sysy-studyblr · 1 year
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monday 03/04/23
chemistry is killing me a bit… i’m really struggling to get back to the work groove, this is a massive learning curve. at least i covered a bit of content today :D
♫ brewster - cruza ♫
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thelailasblog · 18 days
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felic2q · 3 months
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everything is gonna be fine
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yang-jin-seo · 1 month
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Day 173 🏅
📗: WA 멘티 연락하기
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skystudentartistblogs · 6 months
Ways to actually start studying after procrastinating
Don't multi-task: Multitasking does not come in the form of making notes and watching Netflix, it can come in the form of switching between two or three subjects too many times then it is like washing a plate and watching a show. It barely makes any sense to me.
Batching: Batching is where you take your to-do list and batch similar tasks into groups and take a break in between these batches.
Do Not Use Pomodoro Technique: Don't use the Pomodoro Technique because you have fixed tasks (tasks that require a particular amount of time) and flexible tasks (tasks that might take up more time than fixed tasks).
Flashcards: These things are the gamer-changers. Flashcards can be used in subjects which have a lot of terms that you need to remember, such as biology, chemistry,etc.
Don't feel bad about modifying your to-do list: If you have your math homework and an exam due next week, and you don't feel like doing math then you could study for your exam. Its okay to modify your tasks according to your mood.
Bonus tip: If you have to revise a chapter, get a few blank pages and put it beside your textbook/notes. While reading your notes, write down points that you can't remember or think is important that you wanna recap later on. If you compile those papers up that could be your go-to revision booklet before your exams.
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es-r-aa7 · 3 months
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لا شئ يُضاهي لحظة سلام مع نفسك برفقة اشيائك المُفضّلة 💗🤓💪🏻🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️👩‍🔬💻👩🏻‍🍳💊
( مش كلها كلها اشيائي المفضلة بس معلش ")) )
Randoms of always and forever superkid 🐣
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study-core-101 · 4 months
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Group (just the two of us lmao) study session!
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mariskabutton · 3 months
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This is me if you even care
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burned-out-baddie · 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity: Day 13/100
I disappeared for a few days, so much is going on. I have wisdom teeth coming in (and an ear infection and migraines to go along with it) I missed 2 days of classes and got into a car accident. But here's what I've been up to for the past few days:
Worked through Pre Calculus modules
Attended Pre Calculus lectures
Attended Chemistry lectures
Worked through Chemistry practice problems
Attended Biology lab and lecture
Worked through Biology study guides
Took a Chemistry quiz (did not well :/ )
Took a Biology exam (did well :0 )
Self Care:
spending some time with my girl
hung out with my dad a lot more
took days off when I wasn't feeling well
song of the day: My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
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Productivity Challenge (Day 2/90)
Recorded stats:
1. Woke up at 6.34 a.m.
2. Got stuff done (managed to get the entire to-do list out of the way 🥳)
3. Did my daily Irish lesson on Duolingo
4. Went for a chemistry class
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blondiestudyblr · 8 months
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My bookshelf in progress 🎀🪄📚
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nodalstudies · 8 months
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whereabouts of february 8, 2024 🕸️
visualizing my goal and assuming i’m in that reality is so. peaceful. anywho i’m so grateful bc i have all the resources and skills to build/maintain my desired life <3 energetic hygiene and all.
today i worked on immune system notes. building momentum, pacing myself, working rewards into my sessions, and loving what i’m learning.
feeling grateful for: my discernment, all the lessons that brought me to where i am, my position to uplift the community, and aligning with my purposeful self 🤎
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thelailasblog · 3 months
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felic2q · 2 months
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just trust the process
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yang-jin-seo · 11 months
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Day 73 🌬
*함박스테이크 먹고 서점 갔다 카페 다녀오기
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auracamon · 7 days
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After a restful weekend, my brain is on a different frequency! I woke up at 5:15 AM and spent some time watching the sunrise. 🌞 It’s incredible! I never did that before, but I love taking a moment to think about the intentions I want for the day and the energy I want to radiate. It really helps my mood!
For a while, I was so focused on just studying that I forgot to reflect on my motivations, and it made me feel really down. Now, I feel so much better and full of energy! This afternoon, I’ll dive into my study flashcards, fingers crossed it goes well! 🤞✨
Things I’ve Introduced in the Last Two Weeks:
• Waking up early (and I’m loving it!)
Things I Want to Introduce This Week:
• Drink more water (I barely drink any—NEED TIPS!)
• Start running (today was my first day: 30 minutes with 5 minutes walking and 1 minute running—it was so much fun!) 🏃‍♀️💨
Have a great Monday, everyone!
Credits: And what is done in love is well done @navucko on Instagram
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