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dumblr · 1 year ago
I suffered, Iearned, I changed.
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wiirocku · 3 months ago
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1 Peter 3:18 (NKJV) - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,
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qqueenofhades · 9 months ago
For the last two nights, I have been locked in a deadly battle against the sadistic smoke alarm in my bedroom. I have emerged victorious, but it has been a close-run and deeply humiliating thing. Let me take you on a stupid, stupid journey.
Flashback: The night before last, I am woken out of a dead sleep at 5am by the persistently and maddeningly consistent chirp of a low-battery smoke alarm. You know the one: [Thirty seconds of blissful silence] CHIRP. [Thirty seconds of confused but slightly less blissful silence] CHIRP. [Thirty seconds of hopeful silence that maybe it's done n -- ] CHIRP.
Anyway. I tried to ignore it for a bit. This did not work. I hoped it would go away. This also did not work. I finally get out of bed and angrily lumber around the apartment, stick my head out the front door, etc, looking for the source. Finally, I seize upon the hallway smoke alarm and vengefully remove the battery, deciding that if I therefore die in a fire in the next three hours, this is a worthwhile sacrifice. (Sidenote that will become important later: The bedroom smoke alarm is located less than a foot from the hallway smoke alarm. Did I walk right past it? Multiple times? Apparently so.)
Falsely confident that I have solved the problem, I get back in bed. Surely this is now totally --
I contemplate homicide. I think the noise is surely coming from one of my neighbors' units and wonder why they are so stupid as not to know that there is a frigging alarm going off constantly and disturbing my sleep and probably theirs. I figure that while I might be going crazy and hearing things which are not there, it's probably the case that someone else can hear it too. Finally, I appear to be vindicated in this assumption when the infernal cheeping finally stops and I am able to fall soundly back to sleep for another three hours. When I wake up, it remains quiet. All day, in fact!
Ha! I think. Problem solved.
I am incorrect.
Last night: I get ready for bed. I get in bed, I am awake for a bit, and then lo, it starts again, at literally midnight. Thirty seconds [CHIRP]. Thirty seconds [CHIRP]. Thirty seconds, [CHIRP].
I don't know why it wants to make me suffer in this way. We have established that for whatever reason it decided to hold its fire over the last entire day, it was nothing whatsoever to do with anything I did. I don't know why it decided to resume at LITERALLY MIDNIGHT instead of, you know, any other hour where I would be better equipped to discover the source of this nocturnal demonic howling, but I suspect this is my penance. I once more attempt to ignore it. Turn up the white noise machine and put in the earplugs. Remind myself that I have started meditating lately, maybe I can use that!
It does not work.
I attempt to figure out whether it is coming from the next door neighbors or the upstairs neighbors. GET UP AND TURN IT OFF, I think in great vexation. Nope. Still nothing. It keeps going. I contemplate the folly of all human existence.
Finally, once more driven to extremes, I get up and AGAIN lumber all the way around the apartment, like an angry sleep-deprived zombie, to try and fail to discover the source of this infernal bellowing. As most of you know, I am about to start my fourth graduate degree. Habitually and fondly, I consider myself somewhat smarter than the average potted plant. This however continues to avail me nothing. I compose angry emails in my head to the maintenance department, which said they had fixed a similar problem and then didn't. WHY ARE MY NEIGHBORS SO DUMB, I wonder. THAT IS CLEARLY IN THEIR UNIT AND THEY SHOULD TURN IT OFF.
I get back in bed. I take a sleeping pill. Either that works or the cacophony mysteriously subsides for a while, because I get to sleep for about four hours and have weird, smoke-alarm-inflected dreams. I wake up again this morning. It is still beeping. How bad, I think, could it really be if I burned this place down?
Finally, I give up. I get up. I turn off the white noise machine and take out the earplugs. Wow, I think. This noise truly is so loud. Is it possibly in my apartment after all? I remember that like a true Luddite, my preferred superpower would be to smash all noise-making machines. Yes, I am approximately ninety years old in almost every way. Let's not dwell on it.
I light upon the bedroom smoke detector. I narrow my eyes.
I spring forth and disembowel the culprit of its battery.
At last! For the first time in forty-eight hours! Blessed silence falls upon my abode! I stare at the cursed machine. The inside of the battery compartment reads CAUTION: ALARM IS NONFUNCTIONAL WITH BATTERY REMOVED.
"YES," I bellow, in my angry and confused sleep-deprived caveman haze. "YES, THAT IS PRESENTLY MY EXACT INTENTION."
Silence. Finally. Except for the sound of another alarm chirping somewhere in the distance, as it has done for several weeks now, but quietly enough that I can mostly tune it out. I will purchase a new battery when I am out today, but etc etc if I die in a fire in the next three hours, you may assume the sadistic smoke alarm has taught me its final lesson.
So. There you go. There is no moral to this story except a) the call was indeed coming from inside the house, b) Share O My Toils, Tumblr; and c) sometimes it is indeed you. The angry groggy moron lumbering around at the dead of night and attempting to break things in a vain effort to shut them up, wondering why their neighbors won't get up and turn it off instead, is sometimes just you.
Tonight, at last, I will sleep in peace. Until I once more become Frodo of the Shire, One Who Has Seen The Eye (of the demonically possessed smoke detector).
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abby086 · 7 months ago
Oh, how I’ve suffered for my happiness.
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cejav13 · 1 month ago
The writer opines that the third seasons of The Bear and The Mandalorian were disappointing for the same reason: season 2 set the bar too high. Do you agree?
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keepingitformyself · 2 months ago
texas is so hot i hate it here
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mrkmciver · 7 months ago
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#With GOD
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meeelis · 6 months ago
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Best choice
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wordsoftheheartandsoul · 2 months ago
I'm letting go because I'm tired of being dragged. I'm tired of carrying the memories, pains, and unmet expectations of the past into my present thoughts. I'm tired of being angry with people who have no idea of their wrongs and frustrated with those who genuinely do not care. I'm tired of waiting for fairness when I know life is no fairy tale. I'm tired of struggling to move forward today because I suffered yesterday. I'm tired of replaying my regrets and punishing myself over the hurt I caused others, or that I allowed into my life. I will let it go and every ounce of anger with it. I will move forward with the wisdom life left me, without meditating on the needless worries and deep wounds that brought them. I will see the greater purpose behind every experience and emotion without meditating on the principles that kept me bound. I'm free to acknowledge the hurt, free to recognize this impact without it becoming a present-day obstacle. I am free to finally let it go for good.
Morgan Richard Olivier - the freedom of forward
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ukdailymail · 6 months ago
Slipknot's Sid Wilson treated for serious burns after explosion
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briery · 2 years ago
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By Griefmother on TeePublic.
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wiirocku · 1 year ago
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1 Peter 3:18 (NIV) - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
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asmodeus-cock · 1 year ago
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You try dealing with that tryhard Zerxus Ilerez 🙄
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the-ephemeral-ethereal · 2 years ago
While to propose to be a better man is a piece of unscientific cant, to have become a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered.
from De Profundis by Oscar Wilde 
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erebusfin · 2 years ago
The heartbreaking realization that the song that got me interested in Mad Rat Dead was Outside.
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