until his lover no longer shivered.
‘All warm and cozy?’ Sky/fire’s voice calls out gently as his pecks a kiss on top the other’s helm.
the other mech simply snuggles in deeper, closing their optics and letting the sound of the larger jets engines-and grumbling belly- lull them into recharge.
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queeniethevampire · 2 months ago
Queenie stood on the rooftops of Idra late on a cold winter night. Snow lay around her and under her. However it had stopped falling half an hour ago and based on the forecast something special was about to happen. She stood watching to the northwest as quickly the clouds began to split. The full moon emerging from behind them over the course of a few minutes. Her castle bathed in the light of the moon. Queenie having made sure to turn out as many lights as she could. She turned around watching the silver moonlight illuminate the few inches of fresh snow everywhere. Heading towards the lake. Her mouth open with awe as she threw up her hands. “I love my ho-“. There was a flash of the cross in the corner of her vision as she was stabbed through the gut by a strangely funny feeling spearhead. *Off guard for fiiiiive minutes* she thought even as she crumpled in half.
Impaled on the head of the spear Queenie went limp in annoyance and thought as the blood she bled sprayed out glowing radiant crimson before gaining streaks of glowing black and then returning to her body as if someone has pressed reverse on the flow of blood and the reels spun up before returning it to the start.
Six priests stood around her. Holding the spear was a muscular man in a shirtless vest with a Buddhist necklace on. Landing next to him was a figure in simple brown frock, holding a revolver.
On four nearby rooftops lower four more priests in a mix of Catholic and Asian styles arrived. Of which only one was female. One priest held a small scythe in their hands and a panicked citizen in another. The scythe handle resting on the citizens shoulder.
“Hah. Easy prey.” The spear wielding monk said. “And to think you Catholics failed for something like six hundred years with her right here.”
“Damn shame.” The hostage holding monk said. “Wanted to see how the monster reacted to us holding hostages.
A figure dressed in white with red and gold accents looked at him as his gun wielding hand shook. But he was silent.
The hostage holding monk laughed, “hah. What? Jealous you didn’t come up with the strategy? Jealous an infidel heretic nonbeliever did it. You’re just lucky we’re still pissed about her from the 30’s.”
“Well either way we should bring her-“. At this time a lower pitched dull ‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaa’ began to whine. “-in to show to the bishop.”
The ‘aaaaaaaaa’ stopped and then resumed a bit higher. Slowly everyone stopped posing and looked at Queenie. A third lowest yet ‘aaaaaaaaaaaa’ began before a ‘myomu. Myomu? Mwemmwem’. Began from queenie.
“Can I help you?” The monk who had her on a spear said poking her.
She snapped her head up with a ‘mwuh’ her tongue stretched out sticking to the blade. After a moment it came loose and slowly rolled up.
“Ew.” One of the group let out.
“Sorry.” Queenie began. “I was just going to listen to you grandiose speech about slaying St George’s dragon but this spear it’s really, as the kids say, spicy. Is this made of tungsten or uranium. Cause my tongue tastes tungsten, but my gut feels that Uranium burn I got in Nagasaki.”
“What?” The spear wielding monk said.
“Yeah vampyr. Quiet or else the local-“. The hostage holding monk began.
“Shut the fuck up.” The you had an unnatural echo. Queenie had snapped to one finger pointing at the monk. However the snow muffled a natural echo so the ‘shut the fuck yo’ came off impotent by comparison.
“What n-“
“You idiot I-“
“Shutthefuckup. Shutthefuckup. Shutthefuckupshutthefuckupshutthefuckup.”
“-Have a hostage.” That last word was punctuated by a crack and a zip and then a grunt of pain from the hostage holding monk as he gripped his left shoulder.
“It shucks the fut up or it gets shot.” Queenie said one finger of hers smoking. “Did…. Did I say shuck up? Oh god I did.” She facepalmed, still impaled.
The monk holding the spear laughed. “Ah. To answer you question it’s a tungsten spear with a lead lined uranium core.”
“Lead lined uranium?”
“It’s a small amount. And there is a part made of hardened steel.”
“Is it in the shape of a cross?” Queenie asked.
“Yes. It’s not my spear.”
“Ahh, you looked very Buddhist which threw me off. Is this for the 30’s? I was no worse than Mao or Chang Kai shek. You can chill, god.”
One of the monks dressed in white coughed at that.
“Oh, relax, I’m going to hell. I won’t ask you to take the lords name in vain, but let me please. Anyways, why did you stick uranium in me? What would happen if I snapped it off.”
“Don’t snap the spicy spear. You can’t. It’s blessed. And hardened tungsten, lead, and uranium.”
“Wanna bet?” Queenie said raising a hand to chop.
“You idiot.” The hostage monk said pulling their hostage close. “I don’t even need a hostage you’ll contaminate the whole-“
Another crack. Queenie’s palm smoking as the monk dropped dead. “Alright. I told him. Say.” She said to the monk who had impaled her. “Did you endorse the hostage taking?”
“I picked the host-“. Queenie’s hand went through the monks skull as blood splattered over the snow before being flowing up and into her. He fell down and Queenie caught his spear and held it before kicking the body off towards an open field.
“Fucking pricks.” She said holding her spear. Three monks charged but the one in white with gold and red accents stayed back.
Queenie simply ended it in three hits. A pistol emerging from her body into her hand as she kicked one priests skull in. The gun shooting a second priest before she slammed the base of the spear into the third and hit the ground.
It was over in five seconds, the hostage confused. “A-are you ok queenie?” They asked starting to walk before slipping on the snow.
The last hunter vanished before appearing in front of the hostage catching them and then grabbing them. “Hold on.” He said before gently leaping to the ground.
Queenie piled up three bodies. “You endorse this. She asked as she looked over the scared citizen.
“No. I’m on radioactive material containment. Can I have the spear?” He said gently letting the hostage go and sticking out a hand.
“Sure.” Queenie said handing it over to him. Opening his jacket he stuffed the spear in the weapon vanishing. “I’m sorry citizen. I didn’t know they took you.” He said with a bow.
The citizen gave a look and walked over to Queenie walking around the bodies. “Where do you live?” She asked.
The citizen gave an address and Queenie manifested a had and jacket to give them from her body. “One sec I’ll take you home.” She said before facing the last one. “Collecting the bodies
“Yes. You made that harder.”
“Least I could do.” She smiled. “Tell the church, the hunters and the goddamn Buddha to fuck off. I don’t want your religion.”
He sighed as his hands glowed and the four bodies levitated. “I’ll try.”
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iamclearlyawizard · 8 months ago
Jules walked into Edwards personal office and sat on the chair opposite the main desk. Currently off to one side doing paperwork Edward turned around. Jules was visibly stressed, foot twitching, head reating in one sand, body stretched out in an exhausted way. Edward quietly marked his place with a few scratches of the pen and asked, “Everything ok?”
“N-no.” Jules said after a moment. “My wife called. My mother is in poor health. It may be…”. He trailed off clear
Edward waited for a moment before turning around. “It’s not good I gather.”
“N-n-no.” Jules said again before he took a sniff in. “She might be.”
Edward got up and walked over to him putting a hand on his shoulder. “Take as long as you need to resolve yourself. And then go. Any supplies, gifts or aid ask and it will be provided to the best of the Lyons ability.” He said putting a comforting hand on the others shoulder.
“But I have a big contract. The Morgan’s wanted a whole mess of work done. And it’s due in two weeks and-“
“And I’ll manage. Mister Morgan and Mrs will have their product when it’s ready and not before. With all due respect Jules I didn’t teach you everything you know, but you didn’t teach me much either.” He patted him. “I’d say watch the master work, but ideally you’ll be on the train or ferry by the time that’s done. I only ask to let me know if the worst happens.” He paused and added a bit rushed, “or if she gets better. Don’t rush. When you’re ready you’re ready. I’ll manage for a while.”
Sniffing some more as a tear formed in his eye Jules started. “Th-thank-thank…”. He let out a sob to which Edward got a tissue from a box on the wall and offered it.
“You won’t be traveling like this though. Won’t be able to see the street signs. Compose yourself pack, then go. If you forget something let me know and I’ll post it.”
Jules fought back tears and sobs and nodded. “S-sorry. I know your family is gone and I’m *just* losing my mother and-“. His voice went up before Edward got around front and took his hand pulling him up into a hug.
“It’s fine Jules it’s fine.” He said head next to the others as Jules leaned into the taller Edward’s shoulders. “It’s always the worst when it’s fresh. And besides, I’m never emotional anyways. I only show cold stoicism, anger, forced patronage and mild bemusment.”
Jules chuckled a bit at that one. “Only the mildest bemusment ever.” He said laughing some.
Though they couldn’t see each others faces like this Edward finally smiled just a bit.
“Do you mind if I stay like this? F-for a minute or two.”
“Only for a minute or two. Though I can’t see any clocks right now. You’ll have to tell me when that’s up. I’m terrible with time.” Edward replied, even as he looked at a watch on his wrist.
Jules sighed just a bit. “I suppose I can do that.” He said looking at his own watch less wrist.
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blarefordaglare · 1 year ago
Four summons a lemon (April fools)
based off of:
Tumblr media
(Censored the political ones/ones that mention countries because I don’t wanna get into that stuff on my acc, we keep it peaceful 🙂)
After a quite traumatizing few hours, the circle of green peppers was complete. Now the hero of men could finally challenge the creator of peppers once and for all.
“oh great pepper, awaken thee-“
“hey Wild made some lemonade want some?”
a lemon appeared.
a small, innocent lemon.
Four wanted to scream. It looked demonic, more demonic than a pepper, a ball of sourness waiting to explode into his poor awaiting eyes.
“HELP!” The smith called out to the chain, “I ACCIDENTALLY SUMMONED A LEMMON!”
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theimprobabledreamersworld · 10 months ago
Patton sighed, his heart heavy with the conflict he felt.
"I just... I don't understand what we are anymore." He gulped but continued.
"I don't know what our relationship is anymore."
He felt his hands tremble but he put them behind his back in an attempt to control his nerves, trying desperately to not get tongue tied.
"One minute, we're friends, the next, we're more than friends... and then sometimes I'm nothing but a stranger to you." He took a second when he felt himself grasping his hands together too tightly to gently pull them apart, feeling a confusing wave of relief and fear washed over him as he finally expressed his thoughts.
"One minute, you talk to me like I'm the most special person in your life, another minute you're talking to me like I mean absolutely nothing to you... one day, you pay so much attention to me, like it's only you and me in the world, the next you ignore me..."
He bit the inside of his cheek as he felt the tears well up in his eyes, and he stared at the ceiling and blinked rapidly, but it didn't stop those treacherous tears from falling. Patton wiped them away angrily, and continued with a trembling voice.
"Don't play with my feelings... Just because you're unsure of yours." He hesitated before staring back at the mirror and he chuckled bitterly.
His reflection wasn't the one who needed to hear those words.
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modernspellsword · 2 months ago
Annalise waited outside the Mohawk valley welcome center. She was doing a pickup for a visiting hunter. She was a girl moving from the Hudson valley up to Utica for ‘personal reasons’. Annalise would house her for maybe a month while the girl got her own apartment.
As the wind blew Annalise waited leaning against her car leaning into her jackets tall turtleneck, snow piled around. People getting in and out to use the rest stop.
Eventually a Cadillac drove up and parked two spaces over from her. The window went down. And the fist word from the driver was “fuck the wind. Ah, Annalise.” He offered a hand.
“Have a good trip up?” She said meeting his hand.
“Yeah. No active snow, so much salt.” He sighed.
“Wooooow.” Annalise said sarcastically kicking a snow pile two inches shorter than her. “Never would imagine that.” Her own car had a coating of salt. “How’s the hunter?” She asked.
“Ummm. Bit…. Different.” He let out. “Ever wonder if we’re in a shonen battle manga?”
“Not…. Really?”
The passenger door opened and out stepped a woman in a gothic maid outfit. The only difference was a lack of combat heels. “I can hear you ya know.”
“I wanna make it clear, he said everything.” Annalise said offering a hand. “Annalise. Functional Mohawk valley hunter representative.” She said.
“Cora. Maid and guardian to the supernatural elite. You will be lucky to have my services for a month.” She said with a dramatic bow and a kiss of Annalise’s hand.
As she did so the wind blew her dress up to about her knees and she shivered. “Shit its cold.”
Annalise laughed. “Let’s get your stuff in my car. I have heated seats. And my house is warm. C’mon.”
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